Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
First Published: 2024-04-25
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Opening Your First Secure Message 1
Overview of Secure Messages 1
Why Use Secure Messages? 2
Secure Message Notification 2
Components of a Secure Message 6
Steps to Opening Your First Secure Message 8
Save the Encrypted Message File Attachment to Your Hard Drive 9
Open the File in a Web Browser 9
Click the Register Button to Enroll with the Service 9
Activate Your Encryption Service Account 11
View the Secure Message Again and Enter Your Password 11
Opening Secure Messages After You Activate Your Encryption Service Account 11
Opening Secure Messages Through Google Sign-in 12
Overview of Sending Email 13
Composing and Sending an Email 13
Using the Automatically BCC me on this Email Option 15
Requesting Read Receipts 15
Using the Address Book 15
Adding an Address to the Address Book 16
Deleting an Address from the Address Book 16
Editing an Address 16
Adding an Email Address to a Message from the Address Book 16
Managing Messages 17
Retrieve All Sent Messages 17
Retrieve Specific Messages 18
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Basic Search 18
Advanced Search 18
Viewing Message Details 19
Viewing Message Details in Single-Message View 20
Locking and Unlocking Messages 20
Locking Messages 20
Unlocking Messages 21
Setting Message Expiration Dates 21
Removing a message expiration date: 22
Editing Your Profile 22
Setting Your Local Time Zone 23
Editing Personal Details and Preferences 23
Troubleshooting Secure Message Issues 25
Troubleshooting Tips 25
Issue: Open Button Is Missing from the Message or Does Not Work 25
Issue: Email Address Does Not Appear in the To: Field 26
Issue: Secure Message Is Not Displayed Properly 26
Issue: Message Processing Slows Down or Stops 26
Issue: Password Is Forgotten or Does Not Work 26
Issue: Microsoft OWA 2007 Compatibility 27
Issue: Compose Message Link is Not Visible in the Left-Hand Navigation Menu 27
Issue: Accented Characters Not Rendering Correctly for Secure Emails (Plain Text or HTML) 27
Issue: Secure Message Not Opening Properly on Firefox 28
Additional Resources 28
Cookies Used in Secure Email Encryption Service 28
Secure Message Help 29
Frequently Asked Questions 29
Customer Support 29
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for first-time recipients of password-protected secure messages.
It explains how to enroll with Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service and open secure messages.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
The latest version of this guide and other Secure Email Encryption Service documentation is available on this
If JavaScript is disabled on your web browser, the functionality of some of the web pages will not work.
If you are using Internet Explorer to access the web pages, it might cause alignment issues. It is recommended
to switch to any one of the following supported browsers:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Safari (for MAC operating system)
Overview of Secure Messages, on page 1
Steps to Opening Your First Secure Message, on page 8
Opening Secure Messages After You Activate Your Encryption Service Account, on page 11
Opening Secure Messages Through Google Sign-in, on page 12
Overview of Secure Messages
A Secure Message is a type of encrypted email message. Some Secure Messages are password-protected,
whereas others are encrypted but do not require a password.
If you receive a password-protected Secure Message, you need to set up a free user account with Cisco Secure
Message Service to open your encrypted message.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
After you enroll with the service, you can use your account password to open all Secure Messages that you
receive—from any sender. You can also use the service to send and manage your own Secure Messages.
Why Use Secure Messages?
Secure Messages enable you to easily send and receive encrypted email. Typically, senders encrypt messages
to prevent important or confidential information from getting into the wrong hands. Encryption protects against
accidental breaches of security, as well as intentional illegal and malicious security breaches. Often, when
individuals or organizations send Secure Messages, they want to protect confidential information for the
benefit of the recipient. In some cases, senders are required to maintain confidentiality because of government
regulations or statutes. For example, a health care provider might use a Secure Message to convey confidential
information about a patient’s medical history, and a financial institution might send protected information
about a personal bank account.
Secure Message Notification
When someone sends you a Secure Message, you receive the following files:
Notification email message. The notification message indicates that someone has sent you a secure,
encrypted message in the form of a Secure Message. The notification also includes links to information
about Secure Messages and Encryption Service.
Encrypted message file attachment. The notification message includes an encrypted message file
attachment. The file attachment uses the naming convention of securedoc_date Ttime .html where date
and time are represented as a numerical date and time stamp that are added to the file. For example, you
might receive a file called securedoc_20100615T193043.html, where the year, month, and day are
represented as 20100615 and time is represented as 193043. This file contains both the Secure Message
and the encrypted content. To view the Secure Message, save the file attachment to your hard drive.
Then, double-click the file to display the Secure Message in a web browser. Typically, a computer must
have an Internet connection to properly display the Secure Message and decrypt the message.
If the email administrator has enabled the support for large file attachments, and
the secure message contains a file attachment of size greater than 25 MB, then
the securedoc html attachment is not present in the secure message.
The notification message that you receive will look in one of the following ways:
The following figure shows a notification email message with the Read Messagebutton. To read a secure
message, click the Read Message button. By default, the Read Message link is valid for a maximum of
14 days. After the link expires, you can read messages by opening the attachment in a web browser or
forwarding the message to
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Why Use Secure Messages?
The following figure shows a notification email message with the Read Message button. The email
expiration month is in text format and the day of month with timestamp. This new date format is applicable
for custom templates only.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Secure Message Notification
The next figure shows a notification email message without the Read Message button. To read a secure
message, open the securedoc_dateTtime.html file attachment in a web browser or forward the message
to For more information, see Steps to Opening Your First Secure Message, on
page 8.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Secure Message Notification
The following figure shows a notification email without the securedoc html attachment and the expiry
date. This notification type appears when the secure message contains a file attachment of size greater
than 25 MB. Click the Read Message button to open the secure message.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Secure Message Notification
The file attachment includes software to decrypt the encrypted message when you enter the password for your
user account. In some cases, the included software cannot decrypt the message, and you must use one of the
alternative decryption methods. For more information about alternative methods for opening secure messages,
see Troubleshooting Secure Message Issues, on page 25
Some encrypted messages may be sent to the Spam folder. Please check your Spam folder for secure messages.
Additionally, you may notice a yellow or red warning banner on secure messages. You can click the "Looks
safe" button.
You cannot open a secure message if its encryption key has expired. Your email administrator configures the
validity of the encryption key. If the encryption key has expired, you will see the error message: "Cannot open
this secure message. This secure message has expired due to the security setting configured by the
Components of a Secure Message
When you click on the Read message button in the received secure message, it directs you to the web browser
and the message is displayed.
The Secure Message login page displays the recipient email addresses in a searchable drop-down box. You
can use the searchable drop-down box to open a secured message in any one of the following ways:
Select the required recipient email address from the searchable drop-down box.
Search for a recipient email address by entering any character that matches the recipient email address
in the searchable drop-down box.
If JavaScript is disabled on your web browser, you will not be able to search for a recipient email address.
You can only view and select the list of recipient email addresses in the searchable drop-down box.
If you send a Secure Message to a single recipient, the “Your Address” field is auto-populated with the
recipient's email address. If there are multiple recipients in the 'To' and 'CC' address fields of the Secure
Message, the “Your Address” field is auto-populated when you enter any character that matches the recipient
email address in the searchable drop-down box.
If you have received the secure message as a BCC recipient, you need to select the ‘Address Not listed’ option
from the searchable drop-down box and enter the recipient email address manually.
If you have already enrolled with the service, the Open button appears. Click the Open button to decrypt the
content and view your message.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Components of a Secure Message
If you have not enrolled with the service, you will be directed to enroll and create a user account before you
can enter your password. If your email address is not associated with a user account, the message may display
a Register button. In that case, click the Register button to enroll with the service.
When you open the securedoc attachment in the received mail, the Secure Message is displayed in a web
The following table describes the important features of a Secure Message highlighted in above figure.
The address fields identify the sender in the From: field and intended recipient in the
To: field.
Address fields and
subject line
If the secure message is password-protected, enter your Encryption Service password
to open the message. If you have not enrolled with the service, you will be directed
to enroll before you can enter your password.
Password field
If you receive a password-protected message and you have already enrolled with the
service, the Open button appears. Click the Open button to decrypt the content and
view your message. The Open button appears only after you enroll with the service
and create a user account. If your email address is not associated with a user account,
the message may display a Register button in place of the Open button. In that case,
click the Register button to enroll with the service.
If the Secure Message was sent to you with low security, you will see an Acknowledge
button instead of an Open button.
Your company may have configured a single-sign-on (SAML) login for
you to use with the Cisco Secure Message Service. In this case, a pop-up
will appear that allows you to log in using your company’s credentials.
Open button
If you have a Google account, you need to register by clicking the Google Sig-up
button. After registering, you can signin with Google and read your secure messages.
In this case, you do not have to enroll with Encryption Service or enter the Encryption
Service password.
Sign in with Google
Click the Help link to access the online help for Secure Messages. The online help
describes the standard and alternative methods for opening Secure Messages. It also
provides a link to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Help link
The message security level can be low, medium, or high. The default is medium. When
a message is sent with low security, you do not need to enter a password to open it.
Medium security enables standard password features. When a message is sent with
high security, you must always enter a password to open it, even if you previously
chose the “Remember me on this computer” option.
Message security
Select the “Remember me on this computer” check box to have your settings
remembered on your computer. These settings vary depending on the encryption
profile. For example, when receiving a medium security message, you may not have
to enter a password to open it, but when receiving a high security message, you will
always have to enter your password.
Remember Me
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Components of a Secure Message
Select the language that will be used to translate incoming Secure Messages. This
selection will override the language that is determined by the System Default Locale
set in the BCE configuration file.
Displays the image that you chose as the custom logo for the envelope profile in
Account Management > Branding > Images page in the Encryption Service application.
For information about other Secure Message features, see the frequently asked questions (FAQs) at:
Many Secure Message components vary from each other, depending on several factors, including:
The senders account configuration.
The software available on the recipient’s computer.
Modifications that email gateways sometimes make to the encrypted message file attachment.
The status of the recipient as either enrolled or unenrolled with the service.
Secure Messages are dynamic, and the components of a particular message can vary over time.
Steps to Opening Your First Secure Message
This section provides step-by-step instructions for opening a password-protected Secure Message for the first
time. The steps demonstrate a typical scenario for a first-time recipient. Some of the steps may vary, depending
on the particular circumstances. If you have a Google account, you can open the secure messages using Google
authentication. For more information, see the Opening Secure Messages Through Google Sign-in, on page
These steps apply to first-time recipients opening a password-protected message only. After you enroll with
Encryption Service and activate your account, you can use your password to open secure messages from any
sender. If you receive a Secure Message that is not password-protected, you do not need to register to open
the message. For more information, see the Opening Secure Messages After You Activate Your Encryption
Service Account, on page 11.
To open your first secure message, you must perform the following steps.
If the secure message contains a file attachment size of more than 25 MB, the securedoc html attachment is
not present in the secure message. In such cases, click the Read Message button on the secure message and
start from step 3 below.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Steps to Opening Your First Secure Message
Step 1 Save the Encrypted Message File Attachment to Your Hard Drive, on page 9
Step 2 Open the File in a Web Browser, on page 9
Step 3 Click the Register Button to Enroll with the Service, on page 9
Step 4 Activate Your Encryption Service Account, on page 11
Step 5 View the Secure Message Again and Enter Your Password, on page 11
Save the Encrypted Message File Attachment to Your Hard Drive
When you receive a secure message notification, you need to download the file attachment (securedoc_date
Ttime .html where date and time represent the time stamp appended at the time the mail is sent), and save it
to your hard drive before opening it.
The dialog box for saving an attachment may look different, depending on your email program, and whether
you use a web mail site, such as Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, or Hotmail.
For more information about the notification message, see the Secure Message Notification, on page 2.
Open the File in a Web Browser
Open the securedoc_date Ttime .html file (from the downloaded location on your system) in a web browser.
Do not open the file directly from the email attachment. You must first download the file to your system and
then open the html file from the downloaded location in your system.
The Secure Message displays the registartion page.
Click the Register Button to Enroll with the Service
You need to register your account with Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service to open a Secure Message.
Your company may have configured single-sign-on (SAML) authentication for you to use with Encryption
Service. In this case, the new user registration is a shortened registration and only requests that you enter the
portal language and the name for the Encryption Service user account. The below figure shows the new user
registration with SAML authentication.
The New User Registration page is displayed.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Save the Encrypted Message File Attachment to Your Hard Drive
You will not be able to view the customized logo and footer links in the New User Registration page until
you register your account with Cisco Secure Message Service.
Security questions and personal security phrases are no longer required during new account registration.
Enter the information in the following fields:
Table 1: Fields on the Encryption Service Registration Page
Required. Enter the first name of the Encryption Service user account.First Name
Required. Enter the last name of the Encryption Service user account.Last Name
Required. Enter and confirm a password for the account. Password must be
alphanumeric and case-sensitive.
The following password requirements can be additionally set by your Account
Password must contain characters from at least three of the available character
types: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and special characters.
Password must not contain a character repeated more than three times
Password must not contain the username or the reversed username.
Password must not be “Cisco”, “ocsic” or any similar words by changing the
capitalization of letters, or replacing “i” with “1”, “|”, “!”, “o” with “0”, or
“s” with “$”.
If you forget your password, click the Forgot password? button on
a Secure Message to reset your password.
If your company has configured a single-sign-on (SAML) login for
you to use with the Cisco Secure Message Service, you will need to
contact your company’s support group to obtain or reset your
Password and Confirm
You must click this checkbox to register your account on Encryption Service.I agree to Encryption
Service's Terms of
Dynamic password validation does not perform a check on any additional password rules configured for your
Encryption Service account by your account administrator.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Click the Register Button to Enroll with the Service
Upon registering, the following account activation page is displayed. You need to follow the instructions in
the account activation mail to activate your Encryption Service account.
You may need to set up more than one user account, if you receive Secure Messages at multiple email addresses.
You need a separate user account for each email address.
Activate Your Encryption Service Account
Check your email inbox for an activation message from the service. If the email is not in your inbox, check
the spam or junk email folder in case the activation message was filtered.
In the activation email message, click the link to activate your user account.
View the Secure Message Again and Enter Your Password
Step 1 Return to the Secure Message. The Register button is no longer displayed on the message. The Open button
appears in its place.
Step 2 Enter the password for your Cisco Secure Message Service user account, and click Open.
Your company might have configured a single-sign-on (SAML) login for you to use with the
Cisco Secure Message Service. In this case, a pop-up will appear that allows you to log in using
your company’s credentials (username and password) to authenticate and open the encrypted
email. If you sign in through your Google account, then you do not need to enter your Encryption
Service username and password to read the secure message.
The decrypted message is displayed in the browser window.
Step 3 Click Reply to send a Secure Reply message or click Forward to send a Secure Forward message, after you
open a Secure Message. When you send a Secure Reply or Secure Forward message, the recipient receives a
Secure Message containing the encrypted message.
Depending on the original sender’s preferences, some features may not be available. For example,
it might not be possible to send a Secure Reply or Secure Forward message.
Opening Secure Messages After You Activate Your Encryption
Service Account
After you enroll with the Cisco Secure Message Service and activate your account, you can use your Encryption
Service password to open secure messages from any sender.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Activate Your Encryption Service Account
While opening the secure message, if you forget your Encryption Service password, click the Forgot password?
button on a Secure Message to reset your password. You will receive a New Password message to the email
address associated with your account.
The New Password message contains a link to the Create New Password page. When you click on this link,
you will be re-directed to a browser, where you can create a new password and use that password to log in to
your account and open the secure message. Whenever you reset your password, a notification mail is sent to
the e-mail address that is associated with your Encryption Service account. Security questions are no longer
required to reset your password.
If your company has configured a single-sign-on (SAML) login for you to use with the Cisco Secure Message
Service, you will need to contact your company's support group to obtain or reset your password.
The password reset link is valid for 60 minutes only. You must change your password before the link expires.
Opening Secure Messages Through Google Sign-in
If you have a Google account, you can open the secure messages using Google authentication. In this case,
you do not need enroll with Encryption Service or enter Encryption Service password to open secure messages.
To open your first secure message through Google authentication:
Step 1 Download the attached securedoc.html file to your system.
Step 2 Navigate to the location where the file is saved, and open the file in a web browser.
If the secure message contains a file attachment size of more than 25 MB, the securedoc html
attachment is not present in the secure message. In such cases, click the Read Message button
on the secure message.
Step 3 Click the Google Sign-up button to register.
Step 4 Choose your Google account.
Step 5 In the New Google User Registration page, enter your first name and last name, and then click Register.
The confirmation message appears. You will receive the confirmation letter on your email.
Step 6 Return to the Secure Messages and click the Sign in with Google button and read your secure message.
The Password field is required only with Encryption Service authentication. If you open the
secure message through Google Sign-in, the Password field is not applicable. Skip this field and
click Sign in with Google.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Opening Your First Secure Message
Opening Secure Messages Through Google Sign-in
Overview of Sending Email
You can send encrypted messages from your Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service account. When you sign
up for an Encryption Service account, you can receive as well as send encrypted messages. When you send
encrypted messages using Secure Email Encryption Service, the encryption server encrypts the outbound
email and routes it to its intended destination. You can also save the frequently contacted email addresses in
the Encryption Service address book, and choose from those addresses when you compose emails.
Account administrators can disable access to Secure Compose. If your account administrator has disabled this
functionality, you will not see the Compose Message link in the left-hand navigation menu and will not be
able to send a secure message from the Encryption Service website.
If JavaScript is disabled on your web browser, the functionality of some of the web pages will not work.
If you are using Internet Explorer to access the web pages, it might cause alignment issues. It is recommended
to switch to any one of the following supported browsers:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Safari (for MAC operating system)
Composing and Sending an Email, on page 13
Using the Address Book, on page 15
Managing Messages, on page 17
Editing Your Profile, on page 22
Composing and Sending an Email
To compose and send a secure message from the Encryption Service website, click Compose Message in the
left-hand navigation menu.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
When you send a secure message from Encryption Service, the recipient receives a Secure Message containing
the encrypted content of your message. If the recipient does not already have a Encryption Service user account,
the recipient needs to enroll with the service and set up a free user account to open theMessage.
Step 1 Begin creating a message from the Compose Message page. Enter an email address, click the To: field, or
click the Address Book icon in the left pane to open the Address Book.
For more information about using the Address Book, see the Using the Address Book, on page 15
Step 2 Complete the appropriate address fields (To, CC, and BCC) on the Compose Message page.
For more information about the BCC option, see the Using the Automatically BCC me on this Email Option,
on page 15
Step 3 Optionally, complete the Subject field.
Step 4 Optionally, click the Attachments button to include file attachments.
The maximum file size of all attachments is 25 MB. If your email administrator has enabled the support for
large file attachments, you can attach up to 100 MB.
Step 5 Enter the body of your encrypted message in the Message field. To format your message, click the Rich Text
link. Use the formatting options to format your text as needed.
Step 6 Optionally, select the check box to send yourself a copy of the message as a BCC recipient.
Step 7 Optionally, select the check box to receive a read receipt the first time each recipient opens the message.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Composing and Sending an Email
For more information about read receipts, see the Requesting Read Receipts, on page 15
Step 8 Click Send
A notice appears at the top of the Compose Message page indicating that the message has been sent.
While you are composing a secure message, your web browser session might expire if you stop
typing for a period of 20 minutes or longer. If the browser session times out, an error is displayed
when you click Send. To send your message, you must log in to the Encryption Service website
Using the Automatically BCC me on this Email Option
When you send a secure message, you can select the Automatically BCC me on this email check box to
receive a copy of this message on your email account.
You can set the default value for this option by selecting the Bcc me on messages that I send check box on
the Edit Profile page in the Preferences section.
Requesting Read Receipts
When you send a secure message, you can select a check box to request a read receipt. A read receipt is a
notification email message that alerts you when a recipient first opens a secure message that you have sent.
Because the configuration of some recipients’ email systems can prevent read receipts from reaching you,
read receipts are not guaranteed. To verify the date and time when a recipient first opened your message, use
the Manage Messages feature of the Encryption Service website to view the message details.
Using the Address Book
When you send a secure message, you may want to store frequently used email addresses in your address
book so that you can access them easily. You can perform the following using the address book:
Adding an Address to the Address Book, on page 16
Deleting an Address from the Address Book, on page 16
Editing an Address, on page 16
Adding an Email Address to a Message from the Address Book, on page 16
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Using the Automatically BCC me on this Email Option
Adding an Address to the Address Book
Step 1 Click the Address Book icon in the left pane to open the address book.
Step 2 Enter a first name, last name, and email address for the contact.
Step 3 Click Save.
Step 4 The new address is added to your address book.
Deleting an Address from the Address Book
Step 1 Click the Address Book icon in the left pane to open the address book.
Step 2 Click the trash icon next to the address that you want to remove.
Step 3 Or, select the check box next to the address that you want to remove and click Delete Contact.
Editing an Address
Step 1 Click the Address Book icon in the left pane to open the address book.
Step 2 Click the Edit icon next to the address you want to edit.
Step 3 Modify the first name, last name, or email address of the contact, and click Save.
Adding an Email Address to a Message from the Address Book
Step 1 Click the To: field or click the Address Book icon in the left pane to open the address book.
When you click the To field, the Address Book opens, where you can add an email address to a message.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Adding an Address to the Address Book
You can also click the CC and BCC fields to display the Address book and add an email address
to a message.
Step 2 Click the email address for the contact you want to send an email. The Compose Message page opens and
populates the To: field with your selected address.
Step 3 Enter your message (and complete any other desired fields), and click Send.
Managing Messages
You can select Manage Messages in the left-hand navigation menu to manage the encrypted messages that
you have sent. When you manage messages, you first run a search to retrieve your sent messages.Then, you
use the search results to view message details, lock and unlock messages, or specify message expiration dates.
You can:
Retrieve All Sent Messages, on page 17
Retrieve Specific Messages, on page 18
When you manage messages, you can view message details and control access to sent messages. You cannot
view the content of sent messages.
Retrieve All Sent Messages
To retrieve a list of all the secure messages that you have sent:
Step 1 Select Manage Messages in the left-hand navigation menu. The Search Sent Messages page opens.
Step 2 Leave the Keyword field blank.
Step 3 Click the Search button.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Managing Messages
The results list at the bottom of the page displays the sent messages. Click the column headings to change the
sort order. The results list displays up to 25 sent messages on a page. To view more messages, click the link
for additional messages.
Retrieve Specific Messages
You can run a basic or advanced search to retrieve a subset of secure messages that you have sent.
Basic Search
When you run a basic search, you enter a keyword text string to find messages with that text string in the To
or Subject fields. The keyword text string is not case-sensitive, and it can be any combination of characters,
such as a partial word, a word, or a phrase.
To run a basic search:
Step 1 Select Manage Messages in the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Enter a text string in the Keyword field.
Step 3 Click the Search button.
The results list displays the messages that match the search criteria. A message matches the search
criteria if the keyword text string appears anywhere in the To or Subject field. For example, if you search for
the keyword test, the results list could include messages with the following text strings in the To or Subject
Advanced Search
When you run an advanced search, you can narrow the search results in several ways using keywords, date
ranges, and message status.
To run an advanced search:
Step 1 Select Manage Messages in the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click the Advanced Search link.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Retrieve Specific Messages
Step 3 Complete the fields for the search criteria you want to specify.
Step 4 Click the Search button.
The following table describes the criteria that you can use in an advanced search.
Table 2:
Enter a keyword text string, similar to the text string
for a basic search. Use the corresponding drop-down
list to specify theMessage data to search. You can
search the To field, the Subject field, the Locked
Reason text, or the Failed Attempts data forMessages.
For example, enter Confidential and select Subject to
search for sentMessages with the word "Confidential"
in the Subject field.
Keyword 1
Enter a keyword text string and use the corresponding
drop-down list to specify theMessage data to search.
You can search the To field, the Subject field, the
Locked Reason text, or the Failed Attempts data.
For example, enter 3 and select Failed Attempts to
search for lockedMessages with recipients who made
three unsuccessful attempts to open them.
Keyword 2
To specify a date range for the search criteria, enter
dates in the Date From and Date To fields, and then
select the message status in the corresponding
drop-down list. You can search for messages that were
sent, opened, or expired in the specified date range.
By default, an advanced search returns messages that
were sent during the preceding month.
Date From and Date To
Select a message status to limit the search results
based on status. Options are All, Opened, Unopened,
Locked, and Expired. The default is All.
You can use a combination of advanced search criteria to narrow your search results. Leave fields blank to
exclude them from the search criteria. Only the Status field is required.
An advanced search uses an AND operator rather than an OR operator to join search criteria. For example, if
you use the Keyword 1 and the Keyword 2 fields together, the search returns Messages that meet both criteria,
not one or the other.
Viewing Message Details
After you run a search, the results list displays details about the messages that match the search criteria.The
details include recipient email addresses, subject lines, and the dates and times when messages weresent and
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Viewing Message Details
first opened. The details also indicate message locking status and expiration dates. All times are displayed in
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
The results list contains a separate row for each recipient of a secure message. For example, if you sent an
encrypted message to three recipients, the results list contains three rows for the message.
You can use the results list to control message locking and expiration. For more information about locking,
see Locking Messages, on page 20 and Unlocking Messages, on page 21. For more information about
expiration, see Setting Message Expiration Dates, on page 21
Viewing Message Details in Single-Message View
To view details for an individual message, click the subject line in the results list. The Update Sent Message
page is displayed. It includes much of the same information about the message as the results list, plus additional
information about message locking.
The Update Sent Message page displays the first-opened time for the particular recipient listed in the To field.
If the recipient has not opened the message, the Opened Date field is blank.
In single-message view, you can click the padlock icon to change the lock status for the recipient in the To
field. You can also click the calendar icon to set an expiration date for that recipient. After you update the
lock status or expiration date, click Save to save your changes.
Locking and Unlocking Messages
This topic provides information on the following:
Locking Messages, on page 20
Unlocking Messages, on page 21
Locking Messages
You can lock sent messages to prevent recipients from opening them. After you lock a message, the recipient
cannot open the message to access the encrypted content. When you lock messages, you lock them for individual
message recipients. You can lock a message for some recipients and leave it unlocked for others.
To lock one or more messages:
Step 1 Select Manage Messages in the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click Search to retrieve all sent Message, or else run a basic or advanced search to retrieve specific messages.
Step 3 In the results list, select the check boxes for the messages you want to lock.
If you sent a message to multiple recipients, the same message might appear in several rows.
Select the check box for each recipient you want to prevent from opening the message.
Step 4 Click the Lock/Unlock Message icon above the results list. The Update Sent Messages page opens.
Step 5 Verify that the Lock all selected messages option is selected.
Step 6 Optionally, enter your reason for locking the messages.
The lock reason is displayed to recipients when they view the secure message.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Viewing Message Details in Single-Message View
Step 7 Click Update.
If you specify a reason for the lock, the reason is displayed to recipients when they view the
Secure Message. To change the lock reason notification, follow the steps to lock the message,
and enter a new reason before you click Update.
When a secure message is locked, a padlock icon appears in the Locked column of the results list.
Unlocking Messages
To unlock messages:
Step 1 Select Manage Messages in the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click Search to retrieve all sent Messages, or else run a basic or advanced search to retrieve specific messages.
Step 3 In the results list, select the check boxes for the messages you want to unlock.
Step 4 If you sent a message to multiple recipients, select the check box for each recipient's row, as appropriate.
Step 5 Click the Lock/Unlock Message icon above the results list. The Update Sent Messages page opens.
Step 6 Select the Unlock selected messages option.
Step 7 Click Update.
You can also change the lock status of a message when you view details in the single-message
view. After you update the lock status, click Save to save your changes. For more information
about using the single-message view, see Viewing Message Details in Single-Message View, on
page 20.
Setting Message Expiration Dates
You can set a message expiration date to prevent recipients from opening a message after the specified date.
You typically set expiration dates for a future time. After a message expires, the recipient cannot open the
message to access the encrypted content. When the recipient views the message, a notification displays
indicating that the message has expired.
When you manage messages, you can set, modify, and remove message expiration dates. When you view
message information in the results list, expiration dates for expired messages appear in red text. All times are
displayed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
To set or modify a message expiration date:
Step 1 Select Manage Messages in the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click Search to retrieve all sent Messages, or else run a basic or advanced search to retrieve specific messages.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Unlocking Messages
Step 3 In the results list, select the check boxes for the messages you want to update. If you sent a message to multiple
recipients, select the check box for each recipient's row, as appropriate.
Step 4 Click the Update Expiration For Messages icon above the results list. The Update Sent Messages page
Step 5 Enter an expiration date and time for the messages, or click the calendar icon and select the expiration date.
Step 6 Remember, the time you enter is GMT, not local time.
Step 7 Click Update. The message expiration date appears in the Expires column of the results list.
Removing a message expiration date:
To remove a message expiration date:
Step 1 Select Manage Messages in the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click Search to retrieve all sent Messages, or else run a basic or advanced search to retrieve specific messages.
Step 3 In the results list, select the check boxes for the messages you want to update.
Step 4 If you sent a message to multiple recipients, select the check box for each recipient's row, as appropriate.
Step 5 Click the Update Expiration For Messages icon above the results list. The Update Sent Messages page
Step 6 Delete the text in the New expiration date field.
Step 7 Click Update.
NoteYou can also set or remove the expiration date of a message when you view details in the
single-message view. After you enter or delete the expiration date, click Save to save your changes.
For more information about using the single-message view, see Viewing Message Details in
Single-Message View, on page 20.
Editing Your Profile
You can select Edit Profile in the left-hand navigation menu to update your user account information with
Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service (Encryption Service). After you update the Edit Profile page, enter
the password for your user account and click Save Profile to save your changes.
Task you can perform include:
Setting Your Local Time Zone, on page 23
Editing Personal Details and Preferences, on page 23
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Removing a message expiration date:
Setting Your Local Time Zone
The time zone is set automatically based on your current location. If you set the time zone previously, the
autodetection is not enabled. You can also change it by choosing the preferred time zone from the Time Zone
drop-down menu.
You can set the time stamp to your local time zone and to your desired format (12 hours or 24 hours) for all
messages that you send.
To set your local time zone:
Step 1 Click the Edit Profile icon in the left pane. The Edit Profile page opens.
Step 2 Choose the appropriate value from the Time Zone drop-down menu.
Step 3 Choose 12 hours or 24 hours from the Time Format drop-down menu.
Step 4 Enter your password to confirm changes.
Step 5 Click Save Profile .
Editing Personal Details and Preferences
You can edit your personal details in the following fields, as shown in the below figure.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Setting Your Local Time Zone
By default, your first name and last name is taken from your Encryption Service account.
In case, you reset your Encryption Service password and click Save Profile, your Encryption Service account
will be logged out. In that case, you need to re-login to your Encryption Service account using your new
You can also set the below preferences, enter your Encryption Service Password and click Save Profile.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Overview of Sending Email
Editing Personal Details and Preferences
Troubleshooting Secure Message Issues
This chapter provides information on the following topics:
Troubleshooting Tips, on page 25
Additional Resources, on page 28
Troubleshooting Tips
This section provides troubleshooting tips for issues that you might encounter when opening Secure Messages.
Issue: Open Button Is Missing from the Message or Does Not Work
The Open button might be missing or inoperable for several reasons. For example, if your email address is
not associated with a Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service user account, the Message might display a
Register button instead of an Open button. Also, the Open button might not function properly if your computer
is not configured to run Java or JavaScript or if the Message was modified during transmission.
If a Register button is displayed on the Message, click Register and create a new user account for the email
address where you received the Message.
If you have already created a user account for the email address, enter your password and click the Open
Online link to use an alternative method to open the Message.
If the Open Online method does not work, forward the Message to [email protected]. The service will
send you an email message with a temporary link that you can click to securely retrieve the message by using
a web browser on your computer or personal digital assistant (PDA). For more information about using the
Open Online method and the Open by Forwarding method, see the Secure Message online help at the following
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Issue: Email Address Does Not Appear in the To: Field
If the Secure Message was sent to multiple recipients, your email address might not immediately appear in
the To: field.
Click the arrow in the To: field, and choose your email address in the drop-down menu.
If you received the secure message as a BCC recipient, your email address does not appear in the drop-down
menu for the To: field. In that case, choose the “Address not listed” option. Then, enter your email address
and click Submit to include your email address in the To: field.
Issue: Secure Message Is Not Displayed Properly
Occasionally, the Secure Message may not be displayed properly when you open the attached encrypted file.
For example, the file might contain garbage text or HTML markup (such as <!-- or --> ).
If you have a problem viewing the Secure Message, forward it to [email protected]. Cisco Secure Email
Encryption Service will send you a message with a link that you can click to view the encrypted message.
Issue: Message Processing Slows Down or Stops
When you view or open a Secure Message, the message processing might be interrupted because of connection
problems or other issues. In that case, a notification below the secure message might indicate that the tools
are loading or that the message decryption in progress. If a message does not open within several minutes, it
is possible that the processing has slowed down or stopped, or that the message contains an unusually large
If the secure message processing slows down or stops, re-enter your password and click Open again.
If clicking Open again does not work, forward the secure message to [email protected]. Cisco Secure
Email Encryption Service will send you a message with a link that you can click to view the encrypted message.
Issue: Password Is Forgotten or Does Not Work
If you cannot remember your password, or if your password does not seem to work, you might need to reset
your password.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Troubleshooting Secure Message Issues
Issue: Email Address Does Not Appear in the To: Field
If you forget your password, click the Forgot Password? button on a Secure Message to reset your password.
Cisco Secure Message Service will send a New Password message to the email address associated with your
account. The New Password message contains a link to the Create New Password page. When you click on
this link, you will be re-directed to a browser, where you can create a new password and use that password
to log in to your account or open the Secure Message. Whenever you reset your password, a notification mail
is sent to the e-mail address that is associated with your Encryption Service account. Security questions will
no longer required during password reset.
If your company has configured a single-sign-on (SAML) login, and you forget or lose your password, you
will need to contact your company’s support group to obtain or reset your password.
The password reset link is valid for 60 minutes only. You must change your password before the link expires.
Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service passwords are case-sensitive. If your password does not work, verify
that you did not accidentally press the Caps Lock key on your keyboard. If the password still does not work,
click the Forgot Password?button on a Secure Message to reset your password. Cisco Secure Email Encryption
Service will send a New Password message to the email address associated with your account.
Issue: Microsoft OWA 2007 Compatibility
To ensure compatibility, install the Microsoft Patch for OWA 2007 Encryption Service Secure Mail Recipients.
Secure Email Encryption Service Secure Message recipients attempting to open the Encryption Service Secure
Message through Microsoft OWA 2007 will need to enable the server side administrative option to disable
the HTML/XML filter. Though this HTML filter option will be officially released in the yet-to-be-released
Microsoft Exchange 2007 SP1 Rollup 8, Microsoft customers can request an interim patch from Microsoft.
How and when to contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support:
Issue: Compose Message Link is Not Visible in the Left-Hand Navigation Menu
Account administrators can disable access to Secure Compose. If your account administrator has disabled this
functionality, you will not see the Compose Message link in the left-hand navigation menu and will not be
able to send a secure message from the Encryption Service website.
Issue: Accented Characters Not Rendering Correctly for Secure Emails (Plain
Text or HTML)
Problem: The secure emails in plain text or HTML format are not rendering correctly if accented characters
of certain foreign languages are used in the message content. Currently, the accented characters are displayed
as black diamonds or question marks (?) in the message content.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Troubleshooting Secure Message Issues
Issue: Microsoft OWA 2007 Compatibility
Solution: You need to switch the encoding option for outgoing messages from ‘Western European (Windows)’
to ‘Unicode (UTF-8)’ on Microsoft Outlook.
1. Go to File > Outlook Options > Advanced > International Options section on Microsoft Outlook.
2. Choose Unicode (UTF-8) as the preferred encoding option for outgoing messages.
3. Uncheck the Automatically select encoding for outgoing messages check box.
Issue: Secure Message Not Opening Properly on Firefox
Problem: Occasionally, the Secure Message may not open properly when you open the attached encrypted
file using the Firefox browser. After you enter the password to open the message, it stays on the same page
and doesn't proceed further.
Solution: Perform the following steps on your Firefox browser.
1. Click the hamburger icon (3 lines) on the top right of the Firefox browser and click Settings.
2. Select the Privacy & Security tab from the left pane.
3. Under Enhanced Tracking Protection, select Custom.
4. Select the Cross-site tracking cookies option from the Cookies dropdown.
The changes are auto-saved.
5. Reload all tabs.
Additional Resources
For more information about Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service and Secure Messages, you can refer to
the following additional resources.
Cookies Used in Secure Email Encryption Service
The following cookies are used while accessing the secure message and the websafe portal.
Password Reset Cookie: Cookie name: cabstsrpr. This is used for the password reset functionality. The
cookie-related data are: cookie validity, cookie token alias, cookie key, cookie encryption algorithm,
cookie status, and cookie secure status.
Session ID Cookie: Cookie name: JSESSIONID. This is used as an anti-CSRF token to prevent possible
CSRF attacks.
Remember Me Cookie: Cookie name: PostXAuth. This is used for the 'Remember Me' functionality.
Secure Cookies: Separate secure cookies for admin and websafe - secureCookieWebsafe and
secureCookieAdmin respectively.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Troubleshooting Secure Message Issues
Issue: Secure Message Not Opening Properly on Firefox
Locale set in the websafe portal - WebSafe.current-locale. This is used for deciding the application display
PostX userAlert - Name. This is used for remembering the Do not show this message again checkbox
on the 'Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service: Important Update!' pop-up.
On the admin portal - PostXConfig.CurrentView. This cookie is used to decide whether to display the
Configuration tab in Standard mode or Expert mode.
You must allow cookies on your browser settings and your email administrator must not block cookies for
the secure message to work as expected.
Secure Message Help
For an overview of the service and the various methods of opening Secure Messages, access the Secure
Message help page at the following URL:
Frequently Asked Questions
For answers to common questions about opening encrypted email, enrolling with Cisco Secure Email Encryption
Service, and configuring optimal browser settings, view the frequently asked questions (FAQs) at the following
Customer Support
To contact Customer Support for Secure Email Encryption Service, you can send an email message to the
following address:
See the following URL for complete Customer Support information:
You can also access Instant Message Chat Support from this URL.
The Email and Web Chat Support is now available in English and French. The French Support will be available
between the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Eastern Time, on weekdays.
Using the Web Chat
You can use the instant messaging web chat to raise a support ticket or contact the customer support.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Troubleshooting Secure Message Issues
Secure Message Help
1. Click the chat icon on the Contacting Customer Support page.
2. Enter your first name, last name and email address in the chat window that pops up.
3. If you are facing any issues in opening a secure message, click Unable to Open the Secure Message
You can use this option if you are facing any issues related to opening a secure message. Click the More
Information button to see the different types of issues for which you can use this option and raise a support
ticket. A new tab opens in your web browser displaying the different types of issues.
4. For any other issues, click the I have Other Issues button.
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Troubleshooting Secure Message Issues
Customer Support
activation 11
email message 11
of user accounts 11
additional resources 28
customer support 28
frequently asked questions (FAQs) 28
Secure Message help 28
address fields 6
description 6
Customer Support 29
contact information 29
email address 26
troubleshooting issues 26
message security level 6
description 6
New User Registration page 9
example 9
notification message 2
description 2
file attachment 2
Open button 6, 25
description 6
troubleshooting issues 25
overview 1
Secure Messages 1
password 6, 26
field 6
Forgot Password link 26
Secure Message 12, 6, 8, 11, 26, 28
components 6
display issues 26, 28
online help 6
overview 1
processing issues 26
steps for opening 8, 11
uses for 2, 11
Secure Messages 12
steps for opening 12
securedoc.html file 2
description 2
troubleshooting 25
envelope issues 25
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0
Recipient Guide for Cisco Secure Email Encryption Service 10.0