JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Table Conversion Guide
Release 9.1
December 2011
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide, Release 9.1
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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ vii
Audience...................................................................................................................................................... vii
Documentation Accessibility.................................................................................................................... vii
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................... vii
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... viii
1 Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion
1.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Overview..................................................... 1-1
1.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Implementation Steps ............................... 1-1
2 Understanding Table Conversion
2.1 Table Conversions....................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Types of Tables to Use................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.3 Business Views in Table Conversions...................................................................................... 2-2
2.4 Text Files in Table Conversions ................................................................................................ 2-3
2.5 Sort and Selection Criteria in Table Conversions................................................................... 2-3
2.6 Input and Output Environments.............................................................................................. 2-3
3 Setting Up Table Conversions
3.1 Understanding Table Conversion Setup ................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Understanding the Table Conversion Process Flow.............................................................. 3-1
3.3 Adding Table Conversions........................................................................................................ 3-4
3.3.1 Understanding the Navigation Assistant......................................................................... 3-4
3.3.2 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.3.3 Forms Used to Add New Table Conversions.................................................................. 3-5
3.3.4 Adding New Table Conversions....................................................................................... 3-5
3.3.5 Starting the Table Conversion Director............................................................................ 3-6
3.4 Converting Data.......................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.4.1 Understanding Data Conversion....................................................................................... 3-6 Data Conversion Example........................................................................................... 3-7
3.4.2 Forms Used to Convert Data.............................................................................................. 3-7
3.4.3 Defining External Data for Table Conversions ............................................................... 3-8
3.4.4 Defining Input and Output Environments for Table Conversions.............................. 3-8
3.4.5 Defining Table Conversion Input...................................................................................... 3-8
3.4.6 Defining Table Conversion Output................................................................................ 3-11
3.4.7 Mapping Inputs to Outputs ............................................................................................ 3-12
3.4.8 Specifying Table Conversion Logging Options ........................................................... 3-13
3.4.9 Reviewing Table Conversion Results ............................................................................ 3-14
3.5 Defining File Formats for Table Conversion Input or Output .......................................... 3-14
3.5.1 Understanding User-Defined Formats.......................................................................... 3-15 Importing and Exporting Text Files........................................................................ 3-15 Using User-Defined Formats as Input.................................................................... 3-16 Using User-Defined Formats as Output................................................................. 3-16
3.5.2 Prerequisite........................................................................................................................ 3-16
3.5.3 Defining Delimited File Formats with a Single Format.............................................. 3-16
3.5.4 Defining Delimited File Formats with Multiple Formats........................................... 3-17
3.5.5 Defining Fixed-Width File Formats with a Single Format ......................................... 3-19
3.5.6 Defining Fixed-Width File Formats with Multiple Formats ...................................... 3-20
3.6 Copying Data............................................................................................................................ 3-21
3.6.1 Understanding Copying Data......................................................................................... 3-21
3.6.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 3-21
3.6.3 Defining Data Copy Actions........................................................................................... 3-21
3.7 Copying Data with Table Input............................................................................................. 3-23
3.7.1 Understanding How to Copy Data with Table Input ................................................. 3-23
3.7.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 3-23
3.7.3 Defining Data Copy with Table Input Actions ............................................................ 3-24
3.8 Deleting Groups of Records ................................................................................................... 3-24
3.8.1 Understanding Batch Deletion ....................................................................................... 3-25 Example: Creating Purge Programs as a Batch Delete......................................... 3-25
3.8.2 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 3-36
3.8.3 Defining Batch Deletion Actions .................................................................................... 3-37
3.9 Using Event Rules in Table Conversions ............................................................................. 3-38
3.9.1 Understanding Event Rules in Table Conversions...................................................... 3-38 Table Conversion System Functions....................................................................... 3-38
3.9.2 Creating Event Rules in Table Conversions .................................................................
4 Running Table Conversions
4.1 Understanding Table Conversion Processing ........................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Submitting Table Conversions.................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.1 Understanding Submitting Table Conversions............................................................... 4-1
4.2.2 Understanding Overriding Table Conversion Properties ............................................. 4-2 Table Conversions on the Web Client ....................................................................... 4-2
4.2.3 Forms Used to Submit Table Conversions....................................................................... 4-2
4.2.4 Overriding Table Conversion Properties at Runtime .................................................... 4-3
4.2.5 Overriding Table Conversion Properties of New Versions........................................... 4-4
4.2.6 Overriding Table Conversion Locations .......................................................................... 4-5
4.2.7 Running Table Conversions from the Web Client.......................................................... 4-5
4.3 Testing Table Conversions ........................................................................................................ 4-5
4.3.1 Understanding Table Conversion Testing....................................................................... 4-5 Difference Between Logging Options and Debug Logging................................... 4-6 Trace Levels................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.3.2 Setting the Trace Level for Debug Logging on the Workstation.................................. 4-7
4.3.3 Setting the Trace Level for Debug Logging on the Server............................................. 4-8
4.3.4 Forcing Row-By-Row Conversion..................................................................................... 4-8
5 Preparing Foreign Tables for Table Conversion
5.1 Understanding Foreign Tables.................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Adding Data Sources.................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.1 Forms Used to Add Data Sources ..................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.2 Adding Data Sources .......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Adding Environments................................................................................................................ 5-5
5.3.1 Forms Used to Add Environments ................................................................................... 5-5
5.3.2 Adding Environments ........................................................................................................ 5-5
5.4 Setting Up Default OCM Mappings......................................................................................... 5-6
5.4.1 Understanding OCM Mappings........................................................................................ 5-6
5.4.2 Forms Used to Set Up Default OCM Mappings.............................................................. 5-7
5.4.3 Setting Up Default OCM Mappings ................................................................................. 5-7
Welcome to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide.
This guide is intended for system administrators and technical consultants who are
responsible for using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion tool to rapidly
manipulate data in tables.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at
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Related Documents
You can access related documents from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Release
Documentation Overview pages on My Oracle Support. Access the main
documentation overview page by searching for the document ID, which is 876932.1, or
by using this link:
To navigate to this page from the My Oracle Support home page, click the Knowledge
tab, and then click the Tools and Training menu, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, Welcome
Center, Release Information Overview.
This guide contains references to server configuration settings that JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne stores in configuration files (such as jde.ini, jas.ini, jdbj.ini,
jdelog.properties, and so on). Beginning with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Release 8.97, it is highly recommended that you only access and manage these settings
for the supported server types using the Server Manager program. See the Server
Manager Guide.
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
Bold Indicates field values.
Italics Indicates emphasis and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne or other
book-length publication titles.
Indicates a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program, other code
example, or URL.
Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion 1-1
Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Table Conversion
This chapter contains the following topics:
â–  Section 1.1, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Overview"
â–  Section 1.2, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Implementation Steps"
1.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Overview
Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion is used to convert tables and
copy data between tables.
1.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Implementation Steps
In the planning phase of the implementation, take advantage of all JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne sources of information, including the installation guides and
troubleshooting information.
The following implementation steps need to be performed before working with JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Data Table Conversion:
1. Set up permissions to access and use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Object
Management Workbench (OMW) using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Security
See "Managing Application Security" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Security
Administration Guide.
2. Add yourself to the system in a developer role so that you have permissions to
create Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne objects.
See "Setting Up User Roles" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Object
Management Workbench Guide.
3. Set up permissions to create OMW projects.
See "Setting Up Allowed User Actions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Object
Management Workbench Guide.
4. Set up the appropriate database permissions so that you can add tables to the
database, drop tables, and add and modify data.
Work with the database administrator to set up these permissions.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Implementation Steps
1-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
Understanding Table Conversion 2-1
Understanding Table Conversion
This chapter contains the following topics:
â–  Section 2.1, "Table Conversions"
â–  Section 2.2, "Types of Tables to Use"
â–  Section 2.3, "Business Views in Table Conversions"
â–  Section 2.4, "Text Files in Table Conversions"
â–  Section 2.5, "Sort and Selection Criteria in Table Conversions"
â–  Section 2.6, "Input and Output Environments"
2.1 Table Conversions
Table conversion is a type of batch process that enables you to rapidly manipulate the
data in tables. This table describes the conversion types that the Oracle's JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Table Conversion tool uses to manipulate data:
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion tool uses Oracle's JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne tables, business views, and text files. The tool can also use non-JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne tables, also referred to as foreign tables, as long as they reside
in a database that is supported by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software, such as:
â–  Oracle
â–  Access
Conversion Type Description
Data Conversion Enables you to transfer or copy data from an
input table or business view into output tables
using the logic that is necessary to perform the
transfer. You can also use Data Conversion to
update records in a table or business view.
Data Copy Enables you to copy tables from one data
source or environment to another data source
or environment when the tables are identical.
Data Copy with Table Input Enables you to copy tables based on
information from an input table. For example,
the input table might provide information
about which tables are copied, where they are
copied, and so on.
Batch Delete Enables you to delete records from a table or
business view.
Types of Tables to Use
2-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
â–  IBM i
â–  SQL Server
When creating a table conversion, you:
â–  Set up a table conversion template.
â–  Review the template.
â–  Create versions of the template.
Like batch applications, table conversions include a template and versions. You
can override some of the properties within a version at runtime.
â–  Process the table conversion.
Table conversions can be saved and run multiple times. You can test the table
conversion by running it in proof mode.
Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Design Aid enables you to
access any available environment for both input and output. The environments that
you select determine which tables and business views are available for the conversion
and where the tables reside. The environments that you select also determine the
specifications, or descriptions, of tables and business views.
2.2 Types of Tables to Use
You can use these table types in table conversions:
2.3 Business Views in Table Conversions
You must create a business view to establish a relationship among the input tables
when you need to transfer data from:
â–  Multiple tables to a single table.
â–  Multiple tables to multiple tables.
Table Type Description
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables Tables that exist in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne database and can be accessed
from Object Management Workbench. You can
design and modify them using Table Design
Aid. At design time, only the specifications are
needed to reference the table. At runtime, the
table must be generated. An instance of the
table must occur in a particular database.
Foreign tables Tables that do not have a JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne definition but reside in a
database that is supported by JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne. You must set up a data source
and environment in JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne to point to the location of
foreign tables.
See Also:
â–  Preparing Foreign Tables for Table Conversion.
Input and Output Environments
Understanding Table Conversion 2-3
A business view defines the relationship between two or more tables and joins the
data into a single view. You can use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business views for
input to the table conversion only, not for output.
The system does not provide direct support for joining foreign tables. To use multiple
foreign tables as input to a conversion, you must first define them through JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne and then create a business view for them.
2.4 Text Files in Table Conversions
You can use table conversions to import directly from or export directly to a text file.
When you convert a text file, it is stored with a single, long text field. User-defined
formats are stored the same for a text file as for any table. With a text file conversion,
the table name includes the path and the file name. If you do not specify the path with
the file name, the default path is used.
2.5 Sort and Selection Criteria in Table Conversions
You can specify sort criteria in a table conversion. Sorting is used to process input rows
in a sequence that groups related records together. The sort and selection features
simplify the process of writing records to multiple tables in a typical one-to-many
conversion. For example, if you have a single table of customer information, you can
sort the data by area code and split the table into individual tables for each area code.
Similarly, you can specify selection criteria for the input table to convert only a subset
of that table.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Design Aid also enables you to add logic
to determine when a change should occur to the value in a field.
2.6 Input and Output Environments
An Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment consists of:
â–  A path code.
â–  Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Object Configuration Manager (OCM)
The path code of the environment is used to locate specification files for the
environment. This path code is usually a subdirectory of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne directory on a workstation. To reference JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
tables in an environment, the full path code must exist on the machines where the
conversion is created and run. Foreign tables can be referenced even if the path code
does not exist.
OCM Mappings indicate where JD Edwards EnterpriseOne objects reside. JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Design Aid enables you to specify an input and
output environment, which is used to locate input and output tables. To locate foreign
tables, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Design Aid uses the default OCM
mapping for tables.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Design Aid uses these three
environments when it processes a table conversion:
â–  The environment that you are signed into.
Determines where the table conversion specifications are stored.
â–  The environment where the input tables reside.
Input and Output Environments
2-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
â–  The environment where the output tables reside.
You can select one environment for the input tables (or business views) and one for the
converted output tables. The three environments can be the same or they can be
When you use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables (or business views) in a table
conversion, the environment provides the details of each table or business view, such
â–  Column names
â–  Data types
â–  Descriptions
Because this information comes from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne specification
tables, the system table does not have to exist in the database before you can design a
table conversion; however, it must be created before the conversion is run. If you use a
foreign table as input, you need to create it before you design the table conversion. The
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion tool obtains its information about the
table directly from the database where the foreign table resides. The environment also
provides a default path for text files.
See Also:
â–  JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Design Guide.
â–  Preparing Foreign Tables for Table Conversion.
â–  "Setting Up Path Codes" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Configurable Network Computing Implementation Guide.
â–  "Setting Up Environments" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Configurable Network Computing Implementation Guide.
â–  "Setting Up Data Sources" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Configurable Network Computing Implementation Guide.
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-1
Setting Up Table Conversions
This chapter contains the following topics:
â–  Section 3.1, "Understanding Table Conversion Setup"
â–  Section 3.2, "Understanding the Table Conversion Process Flow"
â–  Section 3.3, "Adding Table Conversions"
â–  Section 3.4, "Converting Data"
â–  Section 3.5, "Defining File Formats for Table Conversion Input or Output"
â–  Section 3.6, "Copying Data"
â–  Section 3.7, "Copying Data with Table Input"
â–  Section 3.8, "Deleting Groups of Records"
â–  Section 3.9, "Using Event Rules in Table Conversions"
3.1 Understanding Table Conversion Setup
Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Design Aid uses a director to
guide you through the steps of setting up table conversion templates. Using the
director, you can design table conversions for:
â–  Converting data.
â–  Copying tables between locations.
â–  Deleting records within tables.
You can also define user-defined formats for use as input or output tables in table
conversion templates. User-defined formats are flat-file tables that store data as a
continuous string of information, such as bank tapes.
After you set up a table conversion template, you can save it, create a version, and run
the version multiple times.
3.2 Understanding the Table Conversion Process Flow
When you process a table conversion, the system triggers events that are similar to the
events that are triggered when a report or application is run. These events are specific
to the table conversion that you defined. Events provide pauses in the processing of
the table conversion where you can attach logic.
See Also:
â–  Understanding User-Defined Formats.
Understanding the Table Conversion Process Flow
3-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
In general, the event flow is the same for all table conversion types because these
conversion types are all subsets of a data conversion:
â–  Data Copy.
This conversion type does not include input and output tables; all actions are
accomplished through the Process Begin event.
â–  Data Copy with Table Input.
This conversion type does not include output tables; all actions are accomplished
through the Process Begin, Process End, and Row Fetched events.
â–  Batch Delete.
As with the Data Copy with Table Input type, this conversion type does not
include output tables; all actions are accomplished through the Process Begin,
Process End, and Row Fetched events.
The flexibility of events enables you to use table conversion types within other
conversion types, if necessary.
Depending on the type of conversion that you define, some events might not be
triggered. This diagram illustrates all events that can be triggered in a table
conversion; events are indicated by yes or no decisions:
Understanding the Table Conversion Process Flow
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-3
Figure 3–1 Table conversion event flow.
This table describes when each event occurs during the table conversion process:
Event Description
Process Begin Before fetching records from the input table, the system
invokes the Process Begin event. At this point, you can
attach logic that needs to run only once at the beginning
of a table conversion, or attach any value that does not
change for each record. This event is useful for mapping
output fields that do not change for each record.
Open input and
output tables
Set selection and
sequencing on
input table
output tables
begin event
System fetches
records from the
input table
Data changed
User defined
changed in sort
Row fetched
Appropriate format
fetched event
Return to fetch
end event
Adding Table Conversions
3-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
3.3 Adding Table Conversions
This section provides an overview of the navigation assistant, lists prerequisites, and
discusses how to:
â–  Add new table conversions.
â–  Start the Table Conversion director.
3.3.1 Understanding the Navigation Assistant
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion director includes a navigation
assistant. The companion Navigation Assistant tracks where you are in the table
conversion development process. You can right-click the Navigation Assistant to hide
it for the current design process. The navigation assistant provides a visual indicator of
the progress in designing the table conversion. Click a step on the navigation assistant
to move forward or backward to another step in the process.
3.3.2 Prerequisites
Before you use the table conversion process, ensure that you:
â–  Set up a data source and environment for any foreign tables from which you might
be importing data.
See Preparing Foreign Tables for Table Conversion.
â–  Create a joined table business view if you are converting data from multiple tables.
See "Table Joins" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Business View Design Guide.
â–  Create a business function to perform validation if you want the data items within
a table to validate against the data dictionary as part of the conversion process.
The Table Conversion tool does not provide automatic data dictionary validation
for inputs or outputs.
Data Changed When you use data sequencing, the system invokes a
Data Changed event for any sequenced field that
changes. Data Changed events are not cascaded or
hierarchical. For example, you can attach an event rule to
this event to total a field or group of values.
Format Fetched When you use user-defined formats (also known as flat
files) in the input table, the system invokes a Format
Fetched event for each record that is fetched from the
input table. If you use multiple user-defined formats in a
table conversion, the Format Fetched event is called for
the particular format that is found in the record.
Row Fetched An input table invokes a Row Fetched event after each
row is fetched from the input table.
Process End After the processing of all records is complete, the system
invokes the Process End event. Attach event rules to the
Process End event when you want the system to process
logic after all input records have been read; for example,
to write a total record to an output table or to write a
record to a log file to record the status of the table
Event Description
Adding Table Conversions
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-5
See "Using Business Functions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools APIs and
Business Functions Guide.
3.3.3 Forms Used to Add New Table Conversions
3.3.4 Adding New Table Conversions
Access the Add Object form.
Object Name
Enter a unique name for the table conversion. Use the recommended naming
convention for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne objects.
Enter a meaningful description of the table conversion.
Product Code
Select a user-defined code (UDC) (98/SY) from the range of values that is reserved for
clients, 55–59.
Product System Code
Select a UDC (98/SY) that represents the Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system
where the data is used. This value is used for reporting and description override
purposes. Example values include:
01: Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book
03B: Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable
04: Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable
09: Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting
11: Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency
Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Object Management
W98220A EnterpriseOne Life
Cycle Tools,
(GH902), Object
Management, Object
Select and view
objects in projects, and
access the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne design
Add EnterpriseOne
Object to the Project
W98220C Click the Objects node
of a project and click
Add. on the Object
Workbench form.
Add a new object to a
Add Object W9861AF Select Batch
Application and click
OK on the Add
EnterpriseOne Object
to the Project form.
Create a batch
application object.
Batch Application
W9860AL Complete the object
information and click
OK on the Add Object
Access the Table
Conversion director.
Converting Data
3-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
Object Use
Select a UDC (98/FU) that indicates the use of the object. For example, the object
might be used to create a program, a master file, or a transaction journal. A 132 value
represents a data file conversion.
Object Type
Displays an abbreviation that identifies the type of object that is being created. The
object type for a table conversion is UBE. This field is populated by the system based
on the type of object that you selected on the Add Object form.
Table Conversion
Select to enable JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Design Aid. If you do
not select this option, Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Design Aid is
launched by default.
3.3.5 Starting the Table Conversion Director
Click OK on the Add Object form:
1. Select the Design Tools tab, and click Start Table Conversion Design Aid.
The system displays the introduction form for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Table Conversion director.
2. Proceed to the task for the type of conversion that you want to perform.
3.4 Converting Data
This section provides an overview of data conversion and discusses how to:
â–  Define external data for table conversions.
â–  Define input and output environments for table conversions.
â–  Define table conversion input.
â–  Define table conversion output.
â–  Map inputs to outputs.
â–  Specify table conversion logging options.
â–  Review table conversion results.
3.4.1 Understanding Data Conversion
Use the Data Conversion feature on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion
director to move data into tables from:
â–  A single table.
â–  Multiple tables that are defined in a business view.
â–  A single text file.
See Also:
â–  Converting Data.
â–  Copying Data.
â–  Copying Data with Table Input.
â–  Deleting Groups of Records.
Converting Data
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-7 Data Conversion Example
This data conversion example illustrates how to copy employee records from the
F0101 table in the Login Environment to the F0101 table in the PY812 environment.
1. On the Introduction form of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion
director, select Data Conversion, and click Next.
2. On the External Data form, accept the default selections, and click Next.
3. On the Select Environments form, select <LOGIN ENV> as the input and PY812
as the output environment, and click Next.
4. On the Select Input form, drag the Address Book Master table to the Description
column on the Table tab, and click Next.
5. On the Sequencing form, accept the default selection, and click Next.
6. On the Data Selection form, define the data selection as Where AT1 (Search Type)
(F0101) is equal to E to select current employees, and click Next.
7. On the Select Outputs form, drag the Address Book Master table to the
Description column on the Tables tab, and click Next.
8. On the Table Options form, clear the Run Currency Triggers option because the
Address Book Master file does not contain currency information, and click Next.
9. On the Mapping form, select the Row Fetched event because you are converting
data from similar files, click Map Same, and click Next.
The system automatically maps data elements with the same aliases.
10. On the Logging Options form, select Log All Errors and Log Outputs, and click
These options enable you to review the conversion after it is complete.
11. On the Finish form, select No, I will create a version of this table conversion later,
and click Finish.
12. On the Table Conversion form, click Save before quitting.
3.4.2 Forms Used to Convert Data
Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Object Management
W98220A EnterpriseOne Life
Cycle Tools,
(GH902), Object
Management, Object
Select and view
objects in projects, and
access the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne design
Add EnterpriseOne
Object to the Project
W98220C Click the Objects node
of a project and click
Add. on the Object
Workbench form.
Add a new object to a
Add Object W9861AF Select Batch
Application and click
OK on the Add
EnterpriseOne Object
to the Project form.
Create a batch
application object.
Converting Data
3-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
3.4.3 Defining External Data for Table Conversions
Access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Director.
1. Select Data Conversion, and click Next.
2. On the External Data form, click Select to attach a predefined processing option
template to the table conversion.
3. On the Select Processing Option Template form, select an appropriate processing
option template, and click OK.
4. On the External Data form, click Define to create a data structure.
5. On the Report Data Structure form, define the table conversion data structure, and
click OK.
Data structures contain a list of parameters that can be used to pass data into the
table conversion when called through a report interconnect.
6. Click Next.
3.4.4 Defining Input and Output Environments for Table Conversions
Click Next on the Introduction form of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table
Conversion director to access the Select Environments form.
1. Select the input and output environments to use.
2. When creating a table conversion to be run in a different environment from the
one where you create it, and the <LOGIN ENV> is not appropriate for the type of
conversion that you are creating, select either Force Version to Override Input
Environment or Force Version to Override Output Environment, and click Next.
For example, if you create a conversion to be used by a client who does not have
the environments that you have, use these options. When the conversion is
invoked at the client site, the table conversion does not run until the user selects
the appropriate environments in which to run it.
3.4.5 Defining Table Conversion Input
Click Next on the Select Environments form to access the Select Input form.
Batch Application
W9860AL Complete the object
information and click
OK on the Add Object
Access the Table
Conversion director.
See Also:
â–  "Understanding Data Structures" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Tools Data Structure Design Guide.
Note: Select <LOGIN ENV> if you are creating table conversions for
a user who might not have the same environments that you have. This
option ensures that the table conversion uses the environment that the
user is signed in to.
Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Converting Data
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-9
Select the appropriate tab based on whether the input is a table, a business view, a
foreign table, or a text file.
2. Use the query by example (QBE) line to search for the appropriate table, business
view, or foreign table.
You can select only one table or one business view per table conversion. If the
input consists of multiple tables, you must create a joined table business view.
3. Enter the name of the text file on the Text File tab, or use the Browse button to
locate the file.
If you want to rename the selected file, enter the new file name, and click Rename.
For the IBM i, input text files are stored in the Integrated File System (IFS). Enter
the path to the IFS before the file name.
If you are using a text file, or if you need to define a format for a table or business
view, select the User Defined Format option.
4. If the input is a table or a business view, drag it to the Description column.
If you change a table or business view, the system warns you that deleting tables
removes all mappings from the table conversion.
5. To delete an input file, select it and press Delete.
6. Click Next.
7. On the Sequencing form, click Data Sequencing to define data sequencing for a
table or business view.
If you specify a text file for input, you cannot define data sequencing or data
selection for that file.
8. Click Next.
9. On the Data Selection form, click in the Operator column, and select an
appropriate operator.
On the Data Selection form, Where is the default value in the Operator column for
the first set of criteria. For subsequent statements, And and Or become the
available values for the Operator column.
10. Click the Left Operand column, and select from a list of available objects.
Note: Text files are the only type of file that you can rename.
Note: When you define data sequencing, you create new events that
are available to you in the Mapping section of the director. One new
event is created for each sequence column that you define. The event
is called XXXX Data Changed, where XXXX is the column alias, for
example, ALPH Data Changed. Each time the value in one of these
columns changes from its previous value, the Data Changed event is
invoked for that column. This event is similar to a level break in report
templates, except that the Data Changed events are not related to each
other. Invoking one does not invoke the others.
Converting Data
3-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
Click the Comparison column, and select one of these comparison operators:
– is equal to.
– is equal to or empty.
– is greater than.
– is greater than or equal to.
– is less than.
– is less than or equal to.
– is not equal to.
12. Click the Right Operand column, and select from a list of available objects, special
values, or variables.
The options in this column depend on the selection that you made in the
Comparison column. Some of these options might be available:
– Blank
Enters a blank (space) value.
– Literal
Enables you to enter specific values, as described in the next step.
– Null
Indicates that no value is associated with the field.
– Zero
Enters a value of 0.
– IC
Indicates input table columns.
– RI
Indicates values passed through a report interconnect to this table conversion.
– PO
Indicates processing option values for this table conversion.
– SL
Indicates system literals.
13. If you enter a literal in the Right Operand column, you can enter values on these
tabs of the Single value form:
– Single value
Enables you to enter a single value. An example might be a value that
indicates a specific company.
– Range of values
Note: You can define selection criteria for database table columns
only. User-defined format columns are not available because they do
not exist in the database.
Converting Data
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-11
Enables you to enter a range of values. An example might include companies
from 00001 to 00060. When you are using a range of values, only the is equal to,
is equal to or empty, and is not equal to operators are valid.
– List of values
Enables you to enter a list of values. Enter each value individually in the field,
and click Add after each entry.
An example list of values might include several user-defined codes for search
types, such as C for customers, E for employees, and V for vendors. When you
are using the list of values, only is equal to, is equal to or empty, and is not equal to
are valid operators.
To delete a value, select the value and click Delete.
14. To delete a line of criteria on the Data Selection form, select the row header and
click Delete.
15. To change the order of the criteria, select the row header, and click the Up or Down
16. Click Next.
3.4.6 Defining Table Conversion Output
Click Next on the Select Input form to access the Select Outputs form.
1. Drag the table (or tables) that you want to use as outputs to the Description
column, and click Next.
2. For text file conversions, from the Text File tab, select the file to use as the output,
and click Use.
If you want to rename the selected file, enter the new file name, and click Rename.
For the IBM i, input text files are stored in the IFS. Enter the path to the IFS before
the file name.
If you are using a text file, or if you need to define a format for a table or business
view, select the User Defined Format option.
3. Click Next.
4. To delete an output, select the row and press Delete.
If you are using a text file, or if you need to define a user-defined format for a table
or business view, click User Defined Format.
5. Click Next.
6. On the Table Options form, select from these options:
– Run Currency Triggers
Select this option if a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne table that is included in the
table conversion contains currency triggers. If a table contains currency fields
and you do not select this option, the system cannot determine where the
decimal should be placed within a field. If you do not select the currency
trigger option, and the source or destination fields are currency fields that are
used in a calculation, you might receive unexpected results.
Note: Text files are the only type of file that you can rename.
Converting Data
3-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
Do not select the Run Currency Triggers option if the input and output data
sources are the same type (for example, Oracle, IBM i, or SQL Server) and no
calculations are performed. Selecting this option results in slower
You should not use currency triggers for an environment that has a different
path code from the sign-in environment.
– Clear Output Tables
Select this option to clear the output table before the table conversion runs.
– Force Row by Row Processing
Select this option to test the table conversion or to ensure that the conversion
always runs in row-by-row mode.
You can test a conversion to ensure that the mapping logic is correct. In this
case, specify the number of rows to process. The number of rows can be
defined in the jde.ini under [TCEngine] or when you submit the table
Select this option if you know that the values in the input table will produce
duplicate keys in the output, and you want only the non-duplicate keys to be
Selecting this option results in slower processing.
– Buffer Inserts To Output Tables
Select this option to improve conversion performance if the conversion does
not include any event rules to process insertion errors and you are processing
row by row.
7. Click Next.
3.4.7 Mapping Inputs to Outputs
Click Next on the Select Outputs form to access the Mapping form.
1. Select the event on which mapping will occur.
In most cases, you use either the Row Fetched event or Format Fetched event. Use
the Format Fetched event if you are working with a user-defined format.
2. Click Advanced ER to include additional event rule logic in the table conversion.
The Event Rules Design form appears for the event that you selected on the
Mapping form.
3. Click Map Same to allow the system to map the inputs directly to the outputs.
If the input and outputs share some of the same data, these fields are a direct map.
For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables, the system maps fields by data dictionary
item. For foreign tables, the system maps by column name.
4. Drag inputs to outputs to manually map the inputs to the outputs.
5. If multiple output files exist, select each file from the outputs list, and map the
appropriate input columns to the appropriate output columns.
Note: Click Delete to erase the mapping for a selected output. Click
Delete All to erase the mapping for all outputs.
Converting Data
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-13
To define advanced output, double-click an output column.
The Advanced Outputs form enables you to define literals, calculations, and other
mappings without using Advanced ER. You can use an advanced input to add a
literal value into a field. You can also define a calculation to populate an output
field, such as adding two input fields together.
7. On the Advanced Outputs form, select one of these tabs, and add the appropriate
– Available objects
Select the appropriate object, and click Apply.
– Literal
Enter the appropriate value, and click Apply.
– Defaults
Select Use Dictionary Defaults, and click Apply.
Select this option to use the default value in the data dictionary at runtime. If
no default values exist in the data dictionary, the system displays a warning
– Calculation
Click Define Calculation, create a calculation in Expression Manager, and click
8. Click Close on the Advanced Outputs form.
9. On the Mapping form, select Issue a Write for this Event? to insert a row to the
selected output after performing all column mappings for this event.
When you select Issue a Write for this Event?, the system attaches the TC Insert
Row event system function. This system function is automatically inserted at the
end of the event rules. You cannot move it to another area. To specify when and
where a row is inserted, attach the User Insert Row system function using
Advanced ER, and move it to wherever it is needed.
10. Click Next.
3.4.8 Specifying Table Conversion Logging Options
Click Next on the Mapping form to access the Logging Options form.
1. Select from these options:
– Log All Errors.
Select this option to log every error, regardless of the logging option for type
of operation that failed.
– Log Every Input Record.
Select this option to log every input record in the table conversion log file.
– Log Outputs.
Select this option to log every output record in the table conversion log file.
See Also:
â–  Understanding the Table Conversion Process Flow.
â–  Using Event Rules in Table Conversions.
Defining File Formats for Table Conversion Input or Output
3-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
– Log Deletes.
Select this option to log every record that is deleted in the table conversion log
– Log Updates.
Select this option to log every record that is updated in the table conversion
log file.
– Log Copy Table Actions.
Select this option to log the tables copied in the table conversion log file.
– Log Details of Copy Table Actions.
Select this option to log all of the details of each Copy Table action that is
– Run in Proof Mode.
Select this option to run the conversion in proof mode. In proof mode, the
conversion is simulated and all actions are logged, but no data is changed.
2. Click Next.
3.4.9 Reviewing Table Conversion Results
Click Next on the Logging Options form to access the Finish form.
1. Select one of these options:
– Yes, create a version of this table conversion.
If you select yes, enter the version name.
– No, I will create a version of this table conversion later.
2. Click Finish to complete the process.
3. On the Table Conversion form, select the Table Conversion Mappings form to
review the mapping.
4. Make changes, as necessary, by selecting the appropriate option from the View
menu, and then click Save.
5. To review the runtime conversion mode, select Check Conversion Mode from the
Conversion menu.
A dialog box provides you with details of the conversion mode that is defined.
6. From the Conversion menu, select Exit.
3.5 Defining File Formats for Table Conversion Input or Output
This section provides an overview of user-defined formats, lists a prerequisite, and
discusses how to:
Note: Proof mode is not an absolute proof mode. In some situations,
the proof output might differ from the real output. If you insert the
same record twice, for example, it may seem as though it worked in
proof mode but, in reality, only one of the inserts works when you run
the conversion in final mode.
Defining File Formats for Table Conversion Input or Output
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-15
â–  Define delimited file formats with a single format.
â–  Define delimited file formats with multiple formats.
â–  Define fixed-width file formats with a single format.
â–  Define fixed-width file formats with multiple formats.
3.5.1 Understanding User-Defined Formats
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Design Aid uses user-defined formats to
handle fixed-width or comma separated value (CSV) files in a table or text file. These
files are collectively known as flat files because they do not have relationships defined
like relational database tables. Usually, flat files are text files that are stored on a
workstation or server. They are used to import or export data from applications that
have no other means of interaction. For example, you might need to share information
between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and an external application. If the external
application does not support one of the same databases that JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne supports, flat files might be the only way to transfer data between the
two applications.
In a flat file, records are stored as a continuous string of information. The user-defined
format provides instructions on how data is presented.
This table illustrates a single database record with five columns of data: Last, First,
Addr, City, and Phone:
This record can be formatted as a comma-delimited string:
Doe, John, 123 Main, Anytown, 5551234
This record can also be formatted as a fixed-width column format, in which each
column is eight characters long. Importing and Exporting Text Files
When you select a text file for input or output in a table conversion and do not specify
a path, a default path is used. Table conversions that use the default path run on any
platform. If an explicit path or IBM i library name is indicated for the file, then the file
is created exactly as specified. Table conversions that are stored in this way might not
work on other platforms, depending on the nature of the file system on each platform.
The default paths on non-IBM i platforms are:
â–  path code\Import\file name
â–  path code\Export\file name
You cannot specify a default path for the IBM i. Rather, the default is always the
Import or the Export directory under the path code of the input or output
environment. For example, if you are running a table conversion against the DV812
environment, the path in the file system might be \E812\DV812\import\myfile.txt.
If the conversion specifies a file name that includes anything other than the file name
and extension, such as \mytextfiles\myfile.txt, the conversion attempts to open the
file as specified.
Last First Addr City Phone
Doe John 123 Main Anytown 5551234
Defining File Formats for Table Conversion Input or Output
3-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide Using User-Defined Formats as Input
If you use user-defined input formats, add event rules on the Format Fetched event.
Without these event rules, the system ignores the format, and the data from the input
table is never made available to the table conversion. If the table conversion does not
require event rule logic, add comments in the Format Fetched event in Event Rules
User-defined formats work with text files and tables.
Because the procedure for importing and exporting data is database-specific, consult a
database administrator for details. Using User-Defined Formats as Output
If you use user-defined output formats, add event rules on the Format Fetched event.
Without these event rules, the system ignores the format, and the data from the output
table is never made available to the table conversion. If the table conversion does not
require event rule logic, add comments in the Format Fetched event in Event Rules
User-defined formats work with text files and tables.
Because the procedure for importing and exporting data is database-specific, you
should consult a database administrator for details.
3.5.2 Prerequisite
Before you begin defining delimited file formats, ensure that you have selected the
input and output files, as appropriate.
3.5.3 Defining Delimited File Formats with a Single Format
From the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion director, access the Select Input
form or the Select Outputs form.
1. Select User Defined Format, and then click Define Format(s).
2. On the User Defined Format - Type form, select the Delimited - Characters such as
commas or tabs separate each column option.
3. Select the Single Format - All rows have the same format option, and click Next.
4. On the User Defined Format - Column Delimiter form, select the delimiter that
separates the columns in the file:
– Tab
– Comma
– Semicolon
– Space
– Other
5. Select the textual qualifier that is used to enclose a string of text:
– None
Select this option if no character is used to qualify text in this user-defined file.
– Single Quotations
Defining File Formats for Table Conversion Input or Output
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-17
Select this option if a single quotation mark is used to qualify text in this
user-defined file.
– Double Quotations
Select this option if a double quotation mark is used to qualify text in this
user-defined file.
6. If the user-defined format incudes column headings in the first row, select The
first row contains column headers, and click Next.
7. On the User Defined Format - Column Layout form, select a format from the list of
available formats.
You define the columns for the format so that the system can parse the information
from the file.
8. For each column, click Add to define the column.
9. On the New Column Properties form, modify these fields as required, and click
– Name
– Length
– Type
10. To edit an existing column, select it, click Edit, and modify the properties on the
Column Properties form.
11. To model the columns after an existing table, business view, or foreign table, click
Model, select the appropriate tab, and then select the table or business view that
you want to use as a model for the user-defined format.
12. Click OK, and then click Next.
The system copies the format from the model that you selected and places it into
the column layout grid.
13. On the User Defined Format - Finish form, click Finish.
3.5.4 Defining Delimited File Formats with Multiple Formats
From the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion director, access the Select Input
form or the Select Outputs form.
1. Select User Defined Format, and then click Define Format(s).
2. On the User Defined Format - Type form, select the Delimited - Characters such as
commas or tabs separate each column option.
3. Select the Multiple Formats - Rows are in two (2) or more formats option, and click
4. On the User Defined Format - Column Delimiter form, select the delimiter that
separates the columns in the file:
– Tab
– Comma
Note: You cannot model the columns after an existing object unless
the layout of the two objects match.
Defining File Formats for Table Conversion Input or Output
3-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
– Semicolon
– Space
– Other
5. Select the textual qualifier that is used to enclose a string of text, and click Next:
– None
Select this option if no character is used to qualify text in this user-defined file.
– Single Quotations
Select this option if a single quotation mark is used to qualify text in this
user-defined file.
– Double Quotations
Select this option if a double quotation mark is used to qualify text in this
user-defined file.
6. On the User Defined Format - Multiple Format Definition form, enter the number
of formats that are included in the user-defined format.
7. To define the character length of the Form Designator Column, enter a value in the
Length field, and click Next.
8. On the User Defined Format - Multiple Format Names form, name each format
and define the values for each using the Name and Designator columns, and then
click Next.
The Designator name should describe the data in the user-defined formats.
For example, suppose that a text file contains purchase order information. Lines in
the table have information for a whole purchase order with the first field
designated as POH; lines with a first field designated as POI contain information
about individual items in the purchase order; and lines in the table with a first
field designated as POT contain information about purchase order totals. In this
scenario, you would enter POH as the designator of the first format, POI as the
designator of the second format, and POT as the designator of the third format.
9. On the User Defined Format - Column Layout form, select a format from the list of
available formats.
You define the columns for the format so that the system can parse the information
from the file.
10. To add additional columns, click Add to define the column.
11. On the New Column Properties form, modify these fields as required, and click
Note: You can rename the columns for each format to help you
remember the formats with which you are working. For example, you
can rename the columns according to their function in the file, such as
Header, Detail, and Total. These names appear in the Inputs list on the
Mapping form of the table conversion.
Note: To move rows, including the Format Designator, select the row
and drag it to a new location.
Defining File Formats for Table Conversion Input or Output
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-19
– Name
– Length
– Type
12. To edit an existing column, select it, click Edit, and change the properties on the
Column Properties form.
13. To model the columns after an existing table, business view, or foreign table, click
Model, select the appropriate tab, and then select the table or business view that
you want to use as a model for the user-defined format.
14. Click OK, and then click Next.
The system copies the format from the model that you selected and places it into
the column layout grid.
15. On the User Defined Format - Finish form, click Finish.
3.5.5 Defining Fixed-Width File Formats with a Single Format
Access the Select Input form or the Select Outputs form.
1. Select User Defined Format. and then click Define Format(s).
2. On the User Defined Format - Type form, select the Fixed Width - Columns are
aligned at specific positions with specific widths option.
3. Select the Single Format - All rows have the same format option, and click Next.
4. On the User Defined Format - Column Layout form, click Add to define the
column layout.
5. On the New Column Properties form, modify these fields as required, and click
– Name
– Start
– Length
– Type
6. To edit an existing column, select the column, click Edit, and change the properties
on the Column Properties form.
7. To model the columns after an existing table, business view, or foreign table, click
Model, select the appropriate tab, and then select the table or business view that
you want to use as a model for the user-defined format.
8. Click OK, and then click Next.
The system copies the format from the model that you selected, and places it into
the column layout grid.
Note: You cannot model the columns after an existing object unless
the layout of the two objects match.
Note: You cannot model the columns after an existing object unless
the layout of the two objects match.
Defining File Formats for Table Conversion Input or Output
3-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
On the User Defined Format - Finish form, click Finish.
3.5.6 Defining Fixed-Width File Formats with Multiple Formats
Access the Select Input form or the Select Outputs form.
1. Select User Defined Format, and then click Define Format(s).
2. On the User Defined Format - Type form, select the Fixed Width - Columns are
aligned at specific positions with specific widths option.
3. Select the Multiple Formats - Rows are in two (2) or more formats option, and click
4. On the User Defined Format - Multiple Format Definition form, enter the number
of formats that are included in the user-defined format, and click Next.
To define the character length of the Designator column, complete the Length
5. On the User Defined Format - Multiple Format Names form, enter a name for each
format in the Name column, and click Next.
The Designator name should describe the data in the user-defined formats.
For example, suppose that a text file contains purchase order information. Lines in
the table have information for a whole purchase order with the first field
designated as POH; lines with a first field designated as POI contain information
about individual items in the purchase order; and lines in the table with a first
field designated as POT contain information about purchase order totals. In this
scenario, you would enter POH as the designator of the first format, POI as the
designator of the second format, and POT as the designator of the third format.
6. On the User Defined Format - Column Layout form, select a format from the list of
available formats.
You define the columns for the format so that the system can parse the information
from the file.
7. To add additional columns, click Add to define the columns.
8. On the New Column Properties form, modify these fields as required, and click
– Name
– Start
– Length
– Type
9. To edit an existing column, select the column, click Edit, and change the properties
on the Column Properties form.
Note: You can rename the columns for each format to help you
remember the formats with which you are working. For example, you
can rename the columns according to their function in the file, such as
Header, Detail, and Total. These names appear in the Inputs list on the
Mapping form of the table conversion.
Copying Data
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-21
To model the columns after an existing table, business view, or foreign table, click
Model, select the appropriate tab, and then select the table or business view that
you want to use as a model for the user-defined format.
11. Click OK, and then click Next.
The system copies the format from the model that you selected and places it into
the column layout grid.
12. On the User Defined Format - Finish form, click Finish.
3.6 Copying Data
This section provides an overview of copying data, lists prerequisites, and discusses
how to define data copy actions.
3.6.1 Understanding Copying Data
You use the Data Copy feature on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion
director to copy tables from one environment or data source to another. You can also
import a copy table script to use in the conversion.
3.6.2 Prerequisites
Before you begin defining the input and output environments for copying data, ensure
that you review these tasks:
â–  Defining External Data for Table Conversions.
â–  Defining Input and Output Environments for Table Conversions.
â–  Specifying Table Conversion Logging Options.
â–  Reviewing Table Conversion Results.
3.6.3 Defining Data Copy Actions
Access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Director.
1. Select Data Copy, and click Next.
2. On the External Data form, select a processing option template, define a data
structure, as appropriate, and click Next.
3. On the Select Environments form, select an input environment and an output
environment, and click Next.
4. On the Select Actions form, enter the name of a table in the Table field of the grid.
Note: You cannot model the columns after an existing object unless
the layout of the two objects match.
See Also:
â–  Reviewing Table Conversion Results.
â–  Using Event Rules in Table Conversions.
â–  Understanding Table Conversion Processing.
Copying Data
3-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
If you want to copy a single table, select <Literal>, and enter the name of that table
on the Single Value tab. If you do not know the name of the table that you want to
copy, use the <Find a Table> option.
When you enter the name of a table, the system automatically populates the
remaining fields for you.
5. On the Select Actions form, modify these fields as necessary:
– To Table
Enter either the last table in a range of tables to be copied, or leave the field
blank if you are copying a single table.
– Source Type
Select Data Source if the input and output sources are data sources. Select
Environment if the input and output sources are environments.
When you select Data Source, the system retrieves table definitions from the
specifications in the sign-in environment.
When you select Environment, the system uses the input and output
environments to locate data and specifications for the tables. This enables the
specifications to be different in the input and output environment, but the data
is copied.
– Input Source
Select the data source or environment from which the input is read.
– Output Source
Select the data source or environment to which the output is written.
– Create
When you select <If Table Exists>, the system creates the table in the output
and runs the conversion only if both the table specifications and the actual
table exist in the input.
When you select <Yes>, the system creates the table in the output. If the table
already exists in the output, the system deletes it and creates a new table.
When you select <No>, the system assumes that the table already exists in the
output and does not create it.
– Clear
When you select <If Table Exists>, the system clears the table in the output
only if it exists in the input.
When you select <Yes>, the system deletes all rows in the output table before
copying the table.
When you select <No>, the output table is not cleared.
– Copy
When you select <Yes>, the system copies the data from the input table to the
output table using Map Same.
Note: If you select <No> to not clear the output table, the conversion
could result in key conflicts.
Copying Data with Table Input
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-23
When you select <No>, no data is copied.
– Owner ID
– Owner Pwd (owner password)
If the data source requires an owner ID and password, enter them here. If you
leave these fields blank, the system enters the ID and password of the sign-in
user, or <None> if the data source does not have security.
6. To import an existing copy table script from another location, click Import, locate
the file that you want to import, and click Open.
The system adds an action for each copy table item in the copy table script.
7. Click Advanced ER to add event rule logic to the copy table process, and click
You can use event rules to write a custom copy table script.
8. On the Logging Options form, select the appropriate logging options, and click
9. On the Finish form, select a version option, and click Finish.
3.7 Copying Data with Table Input
This section provides an overview of how to copy data with table input, lists
prerequisites, and discusses how to define data copy with table input actions.
3.7.1 Understanding How to Copy Data with Table Input
The Data Copy with Table Input feature is similar to the Data Copy option, except that
it allows information for the process to come from an input table. The input table
might provide information about which tables are copied, where they are copied, and
so on. The Data Copy with Table Input feature enables you to select data.
For example, suppose that you create a table that includes:
â–  A table name
â–  The next backup date
â–  The backup frequency
You might populate this table with a list of tables to be archived and information
specifying how often they are archived. You can then use the Data Copy with Table
Input feature to select all rows in which the backup date is less than or equal to the
current date, and calculate a new backup date.
3.7.2 Prerequisites
Before you begin defining the input and output environments for copying data, ensure
that you review these tasks:
â–  Defining External Data for Table Conversions.
See Also:
â–  Using Event Rules in Table Conversions.
â–  Reviewing Table Conversion Results.
â–  Running Table Conversions.
Deleting Groups of Records
3-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
â–  Defining Input and Output Environments for Table Conversions.
â–  Defining Table Conversion Input.
â–  Defining Data Copy Actions.
â–  Specifying Table Conversion Logging Options.
â–  Reviewing Table Conversion Results.
3.7.3 Defining Data Copy with Table Input Actions
Access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Director.
1. Select Data Copy with Table Input, and click Next.
2. On the External Data form, select a processing option template, define a data
structure, as appropriate, and click Next.
3. On the Select Environments form, select an input environment and an output
environment, and click Next.
4. On the Select Input form, select a table, business view, or foreign table, and click
5. On the Sequencing form, define data sequencing as appropriate, and click Next.
6. On the Data Selection form, define data selection as appropriate, and click Next.
7. On the Table Options form, select Run Currency Triggers, if appropriate, and click
Select this option if a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne table included in the table
conversion contains currency triggers. If a table contains currency fields and you
do not select this option, the system cannot determine where the decimal should
be placed within a field. If you do not select the currency trigger option and the
source or destination fields are currency fields used in a calculation, you might
receive unexpected results.
Do not select Run Currency Triggers if the input and output data sources are the
same type (for example, Oracle, IBM i, or SQL Server) and no calculations are
being performed. Selecting this option results in slower processing.
You should not use currency triggers for an environment that has a different path
code than the login environment.
8. On the Select Actions form, enter the name of a table in the Table field, modify the
remaining fields as appropriate, and click Next.
9. To import an existing copy table script from another location, click Import, locate
the file that you want to import, and click Open.
10. Click Advanced ER to add event rule logic to the copy table process, and click
11. On the Logging Options form, select logging options, and click Next.
12. On the Finish form, select a version option, and click Finish.
3.8 Deleting Groups of Records
This section provides an overview of batch deletion, lists prerequisites, and discusses
how to define batch deletion actions.
Deleting Groups of Records
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-25
3.8.1 Understanding Batch Deletion
The Batch Delete feature enables you to delete a range of records from a JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne input table or foreign table based on selection criteria that you define.
For example, you can set up a batch delete table conversion that deletes records in an
input table that does not contain valid data. You can also set up table conversions that
delete all records from a particular table. Example: Creating Purge Programs as a Batch Delete
This example illustrates how you can create a table conversion to delete records from
the input environment. Designing purge programs as batch delete programs enables
you to purge records with control and accuracy. You can archive the purged data or
remove it from the system permanently. The archiving process is explained in this
Before you start this example, create a handle for the table.
See "Understanding Handles" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Design Guide.
1. On the introduction form of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion
director, select Batch Delete and click Next.
2. On the External Data form, select the Purge Processing Option (T42000P)
processing option template, and click Next.
3. On the Select Environment form, select <LOGIN ENV> as the source
environment, select Force Version to Override Input Environment, and click Next.
The Force Version to Override Input Environment option prompts the person who
runs the purge program to provide a valid source environment from which to run
the batch-delete.
4. On the Select Input form, drag the User Defined Code Types (F0004) table to the
Description column, and click Next.
5. On the Table Options form, select Run Currency Triggers, and click Next.
6. On the Data Selection form, define data selection as Where IC UCD1 (User
Defined Code - Class Code 1) is equal to Null, and click Next.
7. On the Logging Options form, do not select any options, and click Next.
8. On the Finish form, select Yes, create a version of this table conversion, and enter
VER0001 as the version name.
9. On the warning form that indicates that the table conversion needs to be saved,
click OK.
10. On the Selection for Batch Delete form, select the Process Begin event, and click
Advanced ER.
11. In Event Rules Design, add these event rule variables with a report scope:
– szArchiveDataSource_DATS
– szPurgeDataSource_DATS
– szErrorCode_DTAI
– cRenameFlag_EV01
– mnErrorNumber_MATH01
Deleting Groups of Records
3-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
Enter these begin process event rules from R42119P, save the event rules, and quit
Event Rules Design:
0001 // Check to see if the purged data is being archived
0002 If PO cArchive
Records is equal to "1"
0003 // If the environment processing option is blank, stop
0004 If PO szArchiveEnvironmentName is equal to <Blank>
Or PO sz
ArchiveEnvironmentName is equal to <Null>
0005 Stop Conversion Processing("The
archive environment is invalid.")
0006 Else
0007 // Check to make sure that the
archive environment and data source is not the
0008 // same as the input
environment and data source
0009 If PO szArchiveEnvironmentName is equal to SL
0010 Stop Conversion Processing("The source and archive
environments are the same")
0011 Else
0012 //Get the data source of the archive
0013Get and validate the data source for an environment/table
PO szArchiveEnvironmentName -> szEnvironment
"FXXXX" -> szTable
Name (Replace x's with the name of your table.)
VA rpt_szArchiveDataSource_
DATS <- szDataSource
VA rpt_szErrorCode_DTAI <- szErrorDataItem
VA rpt_mn
ErrorNumber_MATH01 <- mnErrorNumber
0014//SAR #4337575 - B98700 has been modified
to return an error if the table is
0015//not found in the data source. Since we
do not want the table to exist in the
0016//archive environment, we need to
bypass that error condition.
0017 If VA rpt_szErrorCode_DTAI is not equal to
And VA rpt_szErrorCode_DTAI is not equal to <Null>
And VA rpt_
szErrorCode_DTAI is not equal to "072W"
0018 Stop Conversion Processing("No
data source was found for the
archive environment")
0019 Else
0020 //Get the
data source of the source environment
0021Get and validate the data source for
an environment/table (B98700)
SL SourceEnvironment -> szEnvironment
"FXXXX" -> szTableName (Replace x's with the name of your table.)
rpt_szPurgeDataSource_DATS <- szDataSource
VA rpt_szErrorCode_DTAI <- sz
Deleting Groups of Records
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-27
VA rpt_mnErrorNumber_MATH01 <- mnErrorNumber
0022If VA rpt_sz
ErrorCode_DTAI is equalto "072W"
0023Stop Conversion Processing ("The table
could not be found
in the source environment.")
0025If VA rpt_sz
ErrorCode_DTAI is not equal to <Blank>
And VA rpt_szErrorCode_DTAI is not
equal to <Null>
0026Stop Conversion Processing ("No data source was found for
the source environment.")
0027End If
0028End If
0029 If VA rpt_szArchive
DataSource_DATS is equal to VA rpt_szPurgeDataSource_DATS
0030 Stop Conversion
Processing ("The source and archive
environments have the same data source")
0032 // Open a table with the same table name in the output
The table
0033 // will be renamed later if the table name processing option was
0034 //Replace the X's in the following statement to reflect the
of your table.
0035 Copy Table Environment("FXXXX", <None>, SL Source
PO szArchiveEnvironmentName, <Yes>, <Yes>, <No>, <None>, <None>,
0036 // Open a handle to the archive table
0037 //
Replace the X's in the following statements to reflect the
name of your handle and
0038 VA rpt_FXXXXHandle_HFXXXX = FXXXX.Open Handle
0039 If VA rpt_
FXXXXHandle_HFXXXX is equal to <Null>
0040 Stop Conversion Processing ("Failed
to open FXXXX in the
archive environment")
0041 End If
0042 End If
0043 End If
0044 End If
0045 End If
0046 End If
Deleting Groups of Records
3-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
In this example, the system writes log messages to the JDE.log and JDEDEBUG.log
files on the Stop Conversion Processing event.
13. On the Selection for Batch Delete form, select the Row Fetched event, and click
Advanced ER.
14. On Event Rules Design, enter these row fetched event rules from R42119P, save the
event rules, and quit Event Rules Design:
001 // If we are archiving the purged records, write the record to the archive
0002 //Replace the X's in the following statements to reflect the name of
your handle and table. Map the fields included in your table.
0003 If PO cArchive
Records is equal to "1"
0004 FXXXX(VA rpt_FXXXXHandle_HFXXXX).Insert
IC Order
Company(Order Number) -> TK Order Company(Order Number)
IC Document(Order
No,Invoice,etc.) -> TK Document(Order No,Invoice,etc.)
IC Order Type -> TK
Order Type
IC Line Number -> TK Line Number
IC Order Suffix -> TK Order Suffix
IC Business Unit -> TK Business Unit
IC Company -> TK Company
IC Document
Company(Original Order) -> TK Document Company(Original Order)
IC Original
Order Number -> TK Original Order Number
IC Original Order Type -> TK Original
Order Type
IC Original Line Number -> TK Original Line Number
IC Company-Key
(Related Order) -> TK Company-Key (Related Order)
IC Related PO/SO/WO Number ->
TK Related PO/SO/WO Number
IC Related PO/SO/WO Order Type -> TK Related PO/SO
/WO Order Type
IC Related PO/SO Line Number -> TK Related PO/SO Line Number
Agreement Number-Distribution -> TK Agreement Number-Distribution
IC Agreement
Supplement-Distribution -> TK Agreement Supplement-Distribution
IC Address
Number -> TK Address Number
IC Address Number-Ship To -> TK Address Number-Ship
Note: Ensure that you map all event rule variables, even if you do
not use every value.
Deleting Groups of Records
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-29
IC Address Number-Parent -> TK Address Number-Parent
IC Date-Requested ->
TK Date-Requested
IC Date-Order/Transaction -> TK Date-Order/Transaction
Date-Scheduled Pick -> TK Date-Scheduled Pick
IC Date-Actual Ship Date -> TK
Date-Actual Ship Date
IC Date-Invoice -> TK Date-Invoice
IC Date-Cancel -> TK
IC Date-For G/L(and Voucher) -> TK Date-For G/L(and Voucher)
Date-Promised Delivery -> TK Date-Promised Delivery
IC Date-Price Effective
Date -> TK Date-Price Effective Date
IC Date-Promised Shipment -> TK Date-
Promised Shipment
IC Reference -> TK Reference
IC Reference 2 -> TK Reference
IC Item Number-Short -> TK Item Number-Short
IC 2nd Item Number -> TK 2nd
Item Number
IC 3rd Item Number -> TK 3rd Item Number
IC Location -> TK
IC Lot/Serial Number -> TK Lot/Serial Number
IC From Grade -> TK
From Grade
IC Thru Grade -> TK Thru Grade
IC From Potency -> TK From Potency
IC Thru Potency -> TK Thru Potency
IC Days Before Expiration -> TK Days Before
IC Description -> TK Description
IC Description-Line 2 -> TK
Description-Line 2
IC Line Type -> TK Line Type
IC Status Code-Next -> TK
Status Code-Next
IC Status Code-Last -> TK Status Code-Last
IC Business Unit -
Header -> TK Business Unit - Header
IC Item Number - Related (Kit) -> TK Item
Number - Related (Kit)
IC Kit Master Line Number -> TK Kit Master Line Number
IC Component Line Number -> TK Component Line Number
IC Related Kit Component -
> TK Related Kit Component
IC Number of Component Per Parent -> TK Number of
Deleting Groups of Records
3-30 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
Component Per Parent
IC Sales Catalog Section -> TK Sales Catalog Section
Sub Section -> TK Sub Section
IC Sales Category Code 3 -> TK Sales Category
Code 3
IC Sales Category Code 4 -> TK Sales Category Code 4
IC Sales Category
Code 5 -> TK Sales Category Code 5
IC Commodity Class -> TK Commodity Class
IC Commodity Sub Class -> TK Commodity Sub Class
IC Supplier Rebate Code -> TK
Supplier Rebate Code
IC Master Planning Family -> TK Master Planning Family
IC Purchasing Category Code 5 -> TK Purchasing Category Code 5
IC Unit of
Measure as Input -> TK Unit of Measure as Input
IC Units-Order/Transaction
Quantity -> TK Units-Order/Transaction Quantity
IC Quantity Shipped -> TK
Quantity Shipped
IC Units-Qty Backordered/Held -> TK Units-Qty Backordered/Held
IC Units-Quantity Canceled/Scrapped -> TK Units-Quantity Canceled/Scrapped
Units-Future Quantity Committed -> TK Units-Future Quantity Committed
IC Units-
Open -> TK Units-Open
IC Units-Shipped to Date -> TK Units-Shipped to Date
Units-Relieved -> TK Units-Relieved
IC Committed (H/S) -> TK Committed (H/S)
IC Other Quantity (1/2) -> TK Other Quantity (1/2)
IC Amount-Price per Unit ->
TK Amount-Price per Unit
IC Amount-Extended Price -> TK Amount-Extended Price
IC Amount-Open -> TK Amount-Open
IC Price Override Code -> TK Price Override
IC Temporary Price (Y/N) -> TK Temporary Price (Y/N)
IC Unit of Measure-
Entered for Unit Price -> TK Unit of Measure-
Entered for Unit Price
IC Amount-
List Price -> TK Amount-List Price
IC Amount-Unit Cost -> TK Amount-Unit Cost
IC Amount-Extended Cost -> TK Amount-Extended Cost
IC Cost Override Code -> TK
Cost Override Code
IC Extended Cost-Transfer -> TK Extended Cost-Transfer
Print Message -> TK Print Message
IC Payment Terms Code -> TK Payment Terms Code
Deleting Groups of Records
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-31
IC Payment Instrument -> TK Payment Instrument
IC Based on Date -> TK Based
on Date
IC Discount-Trade -> TK Discount-Trade
IC Trade Discount (Old) -> TK
Trade Discount (Old)
IC Price and Adjustment Schedule -> TK Price and
Adjustment Schedule
IC Item Price Group -> TK Item Price Group
IC Pricing
Category Level -> TK Pricing Category Level
IC Discount %-Cash -> TK Discount %-
IC Document Company -> TK Document Company
IC Document
(Voucher,Invoice,etc.) -> TK Document(Voucher,Invoice,etc.)
IC Document Type ->
TK Document Type
IC Document-Original -> TK Document-Original
IC Document
Type-Original -> TK Document Type-Original
IC Document Company-Original -> TK
Document Company-Original
IC Pick Slip Number -> TK Pick Slip Number
Delivery Number -> TK Delivery Number
IC Sales Taxable(Y/N) -> TK Sales Taxable
IC Tax Rate/Area -> TK Tax Rate/Area
IC Tax Expl Code 1 -> TK Tax Expl
Code 1
IC Associated Text -> TK Associated Text
IC Priority-Processing -> TK
IC Printed Code -> TK Printed Code
IC Backorders Allowed
(Y/N) -> TK Backorders Allowed (Y/N)
IC Substitutes Allowed (Y/N) -> TK
Substitutes Allowed (Y/N)
IC Partial Line Shipments Allowed (Y/N) -> TK Partial
Line Shipments Allowed (Y/N)
IC Line of Business -> TK Line of Business
End Use -> TK End Use
IC Duty Status -> TK Duty Status
IC Nature of
Transaction -> TK Nature of Transaction
IC Primary/Last Supplier Number -> TK
Primary/Last Supplier Number
Deleting Groups of Records
3-32 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
IC Carrier Number -> TK Carrier Number
IC Mode
of Transport -> TK Mode of Transport
IC Route Code -> TK Route Code
IC Stop
Code -> TK Stop Code
IC Zone Number -> TK Zone Number
IC Container I.D. -> TK
Container I.D.
IC Freight Handling Code -> TK Freight Handling Code
Shipping Commodity Class -> TK Shipping Commodity Class
IC Shipping Conditions
Code -> TK Shipping Conditions Code
IC Serial Number-Lot -> TK Serial Number-Lot
IC Unit of Measure-Primary -> TK Unit of Measure-Primary
IC Units-Primary
Quantity Ordered -> TK Units-Primary Quantity Ordered
IC Unit of Measure-
Secondary -> TK Unit of Measure-Secondary
IC Units-Secondary Quantity Ordered -
> TK Units-Secondary Quantity Ordered
IC Unit of Measure-Pricing -> TK Unit
of Measure-Pricing
IC Unit Weight -> TK Unit Weight
IC Weight Unit of Measure
-> TK Weight Unit of Measure
IC Unit Volume -> TK Unit Volume
IC Volume Unit
of Measure -> TK Volume Unit of Measure
IC Reprice (Basket Price) Category ->
TK Reprice (Basket Price) Category
IC Order Reprice Category -> TK Order
Reprice Category
IC Order Repriced Indicator -> TK Order Repriced Indicator
IC Costing Method-Inventory -> TK Costing Method-Inventory
IC G/L Offset -> TK
G/L Offset
IC Century -> TK Century
IC Fiscal Year -> TK Fiscal Year
Inter Branch Sales -> TK Inter Branch Sales
IC On Hand Updated -> TK On Hand
IC Configurator Print Flag -> TK Configurator Print Flag
IC Sales
Order Status 04 -> TK Sales Order Status 04
IC Substitute Item Indicator -> TK
Substitute Item Indicator
IC Preference Commitment Indicator -> TK Preference
Commitment Indicator
IC Ship date (PDDJ) overridden -> TK Ship date (PDDJ)
Deleting Groups of Records
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-33
IC Price Adjustment Line Indicator -> TK Price Adjustment Line
IC Price Adj. History Indicator -> TK Price Adj. History Indicator
IC Preference Production Allocation -> TK Preference Production Allocation
Transfer/Direct Ship/Intercompany Flag -> TK Transfer/Direct Ship/
IC Deferred entries flag -> TK Deferred entries flag
IC Euro Conversion
Status Flag -> TK Euro Conversion Status Flag
IC Sales Order Status 14 -> TK
Sales Order Status 14
IC Sales Order Status 15 -> TK Sales Order Status 15
Apply Commission(Y/N) -> TK Apply Commission(Y/N)
IC Commission Category -> TK
Commission Category
IC Reason Code -> TK Reason Code
IC Gross Weight -> TK
Gross Weight
IC Gross Weight Unit of Measure -> TK Gross Weight Unit of Measure
IC Subledger-G/L -> TK Subledger-G/L
IC Subledger Type -> TK Subledger Type
IC Code-Location Tax Status -> TK Code-Location Tax Status
IC Price Code 1 ->
TK Price Code 1
IC Price Code 2 -> TK Price Code 2
IC Price Code 3 -> TK
Price Code 3
IC Status-In Warehouse -> TK Status-In Warehouse
IC Work Order
Freeze Code -> TK Work Order Freeze Code
IC Send Method -> TK Send Method
Currency Code-From -> TK Currency Code-From
IC Currency Conversion Rate-Spot
Rate -> TK Currency Conversion Rate-Spot Rate
IC Amount-List Price per Unit ->
TK Amount-List Price per Unit
IC Amount-Foreign Price per Unit -> TK Amount-
Foreign Price per Unit
IC Amount-Foreign Extended Price -> TK Amount-Foreign
Extended Price
IC Amount-Foreign Unit Cost -> TK Amount-Foreign Unit Cost
Amount-Foreign Extended Cost -> TK Amount-Foreign Extended Cost
IC User
Reserved Code -> TK User Reserved Code
IC User Reserved Date -> TK User
Reserved Date
IC User Reserved Amount -> TK User Reserved Amount
IC User
Reserved Number -> TK User Reserved Number
IC User Reserved Reference -> TK
User Reserved Reference
Deleting Groups of Records
3-34 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
IC Transaction Originator -> TK Transaction Originator
IC User ID -> TK User ID
IC Program ID -> TK Program ID
IC Work Station ID -
> TK Work Station ID
IC Date-Updated -> TK Date-Updated
IC Time of Day ->
TK Time of Day
IC Manufacturing Variance Accounting Flag -> TK Manufacturing
Variance Accounting Flag
IC Sales Order Status 17 -> TK Sales Order Status 17
IC Sales Order Status 18 -> TK Sales Order Status 18
IC Sales Order Status 19 -
> TK Sales Order Status 19
IC Sales Order Status 20 -> TK Sales Order Status
IC Integration Reference 01 -> TK Integration Reference 01
IC Integration
Reference 02 -> TK Integration Reference 02
IC Integration Reference 03 -> TK
Integration Reference 03
IC Integration Reference 04 -> TK Integration
Reference 04
IC Integration Reference 05 -> TK Integration Reference 05
Source of Order -> TK Source of Order
IC Reference -> TK Reference
IC Demand
Unique Key ID -> TK Demand Unique Key ID
IC Pull Signal -> TK Pull Signal
Release Number -> TK Release Number
IC Scheduled Shipment Time -> TK Scheduled
Shipment Time
IC Time-Rlease -> TK Time-Rlease
IC Date-Rlease -> TK Date-
IC Requested Delivery Time -> TK Requested Delivery Time
IC Actual
Shipment Time -> TK Actual Shipment Time
IC Time-Original Promised Delivery ->
TK Time-Original Promised Delivery
IC Time-Scheduled Pick -> TK Time-Scheduled
IC Time-Future Time 2 -> TK Time-Future Time 2
IC Cross-Docking Flag ->
TK Cross-Docking Flag
IC Cross-Docking Priority for Sales Orders -> TK Cross-
Priority for Sales Orders
IC Dual Unit of Measure Item -> TK Dual Unit
of Measure Item
IC Buying Segment Code -> TK Buying Segment Code
IC Current
Buying Segment Code -> TK Current Buying Segment Code
IC Change Order Number ->
TK Change Order Number
Deleting Groups of Records
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-35
IC Address Number-Deliver To -> TK Address Number-
Deliver To
IC Pending Approval Flag -> TK Pending Approval Flag
IC Revision
Reason -> TK Revision Reason
IC Matrix Control Line Number -> TK Matrix
Control Line Number
IC Shipment Number -> TK Shipment Number
IC Promised
Delivery Time -> TK Promised Delivery Time
IC Project Number -> TK Project
IC Sequence Number -> TK Sequence Number
IC Item Revision Level -> TK
Item Revision Level
IC Hold Orders Code -> TK Hold Orders Code
IC Business
Unit-Header -> TK Business Unit-Header
IC Business Unit-Demand -> TK Business
IC Currency Code-Base -> TK Currency Code-Base
IC Document Line
Number-Original -> TK Document Line Number-Original
IC Date-Original Promised
Delivery -> TK Date-Original Promised Delivery
IC Cross Dock Order Company
(OrderNumber) -> TK Cross Dock Order
IC Cross Dock Order No -
> TK Cross Dock Order No
IC Cross Dock Order Type -> TK Cross Dock Order Type
IC Cross Dock Line Number -> TK Cross Dock Line Number
IC Cross Dock Order
Suffix -> TK Cross Dock Order Suffix
IC Port of Entry or Exit -> TK Port of
Entry or Exit
IC Payment Terms Override Code -> TK Payment Terms Override Code
IC Buyer Number -> TK Buyer Number
IC Promotion ID -> TK Promotion ID
Asset Item Number -> TK Asset Item Number
IC Parent Number -> TK Parent Number
0005 // Do not delete the record if the insert to the archive table failed.
0006 If
SV Error_Status is not equal to CO ERROR
0007 Delete Current Input Row
0008 End
0009 Else
0010 Delete Current Input Row
0011 End If
Deleting Groups of Records
3-36 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
15. On the Selection for Batch Delete form, select the Process End event, and click
Advanced ER.
16. On Event Rules Design, enter these process end event rules from R42119P, save the
event rules, and quit Event Rules Design:
0001 If PO cArchiveRecords is equal to "1"
0002 // Close the table
0003 //Replace
the X's in the following statement to reflect the
name of your handle and table.
0004 FXXXX(VA rpt_FXXXXHandle_HFXXXX).Close
0005 // If the data was archived and
the table name processing option was
0006 // rename the table.
0007 If PO
szArchiveTableName is not equal to <Blank>
And PO szArchiveTableName is not
equal to <Null>
0008 Rename Table (B0000202)
"FXXXX" -> szOldTableName
PO sz
ArchiveTableName -> szNewTableName
"<Blank>" -> szTableOwnerID
"<Blank>" -> sz
VA rpt_szArchiveDataSource_DATS -> szDataSource
VA rpt_cRenameFlag_
EV01 <- cRenameTableSuccessful
0009 End If
0010 End If
3.8.2 Prerequisites
Before you begin defining the input and output environments for copying data, ensure
that you review these tasks:
â–  Defining External Data for Table Conversions.
â–  Defining Input and Output Environments for Table Conversions.
Note: Ensure that you map all parameters to a field, even if you do
not use every value.
Note: Ensure that you map all parameters to a field, even if you do
not use every value.
See Also:
â–  Deleting Groups of Records.
â–  "Understanding Hanldes" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Table Design Guide.
Deleting Groups of Records
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-37
â–  Defining Table Conversion Input.
â–  Defining Data Copy Actions.
â–  Specifying Table Conversion Logging Options.
â–  Reviewing Table Conversion Results.
3.8.3 Defining Batch Deletion Actions
Access the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Director.
1. Select Batch Delete, and click Next.
2. On the External Data form, select a processing option template, define a data
structure, as appropriate, and click Next.
3. On the Select Environments form, select a source environment, and click Next.
4. On the Select Input form, drag the appropriate table to the Description column,
and click Next.
To delete an input table, select it and press Delete.
5. On the Table Options form, select Run Currency Triggers, if appropriate, and click
Select this option if a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne table included in the table
conversion contains currency triggers. If a table contains currency fields and you
do not select this option, the system cannot determine where the decimal should
be placed within a field. If you do not select the currency trigger option and the
source or destination fields are currency fields used in a calculation, you might
receive unexpected results.
Do not select Run Currency Triggers if the input and output data sources are the
same type (for example, Oracle, IBM i, or SQL Server) and no calculations are
being performed. Selecting this option results in slower processing.
You should not use currency triggers for an environment that has a path code that
is different from the sign-in environment.
6. On the Data Selection form, define data selection as appropriate.
7. Select the Row Fetched event when deleting rows; otherwise, no records are
When you run the table conversion, the system fetches the rows one at a time, runs
the conversion for each row, and deletes the record from the input.
8. Click Advanced ER to insert additional event rule logic.
9. Verify that the Delete All Selected Records option is selected, and click Next.
This option inserts the Delete Current Input Row system function into event rules.
10. On the Logging Options form, select logging options, as appropriate, and click
11. On the Finish form, select a version option, and click Finish.
Note: If you change the table, the system warns you that deleting
tables removes all mappings from the table conversion.
Using Event Rules in Table Conversions
3-38 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
3.9 Using Event Rules in Table Conversions
This section provides an overview of event rules in table conversions and discusses
how to create event rules in table conversions.
3.9.1 Understanding Event Rules in Table Conversions
You can use event rules to build complex functional logic into table conversions. For
example, you can use event rules to insert information into a table or delete rows in a
table based on specific conditions.
You attach event rules to an event, such as:
â–  Process Begin
â–  Row Fetched
â–  Format Fetched
â–  Process End
Event rules in table conversions include system functions that are specific to JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Design Aid. Table Conversion System Functions
This table describes each system function that you can use in table conversion event
System Function Description
CopyTableDataSource Enables you to copy a table or range of tables
from one data source to another. The system
copies tables based on specifications in the
CopyTableEnvironment Enables you to copy a table or range of tables
from one environment to another. The system
copies tables based on specifications in the
input and output environments. If the
specifications differ, the system performs a
map-and-drop. This means that it creates a
mapping between like fields in the source and
destination tables and ignores all other fields.
TCInsertRow The table conversion system inserts this
system function when you select the Issue a
write for this event? option and it cannot be
moved. This function instructs the system that
data should be written to the output table.
UserInsertRow Enables you to specify when and where a row
is inserted into the specified output table.
DeleteCurrentInputRow Enables you to delete the current record from
the input table.
UpdateCurrentInputRow Enables you to update the current record in
the input table after it has been modified.
SetSelectionAppendFlag Enables you to determine whether selection
criteria that is added by the system function
SetUserSelection on the input table should be
appended to the existing selection criteria or if
it should replace the existing selection criteria.
Using Event Rules in Table Conversions
Setting Up Table Conversions 3-39
3.9.2 Creating Event Rules in Table Conversions
Access a table conversion form that includes an Advanced ER button.
1. From the Events drop-down list, select the event to which you want to attach
event rules, and click Advanced ER.
2. On the Event Rules Design form, select any of these options to define specific
business logic:
– Assignment
Select this option to assign a fixed value, a field, or a mathematical expression
to a field or variable.
– If\While
Select this option to create If and While logic statements, which are conditional
instructions for event rule logic.
– Business Function
Select this option to attach an existing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business
function to an event. Business functions can retrieve a next number value for a
new customer or convert Julian calendar dates to month, day, and year.
– System Function
Select this option to attach an existing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system
function, such as Copy Table Environment or User Insert Row.
– Variables
Select this option to create event rule variables, using existing data items, to
store values for additional processing. Event rule variables can be used to
accumulate totals, record the number of records that are read, and so on.
– Else
Select this option to create Else logic statements. An Else statement is
automatically inserted after an If statement.
– Table I/O
Select this option to open tables in the input, output, or sign-in environment.
Table I/O enables you to read data from tables other than the input table and
use the data to create an output record. For example, suppose that you create a
table conversion that loops through records in the F0101 table. The table
conversion copies the records to another table, loops back through the records
SetUserSelection Enables you to conditionally modify data
selection on the input table. Call
SetSelectionAppendFlag before calling
SetUserSelection to indicate whether to
replace or append to the existing data
See Also:
â–  Understanding the Table Conversion Process Flow.
â–  "Understanding Events, Event Rules, and Runtime Processing" in
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Event Rules Guide.
System Function Description
Using Event Rules in Table Conversions
3-40 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
to find each customer that has a specific employee as a contact, and copies the
information to the output table.
– Report Interconnect
Select this option to connect a batch process or report to the table conversion.
3. Define the logic, save the event rules, and quit Event Rules Design.
See Also:
â–  "Working with Table I/O" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Table Design Guide.
â–  "Using Event Rules Design" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Event Rules Guide.
â–  "Using Business Functions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
APIs and Business Functions Guide.
Running Table Conversions 4-1
Running Table Conversions
This chapter contains the following topics:
â–  Section 4.1, "Understanding Table Conversion Processing"
â–  Section 4.2, "Submitting Table Conversions"
â–  Section 4.3, "Testing Table Conversions"
4.1 Understanding Table Conversion Processing
You run a table conversion by submitting an associated batch version.
To track the table conversion process, you can use the tracing feature. The tracing
feature writes the details of the table conversion process to a log. You can define the
trace level to control the level of detail that is included in the log. When you test a table
conversion, you can select to process the conversion one row at a time, which enables
you to isolate problems or unexpected results.
4.2 Submitting Table Conversions
This section provides overviews of submitting table conversions and overriding table
conversion properties and discusses how to:
â–  Override table conversion properties at runtime.
â–  Override table conversion properties of new versions.
â–  Override table conversion locations.
â–  Run table conversions on the web client.
4.2.1 Understanding Submitting Table Conversions
When you submit versions of table conversions, you can override table conversion
properties, such as:
â–  Input and output environments.
â–  Trace level.
â–  Location where the table conversion is processed.
Overriding the location where you process the table conversion enables you to
process the table conversion even if the server that you normally use is inoperable.
Submitting Table Conversions
4-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
4.2.2 Understanding Overriding Table Conversion Properties
When you submit versions of table conversions, you can override these properties: Table Conversions on the Web Client
Submitting versions of table conversions from the web client is different from
submitting them from the Microsoft Windows client. From the web client, you cannot
modify properties. You can select and modify processing options and you can select
these options:
â–  Override Location
â–  Override Job Queue
â–  Submit Version Specifications Only
â–  Data Selection
See "Copying Batch Version Specifications to an Enterprise Server" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Batch Versions Guide.
4.2.3 Forms Used to Submit Table Conversions
See Also: â– "Submitting Table Conversions from the Microsoft
Windows Client" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Batch
Versions Guide.
â–  "Accessing Properties for Versions of Table Conversions" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Batch Versions Guide.
Properties Description
Environments Enables you to change the location of the
input or output data.
Data selection Enables you to limit the number of input
Table options Enables you to control how the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Table Conversion system
processes records during the conversion.
Logging options Enables you to modify logging options.
Debug logging Enables you to override the setting for debug
logging as defined in the jde.ini.
Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With Batch
Versions - Available
Ve rs i on s
W98305A EnterpriseOne Life
Cycle Tools, Report
(GH9111), Batch
Ve rs i on s
Enter a table
conversion template,
and select a version.
Table Conversion
W98305D Highlight a version on
the Work With Batch
Versions form, and
click Select.
Work with versions.
Submitting Table Conversions
Running Table Conversions 4-3
4.2.4 Overriding Table Conversion Properties at Runtime
Access the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form.
1. Enter the name of the table conversion template in the Batch Application field, and
click Find.
The name of the Batch Application field changes to Table Conversion.
You can also use the visual assist in the Batch Application field to search for the
correct table conversion.
2. Select a batch version, and click Select.
3. On the Table Conversion Prompting form, select Properties, and click Submit.
4. On the Properties form, review and override the environments, data selection,
table options, and logging options that specified in the table conversion.
These forms are similar to the forms in Table Conversion Design Aid.
5. Select the Debug Logging tab to perform these functions:
– Select the Use ini settings for trace level and number of rows to process option
to use the jde.ini settings for the trace level and row-by-row conversion
This option ensures that the system uses the settings that are defined in the
jde.ini instead of the values that are entered in the Trace Level and Number of
Rows fields.
– Clear the Use ini settings for trace level and number of rows to process option
to override the trace level in the jde.ini. Enter a value from 0 to 10 in the Trace
Level field.
– Clear the Use ini settings for trace level and number of rows to process option
to convert a specific number of records (for example, if you want to test the
table conversion). Enter the number of rows to process in the Number of Rows
When you enter 0 in the Number of Rows field, the system processes all rows.
Properties NA Select the Properties
option on the Table
Prompting form, and
click Submit.
Review and override
the environments,
data selection, table
options, and logging
options that are
specified within the
JD Edwards Data
W98305B Select the Override
Location option on the
Table Conversion
Prompting form, and
click Submit.
Select a data source to
use as an override
Note: When you override table conversion properties at runtime, the
overrides are for that single process only; they are not saved with the
Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Submitting Table Conversions
4-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
This option corresponds to the StopAfterRow setting in the jde.ini file. If you
enter a value here, you override any specifications in the jde.ini.
6. Click OK to save the changes to the version.
The system processes the table conversion.
4.2.5 Overriding Table Conversion Properties of New Versions
Access the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form.
1. Enter the name of the table conversion in the Batch Application field, and click
The name of the Batch Application field changes to Table Conversion.
You can also use the visual assist in the Batch Application field to search for the
correct table conversion.
2. Add a new version of the table conversion, complete the version information, and
click OK.
3. On the Table Conversion Version Design form, select the Tools tab, and click
4. On the Properties form, review and override the environments, data selection,
table options, and logging options that are specified in the table conversion.
These forms are similar to the forms in Table Conversion Design Aid.
5. To use debug logging, select the Debug Logging tab to perform these functions:
– Select the Use ini settings for trace level and number of rows to process option
to use the jde.ini settings for the trace level and row-by-row conversion
This option ensures that the system uses the settings that are defined in the
jde.ini instead of the values that are entered in the Trace Level and Number of
Rows fields.
– Clear the Use ini settings for trace level and number of rows to process option
to override the trace level in the jde.ini. Enter a value from 0 to 10 in the Trace
Level field.
– Clear the Use ini settings for trace level and number of rows to process option
to convert a specific number of records (for example, if you want to test the
table conversion). Enter the number of rows to process in the Number of Rows
When you enter 0 in the Number of Rows field, the system processes all rows.
This option corresponds to the StopAfterRow setting in the jde.ini file. If you
enter a value here, you override any specifications in the jde.ini file.
See Also:
â–  Testing Table Conversions.
Note: If you override table conversion properties from the Tools tab,
the new properties are saved with the version.
Testing Table Conversions
Running Table Conversions 4-5
4.2.6 Overriding Table Conversion Locations
Access the Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions form.
1. Enter the name of the table conversion in the Batch Application field, and click
The name of the Batch Application field changes to Table Conversion.
You can also use the visual assist in the Batch Application field to search for the
correct table conversion.
2. Select a batch version, and click Select.
3. On the Table Conversion Prompting form, select Override Location, and click
4. On the JD Edwards Data Sources form, select the data source to use, and click
4.2.7 Running Table Conversions from the Web Client
From EnterpriseOne Menu, select Submit Job to access the Submit Job-Work With
Batch Versions-Available Versions form.
1. Enter the name of the table conversion in the Batch Application field, and click
The name of the Batch Application field changes to Table Conversion.
2. Select a batch version, and click Select.
3. On the Table Conversion Prompting form, select from these override options, and
click Submit:
– Override Location
– Override Job Queue
– Submit Version Specifications Only
– Data Selection
4. Modify the appropriate property, and submit the batch version.
4.3 Testing Table Conversions
This section provides an overview of table conversion testing and discusses how to:
â–  Set the trace level for debug logging on the workstation.
â–  Set the trace level for debug logging on the server.
â–  Force row-by-row conversion.
4.3.1 Understanding Table Conversion Testing
You can test table conversions in proof mode to ensure that they are processed as
expected without errors. You can log debug information about the conversion while it
See Also:
â–  "Submitting Table Conversions from the Web Client" in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Batch Versions Guide.
Testing Table Conversions
4-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
is being processed. You can also force the conversion to process one row at a time,
which is useful if the conversion normally runs as an insert-from-select.
To log debug information for table conversions, enable tracing and set a trace level in
the jde.ini. Use a value in the range of 0 to 10 for the trace level. These values indicate
the level of detail that you want to include in the log. If necessary, you can override the
jde.ini settings on the batch version of a table conversion.
If you set the trace level for logging at 1, the system logs basic information about the
table conversion, such as:
â–  Name
â–  Inputs
â–  Outputs
â–  Event rule logic
â–  Number of rows inserted
If you set the trace level at 10, the system logs all information about every column in
every format, including:
â–  User-defined formats.
â–  Processing options that are associated with the table conversion.
â–  All other information that is involved in the table conversion process.
The higher that you set the trace level, the more details the system provides regarding
the table conversion process.
You can force row-by-row processing on the workstation or on the server when you
want to test the table conversion. You can also set a trace level on the workstation or
on the server, depending on where you process the table conversion. You can specify
the number of rows to process in combination with forcing a row-by-row conversion. Difference Between Logging Options and Debug Logging
Logging options, which you define when you set up a table conversion, can log:
â–  All errors that occur during the table conversion.
â–  All records that are copied, deleted, or updated.
â–  Details of copy table actions.
Debug logging logs more detailed information about the table conversion. This
information enables you to determine the exact area in the table conversion where
errors occurred. Trace Levels
You can define a trace level for debug logging either on a workstation or on a server,
depending on where you run the table conversion.
This table describes the logging information for each trace level:
Note: If you modify the debug logging in the batch version, you
override the settings in the jde.ini.
Testing Table Conversions
Running Table Conversions 4-7
4.3.2 Setting the Trace Level for Debug Logging on the Workstation
To define the trace level for debug logging on the workstation.
1. Open the jde.ini on the workstation.
2. To enable tracing and to set the trace level on a workstation, add this new
information to the [TCEngine] section of the jde.ini:
where n is a number from 0 through 10.
3. To enable tracing and to set the trace level on a workstation, modify this
information in the [Debug] and [UBE] sections of the jde.ini:
Trace Level Logging Information
Level 1 Logs general information about the
conversion, such as name, inputs, outputs,
event rule logic, and how many rows were
Level 2 Logs function call traces, such as starting
conversion, ending conversion, and inserting
rows. Also includes all level 1 information.
Level 3 Logs the points at which event rules are
processed. Also includes all level 1 and level 2
Level 4 Not applicable.
Level 5 Logs the points at which jdeCallObject is
processed, such as calls to business functions
from event rules. Also includes all level 1,
level 2, and level 3 information.
Levels 6-8 Not applicable.
Level 9 Logs the content of columns during input, the
processing of event rules, and the content
before output. Also includes all level 1, level 2,
level 3, and level 5 information.
Level 10 Logs all information for all applicable levels.
Important: Do not set the trace level at 10 when running a table
conversion on tables that contain large amounts of data. The system
writes the data to the server, and large amounts of data can cause the
server to run out of disk space. You can, however, specify the number
of rows to process on the batch version properties form.
Testing Table Conversions
4-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
4.3.3 Setting the Trace Level for Debug Logging on the Server
To define the trace level for debug logging on the server.
1. To enable tracing and to set the trace level on a server, set the following
information in the [TCEngine] section of the server jde.ini:
where n is a number from 0 to 10.
2. To enable tracing and to set the trace level on a server, modify this information in
the [Debug] section of the server jde.ini:
4.3.4 Forcing Row-By-Row Conversion
To force row-by-row conversion and specify the number of rows to process:
1. Open the jde.ini file.
2. To force row-by-row conversion, add this new information to the [TCEngine]
section of the jde.ini:
_Continue -
3. To specify the number of rows to process, add this new information to the
[TCEngine] section of the jde.ini:
where n is the number of rows that you want to process.
Preparing Foreign Tables for Table Conversion 5-1
Preparing Foreign Tables for Table
This chapter contains the following topics:
â–  Section 5.1, "Understanding Foreign Tables"
â–  Section 5.2, "Adding Data Sources"
â–  Section 5.3, "Adding Environments"
â–  Section 5.4, "Setting Up Default OCM Mappings"
5.1 Understanding Foreign Tables
Foreign tables are text files, or any other files or tables, that are not recognized by
Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software. However, they must reside in a database
that is supported by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, such as:
â–  Oracle
â–  Access
â–  IBM i
â–  SQL Server
Before you can work with foreign tables in Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table
Conversion Design Aid, you must define the database to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.
This definition is created when you set up an ODBC data source or an Oracle Call
Interface (OCI) data source that points to the database where the foreign tables reside.
You must also add a data source in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne that points to the
ODBC or OCI data source that you defined. For each ODBC data source, database
instance, or library that contains foreign tables, you must set up an environment. The
environment points to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data source, which in turn
points to the database or library. In addition, you must set up an ODBC mapping from
the data source to the environment.
Adding Data Sources
5-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
5.2 Adding Data Sources
This section discusses how to add Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne data sources.
5.2.1 Forms Used to Add Data Sources
5.2.2 Adding Data Sources
Access the Data Source Revisions form.
Note: When you work with foreign tables, you must discuss
database permissions with a database administrator. Your JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne user ID (or, if you are using the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne security server feature, the database user to which it
maps) might need to be changed to give you permissions to use the
tables in the foreign database. Without these permissions, you cannot
view the foreign tables in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table
Conversion Design Aid. Under certain conditions, the table
conversion engine must create temporary tables in the output
environment and requires create-and-drop permissions for the
Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Machine Search &
W986115E EnterpriseOne Life
Cycle Tools, System
Administration Tools,
Administration Tools
(GH9011), Data
Source Management,
Database Data
Select where the data
source resides.
Work With Data
W986115A Select the appropriate
machine on which the
data source resides,
and then click Select
on the Machine Search
& Select form.
Add a data source, or
select a data source to
Data Source Revisions W986115O Click Add on the
Work With Data
Sources form.
Add JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne data
Enter data source
name, use, type, data
class, platform, server
name, database name,
and owner.
Adding Data Sources
Preparing Foreign Tables for Table Conversion 5-3
Figure 5–1 Data Source Revisions form
Data Source Name
Enter a unique name that identifies the data source.
Data Source Use
Select a user-defined code (UDC) (98|SU) that indicates how the data source is
configured. Select Servers (SVR) to run UBEs and business functions. Select Database
(DB) to access table data.
Only database data sources are used to access data in tables.
Data Source Type
Select a UDC (98|DD) that indicates the type of database.
Data Class
Select a UDC (H96|DU) that describes the type of tables in the database, such as
business data, control tables, and data dictionary.
Select a UDC (H93|PL) that indicates the type of physical hardware that the database
resides on, such as IBM Power Systems,Linux, and Sun Microsystems.
Database Server Name
Select the enterprise server where the database or file resides.
Adding Data Sources
5-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
Object Owner ID
Enter the database table prefix or owner. This field is available for these data source
â–  SQL Server OLEDB
â–  SQL Server ODBC
â–  OEE
â–  Oracle
Database Name
Enter the name that was assigned to the database during installation, such as
How this field is used depends on the data source type. If an Oracle data source is
added, then this field contains the Oracle connect string. If a Microsoft Access,
SQL*Server, or Client Access data source is added, then this field contains the
Windows ODBC data source name. To minimize the number of connections to
SQL*Server, the ODBC data source name should be the machine name where the
SQL*Server database resides and the catalog name should be defined using the
individual database name. For example, if you have two databases, DatabaseA and
DatabaseB, on a machine called INTELNT, this field should contain INTELNT and the
catalog name should be set to DatabaseA for one data source and DatabaseB for the
other data source.
The data source name can be different from the ODBC or Oracle database name, if
Database Instance
Enter the name of the server instance. This name is required for these data source
â–  SQL Server OLEDB
â–  SQL Server ODBC
ODBC Data Source Name
Enter the name that is assigned to the database during installation, such as
HPDEVORAP or HP9000. This field is available for these data source types:
â–  Access
â–  SQL Server ODBC
â–  DB2 UDB on OS/390
â–  DB2 for IBM i
Adding Environments
Preparing Foreign Tables for Table Conversion 5-5
â–  IBM DB2 for LUW (Linux, UNIX, Windows)
Enter the database table prefix or owner. This field is available for these data source
â–  DB2 UDB on OS/390
â–  IBM DB2 for LUW (Linux, UNIX, Windows)
Database Alias Name
Enter the name of the database. This field is available for these data source types:
â–  DB2 UDB on OS/390
â–  IBM DB2 for LUW (Linux, UNIX, Windows)
Library Name
Enter the name of the database. This field is available for the DB2 for IBM i data source
5.3 Adding Environments
The easiest way to add an environment to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is to copy an
existing environment.
This section discusses how to add JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environments.
5.3.1 Forms Used to Add Environments
5.3.2 Adding Environments
Access the Work With Environments form.
1. Click the environment that most closely matches the environment that you want to
For example, you might click the environment that you are signed in to or any
other environment that you can access from the workstation.
2. From the Row menu, select Copy Environment.
Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Work With
W0094E EnterpriseOne Life
Cycle Tools, System
Administration Tools,
Administration Tools,
Environment Master
Select an environment
to copy.
Copy Environment W0094B Click an environment
to copy, and select
Copy Environment
from the Row menu
on the Work With
Environments form.
Enter a name for the
new environment.
Setting Up Default OCM Mappings
5-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
On the Copy Environment form, enter a name for the new environment in the
New Environment field.
4. To copy only the *PUBLIC OCM mappings of an environment, select Copy
*PUBLIC Records Only and click OK.
The Copy *PUBLIC Records Only option is selected by default. Clear the option to
copy all mappings for the environment, including individual users and *PUBLIC.
5.4 Setting Up Default OCM Mappings
This section provides an overview of OCM mappings and discusses how to set up
default OCM mappings.
5.4.1 Understanding OCM Mappings
You must map all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne objects, including tables, by
environment. You can map all objects of a specific object type using a single map, or
you can define individual mappings by object name. When you define a default OCM
mapping, you can select an existing environment and map the objects for that
environment to the data sources where those objects exist.
You must create a default map for the table (TBLE) object type. Create this mapping
â–  Literal value of DEFAULT as the object name.
This option enables you to map all tables in an environment to a specific data
â–  TBLE as the object type.
You must also indicate the data source where this table object resides. When you create
a default map for the TBLE object type, all table objects point to the default data source
unless the table has its own specific mapping. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Table
Conversion Design Aid uses this mapping for foreign tables.
To map a specific TBLE object type to a data source that is different from the
DEFAULT, enter the table name as the object name. For example, F0002 is mapped to
Control Tables-Test while the DEFAULT table mapping is mapped to Business
Data-Test. The system reads the DEFAULT mapping for all tables except the F0002
Each environment must have a default map for table objects for the *PUBLIC user
profile because no inherent default location exists for table objects. If table objects do
not have a default map and are not explicitly mapped by name, JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne produces a Select/Failed error message when it tries to access the
tables. Additionally, the tables do not appear in the input or output forms in JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Table Conversion Design Aid.
See Also:
â–  "Setting Up Environments" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools
Configurable Network Computing Implementation Guide.
Setting Up Default OCM Mappings
Preparing Foreign Tables for Table Conversion 5-7
5.4.2 Forms Used to Set Up Default OCM Mappings
5.4.3 Setting Up Default OCM Mappings
Access the Object Mapping Revisions form.
Form Name FormID Navigation Usage
Machine Search and
W986110D EnterpriseOne Life
Cycle Tools, System
Administration Tools,
Administration Tools
(GH9011), Data
Source Management,
Object Configuration
Select a data source.
Work With Object
W986110B Select the appropriate
machine on which the
data source resides,
and then click Select
on the Machine Search
& Select form.
Add, modify, and
copy mappings.
Object Mapping
W986110C Click Add on the
Work With Object
Mappings form.
Enter the environment
name, object name,
primary data source,
system role, object
type, and data source
mode for a new
mapping, and indicate
whether to allow QBE
(query by example)
for the mapping.
Setting Up Default OCM Mappings
5-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
Figure 5–2 Object Mapping Revisions form
Environment Name
Select the name of the environment where the tables reside.
Object Name
Enter DEFAULT or the name of the specific object that you are mapping. The value
DEFAULT creates a default map for all objects of a specific type.
Primary Data Source
Select the name of the primary data source.
System Role
Enter *PUBLIC, or select the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user or role that had
permissions to use these mappings. *PUBLIC gives all users permissions.
Object Type
Select a UDC (98|OM) that indicates the type of object for which you are creating a
Data Source Mode
Select a UDC (98|DM) that indicates whether the primary or secondary data source
should be used.
Secondary Data Source
Select the name of the secondary data source. This field is available only when
secondary has been selected for the data source mode. This data source is used if the
primary data source or the data item in the primary data source cannot be located.
Setting Up Default OCM Mappings
Preparing Foreign Tables for Table Conversion 5-9
Allow QBE (query by example)
Select a UDC (98|QB) that indicates whether row-level record locking is selected for
the data source. Row-level record locking should be selected to help prevent database
integrity issues.
See Also:
â–  "Understanding Object Configuration Manager" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Tools Configurable Network Computing Implementation
â–  "Understanding Data Sources" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Tools Configurable Network Computing Implementation Guide.
Setting Up Default OCM Mappings
5-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Table Conversion Guide
batch delete
A type of batch process that enables the deletion of records from a table or business
business view
A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne object that defines the relationship between two or more
tables and joins the data into a single view. You can use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
business views for input to a table conversion, not for output.
control tables
Tables that contain UDCs, menus, and data dictionary items.
data conversion
A type of batch process that enables the transfer or copying of data from an input table
or business view into output tables using the logic that is necessary to perform the
transfer. You can also use Data Conversion to update records in a table or business
data copy
A type of batch process that enables the copying of tables from one data source or
environment to another data source or environment when the tables are identical.
data copy with table input
A type of batch process that enables the copying of tables based on information from
an input table. For example, the input table might provide information about which
tables are copied, where they are copied, and so on.
foreign tables
Tables that do not have a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne definition but reside in a
database that is supported by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. You must set up a data
source and environment in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne to point to the location of
foreign tables.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables
Tables that exist in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne database and can be accessed from
Object Management Workbench. You can design and modify them using Table Design
Aid. At design time, only the specifications are needed to reference the table. At
runtime, the table must be generated. An instance of the table must occur in a
particular database.
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables
Add EnterpriseOne Object to the Project form, 3-5,
Add Object form, 3-5, 3-7
Advanced Inputs form, 3-13
Batch Application Design form, 3-5, 3-8
Batch Delete
deleting records using, 3-37
example, 3-25
understanding, 3-25
batch versions
overriding table conversion properties, 4-2
processing table conversions, 4-1
business views
using in table conversions, 2-2
Copy Environment form, 5-5, 5-6
data, 3-21
CopyTableDataSource system function, 3-38
CopyTableEnvironment system function, 3-38
copying using Data Copy, 3-21
copying using Data Copy with Table Input, 3-24
understanding converting, 3-6
understanding copying, 3-21
understanding copying with table input, 3-23
Data Changed event, description, 3-4
data conversion
example, 3-7
understanding, 3-6
Data Copy with Table Input, copying data
using, 3-24
Data Copy, copying data using, 3-21
data selection
defining in table conversions, 3-9
understanding in table conversions, 2-3
data sequencing
defining in table conversions, 3-9
understanding in table conversions, 2-3
Data Sequencing form, 3-9
Data Source Revisions form, 5-2
data sources, adding for foreign tables, 5-2
data structures
attaching to table conversions, 3-8
debug logging
defining trace levels for, 4-6
difference from logging options, 4-6
setting the trace level on the server, 4-8
setting the trace level on the workstation, 4-7
default OCM mapping, setting up for foreign
tables, 5-6
DeleteCurrentInputRow, 3-38
environments, adding for foreign tables, 5-5
event flow in table conversions, 3-1
event rules
creating in table conversions, 3-39
understanding in table conversions, 3-38
Event Rules Design form, 3-39
order in which they occur in table
conversions, 3-3
exporting text files, 3-15
External Data form, 3-8
external data, defining for table conversions, 3-8
file formats
defining for table conversions, 3-14
defining multiple format delimited files, 3-17
defining multiple format fixed-width files, 3-20
defining single format delimited files, 3-16
defining single format fixed-width files, 3-19
understanding user-defined, 3-15
Finish form, 3-14
fixed-width multiple format files, defining, 3-20
fixed-width single format files, defining, 3-19
flat files, 2-1
foreign tables
adding a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne environment
for, 5-5
adding data sources for, 5-2
definition of, 2-2
setting up a default OCM mapping for, 5-6
understanding, 5-1
Format Fetched event, description, 3-4
importing text files, 3-15
input environments
defining for table conversions, 3-8
understanding in table conversions, 2-3
defining for table conversions, 3-8
mapping to outputs in table conversions, 3-12
Introduction form, 3-8, 3-21, 3-24, 3-25, 3-37
JD Edwards Data Sources form, 4-3
defining the number of rows to process, 4-8
forcing row-by-row conversion, 4-8
reviewing the logging definition, 4-2
reviewing the StopAfterRow setting, 4-4
reviewing the Trace Level setting, 4-4
setting the trace level for debug logging, 4-8
setting the trace level on the workstation, 4-7
List of values form, 3-11
logging options
deference from debug logging, 4-6
selecting for table conversions, 3-13
Logging Options form, 3-13
Machine Search & Select (W986110D) form, 5-7
Machine Search & Select (W986115E) form, 5-2
Mapping form, 3-12
multiple-format files, defining, 3-17
navigation assistant, understanding, 3-4
New Column Properties form, 3-17, 3-18, 3-19, 3-20
Object Management Workbench form, 3-5, 3-7
Object Mapping Revisions form, 5-7
OCM mappings
setting up for foreign tables, 5-7
output environments
defining for table conversions, 3-8
understanding in table conversions, 2-3
defining in table conversions, 3-11
mapping to inputs in table conversions, 3-12
Process Begin event, description, 3-3
Process End event, description, 3-4
process flow, understanding in table
conversions, 3-1
processing location for table conversions,
overriding, 4-5
processing options, attaching to table
conversions, 3-8
overriding at runtime, 4-3
overriding for new table conversion versions, 4-4
overriding in versions of table conversions, 4-2
Properties form, 4-3, 4-4
Range of values form, 3-10
records, deleting from tables, 3-25
Row Fetched event, description, 3-4
row-by-row conversion, defining in the jde.ini, 4-8
rows to process, defining in the jde.ini, 4-8
Select Actions form, 3-22
Select Environments form, 3-8
Select Input form, 3-9, 3-16, 3-17, 3-19, 3-20
Select Object form, 3-17, 3-19, 3-21
Select Output form, 3-11, 3-16, 3-17, 3-19, 3-20
server, setting the trace level in the jde.ini, 4-8
SetSelectionAppendFlag system function, 3-38
SetUserSelection system function, 3-39
Single value form, 3-10
single-format files, defining, 3-16
adding to the jde.ini, 4-8
overriding the jde.ini, 4-4
Submit Job-Work With Batch Versions-Available
Versions form, 4-5
system functions
CopyTableDataSource, 3-38
CopyTableEnvironment, 3-38
DeleteCurrentInputRow, 3-38
SetSelectionAppendFlag, 3-38
SetUserSelection, 3-39
TCInsertRow, 3-38
UpdateCurrentInputRow, 3-38
UserInsertRow, 3-38
using in table conversions, 3-38
Table Conversion Design form, 3-6
Table Conversion Director, 3-21, 3-24, 3-25, 3-37
table conversion events
order in which they occur, 3-3
understanding the flow, 3-1
table conversion system functions, descriptions, 3-38
Table Conversion Version Design form, 4-4
table conversions
adding object, 3-5
attaching data structures to, 3-8
attaching processing options to, 3-8
creating event rules in, 3-39
defining external data, 3-8
defining file formats for input or output, 3-14
defining input, 3-8
defining input and output environments, 3-8
defining output, 3-11
defining sort and selection criteria, 2-3
deleting records using Batch Delete, 3-37
mapping inputs to outputs, 3-12
overriding properties at runtime, 4-3
overriding properties for new versions, 4-4
overriding the processing location, 4-5
reviewing results, 3-14
running on the web client, 4-5
selecting logging options, 3-13
starting the Director, 3-6
submitting, 4-1
submitting on the web client, 4-2
types of tables to use, 2-2
understanding Batch Delete, 3-25
understanding copying data, 3-21
understanding Data Copy with Table Input, 3-23
understanding input and output
environments, 2-3
understanding processing, 4-1
understanding setup, 3-1
understanding testing, 4-5
understanding types of, 2-1
using business views in, 2-2
using text files in, 2-3
Table Options form, 3-24, 3-37
understanding converting data, 3-6
understanding foreign, 2-2
TCInsertRow system function, 3-38
text files
importing and exporting, 3-15
using in table conversions, 2-3
trace levels
defining for debug logging, 4-6
defining in the jde.ini, 4-7
UpdateCurrentInputRow system function, 3-38
User Defined Format - Column Delimiter form, 3-16,
3-17, 3-20
User Defined Format - Column Layout form, 3-17,
3-18, 3-20
User Defined Format - Finished form, 3-17, 3-19,
3-20, 3-21
User Defined Format - Multiple Format Definition
form, 3-18, 3-20
User Defined Format - Multiple Format Names
form, 3-18, 3-20
User Defined Format - Type form, 3-16, 3-17, 3-19,
user-defined formats
defining multiple format fixed-width files, 3-20
defining single format fixed-width files, 3-19
understanding, 3-15
using as input, 3-16
using as output, 3-16
UserInsertRow system function, 3-38
web client, submitting table conversions, 4-2
Work With Batch Versions-Available Versions
form, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5
Work With Data Sources form, 5-2
Work With Environments form, 5-5
Work With Object Mappings form, 5-7
workstation, setting the trace level, 4-7