Engineering Technology Career Cluster a
Engineering Technology
Career Cluster
Resource Guide
Table of Contents
Statewide Framework for Engineering Technology ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Projected Labor Market Demand 2
Statewide Program of Study Framework ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 5
Knowledge and Skill Statements 6
Program of Study Design Options 9
Course Scope and Sequence 11
Developing a CTE Program of Study for State Approval ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13
CTE Licensure Requirements. Engineering Technology ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 14
Student Leadership ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Appendix A. Engineering Technology Career Cluster Knowledge and Skill Statements and
Suggested Performance Indicators �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Engineering Technology Career Cluster Knowledge and Skill Statements 19
Employability Knowledge and Skills 19
Engineering Technology Career Cluster Knowledge and Skill Statements with Suggested
Performance Indicators 24
Electrical Systems Knowledge and Skill Statements with Suggested Performance Indicators 31
Manufacturing Systems Knowledge and Skill Statements with Suggested Performance Indicators 37
Mechanical Systems Knowledge and Skill Statements with Suggested Performance Indicators 44
Table 1. Occupational Employment Projections in Oregon, 20212031 2
Table 2. Sample Scope and Sequence for Cluster-level and Focus Area-level Program of Study 11
Table 3. Elements and Supporting Components of a High-Quality CTE Program of Study 13
Figure 1. Knowledge and Skill Statements for the Statewide Framework for Engineering
Technology Cluster 8
Figure 2. Career Connected Learning Experiences 12
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 1
Statewide Framework for
Engineering Technology
Well-designed career and technical education (CTE) programs
help high school and college students make successful educa-
tional transitions and nd employment in high-wage, high-skill,
in-demand careers. Oregon’s State Plan for CTE: 20202024
lays out a comprehensive strategy for ensuring all Oregonians
have equitable access to high-quality CTE programming. This
entails designing instructional coursework that is sequenced
within and across educational levels, grounded on rigorous aca-
demic knowledge and technical skills, and aligned with industry
needs. It also requires building and sustaining quality relation-
ships, experiences, and interactions among learners, educators,
business partners, and community members.
This document provides information and resources related to the Statewide Framework in the Engineer-
ing Technology Career Cluster, which falls within the Industrial and Engineering Systems career area.
Engineering Technology is one of 17 Career Clusters used to organize and deliver CTE programming in
Oregon. The cluster includes a range of careers that fall into three Focus Areas proled in this document:
(1) Electrical Systems, (2) Manufacturing Systems, and (3) Mechanical Systems.
Oregon’s CTE state plan calls for the development of Statewide Frameworks to guide program design.
The goal is to improve instructional quality by aligning technical skills to the needs of employers in
high-wage, high-skill, in-demand careers; promote equity by ensuring that all learners have access
to consistent, high-quality programming; strengthen career pathways by intentionally connecting
secondary and postsecondary coursework that culminates in an industry-recognized credential or
certicate, or associate or baccalaureate degree; and expand student access to dual and concurrent
enrollment credits to reduce tuition costs and the time required to earn a postsecondary credential.
While secondary and postsecondary CTE providers have considerable exibility in designing curriculum
and assessments, state approval is required to qualify programs for federal and/or state funding. This
includes aligning oerings with labor market needs; meeting state-dened criteria for size, scope, and
quality; addressing Oregons core elements of a Program of Study; and continuously improving CTE oer-
ings through the use of the High Quality CTE Program of Study Rubric.
In Oregon, the CTE Program of Study is the cornerstone of CTE programming at the secondary and
postsecondary levels. A CTE Program of Study is a progressive, nonduplicative sequence of courses,
developed by a partnering secondary school district and postsecondary institution, to prepare students
Reimagine and transform
learner experiences to enhance
their future prospects,
empower communities, and
ensure equitable access to
an inclusive, sustainable,
innovation-based economy.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 2
to seamlessly transition across education levels and into the workforce. Coursework integrates rigorous
academic knowledge with industry-validated employability and technical skills and culminates in the
award of an industry-recognized credential or certicate or an associate or baccalaureate degree. High
school students may also have options to earn credit that may be applied toward their postsecondary
Within each Career Cluster, CTE Programs of Study may be oered at the Career Cluster or Focus Area
level. Career Cluster-level Programs of Study oer students broad exposure to multiple careers in the eld,
along with cross-cutting skills valued by all industry employers. Focus Area-level Programs of Study oer
students more occupationally specic training with a higher level of statewide content standardization.
The new Statewide CTE Frameworks provide updated Knowledge and Skill Statements to inform CTE
program development. The updated skill statements incorporate: 1) employability skills commonly
found in all jobs in all Career Clusters; 2) cross-cutting technical skills applicable to all jobs in a specic
Career Cluster; and 3) Focus Area skills applicable to a specic occupation. Each skill statement includes
an optional set of Suggested Performance Indicators, which are intended to help educators develop
curriculum and assessments to teach specic skills.
Projected Labor Market Demand
Occupational projections published by the State of Oregon Employment Department indicate that while
jobs in the Engineering Technology eld will expand over the coming decade, a subset will experience
signicant demand. These occupational titles, their projected demand, and associated wage and educa-
tional expectations of entry-level employees are detailed in table 1.
Table 1. Occupational Employment Projections in Oregon, 20212031
(SOC)* code
Occupational title Total job
2022 median
annual wage
11-9041 Architectural and
Engineering Managers
3,075 13.5% $155,958 Bachelor’s degree
17-2051 Civil Engineers 4,061 16.3% $94,224 Bachelor’s degree
17-2061 Computer Hardware Engineers 966 3.9% $132,288 Bachelor’s degree
17-2071 Electrical Engineers 2,329 18.9% $103,750 Bachelor’s degree
17-2072 Electrical Engineers,
Except Computer
3,792 13.0% $100,173 Bachelor’s degree
17-2112 Industrial Engineers 3,806 20.7% $102,918 Bachelors degree
17-2141 Mechanical Engineers 2,660 13.6% $99,008 Bachelor’s degree
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 3
(SOC)* code
Occupational title Total job
2022 median
annual wage
17-2199 Engineers, All Other 2,532 14.0% $100,776 Bachelor’s degree
17-3011 Architectural and Civil Drafters 1,558 14.3% $61,464 Postsecondary
training (non-degree)
17-3019 Drafters, All Other 970 17.9% $52,478 Postsecondary
training (non-degree)
17-3022 Civil Engineering Technologists
and Technicians
1,205 13.0% $77,438 Associate’s degree
17-3023 Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Technologists
and Technicians
2,605 10.7% $62,650 Associate’s degree
17-3026 Industrial Engineering
Technologists and Technicians
$62,525 Associate’s degree
17-3031 Surveying and
Mapping Technicians
1,337 16.1% $52,790 Bachelor’s degree
17-3098 Calibration and Engineering
Technologists and Technicians
1,115 11.4% High school diploma
or equivalent
49-2022 Telecommunications Equipment
Installers and Repairers
1,638 -5.1% $63,690 Postsecondary
training (non-degree)
49-2098 Security and Fire Alarm
Systems Installers
904 25.6% $67,350 Postsecondary
training (non-degree)
Note: Adapted from State of Oregon Employment Department: High-Wage, High-Demand, and High-Skill
Occupations (Projections 2021-2031)
– means suppressed for condentiality or insucent data
Among occupations that are considered high-wage and high-demand,
the largest occupational growth
rate in Oregon is projected for Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers, with opportunities expected
to increase by nearly 26 percent between 2021 and 2031. This will lead to 904 projected job openings,
including new and replacement workers. Relatively large numbers of job openings are anticipated in
other high-wage and high-demand occupations that are associated with programs of study commonly
found in Oregon high schools, community colleges, and 4-year colleges and universities. These include
Civil Engineers with 4,061 projected openings, Industrial Engineers with 3,806 projected openings,
and Electronic Engineers with 3,792 projected openings. Due to the complexity of the subject matter,
High-wage occupations are those paying more than the all-industry median wage for a particular area. High-demand
occupations are those having more than the statewide median number of total openings (growth plus replacement)
for a particular area.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 4
most entry-level careers require a bachelor’s degree; however, several are projected to require a high
school diploma or some postsecondary training. These include Surveying and Mapping Technicians,
Architectural and Civil Drafters, Drafters generally, and Calibration and Engineering Technologists
and Technicians.
Jobs in the Engineering Technology eld typically pay relatively high wages. Median annual wages
in 2022 for the two highest paying jobs were $155,958 for Architectural and Engineering Managers
and $132,288 for Computer Hardware Engineers. While wages were somewhat lower in occupations
requiring less than a bachelor’s degree for entry-level employment, nearly all elds are projected to
oer relatively high levels of compensation. Since career advancement in this Career Cluster will likely
require both on-the-job training and advanced educational credentials and/or degrees, participation
in a CTE Program of Study can oer students important insights into the types of careers that exist, and
the education and training necessary to advance in their career.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 5
Statewide Program of Study Framework
Programs of Study in the Engineering Technology Career Cluster prepare students for entry-level
employment in a range of careers central to Oregon’s economic base and/or to pursue advanced
postsecondary educational studies. When proposing programming, secondary and postsecondary
CTE providers collaborate to oer coursework leading to an industry recognized certicate and/or an
associate or baccalaureate degree. High school students also may be oered the opportunity to earn
college credit that may be applied towards their certicate or degree objective.
In winter 2023, the Oregon Department of Education launched a statewide eort to update and revalidate
the skills and indicators used to dene the Engineering Technology Career Cluster. An advisory group
composed of eight Oregon employers and educators was seated to identify the skills desired of entry-level
workers and high school graduates completing a CTE Program of Study in the eld. Membership included
eight employers representing individual rms or professional associations, and 17 district and community
college educators. Based on their work, an updated set of skills and indicators was developed.
Following updates to the list, a statewide survey of district CTE Program of Study leaders and community
college faculty was conducted. Individuals were asked to rate the importance of the employer-vetted
Knowledge and Skill Statements and Suggested Performance Indicators. A total of 26 high school instruc-
tors and 11 community college faculty responded to one or more sections of the survey.
Community college faculty were asked to provide feedback on each Knowledge and Skill Statement and
rate the importance of Suggested Performance Indicators using the following scale:
Critically important. This skill would be expected of students entering a community college
after having completed a CTE Program of Study at the high school level
Somewhat important. This skill would be useful but not necessary for students entering
a community college after having completed a CTE Program of Study at the high school level
Not important. This skill would not be expected of students entering a community college
after having completed a CTE Program of Study at the high school level (i.e., it will be taught
at the college level)
High school CTE instructors were asked to rate the importance of high school graduates in related CTE
Programs of Study mastering these skills upon completing their secondary CTE studies.
Feedback from survey respondents was analyzed to produce a core set of Knowledge and Skill State-
ments and Suggested Performance Indicators that secondary educators should consider when designing
CTE programs and formulating their CTE program approval applications.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 6
Knowledge and Skill Statements
Knowledge and Skill Statements describe the learning expectations of students in CTE programs. Ideally,
skills marked as Foundational will be taught during a students high school CTE Program of Study expe-
rience, with educators determining how and when instruction occurs. The CTE Statewide Framework for
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation is organized around three levels of skills
Employability Knowledge and Skills – Applicable to all Career
All learners are expected to master these basic skills to function in the workplace. These
cross-cutting abilities, found in all jobs in all industries, encompass a broad range of
communication, critical thinking, interpersonal, and organizational skills considered
imperative for career success.
Career Cluster Knowledge and Skills – Applicable to all careers in
the Engineering Technology Cluster
All workers in the industry are expected to have a broad understanding of the eld.
These cross-cutting skills prepare workers to succeed in a range of jobs in the cluster.
High school students mastering these skills are prepared to enter community college
or the workforce with an understanding of their career options and training needs.
Focus Area Knowledge and Skills – Applicable to a specific career
Field-specic knowledge that an entry-level worker would be expected to possess. High
school students mastering these skills are prepared to enter employment or enroll in
a community college to pursue advanced training. Postsecondary graduates would be
prepared to enter employment with a credential, certicate, or degree.
These skills have been classied based on their level of knowledge required for
their mastery:
Foundational Skills describe technical skills that all high school students complet-
ing a Program of Study would be expected to master. Ideally, these skills would be
taught within a high school CTE Program of Study (or in collaboration with a post-
secondary partner if it is not feasible within high school).
Intermediate Skills describe more technically advanced skills that high school
instructors are encouraged to teach, though some might be taught by community
college faculty due to equipment or time constraints.
Advanced Skills describe highly technical skills that high school instructors may
choose to teach with the understanding that, due to their complexity, most will be
taught by community college faculty as part of the postsecondary component of
a CTE Program of Study.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 7
Overarching descriptions of the Knowledge and Skill statements for new Statewide Frameworks in
(1) Electrical Systems, (2) Manufacturing Systems, and (3) Mechanical Systems are listed in Figure 1. Each
Knowledge and Skill Statement includes a list of Suggested Performance Indicators that illustrate how
students might demonstrate their understanding or abilities relating to each statement (see Appendix A).
These examples are intended to provide educators with guidance in establishing program standards and
assessments and designing curriculum and instructional activities. These skills also have been classied
based on their level of diculty, ranging from foundational to intermediate to advanced.
Suggested Performance Indicators are oered as an optional, industry-suggested, community college
faculty-vetted way to demonstrate the Knowledge and Skill Statements. They are not required. Educators
may choose to select from these indicators and/or design other means for students to show skill mastery
in their CTE Program of Study. It is anticipated that secondary and postsecondary educators will collabo-
rate in selecting the number, type, and technical specicity of skills and indicators, as well as the educa-
tional level at which they will be taught.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 8
Figure 1. Knowledge and Skill Statements for the Statewide Framework for Engineering Technology Cluster
Cross-cutting, same for all Career Clusters
Workplace practices
Personal responsibility and accountability
Teamwork and conict resolution
Technology in the workplace
Planning and organizing
Career planning
Describe the engineering industry and its role within society and the economy
Demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts and safe working practices
Describe government policies and industry standards
Apply design principles and life-cycle methodology to create products, systems, and processes
Use technology to solve engineering problems
Demonstrate an understanding of machine control systems, logic, and devices
Understand industrial engineering processes, methods of measurement, and quality assurance
Understand concepts and use applied mathematics, science, and physics
Identify the fundamentals of the theory, measurement, control, and applications of electrical energy
Demonstrate an understanding of basic economic systems and nancial management practices and procedures
Electrical Systems
Understanding of electrical symbols and images
Safety hazards and precautions
Use of electrical equipment and materials
Electrical and electronic theory and laws
Circuit concepts and analysis techniques
Soldering, electronic components and wiring
Power sources and power supplies
Communication system concepts
System integration and amplication
Motors, variable-frequency drives, and
power wiring
Manufacturing Systems
Manufacturing processes and their eect
on materials
Material science in manufacturing engineering
Planning and logistics requirements
Product development and design
Precision manufacturing and automation
Computer-aided manufacturing,
drafting, modeling
Quality assurance and continuous improvement
Basics of supply chain management
Packaging within manufacturing
Sustainability and environmentally
friendly processes
Principles of machine theory and design
Product development and design
Computer-aided drafting and modeling
Principles of mechanical and power systems
Fundamental automating manufacturing systems
Fluid dynamics
Thermal dynamics
Statics and dynamics in mechanical systems
Material strength
Quality assurance and continuous improvement
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 9
Program of Study Design Options
Educators have two options in designing a Program of Study using a Statewide Framework. They can
pursue a Career Cluster-level Program of Study or a Focus Area-level Program of Study. The distinction
between a Cluster and Focus Area Program of Study relates to the scope of Knowledge and Skill
Statements covered in the Program of Study and level of secondary to postsecondary alignment.
There are two primary distinctions between the two options:
1. Educators choosing to oer a Career Cluster Programs of Study are encouraged to cover
all the employability skills and Cluster-level skills identied and draw on the foundational skills
included in one or more Focus Areas.
2. Focus Area Programs of Study are more occupationally specic with a higher level of content
standardization. Educators are encouraged to cover all the employability skills, Cluster-level skills,
and foundational skills identied within a Focus Area. Intermediate and advanced skills also may
be addressed, either at the high school level or in collaboration with a postsecondary partner.
Career Cluster Program of Study Option
A Career Cluster-level Program of Study provides high school students with a broad overview of the Engi-
neering Technology eld to prepare them to specialize in an area of their choosing at the postsecondary
level. With this option, educators may choose to oer a broad range of courses that address dierent
aspects of the eld, drawing on skills included in each of the identied Focus Areas.
To qualify as a concentrator at the Career Cluster-level, high school students must earn at least two credits
in a state-approved Program of Study sequence, with one of these credits awarded as part of the second
or third course in a sequence. High school graduates concentrating their studies in the Engineering
Technology Career Cluster would have the option of continuing their studies at an aliated community
college, where they could pursue related training that culminates in the award of a credential, certicate,
or associate degree.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 10
Focus Area Program of Study Option
Focus Area-level Programs of Study are intended to align with specic certicate and associate degree
options oered at the postsecondary level. Where appropriate, districts and colleges can negotiate
dual credit agreements so that high school students can earn college credit that may be applied toward
a postsecondary certicate or degree, expediting the time it takes to complete.
The new statewide Program of Study option requires:
Oering a minimum of three credits at
the secondary level and 36 credits at the
postsecondary level
Covering all the employability, Career
Cluster, and foundational Focus Area skills
as part of the high school component of
a CTE Program of Study or in collaboration
with a postsecondary partner
Concentrators to earn two credits in the
Program of Study, including at least one
credit awarded as part of the second or
third course in a sequence
Providing a sequenced, progressive set
of courses, including an introductory or
survey course, and two courses oering
more technically advanced skills
Exhibiting secondary-postsecondary
standards alignment that is clearly dened
and communicated to all stakeholders
Oering or potentially oering dual
credit opportunities
Integrating career-related learning expe-
riences, career-connected learning, and
work-based learning in meaningful ways
High school graduates concentrating their studies in the Engineering Technology eld would have the
option of continuing their studies at an aliated community college, where they could seek advanced
training in the Focus Area or pursue training in a related eld that culminates in the award of a creden-
tial, certicate, or associate degree.
Statewide Framework Programs of Study align course standards to industry-validated skills so that
students throughout the state have access to consistent, high-quality CTE with opportunities to gain
college credit and skills in in-demand occupations.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 11
Course Scope and Sequence
It is anticipated that CTE students will begin their course sequence with an introductory/survey course
that opens a range of more technically advanced course options. An example of how a Program of Study
might be congured for each Focus Area is provided in Table 2. Note that course sequences and titles are
provided for illustrative purposes only—it is up to secondary and postsecondary partners to determine course
titles and sequences; course content, curriculum, and assessments, including when and how Knowledge and
Skill Statements are addressed; and whether dual credit or industry certications may be awarded.
Table 2. Sample Scope and Sequence for Cluster-level and Focus Area-level Program of Study
Course level Grade Course
Course 1 Grades 9 or 10 Cluster Level. Introduction to Drafting and Design
Focus Area Level. Introduction to Electricity; Survey of Manufacturing and
Engineering; Mechatronics 1
Course 2 Grades 10 or 11 Cluster Level. Computer Programming
Focus Area Level. Electrical Engineering 1; Manufacturing & Engineering 1 or
Engineering Robotics 1; Mechatronics 2
Course 3 Grades 11 or 12 Cluster Level. Engineering and Design
Focus Area Level. Electrical Engineering 2; Manufacturing & Engineering 2 or
Engineering Robotics 2; Mechatronics 3
Capstone Grades 12 Cluster Level. Advanced Principles of Engineering and Design or work-based
learning experience
Focus Area Level. Advanced Principles of Electrical Engineering 3 or work-based
learning experience; Manufacturing & Engineering 3 or work-based learning
experience; Mechatronics 4 or work-based learning experience
Additionally, all Programs of Study are expected to integrate a full range of Career Connected Learning
Experiences that advance progressively, as indicated in Figure 2.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 12
Figure 2. Career Connected Learning Experiences
Learning about work
Build awareness of
the variety of careers
available and the
role of postsecondary
Workplace tour
Guest speaker
Career fair
Visiting adults
at work
Learning for work
Explore career options
to motivate students
and inform their
decision making
Job shadow
Virtual interactions
Service learning
Learning through work
Apply learning through
practical experience that
develops Knowledge
and Skills necessary for
success in careers and
postsecondary education
Virtual and simulated
work experience
Work experience
Learning at work
Train for employment
and/or postsecondary
education in a specic
range of occupations
Clinical and
work experience
On-the-job training
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 13
Developing a CTE Program of Study
for State Approval
To meet Oregon’s denition of a High-Quality Program of Study, a CTE Program of Study must be built
around ve core elements. These elements and supporting components, which align to the Association
for Career and Technical Education’s (ACTE’s) High-Quality CTE Program of Study Framework, are detailed
in Table 3.
Table 3. Elements and Supporting Components of a High-Quality CTE Program of Study
Element Components
Standards and
Rigorous Integrated Content: Appropriately licensed secondary teachers and postsecondary
instructors integrate rigorous technical and academic content.
Engaged Learning: Students are engaged through instructional strategies that are relevant and
authentic, and meet the needs and interests of all students.
Coherent Curriculum: Aligned to industry-identied standards and sequenced to prepare students
for their next steps.
Alignment and
Partnerships: Actively engages employer and educator partners to develop, enhance and support
the CTE program in a manner that is sustainable.
Credentials: Links instruction to meaningful college credit or industry credentials that can lead to
high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand occupations.
Facilities and Equipment: Provides students with safe access to facilities and equipment
appropriate to the type of instruction and reective of workforce needs.
and Evaluation
Continuous Improvement: Revisions to the Program of Study are based on student performance,
economic demand, and employer requirements.
Student Support
Equity and Access: Provides all students and their families with appropriate knowledge and
experiences to help make informed education and career decisions.
Career Connected Learning: Provides quality, accurate and timely information and support that
will help students identify, pursue, transition to, and complete pathways to future careers. Career
Connected Learning should include activities and opportunities within
the four domains of Awareness, Exploration, Preparation and Training.
Professional Development: Promotes instructional long-term growth that aligns with
long-term program goals.
Educators are encouraged to consult the High Quality CTE Program of Study Rubric and accompany-
ing Quick Guide to Using the High Quality CTE Program of Study Rubric to assess their existing CTE
Programs of Study and create goals for continuous improvement.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 14
CTE Licensure Requirements.
Engineering Technology
Educators seeking to teach in the Engineering Technology Career Cluster must possess a valid Oregon CTE
endorsement. See CTE Licensure in Oregon for an overview of licensing requirements and the steps to be
taken to receive an endorsement. Contact Margaret Mahoney ( for
more information.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 15
Student Leadership
Learning is enhanced when students can apply academic, technical, and employability skills in an authentic
setting. Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) are extracurricular groups that oer youth the
ability to practice and enhance their classroom learning, while developing personal skills and leadership
abilities, through participation in activities, events, and competitions.
In the Engineering Technology eld, there are several active CTSOs in Oregon in which students
may participate:
SkillsUSA ( prepares preparing student leaders
for careers in trade, technical, and skilled service occupations.
Technology Student Association ( accelerates student
achievement and leadership and supports teachers by providing engaging opportunities
for students to develop STEM skills.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 16
Appendix A. Engineering Technology
Career Cluster Knowledge and
Skill Statements and Suggested
Performance Indicators
This document details the Knowledge and Skill Statements comprising the Programs of Study for:
(1) Electrical Systems, (2) Manufacturing Systems, and (3) Mechanical Systems. These statements,
developed with input by employers, dene the career readiness expectations of entry-level workers.
Community college faculty were asked to provide feedback on each Knowledge and Skill Statement
and rate the importance of each Suggested Performance Indicator using the following scale:
Critically important. This skill would be expected of students entering a community college
after having completed a CTE Program of Study at the high school level
Somewhat important. This skill would be useful but not necessary for students entering a
community college after having completed a CTE Program of Study at the high school level
Not important. This skill would NOT be expected of students entering a community college
after having completed a CTE Program of Study at the high school level (i.e., it will be taught
at the college level)
To gather district perspectives, high school CTE instructors with approved programs were asked to rate
the importance of high school graduates in related CTE programs of study mastering these skills upon
completing their secondary CTE studies.
Feedback from survey respondents was analyzed to produce a core set of Knowledge and Skill Statements
and Suggested Performance Indicators that secondary educators should consider when designing CTE
programs and formulating their CTE program approval applications.
These Knowledge and Skill Statements and Suggested Performance Indicators are intended to provide
educators with guidance in establishing program standards and assessments and designing curriculum
and instructional activities. Performance indicators are oered as suggestions, not requirements, for addressing
the Knowledge and Skill Statements comprising a Program of Study.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 17
How to Use This Document
Educators oering a CTE Program of Study in the Engineering Technology Career Cluster should review
the Knowledge and Skill statements and Suggested Performance Indicators in this document. Ideally,
skills marked as Foundational will be taught during a students high school CTE Program of Study experi-
ence, with educators determining how and when instruction occurs. Three types of skills and indicators
are provided:
Three types of skills and indicators are provided:
Employability Knowledge and Skills – Applicable to all Career Clusters
All learners are expected to master these basic skills to function in the workplace. These
cross-cutting abilities, found in all jobs in all industries, encompass a broad range of
communication, critical thinking, interpersonal, and organizational skills considered
imperative for career success.
Career Cluster Knowledge and Skills – Applicable to all careers in the
Engineering Technology Cluster
All workers in the Engineering Technology industry are expected to have a broad un-
derstanding of the eld. These cross-cutting skills prepare workers to succeed in a range
of jobs in the cluster. High school students mastering these skills are prepared to enter
community college or the workforce with an understanding of their career options and
training needs.
Focus Area Knowledge and Skills – Applicable to a specific career
Field-specic knowledge that an entry-level worker would be expected to possess. High
school students mastering these skills are prepared to enter employment or enroll in
a community college to pursue advanced training. Postsecondary graduates would be
prepared to enter employment with a credential, certicate, or degree.
These skills have been classied based on their level of knowledge required for
their mastery:
Foundational Skills describe technical skills that all high school students complet-
ing a Program of Study would be expected to master. Ideally, these skills would be
taught within a high school CTE Program of Study (or in collaboration with a post-
secondary partner if it is not feasible within high school).
Intermediate Skills describe more technically advanced skills that high school
instructors are encouraged to teach, though some might be taught by community
college faculty due to equipment or time constraints.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 18
Advanced Skills describe highly technical skills that high school instructors may
choose to teach with the understanding that, due to their complexity, most will be
taught by community college faculty as part of the postsecondary component of
a CTE Program of Study.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 19
Engineering Technology Career Cluster
Knowledge and Skill Statements
Employability Knowledge and Skills
These Knowledge and Skill statements apply to all Career Clusters in Oregon.
Code number Knowledge and Skill Statement
E-01 Adhere to workplace practices
E-02 Exhibit personal responsibility and accountability
E-03 Practice cultural competence
E-04 Demonstrate teamwork and conict resolution
E-05 Communicate clearly and eectively
E-06 Employ critical thinking to solve problems
E-07 Demonstrate creativity and innovative thinking
E-08 Demonstrate uency in workplace technologies
E-09 Plan, organize, and manage work
E-10 Make informed career decisions
Career Cluster-Level Knowledge and Skills
These Knowledge and Skill statements apply to all Engineering Technology Programs of Study in Oregon.
Code number Knowledge and Skill Statement
CC-EN01 Describe the engineering industry and its role within society and the economy
CC-EN02 Demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts in the engineering technology eld
CC-EN03 Demonstrate an understanding of and adherence to safe working practices
CC-EN04 Describe government policies and industry standards that apply to the engineering technology eld
CC-EN05 Exhibit integrity and professionalism in engineering cluster occupations
CC-EN06 Apply design principles and life-cycle methodology to create products, systems, and processes using
appropriate technology
CC-EN07 Use technology such as computers and design software to solve engineering problems
CC-EN08 Demonstrate an understanding of machine control systems, logic, and devices
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 20
Code number Knowledge and Skill Statement
CC-EN09 Understand industrial engineering processes, including the use of tools and equipment, methods
of measurement, and quality assurance
CC-EN10 Understand and use applied mathematics and science for engineering cluster careers
CC-EN11 Describe the concepts of physics that are fundamental to engineering technology
CC-EN12 Identify the fundamentals of the theory, measurement, control, and applications of electrical energy,
including alternating and direct currents
CC-EN13 Develop a career plan within the engineering cluster occupations
CC-EN14 Demonstrate an understanding of basic economic systems, nancial management practices,
and procedures
Focus Area Level Knowledge and Skills
These are updated Knowledge and Skill Statements for the three Focus Area Programs of Study in the
Engineering Technology Career Cluster.
Code number Knowledge and Skill Statement
FA-ENES01 Understand and communicate using electrical symbols and images
FA-ENES02 Demonstrate knowledge of safety hazards and precautions in using electrical equipment
FA-ENES03 Demonstrate the proper use of electrical equipment and materials commonly used in the eld
FA-ENES04 Understand and apply electrical and electronic theory and laws
FA-ENES05 Understand and apply circuit concepts and analysis techniques
FA-ENES06 Demonstrate knowledge of circuits
FA-ENES07 Demonstrate knowledge and application of electronic components
FA-ENES08 Understand and apply digital concepts and circuitry
FA-ENES09 Connect components to construct low-voltage, data, and communications systems using coaxial,
ber optic, and twisted pair cables
FA-ENES10 Demonstrate knowledge of power sources and power supplies
FA-ENES11 Demonstrate knowledge of communication systems
FA-ENES12 Understand and perform skills for system integration and amplication
FA-ENES13 Understand and install motors, variable-frequency drives, and power wiring
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 21
Code number Knowledge and Skill Statement
FA-ENMN01 Describe diering manufacturing processes and their eect on materials
FA-ENMN02 Use knowledge of material science in manufacturing engineering
FA-ENMN03 Demonstrate knowledge of planning and logistics requirements in manufacturing engineering
FA-ENMN04 Apply product development and design process from problem identication to nal presentation
FA-ENMN05 Demonstrate knowledge of manufacturing principles to ensure precision
FA-ENMN06 Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental automating manufacturing systems
FA-ENMN07 Apply principles of computer-aided manufacturing technology relating to mechatronics and robotics
FA-ENMN08 Use computer-aided drafting and modeling to illustrate the design of projects and components
FA-ENMN09 Demonstrate an understanding of quality assurance and continuous improvement
FA-ENMN10 Understand and apply basics of supply chain management
FA-ENMN11 Demonstrate basic knowledge of packaging within manufacturing
FA-ENMN12 Describe issues of sustainability and environmentally friendly processes in the manufacturing industry
Code number Knowledge and Skill Statement
FA-ENMS01 Understand and use principles of machine theory
FA-ENMS02 Demonstrate knowledge of machine design
FA-ENMS03 Apply product development and design process from problem identication to nal presentation
FA-ENMS04 Use computer-aided Drafting and Modeling to illustrate the design of projects and components
FA-ENMS05 Understand fundamental principles of basic mechanical and power systems
FA-ENMS06 Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental automating manufacturing systems
FA-ENMS07 Demonstrate knowledge of uid dynamics
FA-ENMS08 Demonstrate knowledge of thermal dynamics
FA-ENMS09 Demonstrate knowledge of statics and dynamics in mechanical systems
FA-ENMS10 Analyze the strengths of materials
FA-ENMS11 Demonstrate an understanding of quality assurance and continuous improvement
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 22
Employability Knowledge and Skill Statements
with Suggested Performance Indicators
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational
Adhere to workplace
A. Explain and follow workplace standards, rules, and regulations
B. Show up on time and prepared to work
C. Demonstrate the ability to take direction, be proactive, and
work independently
Exhibit personal
responsibility and
A. Apply professional and ethical standards of the industry to
personal conduct
B. Maintain integrity and promote personal and professional integrity
in co-workers
C. Take responsibility and carry out work assignments
Practice cultural competence
A. Demonstrate awareness of issues related to diversity, equity,
and inclusion
B. Work eectively with colleagues of diering abilities, cultures,
and backgrounds
C. Describe issues relating to workplace harassment
D. Model behaviors that are respectful and sensitive of others
Demonstrate teamwork and
conict resolution
A. Demonstrate the ability to collaborate and contribute to the work of
a diverse team
B. Explain when it is appropriate to lead and when to follow
another’s lead
C. Demonstrate strategies for resolving issues with coworkers
Communicate clearly
and eectively
A. Listen attentively, and speak and write clearly to convey
information correctly
B. Interpret information and instructions presented in verbal and
written form
C. Demonstrate eective communication with colleagues, supervisors,
customers, and suppliers
D. Demonstrate the ability to communicate verbally, in writing, and
using electronic communication tools
Foundational - Basic skills that should be taught within high school or, if not feasible, at a partnering college
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 23
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational
Employ critical thinking to
solve problems
A. Recognize problems in the workplace and diagnose their
root causes
B. Develop well-reasoned plans to solve identied challenges
C. Apply and follow through on plans to ensure that problems
are resolved
Demonstrate creativity and
innovative thinking
A. Develop ideas to solve problems in new and dierent ways
B. Investigate one’s own and others’ ideas to nd those with
greatest applicability
C. Develop and deploy plans to implement new ideas in the workplace
Demonstrate uency in
workplace technologies
A. Demonstrate knowledge and application of general technology
skills, including hardware and software commonly used in
the industry
B. Use online communication, networking tools and social networks
to access, manage, evaluate, and create information to successfully
function in a knowledge economy
C. Describe and demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the
ethical, legal, and security issues surrounding access to and use of
information technologies
Plan, organize, and
manage work
A. Identify an intended project outcome including available
inputs, materials, labor, timeline for producing work, and
job-site obligations
B. Eectively plan, monitor, and complete projects on time and within
budget using available resources and materials
C. Demonstrate ability to write coherent reports and project
summaries to communicate the progress of project work and its
adherence to schedule
Make informed
career decisions
A. Identify job and entrepreneurial opportunities in the
industry and the required education and credentials
to obtain employment
B. Set short- and long-term career goals based on personal interests
and aptitudes
C. Maintain a project portfolio
D. Develop a professional resume
E. Explain and demonstrate how to cultivate and maintain a
professional presence in an online environment, including the
appropriate use of social media and networking platforms
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 24
Engineering Technology Career Cluster Knowledge and Skill Statements
with Suggested Performance Indicators
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Describe the engineering
industry and its role within
society and the economy
A. Describe how the use of engineered products and systems impact global,
environmental, and social contexts
B. Describe the type of companies that exist in the industry and how they work
independently and in collaboration with other companies to produce products
C. Describe how engineering businesses and the products they produce contribute
to improving people’s lives and strengthening the economy
D. Describe how transferring technology from one society to another can cause
cultural, social, economic, and political changes
Demonstrate an understanding
of basic concepts in the
engineering technology eld
A. Analyze various careers and their job descriptions and the educational
requirements and certications to nd entry-level employment
B. Dene and use industry-standard terminology to communicate information
C. Explain how products are designed and the various professions involved
(e.g., engineers, designers, fabricators, suppliers)
D. Identify relevant artifacts and experiences for an eective engineering portfolio
E. Identify the professional associations that exist in the eld and the purposes that
they serve
Foundational - Basic skills that should be taught within high school or, if not feasible, at a partnering college
Intermediate - Advanced skills encouraged to be taught within high school, with some oered at a partnering college
Advanced - Highly technical skills that may be taught within high school, with most oered at a partnering college
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 25
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Demonstrate an understanding
of and adherence to safe
working practices
A. Describe the importance of a safety culture
B. Identify safety hazards and follow correct procedures when using appropriate
safety techniques, equipment, and procedures in the workplace
C. Demonstrate the use of and care for personal protective equipment
D. Demonstrate awareness of common industry hazards and the steps needed
to correct them
Describe government policies
and industry standards that
apply to the engineering
technology eld
A. Describe how to apply quality control and assurance procedures within the
industry and why they are important
B. State the purpose of regulations and certication requirements
C. Describe how the Americans with Disabilities Act applies in the workplace
D. Describe requirements related to handling and disposal of environmentally
hazardous materials in accordance with the material safety data sheet
(MSDS), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations
E. Explain the types of governmental regulations and federal, state, and local
regulations that apply in the industry and how the professions engage with them
F. Describe how government agencies ensure compliance with environmental
regulations and the consequences that organizations suer when they fail
to comply
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 26
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Exhibit integrity and
professionalism in engineering
cluster occupations
A. Adhere to ethical and legal standards and requirements for the treatment of
people in the engineering workplace and while performing engineering tasks
B. Comply with ethical standards (code of ethics) and follow requirements of
regulatory agencies in the engineering elds
C. Demonstrate advocacy and professional collaboration in engineering.
D. Exhibit cultural sensitivity in the engineering workplace
E. Understand how gender-bias, racial-bias, and other forms of stereotyping and
discrimination can adversely aect communications within an engineering team
F. Demonstrate knowledge of federal and state health and safety regulations to
support a safe working environment in engineering
Apply design principles and
life-cycle methodology to create
products, systems, and processes
using appropriate technology
A. Use scientic and mathematical models to communicate and test design ideas
and processes
B. Apply a structured approach to solving problems including dening a problem,
brainstorming, researching, and generating ideas, identifying criteria and
constraints, exploring possibilities, making a model or prototype, and evaluating
the design using specications
C. Understand and apply the engineering design process to create a product,
system, or process
D. Identify and apply individual and group brainstorming techniques during the
design process and in the solution of design problems
E. Apply knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to
dene, analyze, and solve problems
F. Demonstrate the relationship between a scientic method and engineering
design process
G. Consider factors, including reliability, safety, production, manufacturability,
aesthetics, ergonomics, and human interaction in the design process
H. Understand and apply the life-cycle methodology of analysis, design,
construction, and implementation
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 27
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Use technology such as
computers and design software
to solve engineering problems
A. Apply contemporary engineering tools, including software, to dene, analyze,
analyze, and synthesize engineering systems data, and model and prototype
solutions to engineering problems
B. Use modeling, simulation, and prototype techniques to solve
engineering problems
C. Apply information technology tools and techniques for gathering, storing, and
transferring engineering systems data
D. Write and execute a simple program (e.g., Python, Java, C++, etc.)
E. Use modeling, simulation, and visualization to eciently analyze, synthesize and
communicate engineering information
F. Use technology to create, manipulate, organize, manage, and distribute
engineering information, including electronically
G. Apply current computer programming languages to engineering development
H. Use statistical tools to analyze engineering data
I. Understand the dierence between object-oriented programs and
procedural programs
Demonstrate an understanding
of machine control systems,
logic, and devices
A. Choose appropriate inputs and outputs devices based on the need of
a technological system
B. Create detailed ow charts utilizing a computer software application
C. Create control system operating programs utilizing computer software
D. Design and create a control system based on given needs and constraints
E. Create system control programs that utilize owchart logic
F. Judge between open and closed loop systems and choose the most appropriate
system for a given technological problem
A. B.
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 28
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Understand industrial
engineering processes, including
the use of tools and equipment,
methods of measurement, and
quality assurance
A. Estimate and measure the size of objects in both Standard International and
United States units
B. Apply appropriate geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) practices
C. Use tools, fasteners, and joining systems employed in selected
engineering processes
D. Describe the major manufacturing processes
E. Calibrate precision measurement tools and instruments to measure objects
F. Know the structure and processes of a quality assurance cycle
A. B.
Understand and use applied
mathematics and science for
engineering cluster careers
A. Apply the concepts and processes using the guiding principles and standards of
mathematics, such as algebraic, geometric, and trigonometric relationships to
solve engineering problems
B. Understand the impact of assumptions, initial conditions, boundary conditions,
and other constraints on problem solutions
C. Apply scientic method in qualitative and quantitative analysis, data gathering,
direct and indirect observation, predictions, and problem identication
D. Demonstrate the ability to select, apply, and convert systems of measurement
to solve problems
E. Understand science constructs including conclusions, conicting data, controls,
data, inferences, limitations, questions, sources of errors, and variables
F. Apply fundamental laws and principles relevant to engineering and technology
G. Apply scalar and vector quantities as applied to physical systems, such as the
relationship between position, velocity, and acceleration
H. Apply appropriate data collection, statistical analysis methods, and the means of
displaying data to make decisions
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 29
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Describe the concepts of physics
that are fundamental to
engineering technology
A. Describe and practice real world applications of physical laws (e.g., Newton’s
Law, Pascal’s Principle, Ohm’s Law, Watts Law, Bernoulli’s principle, mass and
energy balances)
B. Compare the eects and applications of heat transfer and thermal
dynamic processes
C. Analyze how electric and magnetic phenomena are related and know common
practical applications
D. Formulate and solve problems by using the appropriate units applied in
mechanical, electrical, uid, and thermal engineering systems
E. Evaluate how energy is transferred and predict the eects of resistance in
mechanical, electrical, uid, and thermal systems
F. Explore the fundamentals and properties of waveforms and how waveforms may
be used to carry energy
Identify the fundamentals of the
theory, measurement, control,
and applications of electrical
energy, including alternating
and direct currents
A. Predict the eects of circuit conditions based on measurements and calculations
of voltage, current, resistance, and power
B. Analyze relationships between voltage, current, resistance, and power related
to direct current (DC) circuits
C. Classify and use various electrical components, symbols, abbreviations, media,
and standards of electrical drawings
D. Understand how electrical control and protection devices are used in
electrical systems
E. Calculate, construct, measure, and interpret both AC and DC circuits
F. Understand the characteristics of alternating current (AC) and how it is
generated; the characteristics of the sine wave and of AC, tuned, and
resonant circuits; and the nature of the frequency spectrum
G. Calculate loads, currents, and circuit-operating parameters
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 30
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Develop a career plan within the
engineering cluster occupations
A. Understand the career opportunities in engineering and dierentiate among
dierent disciplines
B. Identify relevant artifacts and experiences for an eective engineering portfolio
C. Engage in continuous self-assessment and goals modication for personal and
professional growth
D. Develop skills and knowledge for career growth in engineering
E. Identify and participate in continuous engineering education opportunities
Demonstrate an understanding
of basic economic systems and
nancial management practices
and procedures
A. Explain the concept of prot margin and how it aects project and
production decisions
B. Explain the purpose of a budget and dierentiate between revenues
and expenses
C. Describe basic economic principles that apply in the engineering cluster
(e.g., supply and demand, the production of goods and services)
D. Describe what key performance indicators (KPIs) are, how they are used
in dierent industries, and how they are tracked (e.g., daily, weekly,
monthly, annually)
E. Describe purchasing activities to obtain business supplies, equipment, and
services (e.g., sourcing and procurement)
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 31
Electrical Systems Knowledge and Skill Statements
with Suggested Performance Indicators
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Understand and
communicate using electrical
symbols and images
A. Understand symbols used in electrical engineering including electronic symbols,
owcharting symbols, science symbols, and telecommunication symbols
B. Use graphical symbols on electronic drawings, diagrams, and charts
C. Use schematics to locate components and wiring failures in electronic products
D. Use block diagrams for troubleshooting and maintenance of electronic products
E. Identify electronic components and draw their schematic symbols
(e.g., AC power supply, relay switch, transformer)
F. Describe the current industry standards for illustration and layout
A. B.
Demonstrate knowledge
of safety hazards and
precautions in using
electrical equipment
A. Describe rst aid treatment for individuals who have experienced a shock
B. Describe conductors and insulators and how they are used
C. Understand shock hazards when servicing power supplies in
electronic equipment
D. Demonstrate safety hazards associated with servicing electrical equipment
and precautions that can be taken to alleviate dangers
E. Describe the eects of electricity on the human body
Foundational - Basic skills that should be taught within high school or, if not feasible, at a partnering college
Intermediate - Advanced skills encouraged to be taught within high school, with some oered at a partnering college
Advanced - Highly technical skills that may be taught within high school, with most oered at a partnering college
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 32
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Demonstrate the proper use
of electrical equipment and
materials commonly used
in the eld
A. Understand the proper conguration, handling, and storage of voltmeters,
ammeters, ohm meters, and bench power supplies
B. Demonstrate understanding of circuit boards and their uses
C. Describe the operation of and procedure for testing various electronic
components (e.g., resistors and capacitors) in both a series and in parallel circuit
D. Use curve tracers, oscilloscopes, and multi-meters
E. Use function generators in the process of repairing electronic equipment
F. Understand the use and application of current and voltage probes
G. Demonstrate proper selection of materials used for insulation
H. Explain the purpose and use of pulsers and logic probes
Understand and apply
electrical and electronic
theory and laws
A. Describe the units of electrical charge, voltage, current, power, resistance,
capacitance, and inductance
B. Understand fundamentals of direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC)
circuit theory and clearly distinguish between them
C. State Ohm’s Law and use related formulas for current, voltage, resistance, and
power to solve electrical systems problems
D. Understand and apply the basic methods of using electricity to operate a motor
E. State Watts Law, graph the relationship between voltage, current, and power
in circuits, and use formulas to solve problems involving Watt’s Law
F. Understand fundamentals of electrical properties and electromagnetic eect
G. Understand atomic theory, the atomic structure of matter, and its relationship
to electricity
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 33
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Understand and apply
circuit concepts and
analysis techniques
A. Construct, measure, and test a variety of simple series and parallel
resistive circuits
B. Explain the uses of series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits, and construct and
troubleshoot their function
C. Analyze wiring schematics and diagrams for accuracy and function
D. Understand basic microelectronic circuit concepts
E. Use fundamental electric-circuit techniques such as Kirchho’s Laws, impedance,
superposition, phasor transforms, transformers, lters, Fourier-series methods,
and 3-phase power to solve electrical systems problems
F. Build and test half-wave rectiers, LED circuits, inverting and non-inverting
op amp circuits
G. Understand reasons for using rheostats and isolation transformers.
H. Use small-signal and large-signal techniques to analyze and design
transistor circuits
Demonstrate knowledge
of circuits
A. Demonstrate knowledge of soldering and desoldering principles.
B. Demonstrate the use of solder and solder removers.
C. Demonstrate appropriate use of heat sinks on solid state components.
D. Describe aspects of soldering techniques such as tinning, physical connections,
temperature selection, and cleaning
Demonstrate knowledge
and application of
electronic components
A. Determine the values for electronic components from their markings and
physical characteristics
B. Describe the purpose of and operation of optical interface devices (e.g., light
emitting diodes (LEDs), liquid crystal displays (LCDs)
C. Describe the purpose and operation of photovoltaic cells, photoresistors,
photodiodes, and phototransistors
D. Understand, build, and test transistor switching and amplier circuits
E. Know the various types of transistors and diodes and how they are used
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 34
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Understand and apply digital
concepts and circuitry
A. Describe the purpose and use of logic gates (e.g., discrete and medium scale
integration [MSI] gates, latches, ip-ops)
B. Identify the numbering systems, codes, arithmetic operations, Boolean
operations and simplication methods used in digital electronics
C. Describe the purpose and use of digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital circuits
D. Describe the purpose and operation of programmable logic devices (PLDs) and
complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs)
E. Understand ASCII code
F. Explain the purpose and use of basic digital concepts including asynchronous
and synchronous counters, digital bus, and display circuitry
G. Convert number systems (e.g., binary coded decimal (BCD) to decimal, and
decimal to BCD)
H. Design, construct and test a digital circuit based on schematics using simulations
and simulation test benches
I. Utilize memory in a control system
J. Determine fan-out and propagation delays
Connect components to
construct low-voltage, data,
and communications systems
using coaxial, ber optic, and
twisted pair cables
A. Describe the types, purposes and uses of cables and wires
B. Splice and terminate cables and wires
C. Select methods for splicing and terminating cables and wires (e.g., terminal
strips, and crimp connectors)
D. Test cables and wires
E. Explain how the characteristics of cables and wires cause impedance
F. Identify the construction, impedance characteristics and use of cables and wires
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 35
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Demonstrate knowledge
of power sources and
power supplies
A. Understand fusing and circuit breaker rules and reasons for dierent types
of fuses
B. Identify the various battery supplies, their common usages, and
recharging principles
C. Understand the dierences between transformer-powered supplies and
line-connected supplies
D. Select and install power conditioning, isolation transformers, surge suppressors,
and uninterruptible power supplies
E. Identify common lter types
F. Construct and install regulated power supplies
Demonstrate knowledge of
communication systems
A. Understand design of communication networks including network protocol,
security, privacy, routing and congestion control, Internet, local area networks,
wireless services, and multimedia services
B. Understand basic concepts of digital communication modulation and reception
C. Understand basic concepts of information theory and its application
Understand and perform
skills for system integration
and amplication
A. Describe the use of common amplier devices
B. Understand grounding, proper and improper methods, and the results of
power source mismatch
C. Understand frequency response of an amplier circuit and why it is important
D. Recognize causes of distortion in ampliers and reduce or eliminate it
E. Understand expected circuit signal levels for various common electronics
products or test equipment
F. Understand anticipated signal or voltage levels for output circuits in audio and
video equipment
G. Demonstrate knowledge of each component in an amplier circuit
H. Use techniques to overcome loading problems in ampliers
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 36
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Understand and install
motors, variable-frequency
drives, and power wiring
A. Interpret motor nameplate information and motor specications
B. Identify types and components of single-phase and three-phase motors
C. Calculate motor loads
D. Interpret schematics and control diagrams for building a motor circuit
E. Wire single phase and three phase circuits and install motor control
devices (e.g., contactors, starters, variable-frequency drive (VFD) and
motor speed controls)
F. Describe how programmable controllers can be used to control single speed
motors and variable speed motor applications
G. Explain the starting sequence of motor components within a given circuit
H. Troubleshoot and repair motor starting systems to verify operation according
to schematics and control diagrams
I. Determine motor rotation needed for the installed load and explain the process
for reversing rotation (i.e., three phase and single phase)
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 37
Manufacturing Systems Knowledge and Skill Statements with Suggested
Performance Indicators
Code and Knowledge and
Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Describe diering
manufacturing processes and
their eect on materials
A. Describe how diering processes impact quality of products, price,
and schedule
B. Explain advanced manufacturing and how it applies information, automation,
computation, software, sensing and networking to make traditional processes
more ecient
C. Describe recent trends in manufacturing and why they matter including digital
manufacturing, industrial robots, biomanufacturing, nanomanufacturing,
sustainable manufacturing etc.
D. Distinguish between primary and secondary processes involved in the
manufacture of industrial goods and nished products
E. Demonstrate knowledge of manufacturing processing techniques (e.g.,
casting and molding, forging, separating, assembling, digital and additive
manufacturing, stamping, etc.) for materials such as metals, plastics, wood,
concrete, glass, and ceramics
Foundational - Basic skills that should be taught within high school or, if not feasible, at a partnering college
Intermediate - Advanced skills encouraged to be taught within high school, with some oered at a partnering college
Advanced - Highly technical skills that may be taught within high school, with most oered at a partnering college
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 38
Code and Knowledge and
Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Use knowledge of
material science in
manufacturing engineering
A. Identify and describe the wide range of materials used in manufacturing
and how and why they are selected for diering processes (e.g., function,
appearance, use)
B. Explain the major material properties: physical, mechanical, chemical, thermal,
electrical/magnetic, acoustical, and optical
C. Describe how diering manufacturing processes inuence material properties
and apply mechanical testing processes to solid materials
D. Demonstrate understanding of material strengths and basic concepts of stress,
strain, internal forces, and structural analysis
E. Select and defend a material for use in a product, explaining material
properties and characterization (based upon manufacturing processes,
chemical composition, internal defects, temperature, previous loading,
dimensions, and other factors)
Demonstrate knowledge
of planning and logistics
requirements in
manufacturing engineering
A. Demonstrate an ability to plan eectively utilizing space, time, and
materials eectively
B. Explain practices and procedures for planning, organizing, and controlling the
resources for the manufacturing of quality products
C. Describe rapid prototyping and just in time manufacturing
D. Understand resource planning systems for manufacturing including materials
and capacity, requirement planning, production scheduling, shop oor control
and scheduling, inventory control, and manufacturing databases
E. Distinguish the dierence between custom and industrial production
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 39
Code and Knowledge and
Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Apply product development
and design process from
problem identication to
nal presentation
A. Understand and apply various ideation techniques to develop ideas and
concepts, test the eects of various parameters, and assess the eciency
and eectiveness of production
B. Apply various two-dimensional (2-D) graphic and/or three-dimensional (3-D)
modeling techniques to develop concepts
C. Understand and apply research methodologies to identify a need, problem,
or opportunity for a new product, product line, system design, or service
D. Conduct model documentation of the process of recording details such as size
and the material development process
E. Apply technology to create a preliminary design of a product concept utilizing
drawing, computer software (graphic or CAD), and/or conceptual model
fabrication techniques
F. Document nal design, optimization, and nal presentation of a product
Demonstrate knowledge of
manufacturing principles
to ensure precision
A. Identify and demonstrate proper use of measuring tools including tape rule,
machinists rule, bench rule, caliper, divider, micrometer etc.
B. Inspect and interpret blueprints, schematic diagrams, and writing
specications for manufacturing devices and systems
C. Explain why proper layout is critical to making parts correctly
D. Apply principles of trigonometry, Cartesian geometry, and/or polar geometry,
distinguishing which principles apply to a given machining tool and when
E. Explain the dierence between freehand sketching, manual drafting, and
computer-aided drafting (CAD) and describe the skills needed for each
F. Demonstrate understanding of the set-up and operation of manual and CNC
wood and/or metalworking machines
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 40
Code and Knowledge and
Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Demonstrate knowledge of
fundamental automating
manufacturing systems
A. Dene industry standard vocabulary (i.e., CAD, CAM, CIM, CNC)
B. Dierentiate between digital and analog devices
C. Identify components needed to integrate computer controls for
an automated system
D. Interface output devices to a computer, microcontroller, or programmable
logic controller
E. Choose appropriate machine control inputs and outputs, based on the need
of a technological system
F. Plan, design, and construct an automated system, using computer hardware
and software
G. Dene open and closed loop systems and their uses to solve
a technological problem
H. Demonstrate ability to program using timers, counters, and loops
I. Identify and explain various types of electrical motors
Apply principles of computer-
aided manufacturing
technology relating to
mechatronics and robotics
A. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of robotics on the
manufacturing process
B. Identify the components of a robot system and explain their roles in the
robots operation cycle
C. Dene mechatronics and its use in advanced manufacturing
D. Explain the skills associated with mechatronics
E. Describe the main components of a typical mechatronic system
(e.g., actuators, sensors, digital control devices, input device, output
devices, graphical displays)
F. Describe the various le types used for import/export of 3D data and upload
and download data between robotic simulation and a real robot
G. Compare robotic applications and processes (e.g., pick and place, welding)
H. Plan, program, and test a robot using appropriate software
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 41
Code and Knowledge and
Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Use computer-aided drafting
and modeling to illustrate
the design of projects
and components
A. Create and interpret auxiliary views, orthographic projections, isometric
drawings, oblique drawings, and perspective drawings
B. Apply tolerancing techniques and dimensioning to the computer-aided
design process
C. Perform part manipulation during the creation of an assembly model
D. Analyze assembly, successfully construct an assembly drawing, and use
libraries and subassemblies eectively during the assembly modeling process
E. Compare conceptual, physical, and mathematical design models used to
check design
F. Evaluate a sketch and generate a model utilizing three-dimensional modeling
G. Evaluate a model for design imperfections and the accuracy of mass
properties calculations
H. Add technical elements (e.g., parts lists, titles, nishes, tolerances,
specications, hidden surfaces) to drawings.
I. Translate a three-dimensional drawing or model into
corresponding orthographic
J. Apply manufacturing processes to computer-aided modeling (e.g., casting,
molding, forming, separating, conditioning, assembling, nishing, rapid
prototyping, 3-D printing)
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 42
Code and Knowledge and
Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Demonstrate an understanding
of quality assurance and
continuous improvement
A. Understand principle of total quality control for maximization of
product eectiveness
B. Measure, weigh, and visually inspect machine parts, using the appropriate
instrumentation to measure tolerances as required in the engineering drawings
C. Describe the three dierent types of data that are important to controlling the
manufacturing of a product (i.e., product output data, quality control data,
labor data)
D. Dene, understand, and apply concepts of quality control, statistical process
control, statistical methods for continuous improvement, reliability theories,
assessment, and prediction
E. Discuss quality control standards (e.g., Six Sigma, TQM, ISO, ANSI, etc.)
F. Understand inspection sampling, human factors in quality control, quality cost
analysis, and quality audits
G. Explain how corrective action plans address quality problems and how
functions of process management and quality assurance relate to one another
Understand and apply basics
of supply chain management
A. Understand the role of employees, customers, and suppliers and the possible
eects on the sequencing of work events
B. Dene supply chains and how they function from the supplier to the customer
and describe common supply chain issues
C. Understand the ow of products, information, and nancial resources that
result from supply chain transactions
D. Design a supply chain as a complete system using mathematical techniques
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 43
Code and Knowledge and
Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Demonstrate basic
knowledge of packaging
within manufacturing
A. Understand rules, standards, and laws in packaging relating to the quality
of products and safety in consumption and transportation
B. Understand and apply basic business and entrepreneurial principles and
identify potential markets and/or other business opportunities for distribution
of the product
C. Produce a package design concept for a product or line of products based
on consumer’s need
D. Understand and apply packaging graphic strategies that eectively
communicate and inuence the purchasing of products
E. Understand the functions and signicance of packages and describe basic
principles relating to materials, systems, and methods in packaging
F. Conduct test on package durability and compatibility for physical distribution
G. Understand the eects and prevention of drop, impact, and vibration
on packages
Describe issues of sustainability
and environmentally
friendly processes in the
manufacturing industry
A. Describe the types of pollution and environmental hazards that are a product
of the manufacturing industry and traditional manufacturing processes
B. Describe sustainability practices that may be adopted in the manufacturing
industry (e.g., recycling, conducting energy audits, reducing pollution
byproducts, updating machinery and equipment)
C. Dene environmentally conscious design and manufacturing and the benets
that it oers
D. Describe the dierence between green and sustainable manufacturing
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 44
Mechanical Systems Knowledge and Skill Statements with
Suggested Performance Indicators
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Understand and use
principles of machine theory
A. Demonstrate an understanding of machines and mechanism structure and
principles of motion
B. Identify and explain basic principles of internal combustion engines.
C. Explain basic principles of kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms
D. Explain synthesis of linkage
E. Apply knowledge of kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms to linkage systems,
reciprocating engines, and industrial machinery
Demonstrate knowledge
of machine design
A. Identify dierent machine elements (e.g., gears, cam mechanisms, linkages,
belt drives) in motion and their components
B. Identify machine elements (e.g., springs, ywheels, clutches, brakes) that absorb
and store energy
C. Understand and utilize ISO Drawing standards for machine components
and assembly
D. Calculate mechanical advantage of screws and bolts using thread, pitch,
and diameter
E. Design, build and test a machine utilizing multiple machine elements and
components that also meets safety requirements
F. Install and align power transmission systems and troubleshoot for problems
and ineciencies
Foundational - Basic skills that should be taught within high school or, if not feasible, at a partnering college
Intermediate - Advanced skills encouraged to be taught within high school, with some oered at a partnering college
Advanced - Highly technical skills that may be taught within high school, with most oered at a partnering college
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 45
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Apply product development
and design process from
problem identication to
nal presentation
A. Apply technology to create a preliminary design of a product concept utilizing
drawing, computer software (graphic or CAD), and/or conceptual model
fabrication techniques
B. Document nal design, optimization, and nal presentation of a product
C. Compare conceptual, physical and mathematical design models used to
check design
D. Understand and apply research methodologies as a means to identify
a need, problem, or opportunity for a new product, product line, system
design, or service
E. Understand and apply various ideation techniques to develop ideas and
concepts, test the eects of various parameters, and assess the eciency
and eectiveness of production
F. Apply various two-dimensional (2-D) graphic and/or three-dimensional (3-D)
modeling techniques to development concepts
G. Conduct model documentation of the process of recording details such as size
and the material development process
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 46
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Use computer-aided Drafting
and Modeling to illustrate
the design of projects
and components
A. Apply manufacturing processes to computer-aided modeling (e.g., casting,
molding, forming, separating, conditioning, assembling, nishing, rapid
prototyping, 3-D printing)
B. Evaluate a sketch and generate a model utilizing three-dimensional modeling
C. Translate a three-dimensional drawing or model into
corresponding orthographic
D. Create and interpret auxiliary views, orthographic projections, isometric
drawings, oblique drawings, and perspective drawings
E. Perform part manipulation during the creation of an assembly model
F. Compare conceptual, physical and mathematical design models used to
check design
G. Analyze assembly, successfully construct an assembly drawing, and use libraries
and subassemblies eectively during the assembly modeling process
H. Apply tolerancing techniques and dimensioning to the computer aided
design process
I. Add technical elements (e.g., parts lists, titles, nishes, tolerances, specications,
hidden surfaces) to drawings
J. Evaluate a model for design imperfections and the accuracy of mass
properties calculations
Understand fundamental
principles of basic
mechanical and
power systems
A. Distinguish between the six simple machines, their attributes, and components
B. Calculate work, power, and torque
C. Dene terminology used to describe machines (e.g., work, power,
torque, horsepower, watts, etc.) and demonstrate the ability to
perform basic calculations
D. Dene dierent types of energy (i.e., potential and kinetic) and categorize the
major forms it may take, such as thermal, radiant, nuclear, chemical, electrical,
mechanical, uid). Determine eciency in a mechanical system and calculate
mechanical advantage and drive ratios
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 47
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Demonstrate knowledge of
fundamental automating
manufacturing systems
A. Dene industry standard vocabulary (i.e., CAD, CAM, CIM, CNC)
B. Dierentiate between digital and analog devices
C. Identify and explain various types of electrical motors
D. Demonstrate ability to program using timers, counters, and loops
E. Interface output devices to a computer, microcontroller, or programmable
logic controller
F. Choose appropriate machine control inputs and outputs, based on the need
of a technologic system
G. Plan, design, and construct an automated system, using computer hardware
and software
H. Identify components needed to integrate computer controls for
an automated system
I. Dene open and closed loop systems and their uses to solve
a technologic problem
Demonstrate knowledge
of uid dynamics
A. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using uid power systems and
the safety concerns of working with liquids and gasses under pressure
B. Identify and dene the components of uid systems
C. Dene uid systems (e.g., hydraulic, pneumatic, vacuum, etc.) and understand
basic concepts of the science of uids in motion
D. Demonstrate proper setup and adjustment of a uid power system
E. Calculate velocity, pressure, density, and temperature as functions in space
and time
F. Analyze and solve mechanical engineering problems in solid and uid mechanics
and dynamics
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 48
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Demonstrate knowledge of
thermal dynamics
A. Understand concepts of conservation of energy in processes, direction of
spontaneous change, limited eciency in converting heat into useful power,
and trade-os between equilibrium thermodynamics and kinetics when
designing processes
B. Understand and apply the First Law of Thermodynamics to mechanical systems
engineering applications
C. Understand and apply the Second Law of Thermodynamics to mechanical
systems engineering applications
D. Understand how to estimate the thermodynamic properties under various
process conditions
E. Use equation of state to model uids and calculate thermodynamic properties
of uids
Demonstrate knowledge
of statics and dynamics in
mechanical systems
A. Create free-body diagrams to analyze forces on a rigid body. Calculate the
support reactions on a two or three-dimensional rigid body
B. Use the method of joints and the method of sections to solve for the internal
forces in members of a truss
C. Use force and acceleration methods to analyze motion of a rigid body
D. Use work and energy methods to analyze motion of a rigid body
E. Use impulse and momentum methods to analyze motion of a rigid body
Analyze the strengths
of materials
A. Describe the various forms of stress (i.e., compression, tension, torque, and shear)
B. Dierentiate between scalar and vector quantities; determine the magnitude,
direction, and sense of a vector; and calculate the X and Y components and
determine the resultant vector
C. Calculate material properties relating to a stress strain curve
D. Analyze the principles of statics and dynamics to calculate the strength of various
engineering materials used to build a structure
E. Calculate moment forces given a specied axis
F. Use equations of static equilibrium to calculate unknown forces
Engineering Technology Career Cluster 49
Code and Knowledge
and Skill Statement
Suggested Performance Indicators Foundational Intermediate Advanced
Demonstrate an
understanding of
quality assurance and
continuous improvement
A. Understand principle of total quality control for maximization of
product eectiveness
B. Explain how corrective action plans address quality problems and how functions
of process management and quality assurance relate to one another
C. Understand inspection sampling, human factors in quality control, quality cost
analysis, and quality audits
D. Measure, weigh, and visually inspect machine parts, using the appropriate
instrumentation to measure tolerances as required in the engineering drawings
E. Describe and explain the three dierent types of data that are important to
controlling the manufacturing of a product (i.e., product output data, quality
control data, labor data)
F. Dene, understand, and apply concepts of quality control, statistical process
control, statistical methods for continuous improvement, reliability theories,
assessment, and prediction
G. Discuss quality control standards (e.g., Six Sigma, TQM, ISO, ANSI, etc.)
A. B.