The changing face of desktop video game
monetisation: An exploration of exposure to
loot boxes, pay to win, and cosmetic
microtransactions in the most-played Steam
games of 2010-2019
David Zendle
*, Rachel Meyer
, Nick Ballou
1 University of York, York, United Kingdom, 2 Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom
It is now common practice for video game companies to not just sell copies of games them-
selves, but to also sell in-game bonuses or items for a small real-world fee. These purchases
may be purely aesthetic (cosmetic microtransactions) or confer in-game advantages (pay to
win microtransactions), and may also contain these items as randomised contents of uncer-
tain value (loot boxes). The growth of microtransactions has attracted substantial interest
from both gamers, academics, and policymakers. However, it is not clear either how fre-
quently exposed players are to these features in desktop games, or when any growth in
exposure occurred. In order to address this, we analysed the play history of the 463 most-
played Steam desktop games from 2010 to 2019. Results of exploratory joinpoint analyses
suggested that cosmetic microtransactions and loot boxes experienced rapid growth during
2012–2014, leading to high levels of exposure by April 2019: 71.2% of the sample played
games with loot boxes at this point, and 85.89% played games with cosmetic microtransac-
tions. By contrast, pay to win microtransactions did not appear to experience similar growth
in desktop games during the period, rising gradually to an exposure rate of 17.3% by
November 2015, at which point growth decelerated significantly (p<0.001) to the point
where it was not significantly different from zero (p = 0.32).
The way that the video game industry makes money has undergone important changes in
recent decades. In the 1990s and early 2000s, industry profits were largely based around the
sale of copies of games [1]. These copies might take the form of cartridges, discs, or even digital
downloads. Under this model individuals were handing over money in return for the either
the ownership of a complete product, or the license to play that product for a potentially
unlimited period of time [2]. Similarly, ownership of a product might occur via a subscription-
PLOS ONE | May 7, 2020 1 / 13
Citation: Zendle D, Meyer R, Ballou N (2020) The
changing face of desktop video game
monetisation: An exploration of exposure to loot
boxes, pay to win, and cosmetic microtransactions
in the most-played Steam games of 2010-2019.
PLoS ONE 15(5): e0232780.
Editor: Jose
C. Perales, Universidad de Granada,
Received: November 16, 2019
Accepted: April 21, 2020
Published: May 7, 2020
Peer Review History: PLOS recognizes the
benefits of transparency in the peer review
process; therefore, we enable the publication of
all of the content of peer review and author
responses alongside final, published articles. The
editorial history of this article is available here:
Copyright: © 2020 Zendle et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
held openly on the OSF repository located at
based model: It has been common for decades for players of online role-playing games to pay a
flat monthly charge for access to a game.
However, at some point in the early 2000s, monetisation in video games underwent a signif-
icant shift. As well as selling games as complete products, publishers also began offering gam-
ers the ability to purchase additional items, bonuses or services within the game itself for a
real-money fee, known as a ‘microtransaction’ [3].
Cosmetic microtransactions
As noted in [4], many microtransactions allow players to purchase decorations and alternative
costumes that “offer no in-game advantage and are purely aesthetic“. In the context of this
paper, we refer to any situation in which spending additional money leads to an aesthetic
change within a game but no in-game advantage as a ‘cosmetic microtransactions’.
The cosmetic microtransactions that may be made in video games are varied. For example,
in the multiplayer battle royale game Fortnite, players can spend real-world money to buy in-
game ‘emotes’ that allow them to express ideas and feelings via the movements of their in-
game avatar. In the vehicular soccer game Rocket League, players can pay to purchase new
‘goal explosions’ that allow them to celebrate in-game victory with unique visual effects. And
in the third-person shooting game Anthem, players can buy new armour pieces for their in-
game mechanical suits of armour. These pieces do not confer any in-game boosts or advan-
tages in terms of fighting: They simply look different.
Pay to win microtransactions
However, as noted in [5], not all microtransactions in games are purely cosmetic in nature.
Players of many modern video games are also given the option to purchase virtual items and
bonuses that increase their chances of in-game success. In this paper, we define any situation
in which players are able to exchange real-world money for something that increases their
chance of in-game success as a ‘pay to win’ microtransaction.
Some ‘pay to win’ microtransactions do not have any effect on the aesthetic of a game. For
example, players of the multiplayer mode in The Last of Us can pay real-world money for
advantages such as the ability to sneak up on other players silently via an ‘Agility perk’. This
in-game advantage does not change how the game itself looks: It merely alters how the game is
However, other “pay to win” microtransactions also change how a game looks. For exam-
ple, players of the game Awesomenauts can spend real-world money to purchase additional in-
game characters. These new characters can convey an in-game advantage. However, they also
have unique and special looks, and therefore have cosmetic value as well. Within the context of
this paper, if a microtransaction changes both how a game looks and confers an in-game
advantage, we would categorise that microtransaction as ‘pay to win’.
It is import to note that some games separately offer both cosmetic microtransactions and
pay to win microtransactions. An example of this is Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. In this game,
players may pay real-world money to purchase a boost that enables them to level up more
quickly, but does not change how the game itself looks. This is a pay to win microtransaction.
Conversely, they may spend real-world money to purchase a ‘skin’ for their in-game mount
that changes how it looks, but does not affect gameplay–this is an entirely cosmetic
Pay to win microtransactions are thought to have originated with online multiplayer games
such as MapleStory in the early 2000s [6], and have garnered controversy amongst both gamers
and academics alike. Criticisms of pay to win microtransactions are wide-ranging. Some
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Funding: Nick Ballou is a PhD student whose
doctoral training is funded by the EPSRC Centre for
Doctoral Training in Intelligent Games & Game
Intelligence (IGGI).
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
academics provide ethical critiques of how they may change “the game from a competition
where the best player wins to . . . who wants to and can pay the most” [7]; others posit a belief
that this model makes games unfair for less affluent players [8]. In [9], researchers suggest that
they may encourage the entrapment of players. They posit that games such as Candy Crush
may set up situations in which in-game goals are almost attained (‘near misses’) in order to
encourage pay to win purchasing; and that this strategy may lead to continued play and spend-
ing “to the similar extent of wins as demonstrated in the gambling literature”.
Controversies over pay to win have led some game developers to explicitly reject these
microtransactions as an element of their design philosophies [10]. Furthermore, despite the
popularity of games with pay to win elements, many individuals have publicly voiced their dis-
pleasure with their incorporation in the games that they play [11].
Loot boxes
As described above, microtransactions can lead to both aesthetic differences, and gameplay
advantages. However, when making a purchase, players are not always aware what advantage
or difference they are buying due to a monetisation strategy known as loot boxes. A definition
of loot boxes is given in [12] as follows:
1. Loot boxes are items in video games that may be bought for real-world money, but which
provide players with a randomized reward of uncertain value
This may be considered a restrictive definition of loot boxes: For example, a sceptic might
suggest that in-game items rewarded purely through gameplay be considered loot boxes. We
would defend the above definition on the basis that it explicitly invokes the potential for mone-
tisation, which sits at the heart of many issues regarding loot boxes. Furthermore, it was used
in oral testimony to a recent UK Parliamentary Select Committee, and was subsequently used
by this legislative subcommittee in their official report regarding the potential for harm present
in loot boxes [13, 14]. It therefore provides a widely-used and useful definition of loot boxes.
This definition is used throughout this paper.
Loot boxes take diverse forms. Some may be considered pay to win: For example, players of
the fighting game Marvel: Contest of Champions may pay real-world money to open sealed in-
game crystals that contain characters from Marvel franchises. Owning powerful and rare char-
acters can help the player win in-game fights. However, when a player hands over their money
to open a crystal, they have no way of knowing whether the character that crystal contains is a
rare and powerful one, or a weak and common one.
Others loot boxes may be considered purely cosmetic microtransactions. For example,
players of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive may spend real world money to unlock sealed
‘weapon cases’. Each case contains a novel aesthetic for an in-game gun or knife. However,
when paying to open a weapon case, players do not know which cosmetic upgrade they are
paying for.
Loot boxes are thought to be extraordinarily lucrative for the video games industry, with
one source estimating that they may have generated as much as $30 billion in revenue in 2018
alone [15]. However, there are distinct concerns about this monetisation strategy. As noted in
[16], loot boxes share distinct similarities with gambling. This has led to concerns that engag-
ing with loot boxes may lead to increases in gambling amongst gamers [17]. Evidence for this
causal mechanism is unclear. Spending on loot boxes has been repeatedly linked to problem
gambling. However, it is uncertain whether this is because loot boxes cause problem gambling,
or whether it is because individuals with pre-existing gambling problems spend more money
on loot boxes [1820].
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The present research
It is widely acknowledged that both pay to win microtransactions, cosmetic microtransactions,
and loot boxes have become more common in recent years. This has been accompanied by
substantial interest.
However, how these features are changing over time is unclear. For example, some news
reports have recently suggested that loot boxes are currently becoming more widespread [21],
whilst others report that loot boxes are currently in decline [22]. Still more imply that the prev-
alence of specific in-game features may render them relatively unimportant: A recent state-
ment from one industry representative characterises loot boxes as “a particular form of
randomised in-game purchase which feature[s] in a minority of games” [23]. However, to the
best of our knowledge no piece of academic research has investigated changes in exposure to
either loot boxes, pay to win microtransactions, or cosmetic microtransactions.
This piece of research therefore sets out to explore the changing rate of exposure to loot
boxes, pay to win microtransactions, and cosmetic microtransactions by analysing historical
data on how many individuals play games with these features each day.
The Steam platform is often considered to be the dominant way for desktop video games to
be both sold and delivered [24, 25]. In this piece of research, we create a dataset of the number
of players of each of the most-played Steam games. This dataset records the peak number of
simultaneous players for each game on each day from the 22
March 2010 to the 22
2019. We then code each of these games for the presence of loot boxes, pay to win microtran-
sactions, and pay to win microtransactions. We then explore how these features change within
the sample over time via a joinpoint analysis.
This research consisted of an analysis of SteamDB data. SteamDB is a publicly available
database that lists the daily number of players of a variety of games. For example, the daily
number of players of Counter-Strike can be viewed by browsing to
This study solely makes use of SteamDB data. Due to the publicly available and naturally
anonymous nature of the aggregate data used in this study, ethical approval was not applied
for when conducting this study. Upon submission of this manuscript, a formal waiver from
the lead author’s host institution was requested by journal staff. Said waiver was applied for
and granted by the ethics officer for the lead author’s department on the basis that this project
uses a publicly available database of information that is not personally identifiable.
SteamDB is a browsable database of aggregate play data from a variety of desktop games.
The design and conduct of this research did not violate the terms and conditions of SteamDB.
A list was made of the all-time most-played desktop games on the Steam platform. This was
operationalised as any game that had achieved over 10,000 simultaneous players. This led to
the creation of a list of 474 games that fit this criterion on the 22
April 2019 via reference to
the SteamDB website [26], which keeps a record of the peak number of simultaneous players
for each game on the Steam platform.
The complete play history of each of these games was then extracted in turn from SteamDB.
Inspection of these records revealed that a daily log of peak simultaneous players was kept for
each game by the Steam platform from 22
March 2010.
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This process was achieved by first navigating a browser to the SteamDB website, where a list of
games ordered by all-time peak simultaneous players is displayed. All entries with 10,000 or more
simultaneous players were noted down by a researcher. The researcher then used a browser to navi-
gate to the SteamDB page for each of the 474 games. A link on each of these pages allowed the
direct download of a.csv file containing the complete history of the number of players of that game.
The following three variables were then measured for each of these games:
1. The presence of loot boxes,
2. The presence of pay to win microtransactions
3. The presence of cosmetic-only microtransactions.
The presence of loot boxes. Using the definition of loot boxes given earlier, coders were
instructed to record that a game tested positive for the presence of loot boxes if it contained in-
game items that could be bought for real-world money but which contained randomized
rewards. An example of a game that would test positive for loot boxes is NBA2K18, a basketball
game in which gamers can pay real-world money to purchase ‘player packs’ that contain a ran-
domised assortment of new basketballers for their team. An example of a game that would test
negative for loot boxes is The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. Players of this game could pay real-world
money to purchase new in-game content (for example, armour for their horses). However,
when handing over their money they always knew what they would get in return.
The presence of pay to win microtransactions. Using the definition of pay to win micro-
transactions given earlier, coders were instructed to record that a game tested positive for the
presence of pay to win microtransactions if players could pay real-world money to in any way
increase their chances of in-game success. An example of a game that would test positive for
pay to win microtransactions is Grand Theft Auto V, in which players may pay real-world
money for in-game currency, that can be used to purchase powerful new weapons. A game
that would test negative for pay to win microtransactions is the team-based strategy game
DOTA 2. In this game, players can pay real-world money to unlock new aesthetics for their in-
game characters: However, spending money can never confer an in-game advantage.
The presence of cosmetic microtransactions. Using the definition of cosmetic micro-
transactions 2given earlier, coders were instructed to record that a game tested positive for the
presence of cosmetic microtransactions if players could pay real-world money for things that
offered no in-game advantage and purely led to an aesthetic change. An example of a game
that would screen positive for cosmetic microtransactions is Rocket League, in which a variety
of decals, goal explosions, and other aesthetic effects may be bought for real-world money.
However, none of these purchases are able to change how the game is played. A game that
would test negative for cosmetic microtransactions is the digital collectible card game Artifact,
in which players can pay real-world money to purchase new cards, all of which have some the-
oretical gameplay value.
It should be noted that some games could be coded as containing both cosmetic and pay to
win microtransactions: A good example of this is Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, as detailed in the
literature review. Similarly, should a game contain loot boxes, it would also be coded as con-
taining ‘pay to win’ or ‘cosmetic’ microtransactions on the basis of whether those loot boxes
contained cosmetic rewards or pay to win rewards. NBA2K18, for example, whose randomised
‘player packs’ contain new basketballers that give gamers an in-game advantage, would be
coded as containing both pay to win and loot boxes.
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A final note should be made regarding the time at which the presence or absence of these
features was recorded. The presence or absence of all of the above features was coded on the
basis of those features currently appearing in-game at the time of analysis. It was deemed infea-
sible to consistently determine whether games had added or removed these features at any
point during the period under study (2012–2019). As covered in our discussion, some games
may have inserted or removed loot boxes, pay to win microtransactions, or cosmetic micro-
transactions during the period. This is considered in our discussion.
The presence of each of the features outlined above were measured by having two research-
ers separately code each game for their presence or absence. A single illustrative example of
Counter-Strike was provided as an exemplar at the beginning of the coding process. Following
this, coders explored the presence or absence of relevant in-game features primarily through a
combination of reading the game developer’s documentation and descriptions, and searching
for other information regarding the games online such as in forum posts. If this was insuffi-
cient, researchers engaged in watching videos of others playing the games and, as a last resort,
playing the games in question themselves.
An initial round of coding resulted in near-perfect agreement between coders when it came
to the presence of loot boxes (97%, Cohen’s Kappa = 0.90). However, there was only substan-
tial agreement when it came to the presence of pay to win (85.5%, Cohen’s Kappa = 0.66) and
cosmetic microtransactions (84.6%, Cohen’s Kappa = 0.68).
Disagreement between human coders is an extremely common feature of any reliability
analysis. Indeed, as noted in a standard textbook on the topic, for many researchers, a raw
agreement rate of 80–90% is taken as sufficient in a variety of contexts [27].However, given the
importance of a reliable coding scheme to our analyses, we resolved to be more stringent.
Cohen’s Kappa measures the degree of agreement between coders when chance is taken into
account, and is the most commonly used way to measure inter-coder reliability. A Kappa sta-
tistic of greater than or equal to 0.81 is categorised according to multiple common benchmark-
ing schemes as representing ‘near perfect agreement’ [28]. As in previous work on similar
topics (e.g. [12]), it was determined that after achieving a minimum acceptable Kappa level,
any remaining disagreements between coders would then be resolved through dialogical inter-
subjectivity to yield a dataset whose accuracy we were confident in.
Disagreements in coding were first discussed before re-coding the data. From these discus-
sions, it emerged that disagreements in coding may have been due to a lack of clarity about
whether downloadable content (DLC) such as expansion packs should be classified as either
pay to win or cosmetic microtransactions. This is a subtle point. The simulation game Farming
Simulator 15, for example, has 4 DLC releases that contain new branded machinery that may
minorly improve a player’s farming capabilities. Should this be classed as a game with pay to
win microtransactions?
In order to resolve this, it was agreed that cosmetic and pay to win microtransactions would
be classified as in-game items and rewards that are purchasable with real-world money but do
not add substantial additional game content. This was undertaken in order to distinguish as
best as possible between the addition of small amounts of additional content via microtransac-
tion, and the offer to purchase substantial video game expansion packs such as in Skyrim. For
example, the Echoes of Auriga Pack in Endless Legends may give the player in-game skins such
as the Drum of Gios. However, it also comes with a substantial additional content in the form
of a new soundtrack, and thus was not coded as a cosmetic microtransaction.
Every game in the dataset was then recoded separately by both coders using this new defini-
tion. This round of coding led to near-perfect agreement for both pay to win (96.5%, Cohen’s
Kappa = 0.91) and cosmetic microtransactions (96.3%, Cohen’s Kappa = 0.92). Eleven games
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remained uncoded at this point. These were either demos, test servers, or other non-game
products (e.g. an SDK).
Both coders then met and discussed the remaining games on which their codes conflicted.
The resolution of these cases via dialogic intersubjectivity led to perfect agreement, and a final
dataset of games annotated with the presence of both loot boxes, pay to win features, and cos-
metic microtransactions.
Overall, 463 games were included in the final dataset after removing the eleven that could
not be categorised. There were 75 games with loot boxes, 388 games without them, and 11 games
that could not be categorised. There were 135 games with pay to win microtransactions, 328
games without them, and 11 games that could not be categorised. There were 203 games with cos-
metic microtransactions, 260 games without them, and 11 games that could not be categorised.
The presence of both multiplayer and co-operative features were additionally measured for
each of these games. Analysis of these features is not presented here.
Changes in exposure to loot boxes, pay to win, and cosmetic microtransactions was mea-
sured by first recording the number of players of each game under test for each of the 3,319
measured days from 22
March 2010 to 22
April 2019. This was accomplished by extracting
the complete history for each game from the SteamDB website. Any missing days were filled in
via linear interpolation. The total number of players was summed for each day. The number of
players of games with each specific feature on each of these days was then calculated. This fig-
ure was then divided by the total number of players overall for that day, and multiplied by 100
to yield a percentage measure of exposure.
Statistical analysis
Changing trends in video game features were explored using joinpoint regression. Joinpoint
regression is a technique for procedurally fitting a segmented regression model to trend data in
order to identify points in a dataset at which a trend changes [29]. It begins by fitting a linear
model to the dataset under test, and then iteratively tests whether the segmentation of this model
via one or several ‘joinpoints’ leads to an improvement in overall fit. Joinpoint regression is suitable
for the analysis of time series data, and commonly used to analyse change in trends over time. It is
most commonly used in the analysis of changes in cancer rates over time. However, it has been
used for analysing changes in trends as diverse as sales of pipe tobacco [30]; suicide rates [31]; fatal
car crashes [32]; workforce growth [33]; and the prevalence of coronary heart disease [34].
Joinpoint regressions can be computationally expensive, and data were therefore trans-
formed into weekly means in order to make analysis tractable. The National Cancer Institute’s
Joinpoint Regression Program Version was used for these analyses. Due to the serial
nature of the data, adjustments for autocorrelation were made according to [29]. Model selec-
tion was conducted by measuring the fit of each model via the calculation of BIC3, a variant of
the Bayesian Information Criterion [35, p. 3]. In order to prevent the development of an over-
fitted model, we elected for a maximum of three joinpoints to be fit to the data, and for a mini-
mum of 8 weeks to occur between joinpoints.
Changes in exposure to loot boxes
Exploratory joinpoint regression was first carried out on the relationship between time and the
percentage of individuals in the sample who played games which featured loot boxes. Exposure
to loot boxes was initially estimated at 4.2% of the sample in 22
March 2010, rising to
71.2% of the sample by 16th-22nd April 2019. Results indicated that the best-fitting model
(BIC3 = 2.63) contained two joinpoints: 1
January 2012, and 12
March 2014.
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Exposure first increased at an average annual rate of 5.3%, from 4.2% at the beginning of
observation to 14.0% in the period of 1
January 2012 (β = 0.10, t = 2.82, p = 0.004). At this
point, the trend increased significantly in steepness (change in β = 0.28, t = 6.50, p<0.001) to
an average annual increase of 20.3% (β = 0.39, t = 15.54, p<0.001). Finally, at the second inflec-
tion point during 12
March 2014, exposure was estimated at 59.4%. At this point, the
trend in the data became significantly more shallow (change in β = -0.34, t = -12.96, p<0.001).
This led to a more gradual rise in exposure to 71.2% by 16th-22nd April 2019 at an average
annual increase of 2.0% (β = 0.04, t = 4.78, p<0.001).
Changes in exposure to pay to win microtransactions
Joinpoint regression was then carried out on the relationship between time and the percentage
of individuals in the sample who played games with pay to win features. Exposure to pay to
win features was initially estimated at 5.0% of the sample, rising to 15.9% of the sample by
16th-22nd April 2019. Results indicated that the best-fitting model (BIC3 = 1.51) contained a
single joinpoint during 12
November 2015.
Exposure first increased at an average annual rate of 2.1%, from 5.0% during 22
March 2010 to 17.3% during 12
November 2015 (β = 0.04, t = 10.12, p<0.001). At the
inflection point of 12
November 2015, this trend decreased significantly in steepness
(change in β = -0.04, t = -5.40, p<0.001) to an average annual rate that was not significantly
different from zero (β = -0.008, t = -0.99, p = 0.32).
Changes in exposure to cosmetic microtransactions
Joinpoint regression was finally carried out on the relationship between time and the percent-
age of individuals in the sample who played games which featured cosmetic microtransactions.
Exposure to cosmetic microtransactions was initially estimated at 8.3% of the sample during
March 2010, rising to 85.8% of the sample by 16th-22nd April 2019. Results indi-
cated that the best-fitting model (BIC3 = 2.34) contained two joinpoints: 12
2012, and 20
August 2013.
Exposure first increased at an average annual rate of 7.7%, from 8.3% at 22
2010 to 23.4% at 12
February 2012 (β = 0.149, t = 5.13, p<0.001). At the first inflection
point during 12
February 2012, this trend increased significantly in steepness (change in
β = 0.40, t = 9.02, p<0.001) to an average annual increase of 28.9% (β = 0.555, t = 16.18,
p<0.001), leading to an estimated exposure of 67.8% during 20
August 2013. At this
point, the trend in the data became significantly more shallow (change in β = -0.49, t = -14.15,
p<0.001). This led to a more gradual rise in exposure to 85.8% at 16
April 2019 at an
average annual increase of 3.1% (β = 0.06, t = 8.84, p<0.001).
The resulting models from all joinpoint regression analyses are shown below as Fig 1.
These results corroborate reports of an overall growth in loot boxes and cosmetic microtran-
sactions in the period 2010–2019. At the beginning of the period, only a small minority of
gamers were exposed to these features: 5.3% and 8.3% of the sample respectively. However, by
the end of the studied period, the majority of gamers were playing games that featured both
loot boxes (71.2%) and cosmetic microtransactions (85.8%). This does not contradict state-
ments by games industry representatives that loot boxes only appear in a minority of games:
After all, a mere 75 of the 463 games analysed during this study contained loot boxes. How-
ever, they do suggest that the games which do contain loot boxes such as DOTA 2 and Player
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Unknown’s Battlegrounds may be so popular that, whilst the minority of games may have loot
boxes, the majority of gamers are exposed to this feature.
It is important to note that the data under test also provides no evidence of a diminishment
in the exposure to either loot boxes or cosmetic microtransactions: None of the regression anal-
yses within any joinpoint model contained a negative coefficient. However, they do suggest that
the growth of both cosmetic microtransactions and loot boxes have decelerated in recent years.
The majority of growth in exposure to loot boxes was modelled as taking place between Jan-
uary 2012 and March 2014. During this period exposure to loot boxes increased at a rate of
20.38% per year to a point where more than half of the sample played games with loot boxes.
Similarly, between February 2012 and August 2013, exposure to cosmetic microtransactions
increased at a rate of 28.9% per year to the point where more than two-thirds of the sample
played games with cosmetic microtransactions. However, immediately after these rapid peri-
ods of growth, the increase in exposure to both these features dropped significantly to rela-
tively low rates: 2.0% and 3.1% per year respectively. These low rates remained in place for the
subsequent 5–6 years.
Some might be surprised by the growth in loot box exposure occurring as early as 2012–
2014. They may assume that increases in loot box exposure occurred much later in time. For
example, in [16], researchers state that “there were as many games released with loot boxes in
2016–2017 as there were before this time”, suggesting that loot box exposure may similarly
experience rapid increases after 2016. The novelty of the result observed here may be due to
two factors. The first is that we are measuring exposure rather than prevalence: It may well be
the case that changes in the number of games that contain loot boxes occur differently to
changes in the number of players who are exposed to loot boxes.
Fig 1. Time series graph showing the percent of the sample playing games with each relevant feature during the period under test. Models produced by three
separate joinpoint regression analyses are superimposed on the graph as lines on top of each relevant time series.
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However, another explanation for this difference in analysis is possible: data quality. The
statement made above was based on scrutinising a list of games containing loot boxes that was
collated and sourced from the video game journalism site Giant Bomb. Said data is subject to
various forms of bias and inaccuracy. Furthermore, the underlying processes that are used to
generate said data are not available for public scrutiny, and may not conform to scientific ide-
als. The data presented here is superior in this regard. Further work to determine the changing
prevalence rates (as well as exposure rates) of loot boxes over time are necessary.
Exposure to pay to win microtransactions appeared to change in a somewhat different
manner to the features outlined above. Whilst loot boxes and cosmetic microtransaction
growth was characterised by a sharp increase leading to a slow period of gradual growth, pay
to win microtransactions did not experience a similar temporary acceleration. Instead, expo-
sure was modelled as rising at a gradual rate of only 2.1% per year from the beginning of obser-
vation until 12
November 2015, at which point this rate declined (p<0.001) to an
increase that was not significantly different from zero (p = 0.32). Consequently, by the end of
the sampled period, only 15.9% of the sample were playing games that featured pay to win
The analyses presented here are limited in several ways. The dataset used captures the data of a
large number of individuals: Indeed, an average of over 4 million players were recorded each
day within our dataset by the conclusion of the studied time period. However, it is important
to note that this data represents the players of only the 463 most popular games on Steam. The
data of all less-popular games are is therefore not included in this dataset, and it is likely that
these games may have a different distribution of features to the most popular games on the
Additionally, each game was coded as containing a specific feature if it contained that fea-
ture at the time of coding. Theoretically, a game may have only introduced a feature such as
cosmetic microtransactions in 2017 or 2018. Yet, when coding took place, all datapoints for
that game would be coded as coming from a game which contained such a feature. If this is the
case, the models produced below could underestimate the size of increases in exposure within
the sample. Furthermore, it is also possible that games in the sample had previously contained
loot boxes, and then subsequently removed them. These games would be coded as not contain-
ing loot boxes, and their presence in the sample might lead to the overestimation of increases
in exposure to loot boxes.
Finally, and most importantly, this dataset consists only of information about desktop
games available via the Steam marketplace. It is therefore unable to provide information about
the exposure to cosmetic microtransactions, loot boxes, and pay to win features on other plat-
forms such as mobile devices.
One must also note that this data cannot make any claims about the number of players who
actually purchased microtransactions of any kind; rather, it speaks to the frequency with
which these features appeared in popular games, and the proportion of gamers who are
exposed to these features in the games they play.
A final limitation of this study concerns the joinpoint analysis that was used. Joinpoint anal-
yses are able to establish both when changes in the slope of a regression line occurred, and the
steepness of a slope after each change-point. This makes them appropriate to the aims of this
project: They allow researchers to understand how exposure to various in-game features has
changed in specific ways over the past decade. Here, for example, they are used to estimate a
rate of increase in exposure between specific dates. However, their utility in understanding
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other features of exposure is limited: They are not commonly used as predictive models to
understand future levels of exposure; and their ability to estimate the shape of trends is limited:
They cannot be used to understand if, for example, increases in exposure fit an exponential
curve. These are interesting and important analyses for future researchers to conduct. All data
associated with our analyses are publicly available, and it is our hope that future work will
address these questions.
Similarly, the process of joinpoint regression necessitates researchers defining specifc
apriori constraints on their statistical models. For example, the regression undertaken here
was constrained to contain a maximum of three joinpoints. It should be noted that these con-
straints were informed by standard practice in the literature: For example, it is a common
strategy to allow a maximum of three joinpoints to occur within a model, presumably in order
to resolve tensions between computational efficiency, overfitting, and model accuracy [3638].
A sceptic may note that this analytic strategy may allow for situations of analytic flexibility:
One might receive different results by specifying four, or five, or two joinpoints. Further work
may focus on determining the impact of model constraint decisions on analytic outcomes:
Our data is open and available with no reservations should other parties wish to reanalyse it
for this purpose, via, for example, a form of multiverse analysis.
The exploratory analysis presented above suggests that pay to win microtransactions continue
to be an uncommon feature of desktop video games. Increases in exposure to this feature
appeared to only gradually rise from 2010 onwards, and to plateau in 2015, leading to relatively
low levels of exposure in 2019.
By contrast, cosmetic microtransactions and loot boxes appear to be present in games played
by the majority of desktop gamers within the sample. Over 70% of gamers played a game with
loot boxes in by the end of the studied period; over 80% played a game with cosmetic micro-
transactions. This increase in exposure does not appear recent: Indeed, the data suggests that
these features may have risen to a dominant position in desktop games as early as 2014.
Academics and policymakers have expressed interest and concern in the potential conse-
quences of the incorporation of the features outlined above in modern video games. Recent
reports have suggested that loot boxes may recently have experienced either a decline in popu-
larity, or a rise in popularity. This study instead suggests that, at least on desktop platforms,
gamers experienced a sudden increase in exposure to both loot boxes and cosmetic microtran-
sactions during approximately 2012–2014, followed by a period of steady and gradual growth.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: David Zendle.
Data curation: David Zendle, Rachel Meyer, Nick Ballou.
Formal analysis: David Zendle, Rachel Meyer, Nick Ballou.
Methodology: David Zendle, Rachel Meyer, Nick Ballou.
Writing – original draft: David Zendle.
Writing – review & editing: Rachel Meyer, Nick Ballou.
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