MyNavy Assignment FAQs - Last Updated: December 2019
MyNavy Assignment (MNA)
Frequently Asked Questions
Quick Links
General Information
Information for Users in Sailor Roles
Information for Active Duty/Full Time Support Users
Information for Selected Reserve (SELRES) Users
Questions & Answers
General Information:
What is the purpose of MNA?
When can I use MNA?
How do I update my personal information?
Can I save job information to my computer?
Why does the system sometimes work more slowly at the beginning of Apply phase?
Why is there a countdown clock on the left side of the menu bar?
How do I get help with MNA?
Information for Users in Sailor Roles:
How can I get more information on a command that I am interested in applying to?
Can I apply for jobs in MNA?
What’s the difference between Eligibility Gates and Flags?
What should I do if my application triggers a Gate or a Flag?
Why did I get an Application Status Gate?
What does “Make My Preference Light Green for this Job” mean?
Why is my Preference light yellow or red on a job that matches my preferences exactly?
When can I see my application and selection results?
MyNavy Assignment FAQs - Last Updated: December 2019
Information for Active Duty/Full Time Support Users:
What does “Prospective Location” mean on job search results?
Why did I get an Orders Negotiation Window Gate when I applied for a job?
What does it mean if I get a C-WAY Gate when I tried to apply for a job?
Why do I have to choose a Special Program option when I fill out my Duty Preferences?
My Personnel Detail page says I’ve been nominated to a Special Program. What does
this mean?
What does it mean when one of my applications has the status “Canceled”?
I applied for a job and my result is “Posted.” What does this mean?
Once I’ve been selected and posted, where can I find the status of my orders?
Information for Selected Reserves (SELRES) Users:
Why is there a PRD Modification notice on my Home page?
I just tried to submit an application. Why did I get a PRD Gate?
I’m currently cross-assigned and would prefer a local assignment. Can I apply for a
SELRES billet at my current location, even though I’m not in the PRD window
Can MNA help me maintain my current billet but be assigned to a different TRUIC? I
applied for a job and my result is “Candidate.” What does this mean?
MyNavy Assignment FAQs - Last Updated: December 2019
General Information:
What is the purpose of MNA?
MNA is a web-based application that allows Sailors to research and apply for jobs and
to communicate their career goals and assignment preferences to Career Counselors
and Detailers. In MNA, representatives from prospective Commands review and
comment on Sailor applications, and Detailers review applications and make selections.
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When can I use MNA?
Except for designated maintenance periods, MNA is available 24/7 for users to log in,
but not all capabilities are available at all times. Sailors can view their Personnel Detail
page or update their contact information whenever the system allows them to log in, but
they can view jobs and submit applications only during a specified period each month.
System status indicators on the login page and under the menu display the system’s
current phase. To plan your use of MNA, consult the Active/FTS or Reserve Schedule
(accessible from the login page or the Help tab).
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How do I update my personal information?
The only information that every user can update within MNA is the contact information
that is displayed on the User Profile, which is accessible from the Home menu. Sailors
can also update contact information on their Personnel Detail page. However, the other
information on your Personnel Detail page cannot be edited in MNAnot even by the
Help Deskbecause MNA is not the Navy’s official system for managing personnel
If any of the non-editable information in your Personnel Detail or professional history is
incorrect, consult your Career Counselor, local Personnel Office, or servicing Personnel
Support Detachment for guidance on having the corrections made in the appropriate
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Can I save job information to my computer?
Many lists and search results can be saved in Microsoft Excel format. For Sailors, these
include job searches and application history. Conduct your job search or visit your
application history page as usual, scroll to the bottom of the list, and click the “Save As
Excel” button. Follow the on-screen instructions to open or save the file.
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MyNavy Assignment FAQs - Last Updated: December 2019
Why does the system sometimes work more slowly at the beginning of the Apply
Although applicants are not selected for jobs on a first-come-first-served basis, many
Sailors want to be the first to apply. Therefore, the system usually has a large number of
users on the first day of the application phase, causing it to respond more slowly than
usual, especially to afloat users. To avoid the slow-down, you may want to wait a few
days before submitting applications. Almost all advertised jobs will remain available for
applications until the beginning of the Selection phase, and there is no advantage to
being the first to apply.
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Why is there a countdown clock on the left side of the menu bar?
For security purposes, the system logs each user out after 15 minutes of inactivity. The
countdown clock serves as a session timer to let you know how much time is left before
the system will log you off. If you want to stay logged in, take an action in the system,
such as navigating to another page or reloading the current page. A 2-minute warning
pop-up lets you know when your time is almost up.
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How do I get help with MNA?
The Help tab contains a link to the MNA Tutorial, a “how-to” guide that provides
instructions and demonstrations on using MNA. For specific questions about or
problems with the system, you may also contact
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MyNavy Assignment FAQs - Last Updated: December 2019
Information for Users in Sailor Roles:
How can I get information on a Command that I am interested in applying to?
MNA offers information pages for commands to list their Chain of Command, contact
information, and other important data, including a link to the Command’s web site, if one
exists. To view an information page, click the Command’s highlighted UIC wherever it
appears in the system, or search for the UIC number or name on the Help tab.
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Can Sailors apply for jobs in MNA?
Whether Active Duty, Full Time Support, or SELRES, Sailors who are within their
Orders Negotiation Window can submit their own applications for most advertised jobs.
In addition, Career Counselors and Detailers can submit applications on behalf of
Sailors. To apply for a job, use the Apply button in job lists or the Proceed to Application
button at the bottom of a Job Detail page.
If the job match would violate Navy policy, as evidenced by the display of a red eligibility
light, the application will be canceled by an Eligibility Gate. In some cases, such as a
missing Career Waypoint-Reenlistment status, you will not be allowed to complete any
applications until the situation is resolved. (Read more about Eligibility Gates in the next
Detailers may be able to assist Sailors whose application was stopped by an Eligibility
Gate, but Career Counselors cannot override a gate.
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What’s the difference between Eligibility Gates and Flags?
An Eligibility Gate is displayed when you attempt to apply for a job for which Navy
distribution policy would prevent you from being selected, based on the current status of
the data in your record. Gates ensure that you do not waste any of your five
applications. When you encounter a Gate in the application process, you will not be
allowed to continue with the submission. Read the Gate notice carefully, and if you think
there is an error, contact your Detailer to discuss the problem.
An Eligibility Flag provides additional information that you need to know about your
match to the job, such as an issue that could potentially disqualify you for assignment.
In some cases, the flag lets you know that an administrative action (such as a screening
or a security clearance update) must be completed prior to order writing. A Flag will not
prevent you from submitting an application, but it does warn you that additional action
may be needed in order for you to be assigned.
Descriptions of each Gate and Flag are available on the MNA page of the NPC web
MyNavy Assignment FAQs - Last Updated: December 2019
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What should I do if my application triggers a Gate or a Flag?
Read the description that accompanies each Gate or Flag. If only Flags are triggered,
you may proceed with your application, but take note of any actions required on your
part. With either Gates or Flags, if corrective action is needed (such as updating
Security Clearance or getting C-WAY approval), consult with your Career Counselor or
other leadership as soon as possible. If your application triggers a Gate and you believe
the Gate was received in error or the issue can be resolved, contact your Detailer to
discuss your options.
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What does “Make My Preference Light Green for this Job” mean?
When you submit a job application, Detailers and prospective Command reps who
review your application can also see your Qualification Match Indicators. If you apply for
a job that doesn’t match your selected Duty Preferences, your Preference Match may
be yellow or red, even though you may really want this particular job. You can use the
“Make My Preference Light Green for this Job” option to indicate your desire for the job
without changing your overall Duty Preferences.
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Why is my Preference light yellow or red on a job that matches my preferences
The Qualification Match Indicators are pre-calculated based on your preference settings
as they existed before the beginning of the current requisition cycle. If you have
updated your preferences since then, select the option to “Compute Scores” to update
the Preference Match.
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When can I see my application and selection results?
Immediately after the Selection phase is over each month (see the MNA Schedule),
application results are viewable on the Results page under the Applications tab. Starting
with the next cycle after the selection, they are also viewable on your Sailor Home
Page. In addition, you can view your complete application history using the menu item
under the Applications tab.
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MyNavy Assignment FAQs - Last Updated: December 2019
Information for Active Duty/Full Time Support Users:
What does “Prospective Location” mean on job search results?
This field lets you know if the listed command is scheduled for a change of homeport in
the near future (usually within the next nine months). This information can help you
make an informed decision about whether to apply for a job at that command.
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Why did I get an Orders Negotiation Window Gate when I applied for a job?
According to Navy Policy, you can submit applications only during a specific period of
time before your Projected Rotation Date (PRD). The system will not accept
applications from you before or after this window of time. It is important for you to
maintain contact with your Detailer when you are nearing the end of a tour so that you
will be aware of all your options.
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What does it mean if I get a C-WAY Gate when I try to submit a job application?
At various points of your career, you are required to have approval through the Career
Waypoints (C-WAY) system to reenlist and to apply for jobs. C-WAY auto-generates
applications for Sailors, and if your application has been processed, you will see the
results on your Personnel Detail page in the Support Information section. If you receive
a C-WAY application gate and you are in your Orders Negotiation Window, contact your
Command Career Counselor to find out how to proceed.
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Why do I have to choose a Special Program option when I fill out my Duty
Special Programs preferences in MNA allow you to state whether you are interested in a
specialized assignment such as Recruiting, Littoral Combat Ship, or Joint Placement.
Detailers can then search for you according to your preference, and if you pass initial
screening, your Rating Detailer may nominate you to a Special Program (see next
FAQ). Please note that expressing an interest in a Special Program in your duty
preferences is not a guarantee that you will be selected for one. You can also specify
that you are not interested in Special Programs.
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MyNavy Assignment FAQs - Last Updated: December 2019
My Personnel Detail page says I’ve been nominated to a Special Program. What
does this mean?
Special Programs jobs require screening and are managed outside the regular detailing
process. Your Rating Detailer releases you to be screened for a Special Program by
nominating you in MNA. While you are a nominee, you cannot apply for jobs. Soon
after you are nominated, the Special Programs Detailer should contact you to begin the
screening process and should maintain contact until you are assigned to a Special
Programs job or returned to your Rating Detailer for assignment.
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What does it mean if one of my applications has the status “Canceled”?
Fleet manning requirements sometimes change after jobs are advertised, and a job that
was valid in the beginning of the requisition cycle may be withdrawn. If this happens,
you may receive a notification from your Detailer or your CCC so that you can submit
another application to replace the canceled one.
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I applied for a job and now my result is “Posted.” What does this mean?
“Posted” means that you have provisionally been selected for the job. However, it may
be several weeks or months before you have orders in hand, and in some cases
adjustments may need to be made in your assignment before you are transferred.
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Once I’ve been selected and posted, where can I find the status of my orders?
Access your Personnel Detail page and locate “PCS Order Status” in the Professional
Information section. Your status will be one of the following:
Being Written: The order writing process has begun.
Under Review: Orders have been generated and are in an edit/review process
prior to release.
Orders Released: If a Date Time Group (DTG) of orders is shown along with this
status, your orders are complete. Generally, once you see a status of “Orders
Released” it will be only be a day or two before the DTG is added.
Blank: Once you have been selected for your next assignment, your PCS Orders
Status should not be blank until you have transferred to your new command.
Should a blank status occur under these circumstances, contact your Detailer.
Note: Depending upon budgetary constraints the order writing process may take several
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MyNavy Assignment FAQs - Last Updated: December 2019
Information for Selected Reserve (SELRES) Users:
Why is there a PRD Modification notice on my Home page?
If you want to stay in your current billet instead of applying for another job when your
current PRD is approaching, you may use MNA during the Apply phase to request a
modification to your PRD. If you request an extension and change your mind before it is
processed, you may withdraw your request.
Note: PRD Modifications are not offered to personnel in IAP status.
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I just tried to submit an application. Why did I get a PRD Gate?
Until August 2012, SELRES users could submit an application even if they were not in
the normal orders negotiation window. Now you must demonstrate a compelling reason,
such as family relocation or a change from cross-assignment to local assignment, to be
placed in another assignment before the regular negotiation window.
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I’m currently cross-assigned and would prefer a local assignment. Can I apply for
a SELRES billet at my current location, even though I’m not in the PRD window?
Yes, if you are cross-assigned and want to be locally assigned, MNA allows you to
request a local assignment. This request, made from your Home Page, stays in effect
until canceled, and it allows you to submit an application to a unit that is local to you.
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Can I maintain my current billet but be assigned to a different TRUIC?
Possibly, but your Command Career Counselor (CCC) will need to evaluate your
situation and determine how to proceed. If a TRUIC reassignment is required, the CCC
can request one for you in MNA. Requesting a TRUIC change no longer prevents you
from submitting applications.
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I applied for a job and my result is “Candidate.” What does this mean?
The job you applied for allows selection of multiple candidates for special screening.
After you are selected as a candidate, you will receive a notification on your home page,
letting you know that you should contact your CCC to start the screening process
ASAP. While in candidacy status, you will be unable to submit any further applications.
You may request to withdraw your candidacy at any time, but you will still not be able to
submit applications until you are released from candidacy. In addition, you will be
MyNavy Assignment FAQs - Last Updated: December 2019
released from candidacy if your screening is unsatisfactory or if another candidate is
selected for the job. After you are released from candidacy status, you are free to
submit more applications. If your screening goes well and you are selected for the job,
the application’s status will change to “Selected,” and you will receive orders as you
would for any other job.
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