Revised 03022020
Test Center Regulations
To ensure that all candidates are tested under equally favorable conditions, the following regulations
and procedures will be observed at each test center. Prometric reserves the right to audiotape and
videotape any test session.
1 You may not use your own written notes, published materials, or other testing aids while
at the testing center or during your test appointment. Any materials that you are allowed to
use during the test will be provided to you by Prometric at the test site on the day of testing.
2 You will be continuously monitored by video, physical walk-throughs and the observation window
during your test.
3 You must present valid (unexpired) and acceptable identification in order to take your test. (See
“Identification required” in the above section.)
4 You are required to sign out on the test center roster each time you leave the test room. You must
also sign back in and show your identification to the test center administrator in order to be re-
admitted to the test room.
5 You are prohibited from communicating, publishing, reproducing, or transmitting any part of your
test, in any form or by any means, verbal, written, or electronic, for any purpose.
6 You must not talk to other candidates or refer to their screens, testing materials, or written notes in
the test room.
7 You are allowed to bring your own soft earplugs or use test center-supplied sound dampening
headphones in the test room.
8 Any clothing or jewelry items allowed to be worn in the test room must remain on your person at all
times. Removed clothing or jewelry items must be stored in your locker.
9 You must not bring any personal/unauthorized items into the test room. Such items include but are
not limited to outerwear, hats, food, drinks, purses, briefcases, notebooks, pagers, watches, cellular
telephones, recording devices, and photographic equipment. Weapons are not allowed at any
Prometric Test center. You will be asked to empty and turn your pockets inside out prior to every
entry into the test room to confirm that you have no prohibited items.
10 You will be scanned with a metal detector wand prior to every entry into the test room. If you
refuse, you cannot test.
11 You must return all materials issued to you by the test center administrator at the end of your test.
12 You are not allowed to use any electronic devices or phones during breaks.
13 Your test has one scheduled 15-minute break. Once you have answered questions 1-50,
completed your review of your answers, and acknowledged you have completed section one, the
test timer will stop for up to 15 minutes. After acknowledging that you have completed the
first section of the exam you will no longer be able to access the first section of the test
content, including making changes to your answers. If you choose to take the scheduled break
you will leave the testing room, adhering to all security protocols. If you have not returned and
started the second section (questions 51-100) of the exam prior to the expiration of the 15 minutes,
the exam clock will restart.
Unscheduled breaks are also permitted. The test timer will continue to count down during an
unscheduled break.
Breaks are only permitted in order to access the bathroom or lockers. Candidates are not permitted
to leave the test center during the test. The only exception is where restrooms are not located in the
testing center and the candidate may leave only for the purpose of accessing the restroom, but first
must notify the test center administrator.
Revised 03022020
14 Repeated or lengthy departures from the test room for unscheduled breaks will be reported by the
test center administrator.
15 If you need access to an item stored in the test center locker during a break such as food, water or
medicine, you must inform the test center administrator before you retrieve the item. During the
test you are not allowed to access notes, books, reference materials or electronic devices.
16 You must conduct yourself in a civil manner at all times when on the premises of the test center.
Exhibiting abusive behavior towards the test center administrator, or any other staff member of the
test center, is considered misconduct and will be reported to the IRS.
17 To protect the privacy of all testers, the test center administrator can neither confirm nor deny if any
particular individual is present or scheduled at the test center.
18 Persons not scheduled to take a test are not permitted to wait in the test center.
19 U.S. Candidates Only- If you are wearing eyeglasses you will be required to remove them for visual
inspection to ensure they don’t contain a recording device. Large jewelry items must be stored in
your locker due to concerns over concealed recording devices.
If questions arise. Test center administrators are not allowed to answer any questions pertaining to the
examination content. If you do not understand a question on the examination, you should answer the
question to the best of your ability.
Failure to follow any of these security procedures may result in the disqualification of your
examination. The IRS takes candidate misconduct, including cheating, very seriously. If the IRS
determines that a candidate is culpable of misconduct or has cheated, the candidate will be subject to a
variety of penalties including, but not limited to, invalidation of test scores, disqualification from
subsequent test administrations, and civil and criminal penalties. In cases where candidate misconduct
or cheating is discovered after a candidate has obtained an Enrolled Agent card, the IRS may rescind the