The Connecticut Association of Boards of Education The Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents
81 Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield, CT 06109 26 Caya Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06110
(860) 571-7446 Fax – (860)571-7452 (860) 236-8640 Fax (860) 236-8628
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Assistance provided by LEAD Connecticut and the Connecticut State Department of Education
Success Strategies for
Leadership Team Evaluation:
Board of Education and
Superintendent of Schools
Approved by CABE and CAPSS - Spring 2016
CABE/CAPSS Evaluation Committee Members
CABE Representatives
Richard Murray, President
Donald Harris, Area 2 Director and Member of the Executive
Robert Rader, Executive Director
Patrice McCarthy, Deputy Director and General Counsel
CAPSS Representatives
Frank Baran, President of CAPSS and Superintendent of
Woodstock Public Schools
Alan Addley, CAPSS 1
Vice President and Superintendent
Granby Public Schools
Judith Palmer, Superintendent, Region 7 Public Schools
Joseph Cirasuolo, Executive Director, CAPSS
Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................................1
Legal Considerations: Executive Session and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ........2
Recommended Evaluation Process ..........................................................................................2
Recommended Evaluation Process and Timeline Flowchart ...............................................4
Superintendent’s Leadership Performance Areas and Specific Areas of Responsibility..5
Growth in Student Achievement .................................................................................5
Educational Leadership ...............................................................................................5
Organizational Management .......................................................................................6
Community and Board of Education Relations ........................................................6
Personal and Professional Qualities and Relationships ............................................7
Board of Education Self-Assessment ..........................................................................9
The Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE) and the Connecticut Association
of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) recognize the critical importance of a strong
partnership between every Board of Education and its Superintendent of Schools. This
recommended evaluation process collaboratively developed by CABE and CAPSS is an attempt
to properly communicate our strong belief that the Board of Education and Superintendent must
view themselves and function as the school district’s Leadership Team. To that end, we strongly
believe that the Leadership Team must share and enthusiastically advocate the same goals and a
vision of learning that sets high performance expectations for the entire school community.
It is important to note that the foundational components of the recommended evaluation process
are the CABE/CAPSS School Governance Position Statement, adopted March 2004 and revised
in 2014, and the CABE Superintendent evaluation instrument and the Board self-assessment.
THE Board of Education Chairperson, working with the Superintendent and the rest of the Board
of Education, is responsible for carrying out the evaluation of the Leadership Team.
While the Board of Education and Superintendent have different roles and responsibilities, their
work must complement each other. Ultimately, all serve to advance the goals and objectives of
their community for public education and, most importantly, student learning. As the Board of
Education’s Chief Executive Officer, Connecticut Education Law (C.G.S. 10-157(a)) requires
the Superintendent of Schoolsjob performance be evaluated annually. Whether written or oral,
the annual evaluation of the school district’s Chief Executive Officer is one of the most
important responsibilities of every Board of Education.
CABE and CAPSS have recommended an evaluation process for the Superintendent of Schools
that is collaborative, goal oriented and offers numerous opportunities for focused and targeted
feedback from the Board of Education to the Superintendent of Schools regarding his/her job
performance. We firmly believe that this collaborative and candid approach to evaluation will
improve Board of Education and Superintendent communications and relationships, minimize
evaluation surprises and most importantly, enhance the overall success of the school district.
Student achievement across all areas is important and must be assessed in multiple ways.
Therefore, growth in student achievement has to be a factor in the assessment of the
Superintendent’s evaluations. All of the leadership performance areas and specific areas of
responsibility outlined in this document should be considered. Indicators related to student
academic achievement are necessary, but not sufficient to make final determinations about the
Superintendent’s job performance.
To increase the effectiveness of the school district’s Leadership Team and the overall
performance of the Board of Education and its individual members, CABE and CAPSS believe
that it is vitally important that every Board of Education conducts a self-assessment each school
An annual self-assessment enables the Board of Education to thoughtfully and constructively
evaluate its performance as the community’s legislative body that develops, evaluates and
oversees education policy. CABE and CAPSS strongly recommend Board of
Education self-assessment as a necessary and worthwhile activity toward advancing the vision
and goals of the school district. It is important that the Board factor the Superintendent’s
perspective into its self-assessment.
The following is a recommended process and timeline for the annual evaluation of the
Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education self-assessment. It is important to note
that the recommended timeline is based upon a traditional evaluation year model (July-June) and
can be easily as necessary. The recommended Leadership Team meetings can and should be
conducted in Executive Session because they pertain to Board of Education Self-Evaluation and
Legal Considerations: Executive Session and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
The Connecticut Freedom of Information law allows for the discussion in executive session of
personnel matters,” which includes “the appointment, employment, performance, evaluation,
health or dismissal of a public official or employee, provided that such individual may require
that discussion be held at an open meeting” (Connecticut General Statute Section 1-200(6)).
Under this provision the superintendent’s evaluation, as well as the performance of one or more
Board of Education members, are appropriate topics for executive session. District goals,
procedures, policies and data are NOT appropriate subjects for executive session under the FOI
law. All votes must be taken in public – only discussion can occur in executive session.
Note: Based on court decisions in Connecticut, written evaluation documents are likely to be
deemed public records subject to disclosure. Such written evaluation documents subject to public
disclosure would include any draft evaluation that is circulated among Board of Education
Recommended Evaluation Process
The formal evaluation should in no way preclude informal discussions between the
Superintendent and Board of Education as needed.
Beginning of New Evaluation Year Meeting – July/September
Step 1: The Board conducts its self-evaluation and goal-setting.
Step 2: The district Leadership Team (Board of Education and Superintendent) meets to discuss
goals and objectives. Any discussion of district goals must be held in public. This structured
conversation is intended to serve as a goal/priority setting session for the district's Leadership
Team for the upcoming school year.
Step 3: In Executive Session the Board of Education has an opportunity to candidly discuss with
the Superintendent their performance goals for the year. Some of these will have been reflected
in the most recent evaluation of the Superintendent’s performance. This discussion should also
include the process and format by which the Superintendent’s performance will be evaluated.
Mid Year Evaluation Meeting – December / January
Step 1: The Board reviews its performance in light of previously established goals.
Step 2: It is recommended that the Leadership Team meets again in Executive Session to
informally discuss their progress on goals and objectives established in July/August. This
session also provides the Leadership Team with an opportunity to identify and strategize about
new and/or unexpected challenges. This level of team collaboration allows all parties to be
contributing members of a fluid, responsive and strategic team.
Step 3: During this same discussion, it is recommended that the Board of Education provide
targeted informal feedback to the Superintendent about his/her effectiveness vis-à-vis the
previously established goals and objectives. The purpose of this informal feedback session is to
assess the Superintendent’s midyear performance and provide him/her with an opportunity to
properly respond to any Board of Education concerns and avoid unnecessary performance
evaluation “surprises” at year’s end.
End of the Year Evaluation of the Superintendent – May / June
Step 1: The Superintendent shares a verbal Year in Review” self-assessment with the Board of
Education in Executive Session. This self-assessment may be supplemented by submitting
documentation as a formal narrative, portfolio or some other mutually agreed upon format that
was established during the Beginning of the Year Meeting, with the understanding that any such
written documentation would not be confidential. This document serves as evidentiary
documentation regarding the Superintendent’s job performance and should aid the Board of
Education in completing a comprehensive and fair evaluation of the Superintendent.
Step 2: The Board of Education conducts the evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools
according to Board of Education Policy in Executive Session unless the Superintendent exercises
his/her statutory right to require that such discussion be held in open session. It is recommended
that there be no prior sharing of written performance evaluation commentary (hard copy or
electronic) among Board of Education members prior to the Executive Session. The result of the
Board of Education’s Executive Session discussion regarding the Superintendent’s performance
should be either a written or verbal draft performance evaluation of the Superintendent of
Step 3: A meeting in Executive Session should be scheduled by the Board of Education between
the Superintendent and the Board of Education, according to Board of Education Policy and
Superintendent’s contract. The purpose of this follow-up meeting is to share and discuss the
Board of Education’s draft evaluation with the Superintendent. This session serves as a final
opportunity for candid discussion between the Board of Education and the Superintendent prior
to the completion of the formal performance evaluation. The Connecticut Superintendent
Leadership Competency Framework, developed by LEAD Connecticut, also should be examined
as it is intended to focus specifically on effective superintendent leadership. It is included at the
end of this document.
Step 4: The formal performance evaluation is completed and presented either verbally or in
writing to the Superintendent of Schools by a representative(s) of the Board of Education
according to Board of Education Policy and Superintendent’s contract. It is important to note that
if the Board of Education’s performance evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools is in
writing, it is a public document and subject to FOIA. Any written copy of the Superintendent’s
performance evaluation must also be placed in the Superintendent’s official personnel file.
Recommended Evaluation Process and Timeline Flowchart
Beginning of New Evaluation Year Meeting
July / September
(Meeting to be conducted in executive session)
Step 1: Board Self-Evaluation and Goal Setting
Step 2: Leadership Team Goal / Priority Setting.
Step 3: Superintendent’s Professional Goals and Objectives.
Mid-Year Evaluation Meeting
December / January
(Conducted in executive session)
Step 1: Board Reviews Its Performance
Step 2: Informal Leadership Team discussion regarding progress
on goals and objectives.
Step 3: Targeted informal feedback provided to Superintendent
regarding his/her performance.
End of Year Evaluation of the Superintendent
May / June
Step 1: Superintendent presents “year in review” self-assessment to
Board of Education regarding his/her performance.
Step 2: Board of Education evaluates the Superintendent’s job
performance. A draft evaluation is developed during this
meeting in districts where a written evaluation of the
Superintendent is provided.
Step 3: Meeting (in executive session) between Board of Education, as
per Board of Education policy and the Superintendent, to share
and discuss draft evaluation.
Step 4: Formal evaluation is completed and presented to the
Superintendent of School by a representative(s) of the Board of
Education as per policy.
Note: Superintendent’s Evaluation is a public document subject to FOIA.
I. Growth in Student Achievement
Definition: The core mission of all school districts is to ensure growth in achievement for
all students. While the superintendent does not deliver instruction directly to children, the
superintendent has to establish a set of expectations and take other specific actions that
produce a culture and a climate that fosters growth in student achievement.
Areas of Responsibility:
Establishes a system whereby data is collected on a regular basis regarding
student achievement in all curricular areas and whereby that data is used to
identify areas of instruction in which focus and emphasis needs to occur.
Establishes a structure whereby plans for growth in student achievement are set
and then, regularly revised in accordance with the relevant data regarding student
Establishes a structure whereby staff is held accountable for implementing the
plans to enhance student achievement and for the intended growth in student
Establishes assessable goals for determining whether achievement growth
strategies are successful and methods for conducting the relevant assessments.
In concert with the Board of Education, establishes assessable school system
goals for yearly performance in student achievement and methods for conducting
the relevant assessments.
In concert with the Board of Education, establishes reasonable assessable goals
within the context of available resources and Board support for the
Superintendent’s proposals for the superintendent’s own performance with respect
The extent to which the superintendent has provided the leadership
required to enhance student achievement by meeting the areas of
responsibility listed above.
The extent to which the school system has met the established system
goals for student achievement.
II. Educational Leadership
Definition: Educational leadership is grounded in relationships: working with the Board
of Education, community and staff to define a comprehensive vision for the schools;
identifying the values and ethics under which the schools function; creating a culture and
climate that nurtures and capitalizes on talents and skills; setting high performance
expectations for students and staff; and continuing to sustain and improve quality
research-based programs to enhance teaching and learning.
Areas of Responsibility:
Works with the Board of Education, staff and community to develop and
implement a vision for the school system that inspires action and commitment and
aligns with the values and ethics under which the district functions.
Works with the board of education to develop and implement a plan of action and
a strategic operating plan that aligns with a theory of action.*
Promotes a school culture and climate of continuous improvement and
Builds capacity by designing and implementing comprehensive professional
development plans for staff.
Establishes structures and processes that sustain a culture and climate of
continuous improvement.
Provides instructional leadership in the areas of curriculum, instruction,
assessment, evaluation of staff and data informed decision making to optimize
learning for all students.
*A theory of action identifies a specific set of actions that if taken will result in a
specified outcome that is grounded in a vision of learning.
III. Organizational Management
Definition: Organizational management concerns the effective facilitation of the day-to-
day operations of the school district and its programs.
Areas of Responsibility:
Develops and manages a comprehensive approach to human capital that aligns to
district vision, strategies and goals consistent with Board of Education policy,
recruiting, hiring and retaining personnel for the district and includes a system of
support, supervision and consistent evaluation.
Develops and manages a comprehensive approach to fiscal resources that align to
district vision, strategies and goals for consideration by the Board of Education
Reports regularly to the BOE on the status of the budget and any other fiscal
concerns or issues.
Develops and executes effective plans, procedures, routines and operational
systems that support the day to day operations of the district.
Assists the BOE in developing policies and establishes regulations to implement
the policies.
IV. Community Relations
Definition: Strong community relations are critical to the success of the superintendent
and the school system. The superintendent must earn respect and trust from the
community and in turn, respect community members.
Areas of Responsibility:
Continuously communicates and collaborates with families and community,
regional and state stakeholders to support student learning and development at
home, school and in the community.
Addresses family and community concerns in an equitable, effective and efficient
Represents effectively the district to the local community.
V. Board of Education Relations
Definition: A strong relationship with the Board is critical to the success of the
superintendent and the school system. The superintendent must earn respect and trust
from the Board and in turn, respect Board members.
Builds trusting, collaborative and respectful relationships with Board members.
Provides professional advice and keeps the BOE informed and updated on
educational issues and the needs and operations of the school system.
Keeps BOE members informed about significant operational issues in a timely
VI. Personal and Professional Qualities and Relationships
Definition: Personal and professional qualities and relationships are critical to the
effectiveness of leaders and managers. Superintendents must continue to refine and
develop their skills and contemporary knowledge; lead ethically and make decisions
based on sound professional practice; interact in a manner that best represents the
interests of the school district; and maintain a healthy balance between professional
obligations and personal life.
Areas of Responsibility:
A belief that every student can achieve at high levels.
An urgency to improve student achievement.
The ability to manage resistance to change and to engage in difficult
conversations to maintain a consistent focus on high levels of achievement.
The ability to explore how identity and life experiences shape assumptions and
unconscious biases.
The ability to work with diverse people and be sensitive to cultural differences.
The ability to build trusting, respectful relationships to improve student learning.
The ability to interact effectively with individuals and groups both within and
outside the school district to accomplish the goals of the district.
The ability to use consensus building and negotiation strategies and conflict
resolution skills to lead authentic stakeholder engagement.
Provides for a safe and orderly work environment.
Delegates authority appropriately.
Gives staff sufficient authority and support.
Establishes an effective professional development system for staff that is aligned
with its responsibilities for teaching and learning.
Communicates effectively with staff regarding district goals, objectives and
Political savvy and respectful engagement across all stake holder groups.
Effectively anticipates and responds to challenges and remains focused on the
vision of high expectations when faced with adversity.
Builds trusting, respectful relationships to improve student learning.
Maintains high standards of ethics, honesty and integrity in all professional
Maintains poise and exhibits diplomacy in the full range of his/her professional
Is a strong advocate for public education and demonstrates the courage to support
his/her convictions.
Board of Education Self-Evaluation
Check the most appropriate rating box on a scale of 5-1 (5 representing the highest rating, 1 the lowest) for each
question. A “NA” rating is also provided if you are unable to rate on an item for any reason. A space for comments
is also provided on page 11 and 12.
Vision 5 4 3 2 1
The Board has a vision/mission for the school district
with a primary focus on student achievement.
The vision/mission and goals are developed
collaboratively with staff and the community.
The Board
institutes a process for long
range and
strategic planning that aligns with the vision/mission
for the district.
The Board uses the district policy manual to create a
culture that supports the vision and goals of the district.
The Board
expresses in the vision/mission the belief
that high quality instruction in every classroom is the
foundation for high achievement for all students.
The Board communicates clearly the goals and
expectations for the district, staff, and students with an
emphasis on high achievement for all students in the
The Board develops goals that align with the
vision/mission for the district, foster continuous
improvement and remain the highest priorities.
Total Vision
Community Leadership
The Board communicates and interprets the school
district’s vision/mission to the public and listens, and
incorporates appropriate community perspectives into
board actions.
The Board works to promote the
accomplishments of
the district within the district and community at large.
The Board advocates at the national, state and local
levels for students and the school district and promotes
the benefits of public education.
The Board
collaborates with other school boards,
superintendents, agencies, and other bodies to inform
federal, state and local policy makers of concerns and
issues related to education.
The Board provides community leadership on
educational issues by creating strong linkages with
appropriate organizations, agencies, and other groups
to provide for healthy development and high
achievement for all students.
Total Community Leadership
Check the most appropriate rating box on a scale of 5-1 (5 representing the highest rating, 1 the lowest) for each
question. A “NA” rating is also provided if you are unable to rate on an item for any reason. A space for comments
is also provided on page 11 and 12.
Board Operations 5 4 3 2 1
The Board ensures the District policy manual is up
date and comprehensive.
The Board conducts meetings that are efficient,
effective and focus primarily on student achievement
and other district priorities.
The Board makes
decisions based on analysis of
relevant research and data.
The Board adopts a fiscally responsible budget based
on the district’s priorities and regularly monitors the
fiscal health of the district.
The Board collectively executes its
responsibilities and ensures the district adheres to all
federal and state laws and board policies.
The Board provides appropriate support (including
quality professional development) for programs and
initiatives consistent with the vision/mission of the
The Board conducts a comprehensive orientation to
familiarize new board members with their role on the
The Board conducts an effective annual self
The Board participates in
professional development
specifically regarding its roles and responsibilities and
on relevant content areas.
The Board belongs to, actively supports and
participates in professional organizations.
Board Operations
Board Ethics 5 4 3 2 1
The Board establishes a
Code of Ethics
and conducts
business in accordance with the code.
The Board members maintain confidentiality regarding
sensitive communications.
The Board members honors board
decisions even when
the vote is not unanimous,
The Board does not let politics interfere with district
The Board deals with both internal and external
conflicts openly, honestly and respectfully.
Total Board Ethics
Check the most appropriate rating box on a scale of 5-1 (5 representing the highest rating, 1 the lowest) for each
question. A “NA” rating is also provided if you are unable to rate on an item for any reason. A space for comments
is also provided on page 11 and 12.
Board Superintendent Team 5 4 3 2 1
The Board works effectively with the Superintendent
as a collaborative leadership team to focus priorities
around high achievement for all students in the district.
The Board sets aside time, at least semi
annually, to
discuss board/superintendent relations.
The Board demonstrates support and respect for the
Superintendent’s role as the chief executive officer of
the district.
The Board
provides direction to the Superintendent as
a whole, not from individual Board members.
The Board follows the chain of command as identified
by board policy.
Board Superintendent Team
Grand Total
Please add any additional comments here (comments will be shared with participants):
Community Leadership:
Board Operations:
Board Ethics:
Board/Superintendent Relations:
General Comments: