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Books to Help Children Cope with Disasters – Children’s Books
Title Author Description/Summary Age
I’ll Know What to Do, A Kid’s
Guide to Natural Disasters
Bonnie S. Mark and
Aviva Layton
Helps children understand the facts, their feelings, and how to cope
with natural disasters
The Big Bad Blackout Megan McDonald When a hurricane knocks out the power, Judy, Stink, and their family
nd a way to pass the time.
Cliord and the Big Storm Norman Bridwell A story of evacuation and returning home 2-3
Flood Alvaro F. Villa A wordless picture book showing the preparations for – and recovery
from – a major ood
The Rhino who Swallowed a
LaVar Burton and Su-
san Schaefer Bernado
A young mouse who once lost her home to a storm is frightened by
severe weather; her father calms her fears with the take of a rhino
who was also displaced but learns “you’re never really alone when bad
things happen.”
A Terrible Thing Happened – A
story for children who have wit-
nessed violence or trauma
Margaret M. Holmes This story is for children who have witnessed any kind of violent or
traumatic episode, including physical abuse, school or gang violence,
accidents, homicide, suicide, and natural disasters such as oods or
Once I Was Very Very Scared Chandra Ghosh Ippen This story uses animals to convey the fact that feeling frightened is
common and, more importantly, that people respond that stress and
anxiety in dierent ways – and that’s okay. A Spanish Version is avail-
able: Una Vez Tuve Mucho Mucho Miede
Jenny is Scared: When Sad Things
Happen in the World
Carol Shuman Depicts what children often experience before they even know what
awful thing is happening: scary news reports, disruptions in routine,
forgetfulness of parents, etc. It focuses on the big fears children have
and gives parents tips on how to make their children feel safe and
cope with their anxiety.
The Rabbit Listened Cori Doerfeld When something sad happens, Taylor doesn’t know where to turn.
All they animals are sure they have the answer. The chicken wants to
talk it out, but Taylor doesn’t feel like chatting. The bear thinks Taylor
should get angry, but that’s not quite right either. One by one, the
animals try to tell Taylor how to act, and one by one they fail to oer
comfort. Then the rabbit arrives. All the rabbit does is listen… which is
just what Taylor needs.
800-424-2246 | [email protected]eaware.org | childcareaware.org | 1515 N. Courthouse Rd. 3rd Floor Arlington, VA 22201
The Ant Hill Disaster Julia Cook This book addresses fears associated with both natural and man-
caused disasters. It models eective parenting and teaching respons-
es. This book can help assure children that through love, empathetic
understanding, preparation, and eective communication, they can
stand strong, even in the midst of uncontrollable events.
A Flicker of Hope Julia Cook This story reminds children that dark clouds can be temporary and
asking for help is always okay. We all have times when we need to bor-
row a little hope from someone else.
Ready Wrigley CDC, Center for Pre-
paredness and Re-
Coping After A Disaster
(Also available in Spanish)
Healing Days: A Guide for Kids
Who Have Experienced Trauma
Susan Farber Straus
A sensitive and reassuring story intended for children who have expe-
rienced trauma and covers the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that
many kids have after a bad and scary thing happens
Books to Help Children Prepare for Disasters - Children’s Books
Extreme Weather: Surviving Tor-
nadoes, Sandstorms, Hailstorms,
Blizzards, Hurricanes, and More!
Thomas M. Kostigen Covers dierent natural disasters as well as what to do before, during,
and after, which may give kids some preparedness peace of mind
Storms Miriam Busch Goin Facts and photos to help children understand what is actually happen-
ing (National Geographic Kids)
How Do Dinosaurs Stay Safe? Jane Yolen From crossing the street with Mama to encountering a stranger, the
playful but careful antics of these dinosaurs will make readers laugh
aloud – and prompt discussion of safety issues.
Eli the Elephant: A Tsunami Story Margaret Donald This story is told through the eyes of a wise old elephant and teaches
young children how to recognize the warning signs of a tsunami.
We Shake in a Quake Hannah G. Givon This book explains what causes earthquakes and shows to prepare for
them and keep safe during one
I Can Be a Superhero During a
Lockdown (Super Safety Series)
Rachel Tepfer Cope-
Written in a positive, self-arming, rst-person account, which helps
children visualize a positive ending to a potentially dicult and fright-
ening situation. Includes reassuring methods to eectively and gently
teach children how to remain safe during a lockdown
800-424-2246 | [email protected]eaware.org | childcareaware.org | 1515 N. Courthouse Rd. 3rd Floor Arlington, VA 22201
I Can Be a Superhero During a
Fire Drill
Rachel Tepfer Cope-
This book teaches the important safety skills and coping techniques
necessary to stay safe during school re drills.
Tummy Rumble Quake Heather L. Beal Reading this book is a great way for parents, child care providers, and
caregivers, to talk to toddlers and preschool children about earth-
quake safety in a non-frightening way. Children can easily relate with
these characters and their story gives children the tools and informa-
tion they need to stay safe and be prepared should an earthquake
I’M NOT Scared, I’M Prepared! Julia Cook This book will enhance the concepts taught by the ALICE Training Insti-
tute, and make them applicable to children of all ages in a non-fearful
Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill Jamie Harper Learning the rules of re safety is a lot more fun (and less scary) when
demonstrated by a charming and diverse group of animals. The ani-
mals work hard to master the rules of re safety and perform the per-
fect re drill, but thinking about re is a bit nerve-wracking, and each
of them reacts dierently – often with hilarious results.
Fire Drill Paul DuBois Jacobs
and Jennifer Swender
The children in this kindergarten class know what to do when there’s
a re drill. They put down their toys and get in line. They le out of the
building, slowly and calmly. They listen to the teacher. And when the
teacher says “Okay!” the children know everything is safe. Back they go
to their classroom to learn and play.
Arthur’s Fire Drill Marc Brown When D.W.’s teacher announces that they will have a re drill, D.W.
is afraid the school is going to burn down! So Arthur gives her his re
ghter’s hat, a whistle, and a few tips on re safety, and appoints her
their home re warden. She then sets o to school prepared to take
Dinofours: It’s Fire Drill Day! Steve Metzer Albert is afraid of loud noises and his teacher, Mrs. Dee, explains why
the re bell is so loud, helping Albert get over his fear of its loud noise.
Fire safety tips are also included in this book.
Here Come the Helpers Leslie Kimmelman
and Barbara Bakos
A board book that highlights the emergency vehicles that help make
our world a better place
Rapid Responders Finn Coyle Community helper’s keep us all safe and they have special machines
that help as well. This book helps children learn what each machine
does and discover what happens when they all work together.
800-424-2246 | [email protected]eaware.org | childcareaware.org | 1515 N. Courthouse Rd. 3rd Floor Arlington, VA 22201
Be Careful and Stay Safe Cheri J. Meijers M.Ed. This book teaches little ones how to avoid potentially dangerous sit-
uations, ask for help, follow directions, use things carefully, and plan
Yesterday We Had a Hurricane Deirdre McLaughlin
This book tells the experience of a hurricane as seen through the eyes
of a young child. Young readers will learn all about these “big storms
that come from the ocean.” They’ll nd out about the eects of wind
and rain, as well as some of the more lighthearted and practical alter-
natives to doing without electricity.
The Sky Stirs Up Trouble Belinda Jensen Tornado siren! Bel the Weather Girl and Dylan head to the basement.
Dylan is scared the house will blow away! But soon the storm pass-
es. Some storms make tornadoes, and some don’t. Bel says she can
explain why – in the kitchen. What does baking have to do with torna-
does? Stay tuned, because every day is another weather day!
Franklin and the Thunderstorm Paulette Bourgeois Franklin is afraid of thunderstorms. When a storm approaches while
he is playing at Fox’s house, a ash of lightning sends Franklin into his
shell. He refuses to come out – even for snacks – until his friends make
him laugh with their tall tales about what causes storms. And when
Beaver explains what really causes thunder and lightning, Franklin
begins to feel much safer.
Stormy Night Salina Yoon When thunder shakes his house and rain pounds the windows, Bear
is frightened. But comforting his Mama, Papa, and Floppy helps make
the storm seem not so scary. Before Bear knows it, the storm has
passed, because even storms need their sleep… and so do bears.
Blitzed by a Blizzard Joyce L. Marovics Experience rsthand some of the world’s most destructive disasters
through the eyes of the people who survive them – combining scientif-
ic explanations of the disasters along with gripping narrative descrip-
tions, readers will learn how these survivors lived to tell their stories;
each book also discusses advances in disaster prevention and safety
Fireboy to the Rescue!: A Fire
Safety Book
Edward Miller Here comes Fireboy to the rescue! Although res can be dangerous
and very scary, Fireboy will allay your fears by showing you what to do
if one starts at home or in school, as well as how to prevent one from
starting in the rst place. Follow Fireboy inside a busy rehouse, watch
him Stop, Drop, and Roll, and learn some fun facts about famous res
in this vibrant and practical guide to re safety.
800-424-2246 | [email protected]eaware.org | childcareaware.org | 1515 N. Courthouse Rd. 3rd Floor Arlington, VA 22201
No Dragons for Tea: Fire Safety
for Kids (and Dragons)
Jean E. Pendziwol While out for a walk with her mom, a little girl has the surprise of her
life – she meets a real, live, re-breathing dragon! Now this dragon is
nothing to be afraid of – in fact, he’s so friendly that she invites him
home for tea. But their afternoon snack is suddenly interrupted when
the dragon sneezes and sets the table ablaze. Luckily, the girl knows
just what to do, and she teaches her new friend to be re smart, too.
Cliord the Firehouse Dog Norman Bridwell Focuses on being prepared and evacuating in a re emergency 2-3
It’s Time to Call 911: What to Do
in an Emergency
Penton Overseas, Inc. Invites young children to practice calling 911 on a telephone keypad as
they react to accidents, res, and other emergencies.
Impatient Pamela Calls 9-1-1 Mary Koski Displaying bravery and quick thinking, Pamela rises to the occasion
again when she helps save her friend Martin after learning to call 9-1-1
in an emergency. Children are provided with an engaging role model
as Pamela and her local cat Meow-Man gure out how to stay calm
on the phone during a class and follow instructions until help arrives.
This updated edition features a more multicultural approach in which
children learn an inclusive view of the many people who can help them
in dicult situations. (Also available in Spanish)
Dial 911! (Fire Safety) Charles Ghigna and
Mark Oblinger
What should you do if there’s a re? Get to safety and call 9-1-1! This
sing along picture book lets kids practice this vital skill in a fun, safe
way. Young readers will feel like heroes as they tap their feet to this
catchy song about re safety. This paperback book comes with online
music access.
Get Out, Stay Out (Fire Safety)
Charles Ghigna and
Mark Oblinger
What should you do if there is a re in your home? Get out, stay out.
Call for help. This sing-along picture book will help kids remember this
life-saving rule. Young readers will feel like heroes as they sing along
with this catchy song about re safety. This paperback book comes
with online music access.
Plan and Prepare! (Fire Safety) Charles Ghigna and
Drew Temperante
Do you know the four rules of re safety? Have a plan. Get out fast.
Stay low. And don’t open hot doors. This sing-along picture book will
make kids want to practice these four life-saving rules over and over
again. Young readers will feel like heroes as they sing along to this
catchy song about re safety. This paperback book comes with online
music access.
800-424-2246 | [email protected]eaware.org | childcareaware.org | 1515 N. Courthouse Rd. 3rd Floor Arlington, VA 22201
Stop, Drop, and Roll! (Fire Safety) Charles Ghigna and
Drew Temperante
What should you do if ames get on your clothes? Stop, drop, and
roll! This sing-along picture book will make kids want to practice this
life-saving skill over and over again. Young readers will feel like heroes
as they sing along to this catchy song about re safety. This paperback
book comes with online music access.
Lions, Leopards, and Storms, Oh
My!: A Thunderstorm Safety Book
Heather L. Beal Lily and Niko Rabbit are at childcare when the weather changes and a
thunderstorm strikes. One of the children’s parents is a meteorologist
and he talks with the children about thunderstorms. They learn about
severe weather events like thunderstorms and what conditions these
events can bring, like, lightning, hail, and winds. They also learn what
to do to stay safe.
Stop Drop and Roll (A Book about
Fire Safety)
Margery Cuyler Jessica has always been a worrier, and learning about re safety is
making her more nervous than ever. But our favorite worrywart is
about to discover that knowing what to do in an emergency is the best
(and only ) way to extinguish her re-safety fears!
Mickey & Friends Disaster Pre-
paredness Activity Book
Disney/American Red
Disney’s Mickey and Friends Disaster Preparedness Activity Book. Fol-
low Mickey and his friends as they get ready for severe weather! Also
available in Spanish.
Ready Wrigley CDC, Center for Pre-
paredness and Re-
Ready Wrigley Prepares for Winter Weather
Ready Wrigley Prepares for Tornadoes
Ready Wrigley Prepares for Extreme Heat
Ready Wrigley Prepares for Hurricanes
Ready Wrigley Prepares for Earthquakes
Ready Wrigley Prepares for Flu Season
Is There Lead in the Water?
Flooding and Mold
(Also available in Spanish)
What Should I Do? If There is a
Fire (Community Connections:
What Should I Do?
Wil Mara Readers learn what to do if they are caught in a burning building, how
to prepare for such events ahead of time, and how to reach to re-