Fetal Pig Dissection Labs
Dr. J. Lim
Objective: In this exercise you will examine the organization of the many body systems
studied this semester in the context of a single specimen, the fetal pig. Be sure to identify
the major organs as you explore the extent of each system.
As you encounter each structure, discuss its function and interactions with
surrounding structures with your lab partners
Carefully follow the directions
Read the description of each incision and understand it prior to beginning
Each group should have a directions reader and a dissector
The rest of the group should follow along referring to the textbook or lecture
notes with details on the structures being studied
Use the scissors for most incisions
All students handling the specimen must wear gloves
Use the scalpel only when absolutely necessary
Clean-up at the end of each dissection:
Dispose of lab discards in the provided receptacles
Place your pig into the plastic bag provided
o Expel excess air from the bag and tie it shut
o Write your group name and class time on the tag provided and attach it to
the bag
o Place the bags in the storage bin for your class
Return dissection instruments to their proper places in the set-up tray
Clean table tops with red bottled sanitizer
Wash hands before
leaving class
FETAL PIG LAB ONE: Respiratory 1, Mouth, Pharynx & Thorax
External Anatomy
Examine the fetal pig and locate the external features shown above.
Two rows of nipples of mammary glands are present on the ventral abdominal
surface of both males and females. Mammary glands later develop only in
maturing females.
Umbilical cord: Make a transverse cut through the umbilical cord and examine
the cut end. Locate the two umbilical arteries that carry blood from the fetal pig
to the placenta, and the single umbilical vein that delivers nutrient-rich blood back
to the fetal pig.
Determine the sex of your specimen
o Female: The urogenital opening in the female is immediately ventral to
the anus and has a small genital papilla marking its location.
o Male: The scrotal sac is ventral to the anus and a urogenital opening is
just posterior to the umbilical cord.
Positioning the pig for dissection
Place the fetal pig on a dissecting tray ventral (belly) side up. Use two or three rubber
bands to tie the right hind leg around the ankle. Run the rubber bands around the
underside of the tray and tie the left hind leg. Repeat for the forelegs.
Dissection Procedure
To expose the structures of the mouth and pharynx, start by inserting a pair of scissors in
the angle of the lips on one side of the head and cut posteriorly through the cheek. Open
the mouth as you make your cut and follow the curvature of the tongue to avoid cutting
the roof of the mouth. Hold down the epiglottis and surrounding tissue and continue
your incision dorsal to it and on into the opening of the esophagus. Now, repeat the
procedure on the other side so that the lower jaw can be pulled down to expose the
structures of the mouth and pharynx as shown.
Teeth: Only a few
deciduous canine
and/or incisor teeth
will have erupted.
Other teeth are still
being formed and
may present as
bulges of the gums.
Make an incision in
one of these bulges
to observe the
developing tooth.
Tongue: The
tongue is attached
posteriorly and free
anteriorly. Locate
the papillae on its
surface, especially
near the base of the
tongue and along its
anterior margins.
You will recall that papillae are the home of many microscopic taste buds.
Hard & Soft palate: roof of the mouth
o formed anteriorly by the hard palate supported by bone and cartilage
o formed posteriorly by soft palate
o paired nasal cavities lie dorsal to the roof of the mouth
Nasopharnyx: space posterior
to the nasal cavities and soft
o contiguous with the
oropharynx or throat
Oropharynx (throat): space
posterior to the mouth
o Posterior extension of
o may be difficult to visualize because incision cuts through it on each side.
When you have completed your observations, close the lower jaw by wrapping a single
rubber band around the snout.
Using a sharp scalpel, make a small incision through the abdominal skin and
muscle about ½-inch above the umbilical cord. IMPORTANT: Do not use the scalpel for
further dissection work today. Use scissors to continue cutting along the midsagittal line
on the ventral surface (INCISION 1), first cutting upward toward the neck (it will be
necessary to cut through the ribs as well).
Be careful not to cut any underlying organs
Always cut away from yourself when using scissors for better control
Rotate the dissecting pan as necessary for better access
Turn the tray around and cut down to
the caudal (tail) end of the pelvic region,
leaving ½- inch border around the umbilical
cord. This step is important to prevent cutting
of the umbilical vein and arteries in the
abdominal cavity.
Continue the midsagittal cut down into
the pelvic region. Cut around the other side of
the umbilical cord (INCISION 2), again
leaving about a ½-inch border. Stop your cut
about one inch short of the anus.
Make the two lateral incisions just in
front of the hind legs (INCISION 3).
If you have a male pig, cutting off-center
ensures that you do not cut the penis, which is
incompletely formed in the fetal pig and
appears as a thickened tube within the skin of
the lower abdominopelvic area.
You may omit INCISION 4.
Make two lateral incisions (INCISION 5) through muscle and ribs out from the
midline incision.
Lifting the lateral flaps of ribs, skin and muscle on each side, cut the diaphragm,
which is attached to the inside body wall. You should now be able to peel open the left
and right flaps of the ventral body wall like a book.
Wash out the cavities of the pig in a sink if needed to remove any brownish
material (mainly bile and clotted blood) while being careful to keep the organs in place.
You may loop the rubber bands around the legs as necessary to get a better view
into your specimen. When you are finished with your pig, do not cut the rubber bands!
Simply slide the rubber band from under the pan so that next time you need not retie the
Lungs: The thoracic cavity is divided into left and right pleural cavities
containing the lungs. At the midline, the inner thoracic wall forms a partition
between the pleural cavities called the mediastinum.
Heart: The heart can be found enclosed in the pericardial sac located within the
mediastinum and attached to the diaphragm. Remove this sac to expose the heart.
FETAL PIG LAB TWO: Respiratory 2, Neck & Cardiovascular
In the neck region, locate the larynx (voice box) which is composed of cartilage and
contains the vocal cords. The trachea (windpipe) extends posteriorly from the larynx
and splits dorsal to the heart to form the bronchi that enter the lungs. These structures
are more clearly visible after the heart has been removed.
Thymus gland: whitish gland that lies near the anterior margin of the heart and
extends into the neck on each side of the trachea
Thyroid gland: on anterior surface of the trachea at the base of the neck
Remove the thymus and thyroid glands as necessary to get a better view of the trachea
and larynx, but do not cut major blood vessels
Esophagus: carefully remove the connective tissue supporting the trachea so that
you can move the trachea to one side to expose the esophagus located dorsal to it
o you will get a better view of the esophagus later on
Study the heart, major veins, and major arteries by carefully removing tissue as
necessary to expose the vessels. This is best done by separating tissues with a blunt
probe and by picking away connective tissue (CT) from the blood vessels with a forceps.
In a fetus, the placenta is the source of oxygen and nutrients, and also removes
metabolic wastes from the blood. The lungs, digestive tract, and kidneys are
nonfunctional. Circulatory adaptations to this condition make the circulation of blood in
the fetus quite different from your study of the adult cardiovascular system.
Identify the following structures using the illustration as reference:
Heart: carefully cut away the pericardial sac from heart and great vessels
o locate atria, ventricles, coronary vessels
Anterior vena cava: returns blood from head, neck, and forelegs to right atrium
Posterior vena cava: returns blood from regions posterior to heart to right
Pulmonary artery (trunk): carries blood from right ventricle
Aorta: carries blood from left ventricle
Umbilical vein: carries blood rich in oxygen and nutrients from placenta to fetus
Ductus venosus: segment of umbilical vein going to liver and on to posterior
vena cava carrying blood rich in placental oxygen and nutrients
Ductus arteriosus: carries blood from pulmonary trunk to aorta (bypassing the
non-functional lungs)
o white and underneath apex of heart
Umbilical arteries: carries waste-laden blood from pelvic region to placenta for
After locating the major arteries and veins, carefully cut through the major vessels and
remove the heart. Leave stubs of the vessels on the heart and identify them.
Return now to the neck and thoracic cavity to observe the respiratory organs. Locate the
following structures:
Larynx: composed of cartilage and contains the vocal cords
Trachea: note C-shaped cartilaginous rings
Bronchi: trachea branches to form the two primary bronchi
o Note: these structures should be readily visible since the heart has
been removed
dissect away connective tissue as needed
Vocal cords: view on each side after making a mid-central incision in larynx
Bronchioles: dissect along bronchus to view branching as it enters lung
FETAL PIG LAB THREE: Digestive System
Digestive organs in the abdomen
Identify the following structures
using the illustration for reference.
Liver: large, multilobed
structure under the lungs
and diaphragm
Gallbladder: lift up the
lobes of the liver on the
right side to find the small,
green, saclike organ
Esophagus: lies directly
behind the trachea; follow
its path from its beginning
in the neck to its entry into
the stomach
Stomach: saclike organ
under the liver on the left
Duodenum: first part of
the small intestine attached
to the right side of the
Pancreas: begins in the loop between the stomach and duodenum and ends near
the spleen on the left side; looks like a clump of about one hundred pinhead-sized
Jejunum & Ileum: the coiled remainder of the small intestine
Cecum: the thumb like blind pouch at the junction of the ileum and colon
Colon (large intestine): usually darker, thicker, coiled (large) intestine
Rectum: the last one to two inches of large intestine leading to the anus
FETAL PIG LAB FOUR: Urinary System
Remove the intestines to expose the urinary organs. Leave a stub of the large intestine to
allow for location of the rectum later.
Dissect away surrounding tissue to expose the:
Adrenal glands: on anterior surface of each kidney
Kidneys: against dorsal body wall
o Find the ureter, renal vein (thinner), and renal artery
o Make a frontal (longitudinal) section and observe the following
kidney cortex
kidney medulla
renal pyramids
renal columns
renal pelvis
Ureters: originate on medial surface of
kidney, near renal vessels
Urinary bladder: follow both ureters
posteriorly into the urinary bladder
Urethra: urinary bladder narrows
posteriorly to form urethra entering pelvic cavity
FETAL PIG LAB FIVE: Reproductive System
Examine the reproductive system of your specimen. Exchange it for a specimen of the
opposite sex from a classmate when you are finished.
Male Reproductive System
Testes: locate the testes within the scrotum (external pouch)
Carefully cut open the scrotum to expose a testis.
Epididymis: begins at anterior margin of testis extends to form vas deferens
Vas deferens: extends anteriorly from scrotum and loops over ureter to enter
Urogenital opening: just posterior to umbilical cord in reflected flap of body
wall containing the urinary bladder
Penis: extends posteriorly from urogenital opening
Make an incision alongside the penis and free it from the body wall. Push it to one
side and use a scalpel to make a midline incision through the pelvic muscle and
bones. Spread the legs and open the pelvic cavity so that you can dissect out the
pelvic organs.
Urethra: at the end of the urinary bladder
Rectum: located dorsal to the urethra
o carefully remove the connective tissue around urethra to separate it from
the rectum
o continues posteriorly into pelvic cavity
Seminal vesicles: small paired glands on each side of the urethra
Prostate gland: very small gland between seminal vesicles on dorsal surface of
Bulbourethral glands: paired glands on each side of urethra where it enters the
Female Reproductive System
Uterus & uterine tubes (horns): located dorsal to urinary bladder and
ventral to the descending colon (LI)
Ovaries: follow uterine tubes anterolaterally to the ovaries
o located just posterior to kidneys
Remove or reflect the skin from the ventral surface of the pelvis. Use your
scalpel to cut carefully at the ventral midline through the muscles and bones of the
pelvic girdle. Spread the legs and open the pelvic cavity to expose the
continuation of the urethra and:
Vagina: just dorsal to urethra
o extends posteriorly from body of uterus
Rectum: terminal portion of LI
Time permitting, feel free to revisit any part of this exercise.
Actually seeing the structures you have been studying in the context of an entire
organism plus a free-flowing discussion of their anatomy and physiology should prove
valuable in your preparation for upcoming examinations.
Dispose of your specimen using the proper receptacles for organic matter and related
materials respectively. Lastly, be sure to use the provided disinfectant to sanitize your
tabletops and to wash your hands with soap and water before leaving class.