5 Steps to Prepare for the HubSpot
Salesforce Integration
Table of Contents
Build a Systems Integration Map
Migrate Marketing Automation Tools
Consolidate your MarTech Stack into HubSpot
Prepare your Data for the HubSpot Salesforce
Install the HubSpot Salesforce Integration
HubSpot Implementation and Integration
Case Study
Integrating HubSpot and Salesforce is simple—it’s what comes before and after
pressing “Connect” that presents a challenge. This guide is for the team looking to get
it done and to do it very well. Wed like to prepare that team for the HubSpot Salesforce
integration so they can avoid the costly mistakes and pitfalls that all too often
accompany integrating HubSpot and Salesforce. Sound like you? Great, keep reading.
Most organizations that integrate HubSpot and Salesforce (commonly known as SFDC) use Salesforce
Sales Cloud as their primary customer relationship management (CRM) platform and leverage HubSpot
as their marketing automation tool.
However, if you’re looking to add HubSpot to your MarTech stack, it’s likely that you already use a
marketing automation tool like Pardot, Marketo, or Mailchimp. Meaning you need to prepare to integrate
SFDC with HubSpot and migrate data, automations, and content from your legacy marketing automation
tool to HubSpot. This process typically takes our team 80-150 hours from start to nish—so you have your
work cut out for you!
But, don’t worry, this guide will walk you through ve manageable steps to integrate HubSpot and
Salesforce (and get it done 65-75% faster!).
Before we get started, here’s a preview of the steps:
Build a Systems Integration Map
Migrate Marketing Automation Tools
Consolidate your MarTech Stack into HubSpot
Prepare your Data for the HubSpot Salesforce Integration
Install the HubSpot Salesforce Integration
What is a Systems Integration Map?
A systems integration map is a visual that shows all of the tools you use to run your marketing and
sales operations and how data ows between them. Typically, this includes the platforms you use for
CRM, advertising, email delivery, quoting, order management, fulllment, payment processing, account
management, automated calling or SMS, analytics, social media management, and more.
How to Create a Systems Integration Map
Evaluate your current systems
This one isn’t as complex as it may sound.
You can use a pen and paper (or a digital
whiteboarding tool like Miro) and start small.
Put your core systems in the middle and draw
lines between them, illustrating how data ows
throughout your tech stack.
Evaluate your current systems
Once you visualize your current tech stack,
consider which tools can be replaced by HubSpot
during your HubSpot implementation. For example,
HubSpot’s social media tools can replace Buer.
HubSpot’s advanced reporting tools can replace
Data Studio. And, the HubSpot Payments tool
can replace Stripe.
Build a Systems Integration Map
What should I migrate to HubSpot from my legacy marketing
automation tool?
Now that your systems are in order, it’s time to plan your HubSpot launch date. We’ve shown how many
tools HubSpot can replace. But, the biggest elephant in the room is your current marketing automation
platform. Usually, when an organization signs on with HubSpot, the countdown timer begins to the
contract end date with your legacy tool.
In other words, it’s go time.
Asset migration is consistently the number one delay in migrating marketing automation
platforms and integrating Salesforce and HubSpot. So, prioritize this step above all else.
Typical HubSpot implementations involving a migration take 3-4 months to complete. But, if you’re like
most normal companies, you have way less time than that to pull this o because the review process
took longer than expected and (the list goes on).
So, how do you turn 3-4 months into one month?
So glad you asked.
Migrating systems is like packing up and moving to a new home. You look around your house and see
everything in your kitchen cabinets, bedroom closets, living room, and—oh wait! the attic. So, where do
you start? Usually, with the things you use the least and can’t seem to get rid of. You know what we’re
talking about. Those skis you got on clearance ve years ago even though you live in Florida and have
never once skied? Yup, those. FOMO (the fear of missing out) lives within us all. We’re unwilling to donate
those skis because what if our friends decide to plan a ski trip next year? They won’t, but there’s always
the “What if?” So, just like those skis, we feel the need to make an exact copy of everything we have in
our legacy marketing automation tool just in case we need them again. But you won’t.
The moral of the tangent—use this opportunity to do spring cleaning on your marketing automation tool.
Leave the email campaign from 2017 where it belongs—in the past. Only move your active campaigns,
collateral, communications, and automations to HubSpot.
Consolidating will help complete your migration 50% faster (on average).
But, we said we could reduce your migration time frame by 65-75%. We know—keep reading.
Now that you have your Marie Kondo mindset ready let’s start thanking the old system for what it was and
let it go. Start by running an export of all assets in your current system. This method varies by system, but
the how is just a quick Google search away. Heres an example of how to export assets from Pardot. The
evaluation steps are the same if you’re using a system other than Pardot, but the export process will vary.
Migrate Marketing Automation
Asset Migration Checklist
Once you have all of your assets exported in an easy-to-evaluate format, it’s time to ask yourself the
following questions.
Has this asset performed well?
Have we used this asset within the past 12 months?
Is this asset relevant to our current oering and audience?
If the answer to any of these questions is no, this asset should not be included in your migration, and it’s
time to let go.
Marketing > Emails > Tools > CSV Export
Marketing > Content > Files > Tools > CSV Export
Marketing > Landing Pages > Tools > CSV Export
Marketing > Forms > Tools > CSV Export
Marketing > Automation > Tools > CSV Export
Marketing > Segmentation > Tools > CSV Export
How to Export Assets from Pardot
Follow these steps to export all assets from Pardot:
After selecting “CSV Export,navigate to Admin > Exports to download each export.
Then, add each exported le to one spreadsheet in individual tabs.
From there, add a column to each tab named “Migrate to HubSpot?”.
Review each asset individually and decide if it will serve your brand in the future or
if it’s time to let it go.
How do I migrate assets to HubSpot?
Congrats! You’ve narrowed your focus and identied the key marketing assets that need to come out of
your legacy marketing automation platform and into HubSpot. What now?
Unfortunately, there isn’t a “Click to Migrate” button yet, so this part is a bit manual. You will need to
recreate your emails, landing pages, forms, and automations in HubSpot before turning o your old
system. Email is the most complex one to tackle, so we’ve outlined those steps below in detail. Once you
have a plan in place for asset migration, you can move on to Step 3: Consolidate Your MarTech Stack
into HubSpot.
How to Build an Email Template in HubSpot
Email templates in HubSpot can be created using HubL + HTML or the drag and drop builder. If you
created your current templates using HTML or if your brand relies on complex design to deliver emails,
consider working with an HTML expert to adjust the code from your legacy tool to account for the
HTML nuances in HubSpot. Every system has dierent merge tags for First Name, Unsubscribe,
Preference Center, etc. Several have platform-specic code requirements as well. So, you’ll need to
adjust custom-coded emails for each platform you switch to overtime.
Luckily, most marketers do not go the route of custom email development. Most developers don’t even
go the route of custom email development as it is by far the hardest code to maintain. Why? Because
each email client (Outlook, Gmail) and device (Apple iOS7/iPad, Apple iOS7/iPhone, Desktop, etc.) has a
specic code requirement for the email to render properly.
Consider using the HubSpot drag and drop email builder if youd like to skip the coding.
Migrate Email Templates into HubSpot
Now that you know which emails you’re moving over to HubSpot and how to create a HubSpot email
template, it’s time to stop preparing and start doing!
To make this process faster (and get closer to saving 75% of your time spent implementing HubSpot!),
take a look through the emails you’re migrating. Do you see a pattern? You likely have 2-3 formats that
are consistent throughout your emails. Those formats are called templates in the email world. Meaning
a standard organization of the text, images, and calls to action (CTAs) that make up the emails your
customers are used to receiving.
Once you’ve identied your 2-3 templates, pick one email from each formatting group and build that
design using the HubSpot drag and drop email builder. When completed, select “Save email as a
template.” Repeat for each template needed to match your standard email formats.
Now that you have the email templates ready to go, start creating your emails in HubSpot. This can be
easily done by reusing the templates you created and updating each template with the subject line, text,
images, and links from the emails in your migration spreadsheet that you created earlier. Templating your
email migration to HubSpot will greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to migrate platforms and get
you sending emails from HubSpot faster.
Consolidate Your MarTech Stack
into HubSpot
HubSpot is crafted, not cobbled. Over time, it’s
easy for our MarTech stack to grow and grow
until it’s a monster to manage. We end up with 31
systems doing the work that one tool (HubSpot)
could do. Now that you’ve invested in HubSpot, it’s
time to start reducing your MarTech stack! Revisit
the systems integration map you built in Step One.
Take a red pen (or the delete button) to the map
and remove all of the systems that can be
replaced by HubSpot.
Now, before you hit “Cancel Account”, you’ll need to
congure HubSpot to replace these tools.
Here are a few steps to get started:
Connect your domain to HubSpot via your DNS provider for landing pages and emails
Connect your social media accounts to HubSpot
Connect your Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn Ad accounts to HubSpot
Create a chatbot in HubSpot to add to your website
Create a blog in HubSpot
Congure email settings in HubSpot
Integrate Google Search Console with HubSpot to monitor SEO
Prepare Your Data for the
HubSpot Salesforce Integration
HubSpot, at its core, is a CRM and CRMs are fueled by data. Data drives every customer experience,
business decision, and report you’ve experienced or created. If you’d like HubSpot to successfully attract,
convert, and delight your customers, you’ll want to pay close attention to this part.
Understanding the dierences between HubSpot and Salesforce
HubSpot vs Salesforce
If you do a quick search, you’ll see the following product denitions:
A cloud-based customer relationship
management (CRM) platform that
helps scaling businesses grow better
with sales, service, marketing, and
content management software.
A cloud-based customer relationship
management (CRM) platform with
applications for sales, service,
marketing, and more that help brings
customers and companies together.
By denition, the platforms seem pretty similar, right? That’s because HubSpot and Salesforce were both
designed with your customers in mind. And they both focus on helping you create the best customer
experience possible. However, HubSpot and Salesforce dier in their approach.
HubSpot combines all of the features you’ll need to scale and grow your marketing, sales, and service
operations through their Marketing, Sales, Service, CMS, and Operations Hubs. On the other hand,
Salesforce has an extensive list of product oerings that allow you to purchase subscriptions to
platforms they have acquired (like Pardot and Salesforce Marketing Cloud) to scale your operations.
Data Model Dierences in HubSpot and Salesforce
At the highest level, HubSpot’s data model centers around contacts while the Salesforce Sales Cloud
data model centers around accounts.
HubSpot has four core objects: Contacts,
Companies, Deals, and Tickets. The contact
accumulates the various objects via their
engagement with content, activities with
the sales team, purchasing decisions, and
customer service interactions. The contact
object is the star of the show, while the
other three objects play strong supporting
roles to provide the contact with everything
they need to have an awesome customer
Salesforce has ve standard (and complementary) objects: Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities,
and Cases. Accounts store information on the company and group contacts, opportunities, and cases
around companies to create a holistic view of the company from the Account page. While these are the
core Salesforce objects, the Salesforce ecosystem oers many more.
Right about now, you may be wondering how
you can integrate HubSpot and Salesforce
if the data models dier. Your concerns are
valid as this is one of the trickiest parts of the
The most important data model nuance for
the HubSpot Salesforce integration is that
both Salesforce Leads and Contacts sync
with HubSpot Contacts.
How do Leads and Contacts in Salesforce compare to Contacts
in HubSpot?
Leads in Salesforce denote potential customers who have not yet expressed interest in working with
your company. For example, Jessica may have downloaded your ebook on managing a productive team,
but she has not yet submitted a demo form for your project management platform. Therefore, Jessica is
a lead as she is not yet ready for sales, nor is she ready to purchase.
As an additional example, Michael downloaded the same ebook in the past, and he recently submitted
a demo form for your platform. Michael is now ready to be passed to sales to provide a demo to conrm
his interest before converting him to a contact. In Salesforce, you should only convert a lead to a contact
once they have expressed interest in working with your company and you have enough information
about their interest to create an opportunity for them. Comparatively, in HubSpot, Jessica and Michael
would both become Contacts in HubSpot when they rst downloaded your ebook.
In HubSpot, all potential and current customers live in the Contact object.
So, how does HubSpot denote the dierence between a lead and
a contact?
HubSpot uses the Lifecycle Stage property to track how contacts and companies progress in your
organizations sales process and customer lifecycle. For example, when Jessica and Michael submitted
the ebook, they would be Contacts, and their Lifecycle Stage would be set to “Lead”. When Michael
submitted the demo form on the website, his Lifecycle Stage property would change to Marketing
Qualied Lead. Once the sales team connected with Michael and conrmed his interest, they would
convert Michael’s Lead record to a Contact in Salesforce, and the HubSpot Lifecycle Stage would
change to “Sales Qualied Lead.
How can you track conversions in HubSpot without the
Lead object?
If you’re a seasoned Salesforce user, your gut reaction when learning that HubSpot does not use the
Lead object may be negative. Usually, this concern stems from two things. First, how will we know if
potential customers are actively in the pipeline (Contacts) or if they are being nurtured for sales
(Leads)? Second, how will we report conversions without the Lead object?
The Lifecycle Stage property is the answer to both questions. While Lifecycle Stage is a property rather
than a dedicated object, it serves a dual purpose of tracking pipeline progression and conversion rates
between stages. HubSpot includes the Lifecycle Stage property on the Contact and Company objects
to power reporting and segment lists to track conversion, segment contacts by their stage, and
personalize communications.
Clean Your Salesforce Data
Each time you add a system to your MarTech stack, you create a great opportunity to audit your data for
quality and cleanliness. When integrating Salesforce with HubSpot, you will also need to account for the
data privacy and documentation requirements in the HubSpot Acceptable Use Policy.
Long story short, you need to make sure that the contacts and leads you’re storing in Salesforce have
given you permission to store their data and contact them. Unlike most marketing automation tools,
HubSpot actually means what they say, and they do enforce the data permissioning policies outlined
in their Acceptable Use Policy. Improper data hygiene from purchased or scraped lists can result in
quarantined contacts (and a terrible brand reputation, if we might add).
If your data has sketchy origins, you’re not alone. But, you can’t take the skeletons in your data closet into
HubSpot. They’ll catch up with you—and potentially cost you, big time. So, take some time to run through
your data and make sure you have permission and that you can prove when and where you got it before
importing data to HubSpot.
Now that you’ve laid the foundation, you’re ready to install the HubSpot Salesforce integration! This part
is going to get a bit technical. So, get your game face on, head to the HubSpot App Marketplace, and
let’s get started.
Congure a Salesforce Integration User
What is an integration user?
Every member of your team that is in Salesforce has a user prole. Your user prole gives you a login and
a set of permissions (a fancy word for capabilities) in the platform.
An integration user is the login information that connects Salesforce to the system you’re integrating
with and is the channel used to send information back and forth. So, this is the User that shows when
something happens in the integrated system. We recommend using a dedicated integration user for each
system you integrate with Salesforce.
What is a dedicated integration user?
A dedicated integration user is a user prole set up with a unique prole, role, and permissions created
for 3rd party integrations. When setting up integrations, we don’t recommend connecting them with an
actual user within your company, even if they are the ones managing the integration.
How to congure your integration user
Luckily, the integration user is just another user in your Salesforce account. If you do not have any
Salesforce licenses yet, you’ll need to purchase a new license to set up the new user.
Once you have a Salesforce license available, navigate to Setup > Users > Create User and build a new
user for the integration. To ensure the integration works smoothly, you’ll need to give your integration
user a few specic permissions.
To do this, you need Account Access permissions in HubSpot & System Administrator or be assigned the
“HubSpot Integration” Permission Set in Salesforce. You can also duplicate the System Administrator
Prole in Salesforce and create a custom prole for the integration user.
Install the HubSpot Salesforce
On the User Prole level in Salesforce, you will need the following system permissions:
You will also need to add View permissions for the Type eld on the Task object to the integration user.
Once you grant the necessary permissions, you can connect the integration.
NOTE: You cannot add the “HubSpot Integration” Permission Set in Salesforce until you install the
HubSpot App from the Salesforce App Exchange. Complete steps 1-3 below to see this Permission
Set in Salesforce.
Install the HubSpot Salesforce Integration
The integration install process will begin in HubSpot. Here’s how to get started!
Go to the App Marketplace in your HubSpot account (navigate to this by clicking on the
Marketplace icon then selecting “App Marketplace”)
Type “Salesforce” into the search bar and select Salesforce integration
Click “Install app” in the upper right corner
Next, click “Log in to Salesforce”
API Enabled
Conguration & Set Up access
Modify Metadata
Download App Exchange
Enter the Salesforce credentials for the Integration user into the pop-up window and log in
Click “Start the Salesforce package installation” to begin the installation.
Now, let’s continue the process in Salesforce.
You will be redirected to the App Exchange from within your Salesforce account once you
complete steps one through six.
Select “Install for All Users” and click “Install”
Select the “Yes, grant to these third-party websites” checkbox, then Continue.
The package installation will begin (it may take several minutes)
Once it’s complete, navigate back to Hubspot, go to the Hubspot connector wizard, and click “Next”
The connector wizard then directs you to add the Hubspot Visualforce module to the Lead
object in Salesforce (you can skip this step and revisit later)
Select “Next” or “Skip this Step” to choose how your data will sync between Hubspot and Salesforce.
You will be able to select between a “Recommended setup” orAdvanced setup” (if you need to
do a selective sync or want to keep certain contacts out of Salesforce, you will need to select
the Advanced setup option)
Either option then directs you to review your sync settings. If it all looks good, select “Finish
setup and begin syncing.” (You can change your sync settings at any time, but this will not
retroactively delete or change data that’s already synced to Salesforce.)
You did it! The integration is congured. You can now import your Salesforce data into Hubspot
to expedite the initial process of syncing your data into Salesforce.
Not sure where to start? The HubSpot Salesforce Integration can be trickier than it seems. Our team
specializes in the integration install and everything that happens next. If you’re hitting a wall and want
an expert to help you break through it, reach out to our team. We’re happy to help!
Connect with Coastal
On December 12, 2017, Clinicient, Inc.
announced their acquisition of Keet, Inc.
Keet Health is a health tech company
on a mission to restore humanity
in healthcare. Since 2015, Keet has
been committed to helping providers,
employers, and health systems facilitate
and deliver more connected, higher-
quality care through our digital delivery
platform for patient engagement and
clinical outcomes. Keet, Inc. operates
independently as a wholly-owned
subsidiary company of Clinicient, Inc.
While Clinicient and Keet complement and support each other, they are separate companies with
customers who have unique needs. They both have sales, marketing, and content strategies that need
simple and eective tracking.
While Keet is a subsidiary of Clinicient, they are separate companies with unique customers. They both
have sales, marketing, and content strategies that need simple and eective reporting. When we met
the team, Keet Health used HubSpot, and Clinicient used Marketo. Both companies integrated their
marketing automation tools with Salesforce, and they were having a few challenges with data integrity
and reporting.
Unsubscribes from one organization’s communications transferring to the other
Thousands of duplicate records were created with no clear source or resolution
Technical debt from several systems and processes that were not maintained or dismantled
HubSpot Implementation and
Integration Case Studies
Case Study: How Clinicient and Keet Health Migrated from
Marketo to HubSpot and Integrated Salesforce
Industry: Health SaaS
Team Members
Assets Migrated
from Marketo
HubSpot Workows
Custom Reporting
To tackle these challenges head-on, the Coastal team implemented HubSpot’s Marketing and Operations
Hub for Clinicient. This process typically takes three or more months to complete. But our team had it
done in under two!
That’s because we specialize in the HubSpot Salesforce integration AND HubSpot implementations and
are intentional in taking on the right clients at the right time. So, we put the full force of our team behind
this project and had HubSpot and Salesforce implemented and integrated in no time.
How we took them from “That’s great” to “You were able to do what?!”
We made our mark. And took lots of pictures along the way! In six weeks, we implemented and integrated
HubSpot Marketing Hub Enterprise & Operations Hub Professional with Salesforce for two brands in 6
weeks using Selective Sync. This implementation typically takes three to four months, but we like to do
things dierently. We don’t coast; we go coastal!
Leveraging the HubSpot + Salesforce integration, both Keet Health and Clinicient are now able to
communicate with their customers individually while building complementary reports. Custom lifecycle
stage tracking is now used to track conversion across the Clinicient customer lifecycle to show the
impact of various marketing and sales activities. Additionally, HubSpot attribution reporting now provides
detailed insights into the ROI for each piece of marketing content and interaction throughout the funnel.
Finally, Clinicient and Keet Health were able to leverage their newly scalable systems to grow in their
industry. In January 2022, both Clinicient and Keet Health were acquired by WebPT, the leading
outpatient physical rehabilitation SaaS platform for patient and practice management services.
Coastal is the marketing operations partner I’ve always
been looking for. After migrating to HubSpot and having
a slightly tumultuous time at rst, nding the team at
Coastal was like nding my own pot of gold. The entire
team, helmed by Lauren, is helpful, understanding, and
experienced. Our company has a ~unique~ situation when
it comes to Salesforce and HubSpot, and Lauren didn’t
even bat an eye. Every time I reach out for help, she is
gracious and so very helpful (no matter how much heads
up I’ve given her and her team). I truly feel like Coastal is
an extension of our team. I would recommend them to
anyone looking for an experienced partner in Salesforce,
HubSpot, and general marketing operations activities.
Taylor Goldsmith, Keet Health
Senior Manager Brand and Content
Partner with Coastal Consulting
Our clients become HubSpot and Salesforce integration experts during our partnership. We work with
them through each step of the process outlined above (and everything that happens next). We typically
partner with our clients for four to six months to get them othe ground with (and maximize the potential
of) the HubSpot Salesforce integration.
Partnership Roadmap
Partnering with an agency is a big commitment. We get it because we’ve been there. Our team is full of
talented individuals who have never worked in an agency before joining Coastal. We’re ex-in-house
marketing and marketing operations professionals on a mission to make the agency experience better for
the clients and the agency team.
Heres a look at our process:
Kicko Call.
GetOur kicko calls are a little dierent than you’re used to. Regardless of who’s involved in
the HubSpot Salesforce Implementation project, we request that a member of your Sales,
Marketing, and Customer Service team join this call.
All of our solutions follow the Revenue Operations framework. That means we create fully
aligned Sales, Marketing, and Customer Sevice processes centered on delivering a great
experience to your customers. And, we can’t do that without the input of your entire team.
Mapping and Planning.
After gathering perspectives and pain points from your team, we’ll do a deep dive into your
systems, processes, and customer journey.
When we’re done, you will have an updated systems integration map and a customer journey
map that details how you attract, convert, and delight customers throughout their time with
your company.
The Wrap Up
Integrating HubSpot and Salesforce is easy. It’s the preparation and follow-up that presents a challenge.
Steps one through four of this guide get you ready to go, and step ve takes you through the integration.
But, what comes next?
After the HubSpot Salesforce Integration installation, a myriad of workows, automations, eld mapping
edits, and setting adjustments are needed to run the integration without a hitch. Managing the integration
is a big lift without the proper tools to run smoothly. But, the lift is well worth the reward. So, let us share a
potential solution to the elusive question, “What next?”.
Now that we have a process and a plan, it’s time to put it into action. We’ll follow all of
the steps outlined above (and a few we didn’t get to) to ensure the HubSpot Salesforce
Integration is installed correctly.
Because we do this every day, we can keep surprises to a minimum and ensure this is done
correctly the rst time, which saves you time, stress, and expensive xes down the road.
Now, you have a brand new tool primed and ready to create an awesome customer
experience. So… now what? To start, a few key workows go into making HubSpot and
Salesforce jive together. These include lead status and lifecycle stage automation,
automated lead scoring, lead triage, lead assignment, and more. We’ll start with those
—and go from there!
Turning the integration on is just the start. Personalizing your customer experience with
automated nurture workows, campaigns, and sales enablement processes is how you get
the most out of HubSpot. And, we know how to get you there.
Alright, we made it! HubSpot is up and running, your key nurture workows are activated,
and the hard part is behind us. But wait, what happens once we’re gone?
With most rms, the answer would be chaos. But, after partnering with Coastal, you’ll receive
extensive training, documentation, and coaching to learn how to leverage HubSpot (and the
integration) fully so you won’t wind up looking for another agency partner to manage your
HubSpot account in the future.
Once you’ve condently completed training, you’re ready to be the master of your own
destiny in HubSpot and Salesforce. Now you have the tools to succeed and the know—
how to get them to work for you—and not the other way around. Our work is done here—
and yours is just beginning!
Partner with Coastal
Who is Coastal Consulting?
We’re so attered that you asked! Coastal Consulting is a boutique marketing automation agency focused on
helping our clients master HubSpot and Salesforce. We do the things that other agencies won’t. By training
and empowering your team to master the tools in your tech stack, we create HubSpot experts—so you don’t
need to keep hiring people like us!
Our typical client has an international presence, uses HubSpot and Salesforce (or is planning to!), and brings
in $50M+ per year in revenue. While we specialize in integrating HubSpot and Salesforce, our expertise
doesn’t stop there. We’re a team of ex-in-house marketers with more than your garden variety of inbound
and outbound marketing expertise up our sleeves. Once your systems are integrated, we know how to glean
valuable insights from your customer database and strategize alongside your sales and marketing teams to
create a lead generation and customer relationship strategy that converts and is built to last.
Sound interesting? Meet the team that makes this vision a reality.