SUBJECT: Tuition Remission Spouse/Dependent Children
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Policy Number:
Supersedes: Tuition Remission
(Spouse/Dependent Children)
Effective Date: 07/17/15
Previously Issued: 09/03/13
Tuition Remission Spouse/Dependent Child
The Law School offers tuition remission benefits to eligible faculty and staff, as well as their spouses and
qualifying dependent children, as part of its overall benefits package. As an institution of higher
education and one steeped in traditions which place a high value on education and learning, the Law
School extends this benefit, as defined by policy, to competitively recruit and retain an excellent faculty
and staff, as well as to support their, as well as their spouse’s/dependent child(ren)’s, academic and
professional goals. Tuition remission benefits are a privilege, not a right.
The purpose of this policy is to clearly explain the responsibilities and parameters by which tuition
remission benefits become available, the limits to these benefits and the conditions under which the
benefits might be forfeited. Any exception to the tuition remission policy must be approved in writing by
the Vice President for Human Resources, unless otherwise noted in the policy. The University reserves
the right to revise, supplement or rescind any provision or term in this policy, from time to time, at its sole
For purposes of this policy only:
Dependent Child” is a child or step-child of a full-time faculty or full-time, regular or term staff member or
eligible retiree. In order to be eligible, a dependent child must be 25 years of age or younger at time of
. This definition applies only to the issue of eligibility for tuition remission benefits. It does not
relate to whether tuition remission benefits received will be considered taxable income to the related family
member. Faculty/staff with questions regarding the taxability of tuition remission benefits are encouraged
to obtain counseling from their personal tax consultant.
“Eligible Retiree” is an individual who was, at time of retirement, at least 65 years of age and a tuition
remission benefits eligible faculty or staff member with 10 years of service with the Law School (or 5 years
of service with the Law School if hired at age 55 or older).
“Spouse” includes partners to a lawful marriage and Registered Domestic Partners, as defined by State
law. The terms “spouse” and “registered domestic partner” are used interchangeably.
For purposes of this policy, the term ‘matriculation’ is defined as the date the dependent child is accepted into the
program for which they seek tuition remission benefits, provided that he/she does not defer admission.
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Tuition Remission Spouse/Dependent Child
Eligibility for Benefits
The spouse and dependent child(ren) of full-time faculty members, full-time, regular and term staff
members and eligible retirees are eligible for tuition remission benefits for undergraduate and graduate
courses, provided certain requirements are met.
Eligibility for tuition remission benefits is determined on a semester by semester basis. In order to be
eligible, the related faculty/staff member must be employed as a full-time faculty member or a full-time,
regular or term staff member or be an eligible retiree on or before the first day of classes as set forth in the
University or Loyola Law School Bulletin.
The spouse/dependent child’s eligibility for tuition remission benefits is determined at the time the Tuition
Remission Form is submitted to Human Resources. A change in the work status of the spouse/dependent
child’s related faculty/staff member will not impact the tuition remission benefit entitlement for that semester
or session.
The spouse/dependent child will continue to receive tuition remission benefits during any period his/her
related faculty/staff member is on a Law School approved leave, other than a personal leave of absence.
If the related faculty/staff member is on a personal leave of absence, the spouse/dependent child will
continue to receive tuition remission benefits until the end of the semester or session in which the
spouse/dependent child is currently enrolled.
Tuition remission benefits for a spouse/dependent child cease on the date the faculty/staff member
separates from the Law School unless the faculty/staff member qualifies as an eligible retiree, or as set
forth below. If the separation date occurs after classes have started for that semester or session, the
spouse or dependent child will continue to receive the tuition remission benefit for classes in which they are
enrolled on the separation date.
On the occasion that a full-time faculty member or a full-time, regular or term staff member’s employment is
separated due to death or total disability, as defined by law, the following shall apply:
A spouse/dependent child currently enrolled in a degree/credential/certificate program at the
University or Loyola Law School shall continue to receive tuition remission benefits as though the
related faculty/staff member remained employed until the degree/credential/certificate is completed.
All limitations on this benefit set forth in this policy shall apply to such spouse/dependent child,
including time limits for degree/credential/certificate completion set forth in the appropriate
academic Bulletin.
A spouse/dependent child who is not currently enrolled in a degree/credential/certificate program at
the University or Loyola Law School at the time of death/disability of the related faculty/staff
member will maintain eligibility for tuition remission benefits provided that the related employee
completed ten years’ service on or before his/her death/total disability, as defined by law. It is
incumbent upon the spouse/dependent child to apply for tuition remission benefits in accordance
with the procedures and deadlines set forth in this policy. The Law School will not reimburse tuition
remission benefits for which the spouse/dependent child did not timely apply.
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Tuition Remission Spouse/Dependent Child
Admissions and Academic Eligibility Requirement
Eligibility for tuition remission benefits does not guarantee admission to any academic program. A
spouse/dependent child must meet the admissions requirements in order to be admitted to any
Undergraduate or Graduate/Law School program or under non-degree status. Admission into any
academic program is never guaranteed and competition may be intense for a limited number of available
The application and admission processes with their stated requirements and requisite costs are the
spouse/dependent child’s responsibility and must be complete before the spouse/dependent child is
eligible for any tuition remission benefits.
Use of Tuition Remission Benefits
Costs Covered By Tuition Remission Benefits
Tuition remission benefits are a tuition credit that is applied to a matriculating spouse’s/dependent child’s
student account. The amount of tuition remission credit provided, described in detail below, depends on
the type of course taken. The tuition amount will be credited after the official add/drop period has ended
and all revisions to course load and/or tuition charges have been processed by the Registrar’s Office.
Tuition remission benefits apply only to tuition costs. A spouse/dependent child receiving tuition remission
benefits is responsible for payment of all fees and for the costs of books, materials or lab costs, health &
welfare costs and any other incidental costs related to any courses taken pursuant to this Policy.
Permissible Degrees/Courses
In order to be eligible for tuition remission benefits, courses must be taken at the University, Loyola Law
School or, in the case of Study Abroad programs, at an approved institution.
Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees
If qualified, an eligible spouse/dependent child may apply tuition remission benefits to undergraduate
courses taken at LMU towards completion of a single undergraduate degree from the University.
In addition, if qualified, an eligible spouse/dependent child may apply tuition remission benefits to graduate
courses taken at LMU/Loyola Law School towards completion of a single Masters degree from the
University or Juris Doctor degree from Loyola Law School
Eligible spouses/dependent children receive 100% tuition remission credit for undergraduate/graduate
courses taken at LMU/Loyola Law School towards completion of a degree.
Pending further review, tuition remission benefits may not be applied to the MBA, JD/MBA, and MS/MBA degrees.
Tuition remission benefits may not be applied to the Ed.D degree offered at the Westchester campus, the LL.M. offered at
Loyola Law School or any subsequently created doctorate programs.
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Tuition Remission Spouse/Dependent Child
Undergraduate/Graduate Courses Taken Under Non-Degree Status
If qualified, an eligible spouse/dependent child may apply tuition remission benefits to undergraduate or
graduate courses taken at LMU under non-degree status. All Bulletin restrictions and requirements apply
to courses taken under non-degree status including, but not limited to, restrictions on the number of
units/semesters in which an individual may enroll under non-degree status. Eligible spouses/dependent
children receive 100% tuition remission credit for courses taken at LMU under non-degree status.
Undergraduate/Graduate Courses Taken Pursuant to Credential/Certificate Program
If qualified, an eligible spouse/dependent child may apply tuition remission benefits to undergraduate or
graduate courses taken towards completion of a credential or certificate program offered by one of the
University’s six Colleges/Schools.
Eligible spouses/dependent children receive 100% tuition remission
credit for courses taken at LMU towards completion of an approved credential/certificate program.
Study Abroad Programs
Semester Study Abroad Programs
Eligibility for Benefit
An eligible spouse/dependent child enrolled in a degree program at LMU may apply tuition remission
benefits to an approved Semester Study Abroad program administered/sponsored by LMU.
Approved Semester Study Abroad Programs
Tuition remission benefits may be applied to the following approved Semester Study Abroad programs:
LMU administered/sponsored programs in England and Germany, and AJCU administered/sponsored
programs in Beijing, China and El Salvador. Additional semester study abroad programs may, at the sole
discretion of the University, be deemed eligible for tuition remission benefits. Human Resources will
maintain a list of all approved undergraduate semester study abroad programs eligible for tuition remission
Amount of Tuition Remission Benefits
Only the tuition portion of the program costs (as determined by the University) for semester study abroad
programs that the University deems eligible for tuition remission benefits will be credited as a tuition
remission benefit. The non-tuition program fee is the responsibility of the matriculating spouse/dependent
Tuition remission benefits do not cover incidental costs, such as textbooks, travel expenses, meals, etc. All
other such costs and fees are the responsibility of the matriculating spouse/dependent child.
Credential/certificate programs offered through LMU Extension are not eligible for tuition remission.
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Tuition Remission Spouse/Dependent Child
Summer Session Study Abroad Programs Administered/Sponsored by LMU
Eligibility for Benefit
An eligible spouse/dependent child enrolled in a degree program at LMU may apply tuition remission
benefits to an approved Summer Session Study Abroad program administered/sponsored by LMU.
An eligible spouse/dependent child who is enrolled full-time at another accredited institution
may apply
tuition remission benefits to an approved Summer Session Study Abroad program under non-degree
status, provided the following conditions are met:
The Summer Session Study Abroad program must have reached its minimum, per program
enrollment with tuition-paying registrants.
The Summer Session Study Abroad program must have space available. If a Summer Session
Study Abroad program has met its maximum program enrollment, a non-degree spouse/dependent
child applying tuition remission benefits may not take the place of a tuition-paying registrant.
Approved Summer Session Study Abroad Programs at LMU
Human Resources will maintain a list of approved undergraduate Summer Session Study Abroad programs
administered/sponsored by LMU.
Amount of Tuition Remission Benefits
Only the tuition portion of the program costs (as determined by the University) for Summer Session Study
Abroad programs administered/sponsored by LMU will be credited as a tuition remission benefit. The non-
tuition portion of the program fee is the responsibility of the matriculating spouse/dependent child. Tuition
remission benefits do not cover incidental costs, such as textbooks, travel expenses, meals, etc. All other
costs and fees are the responsibility of the matriculating spouse/dependent child.
For further information regarding eligible programs and benefits, please see, “Chart A Spouse/Dependent
Child Eligibility & Tuition Remission Benefits By Type of Course”. For further clarification regarding the
eligibility of courses/programs, consult Human Resources.
The Law School also participates in FACHEX (Faculty and Staff Children Exchange Program) with many of
the other Jesuit colleges and universities. Depending on the institution the dependent child wishes to
attend, undergraduate tuition remission benefits may be available. For more information regarding the
FACHEX program, please contact the Admissions Office at the Westchester campus.
The Law School also participates in the Tuition Exchange Scholarship program, a nonprofit national
association that administers a reciprocal scholarship program for children of eligible faculty and staff with
Pursuant to Study Abroad program requirements, non-LMU students must be enrolled as full-time students at another
accredited institution in order to be eligible to enroll in a Study Abroad program.
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Tuition Remission Spouse/Dependent Child
over 600 participating institutions. Tuition Exchange is not a benefit program, but a selective and
competitive scholarship. The scholarships are primarily for undergraduate study for students seeking their
first bachelor's degree. A complete listing of participating institutions as well as other information is
available at the Tuition Exchange Website. Depending on the institution the dependent child wishes to
attend, undergraduate tuition remission benefits may be available. For more information regarding the
Tuition Exchange Scholarship program, please contact the Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer in Human
Resources at x84512.
Limitations of Tuition Remission Benefits
The following limitations apply to tuition remission benefits:
All degree/credential/certificate programs must be completed within the time frame specified in the
applicable program Bulletin. In order to maintain eligibility for tuition remission benefits for a degree
credential/certificate program, students must make satisfactory progress towards a degree
credential/certificate as set forth in the appropriate Academic Bulletin.
Tuition remission benefits are not available for some programs including, but not limited to: LMU’s
EMBA program and/or LMU Extension, including Kaplan test preparation courses. Pending further
review, tuition remission benefits may not be applied to the MBA, JD/MBA, and MS/MBA degrees.
o See, “Chart A Spouse/Dependent Child Eligibility & Tuition Remission Benefits By Type of
Course”. For further clarification regarding the eligibility of courses/programs, consult
Human Resources.
An eligible spouse/dependent child receiving tuition remission benefits may not receive funds that
are only for tuition from any other source (e.g., federal, state, University, or outside source) that,
when combined with tuition remission benefits, exceed the cost of tuition. For additional
information regarding the relationship between tuition remission and financial aid, please contact
the Financial Aid Office at 310-338-2753.
Tuition remission benefits may not be granted after the last day of registration of the semester or
session for which benefits are claimed.
Academic & Financial Requirements
An eligible spouse/dependent child who is receiving a tuition remission benefit must remain in strict
compliance with all academic, financial and/or other Law School policies which may be applicable and
subject to change, from time to time, at the sole discretion of the Law School. Failure to comply with
academic, financial and/or other Law School policies may render the spouse/dependent child ineligible for
the tuition remission benefit for current and/or future semesters or sessions. This ineligibility will continue
for whatever period is needed to bring the spouse/dependent child back into compliance. During that
period, the spouse/dependent child is responsible for all costs of his/her education.
Taxation of Tuition Remission Benefits
The value of tuition remission benefits may be taxable. Faculty/staff members or eligible retirees seeking
tuition remission benefits for a spouse or dependent child are encouraged to obtain counseling from their
personal tax consultant.
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Tuition Remission Spouse/Dependent Child
To obtain tuition remission benefits, the spouse/dependent child must first follow admission procedures as
set forth by the University. After being admitted, a Tuition Remission Form may be obtained from Human
Resources. A Tuition Remission Form must be completed each semester in order for a spouse/dependent
child to be considered for tuition remission benefits.
Applicability of Academic Bulletins
If, at any time, a conflict arises between the terms set forth in this policy and the terms contained in any
applicable academic Bulletin, the academic Bulletin will control determination of the issue.
Chart A Spouse/Dependent Child Eligibility & Tuition Remission Benefits By Type of Course
Undergraduate/Graduate Courses
(Taken pursuant to approved degree/credential/certificate
program or under non-degree status)
Approved Semester Study Abroad Programs
Approved Summer Session Study Abroad Programs
Administered/Sponsored by
LMU [with applicable conditions]
MBA, JD/MBA, MS/MBA Program*
*Pending further review.
EMBA Program
Ed.D., LL.M or Future Created Doctorate Programs
LMU Extension