1. Complaints/Grievances
Texas Tech University has various procedures for addressing written student
complaints/grievances. Students may seek assistance from the Office of the Dean of Students
as they go through a written complaint/grievance process. The Office of the Dean of
Students helps students understand all of the steps of the process as well as what information
they may want to include in their written complaint/grievance.
2. Academic Status Complaints
Policies and processes related to academic status are found in the Undergraduate/Graduate
Academic Catalog as well as in Operating Policy 34.07 Undergraduate Academic Status,
Operating Policy 34.15 Grade Replacement Policy, and Operating Policy 64.04 Academic
Probation and Suspension of Graduate Students.
3. Complaints against Faculty (Non-Grading and Non-Discrimination) Conduct of
University Faculty is outlined in Operating Policy 32.04 Conduct of University Faculty.
The processes for complaints against faculty are outlined in the policy and in the
Undergraduate/Graduate Academic Catalog. Students should direct complaints to the
supervisor of the department or organization housing the faculty member, typically the
department chair.
4. Conduct Complaints against Other Students and Student Organizations The
Code of Student Conduct Part I, Section C and Section D of the TTU Student
Handbook outlines the process for filing a conduct complaint against a student or
student organization.
5. Disability-Related Complaints
Complaints related to disabilities are guided by Operating Policy 40.04 Access for
Individuals with Disabilities and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and
Operating Policy 34.22 Establishing Reasonable Accommodation for Students with
Any students seeking remedy on the basis of a disability must register as a disabled
student with Student Disability Services and must provide all required documentation of
a disability. Students who are denied services or denied a specific accommodation
request by a Student Disability Services counselor may appeal the decision to the
Managing Director of Student Disability Services. The ADA Campus Coordinator for
Students is the Managing Director of Student Disability Services, 335 West Hall, (806)
Students who wish to appeal the decision beyond the Managing Director of Student
Disability Services can appeal to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs. The Vice Provost
for Student Affairs will be the final decision.
6. Student Record Complaints & FERPA
Guidelines governing student access to personal records and the procedures for challenging
information in these records are contained in the student records policy that is detailed in the
Student Handbook Part II, section P. The Registrar’s Office provides oversight for student
records and student record complaints.
7. Disciplinary Action
The University disciplinary appeals process is outlined in the Student Handbook Part I, section
C. Conduct Procedures relating to the School of Law Honor Code violations are contained in the
Honor Code of the School of Law. School of Law Students are also subject to the code of
student conduct. Procedures relating to the School of Medicine, School of Nursing and the
School of Health Professions are contained in the School of Medicine Student Handbooks,
School of Nursing Student Handbook, and the School of Health Professions Student Handbooks.
8. Employment
A student wishing to pursue a grievance concerning employment with the University and who
has not found satisfaction or resolution with their immediate supervisor or the person in charge
of that department may contact Human Resources or the Office of Equal Employment
Opportunity in accordance with the grievance procedures outlined in the University Operating
Policy 70.10 Non-Faculty Employee Complaint Procedures and Operating Policy 40.02
(formerly 70.28) Anti-Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedure for Violations of
Employment and Other Laws.
9. Grades
The instructor assigned to a course has the responsibility for determining a grade and for judging
the quality of academic performance. A grade can be formally appealed only when there is
demonstrable evidence that prejudice, arbitrary or capricious action on the part of the instructor
has influenced the grade. The burden of proof that such an unfair influence has affected a grade
rests with the student who appeals the grade. The complete student grade appeal policy and
procedure is listed in Operating Policy 34.03 Student Grade Appeal. A copy of the grade appeal
procedures may be obtained from any academic college dean’s office or from the Office of the
Provost. Also, refer to the Student Handbook Part I, section B.1 (Academic Misconduct).
10. Parking Citations
Students may appeal a campus parking citation online at
Transportation & Parking Services rules and a description of the three-tiered appeals
process is described in the Traffic and Parking Regulations available online at
11. Graduate School Requirements
Graduate student complaints related to academic standing and performance follow
processes outlined in Operating Policy 64.07 Graduate Student Appeals. Such matters
include, but are not limited to, disputes concerning comprehensive and qualifying
examinations, theses and dissertations, academic probation and suspension, and graduate
Appeals of course grades are made through the dean of the college in which the course
is offered and are guided by process in Operating Policy 34.03 Student Grade Appeal.
12. Housing Complaints
Housing regulations and processes are provided annually in the University Student Housing
Contract Guide, on the University Student Housing website. University Student Housing
oversees the resolution of complaints related to student housing.
13. Online and Distance Student Complaints
Students enrolled in distance learning courses utilize the same complaint procedures as
students enrolled in traditional courses. In accordance with the Higher Education
Opportunities Act of 2008, Texas Tech University provides a website related to enrollment
in distributed education courses or programs and complaint processes for filing with the
accrediting agency and other appropriate state agencies at
14. Tuition, Fee, and Financial Aid Complaints
Tuition, fee, and financial aid complaints are guided by Student Business Services and
Student Financial Aid processes. Information is available on both department websites.
Students with complaints related to tuition, fee, and financial aid may submit concerns
through an online system.