GRANTA MIversion 11
MI:Toolbox Bulk Data
Importer (BDI) Guide
GRANTA MI™ is the leading system for materials information management in engineering organizations. It enables you to
control, analyze, and securely share critical corporate data on materials and processes, managing the materials information
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Document version: MI11/01
Published: December 2017
MI:Toolbox Bulk Data Importer (BDI) Guide
© Granta Design 2017 3
Table of Contents
1 About the Bulk Data Importer .................................................................................... 4
2 Data format for import .............................................................................................. 5
2.1 Header Rows ............................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Data Cells ................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Trailing zeroes ........................................................................................................... 7
3 Attribute name formats that use multiple columns .................................................. 8
3.1 Range ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Multi Value Discrete .................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Hyperlink ................................................................................................................... 9
3.4 File ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.5 Equations and Logic ................................................................................................. 11
4 Special column names .............................................................................................. 13
5 Record hierarchy ...................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Special columns ....................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Data values .............................................................................................................. 16
6 Attribute data values ............................................................................................... 18
7 Using the Bulk Data Importer CLI ............................................................................. 20
7.1 Command-line arguments ....................................................................................... 20
7.2 CLI usage examples.................................................................................................. 24
8 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................... 25
8.1 MI:Toolbox general errors ....................................................................................... 25
8.2 Bulk Data Importer errors ....................................................................................... 26
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1 About the Bulk Data Importer
The Bulk Data Importer (BDI) is a tool for bulk import of data from Microsoft Excel files or from CSV
format text files into a GRANTA MI database, and creates new records in an existing table in the
selected GRANTA MI database. It can be used to create hundreds of records without the need for any
user input.
It can import data for all data types except float functional, discrete functional, tabular, and
multi-value point data.
It cannot automatically create record links.
It cannot create new database schema objects in a GRANTA MI database. Therefore, all
attributes, units, discrete types etc. must exist in the database before the import. If
necessary, ask the administrator of the GRANTA MI database to edit the database with
MI:Admin to prepare it for import.
The Bulk Data Importer can be run
From within the MI:Toolbox application; see the MI:Toolbox Help for information on how to
use the Bulk Data Importer plugin for MI:Toolbox.
From a command window; see Section 7, Using the Bulk Data Importer CLI.
The Bulk Data Importer uses the same configuration file as the MI:Toolbox Console:
MIToolbox.Console.exe.config. In a default installation, this is:
C:\Program Files\Granta\Granta MI\Toolbox\bin\MIToolbox.Console.exe.config
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2 Data format for import
The Bulk Data Importer imports data from a source Microsoft Excel worksheet (file extension .xls,
.xlsx or .xlsm) or a comma separated variable (csv) text file (file extensions .txt or .csv).
The data for import is treated as a table. Each row is treated as one record. A new record begins on a
new line. Each column (field) is treated as an attribute's data values.
The first four rows in the source file are reserved for format information for the plug-in. The
information in these header rows must match the destination database.
In this example worksheet, each row is one record, each column is an attribute:
Figure 1. Example worksheet for import, each row is one record, each column is an attribute
The Bulk Data Importer cannot create new database schema objects in a GRANTA MI database.
Therefore, all attributes, units, discrete types etc. must exist in the database before the import. If
necessary, ask the administrator of the GRANTA MI database to edit the database with MI:Admin to
prepare it for import.
2.1 Header Rows
Row number
Attribute name
2.1.1 Row 1: Attribute name
The first row contains the attributes names. For record properties, use one of the special column
For range attributes, use two columns, one for the minimum and one for the maximum values. If the
attribute name is suffixed with _min or _max; or _1 or _2, then the Bulk Data Importer will
automatically recognize them as one range attribute. See cells D1 and E1 in Figure 1.
For metadata attributes, the metadata attribute name should be used. See cell F1 in Figure 1.
Hyperlink, File, Multi Value Discrete, and Equations and Logic attributes may use more than two
columns to contain their data. For further information, see Attribute name formats that use multiple
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More than the required number of columns may be assigned to an attribute. If this is the case, then
the columns will be read in the order they are found in the source file, and the first value found will
be used to populate the attribute. This also applies when there are multiple columns for an attribute,
e.g. for a range attribute, there may be multiple '_min' columns. It does not apply to multi value
discrete attributes where all columns are used.
2.1.2 Row 2: Units
The second row will contain the units, i.e. the symbol. If no units are provided the data will be
imported in the database units (for attributes with temperature attributes, this will be the absolute
unit). See cell D2 in in Figure 1.
For currency data, use 'currency'. The data is assumed to be in the currency for the database, see cell
G2 in Figure 1. The database currency can be overridden by adding the three letter ISO 4217 currency
code in angled brackets, for example 'currency<AUD>'. The exchange rate from the configuration
database is used to convert the imported value into the database currency. The currency unit can be
used in combination with other units.
For discrete attributes (including multi value discrete), note that the discrete type is not needed.
2.1.3 Row 3: Metadata
The third row is used to identify metadata attributes. If the attribute is a metadata attribute, then
this row contains its parent attribute name. See cell F3 in in Figure 1.
Data for a metadata attribute can only be imported if its parent attribute is also being imported.
2.1.4 Row 4: Hierarchy
The fourth row is used to indicate if the data in the column is to be used to build the hierarchy. It
contains an integer that specifies what level of the hierarchy the data in the column is used to create.
For example, a '1' means that the column is used to create the first level of the hierarchy, '2' is the
second level of the hierarchy, and so on.
More information and alternative methods for creating a record hierarchy are available.
2.2 Data Cells
A record name (MI_NAME) should be unique for that branch of the tree.
To set a data point to 'Not Applicable', the cell should be set to '!NA'. If the cell is blank, then no
value will be set.
To set the estimated flag, the numerical value should be enclosed in square brackets, e.g. [1.2].
For range attributes, open ended ranges can be imported by leaving either the minimum or the
maximum cell blank.
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2.3 Trailing zeroes
The Bulk Data Importer can import trailing zeroes for point and range data. There is no special setting
in the plug-in to accomplish this. Instead, the number is imported as it is displayed in Excel, which is
set by the cell formatting.
In Excel, set the cell formatting to one that can display the required number of decimal places, for
example, Text, Number, or Custom.
For Text formatting, the cell is displayed exactly as entered. For example, if you type '2.070', then the
cell displays '2.070' and the Bulk Data Importer reads '2.070' for import.
For Number formatting, the cell is displayed with the set number of decimal places. For example, if
you type '2.07' and set the number of decimal places to 3, then the cell displays '2.070'. Also, if you
type '2.07000' and set the number of decimal places to 3, then the cell displays '2.070'. In both cases,
the Bulk Data Importer reads '2.070' for import.
The decimal separator is assumed to be a full stop '.' (period).
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3 Attribute name formats that use multiple
3.1 Range
For range attributes, use two columns, one for the minimum and one for the maximum values. If the
attribute name is suffixed with _min or _max; or _1 or _2, then the Bulk Data Importer will
automatically recognize them as one range attribute.
Figure 2. Part of an example worksheet for import, showing two columns for a range attribute
named 'Density':
3.2 Multi Value Discrete
For multi value discrete attributes, use as many columns as there are values. No attribute name suffix
is used, repeat the attribute name for each column.
For example, if Record 1 has one value, Record 2 has two values and Record 3 has three values,
you should use three columns for the attribute values.
Figure 3. Part of an example worksheet for import, showing three columns for a multi value discrete
attribute named 'Product Form'
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3.3 Hyperlink
For hyperlink attributes, three columns may be used, containing the address, description, and
target values. If the column name has no suffix, it is assumed to contain the address.
Figure 4. Part of an example worksheet for import, showing three columns for a hyperlink
attribute named 'Website'
Table 1. Attribute name suffix for hyperlink attributes
Attribute name
Required /
Address (URL) for the attribute.
Text description for the address. If absent, the address
is used.
Target pane for the file. Valid values (excluding quotes)
'blank', '_blank',
'top', '_top',
'parent', '_parent',
'self', '_self',
'newwindow', 'new_window'
'currentframe', 'current_pane'.
If absent, 'newwindow' is used.
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3.4 File
For file attributes, five columns may be used, containing the file name, description, and target values,
and whether the file is indexed and displayed in place of the datasheet.
Figure 5. Five columns for a file attribute named 'Document'
Table 2. Attribute name suffix for file attributes
Required /
File name for the attribute, including the path. The
path may be an absolute path, or relative to the source
file. Use '!FILENAME' excluding quotes to import the
current file itself.
Text description of the file.
Target pane for the file. Valid values are as hyperlink
(see Table 1). If absent, 'newwindow' is used.
Indicates whether the contents of the file are indexed
for searching. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE (case
If the specified value is a valid Boolean ("true"
or "false"), that value will be used for the
indexability of the file.
If the specified value is not a valid Boolean
("yes", "no", "bananas", etc), the attribute is
not imported.
If no value is specified (the column is empty),
the indexability of the file will be inherited
from the attribute.
Indicates whether the file is displayed instead of the
datasheet when MI:Viewer is in read mode. Valid
options are TRUE or FALSE. If absent, FALSE is used.
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3.5 Equations and Logic
Figure 6. Columns for an equations and logic attribute named 'Fatigue Model': expression name and
parameter extents
Figure 7. Columns for an equations and logic attribute named 'Fatigue Model': default curve (curve 1)
and a second curve
Figure 8. Columns for an equations and logic attribute named 'Fatigue Model': chart properties
Table 3. Attribute name suffix for equations and logic attributes
Attribute name suffix
Required /
The column name without a suffix contains the name
of the expression. This must be an exact match to the
name of an existing expression in the database table.
For example, in Figure 5 the name of the equations
and logic attribute is 'Fatigue Model' (cell B1) and the
name of the expression is 'Fatigue model' (cell B5).
<parameter name>_min
For each parameter assigned to the equations and
logic attribute there should be two columns that are
used to store the minimum and maximum parameter
extents. The _min column contains the minimum
parameter extent. For example, cell C1 in Figure 6
contains the minimum extent for the parameter
'Number of Cycles'.
The second header row contains the units for the
parameter. For example, cell G2 in Figure 6 contains
the units for the parameter 'Temperature'.
The third header row in a parameter column must
contain the name of the equations and logic attribute,
for example, cell C3 in Figure 6.
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Attribute name suffix
Required /
<parameter name>_max
For each parameter assigned to the equations and
logic attribute there should be two columns that are
used to store the minimum and maximum parameter
extents. The _max column contains the maximum
parameter extent. For example, cell F1 in Figure 6
contains the maximum extent for the parameter
'Stress Ratio'.
The second header row contains the units for the
The third header row in a parameter column must
contain the name of the equations and logic attribute,
for example, cell F3 in Figure 6.
<parameter name>_curve1
This column contains the default parameter values.
For example, column I contains the default value for
the 'Number of Cycles' parameter.
The second header row contains the units for the
The third header row in a parameter column must
contain the name of the equations and logic attribute,
for example, cell I3 in Figure 7.
The label for the default curve. See column L in Figure
<parameter name>_curve2,
<parameter name>_curve3,
Other curve parameter values, in the same format as
curve 1.
_curve3label, etc.
The labels for the other curves, in the same format as
the label for curve 1.
Indicates if the attribute axis is set to a logarithmic or
linear scale, see cell. Valid values (excluding quotes)
If the cell is blank, the default value is 'lin'. For
example, see column Q in Figure 8.
Indicates if the axes on the graph are inverted by
default. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE. If the cell is
blank, the default value is FALSE. For example, see
column R in Figure 8.
Set the default x-axis parameter. It must be the name
of a valid parameter. The cell may be blank. For
example, see column S in Figure 8.
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4 Special column names
A GRANTA MI database distinguishes between record 'properties' and 'attributes'. Properties identify
records within the database, which allows the records to be displayed on the screen (usually in a
hierarchical format on the table tree) all records in a GRANTA MI database contain properties.
Most records also contain attributes these are used to store data and for selection in MI:Viewer.
Since ordinary databases do not have this distinction, the Bulk Data Importer relies on specially
named columns in the source data file to distinguish between these two types of data (properties
and attributes). The special column names are as follows:
Use of the special columns is optional, although Granta recommends that MI_NAME is present.
If a special column is present, but does not contain any data for an individual row, that row will not
be imported as a record, and an error will be reported.
Table 4. Special column names
Used to uniquely identify each record, use this column
together with the PARENT column to allow a hierarchical
structure to be imported. For example, when importing a
database of parts the 'PART NO.' column could be renamed
to 'IDENTITY' to enable the part number to uniquely
identify the part record during importing.
Used when importing a hierarchical structure, this column
refers to the identity (IDENTITY) of the record that is the
parent of this record in the hierarchical structure. For
example if you were to import a table of animals, then the
apes record might have a reference to the mammals
record. This column should be the same type as the
IDENTITY column. If this column is empty then the Bulk
Data Importer places the record at the root level.
Used to distinguish between records with attribute data
and records without attribute data. Records with attribute
data should set this value to TRUE or 1. If this value is not
set, and the Bulk Data Importer detects that the record
contains data, it sets the default value for MI_HASDATA to
true and the default value for MI_ISFOLDER to false.
Number (0/1)
or Boolean
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Used when importing a hierarchical structure. Records used
as folders should set this value to TRUE or 1. If this value is
not set, and the Bulk Data Importer detects that the record
does not contain data, it sets the default value for
MI_HASDATA to false and the default value for
MI_ISFOLDER to true.
Number (0/1)
or Boolean
The name of the record as shown in the tree. (Also referred
to as the 'short name' or 'tree name'.)
A short code for the record.
The color of a record is used to shade record icons in the
tree and graphs. This allows the user to quickly identify
record groupings. This integer field should be one of the
following values.
0: Red
1: Lime
2: Blue
3: Yellow
4: Fuchsia
5: Aqua
6: Maroon
7: Green
8: Navy
9: Olive
10: Purple
11: Teal
12: Gray
13: Black
14: White
15: Silver
The full name of the record.
An identifier that must be unique within the table. This
should only be used in consultation with Granta.
An identifier that must be unique within the database. This
should only be used in consultation with Granta.
Valid GUID
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5 Record hierarchy
Records can be imported with a hierarchy in two ways:
1. Using the MI_IDENTITY and MI_PARENT special columns.
2. Using data values for each record.
Figure 9. The record hierarchy options in the Bulk Data Importer plug-in in MI:Toolbox
The examples below shows how the two methods would create the hierarchy shown in Figure 10.
A generic record is created if the record is a folder and contains data. See the 'Bar' record in the
examples below.
If a record already exists with the same tree name in the same position in the hierarchy, a Duplicate
Record Name dialog will give options for proceeding. This will be logged to the log file.
The user also has the option to import the data with no hierarchy.
Figure 10. The record hierarchy, as shown in MI:Toolbox. The data in the source file is imported into
the 'import example 1' folder. Both of the examples below result in the same hierarchy.
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5.1 Special columns
This option will only be available if the MI_IDENTITY and MI_PARENT special columns are in the data
Every folder and generic record used to create the hierarchy must be present as a row in the file for
this method to work. For anything more than a simple hierarchy, this can be very difficult for the user
to construct.
If a parent value is unspecified, the record will be placed at the root level of the import, that is, the
level below the 'Import Location'.
In example 1, the hierarchy is constructed with the MI_IDENTITY and MI_PARENT special columns
(highlighted columns in Figure 11).
Figure 11. Example 1 - worksheet for import with special columns (highlighted)
5.2 Data values
For this option to be used, the data must be in each row along with the attribute values.
The columns to be used can be pre-defined in the header rows of the source file, or set at the time of
import in the plug-in. The fourth row of the Excel sheet is reserved for defining which level of the
hierarchy (if any) the data in the column will be used for.
In example 2, the hierarchy is constructed using the information in the fourth header row
(highlighted in Figure 12) and the data values in the specified columns (B, C, D and E). The fourth row
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shows that 'Alloy Class' is used to define Level 1, 'Alloy Name' is used to define Level 2, 'Heat
Treatment' is used to define Level 3, 'Form' is used to define Level 4.
If a record has no data for a column being used to create the hierarchy, the record is placed in the
preceding level of the hierarchy. In the example, the 'MIL 3009' record will be imported into the 'T73'
Figure 12. Example 2 - worksheet for import, record hierarchy inferred from column values using the
fourth header row (highlighted)
Example 3 contains the same data as example 2, but there is no information in the header rows
(Figure 12) and the hierarchy is created by selecting the columns in the plug-in (Figure 13).
Figure 13. Example 3 - worksheet for import, without using a fourth header row
Figure 14. Example 3 - Record hierarchy inferred from column values by selecting the columns in the
Bulk Data Importer plug-in
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6 Attribute data values
Data type
Numerical Data for Range and
Point attributes
Data values are a number, with a maximum of seven significant
figures. Point data occupies one field; Range data occupies two
fields. Range and Point data can have units.
Data values can be entered as an integer e.g. 456, a decimal e.g.
123.456, or formatted with an exponent e.g. 456e+010 or
Data values are stored as single precision floating point
numbers and should range in value from:
-1e+038 to -1e-039 for negative values
1e-039 to 1e+038 for positive values.
Trailing zeroes can be imported for point data and range data.
For more information, see Section 2.3.
Numerical Data for Integer
Data values are a number. Integer data occupies one field.
Integer data cannot be assigned a unit.
Data values are entered as an integer e.g. 456.
Data values are stored as long integer numbers and should
range in value from:
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Numerical Data for Float
Functional attributes
It is not possible to import Float functional data using the Bulk
Data Importer plug-in.
Use the Text Importer or Excel Importer plug-ins.
Data for Discrete Functional
It is not possible to import Discrete functional data using the
Bulk Data Importer plug-in.
Use the Text Importer or Excel Importer plug-ins.
Data for Equations and Logic
The expression name is text string. The numerical data values
for parameters are as range and point attributes. The
parameters must already exist in the database. Other
information about the chart can also be set.
Data for Tabular attributes
It is not possible to import tabular data using the Bulk Data
Importer plug-in. Use the Excel Importer plug-in instead.
Discrete Data
Discrete data values are case sensitive text. The discrete type
and value must already exist in the database.
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Data type
Logical Data
Data values can be a number (0 or 1) or a Boolean (TRUE or
FALSE). No units can be assigned to logical data.
Date Data
In Excel, data stored in the DateTime format will be imported
correctly. The success of importing data in any other format is
culture dependent.
Short Text
A maximum of 255 characters is allowed. No units can be
assigned to short text data.
Long Text
A maximum of 2 GB per attribute per record is allowed. No units
can be assigned to long text data.
In the case of a text attribute in text file, if the text string
contains the text separator e.g. a comma ",", quote marks (" ")
should be put around the text string.
Link Data
It is not possible to import Link data using the Bulk Data
Picture Data
The 'value' for Picture data is the file name, including the path.
The path may be absolute, or relative to the source file.
Hyperlink Data
The 'value' for Hyperlink data is a valid URL, consisting of a
protocol and location e.g. as
Long Text.
Oher information about the hyperlink, the description and the
target, can also be set.
File Data
The 'value' for File data is the file name, including the path. The
path may be absolute, or relative to the source file.
Use '!FILENAME' excluding quotes to import the current file
itself. Other information about the file can also be set.
No Data
An Attribute data value can also be left blank and it will be
assumed to have no value.
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7 Using the Bulk Data Importer CLI
This section describes how to run the Bulk Data Importer plug-in from the command line, allowing
bulk imports to be run as a scheduled task. Note that it is not possible to select individual attributes
for import when running the BDI via the command lineall attributes and record properties in the
source file will be imported.
The Bulk Data Importer executable is located in the bin folder in the MI:Toolbox installation folder,
C:\Program Files\Granta\GRANTA MI\Toolbox\bin\
To run the Bulk Data Importer from the command line, at the command prompt, type the following:
MIToolbox.Console.exe -plugin Granta.BDI
The MI:Toolbox application should be closed before running a plug-in from the command line.
Markdown in long text attributes
Note that when importing Long Text attributes, if the value of an attribute to be imported starts with
the text #mar kdown followed by a newline, the data will be interpreted as Markdown-formatted, and
displayed as such in MI:Viewer. (Note that the newline after #markdown is important, otherwise
you'll just see the text "#markdown" at the beginning of your attribute value).
7.1 Command-line arguments
The Bulk Data Importer requires a number of command-line arguments. Arguments containing
spaces, colons, or equals should be double quoted e.g.
-username "Peter Parker"
-inputfile "C:\Users\\Documents\data imports\SS import.xls
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-plugin Granta.BDI
Specifies the name of the plug-in.
-server <servername>
Specifies the hostname of the server where the GRANTA
MI Service is hosted.
-dbkey <key>
The database key of the database into which the data will
be imported.
-table <tablename>
The name of the table into which the data will be
-inputfile <filepath>
The name and location of the file containing the data to
be imported. For example:
-inputfile "C:\Users\\Documents\SS import.xls"
-inputfile "D:\Data\Tensile Test 1.txt"
For Excel workbooks that contain more than one
worksheet, the worksheet must also be specified
using -worksheet.
For text files, you can also specify the column and text
delimiter characters, if required; see -delimiter, -
(Required for text input files) The character encoding of
the file to be imported when importing from a text file.
Case-sensitive. Examples:
-inputencoding utf-8
-inputencoding us-ascii
-inputencoding iso-8859-1
Specifies how record naming conflicts should be dealt
with. The values are case sensitive. Permitted values:
Replace Replace the existing record with the new
record. All links associated with the record are also
ReplaceData The existing record is kept and the
incoming data is added to the record. Where there is
existing data for an attribute, this will be overwritten
if the Bulk Data Importer is importing new data. If
there is no new data for an attribute, existing data
remains unchanged.
Rename The imported record will be renamed.
DoNotImport The record is not imported and the
Bulk Data Importer will move on to the next record in
the list, or finish the import if this was the final or only
record being imported.
If this argument is omitted, the default action is Rename.
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-delimiter <char>
Specifies the character used to delimit columns of data
when importing from a text file. For example, to use a
period ( . ) as the column delimiter:
-delimiter "."
If this argument is omitted, the default delimiter character
is a comma ( , ).
Displays usage information for the application. If the plug-
in is also specified, it will include the usage information of
the specified plug-in
-hierarchy <type>
Specifies how the data hierarchy will be created on import.
Permitted values:
Flat No hierarchy should be inferred.
Ordered The hierarchy should be inferred using the
values in named columns.
IdentityAndParent The hierarchy should be inferred
using values in the MI_IDENTITY and MI_PARENT
If this argument is omitted, the Bulk Data Importer will try
to interpret the hierarchy from the available data in the
order: IdentityAndParent, Ordered, Flat.
-logfile <filepath>
The name and location of the log file. If omitted, no log file
will be generated.
-loglevel <level>
Sets the verbosity of logging sent to the command window
console. (Note that this setting has no effect on the
contents of the log file). Permitted values (in order of
increasing verbosity) are: ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG,
TRACE, ALL (case-insensitive).
If omitted, the default value is INFO.
Specifies that adjacent column delimiters should be
merged into a single delimiter when importing from a text
Prevents the display of application information on startup.
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-record <name>
Identifies one or more locations in table tree hierarchy,
under which the new records will be placed. Values may
be the folder path of a record in the tree, or a record
The location in the tree folder structure may be
specified with the full folder path starting with the
name of the top-level folder and ending with the
name of the chosen record. For example:
-record Metals Non-ferrous Aluminum Wrought
"7000 Series"
The recordGUID may be specified as 32 continuous
digits, or as groups of 8, 4, 4, 4, and 12 digits seprated
by hyphens. For example:
-record 00000026-000e-4fff-8fff-dd92ffff0000
If this argument is omitted from the command line, then
new records will be placed at root record level.
A list of the subsets to which the imported records should
be added.
-textdelimiter <char>
Specifies the character used to delimit text data when
importing from a text file. If omitted, the default value is a
double quote character ( " ).
-username <username>
-password <password>
(*Optional only when using Windows authentication)
The authentication details used to connect to the GRANTA
MI Service. A user account with at least write privileges to
the database is required.
These may be omitted from the command line if Windows
authentication is being used; in this case, the import is
performed with the user account used to log on to the
MI:Toolbox host. Alternatively, you can perform the
import under a different Windows user account by
specifying the credentials of that account.
-worksheet <name>
When importing data from an Excel workbook that
contains more than one worksheet, this specifies the name
of the worksheet to import. May be omitted if the
specified input workbook only contains one worksheet.
Example: -worksheet "Tensile Data"
MI:Toolbox Bulk Data Importer (BDI) Guide
© Granta Design 2017 24
7.2 CLI usage examples
MIToolbox.Console.exe -plugin Granta.BDI -nologo -server localhost -username "kim.smith" -password
Password123 -domain ACMECORP -dbkey MI_Training -table MaterialUniverse -record Import1 -
subset "All Bulk Materials" Metals -inputfile "C:\Users\kim.smith\Documents\data\SS import.xls"
-worksheet "Stainless Steels 1" -logfile "C:\Users\kim.smith\Documents\BDIlog1.log"-hierarchy Flat
MIToolbox.Console.exe -plugin Granta.BDI -logfile "C:\Users\djones\Documents\Console.log" -nologo -
server localhost -dbkey MI_Starter -table "Tensile Test Data" -subset "Tensile Test Data" -record Import2
-inputfile "C:\Users\djones\Data\Tensile.xls" -worksheet "Stainless Steels 2" -hierarchy IdentityAndParent
MIToolbox.Console.exe -plugin Granta.BDI -logfile "C:\Users\alex\logs\log1.log" -nologo -server localhost
-dbkey MI_Training -table MaterialUniverse -inputfile "C:\Users\alex\files\SS import.xls"
-worksheet "Stainless Steels 3" -hierarchy Ordered
MIToolbox.Console.exe -plugin Granta.BDI -nologo -logfile "C:\Users\pat.dale\logs\importlog1.log"
-server localhost -username "pat.dale" -password pwd123 -domain ACMECO -dbkey MI_Training
-table MaterialUniverse -record Import4 -subset "All Bulk Materials" Metal -inputfile
"C:\Users\pat.dale\Files\ssimport.txt" -inputencoding utf-8 -delimiter | -mergedelimiters -hierarchy
MI:Toolbox Bulk Data Importer (BDI) Guide
© Granta Design 2017 25
8 Troubleshooting
The following exit codes may help you to troubleshoot problems that may arise running the Bulk
Data Importer from the command line.
8.1 MI:Toolbox general errors
Success - Indicates successful execution of the MI:Toolbox console application.
Unspecified error - Indicates that an unspecified error was encountered.
Unhandled exception - Indicates that an unhandled exception was caught.
Invalid command-line option value - Indicates a problem with one of the specified
command-line options (e.g. an option specifies a table or record that does not exist).
Syntax error in command-line option - Indicates a basic syntax error with one of the
specified command-line options.
Could not load plugin - Indicates that the named plugin could not be loaded.
Plugin initialization error - Indicates an error during the initialization phase of the
plugin, typically caused when trying to validate an option against data in a database
(e.g. a database specified by a particular dbkey may not exist).
Cannot open the log file - Indicates that the log file could not be opened.
Plugin found no work to do - Indicates that the plugin initialization found nothing to
Failed to establish a connection to an MI:Server - Indicates that a connection to an
MI:Server instance could not be established.
No default database available - Indicates that the server does not have a default
database, or the default database is unavailable.
No such database - Indicates that the specified database does not exist on the server,
or is otherwise unavailable (e.g. due to access control).
Failed to retrieve database - Indicates that the specified database could not be
retrieved from the server.
No such record - Indicates that the record does not exist on the server, or is otherwise
unavailable (e.g. due to access control).
Failed to retrieve record - Indicates that the specified record could not be obtained
from the server.
Multiple records matched - Indicates that multiple matching records have been found
that satisfy criteria intended to identify a single record.
No such subset - Indicates that the one or more specified subsets do not exist or are
otherwise unavailable on the server (e.g. due to access control).
No default table - Indicates that the database does not contain a default table, or the
default table is otherwise unavailable (e.g. due to access control).
MI:Toolbox Bulk Data Importer (BDI) Guide
© Granta Design 2017 26
No such table - Indicates that the database does not contain a default table, or the
default table is otherwise unavailable (e.g. due to access control).
8.2 Bulk Data Importer errors
Ignored columns in the input file - Indicates that there are one or more columns in the
input file that are unused.
Failed to create input filter - Indicates that an input filter for the specified input file
could not be created. This may be because the file type of the input file was not
recognized (identification of file type is based on file extension, e.g. .txt, .csv, .xls).
Input filter configuration failed - Indicates that the configuration of the input filter
failed (e.g. setting the worksheet in a spreadsheet, setting unsupported delimiter
characters for CSV text files).
Failed to open import log file - Indicates an error when trying to open the log file for
the import process.
Cannot set record hierarchy inference mode - Unable to set the hierarchy inference
mode. For example, you cannot force the ParentAndIdentity inference mode if the
input file does not have identity and parent columns.
Data value not imported - One or more data values were not imported.
Data value possibly imported incorrectly - One or more data values were possibly
incorrectly imported. For example, a text value may have been truncated.
Commit failed - A commit failed, indicating that one or more records were not
correctly imported into the database.
Import abandoned - The import process was prematurely aborted.
Record not imported - One or more records were not imported.
Record property possibly imported incorrectly - One or more record properties were
possibly incorrectly imported. For example, an invalid record color may have been
specified, so the actual color of the record created was inherited from its parent