Informed Consent for Exempt Studies
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Informed Consent for Exempt Studies
The information in this guidance is intended to aid Principal Investigators (PIs) in the development of meaningful
consent information for exempt studies. This document also contains illustrative examples of informed consent
forms for various types of exempt research.
In this document:
Informing Participants
Information to Provide
Process of Informing
Exempt Consent Examples:
Use of Coursework for Research
Benign Online Survey
Sensitive Online Survey
Online Survey using Amazon’s MTurk
Interviews with Adults
Focus Groups with Adults
Minor Deception
Incomplete Disclosure
Additional Information
Information in this document only applies to studies meeting the criteria for exempt review.
Informing Participants:
Informed consent is a cornerstone principal of ethical human subjects research. Researchers must ensure
prospective participants receive information about the study, sufficiently detailed to facilitate a truly informed
choice, in a manner that facilitates voluntary consideration of whether to participate. This ethical obligation exists
for all researchexempt and non-exempt. Federal regulations outline formal informed consent requirements for
non-exempt research. Research confirmed as meeting the criteria for exempt review (i.e. “exempt research”) is not
subject to those formal requirements, allowing PIs flexibility in how informed consent is obtained.
PIs for studies not meeting the criteria for exempt review (i.e., non-exempt research (expedited review or full committee review)) are
encouraged to review Informed Consent information including guidance regarding the elements of consent required within the
regulations, a checklist for informed consent, and form templates.
Informed Consent for Exempt Studies
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Information to Provide
While the use of a formal informed consent form containing all the elements of consent is not required for research
under exempt review; the Iowa State University IRB expects researchers to provide information about the research
to prospective participants (and their parent/legal guardian, when applicable) prior to their enrollment in the study.
At minimum, this information should include:
a statement that the project involves research;
a general description of study procedures and time commitment;
any potential discomfort or risk related to participation (e.g., discomfort responding to sensitive or
personal questions, privacy concerns, disclosure risks);
indication that participation is voluntary and that they may skip any questions they do not feel
comfortable answering in an interview or survey;
how their privacy and confidentiality will be protected;
an outline of plans for data-sharing or future research use of their information.
When applicable, PIs should also describe:
any use of information about participants obtained from records (e.g., student coursework, medical
information, data from a prior study);
plans to audio/video record or photograph participants and how recordings/images will be used and
information about participants’ use of software or apps, including any privacy issues, incurred costs,
any plans for capturing information via screen-recording, key-stroke-logging, etc.;
If deception about the purpose or nature of the study is planned, prospective subjects must be
informed that they will be unaware of, or misled about, the nature or purposes of the research, and
agree to proceed.
As with nonexempt research, the decision to participate in a research study belongs entirely to the potential
participant. This choice must be voluntary and free from any undue influence real or perceived. If a study
necessitates inclusion of persons in subordinate positions (e.g., students, employees) PIs should take steps to
ensure that individuals do not experience (or perceive) pressure to participate. Inclusion of language within the
informed consent (for example, explaining that the decision to participate will not impact a course grade or their
relationship with the PI) may be one way to address and mitigate this concern.
Process of Informing
As indicated above, use of a formal, signed consent form is not required by the IRB for studies under exempt review.
For many benign surveys, a few simple paragraphs preceding the survey sufficiently meets the spirit of this ethical
When establishing a consent procedure for online surveys, researchers are cautioned to consider privacy and
confidentiality implications of the process. For example, requiring participants to “type their name to agree” at the
Informed Consent for Exempt Studies
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beginning of the survey will, unless the survey has been carefully configured, embed participant names into the
dataset. Having a record of participant names is not a requirement of the IRB and may violate the privacy and
confidentiality provisions under which the IRB granted exemption for the study.
A simple “check to agreeor
“proceeding to the survey indicates your consent” is often sufficient.
Consent processes for exempt studies that involve interviews could take the form of a short email or a bulleted
information sheet with the degree of formality mirroring that of the study. Because signed documentation is not an
IRB requirement for studies undergoing exempt review, a simple process of: providing the information (for example,
emailing consent information ahead of the interview, or providing an information sheet at the time of the interview)
with verbal confirmation that the participant understands and wishes to proceed is often appropriate.
While federal regulations do not require signed informed consent for participation in research under exempt
review, researchers must be aware of other regulatory or policies that may require documented/signed informed
consent. Research involving educational records or the use of student coursework/grades is likely subject to the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA regulations typically do require that students (or
parent/guardian) provide written consent for use of records or coursework for research regardless of the level of
IRB review.
Other regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
and the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR)
may have additional consent, documentation, and/or notification requirements
beyond those required by the IRB.
Exempt Consent Examples
The following are examples of informed consent forms for exempt research intended as illustrations only. Individual
study details vary greatly. Please do not copy these examples verbatim, as informed consent forms should
accurately account for study-specific nuances.
Use of Coursework for research
You are asked to take part in a research study about the effectiveness of remote classroom collaboration activities.
The study is being conducted by Dr. Soma Teacher at Iowa State University. Participation in this study is voluntary.
If you agree to be a part of the study, we will contact you approximately 2 weeks after the end of the semester with
a short (5 minute) online survey about your experiences in the class with remote learning. You may skip any
questions in the survey that you do not want to answer.
In addition to the post-semester survey, we are also asking for permission to analyze your peer writing assignments
for research. These assignments are required coursework for the class; however, your choice to allow our research
use is voluntary and will have no impact on your standing in the course or your relationship with the instructor. Dr.
Collection of names or other identifiers may violate the Terms of Service for some platforms (e.g. Amazon MTurk’s Participation
Agreement prohibits collection of Worker PII)
HIPAA may apply to research involving medical records/information
GDPR privacy regulations may apply to research conducted with persons located in the European Union
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Teacher will not look to see which students have provided permission to use their coursework until after final
grades have been submitted.
When we report our findings from the study we will not use your name and will change any details (e.g., majors,
course names) that could indirectly identify you or others. Study data, including portions of your peer writing
assignments, which have been stripped of any information that could identify you (de-identified) may be made
public or used for future research purposes.
I agree to be contacted for the post-semester survey
I agree to the use of my peer writing assignments for research.
Benign Online Survey:
We are asking you to take part in a research study conducted by Stu Dent and Dr. Cokie Kolla at Iowa State
University. Participation in this study is voluntary. If you choose to take part, you will complete an online survey that
will help us learn more about soft-drink consumption habits of young adults. You have been asked to take part
because you are an adult aged 18-25 who may consume soft-drinks. The survey will take about 6 minutes to
complete. You may skip questions that you do not want to answer or stop at any time. Any identifiers collected as
part of this survey (i.e., IP addresses) will be promptly deleted. Study data that have been stripped of any
information that could identify you (de-identified) may be made public or used for future research purposes.
Questions? Please contact Stu Dent at student@xxxxx or Dr. Kolla at kolladrinks@xxxxxx. If you have questions or
concerns about your rights as a research participant, you can contact the Iowa State IRB at (515) 294-4566,
If you want to participate in this study, click the [Agree, Accept, Next, Start] button to start the survey.
Participant Name / Date
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Sensitive Online Survey:
We are asking you to take part in a research study conducted by Dr. Emo at Iowa State University. You must be 18
or older to participate. Participation in this study is voluntary. If you choose to take part, you will complete a survey
that will help us learn more about how personality traits influence romantic relationships. The survey will take
about 25 minutes to complete and includes questions that you may find sensitive, uncomfortable, or difficult to
answer. You may skip questions or stop at any time.
Any identifiers collected as part of this survey (i.e., IP addresses) will be promptly deleted. Study data that have
been stripped of any information that could identify you (de-identified) may be made public or used for future
research purposes.
In appreciation of your time completing this survey, we will send $5 Starbucks gift card to you via email. To facilitate
payment, you will be asked to enter your email address following completion of the survey. Your email address is
entered into a separate dataset and is never linked to your survey responses.
Questions? Please contact Dr. Emo at (515) 294-xxxx, emo@xxxxxx. If you have questions or concerns about your
rights as a research participant, you can contact the Iowa State IRB at (515) 294-4566, [email protected]
If you want to participate in this study, click the [Agree, Accept, Next, Start] button to start the survey.
MTurk Online Survey:
We are asking you to take part in a research study conducted by Dr. Felicia Pants at Iowa State University. You must
be 18 or over to participate. Participation in this study is voluntary. If you choose to take part, you will link to an
external survey site (Qualtrics). Your responses to this short (~6 minute) survey will help us learn more about lounge
ware preferences of young adults. You may skip questions that you do not want to answer or stop at any time.
You will be compensated ($xx) through MTurk. Upon completion of the survey, you will receive a code to enter into
MTurk in order to receive your compensation. While your MTurk worker ID will be temporarily collected for
payment, we will delete this identifier promptly following compensation.
If applicable: [Please note that this survey contains checks to make sure that participants are finishing the tasks
honestly and completely. If you read the instructions and complete the tasks, your HIT will be approved. If you fail
these checks, we may reject your HIT meaning that you will not receive compensation.]
Information you provide in the survey may be made public or used for future research purposes. We will take steps
to ensure that your identity remains confidential before the data are shared. MTurk worker IDs will never be
included in data that are shared.
Questions? Please contact Dr. Felicia Pants at felicipants@xxxxx. If you have questions or concerns about your rights
as a research participant, you can contact the Iowa State IRB at (515) 294-4566, IR[email protected]
If you want to participate in this study, click the [Agree, Accept, Next, Start] button to start the survey.
Informed Consent for Exempt Studies
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Interviews with Adults
We are asking you to take part in a research study conducted by Stu Dent and Dr. Teachafar at Iowa State
University. If you agree to take part in this voluntary study, we will contact you to schedule an interview conducted
via Zoom. The brief (20-30 minute) interview will help us learn more about remote learning experiences of young
adults. You have been asked to take part because you are an adult aged 18-25 who may be learning remotely. You
can skip questions that you do not want to answer or stop at any time.
The interview will be audio and video recorded to allow us to accurately record your responses. The audio/video
recordings will be destroyed promptly following transcription of the interview and will never be shared with others
or used beyond this project. We may share or use the text transcript of your interview for future research purposes;
however, we will take steps to remove any information that may identify you before the transcript is shared. When
we write-up our findings from the study, we will replace your name with a pseudonym (fake name) and will take
care to change details (majors, course names) that could indirectly identify you or others.
Questions? Please contact student@xxxxxx or Professor Teachafar at teachafar@xxxxx. If you have questions or
concerns about your rights as a research participant, you can contact the Iowa State IRB at (515) 294-4566,
Focus Groups with Adults
We are asking you to take part in a research study conducted by Dr. Resha Earch at Iowa State University. You must
be 18 or older to participate. If you agree to take part in this voluntary study, you will be asked to engage in an
audio recorded focus group discussion about napping habits. The discussion will last approximately one-hour and
will be held at [location]. You may skip questions that you do not want to answer or stop participating in the
discussion at any time.
The recording will be kept secure following transcription of the discussion and will not be shared with other
researchers. However, we may use the recording for additional analysis. Written transcripts may be shared with
other researchers and/or used for future research.
When we report our findings from the study we will not use your name and will take care to change any details that
could indirectly identify you or others. Please know that while we are taking steps to protect your confidentiality,
we cannot control what others in the group divulge to others. Please be mindful of these limits to confidentiality
when participating. We ask all participants to respect other’s privacy and not disclose who was present or what was
said during this discussion.
Questions? Please contact reshaearch@xxxxxx. If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research
participant, you can contact the Iowa State IRB at (515) 294-4566,
Informed Consent for Exempt Studies
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Minor Deception Regarding Study Purpose
We are asking you to take part in a research study about short-term memory retention conducted by Dr. Amy G.
Dala at Iowa State University. You must be 18 or older to participate. Participation in this study is voluntary. If you
choose to take part in this study, you will read some fictional news stories, perform problem-solving tasks (e.g.,
puzzles, math problems), and complete a survey. The readings, tasks, and survey questions are similar to those
encountered in a classroom setting. You may skip questions or stop at any time. For scientific reasons, we may
misrepresent certain aspects of the study; however, at the end of the study we will give you more information and
the option to remove your data from the research.
The study will take about 25 minutes to complete. You will be compensated 1 SONA research credit. Your course
syllabus includes alternative opportunities for earning research credit. Information that could identify you (e.g.,
name, email address) will be promptly separated from your responses. When we report study findings, we will make
sure you cannot be identified. Study data that has been stripped of any information that could identify you (de-
identified) may be made public or used for future research purposes.
Questions? Please contact Dr. Dala at (515) 294-xxxx, amygdala@xxxxxx. If you have questions or concerns about
your rights as a research participant, you can contact the Iowa State IRB at (515) 294-4566,
If you want to participate in this study, click the [Agree, Accept, Next, Start] button to start.
Thank you for participating our study “Detail Retention Study.” In order to obtain your unbiased, natural
reaction, we misled you regarding the purpose of the study. In truth, our research focuses on how reading
positively vs. negatively framed news stories may impact behavior and problem-solving persistency. Our
hypothesis is that participants reading positively framed stories will persist at the problem-solving tasks
longer than those reading stories framed negatively. You may have responded unnaturally had you been
aware of our true study purpose. To help ensure that other participants also have unbiased responses, we
ask that you do not share information about this research project with others.
Although you have already completed your participation in the study, your involvement in the research is
still voluntary. Now that you are aware of the true nature of our study, you may choose to have your data
removed without penalty or loss of compensation. Your choice to remove your data will not impact your
relationship with Dr. Dala or Iowa State University. Because we work quickly to de-identify the study data,
you must make your removal request at this time.
Questions? Please contact Dr. Dala at (515) 294-xxxx, amygdala@xxxxxx. If you have questions or concerns
about your rights as a research participant, you can contact the Iowa State IRB at (515) 294-4566,
Informed Consent for Exempt Studies
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Deception/Incomplete Disclosure of Study Purpose
We are asking you to take part in a research study conducted by Sierra Bellum and Dr. Amy G. Dala at Iowa State
University. You must be 18 or older to participate. Participation in this study is voluntary. We are interested in
learning about memory. For scientific reasons, we cannot provide specific details about the research question being
tested; however, we will give you more information and the opportunity to reconsider your consent at the end of
the study.
If you choose to take part in this online study, you will read some watch two short videos, perform cognitive tasks
(e.g., puzzles, word scrambles), and complete a brief survey. The videos, tasks, and survey questions are similar to
those encountered in a classroom setting. You may skip questions or stop at any time.
The study will take about 25 minutes to complete. Information that could identify you (e.g., name, email address)
will be promptly separated from your responses. When we report study findings, we will make sure you cannot be
identified. Study data that has been stripped of any information that could identify you (de-identified) may be made
public or used for future research purposes.
Questions? Please contact Sierra Bellum, (515) 294-xxxx or Dr. Dala at (515) 294-xxxx, amygdala@xxxxxx. If you have
questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, you can contact the Iowa State IRB at (515) 294-
If you want to participate in this study, click the [Agree, Accept, Next, Start] button to start.
Thank you for participating our study, “Learning and Memory.” To obtain your unbiased, natural reaction
we did not inform you regarding the purpose of the study. Our research focuses on how viewing the videos
with slow or fast frame rates impact ability to retain small details. You may have responded unnaturally had
you been aware of our true study purpose. To help ensure that other participants also have unbiased
responses, we ask that you do not share information about this research project with others.
Although you have already completed your participation in the study, your involvement in the research is
still voluntary. Now that you are aware of the true nature of our study, you may choose to have your data
removed without penalty. Your choice to remove your data will no negative affect your relationship with
Dr. Dala or Iowa State University. Because we work quickly to de-identify the study data, you must make
your removal request at this time.
Questions? Please contact Dr. Dala at (515) 294-xxxx, amygdala@xxxxxx. If you have questions or concerns
about your rights as a research participant, you can contact the Iowa State IRB at (515) 294-4566,
Additional Information:
Exempt Research
Information about Exempt Research
Iowa State University | IRB | Policies and Guidance
Informed Consent for Exempt Studies
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Informed Consent for non-exempt studies (i.e. expedited or full committee)
Checklist for Easy-to-Read Informed Consent Documents
Iowa State University | IRB | Informed Consent Templates
Consent Process
Iowa State University | IRB | Policies and Guidance
Elements of Informed Consent
Iowa State University | IRB | Policies and Guidance
Informed Consent Templates
Iowa State University | IRB | Informed Consent Templates
Document History