Doubts about double dissociations
between short- and long-term memory
Charan Ranganath and Robert S. Blumenfeld
Center for Neuroscience and Department of Psychology, University of California at Davis, 1544 Newton Ct, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Historically, psychologists and neuroscientists have
distinguished between processes supporting memory
for events across retention delays of several seconds
(short-term memory, STM), and those supporting
memory for events across longer retention delays of
minutes or more (long-term memory, LTM). Dis-
sociations reported in some neuropsychological studies
have contributed to a popular view that there must be
neurally distinct memory stores that differentially
support STM and LTM. In this article, we review
evidence from recent studies regarding dissociations
between STM and LTM. We suggest that the evidence
reveals problems with claims of selective STM or LTM
impairments, which in turn questions whether theories
of memory need to propose neurally distinct stores for
short- and long-term retention. We consider alternative
ways to explain the neural mechanisms of memory
across different retention intervals.
In 1957, Scoville and Milner published a case report on
‘H.M.’, a patient who underwent a bilateral medial
temporal lobe resection for the treatment of intractable
epilepsy [1]. Research on H.M. revolutionized the study of
memory for two reasons: First, following the surgery, H.M.
was virtually unable to form new memories for events,
suggesting that the medial temporal lobes are essential for
new episodic memory formation. Second, clinical testing
indicated that H.M. could exhibit intact performance on
tests of memory with short retention delays of a few
seconds (short-term memory, or STM tasks), despite his
severe impairments on tests of memory with longer
retention delays (long-term memory, or LTM tasks).
Subsequent research identified patients who seemed to
exhibit impaired immediate memory in the face of normal
memory performance at long retention delays, suggesting
a neuropsychological double dissociation between STM
and LTM [2].
These findings, along with other neuropsychological
and behavioral results, have been used to advance the idea
that there must be at least two kinds of memory stores:
one that is used to retain information across short delays
(spanning several seconds) and another that is used to
retain information acrosslongerdelays(spanning
minutes, hours, days, etc.). Although the ‘multi-store’
view has been challenged [3–6] (see Box 1), it is widely
cited as fact, based on initial reports of dissociations
between STM and LTM (e.g. [7,8]). However, there has
been an accumulation of new evidence since these initial
Box 1. Psychological models of processes contributing to
Although psychological models have long distinguished between
processes supporting STM and LTM, they did not necessarily
suggest neurally distinct memory stores. For example, Hebb [65]
proposed a ‘dual-trace mechanism’, suggesting: (1) that STM and
LTM can be supported by the re-activation of distributed networks of
strongly interconnected neurons, which he termed a ‘cell assembly’;
and (2) that STM can additionally be supported by ‘reverberating
activity’ within a cell assembly. In a similar vein, Atkinson and
Shiffrin [66] noted: ‘Our account of short-term and long-term storage
does not require that the two stores necessarily be in different parts
of the brain or involve different physiological structures. One might
consider the short-term store simply as being a temporary activation
of some portion of the long-term store.’
In contrast to this view, neuropsychological results suggested
dissociations between STM and LTM tasks. Related work focused on
functional and neuropsychological dissociations between primacy
and recency effects in verbal list learning, which were assumed to
reflect long-term and short-term retention processes, respectively
(this view has been rejected in more recent studies). These
dissociations led many to conclude that there must be a memory
store that specifically supports temporary retention of information,
independent of the memory store that supports retention across
long delays [2].
The idea of a temporary memory store was further developed by
Baddeley and Hitch [67] in their influential ‘working memory’ (WM)
model. The Baddeley and Hitch model proposed that short-term
retention (or ‘maintenance’) and manipulation of information across
short delays is mediated by interactions between a ‘central
executive’ and different short-term ‘buffers’ for different types of
information (i.e. visuospatial and phonological). Based largely on
neuropsychological evidence, it was assumed that each of these
short-term buffers is a temporary memory store, separate from the
stores for long-term retention. The Baddeley and Hitch model has
been remarkably successful, to the point that the term ‘working
memory’ is now often used to describe all types of STM tasks.
More recent models have attempted to explain relationships
between STM and LTM without suggesting structurally distinct
stores for temporary and long-term retention. For example, Cowan’s
model [3], like that of Baddeley and Hitch, has a ‘central executive’
that mediates goal-directed control processes. However, in Cowan’s
model active maintenance is accomplished by activating the same
representations that support LTM, rather than by transferring
information to temporary memory buffers. Similar ideas have been
advanced by neuroscientists [4,5], and computational modelers [68].
Although there are substantial differences between these activation-
based and structural accounts, such as the Baddeley and Hitch
model, there have been few experimental efforts to directly contrast
the two types of models.
Corresponding author: Ranganath, C. ([email protected]).
Available online 5 July 2005
Opinion TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.9 No.8 August 2005 1364-6613/$ - see front matter Q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2005.06.009
reports, and there have been few efforts to evaluate
previously reported dissociations within the context of
these recent findings.
The goal of this article is to evaluate current
neuropsychological evidence for dissociations between
STM and LTM. More specifically, we will evaluate
evidence relevant to the idea that medial temporal lobe
lesions selectively affect LTM, whereas lesions to other
regions, such as the perisylvian cortex or the prefrontal
cortex, selectively affect STM. After reviewing this
evidence, we conclude that claims of dissociations between
STM and LTM are not well-supported. Finally, we
consider theoretical alternatives to the multi-store view
of memory.
Do the medial temporal lobes contribute to STM?
As noted above, patients with medial temporal lobe lesions
can perform normally on many STM measures, despite
their severely impaired LTM performance. Consequently,
it has been proposed that medial temporal cortical areas
(including perirhinal, parahippocampal and entorhinal
cortex), along with the hippocampus, comprise a ‘medial
temporal lobe memory system’ that is specifically necess-
ary for LTM, but not STM [9,10]. By contrast, other
temporal lobe areas, such as inferior temporal area TE,
have been associated with functions more relevant to
perception and STM.
Although the idea that the medial temporal lobes are
not required for STM is widespread (e.g. [7,8]), there have
been few rigorous attempts to test STM for different types
of information in patients with restricted medial temporal
damage. Such patients can clearly exhibit intact attention
and concentration, and can hold in mind instructions to
perform many complex tasks. Additionally, patients with
medial temporal damage can exhibit intact STM for
simple visual features or shapes ([9] and Prisko, unpub-
lished data), and even intact immediate memory for the
gist of lengthy, complex stories [11]. Such observations
suggest that, despite their LTM impairments, patients
with medial temporal damage can actively retain many
kinds of information across short delays.
However, it is unclear whether all forms of STM are
spared following medial temporal lobe lesions. For
example, most clinical tests of STM involve simple and
overlearned materials (e.g. words, digits, etc.) that are
well-represented in cortical areas outside of the medial
temporal region. Therefore, it might be more appropriate
to investigate STM for materials that are more likely to be
uniquely processed by the medial temporal region, such as
complex, novel objects [12,13]. Interestingly, several lines
of evidence suggest that medial temporal regions
particularly the perirhinal cortex play an essential role
in STM for complex, novel visual objects.
For example, neuropsychological studies have exam-
ined retention of novel visual objects in human amnesic
groups that included patients with extensive medial
temporal lobe lesions [14–18]. All but one of these studies
reported memory deficits in medial temporal lobe
amnesics across retention delays as short as 2–10s (see
Figure 1). One could argue that STM deficits in these
patients might have been caused by damage extending
into temporal cortical areas adjacent to the medial
temporal lobes, such as area TE. However, results from
controlled lesion studies in monkeys suggest that medial
temporal lesions that include the perirhinal cortex can
cause severe STM deficits for novel objects, even when
damage to adjacent areas is minimal [19–27]. Interest-
ingly, one of these studies even reported impaired
performance with a zero second retention delay [20].These
data seriously question the assumption that the medial
temporal lobes are not necessary for any form of STM.
Results from single-unit recording studies of monkeys
[28–31] complement the lesion evidence by demonstrating
that perirhinal and entorhinal neurons exhibit persistent,
object-selective activity during retention delays in STM
tasks a putative neural mechanism for active mainten-
ance (see Box 2). Consistent with these findings, neuro-
imaging studies of humans have reported perirhinal,
parahippocampal, entorhinal, and hippocampal activity
during the performance of STM tasks with novel visual
objects [32–35], faces [36], or scenes [37,38]. This activity
is enhanced for novel stimuli relative to repeated stimuli
[34,36,38], and enhanced for stimuli that are successfully
remembered after both short and long delays [34,37].
In summary, the available evidence indicates that
medial temporal lesions can impair retention of infor-
mation about complex objects across short delays and that
medial temporal regions exhibit persistent activity during
active maintenance of novel visual objects. These findings
provide compelling evidence for the idea that, at least
under some circumstances, medial temporal cortical
regions are necessary for, and contribute to normal STM.
Do patients with perisylvian cortex lesions show
selective STM deficits?
Another kind of evidence cited to support the idea of
neurally distinct short- and long-term memory stores
comes from studies of patients with severe impairments in
phonological STM [39]. These patients typically have
damage to left perisylvian cortex and/or underlying white
matter (Ravizza, S. et al., unpublished data). Such
patients can show intact LTM for meaningful words
[2,40], suggesting that STM can be impaired without
affecting LTM.
However, this inference is problematic because the
types of tasks and measures used to assess STM and LTM
differ in several ways that have nothing to do with the
retention interval. For example, in the span tasks used to
assess phonological STM, one must immediately recall a
short sequence of spoken digits in the correct order. In a
typical LTM task, one must learn a long list of meaningful
words (presumably presented at a slow rate), and recall
performance is assessed across multiple learning trials. At
the most basic level, comparisons between such tests are
confounding differences in retention interval and/or list
length with differences in the type of information to be
maintained (e.g. meaningless digits versus meaningful
words). Therefore, to test whether patients with phonolo-
gical STM deficits can exhibit intact phonological LTM, it
is at least necessary to test memory for information that is
difficult to encode semantically or visually. Crucially,
patients with phonological STM deficits exhibit severely
Opinion TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.9 No.8 August 2005 375
impaired LTM for auditorily-presented, meaningless non-
words [41–44].Thus,theoverallpatternofresults
suggests that patients with perisylvian lesions can exhibit
normal LTM for information that can be encoded visually
or semantically, but they clearly have deficiencies in
phonological STM and LTM. Accordingly, there is no
reason to believe that these patients exhibit a dissociation
between STM and LTM.
Does the prefrontal cortex disproportionately contribute
to STM?
Another area that is often cited as specifically supporting
STM is the prefrontal cortex [7]. Indeed, the discovery that
prefrontal neurons exhibit persistent, stimulus-selective
activity during short memory delays [45] has fueled
intensive research on neural STM signals in the pre-
frontal cortex. However, this phenomenon is not specific to
prefrontal cortex (see Box 2). Recent studies have shown
that several neocortical areas exhibit persistent, stimulus-
specific activity during short retention delays [46,47].
More crucially, results from neuropsychological studies do
not suggest that the lateral prefrontal cortex is a critical
site for short-term storage per se.Lesionstudiesin
monkeys and humans have failed to find consistent effects
of lateral prefrontal damage on the retention of objects or
verbal information across short delays, and the effects that
have been reported were attributed to deficiencies in task
learning, attention, or response selection, rather than
mnemonic deficits [15,48–55].
For example, D’Esposito and colleagues [55] recently
examined verbal STM performance in patients with
unilateral prefrontal lesions. Results from this study
showed that digit span (an STM measure used to assess
deficits in the patients with perisylvian lesions described
earlier) was normal in these patients, consistent with
results of a previous meta-analysis of neuropsychological
studies [53]. Patients and controls next performed tasks in
which either one letter or 3–4 letters (the load was
matched to the digit span of each patient) were retained
across a 6.5s delay. On some trials, distracting words were
presented during the retention delay, whereas on other
trials the delay was unfilled. As shown in Figure 2,
patients with prefrontal lesions performed normally, even
when retaining multiple letters in the face of distraction.
These findings are difficult to reconcile with the view that
the prefrontal cortex is necessary for verbal short-term
Neuropsychological evidence additionally suggests that
prefrontal lesions can affect performance on LTM tasks.
Whereas patients with prefrontal lesions can perform at or
near normal levels on LTM tasks when given structured
encoding tasks and simple test formats, they exhibit
impaired performance when forced to initiate strategies to
actively encode information or when given tests that
require strategic processing during retrieval [56,57].
2 5 10 30 60
Delay (s)
% correct
CON (n=12)
AMN (n=5)
10 30 90
Delay (s)
% correct
CON (n=7)
MTL (n=3)
Delay (s)
% correct
CON (n=44)
MTL (n=11)
0 – 2 25 – 40
% correct
CON (n=8)
MTL (n=2)
% correct
MTL (n=4)
CON (n=9)
TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences
6 – 10
Delay (s) Delay (s)
et al.
et al.
(1992) Owen
et al.
(a) (b) (c)
et al.
(1998) Holdstock
et al.
(d) (e)
Figure 1. Recognition memory for novel visual objects across short retention intervals in patients with medial temporal lesions. (a) Results from an alcoholic control group
(CON) and a group of 3 patients with medial temporal damage following viral encephalitis (MTL) [18]. (b) Results from a healthy control group (CON) and a mixed amnesic
patient group (AMN) consisting of three patients with medial temporal damage following viral encephalitis, one patient with bilateral thalamic damage, and one patient with
a fornix lesion following surgical removal of a colloid cyst [14]. (c) Results from a healthy control group (CON) and a group of 11 patients who underwent unilateral amygdalo-
hippocampectomies (MTL) for treatment of epilepsy [15]. (d) Results from a healthy control group (CON) and from two patients with bilateral temporal lobe damage due to
herpes simplex encephalitis (MTL) [16]. (e) Results from a healthy control (CON) group and from four patients with bilateral temporal lobe lesions due to encephalitis or
meningitis (MTL) [17]. Each graph shows percentage accuracy as a function of the retention interval, plotted from results depicted in the original reports.
Opinion TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.9 No.8 August 2005376
Considered along with the range of nonmnemonic deficits
induced by prefrontal lesions [58,59], these findings
suggest that the prefrontal cortex is not a short-term
storage buffer, but rather that it is necessary for
implementing control processes that can contribute to
both STM and LTM performance [47,56,60,61].
How can the lesion findings described above be reconciled
with neuroimaging and single-unit recording studies
showing persistent prefrontal activity during maintenance
of information across short delays? One possibility is that
persistent activity in prefrontal cortex serves to modulate
activity in posterior cortical regions that represent
Box 2. Different types of neural signals for short-term memory
Results from single-unit recording studies of monkeys and neuroima-
ging studies of humans suggest that there are two classes of neural
signals that might disproportionately contribute to STM relative to
LTM (Figure I). One class would be best described as ‘active’ STM
signals, in that they are primarily seen under circumstances when one
is attempting to actively maintain information across short delays.
Most research has focused on persistent, stimulus-specific activity,
which is thought by many to be a neural correlate of rehearsal or active
maintenance (Figure Ib). The ability of persistent activity to maintain
information across short delays has been described in biologically-
plausible computational models based on known properties of
neocortical neurons [68]. In addition to persistent activity, another
active STM signal has been described as ‘match enhancement’. This
refers to an enhanced response to a stimulus that matches one that
has been maintained across a delay period (Figure Ic). Match
enhancement effects have been reported in lateral prefrontal, inferior
temporal, and medial temporal cortex in both single-unit recording
studies in monkeys [69,70] and neuroimaging studies of humans
A second class of neural signals that might contribute to STM can be
described as ‘passive’, because they are seen in response to a stimulus
even if it is not task-relevant [69]. The most commonly observed
passive STM signal is a reduction in neural responses to recently
encountered stimuli, relative to stimuli that have not been recently
encountered (Figure Id). Available evidence implicates several
mechanisms including neural adaptation, synaptic plasticity, and
neuromodulatory influences that bring about activity reductions to
recently encountered items [73]. It has been proposed that activity
reductions in the perirhinal cortex could signal the occurrence of a
recently encountered item [74]. If so, some mechanisms for neural
activity reductions might selectively support LTM (e.g. synaptic
plasticity), whereas others might selectively support STM (e.
g. neural adaptation) [73]. Interestingly, repetition-related activity
reductions in the perirhinal cortex are lag-sensitive, such that the
effects are most pronounced at short lags between the first and second
exposure [74,75]. This characteristic is similar to the behavioral
influence of familiarity on human recognition decisions, which is
also lag-sensitive and more prominent at short retention intervals [76].
Sample Nonmatch
Typical STM task
Persistent activity
Repetition-related activity reduction
Match enhancement
Time from sample onset (ms)
Time from sample onset (ms)
Time from sample onset (ms)
TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences
Figure I. Examples of neural STM signals recorded from the entorhinal cortex. (a) In a typical STM task used in single-unit recording studies, a sample object must be
retained across a delay and compared with a series of test objects, until a matching object is presented. In some tasks, as in the figure, nonmatching test objects are
repeated, allowing researchers to differentiate between neural signals sensitive to item repetition and signals more specifically sensitive to the item that is being actively
maintained. (b) Recordings from a neuron showing persistent activity during the retention of an object. The periods of presentation of the sample (SM), nonmatching test
objects (NM), and the matching test object (M) are denoted by gray bars. Note that persistent activity in this neuron remains robust, even following presentation of
nonmatching test items. (c) Recordings from a neuron showing match enhancement. These effects are not seen for repeated nonmatching items. (d) Recordings from a
neuron showing reduced activity in response to nonmatching items. These neurons also show reduced activity to repeated nonmatching items, suggesting that they are
generally sensitive to stimulus repetition. Adapted from Ref. [28].
Opinion TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.9 No.8 August 2005 377
information that is being maintained. Results from studies
combining lesion and physiology techniques are consistent
with this possibility. Specifically, these studies have shown
that prefrontal lesions might disrupt STM task performance
through dysregulation of task-relevant activity in posterior
cortical areas. For example, in one study, activity was
recorded from inferior temporal temporal neurons before
and after cooling probes were used to induce reversible
prefrontal lesions. Before cooling, inferior temporal neurons
showed persistent sample-specific activity during the delay
period of the memory task. However, this effect was
attenuated by prefrontal cooling [62], suggesting that top-
down feedback from prefrontal regions was critical for
supporting robust STM-related activity in inferior temporal
cortex. Another study investigated STM performance and
electrophysiological activity in human patients with pre-
frontal lesions [54]. Behaviorally, the patients were
impaired at retaining information across short delays
when distracting sounds were presented during the memory
delay. Concurrent event-related potential recordings
showed that this effect was accompanied by increased
neural responses to the distracters in posterior cortical
areas. The authors interpreted the results to reflect
disinhibition of posterior cortical areas following prefrontal
lesions. These findings indicate that, rather than being a
short-term storage buffer, the prefrontal cortexprovides top-
down feedback to support maintenance of information that
is represented in posterior cortical areas.
Theoretical alternatives to the multi-store view
As described earlier, most arguments for neurally distinct
short- and long-term memory stores are based on reported
neuropsychological dissociations between STM and LTM.
However, consideration of these reports in the context of
more recent findings suggests a more complex picture.
Contrary to popular belief, neuropsychological evidence
indicates that medial temporal damage can impair STM
under some circumstances. Medial temporal cortical
regions, like other neocortical regions [47], also exhibit
persistent activity during memory delays, a neural signal
that might specifically support STM. Neuropsychological
evidence also indicates that individuals with phonological
STM deficits following perisylvian damage also show LTM
deficits when tested appropriately. Finally, neuropsycho-
logical evidence suggests that the prefrontal cortex an
area popularly identified with STM contributes to both
STM and LTM in a circumscribed manner. Put together,
these findings raise serious doubts about popular claims
regarding double dissociations between STM and LTM. It
follows that there are good reasons to question whether
STM and LTM must be supported by separate neocortical
memory stores or systems. Indeed, there are several
alternative ways to characterize the neural mechanisms
that support STM and LTM.
One possibility is that there are no large-scale cortical
areas that uniquely support STM or LTM, but there might
be neural circuits that differentially support STM and
LTM within the same cortical area. By this view, one
might not expect gross lesion studies to reveal double
dissociations between STM and LTM, because the
underlying memory ‘stores’ might be at a much finer
spatial scale. Such a division of labor might be crucial for
normal episodic memory formation [63]. For example, a
short-term storage buffer might be necessary for encoding
of temporal sequences or spatial maps by relating or
binding aspects of events that unfold over time [63].
Another possibility is that distinctions between neural
mechanisms of STM and LTM can be explained through
differences in the dynamics of activation within the same
neocortical memory circuits [4]. The simplest model would
suggest that: (i) LTM and STM are supported by
reactivation of neocortical memory networks either in
response to an external stimulus or through internal, top-
down signals for memory retrieval; and (ii) STM can
additionally be supported by a family of neural signals,
including persistent stimulus-specific activity, match
enhancement, and repetition-related activity reductions
(Box 2). According to this view, the crucial differences
among neocortical memory stores or systems is not their
contribution to memory at different retention intervals,
but rather the types of information they process and
represent [64]. Thus, one could easily assume that that
there are multiple memory stores, each representing
different types of information across short and long delays.
In conclusion, we have learned a great deal since the
initial studies of H.M. and other patients with memory
disorders. We argue here that the emerging pattern of
evidence raises doubts about popular claims of dis-
sociations between STM and LTM. This provokes new
questions regarding how best to characterize the neural
mechanisms that support STM and LTM (see also Box 3).
Frontal lesions Controls (55–70 yrs) Controls (71–85 yrs)
Proportion correct
1 letter 3 or 4 letters
TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences
Figure 2. Results showing intact STM in patients with prefrontal lesions [55].Inthis
study, patients with unilateral prefrontal lesions and two control groups completed
STM tasks that required maintenance of letters across a 6.5 s delay. Each subject
was pre-tested to identify STM capacity and then completed the STM task with
either 1 item, or 3 or 4 items corresponding to the subjects’ capacity. On some trials,
subjects maintained the letters across an unfilled retention delay, whereas on
others, visual distracters were presented during the delay. Recall performance was
intact in patients with prefrontal lesions, even when they had to retain multiple
items across a distracter-filled retention delay.
Opinion TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.9 No.8 August 2005378
Clearly, more research will be necessary to determine
whether these questions are best answered by models that
propose neurally distinct short-term and long-term stores
or by models that do not assume distinctions based on
retention intervals.
Our research is supported by grants from the Institute for Research on
Pathological Gambling and Related Disorders, NIMH grant R01
MH68721, and NINDS grant PO1 NS40813. We gratefully acknowledge
suggestions and constructive criticism from Craig Brozinsky, Aaron
Heller, Debbie Hannula, Rik Henson, Betsy Murray, Linda Murray, Alex
Martin, Colleen Parks, Susan Ravizza, Carter Wendelken, Andy
Yonelinas, the TICS editor Shbana Rahman, and the anonymous
reviewers. Special thanks to the authors of studies whose data are
plotted in the figures.
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Box 3. Questions for future research
Are there any neocortical areas or neural circuits that selectively
support perception versus active maintenance versus long-duration
memory storage [64]?
Are there fundamental differences in the types of encoding or
retrieval processes that are typically engaged during STM and LTM
tasks [77]?
Can persistent activity represent signals that are useful for STM in
the absence of conscious awareness?
How do network-level interactions between different neocortical
areas support active maintenance of information across short delays
Does persistent activity during short-term maintenance contribute
to successful LTM for sequences or spatial maps [63]?
What is the relationship between synchronized neural oscillations
and neural STM signals?
What kinds of memories, if any, are represented in prefrontal
cortical networks [4]?
Is the hippocampus or entorhinal cortex necessary for represent-
ing or retaining information about spatial and/or arbitrary non-
spatial relations across short delays [78]?
Subcortical areas, such as the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, have
been implicated in both STM and LTM. What are the roles of these
areas, and how are their contributions to STM and LTM different
from neocortical areas?
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