Understanding the Sustainability of Retail Food
Caleb Phillips
*, Rhonda Hoenigman
, Becky Higbee
, Tom Reed
1 Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, United States of America, 2 School of Medicine, Stanford, Palo Alto, California, United
States of America, 3 Community Food Share, Inc., Niwot, Colorado, United States of America
In this paper we study the simultaneous problems of food waste and hunger in the context of food (waste) rescue and
redistribution as a means for mitigating hunger. To this end, we develop an empirical model that can be used in Monte
Carlo simulations to study the dynamics of the underlying problem. Our model’s parameters are derived from a data set
provided by a large food bank and food rescue organization in north central Colorado. We find that food supply is a non-
parametric heavy-tailed process that is well modeled with an extreme value peaks over threshold model. Although the
underlying process is stochastic, the basic approach of food rescue and redistribution to meet hunger demand appears to
be feasible. The ultimate sustainability of this model is intimately tied to the rate at which food expires and hence the ability
to preserve and quickly transport and redistribute food. The cost of the redistribution is related to the number and density
of participating suppliers. The results show that costs can be reduced (and supply increased) simply by recruiting additional
donors to participate. With sufficient funding and manpower, a significant amount of food can be rescued from the waste
stream and used to feed the hungry.
Citation: Phillips C, Hoenigman R, Higbee B, Reed T (2013) Understanding the Sustainability of Retail Food Recovery. PLoS ONE 8(10): e75530. doi:10.1371/
Editor: Rodrigo Huerta-Quintanilla, Cinvestav-Merida, Mexico
Received June 3, 2013; Accepted August 14, 2013; Published October 10, 2013
Copyright: ß 2013 Phillips et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: The authors have no support or funding to report.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: caleb.phillips@colorado.edu
There is a contradiction present in the United States (US) today:
up to 50% of food produced for consumption is wasted in some
stage of production, distribution, or preparation [1–3]. Mean-
while, 14.7% of americans (1 in 7) have low food security and and
5.7% have very low food security. A clear question arises when
studying these statistics: is it possible to recover food from the
waste stream and redistribute it to those who are hungry in a way
that reduces both waste and hunger?
The idea of food recovery is not new there are dozens of non-
profit food rescue and gleaning organizations (e.g., [4–6]) that
have been recovering and redistributing food for more than 30
years. These organizations receive food donations from grocery
stores, farms, retailers, and restaurants that are overstock or close
to the ‘‘best by’’ date and would otherwise be discarded. Recently,
a coalition of major grocers and retailers organized under the
Feeding America project with the goal of large scale food rescue,
redistribution, and documentation [7]. Yet, to our knowledge
there has been no prior effort to quantify the cost and practicality
of expanding the current food rescue and redistribution efforts to
address hunger on a large scale.
In this paper, we investigate food recovery as a time-sensitive,
spatial distribution problem involving food supply and demand
and the energy cost of redistribution. Using data provided by a
large food bank and food rescue organization in north central
Colorado, we build an empirical model for the food waste process,
and develop an optimization framework for finding low-cost
solutions to food recovery and redistribution. Through simulation
we study the average, best case, and worst case bounds on both the
amount of food available and recovery costs. By investigating the
sensitivity of the model to its parameters, such as food expiry rate
and location and density of participating donors, we can also
determine the most important components that affect a compre-
hensive and sustainable food rescue system.
The data we use in this study was supplied by Community Food
Share (CFS), the sole food bank for Boulder and Broomfield
counties in north central Colorado [8]. This data includes the
pounds of food received from 90 distinct donors on each day for
one year, July 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011, comprising 20,270
donations and 2,328,821 lbs of food. This food was distributed to
304 unique agencies, which are predominantly homeless shelters,
soup kitchens, smaller food pantries, and other organizations that
serve at-risk populations.
The goal of our simulations is to reproduce and understand the
dynamics of the food recovery problem: how much energy (cost)
must be expended to meet the average and worst-case demand,
can demand be met reliably, how frequent are underruns
(supplyvdemand) and overages (excess pickup), and how the rate
of food expiry limits the amount of recoverable food. We also use
the CFS data to extrapolate the supply that could be available
from stores in Boulder and Broomfield counties that are not
currently donating. In future work, we hope to include restuarants
and cafes as well, but have excluded them in the present study
because CFS does not pick up from them.
The approach we take for simulation is classic repeated
measures, where the average behavior of a complex system is
studied through repeated Monte Carlo simulation and ex post facto
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 1 October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e75530
analysis. Each simulation is run for one year (365 days) using the
same random seed (so that results can be compared). We use a
model parameter, E(Dt) is [½0,1, to capture food expiration. An E
of 0.5, indicates that 50% of ‘‘waste’’ food is expected to expire in
24 hours (or, put another way, half of the food will remain on day
tz1, and one quarter on day tz2, and so on). Using the same set
of suppliers, we can evaluate how food availability changes as a
function of cost (driving distance) and E.
Materials and Methods
Figure 1 provides an overview of the modeling and simulation
process used in this work. First, using the provided data, we build
empirical statistical models for food supply (waste) and food
demand (hunger). Food supply is a random process where the
available recoverable waste at each donor is a function of many
factors. However, we find that this quantity can be modeled
statistically using a Peaks over Threshold (POT) approach derived
from Extreme Value Theory, traditionally used in weather
modeling. This model uses the donor category and size (square
footage) as inputs. Food demand is less dynamic and is simply a
function of the distribution of hunger in the region studied. We
find that demand is Gaussian (normally distributed), and use
statistics from hunger surveys (e.g., [9]) to derive a set of demand
Next, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data is used to
develop a spatial distribution model. We locate potential donors
and compute shortest-path driving routes between all pairs of
donors. This information is used to determine which donors are
near one another, so that food rescue can be efficiently batched
and routed. The driving distance from the central warehousing
point to each donor (or cluster of donors) is used as the cost of
performing that pick up.
Using the supply, demand, and spatial distribution models, we
then simulate the system using a Monte Carlo method. On each
iteration (day), an optimal food rescue ‘‘schedule’’ is determined
that attempts to meet the demand goal (when possible), and
minimize cost (kilometers driven). In order to find the optimal
schedule, we formulate the food rescue problem as a linear
program, where a food recovery schedule is chosen to minimize
cost while meeting demand. This linear program simulates work
done by food procurement managers at food banks like CFS to
produce a permissable schedule.
Finally, using a repeated measures approach, many successive
days are simulated and the emergent behavior can be studied and
plotted ex post facto. We track the amount of excess food recovered,
the prevalence of shortages on days when demand cannot be met,
and the cost required on each day. This simulation framework can
be used to vary model parameters (i.e., location and storage
capacity of warehouse, rate that food expires, etc.) to understand
how various choices affect the sustainability (i.e., cost versus value)
of the system.
Statistical Modeling
We first build a generative statistical model for the food waste
available at a given donor as a function of their type (e.g., grocer,
manufacturer, or farm), and size. This data has a distinct heavy
Figure 1. Overview of modeling and simulation process. Food rescue data is used to fit generative statistical models for supply (waste) and
demand (hunger). A spatial distribution model uses the supply models and geographic information system (GIS) data to determine the cost of
picking up food at donors.
The Sustainability of Retail Food Recovery
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 2 October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e75530
tail, where distribution is skewed to the left, indicating that small
values are most common, but that with small probability, large
and sometimes extremely large values can be observed. There is
not a clear enough autocorrelation in the data to permit using
time-series models. Instead, we find that this process is described
extremely well using a peaks over threshold (POT) model where
events greater than zero are modeled using a Generalized Pareto
distribution with Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) fitted
parameters provided for each donor category in table 1. Figure 2
provides a comparison of the fitted model to the observations for
the ‘grocers’ category. This model has an illustrative analogy in
weather modeling. In Colorado, for example, on many days it does
not rain, on some days it rains a little, and on a few days it rains
heavily. This pattern corresponds to what we observe in the food
rescue data: at a given donor the amount of food that can be
rescued is often small, but can occassionally be very large.
The values in table 1 also reveal the donation behavior of each
category. Grocers are fairly consistent donors with a rate of 0.302,
indicating that a typical grocery store donates some food on about
30% of days, with a mean weight of 369 lbs. Farms, on the other
hand, donate infrequently with a rate of 0.023 they donate on
about 2% of days. However, when they donate the mean quantity
Figure 2. Comparison of observations to model. QQ-plot and histogram comparing observations to model predictions for the ‘Grocers’
Table 1. GPD fit parameters for daily supply and demand distributions in pounds. Standard Error values for the fitted parameters
are given in parentheses.
Data Threshold (h) Rate (r) Location (m) Scale (s) Shape (f) Mean
All 0 0.121 0 275.947 (5.382) 0.439 (0.016) 491.884
Grocers 0 0.302 0 293.139 (6.130) 0.205 (0.016) 368.728
Manufacturers 0 0.038 0 562.549 (42.979) 0.107 (0.051) 629.954
Individuals 0 0.029 0 141.755 (18.374) 0.905 (0.126) 1492.042
Farms 0 0.023 0 918.811 (188.314) 0.867 (0.200) 6908.353
The Sustainability of Retail Food Recovery
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is much larger than it is for grocers—around 6,000 lbs. Using the
fit parameters in table 1, Pareto-distributed daily supply values can
be generated for each category:
s (U
h o:w:
where U
and U
are uniformly distributed random numbers in
½0,1. We use this function in our experiments to generate random,
correctly distributed supply values that can be used in Monte
Carlo-style simulations. Because there is substantially less data
available for farms and individual donors, in the remaining
analysis we focus on retail donors (grocers, manufacturers, and
bakeries). In future work, we hope to leverage other data sources to
model the spatiotemporal dynamics of recoverable farm waste.
The 90 donors included in the CFS data do not represent the
complete set of potential donors in the CFS service area. We
estimate the list of potential donors in Boulder and Broomfield
counties to be 156. In this experiment, farms and individual
donors have been excluded, and instead the focus has been an
exhaustive set of retail food establishments: grocers, manufactur-
ers, and bakeries. We cannot claim that this list is exhaustive, but
we think it captures the bulk of the potential donors. To determine
potential supply from these current non-donors, we first use the
CFS donor data to correlate other variables with mean daily
supply: store size (building square footage), municipal zoning
category, and store distance from the CFS warehouse. The result
of the ANOVA shows that the most important correlating
variables are size and zoning category. The relationship between
donor size and mean daily supply appears to follow a power law.
An ANOVA gives F-values of 69.042 and 27.841 for log
of store
square footage and donor category respectively, and 29.548 when
used together. The F-value is a statistic that describes the ratio
between explained variance and unexplained variance—or, put
differently, the ratio of between-group variability to within-group
variability. A Pearson’s product-moment correlation test confirms
this relationship with a statistically significant correlation between
the log of donor size and the log of mean daily supply for both
grocers alone (p-value ~0:009 and r~0:342), and all suppliers
together (p-value ~0:097 and r~0:413). Given this, we can say
that the mean daily supply (waste) and variability is independently
correlated with the size of the donor. Figure 3 shows this
relationship as a scatterplot. This is an important result because it
allows us to predict the supply (waste) distribution for a given
donor based simply on publicly available information: square
footage and municipal zoning category.
A final modeling task is predicting demand. Due to privacy
concerns for some agencies, it is not possible to determine the per-
agency demand from any defining characteristics, such as agency
size or surrounding population density. Instead, we use the
aggregate daily demand, which corresponds to the amount of food
delivered by CFS or picked up at the warehouse directly by the
agencies. During the period for which we have data, CFS
distributed food on 294 of 427 days, totaling 4,445,071 lbs. On
average, CFS distributes 10,410 lbs of food per day, or 15,119 lbs
per day if weekends, holidays, and other closures are excluded.
This total distribution amount is approximately twice that
donated, since CFS purchases approximately 50% of the food
they distribute.
Several reports have detailed food insecurity in the US, reaching
different conclusions about the extent of the problem. According
to [7], which describes the efforts of the Feeding America
program, 5.7 million unique individuals (or 1.661% of the US
population in 2009)) are served each week by the approximately
37,000 agencies aligned with their program. There are 348,017
individuals in the service area of CFS, meaning that, based on
national-level statistics, there are approximately 5,781 unique
individuals in this region per week who need food assistance. In
[10], Nord et al. show thatin 2009, 14.7% of households nationally
were food insecure at some point during the year, 9% had low
food security, and 5.7% had very low food security. Low food
security is defined by the USDA as ‘‘Reports of reduced quality,
variety, or desirability of diet. Little or no indication of reduced
food intake’’ and very low food security is defined as ‘‘Reports of
multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food
intake’’ [11]. Using the 5.7% figure would suggest that 20,490
individuals have very low food security in the CFS service region.
A local study conducted by Feeding America in conjunction with
CFS found that approximately 10,800 unique individuals seek
food assistance per week in the CFS service region [9]. Using
USDA statistics for average consumption of food, a typical
American in 2010 consumes approximately 2.85 lbs of food per
day, of which the majority is meat and protein (0.41 lbs) and grain
(0.48 lbs) [12]. This approximation assumes that the weight of
dairy products is equivalent to the same volume weight of water
and the weight of vegetables and fruit is equivalent to half the
weight of the same volume of water. Given this, if we assume that
each individual who has very low food security acquires a third of
their daily intake via CFS, the mean daily demand would be
between 5,491 lbs (using national Feeding America levels),
10,260 lbs (using local CFS Feeding America service statistics,
19,465 lbs (using USDA very low food security percentile), and
48,600 lbs (using USDA low food security perentile). This is a
staggeringly large range that serves to highlight the fact that
consensus on hunger and food demand does not exist. For the
purposes of this study we will focus on the 10,260 number because
it is based on carefully collected regional data and agrees with the
10,410 lbs distributed on average observed in the data. Recover-
ing this quantity of food from the waste stream would approxi-
mately double the amount currently rescued by CFS, perhaps
allowing them to avoid purchasing any food at all.
The CFS pickup schedule involves visiting a subset of donors
each day. Pickups at donors in close proximity to each other are
batched together for efficiency. Food is taken to a central
warehouse, where it is sorted, weighed, and then re-distributed
as needed. Our scheduling strategy searches for a pickup schedule
that emulates this hub-and-spoke distribution system. We use a
linear program (LP) to find the pickup schedule for each day that
meets the demand and minimizes the cost in kilometers traveled.
To establish a multi-day schedule, we repeat the linear program
for each day. Although this does not guarantee a globally optimal
solution, it effectively mimics the problem faced by CFS, where the
quantity and location of food cannot typically be known far in
Setting up the linear program starts with N donors with food
supply, and M agencies with food demand. The aggregate
available food supply (
ss) on a given day (t) in arbitrary units is the
sum of the supply from each individual donor. Similarly, aggregate
demand (
dd) on a given day (t) in arbitrary units is the sum of
demand at each individual agency.
The multi-day pickup schedule is controlled by a boolean
matrix (r
), which identifies which suppliers have pickups
scheduled on which days:
The Sustainability of Retail Food Recovery
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 4 October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e75530
1 pickup at supplier i on day t
0 o:w:
Each donor is associated with a constant cost of making a
pickup (c
). The total cost (
) on day (t) is the cost to visit the
selected donors on that day:
The total supply for that pickup schedule (
) is then:
A multi-day pickup schedule for food presents a unique
challenge in that food can go bad. Some of the food not picked
up on day t will expire by day tz1, but the other food will remain.
We have made the simplifying assumption that all food expires at
the same rate regardless of the way the food is stored, state of the
Figure 3. Correlation between donor size and food available. Log/Log-linear correlation between mean daily scale and square footage of
participating donors.
The Sustainability of Retail Food Recovery
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 5 October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e75530
food, or type of food. The food supply available on day tz1 is the
new supply for that day, plus the previous day’s supply that was
not picked up and did not expire:
zE(1) s
) ð5Þ
where E(Dt) is [½0,1 and quantifies the fraction of food not
expected to expire over Dt nights. 1{r
is the logical inverse of
the boolean scheduling matrix (and hence is 1 when a pickup does
not occur and 0 otherwise). This recurrence can be rewritten as a
summation of the previous t days:
Another important component to the model is a central
warehouse where excess food can be stored after pickup to allow
for overages in recovery to be used the following day. The
warehouse supply on a given day t is the amount of food picked up
on day t minus the day t demand plus the warehouse supply from
the previous day that did not expire:
E(1) ð7Þ
A sub-optimal schedule for multiple days can be calculated by
applying the linear program iteratively for T days:
C~min E
) ð8Þ
To calculate distance (cost), we use the MapQuest Driving API
directions [13] to retrieve driving directions (which presumably use
an optimized shortest path, taking into account the actual
constraints of the roads) for each supplier. We use the total
driving length of the first offered route, in kilometers, as the cost of
visiting that supplier.
Pickups at nearby suppliers are batched using k-means with a
radius of 10 km for each cluster. This behavior mimics the
scheduling performed by food bank food procurement managers
who often build a schedule around the largest and most
constrained donors. Although it is possible to compute an optimal
route through the selected donors using a combinatorial algorithm
(this problem is itself NP-complete, as it is an instance of the classic
Traveling Salesman problem), this is extremely computationally
costly and would not improve the realism of the simulator. By
using a suboptimal route here we have opted for simplicity and
realism in design, while erring on the side of conservativity in
terms of the sustainability analysis. In future work we hope to
explore ways to improve the scheduling systems used by food
rescue programs. When a pickup is done at any cluster member,
all other cluster members are also visited. The cost of visiting a
cluster is the average driving distance between all cluster members
and the central warehouse multiplied by two (to count the return
trip), plus the minimum sum of the distances between each node.
Hence, the cost for visiting a given cluster k is:
s:t: i, j[cluster
where N
is the number of members in cluster k, c
is the cost of
driving from i to j, and w is the index of the warehouse. This cost
function replicates the batching of pickups performed by CFS
drivers. Although this formulation does not explicitly model all the
factors that may contribute to the cost of food recovery, we have
chosen to model those key variables that clearly contribute the
greatest challenge to the problem, principally: spatial distribution,
uncertain (stochastic) supply, and perishability. As we will see, this
construction allows the computation of low-cost multiday solutions
that provide a reasonable facsimile for those schedules computed
by food recovery organizations.
Results and Discussion
Simulation results show that when we set the daily demand to
5,454 lbs, the mean recieved by CFS in our data set, the demand
is met on the majority of days when we use E~0:5. In fact, there is
a mean excess of 436.88 lbs a day, indicating that the recovered
food from donors is generally higher than the demand. This mean
excess value is driven up by spikes of food rescue, which occur at
several times during the year. These spikes correspond to
extremely large random food rescue events, which are also
observed from farms and manufacturers in the real data. This food
is recovered for a mean daily cost of 301.72 (kilometers driven).
CFS estimates their daily driving distance (a sum of three vehicles,
without optimizing paths), to be 212 km. The difference here
stems from the fact that our model counts the cost of picking up
food at distant farms and manufacturers, which generally deliver
the food directly to CFS. If we exclude donors farther away than
100 km, the mean cost drops to 198.35 km, which is within 10%
of the value provided by CFS, without producing any additional
In the next set of simulations, we use a demand goal of
10,260 lbs/day and E~0:5, which is the amount that CFS delivers
each day. CFS purchases approximately 50% of their food to
make up the difference between the mean donations received of
5,454 lbs/day and the mean demand of 10,260 lbs/day. In these
simulations, there is a mean shortage of 286 lbs/day, for a mean
cost of 1,544 km. If we exclude donors greater than 100 km away,
the mean cost drops to 703.1 km, and the average daily shortage
also decreases to 262.16 lbs.
There are two takeaways from these results. First, although
there is a slight shortage in meeting demand, the amount of food
available through food rescue still represents a significant increase
over what CFS currently picks up. Next, the observation that in
some cases excluding the furthest away donors can substantially
reduce cost (by 54% in this case) while obtaining approximately
the same amount of food suggests that there may be some
fundamental density of donors required for efficient food rescue.
In scenarios where donors are sparsely distributed relative to
recipients, the cost of rescue may be very high for the same
amount of food. On the other hand, in denser environments the
model can capitalize on the random supply from nearby (and
clustered) donors to drive down cost. Understanding the effect of
spatial distribution of donors (and density) is an interesting
question for future work.
An important feature of the model is the E parameter, which
controls how quickly food expires. Repeating the 10,250 lbs/day
simulations using an E~0:8, indicating that food expires at a rate
of 20%, instead of 50% as above, then demand is met on most
days with a mean excess of 182.15 lbs and a mean cost of
215.1 km. This is nearly an eight-fold reduction in cost for the
same amount of food, simply by changing the rate at which food
expires. Figure 4 shows this relationship explicitly by plotting the
The Sustainability of Retail Food Recovery
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 6 October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e75530
number of days in a 365 day simulation where supply failed to
meet demand as a function of the E value. For small E values, the
number of underruns is very high; as E is increased, meeting the
demand becomes obtainable and the shortages are mitigated.
Clearly, the effect of E cannot be underestimated. In a practical
sense, this highlights the importance of utilizing proper food
storage in the recovery process to minimize supply fluctuations
and mitigate shortages.
Next, we consider the rest of the suppliers in Boulder and
Broomfield Counties that are not currently donating food, but
could be, and increase the total set of suppliers from 90 to 156. In
this experiment we let E~0:5 as before. For both the original and
this expanded sets of suppliers, there is a saturation point where no
additional recoverable food is available. For the set of 90 suppliers
this maximum is around 13,000 lbs daily. For the larger set of
suppliers, the maximum is closer to 19,000 lbs. There are two
conclusions that can be drawn from this result. First, despite the
complexity of the underlying model, the relationship between the
amount of food available for rescue and the number of donors
participating appears to be linear. Second, and perhaps more
importantly, with sufficient resources and more participating
donors, CFS may be able to comfortably meet their current
demand without purchasing food. To meet this goal, they would
only need to drive approximately 500 km a day, which is slightly
more than two times their current expenditure. This indicates that,
provided sufficient funding is available, and a large number of
businesses are participating as donors, the food rescue model can
successfully feed the area’s hungry using only food that would
otherwise be wasted. Admittedly, the demand of 10,260 lbs is well
below the gold standard of 48,600 based on USDA food security
estimates for the area. For that to be met, according to our model,
CFS would need to have sufficient resources to drive at least
3,000 km per day.
Figure 5 shows this relationship between cost and the number of
donors explicitly. To generate this graph, we take successively
large random samples of the 156 supplier set and run a simulation
for a fixed demand goal. In the plot, each line corresponds to the
cost required for some fixed demand. Each line exhibits roughly
Figure 4. Number of underruns for a 365-day simulation. Number of days when the supply does not meet demand as a function of the
epsilon value, using the set of 90 suppliers with a central warehouse.
The Sustainability of Retail Food Recovery
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 7 October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e75530
the same behavior: as the number of suppliers increases the cost
goes up until a point is reached where the suppliers are able to
meet demand (and hence we can optimize solutions to drive
down cost). After this point, whi ch is differ ent for each demand
goal, the cost required decreases linearly (or superlinea rly in
some cases) as a function of the fraction of par ticipating
suppliers. This indicates that the cost of the food redistribution
problem can be reduced simply by increasing the number of
participating donors.
In this paper we provide the first formal investigation of the
fundamental sustainabiliy of food recovery. We develop a novel
model that can be used for Monte Carlo style simulation using
fitted empirical parameters, and we show that this model
reproduces the dynamics observed by CFS. While we believe that
this model can represent a large class of similar regions with a mix
of rural and urban environments, we are careful to remind the
reader that our conclusions may not apply in disparite environ-
ments (i.e., dense urban or sparse rural). In future work, we hope
Figure 5. Cost and participating donors. Relationship between cost and percentage of participating donors in the complete supplier set. Each
line corresponds to the cost curve associated with a different demand goal between 2,000 lbs (bottom-most line) and 48,500 lbs (line along main
The Sustainability of Retail Food Recovery
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 8 October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e75530
to integrate additional data in order to broaden our conclusions
and perform a more rigorous validation of our model.
Our chief experimental findings in this work are:
Food supply (waste) events are heavy-tailed and can be well
described with extreme value theory ‘‘peaks over threshold’’
models and the generalized Pareto distribution.
The efficacy of food recovery hinges on the ability to keep
rescued food from perishing.
Despite the underlying heavy-tailed process and complexity of
the model, the supply appears to be a linear function of the
number of participating donors. Hence, doubling the number
of participating donors is likely to double the amount of food
The cost of food recovery can be reduced substantially simply
by increasing the number of participating donors (and
therefore creating more opportunity for food supply events
to occur, when they are required by demand).
In the scenario we studied in north central Colorado, we have
shown that there is substantially more food available than what
is currently being recovered. Increasing recovery efforts could
reduce both hunger and waste in the region.
In future work, we will expand this investigation to address
additional questions. We are interested in whether this model can
be scaled up to a state or national level. It stands to reason that
dense urban and sparse rural environments will produce
substantially different cost and supply dynamics. However,
understanding how these dynamics affect the efficacy of food
recovery is an open question. There are approximately 85,000
grocery stores and 566,000 food service organizations in the US
[14,15]. In [16], Bloom suggests that the typical food waste
associated with a restuarant is on average 3,000 lbs per employee,
per year (or 123 lbs/day for a 15 employee restaurant). Clearly,
there is no shortage of potential donors; the important question is
whether they are well positioned for recovery and whether the cost
of rescue is acceptable.
An additional question is one of nutrition. In our current study,
we looked at bulk pounds of food without concern for the type.
This is a simplification that has bearing on both the economics of
the problem (supply and demand) and the basic expiry of the food.
Currently, 88% of grocery stores nationally donate some dry
goods, 51% donate produce, and 31% donate prepped food and
meat [16]. Fresh and healthful foods are the hardest for food banks
to acquire since they have a limited shelf life (small E), which is
negatively affected by transportation, time, stocking time, and
pickup limitations (how many pickups per week are possible).
Optimizing pickup strategies to capitalize on small food waste
events, and sufficiently funding food rescue organizations so that
they have the resources to pickup food when it is available might
mitigate this problem. A complete solution might require recovery
efforts at multiple scales and with varying technologies.
Although preliminary, our work here is an important first step
towards understanding the dynamics and limitations of food
recovery to mitigate hunger. In the end, we can present the
positive result that, despite its underlying complexity, food
recovery can be considered a stable process where obtaining
additional food is simply a function of having sufficient partic-
ipating donors and funding to perform pickups. We hope that this
work will help to spur interest in this area, equally among
researchers who might be able to bring additional insight into the
problem, businesses who can agree to donate their food waste, and
policy makers who posess the ability to procure needed funding
and resources for food rescue organizations to succeed.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: CP RH. Performed th e
experiments: CP RH. A nalyzed the da ta: B H TR. Contributed
reagents/materials/analysis tools: TR. Wrote the paper: CP RH.
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The Sustainability of Retail Food Recovery
PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org 9 October 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 10 | e75530