Medford Park Commission
2023 Field Permit Application
Permits are issued for each season. Please submit your applicat
ion during the appropriate review dates below.
If you are requesting a park dedication, please fill out a separate form located on the Recreation website.
Spring Season
Park Commission Review Dates: February & March Permit Dates: April 1-June 30
Summer Season
Park Commission Review Dates: April, May & June Permit Dates: July1-August 31
Fall Season
Park Commission Review Dates: July, August & September Permit Dates: September 1 Nov 30
Fees must be submitted before permits will be approved by the board. You may come to the Park
Commission meeting with a check and submit payment after the permit is reviewed. Please make the check
out to “The City of Medford”.
RATE CATEGORIES Effective February 2023.
$ Medford Open Youth Leagues
$200 per league ($400 for lighted fields/courts): Open registration of Medford youth leagues under the
age of 19 shall pay per season $200 per league ($400 for lighted fields/courts). Includes league all-
stars, playoffs, sponsored select teams, tournaments and fundraising events. (Little League, Babe
Ruth, Youth Soccer, Medford Mustangs Football, MYGS, WMBL etc.)
% Medford Select Youth Teams
$200 per team ($400 for lighted fields/court): Non-open registration youth teams comprised of 75%
Medford resident players under the age of 19 shall pay $200 per team ($400 for lighted fields/court)
& All others
Non-lighted per field/court: $50 per hour (minimum of 2 hours); Lighted per field/court:$100 per hour
(minimum of 2 hours).
' One Day, Non-Profit Event
Most events will have a minimum fee of $25 but will be determined by the Parks Commission.
All final artwork, monuments and dedications, must be seen and approved by the commission before
displayed at a city park. Any alterations after final review are subject to removal.
) The Board of Park Commissioners shall set special permit fees for other types of park uses not
listed, including one-time special events, tournaments or for profit operations, as it deems necessary.
Special requirements might be needed to receive approval from the Parks Commission.
Application for Use of Parks
Applications can be obtained online at (click on ‘Parks Division’ under
Departments’). Applications can also be obtained in person at the Department of Public Works office at
Medford City Hall.
Park Commission meetings happen on the 3
Tuesday of the month in Room 201. Zoom Meetings can be provided
if requested in advanced. For an application to be reviewed in that meeting, the application must be received at
7 days prior to the meeting date – otherwise it will be reviewed at the following meeting.
Return completed applications, fees, and other required/supporting documentation to Kevin Bailey, Park Board
Secretary, in the Recreation Center, located on 30 Forest Street. Documents can be emailed to Kevin at be dropped off at the Recreation Center Monday-Saturday between 9am-12pm.
Supporting Documents:
Roster/List of Participants: Applicants shall submit a roster or list of particiants. Prior year is
acceptable at
time of application; current year will be required at the time of permit issuance.
Schedule: Prior year schedule will be acceptable for application purposes. Current year schedule
must be submitted prior to permit issuance so the Park Department can schedule field maintenance.
Permits cannot be created without a schedule.
Financial Report: Each organization shall submit its financial report for its most recent fiscal year as
evidence of f
inancial responsibility. Applicant may use its own report as long as it shows the
beginning and ending fund balances
and the sources and amounts of all income and expenses. Any
permit applicant that does not collect, raise or disburse funds may indicate that on its application.
Fee: Full payment of permit fee is required. Make checks payable to City
of Medford.
Proof of Insurance: If application is approved, prior to issuance of the permit, the applicant must
submit proof of property damage and bodily injury insurance shall be in the form of a Certificate of
Insurance issued by
your insurance agent naming the City of Medford as an additional insured. For
permits issued to individuals or families, proof of Homeowners Insurance or Special Event Insurance
may be sufficient. Permits issued to Medford Public School or the City of Medford do not require
proof of insurance. If a policy has an expiration date during the permit period, the permit will expire
automatically on that date unless proof of insurance is provided showing coverage beyond that date.
Receiving Permits:
Current schedules must be submitted in order to have permits emailed to you. Once the schedule is put
into the computer, the permit will be automatically sent to the email address submitted on your permit
application. The email from the computer will be from [email protected]. If you do
not receive your permit within a week of submitting your schedule, please check your SPAM box.
If you need to make changes to your schedule, please email Kevin Bailey. Please give at least 48 hours’
notice for changes to be made. You can view your organizations’ permits and other field permits at and click on the calendar icon (highlighted image below).
If your organization is not on the calendar, you do not have an official permit to use the field.
Using the fields without approval can result in loss of future and/or current permits.
Cancellation / Refunds:
Once a schedule is submitted and permits issued, refunds will not be given. In the event fields are closed
by the City due to inclement weather, you must email Kevin Bailey within 48 with a make up date. If a
make up date cannot be scheduled, a credit will be applied to your organization for a future rental.
Field closures will be posted as an alert at the top of the Recreation website
Medford Park Commission Application for Use of Parks
(Please fill out one application for each field/court requested per season)
Name of Organization: Web Address:
Contact Name: Contact Title:
Phone: Cell: Email:
Name of Park (please select from the list provided):
Sport, Activity, or Event:
Dates: From: To:
Days: Time:
Monday: to
Tuesday: to
Wednesday: to
Thursday: to
Friday: to
Saturday: to
For teams, leagues, or other sports organizations, please submit the following with application:
Roster/List of Participants: (Submit prior year names and addresses if current year is not finalized)
Schedule: Submit prior year schedule if current year is not finalized (list of home or visitor)
Financial Report: For most recent fiscal year (or budget for new entities)
Permit Fee: Checks payable to City of Medford
Return completed applications, fees, and other required documentation to Kevin Bailey, Park Commission
Secretary at
Park Commission meetings happen on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in Room 201 at City Hall. For an application
to be reviewed in that meeting, applications must be received at least 7 days prior to the meeting date
otherwise it will be reviewed at the following meeting. Contact Kevin Bailey at
if you
would like to be included on the agenda. Once application is approved, applicant will need to provide proof of
insurance, current year list of roster, and schedule of games and practices. Schedules must be submitted to
create a
permit and have it viewed on the public calendar.
RECEIVED: Roster Schedule Financial Report Insurance Payment Check#: _______
In addition to the standard permit application, if you are hosting
an event including music festivals, tournaments, ceremonies,
etc. please fill out this form to help the Recreation Department
and Commission better understand your request.
First Name: Last Name:
Organization: Phone:
Date: Time: Number of People:
Event Name: Website:
Will you need use of electricity for this event?
Will you need lighting?
Will their be amplified sound including music of P.A system?
Will you set up staging or podiums for the event?
Will you be serving food?
Do you plan to have food trucks?
Will you be serving alcohol?
Will the event require streets to be closed?
Do you need access to bathrooms?
Will you need DPW or the City to set up for the event?
Do you need additional time to set up or break down for the event?
Will you be charging an entrance fee for the event
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
*******Oce Use Only*******
Department Approval
Board of Health: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Police Department: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________
Department of Public Works: _____________________________________ Date: ______________
Fire Department: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________