REVISED 12-16-2019
Rev 12-16-2019 2
This inmate handbook is designed to provide information for inmates consistent with
California Administrative Code, Title 15. The objective of this handbook is to provide
answers to the most frequently asked inmate questions and to present a clear and
understandable set or rules and information to govern conduct within the Inyo County
Jail. (L506)
In order to maintain the efficient and orderly operation of the Inyo County Jail, the
following are expected and required of all inmates:
All inmates will conduct themselves in an orderly manner at all times.
All facility rules, regulations, procedures, and orders, whether written or
verbal, will be followed without delay.
Inmates will keep themselves clean, neat, and well-groomed at all times.
Inmates will keep their living areas, including bunks, housing units, dayrooms
and recreational areas neat, clean and orderly.
Inmates will treat staff in a courteous manner.
Although issued to you, this handbook is not your property. It belongs to the
Inyo County Jail and must be returned prior to your release. Destruction,
defacing or writing in this manual may result in discipline.
Receipt of this book means that you are familiar with its contents and will be responsible
for following the rules and directives listed. “I didn’t know” WILL NOT be accepted as an
excuse for a violation of the jail rules.
You are reminded that all local, State, and Federal Laws are fully in effect while you are
in custody. Violations of law will result in criminal prosecution. It is possible to violate the
conditions of your probation while in custody. Additionally, you may be disciplined for
violations of Jail rules and regulations with loss of privileges and/or time credits.
You will see a number in parentheses following many of the sections in this book. These
numbers relate to sections in the Inyo County Jail Lexipol Policy Manual. You may
to see the complete text of any section so numbered.
SEARCHES – All inmates entering this facility are subject to a custodial search.
Additionally, inmates returning from Court, work detail, visits, or being moved
from one area to another are subject to search. (L528.3/L504.4)
BOOKING – All inmates entering the Inyo County Jail will be asked questions
regarding their identity and health. You must also be photographed and
fingerprinted. These procedures do not violate your rights. Failure to comply may
result in discipline and/or delay in your release. (L504.5/L1203.3)
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WRISTBANDS – Every inmate will be issued a wristband. This band may not be
removed by any inmate. If the wristband becomes damaged or comes off, notify
the on-duty staff at once. Intentional removal WILL result in disciplinary action.
Commissary will not be given out to any inmate not wearing his/her wristband.
Inmate Workers must wear their identification badges.
ASSIGNED BUNKS – Each inmate will be assigned a bunk in a housing area.
Inmates are not allowed to change assigned bunks without the permission of the
jail staff. Inmates who violate a staff member’s instructions regarding bunk
assignments will be subject to disciplinary action.
item not allowed or not issued by the Inyo County Jail or its staff. “Contraband”
includes, but is not limited to, weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco items, matches,
lighters, food withheld from as inmate’s meal without staff authorization, extra
clothing, or any item not used for its intended purpose. (L528.7)
The following items are allowed each inmate with limits as set:
Newspapers………………………………………………...Limit 1
Magazines……………………………………………….Limit 2
Books……………………………… …………………… Limit 3
Bible……………………………… …………………….. Limit 1
Legal papers…………………………………………… Unlimited
Mail and Photographs………………………………… By volume 12”x12”x6”
Cup 22 oz……………………………………………….Limit 1
Clear plastic bags (13x13) ………………………… Limit 2
Plastic spoons (only commissary type)…………….. Limit 2
Top and bottoms………………………………………. Limit 1
T-shirts…………………………………………………. Limit 2
Underwear………………………………………………Limit 2
Bra (Female only)……………………………………. Limit 1
Nightshirt (Female only)……………………………… Limit 1
Socks (pair)……………………………………………. Limit 2
Shoes (pair)……………………………………………. Limit 1
Towel…………………………………………………… Limit 1
Blanket (Spring / Summer)…………………………… Limit 1
Blanket (Winter)……………………………………….. Limit 2
Mattress cover………………………………………….Limit 1
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Cookies / crackers……………………………………..Limit 5
Candy………………………………………………………..Limit 15
Foods / snack items……………………………………Limit 15
Beverages single serving pkgs……………………….Limit 10
Beverages large pkgs………………………………….Limit 2
Hair ties………………………………………………….Limit 5
Hair conditioner…………………………………………Limit 1
Flex Pens………………………………………………..Limit 3
Detachable razor head………………………………...Limit 1
Soap……………………………………………………..Limit 2
Toothbrush………………………………………………Limit 1
Limit 2
Shampoo………………………………………………….....Limit 1
Writing tablet…………………………………………..Limit 2
Sketch pad……………………………………………..Limit 1
Washcloth………………………………………………Limit 1
Alka Seltzer, Ibuprofen, Tylenol...……………....……Limit 10
All other items…………………………………………..Limit 1
(Refer to the commissary order slip for other limits.)
Excess photographs or correspondence will be placed into the inmate’s “personal
property”. Excess newspapers, books, etc. will become facility property. It is the
individual inmate’s responsibility to not purchase commissary items in quantities above
the set limits. Commissary items over the limit WILL BE taken or destroyed.
These rules are provided to all inmates and are for the protection of their rights and
safety during their stay. Any violation of the rules will result in loss/restriction of
privileges, time credits, and/or criminal prosecution.
Each rule is followed by a code letter i.e. (M), (m), or (C). Those code letters indicate the
severity of the offense committed and are defined as follows:
(M) – Major Violations
(m) – Minor Violations
(C) – Criminal Law Violations
Inmates who violate any law, Federal, State, or County Ordinance may have criminal
charges filed against them. In addition, they may also be reclassified/re-housed and
have other privileges restricted. Staff members may isolate and/or lockdown any
individual or housing area for reasons of inmate(s), staff, or facility security or to maintain
control over any given incident.
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(C) (M) (m) obey all laws, rules, and regulations, either posted or printed here
and all instructions issued by staff.
(m) Be fully dressed at all times, except when in their assigned sleeping
quarters. When going to and from the shower, inmates shall wear their pants, T-
shirt (male), nightshirt (female), and shoes or shower shoes. At all other times,
“fully dressed” means wearing the jail top and pants with shoes and socks or
shower shoes. T-shirt may not be worn as an outer garment. Females shall not
wear their nightshirts as an outer garment in the dayroom.
(m) Address staff in a respectful manner. Staff will be referred to by their title
(Deputy, Officer, Corporal, Sergeant, etc. or by Mr. or Ms.). Inmates will not make
personal advances or comments toward any staff member. This includes any
gestures directed to the Tower. Abusive, improper or disrespectful language,
remarks, comments, or gestures will not be permitted.
(m) Address visitors with respect and composure. Visits may be terminated
the use of loud, abusive, improper or disrespectful language. Discipline,
including the loss of visiting privileges, may be imposed for violations.
(m) Be responsible for the cleanliness of their cell/common areas. ALL
inmates will awaken at 5:00 a.m. to clean. Televisions and phones will be
turned on AFTER staff inspection of the pod area for cleanliness each morning.
(C) (M) Be responsible for all jail property issued to them. Inmates will be held
liable for torn clothing and proper fit of clothing at the time of clothing exchange.
Loss or destruction of these items will result in disciplinary action, criminal
charges, or both.
(m) Refrain from loud talking, shouting, and other disruptive acts at ALL
TIMES. Failing to follow this rule WILL result in the loss of television for the pod
area for 24 hours.
(m) Will store ALL personal property in storage containers provided. Items not
storage containers are subject to seizure.
(m) Return kitchen items such as trays, cups, spoons, etc. immediately after
each meal, stack trays and place spoons in the basket provided. Failure to
comply may result in pod lockdown.
(m) Walk in a single file line with hands behind their back while in any
and stop when directed and turn and face the nearest wall when
directed to.
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(C) (M) Mark or deface any wall or structure within the jail, or destroy or alter any
county property. This includes, but is not limited to, inmate apparel and bedding,
books, magazines, and all property purchased by the Inmate Welfare Fund.
(M) Gamble. This includes any game played for money or property.
(M) (C) Fight, challenge to fight, make threatening remarks, or become involved
in boisterous horseplay. Immediate lockdown will be imposed until further review
by the Disciplinary Review Board.
(C) (M) Have in their possession any contraband or dangerous weapons.
(M) Have in their possession any pointed or sharpened objects.
(m) Throw any object(s) unless in the exercise yard, and only then those
designed for throwing (i.e. racquetball, handball, etc.)
(m) Have in their possession any items not purchased from the commissary
issued or approved by the jail staff.
(m) Hang or attach photographs or other items on walls, windows, bunks, or
fixtures. Items placed on or attached to walls, windows, bunks, or fixtures will be
considered contraband. The following items may remain on the cell’s desk: (2)
photographs; (1) writing or drawing tablet; (3) flex pens; (1) bible, book, or
magazine. Any other
items may be confiscated. Photographs and
correspondence will be removed
and placed into the inmate’s property. They
will be returned only upon the
inmate’s release.
(M) Smoke or possess any tobacco product(s) inside the Jail, during
at Court or during any visit outside the jail, or on work crew.
(m) Cover, tamper with, alter, or manipulate any light(s), vent(s), or
(C) (M) Burn any object(s) or start any type of fire, possess any match(es),
lighter(s), or any other item capable of ignition.
(C) (M) Engage in any sexual activity with other inmates.
(M) Change assigned bunks or sleeping quarters without staff authorization.
(M) Remove, tamper with, or alter identification bracelets. COMMISSARY
NOT be given to anyone without an identification bracelet.
(C) Enter or remove property from another inmate’s sleeping quarters without
expressed permission of the cell occupant.
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(m) Use issued property or commissary items for anything other than their
intended purpose.
(m) To store food or beverages other than commissary items in their cells.
(m) Give, loan, or transfer money or commissary items to other inmates. No
staff member will transfer food or commissary items between pod areas.
(m) Loiter near or cross red lines unless accompanied by jail staff.
(m) (C) (M) Temper with any fixture, thermostat, plumbing fixture, fire or life
safety device, or any other door, lock, fixture, or device.
(m) Tattoo, possess tattoo equipment, pierce any skin area(s) or wear any
object(s) in any skin area(s) already pierced prior to arriving in custody.
(C) Escape, attempt to escape, or aid or abet any escape or any attempted
escape by any person.
(m) Pound on doors or yell except to notify jail staff of an emergency. Facility
intercoms are only to be used for emergencies.
(m) Pass articles, notes, or any items from one housing unit to another, or
communicate with inmate(s) in another pod except via U.S. Mail or communicate
with anyone in “lockdown”.
(m) Refuse to do any work assigned by staff without a legitimate excuse that
can be verified by staff.
(M) Bring or take any items to and/or from the Jail, Court, medical
or other activities without approval by Jail Sergeant or Corporals.
(m) Sit or loiter on balconies or stairs or exercise equipment, sit on table tops
railings or stand on tables or benches. Sliding down the bannister is
Violations in a housing area WILL result in the loss of television
and/or telephone
privileges, lockdown of the area or individual disciplinary action
against the
offending inmate.
Inmate Workers are subject to ALL jail rules and regulations unless otherwise
specified by staff. This applies during any assigned work detail.
Inmate Workers will be at their work station, or when done, in their housing unit.
Those assigned to work in the kitchen will wear a white shirt and blue pants.
Those assigned to work in or around the jail will wear blue pants and a blue work
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An inmate worker will not visit the nurse’s office unless called for. An inmate
worker requesting sick call will do so in the normal manner. Those who are
unable to carry out all of their duties will inform the on-duty Supervisor at once.
INMATE WORKERS (Continued) (L1028)
Violation of any General Rule or Inmate Worker Rule or failure to complete their
assignment may result in disciplinary action and/or the loss of their job
Male and female workers will be kept separate and may not communicate in any
While working on crews outside the Jail, workers are to follow all of the general
rules for inmates within the Jail as well as the directions of the person they are
working for.
Workers are not allowed to have visits from anyone while working on outside
work crews.
Workers are not to leave their assigned stations for any reason.
Workers are not to bring any item(s) into the Jail without staff’s knowledge and
Violations of any General Rule or Work Crew Rules or failure to complete the job
assignment may result in disciplinary action and the loss of the job assignment.
FORMS OF DISCIPLINE – The degree of punitive action taken by a disciplinary
officer shall be consistent with the severity of the rule infraction. Acceptable
forms of discipline shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following:
Loss of visitation privileges
Loss of television privileges
Loss of commissary privileges
Loss of exercise yard
E. Reclassification/re-housing/lockdown (with no privileges)
Restriction of telephone use (except legal calls)
Loss of good time/work time credits
Reclassification/re-housing/lockdown (with no privileges)
Restriction of privileges
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NOTE: Three (3) or more minor violations will be handled as a major violation. All
criminal violations will be handled as major violations.
All criminal violations will be forwarded to District Attorney’s Office for criminal
review and prosecution.
PLAN FOR INMATE DISCIPLINE – All jail staff have investigative and limited
punitive powers. Inmates may, at the discretion of the staff member observing
the violation, be isolated or administratively segregated. A supervisor will be
notified of any disciplinary action taken. Minor acts of non-conformance or minor
violations may be handled informally by warning the inmate of the violation and
the expected conduct.
The violation shall be reported in writing by the staff member observing or
investigating the violation.
The inmate shall be notified of the charges against him/her and be given
a copy of the written notice of violation.
A Sergeant or Corporal may act as a Disciplinary Officer in minor
A Disciplinary Review Board of uninvolved, jail staff members will be
assigned by the Jail Sergeant. This board shall conduct a hearing. The
inmate shall be allowed to appear and to present testimony and evidence
on their own behalf. This hearing shall not be held sooner than 24 hours
or later than 72 hours after written notice of the alleged violation is given
to the inmate. Inmates may waive the 24 hours requirement and
request an earlier hearing, subject to staff
approval. The hearing may
be postponed or continued for a reasonable
time through a written
waiver by the inmate or “for good cause”.
The inmate will be advised of any disciplinary actions imposed by the
review board. All disciplinary action shall be reviewed by the Jail
Commander. The inmate will be given a copy of the review board’s
findings and actions.
Inmates wishing to appeal the decision of the hearing officer must do so in
writing within five days of the decision. All appeals will be forwarded to the Jail
Commander or the authorized designee for review (L600.9), (15 CCR 1081).
Only appeals based on the following will be considered:
A. The disciplinary process or procedures were not
B. There was insufficient evidence to support the hearing
officer’s decision.
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C. The discipline imposed was not proportionate to the
violation committed.
G. Minor acts of non-conformance to the rules may be handled informally by
any correctional officer (L600.4), (15 CCR 1081).
A violation of rules observed by general service employees, volunteers, or
contractors will be reported to a correctional officer for further action.
Correctional officers are authorized to recommend informal sanctions on
minor violations.
Any staff member imposing informal discipline shall complete the reporting
portion of the disciplinary report and provide the form to the supervisor for
review prior to the imposition of the sanction.
Disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed for minor rule violations include
(15 CCR 1081):
Counseling the inmate regarding expected conduct.
Assignment to extra work detail.
Removal from work detail (without losing work time credits).
Loss of television, telephone, and/or commissary privileges
for a period not to exceed 24 hours.
Lockdown in the inmate’s assigned cell or confinement in the
inmate’s bunk area for a period not to exceed 24 hours.
An inmate may request that a supervisor review the imposed sanction.
However, this request must be made within one hour of receiving notice of
the sanction. The supervisor should respond to the request within a
reasonable time (generally within two hours) and shall have final authority
as to the imposition of informal discipline.
Administrative Segregation - The physical separation of an inmate who is prone to (15
CCR 1053), (L510.1.1):
a) Promote activity or behavior that is criminal in nature or disruptive to
facility operations.
b) Demonstrate influence over other inmates, including influence to promote
or direct action or behavior that is criminal in nature or disruptive to the
safety and security of other inmates or facility staff, as well as to the safe
operation of the facility.
c) Escape.
d) Assault staff or other inmates, or participate in a conspiracy to assault or
harm them.
e) Need protection from other inmates.
This is a non-punitive classification process.
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Unsentenced inmates, especially those facing sentences with the California Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation, should take special notice. All disciplinary reports and hearings,
reports of
misconduct, and reports of criminal charges which occurred while in custody are sent to
the CDCR with your commitment documents.
The comprehensive classification process begins with a review of any initial classification
information obtained during the reception and booking process, as well as an interview by
the classification correctional officer. The review of initial classification documents and the
questions, answers and observations from the inmate’s interview will be documented and
numerically scored, representing the security level and housing assignment appropriate for
each inmate.
Individualized determinations shall be made about how to ensure the safety of each inmate
(28 CFR 115.42; 15 CCR 1050).
REVIEWS AND APPEALS: Once an inmate is classified and housed, he/she may appeal
the decision of the classification correctional officer. The appeal process shall begin at the
first-line supervisor level. The decision by the supervisor may be appealed to the Jail
Commander or the authorized designee. The decision by the Jail Commander or the
authorized designee is final (L516.7).
An inmate may appeal and have resolved any grievances relating to any condition of
confinement with the exception of decisions handed down by the Court. A grievance
may be filed by either an individual or a group of inmates, but it must be signed by the
person making the grievance. Non individual titles such as “Area F” are not acceptable.
No inmate will be disciplined, punished, or lose any privilege because he/she have
submitted a grievance.
Grievances must be submitted in writing. A form will be provided to any inmate within
twenty-four hours of his/her request. No inmate may have more than two grievances
pending at any one time.
Grievances will be submitted to the Jail Sergeant. If not handled verbally with the inmate,
the Jail Sergeant or his designee will respond to the inmate in writing within ten days
(excluding weekends and holidays), (L620.3).
An inmate may appeal the handling of a grievance by asking in writing for an appeal
within ten days (excluding weekends and holidays) of receiving the Jail Sergeant’s
response. An appeal that contains new or additional information will be considered to be
a simple grievance and handled as described above. Appeals may be made to the Jail
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Commander, then to the Undersheriff, and finally to the Sheriff. At each stage of the
appeal the inmate will be given a written reply within ten days (excluding weekends and
holidays). (L620.3.2/L620.3.3)
ACCESS TO COURTS AND COUNSEL – Inmates may write postage free letters
to the Courts and to their attorneys. Such mail may be sealed. Inmates shall be
allowed confidential consultations with their attorneys at any time, subject to
staffing and security requirements of the jail. Inmates are allowed access to
telephones through which they may contact their attorneys. (L606)
BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS – Inmates may obtain books,
magazines, newspapers and periodicals from the jail library or through
subscriptions mailed directly from a publisher. The jail does not accept such
materials from visitors on visiting days and will not accept packages received by
mail for inmates. Legal reference books may be available by request through jail
staff. Inmates are limited in the amount of such materials that they may possess
in housing areas. (L528.7)
CLOTHING EXCHANGE/LAUNDRY – Undergarments will be exchanged twice
each week. Outer garments, towels, and sheets shall be exchanged once each
week. Blankets shall be exchanged once each month. Laundry/clothing
exchange days are posted in each housing area. The Inyo County Jail is NOT
responsible for damage or loss of personal property left in the pockets of clothing
upon exchange due to laundering. The Jail IS NOT responsible for damage or
loss of personal clothing if worn on a work detail. (L814)
COMMISSARY – Commissary is held once each week. Commissary order forms
are passed out on Sunday evening and will show each inmate’s account balance.
Orders for commissary items are limited to the amounts allowed in housing areas
(see pages 2 & 3 of this handbook). Inmates without funds will be provided with
basic toiletry and stationary items each commissary day. Commissary will be
delivered Wednesday evening. NOTE: If you are released or transferred prior to
receiving your order, you will have 72 hours (3 days) to claim it. Orders left longer
will be discarded. By signing the commissary form you acknowledge and
understand the terms of the commissary order. (L1014)
Cash in the possession of an inmate at booking will be placed on the inmate’s
commissary account. Deposits made to an inmate’s account must be made in the
form of a money order made payable to the inmate. Deposits to an inmate
account received by the jail after commissary slips have been issued to inmates
(normally 2:00 p.m. on Sunday) will not be available to the inmate for
commissary purposes until the following commissary issue. No cash deposits or
personal checks are accepted other than cash at booking. A check will be issued
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at release for any monies remaining on an inmate’s account or as soon as
possible after release.
CORRESPONDENCE – There is no limit to the amount of mail that an inmate
may send or receive. All mail will be opened and inspected for contraband.
Inmates sending mail (other than legal mail) must leave the envelope unsealed.
Inmate mail will not be read unless there is a valid security reason for doing so.
There is no limit on postage free mail to any Court, holder of public office, or any
member of the state bar. Inmates without funds may send two letters
free each week. A week begins on Wednesday and ends on Tuesday.
pencils, and envelopes will be provided during commissary each week to
inmates without funds. The jail will not accept any mail order item “junk
lottery, gambling item, or package for any inmate. The jail will not accept
following mail that has; glitter, stickers, glued items, hard plastic, metal items,
laminated items and no hand painted items and any items stained with lipstick,
chocolate, oils or other materials. No musical or voice recorded cards and no
cards larger than 5x7 will be accepted. Any letters written in code will not be
accepted. (L1018)
Your name Northern Inyo Superior Court
C/O The Inyo County Jail 301 W. Line St.
P.O. Box 456 Bishop, CA 93514
Independence, CA 93526
Jail Commander Southern Inyo Superior Court
Inyo County Jail P.O. Box 518
P.O. Drawer “S” Independence, CA 93526
Independence, CA 93526
Inyo County Probation Inyo County Superior Court
P.O. Box 306 P.O. Drawer “U”
Independence, CA 93526 Independence, CA 93526
Gerard Harvey Kristine L. Eisler
P.O. Box 1710 308 W. Line St. Suite 5
Bishop, CA 93515 Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 264-5580 (760) 582-2120
Joshua D. Hillemeier Elizabeth Corpora
308 W. Line St. Suite 4 P.O. Box 1161
Bishop, CA 93514 Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 462-5845 (760) 872-8226
Rev 12-16-2019 14
Victoria L. Campbell David D. Hammon
314 W. Line St. Suite H P.O. Box 1176
Bishop, CA 93514 Bishop, CA 93514
(760) 873-7070 (760) 873-4760
EXERCISE YARD – Each housing area has two scheduled days for time in the
exercise yard. The schedule is posted in each housing area. You must use the
exercise yard at the time offered or you will forfeit your time in the yard. Requests
for additional yard time may be made and will be allowed as jail staff and
workloads permit. (L1010)
MEALS – Meal times are 0600, 1200 and 1700 hours. Inmates must be up and
standing in line at meal times. All plates and utensils must be returned. All meal
items stored by inmates after mealtime will be considered contraband and
confiscated; with the exception of commissary items. Meal times may be subject
to change. (L900)
MEDICAL – Non-emergency medical services are available on request. Inmates
should submit a medical request slip, which will be forwarded to the jail nurse. All
scheduling of medical and dental appointments will be made by the jail nurse.
JAIL HOURS – Lights will be turned on at 0500 hours. Lights will be turned off
and general lockdown started at 2300 hours. These hours may be subject to
TELEPHONE – Each inmate is allowed three (3) completed telephone calls at
booking (PC 851.5), (15 CCR 1067). These calls are only allowed at booking
and may not be “saved” until
later. Telephones are provided in each of the
housing areas. These phones are
turned on after breakfast and turned off at
lockdown. These telephones will not
receive incoming calls. Outgoing calls must
be placed “collect”. “Three way” calls
are not allowed from inmate phones. Any
three-way calls will be disconnected by
the tower staff. (L1020)
Telephones are a privilege and can be taken away as a disciplinary action. If
telephone equipment is damaged, inmates can expect a substantial delay in
TIME. SPECIAL NOTE: If an inmate finds that a block has been put on the
telephone number being called, the following may be the reason: (1) The party
has requested a block on their telephone; (2) The party has not paid their
telephone bill from Correctional Billing Services. The inmate will need to advise
the party
to call Customer Service (1-800-844-6591) to arrange to pay the
telephone bill. (3) If the party the inmate is calling has an answering machine, the
call will not go
through. (4) Three incomplete telephone calls have been
made to the same
number. (L1020)
TELEVISION - Television viewing is a privilege and not a right. Televisions and
cable television services are provided by profits from commissary sales.
Television sets may be turned off or removed as a disciplinary action and this
action may be taken by staff prior to a disciplinary hearing. Inoperative sets will
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be repaired as soon as possible. However, the Sheriff’s Department has no
obligation to provide television during times when these unexpected events
occur. The volume will be turned down during meals, medication rounds and at
jail staff discretion.
VISITING – Visiting hours for the jail are on Saturday and Sunday from 9:00
a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Visiting is closed for lunch from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. All
visiting appointments must be made before 2:00 p.m. on the day of the visit.
Visitors must arrive early to sign in prior to their appointment. (L1022)
Persons wishing to visit may call the Jail for an appointment after 8:00 a.m. on
the date they plan to visit, or they may come to the jail without an appointment
and wait for the next available visiting period. Appointments are cancelled for
visitors who arrive late, but they may wait for the next available visiting period. A
visitor(s) who wishes to see different inmates may only sign up for one visit at a
time. Visitors may be required to provide a valid picture I.D. before being allowed
to visit.
Visitors under the age of eighteen (18) must be accompanied by a parent or
guardian. SPECIAL NOTE: Children age 12-18 years old may visit their biological
parent without an adult present. Visitors will be limited to one thirty (30) minute
visit per inmate per day. A maximum of two (2) persons will be allowed to visit an
inmate at one time, including children.
Inmates are not permitted to visit other inmates while incarcerated in Inyo
County Jail.
This applies to everyone including spouses and relatives. NOTE: If
your visitor causes
any problems or does not follow staff directions your visit
will be terminated. If the
problem continues they will not be allowed to visit for
the remainder of your time in jail.
It is the policy of the Inyo County Jail to attempt to allow as many inmates to
visit as
time, staffing and facilities allow. (L1022)
SECURITY/COUNTS/INSPECTIONS – For security and safety, the staff will
conduct several scheduled and unscheduled head counts to verify the presence
of all inmates. Your cooperation is expected and you will be required to report to
the green line when requested. (L508, L528.3)
In addition to daily scheduled hygiene and safety inspections, the staff may find it
necessary to conduct an unscheduled inspection of your cell and pod area. Any
contraband items found will be confiscated. You will be required to cooperate
with the staff conducting the inspection and you do not have the right to be
present during your inspection.
Your person and property are subject to search while in the Inyo County Jail.
This includes, but is not limited to, “pat-down” searches and unclothed searches
at any given time during your incarceration.
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SANITATION & HYGIENE – All cells and pod areas will be cleaned by 6:00
a.m. each day and inspected by the jail staff. (L800/L804/L814)
Shower facilities are located in each pod area and in some cells. The showers
are available to you from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. You will be required to shower
maintain a neat appearance.
If you are assigned to Administrative Segregation or Disciplinary Segregation,
you will be permitted access to the showers every other day.
RELEASING/RECEIVING PROPERTY – All property held for an inmate at the
Inyo County Jail WILL BE released to the inmate when he/she is released.
Inmates may request that property be released to any person (not in custody).
Such releases must be completed during normal business hours (8.00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m.) Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).
Releasing/receiving property on weekends must be given prior approval by the
Jail Sergeant or Corporals. This must be done prior to the weekend of the
Upon receipt of a release request, signed by an inmate and verified by jail staff,
the designated property shall be removed from the inmate’s property and
released to the designated person only.
Items left over 90 days after an inmate’s release will be destroyed or disposed of.
Inmates will not be allowed to release shoes or clothing items deemed
for transportation to another facility or necessary for release.
If you want to release your personal property (excluding shoes and clothing)
you must
have it done prior to going to State Prison. Property will not be held
after your
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (L400) – In case of an emergency, it is
imperative that
you do not panic. Follow the instructions of jail staff and/or
emergency personnel.
If you are instructed to go to a certain area you should
do so immediately. You
will be advised of the nature of the emergency as soon
as possible. In the event
of a fire in your cell/pod area, you should get as far
from it as possible and
immediately notify jail staff. Pounding on doors and
yelling is allowed in
emergencies to notify jail staff.
Intercoms are for emergency or urgent communication with staff. They are not
to ask the time, what’s for dinner or other trivial communications. Non-urgent
requests should be submitted on an inmate request slip.
Photographs may be given to inmates subject to the following guidelines:
The photographs shall be unadorned and shall not exceed 3 inches by 5
Rev 12-16-2019 17
inches in size. Number may not exceed as stated on page 2, item #5 of
the Inmate Handbook.
Jail staff may prohibit photographs that are deemed capable of
compromising the security of the facility. Polaroid photographs altered
Polaroid, negatives are not acceptable.
Photographs depicting gangs, or gang-related gestures, weapons, drugs,
unlawful activities, nude children, and illustrating penetration are not
Consular Notification - Foreign nationals, without delay, may have his/her
consular officers notified of the arrest or detention and may communicate with
them. Jail Staff shall ensure this notification is acknowledged and documented. A
list of countries with mandatory notifications is posted in the booking area.
Voting - Inmates who have not been convicted of a felony and are in custody
during trial continue to have the right to vote. Except for individual inmates who
have lost the right to vote, sentenced inmates also maintain this right. Because
inmates are unable to access public voting polls, the Jail Commander or the
authorized designee shall develop written procedures whereby the county
registrar of voters allows qualified inmates to vote in local, state and federal
elections, pursuant to election codes (15 CCR 1071), (L622.2).
Inmates maintain their right to vote while incarcerated if they are:
a) A citizen of the United States.
b) A resident of the county.
c) At least 18 years of age at the time of the next election.
d) Not been declared mentally incompetent by a court.
e) Awaiting or on trial for a criminal offense.
f) Serving time for a traffic or misdemeanor offense or as a condition of
g) Not convicted of a felony offense and sentenced to serve time in a
state prison.
h) Not on parole as a result of a felony conviction.
Prior to each election, the Jail Commander will designate a correctional officer to be
a liaison between the Office and the local Registrar of Voters. The designated
correctional officer will be responsible for assisting inmates who have requested to
An inmate who is eligible to vote and requests to register should complete a voter
application. The application should be submitted to the liaison correctional officer,
who will forward the application to the local election official.
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An inmate who will be in custody during an election and requests to vote by
absentee ballot should complete an application. The completed application should
be submitted to the liaison correctional officer, who will forward the application to
the local election official.
All ballots received shall be delivered to inmates in a timely manner to ensure
compliance with the inmate’s right to vote. Once the ballot has been delivered to the
inmate, it shall be the responsibility of the inmate to mail his/her ballot in
accordance with the state’s voting requirements. If the inmate is indigent, the jail
will mail the ballot; if not, the inmate is responsible for the postage.
INFO FOR PREGNANT INMATES - Restraints will not be used on inmates who are known to be
pregnant unless based on an individualized determination that restraints are reasonably necessary
for the legitimate safety and security needs of the inmate, the staff, or the public. Should restraints
be necessary, the restraints shall be the least restrictive available and the most reasonable under
the circumstances (L524.9).
It is the policy of this office that a qualified health care professional should provide comprehensive
prenatal and postpartum care for all pregnant inmates during their incarceration, which includes but
is not limited to the following:
Pregnancy testing
Prenatal care, both routine and high-risk if needed
Management of drug or alcohol addicted pregnant inmates
Comprehensive counseling and assistance services
Nutrition modification for term of pregnancy and lactation
Birthing in an appropriate setting
Postpartum care
Family planning education and services
Access to privately funded pregnancy alternative options
A qualified health care professional shall provide counseling and information to pregnant inmates
regarding planning for their unborn child (15 CCR 1206(f); Penal Code § 4023.5, (L710.2).
RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND ACCOMMODATION REQUESTS - Inmates are not required to identify
or express a religious belief. An inmate may designate any belief, or no belief, during the intake
process and may change a designation at any time by declaring their religious belief in writing to the
Jail Commander or the authorized designee. Inmates seeking to engage in religious practices shall
submit a formal request to the Jail Commander or Jail Sergeant via Inmate Request Form (15 CCR
1072), (L1030.3).
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Additional Programs
Church services, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Programs and counseling, Mental Health
counseling, and other services are available as they are brought to our facility.
1. Wild Iris: Wild Iris offers a bi-weekly women’s support group where women can
come together and discuss topics such as domestic violence, sexual assault,
trauma, and self-esteem. In addition, supportive counseling services for individual
inmates are available by request on a case-by-case basis.
2. Moral Recognition Therapy (MRT): MRT is a 12-week treatment program which
focuses on seven basic treatment issues: confrontation of beliefs, attitudes, and
behaviors; assessment of current relationships; reinforcement of positive behavior
and habits; positive identify formation; enhancement of self-concept; decrease in
pleasure vs. pain and development of frustration tolerance; and development of
higher stages of moral reasoning. MRT is offered individually on a case-by-case
3. Parenting Class: Positive parenting is an effective approach to raising children and
teens that emphasizes the positive. Learn strategies to help you raise a healthy,
well-adjusted child who has the skills and confidence they need to succeed at
school and in their relationships with others.
4. Life Skills: This course can help prepare you for a stronger start outside of jail.
Learn everything from basic personal finance to how to prepare for a job interview.
In this class you will get help writing a resume, goal setting, and connecting with
community resources.
5. Counseling: Limited individual substance abuse or mental health counseling is
offered to personals focused on behavioral change for reentry. These services are
offered individually by request and provided by Inyo County Behavioral Health and
Toiyabe Family Services.
6. GED Preparation: This course is designed for those who do not have a GED
Certificate or High School Diploma and want to take the steps to get their GED
Certificate. GED Preparation will give you the instruction to get ready to take the
test. *If a class is not currently offered, individual materials are still available upon
7. Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous: This 12-step program is an international
fellowship of men and women who have determined that alcohol or other
substances have been a problem in their lives. It is nonprofessional and self-
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8. Health Insurance: If you are in need of health insurance, you may request an
application for health insurance through Covered California. Your application will
help to find-out if you qualify for free or low-cost health insurance, including Medi-
Cal. Assistance in completing this application is available upon request.
9. Reentry Services: If you are preparing for reentry and need assistance--such as
housing, employment, or referrals for other resources or programs—the reentry
coordinator may be able to provide assistance. This is on a case-by-case basis
upon request.
How to enroll in a class or request counseling:
Use an inmate request form to ask that you be considered for a desired class or
counseling. Not all classes may be available at the same time and some classes
require that you are pre-screened by the instructor for eligibility.
What is sexual assault/abuse?
Sexual assault is when: ‘A person …... engages in sexual intercourse or oral
sexual contact with any person without their consent.’ Sexual assault is a crime
and the person convicted shall be sentenced not eligible for suspension of
sentence, probation, pardon or release from confinement.
WHAT THIS MEANS: sexual assault (rape) is when a person has sex or oral sex
with another person without their approval (forced sex). Sexual abuse is when a
person commits sexual abuse by engaging in sexual contact with any person …
without their consent.
Sexual contact means any direct or indirect (on top of or inside clothes), touching,
fondling or manipulating of any part of the genitals, anus or female breast by any
part of the body or by any object or causing a person to engage in such contact.
WHAT THIS MEANS: sexual abuse is when a person has any form of sexual
contact with another person without their approval. ‘Sexual contact’ means any
touching, fondling (stroking) or manipulating of any part of the genitals, anus, or
females breast by any part of the body or by any object (on top of or inside
How to avoid sexual assault/abuse.
The only way sexual assault/abuse can be prevented is when a suspect chooses
NOT to sexually assault/abuse. However, you may avoid an attack by keeping the
following safety guidelines in mind:
Rev 12-16-2019 21
Be aware of situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Trust your
instincts. If it feels wrong, TELL A FRIEND, TELL STAFF, or TELL
Don’t be afraid to say “NO” or “STOP IT NOW.”
Walk and stand with confidence. Many suspects choose victims who look
like they won’t fight back or appear emotionally weak.
Avoid talking about sex or being partly dressed. These things may be
considered a come on, or make another inmate believe that you have an
interest in a sexual relationship.
Do not accept canteen items or other gifts from other inmate. Placing
yourself in debt to another inmate can lead to the belief of repaying the
debt with sexual favors.
Avoid secluded areas. Always stay in plain view of staff members. If you
are being pressured for sex, report it immediately to a staff member.
What do you do if you are sexually assaulted/abused?
Although a suspect may threaten to harm you and you may be scared, REPORT
The longer you wait to report the sexual assault/abuse, the more power you give
the suspect. All reports will be fully investigated and will be kept confidential.
Request to see the nurse for immediate medical attention. You may have serious
injuries that you are not aware of, and any sexual contact can expose you to
sexually transmitted diseases.
Do NOT do the following:
Do not shower
Do not brush your teeth
Do not use the restroom
Do not change your clothes
You may destroy important evidence.
Rev 12-16-2019 22
Did you know…
Sexual assault/abuse happens to people of all ages, ethnic groups, social
or economic status, sexual orientation or disability.
Sexual assault/abuse can happen to males and females.
Sexual assault/abuse is about power and violence. It is not about love.
Sexual assault/abuse affects everyone, either directly or through the
experiences of those we care about.
The fact that a victim of sexual assault/abuse becomes sexually excited
does not mean they are not assaulted/abused or that they gave approval.
These are normal, involuntary reactions.
It is common for survivors of sexual assault/abuse to have feelings of
embarrassment, anger, guilt, panic, depression and fear even several
months or years after an attack.
The offender uses sex as a weapon to assault the body, the mind and the
Any sexual contact between staff and inmates is against the law.
If you are thinking of sexually assaulting or sexually abusing another inmate,
you should know….
An investigation will be conducted by a department investigator.
You will face felony criminal charges.
If you are found guilty your time will be increased and you will face life long
reporting requirements to Law Enforcement to register as a Sex Offender
after your release from jail or prison.
Unprotected sex increases your risk of HIV infections, along with exposing
you to other sexually transmitted diseases.
If you have trouble controlling your actions, ask for help from medical
personnel or other mental health staff
Rev 12-16-2019 23
Inyo County Behavioral Health
(760) 873-6533
Wild Iris 24 hour hotline
(877) 873-7384 or
Wild Iris during business hours
(760) 873-6601 (collect calls accepted)
Inyo County Victim Witness Assistance
(760) 873-6669 or
(760) 878-0282
301 West Line st.
Bishop, CA 93514
M-F 8:00am -12:00pm, 1:00pm – 4:00pm
(760) 872-4444
Root and Rebound
Social Service Support and Legal Help
1730 Franklin Street, Suite 300
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 279-4662