372    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12 01 SEP 2024
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74°30'W 74°W
Chart Coverage in Coast Pilot 2—Chapter 12
NOAA’s Online Interactive Chart Catalog has complete chart coverage
01 SEP 2024
U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12     ¢     373
Hudson River
(1) This chapter describes the Hudson River from New
York City to Troy, NY, and includes the principal cities
of Yonkers, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Kingston and
(2) Mileages shown in this chapter for the Hudson
River as Mile 0.9E, Mile 12W, etc., are the nautical miles
above The Battery; the letters N, S, E, and W denote by
compass points the side of the river where each feature
is located. Mile 0.0 is a point at the mouth of the Hudson
River in 40°42.1'N., 74°01.5'W. The mileages given are
Structures across Hudson River to Troy, NY
NameDescriptionType Location
Clearance (feet)
Horizontal Vertical*
George Washington Bridge (xed) 40°51'06"N., 73°57'11"W. 3060 193 (east end)
205 (center)
206 (west end)
Tappan Zee Bridge (xed) 41°04’16”N., 73°53’42”W 1140 (center span)
467 (east and
west spans)
139 (center span)
123 (east and west
Overhead power cables 41°15'47"N., 73°58'16"W. 160
Bear Mountain Bridge (xed) 41°19'12"N., 73°59'00"W. 1584 155
Newburgh-Beacon Bridges (xed) 41°31'10"N., 73°59'57"W. 960 147 (middle 760 feet)
172 (center)
Channel spans have a private sound
signal on the north bridge and a racon
on the south bridge.
Mid-Hudson Bridge (xed) 41°42'12"N., 73°56'44"W. 1080 134 A private sound signal and a racon are
at the center of the span.
CSX Railroad (xed) 41°42'39"N., 73°56'40"W. 490 (center span) 167
Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge (xed) 41°58'45"N., 73°57'03"W. 760 135 A private sound signal and a racon are
at the center of the west channel span.
Rip Van Winkle Bridge (xed) 42°13'26"N., 73°51'07"W. 480 142 A racon is at the center of the main
channel span
Overhead power cables 42°14'56"N., 73°48'58"W. 145
Overhead power cables 42°30'29"N., 73°46'32"W. 185
Castleton Railroad (xed) 42°30'33"N., 73°46'30"W. 566 (west span) 139
Castleton-on-Hudson Bridge (xed) 42°30'36"N., 73°46'28"W. 552 135
Overhead power cable 42°35'45"N., 73°45'39"W. 169
Overhead power cable 42°35'56"N., 73°45'43"W. 194
Dunn Memorial Bridge (xed) 42°38'37"N., 73°44'54"W. 300 60
NYC and Hudson Railroad (swing) 42°39'16"N., 73°44'30"W. 98 25 Kept in the open to navigation position
Overhead power cable 42°39'15"N., 73°44'32"W. 135
Overhead power cable 42°39'39"N., 73°44'04"W. 88
Patroon Island Bridge (xed) 42°39'54"N., 73°43'46"W. 300 60
Overhead power cable 42°40'52"N., 73°43'03"W. 95
Overhead power cable 42°41'46"N., 73°42'19"W. 87
Troy-Menands Bridge (xed) 42°42'03"N., 73°42'09"W. 317 61
Congress Street Bridge (xed) 42°43'44"N., 73°41'48"W. 250 55
Troy-Green Island Bridge (lift) 42°44'13"N., 73°41'37"W. 184 29 (down), 60 (up) Note 1
Hoosick Street Bridge (xed) 42°44'23"N., 73°41'14"W. 201 (east span)
359 (west span)
64 (east span)
61 (west span)
Bridge has two spans on either side of
Adams Island
* Vertical clearance measured at Mean High Water
Note – See 33 CFR 165.1 through 165.40 and 165.169, chapter 2, for safety and security zone regulations pertaining to bridges and overhead cables in the Hudson River.
Note 1 – See 33 CFR 117.1 through 117.59 and 117.791, chapter 2, for draw bridge regulations.
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Hudson River
(4) Hudson River, sometimes called North River
in New York City, has its source in the Adirondack
Mountains, about 275 miles along its course from a
junction with East River at The Battery, NY, and ows
in a general southerly direction into New York Upper
Bay. Troy Lock and Dam, 134 miles above The Battery,
permits vessels to pass from tidewater to the upper river
and the New York State Canal System. The river water is
usually fresh as far south as Poughkeepsie, halfway from
Troy Lock and Dam to The Battery.
(5) New York City extends along the eastern bank of
Hudson River for a distance of about 14 miles above The
Battery. For about 5 miles northward from The Battery,
the New York waterfront is an almost continuous line of
wharves and piers, some of which can accommodate the
largest transatlantic liners.
(6) On the opposite side of Hudson River from New York
City are Jersey City, Hoboken, Weehawken, West New
York, Guttenberg, Edgewater, Fort Lee and Englewood
Cliffs. The shoreline from Jersey City to Edgewater is
lined with ruined piers and piling elds. Mariners must
check with local authorities and property owners for
approval prior to mooring.
(8) The lower Hudson River has depths of 43 feet or
more in midchannel from deep water in Upper New York
Bay off Ellis Island to the upper limit of New York City’s
major wharves at 59th Street, about 5.3 miles above the
entrance. Above this point, the federal project depth is
32 feet to Albany. For detailed channel information and
minimum depths as reported by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE), use NOAA Electronic Navigational
Charts. Surveys and channel condition reports are
available through the USACE hydrographic survey
website listed in Appendix A.
Seasonal buoyage
(10) The lighted buoys marking the Hudson River
channel are replaced during the winter by smaller lighted
ice buoys or unlighted buoys.
(13) General anchorages begin 5 miles above The Battery
and extend upriver for about 10 miles—see 33 CFR 110.1
and 110.155, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.
(14) Vessels proceeding from New York to Albany
occasionally anchor overnight in the vicinity of Kingston,
79 miles above The Battery and 47 miles below Albany, to
await daylight hours for passing through the constricted
part of the river.
(15) A buoyed anchorage, 400 feet wide and 2,400
feet long, is on the east side of the channel just above
Stuyvesant (42°23'22"N., 73°46'53"W.), about 15 miles
below Albany.
(17) Navigation of the river is easy as far north as
Kingston, but above Kingston it is more difcult because
of the numerous steep-to shoals and middle grounds.
In general tows are apt to follow the shoreline that is
most favorable as regards wind and current; with a
strong northwest wind, tows will follow the west shore
regardless of the direction in which they are traveling.
Regulated navigation area
(19) The Coast Guard established a regulated navigation
area on the navigable waters of the Hudson River south of
the Troy Locks, effective during certain ice conditions—
see 33 CFR 165.165, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.
Recreational boaters navigating near commercial
shipping channels
(21) Large commercial vessels and tugs with tows
are often restricted in their ability to maneuver—as
dened in Rule 3 of the Inland Navigation Rules—and
therefore have the right of way over all recreational
boats including sailboats. In accordance with Rule 9 of
the Inland Navigation Rules, vessels less than 20 meters
in length shall not cross ahead or otherwise impede the
passage of any vessel that can safely navigate only within
a narrow channel or fairway. Accordingly, recreational
vessels should avoid commercial shipping channels
and whenever possible transit them as near to the outer
limit of the channel or fairway that lies on the vessel’s
starboard as is safe and practical. If it becomes necessary
to cross a channel, check for other vessels and pass
astern of oncoming vessels. Be aware that tugs often tow
barges and other objects on long submerged towlines
that are difcult to see and should never cross between
a tug and its tow. Additional information is available at
Speed and Wake Damage
(23) Speed and wake damage complaints are an ongoing
issue due to the increasing usage by both commercial and
recreational users. While there are no federal regulations
that address vessel speed limits outside of federal
anchorage grounds, all vessel operators are expected to
operate at a safe speed and in a manner that does not put
others at risk. Licensed commercial mariners are further
expected to be familiar with ongoing evolutions within
the port and honor the requests of other waterway users
as a professional courtesy. This information is published
at https://homeport.uscg.mil and in the weekly Local
Notice to Mariners at www.navcen.uscg.gov or by Safety
Radio Broadcasts (See chapter 1—Navigation Warnings,
Information and Weather). Title 46 Part 185.304 of the
Code of Federal Regulations, states: “The operator of
a vessel should pay special attention in regards to the
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potential caused by their wake.” The operation of a
vessel in a negligent manner is a violation of federal law
that may carry a monetary penalty. In addition, vessel
operators may incur civil liability for the damage caused
to other persons or property. Parties alleging the creation
of an excessive wake may document their concerns via
videotape or pictures. This type of documentation could
be the basis for opening a civil penalty case.
No-Discharge Zone
(25) The State of New York, with the approval of the
Environmental Protection Agency, has established a No-
Discharge Zone in the waters of the Hudson River. The
zone extends from the Battery in Manhattan, New York,
to the federal dam at Troy, New York. Within the zone,
discharge of sewage, whether treated or untreated, from
all vessels is prohibited. Outside the zone, discharge of
sewage is regulated by 40 CFR 140—see chapter 2.
(27) The tides in Hudson River are affected by freshets,
winds and droughts. Because of these variables the
predictions given for points above George Washington
Bridge are based upon averages for the 6-month
period, May to October, when the freshwater discharge
is at a minimum. See the tide prediction service at
tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov for specic information about
times, directions, and velocities of thetide at numerous
locations throughout the area. Links to a user guide for
this service can be found in chapter 1 of this book.
(29) The currents in Hudson River are inuenced by the
same variables that affect the tides. The times of slack
water and the velocities and durations of ood and ebb
are subject to extensive changes; the times of strengths
are less likely to be affected. The currents usually set fair
with the channels except in the vicinities of bends and
(30) Velocities of currents are 1.4 knots ood and 1.4
knots ebb northwest of The Battery, 1.6 and 2.2 knots
at George Washington Bridge, 0.9 and 1.1 knots at
Newburgh, 1.1 and 1.2 knots at Poughkeepsie, 1.3 and
1.6 knots at Kingston and 0.3 knot ood and 0.8 knot ebb
at Albany. Near Troy Lock and Dam, the current does not
ood and the ebb has a velocity of 0.7 knot. These values
are for the summer when the freshwater discharge is at a
(31) Daily current predictions for The Narrows, New York
Harbor, are available from the Tidal Current prediction
service at tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov. Links to a user
guide for this service can be found in chapter 1 of this
book. Predictions for places along Hudson River may be
obtained by applying the differences and ratios listed for
these places in the tidal current predicition tables.
(32) During the summer of 2004, tidal observations were
made in the Hudson River near Haverstraw and it was
found that there were signicant differences in the timing
of the tidal current phases as compared with the predicted
tidal current phases. The greatest time difference was
observed in the slack before ebb, which on average may
occur one hour later than the predictions given in the 2005
Tidal Current Tables. NOAAs Center for Operational
Oceanographic Products and Services issued special
daily tidal current predictions for the Hudson River at
eight locations, where data were collected during 2005.
Mariners should exercise caution when interpreting
tidal predictions for these areas. See the Tidal Current
prediction service at tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov for
specic information about times, directions, and
velocities of the current at numerous locations throughout
the area. Links to a user guide for this service can be found
in chapter 1 of this book.
(34) In even extremely severe winters, Coast Guard
icebreakers and continuous river trafc maintain an open
channel to Albany. The ice season usually starts in early
January and ends in mid-March. Normally shipping is
affected most seriously in the Hudson River between
Tappan Zee and Albany. Modern vessels experience little
difculty maneuvering through the ice but may be slowed
by other river trafc. In addition to the problem of getting
through the ice, aids to navigation are covered or dragged
off station by moving ice.
(36) During March, April and May, freshets have reached
heights above normal high water of as much as 18 feet at
Albany and 25 feet at Troy Lock and Dam. At the time
of the larger freshets the tide may be completely masked,
the water continuing to rise and fall for a period of several
days without any tidal oscillation. At the time of smaller
freshets the range of tide is greatly diminished and the
times of high and low waters are somewhat delayed.
(37) During the smaller freshets, the ood current
disappears and the ebb current has a velocity of about
1.5 knots. The larger freshets produce an ebb current that
varies from 1.5 to nearly 5 knots depending on the size of
the freshet and the stage of the tide.
Pilotage, Hudson River
(39) Pilotage is compulsory on the Hudson River for
foreign vessels and U.S. vessels under register. Pilotage
north of Yonkers is available from Hudson River Pilots
Association, 201 Edgewater Street, Staten Island, NY
10305, telephone 718–815–4316, FAX 718–876–8055.
The pilot boat, JOHN E. FLYNN, is 40 feet with a black
hull, white superstructure, and the word PILOT in red
letters, each side. The boat berths at Yonkers and when
underway monitors VHF-FM channel 13 and works
channels 13 or 18A. The pilot boat meets vessels in
midriver (40°56'21"N., 73°54'41"W.) off Yonkers.
Arrangements for pilot services are made in advance
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through ships’ agents; at least 24-hour advance notice is
(40) Vessels transiting between New York Harbor and
Yonkers or between Long Island Sound and Yonkers are
serviced by United New York New Jersey Sandy Hook
Pilot Association.
(41) U.S. enrolled vessels in the coastwise trade transiting
between New York Harbor and Yonkers or between Long
Island Sound and Yonkers are also served by Interport
Pilots Agency, Inc.
(42) On the Hudson River, pilots maintain bridge-to-
bridge communication on channel 13.
(43) Vessels transiting the river to destinations beyond
the city of Kingston, NY, will be required to embark
another pilot at the Hyde Park Pilot Station (41°49'55"N.,
073°56'32"W.) located on the eastern shore of Hudson
River in Mills-Norrie State Park. For vessels awaiting
daylight transits north of Kingston, a federal anchorage
is located just south of the pilot station. The pilot station
is manned only while boarding ships in transit and
maintains a watch on VHF-FM channel 13 an hour prior
to ETA for Norrie Point. The Hudson River Pilot ofce
may be reached at 718–448–3900.
(45) Tugs are available in New York Harbor and at
Albany—see chapter 11, and Albany later in this chapter.
Quarantine, customs and immigration
(47) Matters pertaining to these services for places along
Hudson River are handled at the Port of New York or at
Albany—see chapter 11, New York Harbor, and Albany
later in this chapter.
<Deleted Chart Header>
(49) Hudson River averages about 0.6 mile in width along
this 5-mile stretch above The Battery. The chart covers
most of the principal wharves on the New York City side
and those of Jersey City, Hoboken, and Weehawken
on the west, or New Jersey, side. New York Harbor is
a commercial/recreational waterway. This section of
the Hudson River is used by commercial shipping, tugs
and barges, sightseeing vessels, dinner boats, commuter
ferries and recreational vessels including hand-powered
vessels. Cruise ships operate from the NYC Passenger
Ship Terminal Piers 86-92. NYC Department of
Sanitation vessels operate from Piers 97 and 99. Con
Edison receives fuel shipments at Pier 98.
(50) Morris Canal Basin is located across the Hudson
River, opposite The Battery, on the New Jersey side.
Two marinas, two commuter ferries, one sailing school,
one yacht club and various charter boats operate from
the basin. Commercial operators occupy the northwest
corner of the basin while tour boats operate from the
Central Railroad of New Jersey Pier at the southeast
entrance to the basin.
(52) There are no special anchorages or commercial
anchorage grounds in this part of the Hudson River.
Vessels anchoring inside of the pierhead line shall be
lighted in accordance with the Inland Navigation Rules
and should check with local authorities for any additional
requirements. Hudson River Park extends from Battery
Park City to 59th Street. They provide mooring facilities
south of Pier 40. The Hudson River Park dockmaster may
be contacted at 212–627–2020 for availability.
Small-craft facilities
(54) Facilities at Manhattan are located at North Cove
Yacht Harbor and Pier 59. Facilities in New Jersey are
located in Morris Canal Basin, Jersey City, Hoboken and
Weehawken. Sailing schools are in Jersey City, Hoboken
and Manhattan.
(56) Commuter ferries operate between several sites in
New Jersey and Manhattan. Extra caution should be
used while transiting during the morning and evening
rush hours. Hand-powered vessels operate from the New
Jersey and New York shores of the Hudson River. Several
swimming events are held along the Manhattan shoreline
throughout the summer.
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(58) On the New Jersey side of the river are Guttenberg,
Mile 5.5W; Edgewater, Mile 7.5W; and Fort Lee, Mile
9.5W. Small-craft facilities at Edgewater can provide
berths, electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, water, ice, limited
marine supplies, storage and hull and engine repairs.
The largest mobile hoist can handle craft up to 25 tons.
Commuter ferries operate between Edgewater and Pier
79 in Manhattan.
(59) The New York side of the river is mostly parkway
for the length of the chart. The 79th Street Boat Basin,
at Mile 5.5E, opposite Guttenberg, can provide berths,
electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, water, ice, marine
supplies and minor engine repairs.
(60) Sailors and Soldiers Monument, Mile 6.2E, is a
prominent landmark at 89th Street and Riverside Drive,
(61) General Grants Tomb, Mile 7.7E, is prominent at
123rd Street and Riverside Drive, Manhattan.
(62) George Washington Bridge, Mile 10, crosses
Hudson River from Fort Lee, NJ, to Fort Washington
Point, New York City. The suspension span is nearly
0.6 mile long from shore to shore with a least clearance
of 195 feet—see Structures across Hudson River at the
beginning of this chapter. The tops of the towers are about
600 feet above the water. When the traveler platform is
in use, the bridge clearance is reduced to 180 feet.
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(64) Three anchorage areas are south of the George
Washington Bridge—see 33 CFR 110.1, 110.155(c)(1),
and 110.155(c)(5), chapter 2, for limits and regulations.
A special anchorage is on the north side of George
Washington Bridge at North Manhattan—see 33 CFR
110.1 and 110.60, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.
<Deleted Chart Header>
(66) From Fort Lee, NJ, the rocky cliffs of Palisades
State Park and adjoining Tallman Mountain State
Park extend up the west side of the river for about 12
miles to Piermont, NY. The Palisades are 300 to 500 feet
high and in places are thickly wooded with scrub.
(67) Spuyten Duyvil Creek, entered at Mile 12E, is
marked by the railroad swing bridge over the mouth.
The creek is the Hudson River entrance to Harlem River,
which is described in chapter 9. Currents are swift and
erratic around the mouth of the creek.
Small-craft facilities
(69) Englewood Boat Basin, on the New Jersey side
opposite Spuyten Duyvil Creek, can accommodate craft
to 50 feet long; berths, gasoline, diesel fuel and water
are available. Alpine Boat Basin is located at about
40°56'45"N., 73°55'05"W. A boat launching ramp for
registered, trailer-towed boats under 24 feet in length,
jet skis and car-top boats (canoes and kayaks) is available
at Hazard’s Launching Ramp south of the George
Washington Bridge. On the New York side, Dykman
Marina is located at Tubby Hook. The Riverdale Yacht
Club and the Yonkers Paddling and Rowing Club are
about 200 yards north of the Yonkers Municipal Pier.
Commuter ferries operate between the Yonkers Municipal
Pier and Battery Park in Manhattan.
(70) Yonkers, Mile 16E, adjoins the north side of
New York City. Waterborne commerce is in petroleum
products, sugar and syrup products, cement, sand and
other building materials.
(71) A sugar rening plant (40°55'41"N., 73°54'21"W.)
has a 400-foot marginal wharf with depths of 30 to 32
feet alongside and a deck height of 10 feet. The plant
has 20,000 tons of covered storage and is served by a
conveyor system with two 20-ton hoppers for the receipt
of raw sugar. Vessels berth outboard of two oating
cranes moored at the face of the wharf.
(72) Several other private facilities at Yonkers, used
mainly by barges, have reported depths of 12 to 30 feet
<Deleted Chart Header>
(74) Alpine is a prominent landing at Mile 16W. A boat
basin here, operated by the Palisades Interstate Park
Commission, affords shelter for numerous small craft;
berths, gasoline, electricity and water are available. In
2013, 4 feet was reported in the basin.
(76) A special anchorage adjoins a yacht club on the
Yonkers side of the Hudson River, 17 miles above The
Battery; another special anchorage is about 0.5 mile to
the northward. (See 33 CFR 110.1 and 110.60, chapter
2, for limits and regulations.)
(77) Several private boat clubs are at Greystone Station,
just north of Yonkers; guest moorings are available.
(78) Hastings-on-Hudson, Mile 19E, has a prominent
water tank at its waterfront. A yacht club, north of the
waterfront, is adjoined by a special anchorage. (See
33 CFR 110.1 and 110.60, Chapter 2, for limits and
regulations.) Limited guest berths are available. In 1981,
a reported depth of 4 feet could be carried to the fuel dock.
(79) The boundary line between the States of New
Jersey and New York extends northwestward from a point
on the west side of Hudson River at Mile 19. The river is
0.8 mile wide at this point.
(80) Dobbs Ferry is a town at Mile 20.5E. A stack on the
waterfront and several cupolas are prominent.
(81) Irvington, Mile 22E, has a small private wharf at
the northern end of the waterfront; guest moorings are
(82) At Piermont, Mile 22W, an earthen embankment
extends 0.8 mile channelward from the shore to Piermont
Pier. There is a Class I railroad terminus at the inner end
of the embankment; several buildings in Piermont are
prominent. A T-head pier, used by Columbia University
to moor its geological research vessels, extends from the
outer end of Piermont Pier; depths of about 16 feet are
reported alongside the face. The ruins of a former ferry
slip and other piers, as well as several visible wrecks and
an obstruction covered 2 feet, are on the south side of
Piermont Pier.
<Deleted Chart Header>
(84) A foul area extends about 300 yards northward from
the outer end of Piermont Pier. A sunken wreck is in this
area about 200 yards northward from the end of the pier;
caution is advised.
(85) In 1981, shoaling to an unknown extent was reported
in the area from the outer end of Piermont Pier north to
Lower Nyack Landing, Mile 24.6W; caution is advised.
Small-craft facilities
(87) Several small-craft facilities are just northward of
Piermont Pier. Berths, electricity, water, ice, storage,
marine supplies, mobile hoists up to 10 tons and hull and
engine repairs are available. In 1981, reported depths of 4
feet could be carried to the facilities. A scuba diving team
of the Piermont Volunteer Fire Department is available
for underwater search and rescue work. They can be
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contacted through the Piermont Police Department;
telephone 914–359–0240.
(88) Tappan Zee is the 2-mile-wide part of Hudson
River between Piermont and Croton Point, 8 miles to the
(89) Tappan Zee Bridge, Mile 23.5, crosses Tappan Zee
from Nyack to Tarrytown. A racon is atop the center of
the main channel span of the southernmost bridge.
(90) Tarrytown, Mile 24E, has about 1 mile of developed
waterfront, part of which has been improved by dredging.
Tarrytown Light (41°05'03"N., 73°52'28"W.), 54 feet
above the water, is shown from a white cast iron and
concrete tower.
(91) A federal project provides for depths of 12 feet in
both the northwest and southwest connecting channels
in Tarrytown Harbor and also in the waterfront channel.
(See Notice to Mariners and latest edition of the chart
for controlling depths.) An obstruction, consisting of
rocks, is on the east edge of the waterfront channel in
about 41°04'48"N., 73°52'10"W. Both access channels
are buoyed.
(92) Tarrytown Harbor usually is open to navigation
throughout the year, but in severe winters ice oes from
the upper river may temporarily block the channels.
(94) A special anchorage is at Tarrytown. (See 33 CFR
110.1 and 110.60, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
(95) Several waterfront terminals, with depths of 10 feet
alongside, are available at Tarrytown, and there are rail
connections nearby. The wharves are used mostly for the
receipt of petroleum products, sand, gravel and crushed
(96) A marina is southward of the principal wharves;
berths, gasoline, diesel fuel, electricity, water, ice,
marine supplies and a 15-ton mobile hoist are available.
Two private boat clubs are southward of the marina; a
launching ramp is available.
(97) Nyack is on the west side of Tappan Zee at Mile
25W. Small-craft facilities at Nyack include a boat club
on the north side of the waterfront that can provide
guest moorings and a municipal marina that does not
accommodate transient boaters.
(98) In 1981, shoaling to an unknown extent was reported
in the area from Lower Nyack Landing south to the outer
end of Piermont Pier, Mile 22W.
(100) A special anchorage is at Nyack. (See 33 CFR
110.1 and 110.60, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
(101) Upper Nyack is about 0.6 mile north of Nyack. A
boatyard here has a 60-ton mobile boat lift and a 15-ton
mobile crane for hauling out small craft. The boatyard
has 80 feet of berthing space with a deck height of 8 feet
and depths of 6 feet at the face. A basin here has limited
space for berthing small craft. Complete engine and hull
repairs can be made.
(102) Hook Mountain, 730 feet high, is on the west side
of Tappan Zee at Mile 27W. The summit is only 0.3 mile
inland and is very prominent from the river.
(103) Ossining is on the east side of Tappan Zee at Mile
29E. In 1981, depths of 5 to 6 feet were reported on the
ats off the oil storage receiving facility piers at Ossining.
Sing Sing Correctional Facility, a state penitentiary, is
on the low at shore on the south side of Ossining. Two
water towers near the prison are prominent. A marina at
the north end of town can handle craft to 15 tons for hull
and engine repairs; marine supplies are available. There
are also two boat clubs and a yacht club at Ossining;
gasoline, water, ice and guest berths are available. In
1981, a reported depth of 4 feet could be carried to the
yacht club gasoline dock.
(104) From Hook Mountain, Mile 27W, northward to
Haverstraw, Mile 33W, the west bank of the Hudson
River rises precipitously to heights of more than 800 feet.
(105) Croton Point, Mile 30E, is a long peninsula that
extends 1.5 miles channelward from the main shore.
Croton Point Park is on the southwest part of the peninsula.
There are several prominent brick buildings at Harmon,
near the inner end of Croton Point.
(106) Haverstraw Bay is the wide stretch of Hudson
River between Croton Point and Stony Point, 5 miles to
the northward; the greatest width is about 2.5 miles. The
extensive ats in the eastern half of the bay have depths
of 5 to 9 feet. The dredged channel through Haverstraw
Bay is marked by seasonal lighted buoys and two lighted
(107) Croton-on-Hudson, on the east side of Haverstraw
Bay at Mile 31.5E, has a yacht club.
(108) High Tor, 820 feet high, is on the west side of
Haverstraw Bay at Mile 32W.
(109) Haverstraw is on the west side of Haverstraw Bay
at Mile 33W. The stacks and large rectangular buildings
of a power plant are prominent, back of Bowline Point.
A T-shaped pier, operated by the power plant and marked
by private lights, extends off Bowline Point.
(110) A wharf, used to ship crushed rock by barge, is about
1 mile southward of Bowline Point. The wharf has 580
feet of berthing space with a deck height of 5 feet and 14
feet alongside. A small private boat club is in a cove about
0.5 mile south of Bowline Point.
(112) A special anchorage is at Haverstraw. (See 33 CFR
110.1 and 110.60, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
(113) Grassy Point is on the west side of Haverstraw Bay
at Mile 34W. A pier, used for receiving gypsum rock, is
on the south side of the point. The pier has 500 feet of
berthing space with a deck height of 8 feet and 31 feet
(114) Numerous small-craft facilities are north and south
of Grassy Point. Berths, electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel,
water, ice, storage, marine supplies, a pump-out facility,
lifts to 40 tons and engine and hull repairs are available.
01 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12     ¢    379
In 2001, a reported depth of 17 feet could be carried into
the cove south of the point.
(115) Stony Point, Mile 35W, is marked at the outer end
by a light.
(116) Verplanck Point, Mile 35.5E, is marked on its
northwestern side by prominent gray eroded banks of
tailings from a trap-rock plant. Small-craft facilities on
the point can provide berths, electricity, gasoline, diesel
fuel, water, ice, storage and limited marine supplies; lifts
to 30 tons are available for hull and engine repairs.
(117) Indian Point, on the east side of Hudson River, 1.7
miles northward of Verplanck Point, is the site of a nuclear
power station. A tall white stack is prominent, lighted on
top, and two large domes are conspicuous on the point.
A safety and security zone has been established in the
waters of the Hudson River surrounding the station. (See
33 CFR 165.1 through 165.40 and 165.169, chapter 2,
for limits and regulations.)
(118) Tomkins Cove, a town at Mile 36W, has a large
stone quarry, a rock crusher and a trap-rock plant. The
wharf, connected to storage bins by a conveyor system,
has 700 feet of berthing space with a deck height of 9 feet
and depth of 15 to 20 feet alongside. The wharf is used to
ship sand and crushed rock by barge. Numerous beached
barges south of the pier are prominent. Northward of
the wharf, there are electrical towers, a steel conveyer
belt and a large concrete building in ruins, remnants of a
power plant.
(119) Peekskill is at the head of a shallow bight at Mile
38E. A dredged U-shaped channel extends northeastward
from deep water in the Hudson River to the wharf area and
thence northwestward back to deep water. The southern
channel is marked by buoys and a light. Caution
In 1985, it was reported that the channel on the north
side of Peekskill Bay was obstructed by a sewer outfall
extending across from the entrance to Annsville Creek;
caution is advised. A yacht club at Peekskill can provide
guest berths, electricity, water, ice and engine repairs.
(120) Annsville Creek is a very shallow creek on the north
side of Peekskill. The railroad bridge over the entrance
has a bascule span with a clearance of 3½ feet. The bridge
is maintained in the closed position. The highway bridge
about 0.2 mile above the railroad bridge has a xed span
with a clearance of 19 feet.
(121) A wharf, used for receiving petroleum products by
barge, is at Roa Hook, northwest of Peekskill. The wharf
has 150 feet of berthing space with a deck height of 8 feet
and 14 feet alongside.
(122) Dunderberg Mountain, 1,110 feet high, is a
densely wooded mountain at Mile 38W. The mountain
slopes eastward to Jones Point, which is low and at.
(123) The river becomes much narrower at Jones Point
and has an average width of 0.3 mile for the next 8 miles
between the bases of the highlands on both sides. When
approaching the sharp turns in this reach, caution should
be exercised and a warning signal should be given.
(124) Iona Island, formerly a naval depot at Mile 40W, is
controlled by the Palisades Interstate Park Commission.
A light, shown from a skeleton tower on the north side of
the island, is conspicuous.
(125) A rock, with a depth of 10 feet over it and marked
by a lighted buoy, is 0.2 mile north-northwestward of
the northernmost point of Iona Island. When descending
the river, particularly with a strong fair current, a careful
watch should be maintained to avoid being set on this
(126) Bear Mountain, Mile 40.3W, is 1,305 feet high and
has its summit about 1 mile inland. There are wharves at
the state park on the riverbank at the foot of the mountain.
(127) Anthonys Nose, 900 feet high, is a steep, thickly
wooded hill at Mile 40.5E.
(128) Bear Mountain Bridge, Mile 40.6 crosses the
Hudson River from Bear Mountain to Anthonys Nose.
The suspension span has a clearance of 155 feet.
(129) Con Hook, a small island at Mile 43W, is marked
on its channel side by a light. A rock, with a depth of 7
feet over it and marked by a lighted buoy, is about 0.3
mile southward of Con Hook. When descending the river,
particularly with a fair current, there is a tendency to set
toward the rock; caution is advised. The area 800 yards
north of Con Hook and along the western shoreline is
extremely shallow and dangerous and should be avoided
due to a large shoal. When southbound on the Hudson
River approaching Con Hook, mariners must take care
not to confuse the lights on navigation aids with the lights
from the railroad track on the west bank, the lights from
bridge in the distance, and other background lighting in
general to avoid vessel grounding.
(130) A tower at Highland Falls, Mile 44W, is prominent.
There are a couple of buildings down next to the railroad
tracks and there is an old boat ramp at the north end.
(131) A yacht club at Garrison, Mile 45E, has depths of
about 20 feet alongside its fuel dock. Craft up to 60 feet in
length can be accommodated at the slips; gasoline, water,
electricity and some marine supplies are available.
(132) West Point, Mile 45W, is the site of the U.S.
Military Academy. The academy is easily recognized
from the prominence of the buildings and the road leading
up the hillside from the railroad station and wharfs on the
(134) A special anchorage is at West Point. (See 33 CFR
110.1 and 110.60, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
(135) The northeastern extremity of West Point descends
to Gees Point, a rocky feature that is marked by a light.
About 0.2 mile south of Gees Point, another light marks
the outer edge of a rocky shallow area along the west
(136) Worlds End, a sharp bend in the Hudson River at
Mile 46, has depths of more than 100 feet. Extreme caution
should be exercised when passing through Worlds End;
the view is obstructed and vessels should reduce speed
and sound a warning signal.
380    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12 01 SEP 2024
(137) Constitution Island is on the upper side of Worlds
End at Mile 46.5E. Magazine Point, on the channel side
of the island, is marked by a light.
(138) Crows Nest, Mile 47W, is 1,403 feet high and
prominent. A boat club is at Cold Spring, Mile 47.3E.
(139) Little Stony Point, Mile 48E, is the site of a rock
(140) Storm King Mountain, 1,355 feet high, is prominent
at Mile 49W.
(141) Breakneck Point, on the opposite side of Hudson
River from Storm King Mountain, is marked by one
highway tunnel and two railroad tunnels; the lights are
prominent at night. Behind Breakneck Point is Breakneck
Ridge, 1,196 feet high.
(142) Cornwall-on-Hudson is at Mile 50W. The wharf at
Cornwall is in ruins. A boat club and a yacht club, about
0.6 mile southeastward of the wharf in ruins, can provide
gasoline, water and ice; guest moorings and a launching
ramp are available. In 1981, the reported depths were 10
feet at the gasoline dock and 3 feet in the basin.
(143) Pollepel Island, Mile 50E, is a private estate with
buildings that resemble a medieval castle. A light is
shown from a skeleton tower 0.1 mile off the west side
of the island.
(144) Newburgh, Mile 53W, is a major petroleum
distribution center. Most of the piers of the major oil
companies are at the southern end of the 2-mile waterfront
between Newburgh and Plum Point. Depths at the piers
are reported to range from about 14 feet at the northern
end to 35 feet at the southern end of the waterfront.
(145) The yacht club landing near the north end of the
Newburgh waterfront has reported depths of about 10
feet alongside. The marine railways here can handle craft
up to 46 feet for minor engine and hull repairs; berths,
electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, water, ice, launching
ramps and marine supplies are available. A shipbuilding
company at Newburgh can make emergency repairs to
commercial vessels. A marine railway at the yard can
handle vessels to 140 feet, and cranes to 150 tons are
(146) Beacon, on the east bank of the Hudson River
opposite Newburgh, has some manufacturing facilities. A
seasonal swimming area in the river at Beacon is marked
by private buoys. The Newburgh-Beacon Bridges, two
spanned xed highway bridges, with a clearance of 147
feet for a middle 760-foot width and 172 feet at the center,
cross the river between Beacon and Newburgh. A private
sound signal is at the bridge, and a racon is atop the center
of the main channel span of the southernmost bridge.
(147) Two submerged obstructions are reported about 150
yards south of Hudson River Lighted Buoy 52, Mile 55. A
submerged obstruction, covered ½ foot, is reported about
700 yards west of Buoy 52.
(148) Chelsea, Mile 56.5E, has a boatyard and yacht club;
berths, electricity, gasoline, water, ice, marine supplies
and complete hull and engine repairs are available. A 12-
ton mobile crane is available for do-it-yourself repairs.
(149) Danskammer Point, Mile 58W, is marked by a
conspicuous power plant with two large buildings, four
stacks, a radio tower and an oil receiving pier.
<Deleted Chart Header>
(151) Wappinger Creek is entered at Mile 58.5E through
a channel that leads to just below Wappingers Falls, 1.6
miles above the entrance. In 1977, it was reported that the
creek had silted in and was no longer navigable.
(152) The railroad bridge across the mouth of Wappinger
Creek has a bascule span with a clearance of 1 foot. (See
33 CFR 117.813, chapter 2, for drawbridge regulations.)
The nearby overhead cables have a clearance of 43 feet
over the creek. The xed highway bridge about 300 yards
above the railroad bridge has a clearance of 12 feet. An
overhead power cable at the bridge has a clearance of 47
feet. An overhead power cable with a clearance of 31 feet
crosses the creek about 1.5 miles above the mouth.
(153) Diamond Reef, with a depth of 5 feet over it and
marked by a seasonal lighted buoy, lies in about the
middle of Hudson River 0.2 mile above the entrance
to Wappinger Creek. Between Diamond Reef and
Poughkeepsie the west side of the river should be favored
to avoid two 18-foot spots that are buoyed.
(154) A marina at New Hamburg, just north of the
entrance to Wappinger Creek, has berths, electricity,
gasoline, water, ice, a 12-ton lift and marine supplies; hull
and engine repairs can be made. In 2017, depths between
4 and 8 feet were found alongside the edge of the marina.
(155) A boat club at Marlboro, Mile 59.7W, can provide
gasoline and water. Along the east side of the river, one
mile north of Marlboro at Clinton Point, is a quarry and
wharf used for shipping dolomite by barge. The wharf
has 2,025 feet of berthing space with a deck height of 12
feet and a depth of 10 to 11 feet alongside. The wharf is
served by a belt conveyor that extends to a processing
plant near the quarry.
(156) Poughkeepsie, Mile 66E, is an important industrial
center specializing in manufactured goods, oil and
(157) Mid Hudson Bridge (U.S. 44), a xed span with a
clearance of 134 feet, and a xed railroad bridge with a
clearance of 167 feet; 0.5 mile northward, cross the river
at Poughkeepsie; both bridges are well lighted at night.
The Mid Hudson Bridge is equipped with a private sound
signal and a racon in the middle of the span.
(158) A wharf that receives petroleum products by barge is
one mile south of the Mid Hudson Highway Bridge. The
wharf has 460 feet of berthing space with a deck height
of 10 feet and a depth of 13 feet alongside. A town park
and a small-craft launching ramp are about 0.2 mile north
of the highway bridge.
(159) A marina, on the east side of the river near Mile 68E,
has berths, electricity, gasoline, water, ice, a launching
ramp, marine supplies and a 20-ton crane; hull, engine
01 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12     ¢    381
and electronic repairs can be made. In 2001, 17 feet was
reported alongside the docks.
(160) Hyde Park, Mile 71E, is the birthplace of Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States.
The residence and library are about 0.4 mile inland.
(162) A general anchorage is just west of Hyde Park.
(See 33 CFR 110.1 and 110.155, chapter 2, for limits
and regulations.)
(163) The Hyde Park Pilot Station (41°49'55"N.,
073°56'32"W.) is located on the eastern shore of the
Hudson River in Mills-Norrie State Park. Vessels
transiting the river to destinations above Kingston, NY,
will be required to embark another pilot at this point.
The pilot station is manned only while boarding ships in
transit and maintains a watch on VHF-FM channel 13 an
hour prior to ETA for Norrie Point. The Hudson River
Pilot ofce may be reached at 718–448–3900.
(164) The Poughkeepsie Yacht Club, about 0.5 mile north
of the anchorage area, has berths, electricity, gasoline,
diesel fuel, water, a 15-ton mobile hoist, ice and a sewage
pump-out facility. In 1981, 8 feet was reported available
alongside the gasoline dock.
(165) Esopus Island, Mile 73, is marked by a light on the
south end. A ledge, partly bare at low water and extending
about 300 yards from the north end, is marked by a lighted
buoy. The better channel is westward of the island. A
prominent large gray stone building is on the west side
of the river above Esopus, about 1 mile north of Esopus
(166) Indian Kill ows into the Hudson River at Mile
73.8E. At the entrance to Indian Kill is Mills Norrie State
Park Marina. Private seasonal lights mark the entrance to
the marina. In 1981, the reported controlling depth was
7½ feet in the entrance channel with 5½ feet available in
the basin. The marina has a concrete boat launch ramp,
camp sites, showers and a pump out station. Transient
boaters are welcome to visit the marina if space allows.
145 slips, both xed piers and oating docks. Supplies
can be obtained nearby.
(167) A shoal about 0.6 mile long and 150 yards wide with
a least depth of about 15 feet is just west of the center of
the channel, about 1.1 miles above Indian Kill entrance.
The shoal is marked by a seasonal lighted buoy about
midway along the east edge.
(168) Esopus Meadows Light, Mile 75.8, 52 feet above
the water, is shown from a white brick lighthouse on the
west side of the main channel. Shoals with depths less
than 3 feet extend as much as 0.4 mile from either shore
from about 1 mile below the light to Rondout Creek at
Kingston; the shoals are marked by lighted buoys.
(169) Rondout Creek is entered from the Hudson River at
Mile 79W through a dredged channel that leads between
two long, submerged jetties to Eddyville, about 3 miles
above the channel entrance. The jetties are marked by
lights at the outer ends and by seasonal daybeacons.
An obstruction is at 41°55'20.5"N., 73°58'12.4"W. The
channel is partially marked by buoys. The head of practical
navigation is at the lock of the abandoned Delaware and
Hudson Canal, 3.3 miles above the entrance. The lower
2-mile portion of Rondout Creek serves as a harbor for
(170) Kingston is partly on the lowlands adjacent to the
north bank of Rondout Creek and partly on the elevated
plateau to the north and westward of it. Waterborne trafc
consists chiey of petroleum products.
(172) Rondout Creek is crossed by a xed highway bridge
with a clearance of 56 feet, about 1 mile above the
entrance; a highway suspension bridge with a clearance
of 86 feet, about 0.1 mile above the xed bridge; and the
xed railroad bridge with a clearance of 144 feet, about 2
miles above the entrance. An overhead power cable with
a clearance of 75 feet crosses the creek about 0.45 mile
above the railroad bridge.
Small-craft facilities
(174) There are several small-craft facilities on Rondout
Creek. Berths, electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, water, ice,
marine supplies, launching ramps, a pump-out facility
and wet and dry storage are available as far upstream as
Eddyville. Lifts to 35 tons and a 75-foot marine railway
can handle craft for hull and engine repairs.
<Deleted Chart Header>
(176) In the Hudson River above Kingston many shoals
with depths less than 3 feet are in midriver or extend
from the shore on either side. The bottom is rocky at
many of the bar crossings. Most of the channels through
the critical areas are marked with lights and buoys, but
strangers in all except small boats are advised to take a
pilot. Pilots are engaged at New York.
<Deleted Chart Header>
(178) An oil terminal is at Kingston Point, Mile 80W.
The terminal wharf has 250 feet of berthing space with
a deck height of 7 feet and a depth of 13 feet alongside.
The terminal receives petroleum products by barge.
(179) Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge crosses the Hudson
River at Mile 82.7. The xed channel spans have a
clearance of 135 feet. A private sound signal is at the
bridge and a racon is in the center of the west channel
(180) Esopus Creek is entered at Mile 88.5W. The
entrance is between two dikes; both are marked by lights.
Saugerties is on the north bank of the creek about 1 mile
above the entrance. A dam crosses the creek about 1.3
miles above the entrance. Just below the dam are many
large boulders and several shoals that bare at low water.
382    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12 01 SEP 2024
Small craft with local knowledge sometimes use this area
as an anchorage; it should be avoided by strangers.
Small-craft facilities
(182) Small-craft facilities along the creek can provide
berths, electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, water, ice, outside
storage and some marine supplies. A forklift can handle
craft to 2 tons for engine and hull repairs; launching
ramps are also available.
(183) A rescue vessel of the Ulster County Sheriffs
Department is at Saugerties. The Sheriffs ofce can be
contacted through the Coast Guard on VHF-FM channel
16 or directly by telephone at 845–338–3640.
(184) In 2004, shoaling to 9 feet was reported at the
southern boundary of Green Flats. Vessels are advised
to transit along the centerline of the channel in the vicinity
of Hudson River Lighted Buoy 94.
(185) The Maelstrom is a dangerous whirlpool on the east
side of the main channel about 2 miles north of Esopus
(186) Several large cement manufacturing plants that have
prominent buildings and elevators are near Cementon,
Mile 92.5W. Another cement factory is at Dewitt Point,
2 miles above Cementon. A wharf extends out just south
of Dewitt Point and has a surveyed depth of 27 feet at the
face (2015). However, two charted obstructions exist 30
yards east of the pier face with least depths of 24 feet and
25 feet. The landing for North Germantown is across
the river opposite this wharf.
(187) Catskill Creek, marked at the entrance by buoys,
is entered at Mile 97.5W. Catskill is about 1 mile above
the mouth. A long wharf extends along the north side
of Catskill Creek from the entrance to Catskill. A xed
highway bridge, with a clearance of 11 feet, crosses the
creek 0.9 mile above the mouth. An overhead power cable
with a clearance of 60 feet is about 200 yards above the
Small-craft facilities
(189) Several small-craft facilities are on the creek. Berths,
electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, storage facilities, water,
ice, marine supplies, a sewage pump-out facility and lifts
to 20 tons are available; hull and engine repairs can be
(190) Rip Van Winkle Bridge crosses the Hudson River at
Mile 98.7. The xed span over the channel has a clearance
of 142 feet. A racon is at the center of the main channel
span. High-voltage power cables with a clearance of 145
feet cross the river about 2.4 miles above the bridge. Red
lights are atop the suspension towers on both sides of the
(191) Hudson, Mile 102E, is on a slope that rises from
the east bank of the Hudson River. Gasoline, berths,
electricity, water and a launching ramp are available at a
boat club at Hudson.
(192) Athens is on the west side of the Hudson River
opposite Hudson. Wharves that receive asphalt and
calcium chloride are at Athens. Barges call at these
facilities, which have reported depths of 7 to 15 feet
alongside. In 1981, shoaling to an unknown extent was
reported north of Middle Ground Flats. Barges approach
Athens through the channel south of the ats only.
Small-craft facility
(194) A small-craft facility at the north end of town has
berths, electricity, gasoline, water, ice and limited marine
supplies and can make minor engine repairs.
<Deleted Chart Header>
(196) Coxsackie is at Mile 108W. Berths, gasoline,
electricity, water and ice are available at a yacht club at
the north end of town. A state-owned 20-foot concrete
launching ramp is also available at Coxsackie.
(197) A boatyard at New Baltimore, Mile 113.5W, can
provide berths, electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, water,
storage and marine supplies. A launching ramp and a 20-
ton mobile hoist are available; hull and engine repairs
can be made. In 1981, a reported depth of 20 feet was
available at the fuel dock with 6 feet at the berths.
(198) Coeymans, Mile 115W, has a boatyard that can
provide berths, electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, water,
ice and a 12-ton lift; hull and engine repairs can be made.
(199) Cement and limestone are shipped and gypsum is
received at a wharf about 1 mile above Coeymans. The
wharf has 666 feet of berthing space with a deck height
of 15 feet and 32 feet reported alongside.
(200) A submerged jetty, marked by buoys, is just east of
(201) The xed railroad bridge with a clearance of 139
feet crosses the Hudson River at Mile 117.8. An overhead
power cable just southward of the bridge, has a clearance
of 185 feet. The Castleton-on-Hudson Bridge, a xed
highway bridge, about 150 yards above the railroad
bridge has a clearance of 135 feet.
(202) Castleton-on-Hudson, Mile 119E, has a boat club
that can provide berths, electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel,
water, ice and a launching ramp. Gin poles are available
at the boat club for stepping masts. In 1982, depths of 9
feet were reported alongside the docks.
(203) The Castleton Fire Department maintains a rescue
vessel at the boat club for emergency medical assistance,
reghting, lifesaving and damage control. The rescue
vessel can be contacted through the Coast Guard on VHF-
FM channel 16 or by telephone at 518–272–5501.
(205) A special anchorage is at Mile 120W, just below
Cedar Hill. (See 33 CFR 110.1 and 110.60, chapter 2,
for limits and regulations.)
(206) Overhead power cables crossing the river at Mile
122.9 and Mile 123.1 have clearances of 169 and 194
feet, respectively.
01 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12     ¢    383
(207) Albany, Mile 126W, is the capital of New York State
and the principal port on the river above New York City.
The port of Albany is the terminus for deep-draft vessels
on the Hudson River and serves as a transshipping point
for the immediate vicinity, large areas of New England
and most of the areas accessible by waterways.
(208) Waterborne commerce at the port is mostly in
petroleum products, but grain, automobiles, coal,
molasses, scrap iron, aggregates, lumber, wood
byproducts, bananas, steel, chemicals and general cargo
are also handled.
(209) The Albany Port District includes the lower harbor
between points about 0.2 mile below and 1.9 miles above
the entrance to Island Creek (42°36'26"N., 73°45'50"W.)
and the upper harbor extending northward of this point
to the northern limits of Albany on the west side and
Rensselaer on the east side.
(211) The Federal project depth is 32 feet from New York
Harbor to Albany. Above the Port of Albany, the project
depth is 14 feet to the Troy Lock and Dam. (See Notice to
Mariners and latest editions of the charts for controlling
(213) The restricted width of the river at Albany is not
sufcient to permit vessels to swing at anchor without
interfering with passing craft. However, in an emergency,
vessels sometimes anchor in midstream to wait for
berthing space.
(215) The Dunn Memorial xed highway bridge with a
clearance of 60 feet crosses Hudson River at Albany at
Mile 126.4. The railroad bridge has a swing span with a
clearance of 25 feet. (See 33 CFR 117.1 through 117.59
and 117.791, chapter 2, for drawbridge regulations.)
An overhead power cable at the railroad bridge has a
clearance of 135 feet.
Weather, Albany and vicinity
(217) The climate at Albany is primarily continental in
character but is subject to some modication from the
maritime climate that prevails in the extreme southeastern
portion of New York State. The moderating effect on
temperatures is more pronounced during the warmer
months than in the winter season when outbursts of cold
air sweep down from Canada with greater vigor than at
other times of the year. In the warmer portion of the year
temperatures rise rapidly during the daytime to moderate
levels. As a rule, temperatures fall rapidly after sunset so
that the nights are relatively cool. Very occasionally, the
area experiences extended periods of oppressive heat up
to a week or more in duration.
(218) The highest temperature of record is 100°F (37.8°C)
recorded both in July and September 1953. The extreme
minimum temperature at Albany is -28°F (-33.3°C)
recorded in January 1971. The average temperature
for Albany is 48°F (8.9°C). The average high is 58°F
(14.4°C) and the average low is 37°F (2.8°C). July is the
warmest month with an average high of 83°F (28.3°C)
and an average low of 60°F (15.6°C). January is the
coldest month with an average high of 31°F (-0.6°C) and
an average low of 13°F (-10.6°C). An average of 11 days
each year record maximum temperatures in excess of
90°F (32.2°C) and an average of 147 days record extreme
minimums below 32°F (0°C). An average of 22 days each
year will have an extreme minimum below 5°F (-15°C).
(219) Precipitation is sufcient to serve the economy of the
region in most years, and only occasionally do periods
of drought become a threat. A considerable portion
of the rainfall in the warmer months is from showers
associated with thunderstorms, but hail is not usually
of any consequence. Average annual precipitation totals
nearly 36 inches (914 mm) and is evenly distributed
throughout the year. The difference between the driest
month, February, and the wettest month, June, averages
exactly one inch (25.4 mm). Precipitation falls an average
205 days each year with the early winter season being
the most likely time. Thunderstorms occur on average
24 days each year with June, July and August being the
most favored period.
(220) Winters are usually cold and occasionally fairly
severe. Maximum temperatures during the colder
winter months often are below freezing, and nighttime
low temperatures frequently drop to 10°F (-12.2°C) or
lower. Sub-zero temperatures (<-17.8°C) occur rather
infrequently, about a dozen times a year. Snowfall in the
area is quite variable and over some of the higher nearby
areas ranges up to 75 inches (1,905 mm) or more for a
season. Snow urries are quite frequent during the cold
months. The average annual snowfall is 63 inches (1,600
mm) and snow can be expected each month October
through May. January is the snowiest month averaging
over 16 inches (406 mm). The 24-hour snowfall record
is 22 inches (559 mm), and occurred in March 1993.
(221) On the whole, wind velocities are moderate. The
north-south Hudson River Valley has had a marked
effect on the lighter winds and the warm months usually
average out as a south wind. Destructive winds occur
(222) The area enjoys one of the highest percentages of
sunshine that can be found in the state. This is true of the
Hudson Valley area from Albany southward to the coast
with slightly more sunshine progressively southward.
Seldom does the area experience extended periods of
cloudy days or extended periods of smog. Occasionally
during the warm months, there are short periods when
high humidity associated with temperatures above 85°F
(29.4°C) is rather uncomfortable.
384    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12 01 SEP 2024
Facilities of Albany
Name Location
(feet) Storage Purpose Owned/Operated by
West side of Hudson River below Island Creek
Sears Oil Company
Tanker Wharf
1.2 miles south of
Island Creek
191 31 10 Tank storage
(2 million barrels)
Receipt of petroleum
Sears Oil Company, Inc.
Texaco North Wharf 0.85 miles south
of Island Creek
230 32 14 Tank storage
(838,000 barrels)
Receipt and shipment of
petroleum products
Texaco Inc.
West side of Hudson River below Island Creek
Agway Petroleum Wharf 0.1 mile north
of Island Creek
260 30 11 Tank storage
(334,000 barrels)
Receipt and shipment
of petroleum products
Agway Petroleum, Inc.
Cibro Petroleum Ship Dock 0.5 mile north of
Island Creek
1,000 32 16.5 Tank storage
(193,000 barrels asphalt)
(955,000 barrels fuel oil)
(450,000 barrels crude)
Receipt of crude oil and
petroleum products,
Receipt and shipment
of asphalt
Albany Port District
Petroleum Products, Inc.
Albany Port District Commission
Berths 7, 8 and 9
0.8 mile north
of Island Creek
1,270 32 16.5 Grain elevator
(10.5 million bushels)
Tank storage
(4.5 million gallons)
Shipment of grain
Receipt and shipment of
Albany Port District
Molasses Co. and Cargill,
Albany Port District Commission
Berths 5 and 6
north of Berth 7
750 32 16.5 Covered storage
(60,000-square feet)
Open storage
(35 acres)
Tank storage
(8.5 million gallons)
Receipt and shipment of
general cargo and liquid
Receipt of molasses
Albany Port District
Molasses Company and
Allied Chemical Corp.
Albany Port District Commission
Berth 4
north of Berth 5
425 32 16.5 Covered storage
(26,000-square feet)
Open storage
(28 acres)
Receipt and shipment of
general cargo
Receipt of automobiles
Albany Port District
Albany Port District Commission
Berth 3
north of Berth 4
425 32 16.5 Covered storage
(72,000-square feet)
Receipt of bananas Albany Port District
Brands, Inc.
Albany Port District Commission
Berth 2
north of Berth 3
300 32 16.5 Open storage
(28 acres)
Receipt and shipment of
general cargo
Receipt of automobiles
Albany Port District
Albany Port District Commission
Berth 1
north of Berth 2
600 32 16.5 Covered storage
(45,000-square feet)
Receipt and shipment of
general cargo
Receipt of automobiles
Albany Port District
Mobil Oil Corporation Ship Dock 200 yards north
of Berth 1
200 29 16 Tank storage
(2.25 million barrels)
Receipt of petroleum
Mobil Oil Corporation
East side of Hudson River
Amerada Hess Corporation
0.3 mile north
of Island creek
290 30 8 Tank storage
(1 million barrels)
Receipt of petroleum
Amerada Hess
Hess Corp. and Sun
Rening and Marketing
Ultramar Petroleum Wharf 0.5 mile north
of Island Creek
180 12 11 Tank storage
(1 million barrels)
Receipt and shipment of
petroleum products
Ultramar Petroleum, Inc.
Atlantic-Richeld Company
Rensselaer Wharf
0.65 mile north
of Island Creek
295 33 11 Tank storage
(1.5 million barrels)
Receipt of petroleum
Atlantic-Richeld Co./
Atlantic-Richeld Co.,
Gulf Oil Products Co. and
Amoco Oil Co.
Petroleum Fuel and Terminal
0.75 mile north
of Island Creek
375 32 14 Tank storage
(668,000 barrels)
Receipt and shipment of
petroleum products
Petroleum Fuel and
Terminal Co.
Bray Terminals 0.8 mile north
of Island Creek
250 23 12 Tank storage
(646,000 barrels)
Receipt and shipment of
petroleum products
Bray Terminals, Inc./Bray
Terminals, Inc. and Getty
Rening and Marketing
Port of Albany Rennsselaer
1.25 miles
north of Island
1,205 32 16.5 Tank storage
(500,000 gallons)
Open storage
(20 acres)
Covered storage
(43,000 square feet)
Receipt of caustic soda
Shipment of scrap metal
Albany Port District
Commission/Albany Port
District Commission and
Ashland Chemical Co.
* The depths given above are reported. For information on the latest depths contact the port authorities or the private operators.
01 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12     ¢    385
Pilotage, Albany
(224) See Pilotage, Hudson River (indexed as such),
earlier this chapter.
(226) Tugs up to 6,800 hp, based at New York City, and
tugs up to 1,800 hp, based at Rensselaer, are available
at Albany. Arrangements for tugs are usually made in
advance by ships’ agents.
(227) Albany is a customs port of entry.
Quarantine, customs, immigration and agricultural
(229) (See chapter 3, Vessel Arrival Inspections, and
Appendix A for addresses.)
(230) Quarantine is enforced in accordance with the
regulations of the U.S. Public Health Service. (See Public
Health Service, chapter 1.)
(231) Albany has several hospitals.
Harbor regulations
(233) Local rules and regulations for the port are handled
by the Albany Port District Commission.
(235) There are about 30 waterfront facilities at Albany
and Rensselaer; most are located on the west side of the
Hudson River at Albany. All have highway connections
and, with the exception of the petroleum berths, railroad
connections. Cargo is generally handled by ships’ tackle.
Crawler and truck cranes up to 140 tons can be rented.
The alongside depths given for each facility are reported;
for information on the latest depths, contact the operator.
Only the major facilities are listed in the table (Facilities
in the Port of Albany.)
(238) Bunkering services for deep-draft vessels are not
available at Albany; this service is obtained in New
York. Diesel fuel, through metered pumps, is available
for small vessels; water, marine supplies and provisions
are available.
(240) Repairs to hulls of all types, engine repair and
general repairs to small craft are available at a boatyard
on the west side of the river just north of Island Creek. A
marine railway here will haul/launch vessels of 300 tons,
110 feet (30-foot beam) and a draft of 12 feet.
Small-craft facilities
(242) A yacht club is on the east side of the Hudson River
at Rensselaer at Mile 126.4, about 0.2 mile south of the
xed highway bridge; berths, electricity, gasoline, diesel
fuel and water are available. In 1981, reported depths of
15 feet were available on the west side of the yacht club
dock with 8 feet on the east side. A municipal launching
ramp is at Mile 127.2W.
(244) Albany is served by air and rail communications.
The Delaware and Hudson Railroad serves facilities on
the west side of the river while ConRail serves facilities
on both sides of the river. The Albany Port Railroad
Corporation, a terminal switching line, serves the
waterfront facilities and property owned by the Albany
Port District Commission and connects with the main line
(245) The Patroon Island Bridge, a xed highway bridge,
with a clearance of 60 feet crosses the Hudson River just
above Albany at Mile 127.8.
(246) The Troy-Menands Bridge, a xed highway bridge,
crossing the Hudson River at South Troy, Mile 130.5,
has a clearance of 61 feet. The overhead power cables
between Albany and Troy have a least clearance of 87
feet. Red lights are shown from the suspension towers
on both sides of the river.
(247) Troy, Mile 132E, is a manufacturing center.
Watervliet, on the west side of the river opposite Troy,
is the site of the United States Arsenal with a 755-foot
stone bulkhead. The harbor extends from the southern
limits of the city of Troy to the Troy Lock and Dam.
Vessels usually berth on arrival, because the narrow width
of the river and character of the bottom are not suitable
for anchorage.
(248) TheCongress Street Bridgeconnecting Watervliet
and Troy, at Mile 132.2, has a xed span with a clearance
of 55 feet. The vertical lift highway bridge 0.5 mile
upstream has a clearance of 29 feet down and 60 feet up.
(See 33 CFR 117.1 through 117.59 and 117.791, chapter
2, for drawbridge regulations.) A rock ledge is on the
east side of the river at the bridge in about 42°44'07"N.,
73°41'22"W. TheGreen Island Bridge, a xed highway
bridge at Mile 132.9, has a clearance of 61 feet.
(249) The Troy Lock and Dam is about 8 miles above
Albany. The lock dimensions are: length 492.5 feet, width
44.4 feet, depth over upper miter sill 16.3 feet at normal
pool level, and depth over lower miter sill 13 feet at lowest
low water. The lift at the lowest stages is 17.3 feet. (See
33 CFR 207.50 and 207.60, chapter 2, for navigation
regulations for the lock and operating regulations for the
(251) The area within about 500 feet below the Troy Dam
is extremely dangerous because of the turbulence caused
by water discharge from the dam. The danger area is
marked by buoys.
(252) The Hudson River above the Troy Lock and Dam
joins with the New York State Canal System to form a
connecting waterway westward to Lake Erie and Lake
Ontario and northward to Lake Champlain.
386    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12 01 SEP 2024
(253) The New York State Canal System, comprising
Erie Canal, Oswego Canal, Cayuga and Seneca Canal
and Champlain Canal, is under the jurisdiction of the
State of New York. Navigation on the state canals is free
except for mooring, dockage, wharfage, storage or use
of canal equipment or facilities for which a permit is
required. Detailed data regarding movement through the
New York State Canal System may be obtained from the
New York State Canal Corporation, Ofce of Canals, 200
Southern Boulevard, P.O. Box 189, Albany, NY 12201-
0189; 1–800–4CANAL4; or canals.ny.gov.
Controlling dimensions of channels, locks and
(255) The Great Lakes-Hudson River Waterway
Improvement is that part of the barge canal system
including the Erie Canal from Waterford west to Three
Rivers and thence the Oswego Canal to Lake Ontario. This
section of the system, funded by the U.S. Government
and maintained by the State of New York, has a project
depth of 14 feet at normal pool level between locks and
13 feet at normal pool level through all locks and guard
gates. These channels have widths of 104 feet in earth
cuts, 120 feet in rock cuts and 200 feet in river and lake
(256) Elsewhere in the New York State Canal System, the
project depth is 12 feet in all channels and through all
locks and guard gates. These channels have widths of 75
feet in earth cuts, 94 feet in rock cuts and generally 200
feet in canalized rivers.
(257) Usable dimensions of the locks in the New York
State Canal System are 300 feet in length and 43½ feet
in width. The locks and guard gates have depths of 12
feet over the sills at normal pool level, except 13 feet
over the sills in the Great Lakes-Hudson River Waterway
(258) The least clearance of bridges and cables over the
Great Lakes-Hudson River Waterway Improvement is 20
feet. The least clearance of bridges and cables over the
other waterways of the New York State Canal System is
15 feet.
(259) The navigation season is normally from the rst part
of May to the latter part of November.
(260) Erie Canal, a 294-mile waterway, extends from the
pool of the Troy dam in the Hudson River at Waterford
westerly through the Mohawk River and landcuts to
Oneida Lake; thence through Oneida, Seneca, and Clyde
Rivers; landcuts; an articial channel and Tonawanda
Creek to Niagara River at Tonawanda. The Niagara River
connects the Erie Canal with Lake Erie at Buffalo.
(261) Oswego Canal, a 21-mile waterway, extends
northward from the Erie Canal, 141 miles westward of
the Troy dam, to Oswego where it joins Lake Ontario. For
the most part the canal follows the Oswego River from
its conuence with the Oneida and Seneca Rivers.
(262) Cayuga and Seneca Canal extends southward from
the Erie Canal 177 miles west to the Troy dam. The canal
follows the improved Seneca River to Cayuga Lake and
extends through the lake to Ithaca at the south end. From
the north end of Cayuga Lake, the canal follows Seneca
River west to Seneca Lake and extends through the lake
to Watkins Glen at the south end. A 2.2-mile canal extends
south from Watkins Glen to Montour Falls. These lakes
are two of the so-called Finger Lakes of central New York
and are each about 30 miles in length.
(263) Champlain Canal, a 52-mile waterway, follows the
Hudson River northward from Waterford for about 32
miles to Fort Edward, thence through a landcut and Wood
Creek to Whitehall at the entrance to Lake Champlain.
(264) Lake Champlain, about 97 miles long from
Whitehall to the Canadian border and up to 10 miles
wide at its widest part, has considerable water commerce
between the ports along its shores. The controlling depth
is about 12 feet at low lake level through the main channel
to the Canadian border and to the principal ports. The
least overhead clearance is 92 feet at a xed bridge at
Crown Point, about 32 miles above Whitehall.
(265) An international waterway for commerce is available
between the United States and Canada by the use of
Champlain Canal, Lake Champlain, and the Riviere
Richelieu and Canal de Chambly, which extend from
the northerly end of Lake Champlain for about 70 miles
in Canadian waters to the St. Lawrence River, 40 miles
below Montreal. The size of vessels that can navigate
this route is controlled by the least dimensions of the
Canal de Chambly locks which are: usable length, 111
feet, 5 inches; width, 23 feet; depth over sills, 6½ feet.
Bridges over the waterway are provided with draws; the
least overhead clearance of cables is 120 feet. The least
clearance for bridges across Canal de Chambly in the
vicinity of the city of St. Jean, Quebec, is 29 feet. The
navigation season is from about the middle of April to the
middle of November.
(266) Permit requirements and toll charge information for
Canal de Chambly and St. Ours Lock may be obtained
from the Superintendent, Quebec Canals (see Appendix
A for address).
Charts and Coast Pilot Information
(268) NOAAs nautical chart coverage of the New York
State Canal System covers all the canals from the Hudson
River at Troy, NY, westward to Lyons, NY, and to Lake
Ontario at Oswego; Oneida Lake; and Cayuga and Seneca
Lakes. Charts of Lake Champlain are published by
NOAA. Coast Pilot information for the above waterways
is contained in U.S. Coast Pilot 6.
(269) Coverage of the canal system from Syracuse, west
to the Niagara River at Tonawanda, NY, is contained in
The Cruising Guide to the New York State Canal System,
available from the New York State Canal Corporation at
(270) Charts and pilot information for the Riviere
Richelieu, Canal de Chambly and other Canadian waters
01 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12     ¢    387
are available from the Canadian Hydrographic Chart Distribution Ofce (see Appendix A for address).
388    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 2, Chapter 12 01 SEP 2024