Gail Stein, MA
Retired foreign language instructor
and author, Intermediate Spanish
For Dummies
Cecie Kraynak, MA
Spanish instructor and author,
Spanish Verbs For Dummies
The basics of Spanish grammar and
sentence construction
How to conjugate regular,
irregular, and stem-changing
To express ideas about the past,
present, and future
Making Everything Easier!
Open the book and find:
The parts of speech
How to determine a nouns
How to use de” to show
How to select the correct
Rules for making adjectives agree
Tips for asking and answering
yes/no questions
Ways to spice up your
Ten important verb distinctions
Gail Stein, MA, was a foreign language
instructor for more than 30 years and
wrote Intermediate Spanish For Dummies.
Cecie Kraynak, MA, is a Spanish teacher
and authored Spanish Verbs For Dummies.
Foreign Language/Spanish
$9.99 US / $11.99 CN / £6.99 UK
ISBN 978-0-470-63751-7
Go to
for videos, step-by-step photos,
how-to articles, or to shop!
If you have some knowledge of Spanish and need a
refresher or want a quick reference for grammar and
verb conjugation, Spanish Essentials For Dummies
contains what you need to communicate effectively.
With its focus on everything from constructing
sentences to conjugating verbs, this easy-to-follow
guide will help you ace writing assignments and tests,
and master conversations.
Spanish 101 — get the lowdown on the basics,
from expressing the date and time to counting
to one million
The here and now — learn how to communicate
in the present tense with verbs and subject
pronouns, and how to form the present
Way back when — get guidance on working with
the past tense, including hints about when to use
the preterit and when to use the imperfect
What lies ahead — discover the different ways
to express the future, whether you need to form
the future tense of a regular verb or just want to
predict what may happen
Presenting the core concepts
you need to write and
speak Spanish correctly
Spanish Essentials
Gail Stein, MA
Retired foreign language instructor
and author, Intermediate Spanish
For Dummies
Cecie Kraynak, MA
Spanish instructor and author,
Spanish Verbs For Dummies
The basics of Spanish grammar and
sentence construction
How to conjugate regular,
irregular, and stem-changing
To express ideas about the past,
present, and future
Making Everything Easier!
by Gail Stein, MA, and
CecieKraynak, MA
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
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About the Authors
Gail Stein, MA, is a retired language instructor who taught
in New York City public junior and senior high schools for
more than 33 years. She has authored many French and
Spanish books, including CliffsQuickReview French I and II,
CliffsStudySolver Spanish I and II, 575+ French Verbs, Webster’s
Spanish Grammar Handbook, and Intermediate Spanish For
Dummies. Gail is a multiple-time honoree in Who’s Who Among
America’s Teachers.
Cecie Kraynak, MA, earned her bachelor’s degree in Spanish
and secondary education in literature from Purdue University,
and also received her master’s degree in Spanish literature
from Purdue. After graduating in 1983, Cecie began what was
to become a 20-year career teaching Spanish to junior-high and
high-school students. She continues to teach and travel and
has served as a consultant on several Spanish learning guides,
including Teach Yourself Spanish in 24 Hours (MacMillan) and
Spanish for Healthcare Professionals (Barron’s). She is the
author of Spanish Verbs For Dummies (Wiley).
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Contents at a Glance
Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1: Brushing Up on the Basics .................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap ....................................................... 19
Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present.............................................. 43
Chapter 4: Spicing Up Your Descriptions with Adjectives,
Adverbs, and Prepositions .............................................................. 67
Chapter 5: Making Inquiries ................................................................... 89
Chapter 6: Revealing the Past .............................................................. 103
Chapter 7: Looking to the Future ........................................................ 121
Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods ..................................................... 127
Chapter 9: Ten Important Verb Distinctions ..................................... 151
Appendix: Verb Charts ......................................................................... 157
Index........................................................................................................ 169
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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
About This Book ........................................................................ 1
Conventions Used in This Book ............................................... 2
Foolish Assumptions ................................................................. 2
Icons Used in This Book ............................................................ 2
Where to Go from Here ............................................................. 3
Chapter 1: Brushing Up on the Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Counting Down ........................................................................... 5
Using cardinal numbers .................................................. 5
Using ordinal numbers .................................................... 8
Dealing with Dates ..................................................................... 9
Expressing the days of the week ................................... 9
Naming the months of the year ................................... 10
Making a date ................................................................. 11
Telling Time .............................................................................. 12
Focusing on Parts of Speech................................................... 14
Using nouns .................................................................... 15
Substituting pronouns .................................................. 16
Acting with verbs ........................................................... 16
Describing with adjectives ........................................... 17
Clarifying with adverbs ................................................. 17
Joining with prepositions ............................................. 18
Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Being Specific with Definite Articles ...................................... 19
Identifying the definite articles .................................... 20
Using definite articles.................................................... 20
Omitting the definite articles ....................................... 22
Contracting with definite articles ................................ 22
Being General with Indefinite Articles ................................... 22
Identifying the indefinite articles ................................. 23
Omitting indefinite articles ........................................... 23
Being Demonstrative with Adjectives ................................... 24
Clarifying Gender ..................................................................... 25
Determining the gender of nouns ................................ 26
Reversing gender ........................................................... 26
Using the same noun for both genders ....................... 27
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Changing the meaning of nouns................................... 28
Understanding special nouns ....................................... 28
Forming Plural Nouns .............................................................. 29
Showing Possession................................................................. 31
Using de .......................................................................... 31
Employing possessive adjectives ................................ 32
Substituting with Object Pronouns ....................................... 33
Dealing with direct object pronouns........................... 33
Understanding the personal a ...................................... 34
Coping with indirect object pronouns ........................ 35
Choosing the proper pronoun ..................................... 36
Doing an about face with gustar .................................. 38
Positioning object pronouns ........................................ 39
Doing double duty ......................................................... 41
Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Identifying Types of Verbs ...................................................... 43
Selecting Subject Pronouns .................................................... 44
Using subject pronouns ................................................ 45
Omitting subject pronouns .......................................... 47
Communicating in the Present Tense ................................... 48
Defining regular verbs ................................................... 48
Changing verb stems ..................................................... 50
Changing the spelling of verbs ..................................... 54
Double or nothing: Verbs with two changes .............. 55
Using irregular verbs ..................................................... 56
Expressing yourself with irregular verbs ................... 58
Recognizing reflexive verbs.......................................... 60
Making Progress with the Present Progressive ................... 63
Understanding present participles .............................. 63
Using estar to form the present progressive ............. 66
Chapter 4: Spicing Up Your Descriptions with
Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Adding Color with Adjectives ................................................. 67
Making adjectives agree................................................ 68
Positioning adjectives ................................................... 72
Shortening certain adjectives ...................................... 73
Describing Actions with Adverbs .......................................... 74
Forming adverbs ............................................................ 74
Positioning of adverbs .................................................. 76
Making Comparisons ............................................................... 77
Spanish Essentials For Dummies
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Table of Contents
Expressing equality ....................................................... 77
Comparisons of inequality............................................ 77
Best of all: The superlative ........................................... 78
Irregular comparatives ................................................. 78
The absolute superlative .............................................. 79
Linking with Prepositions ....................................................... 80
Selecting the correct preposition ................................ 81
Using prepositions with verbs ..................................... 84
Using the right pronoun after a preposition .............. 87
Chapter 5: Making Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
Posing a Yes/No Question....................................................... 89
Intonation ....................................................................... 90
The tags “¿No es verdad?” and “¿Está bien?” ............. 90
Inversion ......................................................................... 91
Responding to a Yes/No Question ......................................... 92
Being positive ................................................................. 92
Being negative ................................................................ 92
Obtaining the Facts .................................................................. 95
Using interrogative adjectives ..................................... 96
Getting information with interrogative adverbs ........ 97
Employing interrogative pronouns ............................. 98
Providing Information ............................................................. 99
Chapter 6: Revealing the Past . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
Living in the Past .................................................................... 103
Forming the preterit of regular verbs ....................... 104
Forming the preterit of spelling change verbs ......... 105
Verbs with stem changes ............................................ 107
Forming the preterit of irregular verbs..................... 108
Using the preterit ......................................................... 111
Looking Back with the Imperfect ......................................... 112
Forming the imperfect of regular verbs .................... 112
Forming the imperfect of irregular verbs ................. 113
Using the imperfect ..................................................... 114
Choosing the Preterit or the Imperfect ............................... 115
Signaling the preterit ................................................... 116
Signaling the imperfect ............................................... 116
Creating the Present Perfect ................................................ 117
Forming the present perfect....................................... 117
Using the present perfect ........................................... 119
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Chapter 7: Looking to the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Talking about the Future without Using
the Future Tense ................................................................ 121
Using the present to express the future ................... 121
Expressing the near future ......................................... 122
Mastering the Future Tense .................................................. 122
Forming the future of regular verbs .......................... 123
Forming the future of irregular verbs ....................... 124
Using the Future to Foretell, Predict, and Wonder ............ 126
Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
Giving Commands with the Imperative Mood .................... 128
Forming commands with Ud. and Uds. ..................... 128
Forming commands with tú and vosotros................ 129
Forming the let’s command ........................................ 131
Forming the Present Subjunctive ......................................... 132
Creating the present subjunctive of regular verbs ....132
Working with verbs irregular in the yo form ........... 133
Tackling verbs with spelling changes ....................... 134
Coping with stem changes .......................................... 136
Understanding verbs with both spelling and
stemchanges ............................................................ 138
Conjugating irregular verbs........................................ 139
Using the Present Subjunctive ............................................. 139
Expressing your desires, needs, or doubts .............. 141
Demonstrating feelings or emotions ......................... 143
Employing impersonal expressions .......................... 144
Using relative clauses.................................................. 146
Playing with the Present Perfect Subjunctive .................... 147
Making Actions Conditional.................................................. 147
Forming the conditional of regular verbs ................. 148
Exploring verbs with irregular conditional forms ......149
Using the conditional .................................................. 150
Chapter 9: Ten Important Verb Distinctions . . . . . . . . .151
Ser versus Estar ..................................................................... 151
Saber versus Conocer ........................................................... 152
Tomar versus Llevar .............................................................. 153
Deber versus Tener Que ....................................................... 154
Preguntar versus Pedir ......................................................... 154
Jugar versus Tocar ................................................................ 154
Gastar versus Pasar ............................................................... 154
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Table of Contents
Dejar versus Salir ................................................................... 155
Volver versus Devolver ......................................................... 155
Poder versus Saber ................................................................ 155
Appendix: Verb Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157
Regular Verbs ......................................................................... 157
-ar verbs ........................................................................ 157
-er verbs ........................................................................ 158
-ir verbs ......................................................................... 158
Stem-Changing Verbs ............................................................ 159
-ar verbs ........................................................................ 159
-er verbs ........................................................................ 160
-ir verbs ......................................................................... 160
-uir verbs (except -guir) .............................................. 161
-eer verbs ...................................................................... 161
-iar verbs ....................................................................... 162
-uar verbs ...................................................................... 162
Spelling-Change Verbs ........................................................... 162
-car verbs ...................................................................... 162
-gar verbs ...................................................................... 163
-zar verbs ...................................................................... 163
Consonant + -cer or -cir verbs .................................... 163
Vowel + -cer or -cir verbs ............................................ 164
-ger or -gir verbs........................................................... 164
-uir verbs ....................................................................... 165
Irregular Verbs ....................................................................... 165
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
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s someone who’s studying Spanish, you want to write
and speak correctly and to master the many different
verb tenses and conjugations. Spanish Essentials For Dummies
can help you reach your goals painlessly and effortlessly as
you enhance your Spanish language skills.
Spanish Essentials For Dummies presents you with all the
grammar you need to know to communicate clearly. With
the help of this book, you’ll be ready to have a conversation
about topics besides your name and the weather! And that’s
something to be proud of.
About This Book
Spanish Essentials For Dummies is a reference book for people
who have some knowledge of the fundamentals of Spanish. If
you want to get up to speed with language structures so that
you can communicate comfortably and proficiently, this book
is for you.
Each chapter presents a different topic that allows you to
practice your communication skills. We include plenty of
examples to guide you through the rules so you’re exposed
to colloquial, everyday, correct Spanish that native speakers
expect to hear from someone using Spanish. For example,
the Spanish language has its individual idioms and idiomatic
expressions that give it color and flair. Here’s a quick exam-
ple: To say that it’s sunny outside in Spanish, you remark,
Hace sol. The literal English translation of this expression
is It is making sun. Even my dear old grandma wouldn’t have
spoken English like that! Well, make sure you don’t speak
Spanish that way, either.
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Conventions Used in This Book
In order to highlight the most important information and to
help you navigate this book more easily, we’ve set up several
Spanish terms and sentences, as well as endings we want
to highlight, are set in boldface to make them stand out.
English equivalents, set in italics, follow the Spanish
We use many abbreviations throughout the book. Don’t let
them throw you. For instance, you may find the following:
fem.: feminine
masc.: masculine
sing.: singular
pl.: plural
Foolish Assumptions
When writing this book, we made the following assumptions:
You have some knowledge of the fundamentals of
Spanish grammar. You’re looking for the opportunity to
review what you’ve already mastered and are intent on
moving forward to new areas of knowledge.
You want a book that’s complete but isn’t so advanced
that you get lost in the rules. We try to explain the rules
as clearly as possible without using too many grammati-
cal terms.
You’re boning up on Spanish verbs for your own edifica-
tion, or your son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter,
niece, nephew, or special someone is studying Spanish
and you want to help even though you haven’t looked at
a verb conjugation for years.
Icons Used in This Book
Icons are those cute little drawings on the left side of the page
that call out for your attention. They signal a particularly valu-
able piece of information. Here’s a list of the icons in this book:
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Remember icons call your attention to important information
about the language — something you shouldn’t neglect or
something that’s out of the ordinary. Don’t ignore these
Tip icons present time-saving information that makes commu-
nication quick and effective. If you want to know the proper
way to do things, check out the Tip icons first.
The Warning icon points out certain differences between
English and Spanish that you may find confusing. If you want
to know how Spanish constructions differ from those in
English, these are the paragraphs you need to consult.
Where to Go from Here
One great thing about For Dummies books is that you don’t
have to read them chapter by chapter from the very begin-
ning to the (not-so) bitter end. Each chapter stands on its own
and doesn’t require that you complete any of the other chap-
ters in the book. This setup saves you a lot of time if you’ve
mastered certain topics but feel a bit insecure about others.
So, jump right in. Get your feet wet. If you’re not sure exactly
where to begin, take a good look at the table of contents and
select the topic that seems to best fit your abilities and needs.
If you’re concerned that your background may not be strong
enough, you can start at the very beginning and work your
way through the book.
Keep in mind that studying Spanish isn’t a contest. Work at
a pace that best suits your needs. Don’t hesitate to read a
chapter a second, third, or even a fourth time several days
later. You can easily adapt this book to your learning abilities.
Remember, too, that you need to have a positive, confident
attitude. Yes, you’ll make mistakes. Everyone does — as a
matter of fact, many native Spanish speakers do all the time.
Your main goal should be to write and speak as well as you
can; if you trip up and conjugate a verb incorrectly or use the
feminine form of an adjective rather than the masculine form,
it isn’t the end of the world. If you can make yourself under-
stood, you’ve won the greatest part of the battle.
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Chapter 1
Brushing Up on the Basics
In This Chapter
Counting with cardinal and ordinal numbers
Expressing dates
Telling time
Reviewing parts of speech
nowing numbers, expressing dates, relating the time
of day, and recognizing parts of speech are essential
Spanish skills you need in everyday life. Surely, the ability
to communicate numbers, times, and dates is completely
indispensable to you on a daily basis. Determining the correct
part of speech to use helps you perfect your oral and written
Counting Down
We start off this chapter with numbers because you need
them in order to express dates and tell time. You use cardinal
numbers (the more popular of the two) to count, to bargain
with a merchant about a price, to express the temperature,
or to write a check. You use ordinal numbers to express the
number of a floor, the act of a play, or the order of a person in
a race or competition.
Using cardinal numbers
You use cardinal numbers many times every day. As a matter
of fact, you probably use them at least once an hour in the
course of normal conversation or in writing. The Spanish car-
dinal numbers are as follows:
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Number Spanish Number Spanish
0 cero 25 veinticinco
(veinte y cinco)
1 uno 26 veintiséis
(veinte y seis)
2 dos 27 veintisiete
(veinte y siete)
3 tres 28 veintiocho
(veinte y ocho)
4 cuatro 29 veintinueve
(veinte y
5 cinco 30 treinta
6 seis 40 cuarenta
7 siete 50 cincuenta
8 ocho 60 sesenta
9 nueve 70 setenta
10 diez 80 ochenta
11 once 90 noventa
12 doce 100 cien (ciento)
13 trece 101 ciento uno
14 catorce 200 doscientos
15 quince 500 quinientos
16 dieciséis (diez
y seis)
700 setecientos
17 diecisiete (diez
y siete)
900 novecientos
18 dieciocho (diez
y ocho)
1.000 mil
19 diecinueve (diez
y nueve)
2.000 dos mil
20 veinte 100.000 cien mil
21 veintiuno (veinte
y uno)
1.000.000 un millón
22 veintidós (veinte
y dos)
2.000.000 dos millones
23 veintitrés (veinte
y tres) mil millones
24 veinticuatro
(veinte y cuatro) dos mil
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Chapter 1: Brushing Up on the Basics
You need to keep the following rules in mind when using car-
dinal numbers in Spanish:
Uno (one), used only when counting, becomes un before
a masculine noun and una before a feminine noun,
whether the noun is singular or plural:
uno, dos, tres (one, two, three)
un niño y una niña (a boy and a girl)
sesenta y un dólares (61 dollars)
veintiuna (veinte y una) personas (21 people)
You use the conjunction y (and) only for numbers
between 16 and 99. You don’t use it directly after
ochenta y ocho (88)
doscientos treinta y siete (237)
You generally write the numbers 16 through 19 and 21
through 29 as one word. The numbers 16, 22, 23, and 26
have accents on the last syllable:
16: dieciséis
22: veintidós
23: veintitrés
26: veintiséis
When used before a masculine noun, veintiún (21) has
an accent on the last syllable:
veintiún días (21 days)
Ciento (100) becomes cien before nouns of either gender
and before the numbers mil and millones. Before all
other numbers, you use ciento. Un (one), which you
don’t use before cien(to) or mil, comes before millón.
When a noun follows millón, you put the preposition de
between millón and the noun. Millón drops its accent in
the plural (millones):
cien sombreros (100 hats)
cien blusas
(100 blouses)
cien mil millas (100,000 miles)
cien millones de dólares (100 million dollars)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
ciento noventa acres (190 acres)
mil posibilidades (1,000 possibilities)
un millón de razones (1 million reasons)
Compounds of ciento (doscientos, trescientos) must
change to agree with a feminine noun:
cuatrocientos muchachos (400 muchachos)
seiscientas muchachas (600 muchachas)
With numerals and decimals, Spanish uses commas where
English uses periods, and vice versa:
English Spanish
6,000 6.000
0.75 0,75
$14.99 $14,99
Using ordinal numbers
You use ordinal numbers — those used to express numbers in
a series — far less frequently than cardinal numbers, but they
still have some very important applications in everyday life.
The following chart presents the Spanish ordinal numbers:
Ordinal Spanish
1st primero
2nd segundo
3rd tercero
4th cuarto
5th quinto
6th sexto
7th séptimo
8th octavo
9th noveno
10th décimo
The following list outlines everything you must remember
when using ordinal numbers in Spanish:
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Chapter 1: Brushing Up on the Basics
Spanish speakers rarely use ordinal numbers after 10th.
After that, they usually use cardinal numbers in both the
spoken and written language:
El siglo quince (the 15th century)
Ordinal numbers must agree in gender (masculine or
feminine) with the nouns they modify. You can make
ordinal numbers feminine by changing the final -o of the
masculine form to -a:
la cuarta vez (the fourth time)
Primero and tercero drop the final -o before a masculine
singular noun:
el primer muchacho (the first boy)
el tercer hombre (the third man)
In dates, primero is the only ordinal number you use. All
other dates call for the cardinal numbers:
el primero de mayo (May 1st)
el doce de enero (January 12th)
Dealing with Dates
Dates are important parts of everyday life (in more ways than
one!). To write out dates in Spanish, you have to practice the
days of the week, the months of the year, and numbers (see
the preceding section).
Expressing the days of the week
If you hear ¿Qué día es hoy? (What day is it?), you should
respond with Hoy es . . . (Today is . . .) and then provide the
name of one of the days listed here:
English Spanish
Monday lunes
Tuesday martes
Wednesday miércoles
Thursday jueves
Friday viernes
Saturday sábado
Sunday domingo
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Unlike the English calendar, the Spanish calendar starts with
Here are two more guidelines for talking about days of the
week in Spanish:
Unless you use them at the beginning of a sentence, you
don’t capitalize the days of the week in Spanish:
Lunes y martes son días de vacaciones. (Monday and
Tuesday are vacation days.)
You use el to express on when referring to a particular
day of the week and los to express on when the action
occurs repeatedly:
No trabajo el sábado. (I’m not working on Saturday.)
No trabajo los sábados. (I don’t work on Saturdays.)
Naming the months of the year
If you hear ¿En qué mes . . .? (In what month . . .), someone is
asking you in what month a certain event takes place. We pro-
vide the names of the months in Spanish in the following list:
English Spanish
January enero
February febrero
March marzo
April abril
May mayo
June junio
July julio
August agosto
September septiembre (or setiembre)
October octubre
November noviembre
December diciembre
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Chapter 1: Brushing Up on the Basics
Like days of the week, the months aren’t capitalized in
Junio y julio son meses agradables. (June and July are
nice months.)
Along with the months, you may also want to talk about the
seasons of the year. In Spanish, the seasons are masculine
except for la primavera (the spring):
el invierno (the winter)
la primavera (the spring)
el verano (the summer)
el otoño (the autumn [fall])
Making a date
If you want to ask a passerby or an acquaintance about the
date, politely inquire ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? (What is
today’s date?) The person should respond with Hoy es . . .
(Today is . . .) and then use the following formula to express
the correct date:
day + (el) + cardinal number (except for primero) + de +
month + de + year
The following is an example translation, using this formula:
Sunday, April 18, 2010: Hoy es domingo, el dieciocho de
abril de dos mil diez.
Now that you have a handy formula, you need to know a few
more details about writing dates in Spanish:
You express the first day of each month with primero.
You use cardinal numbers for all other days:
el primero de enero (January 1st)
el siete de enero (January 7th)
Use el to express on with Spanish dates:
Partimos el once de octubre. (We are leaving on
October 11th.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
In Spanish, you express years in thousands and hundreds,
not only in hundreds:
1492: mil cuatrocientos noventa y dos (fourteen hundred
In Spanish, when dates are written as numbers, they follow
the sequence day/month/year, which may prove confusing to
English speakers — especially for dates below the 12th of the
month. You write February 9th as 2/9 in English, but in Spanish
it’s 9/2.
When speaking of dates in everyday language, the words and
expressions that follow may come in handy:
English Spanish English Spanish
a day un día day before
a week una semana yesterday ayer
a month un mes today hoy
a year un año tomorrow mañana
in en tomorrow morning mañana por la
ago hace tomorrow
mañana por la
per por tomorrow night mañana por la
during durante day after tomorrow pasado mañana
next próximo(a) from desde
last pasado(a) a week from today de hoy en ocho
last (in a
último(a) two weeks from
de mañana en
dos semanas
eve la víspera within one (two)
dentro de una
(dos) semana(s)
Telling Time
Knowing how to understand, speak, and write time-related
words and phrases is a must for anyone who’s studying a for-
eign language and planning to put these studies to use (to do
some traveling one day, for instance).
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Chapter 1: Brushing Up on the Basics
If you hear ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?), someone wants
to know the time. You should start by responding with the
Es la una + 1 o’clock hour or Son las + any time after 1.
To express the time after the hour (up to and including half
past the hour), use y (and) and the number of minutes. Use
menos (less) + the number of the following hour to express
the time before the next hour (after half past the hour).
You can also express time numerically (as shown in the third
example here):
Es la una y media. (It’s 1:30.)
Son las cinco menos veinte. (It’s 4:40.)
Son las cuatro y cuarenta. (It’s 4:40.)
If you want to discuss at what time a particular event will
occur, you can use a question — ¿A qué hora . . . ? — or
answer with A la una or A las + any time after 1:
¿A qué hora vienen? (At what time are they coming?)
A la una. (At 1:00.)
A las tres y cuarto. (At 3:15.)
The following chart shows how to express time after and
before the hour:
Time Spanish
1:00 la una
2:05 las dos y cinco
3:10 las tres y diez
4:15 las cuatro y cuarto or las cuatro y quince
5:20 las cinco y veinte
6:25 las seis y veinticinco
7:30 las siete y media or las siete y treinta
7:35 las ocho menos veinticinco or las siete y treinta y
8:40 las nueve menos veinte or las ocho y cuarenta
9:45 las diez menos cuarto or las nueve y cuarenta y
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Time Spanish
10:50 las once menos diez or las diez y cincuenta
11:55 las doce menos cinco or las once y cincuenta y
noon el mediodía
midnight la medianoche
When expressing time, the words and expressions we present
in the following table may come in handy:
English Spanish English Spanish
a second un segundo in an hour en una hora
a minute un minuto in a while dentro de un
a quarter of an
un cuarto de
until ten
hasta las
an hour una hora before nine
antes de las
a half hour media hora after seven
después de
las siete
in the morning
por la mañana since what
¿desde qué
in the afternoon
por la tarde since eight
desde las
in the evening
por la noche one hour ago hace una
at what time? ¿a qué hora? early temprano
at exactly nine
a las nueve en
late tarde
at about two
a eso de las
late (in
de retraso
Focusing on Parts of Speech
Too many people try to translate word for word from English
to Spanish. And that just doesn’t work. Why? Because a
Spanish word may have many applications depending on
its usage (for example, as a noun or as an adjective) in the
sentence. In addition, many idiomatic phrases, when used
properly, distinguish a native speaker from someone who’s
unfamiliar with the language. (An idiomatic phrase is a phrase
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Chapter 1: Brushing Up on the Basics
used in a particular language whose meaning can’t easily be
understood by a literal translation of its component words.
An English example is “It’s raining cats and dogs.”)
Using nouns
A noun is the part of speech that refers to a person, place,
thing, quality, idea, or action. Here are some examples of
nouns in action:
Person: The boy is friendly. (El muchacho es amable.)
Place: I want to go home. (Quiero ir a casa.)
Thing: I would like to see that book. (Quisiera ver ese
Quality: I admire her courage. (Admiro su coraje.)
Idea: Communism is a political theory. (El comunismo es
una teoría política.)
Action: The plane’s departure is imminent. (La partida del
avión es inminente.)
In everyday speaking/writing, you use nouns most often in the
following forms:
As the subject of a verb:
María speaks Spanish. (María habla español.)
As the direct object of a verb:
I see María. (Yo veo a María.)
As the indirect object of a verb:
I speak to María. (Yo le hablo a María.)
As the object of a preposition:
I went out with María. (Yo salí con María.)
Unlike English nouns, all Spanish nouns have a gender: mas-
culine or feminine. All words you use to qualify or describe
a noun must agree with the noun with respect to gender. We
discuss this in more detail in Chapter 2.
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Substituting pronouns
A pronoun is a part of speech used in place of a noun. The fol-
lowing list outlines the pronouns we discuss in this book:
Subject pronouns (see Chapter 3) are followed by the verb
expressing the main action in the sentence (I, you, he,
she, it, we, they):
You are nice. (Ud. es simpático.)
Interrogative pronouns (see Chapter 5) ask a question
(who, which, what, and so on):
Who is that? (¿Quién es?)
Direct object pronouns (see Chapter 2) replace direct
object nouns; they answer whom or what the subject is
acting upon. The direct object pronouns are me, te, lo, la
(le in Spain), nos, (os in Spain), los, and las (les in Spain):
I’ll be seeing you. (Te veo.)
Indirect object pronouns (see Chapter 2) replace indirect
object nouns; they explain to or for whom something is
done. They include me, te, le, nos, (os in Spain), and les:
He wrote to me. (Me escribió.)
Reflexive pronouns (see Chapter 3) show that the subject
is acting upon itself (me, te, se, nos, [os in Spain]):
He sees himself in the mirror. (Él se ve en el espejo.)
Prepositional pronouns (see Chapter 4) are used after
prepositions (mí, ti, él, ella, Ud., nosotros, vosotros (in
Spain), ellos, ellas, Uds.):
They’re going to the movies without me. (Van al cine
sin mí.)
Acting with verbs
A verb is a part of speech that shows an action or a state of
being. In Spanish, as in English, verbs change from their infini-
tive form (they’re conjugated, in other words) as follows:
To agree with the person performing the action (I, you,
he, she, it, we, they)
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Chapter 1: Brushing Up on the Basics
To indicate the time when the action was performed
(past, present, future)
To indicate the mood (indicative, subjunctive, impera-
tive, conditional) of the action
The infinitive of the verb is its “raw” form — its “to” form —
before it’s conjugated. Infinitives in Spanish have three differ-
ent endings, and you conjugate them according to these end-
ings (-ar, -er, and -ir) when a subject is present or is implied.
We give you lots more information about verbs in Chapters 3,
6, 7, and 8.
Describing with adjectives
An adjective is a part of speech that describes a noun:
The house is white. (La casa es blanca.)
A Spanish adjective can have other applications, too, which
we outline in the following list:
A possessive adjective tells to whom the noun belongs:
It’s my book. (Es mi libro.)
A demonstrative adjective shows this, that, these, or those:
That film is good. (Esa película es buena.)
An interrogative adjective asks the question whose, which,
or what:
Whose car is that? (¿De quién es ese coche?)
A number (cardinal or ordinal; see the “Counting Down”
section earlier in this chapter) is an adjective that gives a
specific amount:
I need a pen. (Necesito un bolígrafo.)
It’s his tenth birthday. (Es su décimo cumpleaños.)
Clarifying with adverbs
An adverb is a part of speech that modifies a verb, an adjec-
tive, or another adverb:
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Modifying a verb: You speak quickly. (Ud. habla
Modifying an adjective: Her grandmother is very old. (Su
abuela es muy vieja.)
Modifying an adverb: They eat too slowly. (Ellos comen
demasiado despacio.)
Joining with prepositions
Prepositions are words used before nouns or pronouns to
relate them to other words in the sentence. Prepositions
connect the following:
Noun to noun: I need that piece of paper. (Necesito esa
hoja de papel.)
Verb to verb: The child begins to laugh. (El niño empieza
a reír.)
Verb to noun: She studies with her friends. (Ella estudia
con sus amigas.)
Verb to pronoun: What do you think about them? (¿Qué
piensas de ellos?)
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Chapter 2
Closing the Gender Gap
In This Chapter
Specifying with definite articles
Generalizing with indefinite articles
Demonstrating with adjectives
Selecting a gender
Being possessive
Using object pronouns
et the battle of the sexes begin! Gender is a battle that
English speakers don’t fight. In English, a noun is simply
a noun; you don’t have to worry about a noun having a gender
(a masculine or feminine designation). In Spanish, however, a
noun has a gender, and the gender of a noun very often deter-
mines the spelling of other words in the sentence.
In this chapter, we help you to correctly mark the gender of a
noun by using definite articles (which express the), indefinite
articles (which express a, an, or some), or demonstrative
adjectives (which express this, that, these, or those). You can
also read up on two different ways to show possession of
things and how to replace direct and indirect object nouns
with their respective pronouns.
Being Specific with
Definite Articles
A definite article expresses the English word the and indicates
a specific person or thing, such as “the boy” or “the book.”
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
You must choose the correct definite article to “mark” a noun
in order to say the.
Identifying the definite articles
Spanish features four distinct definite articles that correspond
to the in English. The following table lists these articles:
Masculine Feminine
Singular el la
Plural los las
Here are some examples of these definitive articles in action:
El muchacho es grande. (The boy is big.)
Los libros son interesantes. (The books are interesting.)
La muchacha es alta. (The girl is tall.)
Las casas son blancas. (The houses are white.)
Using definite articles
You come across many instances in Spanish where you use
the definite article even though you may or may not use it in
English. The rules in the following list show how you use the
definite articles in Spanish:
With nouns in a general or abstract sense:
El amor es divino. (Love is divine.)
With nouns in a specific sense:
La tía María trae regalos. (Aunt María brings gifts.)
With names of languages (except after the verb hablar
and after the prepositions de and en):
Me gusta el español. (I like Spanish.)
¿Dónde está mi libro de español? (Where’s my
Spanish book?)
Escríbame en español. (Write to me in Spanish.)
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
With parts of the body (when the possessor is clear) in
place of the possessive adjective:
Me duelen los pies. (My feet hurt.)
With titles and ranks when you aren’t addressing the
La señora Rivera está aquí. (Mrs. Rivera is here.)
Siéntese, Señora Rivera. (Have a seat, Mrs. Rivera.)
With last names:
Los Gómez viven en Colombia. (The Gómezes live
in Colombia.)
With days of the week (except after the verb ser):
El domingo voy a México. (On Sunday I’m going to
Hoy es miércoles. (Today is Wednesday.)
With seasons (you may omit the article after en):
No trabajo en (el) verano. (I don’t work in the
With dates:
Es el cinco de mayo. (It’s May 5th.)
With the hour of the day and other time expressions:
Son las once y media. (It’s 11:30.)
Salgo por la tarde. (I’m going out in the afternoon.)
With the names of many cities and countries (though
there’s a tendency to omit the article in current usage):
el Brasil, el Ecuador, El Escorial, el Paraguay, el
Perú, El Salvador, el Uruguay, la Argentina, la
China, La Habana, la India, La Paz, los Estados
Visitamos (el) Brasil. (We visited Brazil.)
Capitalized articles are actually parts of the names of
the countries, whereas articles in lowercase are not. For
example, Yo nací en El Salvador pero pasé muchos años
en la Argentina. (I was born in El Salvador but I spent
many years in Argentina.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
With rivers, seas, and other geographical locations:
El Orinoco es un río. (The Orinoco is a river.)
The definite article precedes the noun it modifies and agrees
with that noun in number and gender. For example, El mucha-
cho es rubio y las muchachas son morenas. (The boy is blond
and the girls are brunette.)
Omitting the definite articles
You omit the definite articles in the following situations in
Before nouns in apposition (when one noun explains
Madrid, capital de España, es una ciudad popular.
(Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a popular city.)
Before numerals that express the title of rulers:
Carlos Quinto (Charles the Fifth)
Contracting with definite articles
Spanish features only two contractions. They occur when the
definite article el is joined with the preposition a (a + el = al)
or de (de + el = del). The only exception to the rule is when
the definite article is part of the title or name. Here are some
examples of this construction:
Voy al Uruguay. (I’m going to Uruguay.) Voy a El
Salvador. (I’m going to El Salvador.)
Soy del Uruguay. (I’m from Uruguay.) Soy de El Salvador.
(I’m from El Salvador.)
Being General with
Indefinite Articles
An indefinite article, which expresses the English words a, an,
or some, refers to persons or objects not specifically identified
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
(such as “a boy” or “some books”). Just like with definite arti-
cles, when you know whether a noun is masculine or feminine
(and singular or plural), you can choose the correct indefinite
article to mark that noun.
Identifying the indefinite articles
Four Spanish indefinite articles correspond to a, an, and one
in the singular and to some in the plural. The following table
presents these articles:
Masculine Feminine
Singular un una
Plural unos unas
Here are some examples of the indefinite articles in action:
Compré un abrigo. (She bought an [one] overcoat.)
Es una mujer muy astuta. (She is a very astute woman.)
Necesito unos limones y unas limas. (I need some lemons
and some limes.)
As with definite articles, the indefinite article precedes the
noun it modifies and agrees with that noun in number and
Omitting indefinite articles
You omit the indefinite article from your Spanish construc-
tions in the following situations:
Before unmodified nouns that express nationality, profes-
sion, or religious or political affiliation:
El señor Robles es profesor. (Mr. Robles is a
However, you use the indefinite article when the noun is
El señor Robles es un profesor liberal. (Mr. Robles
is a liberal teacher.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Before the following nouns:
cien (one hundred): cien niños (one hundred children)
cierto (certain): ciertos idiomas (certain languages)
mil (one thousand): mil dólares (one thousand
otro (other): otra clase (another class)
qué (what a): qué lástima (what a pity)
semejante (similar): problema semejante (a similar
tal (such a): tal cosa (such a thing)
Being Demonstrative
with Adjectives
Personally, we’re not content with just anything or anyone;
we like to make our requirements and needs known! We do so
by specifically referring to this, that, these, or those things or
people. If you’re like us, you need to make use of the Spanish
demonstrative adjectives that enable you to express exactly
what or whom you’re seeking.
Demonstrative adjectives indicate or point out the person,
place, or thing to which a speaker is referring, such as “this
shirt” or “that pair of pants.” Demonstrative adjectives pre-
cede and agree in number and gender with the nouns they
modify. In Spanish, you select the demonstrative adjective
according to the distance of the noun from the speaker.
Table 2-1 presents demonstrative adjectives and addresses
this distance issue.
Table 2-1 Demonstrative Adjectives
Number Masculine Feminine Meaning Distance
Near to or directly
concerned with
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
Number Masculine Feminine Meaning Distance
Not particularly
near to or directly
concerned with
Far from and not
directly concerned
with speaker
The following list shows these demonstrative adjectives in
Estos pantalones son cortos y esta camisa es larga.
(These pants are short and this shirt is large.)
Tengo que hablar con esa muchacha y esos muchachos
ahí. (I have to speak to that girl and those boys there.)
Aquellos países son grandes y aquellas ciudades son
pequeñas. (Those countries are large and those cities are
Here’s what you need to know about demonstrative adjectives
in Spanish:
You use them before each noun:
este abogado y ese cliente (this lawyer and that
You can use adverbs to reinforce location:
esta casa aquí (this house here)
esas casas ahí (those houses there)
aquella casa allá (that house over there)
Clarifying Gender
Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine. Nouns that
refer to males are always masculine, and nouns that refer
to females are feminine, no matter their endings. You can’t
always be sure when it comes to places or things, though.
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Determining the gender of nouns
In Spanish, certain endings are good indications as to the
gender (masculine or feminine designation) of nouns. For
instance, nouns that end in -o (except la mano [the hand] and
la radio [the radio]) often are masculine. Nouns that end in
-a, -ad (la ciudad [city]), -ie (la serie [the series]), -ción (la
canción [the song]), -sión (la discusión [discussion]), -ud (la
salud [health]), and -umbre (la costumbre [custom]) generally
are feminine.
Here are more rules that deal with gender in Spanish:
Certain nouns belonging to a theme are masculine. These
Numbers: el cuatro (four)
Days of the week: el jueves (Thursday)
Compass points: el norte (north)
Names of trees: el manzano (apple tree)
Some compound nouns: el sacapuntas (pencil
Names of rivers, lakes, mountains, straits, and seas:
el Mediterráneo (the Mediterranean)
Certain nouns belonging to a theme are feminine. These
Many illnesses: la gripe (the flu), la apendicitis
Islands and provinces: la Córsega (Corsica)
Reversing gender
Some Spanish nouns are tricky because they end in -a but
are masculine, while others end in -o but are feminine.
These nouns may be referred to as reverse-gender nouns. For
instance, some nouns that end in -ma and -eta are masculine,
as are the words el día (the day) and el mapa (the map). The
following table outlines these masculine words:
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
-ma -eta
el clima (the climate) el planeta (the planet)
el drama (the drama)
el idioma (the language)
el poema (the poem)
el problema (the problem)
el programa (the program)
el sistema (the system)
el telegrama (the telegram)
el tema (the theme)
Here are a couple of nouns that end in -o and are feminine:
la mano (the hand)
la radio (the radio)
Note that la foto is the abbreviation for la fotografía (the
photograph) and la moto is the abbreviation for la motocicleta
(the motorcycle).
Using the same noun
for both genders
Some nouns have the same spelling for both genders. For
these nouns, all you have to do is change the definite article
to reflect whether the person in question is male or female.
The following table presents the most common of these
Masculine Feminine Translation
el artista la artista the artist
el dentista la dentista the dentist
el periodista la periodista the journalist
el telefonista la telefonista the operator
el modelo la modelo the model
el joven la joven the youth
el estudiante la estudiante the student
The following nouns, however, always remain feminine,
regardless of the gender of the person being described:
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
la persona (the person)
la víctima (the victim)
Changing the meaning of nouns
Some nouns change meaning according to their gender. A
noun in this category can mean one thing in the masculine
form but have a totally different meaning in the feminine form.
Knowing the proper usage is the difference between pray-
ing to the Pope or to a potato! You simply must memorize
nouns in this category. The following table presents some of
the high-frequency Spanish words whose meanings change
according to gender:
Masculine Meaning Feminine Meaning
el capital the capital
la capital the capital
el cura the priest la cura the cure
el frente the front la frente the forehead
el guía the male
la guía the female guide;
the guidebook
el Papa the Pope la papa the potato
el policía the police
la policía the police force;
the police woman
Understanding special nouns
When it comes to languages, you can always find some excep-
tions to the rule. In Spanish, for instance, masculine nouns
that refer to people and end in -or, -és, or -n require the addi-
tion of a final -a to get the female equivalent. And if the mascu-
line noun has an accented final syllable, you drop that accent
in the feminine form. Here are some examples:
el profesor la profesora (the teacher)
el francés la francesa (the French person)
el alemán la alemana (the German person)
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
Of course, you must watch out for two exceptions to this rule:
el actor (the actor) la actriz (the actress)
el emperador (the emperor) la emperatriz (the
Some nouns have distinct masculine and feminine forms.
The following table presents a list of these nouns, which you
simply have to memorize:
Masculine Meaning Feminine Meaning
el héroe the hero la heroína the heroine
el hombre the man la mujer the woman
el marido the husband la esposa the wife
el príncipe the prince la princesa the princess
el rey the king la reina the queen
el yerno the son-in-law la nuera the daughter-
To prevent the clash of two vowel sounds, the Spanish lan-
guage uses the masculine singular article el (un) with feminine
singular nouns that begin with a stressed a sound (a- or ha-).
In the plural, you use las (unas) for these nouns. Here are
some commonly used words with this designation:
el agua (the water); las aguas (the waters)
el ave (the bird); las aves (the birds)
el hambre (the hunger); las hambres (the hungers)
Forming Plural Nouns
You use noun plurals to refer to more than one person, place,
thing, quality, idea, or action. Not surprisingly, just as you do
in English, you use the letters -s and -es to form the plurals
of Spanish nouns. The following list outlines the many plural
variations you see in Spanish nouns and the rules for forming
You add -s to form the plural of nouns ending in a vowel:
el mango (the mango); los mangos (the mangoes)
la manzana (the apple); las manzanas (the apples)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
You add -es to form the plural of nouns ending in a con-
sonant (including -y):
el emperador (the emperor); los emperadores (the
el rey (the king); los reyes (the kings)
You add or delete an accent mark in some nouns ending
in -n or -s to maintain the original stress:
el examen; los exámenes (the tests)
la canción; las canciones (the songs)
el francés; los franceses (the Frenchmen)
el inglés; los ingleses (the Englishmen)
el limón; los limones (the lemons)
Nouns that end in -z change z to -c before you add -es:
la luz (the light); las luces (the lights)
Nouns that end in -es or -is don’t change in the plural,
except for el mes (the month), which becomes los meses
(the months):
el lunes (Monday); los lunes (Mondays)
la crisis (the crisis); las crisis (the crises)
Compound nouns (nouns composed of two nouns that
join together to make one) don’t change in the plural:
el abrelatas (can opener); los abrelatas (can
You express the plural of nouns of different genders
(where one noun is masculine and the other[s] is femi-
nine) with the masculine plural:
el rey y la reina (the king and queen); los reyes (the
kings or the king[s] and the queen[s])
el muchacho y la muchacha (the boy and the girl);
los muchachos (the boys or the boy[s] and the
Some nouns are always plural, such as
las gafas/los espejuelos (eyeglasses)
las matemáticas (mathematics)
las vacaciones (vacation)
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
Showing Possession
The majority of people in the world are possessive of their
loved ones and their things. You have several ways to express
possession in Spanish: by using the preposition de (of) or by
using possessive adjectives before the persons or things. The
sections that follow guide you through the ways you can stake
your claims.
Using de
Expressing possession by using the preposition de (of)
is quite unlike what people are accustomed to in English.
English speakers put an apostrophe + s after the noun rep-
resenting the possessor: John’s family, for instance. Spanish
nouns have no apostrophe s; you must use a reverse word
order joined by the preposition de. The following list presents
the rules of using de:
You use the preposition de between a noun that’s pos-
sessed and a proper noun representing the possessor:
Es el coche de Julio. (It’s Julio’s car.)
You use de + a definite article between the noun that’s
possessed and a common noun representing the
Tengo el abrigo de la muchacha. (I have the girl’s coat.)
De contracts with the definite article el to form del (of
the) before a masculine singular common noun:
Necesito el libro del profesor. (I need the teacher’s
If the sentence contains more than one possessor, you
need to repeat de before each noun:
Voy a la casa de Roberto y de Marta. (I’m going to
Roberto and Marta’s house.)
You use a construction that’s the reverse of English to
answer the question “¿De quién es . . .?”:
¿De quién(es) es la idea? (Whose idea is it?)
Es la idea de Julia y del hermano de Julia. (It is Julia’s
and her brother’s idea.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Employing possessive adjectives
You use a possessive adjective before the noun that’s pos-
sessed in order to express my, your, his, her, its, our, or their.
Possessive adjectives must agree in gender and number
(singular or plural) with the objects that are possessed; they
never agree with the possessors. Table 2-2 outlines the pos-
sessive adjectives:
Table 2-2 Possessive Adjectives
English word Masculine
my mi mis mi mis
your tu tus tu tus
his/her/your su sus su sus
our nuestro nuestros nuestra nuestras
your vuestro vuestros vuestra vuestras
their/your su sus su sus
Here are some example sentences:
Yo perdí mis gafas. (I lost my glasses.)
Nosotros escuchamos a nuestro profesor. (We listen to
our teacher.)
Because su can mean his, her, or their, you can clarify who the
possessor really is by replacing the possessive adjective (su)
with the corresponding definite article (el, la, los, or las) +
noun + de + él (ellos, ella, ellas, Ud., Uds.):
I need his (her) help.
Necesito su ayuda.
Necesito la ayuda de él (ella).
With parts of the body or clothing, you replace the possessive
adjective with the correct definite article when the possessor
is clear:
Me cepillo los dientes dos veces al día. (I brush my teeth
twice a day.)
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
Substituting with
Object Pronouns
An object pronoun is a replacement word for an object noun.
This pronoun helps you avoid unnecessary, continuous
repetition of the noun, which allows for a more colloquial,
free-flowing conversational tone when you’re speaking or
writing. Don’t be tricked by these pronouns, though; always
remember that the verb in your sentence must agree with the
subject pronoun. The following sections walk you through the
world of object pronouns.
Dealing with direct
object pronouns
Direct object nouns or pronouns answer the question “Whom
or what is the subject acting upon?” Direct objects may refer
to people, places, things, or ideas. A direct object pronoun
simply replaces a direct object noun and agrees with it in
number and gender.
In both English and Spanish, a direct object noun follows the
subject and its verb:
Veo la casa. (I see the house.)
Unlike in English, however, you usually place a Spanish direct
object pronoun before the conjugated verb:
La veo. (I see it.)
Table 2-3 lists the direct object pronouns in Spanish.
Table 2-3 Spanish Direct Object Pronouns
Singular Pronouns Meaning Plural Pronouns Meaning
me me nos us
te you (familiar) os you (polite)
lo him, it, you los them, you
la her, it, you las them, you
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Here are some example sentences that show how you use
Spanish direct object pronouns:
Él me comprende. (He understands me.)
¿Nos ve Ud.? (Do you see us?)
¿Los periódicos? Yo los leo cada día. (The newspapers?
I read them every day.)
People often use le rather than lo in Spain to express you
(masculine) or him. Lo is used as a direct object pronoun in
Spanish America. The plural of lo and le is los, which means
them or you. Here are some examples:
Cuido al niño. (I watch the child.)
Lo [Le] cuido. (I watch him.)
Cuido a los niños. (I watch the children.)
Los [Les] cuido. (I watch them.)
Miro el programa. (I watch the program.)
Lo miro. (I watch it.)
Miro los programas. (I watch the programs.)
Los miro. (I watch them.)
Understanding the personal a
In Spanish, the personal a conveys absolutely no meaning and
is used only before a direct object noun (not before a direct
object pronoun or any indirect objects) to indicate that it
refers to a person or a beloved pet. The following list explains
in more detail how to use the personal a:
You use the personal a before a common or proper noun
that refers to a person or persons. The personal a com-
bines with the definite article el to form the contraction
al, but it doesn’t combine with the other definite articles:
No conozco a ellas. (I don’t know them.)
Busco al señor Gómez. (I’m looking for Mr. Gómez.)
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
You use the personal a before the name of your pooch,
tabby, hamster, turtle, or other pet:
Adiestró a Fido. (She tamed Fido.)
You use the personal a before a pronoun that refers to a
No espero a nadie. (I’m not waiting for anyone.)
You don’t, however, use the personal a with the verb tener (to
Tengo dos hermanos. (I have two brothers.)
Coping with indirect
object pronouns
Indirect object nouns or pronouns refer only to people (and to
beloved pets); they answer the question “To or for whom is
the subject doing something?” An indirect object pronoun can
replace an indirect object noun but also is used in Spanish
when the indirect object noun is mentioned. The indirect
object pronoun never agrees in gender with the noun to which
it refers. And just like with direct object pronouns, indirect
object pronouns generally are placed before the conjugated
verb. For example:
Le escribo un e-mail. (I’m writing an e-mail to him.)
Le escribo a Gloria un e-mail. (I’m writing an e-mail to
Table 2-4 presents the indirect object pronouns in Spanish.
Table 2-4 Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns
Singular Pronouns Meaning Plural Pronouns Meaning
me to/for me nos to/for us
te to/for you
os to/for you
le to/for him,
her, you
les to/for them,
you (formal)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
The following sentences show how you use indirect object
¿Me dices la verdad? (Are you telling me the truth?)
La mujer nos ofrece un refresco. (The lady offers us a
Les doy un abrazo. (I give them a hug.)
A clue that may indicate that you need an indirect object pro-
noun is the use of the preposition a (al, a la, a los, or a las),
which means to or for (unlike the personal a, which has no
meaning — see the preceding section), followed by the name
of or reference to a person. You may use a él, a ella, or a Ud.
or the person’s name to clarify to whom you’re referring:
Yo le escribo a Rosa. (I write to Rosa.)
Yo le escribo. (I write to her.)
Ella le habla al muchacho. (She speaks to the boy.)
Ella le habla. (She speaks to him.)
Ella le habla a él. (She speaks to him.)
Ella le habla a Juan. (She speaks to Juan.)
Although you may use the prepositions to and for in English,
you omit these prepositions in Spanish sentences before an
indirect object pronoun:
Te compro un regalo. (I’m buying a present for you; I’m
buying you a present.)
Me escriben. (They are writing to me; they are writing me.)
Choosing the proper pronoun
Sometimes people get confused when trying to figure out
whether to use a direct object pronoun or an indirect object
pronoun. The good news is you’ll have absolutely no problem
with me, te, nos, and os because they act as both direct and
indirect object pronouns. They’re also reflexive pronouns
(see Chapter 3):
Me respeta. (He respects me.)
Me dice un secreto. (He tells me a secret.)
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
Nos visita. (She visits us.)
Nos trae flores. (She brings us flowers.)
Here’s one tip: If you can use the word to or for in an English
sentence before a reference to a person — no matter how
awkward the construction may seem — you must use an indi-
rect object pronoun in your Spanish sentence:
Quiero mostrarte esta foto. (I want to show [to] you this
The following sections give you some more insider tips that
can help you decide between direct and indirect object pro-
Common Spanish verbs requiring a direct object
Verbs that require an indirect object in English may require
a direct object in Spanish because to or for is included in the
meaning of the infinitive. (Remember that any a you see will
be the personal a; check out “Understanding the personal a”
earlier in this chapter.) Some of these high-frequency verbs
include the following:
buscar (to look for)
escuchar (to listen to)
esperar (to wait for)
llamar (to call)
mirar (to look at)
The following examples illustrate how you use these verbs:
Nosotros esperamos a nuestros amigos. (We are waiting
for our friends.)
Nosotros los esperamos. (We are waiting for them.)
Common Spanish verbs requiring an indirect object
Verbs that require a direct object in English don’t necessar-
ily require a direct object in Spanish. The verbs that follow
take indirect objects in Spanish, regardless of the object used
in English. This is because to or for is implied when speaking
about a person or because the verb generally is followed by
the preposition a:
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
acompañar (to accompany) obedecer (to obey)
aconsejar (to advise) ofrecer (to offer)
contar (to relate, tell) pedir (to ask)
contestar (to answer) preguntar (to ask)
dar (to give) presentar (to introduce)
decir (to say, tell) prestar (to lend)
enviar (to send) prohibir (to forbid)
escribir (to write) prometer (to promise)
explicar (to explain) regalar (to give a gift)
llamar (to call) telefonear (to call)
mandar (to send)
Here are a few examples:
Te aconsejo practicar más. (I advise you to practice more.)
Ella le pide disculpa a su amiga. (She asks her friend for
an apology.)
Doing an about face with gustar
Verbs like gustar require special attention because although
you can say I like in English, in Spanish you have to say that
something is pleasing to you. This rule means that Spanish
sentences appear somewhat backward to English speakers and
that because something is pleasing “to” the subject, gustar
and verbs like it require the use of an indirect object pronoun.
Note how the English and Spanish sentences convey the same
meaning but are expressed in a totally different fashion:
English: I like chocolate.
Spanish: Chocolate is pleasing to me.
The following table presents other Spanish verbs that work
like gustar:
Spanish Verb Meaning
disgustar to upset, displease
faltar to lack, need
fascinar to fascinate
importar to be important
interesar to interest
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
Spanish Verb Meaning
parecer to seem
quedar to remain to someone, have left
Here are some examples that show how you use these verbs
in Spanish sentences. Note that the subject is now at the end
of the sentence and the verb must agree with the subject:
¿Te gustan los deportes? (Do you like sports? Literally:
Are sports pleasing to you?)
Nos interesa viajar. (We are interested in traveling.
Literally: Traveling is interesting to us.)
You use the third-person singular form of any verb from the
previous list with one or more infinitives:
Me gusta cantar. (I like to sing.)
Me gusta cantar y bailar. (I like to sing and dance.)
The following list presents some more details you should
know about using these verbs:
An indirect object pronoun may be preceded by the
preposition a + the corresponding prepositional
pronoun — mí, ti, él, ella, Ud, nosotros, vosotros, ellos,
ellas, Uds. — for stress or clarification (see Chapter 4):
A mí me parece claro. (It seems clear to me.)
An indirect object pronoun may be preceded by the
preposition a + the indirect object noun:
A Miguel no le gusta trabajar. (Miguel doesn’t like to
A las niñas les gusta el helado. (The girls like ice cream.)
Positioning object pronouns
How do you decide where to place a direct or indirect object
pronoun in a Spanish sentence? Generally, you place these
pronouns before the conjugated verb:
Nosotros los necesitamos. (We need them.)
Siempre les cuentas chistes. (You always tell them jokes.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
In sentences with two verbs that follow one subject or in sen-
tences with a present participle (the -ando or -iendo forms;
see Chapter 3), you have the choice of placing the object pro-
noun before the conjugated verb or after and attached to the
infinitive or the participle. The following list provides some
examples of this construction.
When you attach the pronoun to the participle, an accent is
required on the stressed vowel. In general, to correctly place
the accent, you count back three vowels and add the accent.
Also, remember that negatives go before the pronoun when it
precedes the verb.
With a present participle:
(No) Lo estoy haciendo. (I’m [not] doing it.)
(No) Estoy haciéndolo. (I’m [not] doing it.)
With an infinitive:
(No) Lo quiero hacer. (I [don’t] want to do it.)
(No) Quiero hacerlo. (I [don’t] want to do it.)
In a negative command, the object pronoun precedes the
verb. In an affirmative command, however, the object pro-
noun must follow the verb and be attached to it (for more on
commands, refer to Chapter 8). The stressed vowel normally
requires an accent mark (if there are only two vowels, no
accent is necessary). To properly place the accent, count
back three vowels and add it.
Here’s what affirmative commands look like:
Prepárela. (Prepare it.)
Hazlo. (Do it.)
Now take a look at the negatives:
No la prepare. (Don’t prepare it.)
No lo hagas. (Don’t do it.)
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Chapter 2: Closing the Gender Gap
Doing double duty
Spanish sentences quite commonly require both a direct and
an indirect object pronoun. You have many rules to consider
when creating these sentences, as the following list shows:
When the verb has two object pronouns, the indirect
object pronoun (a person) precedes the direct object
pronoun (usually a thing):
Ella nos muestra las revistas. (She shows us the
Ella nos las muestra. (She shows them to us.)
Nosotros te damos el boleto. (We give you the
Nosotros te lo damos. (We give it to you.)
When a sentence has two third-person object pronouns,
the indirect object pronouns le and les change to se
before the direct object pronouns lo, la, los, and las:
Él les lee las revistas a sus abuelos. (He reads the
magazines to his grandparents.)
Él se las lee. (He reads them to them.)
To clarify the meaning of se — because it can mean to/for
you, him, her, and them — you may include the phrase a
Ud. (Uds.), a él (ellos), or a ella (ellas):
Yo se los digo a él (a ella) (a Uds.). (I tell them to him
[her] [you/them].)
The same rules for the positioning of single object pro-
nouns apply for double object pronouns (see the preced-
ing section). The following examples show how you use
and place double object pronouns:
With an infinitive, you may place the two separate
pronouns before the conjugated verb, or you may
connect and attach them to the end of the infinitive:
(No) Te los quiero mostrar. (I [don’t] want to show
them to you.)
(No) Quiero mostrártelos. (I [don’t] want to show
them to you.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
With a present participle, you may place the two
separate pronouns before the conjugated form of
estar, or you may connect and attach them to the
end of the gerund:
(No) Se la estoy leyendo a él. (I’m [not] reading it
to him.)
(No) Estoy leyéndosela a él. (I’m [not] reading it
to him.)
With commands:
Affirmative: Dígamelo. (Tell it to me.)
Negative: No me lo diga. (Don’t tell it to me.)
Affirmative: Dímelo. (Tell it to me.)
Negative: No me lo digas. (Don’t tell it to me.)
When you attach two pronouns to an infinitive, you gen-
erally count back three vowels and add an accent:
Yo voy a escribírselo a Ud. (I’m going to write it to you.)
When you add two pronouns to a present participle or an
affirmative command, however, you generally count back
four vowels when adding an accent:
Estamos comprándoselas a ellos. (We are buying it
for them.)
Muéstramelo. (Show it to me.)
With a diphthong (two vowels blended together that
stand for only one vowel sound), you may have to count
back as many as five vowels:
Tráiganoslos. (Bring them to us.)
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Chapter 3
It’s Happening in
the Present
In This Chapter
Recognizing different types of verbs
Choosing the appropriate subject pronoun
Conjugating all types of verbs in the present
Communicating in the present progressive
astering the present tense is incredibly helpful
because for most people, that’s where the action and
interest is — in the here and now. In Spanish, you discover
that the overwhelming majority of present-tense verbs are
very simple to use because they’re very predictable. However,
you also find out that some verbs walk to the beat of a differ-
ent drummer; for these verbs, you have to memorize their
patterns or irregularities.
In this chapter, you form the present and present progressive
tenses with many types of verbs that enable you to talk and
write about events and situations that occur now. We also
give you information on using Spanish subject pronouns.
Identifying Types of Verbs
If you’re going to have any success dealing with Spanish
verbs, you need to be able to identify which of the five follow-
ing groups a verb belongs to:
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Regular verbs: These verbs are easy to get along with
because they follow the regular conjugation rules for -ar,
-er, and -ir verbs.
Stem-changing verbs: These verbs morph depending on
how you use them in a sentence. You encounter three
types of stem-changing verbs, classified according to
their stem changes: e to i, e to ie, and o to ue.
Spelling-change verbs: Consonant spelling changes
occur in some of the conjugated forms of these verbs.
The changes enable the verbs to comply with pronuncia-
tion rules of the particular letters. The affected conso-
nants are c, g, and z.
Irregular verbs: These verbs follow no rules and must be
Reflexive verbs: Whenever the subject does something
to itself, you use a reflexive verb to express the fact that
the action is performed or “reflected back” onto the sub-
ject of the sentence.
Selecting Subject Pronouns
A subject pronoun is a word used in place of a subject noun.
This pronoun identifies who or what is performing the action
of the verb.
I, we, you, he, she, it, and they are the English subject pro-
nouns. They tell the verb who or what is performing the
action, and they dictate the form of the verb you must use. In
English, he shops, but they shop.
Spanish uses nine subject pronouns: yo, tú, usted, él, ella;
nosotros or nosotras; vosotros or vosotras; ustedes; and ellos
or ellas, as shown in Table 3-1:
Table 3-1 Spanish Subject Pronouns
Person Singular Meaning Plural Meaning
1st person yo I nosotros
2nd person informal
you vosotros
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
Person Singular Meaning Plural Meaning
2nd person formal
you ustedes
3rd person él
Using subject pronouns
Unlike the English subject pronoun I, which is always capi-
talized, the Spanish pronoun yo is capitalized only at the
beginning of a sentence. You always write the abbreviations
Ud. and Uds. with capital letters, even though you write
the English equivalent you with a lowercase letter, unless it
appears at the beginning of a sentence. When usted and ust-
edes aren’t abbreviated, they’re capitalized only at the begin-
ning of a sentence. Here are some examples:
Yo me voy. (I’m leaving.)
Eduardo y yo salimos. (Edward and I are going out.)
¿Busca Ud. (usted) algo? (Are you looking for something?)
¿Uds. (Ustedes) necesitan ayuda? (Do you need help?)
In the following sections, I present sets of pronouns that
appear to have the same meaning, and I explain when it’s
appropriate to use which word.
Tú versus Ud.
You use the familiar subject pronoun to address one friend,
relative, child, or pet, because it’s the informal, singular form
of you:
Tú eres mi mejor amigo. (You’re my best friend.)
You use Ud. to show respect to an older person or when
speaking to a stranger or someone you don’t know well,
because Ud. is the formal, singular form of you:
¿Es Ud. español? (Are you Spanish?)
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Although usted is usually abbreviated Ud. when written, you
still pronounce it usted. Likewise, although ustedes is usually
abbreviated Uds. when written, you still pronounce it ustedes.
Vosotros (vosotras) versus Uds.
Vosotros and vosotras are informal (familiar) plural subject
pronouns expressing you. The vosotros (vosotras) form is
used primarily in Spain to address more than one friend, rela-
tive, child, or pet — the informal, plural form of you. You use
vosotros when speaking to a group of males or to a combined
group of males and females. You use vosotras only when
speaking to a group of females:
¿Vosotros me comprendéis? (Do you understand me?)
Uds. is a plural subject pronoun that also expresses you.
Uds. is used throughout the Spanish-speaking world to show
respect to more than one older person or when speaking to
multiple strangers or people you don’t know well. Uds. is the
formal, plural form of you and replaces the informal, plural
vosotros (vosotras) in Spanish (Latin, Central, and South)
Uds. son muy simpáticos. (You are very nice.)
Él versus ella
Él (he) refers to one male person; ella (she) refers to one
female person:
Él toca la guitarra mientras ella baila. (He plays the guitar
while she dances.)
Ellos versus ellas
Ellos (they) refers to more than one male or to a combined
group of males and females, no matter the number of each
gender present. Ellas refers to a group of females only:
Juan y Jorge (Ellos) escuchan. (Juan and Jorge [They]
Luz y Susana (Ellas) escuchan. (Luz and Susana [They]
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
Juan y Luz (Ellos) escuchan. (Juan and Luz [They] listen.)
El niño y mil niñas (Ellos) escuchan. (The boy and 1,000
girls [They] listen.)
Nosotros (nosotras)
When you’re talking about someone else and yourself at the
same time, you must use the we (nosotros/nosotras) form of
the verb. Nosotros refers to more than one male or to a com-
bined group of males and females, no matter the number of
each gender present. Nosotras refers to a group of females
Jorge y yo (Nosotros) jugamos al tenis. (Jorge and I [We]
play tennis.)
Ana y yo (Nosotras) jugamos al tenis. (Ana and I [We]
play tennis.)
Omitting subject pronouns
In English, you use subject pronouns all the time to explain
who’s doing what. In Spanish, however, you use subject pro-
nouns a lot less frequently because the verb ending generally
indicates the subject. If you look ahead to the section that
follows, you notice that a verb ending in -o must have the sub-
ject yo no matter the infinitive ending (-ar, -er, -ir) because no
other verb has an -o ending. Hablo español, for instance, can
only mean I speak Spanish.
If, on the other hand, you see Habla español, it’s unclear
whether the subject is él (he), ella (she), or Ud. (you) if the
sentence is taken out of context. When given the context, you
usually omit the subject pronoun él or ella: Le presento a
mi amiga Marta. Habla español. (Let me introduce you to my
friend Marta. She speaks Spanish.)
To avoid confusion, you regularly use the subject pronoun
Ud. to differentiate between he, she, and you:
¿Habla español? (Do you [he, she] speak Spanish?)
Mi novio habla español. Habla bien. (My boyfriend
speaks Spanish. He speaks well.)
¿Habla Ud. español? (Do you speak Spanish?)
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You regularly use the subject pronoun Uds. for sentences in
the plural to differentiate between they and you:
Cantan bien. (They [You] sing well.)
Mis primos están en el coro. Cantan bien. (My cousins
are in the chorus. They sing well.)
Uds. cantan bien también. (You sing well, too.)
Communicating in
the Present Tense
You use the present tense to indicate what a subject is doing
or does customarily:
Nosotros miramos la televisión cada día. (We watch tele-
vision every day.)
In Spanish, you can also use the present tense to ask for
instructions or to discuss an action that will take place in the
¿Preparo la cena ahora? (Shall I prepare dinner now?)
Te veo más tarde. (I’ll see you later.)
You also use the present tense with the verb hacer (to make,
do) + que to show that an action started in the past and is
continuing into the present:
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que Ud. estudia el español? (How
long have you been studying Spanish?)
Hace dos años (que estudio el español). (I’ve been study-
ing Spanish for two years.)
Defining regular verbs
Most verbs are fairly well behaved. They follow the rules.
They’re predictable, especially in the present tense, which
makes them fairly easy to master.
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
You probably haven’t heard the word “conjugation” in any of
your English classes, even when you had those pesky gram-
mar lessons, because people automatically conjugate verbs in
their native language without even thinking about it. So, what
exactly do we mean by conjugation? Plain and simple, conjuga-
tion refers to changing the infinitive of a verb (the “to” form —
to smile, for example) to a form that agrees with the subject.
“I smile, and he smiles, too.”
In Spanish, all verbs end in -ar, -er, or -ir. Most verbs are regu-
lar, which means that all verbs with the same infinitive ending
follow the same rules of conjugation. If you memorize the end-
ings for one regular -ar, -er, or -ir infinitive, you can conjugate
all the other regular verbs within that “family.”
Here’s how it works: Take the infinitive and drop its ending
(-ar, -er, or -ir), and then add the endings for the subject pro-
nouns as indicated in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 Regular Verb Conjugation in the Present
Subject -ar Verbs -er Verbs -ir Verbs
(to earn,
to win)
beber (to
decidir (to
yo gano bebo decido
ganas bebes decides
él, ella, Ud. gana bebe decide
nosotros ganamos bebemos decidimos
vosotros ganáis bebéis decidís
ellos, ellas, Uds. ganan beben deciden
Here are some examples of regular verbs in the present tense:
¿Gana Ud. bastante dinero? (Do you earn enough money?)
No bebo café. (I don’t drink coffee.)
Ellos deciden quedarse en casa. (They decide to stay
For your reference, the following tables list many regu-
lar verbs that follow this easy conjugation in the present.
Common regular -ar verbs include
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
-ar Verb Meaning -ar Verb Meaning
ayudar to help necesitar to need
buscar to look for olvidar to forget
comprar to buy pagar to pay
desear to desire preguntar to ask
escuchar to listen (to) regresar to return
estudiar to study telefonear to phone
hablar to speak, to talk tomar to take
llegar to arrive viajar to travel
mirar to look at visitar to visit
Common -er verbs include
-er Verb Meaning
aprender to learn
beber to drink
comer to eat
correr to run
creer to believe
deber to have to, to owe
leer to read
prometer to promise
Common -ir verbs include
-ir Verb Meaning
abrir to open
asistir to attend
decidir to decide
descubrir to discover
escribir to write
partir to divide, to share
subir to go up, to climb
vivir to live
Changing verb stems
Some Spanish verbs undergo stem changes — internal changes
to a vowel to preserve the original sound of the verbs after
you add a new ending. In the present tense, all stem changes
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
for these verbs occur in the yo, tú, él (ella, Ud.), and
ellos (ellas, Uds.) forms. You conjugate the nosotros and
vosotros forms in the normal fashion (their stems resemble
the infinitive).
Sometimes the conjugation format for stem-changing verbs is
referred to as the boot because if you were to draw a dark line
around the forms that have a stem change, they’d resemble a
boot. Check out Figure 3-1 to see what we mean.
Figure 3-1: Remember stem-changing verb forms by visualizing a boot.
-ar stem changes
Many Spanish verbs with an -ar ending undergo stem changes
in all forms except nosotros and vosotros. The following list
details these changes:
e ie: For instance, empezar (to begin) changes to yo
empiezo (nosotros empezamos). Here are the most fre-
quently used Spanish verbs that fit into this category:
cerrar (to close)
comenzar (to begin)
despertar (to wake up)
pensar (to think)
recomendar (to recommend)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
o/u ue: For instance, mostrar (to show) changes to
yo muestro (nosotros mostramos), and jugar (to play)
changes to yo juego (nosotros jugamos). Here are the
most frequently used Spanish verbs that fit into this
acordar (to agree)
acostar (to put to bed)
almorzar (to eat lunch)
contar (to tell)
costar (to cost)
encontrar (to meet)
probar (to try [on])
recordar (to remember)
Jugar is the only common -ar verb whose stem vowel
changes from u to ue.
You use some verbs with stem changes in the present tense
impersonally, in the third-person singular only:
Hiela. (It’s freezing.) (helar; e ie)
Nieva. (It’s snowing.) (nevar; e ie)
Llueve. (It’s raining.) (llover; o ue)
Truena. (It’s thundering.) (tronar; o ue)
-er stem changes
Many Spanish verbs with an -er ending undergo stem changes
in all forms except nosotros and vosotros. The following list
details these changes:
e ie: For instance, querer (to wish, want) changes to
yo quiero (nosotros queremos). Here are the most fre-
quently used Spanish verbs that fit into this category:
entender (to understand)
perder (to lose)
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
o ue: For instance, volver (to return) changes to yo
vuelvo (nosotros volvemos). Here are the most fre-
quently used Spanish verbs that fit into this category:
devolver (to return)
doler (to hurt)
poder (to be able to)
-ir stem changes
Many Spanish verbs with an -ir ending undergo stem changes
in all forms except nosotros and vosotros. The following list
outlines these changes:
e ie: For instance, preferir (to prefer) changes to yo
prefiero (nosotros preferimos). Here are the most fre-
quently used Spanish verbs that fit into this category:
divertir (to amuse)
mentir (to lie)
sentir (to feel, regret)
sugerir (to suggest)
o ue: For instance, dormir (to sleep) changes to yo
duermo (nosotros dormimos). Another verb conjugated
like dormir is morir (to die).
e i (in -ir verbs only): For instance, servir (to serve)
changes to yo sirvo (nosotros servimos). Here are the
most frequently used Spanish verbs that fit into this
despedir (to say goodbye to)
pedir (to ask for)
repetir (to repeat)
vestir (to clothe)
-iar stem change (for some verbs)
Some Spanish verbs with an -iar ending undergo a stem
change in all forms except nosotros and vosotros. This
stem change is i í. For instance, guiar (to guide) changes
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
to yo guío (nosotros guiamos). Here are the most frequently
used Spanish verbs that fit into this category:
enviar (to send)
esquiar (to ski)
fotografiar (to photograph)
-uar stem change (for some verbs)
Some Spanish verbs with a -uar ending undergo a stem change
in all forms except nosotros and vosotros. This stem change
is u ú. For instance, continuar (to continue) changes to
yo continúo (nosotros continuamos). Habituar (to accustom
someone to) is another verb that fits into this category.
-uir (not -guir) stem change
Some Spanish verbs with a -uir ending (but not a -guir
ending) undergo a stem change in all forms except nosotros
and vosotros. This stem change is adding a y after the u.
For instance, concluir (to conclude) changes to yo concluyo
(nosotros concluimos). Here are the most frequently used
Spanish verbs that fit into this category:
contribuir (to contribute)
destruir (to destroy)
incluir (to include)
Changing the spelling of verbs
Some Spanish verbs undergo spelling changes to preserve the
original sound of the verbs after you add a new ending. This
shift is nothing to be overly concerned about because the
change occurs only in the first-person singular (yo) form of
the verb. In the present tense, verbs with the endings listed in
Table 3-3 undergo spelling changes.
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
Table 3-3 Spelling Changes in the Present Tense
Verb Examples Present
vowel + -cer/-
c zc
ofrecer (to offer);
traducir (to
yo ofrezco;
yo traduzco
consonant +
c z
convencer (to
esparcir (to
spread out)
yo convenzo;
yo esparzo
g j
escoger (to choose);
exigir (to demand)
yo escojo;
yo exijo
gu g
distinguir (to
yo distingo
The majority of the verbs that undergo spelling changes in
the present tense end in vowel + -cer or vowel + -cir. Only a
few high-frequency verbs fall under the other categories (-ger,
-gir, -guir); in all likelihood, you’ll see them rarely, if at all.
Here are the verbs with spelling changes in the present tense
that you can expect to encounter most often:
Spanish Verb Meaning
aparecer to appear
conocer to know (to be acquainted with)
merecer to deserve, merit
obedecer to obey
parecer to seem
producir to produce
reconocer to recognize
Double or nothing: Verbs
with two changes
A few Spanish verbs have both a spelling change and a stem
change in the present tense. You must conjugate these verbs
to accommodate both changes. Table 3-4 lists these verbs.
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Table 3-4 Verbs with Spelling and Stem Changes
in the Present Tense
Verb English Conjugation
corregir to correct corrijo, corriges, corrige, corregimos,
corregís, corrigen
elegir to elect elijo, eliges, elige, elegimos, elegís,
conseguir to get, obtain consigo, consigues, consigue,
conseguimos, conseguís, consiguen
seguir to follow sigo, sigues, sigue, seguimos, seguís,
Using irregular verbs
In Spanish, some present-tense verbs have irregular forms
that you must memorize. We cover the three categories of
irregular present tense verbs in the following sections: those
that are irregular only in the yo form, those that are irregular
in all forms except nosotros and vosotros, and those that are
completely irregular.
Irregular yo forms
In the present tense, some verbs are irregular only in the
first-person singular (yo) form. You conjugate the other verb
forms in the regular fashion: by dropping the infinitive ending
(-ar, -er, or -ir) and adding the ending that corresponds to the
subject. The following table presents the irregular yo form of
these verbs:
Spanish Verb Meaning yo Form of Present
caber to fit quepo
caer to fall caigo
dar to give doy
hacer to make, to do hago
poner to put pongo
saber to know a fact,
to know how to
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
Spanish Verb Meaning yo Form of Present
salir to go out salgo
traer to bring traigo
valer to be worth valgo
ver to see veo
The following examples show these irregular forms in action:
Yo le doy un reloj y él le da aretes. (I give her a watch
and he gives her earrings.)
Yo me pongo un abrigo y él se pone un suéter. (I put on
a coat and he puts on a sweater.)
Irregular yo, tú, él (ella, Ud.),
and ellos (ellas, Uds.) forms
In the present tense, the verbs listed in Table 3-5 are irregular
in all forms except nosotros and vosotros.
Table 3-5 Irregular Verbs in All Forms except
Nosotros and Vosotros
Verb Meaning yo él nosotros vosotros ellos
decir to say,
to tell
digo dices dice decimos decís dicen
estar to be estoy estás está estamos estáis están
oler to smell huelo hueles huele olemos oléis huelen
tener to have tengo tienes tiene tenemos tenéis tienen
venir to come vengo vienes viene venimos venís vienen
Tener followed by que means to have to and shows obligation:
Yo tengo que trabajar ahora. (I have to work now.)
Completely (well, almost) irregular verbs
The verbs in Table 3-6 are irregular in all or most of their
forms in the present tense.
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Table 3-6 Verbs Irregular in All or Most of Their Forms
Verb Meaning yo él nosotros vosotros ellos
ir to go voy vas va vamos vais van
oír to hear oigo oyes oye oímos oís oyen
reír to laugh río ríes ríe reímos reís rien
ser to be soy eres es somos sois son
Expressing yourself with
irregular verbs
The irregular verbs dar (to give), hacer (to make, to do),
and tener (to have), as well as a few other irregular verbs,
are commonly used in everyday Spanish as part of idiomatic
High-frequency expressions that use dar include the following:
Expression Meaning
dar un abrazo (a) to hug, to embrace
dar las gracias (a) to thank
dar un paseo to take a walk
Here is an example:
Ellos dan un paseo por el parque. (They take a walk in
the park.)
High-frequency expressions that use hacer include the following:
Expression Meaning
hacer buen (mal) tiempo to be nice (bad) weather
hacer frío (calor) to be cold (hot) weather
hacer una pregunta to ask a question
hacer una visita to pay a visit
hacer un viaje to take a trip
hacer viento to be windy
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
Here are some examples of hacer expressions:
Hace mal tiempo hoy. (The weather is bad today.)
Hacemos un viaje a Puerto Rico. (We are taking a trip to
Puerto Rico.)
High-frequency expressions that use tener include the following:
Expression Meaning
tener calor (frío) to be warm (cold)
tener cuidado to be careful
tener dolor de . . . to have a . . . ache
tener éxito to succeed
tener ganas de to feel like
tener hambre (sed) to be hungry (thirsty)
tener lugar to take place
tener miedo de to be afraid of
tener prisa to be in a hurry
tener razón to be right
tener sueño to be sleepy
tener suerte to be lucky
Here are some examples of tener expressions:
Tengo un dolor de cabeza. (I have a headache.)
Ellos tienen razón. (They are right.)
Common expressions that use other verbs that have a spell-
ing change or stem change in the present tense or in another
tense include the following:
Expression Meaning
dejar caer to drop
llegar a ser to become
oír decir que to hear that
pensar + infinitive to intend
querer decir to mean
Here is an example:
¡Cuidado! Vas a dejar caer el vaso. (Be careful! You are
going to drop the glass.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Recognizing reflexive verbs
Whenever you look at yourself in the mirror or buy yourself
something at the mall, you’re involved in a reflexive action.
You, the subject, are doing something to or for yourself. In
English, reflexive actions become a little fuzzy, because so
much is considered to be understood. Spanish, however,
delineates reflexive action by requiring the use of a reflexive
When creating a reflexive verb construction, you need a sub-
ject, a reflexive pronoun, and a verb. When you conjugate
reflexive verbs in English, you place the pronouns in front
of the conjugated verb. In other words, you say, “You bathe
yourself.” But in Spanish, the order is you yourself bathe.
Are you wondering how to recognize a reflexive verb? It’s
really quite easy. If an -ar, -er, or -ir infinitive (which is con-
jugated in its usual manner) has -se attached to its end, you
know you have a reflexive verb (lavarse [to wash oneself],
bañarse [to bathe oneself]). That -se ending shows that the
reflexive verb has a reflexive pronoun as its direct or indirect
object (see Chapter 2). The subject of a reflexive verb, like
subjects with other verbs, may be omitted. Whether you use
or imply the subject, however, the subject and its reflexive
pronoun must refer to the same person or thing:
(Yo) Me llamo Gloria. (My name is Gloria. [Literally: I call
myself Gloria.])
(Nosotros) Nos levantamos. (We get up.)
Reflexive pronouns are exactly the same as direct and indi-
rect object pronouns except for the third-person singular and
plural (se) forms. Because you use se when double object
pronouns appear in a sentence (as we cover in Chapter 2),
remembering to use it as the reflexive pronoun should be rela-
tively easy. Table 3-7 shows reflexive verbs and the reflexive
pronoun for each subject.
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
Table 3-7 Properly Using Reflexive Pronouns
Infinitive Subject Reflexive
(to fall asleep)
yo me duermo
(towake up)
tú te despiertas
él, ella, Ud. se desviste
lavarse (to wash) nosostros nos lavamos
levantarse (to get up) vosotros os levantáis
bañarse (to go away) ellos, ellas, Uds. se bañan
Some verbs may throw you off a bit. Depending on what
youwant to say, a verb may have both a reflexive and a non-
reflexive form. How’s that possible? Well, a reflexive verb
requires that the subject act upon itself. What if, however,
that subject acts upon someone or something else? In that
case, the sentence doesn’t need a reflexive pronoun.
Look carefully at the examples that follow:
Ella se lava. (She washes herself.)
Ella lava a su perro. (She washes her dog.)
Conversely, some verbs that generally aren’t used reflexively
can be made reflexive (if the subject is acting upon itself) by
adding a reflexive pronoun:
Él prepara la comida. (He prepares the meal.)
Él se prepara. (He prepares himself.)
The following table presents many common reflexive verbs
(letters in parentheses indicate a spelling change).
Verb Meaning Verb Meaning
aburrirse to become bored irse to go away
(o to ue)
to go to bed lavarse to wash
afeitarse to shave levantarse to get up
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Verb Meaning Verb Meaning
to be glad llamarse to be called,
bañarse to bathe oneself maquillarse to put on
callarse to be silent olvidarse
to forget
cansarse to become tired peinarse to comb one’s
casarse to get married ponerse to put on,
place oneself
cepillarse to brush (hair,
to worry
(e to i)
to say goodbye quedarse to remain
(e to ie)
to wake up quejarse
to complain
(e to i)
to get undressed quitarse to remove
(e to ie)
to have fun reírse (de) to laugh at
(o to ue)
to fall asleep romperse to break (a
part of the
ducharse to take a shower secarse to dry oneself
(o to ue)
to be located,
(e to ie)
to sit down
to get angry sentirse
(e to ie)
to feel
enojarse to become
(e to i)
to get dressed
hacerse to become volverse
(o to ue)
to become
To negate a reflexive verb, you put no or the proper negative
word (see Chapter 2) before the reflexive pronoun:
¿Se enoja Ud. a menudo? (Do you often get angry?)
No, no me enojo a menudo. (No, I don’t get angry often.)
No me enojo nunca. (I never get angry.)
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
Just like with direct and indirect object pronouns (refer to
Chapter 2), you generally place reflexive pronouns before the
conjugated verbs:
Ella no se siente bien. (She doesn’t feel well.)
In sentences with two verbs that follow one subject (as in the
first two examples that follow) or in sentences with a present
participle (see the second two examples here and the fol-
lowing section), you have the choice of placing the reflexive
pronoun before the conjugated verb or after and attached to
the infinitive or the present participle. When you attach the
pronoun to a present participle, an accent is required on the
stressed vowel.
(No) Voy a maquillarme. (I’m [not] going to put on my
(No) Me voy a maquillar. (I’m [not] going to put on my
(No) Estoy maquillándome. (I am [not] putting on my
(No) Me estoy maquillando. (I am [not] putting on my
make-up )
Making Progress with the
Present Progressive
You can use the simple present tense to describe a current
action or an action that you perform on a regular basis. But
you can also express the same present action as something
that’s taking place right now by using the present progressive.
To form the present progressive, you need a form of estar
(to be) and a present participle. We explain both parts of this
equation in the following sections.
Understanding present participles
Present participles are verb forms that end in -ing. A Spanish
present participle has two English equivalents:
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It may represent the English for “while” or “by” + a pres-
ent participle (an English verb form ending in -ing):
Estudiando, él salió bien en su examen. (By studying, he
passed his test.)
It may represent an English present participle used as an
adjective that ends in -ing:
Esa niña, quien está tocando el piano, es mi hermana.
(That girl playing the piano is my sister.)
A Spanish present participle, unlike an English gerund (-ing
verb acting as a noun), may not be used as a noun subject.
Spanish uses the infinitive form instead. In the example that
follows, the English verb “swimming” is the noun subject of
the verb “is.” Note the Spanish use of the infinitive, nadar:
Nadar es mi pasatiempo favorito. (Swimming is my favor-
ite pastime.)
Forming the present participles of regular verbs
Forming participles of regular verbs is quite easy, because
participles have only one form. Here’s all you have to do:
Drop the -ar from -ar verb infinitives and add -ando (the
equivalent of the English -ing).
Drop the -er or -ir from -er or -ir verb infinitives, respec-
tively, and add -iendo (the equivalent of the English -ing).
The following table shows these changes for some example
Ending Verb Meaning Pres. Participle Meaning
-ar hablar
to speak hablando speaking
-er aprender
to learn aprendiendo learning
-ir escribir
to write escribiendo writing
Be careful! If an -er or -ir verb stem ends in a vowel, you must
drop the ending and add -yendo (the Spanish equivalent of
-ing) to form the present participle:
caer (to fall): cayendo
construir (to build): construyendo
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Chapter 3: It’s Happening in the Present
creer (to believe): creyendo
leer (to read): leyendo
oír (to hear): oyendo
traer (to bring): trayendo
Forming the present participles of stem-changing
and irregular verbs
You form the present participle of a stem-changing -ir verb
by changing the vowel in the stem from -e to -i or from -o
to-u, dropping the -ir infinitive ending, and adding the proper
ending for a present participle. (Flip to “Changing verb stems”
and “Using irregular verbs” earlier in this chapter for more
on these verb types, and check out the preceding section for
instructions on forming present participles.)
From e i:
decir (to say, to tell) diciendo (saying, telling)
mentir (to lie) mintiendo (lying)
pedir (to ask) pidiendo (asking)
repetir (to repeat) repitiendo (repeating)
sentir (to feel) sintiendo (feeling)
servir (to serve) sirviendo (serving)
venir (to come) viniendo (coming)
From o u:
dormir (to sleep) durmiendo (sleeping)
morir (to die) muriendo (dying)
Only three Spanish verbs have irregular present participles.
You don’t use them very frequently, but you should still be
aware of their forms. Yes, you have to memorize them in case
you need to use them; at least you only have to worry about
three! Here they are:
ir (to go): yendo
poder (to be able): pudiendo
reír (to laugh): riendo
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Using estar to form the
present progressive
Estar (to be) is the verb you most often use to form the pres-
ent progressive because the present tense of estar expresses
that something is taking place. The following table presents
the present tense conjugation of this irregular verb, which
you must commit to memory:
estar (to be)
yo estoy nosotros estamos
estás vosotros estáis
él, ella, Ud. está ellos, ellas, Uds. están
You form the present progressive by taking the present tense
of the verb estar and the present participle of the action verb
(see the preceding section). When you put these two together,
you have to be + doing the action. Here are some examples:
El niño está durmiendo. (The child is sleeping.)
Estamos escuchando. (We are listening.)
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Chapter 4
Spicing Up Your
Descriptions with
Adjectives, Adverbs,
and Prepositions
In This Chapter
Understanding adjectives
Using adverbs
Comparing things
Joining with prepositions
his chapter illustrates how adjectives in Spanish are dif-
ferent from adjectives in English and presents all that
you need to know to use them properly. You also discover
how to form and place adverbs within Spanish sentences. We
also include an explanation on how to compare and contrast
people, places, things, ideas, and activities. Finally, we intro-
duce you to common Spanish prepositions and explain how
to select the most appropriate preposition for your sentences,
and how to use special pronouns that follow prepositions.
Adding Color with Adjectives
The function of an adjective is to describe a noun or pronoun
so that your audience gains a better understanding of what
that noun or pronoun is like. Is the house big? Are the trees
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green? You should use adjectives frequently so that people
will have the most information about, and the best possible
understanding of, what you want to describe. The following
sections show you how to use adjectives by discussing their
agreement and positioning in sentences.
Making adjectives agree
Unlike in English, where adjectives have only one form,
Spanish adjectives agree in gender (masculine or feminine)
and number (singular or plural) with the nouns they describe.
When the noun or pronoun is changed from masculine to fem-
inine, the adjective describing it must also be changed from
masculine to feminine. When the noun or pronoun is changed
from singular to plural, its verb and any adjectives describing
it must also be changed from singular to plural.
The gender of adjectives
Spanish adjectives that end in -o, like most nouns, are mas-
culine. (In some instances, however, masculine adjectives
end inanother vowel and maybe even in a consonant; see
the following section.) As you may expect, a masculine, sin-
gular adjective ending in -o forms its feminine counterpart by
changing -o to -a.
The following table lists many common adjectives that you
may find especially useful in Spanish.
Masculine Feminine Meaning
aburrido aburrida boring
alto alta tall
bajo baja short
bonito bonita pretty
bueno buena good
delgado delgada thin
delicioso deliciosa delicious
divertido divertida fun
enfermo enferma sick
enojado enojada angry
famoso famosa famous
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Chapter 4: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
Masculine Feminine Meaning
feo fea ugly
flaco flaca thin
generoso generosa generous
gordo gorda fat
guapo guapa pretty, good-looking
listo lista ready
magnífico magnífica magnificent
malo mala bad
moderno moderna modern
moreno morena dark-haired
necesario necesaria necessary
nuevo nueva new
ordinario ordinaria ordinary
peligroso peligrosa dangerous
pequeño pequeña small
perezoso perezosa lazy
perfecto perfecta perfect
rico rica rich
rubio rubia blond
serio seria serious
simpatico simpática nice
sincero sincera sincere
tímido tímida shy
todo toda all
viejo vieja old
Here’s an example of an adjective in action:
Mi primo Jaime es tímido, y mi prima Francisca es
tímida también. (My cousin Jaime is shy, and my cousin
Francisca is shy, too.)
Exceptions to the rules
Every rule has some exceptions. In Spanish, masculine, sin-
gular adjectives may end in -a, -e, or a consonant (other than
-or). The adjectives in Table 4-1 don’t change in their feminine
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Table 4-1 Adjectives that End in -a or -e
Masculine Feminine Meaning
egoísta egoísta selfish
optimista optimista optimistic
pesimista pesimista pessimistic
alegre alegre happy
amable amable nice
elegante elegante elegant
excelente excelente excellent
grande grande big
importante importante important
inteligente inteligente intelligent
interesante interesante interesting
pobre pobre poor
triste triste sad
Here’s an example of one of these adjectives at work:
Ana es amable, y Pablo es amable también. (Ana is nice,
and Pablo is nice, too.)
And the adjectives in Table 4-2 end in consonants and
undergo no change for gender.
Table 4-2 Adjectives that End in Consonants
Masculine Feminine Meaning
cortés cortés courteous
azul azul blue
débil débil weak
fácil fácil easy
genial genial pleasant
puntual puntual punctual
tropical tropical tropical
joven joven young
popular popular popular
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Chapter 4: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
Here’s an example of one of these adjectives at work:
Mi padre es joven, y mi madre es joven también. (My
father is young, and my mother is young, too.)
In Spanish, some adjectives of nationality with a masculine
form that ends in a consonant add -a to form the feminine.
The adjectives inglés (and other adjectives of nationality that
end in -és) and alemán also drop the accent on their final
vowel to maintain their original stresses:
Masculine Feminine Meaning
español española Spanish
inglés inglesa English
alemán alemana German
And some adjectives with a masculine form ending in -or add
-a to form the feminine:
Masculine Feminine Meaning
hablador habladora talkative
trabjador trabajadora hard-working
Here are some examples:
Fritz es alemán, y Heidi es alemana también. (Fritz is
German, and Heidi is German, too.)
Carlota es trabajadora, pero su hermano no es traba-
jador. (Carlota is hard-working, but her brother isn’t
The plural of adjectives
You have to follow two basic rules to form the plural of adjec-
tives in Spanish. First, you add -s to singular adjectives ending
in a vowel:
Singular Plural Meaning
alto altos tall
rubia rubias blond
interesante interesantes interesting
Second, you add -es to singular adjectives ending in a
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Singular Plural Meaning
fácil fáciles easy
trabajador trabajadores hard-working
Just like with some nouns and pronouns, make sure to use the
masculine form of the adjective when speaking about mixed
company (males and females, with no mind to number):
Mi hermana y mis hermanos son rubios. (My sister and
my brothers are blond.)
Some singular Spanish adjectives don’t follow the basic rules for
making plurals. They follow the same or similar rules for plural
formation as Spanish nouns (which we cover in Chapter 2):
Singular adjectives ending in -z change -z to -c in the plural:
feliz felices (happy)
Some adjectives add or drop an accent mark to maintain
original stress:
joven jóvenes (young)
inglés ingleses (English)
alemán alemanes (German)
Positioning adjectives
In Spanish, adjectives may precede or follow the noun they
modify. Most adjectives follow the noun. The placement
depends on the type of adjective being used, the connotation
the speaker wants to convey, and the emphasis being used.
And sometimes, when more than one adjective describes a
noun, the rules for placement vary according to the type of
adjectives being used. For example, possessive adjectives,
demonstrative adjectives, and adjectives of quantity precede
the noun they modify, whereas descriptive adjectives gener-
ally follow the noun they modify. The following sections dig
deeper into these topics.
Adjectives that follow the noun
In Spanish, most descriptive adjectives follow the noun they
modify. The descriptive adjectives blanca, feos, and intere-
santes follow the noun:
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Chapter 4: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
una casa blanca (a white house)
dos gatos feos (two ugly cats)
algunas cosas interesantes (some interesting things)
Adjectives that precede the noun
Adjectives that impose limits — numbers, possessive adjec-
tives, demonstrative adjectives, and adjectives of quantity —
usually precede the noun they modify. The possessive adjec-
tive su and the number una precede the noun, for instance:
su novia francesa (his French girlfriend)
una compañía próspera (a successful company)
Descriptive adjectives that emphasize qualities or inherent
characteristics appear before the noun:
Tenemos buenos recuerdos de su fiesta. (We have good
memories of her party.)
In this example, the speaker is emphasizing the quality of the
Shortening certain adjectives
Some Spanish adjectives get shortened in certain situations.
The following list details when this occurs:
The following adjectives drop their final -o before a mas-
culine, singular noun. Alguno and ninguno add an accent
to the -u when the -o is dropped:
uno (one) un coche (one car)
bueno (good) un buen viaje (a good trip)
malo (bad) un mal muchacho (a bad boy)
primero (first) el primer acto (the first act)
tercero (third) el tercer presidente (the third
alguno (some) algún día (some day)
ninguno (no) ningún hombre (no man)
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When a preposition separates the adjective from its
noun, you use the original form of the adjective (don’t
drop the -o):
uno de tus primos (one of your cousins)
Grande becomes gran (great, important, famous) before a
singular masculine or feminine noun:
un gran profesor (a great teacher [male])
una gran profesora (a great teacher [female])
But it remains grande after the noun:
un escritorio grande (a large desk)
una mesa grande (a large table)
Ciento (one hundred) becomes cien before nouns and
before the numbers mil and millones:
cien hombres y cien mujeres (one hundred men
and one hundred women)
cien mil habitantes (one hundred thousand
cien millones de euros (one hundred million euros)
Describing Actions with Adverbs
The function of an adverb is to describe a verb, another
adverb, or an adjective. Does a person run (very) quickly? Is
her house very big? You use adverbs to express the manner in
which things are done.
Forming adverbs
Many English adverbs end in -ly, and the equivalent Spanish
ending is -mente. To form an adverb in Spanish, you add
-mente to the feminine singular form of an adjective. Table 4-3
illustrates how it’s done.
Unlike adjectives, which require agreement in gender and
number with the noun they describe, adverbs require no
agreement because they modify a verb and not a noun or
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Chapter 4: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
Table 4-3 Forming Various Types of Adverbs
Masc. Adj. Fem. Adj. Adverb Meaning
completo completa completamente completely
lento lenta lentamente slowly
rápido rápida rápidamente quickly
frecuente frecuente frecuentemente frequently
especial especial especialmente especially
final final finalmente finally
The following example shows an adverb in action:
Él entra rápidamente, y ella sale rápidamente. (He
enters quickly, and she leaves quickly.)
Adverbial phrases
Sometimes, forming an adverb in Spanish by using the femi-
nine singular form of the adjective is quite awkward. You can
use the preposition con (with) + the noun to form an adver-
bial phrase, which functions in the same way as an adverb.
Here are some examples of how this works:
con + noun Adverb Meaning
con habilidad hábilmente skillfully
con paciencia pacientemente patiently
con rapidez rápidamente quickly
con respeto respetuosamente respectfully
Here’s an example of this construction:
Ella habla con respeto (respetuosamente). (She speaks
with respect [respectfully].)
Simple adverbs
Some adverbs and adverbial expressions aren’t formed from
adjectives; they’re words or phrases in and of themselves.
Table 4-4 lists some of the most frequently used expressions
that fit this description.
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Table 4-4 Frequently Used Unique Adverbial Phrases
Adverb Meaning Adverb Meaning
a menudo often menos less
a veces sometimes mientras meanwhile
ahora now más tarde later
al fin finally mejor better
allá there muy very
aquí here peor worse
bastante quite, rather, enough poco little
casi almost por supuesto of course
cerca near pronto soon
de nuevo again pues then
de repente suddenly siempre always
de vez en
from time to time sin embargo however,
demasiado too también also, too
despacio slowly tan as, so
después afterward tarde late
en seguida immediately temprano soon, early
lejos far todavía still, yet
más more ya already
Here’s an example of one of these phrases in use:
Él habla español bastante bien. (He speaks Spanish rather
Positioning of adverbs
You generally place adverbs directly after the verb they
modify. Sometimes, however, the position of the adverb is
variable and goes where you’d logically put an English adverb:
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Chapter 4: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
¿Hablas español elocuentemente? (Do you speak Spanish
Afortunadamente, yo recibí el paquete. (Fortunately, I
received the package.)
Making Comparisons
You generally make comparisons by using adjectives or
adverbs. You can make comparisons of equality or inequality,
and you can use superlatives.
Expressing equality
Comparisons of equality show that two things or people are
the same. In Spanish, whether you’re using an adjective or an
adverb, you make the comparison the same way. You use tan
(as) + adjective or adverb + como (as), as shown here:
Dolores es tan conscienzuda como Jorge. (Dolores is as
conscientious as Jorge.)
Ella estudia tan diligentemente como él. (She studies as
diligently as he does.)
You can make negative comparisons by putting no before the
Tú no escuchas tan atentamente como Juan. (You don’t
listen as attentively as Juan.)
Comparisons of inequality
Comparisons of inequality show that two things or people
are not the same. As with comparisons of equality, whether
you’re using an adjective or an adverb, you make the compari-
son the same way. You create the comparison of inequality
with más (more) or menos (less):
más (menos) + adjective or adverb + que (than)
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Here are two examples:
Diego es más (menos) hablador que yo. (Diego is more
[less] talkative than I.)
Diego habla más (menos) que yo. (Diego talks more [less]
than I.)
Best of all: The superlative
The superlative shows that something (or someone) is the
best or worst of its, his, or her kind. You form the superlatives
of adjectives as follows:
Subject + verb + el (la, los, las) + más (menos) (more
[less]) + adjective + de (in)
Here’s an example:
Ella es la más alta de su clase. (She is the tallest in her
If the sentence contains a direct object, you form the superla-
tive by inserting the noun after el (la, los, las):
Ella prepara la paella más deliciosa del mundo. (She pre-
pares the best paella in the world.)
Now for the adverbs. Superlatives of adverbs aren’t distin-
guished from their comparative forms (see the preceding
comparison sections):
Él acepta críticas más (menos) pacientemente que los
otros. (He accepts criticism more [less] patiently than
Irregular comparatives
As adjectives, bueno (good), malo (bad), grande (big), and
pequeño (small) have irregular forms in the comparative
and superlative. Note that grande and pequeño each have
two different meanings in their comparative and superlative
forms. Table 4-5 displays all the changes that these adjectives
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Chapter 4: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
Table 4-5 Irregular Adjectives in the Comparative
and Superlative
Adjective Comparative Superlative
bueno (buena) (good)
buenos (buenas)
mejor (better)
el (la) mejor (the best)
los (las) mejores
malo (mala) (bad)
malos (malas)
peor (worse)
el (la) peor (the worst)
los (las) peores
grande (great, big) mayor (older, greater in age
or status)
más (menos) grande (larger
[less large in size])
el (la) mayor (the oldest,
el más (menos) grande
(the largest [the least
pequeño (pequeña)
menor (minor, lesser,
younger in age or status)
más (menos) pequeño
(pequeña) (smaller [less
small in size])
más (menos) pequeños
(pequeñas) (smaller [less
small in size])
el (la) menor (the least,
the youngest)
el (la) más pequeño
(pequeña) (the smallest)
los (las) más (menos)
pequeños (pequeñas) (the
smallest [least small])
The adverbs bien (well) and mal (poorly) become mejor
(better) and peor (worse), respectively, in their comparative
forms and follow the verb or verb phrase they modify:
Tomás juega al fútbol mejor que Javier. (Tómas plays
soccer better than Javier.)
Ella cocina peor que yo. (She cooks worse than I do.)
The absolute superlative
The absolute superlative expresses the ultimate; you use it
when no comparison is made. To form this basic construc-
tion, you add -ísimo (masc.); -ísima (fem.); -ísimos (masc.
plural); or -ísimas (fem. plural) to the adjective according to
the gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or
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plural) of the noun being described. The meaning is the same
as muy (very) + adjective:
La catedral es muy bella. La catedral es bellísima. (The
cathedral is very beautiful.)
Los edificios son muy altos. Los edifícios son altísimos.
(The buildings are very tall.)
Here are some more things you need to know to form the
absolute superlative:
You drop the final vowel of an adjective before adding
-ísimo (-a, -os, -as):
La casa es grande. La casa es grandísima. (The
house is very large.)
You use muchísimo to express very much:
Te adoro muchísimo. (I adore you very much.)
Adjectives ending in -co (-ca), -go (-ga), or -z change c to
qu, g to gu, and z to c, respectively, before adding -ísimo:
La torta es muy rica. La torta es riquísima. (The
pie is very tasty.)
El suéter es muy largo. El suéter es larguísimo.
(The sweater is very long.)
El juez es muy sagaz. El juez es sagacísimo. (The
judge is very shrewd.)
Linking with Prepositions
Think of prepositions as words that join different words,
clauses, or phrases. Prepositions relate elements in a sen-
tence: noun to noun, verb to verb, or verb to noun/pronoun.
Prepositions also may contract with articles: a + el = al and de
+ el = del (as we discuss in Chapter 2).
We list the most useful Spanish prepositions in Table 4-6.
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Chapter 4: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
Table 4-6 Common Spanish Prepositions
Preposition Meaning Preposition Meaning
a to, at detrás de behind
a eso de (+ time) about (time) durante during
a través (de) across, through en in, on, by
acerca de about en vez de instead of
además de besides encima de above, on top of
alrededor de around enfrente de opposite, in front of
antes (de) before entre between
cerca de near fuera de outside of
con with hacia toward
contra against hasta until
de of, from, about lejos de far
debajo de beneath, under por for, by
delante de in front of para for
dentro de inside, within según according to
desde since sin without
después (de) after sobre over, above, on, upon
As you can see in the table, some Spanish prepositions have
multiple meanings. The following section explains when to
use which word, and then we explain which prepositions and
verbs go together.
Selecting the correct preposition
Sometimes, selecting the correct preposition to use in a sen-
tence can be tricky because some prepositions have more
than one meaning. Take a, for example, which can mean to or
at; en, which can mean at or in; and por and para, which can
both mean for. Fortunately, Spanish has some rules that can
help you understand when the more common prepositions
are appropriate.
You use a, which means to or at, to show
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Time: Te llamo a las tres. (I’ll call you at 3 o’clock.)
Movement: Vamos a la playa. (We’re going to the beach.)
Location: Espere a la entrada. (Wait at the entrance.)
Means/manner: Hágalo a mano. (Do it by hand.)
Price: Puede comprarlo a cien pesos. (You can buy it
for100 pesos.)
You use the preposition a (which contracts with the definite
article el to become al) before a direct object alluding to a
person; this usage is the personal a we discuss in Chapter 2:
Buscamos al señor Nuñez. (We are looking for Mr. Nuñez.)
Another preposition with several meanings is de (which con-
tracts with the definite article el to become del). You use de,
which means of, from, or about, to show
Possession: Es el coche de Julio. (It’s Julio’s car.)
Origin: Soy de Panamá. (I’m from Panama.)
Material: Es un anillo de oro. (It’s a gold ring.)
Relationship: Madrid es la capital de España. (Madrid is
the capital of Spain.)
Part of a whole: Toma un trozo de pan. (She’s taking a
piece of bread.)
A subject: No encuentro mi libro de arte. (I can’t find my
art book.)
A superlative: Es el más alto de todos. (He’s the tallest of
them all.)
The preposition en can mean in, by, or on. You use en to show
Time: Estamos en el otoño. (It’s [We’re in] the fall.)
Location: Está en esta calle. (It’s on that street.)
Means/manner: Está escrita en español. (It’s written in
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Chapter 4: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
Movement: Entran en el banco. (They enter the bank.)
Means of transport: Viajan en avión. (They are traveling
by plane.)
The preposition hasta, which means until (but which also can
have the meaning to), shows the following:
Place/location: Conduzca hasta el semáforo. (Drive to
the traffic light.)
Time: Hasta luego. (See you later. [Until then.])
Para versus por
Now you come to two prepositions that can cause much con-
fusion among students of Spanish. Por and para both mean
for in English.
The preposition para shows the following:
Destination/place: Salimos para Madrid. (We are leaving
for Madrid.)
Destination/person: Esto es para Ud. (This is for you.)
A future time limit: Es para mañana. (It’s for tomorrow.)
Purpose/goal: Nado para divertirme. (I swim to have
Use/function: Es un cepillo para el pelo. (It’s a hair
Comparisons: Para su edad, lee bien. (For her age, she
reads well.)
Opinion: Para mí está demasiado crudo. (For me it’s too
The preposition por shows the following:
Motion/place: Caminan por las calles. (They walk
through the streets.)
Means/manner: Lo envío por correo. (I’m sending it by
In exchange for/substitution: Voy a hacerlo por tí. (I’m
going to do it for you.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Duration of an action: Trabajo por una hora. (I’m work-
ing for an hour.)
Indefinite time period: Duerme por la tarde. (He sleeps in
the afternoon.)
On behalf of: La firmo por Ud. (I am signing it on your
Per: Me pagan por día. (They pay me per day.)
You use por to express for after the verbs enviar (to send), ir
(to go), mandar (to order, send), preguntar (to ask), regresar
(to return), venir (to come), and volver (to return). Here is an
Ven (Regresa, Vuelve) por tu libro. (Come [Return, Come
back] for your book.)
If you’re speaking about a means of transportation for a pas-
senger, use en rather than por to express by:
Van a la capital en tren. (They are going to the capital by
Using prepositions with verbs
The only verb form in the Spanish language that may follow
a preposition is an infinitive. Some Spanish verbs require
the preposition a, de, en, or con before the infinitive. Other
Spanish verbs that are followed immediately by the infini-
tive don’t require a preposition. The following sections break
down all the categories for you.
Spanish verbs requiring a
Generally, verbs that express beginning, motion, teaching, or
learning take a. However, many other verbs use this preposi-
tion before an infinitive. Table 4-7 shows which Spanish verbs
call for the use of a before the infinitive.
Table 4-7 Spanish Verbs Requiring a
Infinitive Meaning
acostumbrarse to become accustomed to
aprender to learn to
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Chapter 4: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
Infinitive Meaning
apresurarse to hurry to
ayudar to help to
comenzar (ie) to begin to
correr to run to
decidirse to decide to
dedicarse to devote oneself to
empezar (ie) to begin to
enseñar to teach to
ir to go
llegar to succeed in
negarse (ie) to refuse to
obligar to force to
ponerse to begin to
venir (ie) to come to
Here is an example that shows how you use the preposition a:
Los niños se apresuran a llegar a tiempo. (The children
hurry to arrive on time.)
Spanish verbs requiring de
The list of verbs requiring de before an infinitive is much
shorter than the list for those verbs requiring a. Table 4-8 lists
the Spanish verbs that are followed by de before an infinitive.
Table 4-8 Spanish Verbs Requiring de
Infinitive Meaning
acabar to have just
acordarse (ue) to remember to
alegarse to be glad
cesar to stop
dejar to stop
olvidarse to forget
tratar to try to
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Here’s an example showing you how to use de before an
Mi mejor amiga dejó de fumar. (My best friend stopped
Spanish verbs requiring en
The list of verbs that require en before an infinitive is even
shorter than the others, thankfully! Table 4-9 lists these
Spanish verbs:
Table 4-9 Spanish Verbs Requiring en
Infinitive Meaning
consentir (ie) to agree to
consistir to consist of
convenir (ie) to agree to
insistir to insist on
tardar to delay in
This example illustrates how you use en before an infinitive:
¿Por qué insistes en partir ahora? (Why do you insist on
leaving now?)
Spanish verbs requiring con
Table 4-10 shows the short list of Spanish verbs that use con
before an infinitive:
Table 4-10 Spanish Verbs Requiring con
Infinitive Meaning
contar (ue) to count on
soñar (ue) to dream of
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Chapter 4: Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
Here is an example:
Yo sueño con salir con él. (I am dreaming about going out
with him.)
Spanish verbs requiring no preposition
Table 4-11 presents a list of verbs that don’t require a preposi-
tion and are followed immediately by the infinitive.
Table 4-11 Verbs Requiring No Preposition
Infinitive Meaning
deber to must (have to)
dejar to allow to
desear to want, wish to
esperar to hope to
hacer to make (have something done)
necesitar to need to
oír to hear
pensar (ie) to intend to
poder (ue) to be able to
preferir (ie) to prefer to
querer (ie) to want, to wish to
saber to know how to
Here’s an example sentence:
Sé tricotar. (I know how to knit.)
Using the right pronoun
after a preposition
You must use certain special Spanish pronouns after preposi-
tions. The prepositional pronoun acts as the object of a prepo-
sition and always follows the preposition. Table 4-12 presents
these prepositional pronouns:
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Table 4-12 Prepositional Pronouns
Singular Plural
(me) nosotros (nosotras) (us; polite)
ti (you; familiar) vosotros (vosotras) (you; familiar)
él (him, it) ellos (them; masculine)
ella (her, it) ellas (them; feminine)
Ud. (you; polite) Uds. (you; polite)
Here are some examples to show you how you use these
Esta carta es para mí, no es para ella. (This letter is for
me, not for her.)
Juego al tenis con él, no con ella. (I play tennis with him,
not with her.)
The prepositional pronouns and ti combine with the prep-
osition con as follows:
conmigo: with me
contigo: with you
Here are examples that show how you use these words:
¿Puedes ir al cine conmigo? (Can you go to the movies
with me?)
No puedo ir contigo. (I can’t go with you.)
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Chapter 5
Making Inquiries
In This Chapter
Getting and receiving a “yes” or a “no”
Asking for and giving information
ometimes when you ask a question, all you want in return
is a simple “yes” or “no” answer — no explanations are
necessary. Other times, however, you’re really interested
in getting information and want all the facts, so you need to
know how to properly ask questions in Spanish in order to
receive the correct answers. And, of course, many people
have questions for you that you need to provide Spanish
answers for.
In this chapter, you find out how to obtain all the informa-
tion you need — from easy “yes” or “no” questions to more
detailed inquiries about “who?”, “what?”, “when?”, “where?”,
“how?”, or “why?”. With the help of this chapter, you can
become proficient at not only asking questions but also giving
appropriate answers to the questions others ask you.
Posing a Yes/No Question
Forming a Spanish question that requires a “yes” or “no”
answer is very easy. You use three simple methods:
The tag ¿(No es) verdad? (Isn’t that so?) or ¿Está bien?
(Is that all right?)
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The following sections break down these methods.
Unlike in English, when you want to write a question in
Spanish, you put an upside-down question mark — ¿ — at the
beginning of the sentence and a standard question mark —
? — at the end:
¿Tiene Ud. sed? (Are you thirsty?)
Also, the words do and does and sometimes am, is, and are
don’t translate from English into Spanish. In Spanish, these
words are part of the meaning of the conjugated verb:
¿Vienen hoy? (Are they coming today?)
To form a negative question, you simply put no before the
conjugated Spanish verb:
¿No quieres tomar algo? (Don’t you want to drink
Intonation is by far the easiest way to ask a question in
Spanish. If you’re speaking, all you need to do is raise your
voice at the end of what was a statement and add an imagi-
nary question mark at the end of your thought. When writing,
you just write down your thought and put question marks
before and after it. It’s that simple. Here’s an example:
¿Ud. quiere tomar algo? (Do you want to drink
The tags “¿No es verdad?”
and “¿Está bien?”
¿No es verdad? and ¿Está bien? are tags that can have a vari-
ety of meanings:
Isn’t that so?
Isn’t (doesn’t) he/she?
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Chapter 5: Making Inquiries
Aren’t (don’t) they?
Aren’t (don’t) we?
Aren’t (don’t) you?
You generally place ¿No es verdad? or ¿Está bien? at the
end of a statement — especially when “yes” is the expected
Ud. quiere tomar algo. ¿No es verdad? (You want to drink
something, don’t you?)
Tenemos jugo. ¿Está bien? (We have juice. Is that all right?)
Inversion means that you turn something around; you can
invert anything from a picture to words in a sentence. When
forming a “yes” or “no” question in Spanish, you may invert
the word order of the pronoun or the subject noun and its
accompanying verb form. The following list details some dif-
ferent considerations when using inversion:
With inversion, pronouns tied to the conjugated verb
should remain after it:
¿Tiene Ud. sed ? (Are you thirsty?)
¿Va ella a tomar té? (Is she going to drink tea?)
If the subject noun or pronoun is followed by two con-
secutive verbs, put the subject noun or pronoun after the
phrase containing the second verb (remember to keep
the meaning of the phrase intact):
¿Quieren comer Uds.? (Do you want to eat?)
¿Prefiere tomar carne Luz? (Does Luz prefer to eat
In most instances, you omit the subject pronoun in
Spanish when the subject is obvious:
¿Quieres comer algo ahora? (Do you want to eat
something now?)
To ask a negative inverted question, put no before the
inverted verb and noun or pronoun. For verbs preceded
by a direct or indirect object pronoun (see Chapter 2) or
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
for reflexive verbs (see Chapter 3), the pronoun should
remain before the conjugated verb:
¿No toma frutas tu amigo? (Doesn’t your friend eat
¿No las toma tu amigo? (Doesn’t your friend eat them?)
¿No se desayuna temprano Alberto? (Doesn’t
Alberto eat breakfast early?)
Responding to a Yes/No Question
You undoubtedly know how to answer “yes” in Spanish
because the word for “yes” is common in pop culture.
Answering “no” requires a bit more work, because a simple
“no” doesn’t always suffice. Sometimes you need to express
nothing, nobody, or other negative ideas. The following sec-
tions cover these topics in detail.
Being positive
Saying “yes” in Spanish is really quite easy. You use to
answer “yes” to a question:
¿Quieres salir conmigo? (Do you want to go out with me?)
Sí, con mucho gusto. (Yes, I’d be delighted.)
Being negative
The most common negative response to a question is a plain
and simple no (no, not). Other common negatives, which
you may or may not use in conjunction with no, include the
Spanish Negative English Equivalent
ni . . . ni neither . . . nor
tampoco neither, not either
jamás, nunca never, (not) ever
nadie no one, nobody
ninguno(a) no, none, (not) any
nada nothing
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Chapter 5: Making Inquiries
Here’s a list that details some general considerations to
ponder when answering negatively in Spanish:
In Spanish, you generally place negative words before the
conjugated verb:
Nunca comprendo lo que Miguel dice. (I never under-
stand what Miguel says.)
Unlike in English, double negatives are perfectly accept-
able and sometimes even necessary in common usage for
a Spanish sentence. Some sentences may even contain
three negatives! For example, No le creo ni a él ni a ella./
Ni a él ni a ella les creo. (I believe neither him nor her.)
If no is one of the negatives, it precedes the conjugated
verb. When no is omitted, the other negative precedes
the conjugated verb. Here are some examples of both:
No fumo nunca./Nunca fumo. (I never smoke.)
No viene nadie./Nadie viene. (No one is coming.)
No le escucha a nadie nunca./Nunca le escucha a
nadie. (He never listens to anyone.)
When you have two verbs in the negative answer, place
no before the conjugated verb and put the other negative
word after the second verb:
No puedo comer ninguna comida picante. (I can’t
eat any spicy food.)
You may also place negative words before the infinitive
of the verb:
Él prefiere no ver a nadie. (He doesn’t want to see
You may use negatives alone (without no):
¿Qué buscas? (What do you want?)
Nada. (Nothing.)
A negative preceded by a preposition (see Chapter 2)
retains that preposition when placed before the verb:
No habla de nadie./De nadie habla. (He doesn’t
speak about anyone.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Using no
To make a sentence negative, you can put no before the con-
jugated verb. If the conjugated verb is preceded by a pronoun,
put no before the pronoun. You often repeat no for emphasis:
¿Debe estudiar los verbos ella? (Does she have to study
the verbs?)
(No,) Ella no los debe estudiar. ([No,] She doesn’t have to
study them.)
Using ni . . . ni
In a ni . . . ni (neither . . . nor) construction, the sentence usu-
ally begins with the word no. Each part of the ni . . . ni con-
struction precedes the word or words being stressed. Each
ni, therefore, may be used before a noun, an adjective, or an
No nos gusta ni el café ni el té. (We don’t like coffee or
Su coche no es ni grande ni pequeño. (His car is neither
big nor little.)
No puedo ni cocinar ni coser. (I can neither cook nor sew.)
Using nadie, nada, nunca, and jamás
You use the negatives nadie, nada, nunca, and jamás after
comparisons (see Chapter 4). Note that the English transla-
tion of a Spanish negative may have an opposite meaning:
Mi madre cocina mejor que nadie. (My mother cooks
better than anyone.)
Ella conduce más que nunca. (She drives better than
Quieren visitar España más que nada. (They want to visit
Spain more than anything.)
Using ninguno
Ninguno (no, none [not] any), when used before a masculine
singular noun, drops the final -o and adds an accent to the u
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Chapter 5: Making Inquiries
(ningún). The feminine singular form is ninguna. No plural
forms exist. Here’s an example of its usage:
¿Tiene algunos problemas? (Do you have any problems?)
No tengo problema ninguno. (I don’t have a problem.)
No tengo ningún problema. (I don’t have a problem.)
When used as an adjective, ninguno/a may be replaced by
alguno/a, which is a more emphatic negative. This construc-
tion then follows the noun:
No tiene ninguna mascota./No tiene mascota alguna. (He
doesn’t have a pet.)
Question words requiring their opposite
in the negative answers
When used in questions, some words require that you use
negative words of opposite meaning in the responses. The
following table presents these words:
If the question contains The negative answer should
alguien (someone, anyone) nadie (no one, nobody)
siempre (always) jamás/nunca (never)
algo (something) nada (nothing)
también (also) tampoco (neither, either)
alguno(a) (some, any) ninguno(a) (none, [not] any)
Here’s an example sentence:
¿Ves algo? (Do you see something?)
No veo nada. (I don’t see anything.)
Obtaining the Facts
When a simple “yes” or “no” won’t satisfy your curiosity, you
need to know how to ask for more information in Spanish.
Interrogative adjectives, interrogative adverbs, and interroga-
tive pronouns are the tools that allow you to get all the facts
you want and need. Find out how in the following sections.
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Using interrogative adjectives
You use the interrogative adjective ¿cuánto? (How much?/
How many?) before a noun when that noun may be counted
or measured. ¿Cuánto? varies and must agree in number and
gender with the noun it describes:
Masculine Feminine
Singular ¿cuánto? ¿cuánta?
Plural ¿cuántos? ¿cuántas?
Here are some examples of ¿cuánto? in use:
¿Cuánto dinero necesitas? (How much money do you
¿Cuántos dólares ganan por hora? (How many dollars do
they earn per hour?)
¿Cuánta sal echa Ud.? (How much salt are you adding?)
¿Cuántas horas trabajan? (How many hours do they
Cuánto, cuánta, cuántos, and cuántas may also be used as
interrogative pronouns. Check out “Employing Interrogative
Pronouns” later in the chapter for more info.
The interrogative adjective ¿qué?, on the other hand, is
invariable (it doesn’t change) and refers to a noun that isn’t
being counted. This word is equivalent to the English inter-
rogative adjectives what or which:
¿Qué idiomas sabes hablar? (What [Which] languages do
you know how to speak?)
You may use a preposition before an interrogative adjective
where logical:
¿A qué hora sale el tren? (At what time does the train
¿Con cuánta frecuencia vas al cine? ([With how much fre-
quency] How often do you go to the movies?)
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Chapter 5: Making Inquiries
Getting information with
interrogative adverbs
You use interrogative adverbs when you need an adverb to
ask a question. You often use the interrogative adverbs that
follow when using inversion to form questions (see the earlier
section “Inversion”):
English Adverb Spanish Interrogative Adverb
How? ¿cómo?
When? ¿cuándo?
Where (to)? ¿dónde?
Why? (for what reason) ¿por qué?
Why? (for what purpose) ¿para qué?
Here are a couple of these adverbs at work:
¿Cómo va Ud. a la oficina? (How do you get to work?)
¿Dónde vive tu hermana? (Where does your sister live?)
You may use a preposition before an interrogative adverb
where logical (note that the preposition a is attached to the
interrogative adverb in the first example):
¿Adónde quieren ir los niños? (Where do the children
want to go?)
¿Para qué sirve esta herramienta? (How is this tool
The interrogative adverb ¿Para qué? asks about a purpose
and, therefore, requires an answer with para (for, to):
¿Para qué usa Ud. esa brocha? (Why [For what purpose]
do you use that brush?)
Uso esa brocha para pintar. (I use that brush to paint.)
¿Por qué? asks about a reason and, therefore, requires an
answer with porque (because):
¿Por qué llora el niño? (Why [For what reason] is the
child crying?)
Llora porque está triste. (He’s crying because he is sad.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Employing interrogative pronouns
You use an interrogative pronoun when a pronoun is needed
to ask a question. The following table presents the Spanish
equivalents to English pronouns:
English Pronoun Spanish Interrogative Pronoun
Who? ¿quién(es)?
What? (Which one[s]?) ¿cuál(es)?
What? ¿qué?
How much? ¿cuánto?
How many? ¿cuántos(as)?
The following list breaks down the characteristics of the inter-
rogative pronouns in the previous list:
The interrogative pronouns ¿quién(es)? and ¿cuál(es)?
are variable pronouns and change to agree in number
only with the noun they replace:
¿Quién(es) llega(n)? (Who is arriving?)
Raquel llega. (Raquel is arriving.)
Raquel y Domingo llegan. (Raquel and Domingo
are arriving.)
¿Cuál(es) de esta(s) blusa(s) prefieres? (Which of
these blouses do you prefer?)
Prefiero la roja. (I prefer the red one.)
Prefiero las rojas. (I prefer the red ones.)
¿Cuál? means what or which (one/s) and asks about a
choice or a selection:
¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? (What is your
phone number?)
¿Cuál de los dos es el mejor? (Which [one] of the
two is better?)
¿Cuáles son los días de la semana? (What are the
days of the week?)
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Chapter 5: Making Inquiries
¿Cuánto?, when it means how many, agrees in both
number and gender with the noun being replaced:
¿Cuántos toman el examen? (How many are taking
the test?)
¿Cuánto?, when it means how much, and ¿qué? remain
¿Cuánto vale ese coche? (How much is this car
¿Qué significa esto? (What does this mean?)
A preposition + quién refers to people. A preposition +
que refers to things:
¿De quiénes habla Ud.? (About whom are you
¿De qué habla Ud.? (About what are you speaking?)
¿A quién se refiere él? (To whom is he referring?)
¿A qué se refiere él? (To what is he referring?)
¿Qué? means what when it precedes a verb and asks
about a definition, description, or an explanation. When
¿qué? precedes a noun, it expresses which:
¿Qué hacen durante el verano? (What are they
doing during the summer?)
¿Qué película quieres ver? (Which film do you want
to see?)
Hay (there is/are or is/are there?) is a present-tense form of
the auxiliary verb haber (to have). You use this verb imper-
sonally both to ask and to answer the question you ask. You
can use hay by itself or with a preceding question word:
¿(No) Hay un buen restaurante por aquí? (Is[n’t] there a
good restaurant nearby?)
¿Dónde hay un buen restaurante por aquí? (Where is
there a good restaurant nearby?)
Providing Information
This section is chock full of tips on how to answer questions
that ask you for information in Spanish.
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
When you see a question with ¿Cómo? (how, what), give
the information or the explanation that’s requested:
¿Cómo te llamas? (What’s your name?)
Susana. (Susana.)
¿Cómo prepara Ud. este plato? (How do you pre-
pare that dish?)
Con mantequilla y crema. (With butter and cream.)
When you see a question with ¿Cuánto(a)(s)? (how much,
many), you answer with a number, an amount, or a quan-
tity (see Chapter 1):
¿Cuánto cuesta este coche? (How much does this
car cost?)
Diez mil dólares. ($10,000.)
¿Cuántos huevos necesitas? (How many eggs do
you need?)
Una docena. (A dozen.)
When you see a question with ¿Cuándo? (when), you
answer with a specific time or an expression of time:
¿Cuándo empieza la película? (When does the film
En diez minutos. (In 10 minutes.)
A las tres y media. (At 3:30.)
En seguida. (Immediately.)
When you see a question with ¿Dónde? (where), you
answer with the name of a place. You use the preposition
en to express in:
¿Dónde vive Ud.? (Where do you live?)
En Nueva York. (In New York.)
You must use the preposition a (al, a los, a las) + the
name of a place in your answer to the question ¿adónde?
(¿a dónde?) (which translates literally as to where):
¿Adónde van? (Where are they going?)
Van al estadio. (They are going to the stadium.)
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Chapter 5: Making Inquiries
You must use the preposition de (del, de la, de los) +
the name of a place in your answer to the question ¿de
dónde? (which translates literally as from where):
¿De dónde es Ud.? (Where are you from?)
Soy de San Juan. (I’m from San Juan.)
For more on prepositions, head to Chapter 4.
When you see a question with ¿Por qué? (why), answer
with porque (because) + a reason:
¿Por qué no trabaja ella? (Why isn’t she working?)
Porque está enferma. (Because she’s sick.)
When you see a question with ¿Quién? (who, whom),
answer with the name of a person.
If the question contains a preposition — a, de, con, para,
and so on — you must use that same preposition in the
¿A quién espera Ud.? (Whom are you waiting for?)
A mi novio. (For my boyfriend.)
¿Con quiénes vives? (With whom do you live?)
Con mis abuelos. (With my grandparents.)
When you see a question with ¿Qué? (what), answer
according to the situation. As with the preceding bullet,
if the question contains a preposition, you must use that
same preposition in the answer:
¿Qué escribes? (What are you writing?)
Una carta. (A letter.)
¿Con qué escribes? (With what are you writing?)
Con un bolígrafo. (With a ballpoint pen.)
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Chapter 6
Revealing the Past
In This Chapter
Using the preterit to express completed actions
Discussing habitual actions with the imperfect
Selecting the best way to communicate the past
Revealing the past with the present perfect
hat’s past is past. Or is it? The past tense can be a
little murky in Spanish. Sometimes, an action in the
past is complete: It’s done, over, kaput. In other cases, past
action is a little vaguer. It doesn’t relate to a specific event but
to a past action that was continuous, ongoing, or habitual —
something you “used to do” or “were doing,” for example, at
no set period or time. In order to effectively understand and
use the different past tenses in Spanish, you need to become
much more aware of their differences, and this chapter helps
you do just that.
Living in the Past
In Spanish, several different tenses allow you to express past
actions. One of them is the preterit, which expresses an action,
event, or state of mind that occurred and was completed at a
specific time in the past. (For example, “She closed her book”
or “He caught the ball.”) If you remember that the action
ended at a definite moment, you’ll have no trouble using the
The imperfect allows you to give descriptions and to speak
about what you were in the habit of doing in the past: “He
was swimming (used to, would swim) every day.” To put it in
a visual sense, if the preterit tense captures a snapshot of a
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
past action with the click of the button, the imperfect tense
captures the motion of a past action with a video camera. If
you recall that an action extended over an indefinite period of
time, you’ll have no trouble using the imperfect.
In the following sections, we explain how to form the preterit
for regular, stem-changing, and irregular verbs and then tell
you when to use it. (We cover the imperfect tense later in the
Forming the preterit
of regular verbs
Forming the preterit of regular verbs is rather easy, because
although they have three different infinitive endings — -ar,
-er, and -ir — you use only two different sets of endings for the
To form the preterit of regular verbs, you drop the -ar, -er, or
-ir infinitive ending and add the preterit endings. The follow-
ing table shows the conjugation of an -ar verb:
mirar (to look at)
yo miré nosotros miramos
tú miraste vosotros mirasteis
él, ella, Ud. miró ellos, ellas, Uds. miraron
Yo miré la televisión. (I watched television.)
Here’s the conjugation of an -er verb:
beber (to drink)
yo bebí nosotros bebimos
tú bebiste vosotros bebisteis
él, ella, Ud. beb ellos, ellas, Uds. bebieron
Él no bebió nada. (He didn’t drink anything.)
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Chapter 6: Revealing the Past
Finally, allow us to give you this -ir conjugation:
recibir (to receive)
yo recibí nosotros recibimos
tú recibiste vosotros recibisteis
él, ella, Ud. recib ellos, ellas, Uds. recibieron
¿Qué recibiste? (What did you receive?)
The nosotros preterit forms of -ar verbs and -ir verbs are the
same as their present-tense forms:
Nosotros hablamos. (We speak; We spoke.)
Forming the preterit of
spelling change verbs
Only two categories of verbs have spelling changes in the
preterit tense:
Those with -car, -gar, and -zar endings.
Those that have a vowel before their -er or -ir ending.
The following sections dive into these changes.
Verbs ending in -car, -gar, and -zar
Verbs ending in -car, -gar, and -zar undergo a change, but only
in the yo form of the preterit, as follows:
c changes to qu tocar (to touch) yo toqué (I touched)
g changes to gu jugar (to play) yo jugué (I played)
z changes to c empezar (to begin) yo empecé (I began)
Here are some examples sentences with verbs with these
Yo expliqué el problema. (I explained the problem.)
Yo llegué antes de ellos. (I arrived before them.)
Yo almorcé con mis amigos. (I ate lunch with my friends.)
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Verbs that change i to y
Verbs that contain a vowel immediately preceding their -er or
-ir ending change i to y in the él, ella, Ud., ellos, ellas, Uds.
forms. All other forms have an accented i: í.
Spanish verbs that require the i to y change:
Verb Yo Él/
Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/
(to fall)
caí caíste cayó caímos caísteis cayeron
(to believe)
creí creíste creyó creímos creísteis creyeron
(to read)
leí leíste leyó leímos leísteis leyeron
(to hear)
oíste oyó oímos oísteis oyeron
Here are examples using these verbs:
El turista se cayó. (The tourist fell.)
Ellos no me creyeron. (They didn’t believe me.)
¿Leyó Ud. esto? (Did you read this?)
No oyeron nada. (They didn’t hear anything.)
The i to y change doesn’t hold true for the verb traer (to
Él no trajo su pasaporte. (He didn’t bring his passport.)
Verbs ending in -uir (concluir [to conclude], destruir [to
destroy], sustituir [to substitute], and so on) follow the i to
y change, but they don’t accent the i in the tú, nosotros, or
vosotros forms:
concluir (to conclude): concluí, concluiste, concluyó, con-
cluimos, concluisteis, concluyeron
Here’s concluir in a sentence:
Ellos concluyeron sus estudios. (They concluded their
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Chapter 6: Revealing the Past
Verbs with stem changes
The only verbs with stem changes in the preterit tense are -ir
infinitive verbs that have a stem change in the present tense
(see Chapter 3). Be careful, though! The change is different
in the preterit tense than it is in the present. Here’s how you
form the preterit: Change e to i or o to u only in the él, ella,
Ud., ellos, ellas, Uds. forms. The following table shows what
these verbs look like in the preterit tense:
Verb Yo Él/
Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/
(to prefer)
(e to ie)
preferí preferiste prefi rió preferimos preferisteis prefiri-
(to ask)
(eto i)
pedí pediste pidió pedimos pedisteis pidieron
(to sleep)
(o to ue)
dormí dormiste durmió dormimos dormisteis durmi-
Here are examples using these verbs:
Ella prefirió quedarse en casa ese día. (She preferred to
stay home that day.)
Nosotros pedimos su ayuda. (We asked for his help.)
¿Dormiste bien? (Did you sleep well?)
The verbs reír (to laugh) and sonreír (to smile) change e
to i in the él, ella, Ud, ellos, ellas, Uds. forms, and you add
accents to the tú, nosotros, and vosotros forms. Here’s the
reir (to laugh): reí, reíste, rió, reímos, reísteis, rieron
An example follows:
Ellas rieron se de él. (They laughed at him.)
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Forming the preterit
of irregular verbs
Many verbs that are irregular in the present tense also are
irregular in the preterit, which makes them easier to rec-
ognize as irregular verbs. Some of these irregular verbs
may be grouped according to the changes they undergo.
Unfortunately, a small number of verbs are completely irregu-
lar and must be memorized.
Most irregular verbs fall into categories, which makes them
easier to remember. The irregular verbs in the categories in
this section have the following endings in the preterit tense:
yo: -e
tú: -iste
él, ella, Ud.: -o
nosotros: -imos
vosotros: -isteis
ellos, ellas, Uds.: ieron (or -jeron if the stem ends in -j)
Verbs with i in the preterit stem
Some Spanish verbs with an e or an a in their stems change
the e or a to i in the preterit:
Verb Yo Él/
Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/
(to say, tell)
dije dijiste dijo dijimos dijisteis dijeron
(to come)
vine viniste vino vinimos vinisteis vinieron
(to wish, want)
quise quisiste quiso quisimos quisisteis quisieron
(to make, todo)
hice hiciste hizo hicimos hicisteis hicieron
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Chapter 6: Revealing the Past
In the third-person singular preterit of hacer, -c changes to -z
to maintain the original sound of the verb.
Examples using these verbs follow:
¿Qué dijo Ud.? (What did you say?)
¿A qué hora vinieron? (At what time did they come?)
Yo no quise salir anoche. (I didn’t want to go out last night.)
Los muchachos no hicieron nada. (The boys didn’t do
Verbs with u in the preterit stem
Some irregular Spanish verbs with an a or an o in their stem
change the a or the o to u:
Verb Yo Él/
Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/
cupe cupiste cupo cupimos cupisteis cupieron
supe supiste supo supimos supisteis supieron
puse pusiste puso pusimos pusisteis pusieron
(tobe able)
pude pudiste pudo pudimos pudisteis pudieron
Here are some example sentences:
Nosotros no cupimos todos en el coche. (We didn’t all fit
in the car.)
¿Supo Ud. la respuesta? (Did you know the answer?)
Lo puse en la mesa. (I put it on the table.)
No pudieron hacerlo. (They couldn’t do it.)
Verbs with uv in the preterit stem
Three Spanish verbs use uv before their preterit endings. Be
careful, though, because tener doesn’t follow the same pat-
tern as andar and estar. The preterit endings are added after
the initial t, and not after the infinitive stem ten:
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Verb Yo Él/
Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/
anduve andu-
anduvo andu -
andu -
estuve estu-
estuvo estuvimos estuvisteis estuvieron
tuve tuviste tuvo tuvimos tuvisteis tuvieron
Here’s how you use these verbs in the preterit:
Nosotros anduvimos al teatro. (We walked to the theater.)
Ayer yo estuve en casa. (Yesterday I was at home.)
Ella tuvo un catarro. (She had a cold.)
Verbs with j in the preterit stem
Some irregular Spanish verbs have a j in their preterit stems.
This category includes all verbs that end in -ducir as well as
the verb decir (to say; see the earlier section “Verbs with i in
the preterit stem”). Note that there’s no i in the él, ella, Ud.,
ellos, ellas, and Uds. endings:
Verb Yo Él/
Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/
traje trajiste trajo trajimos trajisteis trajeron
(to drive)
conduje condujiste condujo conduji-
The following sentences show examples of these verbs:
Ellos no trajeron sus libros en clase. (They didn’t bring
their books to class.)
¿Quién condujo? (Who drove?)
The preterit of dar and ver
The Spanish verbs dar and ver have the same irregular pret-
erit endings. You drop their respective -ar and -er infinitive
endings and then add their preterit endings to d- and v-:
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Chapter 6: Revealing the Past
Verb Yo Él/
Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/
di diste dio dimos disteis dieron
vi viste vio vimos visteis vieron
Here are a couple of example sentences:
Dimos un paseo por el parque. (We took a walk in the
¿Qué vio Ud.? (What did you see?)
The preterit of ser and ir
The two irregular verbs ser (to be) and ir (to go) have the
exact same preterit forms. How can you tell which verb is
being used in a sentence? You have to look at the context of
the sentence. The highly irregular conjugations of these two
verbs are as follows:
ser (to be); ir (to go): fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis,
The following examples show you how you can figure out the
meaning of the verb in use:
ir: Yo fui al mercado. (I went to the market.)
ser: Yo fui el primero en terminar el trabajo. (I was the
first to finish the work.)
Using the preterit
You can use the preterit tense in many ways to convey past
actions, events, or states of mind. You use the preterit to
express the following:
An action or event that began at a specific time in the
El avión despegó a las seis. (The plane took off at 6
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An action or event that was completed at a specific time
in the past:
Anoche fuimos a una fiesta. (Last night we went to a party.)
An action or event that was completed in the past within
a specific time period:
Preparé la cena. (I prepared dinner.)
A series of events that were completed within a definite
time period in the past:
Me desperté, me bañé, y me vestí antes de desayu-
narme. (I woke up, I bathed, and I got dressed before
eating breakfast.)
Looking Back with the Imperfect
The imperfect tense is vague and imprecise. That’s why it’s
called imperfect. When you know something happened in the
past, but you’re not really sure when or how often, you use
the imperfect tense. In English, you typically use the expres-
sions used to or always to describe these actions.
Forming the imperfect
of regular verbs
Just like the preterit, forming the imperfect of regular verbs is
rather easy. Although there are three different infinitive end-
ings for regular verbs — -ar, -er, and -ir — you use only two
different sets of endings to form the imperfect of these verbs.
You form the imperfect of a regular verb by dropping the -ar,
-er, or -ir infinitive ending and adding the proper imperfect
ending, as shown in the tables that follow:
Here’s the imperfect conjugation of -ar verbs:
mirar (to look at)
yo miraba nosotros mirábamos
tú mirabas vosotros mirabais
él, ella, Ud. miraba ellos, ellas, Uds. miraban
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Chapter 6: Revealing the Past
Here’s the imperfect conjugation of -er and -ir verbs:
beber (to drink)
yo bebía nosotros bebíamos
tú bebías vosotros bebíais
él, ella, Ud. bebía ellos, ellas, Uds. bebían
recibir (to receive)
yo recibía nosotros recibíamos
tú recibías vosotros recibíais
él, ella, Ud. recibía ellos, ellas, Uds. recibían
Here are some examples of the imperfect in action, using regu-
lar verbs:
Los turistas admiraban a los animales. (The tourists were
admiring the animals.)
Los monos comían cacahuetes. (The monkeys were eating
Los tigres preferían dormirse. (The tigers preferred to go
to sleep.)
Forming the imperfect
of irregular verbs
Only three Spanish verbs are irregular in the imperfect tense:
Verb Yo Él/
Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/
ir (to go) iba ibas iba íbamos ibais iban
ser (to be) era eras era éramos erais eran
ver (to see) veía veías veía veíamos veíais veían
Here are some examples of these verbs in the imperfect:
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Nosotros íbamos al restaurante. (We were going to the
Él era alto. (He was tall.)
Ellas veían a sus amigos los viernes. (They saw their
friends on Fridays.)
Verbs that usually have stem or spelling changes in other
tenses don’t change in the imperfect. So you don’t have to
learn another set of rules or memorize another list of verbs.
Using the imperfect
You’ll have no problem knowing when to use the imperfect
tense if you can remember that the imperfect is a descriptive
past tense. You use the imperfect in the following situations:
To describe ongoing or continuous actions in the past
(which may or may not have been completed):
Yo lo veía todos los días. (I saw him every day.)
To describe repeated or habitual actions that took place
in the past:
Ella viajaba mucho. (She used to travel a lot.)
To describe an action that continued for an unspecified
period of time:
Vivíamos en México. (We lived in Mexico.)
To describe a person, place, thing, weather condition,
time, day of the week, state of mind, or emotion in the
Estaba contento. (I was happy.)
La casa era muy grande. (The house was very big.)
Hacía frío. (It was cold.)
Eran las dos. (It was two o’clock.)
Era el lunes. (It was Monday.)
Quería comprenderlo. (I wanted to understand it.)
Creía que no era urgente. (He thought it wasn’t
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Chapter 6: Revealing the Past
To describe actions that took place simultaneously:
Yo escuchaba la radio mientras mi amiga miraba
la televisión. (I was listening to music while my
friend was watching television.)
To describe a situation that was going on in the past
when another action or event, expressed by the preterit
(covered earlier in this chapter), took place:
Yo escuchaba la radio cuando alguien tocó el
timbre. (I was listening to the radio when someone
rang the doorbell.)
Choosing the Preterit
or the Imperfect
The preterit tense expresses an action that was completed at
a specific time in the past. You can represent such an event or
action by drawing a dot. Boom! The action took place and was
completed, and that’s the end of it.
The imperfect tense, on the other hand, expresses a past
action that continued over an indefinite period of time. You
can represent such an action or event with a wavy line: It just
kept moving and moving without an end in sight. The action
continued over a period of time in the past: It was happening,
used to happen, or would (meaning “used to”) happen.
In some instances, either the preterit or the imperfect is
acceptable as a past tense. The tense you use may depend on
the meaning you want to convey. For instance, if you want to
convey that the action was completed, you can say
Ella estudió. (She studied.)
If you want to convey that the action was ongoing or continu-
ous, you can say
Ella estudiaba. (She was studying.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Signaling the preterit
You often use the preterit tense along with words and expres-
sions that specify a time period. Table 6-1 presents many of
these common words and expressions.
Table 6-1 Clues to the Preterit Tense
Spanish English
anoche last night
anteayer day before yesterday
ayer yesterday
ayer por la noche last night
de repente suddenly
el año pasado last year
el otro día the other day
el verano pasado last summer
finalmente finally
la semana pasada last week
por fin finally
un día one day
una vez one time
Here are some example sentences that show how you use
these words with the preterit:
Anoche me quedé en casa. (Last night I stayed home.)
Finalmente, lo terminé. (Finally, I finished it.)
Signaling the imperfect
You often use the imperfect tense with words and expressions
that imply habitual action or repetition in the past. Table 6-2
lists many of these words and expressions.
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Chapter 6: Revealing the Past
Table 6-2 Clues to the Imperfect Tense
Spanish English
a menudo often
a veces sometimes
cada día each day, every day
de vez en cuando from time to time
en general generally
frecuentemente frequently
generalmente generally
habitualmente habitually
normalmente normally
siempre always
todo el tiempo all the time
todos los días every day
usualmente usually
Here are examples that show how you use the imperfect tense
with some words and expressions from Table 6-2:
Normalmente regresaba a las seis. (You normally
returned home at 6 o’clock.)
Siempre jugaban al tenis. (They always played tennis.)
Creating the Present Perfect
Each simple tense has a corresponding compound tense.
A compound tense makes an action perfect or complete. In
English, for example, you eat in the present, but you have
eaten in the present perfect. In other words, you’re done
eating in the present tense.
Forming the present perfect
Forming the present perfect in Spanish is essentially a two-
step process:
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1. Begin with the present tense of the helping verb
2. Tack on the past participle of the main verb.
Here’s haber conjugated in the present tense:
yo he nosotros hemos
tú has vosotros habéis
él (ella, Ud.) ha ellos (ellas, ustedes) han
After you have the haber form, you need a past participle.
Every verb has a past participle that expresses a completed
action, such as taken, spoken, and danced. Forming the past
participle in English has probably become second nature to
you. In Spanish, you simply need to observe the following two
rules for forming the regular past participles of -ar, -er, and -ir
For -ar verbs, drop the -ar of the infinitive form and
add -ado.
For -er and -ir verbs, drop the -er or -ir of the infinitive
form and add -ido.
Forming and using the past participles is equivalent to using
-ed or -en endings in English.
Table 6-3 shows examples of each type of verb.
Table 6-3 Past Participles of Regular Verbs
Infinitive Past Participle
hablar (to speak) hablado (spoken)
comer (to eat) comido (eaten)
vivir (to live) vivido (lived)
If an -er or -ir stem ends in a vowel, add an accent mark to the
i as follows;
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Chapter 6: Revealing the Past
Verb Spanish Past Participle English Past Participle
oír oído heard
caer caído fallen
creer creído believed
leer leído read
traer traído brought
The following verbs have irregular past participles:
Verb Spanish Past Participle English Past Participle
abrir abierto opened
cubrir cubierto covered
decir dicho said
escribir escrito written
hacer hecho done
morir muerto died
poner puesto put
romper roto broken
ser sido been
ver visto seen
volver vuelto returned
Using the present perfect
After you know how to conjugate the verb haber in the pres-
ent tense and form the past participle of some common verbs,
you have everything you need to know to be able to form and
use the present perfect.
Keep the following rules and regulations in mind:
Use the present perfect to express or describe actions
that have happened recently and/or actions that still
hold true in the present, as in the sentences: “She has
arrived,” or “They have lived here for two years (and
still do).”
Never separate the verb haber and the past participle
with any other words.
When using an object pronoun with the present perfect,
the pronoun must precede the conjugated form of the
verb haber.
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The sample sentences in the list that follows show the use of
the present perfect:
Yo he terminado la carta. (I have finished the letter.)
Ellos han empezado la casa nueva. (They have started the
new house.)
Ella ha leído aquella novela. (She has read that novel.)
The past participle remains the same for every subject. Only
the helping verb changes:
Él ha dicho una mentira y ellas han dicho la verdad. (He
has told a lie and they have told the truth.)
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Chapter 7
Looking to the Future
In This Chapter
Expressing the future in three ways
Forming the future of regular and irregular verbs
Putting the future to use
his chapter allows you to look toward the future. You
discover how to use the present tense to express a future
action. You practice using the Spanish verb ir (to go) + the
preposition a to say what a subject is going to do. And you
discover how to form the future of regular and irregular verbs,
all with no spelling or stem changes!
Talking about the Future without
Using the Future Tense
You can tell someone that something is going to happen in
the future without knowing how to create the future tense of a
Spanish verb. How cool is that? You can use the present tense
in certain situations, and in other situations, you can use ir
(to go) + the preposition a + an infinitive. In the following sec-
tions, we explain exactly when you can use these non-future
constructions to convey the future.
Using the present to
express the future
You use the present tense to imply the future when asking for
instructions or when the proposed action will take place in
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
the not-so-distant or near future (see Chapter 3). Here are two
examples of these usages:
¿Dejo de hablar? (Shall I stop talking?)
Ellos pasan por nuestra casa. (They’ll be stopping by our
Expressing the near future
You use the present tense of the verb ir (to go) + the preposi-
tion a (which has no meaning in this particular construction)
+ the infinitive of the verb to express an action that will be
taking place rather soon or that’s imminent. First take a quick
look at the irregular verb ir in the present tense:
ir (to go)
yo voy nosotros vamos
vas vosotros vais
él, ella, Ud. va ellos, ellas, Uds. van
Here are some examples that use ir + a and allow you to
express what the subject is going to do in the form of an
Voy a salir. (I’m going to go out.)
Vamos a esperarlos. (We are going to wait for them.)
Mastering the Future Tense
When you want to talk about what a subject will do or what
action or event will take place in the not-so-immediate future,
you have to use the future tense of the verb. Here’s where the
conjugation comes in, but don’t worry. Forming the future
tense is a breeze compared to other verb tenses; you can see
what we mean in the following sections on regular and irregu-
lar verbs.
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Chapter 7: Looking to the Future
Forming the future
of regular verbs
The future tense in Spanish is just about as easy to form as
possible, because all verbs — every single one of them: regu-
lar verbs, verbs with spelling and stem changes, and irregular
verbs — have the same future endings. Well, some verbs do
have irregular future stems, but that’s only a few (see the fol-
lowing section for more on these verbs).
To form the future tense of a regular verb, you add the appro-
priate future ending (dependent on the subject) to the infini-
tive of the verb:
Future Endings for All Verbs
yo nosotros -emos
-ás vosotros -éis
él, ella, Ud. ellos, ellas, Uds. -án
The tables that follow show how you use these endings to
form the future of regular verbs:
-ar verbs:
trabajar (to work)
yo trabajaré nosotros trabajaremos
tú trabajarás vosotros trabajaréis
él, ella, Ud. trabajará ellos, ellas, Uds. trabajarán
-er verbs:
vender (to sell)
yo venderé nosotros venderemos
tú venderás vosotros venderéis
él, ella, Ud. venderá ellos, ellas, Uds. venderán
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-ir verbs:
discutir (to discuss, argue)
yo discutiré nosotros discutiremos
tú discutirás vosotros discutiréis
él, ella, Ud. discutirá ellos, ellas, Uds. discutirán
Now check out some example sentences that use the future
Yo no los invitaré a mi fiesta. (I won’t invite them to my
Ellos no beberán alcohol. (They won’t drink alcohol.)
¿Abrirás una cuenta bancaria pronto? (Will you open a
bank account soon?)
Verbs whose infinitives contain an accent mark over the
i, such as oír (to listen) and reír (to laugh), — drop their
accents in the future tense:
Yo no oiré esas mentiras. (I won’t listen to those lies.)
Ellos no se reirán de él. (They won’t laugh at him.)
When conjugating reflexive verbs in the future tense, the
reflexive pronoun goes in front of the conjugated verb form.
(Check out Chapter 3 for more on reflexive verbs.)
Me acostaré temprano esta noche. (I’m going to go to bed
early tonight.)
Forming the future
of irregular verbs
Certain Spanish verbs are irregular in the future tense. These
verbs have irregular future stems, which always end in -r or
-rr — an easy way to remember them! To form the future of
these irregular verbs, you do one of three things:
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Chapter 7: Looking to the Future
Drop e from the infinitive ending before adding the
appropriate future ending:
Infinitive Meaning Future Stem
r to fit cabr-
r to have habr-
r to be able podr-
r to want querr-
r to know sabr-
Here are some example sentences:
¿Cabrá esa máquina en el gabinete? (Will that
machine fit in the cabinet?)
No podremos venir. (We will not be able to come.)
Drop e or i from the infinitive ending and replace the vowel
with a d before adding the appropriate future ending:
Infinitive Meaning Future Stem
r to put pondr-
r to leave saldr-
r to have tendr-
r to be worth valdr-
r to come vendr-
Three of these verbs are illustrated in the following
example sentences:
¿Cuándo saldrán? (When will they leave?)
¿Cuánto valdrá ese coche? (How much will that car
be worth?)
¿No vendrás mañana? (Won’t you be coming
Memorize the irregular stems and add the appropriate
future endings. At this level, you need to know only two
high-frequency irregular verbs in Spanish that are irregu-
lar in the future:
Infinitive Meaning Future Stem
decir to say dir-
hacer to make, to do har-
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Observe these verbs in action:
Yo diré lo que pienso. (I will say what I think.)
¿Qué harán para resolver el problema? (What will
they do to solve the problem?)
Using the Future to Foretell,
Predict, and Wonder
Using the future tense to express future time seems kind of
obvious. However, you must be aware of other instances in
Spanish when you may use the future, too. For instance, you
use the future
To predict a future action or event:
Lloverá pronto. (It will rain soon.)
To express wonder, probability, conjecture, or uncer-
tainty in the present. The Spanish future, in this case,
is the equivalent to the following English phrases: “I
wonder,” “probably,” or “must be.”
¿Cuánto dinero tendrán? (I wonder how much
money they have.)
Serán las seis. (It’s probably [It must be] six o’clock.)
Alguien viene. ¿Quién será? (Someone is coming. I
wonder who it is?)
¿Será mi esposo? (I wonder if it’s my husband.)
¿Me dará un anillo mi novio? (I wonder if my boy-
friend is going to give me a ring.)
To express something that you expect and that’s due to
or caused by a present action or event:
Si viene a tiempo, el jefe no se quejará. (If you
come on time, the boss won’t complain.)
Si sigues la receta, prepararás una buena comida.
(If you follow the recipe, you’ll prepare a good meal.)
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Chapter 8
Identifying Verb Moods
In This Chapter
Issuing commands
Understanding the present subjunctive
Speculating with the present perfect subjunctive
Using the conditional
n other chapters in this book, we cover verb tenses (past,
present, future, and so on). In this chapter, we explain dif-
ferent moods of verbs. No, we don’t mean angry or excited
verbs. A verb’s mood reflects the subject’s attitude toward
what the verb expresses. Moods come in four flavors:
The indicative mood, the most commonly used, states a
fact and requires the present, past, or future tense. (See
Chapters 3, 6, and 7 for more on these tenses.)
The imperative mood requires a command.
The subjunctive is a mood that shows wishing, want-
ing, emotion, need, or doubt (among other things) and
requires special verb forms.
The conditional mood indicates what would happen under
certain circumstances.
In this chapter, we focus on commands, the present and pres-
ent perfect subjunctive, and the conditional moods.
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Giving Commands with
the Imperative Mood
When you tell a waiter to bring you water, ask a dinner guest
to please pass the salt, or tell your dog to lie down, you’re
using the imperative mood. You’re giving a command —
telling someone, or sometimes yourself, to do something.
In most cases, you bark out commands in the you form, but
remember that in Spanish you can mean any of four different
yous. With the imperative, you can also give what is called a
let’s command, as in, “Let’s go to the movie.” This less asser-
tive form of the imperative takes the nosotros form.
Forming commands with
Ud. and Uds.
When forming the formal you singular, that is, the usted (Ud.),
commands in the affirmative and the negative forms, you drop
the -o ending of the yo form, and add an -e for -ar verbs or an
-a for -er and -ir verbs. Here are a few examples:
¡Hable! (Speak!) ¡No hable! (Don’t speak!)
¡Coma! (Eat!) ¡No coma! (Don’t eat!)
¡Escriba! (Write!) ¡No escriba! (Don’t write!)
Spanish has only the following three irregular usted commands:
Infinitive Positive Command Negative Command
ir ¡Vaya! (Go!) ¡No vaya! (Don’t go)
saber ¡Sepa! (Know!) ¡No sepa! (Don’t know!)
ser ¡Sea! (Be!) ¡No sea! (Don’t be!)
The verbs dar (to give) and estar (to be) add accents in the
following formal command forms to maintain proper stress:
dar: ¡Dé (Ud.)! (Give!)
estar: ¡Esté (Ud.)! (Be!) ¡Estén (Uds.)! (Give!)
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
When forming the formal, plural you or ustedes (Uds.) com-
mands, you simply add an -n to the Ud. command form. This
rule applies for the regular and irregular verbs, as shown in
the following examples:
Hablen. (Speak!)
¡No coman! (Don’t eat!)
Escriban. (Write!)
¡No sean tontos! (Don’t be foolish!)
Forming commands with
tú and vosotros
You can form positive commands by dropping the -s from
the present tense forms of regular -ar, -er, or -ir verbs:
Hablas (you speak) becomes ¡Habla! (Speak!)
Comes (you eat) becomes ¡Come! (Eat!)
Escribes (you write) becomes ¡Escribe! (Write!)
You can form negative commands by taking the -o off of the
present-tense yo form and adding -es for regular -ar verbs and
-as for regular -er and -ir verbs:
Hablo (I speak) becomes ¡No hables! (Don’t speak!)
Como (I eat) becomes ¡No comas! (Don’t eat!)
Escribo (I write) becomes ¡No escribas! (Don’t write!)
Spanish also includes some irregular form commands.
Table 8-1 shows the positive and negative forms of the most
common irregular form commands.
Table 8-1 Irregular Tú Form Commands
Infinitive Positive Command Negative Command
decir (to say, tell) Di No digas
hacer (to do, make) Haz No hagas
ir (to go) Ve No vayas
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Table 8-1 (continued)
Infinitive Positive Command Negative Command
poner (to put) Pon No pongas
salir (to leave) Sal No salgas
ser (to be) No seas
tener (to have) Ten No tengas
venir (to come) Ven No vengas
Here is an example:
¡No tengas miedo sino que ten cuidado! (Don’t be afraid,
but be careful!)
When forming the positive, informal, plural you or vosotros
commands for regular verbs, you drop the -r from the infini-
tive form and add -d, as you can see in the following examples:
¡Hablad! (Speak!)
¡Comed! (Eat!)
¡Escribid! (Write!)
When forming the negative vosotros commands, you simply
drop the -o from the present-tense yo form and add -éis for -ar
verbs or -áis for -er and -ir verbs, as follows:
¡No habléis! (Don’t speak!)
¡No comáis! (Don’t eat!)
¡No escribáis! (Don’t write!)
The same three verbs are irregular in the negative vosotros
command forms as in the usted forms. They are
Infinitive Negative Command
ir ¡No vayáis! (Don’t go!)
saber No sepáis . . . (Don’t know . . .)
ser No seáis . . . (Don’t be . . .)
Dar (to give) drops the accent in the negative vosotros com-
mand: ¡No deis! (Don’t give!)
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
Forming the let’s command
The nosotros-form commands, or the let’s commands, enable
you to make suggestions to your friends or to a group of
people (including yourself) about what you want to do. When
forming these commands, take the -o off of the present-tense
yo form of the verb and add -emos for -ar verbs or -amos
for -er and -ir verbs. You simply put no in front of the verb
to make a negative let’s command. Some examples follow in
Table 8-2.
Table 8-2 Let’s Commands with Regular Verbs
Infinitive (Ending) Positive Command Negative Command
hablar (-ar) (to speak) Hablemos. No hablemos.
comer (-er) (to eat) Comamos. No comamos.
escribir (-ir) (to write) Escribamos. No escribamos.
For example:
¡No hablemos! ¡Comamos! (Let’s not speak! Let’s eat!)
The three verbs in Table 8-3 are irregular in the nosotros com-
mand form, both in their affirmative and the negative formations.
Note that ir is different in its affirmative and negative forms.
Table 8-3 Let’s Commands with Irregular Verbs
Infinitive Positive Command Negative Command
ir (to go) Vamos. No vayamos.
saber (to know) Sepamos. No sepamos.
ser (to be) Seamos. No seamos.
An example follows:
¡No vayamos al parque! ¡Vamos al cine! (Let’s not go to
the park! Let’s go to the movies!)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Forming the Present Subjunctive
So, you’re unfamiliar with the subjunctive. We’re not at all
surprised — it’s not that commonly discussed in English. It
indicates how the speaker feels about or perceives a situation
rather than when an action occurred. In this section, you dis-
cover how to form the present subjunctive (which we some-
times refer to here as just “the subjunctive”) of regular verbs,
verbs with spelling changes, verbs with stem changes, and
completely irregular verbs.
Creating the present subjunctive
of regular verbs
You form the present subjunctive of regular verbs by drop-
ping the -o from the yo form of the present tense and adding
the subjunctive endings shown in bold in Table 8-4. These
endings are relatively easy to remember, because -ar verbs
(such as hablar) use the present-tense endings of -er verbs,
and -er (comprender) and -ir (escribir) verbs use the present-
tense endings of -ar verbs. This switch is why people say that
you form the present subjunctive by using the opposite verb
endings on the stem.
Table 8-4 The Present Subjunctive Endings
of Regular Verbs
-ar verbs -er verbs -ir verbs
yo form of
(I speak) comprendo (I
escribo (I write)
yo hable comprenda escriba
hables comprendas escribas
él, ella, Ud. hable comprenda escriba
nosotros hablemos comprendamos escribamos
vosotros habléis comprendáis escribáis
ellos, ellas,
hablen comprendan escriban
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
Here are some examples of these verbs in the subjunctive:
Es importante que yo hable con sus padres. (It is impor-
tant that I speak to your parents.)
Es esencial que Ud. comprenda las reglas. (It is essential
that you understand the rules.)
Es necesario que nosotros escribamos las notas. (It is
necessary that we write the notes.)
Working with verbs irregular
in the yo form
Some verbs are irregular in the yo form of the present tense.
These verbs use the stem of the yo to form the present sub-
junctive. You drop the final -o from the yo form and add the
opposite endings. In other words, you add an ending that
starts with -a for the -er and -ir verbs listed in Table 8-5.
Table 8-5 Subjunctive Stems Derived from the
Present-Tense yo Form
Verb yo Form Subjunctive Forms
caber (to fit) quepo quepa, quepas, quepa, quepamos,
quepáis, quepan
caer (to fall) caigo caiga, caigas, caiga, caigamos,
caigáis, caigan
(to say, to tell)
digo diga, digas, diga, digamos, digáis,
(to make, to do)
hago haga, hagas, haga, hagamos, hagáis,
oír (to hear) oigo oiga, oigas, oiga, oigamos, oigáis,
poner (to put) pongo ponga, pongas, ponga, pongamos,
pongáis, pongan
salir (to go out) salgo salga, salgas, salga, salgamos, salgáis,
tener (to have) tengo tenga, tengas, tenga, tengamos,
tengáis, tengan
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Table 8-5 (continued)
Verb yo Form Subjunctive Forms
traer (to bring) traigo traiga, traigas, traiga, traigamos,
traigáis, traigan
(to be worth)
valgo valga, valgas, valga, valgamos, valgáis,
venir (to come) vengo venga, vengas, venga, vengamos,
vengáis, vengan
ver (to see) veo vea, veas, vea, veamos, veáis, vean
Here are some examples of these types of verbs:
Es imposible que todo quepa en mi maleta. (It’s impos-
sible that everything will fit in my suitcase.)
Es urgente que Uds. hagan todo este trabajo ahora. (It is
urgent that you do all this work now.)
Tackling verbs with
spelling changes
Some Spanish verbs have the same spelling change in the
present subjunctive as they have in the present tense.
Namely, verbs ending in -cer/-cir, -ger/-gir, and -guir (not -uir)
undergo the same changes that occur in the yo form of the
present. These changes are as follows:
vowel + -cer/-cir verbs: c zc
consonant + -cer /-cir verbs: c z
-ger/-gir verbs: g j
-guir verbs: gu g
Use the regular subjunctive ending after making the spelling
changes shown in Table 8-6.
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
Table 8-6 Present Subjunctive of Verbs
with Spelling Changes
Infinitive Present yo Form Stem
ofrecer (to offer) ofrezco ofrezc-
traducir (to translate) traduzco traduzc-
convencer (to convince) convenzo convenz-
esparcir (to spread) esparzo esparz-
escoger (to choose) escojo escoj-
exigir (to demand) exijo exij-
distinguir (to distinguish) distingo disting-
The following examples illustrate these spelling changes:
Es una lástima que el director no le ofrezca un aumento
de salario. (It is a pity that the director isn’t offering him a
Es natural que el jefe exija mucho de sus empleados. (It
is natural that the boss demands a lot from his employees.)
You see some different spelling changes for verbs in the pres-
ent subjunctive than you see for verbs with spelling changes
in the present tense. In the present subjunctive, verbs ending
in -car, -gar, and -zar undergo changes. They have the same
changes as in the preterit (or the past tense; see Chapter 6).
These changes are as follows:
-car verbs: c qu
-gar verbs: g gu
-zar verbs: z c
The following table (and examples) show the full conjugation:
Infinitive Stem Subjunctive Endings
tocar (to touch) toqu- -e, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en
pagar (to pay) pagu- -e, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en
organic- -e, -es, -e, -emos, éis, -en
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Here are some examples:
Es importante que no toques nada. (It is important that
you not touch anything.)
Es imperativo que nosotros paguemos esta factura. (It is
imperative that we pay this bill.)
Es necesario que él organice los datos. (It is necessary for
him to organize the data.)
Coping with stem changes
Just like in the present tense, stem-changing -ar and -er verbs
in the present subjunctive undergo changes in all forms except
nosotros and vosotros. Table 8-7 outlines these changes.
Table 8-7 Verbs with Stem Changes in the
Present Subjunctive
in the
yo, tú,
él, ellos
e ie
cierr- cerr-
o ue
muestr- mostr-
e ie
quier- quer-
o ue
vuelv- volv-
Here are two example sentences with these verbs:
Quiero que Ud. cierre la ventana. (I want you to close the
Es dudoso que ellos vuelvan temprano. (It is doubtful that
they will return early.)
And what about -ir verbs? Well, -ir verbs with e ie and o
ue stem changes make those same changes in all forms except
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
nosotros and vosotros. The nosotros and vosotros forms
change e to i and o to u, respectively. Those with an e i
stem change use i instead of e in all forms including nosotros
and vosotros, as shown in Table 8-8.
Table 8-8 Certain -ir Verbs with Present Subjunctive
Stem Changes
Infinitive Stem
Stem nosotros and
vosotros Stems
preferir (to prefer)
e ie
prefier- prefir-
dormir (to sleep)
o ue
duerm- durm-
servir (to serve)
e i
sirv- sirv-
Here are some examples of -ir verbs in the subjunctive:
La profesora está contenta que nosotros prefiramos
ver una película española. (The teacher is happy that we
prefer to see a Spanish film.)
Su padre está enojado que él duerma hasta las diez. (His
father is angry that he sleeps until ten o’clock.)
Es dudoso que sirvan vino en la conferencia. (It is doubt-
ful that they will serve wine at the conference.)
The changes don’t end with simple -ar, -er, and -ir verbs, how-
ever. Note the stem changes for the following categories of
verbs that end with an additional vowel:
Verbs that end in -iar have accent marks in all present
subjunctive forms except nosotros:
enviar (to send): envíe, envíes, envíe, enviemos, enviéis,
Verbs that end in -uar have accent marks in all present
subjunctive forms except nosotros:
continuar (to continue): continúe, continúes, continúe,
continuemos, continuéis, continúen
Verbs that end in -uir (but not -guir) add a y after the u
in all present subjunctive forms:
concluir (to conclude): concluya, concluyas, concluya,
concluyamos, concluyáis, concluyan
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
The following examples show these rules in action:
Es importante que Ud. envíe este paquete inmediata-
mente. (It is important that you send this package
Me enfada que Ud. no continúe estudiando español. (I’m
annoyed that you don’t continue to study Spanish.)
El profesor desea que los estudiantes concluyan su
trabajo. (The teacher wants the students to complete their
Understanding verbs with both
spelling and stem changes
Some very common Spanish verbs have both spelling and
stem changes in the present subjunctive form, as shown in
Table 8-9.
Table 8-9 Spelling and Stem Changes in the
Present Subjunctive
Verb Spelling
Subjunctive Forms
colgar (to hang)
g gu o ue
cuelgue, cuelgues,
cuelgue, colguemos,
colguéis, cuelguen
jugar (to play)
g gu u ue
juegue, juegues, juegue,
juguemos, juguéis,
(to begin)
z ce ie
comience, comiences,
comencéis, comiencen
(to begin)
z ce ie
empiece, empieces,
empiece, empecemos,
empecéis, empiecen
(to eat lunch)
z co ue
almuerce, almuerces,
almuerce, almorcemos,
almorcéis, almuercen
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
The following examples show these changes in action:
María está contenta de que sus perros jueguen en el
jardín. (María is happy that her dogs play in the backyard.)
Estoy encantada que el espectáculo empiece ahora. (I
am delighted that the show will begin now.)
La madre no permite que sus hijos almuercen en la sala.
(The mother doesn’t permit her children to eat lunch in the
living room.)
Conjugating irregular verbs
Some verbs are completely irregular in the subjunctive mood,
which means you can’t follow any rules or patterns to form
them. You can do nothing else but memorize them. Table 8-10
presents these verbs.
Table 8-10 Irregular Verbs in the Present Subjunctive
Spanish Verb Subjunctive Forms
dar (to give) dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den
estar (to be) esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén
ir (to go) vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan
saber (to know) sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan
ser (to be) sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean
Here are some examples of irregular verbs in the subjunctive:
Estamos tristes que tu abuela esté enferma. (We are sad
that your grandmother is sick.)
Yo dudo que él sepa reparar la computadora. (I doubt
that he knows how to repair the computer.)
Using the Present Subjunctive
The subjunctive mood is tentative and uncertain. It enables
you to wish, desire, and suppose whenever reality falls short
of expectations. It allows you to put all your shortcomings
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
behind you and suppose, just for the time being, that you’re
something you’re not or that certain conditions are in place
that aren’t really in place — “If only I were rich . . .” The sub-
junctive also enables you to add a pinch of doubt to state-
ments and offer impersonal opinions, so you can express
yourself without being overly committal. It’s an empowering
grammatical construction.
The present subjunctive has many applications, which makes
it a very useful tool for you to have. It allows you to express
your innermost hopes, desires, and dreams; your most press-
ing needs; your wildest doubts; and your humblest opinions.
Furthermore, it allows you to give advice, to insist on receiv-
ing what you want, to offer suggestions, and to demand the
necessities of life. And you can execute these expressions in a
very low-key, gentle way.
How do you know when to use the present subjunctive? You
must use the subjunctive in Spanish (whether or not you’d
use it in English) when all the following conditions exist within
a sentence:
The sentence contains a main (or independent) clause —
a group of words containing a subject and a verb that can
stand alone as a sentence — and a subordinate (or depen-
dent) clause — a group of words containing a subject
and a verb that can’t stand alone. Generally, each clause
must contain a different subject.
The main clause shows, among other things, wishing,
wanting, emotion, doubt, need, necessity, feelings, emo-
tions, commands or orders, supposition, speculation, or
Que (that) joins the main clause to the dependent clause,
which contains a verb in the subjunctive.
When you use the subjunctive in English (and most
people do so without even realizing it), you often omit
the word that. In Spanish, however, you must always use
que to join the two clauses:
Es improbable que yo salga esta noche. (It is improbable
[that] I’ll go out tonight.)
(No) Es extraño que él haga eso. (It is [not] strange [that]
he’s doing that.)
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
The verb in the main clause is in the present, the future
(see Chapter 7), or a command (see “Giving Commands
with the Imperative Mood” earlier in this chapter).
Expressing your desires,
needs, or doubts
One of the coolest features of the subjunctive mood is that it
enables you to express desire, hope, or preference; offer sug-
gestions, recommendations, or advice; and even insist or beg
for what you want. In other words, even though you may not
get what you want, you can certainly ask for it, hope for it,
and even insist on it. These expressions of desire, hope, and
preference require a combination of two clauses:
The main clause expresses the desire, doubt, or opinion
in the indicative mood (statement of fact): “I hope . . . ,”
“Sally advises . . . ,” or “Pedro prefers . . .”
The subordinate clause describes that which is being
desired, doubted, or offered as an opinion, and you
express it in the subjunctive mood. Using the first main
clause (from the previous bullet) as an example: I hope
“that my package arrives tomorrow.”
The following list shows verbs that express wishing, emotion,
need, doubt, advice, command, demand, desire, hope, permis-
sion, preference, prohibition, request, suggestion, or want-
ing and, therefore, require the use of the subjunctive in the
subordinate clause. (Verbs with a * require a spelling or stem
change; see the earlier “Forming the Present Subjunctive” sec-
tion for more on making these changes.)
Spanish English
aconsejar to advise
alegrarse (de) to be glad, to be happy
avergonzarse de to be ashamed of
(no) creer to believe (disbelieve)
desear to desire, to wish, to want
dudar to doubt
enfadarse to become angry
enojarse to become angry
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Spanish English
esperar to hope
exigir* to require, to demand
insistir to insist
lamentar to regret
mandar to command, to order
necesitar to need
negar* to deny
ojalá (que) . . . if only . . .
ordenar to order
pedir* to ask for, to request
permitir to permit
preferir* to prefer
prohibir to forbid
querer* to wish, to want
recomendar* to recommend
requerir* to require
rogar* to beg, to request
sentir* to be sorry, to regret
sugerir* to suggest
suplicar to beg, to plead
temer to fear
Here’s how you use some of these verbs:
Siento que Uds. no vengan a mi fiesta. (I am sorry that
you aren’t coming to my party.)
El patrón manda que Ud. llegue a tiempo. (The boss
demands that you arrive on time.)
Ojalá que yo gane la loteria. (If only I win the lottery.)
If no doubt exists in the thought you want to express, you use
the indicative (past, present, or future):
Él no duda que yo merezco el premio. (He doesn’t doubt
that I deserve the award.)
Yo creo que ella es muy inteligente. (I believe she is very
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
If the certainty is negated or questioned, however, you use
the subjunctive:
¿No piensas que ese libro sea interesante? (Don’t you
think that book is interesting?)
Demonstrating feelings
or emotions
When the main clause of a Spanish sentence contains the
word estar (to be) followed by an adjective that expresses
feelings or emotions, you use the subjunctive in the depen-
dent clause. To complete the sentence, you insert the words
de que (that) after the adjective:
Estoy alegre de que Uds. me acompañen al cine. (I’m
happy that you are accompanying me to the movies.)
No estamos contentos de que tú pierdas el tiempo. (We
are not happy that you are wasting time.)
The following table lists many Spanish adjectives that express
feelings or emotions (for more on adjectives, head to Chapter 4):
Spanish English
alegre happy
avergonzado (-a) embarrassed, ashamed
contento (-a) happy
encantado (-a) delighted
enojado (-a) angry
feliz happy
furioso (-a) furious
irritado (-a) irritated
orgulloso (-a) proud
triste sad
You use the subjunctive after the adverbs tal vez (perhaps)
and quizás (perhaps) to imply doubt or uncertainty. When
you want to express certainty, you use the indicative:
Tal vez (Quizás) vayan a la Ameríca del Sur. (Perhaps
they will go to South America.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Employing impersonal expressions
You use an impersonal expression to convey personal infor-
mation and ideas without making any one person the owner.
The impersonal expression acts as the main clause of the
sentence and is joined to the thoughts you want to relate by
que (that). When this expression shows wishing, uncertainty,
need, emotion, and so on, it requires the subjunctive in the
dependent clause that follows.
Many (although not all) impersonal expressions begin with es
(it is) and are followed by adjectives showing wishing, emo-
tion, doubt, need, and so on. They require the subjunctive
even if they’re negated:
No es urgente que me telefonee. (It isn’t urgent that you
call me.)
The following table lists some of the most common Spanish
impersonal expressions that require the subjunctive:
Spanish English
conviene que it is advisable that
es absurdo que it is absurd that
es asombroso que it is amazing that
es bueno que it is good/nice that
es conveniente que it is fitting that
es curioso que it is curious that
es difícil que it is difficult that
es dudoso que it is doubtful that
es esencial que it is essential that
es extraño que it is strange that
es fácil que it is easy that
es importante que it is important that
es imposible que it is impossible that
es increíble que it is incredible that
es injusto que it is unfair that
es interesante que it is interesting that
es irónico que it is ironic that
es justo que it is fair that
es lamentable que it is regrettable that
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
Spanish English
es malo que it is bad that
es mejor que, más vale que it is better that
es natural que it is natural that
es necesario que, es preciso que it is necessary that
es posible que it is possible that
es preferible que it is preferable that
es probable que it is probable that
es raro que it is rare that
es sorprendente que it is surprising that
es suficiente que it is enough that
es una lástima que it is a pity that
es urgente que it is urgent that
es útil que it is useful that
parece mentira que it seems untrue that
Here are some examples that show how an impersonal expres-
sion can communicate a very personal thought, feeling, or
Es sorprendente que esa mujer sea tan irresponsable.
(Itis surprising that that woman is so irresponsible.)
Es injusto que estas personas no puedan votar. (It is
unfair that these people can’t vote.)
Be careful! When impersonal expressions show certainty
(such as the following), you must use the indicative (present,
past, or future):
Spanish English
es cierto it is certain, it is sure
es claro it is clear
es evidente it is evident
es exacto it is exact
es obvio it is obvious
es seguro it is sure
es verdad it is true
parece it seems
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Es obvio que nuestros precios son competitivos. (It is
obvious that our prices are competitive.)
Es claro que Ud. tiene razón. (It is clear that you are
However, impersonal expressions that show certainty when
used in the affirmative express doubt or denial when they’re
negated and, therefore, require the subjunctive:
Es cierto que el avión despega pronto. (It is certain that
the plane will take off soon.)
No es cierto que el avión despegue pronto. (It is uncertain
that the plane will take off soon.)
Using relative clauses
You use the subjunctive in relative clauses, where the person
or thing mentioned in the main clause
Is indefinite
Is nonexistent
Is sought after but not yet attained
May or may not exist
In other words, the subject of the sentence just isn’t sure or is
in doubt about the availability of the person or thing. Here are
two examples:
Busco un mecánico que sepa reparar mi coche. (I am
looking for a mechanic who knows how to repair my car.)
Because of the indefinite quality of mecánico, you don’t use
the impersonal a here.
Conozco a un mecánico que sabe reparar mi coche. (I
know a mechanic who knows how to repair my car.)
Note that in the first sentence, the subject is unsure if such
a person can be found. In the second sentence, however, the
subject has no doubt that the person exists, so the present
tense, rather than the present subjunctive, is required.
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
Playing with the Present
Perfect Subjunctive
You use the present perfect subjunctive when the verb in the
main clause is in the present tense, and the dependent verb
refers to an event that has taken place.
You form the present perfect subjunctive by conjugating the
helping verb haber in the present subjunctive and adding the
past participle of the main verb. (See Chapter 6.)
The following chart shows the verb haber conjugated in the
present subjunctive:
haber [helping verb] (to have)
haya hayamos
hayas hayáis
haya hayan
Here’s an example of how you combine a conjugation of haber
with a past participle to form the present perfect subjunctive:
Espero que ellos hayan terminado su trabajo a tiempo.
(I hope that they have finished their work on time.)
Making Actions Conditional
Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve . . . that’s what the conditional
mood is all about. If the conditions were appropriate, the action
should’ve, could’ve, or would’ve resulted . . . theoretically
speaking. Simply put, you use the conditional mood to express
a conditional action. But you can also use it to make a polite
request or to subtly, or not so subtly, suggest that someone
perform a certain action.
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Forming the conditional
of regular verbs
When conjugating Spanish verbs in the regular conditional
mood, keep the following points in mind:
The regular conditional mood is a combination of the
future (see Chapter 7) and imperfect tenses (see
Chapter 6).
The regular conditional tense requires no spelling or
stem changes.
When conjugating regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in the condi-
tional tense, you simply take the entire verb infinitive (don’t
drop anything) and then add the imperfect verb endings you
use for -er and -ir verbs: -ía, -ías, ía, -íamos, -íais, and -ían, as
shown in the tables below:
preparar (to prepare)
yo prepararía nosotros prepararíamos
tú prepararías vosotros prepararíais
él, ella, Ud. prepararía ellos, ellas, Uds. prepararían
Ud. prepararía la comida. (You (formal) would prepare the meal.)
vender (to sell)
yo vendería nosotros venderíamos
tú venderías vosotros venderíais
él, ella, Ud. vendería ellos, ellas, Uds. venderían
Vosotras venderíais el coche. (You (plural, female, familiar) would
sell the car)
escribir (to write)
yo escribiría nosotros escribiríamos
tú escribirías vosotros escribiríais
él, ella, Ud. escribiría ellos, ellas, Uds. escribirían
Ella escribiría la carta. (She would write the letter.)
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Chapter 8: Identifying Verb Moods
Here is an example of the conditional in use:
Yo no jugaría al golf. (I wouldn’t play golf.)
Exploring verbs with irregular
conditional forms
Certain Spanish verbs are irregular in the conditional. These
verbs have irregular conditional stems, which always end in
-r or -rr — an easy way to remember them! To form the condi-
tional of these irregular verbs, you do one of three things:
Drop e from the infinitive ending before adding the
proper conditional ending:
Infinitive Conditional Stem
r (to fit) cabr-
r (to have) habr-
r (to be able) podr-
r (to want) querr-
r (to know) sabr-
Here is an example sentence:
No querría verlo. (I wouldn’t want to see it.)
Drop e or i from the infinitive ending and replace the
vowel with a d before adding the proper conditional
Infinitive Conditional Stem
r (to put) pondr-
r (to leave) saldr-
r (to have) tendr-
r (to be worth) valdr-
r (to come) vendr-
Here’s a sentence illustrating the conditional:
Yo no pondría esos papeles en la mesa. (I wouldn’t put
those papers on the table.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Two high-frequency irregular verbs in the conditional are
Infinitive Conditional Stem
decir (to say) dir-
hacer (to make, to do) har-
Observe these verbs in action:
Yo no diría eso. (I wouldn’t say that.)
¿Qué harían para resolver el problema? (What would
they do to solve the problem?)
Using the conditional
You use the conditional
To express what would or could happen in the future:
Viajaría a España. (I would travel to Spain.)
To make a polite request:
Me gustaría un helado. (I would like an ice cream.)
To express wonderment or probability in the past:
¿Dónde estaría mi gato? (I wonder where my cat was.)
Estaría debajo de la mesa. (It must have been under the
A sentence containing an if clause requires an advanced tense
of the subjunctive that we don’t discuss in this book.
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Chapter 9
Ten Important Verb
In This Chapter
Avoiding verb mix-ups and selecting the proper verb
Understanding different verb connotations
ust like in English, you can describe actions or situations
in Spanish by using different verbs, depending on the
exact meaning you want to convey. In this chapter, we pres-
ent ten pairs of Spanish verbs that are often misused because
they have the same English meanings but different English
connotations. We explain how you can determine which to
use in any given situation.
Ser versus Estar
The verbs ser and estar always cause considerable confusion,
because both verbs mean to be. You use each of these verbs
differently, however.
You use ser to express the following:
An inherent characteristic or quality (one that probably
won’t change any time soon):
Mi abuela es vieja. (My grandmother is old.)
The identity of the subject:
Mi padre es abogado. (My father is a lawyer.)
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The date, time, or place of an event:
Es jueves. (It’s Thursday.)
Son las once. (It’s eleven o’clock.)
¿Dónde es el concierto? (Where is the concert?)
Origin and nationality:
Ella es de Cuba. (She is from Cuba.)
Ella es cubana. (She is Cuban.)
Es mi perro. (It’s my dog.)
Es de oro. (It’s made of gold.)
An impersonal idea:
Es fácil escribir en español. (It’s easy to write in
On the other hand, you use estar to express
¿Cómo estás? Estoy bien. (How are you? I’m fine.)
Location, situation, or position:
El diccionario está en la mesa. (The dictionary is on the
Temporary conditions or states:
Ella está ocupada. (She is busy.)
The progressive tense (see Chapter 3):
El niño está durmiendo. (The child is sleeping.)
Saber versus Conocer
Both saber and conocer mean to know. Saber expresses
knowing how to do something or knowing a fact. Conocer
expresses knowing in the sense of being acquainted with a
person, place, thing, or idea. Note the differences in the fol-
lowing examples:
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Chapter 9: Ten Important Verb Distinctions
Yo sé hablar español. (I know how to speak Spanish.)
Ella sabe mi nombre. (She knows my name.)
Sabemos el poema. (We know the poem [by heart].)
Yo conozco al señor López. (I know Mr. López.)
¿Conoces este libro? (Do you know [Are you acquainted
with] this book?)
Conocemos el poema. (We know [are acquainted with] the
Tomar versus Llevar
Determining the correct usage for tomar and llevar can be a
bit tricky. Both verbs mean to take. You use tomar when the
subject picks up something in his or her hands in order to
physically carry it to another location. You use llevar when
the subject is taking or leading a person/thing to a place or is
carrying or transporting an item.
In most instances, if you can substitute the word “lead” or
“carry” for “take,” you should use the verb llevar. If you can’t
substitute one of those words, you should use tomar.
Here are some examples to help clarify:
Tomo tu lápiz. (I’m taking your pencil.)
Tomó el niño de la mano. (He took the child by the hand.)
Llevo a mi hermano a la playa. (I’m taking my brother to
the beach.)
Llevaron su coche al garaje. (They took their car to the
You can compare the two verbs at work in this example
Tomé mi libro y lo llevé a la escuela. (I took my book and
I brought it to school.)
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Deber versus Tener Que
You use both deber and tener que to express what a subject
must or has to do. You generally use deber to express a moral
obligation, whereas tener que expresses what has to be done:
Debes pedir permiso antes de salir. (You must ask for
permission before going out.)
Tengo que ir al dentista porque tengo un dolor de
las muelas. (I have to go to the dentist because I have a
Preguntar versus Pedir
Preguntar and pedir both mean to ask. You use preguntar to
show that the subject is asking a question or inquiring about
someone or something. You use pedir to show that the sub-
ject is asking for or requesting something in particular:
Yo le pregunté por qué me pidió tu dirección. (I asked
him why he asked me for your address.)
Jugar versus Tocar
Jugar and tocar both mean to play. You use jugar when the
subject is engaging in a sport or game. You use tocar when
the subject is playing a musical instrument:
Ellos jugaban a los naipes mientras yo tocaba el piano.
(They were playing cards while I was playing the piano.)
Gastar versus Pasar
If you’re into spending, gastar and pasar are the verbs you
need. Those who love to spend money use gastar, but people
who spend time engaging in an activity should use pasar:
Pasé dos semanas en México y gasté mucho dinero allí.
(I spent two weeks in Mexico, and I spent a lot of money
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Chapter 9: Ten Important Verb Distinctions
Dejar versus Salir
Dejar expresses that the subject has left something behind,
whereas salir expresses that the subject has left a place:
Voy a dejar mis gafas en casa. (I am going to leave my
glasses at home.)
Ella no puede salir sin ellos. (She can’t leave without
Volver versus Devolver
Volver (ue) and devolver (ue) both have the same meaning —
to return — and you conjugate them in the same way. Use
volver when the subject is physically returning to a place. Use
devolver when the subject is returning an item to its owner:
Siempre le devuelvo a ella sus llaves cuando vuelve
a casa. (I always return her keys to her when she returns
Poder versus Saber
Poder and saber can be a tricky pair of verbs. Both verbs
mean can, but here’s how they differ: Poder shows that the
subject has the ability to perform an action, and saber shows
that the subject actually knows how to perform the action.
If you can substitute the words “knows how to” for “can,”
you should use saber. Otherwise, use poder. Here are some
Yo puedo cocinar. (I can cook.)
Here you’re saying that you have the ability to cook, but
that doesn’t necessarily mean that you know how to cook.
Yo sé cocinar. (I can cook.)
Now you’re saying that, yes, you know how to cook!
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Verb Charts
his appendix is the place to look if you’ve forgotten a verb
conjugation and don’t have the patience to scan the table
of contents and then search for the proper table in the book.
Here you encounter verb charts that help you quickly find
the conjugations for all the verbs you need in many Spanish
tenses and moods.
Regular Verbs
The three families of Spanish verbs are those that end in -ar,
-er, and -ir. Regular verbs within those categories follow the
same rules for conjugation no matter the tense (present, past,
or future) or mood (imperative or subjunctive). The regular
verbs listed in this section drop their respective infinitive
ending (-ar, -er, or -ir) and add the endings we have in bold.
-ar verbs
trabajar (to work)
Present participle: trabajando
Commands: ¡Trabaje Ud.!, ¡Trabajen Uds.!, ¡Trabajemos!,
¡Trabaja tú!, ¡No trabajes tú!, ¡Trabajad vosotros!,
¡No trabajéis vosotros!
Present: trabajo, trabajas, trabaja, trabajamos, trabajáis,
Preterit: trabajé, trabajaste, trabajó, trabajamos,
trabajasteis, trabajaron
Imperfect: trabajaba, trabajabas, trabajaba,
trabajábamos, trabajabais, trabajaban
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Future: trabajaré, trabajarás, trabajará, trabajaremos,
trabajaréis, trabajarán
Subjunctive: trabaje, trabajes, trabaje, trabajemos,
trabajéis, trabajen
-er verbs
comer (to eat)
Present participle: comiendo
Commands: ¡Coma Ud.!, ¡Coman Uds.!, ¡Comamos!, ¡Come
tú!, ¡No comas tú!, ¡Comed vosotros!, ¡No comáis vosotros!
Present: como, comes, come, comemos, coméis, comen
Preterit: comí, comiste, comió, comimos, comisteis,
Imperfect: comía, comías, comía, comíamos, comíais,
Future: comeré, comerás, comerá, comeremos, com-
eréis, comerán
Subjunctive: coma, comas, coma, comamos, comáis,
-ir verbs
abrir (to open)
Present participle: abriendo
Commands: ¡Abra Ud.!, ¡Abran Uds.!, ¡Abramos!, ¡Abre tú!,
¡No abras tú!, ¡Abrid vosotros!, No abráis vosotros!
Present: abro, abres, abre, abrimos, abrís, abren
Preterit: abrí, abriste, abrió, abrimos, abristeis, abrieron
Imperfect: abría, abrías, abría, abríamos, abríais, abrían
Future: abriré, abrirás, abrirá, abriremos, abriréis,
Subjunctive: abra, abras, abra, abramos, abráis, abran
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Appendix: Verb Charts
Stem-Changing Verbs
Stem-changing verbs require an internal change in the stem
vowel (the vowel before the -ar, -er, or -ir infinitive ending) in
the yo, tú, él, (ella, Ud.), and ellos (ellas, Uds.) forms of cer-
tain tenses. We mark the stem changes in this section in bold.
In all other tenses, stem-changing verbs don’t require any
change; they follow the examples given in the “Regular Verbs”
section according to their infinitive ending.
-ar verbs
pensar (e to ie) (to think)
Present: pienso, piensas, piensa, pensamos, pensáis,
Subjunctive: piense, pienses, piense, pensemos, penséis,
Other verbs like pensar include cerrar (to close), comenzar
(to begin), despertarse (to wake up), empezar (to begin), and
sentarse (to sit down).
mostrar (o to ue) (to show)
Present: muestro, muestras, muestra, mostramos,
mostráis, muestran
Subjunctive: muestre, muestres, muestre, mostremos,
mostréis, muestren
Other verbs like mostrar include acordarse de (to remember),
almorzar (to eat lunch), acostarse (to go to bed), contar (to
tell), costar (to cost), encontrar (to find), probar (to prove, to
try), and recordar (to remember).
jugar (u to ue) (to play [a sport or game])
Present: juego, juegas, juega, jugamos, jugáis, juegan
Preterit: jugué, jugaste, jugó, jugamos, jugasteis, jugaron
Subjunctive: juegue, juegues, juegue, juguemos, juguéis,
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
-er verbs
querer (e to ie) (to wish, want)
Present: quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, queréis,
Subjunctive: quiera, quieras, quiera, queramos, queráis,
Other verbs like querer include defender (to defend, to
forbid), descender (to descend), entender (to understand, to
hear), and perder (to lose).
volver (o to ue) (to return)
Present: vuelvo, vuelves, vuelve, volvemos, volvéis, vuelven
Subjunctive: vuelva, vuelvas, vuelva, volvamos, volváis,
Other verbs like volver include devolver (to return), envolver
(to wrap), llover (to rain), morder (to bite), mover (to move),
and poder (to be able to, can).
-ir verbs
pedir (e to i) (to ask)
Present participle: pidiendo
Present: pido, pides, pide, pedimos, pedís, piden
Preterit: pedí, pediste, pidió, pedimos, pedisteis, pidieron
Subjunctive: pida, pidas, pida, pidamos, pidáis, pidan
Other verbs like pedir include impedir (to prevent), medir (to
measure), repetir (to repeat), and servir (to serve).
sentir (e to ie/i) (to feel)
Present participle: sintiendo
Present: siento, sientes, siente, sentimos, sentís, sienten
Preterit: sentí, sentiste, sintió, sentimos, sentisteis,
Subjunctive: sienta, sientas, sienta, sintamos, sintáis,
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Appendix: Verb Charts
Other verbs like sentir include advertir (to warn, to notify),
consentir (to consent), mentir (to lie), preferir (to prefer), and
referir (to refer).
dormir (o to ue/u) (to sleep)
Present participle: durmiendo
Present: duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormís,
Preterit: dormí, dormiste, durmió, dormimos, dormisteis,
Subjunctive: duerma, duermas, duerma, durmamos,
durmáis, duerman
Another verb like dormir is morir (to die).
-uir verbs (except -guir)
construir (add y) (to construct, build)
Present participle: construyendo
Present: construyo, construyes, construye, construimos,
construís, construyen
Preterit: construí, construiste, construyó, construimos,
construisteis, construyeron
Subjunctive: construya, construyas, construya,
construyamos, construyáis, construyan
Other verbs like construir include concluir (to conclude),
contribuir (to contribute), destruir (to destroy), incluir (to
include), and sustituir (to substitute).
-eer verbs
creer (add y) (to believe)
Preterit: creí, creíste, creyó, creímos, creísteis, creyeron
Other verbs like creer include leer (to read), poseer (to pos-
sess), and proveer (to provide).
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
-iar verbs
guiar (i to í) (to guide)
Present: guío, guías, guía, guiamos, guiáis, guían
Subjunctive: guíe, guíes, guíe, guiemos, guiéis, guíen
Other verbs like guiar include confiar + en (to confide in),
enviar (to send), esquiar (to ski), and variar (to vary).
-uar verbs
continuar (u to ú) (to continue)
Present: continúo, continúas, continúa, continuamos,
continuáis, continúan
Subjunctive: continúe, continúes, continúe, continuemos,
continuéis, continúen
Another verb like continuar is actuar (to act).
Spelling-Change Verbs
Some verbs require a spelling change in certain tenses to
preserve proper pronunciation. In all the tenses we don’t
list in this section, verbs with spelling changes don’t require
the changes; they follow the examples given in the “Regular
Verbs” section according to their infinitive ending.
-car verbs
buscar (c to qu) (to look for)
Preterit: busqué, buscaste, buscó, buscamos, buscasteis,
Subjunctive: busque, busques, busque, busquemos,
busquéis, busquen
Other verbs like buscar include acercar (to bring near), aplicar
(to apply), criticar (to criticize), educar (to educate), explicar
(to explain), identificar (to identify), pescar (to fish), practicar
(to practice), sacar (to take out), and significar (to mean).
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Appendix: Verb Charts
-gar verbs
llegar (g to gu) (to arrive)
Preterit: llegué, llegaste, llegó, llegamos, llegasteis, llegaron
Subjunctive: llegue, llegues, llegue, lleguemos, lleguéis,
Other verbs like llegar include apagar (to extinguish), castigar
(to punish), and pagar (to pay).
-zar verbs
lanzar (z to c) (to throw)
Preterit: lancé, lanzaste, lanzó, lanzamos, lanzasteis,
Subjunctive: lance, lances, lance, lancemos, lancéis,
Other verbs like lanzar include avanzar (to advance), gozar
(to enjoy), memorizar (to memorize), organizar (to organize),
and utilizar (to use).
Consonant + -cer or -cir verbs
ejercer (c to z) (to exercise)
Present: ejerzo, ejerces, ejerce, ejercemos, ejercéis, ejercen
Subjunctive: ejerza, ejerzas, ejerza, ejerzamos, ejerzáis,
Other verbs like ejercer include convencer (to convince) and
vencer (to conquer).
esparcir (c to z) (to spread out)
Present: esparzo, esparces, esparce, esparcimos,
esparcís, esparcen
Subjunctive: esparza, esparzas, esparza, esparzamos,
esparzáis, esparzan
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Vowel + -cer or -cir verbs
conocer (c to zc) (to know)
Present: conozco, conoces, conoce, conocemos,
conocéis, conocen
Subjunctive: conozca, conozcas, conozca, conozcamos,
conozcáis, conozcan
Other verbs like conocer include crecer (to grow), desobede-
cer (to disobey), desaparacer (to disappear), establecer (to
establish), obedecer (to obey), ofrecer (to offer), and parecer
(to seem).
traducir (c to zc) (to translate)
Present: traduzco, traduces, traduce, traducimos,
traducís, traducen
Subjunctive: traduzca, traduzcas, traduzca, traduzcamos,
traduzcáis, traduzcan
Other verbs like traducir include conducir (to drive), deducir
(to deduce), and inducir (to induce).
-ger or -gir verbs
escoger (g to j) (to choose)
Present: escojo, escoges, escoge, escogemos, escogéis,
Subjunctive: escoja, escojas, escoja, escojamos, escojáis,
Other verbs like escoger include coger (to take, to pick up),
proteger (to protect), and recoger (to pick up).
dirigir (g to j) (to direct)
Present: dirijo, diriges, dirige, dirigimos, dirigís, dirigen
Subjunctive: dirija, dirijas, dirija, dirijamos, dirijáis,
Another verb like dirigir is exigir (to demand).
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Appendix: Verb Charts
-uir verbs
distinguir (gu to g) (to distinguish)
Present: distingo, distingues, distingue, distinguimos,
distinguís, distinguen
Subjunctive: distinga, distingas, distinga, distingamos,
distingáis, distingan
Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs may undergo changes in some or all tenses
and moods and for some or all subjects. You must memorize
the irregular forms (bolded here) because they follow no
specific rules. For all the tenses we don’t list in this section,
the irregular verb follows the examples given in the “Regular
Verbs” section according to its infinitive ending.
dar (to give)
Present: doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan
Preterit: di, diste, dio, dimos, disteis, dieron
Subjunctive: dé, des, dé, demos, deis, den
decir (to say, tell)
Present participle: diciendo
Affirmative Familiar Singular Command: di
Present: digo, dices, dice, decimos, decís, dicen
Preterit: dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijisteis, dijeron
Future: diré, dirás, dirá, diremos, diréis, dirán
Subjunctive: diga, digas, diga, digamos, digáis, digan
estar (to be)
Present: estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están
Preterit: estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos,
estuvisteis, estuvieron
Subjunctive: esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
hacer (to make, do)
Affirmative Familiar Singular Command: haz
Present: hago, haces, hace, hacemos, hacéis, hacen
Preterit: hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicisteis, hicieron
Future: haré, harás, hará, haremos, haréis, harán
Subjunctive: haga, hagas, haga, hagamos, hagáis, hagan
ir (to go)
Present participle: yendo
Affirmative Familiar Command: ve
Present: voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van
Preterit: fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron
Subjunctive: vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayáis, vayan
oír (to hear)
Present participle: oyendo
Affirmative Informal Singular Command: oye
Affirmative Informal Plural Command: oíd
Present: oigo, oyes, oye, oímos, oís, oyen
Preterit: oí, oíste, oyó, oímos, oísteis, oyeron
Subjunctive: oiga, oigas, oiga, oigamos, oigáis, oigan
poder (o to ue) (to be able to, can)
Present participle: pudiendo
Present: puedo, puedes, puede, podemos, podéis,
Preterit: pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudisteis,
Future: podré, podrás, podrá, podremos, podréis,
Subjunctive: pueda, puedas, pueda, podamos, podáis,
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Appendix: Verb Charts
poner (to put)
Past participle: puesto
Affirmative Familiar Singular Command: pon
Present: pongo, pones, pone, ponemos, ponéis, ponen
Preterit: puse, pusiste, puso, pusimos, pusisteis, pusieron
Future: pondré, pondrás, pondrá, pondremos, pondréis,
Subjunctive: ponga, pongas, ponga, pongamos, pongáis,
querer (to want, wish)
Present: quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, queréis,
Preterit: quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisisteis,
Future: querré, querrás, querrá, querremos, querréis,
Subjunctive: quiera, quieras, quiera, queramos, queráis,
saber (to know)
Present: sé, sabes, sabe, sabemos, sabéis, saben
Preterit: supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supisteis, supieron
Future: sabré, sabrás, sabrá, sabremos, sabréis, sabrán
Subjunctive: sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepáis, sepan
salir (to go out, leave)
Affirmative Familiar Singular Command: sal
Present: salgo, sales, sale, salimos, salís, salen
Future: saldré, saldrás, saldrá, saldremos, saldréis,
Subjunctive: salga, salgas, salga, salgamos, salgáis, salgan
ser (to be)
Affirmative Familiar Singular Command:
Present: soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
Preterit: fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron
Imperfect: era, eras, era, éramos, erais, eran
Subjunctive: sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean
tener (to have)
Affirmative Familiar Singular Command: ten
Present: tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tenéis, tienen
Preterit: tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvieron
Future: tendré, tendrás, tendrá, tendremos, tendréis,
Subjunctive: tenga, tengas, tenga, tengamos, tengáis,
traer (to bring)
Present: traigo, traes, trae, traemos, traéis, traen
Preterit: traje, trajiste, trajo, trajimos, trajisteis, trajeron
Subjunctive: traiga, traigas, traiga, traigamos, traigáis,
venir (to come)
Present participle: viniendo
Affirmative Familiar Singular Command: ven
Present: vengo, vienes, viene, venimos, venís, vienen
Preterit: vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinisteis, vinieron
Future: vendré, vendrás, vendrá, vendremos, vendréis,
Subjunctive: venga, vengas, venga, vengamos, vengáis,
ver (to see)
Present: veo, ves, ve, vemos, veis, ven
Preterit: vi, viste, vio, vimos, visteis, vieron
Imperfect: veía, veías, veía, veíamos, veíais, veían
Subjunctive: vea, veas, vea, veamos, veáis, vean
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• A •
-a adjectives, 69–70
-a nouns, 26
a (personal), 34–35
a (to, at), 81–82, 84–85, 100
a/an (un, una), 7, 23
about (de), 31–32, 82
abrir (to open), 158
absolute superlative, 79–80
accents in adjectives, 72, 73–74
-ad nouns, 26
accents in, 72, 73–74
demonstrative, 17, 24–25
following nouns, 72–73
gender rules, 68–71
interrogative, 17, 96
making comparisons, 77–80
of nationality, 71
overview, 17, 67–68
plural of, 71–72
positioning, 72–73
possessive, 32
preceding nouns, 73
shortening, 73–74
adverbial phrases, 75, 76
forming, 74–76
interrogative, 97
making comparisons, 77–80
overview, 17–18
positioning, 76–77
relationship with demonstrative
adjectives, 25
simple, 75–76
almorzar (to eat lunch), 138
and (y), 7, 13
andar (to walk), 109–110
-ando (-ing), 64
-ar verbs
conditional, 148–149
conjugation of, 49–50, 104
forming future of, 123–124
imperfect conjugation, 112–113
past participles, 118
present participles, 64
present subjunctive, 132–133
stem changes, 50–52, 136–138
verb charts, 157–158, 159
argue (discutir), 124
arrive (llegar), 163
articles, 19–24
as (como, tan), 77
ask (preguntar, pedir), 84, 107,
154, 160
at (a), 81–82, 84–85, 100
• B •
bad (malo), 78–79
bañarse (to bathe oneself), 60
be (estar, ser)
conjugation of, 139
days of the week, 21
expressing feelings/emotions, 143
forming imperfect of, 113–114
forming present progressive of, 66
forming preterit of, 109–111
giving commands with imperative
mood, 128, 130–131
overview, 151–152
verb charts, 165, 167–168
be able to (poder), 109, 155, 166
beber (to drink), 104, 113
because (porque), 97, 101
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begin (comenzar, empezar), 138
believe (creer), 161
better (mejor), 79
bien (well), 79
bring (traer), 106, 110, 168
bueno (good), 78–79
build (construir), 161
buscar (to look for), 162
by (en), 82–83
• C •
-ca adjectives, 80
caber (to  t), 109
can. See be able to (poder)
capitalization, 10, 11, 21
-car verbs, 105, 135–136, 162
cardinal numbers, 5–8
-cer verbs, 134–136, 163–164
choose (escoger), 164
cien/ciento (hundred), 7–8, 74
-ción nouns, 26
-cir verbs, 134–136, 163–164
clauses, 140, 146
-co adjectives, 80
colgar (to hang), 138
come (venir), 84, 108–109, 130, 168
comenzar (to begin), 138
comer (to eat), 118, 131, 158
commas used in numbers, 8
como (as), 77
cómo (how, what), 97, 100
comparisons, making, 77–80. See
also adjectives; adverbs
compound nouns, 30
con, as preposition, 86–88
con (with), 75
concluir (to conclude),
conditional mood, 127, 147–149
conducir (to drive), 110
-ar verbs, 49–50, 104, 112–113
conocer (to know), 139
dar (to give), 139
de ned, 49
-er verbs, 49, 50, 104, 113
estar (to be), 139
ir (to go), 139
-ir verbs, 49, 50, 113
irregular verbs, 139
saber (to know), 139
ser (to be), 139
conocer (to know)
conjugation of, 139
forming commands, 131
forming preterit of, 109
overview, 152–153, 155
verb charts, 164, 167
consonants, adjectives ending in, 70
construir (to construct, build), 161
continuar (to continue),
contractions, relationship with
de nite articles, 22
creer (to believe), 161
cuál[es] (what, which one), 96, 98,
99, 101
cuándo (when), 97, 100
cuánto (how much, many),
96,98–99, 100
• D •
dar (to give)
conjugation of, 139
expressions, 58
forming commands, 128, 130
forming preterit of, 110–111
verb charts, 165
dates, 9–12, 21
days of the week, 9, 21
de, as preposition, 20, 85–86, 101
de (of, from, about), 31–32, 82
de que (that), 143
deber (must do), 154
decir (to say, tell), 108–109,
Spanish Essentials For Dummies
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de nite articles, 19–22
dejar (to leave something behind),
130, 155, 167
demonstrative adjectives,
destruir (to destroy), 106
devolver (to return), 84, 155, 160
diphthong, 42
direct (dirigir), 164
direct object pronouns, 16, 33–34
direct objects, verbs requiring, 37
dirigir (to direct), 164
discutir (to discuss, argue), 124
distinguir (to distinguish), 165
do (hacer)
expressions of, 58, 59
forming commands, 129
forming preterit of, 108–109
present tense, 48
verb charts, 166
dónde (where), 97, 100
dormir (to sleep), 107, 161
drink (beber), 104, 113
drive (conducir), 110
• E •
-e adjectives, 69–70
eat (comer), 118, 131, 158
eat lunch (almorzar), 138
-eer verbs, 161
ejercer (to exercise), 163
él (he), 45, 46, 57
el (on, the), 10, 11, 20, 82–83
ella (she), 45, 46
ellas/ellos (they), 45, 46, 57
empezar (to begin), 138
en, as preposition, 20, 21, 86
en (in/by/on), 82–83
enviar (to send), 84, 137
equality comparisons, 77
-er verbs
conditional, 148–149
conjugation of, 49, 50, 104
forming future, 123–124
imperfect conjugation, 113
past participles, 118
present subjunctive, 132–133
stem changes, 52–53, 64, 136–138
verb charts, 158, 160
verb stems, 52–53
-es adjectives and nouns, 30, 71–72
es (it is), 144
escoger (to choose), 164
escribir (to write), 131, 148
esparcir (to spread out), 163
estar (to be)
conjugation of, 139
days of the week, 21
expressing feelings/emotions, 143
forming imperfect of, 113–114
forming present progressive
forming preterit of, 109–111
giving commands with imperative
mood, 128, 130–131
overview, 151–152
verb charts, 165
-eta nouns, 26
exercise (ejercer), 163
• F •
famous (gran), 74
feel (sentir), 160–161
rst (primero, primer), 9, 11
t (caber), 109
for (para, por), 83–84, 97
from (de), 31–32, 82
future tense, 121–126
• G •
-gar verbs, 105, 135–136, 163
gastar (spend money), 154
of adjectives, 68–71
clarifying, 25–29
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Spanish Essentials For Dummies
gender (continued)
de nite articles, 19–22
demonstrative adjectives, 24–25
inde nite articles, 22–24
of nouns, 26–28
reversing, 26–27
-ger verbs, 134–136, 164
gerunds, 64
-gir verbs, 134–136, 164
give (dar)
conjugation of, 139
expressions, 58
forming commands, 128, 130
forming preterit of, 110–111
verb charts, 165
-go adjectives, 80
go (ir)
conjugation of, 139
expressing near future, 122
forming commands, 129, 131
forming imperfect of, 113–114
preterit of, 111
relationship with prepositions, 84
verb charts, 166
go out (salir), 130, 155, 167
good (bueno), 78–79
gran (great, important, famous), 74
grande (large), 74, 78–79
great (gran), 74
guiar (to guide), 162
-guir verbs, 134–136
gustar (to please), 38–39
• H •
haber (to have)
expressions, 58, 59
forming commands, 130
forming preterit of, 109–110
past participles, 118
present perfect participle, 147
verb charts, 168
hablar (to speak), 20, 118, 131
hacer (to make, do)
expressions, 58, 59
forming commands, 129
forming preterit of, 108–109
present tense, 48
verb charts, 166
hang (colgar), 138
has to do (tener que), 154
hasta (until, to), 83
have (haber, tener)
expressions, 58, 59
forming commands, 130
forming preterit of, 109–110
past participles, 118
present perfect subjunctive, 147
verb charts, 168
hay (there is/are, is/are there), 99
he (él), 45, 46, 57
hear (oir), 124, 166
how (cómo), 97, 100
how much/many (cuánto),
96,98–99, 100
hoy es (today is), 9, 11
hundred (cien, ciento), 7–8, 74
• I •
I (yo), 44, 45
-iar verbs, 53–54, 137–138, 162
idiomatic phrases, 14–15
-ie nouns, 26
imperative mood, 127–131
imperfect tense, 115–117
impersonal expressions, 144–145
important (gran), 74
in (en), 82–83
inde nite articles, 22–24
independent clauses, 140
indicative mood, 127
indirect object pronouns,
16, 35–38
inequality comparisons, 77–78
in nitive, 40
-ing (-ando, -yendo), 64
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interrogative adjectives, 17, 96
interrogative adverbs, 97
interrogative pronouns, 6, 98–99
intonation, 90
inversion, 91–92
ir (to go)
conjugation of, 139
expressing near future, 122
forming commands, 129, 131
forming imperfect of, 113–114
preterit of, 111
relationship with prepositions, 84
verb charts, 166
-ir verbs
conditional, 148–149
conjugation of, 49, 50
forming future of, 124
imperfect conjugation, 113
past participles, 118
present subjunction, 132–133
stem changes, 53, 64, 65, 136–138
verb charts, 158, 160–161
irregular comparatives, 78–79
irregular verbs. See also specifi c
charts of, 57, 58, 139
conjugating, 139
de ned, 44
forming future of, 124–126
forming imperfect of, 113–114
forming present participles of, 65
forming preterit of, 108–111
using, 56–59
in yo form, 133–134
-is nouns, 30
is there (hay), 99
-ísimo/-ísima/-ísimos/-ísimas, 80
it (to go), 122
it is (es), 144
• J •
jamás (Spanish negative), 94
jugar (to play), 138, 154, 159
• K •
know (saber, conocer)
conjugation of, 139
forming commands, 131
forming preterit of, 109
overview, 152–153, 155
verb charts, 164, 167
• L •
la (the), 10, 11, 20, 82–83
lanzar (to throw), 163
large (grande), 74, 78–79
las (the), 10, 11, 20, 82–83
laugh (reír), 107, 124
lavarse (to wash oneself), 60
le (you), 34
leave behind (dejar, salir),
130,155, 167
less (menos), 13, 77–78
listen (oír), 124, 166
live (vivir), 118
llegar (to arrive), 163
llevar (to take), 153
lo (you), 34
look at (mirar), 104, 112–113
look for (buscar), 162
los (on, the), 10, 11, 20, 82–83
• M •
-ma nouns, 26
make (hacer)
expressions, 58, 59
forming commands, 129
forming preterit of, 108–109
present tense, 48
verb charts, 166
mal (poorly), 79
malo (bad), 78–79
mandar (to order, send), 84, 137
más (more), 77–78
14_637517-bindex.indd 17314_637517-bindex.indd 173 4/6/10 12:43 AM4/6/10 12:43 AM
Spanish Essentials For Dummies
mejor (better), 79
menos (less), 13, 77–78
-mente adverbs, 74–75
mí, as prepositional pronoun, 88
mil (thousand), 7
millón/millones (million), 7–8
mirar (to look at), 104, 112–113
months of the year, 10
more (más), 77–78
mostrar (to show), 159
muchísimo (very much), 80
must do (deber), 154
• N •
-n nouns, 28, 30
nada/nadie (Spanish negative), 94
nationality adjectives, 71
negative responses, 92
ni (neither, nor), 94
ninguno/ninguna (no, none [not]
any), 94–95
no (no, not), 92–95
no/none [not] any (ninguno,
ninguna), 94–95
nor (ni), 94
nosotros/nosotras (we), 45, 47
not (no), 92–95
nouns. See also noun endings;
specifi c nouns
changing meaning of, 28
compound, 30
gender of, 26–28
plural, 29–30
relationship with adjectives,
relationship with de nite
relationship with demonstrative
adjectives, 25
relationship with inde nite
articles, 23–24
reverse-gender, 26–27
special, 28–29
using, 15
numbers, 5–9
nunca (Spanish negative), 94
• O •
-o adjectives, 68, 73, 74
-o nouns, 26, 27
-o verbs, 47
object pronouns. See also
choosing proper pronoun, 36–38
direct, 16, 33–34, 41–42
indirect, 35–36, 41–42
personal a, 34–35
positioning, 39–40
of (de), 31–32, 82
oír (to listen), 124, 166
on (el, en, los), 10, 11, 20, 82–83
one (un, una, uno), 7, 23
open (abrir), 158
-or adjectives and nouns, 28, 71
order (mandar), 84, 137
ordinal numbers, 5, 8–9
• P •
para (for, to), 83–84, 97
para qué (why), 97, 101
pasar (spend time), 154
past tense
imperfect, 103–104, 112–117
present perfect, 117–120
preterit, 103–112
pedir (to ask), 84, 107, 154, 160
pensar (to think), 159
peor (worse), 79
pequeño (small), 78–79
perhaps (quizás, tal vez), 143
personal a, 34–35
play (jugar, tocar), 138, 154, 159
please (gustar), 38–39
14_637517-bindex.indd 17414_637517-bindex.indd 174 4/6/10 12:43 AM4/6/10 12:43 AM
plurals, 29–30, 71–72
poder (to be able to, can),
109, 155, 166
poner (to put), 109, 130, 167
poorly (mal), 79
por (for), 83–84, 97
por qué (why), 97, 101
porque (because), 97, 101
possession, showing, 31–32
possessive adjectives, 17, 32
preferir (to prefer), 107
preguntar (to ask), 84, 107,
preparar (to prepare), 148
prepositional pronouns, 16, 87–88
a, 81–82
con, 86–88
de, 20, 82, 85–86, 101
en, 20, 21, 82–83, 86
hasta, 83
mí, 88
overview, 18, 80–81
para, 83
por, 83–84
selecting, 81–84
ti, 88
using with pronouns, 87–88
using with verbs, 84–87
present participles, 40, 63–64
present subjunctive
demonstrating feelings/
expressing desires, 141–143
forming, 132–139
impersonal expressions, 144–146
overview, 139–141, 147
of regular verbs, 132–133
relative clauses, 146
present tense
communicating in, 48–63
present progressive, 63–66
subject pronouns, 44–48
using to express future, 121–122
verbs, 43–44
compared with imperfect,
of irregular verbs, 108–111
overview, 103–104
of regular verbs, 104–105
of spelling change verbs, 105–106
using, 111–112
verbs with stem changes, 107
primero/primer ( rst), 9, 11
pronouns. See also object
pronouns; subject pronouns
indirect, 35–36
interrogative, 6, 98–99
prepositional, 87–88
using, 16
put (poner), 109, 130, 167
• Q •
que (that), 140, 143, 144
qué (what, which), 96, 98–99, 101
querer (to want, wish), 108–109,
160, 167
questions, asking, 89–99
quién (who, whom), 98, 101
quizás (perhaps), 143
• R •
ranks, 21
recibir (to receive), 105, 113
re exive pronouns, 16, 61
re exive verbs, 44, 60–63
regresar (to return), 84, 155, 160
regular verbs. See also specifi c
creating present subjunctive of,
de ned, 44
forming conditional of, 148–149
14_637517-bindex.indd 17514_637517-bindex.indd 175 4/6/10 12:43 AM4/6/10 12:43 AM
Spanish Essentials For Dummies
regular verbs (continued)
forming future of, 123–124
forming imperfect of, 112–113
overview, 48–50
preterit of, 104–105
reír (to laugh), 107, 124
relative clauses, 146
return (volver, devolver,
regresar), 84, 155, 160
reverse-gender nouns, 26–27
-r/-rr verbs, 124–126, 149
• S •
-s adjectives, 71
-s nouns, 29
saber (to know)
conjugation of, 139
forming commands, 131
forming preterit, 109
overview, 152–153, 155
verb charts, 164, 167
salir (to go out, leave),
130, 155, 167
say (decir), 108–109, 129, 165
seasons, 21
see (ver), 110–111, 113–114, 168
sell (vender), 123–124, 148
send (enviar, mandar), 84, 137
sentir (to feel), 160–161
ser (to be)
conjugation of, 139
days of the week, 21
expressing feelings/emotions, 143
forming imperfect of, 113–114
forming present progressive of,66
forming preterit of, 109–111
giving commands with imperative
mood, 128, 130–131
overview, 151–152
verb charts, 165, 167–168
she (ella), 45, 46
shortening adjectives, 73–74
show (mostrar), 159
(yes), 92
simple adverbs, 75–76
-sión nouns, 26
sleep (dormir), 107, 161
small (pequeño), 78–79
smile (sonreír), 107
some (unos, unas), 23
sonreír (to smile), 107
speak (hablar), 20, 118, 131
special nouns, 28–29
spelling-change verbs. See also
specifi c verbs
de ned, 44
forming preterit of, 105–106
spend money (gastar), 154
spend time (pasar), 154
spread out (esparcir), 163
stem changes. See also specifi c
-ar, 51–52
-er, 52–53
-iar, 53–54
-ir, 53
-uar, 54
-uir, 54
de ned, 44, 50–51
forming present participles of, 65
overview, 136–139
verbs with, 107
subject pronouns
chart of, 44–45
omitting, 47–48
overview, 16
using, 45–47
subjunctive mood, 127
subjunctive, present perfect, 147
subordinate clause, 140
substitute (sustituir), 106
superlative, 78, 79–80
sustituir (to substitute), 106
14_637517-bindex.indd 17614_637517-bindex.indd 176 4/6/10 12:43 AM4/6/10 12:43 AM
• T •
tags, 90–91
take (tomar, llevar), 153
tal vez (perhaps), 143
tan (as), 77
tell (decir), 108–109, 129, 165
tener que (has to do), 154
tener (to have)
expressions, 58, 59
forming commands, 130
forming preterit of, 109–110
past participles, 118
present perfect subjunctive, 147
verb charts, 168
tercero/tercer (third), 9
that (que), 140, 143, 144
the (el, la, los, las), 10, 11, 20,
there is/are (hay), 99
they (ellos, ellas), 45, 46, 57
think (pensar), 159
third (tercero, tercer), 9
thousand (mil), 7
throw (lanzar), 163
ti, as prepositional pronoun, 88
time, 12–14, 21
titles, 21
to (a, para), 81–82, 97
tocar (to play), 154
today is (hoy es), 9, 11
tomar (to take), 153
trabajar (to work), 123–124,
traducir (to translate), 164
traer (to bring), 106, 110, 168
translate (traducir), 164
compared with Ud. (you), 45
forming commands with, 129–130
irregular forms, 57
• U •
-uar verbs, 54, 137–138, 162
-ud nouns, 26
Ud./Uds. (you)
compared with (you), 45
compared with vosotros/
vosotras, 46
forming commands with, 128–129
overview, 47, 48
-uir verbs, 54, 106, 137–138, 161,165
-umbre nouns, 26
un/una/uno (a, an, one), 7, 23
unos/unas (some), 23
until (hasta), 83
usted/ustedes (you), 45, 46
• V •
vender (to sell), 123–124, 148
venir (to come), 84, 108–109,
ver (to see), 110–111, 113–114, 168
verb moods
conditional mood, 147–150
imperative mood, 128–131
overview, 127
present perfect subjunctive, 147
present subjunctive, 132–146
verbs. See also irregular verbs;
regular verbs; verb endings;
specifi c verbs
conjugating irregular, 139
ending in -r/-rr, 124–126
forming future of, 123–126
forming imperfect of, 112–114
forming present participles of,
forming preterit of, 108–111
groups of, 44
with irregular conditional forms,
14_637517-bindex.indd 17714_637517-bindex.indd 177 4/6/10 12:43 AM4/6/10 12:43 AM
Spanish Essentials For Dummies
verbs (continued)
irregular in yo form, 133–134
overview, 16–17
re exive, 60–63
requiring a, 84–85
requiring con, 86–87
requiring de, 85–86
requiring direct objects, 37
requiring en, 86
requiring indirect objects, 37–38
requiring no preposition, 87
spelling-change, 105–106, 134–136,
138–139, 162–165
with stem changes, 107, 159–162
using prepositions with, 84–87
very much (muchísimo), 80
vivir (to live), 118
volver (to return), 84, 155, 160
vosotros/vosotras (you)
compared with Uds., 46
forming commands with, 129–130
• W •
walk (andar), 109–110
want (querer), 108–109, 160, 167
wash oneself (lavarse), 60
we (nosotros, nosotras), 45, 47
well (bien), 79
what (cómo), 97, 100
what (qué), 96, 98– 99, 101
when (cuándo), 97, 100
where (dónde), 97, 100
which (qué), 96, 98–99, 101
which one (cuá[es]), 96, 98–99, 101
who (quién), 98, 101
why (para qué, por qué), 97, 101
wish (querer), 108–109, 160, 167
with (con), 75
work (trabajar), 123–124, 157–158
worse (peor), 79
write (escribir), 131, 148
• Y •
y (and), 7, 13
-yendo (-ing), 64
yes (), 92
yes/no questions
intonation, 90
inversion, 91–92
overview, 89–90
responding to, 92–95
tags, 90–91
form of irregular verbs, 133–134
irregular forms, 56–57
yo (I), 44, 45
you (le, lo), 34
you (), 45, 57, 129–130
you (Ud., Uds.), 45, 46, 47, 48
you (usted, ustedes), 45, 46
you (vosotros/vosotras)
compared with Uds., 46
forming commands with 129–130
• Z •
-z adjectives, 72, 80
-z nouns, 30
-zar verbs, 105, 135–136, 163
14_637517-bindex.indd 17814_637517-bindex.indd 178 4/6/10 12:43 AM4/6/10 12:43 AM
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Gail Stein, MA
Retired foreign language instructor
and author, Intermediate Spanish
For Dummies
Cecie Kraynak, MA
Spanish instructor and author,
Spanish Verbs For Dummies
The basics of Spanish grammar and
sentence construction
How to conjugate regular,
irregular, and stem-changing
To express ideas about the past,
present, and future
Making Everything Easier!
Open the book and find:
The parts of speech
How to determine a nouns
How to use de” to show
How to select the correct
Rules for making adjectives agree
Tips for asking and answering
yes/no questions
Ways to spice up your
Ten important verb distinctions
Gail Stein, MA, was a foreign language
instructor for more than 30 years and
wrote Intermediate Spanish For Dummies.
Cecie Kraynak, MA, is a Spanish teacher
and authored Spanish Verbs For Dummies.
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If you have some knowledge of Spanish and need a
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contains what you need to communicate effectively.
With its focus on everything from constructing
sentences to conjugating verbs, this easy-to-follow
guide will help you ace writing assignments and tests,
and master conversations.
Spanish 101 — get the lowdown on the basics,
from expressing the date and time to counting
to one million
The here and now — learn how to communicate
in the present tense with verbs and subject
pronouns, and how to form the present
Way back when — get guidance on working with
the past tense, including hints about when to use
the preterit and when to use the imperfect
What lies ahead — discover the different ways
to express the future, whether you need to form
the future tense of a regular verb or just want to
predict what may happen
Presenting the core concepts
you need to write and
speak Spanish correctly
Spanish Essentials