Puerto Rico Low-to-Moderate
Income Rooftop PV and Solar
Savings Potential
Meghan Mooney and Katy Waechter
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory
December 17, 2020
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Why Does Rooftop Solar Potential for LMI Matter?
LMI households represent 50% of PR population and spend
disproportionately more of their income on energy
=> Dollar savings from solar likely more impactful
Solar has been disproportionately adopted by higher-income
=> Growing backlash against rooftop solar policies that appear
to favor the more affluent
Increasing interest in policy interventions to include LMI
households and create more equitable rooftop solar access
=> However, poor understanding of how much rooftop solar
LMI communities can accommodate may lead to ineffective
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Building off previous research
Sigrin, Ben, and Mooney, Meghan. 2018. Rooftop Solar Technical Potential for Low-to-Moderate Income Households in the United States.
Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-6A20- 70901.
Percent of LMI electrical consumption offsettable by rooftop
solar generation in the U.S. (Sigrin and Mooney, 2018)
Estimates for LMI PV Rooftop technical
potential and solar savings potential exist for
the U.S.
Sigrin and Mooney (2018) found:
43% of U.S. is LMI
Nearly 1000 TWh of residential potential,
with 42% belonging to LMI buildings
60% of LMI potential belonging to non-
traditional buildings (i.e., renter and multi-
This study extends this work for Puerto Rico
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Key Questions for Technical Potential Analysis
1. How is rooftop solar potential
distributed geographically, by
income group, building type, and
tenure of the building occupants?
2. How much electrical consumption
can be offset by rooftop solar?
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Summary of methodology
This study processes 2015-2017 LiDAR scans
(<0.35 nominal resolution) of Puerto Rico’s
building stock (96% of Puerto Rico building
LiDAR data intersected with Census
demographics tables of household counts
by income, tenure, and building type. LiDAR
data does not allow direct observation of
the tenant’s attributes, thus a bootstrapping
method is used.
A statistical model, trained on LiDAR tracts,
is used to impute building stock
characteristics (area, orientation, shading,
etc.) for 4% of building stock without
sufficient LiDAR data.
Finally, simulate solar generation for each
roof plane using NREL PVWATTS and
aggregate at the tract and county level
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Assumptions for Building Suitability
PV System Characteristics Value for Flat Roofs Value for Tilted Roofs
Tilt 15 degrees Tilt of plane
Ratio of module area to suitable roof area 0.70 0.98
Azimuth 180 degrees (south facing) Midpoint of azimuth class
Module Power Density 183 W/m
Total system losses Varies (SAM defaults + individual surface % shading)
Inverter efficiency 96%
DC-to-AC ratio 1.2
Roof Physical Characteristics Description
Shading Measured shading for four seasons and required an average of 80% unshaded surface
Azimuth All possible azimuths
Tilt Average surface tilt <= 60 degrees
Minimum Area >= 1.62 m
(area required for a single solar panel)
Rooftop Suitability Assumptions
PV Performance Assumptions
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Puerto Rico Residential PV Solar Rooftop Potential
Residential PV rooftop technical potential by income group
Annual residential solar potential is
24.6 TWh
Roughly 4x of residential
electricity consumption
LMI opportunity is 11.87 TWh,
nearly half (48%) of total annual
residential solar potential
Average household potential is
19,883 kWh
Potential is slightly greater for
higher incomes but still
considerable for even very low
income group (17,924
Income Group
Module Area
(millions of
Very Low
(0-30% AMI) 267.8 203.6 21.9 4.0 4.8
(30-50% AMI) 151.2 129.1 13.5 2.5 3.0
(50-80% AMI) 203.3 177.4 18.6 3.4 4.1
(80-120% AMI) 297.8 267.7 28.2 5.1 6.2
(>120% AMI) 317.1 279.5 29.6 5.4 6.5
All LMI Buildings 622.3 510.1 54.0 9.8 11.9
All Residential
Buildings 1,237.2 1,057.3 111.8 20.4 24.6
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Total LMI Solar Potential By Tract
Census tract LMI technical potential (GWh)
Highest potential of LMI in densely populated areas with more building stock, though lots of
potential throughout the territory in more rural communities.
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Solar Potential By Income, Building Type and Tenure
Generation potential by income group & building type
In Puerto Rico, 50% of the LMI potential is on on renter-occupied and multi-family buildings, with the
highest percentages among the lowest income group (58%).
Though less than in the U.S. (60%), non-traditional types of buildings (i.e. multi-family and renter), are an
important factor. Puerto Rico has 50% of potential in non-traditional types. Improving LMI solar access in
Puerto Rico will likely require novel deployment models (e.g. shared solar).
Generation potential by income group & building tenure
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We Can Offset All Residential Electricity
Consumption With Residential Rooftop Solar in PR
Comparison of fraction of consumption met by generation
potential for single-family owner-occupied buildings alone, by
income group
Technical feasibility of matching residential electric
consumption with rooftop solar, by income group
Solar generation can technically meet all Puerto Rico electrical
consumption for all income groups
NOTE: The residential electric consumption reported here are from PREPA in 2018. Due to Hurricane Maria, it is estimated that 5% of PREPA
residential customers were still without power in April, 2018.
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Offsetable Consumption is High No Matter How You
Slice It
Percent of LMI electrical consumption offsettable by rooftop solar generation
% of Offsetable Electric
Consumption Offsetable by
Rooftop PV LMI Single-Family
Owner-Occupied Buildings
% of Offsetable Electric
Consumption Offsetable by
Rooftop PV All LMI Buildings
NREL | 12
High Solar/ Low Load: The Case of Puerto Rico
Rooftop Solar Potential
High Solar:
The average annual GHI (5.89 kWh/m
/day) in Puerto Rico is 22% greater than the average
In total, PR has more residential buildings to households. This contributes to higher technical
potentials per household electric consumptions.
Low Load:
PR has a significantly lower per capita electric consumption compared to U.S. (4,665 kWh vs
12,900 kWh per household annually)
Even if PR consumed electricity at the rate of the U.S., there would still be nearly 150% the
amount of rooftop potential than electric consumption for the entire residential electric
The Result:
On an aggregate, for all residential buildings, Puerto Rico has 425% more rooftop generation
potential than electric consumption. For LMI buildings only, Puerto Rico has 570% more
rooftop generation potential than electric consumption.
Even if we assume that 50% of the LMI buildings in Puerto are structurally unsuitable for
rooftop PV, there would still be >2.5x the amount of rooftop potential than current
NREL | 13
All data used in the study is publicly available
Puerto Rico LMI PV Rooftop Technical Potential and
Solar Savings Potential Dataset Access tract and
county level data on residential rooftop potential and
solar savings potential, by income, building type, and
SolarForAll web application - Explore, download, and
intersect data in interactive web application; Updated
with PR data layers.
Screenshot of SolarForAll app
NREL | 14
All data used in the study is publicly available
PV Rooftop Database Puerto Rico (PVRDB-PR) Access the raw GIS
data of roof planes for all buildings in Puerto Rico. Available through
the DOE Open Energy Data Initiative (OEDI) and hosted on Amazon
Web Services
S3 Path: s3://oedi-data-lake/pv-rooftop-pr/developable-planes/
Bucket Viewer:
Use the AWS CLI command to list the data:
Use the AWS CLI to download the data:
Screenshot of the PVRDB-PR GIS data
aws s3 sync s3://oedi-data-lake/pv-rooftop-pr/developable-planes/ pv-rooftop-pr --no-sign-request
aws s3 ls s3://oedi-data-lake/pv-rooftop-pr/developable-planes/ --no-sign-request
Contact: Meghan.Mooney@nrel.gov | Katy.Waechter@nrel.gov
Puerto Rico PV Rooftop LMI Technical Potential and Solar Savings Potential Data
Set: https://data.nrel.gov/submissions/81
PVRDB-PR (GIS): s3://oedi-data-lake/pv-rooftop-pr/developable-planes/
Web App: https://maps.nrel.gov/solar-for-all
Thank you
This work was authored by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for Sustainable
Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308. Funding
provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solar Energy
Technologies Office. The views expressed in the article do not necessarily represent the views of the DOE or
the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for
publication, acknowledges that the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide
license to publish or reproduce the published form of this work, or allow others to do so, for U.S.
Government purposes.
Supplemental Material
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PR LMI Household Statistics
HH by Income
by Building Type
HH by Income
by Tenure
HH by Income
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PR Residential Rooftop Technical Potential by
Building Type and Tenure
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PR PV Rooftop Technical Potential
Results Compared to U.S.
Puerto Rico Mainland U.S.
All Residential LMI All * Residential ** LMI Buildings**
Suitable Buildings (millions)
78.68% of all
48.25% of all
N/A 67 - 25.50
37.95% of all
Households (millions)
1.24 0.62
50.30% of all
- 117 - 49.80
42.60% of all
73.97% of all
48.32% of all
1,118.00 794
71.02% of all
41.49% of all
74.00%of all
48.36% of all
1,432.00 999.80
69.82% of all
41.60% of all
* = Gagnon et al. 2016
** = Sigrin and Mooney, 2018
There are 1,343,874 suitable buildings in Puerto Rico of 1,500,106 total buildings in Puerto Rico.
Compared to the U.S. technical potential numbers, Puerto Rico is based off on higher precision LiDAR data (3-30cm) and updated solar
technology assumptions of solar technologies, such as solar panel power densities, more accurate (and stricter) percent shading assumptions
when estimating generation at the developable plane level, different assumptions related to minimum area requirements, different
assumptions related to panel orientation as candidates for rooftop PV suitability.
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Notes on PR Technical Potential Compared to the U.S.
Puerto is lower in latitude than the rest of the US; therefore, shading from adjacent trees is less impactful on the suitability of a rooftop.
We assume an 80% of illumination criteria for the PR study, meaning that a plane must be illuminated for at least 80% of the year’s
daylight hours to be considered suitable for rooftop PV. In the Northern Hemisphere, there is a 2% increase in the solar elevation
angle for every 1-degree decrease in latitude. In PR’s lower latitude, its higher solar elevation angles creates shorter shadows and,
therefore, less shading, especially during the winter seasons, relative to its higher elevation states.
Puerto Rico technical potential estimates are based on NREL’S PV ROOFTOP Model v2.0 updated assumptions, such as:
Power Density is assumed to be 182 W/m
(compared to the 160 W/m
assumption in the 2016 U.S. study).
North facing planes are not excluded for PR, however, they were excluded from the 2016 U.S. study. In PR, 13% of the technical
potential is a N, NE, NW facing plane.
Minimum size requirement for a developable plane is set to 1.62 m
, which is the average size required for 1 250-Watt solar panel.
A building is considered suitable if it meets the other criteria and it has at least one plane large enough for a solar panel. In the 2016
U.S. Study, a suitable building needed a minimum 10m
. If we applied the same >= 10m
assumption to Puerto Rico, generation
would be reduced by ~4 TWh for the total building potential (all residential buildings).
The shading assumption in this PR assessment was updated to apply percent shading directly at the developable plane level into the
System Advisor Model (SAM) when calculating generation potential. For the U.S. assessment, % shading was used to screen
potential planes, but it was not used directly at the plane level when processed in SAM to get the generation; instead, the SAM
default of 3% was applied. This new approach is more accurate than previous estimates, but it results in a lower kWh/kW estimate
for Puerto Rico compared to the U.S..
Taken together, the PR and the Gagnon et al. (2016) and Sigrin and Mooney (2018) U.S. estimates are not an apples-to-apples
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Puerto Rico Residential PV rooftop technical potential
by Income Group, Building Type, and Tenure
Income Group Tenure Building Type
Suitable Area
(millions of m2)
Capacity (GW)
Generation (TWh)
Very Low
0-30% AMI
Owner-Occupied Single-Family
0.102 13.245 1.694 2.050
Owner-Occupied Multi-Family
0.009 2.338 0.316 0.380
Renter-Occupied Single-Family
0.070 8.987 1.154 1.396
Renter-Occupied Multi-Family
0.022 6.105 0.831 0.998
30-50% AMI
Owner-Occupied Multi-Family
0.007 1.876 0.254 0.304
Owner-Occupied Single-Family
0.080 10.516 1.349 1.631
Renter-Occupied Multi-Family
0.010 2.463 0.335 0.402
Renter-Occupied Single-Family
0.032 4.099 0.525 0.634
50-80% AMI
Owner-Occupied Multi-Family
0.010 2.661 0.360 0.432
Owner-Occupied Single-Family
0.116 15.195 1.953 2.363
Renter-Occupied Multi-Family
0.012 2.970 0.403 0.484
Renter-Occupied Single-Family
0.040 5.166 0.662 0.800
80-120% AMI
Owner-Occupied Multi-Family
0.016 4.044 0.549 0.658
Owner-Occupied Single-Family
0.203 27.364 3.538 4.280
Renter-Occupied Multi-Family
0.011 2.743 0.375 0.448
Renter-Occupied Single-Family
0.038 5.116 0.664 0.804
>120% AMI
Owner-Occupied Single-Family
0.223 30.786 3.962 4.775
ccupied Multi-Family
0.014 4.062 0.546 0.652
Renter-Occupied Single-Family
0.034 4.509 0.579 0.698
Renter-Occupied Multi-Family
0.008 2.254 0.306 0.365
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Validation of PV Rooftop Modeling
Without ground truth data on existing rooftop systems in Puerto Rico, most of the model validation had to be centered
around assumptions and modeling standards, comparing results to previous study’s estimates.
Results on a per building basis for a random set of buildings were evaluated along side Google Sunshot’s rooftop
potential estimates. Though variations exist between our set of underlying assumptions, our results were
consistently within a 5% of Google’s estimates.
Potential estimates for PR were compared, to the degree possible, to previous U.S. estimates of potential (see slide
LMI estimates were compared to previous studies (e.g., LEAD).
Azimuth and Slope Validation:
A sample of developable planes stratified by azimuth and slope was randomly selected to validate roof plane
classification. Each plane was compared to raw aspect and slope models as well as manual verification of roof
orientation. Roof planes have an overall agreement of 92.06% with reference data. Among unique orientation
classes, omissions of east-oriented planes are correlated with commissions of south-oriented planes while there is
additional confusion between north-oriented planes and northwest-oriented planes, which may be the result of
signal scattering
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PR Electric Consumption
5.77 TWh of annual residential electricity consumption in PR
(PREPA, 2018 consumption)
This estimate may not be complete of all consumption in
PR. As of April 2018, it is estimated that as much as 5% of
the PREPA customers still did not have electricity from
blackout caused by Hurricane Maria
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Solar Savings Results
Comparison of fraction of consumption
met by generation potential for single-
family owner-occupied buildings alone,
by income group
Technical feasibility of matching
residential electric consumption with
rooftop solar, by income group
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Electric Consumption by Income, Building Type,
Income Group
Building Type
Annual Electric Consumption
Very Low
0-30% AMI
multi family
own 0.073
rent 0.282
single family
own 0.363
rent 0.113
30-50% AMI
multi family
own 0.098
rent 0.134
single family
own 0.467
rent 0.084
50-80% AMI
multi family
own 0.064
rent 0.056
single family
own 0.313
rent 0.045
80-120% AMI
multi family
own 0.064
rent 0.041
single family
own 0.295
rent 0.035
>120% AMI
multi family
own 0.626
rent 0.173
single family
own 2.307
rent 0.138
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Underlying Datasets
NASA G-LiHT: 3cm LiDAR data collected in spring of 2017 (pre-hurricane)
USGS 3DEP: <0.35 m nominal resolution LiDAR data collected in 2015 used to fill in coverage
where G-LiHT is incomplete.
HOTOSM building footprints used to identify building footprints across island and overlaid with
LiDAR data.
PREPA 2018 residential monthly electric consumption and billing, by municipality
Low-income Energy Affordability Database (LEAD): Electric consumption by tenure, income, and
building class by municipality, used to disaggregate PREPA by income, building type and tenure.
2011-2015 American Community Survey (ACS) Various ACS tables used to identify cross tabs of
number of households by income group, building type, and tenure at the Census Tract level
B19001: Household Income in the Past 12 Months
B25118: Tenure by Household Income in the Past 12 Months
B25032: Tenure by Units in Structure
B25124: Tenure by Household Size by Units in Structure
2013 RECS: Used for distributions of building size by type and income; used to generate
probabilities of residential buildings from building footprint information.