Authority: 28 U.S.C. 510; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 28 CFR 0.75(j) and 0.76(j).
Source: 87 FR 47118, Aug. 2, 2022, unless otherwise noted.
Subpart 2803.1 - Safeguards
2803.101 Standards of conduct.
2803.101-3 Agency regulations.
2803.104 Procurement integrity.
2803.104-7 Violations or possible violations.
Subpart 2803.2 - Contractor Gratuities to Government Personnel
2803.203 Reporting suspected violations of the Gratuities clause.
2803.204 Treatment of violations.
Subpart 2803.3 - Reports of Suspected Antitrust Violations
2803.301 General.
Subpart 2803.4 - Contingent Fees
2803.405 Misrepresentations or violations of the Covenant Against Contingent Fees.
Subpart 2803.8 - Limitations on the Payment of Funds to Influence Federal Transactions
2803.806 Processing suspected violations.
Subpart 2803.9 - Whistleblower Protections for Contractor Employees
2803.901 Definitions.
2803.905 Procedures for investigating complaints.
2803.906 Remedies.
2803.908 Enhancement of contractor employee whistleblower protections.
2803.908-9 Contract clauses.
2803.908-70 Whistleblower Protection in General Non-Disclosure Agreement.
2803.908-71 Whistleblower Protection in Intelligence-Related Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Subpart 2803.10 - Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct
2803.1004 Contract clauses.
Subpart 2803.1 - Safeguards
2803.101 Standards of conduct.
2803.101-3 Agency regulations.
The DOJ regulations governing Standards of Conduct are contained in 5 CFR part 2635.
2803.104 Procurement integrity.
2803.104-7 Violations or possible violations.
(a) Upon receipt of information regarding a violation or possible violation of 41 U.S.C. 2102, 2103, or
2104, the contracting officer must make the determination required by FAR 3.104-7(a) and follow
the procedures prescribed therein.
(1) Make the determination required by FAR 3.104-7(a) and follow the procedures prescribed
(2) [Reserved].
(b) The individual referenced in FAR 3.104-7(a)
(1) is the BPC.
(c) The HCA or designee must follow the criteria contained in FAR 3.104-7(g) when delegating
authority under this subpart.
(d) The HCA or designee shall refer information regarding actual or possible violations of section 41
U.S.C. 2102, 2103, or 2014 to the OIG or other office designated in Attorney General Order 1931-94.
(e) If the HCA or designee, after receiving information relating to a violation, or possible violation,
determines that award or extension of a contract potentially affected by the violation is justified by
urgent and compelling circumstances, or is otherwise in the interest of the Government, then the
HCA may authorize the contracting officer to award or extend the contract after notification to the
OIG or other office designated in Attorney General Order 1931-94.
(f) The HCA will advise the contracting officer as to the action to be taken. Criminal and civil
penalties, and administrative remedies, may apply to conduct that violates 41 U.S.C. chapter 21, see
FAR 3.104-8.
(g) The contracting officer shall advise the SPE in writing of all allegations of violations. The
contracting officer must describe the alleged violation as well as actions taken.
Subpart 2803.2 - Contractor Gratuities to Government
2803.203 Reporting suspected violations of the Gratuities clause.
DOJ personnel shall report suspected violations of the gratuities clause, FAR 52.203-3, to the
contracting officer or chief of the contracting office in writing. The report shall clearly state the
circumstances surrounding the incident, including the nature of the gratuity, the time period in
which it occurred, the behavior or action the gratuity was intended to influence, and the persons
involved. The contracting officer or chief of the contracting office, after review, shall forward the
report along with his or her recommendations regarding the treatment of the violation in accordance
with FAR 3.204(c) to the HCA, or designee.
2803.204 Treatment of violations.
(a) The HCA or designee shall determine whether adverse action against the contractor in
accordance with FAR 3.204(c) may be taken. In reaching a decision, the HCA or designee shall
consult with the contracting activity's legal advisor and the OIG or other office designated in
Attorney General Order 1931-94.
(b) The SPE shall be advised of all instances where violations have been determined to have
occurred and any action taken as a result.
(c) Prior to taking any action against the contractor, the HCA or designee shall allow the contractor
the opportunity to present opposing arguments in accordance with FAR 3.204(b).
Subpart 2803.3 - Reports of Suspected Antitrust Violations
2803.301 General.
DOJ personnel shall report suspected antitrust violations to the Attorney General (AG) through the
Assistant Attorney General (AAG) for the Antitrust Division (ATR).
(a) The report for the AG shall be addressed to: Attorney General, Attention: AAG/ATR, U.S.
Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20530.
(b) The report shall include:
(1) A brief statement describing the suspected practice and the reason for the suspicion; and
(2) The name, address, and telephone number of an individual in the agency who can be contacted
for further information.
Subpart 2803.4 - Contingent Fees
2803.405 Misrepresentations or violations of the Covenant Against
Contingent Fees.
Employees who suspect, or have evidence of, violations by a contractor of the Covenant Against
Contingent Fees, see FAR subpart 3.4, must report the matter to the contracting officer or
appropriate higher authority, in accordance with agency procedures. Employees who suspect or
have evidence of fraudulent or criminal activities must report the matter to the SPE and the OIG.
Subpart 2803.8 - Limitations on the Payment of Funds to
Influence Federal Transactions
2803.806 Processing suspected violations.
Evidence of suspected violations of 31 U.S.C. 1352, Limitation on the Use of Appropriated Funds to
Influence Certain Federal Contracting and Financial Transactions, may be submitted in accordance
with agency procedures to the SPE and the OIG or other office designated in Attorney General Order
Subpart 2803.9 - Whistleblower Protections for Contractor
2803.901 Definitions.
As used in this subpart -
Covered Individual is defined as an employee of a contractor at any tier required by the Department
to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), whether the NDA is directly between the Covered
Individual and the Department or between the Covered Individual and a contractor, and whether the
NDA is required by a contract or otherwise (e.g., pursuant to a vendor demonstration, product trial,
market research effort, or other non-contract efforts).
General NDA means an NDA, other than an Intelligence-Related NDA, required by the Department
to be signed by a Covered Individual.
Intelligence-Related NDA means any NDA required by the Department to be signed by a Covered
Individual who is connected with the conduct of an intelligence or intelligence-related activity.
Non-Disclosure Agreement means any nondisclosure or confidentiality agreement, policy, or form,
including the agreements in Standard Forms 312 (Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement)
and 4414 (Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement).
2803.905 Procedures for investigating complaints.
(a) Upon receipt of a complaint filed pursuant to FAR 3.904, the Inspector General shall conduct an
investigation and provide a written report of findings to the HCA, or designee.
(b) The HCA or designee will ensure that the Inspector General provides the report of finding to the
individuals and entities specified in FAR 3.905(c).
(c) The complainant and contractor shall be afforded the opportunity to submit to the HCA or
designee a written response to the report of findings within 30 days of receipt of the report. The
HCA or designee may grant extensions of time to file a written response.
(d) The HCA or designee may request that the Inspector General conduct additional investigative
work on the complaint at any time.
2803.906 Remedies.
(a) Upon determination that a contractor has subjected one of its employees to a reprisal for
providing information as set forth in FAR 3.906(a), the HCA or designee may take one or more
actions specified in that section.
(b) Whenever a contractor fails to comply with an order issued pursuant to FAR 3.906(a), the HCA or
designee shall notify the Attorney General and request that DOJ file an action for enforcement of
such order in the United States District Court.
2803.908 Enhancement of contractor employee whistleblower protections.
2803.908-9 Contract clauses.
2803.908-70 Whistleblower Protection in General Non-Disclosure Agreement.
The contracting officer shall ensure that any General NDA that DOJ requires a Covered Individual to
sign contains the required Whistleblower Protection Provision at JAR 2852.203-70.
2803.908-71 Whistleblower Protection in Intelligence-Related Non-Disclosure
The contracting officer shall ensure that any Intelligence-Related NDA that DOJ requires a Covered
Individual to sign contains the required Whistleblower Protection Provision at JAR 2852.203-71.
Subpart 2803.10 - Contractor Code of Business Ethics and
2803.1004 Contract clauses.
The information required to be inserted in the clause at FAR 52.203-14, Display of Hotline Poster(s),
is the following: Office of the Inspector General, Fraud Detection Office, Attn: Poster Request, U.S.
Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20530.