Big Science:
The Discovery
of Tennessine
January 27, 2017
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Team
Scientific Discovery
Charles Alexander
Porter Bailey
Dennis Benker
Jeffery Binder
Rose Boll
Julie Ezold
Kevin Felker
Robert Grzywacz
Krzysztof Miernik
Curtis Porter
Frank Riley
James B. Roberto
Krzysztof P. Rykaczewski
Robin Taylor
Technical and Specialty Support
John Arthur
Rod Brewer
Christopher Bryan
Doug Canaan
Fred Chattin
Jason Cook
Mike Cooke
Jess Copeland
David J. Dean
Jeffery Delashmitt
David Denton
Sergio Dukes
Krystee Ervin
Wayne Evans
Mitch Ferren
Gary Galloway
W. Doyle Garrett
Joseph Giaquinto
Bennie Goodman
Michael A. Green
Joe Guy
Nicky Hatton
LeRoy Hicks
Greg Hirtz
Randy Hobbs
Douglas Keener
Ben Lewis
Stephen Lyles
Dairin Malkemus
Deborah Mann
Tom McConnell
Angela McGee
Steve Meyers
Marty Milburn
Rob Morgan
Karen Murphy
Charlie Nevius
John Norman
Jim Parfitt
Margaret Parker
Curt Porter
Tim Raley
Rob Smith
Shawn Smith
Allen Smith
Andy Souders
Lucia L. Spears
Eddie Sutherland
Ed Turnington
Roger Underwood
Shelley Van Cleve
Roger Weaver
Gary West
Ken Wilson
Quinn Windham
Brad Woody
Timothy A. Zawisza
Oak Ridge National Laboratory recognizes and thanks our
partner institutions in this collaborative effort
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Vanderbilt University
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The Research Institute for Advanced Reactors, Dimitrovgrad, Russia
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
The Discovery of Tennessine
The international effort to create superheavy element
117Tennessinebegan in late 2004 when Yuri
Oganessian of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
(JINR) in Dubna, Russia, proposed the experiment to the
Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Oganessian had developed a “hot fusion” method
of bombarding actinide targets with a neutron-rich
calcium-48 beam that had resulted in the synthesis,
and thus discoveries, of elements 114, 115, 116 and
118. A “cold fusion” method of bombarding lead or
bismuth with heavy ions had produced elements
106 through 113.
Synthesizing element 117 to fill the remaining square in row seven of the
Periodic Table required a target of the radioisotope berkelium-249 (Bk-249),
which in theory would produce the short-lived element if relentlessly bom-
barded with a calcium-48 beam at JINR’s Gas-Filled Recoil Separator.
Berkelium-249, however, is an exclusively man-made material attainable as a
byproduct of the production of californium-252 (Cf-252), another synthetic
radioisotope used in medicine and industry. ORNL is the world’s only source
of Bk-249 in sufficient quantities for the proposed experiment. Bk is typically
produced as a byproduct of Cf-252, which was not in production in February
2005, when Oganessian visited ORNL. Still, a collaboration between JINR,
ORNL, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Vanderbilt University was
proposed to await the next campaign to separate Cf-252 for the Department
of Energy’s isotope program.
Yuri Oganessian
Vanderbilt’s advocate for the element 117 experiment was physics professor
Joe Hamilton, who has a history of collaboration with ORNL going back to
the establishment of the University Isotope Separator at Oak Ridge in the
early 1970s and the Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research that involved ORNL,
Vanderbilt and the University of Tennessee in the early 1980s.
When a Cf-252 campaign materialized at ORNL in 2008,
Hamilton informed Oganessian and introduced him to
Jim Roberto, ORNLs director of Scientific and Technology
Partnerships, whose materials research interests include
heavy element nuclear physics. Roberto, in turn, set in
motion the effort to retrieve Bk-249 for the element 117 exper-
iment during the Cf-252 campaign. Roberto and Oganessian
agreed to coordinate the Bk-249 effort with the JINR acceler-
ator’s availability.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory also joined the project. LLNL had
collaborated with JINR in the discoveries of superheavy elements 114, 116 and
118. Element 116 was later named livermorium after the California lab.
ORNLs nuclear expertise and capability to produce exotic radioisotopes
originated with the laboratorys World War II mission to demonstrate the
production of plutonium in a nuclear reactor. That Manhattan Project work
was rapidly accomplished: The X-10 Graphite Reactor reached criticality on
November 4, 1943, and demonstrated the production and separation of gram
quantities of plutonium. Large-scale plutonium production was undertaken
at Hanford, Wash., and a plutonium test device was detonated in the New
Mexico desert on July 16, 1945.
The scientists who were assembled for the urgent wartime project lost no
time in mining the reactor’s potential for scientific research and established
important groundwork for nuclear medicine, neutron scattering science, and
the nuclear power industry. E.O. Wollan performed early neutron diffraction
experiments at the Graphite Reactor, which he pursued with Clifford Shull.
Shull eventually shared the Nobel Prize for Physics based on this pioneering
neutron science work.
Jim Roberto
Chemical separation science was
also integral to the success of the
Manhattan Project. One byproduct
of the quest for a nuclear weapon
was the separation of the theorized
lanthanide element 61 at ORNL.
The team of discoverers, which
included Charles Coryell, Larry
Glendenin and Jacob Marinsky,
named the new element “prome-
thium,” inspired by the mythologi-
cal Prometheus, who stole fire from
heaven to benefit mankind.
Radiochemistry and isotope pro-
duction have remained leading
scientific capabilities at ORNL.
ORNL is one of the world’s largest
producers of rare radioisotopes,
with much of the work centered
at the High Flux Isotope Reactor,
where targets are irradiated, and
the adjoining Radiochemical
Engineering Development Center,
where the radioisotopes are pro-
cessed, separated and purified.
The radioactive, neutron-emitting isotope Cf-252 is produced through an
8-month exposure of americium and curium targets to the world’s highest
steady-state neutron flux. After being irradiated at HFIR, the targets are pro-
cessed at REDC. Berkelium-249 can also be obtained in the process.
With a Cf-252 program on the horizon, Roberto, Oganessian and Hamilton
met in Nashville in 2008 to plan the experiment. The Department of Energy
approved the separation campaign in November, including production of
The accelerator complex at the Joint Institute
for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia.
Bk-249 for research purposes (i.e., discovering element 117). ORNL and JINR
agreed on a schedule for the experiment including transfer of the Bk-249 to
JINR, dedicated accelerator time for the experiment at JINR, and collaboration
in the related research.
Roberto asked Kzrysztof Rykaczewski, a nuclear physicist in ORNLs Physics
Division, to help facilitate the international scientific effort. Rykaczewski is a
veteran nuclear spectroscopist who has discovered more than 60 isotopes,
10 of them at ORNL, and represents decades of nuclear physics research and
experience in discovering new alpha and proton emitting isotopes. A native
of Poland who speaks Russian, Rykaczewski was also comfortable working
across borders.
The Bk-249 targets emerged from HFIR in January 2009 to begin the nearly six
months of processing, three of those simply to decay to a point they could be
handled. Processing requires several more months, which for the purposes
of the 117 experiment represented a considerable tax on Bk-249’s 330-day
half-life. REDC produced 22 milligrams
of Bk-249 with impurities of less than
one part in 10
, an achievement that
impressed researchers on the receiv-
ing end at Dubna.
REDC technicians captured a photo of
the rare radioisotope in a vial, the 22
milligrams of green fluid competing
with the hot cell’s yellow lithium bro-
mide patina. REDC technicians com-
pleted the processing by mid-June,
and the shipping phase commenced.
The carefully packaged and labeled
shipment was separated into five par-
cels resembling large paint buckets.
ORNL (HFIR and REDC) produced
22 milligrams of berkelium-249,
shown in this vial, for the
element 117 experiment.
Rykaczewski worked with ORNLs Isotope Business Office and a shipping
company to prepare the radioisotopes for transit, which included translat-
ing documents and obtaining approvals and permits. It was new territory:
Isotope shipments to Dubna typically involved materials with half-lives of
hundreds of years. Bk-249’s was less than a year. The packages embarked on
a nerve-wracking odyssey that included two round trips across the Atlantic
after the shipment was turned away twice. More time was lost when the
parcel was delayed for various, mostly bureaucratic, reasons.
Eventually, the Bk-249 parcels were delivered to Dimitrovgrad’s Research
Institute for Atomic Reactors for target preparation in what still is the fastest
transfer of actinides between the United States and Russia on record.
There were technical hitches, as well: The Russian team, which had requested
the radioisotope in the form of berkelium nitrate, initially had difficulty extract-
ing the Bk-249. They questioned at one point whether they really had Bk-249
and eventually resorted to a strong concoction of three acids, called “tsar
vodka,” to retrieve the radioisotope. The team then hand-painted the radio-
isotope onto the target because the original plan to electroplate it produced
unsatisfactory results.
Time on the Bk-249’s 330-day half-life was ticking away the whole time, but
the hand-painted target worked well, and on July 28 the targets were flown to
Dubna to make up time, and the calcium-48 beam was applied to the target
at JINR’s Gas-Filled Recoil Separator.
In addition to the Bk-249, ORNL sent research staff members to Dubna and
provided detectors, instruments and digital electronics for detecting short-
er-lived isotopes, the products of knowledge gained from decades of nuclear
physics work at ORNL. After 150 days of irradiation with a beam of 6 trillion
calcium-48 ions per second, the team reported it had detected six atoms of
element 117, which then decayed into elements 115, 113, 111, 109, 107 and 105.
“I really wanted to be sure. We were looking for a
very few events, and we knew what to look for in
our previous work.” — Krzysztof Rykaczewski
Rykaczewski, who spent weeks in Russia with the experiment, describes
obtaining the results:
“I really wanted to be sure. We were looking for a very few events, and we knew what
to look for from our previous work. We were sending 6 trillion projectiles per second
and on average we got one event per month—a chain of correlated alphas as they
decay in milliseconds at first, then longer into seconds. It is a very distinct signature
correlated in space and in time. This is how we detect superheavy molecules—the
sequence of decays.
The probability that it is random is 10
,” or one in a million, Rykaczewski said. “It
cannot be random.
The data analysis of the thousands of candidate reactions by Dubna and LLNL
researchers supported the existence, however fleeting, of the half dozen
atoms of element 117. Authors representing JINR, RIAR, ORNL, LLNL, Vanderbilt
and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas announced the discovery on April 9,
2010, in Physical Review Letters. The publication also noted a strong rise in sta-
bility for superheavy isotopes (above Z=111), supporting the theorized Island
of Stability (see “Significance of element 117” on page 9).
Confirmation experiments followed the announcement. JINR, ORNL, LLNL,
Vanderbilt and the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) observed
an additional 14 atoms of element 117 at JINR in 2012 and 2013 using
berkelium from ORNL.
A group of scientists from 16 institutions in Australia, Finland, Germany, India,
Japan, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the
United States conducted confirmation experiments to independently ver-
ify the discovery of element 117. This independent sighting of element 117,
which observed two atoms, was presented in a Physical Review Letters study
published in May 2014. The research involved the production—again—of
berkelium at ORNL and bombardment with high-power calcium ion beams
in an accelerator at GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt,
Germany. University of Tennessee professor Robert Grzywacz, a former
Eugene Wigner Fellow at ORNL, worked with ORNL to develop data acquisi-
tion technology that was used in the confirmation experiments.
On Dec. 30, 2015, a committee comprising members of the International
Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and the International Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry announced the criteria for the discovery of a new
element had been met and invited the collaborators to propose a name and
symbol to replace element 117s working name of ununseptium.
There was precedent for naming
new elements after geographic
locations relevant to their discov-
eries (e.g., americium, californium,
livermorium, dubnium). The name
ultimately proposed—“tenness-
ine”—aligns with the halogen
group of the Periodic Table—fluo-
rine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and
astatine in column 7A.
The symbol would be Ts. (The
more intuitive Tn is a discontin-
ued but sometimes used sym-
bol for tungsten.)
Because institutions in the state of
Tennessee played a major role in
the experiment, the collaboration
agreed that tennessine would be
an appropriate name for ununsep-
ORNL physicists developed this detection
system for superheavy element research.
tium, and on June 8, 2016, IUPAC’s Inorganic Chemistry Division published a
provisional recommendation for the name tennessine and symbol Ts.
After a five-month public review period, element 117 officially joined the
Periodic Table as tennessine on November 28, 2016, “in recognition of the con-
tribution of the Tennessee region, including Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Vanderbilt University, and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, to super-
heavy element research, including the production and separation of unique
actinide materials for superheavy element synthesis.
In the same announcement, IUPAC officially named element 115 moscovium
in recognition of the Moscow region, home to JINR, and element 118 oga-
nesson, in recognition of Yuri Oganessians pioneering contributions to super-
heavy element research.
In addition to the berkelium-249 for element 117, ORNL-produced radioiso-
topes were used in the discoveries and confirmations of superheavy elements
114 (Pu-244), 115 (Am-243), 116 (Cm-248) and 118 (Cf-249).
Significance of element 117
In the current periodic table, elements beyond uranium (atomic
number of 92) are increasingly unstable and decay rapidly into
other elements.
Nuclear physicists beginning with nuclear pioneer Glenn
Seaborg have theorized an “island of stability” beyond the cur-
rent periodic table where new superheavy elements would
exhibit longer lifetimes. Such an island would extend the peri-
odic table to even heavier elements, and the increased lifetimes
would make chemistry experiments and potential applications
for these heretofore unknown elements increasingly practical.
Element 117 was the only missing element in row seven of the
periodic table. On course to the island of stability, researchers
initially skipped element 117 due to the difficulty in obtaining
the berkelium target material. The observed decay patterns
in the new isotopes from the element 117 experiments bring
scientists closer to the island of stability and continue a gen-
eral trend of increasing stability for superheavy elements with
increasing numbers of neutrons in the nucleus. The discovery
of element 117 provides strong evidence for the existence of
the island of stability.
A Special Eugene P. Wigner Distinguished Lecture
Recognizing the scientific discovery and naming of element 117 (tennessine)
Friday, January 27, 2017 • 3 to 5 p.m.
Iran Thomas Auditorium • Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Welcome and Introduction
Dr. Thom Mason, Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Eugene P. Wigner Distinguished Lecture
Discovering Superheavy Elements
Dr. Yuri Oganessian
Scientific Leader, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions,
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Question and Answer Session
Dr. Yuri Oganessian
Dr. Thom Mason
Screening of Element 117 Video
Dr. Thom Mason
Dr. Timothy Hallman, Associate Director of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics,
US Department of Energy
Dr. Victor Matveev, Director, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Governor Bill Haslam, State of Tennessee
Announcement of Donation of Periodic Tables
Dr. Thom Mason
Governor Bill Haslam
Concluding Remarks
Dr. Thom Mason
Reception in the Spallation Neutron Source Lobby