Review Article
Calcitonin: A useful old friend
Akash Srinivasan*, Felyx K Wong*, Dimitrios Karponis
Imperial College London School of Medicine, UK
*contributed equally
Calcitonin, in various preparations, has been used to
treat metabolic bone disease for over forty years since its
discovery in 1961 as a blood-calcium lowering hormone
Salmon calcitonin, in particular, has been effective in
treating postmenopausal osteoporosis, Paget’s disease and
. Due to its ability to inhibit osteoclast
activity, calcitonin reduces the risk of vertebral re-fracture,
and it is also a powerful analgesic agent with proven efficacy
in managing acute back pain caused by recent vertebral
compression fractures
By 1992, world sales of therapeutic calcitonin had
exceeded 900 million US dollars
. However, the rise of
bisphosphonates pushed calcitonin to the side; since the
1960s, etidronate has been utilised as a therapy, primarily
for hypercalcaemia and Paget’s disease, and in 1995,
alendronate received approval by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for the treatment of postmenopausal
. Since 2007, zoledronic acid has also been
licensed for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis,
following evidence on its beneficial effects on bone mineral
density (BMD), bone metabolism markers and a reduction
in vertebral, hip and other fractures
. Multiple trials have
demonstrated superior efficacy in bisphosphonates and
alternative treatment options, which have consequently led
to decreased use of calcitonin.
Although bisphosphonates possess multiple effects
and are potent medications, there are significant adverse
effects associated with long-term use, such as atypical
femoral fractures and osteonecrosis of the jaw
. Therefore,
it is interesting to see the extent to which these drugs
have superseded calcitonin. This review aims to explore
the reasons behind the decline of calcitonin and discuss its
potential role in the years to come.
Biochemistry and pharmacology
Calcitonin is a single-chain polypeptide hormone which is
made up of 32 amino acids. An N-terminal disulfide bridge
between the cysteine residues at positions 1 and 7 create
a 7-amino acid ring structure and there is also a C-terminal
amidated proline
. The physiological effects of calcitonin are
Calcitonin regulates blood calcium levels and possesses certain clinically useful anti-fracture properties. Specifically,
it reduces vertebral fractures in postmenopausal osteoporotic women significantly compared to a placebo. Nevertheless,
the use of calcitonin has declined over the years and salmon calcitonin is no longer the first-line treatment for many
of its indications. Commercial calcitonin only exists in intranasal or injectable preparations, which are less preferable
for patients. Efficacy of a potential oral formulation has been under investigation but achieving adequate bioavailability
remains a conundrum and the latest phase III trials have not shown promising evidence justifying its use. Associations with
cancer have also derailed this treatment option. Furthermore, the rise of bisphosphonates and, more recently, monoclonal
antibodies (such as denosumab), has revolutionised the treatment of osteoporotic fractures. Therefore, we are posed with
an interesting question: is calcitonin a treatment of the past? This review aims to explore the reasons behind this paradigm
shift and outline the potential role of calcitonin in the management of fractures and other conditions in the years to come.
Keywords: Analgesia, Calcitonin, Formulations, Fracture, Osteoporosis
The authors have no conflict of interest.
Corresponding author: Dimitrios Karponis, South Kensington, London, SW7
E-mail: dimitriskarponis@gmail.com
Edited by: G. Lyritis
Accepted 11 March 2020
Journal of Musculoskeletal
and Neuronal Interactions
Published under Creative Common License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike)
J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2020; 20(4):600-609
A. Srinivasan et al.: Remembering calcitonin
known to occur through receptor-mediated processes, and
interactions involving the N-terminal ring and the C-terminus
appear to be involved in receptor binding and signal
In humans, calcitonin is secreted by the para-follicular
or C cells of the thyroid gland in response to an increase in
serum calcium concentration
. Primarily, calcitonin targets
the bone, where it profoundly inhibits osteoclast action and
bone resorption. Actively resorbing osteoclasts secrete acid
and acid hydrolases via their ruffled borders to degrade bone.
Calcitonin promotes the internalisation of the osteoclasts
ruffled border proteins into intracellular vesicles, thereby
thwarting acid release and preventing the demineralisation
of bone matrix
. Calcitonin also acts via the kidneys, where
it reduces the reabsorption of calcium, along with sodium,
potassium, chloride and phosphate. Furthermore, the
hormone works on the central nervous system to induce
analgesia, stomach acid secretion and anorexia
The exact mechanism behind the analgesic effects of
calcitonin remains elusive, yet several theories have been
proposed. A 2016 study on rats discovered that calcitonin
decreases the number of serotonin transporters, whilst
increasing the expression of thalamic serotonin receptors
Other studies have proposed that nerve injuries activate a
calcitonin-dependent signal, which reduces transcription
of the sodium channel in the neurons of the dorsal root
Calcitonin has been studied in numerous species
including pig, rat, salmon and eel. Subtle structural
differences massively affect their respective affinities for
calcitonin receptors. For example, salmon calcitonin has
a greater affinity to calcitonin receptors in all species,
compared to mammalian calcitonin and therefore, its higher
potency combined with its longer half-life has made salmon
calcitonin the standard form used to treat bone disorders
Although clinical resistance from circulating antibodies
can form against non-human calcitonin, the use of human
calcitonin is limited due to its susceptibility to precipitating
as insoluble fibrils
Salmon calcitonin has been commercially available in
an injectable form and as a nasal spray, but developing an
oral formulation of a peptide hormone, which can survive
gastric enzymatic digestion and subsequently penetrate
the intestinal mucosa, has been a challenge
. However, oral
delivery of calcitonin has been shown to be feasible by linking
salmon calcitonin with various additives, including permeation
enhancers (e.g. a caprylic acid derivative), enzyme inhibitors
and particulate systems
The history of calcitonin
Parenteral calcitonin was the first FDA approved
formulation, available as an intramuscular or subcutaneous
injection. However, its use was associated with poor
patient compliance and tolerability due to its extensive
side effects, the most notable of which was gastrointestinal
. Numerous studies reported nausea, loss of
appetite, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. In addition, patients
also experienced flushing in the face and peripheries; local
inflammatory reactions were also common at the site of
. Data on the efficacy of the injectable
formulation is scarce. In a retrospective cohort study
conducted by Kanis et al., a significant risk reduction in
hip fractures (RR: 0.69, 95% CI: 0.51-0.92) was observed
following a year of daily calcitonin injections, compared to
. However, a similar magnitude of risk reduction was
observed in patients receiving daily calcium supplementation
(RR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.60-0.94). It is important to note that,
due to its extensive side effect profile, the use of injectable
calcitonin has been mostly replaced by the later developed
intranasal formulation.
The intranasal formulation has been the preferred method
of administration over the parenteral route due to multiple
factors. Firstly, it is more convenient and less invasive
for the patient. Moreover, common side effects resulting
from salmon calcitonin administration, such as nausea and
vomiting, occur less frequently in studies using the intranasal
. Collectively, these factors promote better
drug tolerability and patient compliance. However, the nasal
formulation has been reported to have lower bioavailability
and slower absorption than the injectable formulation
. Mild
nasal symptoms have also been observed in multiple studies,
including nasal irritation, rhinitis and rhinorrhoea
One of the important studies which led to the 1995 FDA
approval of intranasal salmon calcitonin was the PROOF
study (Prevent Recurrence of Osteoporotic Fracture)
The PROOF study was an international, multi-centre trial
which demonstrated that a 5-year daily 200IU dose of
intranasal calcitonin, along with daily vitamin D and calcium
supplementation, was able to reduce vertebral fracture
risk by 36% compared to placebo in postmenopausal
women living with osteoporosis. A significant but modest
improvement in lumbar BMD was seen in all treatment arms
(100 IU, 200 IU, and 400 IU), while serum bone resorption
markers were also significantly reduced. This was the first
large-scale, prospective study looking into the anti-fracture
efficacy of calcitonin. Prior to this, studies demonstrating
salmon calcitonin’s anti-fracture properties were mostly
retrospective or prospective with small sample sizes
Interestingly, the efficacy of intranasal calcitonin was not
dose-dependent. Patients receiving the daily 200 IU dose
were able to benefit from a greater vertebral fracture risk
reduction than patients on the daily 400 IU and 100 IU
regimens. It is important to acknowledge that the PROOF study
has been criticised for its high dropout rate of 59% by the end
of the 5-year follow up. Although some of the main findings
from this study, including its potential in increasing lumbar
spine BMD and suppression of serum resorption markers,
were consistent with the literature, evidence surrounding
nasal calcitonin’s vertebral anti-fracture efficacy have been
. Additionally, the effect of nasal calcitonin
on non-vertebral fracture risk and BMD is unclear
31, 32
. Aside
from its effects on the vertebrae, nasal calcitonin has been
A. Srinivasan et al.: Remembering calcitonin
shown to have a significant analgesic effect during the early
stages of treating distal radius fractures
Oral calcitonin has raised interest as a result of a few
factors. Firstly, bisphosphonates have received increasing
levels of concern around their long-term, albeit rare, side
effects, including osteonecrosis of the jaw and atypical
femoral fractures
. This, therefore, renewed the interests
in alternative therapies, including older treatment options
such as calcitonin. Secondly, intranasal and injectable
salmon calcitonin have been associated with suboptimal
patient compliance
. Thus, a potentially more convenient
and accepting method of delivery was explored. However,
due to the peptide nature of calcitonin, achieving adequate
bioavailability from the oral route has been the main challenge
to tackle to date
At the time of composing this review, evidence on oral
calcitonin is limited and data from the latest phase III
trials have not shown promising results, to the best of our
knowledge. The most recent phase III trial, conducted by
Henriksen et al., investigated the anti-fracture efficacy of
oral salmon calcitonin in 4665 postmenopausal women
over 3 years and is the only study hitherto to directly
measure the anti-fracture efficacy of the oral formulation
Achieving adequate bioavailability was a challenge and
pharmacokinetic analysis demonstrated suboptimal
drug exposure in subjects who were administered
calcitonin. Overall, daily oral salmon calcitonin (0.8
mg/d) with calcium and vitamin D supplementation did not
significantly alter new vertebral fracture and non-vertebral
fracture incidence when compared to control (p=0.94). No
significant differences in cumulative fracture risk were
seen between the treatment and control groups across
the 36-month study period. However, participants in the
treatment arm had a statistically longer duration between
baseline and the time of first hip fracture compared to
placebo. The increase in lumbar spine BMD following
oral calcitonin treatment was significantly greater in
the treatment group than placebo (treatment: 1.02%,
control: 0.18%, p<0.0001). Two studies conducted by
Binkley et al. have demonstrated significant but mild
improvement in lumbar spine BMD improvement and
moderate suppression of bone resorption markers
Anti-fracture efficacy was not assessed in these trials.
Firstly, the ORACAL trial was a phase III study which
showed that daily 0.2 mg oral formulation over 48 weeks
induced a significantly greater improvement in lumbar
spine BMD than the intranasal formulation (p=0.027) and
placebo (p=0.010) groups. Yet, it is important to note
that the absolute differences between the change in BMD
of the oral, intranasal and placebo arms were modest
(1.5%±3.2%, 0.78%±2.9%, 0.5%±3.2%, respectively).
Similarly, the second and more recent trial conducted by
Binkley et al. demonstrated a significant yet mild effect
on lumbar spine BMD (1.03%, p<0.001) following 54-
Table 1. Trials on the anti-fracture efficacy and analgesic effects of intranasal and oral calcitonin.
Reference N Intervention Outcome
Chestnut et al.
(511 completed
full 5-year
follow up)
Daily nasal salmon
calcitonin (100, 200
or 400 IU) vs placebo
over 5 years
Daily 200 IU nasal calcitonin significantly reduced vertebral fracture risk.
The 100 IU nasal calcitonin group experienced significantly fewer non-
vertebral fractures compared to placebo.
All dosages significantly increased vertebral BMD compared to placebo.
Significant reductions in bone resorption markers were observed in 200 IU
and 400 IU groups.
Henriksen et al.
Daily 0.8mg oral
salmon calcitonin
vs placebo over 36
Oral salmon calcitonin did not significantly reduce vertebral and non-vertebral
fractures risk compared to placebo.
The treatment group experienced a significantly greater increase in lumbar
spine BMD than placebo but not in total hip or femoral neck BMD.
Bone resorption markers were significantly lower in oral calcitonin arm than
placebo arm at 12 and 24 months but not at 36 months.
Lyritis et al.
Daily calcitonin 100 IU
vs placebo injections
for osteoporotic
vertebral fractures,
over 14 days
Calcitonin 100IU yielded significant reductions in pain (p<0.001) compared
to placebo. These were apparent as early as day 2 of the treatment period.
Urinary hydroxyproline and urinary calcium were significantly lower in the
calcitonin group.
Lyritis et al.
Daily 200 IU calcitonin
suppositories vs
placebo over 28 days
Daily calcitonin suppositories demonstrated significant analgesic efficacy
on VAS scores compared to placebo in patients with recent osteoporotic
vertebral fractures.
Karponis et al.
Daily 200 IU
intranasal calcitonin
vs placebo over 3
Nasal calcitonin demonstrates a statistically significant analgesic efficacy
after distal radius fractures when compared to placebo.
A. Srinivasan et al.: Remembering calcitonin
week administration of daily 0.2mg recombinant salmon
calcitonin. At non-vertebral sites, changes in BMD at
the hip, femoral neck and trochanter sites were not
statistically different between oral, nasal calcitonin and
placebo groups in the ORACAL trial. At non-vertebral sites,
Henriksen et al. observed a reduction in hip and femoral
neck BMD in both treatment and placebo groups, but the
reduction was greater in the placebo group. In all studies,
a significant decrease in bone resorption markers was
observed, including C-terminal telopeptides of collagen
types I, II (CTX-I, CTX-II respectively) and N-terminal
cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen (NTx-I)
. In
the ORACAL study, a significantly greater reduction in
CTx-I was reported in the oral calcitonin group than the
nasal calcitonin group. Henriksen et al. demonstrated that
bone resorption markers in the oral calcitonin group were
significantly lower than placebo at 6, 12 and 24 months,
but not at 36 months. Whether differences in biochemistry
translate to clinical significance, though, is a different
question and, frankly, the one that should be asked.
To date, most studies have been conducted on
postmenopausal women and very few have looked into
calcitonin’s therapeutic efficacy in other patient populations.
A trial conducted by Trovas et al. assessed the efficacy of
daily 200IU nasal calcitonin in 28 males with idiopathic
osteoporosis over 12 months. Nasal calcitonin was able to
significantly increase vertebral BMD compared to placebo
(mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM): 7.1±1.7%
and 2.4±1.5%, respectively, p<0.05). However, similar
improvements in BMD were not observed in the femoral
neck, trochanter and ward’s triangle following calcitonin
administration. Bone resorption markers, including CTX-1,
NTX-1 and urinary deoxypyridinoline, were also suppressed
and the reduction was significantly greater compared to
placebo. This study was not powered to analyse nasal
calcitonin’s anti-fracture efficacy
In the management of corticosteroid-induced
osteoporosis, a Cochrane review conducted by Cranney et al.
(including 9 trials) demonstrated that calcitonin was effective
in improving vertebral BMD at 12 months, with a weighted
mean difference of 3.2% (95% CI: 0.3 to 6.1) compared to
placebo. However, no significant difference was observed
at 24 months. Similar results were observed at the distal
radius, where calcitonin exerted a significant improvement in
BMD compared to placebo at 6 months only. No statistically
significant difference in BMD was observed at the femoral
neck compared to placebo. Additionally, no significant
difference in relative risk for vertebral and non-vertebral
fractures was observed in the treatment groups when
compared to placebo
. Table 1 summarizes key findings
from trials on the efficacy of calcitonin.
Current Indications
In the British National Formulary (BNF), calcitonin is
indicated for use in hypercalcaemia of malignancy, Paget’s
disease of bone, and the prevention of acute bone loss due
to sudden immobility. However, it is contraindicated in
hypocalcaemia, and factors such as heart failure, a history
of allergies and the risk of malignancy need to be taken
into account.
Although calcitonin is not approved by the European
Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of postmenopausal
osteoporosis, it is FDA-approved for managing patients
who are at least 5 years postmenopausal and when the
alternatives are contraindicated. This was largely based on
the PROOF study in 2000 which showed a 30% reduction
in vertebral fracture occurrence in participants with prior
vertebral fractures
. However, due to meta-analyses
reporting a potential, albeit non-definitive, link between
salmon calcitonin and malignancy, it is no longer considered
to be the first-line treatment and should only be used
when the alternatives are contraindicated
. Calcitonin
may still be preferred for acute osteoporotic fractures as
several studies have observed significant analgesic effects
in the acute setting
. In this instance, calcitonin is
recommended for use until the pain resolves, at which point
it should be substituted with a more effective long-term drug.
Calcitonin is EMA and FDA-approved in the treatment of
hypercalcaemic emergencies. It is used due to its fast-acting
calcium-lowering effect which is useful when calcium levels
need to be lowered rapidly. After rehydrating the patient with
saline, calcitonin is co-administered with a bisphosphonate
and other calcium-lowering drugs such as loop diuretics.
The osteoclast-inhibiting effect of calcitonin administration
typically fades after 24-48 hours, but this coincides with
when bisphosphonates’ activity increases; as a result,
co-administration produces a rapid fall in calcium due to
calcitonin, and a sustained decrease over a few days from the
For Paget’s disease of bone, calcitonin is authorised by
the EMA for short-term use and it is the FDA-approved
second-line treatment which should be administrated
when the treatment of choice, zoledronic acid, is not
tolerated or prompt surgery on the bone affected by the
disease is necessary. A study involving 85 participants
found that in the initial months of salmon calcitonin
therapy for Paget’s disease, the main markers of bone
remodelling and turnover (alkaline phosphatase and
urine hydroxyproline) decreased by approximately 50%.
However, 22 of these patients eventually returned to pre-
treatment levels despite continued treatment, and 19 of
those 22 had high titres of anti-calcitonin antibodies
This development of tolerance makes calcitonin a less
viable long-term option in the treatment of Paget’s disease
compared to bisphosphonates, which are not vulnerable to
antibodies. When administering calcitonin, serum alkaline
phosphatase needs to be measured every 3 to 6 months
until it normalises, after which it can be measured every 6
months; if levels rise again, antibody formation should be
A. Srinivasan et al.: Remembering calcitonin
Competitors in the treatment of postmenopausal
In comparison to calcitonin, the literature surrounding the
anti-fracture efficacy of bisphosphonates has demonstrated
more promising data. Bisphosphonates are pyrophosphate
analogues, which exert their therapeutic effect by attaching
to bone. Active resorption of these areas of bone leads
to osteoclast inhibition via intracellular pathways
Alendronate and risedronate are the two most commonly
used bisphosphonates for postmenopausal osteoporosis
in the UK. Due to the long half-life of bisphosphonates,
convenient extended-interval dosing regimens, such as once
weekly or once monthly options, are available on the market
and some patient populations may also be eligible to undergo
drug holidays
. Numerous studies have demonstrated anti-
fracture efficacy in bisphosphonate use at both vertebral and
non-vertebral sites
. Specifically, the Fracture Intervention
Trial (FIT) highlighted that a daily alendronate regimen (5
mg/d for first 24 months, followed by 10 mg/d until 36
months) was able to induce a significant 50% reduction
in vertebral fractures and 30% reduction in wrist and hip
fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis with
at least one previous vertebral fracture
. Furthermore,
femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD were also increased by
4.1% and 6.2%, respectively, throughout the study.
In the 3-year Vertebral Efficacy with Risedronate Therapy
(VERT) trial, Risedronate (5mg/d) was able to reduce
fracture incidence at both vertebral and non-vertebral sites
by 41 % (95% CI: 18%-58%) and 39% (95% CI: 6%-61%),
respectively, compared to placebo. Significant improvements
in BMD were observed at the lumbar spine (5.4%), femoral
neck (1.6%) and trochanter (3.3%) compared to placebo
(1.1%, -1.2%, -0.7%, respectively)
. In the Hip Intervention
Program (HIP) study, McClung et al. demonstrated that daily
risedronate over 3 years was able to significantly lower hip
fracture risk in elderly female patients with pre-diagnosed
osteoporosis, compared to placebo. (RR: 0.6; 95% CI:0.4 to
0.9; P=0.009)
Zoledronic acid is available as a convenient, once-
yearly IV infusion which may be used in cases where
oral bisphosphonates are contraindicated. In the Health
Outcomes and Reduced Incidence with Zoledronic Acid
Once Yearly (HORIZON) Pivotal Fracture Trial, annual
administration of zoledronic acid over 3-years demonstrated
both vertebral and hip anti-fracture efficacy when compared
to placebo (RR: 0.30; 95% CI: 0.24-0.38, HR: 0.59 95%
CI: 0.42-0.83, respectively)
. Additionally, in the HORIZON
Recurrent Fracture Trial, it was able to lower re-fracture
incidence in patients with previous hip fractures (HR:0.65
95% CI 0.50-0.84)
Ibandronate has been shown to exhibit vertebral anti-
fracture efficacy compared to placebo
but there is a lack of
strong evidence justifying its use for hip and non-vertebral
fractures. The BONE study (Ibandronate Osteoporosis
Vertebral Fracture Trial in North America and Europe)
was a 3-year trial conducted on 2946 postmenopausal
women which demonstrated that oral daily (2.5 mg/d) and
intermittent ibandronate (20 mg every other day for 12 doses
every 3 months) were able to reduce vertebral fracture rates
by 62% (p=0.0001) and 50% (p=0.0006), respectively,
compared to placebo. Significant improvements in vertebral
and hip BMD were also observed
Evidence directly comparing the efficacy of
bisphosphonates with calcitonin is limited. A study which
directly compared alendronate with salmon calcitonin
demonstrated a significantly greater increase in lumbar
spine (p<0.001), trochanter (p<0.001) and femoral neck
BMD (p<0.001) in patients who were administered the
bisphosphonate compared to salmon calcitonin over 12
. Moreover, a significantly greater reduction in
bone resorption markers within the alendronate group
was observed compared to calcitonin following 12 months
administration (p<0.001).
Denosumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody that
inhibits RANKL, is not regarded as the standard first-line
treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis
. It has been
shown to be very powerful at countering bone resorption,
reducing fracture rates, increasing BMD and reducing serum
bone resorption markers
. Notably, the FREEDOM study
(Fracture Reduction Evaluation of Denosumab in Osteoporosis
Every 6 Months) was an international, multi-centre trial
which compared the efficacy of denosumab against placebo
in 7868 women with postmenopausal osteoporosis over
3 years
. The study showed that denosumab was able to
significantly reduce vertebral (RR: 0.32 95% CI: 0.26-
0.41) and hip (hazard ratio (HR): 0.60 95% CI: 0.37-0.97)
fracture risk, increase lumbar and hip BMD and suppress
bone resorption markers. An extension of the trial allowed
the monitoring of an additional 7 years for 4550 participants
from the FREEDOM study which demonstrated the long-
term maintenance of low fracture incidence and continued
rise in vertebral and non-vertebral BMD
. Yet, denosumab
discontinuation is associated with ‘rebound’ bone resorption
and anti-resorptive agents are often prescribed following
withdrawal to minimise this effect
Unlike the aforementioned anti-resorptive agents,
different “anabolic” options are also available on the market,
including teriparatide (PTH analogue) and abaloparatide
(PTHrP analogue). PTH has two contrasting functions on bone
turnover. Despite its net effect of bone resorption during
continuous administration, it promotes bone formation when
delivered intermittently
. In the UK, teriparatide is indicated
for the treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis and in
males at high risk of fractures and corticosteroid-induced
osteoporosis. The use of abaloparatide is approved by the
FDA for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis in
the US. However, evidence surrounding its use was deemed
insufficient by the EMA in 2017. In general, anabolic agents
are not first-line for the treatment of osteoporosis, owing to a
plethora of factors, such as the greater cost and inconvenient
administration (subcutaneous injection) compared to most
. Intriguingly, treatment withdrawal
A. Srinivasan et al.: Remembering calcitonin
often results in a progressive decline in BMD which requires
management by anti-resorptive agents; this further limits
the use of anabolic agents
Teriparatide has been shown in numerous studies to
possess anti-fracture efficacy at vertebral and non-vertebral
. Moreover, the Fracture Prevention Trial was an
international, multi-centre randomized control trial which
demonstrated that a daily regimen of 20 μg or 40 μg injection
over 21 months considerably reduced new vertebral fracture
risk by 65% (RR: 0.35 95%CI: 0.22-0.55) and 69% (RR:
0.31 95%CI: 0.19-0.50) compared to placebo, respectively
Non-vertebral fracture RR in the 20 μg and 40 μg arms were
0.47 (95%CI: 0.25-0.88) and 0.46 (95%CI: 0.25-0.861),
respectively. Daily 20 μg and 40 μg teriparatide were able
to induce a dose-dependent and statistically significant
increase in BMD measured at multiple sites including
the lumbar spine, hip and femoral neck. Studies directly
comparing teriparatide and calcitonin have shown a greater
increase in lumbar BMD in patients treated with teriparatide
compared to salmon calcitonin
68 -70
. However, data comparing
their efficacy on femoral neck and total hip BMD data has
been inconsistent. Specifically, trials have shown an increase
in serum bone formation markers including bone-specific
alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin in participants taking
teriparatide but not in the calcitonin group
68 -70
. However, it is
important to question the external validity of these studies,
which were mostly conducted on Asian populations and
hence, a clinical benefit remains equivocal when generalising
these findings to other populations.
The decline in the use of calcitonin can be attributed to a
variety of causes. There are issues intrinsic to the drug itself,
including an association with cancer, and the lack of a widely-
available oral formulation
. Additionally, there are extrinsic
factors: primarily, the development of alternative drugs with
greater efficacy.
Firstly, there is the potential risk of malignancy associated
with calcitonin use. This was first brought to attention
by the PROOF trial of nasal salmon calcitonin, where the
results showed a higher risk of cancer in the active group
(8.9%) compared to the placebo group (5.1%), with basal
cell carcinomas being the major finding
. At the time, no
action was taken by the FDA because the age and race of
the participants were confounding factors, but the potential
association was flagged up again after phase III trials for
an oral formulation of calcitonin (SMC021) which reported
cases of prostate cancer
. In addition to these findings, a
1994 study demonstrated a biological route through which
calcitonin might stimulate the growth of prostate cancer
. Since then, the EMA commissioned a committee
to review all of the salmon calcitonin studies and, in July
2012, stated that salmon calcitonin should no longer be
recommended as a treatment option for postmenopausal
osteoporosis, citing an increased malignancy risk as one of
the paramount reasons. In March 2013, an advisory panel
to the FDA also recommended that calcitonin should not
be indicated for postmenopausal osteoporosis because the
safety risk outweighed the fracture reduction. Although the
FDA did not implement this recommendation, all calcitonin
nasal spray products were withdrawn by Health Canada in
October 2013 and two months later, the Taiwan FDA followed
suit. Furthermore, a case-control study involving 28222
osteoporotic patients in Taiwan found that using a calcitonin
nasal spray in women significantly elevated the risk of liver
cancer, although the risk of breast cancer was reduced
Another reason for the decline in use is that salmon
calcitonin carries significant side-effects, many of which
are related to the gastrointestinal tract such as abdominal
pain, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting in addition to
arthralgia, musculoskeletal pain and flushing. Studies
investigating the short-term and long-term side-effects
of calcitonin have found that the unwanted effects of the
nasal spray preparation were a lot milder and had a lower
incidence compared to the subcutaneous injectable form of
. However, there were some side-effects specific
to the nasal spray including nasal irritation, sneezing and
rhinitis. As previously mentioned, randomised control
trials involving oral calcitonin found it to be well-tolerated
in general but it was still associated with hot flushes and
gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea and dyspepsia. In the
ORACAL trial, a higher incidence of nausea and dyspepsia
was reported in participants who took the oral calcitonin
than the nasal spray group
One of the most important factors which diverted
healthcare professionals away from the use of calcitonin
was the lack of strong evidence justifying its use, along
with the simultaneous presence of other treatment options
which demonstrated more promising data showing superior
efficacy in increasing multifocal BMD and anti-fracture
efficacy. Whilst the PROOF study was able to illustrate
calcitonin’s anti-fracture efficacy, many other studies did not
show consistent results. In most studies, the fracture rate
was either too low to allow meaningful statistical analysis
or that statistical analysis did not show a significant change
in vertebral fracture rates from calcitonin use. Although
calcitonin has been shown in various trials to increase lumbar
spine BMD and decrease bone resorption markers, including
CTX-I and CTX-II, the clinical utility of using BMD and serum
bone resorption markers in predicting fracture risks have
been questioned
Future direction
In the future, it is likely that calcitonin will continue to be
used in combination with bisphosphonates for the treatment
of emergency hypercalcaemia and hypercalcaemia of
malignancy due to its rapid action. It is unlikely that calcitonin
will become the first-line treatment for postmenopausal
osteoporotic fractures or Paget’s disease, mainly due to the
proven greater efficacy of bisphosphonates. However, its
A. Srinivasan et al.: Remembering calcitonin
powerful analgesic effect should not be overlooked and if a
safe oral formulation that can achieve adequate bioavailability
is found, which would potentially be more beneficial and
acceptable to patients than the nasal spray, then there could
be renewed interest in this drug.
The efficacy of calcitonin in treating acute pain associated
with fractures has already been discussed, but calcitonin
may also be a useful alternative in the treatment of acute
and chronic neuropathic pain with recent studies having been
conducted to look at the potential mechanisms behind this.
This benefit of calcitonin has previously been demonstrated
in the treatment of phantom limb pain where a double-
blinded crossover study showed efficacy in the early post-
operative period
. Additionally, a case report by Visser et al.
illuminated a patient’s recovery from post-herpetic neuralgia
after being administered calcitonin following the failure of
traditional analgesics, and a 2011 case series highlighted
the role of calcitonin in treating acute neuropathic pain
associated with spinal cord injury
. Other reports which
have indicated potential uses of calcitonin in neuropathic pain
include diabetic neuropathy, lumbar spinal canal stenosis,
reflex sympathetic dystrophy, post-operative pain and
trigeminal neuralgia
Finally, in addition to calcitonin’s effects on reducing bone
resorption, a 2005 study found that an oral form of salmon
calcitonin significantly reduced the urinary excretion of CTx-II,
suggesting that it could decrease the degradation of cartilage
and act as a treatment for osteoarthritis
. Furthermore,
calcitonin has been shown to reduce the levels of rheumatoid
factor and interleukin-1b in patients with rheumatoid arthritis,
but ancillary work is necessary at this stage to establish it
in the armamentarium of anti-rheumatic medications
This is another example of how successfully creating a viable
oral formulation of calcitonin could be key to the future of
the drug, although achieving adequate concentrations in the
joints of interest may be another challenge.
Since its discovery by Douglas Harold Copp, calcitonin
has been a useful treatment for various metabolic bone
diseases. However, similar to many other medications, it has
been derailed by associations with cancer and superseded
by newer and more potent alternatives. There will still be a
role for calcitonin when patients are unsuitable candidates
for first-line therapies. Furthermore, the development of
an oral formulation could herald a new interest in the drug.
Although calcitonin will be used less for its original purpose
of increasing BMD and reducing fracture risk, its unique
analgesic efficacy means that there may still be a future for
this old friend.
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