Creating and Sending the Offer / Updated 4/15/2022 / Page 1 of 14
After the candidate verbally accepts the terms of an offer, you will create the offer letter using the appropriate template
available on the recruitment toolkit. You are now ready to create the offer process in TREMS.
The offer process requires two applicant status changes: 1) a move to ‘Verbal offer’ and 2) a move to ‘Online offer
made. You must move the selected candidate to ‘Verbal offer’ status, complete the Offer Card and receive Offer Card
approval, before moving to ‘Online offer made’ status.
A tip as you work through the offer card - pay attention to the light gray text for helpful hints on how to accurately
complete the fields.
DO NOT use the bulk move feature when moving to ‘Verbal offer.Always open the applicant card for
each individual receiving an offer. Using bulk removes critical information from the offer card.
1. Open the applicant card for the selected candidate.
2. Click on the status to begin the offer card creation:
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3. Select Verbal offer and click Next.
4. Confirm this status and date. In the ‘Note’ section, please indicate division approval to proceed with faculty and/or
essential employee offer. Then click ‘Move now.
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5. This will bring up the Offer Card. Fill in all fields marked with an asterisk. This includes the title you have chosen,
start date, end date (if applicable), FTE, salary/pay and probation type.
6. The Selected title and title code field automatically populates with the official title(s) from JEMS. Delete titles that do
not apply. DO NOT edit the selected title and title code! (This means no extra spaces, letters, numbers, or special
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7. Select the start date by clicking the calendar icon. If the appointment is terminal, select the end date. The end date
must match PVL.
8. Enter the FTE. The FTE should be entered as a whole number and not a decimal. For example, a 1.0 FTE should be
entered as 100.
9. Enter the pay rate in the correct field.
10. Choose the appropriate probation period type from the dropdown menu. A probation period is not required for
temporary (TE), Limited (LI) or Faculty (FA) employment classifications.
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11. Indicate if a background check and/or I-9 is required.
12. Select the ‘New employee details - New start form’ from the ‘New starter form’ dropdown menu. Then select
‘General onboarding’ from the ‘Onboarding workflow’ dropdown menu.
13. The Reports to Manager will automatically populate from the Job Card. If the Reports to Manager has changed, click
the Erase icon and enter the name of Reports to Manager. Use the Search icon to search for the name if necessary.
14. The Onboarding Coordinator will automatically populate with Reports to Manager name. Update to reflect the name
of the onboarding coordinator in the unit. Click the Erase icon and the enter name of the Onboarding Coordinator.
Use the Search icon to search for the name if necessary.
15. The ‘Offer progress’ fields are system generated and default to No. Do not edit these fields.
Creating and Sending the Offer / Updated 4/15/2022 / Page 6 of 14
On the Offer Card, you will add all the documents associated with the offer. Documents include the offer letter and offer
letter attachment, as well as any other necessary documents such as a copy of the position description, Academic Staff
Policies and Procedures or Faculty Appointments Links to Policies.
1. Standard documents including the Offer Letter Attachment, Academic Staff Policies and Procedures and Faculty
Appointments Links to Policies are stored in TREMS and available to merge to the offer card. Always use these
documents to ensure you attach the most current version. To merge the document(s), click Merge Document. A
screen will appear asking you to save the offer card before the merge can occur. Click OK.
2. Select the additional documents needed. And click Merge.
3. To attach the Offer Letter and any additional documents you wish to include, click on Add document.
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4. The ‘Upload a new document’ screen populates.
5. Click on Upload file and select the offer letter from your computer. The document category will default to Offer
Contracts do not change the document category. Only documents in the category of ‘Offer Contracts’ are viewable
by the selected candidate within their applicant account.
Enter a title for the document in the ‘Title’ field (This is the name of the document that the recipient will see. It is a good
practice to use a specific title that will make sense to the recipient. This can be different than the actual file name.) Once
you have selected and titled your document, click on ‘Save and close.’ If you have additional documents, click on ‘Save
and add another.’
6. Review the documents listed in the Offer documents section. Ensure these are all the documents you want the
individual to receive. If you want to review the document to double-check it is correct, click on View. The ‘Delete
button will remove the document.
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7. Once you have completed the Offer Card, choose your division’s approval process from the dropdown list.
8. The approval process for your division will automatically populate. Fill in the name(s) of the required approver(s) by
clicking on the search icon.
9. Once you click Save you will receive this message. Click OK if you want to initiate the approval process.
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10. After clicking the ‘Ok’ button, you will be redirected back to the offer card.
If you are the department approver, click the ‘Approve’ button. This action will send an automatic communication to the
Division Approver to approve or decline the offer.
Click on ‘Save and close.’ An automatic communication will be sent to the approver(s) to approve or decline the offer.
If you are the division approver, you can access the offer from your dashboard by clicking on the ‘Offers awaiting your
approval’ link.
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11. Click on ‘View’ to review the offer card.
12. The offer card will appear in a pop-up window. Review the details entered on the offer card. If changes need to be
made, click on the ‘Decline’ button to send the offer back to the department level for edits. Once the edits are
complete, the department will re-initiate the approval process. If the details are approved, click the ‘Approve
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There may be times you need to get back into the offer details and make changes after the offer card has been saved or
approved. To get back into the offer card, open the applicant card and click on the Offer incomplete link. DO NOT
change the applicant’s status back to ‘Verbal offer’ to reopen the offer.
Only when the offer card has been approved and negotiations are finalized, you are ready to send the offer to the
1. Open the applicant card and change the status to Online offer made and click on Next.
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2. This will bring up the template communication that will be emailed to the selected candidate. This template uses
merge fields that automatically include the job title, number, your name and email address. You can also choose to
customize the message and include additional users from the Job. Once the communication is set, click on Move
now to send the email to the applicant.
Creating and Sending the Offer / Updated 4/15/2022 / Page 13 of 14
1. The selected candidate will log into their account to accept or decline the offer, as well as review all documents, by
clicking on View Offer.
2. The selected candidate must open each document and click the box, “I have read and agreed to the terms of the
offer” before the ‘I accept’ button will be available to select.
3. Once the offer is accepted or declined, you will receive an automated communication notifying you of the offer’s
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4. When the candidate accepts the offer, they are immediately redirected to the New Employee starter form. Some
information from this form flows into JEMS Hire.
5. You will receive a communication when the candidate has completed the New Employee starter form. You must
wait until the new starter form information flows into JEMS Hire to finish making the hire!