Pet Policy
WSU Housing and Residence Life Apartments
Updated February 9, 2021
Statement of Values
The staff of the WSU Housing Services works to provide you with a comfortable, safe and
convenient apartment while attending the University. We want you to have as much freedom
as possible in your personal life, while assuring a satisfactory and comfortable life for the entire
community. Since this is a long-term housing community providing homes for many students
for years to come, the University must see that its interests concerning the property and
reputation of its units are respected. The operation and Housing Services of the community
depends on the cooperation of its residents. Keeping with this philosophy, we have decided to
adopt a limited pet policy that will allow residents committed to responsible pet ownership to
have a pet. In reaching this decision, WSU Housing has taken into account the important
contributions that pets can make to the lives of people who value and appreciate animals. WSU
Housing has also considered the fact that there are people who wish to avoid contact with pets
and other animals. The pet policy is designed to protect both pet owners and non-pet owners,
and to ensure that the animals themselves receive responsible care. The policy applies to all
pets kept in WSU Housing and will be strictly enforced. All residents may receive a copy of the
policy. By agreeing to this pet policy, the resident agrees to abide by the terms of this
Failure to adhere to the terms of this agreement will constitute a default under Resident’s
Rental Agreement and will give WSU Housing the right to initiate a proceeding to terminate the
tenancy of the Resident. In the event of termination, Resident will be responsible for all
associated fees.
1. Permission to keep a pet is granted at Housing Services’ sole discretion and is subject to
Resident’s strict adherence to all aspects of this Pet Policy. Any Resident who wishes to keep a
pet will first obtain Housing Services approval. Resident will fill-out a Pet Reference/Resume
and provide a photo of each pet. Resident must sign a Pet Agreement for approved pet.
2. Only common, domesticated, household pets will be allowed. These include dogs, cats, fish,
birds, and small caged animals, kept as companion animals. Requests to keep a pet of any other
species will be approved at Housing Services’ discretion. No individual Resident will be allowed
more than one animal, and no apartment unit more than two animals total. Any breed or
species of pets that are prohibited by WSU Housing or which increase the cost of WSU
Housing’s insurance coverage will not be allowed.
3. In making a decision on whether to approve a Resident’s request to keep a dog, Housing
Services will take into account the dog’s temperament and the arrangements the Resident has
made for care, training, and exercising the dog. In making a decision on whether to approve a
Resident’s request to keep or obtain a puppy, Housing Services will further take into account
the arrangements the Resident has made for care and training of the puppy.
4. Pets are to be kept inside the Resident’s Apartment. Dogs going in and out of the Apartment
must be on a leash (no longer than 8 feet) and under the Resident’s control at all times. Pets
are not allowed in complex shared access spaces such as laundry rooms, storage areas,
community centers, or playgrounds. Pets cannot be kept or left unattended on decks, porches,
entryways, or elsewhere on WSU property outside of the Resident’s home. Food and water
dishes must be kept inside the apartment. They are only allowed outside the
apartment/residence hall while there is human supervision – they may not be left outside
unattended. Food should be stored in airtight containers to ensure rodents/pests do not enter
the facilities in search of animal food. It is recommended that water dishes and food dishes
should be regularly cleaned.
5. Residents are responsible for keeping all areas where pets are housed clean, safe, and free of
parasites, including fleas. Dog owners must IMMEDIATELY pick up and dispose of, in a sanitary
manner, all dog waste deposited in the parking lot, sidewalks, or grounds. Cat owners and
caged animal owners must place soiled cat litter/animal cage lining in tied plastic bags and
dispose of the bags in appropriate garbage receptacles. In order to minimize the impact on our
exterior spaces, areas where animals relieve themselves outside must be varied due to the high
ammonia content in urine and feces.
6. All pets must receive proper veterinary care, including all appropriate inoculations, must be
well-groomed, and must be given a healthy diet and exercised according to their needs. All pets
must also be maintained in accordance with applicable state and local laws. Dogs and cats must
wear identification tags at all times.
7. No pet is to be left alone in a Resident’s Apartment for a period longer than that which is
appropriate in light of the individual needs of the individual pet. While this period may vary
depending on the pet in question, WSU Housing and the Resident understand that, in general,
puppies should not be left alone longer than 4 hours, adult dogs should not be left alone for
more than 9 hours, and other pets for not more than 24 hours on a regular basis. When
Housing Services has reasonable cause to believe a pet is alone in an Apartment and either that
pet is creating a disturbance or any other emergency situation appears to exist with respect to
that pet, Housing Services will attempt to contact the Resident to remedy the situation. If
Housing Services is unable to contact the Resident within a reasonable period, Housing Services
may enter Resident’s Apartment and make any necessary arrangements for the pet’s care,
including removing the pet and placing it in a temporary home, such as a boarding kennel. Any
costs incurred will be charged to the resident’s Housing and Dining account.
8. Resident is responsible for ensuring that their pet does not disturb or annoy other Residents
or neighbors. Residents whose pet is determined by Housing Services to be disturbing others
must remedy the situation immediately. A Resident who fails to remedy the situation after two
warnings will receive a 10-day notice to remove the pet from the premises. If the pet injures a
human on WSU property, Housing Services may immediately issue notice to remove the pet
from the premises. If the Resident fails to remove the pet when notified, the Resident will be
considered in breach of the Resident’s Rental Agreement and WSU Housing will terminate the
tenancy of the Resident. In the event of termination, Resident will be responsible for all
associated fees.
9. Residents are responsible for, and must pay for, all damages or injuries caused by their pets.
In addition, each Resident who wishes to keep a pet must pay a $200 non-refundable pet fee
upon signing the pet agreement. Proof of personal renter’s insurance is required to be
submitted by the Resident.