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Last modified: 10/20/2021
Uber Community Guidelines
United States and Canada
Our guidelines were developed to help make every experience feel safe, respectful, and
positive. They apply to everyone who uses Ubers platform (“Uber Marketplace Platform”),
including but not limited to drivers, riders, delivery people, Uber Eats users, merchants, and
businesses. It also includes interactions you may have with Uber employees and contractors,
including at Greenlight Hubs, through online support systems, or over the phone.* And, in
some instances, our guidelines apply to conduct outside the Uber Marketplace Platform that
we become aware of, including but not limited to information from other platforms, when such
conduct may threaten the safety of the Uber MarketplacePlatform.
Thank you for joining us in supporting and safeguarding a welcomingenvironment.
The guidelines below help explain some of the specific kinds of positive community
engagement on the Uber Marketplace Platform, as well as the behaviors or circumstances that
may cause you to lose access to the Uber Marketplace Platform. There will always be
unforeseen events that may ultimately lead to your losing access to using the Uber
Marketplace Platform and services, but the following guidelines—which we’ll update regularly
—provide the basis for behavior we expect from all in the Uber community. Not following any
one of our guidelines can constitute a material breach or violation of the terms of your
agreement with Uber and may result in the loss of access to part or all of the Uber
We update our guidelines regularly to address relevant behavior and risks. Our goal is to ensure
that everybody in the Uber community always feels safe andwelcome.
Please take a moment to readthem.
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Legal | Uber
Guidelines for all of us
Everyone who signs up for an Uber account is required to follow Uber’s Community Guidelines.
They reflect the following 3 pillars and the standards in each of thesesections.
Treat everyone with respect
Our community is remarkably diverse and, chances are, you may meet people who may look
different from you, think differently than you, or come from different backgrounds. The
guidelines in this section help to foster positive interactions during everyexperience.
Help keep one another safe
We’re hard at work every day to help create safer experiences for everyone. Your safety drives
us. That’s why these standards were written. In addition to these general Uber Community
Guidelines, you can also find more standards just for Uber Eats under “Additional guidelines
for Uber Eats merchants and delivery people”below.
Follow the law
We’re committed to following all applicable laws and earning your trust, and we expect
everyone who uses the Uber Marketplace Platform to do their part and adhere to relevant laws
and regulations, as well as airport rules and regulations whereapplicable.
Your feedback matters
If something happens, whether it’s good or bad, we make it easy for you to tell us directly in the
app or by contacting the Uber Support team. Our team is continually improving our standards
and policies, and your feedback is important so that we can take appropriate action to keep
our standards relevant as our technologyevolves.
Treat everyone with respect
Treat everyone in the Uber community as you would like to be treated yourself: with respect.
The actions you take while using the Uber Marketplace Platform can have a big impact on the
safety and comfort of others. Courtesy matters. That’s why you are expected to exercise good
judgment and behave decently toward other people when using the Uber Marketplace
Platform and interacting with others in the Uber community—just as you would in any public
place. This includes behavior toward the Uber Support team or at GreenlightHubs.
Uber is an anti-racist company. We are committed to creating a safe and welcoming space for
everyone, regardless of background. Remember that when you interact with others in the Uber
community, you may meet people who may look different from you, think differently than you,
or come from different backgrounds. Please respect those differences. Discrimination based
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on race or any other characteristic protected by law will not be tolerated on the Uber
Marketplace Platform and can result in loss of access to the apps. Additionally, if you witness
discrimination taking place, you can report the situation to Uber and we will address any report
in accordance with our policies. You can learn more about Uber’s anti-racism
We believe that everyone should feel supported and welcomed when interacting with others in
the Uber community. That’s why we’ve created standards and policies on physical contact,
sexual assault and misconduct, threatening and rude behavior, post-trip contact,
discrimination, and propertydamage.
Respect isn’t always tied to what you say; it is also about how you act. For example, always try
to be on time for your ride or to pick up your delivery. It’s also common courtesy not to shout,
swear, or slam doors. And by tidying up after yourself—whether it’s taking your trash home or
cleaning up a spilled drink—you’ll help ensure that everyone has a pleasantride.
Physical contact
No one on the Uber Marketplace Platform should be touched without their consent, period.
Don’t touch strangers or anyone you just met while using the Uber Marketplace Platform.
Limited exceptions are permitted for people needing or requesting physical assistance (for
example, riders using Uber Assist who may need help getting into and out of the vehicle).
Hurting or intending to hurt anyone is neverallowed.
Sexual assault and misconduct
We all value our personal space and privacy. It’s OK to chat with other people while remaining
respectful. But please don’t comment on someones appearance or ask whether they are
single. Sexual assault and sexual misconduct of any kind is prohibited. Sexual assault and
misconduct refers to sexual contact or behavior without explicit consent of the otherperson.
Personal space and privacy should be respected. The following list provides examples of
inappropriate conduct but is notexhaustive.
Do not ask personal questions (for example, about relationship status or
Do not comment on appearance (for example, derogatory or
Do not make explicit comments or gestures (for example, slurs, or graphic or
Do not flirt (for example, nonverbal, suggestive flirting, or being too physicallyclose)
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Do not display indecent material (for example, sexually suggestive objects orpictures)
Uber has a no-sex rule regardless of whether you know the person or they give you
Threatening and rude behavior
Aggressive, confrontational, or harassing behavior is not allowed. Don’t use language, make
gestures, or take actions that could be disrespectful, discriminatory, threatening, or
inappropriate. The following list provides examples of threatening or rude behavior but is
Do not share graphic images or other harmful content (such as those that are sexually
explicit or depict violence) with others in the Uber community; this includes unsolicited
sharing of such images through Ubers online support systems or in connection with an
Uber Marketplace Platformexperience
Stay away from personal topics that can potentially be divisive, like religion and
Do not make verbal or physical threats of violence towardanybody
Do not use derogatory or discriminatory language, such as racist or prejudiced
comments or slurs, for anyreason
If you are the recipient of or witness to any threatening or rude behavior, you can report the
situation to Uber and we will address any report in accordance with ourpolicies.
Post-trip contact
Contact should end when the trip or delivery is complete, unless it’s to return a lost item.
Unwanted contact can be seen as harassment and includes, for example, texting, calling,
social media contact, visiting, or trying to visit someone in person after a trip or delivery has
been completed. Do not share any unnecessary contactinformation.
You should always feel safe and welcome. That’s why we don’t tolerate racist or discriminatory
conduct and behavior, including toward the Uber Support team or at Greenlight Hubs. We
encourage you to engage in all interactions with empathy, inclusivity, and intent to provide an
anti-racist, anti-discriminatory space for everyone. Do not discriminate against someone or
engage in a disparaging manner toward someone based on traits such as their race, ethnicity,
skin color, age, disability, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy, national origin, religion,
sex, sexual orientation, language, geographical location, or any other characteristic protected
under relevantlaw.
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The following list provides examples of discriminatory behavior but is notexhaustive.
Do not refuse to provide services based on characteristics like a persons race, ethnicity,
skin color, age, disability, gender identity, marital status, national origin, religion, sex,
sexual orientation, language, geographical location, or any other characteristic protected
under relevantlaw.
Do not rate another user—whether drivers, riders, delivery people, Uber Eats users,
merchants, restaurants, or businesses—based on thesetraits.
Do not discriminate on the basis of a rider’s destination or an Uber Eats user’s delivery
location. We understand how important it is to fit driving or delivering around your life,
rather than the other way around. It is not a violation of these guidelines to decline a trip
or delivery because it does not work for you. But intentionally refusing or canceling
requests, or using features on the Uber Marketplace Platform to avoid receiving trip or
delivery requests, solely for the purpose of avoiding a particular neighborhood due to the
characteristics of the people or businesses that are located in that area, is notallowed.
Do not use discriminatory language, make discriminatory remarks, vilify, or ask questions
about sensitive topics regarding national origin, race, ethnicity, or any other trait
previously mentioned. Making racial comments or using slurs is neverallowed.
You can learn more about Ubers Non-Discrimination Policyhere.
We also want to help increase the transport options and delivery options for people with
disabilities. That’s why we have information available for drivers, riders, and Uber Eats users on
this topic. You can go here to learn more about Ubers commitment to accessibility. Drivers
using the Uber Marketplace Platform must comply with all relevant laws governing the
transportation of riders with disabilities, including transporting service animals and assistive
devices (such aswheelchairs).
If you are subject to discrimination or witness discriminatory behavior, you can report the
incident to Uber by tapping Help in the apps or visiting help.uber.com so that our Support
team can follow up and take the appropriate action. Call 911 for immediate assistance if you
feel like your safety is in danger. Uber takes reports of discriminatory behavior very seriously.
Any users found to have engaged in discriminatory behavior or used discriminatory language
may lose access to the Uber MarketplacePlatform.
Property damage
Damaging property is never allowed. Some examples include damaging the car or other mode
of transportation requested through the Uber Marketplace Platform, breaking or vandalizing a
phone or tablet, intentionally spilling food or drink, smoking in a car, damaging a merchant’s
premises, or vomiting due to excessive alcohol consumption or otherwise. If you damage
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property, you’re responsible for the cost of cleaning and repair fees, outside of normal wear
Help keep one another safe
Everyone has a role to play in helping to create a safe environment. That’s why we have
standards on account sharing, account holder age, andmore.
Account sharing
Account sharing is not allowed. To use the Uber Marketplace Platform, you need to register
and maintain an active account. Don’t let another person use your account, and never share
your personal information used in connection with your account, including but not limited to
username, password, or photos of yourself, with anyone else to access the Uber Marketplace
Platform. For example, delivery people must complete all parts of the delivery themselves—
including any handling after the order is picked up from the merchant up until final delivery to
the Uber Eats user—with noexception.
People under the age of 18
You must be 18 years or older to have an Uber account. This means that you must be at least 18
years old to ride unaccompanied in a vehicle. Account holders can’t request a ride or delivery
for someone under the age of 18 who will not be accompanied by either the account holder or
another adult during the ride or when collecting the delivery. When ordering food, children are
also not allowed to use an adult’s Uber Eats account by themselves. These age limitations
apply unless our local guidelines, terms, or other policies sayotherwise.
Extra riders and non-account riders
When driving with Uber, no one other than the driver, the requesting rider, and the riders
guests should be in the vehicle. These guidelines apply unless our local guidelines, terms, or
other policies say otherwise. When riding with Uber, the account holder is responsible for the
behavior of their entire party. If you request a ride or a delivery for another adult, you’re held
responsible for their behavior during their trip ordelivery.
Vehicle information
For an easy pickup or delivery, the Uber Marketplace Platform gives riders and Uber Eats users
identifying information about drivers and delivery people and their vehicles, including their
license plate number, vehicle make and model, profile picture, and name. Inaccurate or
outdated information creates confusion among riders and Uber Eats users and can diminish
their experience using the Uber MarketplacePlatform.
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Drivers and delivery people must complete trips and deliveries using only approved vehicles.
To provide accurate information, let us know your vehicle information and provide any updates
to your documentation that may become invalid, like a driver’s license that’s about toexpire.
Seat belts
Seat belt use can be the most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries related to vehicle
crashes. Every delivery person using a vehicle, every driver, and every rider—including those in
the back seat—should always buckle up. Riders should request a vehicle that has enough seat
belts for everyone in their party and not travel in large groups that exceed the number of seat
belts in the vehicle. Drivers can decline a ride if there are not enough seat belts in their vehicle
for everyrider.
Helmets for bikes, motorcycles, and scooters
For your safety, when riding a bike, motorcycle, or scooter, find a helmet that fits well. Helmets
can help protect you when worn according to the manufacturer’s instructions, such as sitting
low on your forehead and fitting snugly under yourchin.
Use of dashcams that record video and/or audio
Drivers may choose to install and use a dashcam, which can be used to record rides and
provide evidence to Uber, law enforcement, or insurance companies in the event that
something goes wrong on a ride. Please note thefollowing:
Riders entering a rideshare vehicle with a dashcam may be concerned about how the
video, their image, or conversations captured by a dashcam will be used. In some
locations, local laws and regulations require that a rider provide consent to being
recorded. Please check your local laws to understand yourresponsibilities.
Drivers may submit recordings to Uber at their discretion. Uber will review submitted
footage and take all action consistent with the Community Guidelines and platform
terms ofuse.
Sharing or streaming a persons image or audio or video recording on social media or in
other digital or physical public locations is a violation of our Community Guidelines and
may prompt further investigation by our safetyteam.
Be alert
Being out on the road means doing your part to help keep yourself and others safe. This means
keeping your eyes on the road and being well rested, so you can quickly react to any situation.
We review reports of crashes and potentially unsafe drivingbehavior.
Proper maintenance and upkeep
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Pursuant to the terms of their agreement with Uber, drivers and delivery people are expected
to keep their vehicles maintained and in good operating condition, including but not limited to
brakes, seat belts, and tires. This means maintaining their vehicle according to industry safety
and maintenance standards, and monitoring for and repairing any parts that are recalled by
the vehiclemanufacturer.
Share the road
Safe roadways require drivers to practice safe behavior, which includes looking out for all
travelers, regardless of how they getaround.
Public emergencies
Uber may take additional measures to try to preserve the safety of our platform during public
emergencies, including but not limited to natural disasters, public health emergencies, and
public crisissituations.
For example, if Uber receives notice from a public health authority that someone using the
Uber Marketplace Platform may present a potential for public harm, we may temporarily block
the individual’s access until it is reasonably safe to allow the individual to resume using the
Uber Marketplace Platform. Similarly, we may prevent individuals in an entire city or region
from using part or all of the Uber Marketplace Platform or impose other requirements to
comply with guidance from authorities during a time of public health emergency, natural
disaster, or other public crisis situation, or when the continued availability of the Uber
Marketplace Platform might present adanger.
Additional guidelines for Uber Eats merchants and delivery
In addition to following all of Uber’s Community Guidelines, users of the Uber Eats platform
must follow the standards below that apply to Uber Eats orders anddeliveries.
Proper handling of orders (information for merchants)
Merchants are expected to meet all relevant licensing requirements and all other food laws
and regulations—including food safety and hygiene regulations—plus industry best practices
and Uber policies. Merchants must maintain valid licenses and/or permits where required
Many prepared foods are perishable and can cause illness if not properly handled. Such foods
can be potentially hazardous if not maintained under the proper time and temperature
controls prior topickup.
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To help ensure that food reaches Uber Eats users safely, merchants are encouraged to seal
packages in tamper-evident packaging ahead of delivery. Merchants are expected to act
responsibly on information provided by Uber Eats users related to food allergies, intolerances,
or other dietary restrictions and reject order requests with which they cannotcomply.
Proper delivery of orders (information for delivery people)
Merchants may outline certain delivery guidelines that promote food safety, adhere to
regulatory guidance, or accommodate Uber Eats user dietary restrictions. For example,
merchants may notify a delivery person to keep halal and non-halal food separate. Delivery
people should always follow such guidelines frommerchants.
A delivery person using an insulated bag can make for a better Uber Eats user experience, but
it isn’t required unless the delivery person is delivering in a location where it’s required by law.
Deliveries by bicycle may benefit from a more specialized bag to protect food from movement
and weatherconditions.
Delivery people should deliver orders safely and in accordance with relevant safety standards.
For example, they may not tamper with or open packaging duringdelivery.
How merchants can provide a safe space for pickups
Merchants and their staff are expected to exercise good judgment and behavior around
delivery people and make them feel welcome, just as they would with their in-person
customers. They should also provide a safe area for order pickups; for example, merchants
should work to prevent violent incidents on the merchant premises that might endanger
delivery peoples safety. Discriminatory remarks or behavior by any user of the Uber
Marketplace Platform is nottolerated.
Alcohol delivery
All orders that contain alcohol must comply with any applicable laws and restrictions on off-
premise alcohol delivery and hours of service. Only Uber Eats users who are the legal age to
buy alcohol (21 in the US, and 18 or 19 in Canada) or older, and not intoxicated, can order and
receive alcohol deliveries where such deliveries are available. Uber Eats users will be asked to
show government-issued photo IDs to verify age and identity when an alcohol delivery arrives.
If the Uber Eats user does not have a valid government-issued photo ID, or appears
intoxicated, the alcohol portion of the order will not be able to be delivered and may be
returned to the seller on the Uber Eats user’s behalf and at the Uber Eats users expense. Uber
Eats users may not place an order that includes alcohol to be delivered to a public location
where open containers are prohibited, or to any other areas where possession or consumption
of alcohol is prohibited bylaw.
Creating a positive experience for delivery people and Uber Eats users
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It’s important for merchants to treat delivery people and Uber Eats users withrespect.
Merchants should be careful to fulfill and include the correct items in their Uber Eats users
order. When an Uber Eats user does not receive items or receives wrong items, it can lead to a
Long preparation times, long delivery person handoff times (the amount of time it takes for
the delivery person to get in and out of the merchant’s location with the order, including wait
time), low online time (a merchant’s online availability time), long delays before order
acceptance, and high cancellation rates also create a negative experience for Uber Eats users
and deliverypeople.
If these metrics, or others, are significantly worse than the average for a merchant’s city, they
may negatively impact other parties’ experiences with the Uber Eats platform, so a merchant’s
metrics should be at least average for its city. If a merchant’s metrics are below the minimum
standard, we will let themknow.
Prohibited items
Merchants may only offer for sale items expressly contemplated under their agreement with
Uber. Specially regulated or illicit items, such as cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC) are not allowed to be offered on a merchant’s Uber Eats menu. Uber may remove from—
or otherwise limit the merchant’s ability to post to—a merchant’s Uber Eats menu any items
Uber deems prohibited orinappropriate.
Follow the law
We have standards based on applicable laws and regulations that everyone must follow. For
example, using the Uber Marketplace Platform to commit any crime—such as transporting
drugs, money laundering, committing drug or human trafficking, or sexually exploiting
children—or to violate any other law is strictlyprohibited.
Follow all laws
Everyone is responsible for knowing and obeying all applicable laws, including airport rules and
regulations when at the airport, and the rules of the road—including complying with traffic
laws, signs, and signals—at all times when using the Uber MarketplacePlatform.
All relevant licenses, permits, and any other legal documents required of drivers and delivery
people must be kept up to date. For example, all drivers and delivery people using a vehicle are
required by law to maintain a valid drivers license, insurance, and vehicle registration. For
ridesharing, this also includes meeting the applicable regulatory requirements for rideshare or
for-hire drivers in your area. We review reports of crashes or traffic citations that may have
happened during a trip or delivery, and other reports, including but not limited to those that
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may indicate poor, unsafe, or distracted driving. Local rules about parking may limit where
drivers and delivery people can park their vehicle when picking up orders, making deliveries, or
waiting for riders to arrive or to exit a vehicle. For example, stopping in bike lanes or blocking
accessibility ramps may violate thelaw.
For riders and Uber Eats users, let your driver or delivery person handle the driving. For
example for riders, don’t touch the steering wheel, and don’t tamper with the gear shift or
other knobs, buttons, or components that are used to operate a vehicle. For riders and Uber
Eats users, don’t ask a driver or delivery person to speed or to make illegal stops, dropoffs,
When riding or parking a bike or scooter, be mindful of local regulations and rules; you can
check your city government’s website for applicable laws. Following local rules of the road
usually requires you to yield to pedestrians, ride in the direction of traffic, signal if you’re
planning to change direction, and come to a complete stop at red lights and stopsigns.
Car seats
Drivers and riders should comply with applicable laws when traveling with infants and small
children. Where use of a car seat is required by law, it’s the riders responsibility to provide and
fit a suitable car seat, unless our local guidelines, terms, or other policies say otherwise.
Children age 12 and under should travel in the backseat.
When picking up riders traveling with small children, drivers can give them extra time to
properly install a car seat before driving off. If a rider doesn’t have the appropriate car seat, if a
driver is not comfortable with a rider installing one in their car, if a child does not appear to be
within the height and weight safety requirements for the car seat, or if a driver otherwise feels
that the child cannot be safely transported in the seat, the driver can cancel theride.
Service animals and assistive devices
Drivers using the Driver app may not deny a ride to a rider with a service animal or assistive
devices (such as a wheelchair or crutches) because of the service animal or assistive devices.
Applicable laws generally prohibit drivers from denying service to riders because of their
service animals or assistive devices, and from otherwise discriminating against riders with
service animals or assistive devices. Knowingly refusing a rider a trip because of their service
animal or assistive devices will result in losing access to the Uber Marketplace Platform. In the
US there are
exceptions to this policy, even if a driver has documented allergies, religious
objections, or a fear ofanimals.
In Canada, a driver can request documentation from a rider if a service animal is not easily
identifiable as one. You can learn more about our Service Animal and Assistive Device Policy in
the US here and in Canadahere.
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Uber takes reports of discriminatory behavior seriously. Any users found to have engaged in
discriminatory behavior or used discriminatory language may lose access to the Uber
Drugs and alcohol
Drug use and open containers of alcohol are never allowed while using the Uber
If you’re a driver or delivery person, by law you cannot drive or bike while intoxicated. The law
prohibits driving or biking while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other substance
that impairs your ability to safely operate a vehicle or bicycle. If you encounter a rider who is
too drunk or rowdy, you have the right to decline the trip for your ownsafety.
If you’re a rider and you have reason to believe your driver may be under the influence of drugs
or alcohol, ask the driver to end the trip immediately. Then exit the vehicle and call 911. Once
you have left the vehicle, please also report your experience toUber.
Firearms ban
Riders and their guests, as well as drivers and delivery people, are prohibited from carrying
firearms while using the Uber Marketplace Platform, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
You can learn more about our Firearms Prohibition Policyhere.
Deception can weaken trust and also be dangerous. Intentionally falsifying information or
assuming someone elses identity, for example when signing in or undergoing a security check,
isn’t allowed. It is important to provide accurate information when reporting incidents, creating
and accessing your Uber accounts, disputing charges or fees, and requesting credits. Only
request fees or refunds that you’re entitled to, and use offers and promotions only as intended.
Don’t knowingly complete invalidtransactions.
Fraudulent activity may also include, but not be limited to: deliberately increasing the time or
distance of a trip or delivery for fraudulent purposes or otherwise; accepting trip, order, or
delivery requests without the intention to complete, including provoking riders or Uber Eats
users to cancel for fraudulent purposes; creating dummy accounts for fraudulent purposes;
claiming fraudulent fees or charges, like false cleaning fees; intentionally requesting,
accepting, or completing fraudulent or falsified trips or deliveries; claiming to complete a
delivery without ever picking up the delivery item; picking up a delivery item but retaining all or
a portion of the item, and not delivering the entire order; actions intended to disrupt or
manipulate the normal functioning of the Uber Marketplace Platform, including manipulating
the settings on a phone to prevent the proper functioning of the platform and the GPS system;
abusing promotions and/or not using them for their intended purpose; disputing charges for
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fraudulent or illegitimate reasons; creating improper duplicate accounts; or falsifying
documents, records, or other data for fraudulentpurposes.
Street hails and off-platform pickups
To enhance the safety of each experience, off-platform pickups are prohibited. The law
prohibits street hails while using the Uber Marketplace Platform, so never solicit or accept
payment outside the Uber Marketplace Platform. Riders and Uber Eats users should not pay
for trips or deliveries in cash, and riders should not request trips from drivers outside of the
Uber MarketplacePlatform.
Other unacceptable activities
Never use Uber’s trademark or intellectual property without permission. If it’s required under
local law to display Uber-branded items, drivers and delivery people should only use Uber-
branded items that are obtained from Uber. Drivers and delivery people should not display
Uber-branded items when they are not accessing the platform. Drivers and delivery people
should also return Uber-branded items to Uber if they lose access to the platform. The use of
unauthorized or third-party items—such as lights, placards, signs, or similar items bearing
Uber’s name or trademark—may confuse riders or Uber Eatsusers.
Your feedback matters
If something happens, whether it’s good or bad, we make it easy for you to tell us. Our team is
continually improving our standards, and your feedback is important to keep our standards
relevant as our technology evolves. Please rate your experience at the end of each trip or
delivery. Honest feedback helps ensure that everyone is accountable for their behavior. This
accountability helps create a respectful, safe environment. And if something happens—such
as a traffic accident—and you want to report it, you can tap Help in the app or visit
help.uber.com so that our Support team can follow up. In case of an emergency or if you find
yourself in immediate danger, alert your local authorities or emergency services before
Drivers, riders, delivery people, Uber Eats users, and merchants can give and receive ratings, as
well as give feedback on how the trip or delivery went. This feedback system improves
accountability and helps create a respectful, safe, and transparent environment for everyone.
Drivers and delivery people can see their current rating in the app. Merchants can find their
Uber Eats user and delivery person rating by signing in to Uber Eats Manager. Riders can see
their rating displayed under their name by opening the app and touching themenu.
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There is a minimum average rating in each city. This is because there may be cultural
differences in the way people in different cities rate each other. Drivers, riders, delivery people,
or merchants that don’t meet the minimum average rating for their city may lose access to all
or part of the Uber Marketplace Platform. If your rating is approaching this limit, we will let you
know and may share information that may help you improve yourrating.
If you’re looking to keep your average rating high, it’s helpful to be courteous and respectful to
all people while using the Uber Marketplace Platform and interacting with others in the Uber
community. Drivers and delivery people using the Uber Marketplace Platform typically provide
excellent service to their riders and Uber Eats users, and most riders, delivery people, and Uber
Eats users are courteous and respectful, so most trips and deliveries run smoothly. Contacting
Support will not lead to an individual rating being removed. We know that sometimes a trip or
delivery doesn’t go well—that’s why your rating is an averagerating.
If you’re a driver and you lose access to your Uber account for low ratings, you may have the
opportunity to get back on the road if you meet eligibility requirements and provide proof that
you’ve successfully taken a quality improvement course offered by third-party experts. Check
with the Uber Support team, visit a Greenlight Hub, or go to help.uber.com to find outmore.
Delivery, order, and trip acceptance
If you’re a delivery person or driver and you don’t want to accept delivery or trip requests, you
can just go offline or log off. If you’re a merchant, use the Pause New Orders feature or make
specific items unavailable. This helps keep the system running smoothly foreveryone.
For delivery people, drivers, and merchants, if you consistently decline consecutive trip or
order requests, our technology may assume you do not want to accept more trips or orders or
have forgotten to log out, and you may be temporarily logged out. However, you are free to log
back in whenever you wish to begin confirming availability for trips or orders again.
Intentionally refusing or canceling requests, or using features on the Uber Marketplace
Platform to avoid receiving trip or delivery requests, due to someones protected
characteristics or for the purpose of avoiding a particular neighborhood due to the
characteristics of the people or businesses that are located in that area, is notallowed.
How Uber enforces our guidelines
Losing access to the Uber Marketplace Platform may be disruptive to your life or to your
business. That’s why we believe it is important to have clear standards that explain the
circumstances in which you may lose access to the Uber Marketplace Platform. If you violate
any terms of your contractual agreement with Uber, or any applicable terms or policies,
including any one of these Community Guidelines or any additional policies and standards
that are communicated by Uber to you from time to time, you can lose access to all or part of
the Uber Marketplace Platform. If you have more than one Uber account, such as a rider
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account and a driver account, violating the Community Guidelines could also lead you to lose
access to all Uber accounts. If you believe an error caused you to lose access to your account,
you may contact the Uber Supportteam.
Uber receives feedback through a variety of channels, reviews reports submitted to our
Support team that may violate our Community Guidelines, and may investigate through a
specialized team. If we are made aware of potentially problematic behavior, we may contact
you so we can look into it. We may, at our sole discretion, put a hold on your account or turn
your account inactive until our review iscomplete.
Not following any one of our guidelines may result in the loss of access to all or part of the
Uber Marketplace Platform. This can include reported violations of our Community Guidelines
and certain actions you may take outside of the Uber Marketplace Platform, including but not
limited to information from other platforms, if we determine that those actions threaten the
safety of the Uber community, our employees, and contractors, or cause harm to Ubers brand,
reputation, or business. And if the issues raised are serious or a repeat report, or you refuse to
cooperate, you may lose access to the Uber Marketplace Platform. Any behavior involving
discrimination, violence, sexual misconduct, harassment, fraud, or deceptive, illegal, or unsafe
activity, while using the Uber Marketplace Platform can result in the immediate loss of access
to the Uber Marketplace Platform. Additionally, when law enforcement is involved, we will
cooperate with their investigation in accordance with our Guidelines for Law Enforcement
Authorities for the US, found here, and for outside the US, foundhere.
Many states, cities, and airports regulate the provision of certain services, including
ridesharing services, on the Uber Marketplace Platform. If we determine that your driver or
delivery person account is not in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, we may
be required to remove your access to the Uber MarketplacePlatform.
Lastly, all drivers and delivery people wanting to use the Uber Marketplace Platform undergo a
screening process, including motor vehicle record and criminal background checks. A driver or
delivery person will lose access to their Uber account(s) if a motor vehicle record check,
criminal background check, or other check uncovers a violation of Uber’s Community
Guidelines or other criteria required by localregulators.
To read more about our Community Guidelines, gohere.
Riders and Uber Eats users can access Terms of Use for the United States here and Terms and
Conditions for Canada here. Drivers and delivery people can access their legal agreement with
*Note: Drivers and delivery people are not agents (actual, ostensible, or otherwise) or
employees of Uber. Drivers and delivery people do not act pursuant to any authority (actual,
apparent, or otherwise). They are independent third-partyproviders.
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