Name 
Student Assignment
Identify Hard and Soft Skills
1. Do the activities listed in the Assignments box.
2. Type in your work in the spaces provided below.
Due Date
Assignment 3: Identify Hard and Soft Skills
Assignment 3: Identify Hard and Soft Skills
1. Read the definitions below. 
Hard skills: job-specific technical skills and knowledge obtained through school or
work experience like apprenticeships (for example, proficiency in Spanish, coding,
operating specific machines)
Soft skills: behavior and attitude skills that focus on interacting effectively with
people and demonstrating other professional behaviors (for example, adaptability,
collaborating in teams, decision-making, time management)—these skills can be
transferred from job to job, and even across different job industries 
2. Read the Match the Skills to the Job activity sheet. In the
space below, match the soft skills to the job scenarios:
Hotel Event Planner:
Social Media Manager:
Page 4
Financial Services Rep:
Cybersecurity Analyst:
3. Describe the difference in job success between a person with strong soft skills in each
scenario versus someone with weak soft skills. 
Hotel Event Planner:
Social Media Manager:
Financial Services Rep:
Cybersecurity Analyst:
4. Highlight your own hard and soft skills by creating your
own resume. Use the Spotlight Your Strengths activity
sheet to show why you would be a great employee.
Page 5
5. Exit Ticket: Think about your own soft-skill strengths and what you need to improve on.
In the space below, write a journal entry about: 
how an apprenticeship could help you develop better soft skills
how those skills could help you in your future career
(An apprenticeship is a program that combines job training with work experience.)
Discuss careers with your family members—and use the
resources to investigate youth apprenticeships you may be
able to have in the future.
Page 6
Match the Skills to the Job
Study the soft skills in the word bank, then read each job scenario and decide which skills best
apply to each scenario and why. Be prepared to explain your thinking to your classmates!
On a separate piece of paper, write a description of what the dierence would be if someone with strong soft skills
were in each scenario versus someone with weak soft skills. Next, think about your own soft-skill strengths and
what you need to improve on. Write about how an apprenticeship could help you develop better soft skills, and how
those skills could help you in your future career.
time management
active listening
effective communication
JOB SCENARIO 3: Financial Services Rep
Your manager has put you in charge of handling all customer
questions and concerns (over the phone and in-person) about a new
service that many are having issues with. You are expected to resolve
as many problems as you can, then report which complaints need
further attention.
JOB SCENARIO 4: Cybersecurity Analyst
There’s been a major security breach in a corporate network that
your company serves. Your boss is unreachable, and the situation is
changing by the minute. Your main goals are to target and fix the major
glitches as quickly as possible and keep the client calm and informed.
JOB SCENARIO 2: Social Media Manager
At the last minute, your supervisor has decided to change the media
focus for an upcoming product launch. She gives you and your team
48 hours to design and deliver a detailed presentation that lays out a
new strategy for how to promote the product online. And...go!
JOB SCENARIO 1: Hotel Event Planner
You’re an apprentice at a hotel and your boss has put you in charge of
logistics for a corporate retreat, including checking in guests, setting up
meeting rooms, and making sure lunch arrives on time. You need to be
super organized—and ready to interact with people all day long!
Name 
Spotlight Your Strengths  
Write a mock resume that highlights your skills, experience, and interests—and
help employers see why you’d be a great hire!
Instructions: Fill in the resume template below and try to make connections between
your skills and experience and the position you are seeking.
Phone Number
Email Address
Write your school’s name
(Example) I am a self motivated
and quick learner seeking an
entry-level position at
(Describe the youth
apprenticeship or a specific type
of work and/or position you’d
like to apply for.)
List hard skills (e.g., coding,
fluency in a foreign language,
etc.) and soft skills (e.g.,
proactive, detail-oriented, good
problem-solver, etc.)
List jobs you’ve done at home or
in your community, as well as
volunteer gigs.
Won an essay contest? Served
as captain of the soccer team?
Cared for a sibling after school?
List your achievements here.
Highlight classes, clubs, sports,
passions, etc., that reflects the
position you want.
Dear Famil y ,
Your child has been learning about careers and pathways to different occupations
as part of the Jobs of the Future program from the U.S. Department of Labor. One
great way for kids your child’s age to start preparing for their future: being aware
of opportunities like youth apprenticeships. Different from internships, these paid
programs help students set professional goals while providing:
on-the-job training, experience, and credentials
mentoring opportunities
a foundation for jump-starting a career
Flip the page for tips on how to have an age-appropriate discussion with your
child about the future, and discover apprenticeship opportunities together.
What exactly is an apprenticeship?
Some people are surprised to learn that apprenticeships are available for occupations in
almost every field and that youth apprenticeships, in particular, can give teens an early start
on a career with an industry-recognized credential they can take anywhere as proof of their
proficiency. Since the legal age to begin work is 16 in most states, youth apprenticeships are
typically designed for high school juniors and seniors.
In-demand industries that offer youth apprenticeships: advanced manufacturing,
cybersecurity, information technology, engineering, and marketingto name just a few!
Family Sheet
It’s never too soon
for your child to
learn about careers.
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Photo: Photography by fstop123
Start the Career Planning
Conversation starters for students to family members
What are some of the most important skills you learned on the job?
Is there any career-related info you wish you had known when you were a student?
Would you change anything about the position/industry you work in? Why or why not?
Conversation starters for family members to students
How could learning about various types of jobs at an early age benefit you?
What career paths do you find most interesting?
How can learning about youth apprenticeships give you a clearer idea of what your
next steps should/could be?
Reflect on what you’ve learned together! What insights have you gained?
Family Activity
Explore these online resources as a family
Begin here, and check with your child’s school to see if they recommend any other
career exploration resources!
Learn more about apprenticeship and find
real job listings of apprenticeships across the
Find out more about apprenticeships for high
school students:
Get information about industries that have the
most new jobs:
Answer questions about yourself to unlock
ideas for careers and apprenticeships, or
browse hundreds of careers by industry: