This Sample Nanny Contract is designed for general informational purposes only. It is not intended
to provide, and does not constitute legal or other professional advice by Poppins Payroll, LLC. You
should consult with a lawyer if you intend to enter into a legal contract.
Nanny Agreement
This Nanny Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered on _______________, 20___ between
__________________________ (the “Parent(s)”) and __________________ (the “Nanny”)
whereby the Nanny agrees to provide care for the child or children identied below (the “Kid(s)”)
commencing on _______________, 20___ in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth
1. Personal Information.
a. Parent Information.
Address: _________________________________________
City: ________________ State: ____ Zip Code: __________
Phone Numbers: ___________________________________
b. Kid Information.
c. Nanny’s Information.
Address: _________________________________________
City: ________________ State: ____ Zip Code: __________
Phone Numbers: ___________________________________
d. Worksite Address.
Same as the Parent’s address above.
Address: _________________________________________
City: ________________ State: ____ Zip Code: __________
2. Work Hours and Location.
The Nanny’s work hours are as follows:
Monday: __________________________
Tuesday: ___________________________
Wednesday: ________________________
Thursday: __________________________
Friday: ____________________________
Saturday: __________________________
Sunday: ___________________________
The Nanny shall arrive promptly, and shall not depart early without specic consent from the
Parent(s). The Nanny and the Parent(s) shall adapt to emergencies and unexpected changes to the
schedule as they arise.
The location may be changed from time to time by the Parent(s).
The Nanny will will not be required to travel with the family.
3. Compensation.
Salaried. The Nanny shall receive a salary equal to $________ per __________. The salary is
based on _____ hours of work per Pay Period at a rate of _____. Any hours in excess of ___ per
week or ____ per day will be paid at the overtime rate of $____.
Hourly. The Nanny shall be paid $_____ per hour. Any hours in excess of ___ per week or ____
per day will be paid at the overtime rate of $____.
Share. The Nanny will be paid $________ per hour when the Nanny is only watching the Kid(s)
and $________ per hour when the Nanny is watching the Kid(s) and the children of another family.
Any hours in excess of ___ per week or ____ per day will be paid at the overtime rate of $____.
The Parent(s) shall issue payment ___________________________ (weekly/bi-weekly/semi-
monthly) (“Pay Period”). All payroll shall be paid in arrears, which may be up to ten days after the
end of the pay period.
All required employee-side taxes shall be withheld from the Nanny’s paycheck by the Parent(s). per
the law. The Parent(s) shall pay all employer-side taxes as required by law.
4. The Nanny’s Duties.
The Nanny shall devote the whole of her time, attention and ability, while on duty, for the
performance of her duties hereunder, and shall follow all lawful instructions of the Parent(s).
The Nanny agrees to perform the following selected duties as a requirement of employment:
Put the absolute safety of the Kid(s) rst before all other responsibilities.
Tend to basic needs of the Kid(s), such as: _________________________________________
Bathe the Kid(s) at least ______ times per week.
Prepare the following meals for the Kid(s): ________________________________________.
Tiddy up after the Kid(s).
Perform the following cleaning:_________________________________________________
Participate and supervise the following activities with the Kid(s): ___________________
Tidy up after the Kid(s).
Administer medicine to Kid(s) as follows (this may be modied at any time by the Parent(s)):
Research and plan activities that have substantial child development, social relationship skills and
educational value.
Read at least ___ books to the Kid(s) daily.
Take the Kid(s) on play dates.
Use the Parent’s automobile to drive the Kid(s) to activities and events. Nanny shall not drive an
automobile with the Kid(s) without a valid driver’s license.
Use the Nanny’s automobile to drive the Kid(s) to activities and events; properly equip the
Nanny’s automobile with appropriate car seats, boosters and other safety devices (to be
purchased by the Parent(s)); and keep the Nanny’s automobile in good repair (at the Nanny’s
cost) and sanitary condition at all times when it is being used to transport the Kid(s). Nanny shall
not drive an automobile with the Kid(s) without a valid driver’s license.
Do laundry for the Kid(s) as needed.
Do all laundry as needed.
Launder the bed linens of the Kid(s)at least once every __________________________.
Grant access to home for service personnel (e.g. cable/telephone repairman, pest control,
package delivery, housekeeping and maid services, etc.).
Purchase groceries (at the expense of the Parent(s)) for the Kid(s).
Keep a daily journal with a narrative of meals, naptime, medication, activities and educational
Other duties: _______________________________________________________________
5. Benets.
a. Holidays. The Nanny shall receive the following paid unpaid holidays: New Years
Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and __
_____________________________. If any of the above holidays occur on a weekend, the
Nanny shall be given the ofcial federal holiday that is observed.
b. Paid Time Off. The Nanny shall be granted paid time off (“PTO”) of ____ days (the “PTO
Grant”) per twelve months of service. PTO may be used for any reason, including vacation,
illness, medical appointments, family care, and personal business. The Nanny shall be
eligible for PTO starting ____ days after the rst day of work.
The Nanny’s PTO balance will build at a weekly rate of the PTO Grant divided by 52. The
maximum PTO balance is equal to the PTO Grant. Once the Nanny has reached the
maximum PTO balance, the Nanny will not build any additional PTO until the Nanny’s PTO
balance falls below the maximum PTO Balance. In the event that the Nanny’s employment
is terminated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the Nanny shall not have the right to payment
for the amount of PTO balance the Nanny had at the time of the Nanny’s termination (unless
otherwise required by state law).
c. Notice. The Nanny agrees to use best efforts to give the Parent(s) sufcient advance
notice before being absent due to illness. The Nanny agrees to give the Parent(s) at least
_______ weeks’ advance notice before taking vacation.
d. Family Vacations and Events. The Nanny agrees to use best efforts to take vacation time
when the family takes their vacation. When the Parent(s) do not need the Nanny during the
regular work hours, the Nanny will will not be paid full salary.
e. Insurance.
The Nanny understands that medical insurance is not provided by the Parent(s).
The Parent(s) shall provide the following health insurance benets for the Nanny:
The Parent(s) shall pay _____% of the Nanny’s automobile insurance
(not including the deductible).
The Parent(s) shall provide Workers Compensation insurance.
Note: This is required in some states.
f. Automobile.
The Nanny shall be compensated for work related mileage at the federal
reimbursement rate per mile.
The Nanny shall use an automobile provided by the Parent(s) for
work related use only work and personal use.
g. Meals and Food.
The Nanny shall have the option of preparing meals for herself from food purchased by the
The Nanny shall provide for her own meals.
h. Additional Benets and Reimbursements.
The Parent(s) will reimburse the Nanny for all pre-approved expenses incurred by the
Nanny while caring for the Kid(s).
The Parent(s) shall also provide and/or reimburse: ____________________________
6. House Rules.
The Kid(s) are allowed to watch television with the following limitations: ____________
The Kid(s) are allowed screen time on ______________ with the following
limitations:______ ______________________________________________________.
Discipline of the kids shall be as follows: _____________________________________
The Nanny shall follow the Parent(s) direction and preferences concerning actions that give
rise to discipline.
The Nanny is is not allowed to have visitors. The Nanny shall provide ____ hours
advance notice of visitors.
The Nanny will provide the Parent(s) with advance notice of any excursions in an
automobile outside the home more than ___ blocks from the home more than ___
miles from the home.
The Nanny understands that smoking is not permitted. The Nanny agrees never to smoke
(and to not allow her visitors to smoke) in the workplace or while providing childcare to the
Kid(s) even on walks, trips to playground, outside activities or eld trips.
The Nanny is not permitted to use, or be under the inuence of, alcohol or illegal drugs
while the Nanny is on duty. The Nanny shall not be under the inuence of any substance,
even if legal or by prescription, if it impairs her ability to care for the Kids(s).
The Nanny agrees to maintain valid credentials for providing child care according to state
law including but not limited to child CPR and First Aid. The Nanny will provide proof of
credentials at the request of the Parent(s).
The Nanny shall keep up on all recommended vaccinations and shall obtain annual
inuence vaccinations.
Other house rules: _______________________________________________________
7. Term and Termination Of Employment.
The term of this Agreement shall continue until it is terminated by either party in accordance with the
provisions hereof. The Nanny is an at will employee and may choose to work for the Parent(s) for as
little or as long as the Nanny desires. Likewise, the Parent(s) may continue the Nanny’s employment
for as little or as long as they wish. Both parties agree to provide ______ days advance notice of
intent to terminate this Agreement (or pay in lieu of such notice), except when such termination is for
cause. At time of termination, and prior to receipt of nal paycheck, the Nanny agrees to return all
property of the Parent(s), including, but not limited to, house and car keys, remote entry devices, and
car safety seats.
The Parent(s) may immediately terminate for cause and without any advance notice for the following:
Allowing the safety of the Kid(s) to be compromised
Inconsistent or non-performance of agreed upon job responsibilities
Dishonesty or lying
Misuse of the Parent’s automobile
Breach of condentiality clause
Persistent tardiness of more than 15 minutes without valid reason
Unapproved visitors
Smoking during work hours
Consumption of alcohol during work hours
Illegal drug use
Breach of any of the terms of this Agreement by the Nanny
Reasonable apprehension that the Nanny will cause harm to the Kid(s), the Parent(s) or the
property of either.
The Nanny may immediately terminate for cause and without any advance notice for the following:
Failure of the Parent(s) to remit payment within ___ days of notice that payment was not
received on the due date
Failure of the Parent(s) to provide a safe work environment
Breach of any of the terms of this Agreement by the Parent(s)
8. Condentiality.
The Nanny understands that any and all private information obtained about the Kid(s) and the
Parent(s) during the course of employment, including, but not limited to, medical, nancial, legal,
career and assets are strictly condential and may not be disclosed to any third party for any reason.
The obligations of the Nanny under this clause shall survive termination of this Agreement.
9. Accuracy and Completeness of Information.
The Nanny represents and warrants that the information contained in or provided in the course of her
application or interview for this position is accurate in all material respects, and that she did not omit
any material information that was requested. Further, the Nanny represents and warrants that she
does not have a criminal record, that she is permitted to work in the United States. The Nanny agrees
to promptly notify the Parent(s) in the event that she is convicted of a crime.
10. General Provisions.
a. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the Nanny and
the Parent(s) with respect to employment of the Nanny and supersedes any and all prior
understandings, written or oral. This Agreement may not be amended, waived, discharged
or terminated orally, but only by an instrument in writing, specically identied as an
amendment to this Agreement, and signed by all parties. By entering into this Agreement,
the Nanny certies and acknowledges that she has carefully read all of the provisions of this
Agreement and that she voluntarily and knowingly enters into said Agreement.
b. Severability. Any provision of this Agreement which is prohibited or unenforceable in any
jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be deemed severable from the remainder of this
Agreement, and the remaining provisions contained in this Agreement shall be construed to
preserve to the maximum permissible extent the intent and purposes of this Agreement.
Any such prohibition or unenforceability in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render
unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction.
c. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws
of the state where the workplace is located.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be duly executed
and delivered.
Signature: _________________________________________
Printed Name:______________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________
Printed Name:______________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________
Printed Name:______________________________________