Chapter 24: Change in Work Schedule/Change in Hours
Chapter 24: Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
Chapter 24: Change in Work Schedule/
Change in Hours
(Nature of Action 781 and 782)
1. Coverage ..................................................................................... 2
2. Definitions ................................................................................... 2
3. Instructions .................................................................................. 3
Tables ............................................................................................... 5
Table 24-A. Actions Required to Document Change in Work Schedule and
Change in Hours ........................................................................... 5
Table 24-B. Documenting Change in Work Schedule and Change in Hours7
Table 24-C. Remarks ....................................................................... 8
New text changes and/or additions are distinguished in >dark red font
surrounded by angled brackets<. Deletion/removal of text is distinguished
with *** in green font.
Chapter 24: Change in Work Schedule/Change in Hours
Chapter 24: Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
1. Coverage
a. This chapter covers:
i. Change in work schedule a change in the work
schedule or time basis on which an employee is paid,
including change between seasonal and non-seasonal
work schedules; and
ii. Change in hours a change in the total number of hours
during that day that a part-time employee is scheduled to
b. This chapter does not cover:
i. A change in work schedule that will be effective for no
more than one pay period (e.g., when a student's
schedule is changed to full-time for one pay period at
Christmas or during spring vacation);
ii. A change in employee's tour of duty (a change in the
hours of the day or the days of the week during which
the employee will work) when there is no change in
either the work schedule or the total hours the employee
will work; or
iii. A change in hours for a part-time employee that will be
effective for no more than two pay periods. If your
agency wishes to record such changes on a Standard
Form >SF-50<
iv. , Notification of Personnel Action, use a 900 series
(agency-use) nature of action.
2. Definitions
a. Work schedule is the time basis on which an employee is paid.
A work schedule may be full-time, part-time, or intermittent:
i. Full-time usually requires an employee to work 40 hours
as prescribed by the administrative workweek for that
particular employment group or class;
Chapter 24: Change in Work Schedule/Change in Hours
Chapter 24: Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
ii. Part-time requires an employee to work less than
full-time, but for a specific number of hours (usually
16-32 per administrative workweek) on a prearranged
scheduled tour of duty; or
iii. Intermittent describes service performed without a
regularly scheduled tour of duty.
b. Seasonal employee is one who works on an annually recurring
basis for periods of less than 12 months each year.
3. Instructions
a. Compare data on the Standard Form >SF-52<, Request for
Personnel Action, submitted by the requesting office with the last
action in the employee's Official Personnel Folder to be sure it is
b. Follow the instructions in Table 24-A and 24-B to determine the
actions needed and the nature of action and authority to be
entered in blocks 5-A through 5-D to document the change.
c. When employee is changing from intermittent to full-time or
i. If ***>they< had FICA coverage (retirement code 2),
check Chapter 10 of The CSRS and FERS Handbook to
determine if employee will be covered by the Civil Service
Retirement System or the Federal Employees Retirement
System as a result of the new work schedule. If
retirement coverage changes, follow instructions in
Chapter 28 to document an 803/Change in Retirement
Plan action. Document the 803 action in blocks 6A-6D
and 45 of the change in work schedule action or on a
separate ***>SF-50<, Notification of Personnel Action.
ii. If ***>if they were< ineligible for health benefits
coverage, check The Federal Employees Health Benefits
Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices to determine
if employee will be eligible for health benefits as a result
of the new work schedule. If so, follow instructions in
Chapter 24: Change in Work Schedule/Change in Hours
Chapter 24: Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
the Handbook to advise the employee on correct
enrollment procedures.
iii. If ***>if they were< ineligible for life insurance
coverage, check the Federal Employees’ Group Life
Insurance Program - A Handbook for Employees,
Annuitants, Compensationers and Employing Offices to
determine if employee will be eligible for Federal
Employees Group Life Insurance coverage as a result of
the new work schedule. If so, follow instructions in the
Handbook to advise the employee on entitlements and
options. Refer to Chapter 22 of this Guide to document
an 881/Change in FEGLI action. Document the 881
action in blocks 6A - 6D, 27, and 45 of the Change in
Work Schedule action or on a separate ***>SF-50<.
d. Use Table 24-C to identify the remarks codes/remarks required
by the Office of Personnel Management for the action and enter
them in Part F of the ***>SF-52<. Also enter in Part F the
remarks codes/remarks required for any other action processed
on that ***>SF-52< as well as those required by your agency's
instructions or that are necessary to explain the change in work
schedule or change in hours.
e. Fill in remaining blocks on ***>SF-52< as required by
instructions in Chapter 4 of this Guide.
f. Follow instructions in Chapter 4 of this Guide to see how the
***>SF-50< should be completed. Follow your agency's
instructions to have it signed or authenticated.
g. Check The Guide to Personnel Recordkeeping to decide if any of
the documents submitted with or created in connection with the
action should be filed on the right side of the employee's Official
Personnel Folder. Follow your agency's instructions to dispose of
those not filed in the folder.
h. Prepare and distribute required notices: Follow your agency’s
instructions to distribute documentation of the personnel action.
Chapter 24: Change in Work Schedule/Change in Hours
Chapter 24: Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
Table 24-A. Actions Required to Document Change in Work Schedule and Change in Hours
>Notes and Remarks columns have been added.<
Rule If And Then And Notes Remarks
1 Work schedule changes
from full-time to part-
time or intermittent or
from part-time to
intermittent or full-time
(See Note)
No other action (such
as a return to duty, a
conversion, or a
reassignment) is
effective on the same
Process the Change
in Work Schedule
action, showing the
new work schedule in
block 32 of the
Standard Form
If new work schedule code is
P, Q, S, or T, enter in block 33
the total hours employee will
work per bi-weekly pay
1. Check The Federal
Employees’ Group Life
Insurance Program - A
Handbook for Employees,
Annuitants, Compensationers
and Employing Offices to
determine if the intermittent
employee, who is expected to
return to a full-time or a
part-time schedule, loses the
Federal Employees Group Life
Insurance coverage. If so,
follow instructions in Chapter
22 of this Guide to process a
“Change in FEGLI” action and
to document employee's
entitlement to convert to an
individual policy (nongroup
Jump to listing of
Remarks (Use as many
remarks as are
2 Work schedule changes
from intermittent to full-
time or part-time
Process a Change in
Work Schedule
action. Enter
“781/Chg in Work
Schedule” and
VXM/5 U.S.C. 6101
in blocks 5A-5D.
Enter the new work
schedule code in
block 32.
Enter the new service
computation date in block 31
and Remark B31 in Part F of
the ***>SF-52< or block 45
of the ***>SF-50<. If new
work schedule code is P, Q, S,
or T, enter in block 33 the
total hours employee will work
per bi-weekly pay period.
3 Work schedule changes
from full-time to part-
time or intermittent or
from part-time to
intermittent or full-time
(see Note)
Another action (such as
a return to duty, a
conversion, or a
reassignment) is
effective on the same
Enter the nature of
action and authority
for the other action
blocks 5A-5F.
Document the work
schedule change in
blocks 6A-6D, or on a
separate ***>SF-
Enter the new work schedule
code in block 32 of Part F of
the ***>SF-52< or block 45
of the ***>SF-50<. If the
new work schedule code is P,
Q, S, or T, enter in block 33
the total hours employee will
work per bi-weekly pay
Table 24-A. Actions Required to Document Change in Work Schedule and Change in Hours, Continued
Chapter 24: Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
Rule If And Then And Notes Remarks
4 Work schedule changes
from intermittent to full-
time or part-time
Another action (such as
a return to duty, a
conversion, or a
reassignment) is
effective on the same
Enter the nature of
action and authority
for the other action in
blocks 5A-5D.
Document the work
schedule change in
blocks 6A-6D, or on a
separate ***>SF-
Enter new service
computation date in block 31,
the new work schedule code in
block 32, and Remark B31 in
Part F of the ***>SF-52< or
block 45 of the ***>SF-50<.
If the new work schedule code
is P, Q, S, or T, enter in block
33 the total hours employee
will work per bi-weekly pay
1. Check The Federal
Employees’ Group Life
Insurance Program - A
Handbook for Employees,
Compensationers and
Employing Offices to
determine if the
intermittent employee,
who is expected to return
to a full-time or a part-
time schedule, loses the
Federal Employees Group
Life Insurance coverage. If
so, follow instructions in
Chapter 22 of this Guide
to process a “Change in
FEGLI” action and to
document employee's
entitlement to convert to
an individual policy
(nongroup contract).
Jump to listing of
Remarks (Use as many
remarks as are
5 There is a change in the
number of hours per
week that an employee
is scheduled to work
Enter the nature of
action and authority
for the other action in
blocks 5A-5F.
Document the
change in hours in
blocks 6A-6D or on a
separate ***>SF-
Enter in block 33 the total
hours employee will work per
bi-weekly pay period.
6 No other action (such
as a return to duty, a
conversion, or a
reassignment) is
effective on the same
Enter the nature of
action and authority
for the Change in
Hours in blocks 5A-
5D of the ***>SF-
Chapter 24: Change in Work Schedule/Change in Hours
Chapter 24: Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
Table 24-B. Documenting Change in Work Schedule and Change in Hours
>Notes and Remarks columns have been added.<
Rule If And the And the And the action
Code Is
Authority Is Notes Remarks
1 Employee changes to
a work schedule
identified by a
different work
schedule code
Total number of
work hours is
Change is at the
781 Chg in
VXM 5 U.S.C 6101 >Reserved
for Future
Jump to
listing of
Remarks (Use
as many
remarks as
2 Change is NOT
requested by the
Is a management-
initiated change in
work schedule
from full-time to
other than full-
time in lieu of RIF
RAH Reg.
3 Does not meet
the action
described in Rule
2 above
VXM 5 U.S.C. 6101
4 Total number of
work hours
increases or
remains the same
5 The employee's work
schedule is part-time
(code “P,” “Q,” “S,”
or “T.”)
Total number of
work hours
782 Chg in
6 The employee's work
schedule is less than
130 hours in a
calendar month, or
the employee is
expected to work at
least 130 hours in a
calendar month but
for less than 90
Total number of
work hours
changes, and the
employee is
expected to work
at least 130 hours
in a calendar
month for at least
90 days.
Appointment is
seasonal, or the
employee has an
intermittent work
Means the
employee is
eligible for health
890.102 (j)-
Chapter 24: Change in Work Schedule/Change in Hours
Chapter 24: Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
Table 24-C. Remarks
>Notes column has been added.<
Return to Tables 24-A, 24-B
Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is Notes
1 Work schedule is changed
from intermittent
B31 Change SCD from (date) to
reflect (number) hours worked
under intermittent work
schedule. (See Notes 1 and
1. If this information is not available
when ***>SF-50< is issued, issue
a correction action later when the
information is available.
2. Follow instructions in Figure 6-4 to
convert hours worked to months
and days of service credit.
***>SF-50< remarks are used as
the basis for future SCD
calculations. Therefore, if your
agency uses additional remarks to
explain the time the employee
worked, those agency remarks
must show the intermittent service
in terms of the credit to which the
employee is entitled, rather than
in terms of elapsed calendar time.
Example: if employee worked on
ten different days for a total of 35
hours, show in your agency
remarks that the 35 hours equaled
6 days of service credit.
2 Employee is eligible to earn a
within-grade increase (WGI)
P30 Eligibility date for WGI has
been adjusted to reflect credit
for service on intermittent work
schedule. Estimated eligibility
date is (date). (See Note 1)
3 Employee is serving a
probationary or trial period
E06 Date for completion of
probationary (or trial) period
has been adjusted to reflect
credit for service on
intermittent work schedule.
Estimated completion date is
(date). (See Note 1)
4 Employee is serving on a
T05 Date for conversion to career
tenure has been adjusted to
reflect credit for service on
intermittent work schedule.
Estimated conversion date is
(date). (See Note 1)
5 Work schedule is changed
to part-time
Is employed by the Bureau of
the Census as a part-time
field interviewer, or is
employed by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics as an
economic assistant
M85 You are scheduled to work a
minimum of (number) hours
per week; additional hours may
be scheduled when needed to
complete assignments.
Table 24-C. Remarks, Continued
Chapter 24: Guide to Processing Personnel Actions
Rule If And Then Remark Code Is And Remark Is Notes
6 The expectation for total
number of hours
employee is scheduled to
work increases to at least
130 hours in a calendar
month and employee is
expected to work at least
90 days or the total
number of hours an
employee actually works
increases to at least 130
hours in a calendar month
and employee works for
at least 90 days
Employee is temporary,
seasonal, or intermittent
B08 Eligible for health benefits. 1. If this information is not available
when ***>SF-50< is issued, issue
a correction action later when the
information is available.
2. Follow instructions in Figure 6-4 to
convert hours worked to months
and days of service credit.
***>SF-50< remarks are used as
the basis for future SCD
calculations. Therefore, if your
agency uses additional remarks to
explain the time the employee
worked, those agency remarks
must show the intermittent service
in terms of the credit to which the
employee is entitled, rather than
in terms of elapsed calendar time.
Example: if employee worked on
ten different days for a total of 35
hours, show in your agency
remarks that the 35 hours equaled
6 days of service credit.
7 Work schedule is changed
to part-time
Employee is covered by the
Federal Employee's Part-time
Career Employment Act and
has health benefits coverage
(see 5 CFR part 340)
B45 and B43 You may change your health
benefits enrollment within 60
days after the effective date of
this action. Government share
of premium for health benefits
coverage will be reduced
because you are working
part-time. You will have to pay
the employee share of the
premium plus the difference
between what the Government
pays for your enrollment and
the amount the Government
pays for a full-time employee.
8 Employee has life insurance B51 Basic Life insurance coverage
and Additional Optional
coverage (if elected) are based
on the rate of annual salary
payable to you as a part-time
employee, not the full-time
salary rate shown in block 20
of this ***>SF-50<. However,
Basic Life insurance coverage is
always at least $10,000.
9 Total number of hours
employee is scheduled to
work decreases
Change in work schedule or
hours is at employee's request
M20 Action at employee's request.