International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2015
Abstract The System presented in this paper expedite the
testing of candidates aspiring for a driving license in a more
efficient and transparent manner, as compared to the present
manual testing procedure existing in most parts of Asia and
Pacific region. The manual test procedure is also subjected to
multiple limitations like time consuming, costly and heavily
controlled by the experience of examiner in conducting the test.
This technological solution is developed by customizing 8051
controller based embedded system and VB based virtual
instrument. The controller module senses the motion of the test
vehicle on the test track referred to as zero rpm measurement.
The proposed technological solution for the automation of
existing manual test process enables the elimination of human
intervention and improves the driving test accuracy while going
paperless with Driving Skill Evaluation System. As a
contribution to the society this technological solution can reduce
the number of road accidents because most accidents results
from lack of planning, anticipation and control which are highly
dependent on driving skill.
Index Terms LCD, Microcontroller 8051, PC With VB
software, Power Supply, , Pressure switch, RF Module
Despite continued efforts made by the different state
governments in India, various international and national
organizations continue to highlight the fatalities on the roads
caused by inconsistent process of issuing driving licenses
across India. The study conducted by the International
Finance Corporation (IFC) indicates that the process of
obtaining driving license in India is a distorted bureaucratic
one. The independent survey conducted shows that close to
60 percent of license holders did not even have to take the
driving license test and 54 percent of them were untrained to
drive [1]. The study conducted by IFC also shows that the
driving license is in that category of public services that
involves corruption of a direct demand and supply of bribes
between citizens and bureaucrats. The study also indicates
that the corruption is focused on agents that work as
intermediaries between the officials and citizens. This
practice of agent-usage promotes corruption and subsequently
results in higher payment for licenses, reduces driving test
MRS. JyotiI M. Waykule. received her B.E degree in Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering from K.B.Patil college of engg, Satara
affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur,Maharashtra
Miss. Komal A. Margale. appearing B.E degree in Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering from Sou. Sushila D. Ghodawat char.
Trust group of institution, Atigre, Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
Miss. Priyanka M. Pawale. appearing B.E degree in Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering from Sou. Sushila D. Ghodawat char.
Trust group of institution, Atigre, Kolhapur,Maharashtra.
Miss:. Amruta A. Patil. appearing B.E degree in Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering from Sou. Sushila D. Ghodawat char.
Trust group of institution, Atigre, Kolhapur,Maharashtra.
quality and this eventually results in unskilled drivers on road
[1-2]. Hence the only solution for this problem is to
implement an efficient, transparent and cost effective driver
testing system.
In the present scenario, the candidates who have applied
for driving license have to appear for a theoretical
examination and a practical examination. The theoretical
examination evaluates the candidate knowledge on different
traffic signs, traffic regulation and also the basic
understanding of simple safety check before using a vehicle.
Different ways are adopted for the conduct of theoretical
examination. These are oral examination, question paper or
computer based examination. Theoretical examination is
conducted before the practical examination [5]. A pass in the
theoretical examination is a prerequisite for the practical
examination. The practical examination comprises of two
tests namely off-road test and on-road test. The off road test is
for examining the candidate‟s ability in controlling the
vehicle. The on-road test is conducted in light traffic on
normal road [3-5]. Normally, the on-road test is carried out
after completing off-road test.
The off-road test tracks are of three types H, S and 8 shaped
tracks. In India, the test track adopted for off-road test
purpose varies from state to state
Block Diagram
Fig.1. block diagram
In our proposed track, in addition to detect interruption along
the edges, v must also check if the vehicle moves correctly in
the specified path. For detection of the correct path, v again
use the same setup consisting of metal strips(pressure switch).
Here we are using pairs of metal strips and they are placed in
Driving License Test Automation Using VB
Komal A. Margale, Priyanka M. Pawale, Amruta A. Patil, Jyoti Waykule
Driving License Test Automation Using VB
positions as shown in the diagram. The test taker must move
to the following path.
That is the test taker must start at start position and end the test
at stop position. Here the metal strip is kept horizontally
across each path. When the vehicle moves through the
respective path, the metal strip is not conducting and this is
done in a sequential manner that is from path start to stop end.
On successful completion of the test, „ pass‟ report will be
generated or else a “ fail” report.
Sensor’s on the track
The pressure switch(metal strip)are used as pairs where each
pair consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The IR sensors
can be also referred to as a long range IR start, stop pair.
Sensors are mounted on to yardstick for embedding on the
track. So our modified track is shown in below figure 2. The
IR sensor pairs, pressure switch used for detecting the
trouncing of sensor mounted yardstick or the crossing of line
intersection between the sensor. Two IR sensor‟s are used
at‟START‟ and „STOP‟ position of the track. IR sensor
module FC-51.
International Journal of Instrumentation and Control Systems
(IJICS) Vol.3, No.3, July 2013 In that journal total 12 photo
sensor‟s are used pairs. These sensors are interfaced to
LabVIEW based Test Monitoring and Result Issuance system
using NI USB 6009 DAQ card.
Fig.2 Modified H track with curved shape (like U shape)
Speed sensor is used into the vehicle wheel to enable or
disable of zero rpm measurement system. These sensors are
interfaced to the microcontroller based central control unit.
When either of these sensor pairs makes a high to
low transition, the microcontroller based central control unit
enables or disables the microcontroller based on-vehicle
control unit for monitoring the vehicle motion. The on-vehicle
control unit for zero rpm measurement is designed to perform
the measurement only when the vehicle is inside the sensor
embedded track. In other words, the on-vehicle control unit
for zero rpm measurement is enabled only when the test
vehicle is inside the track and it is disabled when the test
vehicle is outside the track.
Data Acquisation System In VB
User personal details: The test taker enters his personal data
in the specified field. Here the test taker has to fill his name,
date of birth, e-mail, mobile number, address and gender. If
any one of the data is not filled, then a pop up window
displays for filling the data.
Test Status: The test status of the candidate who is
undertaking the test is displayed in this test status box. On
successful completion of the test, „PASS‟ message will be
displayed or else a „FAIL‟ message will be displayed.
System Status: Here the system status will be displayed i.e. It
displays the status of the test taken by the candidate. Here the
system first gets ready, initializes, monitors, save the report
and displays the report.
Test Taking:
Once the mandatory details are completed, then the test taker
can get ready for his test by entering the vehicle. On his word
the controller can press the „START‟ button on the software
interface. This will mark the commencement of the test (for
the controller at the PC interface, the LCD display will show
processing). If all goes well and the driver returns his car
safely without any deviations in the „H‟ (curved)track, press
the „STOP‟ button on the software interface. This will point
to the end of his test (for the controller at the PC interface, the
LCD display will show some indication). The candidate can
now get his result at the software interface as depicted below.
Fig. 3. Pass status displayed.
Fig. 4. Fail status displayed.
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2015
Fig.5. sensors in the circuit
Fig.6. Circuit placed near to
the Track
Fig.7. “OK ” displayed
Fig. 8. “FAIL” Displayed
There are three condition to get driving license. cover the complete path. not touch or hit the edges.
3.speed of the vehical must not to be zero.
When all these condition are satisfy then the pass result will
be displayed in the form of report, otherwise fail report will
be generated.
Fig. 9. Pass Report
Fig.10. Fail Report.
A Driving Licence test automation system using RF Module
based wireless acquisition is discussed. The usage of VB
based technology for skill ssessment in the automated driving
test process eliminates human intervention leaving no scope
for manipulation and negotiation. Hence we can say that the
system increases the level of transparency in the driving skill
test process and decreases the rate of corruption in the process
of issuing the driving license.
We take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude
and deep
regard to our project guide Mrs. Jyoti M. Waykule ,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering in Sou. Sushila D. Ghodawat char. Trust
Group of institution Atigre, Kolhapur,Maharashtra. for
her guidance and constant encouragement throughout the
course of the project.
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MRS. JyotiI M. Waykule. received her B.E degree in Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering from K.B.Patil college of engg, Satara
affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur,Maharashtra, India and her
M.Tech degree in Image Processing from Walchand College of Engineering
Sangli. affiliated to Shivaji University Kolhapur,Maharashtra, India .
Currently she is working as an Assistant Professor in the department of
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering in Sou. Sushila D.
Ghodawat char. Trust group of institution, Atigre, Kolhapur,Maharashtra.
Her research interest includes Image Processing. Till now she had published
four ieee paper.
Miss. Komal A. Margale. appearing B.E degree in
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Sou. Sushila D.
Ghodawat char. Trust group of institution, Atigre, Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.
Miss. Priyanka M. Pawale. appearing B.E degree in
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Sou. Sushila D.
Ghodawat char. Trust group of institution, Atigre, Kolhapur,Maharashtra.
affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.
Miss:. Amruta A. Patil. appearing B.E degree in
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Sou. Sushila D.
Ghodawat char. Trust group of institution, Atigre, Kolhapur,Maharashtra..
affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.