Bringing together digital product
managers, designers, and engineers.
DWSN Quarterly
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Digital Web Services Network
Welcome to the DWSN forum, we will begin shortly.
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Use the raise hand button or the meeting chat for comments
and questions.
DWSN Forum Agenda
Opening Remarks……………………………………………………………………………………………Koji Kumpulainien (1 minutes)
Conference Take-Aways…………………………………………………………………………Panel (10 minutes)
CA Digital Strategy ……………………………………………………………………………………………Jonathan Porat (20 minutes)
In-house web development…………………………Sarah Letson (ODI) & Zakiya Khabir (ODI) (10 minutes)
Analytics………………..……………….…................................................................Linda Tracy (10 minutes)
CA State Web Template Figma UI Kit…………….…….…….…….….…….Christina Florente (20 minutes)
Statewide alert
……………….…………………….…………………….………....……Carter Medlin (10 minutes)
Accessibility ……………………………………….……………………
...…….……...Greg Duncan (5 minutes)
Suggested Future Topics / Closing Remarks……….…………………………. Koji Kumpulainien (1 minutes)
Opening Remarks
Koji Kumpulainien
State Web Services Manager
California Department of Technology
Harvey Dhillon
Pia Lomboy
Sharon Rabang
Greg Duncan
Web Services
Office of Digital Services
Department of Technology
Conference Take-Aways
Smashing Conference 2023 and Config 2023
Conference Take-Aways (1 of 3)
New features
The Anatomy Of Themed Design System Components
Una Kravets on CodePen | Jeff the bug in Flight Mode
Keynote session: Figma product launch session
What's New from Config2023: Design and development, reimagined
Conference Take-Aways (2 of 3)
Serving the public
Styles: CSS Deep Dive
for the evolving needs of society
accessibility at the heart of design and code
color at scale for aesthetics and accessibility
Conference Take-Aways (3 of 3)
Leading through uncertainty: Navigating uncertainty
Josh W Comeau: Meaningful Motion with Action-Driven Animation
Sample "Like" button: Under the "Table of Contents", go to the gray heart face,
then hover and continuously click on it to see it change
Conference Take-Aways:
CA Digital Strategy
Jonathan Porat
Chief Technology Officer
Office Of Technology Services
California Department of Technology
web development
Sarah Letson
Zakiya Khabir
(Engineering Manager)
Office of Data and Innovation (ODI)
California Office of Data and Innovation
web development
How’s it going?
October 19, 2023
How easy is it for you to
access the tools,
permissions, or other
technology you need
to do web development at
the state?
ODI web development discussion at DWSN
My department creates an
environment that enables
developers to do their jobs
ODI web development discussion at DWSN
How is your development
environment set up?
Do you develop locally, on a separate laptop, a virtual
environment, local virtualization, etc.?
What tools, applications, or languages do you use?
ODI web development discussion at DWSN
If you had a magic wand,
how would you make
development easier at
your department or at the
ODI web development discussion at DWSN
California Office of Data and Innovation
Have more thoughts?
Reach out to Sarah Letson or Zakiya Khabir
Analytics Update
Linda Tracy
Analytics and Insight Specialist
California Department of Technology
GA4 Analytics Contract
If you’re managing your own analytics contract, you will need a new
contract due to a new pricing formula with GA4.
We are available to manage your account.
Existing accounts/properties can be transferred under our analytics
GA4 JavaScript Code Snippet (1 of 3)
We’ve updated our GA4 code snippet to address security guidance:
Secure flag
SameSite attribute
Cookie domain
The update restricts the GA4 measurement ID to its specific domain
GA4 ID won’t travel across sites
GA4 JavaScript Code Snippet (2 of 3)
Original code
gtag('config', ‘G-XXXXXXXXXX’); // statewide GA4 measurement ID
Updated code
gtag('config', ' G-XXXXXXXXXX ',
{cookie_flags:'secure;samesite=lax;domain='}); // statewide GA4
measurement ID
Custom Reports
We will be creating two custom reports for all accounts we manage:
1. File downloads
2. Site Search Terms
We will not notify your agency once this is complete.
The reports will appear under:
Reports > Life cycle > Custom Reports
GA4 JavaScript Code Snippet (3 of 3)
Updated GA4 JavaScript code:
Add analytics to your site page
Go to Agency managed websites and find it under our Custom
template setup collapsible.
Custom Reports Demo
Analytics Mania
How to Build a Site Search Report in Google Analytics 4:
Contact Us
To request a GA4 account/property that is managed by our team,
reach out to us at
For more information, visit
State Web Template
V6.3 Updates
Figma UI Kit
Christina Florente
Web Design and Development
California Department of Technology
Topics for today
V6.3 updates
Starter site
UI kit
Q&A / feedback
V6.3 updates
Optimized color scheme files
Updated social media icons
(Twitter/X, etc)
Updated starter site
UI Kit
Full list: Template updates
Optimized color files (1 of 2)
Optimized large color CSS files. They're more than 100 times smaller.
What this means
Color theme file super small (only 1K)
Adding color theme CSS file is now optional
Optimized color files (2 of 2)
CSS color variables
Converted all SASS color variables into CSS color variables
BEFORE: color: $color-p1; NOW: color: var(--color-p1, #fdb81e)
New: Moved all color related styles from separate color theme
CSS file into core CSS file
New: Oceanside theme is default
Customizable color theme. Change color variables:
Three primary colors
Three secondary colors
Get the starter site
from the state
template site
Download and setup page
Files on GitHub
Live demo in GitHub
Starter site
HTML site contains
State template CSS and
JS files
department website
Code comments to
make it easy to identify
structural components
Links to live demo
How it can help departments
1. Jump starts development
Provides functional starting point
Includes only what you need to get started
2. Test template and components
How it works with your custom CSS
3. See how something looks or works in the live demo
4. Provides common page patterns for content creators
Poll / Discussion 1
How would you use the starter site? Check all that apply:
Check out the state web template
Test the template
Create a website
Use the page patterns
I wouldn't use it
UI Kit
in Figma
Where to get it
1. Go the state template site
2. Select the Visual design
menu dropdown
3. Select UI kit
Figma community link:
CA State Web Template UI kit
What comes in the kit
Using this UI kit
Branding (typography, color)
Components and patterns
Page templates
Starter site templates
What is this UI kit?
Uses Figma (software)
State template components, patterns, and styles
Starter site page templates
Usually for writers, designers, comms
Create digital webpage mock-ups
Add and edit content (text, images, etc)
Hand over the design to developer to code
UI Kit Tour
and Demo
How it can help you
Saves time (create a mock-up without coding)
Use for reviews and approval for a design/concept
Communicate expectations with project team/developer
QA/validate after something is developed
Can send to vendor to align with CA web standards
Sample UX workflow using Figma
1. Research and finalize content
2. Use the UI kit to mock-up design
3. Show design to developers for feasibility
4. Show design to project team for review and approval
5. Make edits to the design
6. Send approved design to developer
7. Developer codes the design
8. QA against the design and go-live
Poll / Discussion 2
How do you / your department prototype? (select all that apply)
Adobe XD / Photoshop
MS Word
MS PowerPoint
Whiteboarding tool (Miro, Mural, etc)
We don't prototype
Statewide Alert
Carter Medlin
Web Design and Development
California Department of Technology
Try it on your site
"No Code" Option
For more information
CA Alerts Website Embeddable Code
Accessibility Updates
Greg Duncan
Web Consulting Manager
California Department of Technology
Its official
Has 6 new A-AA requirements
Working on adding the new requirements into the
testing documents.
Waiting on vendors to update their tools
Suggested Future Topics
Closing Remarks
Koji Kumpulainien
State Web Services Manager
California Department of Technology
Thank you
Post conference materials will be published on the DWSN Website.
For questions, please write to:
Bringing together digital product managers, designers, and engineers.
Bringing together digital product managers, designers, and engineers.
Next DWSN Quarterly Forum
Thursday, January 18, 2024