Ed. 07/2005 Page 1
Microsoft Outlook
E-Mail Notification
Several options are available in Outlook to provide notification of a new e-mail message
in the Inbox. They include:
Playing a sound
Showing an envelope icon in the notification area
Displaying a New Mail Desktop Alert
Advanced E-mail Options
Take the following steps to display the options.
1. Open Outlook.
2. Click Tools > Options.
3. Click the Preferences tab.
4. Click the E-mail Options button.
5. Click the Advanced E-mail Options button. The Advanced E-mail Options
dialog box displays. See Figure 1 on page 2.
Playing a Sound
1. Check the Play a sound box in the When new items arrive in my Inbox section.
2. Click OK three times to close the dialog boxes.
3. The notification sound plays when a new message arrives.
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Figure 1. Advanced E-mail Options
Envelope Icon
1. Check the Show an envelope icon in the notification area box in the When
new items arrive in my Inbox section.
2. Click OK three times to close the dialog boxes.
3. An envelope displays in the notification area next to the system time when a
message arrives. See Figure 2.
Figure 2. Envelope Icon Notification
4. Mouse over the envelope to display the status of the message.
5. To hide the envelope, right-click the icon, and left-click Hide envelope.
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New Mail Desktop Alert
The new mail desktop alert is a transparent window displaying in the lower, right-hand
corner of the screen when a message arrives in the Inbox. It displays even when
Outlook is minimized. The sender’s name, subject, and first two lines of the message
display. See Figure 3 for an example.
Figure 3. New Mail Desktop Alert
Configuring the Desktop Alert
1. Open the Advanced E-mail Options dialog box.
2. Check the Display a New Desktop Alert box in the When new items arrive in
my Inbox section,.
3. Click the Desktop Alert Settings button.
4. Change the Duration and Transparency settings as desired.
5. Click the Preview button.
6. Click OK four times to close the dialog boxes.
Working with the Desktop Alert
Options are available for working with a message through the Desktop Alert when
Outlook is minimized.
Flag a message – Click the red flag icon to add a follow-up.
Delete a message – Click the Delete icon.
Open a message – Mouse over the desktop alert. Click the message to open it.
See Figure 4.
Figure 4. Open a Desktop Alert Message
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Options – Click the black down arrow in the upper, right-hand corner of the
alert. Several options are available. See Figure 5.
Figure 5. Desktop Alert Options
Close the message – Click the in the upper, right-hand corner of the alert.