Suren G. Dutia
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
May 2014
Suren G. Dutia
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
May 2014
© 2014 by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. All rights reserved.
Having lived through two successful exit strategies in the last four years, served on a
few startup boards, and mentored numerous budding entrepreneurs, I have concluded
that putting together a board of directors for new companies that are beyond proof of
concept often is not a top priority, but it really should be. In the span of my career, I
have witnessed firsthand both functional and dysfunctional boards. This article is a
distillation of lessons learned and meant to be a guide for founders of entrepreneurial
This article provides a high-level overview of some key questions and issues that may
confront startup founders, and are in no manner meant as a substitute for recent
literature available in the market, such as the excellent comprehensive book on this
subject, Startup Boards: Getting the Most Out of Your Board of Directors, by Brad Feld
and Mahendra Ramsinghani. Nor should the company’s founder fail to consult the
regulatory framework established by the SEC, or seek legal and financial advice offered
by a general counsel or a management services firm.
Establishing a company requires a lot of human capital and financial resources, as well
as time and effort to make it successful. Nobody can build a successful business alone.
Even the most successful entrepreneurs need experienced, invested people to offer
insight and advice. When the companys founder is fully immersed in the daily details of
running the business, it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture. Quite simply, smart
founders should recognize that embarking on an entrepreneurial venture is a roller
coaster ride, and a board with a vested interest in the company can be a game changer.
The board can assist the CEO and management team, both formally and informally,
with acumen and discerning judgment about the way the venture operates and how it
best can achieve its long-term goals.
An effective board, composed of experienced and dedicated individuals from varied
backgrounds and skill sets, can be invaluable in guiding and mentoring founders and
CEOs in their quest to build a viable business and create value for all stakeholders. The
board plays a critical role in charting the strategic direction, assuring accountability, and
maintaining good governance. Building a board can be an intimidating process, but with
thoughtful planning one can build an effective board that will greatly contribute to the
startup’s success.
First, some background. A board of directors is a group of individuals that “has a set of
formal duties, which are often referred to as corporate governance.
governance is a set of guidelines to direct the way a company is governed, so that the
board can add value to the company that will be beneficial to stakeholders in the long
term. A board in a startup has the following five critical functions:
1. Nominate and, if needed, hire the CEO and provide mentoring support.
2. Work with the CEO and management team to help develop a clear strategic
direction and business focus.
3. Approve the operating budget based on market readiness of company’s products
and technology. This entails the board working with the CEO, CFO, and
management team to ensure that the company is adequately capitalized and the
proposed plan is achievable with the funds available.
4. Monitor organizational performance and advise the CEO and management team
on significant issues, investments, M&A activity, strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats, and mobilize resources where needed to get the
company moving in the right direction.
5. Fiduciary responsibility to provide general oversight of the business on behalf of
all the shareholders, not just the founders, principle investors, or management
team. This necessitates that the board ensure good governance practices so that
the organization conforms to legal and ethical standards.
The first step is determining what type of board the business needs. This involves
coming up with well-defined and legally constructed roles and responsibilities for the
board in overseeing financial plans/operations or making business decisions. I cannot
overemphasize that the board must be cautious and diligent to avoid meddling in the
company’s day-to-day operations or undermining the role and responsibilities of the
CEO. Clearly defined roles establish the proper channels of communication to address
issues during conflicts and promote transparency throughout the organization.
The next step is to select the people who would form your board, giving consideration to
the following criteria:
Assemble a diverse group of board members. Diversity means a range of
different demographic and professional backgrounds, expertise, and skill sets.
The idea is to choose candidate directors who will make themselves available,
and prevent the frequent error of selecting like-minded individuals or persons of
the same age or with similar backgrounds and interests. To do so misses the
point of what a good board can do for the entrepreneurial startup. The key,
Brad Feld and Mahendra Ramsinghani, Startup Boards: Getting the Most Out Of Your Board of
(New York: Wiley, 2013).
rather, is to decide on candidates with the know-how needed in the company’s
technology and vertical markets, finance, and governance. The founders and
CEO should proactively seek out candidates who have had experience in these
areas, selecting individuals from different backgrounds who can bring their
unique expertise to bear when making decisions for the company's future.
Ensure that the board candidates have distinct business experiences and
strengths and understand the nuts and bolts of the business. Their abilities
should be complementary to the existing skills of the founders and provide extra
support in areas where the executive team is deficient. Fundamentally, an
effective board will establish good corporate governance practices and prevent
costly mistakes that can lead to avoidable crises or even sink a company.
Take special care with the composition of the board so that it includes individuals
other than just the founders/CEO and major investors. This means having
independent directors with no conflicts of interest, who can provide balanced and
independent judgment, and who can protect the interests of all shareholders.
When the Series A round for capital infusion is under way and the term sheet is
being negotiated, it would be judicious to discuss with investors the board
structure and rationale for having a specific number of outside directors. If the
startup board has five members, I would recommend that at least one or two be
outside or independent directors. In case of a seven-member board, it would be
desirable to have two or three independent directors.
Look for board members with relevant experience and contacts. A board should
always bring innovative, big, and grand ideas and leverage their experiences to
help the CEO plan strategically for the companys future. Smart founders know
that these individuals will enhance the reputation of the business by bringing their
own credentials and business contacts.
While a well-heeled board member can provide introductions, do not fall into the
trap of bringing on potential board members solely to raise money or use their
stature to lend credibility. Attempting to use board members for name-dropping
purposes only can easily backfire. While they can help your startup get a foot in
the door, smart investors will see right through this ploy. A note of caution:
regardless of their stature, highly acclaimed and accomplished individuals from
the private equity world ideally should not be part of the board of a startup
venture. While it may be tempting to recruit them, the business model of private
equity is markedly different, and this experience would not be relevant for
mapping out the right vision for a startup. They can, in fact, get in the way and
adversely impact the business trajectory.
Beyond the hard skills, it also is important to recruit members who are agile,
able to invest time, and can respond swiftly to market conditions and the
inevitable emergencies that come up in the life of a startup. A board must be able
to respond intelligently and quickly without getting mired in internal gridlock.
Dane Stangler, “Why Private Equity and Entrepreneurship Don’t Mix,” Forbes.com, October 4, 2012,
Once the board has been assembled, the next step is to set up guidelines. Dealing with
this aspect is the trickiest part of the entire process. If done well, it will give the startup a
strong added advantage. The process for establishing guidelines includes:
Draw up an official set of bylaws that specifically lays out responsibilities and
commensurate authority. When writing bylaws, be sure to clearly state who has
the ultimate responsibility for making decisions about the company in areas such
as compensation and employment decisions of corporate officers. Also, spell out
clearly if that responsibility would be delegated fully or partially to the CEO. The
CEO should consult a board when it comes to the hiring and firing of corporate
officers. The board should have a compensation committee to ensure that the
compensation and incentives for key executives are equitable and correct.
With the exception of life sciences and similar disciplines that require a longer
gestation period, the time it takes for startups to become viable often is four to
five years. Board members should be rotated if the opportunity presents itself (for
example, when a member is not able to contribute effectively). This keeps the
cycle of fresh ideas generating as well.
During the early phase of the company’s development, the board can collectively
engage and address issues such as the value proposition, target markets, sales
and marketing, organization development, and overall strategies to build the
business. However, as the company grows, it is necessary to have three
standing committees that can devote the required time and energy to analyze
issues in depth and make recommendations to the board. The three
recommended standing committees are finance and audit, nominations and
governance, and compensation. Board members on the finance and audit and
nominations and governance committees should meet twice a year. Those
involved in the compensation committee should meet every quarter in the case of
a growing entrepreneurial venture. The board and CEO should have the
compensation committee review the compensation and incentives for key
executives and ensure they are equitable. They also should annually ascertain
adequacy of the option pool and the fair market value, consistent with Section
409A of the IRS code, of the options to be granted.
As for the size of the board, there is no one size that fits all. It really depends on
the company’s needs, and the most important thing is to make sure to find the
right balance with the size of your company. Having said that, my
recommendation for a startup board is between five and seven members. If the
size of the board is too small (for instance, three members), it would not have the
diversity or bandwidth needed. This is especially important when the committees
are formalized and functioning. If the board is too bigten or more members, say
it could become unruly and difficult to manage.
In a growing startup, establishing a schedule of meetings and clear lines of
communication to capitalize on the boards experience, contacts, and strategic
insights is critical. Since CEOs often are busy, it is advisable to have an
experienced director or chairman to help with the functioning of the board. This
lead director or chairman can serve as a sounding board for the CEO, set up the
right processes for scheduling and establishing the board meeting agendas, and
keeping all board members informed and accountable.
Boards of directors should meet every two months to remain up to speed on
business developments and identify the right opportunities to help solve
challenging issues. Although I have attended many full-day meetings, I believe
that with proper planning and focus, most board meetings should not exceed four
hours. When conducting a board meeting, try to evenly divide the time for
presentations, discussion, and decision making. Avoid spending the bulk of the
meeting on presentations, and set aside some time for focusing on important
strategic issues that need to be discussed for resolution in order to move
forward. The key is having a set agenda for each meeting well ahead of time.
To facilitate productive meetings, all board members should receive a board
package, including an agenda and supporting documents, no less than 48 hours,
and preferably one week, prior to the meeting. This gives board members a
chance to cogitate and come to the meeting prepared. Once the quorum is
established, the meeting should commence with an approval of the minutes of
the previous board meeting, followed by the CEO and CFO reports and updates
from executives responsible for sales, marketing, and product development. All
formal board actions, including approval of the committee recommendations,
such as option grants, should be carefully recorded and made a part of the board
Chemistry and mutual trust among board members, and with founders and/or the
CEO, is crucial. Board members must be able to collaborate and work together to
reach rational decisions. The last thing a CEO wants is to have a dysfunctional
board. Not only will it feel like that the CEO is flogging a dead horse, but the
opportunity cost in managing the board will detract from the forward momentum
essential to the startup’s success. Create opportunities for board members to
meet with the CEO and senior executives through semi-social activities, such as
a board dinner before meetings to build rapport, or an annual retreat to review
the state of the company and strategic direction. Ensure that board members
who feel a sense of commitment to your business are passionately engaged in
the companys mission.
Getting together a good board actually is not an easy feat. But once the CEO finds a
group of good individuals, the next thing to think about is how to compensate the board
members for their time and effort. For early stage companies, a good practice is to
compensate outside independent board of directors with equity because cash is in short
supply early on. Members of the startup board who are founders, the CEO, or represent
major investors should not be compensated for this role.
Other considerations:
Once a good and proactive board is in place, the board of directors should be
compensated fairly for time invested. They should be offered between 0.5
1 percent of the outstanding shares vested over two, three, or four years. If an
independent director serves on the board from start to finish (i.e. through an exit),
his or her receiving 1 percent equity in the form of stock options is reasonable.
The person selected as the lead director or chairman should be given 10 percent
additional compensation relative to other board members.
When a company transitions from a startup to one with real traction, and
company executives no longer are receiving below-market compensation, the
outside independent directors should receive cash retainers and refreshed equity
incentives. Unless the company quickly enjoys explosive growth, the timing of
this action should coincide with the Series B round of funding. Whereas the
board’s compensation committee works with the CEO to determine
compensation for key executives, the CEO should work with the board to
determine equitable compensations for directors. There are many industry and
geographic board compensation surveys to draw upon to ensure the
appropriateness of compensation.
While addressing the issues of board compensation, startups that have raised
initial funding through a seed round grapple with the issue of a directors and
officers (D&O) insurance policy. But the reality is that the startup venture has to
conserve all available cash and spend it only on completing development of
products and technology and their commercialization. However, once the Series
A round is completed and capital is raised, a D&O insurance policy will be
mandated by the investors. At this juncture, the company should purchase a
basic insurance policy at the cost of about $5,000 that provides approximately
$1 million in liability coverage.
Relevant to this discussion is the question of whether an advisory board is needed.
Slightly different from a board of directors, advisory board members are recruited by the
CEO and often have domain expertise that they share with the management team.
Unlike the board of directors, who have fiduciary responsibilities, the advisory board has
neither the authority to vote on corporate matters, nor a legal fiduciary responsibility to
the company or its stakeholders. Some founders assemble an advisory board as
window dressing and believe they can build a company without a board of directors to
whom they would be accountable and with whom they would share their equity. This, in
my opinion, is short sighted and deprives the stakeholders of the mindshare and value a
board brings.
In most cases, there is no need to have a board of directors and also recruit a separate
advisory board, unless the entrepreneurial startup is in a knowledge-intensive industry
such as life sciences or pharmaceuticals. These advisors should be appointed for a two-
year term and given about 0.25 percent in stock options vested over two, three, or four
years. Unless the advisory board is convened twice a year and effectively utilized, it is
best not to have one.
It is my belief that a strong board can contribute greatly in helping a business grow and
thrive. A well-functioning board’s activities can result in a well-timed exit strategy that
creates an opportunity to sell the company, make an Initial Public Offering (IPO), or
further scale and grow the business.
Smart founders and CEOs have to map out the requirements and expectations of a
board and be firm in sticking to those criteria. The specifics for the board will be unique
to each company, but look for people who are able and willing to devote time, bring
diversity, flexibility, solid working relationships, a long-term vision, and relevant
experiences. A capable board of directors is an invaluable asset, one that may be key to
the kind of wealth creation envisioned by every entrepreneur.