Department of Defense Guide to Uniquely
Identifying Items
Assuring Valuation, Accountability and
Control of Government Property
Version 3.0
December 2, 2014
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
(Acquisition, Technology & Logistics)
This guide is intended for use by Department of Defense (DoD) contractors and their
suppliers who apply item unique identification (IUID) Data Matrices
to new items
during production, as directed in the contract.
This guide is also intended for use by the DoD Components and their agents, who are
required to apply IUID Data Matrices on applicable legacy items in inventory and in
operational use.
Within these user communities, the targeted audience is the user of automatic
identification technologies, such as barcodes and barcode readers.
This Version 3.0 of the Department of Defense Guide to Uniquely Identifying Items
replaces all previous versions.
Summary of changes from Version 2.5 (Dated September 15, 2012) to Version 3.0:
a. Content changes were incorporated in the basic document:
(1) To clarify applicability of the IUID marking criteria in the current edition of
Defense Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS) 211.274-2 for new
acquisition items delivered under contracts.
The decisions trees in Figures 1 and 2 were updated.
Changes were made to align with the content of current editions of referenced
DoD issuances that were revised since the publication of Version 2.5.
Strategies for minimizing the impacts of non-recurring engineering were
For the purpose of this document, the term “IUID Data Matrix” is used to describe a Data Matrix symbol
compliant with all DoD IUID policies and business rules. This is equivalent to the terms UII Data Matrix
Symbol, IUID compliant Data Matrix, “IUID MRI mark, and Data Matrix containing the UII data set
used in other IUID documents. A Data Matrix not meeting all DoD IUID policies and business rules is
referred to as a “non-compliant Data Matrix”. The term “Data Matrix” is used to describe a Data Matrix
barcode which may or may not meet all DoD IUID requirements.
(2) All the definitions in Appendix A were validated against the latest version of their
authoritative source.
(3) Appendix B references were updated to reflect the latest versions. DoD 4041.1-R
was deleted and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 4140.01 and DoD Manual (DoDM)
4140.01, Volumes 1 through 11, were added.
b. GFP content was removed as it was redundant with the provisions in DoDI 4161.02,
Accountability and Management of Government Contract Property.
c. Appendix D was revised to delete the use of serialization within the lot number within
a part number.
d. Table 5 in Appendix D was revised to delete the Text Element Identifier (TEI)
“LOT ”.
e. Table 7 was revised to delete the use of the four-element unique item identifier (UII)
constructs for serialization within the lot number within the part number.
f. Sections were reorganized to remove redundancy and align content.
g. Changes were made to achieve consistent use of acronyms.
h. The use of the words "shall", "must", "should", "can", "may" and "will" were edited
to ensure their usage accurately reflects policy.
i. Changes for compatibility with the changes reflected above, as well as various format
corrections, were made throughout.
Table of Contents
Preface................................................................................................................................ ii
Intended Users ............................................................................................................... ii
Summary of Guide Changes .......................................................................................... ii
List of Figures ........................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables ............................................................................................................ vi
1. The Environment ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1. The Government Property Management Challenge .......................................... 1
1.2. Item Unique Identification ................................................................................. 1
1.2.1. The Definition of Item ............................................................................... 2
1.3. The Objectives ................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Item Management .............................................................................................. 3
1.5. The Players......................................................................................................... 3
1.5.1. Engineering Management .......................................................................... 3
1.5.2. Acquisition Management ........................................................................... 3
1.5.3. Property and Equipment Accountability .................................................... 4
1.5.4. Logistics Management and Accountability ............................................... 4
1.5.5. Financial Management ............................................................................... 4
1.5.6. Asset Visibility........................................................................................... 5
1.6. Processes, Activities and Actions ...................................................................... 5
2. The Need to Uniquely Identify Items ........................................................................ 7
2.1. Differentiating Items Throughout the Supply Chain ......................................... 7
2.2. Accounting for Acquired Items ......................................................................... 7
2.3. Contractor-acquired Property on Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts ........... 8
2.4. Establishing Item Acquisition Cost ................................................................... 8
2.4.1. Using Contract Line Items ......................................................................... 8
2.4.2. Valuation of Items...................................................................................... 9
3. Requirements for IUID ............................................................................................ 11
3.1. What is an Item? .............................................................................................. 11
3.2. Deciding What Items are to be Identified as Unique ....................................... 11
3.2.1. Items Delivered Under Contracts............................................................. 11
3.2.2. Legacy Items ............................................................................................ 12
3.2.3. Context and Scope of Decision Criteria ................................................... 14 DoD Serially Managed ........................................................................ 14 $5,000 Unit Acquisition Threshold ..................................................... 15 Mission Essential Items ....................................................................... 15 Controlled Inventory Items .................................................................. 15 Warranted Serialized Items .................................................................. 16 Special Tooling for Major Defense Acquisition Programs.................. 16 High Risk Items ................................................................................... 16
3.3. Special Topics .................................................................................................. 16
3.3.1. IUID of Sets, Kits, and Outfits................................................................. 16
3.3.2. Legacy Items Not Requiring IUID Marking and Registration ................ 17
4. Determining Uniqueness of Items............................................................................ 19
4.1. What is the UII? ............................................................................................... 19
4.1.1. Defining the Data Elements for the UII ................................................... 19
4.1.2. DoD Recognized IUID Equivalents......................................................... 19
4.1.3. The Notion of an Enterprise ..................................................................... 20
4.1.4. The Notion of an Issuing Agency ............................................................ 20
4.2. Creating an IUID Data Matrix ......................................................................... 21
4.3. Marking an Item with an IUID Data Matrix .................................................... 22
4.3.1. Deciding Where to Place an IUID Data Matrix on an Item ..................... 23 Marking Items with Severe Space Limitations .................................... 23 Strategies for Minimizing Non-Recurring Engineering ...................... 23
4.3.2. Deciding When to Place the IUID Data Matrix on the Item .................... 24 Vendor-Applied-at-Source ................................................................... 25 Opportunity-Based ............................................................................... 25 Seek-and-Apply ................................................................................... 25 Gated .................................................................................................... 26
4.3.3. Virtual UIIs .............................................................................................. 26
4.4. Use of UIIs in AISs .......................................................................................... 26
4.4.1. Derivation of the UII ................................................................................ 27
4.4.2. UII Derivation Process ............................................................................. 27
4.5. Roles and Responsibilities for Property Records............................................. 28
4.5.1. Property Accountability ........................................................................... 28
4.5.2. Materiel Management of Secondary Items .............................................. 29
4.6. Through-Life Traceability of UII Items in the DoD IUID Registry ................ 29
4.6.1. Obtaining User Access to the DoD IUID Registry .................................. 29
4.6.2. Initial Item Registration ........................................................................... 29
4.6.3. Item Update .............................................................................................. 30
Appendix A - Definitions................................................................................................. 31
Key Definitions ........................................................................................................ 31
Appendix B - Where Does the Guidance Exist Today? .................................................. 41
Appendix C - Business Rules (Version 4.1) .................................................................... 43
What are Business Rules? ............................................................................................ 43
IUID Business Rules .................................................................................................... 43
Contracts and Administration ...................................................................................... 43
UII Construction and Physical Marking ...................................................................... 44
Items Considered Part of a New Solicitation ........................................................... 44
Creating and Generating the UII .......................................................................... 44
Parent-Child Relationships .................................................................................. 46
Metadata Requirements ....................................................................................... 47
Capturing the UII ................................................................................................. 48
Using the UII........................................................................................................ 49
Legacy Items in Operational Use or in Inventory .................................................... 49
Items Considered Tangible Personal Property Owned by the Government in the
Custody of a Contractor that Have Not Been Previously Marked ........................... 50
Appendix D - The Mechanics of IUID ............................................................................ 51
Structuring the Data Elements for IUID ...................................................................... 51
Semantics ................................................................................................................. 51
Syntax ...................................................................................................................... 53
Examples of Semantics and Syntax Constructions for IUID ....................................... 58
Using ANS MH10 DIs ............................................................................................. 58
Using GS1 AIs ......................................................................................................... 64
Historic Use of TEIs ................................................................................................ 66
The Collaborative AIT Solution .............................................................................. 67
Using TEIs ............................................................................................................... 68
Appendix E - Glossary of Terms ..................................................................................... 72
List of Figures
Figure 1. Uniquely Identifying Items Delivered Under Contract ..................................... 12
Figure 2. Uniquely Identifying Legacy Items in Inventory or Use................................... 13
Figure 3. Different IUID Data Matrices, Same UII .......................................................... 22
Figure 4. Considerations in MRI Part Marking ................................................................ 24
Figure 5. UII Determination Process ................................................................................ 28
List of Tables
Table 1. Functional Processes Impacting Item Management ............................................. 6
Table 2. Contract Requirements – Identifying Unit Acquisition Cost................................ 9
Table 3. Legacy Items Exempt from Marking and Registering ........................................ 18
Table 4. Issuing Agency Codes ........................................................................................ 21
Table 5. Data Qualifiers for IUID Usage .......................................................................... 52
Table 6. UII Construction for AIs (Format Indicator 05) ................................................ 55
Table 7. UII Construction for DIs (Format Indicator 06) ................................................ 56
Table 8. UII Construction for TEIs (Format Indicator 12) .............................................. 57
Table 9. Examples of the Use of DIs in Construct #1 Serialization within the Enterprise
(Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434).......................................................................... 58
Table 10. Example of the Use of DIs in Construct #1 Serialization within the Enterprise
with Additional Item Data (Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434) ............................. 59
Table 11. Example of the Use of DIs in Construct #2 Serialization within the Original
Part Number (Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434) ................................................... 60
Table 12. Example of the Use of DIs in Construct #2 Serialization within the Lot Number
(Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434).......................................................................... 61
Table 13. Example of the Use of DIs in Construct #2 Serialization within the Original
Part Number with Additional Item Data (Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434) ........ 63
Table 14. Example of the Use of AIs for GIAI using the Individual Asset Reference
Number (Format Indicator 05 of ISO/IEC 15434) ........................................................... 64
Table 15. Example of the Use of AIs for GIAI using the Serialized GTIN™ (Format
Indicator 05 of ISO/IEC 15434) ....................................................................................... 66
Table 16. Example of the Use of TEIs for UII Construct #1, Manufacturer Serialization
(Format Indicator 12 of ISO/IEC 15434).......................................................................... 68
Table 17. Example of the Use of TEIs for UII Construct #1, Enterprise other than
Manufacturer (Format Indicator 12 of ISO/IEC 15434) ................................................... 69
Table 18. Example of the Use of TEIs for UII Construct #2, Serialization within the
Original Part Number (Format Indicator 12 of ISO/IEC 15434) ..................................... 70
1. The Environment
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) aptly describes the challenge faced by
today’s managers of Federal Government property: “GAO and other auditors have
repeatedly found that the federal government lacks complete and reliable information for
reported inventory and other property and equipment, and cannot determine that all assets
are reported, verify the existence of inventory, or substantiate the amount of reported
inventory and property. These longstanding problems with visibility and accountability
are a major impediment to the federal government achieving the goals of legislation for
financial reporting and accountability. Further, the lack of reliable information impairs
the government’s ability to (1) know the quantity, location, condition, and value of assets
it owns, (2) safeguard its assets from physical deterioration, theft, loss, or
mismanagement, (3) prevent unnecessary storage and maintenance costs or purchase of
assets already on hand, and (4) determine the full costs of government programs that use
these assets. Consequently, the risk is high that the Congress, managers of federal
agencies, and other decision makers are not receiving accurate information for making
informed decisions about future funding, oversight of federal programs involving
inventory, and operational readiness”
. Further, the Congress has demanded greater fiscal
accountability from managers of federal government property
In response to the need to improve fiscal accountability and government property
management, the DoD has mandated IUID to enable item life cycle visibility,
management, and accountability.
IUID requires the assignment of a globally unique UII to new acquisition and legacy
items meeting DoD-specified criteria. This UII is encoded into an IUID Data Matrix and
applied to the item, as well as registered with respective item information in the DoD
IUID Registry.
GAO-02-447G, Executive Guide, Best Practices in Achieving Consistent, Accurate Physical Counts of
Inventory and Related Property, March 2002, page 6.
Ibid., page 5: The GAO observes that “In the 1990s, the Congress passed the Chief Financial Officers Act
of 1990 and subsequent related legislation, the Government Management Reform Act of 1994, the
Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, and the Federal Financial Management Improvement
Act of 1996. The intent of these acts is to (1) improve financial management, (2) promote accountability
and reduce costs, and (3) emphasize results-oriented management. For the government’s major departments
and agencies, these laws (1) established chief financial officer positions, (2) required annual audited
financial statements, and (3) set expectations for agencies to develop and deploy modern financial
management systems, produce sound cost and operating performance information, and design results-
oriented reports on the government’s financial position by integrating budget, accounting, and program
information. Federal departments and agencies work hard to address the requirements of these laws but are
challenged to provide useful, reliable, and timely inventory data, which is still not available for daily
management needs.
The Environment
1.2.1. The Definition of Item
For the purposes of this guide, an item is a single hardware article or a single unit formed
by a grouping of subassemblies, components, or constituent parts
DoD Directive (DoDD) 8320.03, Unique Identification (UID) Standards for a Net-
Centric Department of Defense, provides for UID data standards development and
implementation of the Department’s UID strategy. It establishes policy and prescribes
the criteria and responsibilities for creation, maintenance, and dissemination of UID data
standards for discrete entities to enable on-demand information in a net-centric
environment, which is an essential element in the accountability, control, and
management of DoD assets and resources. It also establishes policy and assigns
responsibilities for the establishment of the Department’s integrated enterprise-wide UID
strategy and for the development, management, and use of unique identifiers and their
associated authoritative data sources in a manner that precludes redundancy
. IUID is the
fundamental element of the Department’s strategy for the management of its tangible
items of personal property. DoDI 8320.04, Item Unique Identification (IUID) Standards
for Tangible Personal Property, has been issued for policy implementation.
DoDI 5000.64, Accountability and Management of DoD Equipment and Other
Accountable Property, requires accountability records be established for all Government
property with a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more and items that are sensitive or
classified, regardless of acquisition cost. Property records and/or systems are to provide a
complete trail of all transactions, suitable for audit
DoDI 4140.01, DoD Supply Chain Material Management Policy, requires accountability
and inventory control requirements for all secondary items of property and materiel
received in the wholesale supply system.
A key component of effective property management is to use sound, modern business
In terms of achieving the desirable end state of integrated management of items, the
collective DoD goal shared by all functional processes involved in property management
is to uniquely identify items, while relying to the maximum extent possible on
international standards and commercial item markings and not imposing unique
Government requirements. Unique identification of items will help achieve:
DFARS 252.211-7003(a).
Redundancy occurs when the same item is assigned multiple UIIs.
Property accountability records and systems shall contain the data elements specified in DoDI 5000.64,
Enclosure 3, paragraph 6.0, including part number, cost, national stock number, UII or DoD recognized
IUID equivalent, and other data elements listed.
The Environment
Integration of item data across Federal and industry asset management
systems, as envisioned by the DoD Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA)
to include improved data quality and global interoperability and
rationalization of systems and infrastructure.
Improved item management and accountability.
Improved asset visibility and life cycle management.
Clean audit opinions on item portions
of DoD financial statements.
The acquisition, production, maintenance, storage, and distribution of items require
complete and accurate asset records to be effective, and to ensure mission readiness. Such
records are also necessary for operational efficiency and improved visibility, as well as
for sound financial management. Physical controls and accountability over items reduce
the risk of (1) undetected theft and loss, (2) unexpected shortages of critical items, and
(3) unnecessary purchases of items already on hand.
Program managers and item managers lead the coordinated efforts of various
stakeholders. The principal functional stakeholders in item management are Engineering
Management; Acquisition Management; Property and Equipment Accountability;
Logistics Management and Accountability; and Financial Management. Asset visibility is
crosscutting to these five functions. Their interests involve the following:
1.5.1. Engineering Management
DoDD 5000.01, Defense Acquisition System, requires acquisition programs be managed
through the application of a systems engineering approach that optimizes total system
performance and minimizes total ownership costs. A modular, open-systems approach is
employed, where feasible. For purposes of item management, engineering plays a crucial
role in the documentation of technical data that defines items and the configuration
management of these items throughout their useful life.
1.5.2. Acquisition Management
The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 45, Government Property, prescribes
policies for furnishing Government property to contractors including the use,
maintenance, management and reporting of Government-furnished property and
contractor-acquired property, and for the return, delivery, or disposal of Government-
furnished property and contractor-acquired property.
The BEA defines the processes, roles, data structures, information flows, business rules, and standards
required to guide improvements in the Core Business Missions of the Department.
These financial statement portions are (1) Property, Plant and Equipment and (2) Operating Materials and
The Environment
1.5.3. Property and Equipment Accountability
DoDI 5000.64
provides a comprehensive framework for DoD property accountability
policies, procedures, and practices; and assists DoD property managers, accounting and
financial officers, and other officials in understanding their roles and responsibilities
relating to property accountability. It establishes accountability and management policy
for tangible DoD-owned equipment and other accountable property; and contains
concepts useful for asset management throughout the Department, particularly for
property in the possession of individual military units and end-users. It excludes property
and materiel for which accountability and inventory control requirements are prescribed
in DoDI 4140.01, DoDM 4140.01 and Defense Logistics Manual (DLM) 4000.25-2
1.5.4. Logistics Management and Accountability
DoDI 4140.01, Supply Chain Materiel Management Policy, specifies policies for materiel
management. It is the Department’s policy that:
Materiel management is responsive to customer requirements during
peacetime and war.
Acquisition, transportation, storage, and maintenance costs are considered in
materiel management decisions.
Standard data systems are used to implement materiel management functions.
The secondary item inventory is sized to minimize the Department's
investment while providing the inventory needed to support peacetime and
war requirements.
Materiel control and asset visibility are maintained for the secondary item
DLM 4000.25, Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS), prescribes logistics
management policy, responsibilities, procedures, rules, and electronic data
communications standards for the conduct of logistics operations in the functional areas
of supply, transportation, acquisition (contract administration), maintenance, and
1.5.5. Financial Management
DoDI 7000.14, Department of Defense Financial Management Policy and Procedures,
specifies that all DoD Components shall use a single DoD-wide financial management
regulation for accounting, budgeting, finance, and financial management education and
DoDI 5000.64 integrates the broad requirements of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act
of 1949, as amended (Act of 30 June 1949, 63 Stat. 372), and the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of
1990 into an overarching property accountability policy for property, plant and equipment. This instruction
complements the accounting and financial reporting requirements contained in DoD 7000.14-R.
Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures (MILSTRAP).
The DLMS is a system governing logistics functional business management standards and practices rather
than an automated information system.
The Environment
training. That regulation is DoD 7000.14-R, Department of Defense Financial
Management Regulations. It establishes financial management requirements, systems,
and functions for all appropriated, non-appropriated, working capital, revolving, and trust
fund activities. In addition, it directs statutory and regulatory financial reporting
1.5.6. Asset Visibility
Asset visibility is the cross-cutting capability that provides Combatant Commanders, the
Military Services, and the Defense Agencies with timely and accurate information on the
location, movement, status, and identity of equipment and supplies
Item management involves many functional processes, activities, and actions. These
elements are integrated and flow smoothly so that the needs of warfighters for items are
satisfied when and where they occur. The functional processes, activities, and actions
impacting item management are arrayed in Table 1 in summary format to show how they
are related and interdependent.
Activities Actions
Develop Requirements Identify needs
Identify suitable marking
methods and procedures
Design Engineering
Materiel Management
Assign part number
Request part number
Assign stock number
Assign UII
Produce & Accept Process Control Apply & inspect item marking
Transport Transportation Track items
Stock Stocking Stock, locate and retrieve items
Control item inventory
DoDI 5158.06, Distribution Process Owner (DPO), establishes the DoD policy to achieve effectiveness,
efficiency, and alignment of DoD-wide distribution activities, including force projection, sustainment, and
redeployment/retrograde operations. The DPO is the lead functional proponent for Radio Frequency
Identification and related Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) implementation in the DoD supply
chain, developing a centralized approach for the use of asset visibility technologies.
The Environment
Order Requisitioning Request supply item
Supply Shipping Locate and ship items
Use Receipt Receive, install and use items
Maintain Preventive Maintenance Clean, inspect, and service items
Repair Maintenance Restore reparable items
Rebuild Overhaul Refurbish items
Maintain original UII through
Decommission Demilitarization Remove ownership markings,
leave the unique identification
data elements
Dispose Disposal Sell/recycle scrap
Destruction and/or abandonment
Pay Financial Accounting Settle invoices
Account Inventory
Financial Statements
Manage & control
Property valuation
Table 1. Functional Processes Impacting Item Management
2. The Need to Uniquely Identify Items
The Department uniquely identifies the items to which it takes title to provide sufficient
asset accountability, valuation and life cycle management. Unique identification provides
the Department the opportunity to differentiate an individual item from all others. Unique
identification of items provides the Department with the information architecture to
facilitate accomplishment of the following:
Improve the acquisition of equipment and performance based logistics services
for the warfighter,
Capture timely, accurate and reliable data on items (i.e., equipment, reparables,
materials, and consumables),
Improve life cycle asset management, and
Track items in the Department and industry systems for operational, logistical
and financial accountability purposes.
Accountability of items begins when hardware (equipment and reparables) and supplies
(materials and consumables) are acquired through purchase, lease, or other means,
including transfer or fabrication, whether the hardware and supplies are already in
existence or yet to be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated
. DoDI 5000.64
requires that accountable property records shall be established in an accountable property
system of record for all Government property purchased, or otherwise obtained, having a
unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more; property of any value that is controlled or
managed at the item level; leased items (capital leases) of any value; and assets that are
sensitive or classified
. Property accountability records and systems shall contain the
data elements specified in DoDI 5000.64, Enclosure 3, paragraph 6.0, including part
number, cost
, national stock number, UII or DoD recognized IUID equivalent, and
other data elements listed
For items covered under DoDI 4140.01, all materiel recurrently used, bought, stocked, or
distributed is cataloged with an accountable record
DoDM 4140.01, Volume 9, February 10, 2014 addresses IUID policy for logistics.
See American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E-2135-02, Standard Terminology for Property
and Asset Management.
DoDI 5000.64, May 19, 2011, op. cit., Enclosure 3, paragraph 2.a.
Value at full cost and depreciation information, if applicable; or original acquisition cost if the property
does not require capitalization
Ibid., Enclosure 3, paragraph 6.0, specifies the minimum data elements required.
See paragraph 4.c.
The Need to Uniquely Identify Items
Title to property whose cost is reimbursable to the contractor passes to and vests in the
Government upon: (1) delivery to the contractor of an item purchased by the contractor
and reimbursed as a direct cost under the contract, (2) issuance of the property for use in
contract performance; (3) commencement of processing of the property or use in contract
performance; or (4) reimbursement of the cost of the property by the Government,
whichever occurs first. The Government acquires title to all property purchased or
fabricated by the contractor in support of contract performance and may take title to
Special Tooling in accordance with the contract clauses. However, if such items are to be
delivered to the Government, they shall be delivered under a contract line item or subline
. Unless required otherwise in the contract, such property shall be marked with an
IUID Data Matrix only upon its delivery to the Government, provided that it meets the
IUID marking criteria.
It is essential that contracts contain specific arrangements to capture the acquisition cost
of all delivered items because the acquisition cost shall form the basis for the entries
made in the Department’s financial statements and shall determine the degree to which
those statements comply with the requirements of the Federal Accounting Standards
Advisory Board. Ideally, acquisition cost for items would be recorded at the time these
items are delivered to and accepted by the Government.
2.4.1. Using Contract Line Items
All property delivered to the Government shall be delivered on a Contract Line Item
Number (CLIN) or Sub Line Item Number (SLIN). The acquisition cost of each item
entering the Government property inventory is captured on the CLIN or SLIN.
CLINs and SLINs are established when the contract is structured prior to award and shall
be included for all items for which the Government shall take delivery, either during the
performance or at the completion of the contract. The estimated acquisition cost of
property shall be identified upon delivery.
Table 2 shows the acquisition cost of items delivered under contracts that are separately
priced under CLINs or SLINs. Informational subline items are used to capture the
acquisition cost for items to be delivered when separately priced CLINs or SLINs are not
practicable. Informational SLINs used only for identification of acquisition cost have to
be clearly marked as such so they are not confused with delivery, acceptance, and
payment requirements of the contract. When the acquisition costs for like items differ,
separate informational SLINs are used to identify the acquisition cost for each of the
items with a different acquisition cost.
For additional information, see DFARS Procedures, Guidance and Instructions 245.401-70 Contractor-
acquired property.
The Need to Uniquely Identify Items
Equivalent Required
Unit Acquisition Cost
(or price) Required
requiring UII or
IUID equivalent
(includes items
separately as
Yes. All items valued
over $5K/unit value.
Use DoD decision
to determine
requirements under
$5K per unit value.
CLIN/SLIN values.
Cost Type-use
contractor estimated
costs. DoD shall
address delta $ from
Sub items
requiring UII or
IUID equivalent
contained within
delivered items.
Yes. Application of
maintenance plan (e.g.
lowest repairable or
replaceable unit by
DoD); No dollar
threshold for
marked items not
requiring IUID.
No. The DoD shall
accept existing
commercial markings.
Yes All delivered
items shall be valued
per unit.
CLIN/SLIN values
Cost Type-use
contractor estimated
costs. DoD shall
address delta $ from
Table 2. Contract RequirementsIdentifying Unit Acquisition Cost
To comply with IUID policy that UIIs be delivered on a CLIN/SLIN, the Contracting
Officer shall modify a contract to establish separate CLINs/SLINs prior to delivery of
items that were not identified as contract deliverables at the time of contract award.
2.4.2. Valuation of Items
Both the unique identification and the value of items that shall be delivered under the
contract need to be reflected in the Department’s property accountability and
management information systems. According to DoDI 5000.64, acquisition cost shall be
the basis for valuation of property.
For fixed price contracts, the acquisition cost for items to be delivered is the fixed price
paid by the Government.
The decision tree for new acquisition items is found in Figure 1.
DFARS 252.2117003 requires a contract attachment to list embedded DoD serially managed
subassemblies, components, and parts that are to be uniquely identified. The IUID data are reported at the
time of delivery, either as part of, or associated with the Material Inspection and Receiving Report.
The Need to Uniquely Identify Items
For cost type contracts, the acquisition cost for items to be delivered is the Contractor’s
estimated cost at the time the item is delivered. The acquisition cost of components
within delivered items need not be identified.
A delivered item may be composed of embedded items, such as subassemblies,
components, and parts. The prime contractor shall pass down appropriate specifications
and contract requirements, including the IUID marking requirements where applicable, to
the tiered vendors for subcontracted subassemblies, components, and parts.
Spares may be purchased directly from the vendor(s) or through the prime. IUID-
qualifying spare items (subassemblies, components, and parts) have to be marked
appropriately with an IUID Data Matrix.
When the prime delivers the complete item that is one UII. The spares are delivered with
their own UIIs. The prime is responsible for ensuring the IUID Data Matrix marking and
registering of the UII for those DoD serially managed embedded items and their parent
items in the delivered complete item.
3. Requirements for IUID
As stated earlier in this guide, an item is a single hardware article or a unit formed by a
grouping of subassemblies, components, or constituent parts
. In this definition,
hardware is a generic term dealing with physical items (as distinguished from a capability
or function) such as equipment, tools, implements, instruments, devices, sets, kits, outfits,
fittings, trimmings, assemblies, subassemblies, components, and parts
3.2.1. Items Delivered Under Contracts
IUID is driven by an integrated set of logistics, acquisition, and financial requirements to
identify and track item information. The criteria in the decision tree apply when the items
are delivered under contract. Items being delivered under contract, including new
equipment, major modifications, reprocurements of equipment and spares, shall include
the contract clause Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS)
252.211-7003 to invoke the IUID requirement
All items delivered to the Government under contract require item unique identification,
or a DoD recognized IUID equivalent, if one or more of the following criteria
(each discussed separately):
(1) All items for which the Government’s unit acquisition cost is $5,000 or more;
(2) Items for which the Government’s unit acquisition cost is less than $5,000 when
the requiring activity
determines that item unique identification is required for
mission essential or controlled inventory items;
(3) Regardless of value for any
(a) DoD serially managed item (reparable or nonreparable) or subassembly,
component, or part embedded within a subassembly, component, or part;
(b) Parent item (as defined in 252.211-7003(a)) that contains the embedded
subassembly, component, or part;
DFARS 252.211-7003(a).
Joint Publication 1-02, DoD Dictionary.
DoDI 8320.04, paragraph 5.4.1, permits alternative implementation provided that the acquired items are
marked and registered no later than 30 days after receipt.
These criteria are codified in DFARS 211.274-2, current edition.
The requiring activity will make this determination and list the items in the DFARS 252.211-7003
contract clause. For legacy items, the requiring activity will make this determination in order to identify
principal items in inventory or use for item unique identification.
Requirements for IUID
(c) Warranted serialized item;
(d) Item of special tooling or special test equipment, as defined at FAR 2.101,
for a major defense acquisition program that is designated for preservation and
storage in accordance with the requirements of section 815 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (Pub. L. 110-417); and
(e) High risk item identified by the requiring activity as vulnerable to supply
chain threat, a target of cyber threats, or counterfeiting.
Figure 1. Uniquely Identifying Items Delivered Under Contract
3.2.2. Legacy Items
The criteria in the Figure 2 decision tree apply to existing legacy principal end items
and secondary items
in inventory, in use, or undergoing maintenance, repair, or
Principal items are end items and replacement assemblies of such importance that management
techniques require centralized individual item management throughout the supply system, to include depot
level, base level, and items in the hands of using units. These specifically include the items where, in the
judgment of the Services, there is a need for central inventory control, including centralized computation of
requirements, central procurement, central direction of distribution, and central knowledge and control of
all assets owned by the Services. (Joint Publication 1-02)
Secondary items are items that are not defined as principal items and include reparable components,
subsystems, and assemblies, consumable repair parts, bulk items and material, subsistence, and expendable
end items, including clothing and other personal gear. (DoDM 4140.01, Volume 3)
Requirements for IUID
overhaul. IUID marking for legacy secondary items, which are subject to the materiel
management policies of DoDM 4140.01, Volumes 1 through 11, only apply when such
items are:
(a) DoD serially managed items that are also at the same time categorized as
sensitive, critical safety, or pilferable items;
(b) Reparable items;
(c) Non-reparable items that the requiring activity decides require item level
traceability at any point in their life cycle.
Figure 2. Uniquely Identifying Legacy Items in Inventory or Use
Program and item managers shall prepare implementation plans for implementation of
IUID on legacy items in operational use, including items undergoing maintenance, repair
or overhaul, and in inventory. Only those legacy items determined in these
implementation plans to meet the IUID criteria specified in Figure 2 shall require an
IUID Data Matrix.
Requirements for IUID
3.2.3. Context and Scope of Decision Criteria DoD Serially Managed
A distinction is made between “serialized items” and “DoD serially managed” items.
While DoD may use an item that has been serialized by the manufacturer, DoD may not
manage the item by means of its serial number. When DoD elects to manage an item by
its serial number it becomes "DoD serially managed".
This means it is a tangible item
used by DoD, which is designated by a DoD or Service Item Manager to be uniquely
tracked, controlled or managed in maintenance, repair and/or supply by means of its
serial number
DoD serially managed items require UIIs. Serial numbers may be unique within a
product or organization, but UIIs are globally unique. This permits an item to be
uniquely distinguishable in different databases.
A broad variety of items fall into the DoD serially managed category through programs
for serial number tracking, serialized item management, and unique item tracking.
Examples of DoD serially managed items may include reparable items down to and
including sub-component reparable unit level; life-limited, time-controlled, or items
requiring records (e.g., logbooks, aeronautical equipment service records); and items that
require technical directive tracking at the part level
Embedded items include subassemblies, components, or parts that are integral to the item
being delivered. All items that are serially managed by DoD require IUID. These items
shall be listed in the contract in order to clearly indicate which items are to be marked.
This criterion is applied without regard to the value of the embedded item.
Each uniquely identified embedded item is contained within a higher assembly known as
its parent item
. The parent item shall be chosen at any appropriate level of
configuration above the level of the embedded item provided that the parent item is a
higher assembly, intermediate component, or subassembly The parent item of a DoD
serially managed embedded item is also required to have a UII. This criterion is applied
without regard to the value of the parent item.
This would include high risk items that are vulnerable to supply chain threat, a target of cyber threats, or
A serial number is an assigned combination of numbers and/or letters to an item instance that separately
identifies that item instance from all others within a product or organization.
DoDI 4151.19, January 9, 2014, Serialized Item Management (SIM) for Life-Cycle Management of
Parent item means the item assembly, intermediate component, or subassembly that has an embedded
item with a unique item identifier or DoD recognized IUID equivalent.
Requirements for IUID
15 $5,000 Unit Acquisition Threshold
This IUID criterion establishes the $5,000 value as the unit acquisition cost threshold for
IUID. All items at this threshold or above are required to have item unique identification
in accordance with the threshold requirement for establishing property records. Although
DoDI 5000.64 does not require items under $5,000 to have property records unless they
are leased assets of any value, or items that are classified or sensitive, a program manager
shall examine the other IUID criteria to determine if items below the $5,000 threshold
require item unique identification. Mission Essential Items
Item essentiality is a measure of an item's military worth in terms of how its failure
would affect the ability of a weapon system, end item, or organization to perform its
intended functions. Military mission essentiality is the composite effect of an item on the
overall military mission based on the most critical significant application of the item
The primary use of military mission essentiality is in supply chain management for
determining resource allocations, determining degree of management intensity, and
communicating essentiality among the DoD Components. An assessment of mission
essentiality shall include item essentiality and the degree to which it impacts on the
overall military mission. The requiring activity shall determine on a case-by-case basis
that IUID is required for the traceability of mission critical items.
Some secondary legacy mission essential items are exempt from IUID requirements, see
section 3.3.2 for more information. Controlled Inventory Items
The DoD employs item accountability, control, and stewardship procedures to ensure that
assets are protected against waste, loss, negligence, unauthorized use, misappropriation,
and compromise
. Controlled inventory items are those items designated as having
characteristics that require they be identified, accounted for, segregated, or handled in a
special manner to ensure their safeguard and integrity. They include classified items
(require protection in the interest of national security); sensitive items (require a high
degree of protection and control due to statutory requirements or regulations, such as
precious metals; items of high value, highly technical, or hazardous nature; and small
arms); pilferable items (items having a ready resale value or application to personal
possession, which are especially subject to theft)
; and safety controlled items. The
requiring activity shall determine on a case-by-case basis that IUID is required for the
traceability of controlled inventory items.
Some secondary legacy controlled inventory items are exempt from IUID requirements;
see section 3.3.2 for more information.
DoDM 4140.01
DoDM 4140.01
DoD 4100.39-M, Volume 10, Table 61
Requirements for IUID
16 Warranted Serialized Items
Any warranted serialized item identified pursuant to DFARS 252.246-7006, Warranty
Tracking of Serialized Items, shall be marked with an IUID Data Matrix. The UII
enables the ability to trace a warranted item from delivery through completion of the
requirements of the warranty. Special Tooling for Major Defense Acquisition Programs
Section 815 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2009 (Pub. L. 110-417) requires the Department to plan for the preservation and storage
of unique tooling associated with the production of hardware for major defense
acquisition programs through the end of the service life of the related weapons system
Unique tooling is one-of-a-kind tooling without which the item could not be produced.
For DoD purposes, the term “unique tooling” is appropriately defined by the well-known
term “special tooling”, as defined in FAR 2.101(b).
The USD(AT&L) policy memorandum, dated August 3, 2009
, provided guidance for
the implementation of the statute. The provisions in this memorandum are: (a) special
tooling retention shall continue to be reviewed during the life of the program, (b) special
tooling designated for preservation and storage shall be serially managed and uniquely
identified as directed in DoDI 8320.04, Item Unique Identification (IUID) Standards for
Tangible Personal Property, and (c) special tooling shall be refurbished if it has reached
the end of its service life prior to its preservation and storage, as required. High Risk Items
The requiring activity has the responsibility to identify high risk items that are vulnerable
to supply chain threat, a target of cyber threats, or counterfeiting. These high risk items
shall be marked with an IUID Data Matrix to enable item level life cycle traceability
throughout the DoD supply chain.
3.3.1. IUID of Sets, Kits, and Outfits
Sets, kits, and outfits (SKO) are assemblages of components, support items, or mission
specific and common tools in a container (for example, a bag, pouch, box, chest, van,
trailer, or shelter) that are used in association. SKOs are primarily designed to
accomplish a specific mission or maintenance function. They are identified, cataloged,
This requirement is codified in DFARS 207.106 (S-73).
USD(AT&L) Memorandum, dated August 3, 2009, Subject: Preservation and Storage of Tooling for
Major Defense Acquisition Programs.
Item level traceability is the requirement to trace life cycle management to an individual item for
specified events related to acquisition, validation of authenticity, property accountability, storage,
operation, maintenance, safety, physical security, retirement, and disposal by a single instance of an item,
e.g., an item marked with a UII.
Requirements for IUID
authorized, and issued as a single unit. They may be made up of components, support
items, and tools included in more than one class of supply; may include end items; may
include components, support items, and tools for which logistic responsibilities are
assigned to more than one agency; and may include nonexpendable, durable, and
expendable components, support items, and tools. The SKO is an item of supply,
configuration controlled by a part number or line identification number.
For purposes of both property accountability and materiel management of secondary
items, a SKO shall have a UII if it meets the qualifying criteria for tracking and valuation
purposes as long as it resides in the inventory. If any of the components of the SKO are
DoD serially managed items, they would be uniquely identified separately as embedded
items in the parent item. In this case the parent item is the SKO of which the DoD
serially managed components are a part. The embedded item would not be separately
valued, since the value of the embedded item is capitalized in the value of the SKO.
An SKO could be a set of components for a single assembly part, packaged together as a
single part number, for inclusion into one assembly during a maintenance function or
configuration change. This type of SKO is most often referred to as a kit. Once the kit is
applied to an assembly, the kit is “consumed” and capitalized as part of the value of the
assembly in which it is installed; and the UII for the kit would be retired. The assembly
in which the kit is installed would become the new parent item for any embedded items
from the kit.
3.3.2. Legacy Items Not Requiring IUID Marking and
Secondary legacy items which are not DoD serially managed and for which property
accountability records are met by determining the quantity on hand are not required to be
marked with an IUID Data Matrix and registered unless the item manager has required
they be marked and registered
. Included in this exclusion are items such as threaded
fasteners designated as critical safety items, but managed only by quantity, National
Stock Number (NSN), or part number. Examples of such items by classes of supply are
listed in Table 3.
OUSD(AT&L) Policy Memorandum “Policy Refinement for Secondary Items in Use or in Inventory”
dated 30 December 2010.
Requirements for IUID
I. Accountability/traceability required by quantity by case, weight, or volume – do not
mark and register
Class I – Subsistence
Class II – Clothing, expendable individual equipment, consumable administrative
and housekeeping supplies
Class III Bulk fuels, chemicals, and coal
Class IV Fortification and barrier materials
Class VIII – Consumable medical supplies
II. Accountability/traceability required by quantity by each, unit of issue, or by case – do
not mark and register
Class II Non-expendable individual equipment and sets, kits, and outfits that are
not DoD serially managed
Class III – Packaged petroleum products
Class V Ammunition items that are not DoD serially managed
Class IX – Consumable repair parts and components that are not DoD serially
Table 3. Legacy Items Exempt from Marking and Registering
4. Determining Uniqueness of Items
The UII is a string of capital letters, digits, dashes and/or forward slashes, not longer than
50 characters in length. The UII is a globally unique and unambiguous identifier that
distinguishes an item from all other like and unlike items.
4.1.1. Defining the Data Elements for the UII
There is more than one way to achieve a globally unique, unambiguous string of
characters suitable for a UII.
(a) The DoD recognizes six established identifiers sufficient to be used as UIIs as
they are: Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI); Global Returnable Asset
Identifier (GRAI)
; Vehicle Identification Number (VIN); Electronic Serial
Number (ESN), Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID), or Cellular Mobile
Telephone Identifier (CMTI) (for cell phones); each is discussed in section 4.1.2.
(b) Construct a UII by combining other identifiers (e.g., part number, serial number,
CAGE code). The collection of identifiers, which when combined produces a UII,
are referred to as the “UII data set”. There are two general ways to construct a
1) Construct #1 is made from the following UII data set in this order: issuing
agency code (IAC) (see below), enterprise identifier (see below), and
serial number. Construct #1 can only be used if the serial numbers are
unique throughout the enterprise.
2) Construct #2 is made from the following UII data set in this order: IAC,
enterprise identifier, original part number, and serial number. Construct #2
can only be used if the serial numbers are unique within the original part
number and the original part numbers are unique throughout the
enterprise. (The original part number may be replaced in the above
description with either lot number or batch number, and be equally valid
within IUID policy.)
4.1.2. DoD Recognized IUID Equivalents
Generally, a commercial identifier is considered for inclusion into the list of officially
recognized DoD recognized IUID equivalents
if it meets these criteria: (1) Shall contain
an enterprise identifier; (2) Shall uniquely identify an individual item within an enterprise
identifier, product, or part, lot or batch number; and (3) Shall have an existing Data
Identifier (DI) or Application Identifier (AI) listed in ANS MH10.8.2, Data Identifier and
The Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) shall contain a unique serial number for DoD recognized
IUID equivalent application. Other variations of the GRAI are unacceptable for IUID.
DoD recognized IUID equivalents (or IUID equivalents) are subject to DoD approval.
Determining Uniqueness of Items
Application Identifier Standard. In addition, the item marks shall comply with the
Business Rules listed in Appendix C.
The DoD recognizes six commercial unique identifiers as item unique identification
equivalents. They are:
(a) Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI) for serially-managed assets.
(b) Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) for returnable assets which shall
contain a unique serial number for DoD IUID equivalent application. Other
variations of the GRAI are unacceptable.
(c) ISO Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for vehicles.
(d) Electronic Serial Number (ESN) (for cellular telephones only).
(e) Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) (for cellular telephones only)
(f) Cellular Mobile Telephone Identifier (CMTI) (for cellular telephones only).
4.1.3. The Notion of an Enterprise
An enterprise, in the context of IUID, is the entity responsible for assigning a UII to an
item (e.g., a manufacturer, vendor, supplier, depot, or program management office). This
responsibility commits the entity to ensuring the uniqueness of the UII at the time of its
assignment and continued uniqueness among future UIIs
it assigns. For purposes of
item unique identification, an enterprise identifier (e.g, a CAGE code, DUNS number, or
DoDAAC) shall associate an enterprise with a definition of each entity’s location such
that it has its own unique, separate, and distinct operation. An enterprise identifier is a
code uniquely assigned to an enterprise by a registered issuing agency.
4.1.4. The Notion of an Issuing Agency
An issuing agency (e.g., Allied Committee 135, Dun & Bradstreet, GS1, or Defense
Logistics Agency Transaction Services) is an organization responsible for assigning a
non-repeatable identifier to an enterprise. An IAC, (e.g., D, UN, or LD) designates which
issuing agency is ensuring the uniqueness of the enterprise identifier. As an example, the
issuing agency code “D” designates Allied Committee 135 as the organization
responsible for ensuring the uniqueness of CAGE codes. IACs are assigned, in turn, by
The ESN is being superseded by the Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID). The MEID universe consists
of approximately 16 million blocks of 16 million numbers, compared to the ESN universe of 256 blocks of
16 million numbers. See Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) White Paper on the Exhaust of
Electronic Serial Numbers (ESNs) and Migration to Mobile Equipment Identifiers (MEIDs), November
The enterprise identifier (EID) in the UII is the entity that is responsible for compliance with the UII
rules. An entity cannot commit another entity to that responsibility without authority. The fundamental
principle is: Never use another entity’s enterprise identifier in the UII without permission or direction from
the competent authority for that enterprise identifier.
Determining Uniqueness of Items
the registration authority of ISO/IEC 15459-2
. For the purposes of IUID, only seven
issuing agencies have been designated for use. See Table 4 for the list of issuing agencies
and their corresponding IACs used in IUID marking.
Issuing Agency Code Issuing Agency Type of Enterprise
0 - 9 GS1 Global Office GS1 Company Prefix
D Allied Committee 135 NCAGE/CAGE
LB Telcordia
Technologies, Inc
ATIS 0300220 MIC
LD Department of
LH European Health
Industry Business
RH Health Industry
UN Dun & Bradstreet DUNS
Table 4. Issuing Agency Codes
An IUID Data Matrix is the UII data set marked on items within an ECC 200 Data Matrix
symbol encoded in the syntax specified within ISO/IEC 15434, using the semantics of
ISO/IEC 15418
or Airlines for America (A4A) (formerly Air Transport Association
(ATA)) Common Support Data Dictionary (CSDD)
, and following the business rules
enumerated in Appendix C.
The current Registration Authority of ISO/IEC 15459-2 is NENNederlands Normalisatie-instituut.
See Appendix D, The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification, for a detailed explanation of encoding
the IUID Data Matrix. The full titles of the standards are: ISO/IEC International Standard 15434,
Information TechnologyAutomatic identification and data capture techniquesSyntax for high capacity
ADC media and ISO/IEC International Standard 15418, Information technologyAutomatic identification
and data capture techniquesGS1 Application Identifiers and ASC MH10 Data Identifiers and maintenance
(note that ISO/IEC 15418 refers the user to ANS MH10.8.2 for technical content).
ISO/IEC 16022 shall also apply.
Determining Uniqueness of Items
Generally speaking, syntax specifies rules when arranging and ordering pieces of
information. The ISO/IEC 15434 syntax used in IUID requires both the information to be
encoded and to specify what kind of information it is. For example, if the CAGE code
"0CVA5" were to be encoded into an IUID Data Matrix, both the information 0CVA5
and the fact it is a CAGE code would be encoded. To specify 0CVA5 is a CAGE code a
"data qualifier" is used in front of the data. An example of how this could be done is:
17V0CVA5; where 17V is a data qualifier indicating the information following it is a
CAGE code. There are lists of specified data qualifiers to use with different types of data
within ISO/IEC 15418 and within the CSDD. The list of data qualifiers and the rules for
their use are referred to as semantics. More information relevant to this topic is available
in Appendix D.
Construct #1 and Construct #2 may be represented in a UII data set encoded as multiple
elements, which are composed of the necessary data components with appropriate data
qualifiers. Construct #1 and Construct #2 may also be represented in a UII data set
encoded as single element, which is composed of the necessary data components, with an
appropriate IUID data qualifier (i.e., 18S, 25S, USN , UST , or UID ).
As a functional requirement, IUID Data Matrices must be able to render the correct UII
when decoded by a reader compliant with the defining standards of the Data Matrix (i.e.,
ISO/IEC 16022) and the resultant data is subjected to relevant business rules found in
Appendix C. The process of decoding a UII is not perfectly reversible. That is to say, a
known UII may come from one of several different looking IUID Data Matrices. This is
because the Data Matrix standard allows for encoding the exact same data several
different ways, and also because there are several different ways to arrange the data to
yield the same UII.
For example, all four of the barcodes in Figure 3 yield the same UII. The first three
encode exactly the same data. The fourth encodes different data, yet still yields the same
UII (viz. 0614141MH80312).
Figure 3. Different IUID Data Matrices, Same UII
Appendix D provides details and examples of encoding UIIs within IUID Data Matrices.
The current version of MIL-STD-130 provides the criteria and requirements for item
marking. The DoD minimum MRI requirement for IUID is the IUID Data Matrix. It is
to be applied either through labeling or direct part marking (DPM) of the item, or when
an item cannot be physically marked the IUID Data Matrix may be applied to a
supplemental bag or tag for the item.
Determining Uniqueness of Items
4.3.1. Deciding Where to Place an IUID Data Matrix on
an Item
Often the application of the IUID Data Matrix can be incorporated into existing marking
requirements and strategies. MIL-STD-130 provides examples of alterations to existing
marking templates to include the IUID Data Matrix. When existing markings cannot
accommodate the IUID Data Matrix, engineering may be required to update drawings or
technical data packages to include the IUID Data Matrix. Marking Items with Severe Space Limitations
For severe space limitations beyond those that can be accommodated through the
minimum Data Matrix module size (see paragraph 5.1.2.e, MIL-STD-130) for any item
deemed to be at risk (e.g., electronic components susceptible to counterfeiting), the IUID
Data Matrix dimension requirements shall be relaxed to allow smaller compliant symbols
with a minimum module size of 0.001 inches to be direct part marked on those
components. This relaxation of the minimum module size is necessary to allow forensic
analysis and confirmation of authenticity of these components, particularly at the
component or subcomponent level. The resulting smaller IUID Data Matrix shall not be
used by the standard DoD automatic identification and data capture infrastructure nor
used in standard business processes. Specialized imaging equipment will be required for
reading these smaller symbols. Strategies for Minimizing Non-Recurring Engineering
The implementation of part marking to uniquely identify items with MRI may require
changes in the supplier’s manufacturing and maintenance processes if these processes
have not already been enabled to mark items with MRI. If item designs are final and do
not enable MRI marking, changes to enable MRI marking shall be incorporated in the
engineering drawings and technical data that define the item. Strategies for minimizing
the impacts of non-recurring engineering include:
(a) Replacing/modifying existing data plates with IUID Data Matrix labels.
Existing data plate documentation can be used. The current technical data already
specifies the material and placement of the data plate. Human readable data other than
IUID information can exist on the new data plate. The labels provide high contrast
allowing interrogation of the mark by lower cost readers.
(b) Issuing a global engineering change notice. This would provide instructions on
a single drawing on how to mark qualifying items.
(c) Issuing IUID part-marking work orders into the existing manufacturing and
enterprise resource planning processes, which minimizes the need to change drawings.
(d) Changing company part marking quality standards to include IUID requirements.
(e) When the necessary marking information and criteria do not change the form, fit,
or function of the part, the change does not require an immediate drawing update, but
Determining Uniqueness of Items
rather can be accomplished by a coversheet with the marking instructions, thus permitting
consolidation of drawing requirements.
(f) DPM will require more engineering analysis than labeling. The main issue that
necessitates additional engineering analysis for DPM is the fact that the mark is made
directly on the component rather than attached like a label. Wherever possible, the
engineering decisions for location and type of application should be made on documented
results from previous analysis. Currently the Joint Marking Qualification Working Group
has taken the lead in this area and their documentation
has provided a wealth of
information that has precluded much of the testing that would normally be required when
one marks directly into the material of a component.
Figure 4 illustrates some considerations in developing a compliant approach to DoD
IUID requirements using MRI part marking.
Figure 4. Considerations in MRI Part Marking
4.3.2. Deciding When to Place the IUID Data Matrix on
the Item
Strategies that produce the greatest business advantage for the items at the lowest cost
and in the shortest possible time shall be considered first. The question of when to mark
often leads to a conclusion that the probable scenario would be a mixture of vendor-
applied-at-source, opportunity-based, seek-and-apply, and gated strategies.
See Ronald W. Durant and Owen R. Thompson, “Concept of Operations for AIT in an Automated
Maintenance Environment for Army Weapon Systems”, Executive Summary and Report (Volume 2),
AR130T1, March 2002.
Determining Uniqueness of Items
25 Vendor-Applied-at-Source
Vendor-applied-at-source provides a relatively inexpensive and unobtrusive application
option for future purchases; however, it will not provide the speed of response necessary
to successfully implement a retrospective application program for legacy items. Opportunity-Based
Opportunity-based, or trigger event item application can be done in the field or factory,
wherever it is convenient to gain access to items either in operational use or available in a
storage facility. Projected situations or processes where a trigger event occurs include,
but are not limited to:
(a) Change in location where the item is taken out of service at one accountable
location and moved to another location to begin service. The item may be marked during
this movement process either at the origin or destination, depending on the availability of
marking equipment.
(b) Change in status where the item is taken out of service and placed in
maintenance or returned to inventory. Maintenance status may include phase
maintenance, scheduled servicing, depot rebuild or overhaul processes, and work-order
processes during modification. The item shall be marked while in maintenance or upon
receipt at the inventory point
(c) Change in program where the item is shifted from control of one program to
another program. The item may be marked by either the losing or gaining program upon
the transfer of accountability
(d) Change in organizational alignment where the item is moved from the custody of
one organization to the custody of another organization, such as transfer of Government
property from the custodian back to the DoD. The item shall be marked by the
organization that is losing custody, unless there is a previous agreement with the
receiving organization. Seek-and-Apply
The seek-and-apply strategy can be used for particular items held within service, either in
operational use or in storage. This strategy is dependent on establishing the location and
availability of items before deployment of application equipment and teams. The location
of items can be determined through the supply chain management information systems
and inventory control systems. This approach is dependent upon accurate legacy data,
and will demand greater overhead of coordinated effort to obtain access to the assets. By
concentrating application efforts, the advantage is faster implementation of configuration
management for specific items.
This also applies to contractual maintenance arrangements; but it does not apply to normal contractor
maintenance and calibration efforts.
This does not apply if the item is under control and accountability of the same entity.
Determining Uniqueness of Items
26 Gated
The interception of items as they transit specific gates within the supply chain (e.g.,
distribution depot or port of embarkation) can ensure no item enters service without a
UII. Having identified an item at the gate which requires a UII, the situation can be
resolved by either diverting the item back to the sender for application, provision of an
application capability at the specific supply gate, or diversion of the item to a centralized
application facility.
4.3.3. Virtual UIIs
When applying IUID to legacy items already in inventory or operational use, all items
that meet the IUID criteria shall be assigned a UII and marked with an IUID Data Matrix.
If a serialized item can be uniquely identified by its existing serial number and markings,
a virtual UII may be assigned
A virtual UII enables the database entry of a UII and its associated data, while postponing
the physical marking of the legacy item
with an IUID Data Matrix to the next
opportunity to mark based on logistic and economic considerations. In addition to legacy
items already in the inventory or operational use, DoD resident equipment
and spares in
the custody of contractors may also be assigned virtual UIIs until an item is subject to
transfer at which time the physical marking of the item shall be accomplished. The use
of virtual UIIs is described in the latest version of the Guidelines for the Virtual Unique
Item Identifier (UII)
In the Service or Agency material management and supporting AISs (developed or
maintained in compliance with BEA requirements), once the UII is created, the UII shall
not be parsed to determine the original elements, since parsing and recombination of the
elements invariably results in the introduction of errors in the UII. However, the UII, the
enterprise identifier, the serial number
and, in the case of Construct #2, the original part
number or lot or batch number is captured separately at the time of initial Government
receipt and acceptance. The UII shall be a common data element for item traceability in
all computational functions including inventory acceptance, item accountability, storage,
issue, receipt, valuation, maintenance, and disposal.
The UII shall be used to enable traceability of the item throughout its life within the DoD
inventory system, and facilitate item tracking in DoD business systems to provide reliable
and accurate data for a variety of purposes that include but are not limited to: program
management, property accountability, anti-counterfeiting, reliability analysis, life cycle
management, and serialized item management.
The enterprise identifier used in marking a legacy item shall be the enterprise identifier of the entity
ensuring the uniqueness of the UII. See Business Rules #28 and #29 in Appendix C.
Virtual UIIs are not used for new items. New items shall conform to DFARS 252.211-7003.
Resident equipment is government owned property that is usually stationary within a contractor’s
This guide is available for download at
It may not be possible to capture a serial number for a UII data set encoded as single element.
Determining Uniqueness of Items
4.4.1. Derivation of the UII
The UII for an item shall be derived from the data elements encoded into an IUID Data
Matrix. The automatic identification technology (AIT) device
machine-reads all of the
encoded data found in the IUID Data Matrix. The data element(s) found within the
encoded string are interpreted separately using business rules to derive the UII. It is not
necessary to include the UII on the item as a separate data element expressed in common,
human readable, text. It is only required that the data elements required to derive the UII
be included on each item. When deriving the UII, the data qualifiers are omitted from the
Although not used to determine the UII, other data elements, such as the current part
number, may also be placed on the item. It may be beneficial for an enterprise to select
one of the two constructs for exclusive use, rather than attempting to use both constructs
within the same enterprise identifier.
In applying the IUID rules and requirements, care shall be given to the distinction among
the UII, the UII data set, the IUID Data Matrix, and item data encoded string (IDES)
containing the UII data set. An important distinction is the relationship between the UII
and the IDES. The UII is a string of capital letters and numbers and perhaps a dash and/or
forward slash. The IDES, however, is everything encoded into the Data Matrix. The
IDES will include UII data as well as additional data, not found in the UII. It is also the
case that the UII may include data not found in the IDES
. Even so, the UII can always
be derived from the IDES in accordance with the rules found in Tables 6, 7 and 8 in
Appendix D of this Guide.
4.4.2. UII Derivation Process
Figure 5 depicts how the UII for an item is derived and the business rule for generating
the UII from the data elements placed on the item
. The AIT reader device shall
machine-read the data elements and output the UII for onward transmission to the
appropriate automated information system (AIS). The decisions of which construct to use
to uniquely identify items, and use of the data qualifiers and associated business rules, are
AIT devices include readers, scanners, interrogators, and hybrid devices which may incorporate more
than one automatic data capture technology. AIT devices with imaging capability are required to decode
Data Matrices.
Some arrangements of encoding data within the IUID Data Matrix include the IAC and others do not.
When the IAC is not explicitly encoded into the IUID Data Matrix, it shall be derived from the data
qualifier for the enterprise identifier. The IAC is not marked separately on the item. The IAC for the GS1
Company Prefix is not derived because it is contained in each GS1 Company Prefix. The IAC for the data
qualifiers 3V, 18V, 25S, EUC , and UID is not derived because it is contained in the data elements
associated with each of these data qualifiers. The IAC shall not be repeated when forming the UII using
these data qualifiers.
The identification of the agency issuing the enterprise identifier, or the IAC, is frequently derived by the
AIT device from the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier. The IAC is not placed on the item as a
separate data element. The IAC for the GS1 Company Prefix need not be derived because it is contained as
the first number in each GS1 Company Prefix. The IAC for the data qualifiers 3V, 18V, 25S, EUC and
UID need not be derived because it is contained in each data element. The IAC shall not be repeated when
forming the UII.
Determining Uniqueness of Items
made by the enterprise assigning serialization to the item and guaranteeing its
Figure 5. UII Determination Process
4.5.1. Property Accountability
DoDI 5000.64
provides a comprehensive framework for DoD property accountability
policies, procedures, and practices; and assists DoD property managers, accounting and
financial officers, and other officials in understanding their roles and responsibilities
relating to property accountability. It establishes accountability policy for property and
equipment; and contains concepts useful for asset management throughout the
Department, particularly for property in the possession of individual military units and
end-users. Paragraph 2.0 of Enclosure 3 addresses accountable property records. It
excludes property and materiel for which accountability and inventory control
requirements are prescribed in DoDM 4140.01 and DoD 4000.25-2-M
DoDI 5000.64 requires that the accountability of property shall be enabled by IUID for
identification, tracking, and management. It also requires that the Heads of the DoD
It integrates the broad requirements of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as
amended (Act of 30 June 1949, 63 Stat. 372), and the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990 into an
overarching property accountability policy. This instruction complements the accounting and financial
reporting requirements contained in DoD 7000.14-R.
Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures (MILSTRAP).
Determining Uniqueness of Items
Components post changes to the property records for all transactions as required (e.g.,
loan, loss, damage, disposal, inventory adjustments, item modification, transfer, sale).
4.5.2. Materiel Management of Secondary Items
DoDM 4140.01contains accountability and inventory control requirements for secondary
items in the DoD wholesale supply system. It provides for maintaining official records of
inventory to identify the quantities of items on hand, unit prices, locations, physical
condition, receipt and issue records, authorized stock numbers, item descriptions and
other such information necessary to properly account for materiel and exercise other
inventory management responsibilities.
The UII shall be associated to authentication data registered in the DoD IUID Registry
The DoD IUID Registry may be accessed by the manufacturer, supplier, distributor, and
shipper, as well as the DoD Components' supply chain processes, for receipt and
acceptance, inventory management, maintenance, and operations. Authorized users shall
add items, update, and add events to existing items registered in the DoD IUID Registry.
The DoD Components and industry shall ensure procedures for updating the DoD IUID
to record custodial life cycle events and transfer events are accomplished in
accordance with the following guidelines.
4.6.1. Obtaining User Access to the DoD IUID Registry
As of November 2014, the DoD IUID Registry is a constituent application within the
Wide Area Workflow
(WAWF) suite of DoD enterprise business systems. DoD
Components and industry representatives can register for access at the WAWF site
4.6.2. Initial Item Registration
New acquisition items with UIIs are automatically registered in the IUID Registry upon
acceptance by DoD of the item through the Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance and Property
Transfer (iRAPT, the application formerly known as Wide Area Workflow (WAWF))
Receiving Report
. The Receiving Report containing the IUID data is transmitted by
industry to iRAPT electronically via an X.12 formatted file or a Flat File, or manually via
the iRAPT web site. Up to 100 embedded items may be registered on the Receiving
Report as long as they are a single layer deep. Embedded items that exceed these
conditions are registered using the “Item Update” capability described in 4.6.3.
See Paragraph 5.7, DoD Instruction 8320.04.
WAWF has changed with the migration of the IUID Registry. The name Wide Area Work Flownow
represents the single sign-on site for the suite of constituent applications of which the IUID Registry in one.
What used to be known as the Wide AreaWork Flow is now a different constituent application alongside
the IUID Registry; it is now known as iRAPT (Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance and Property Transfer).
Items are to be registered within 30 days of receipt of materiel.
Determining Uniqueness of Items
Legacy items should be registered upon assignment of the UII to the item. Legacy items
are registered electronically through either an XML or Flat File
or manually on the
IUID Registry web site. Data submission requirements vary based on the type of item
being registered (e.g., legacy or embedded).
4.6.3. Item Update
DoD Components and industry representatives shall use the DoD IUID Registry Update
function to record a reportable event that happened to a registered item. The IUID
Registry shall be updated to reflect the following changes to the item:
Current part number change (usually as part of a maintenance activity)
Mark change (addition or removal of identifiers)
Custody change
Embedded IUID items update (to complete the initial submission or update during
maintenance activities)
Item owner change (DoD entity)
Condition (generally during contracted repair)
Special tooling status change
Type designation change
Life cycle event update (for events that change the DoD inventory position)
When a registered item experiences any of the changes listed above, the DoD IUID
Registry shall be updated by the DoD Component or industry representative that caused
the change to take place. The update can occur electronically via XML or Flat File
submission, or the update can be entered manually via the IUID Registry web site. A
registered item's status, or life cycle event, shall be changed in the DoD IUID Registry
within 90 days of an event occurrence.
A “custody change” reportable event is at the DoD Component level. If an item changes from the
custody of one DoD component to another that is reportable. If an item changes from the custody of one
unit within a DoD component to another within the same DoD Componentthat is not reportable. If the
item changes custody from a DoD entity to a non-DoD entity (e.g., Foreign Military Sales (FMS),
Government Furnished Property (GFP)) that is reportable.
Possible life cycle events are: abandoned, consumed, destroyed by accident, destroyed by combat,
donated, exchanged repair, exchanged sold, exchanged warranty, expended experimental/target,
expended normal use, leased, loaned, lost, reintroduced, retired, scrapped, sold foreign government,
sold historic, sold nongovernment, sold other federal, sold state/local, and stolen.
Appendix A - Definitions
Key Definitions
Word or Phrase Definition Source
Property that meets accountability
requirements. This property is recorded in
the accountable property system of record.
DoDI 5000.64
property record
The record contained within the accountable
property system of record.
DoDI 5000.64
property system
of record
The Government system used to control and
manage accountable property records; a
subset of existing organizational processes
related to the life cycle management of
property; the system that is integrated with
the core financial system.
DoDI 5000.64
A device, such as a reader or interrogator,
used to retrieve data encoded on machine-
readable media.
DFARS 252.211-7003
unique item
For DoD purposes, a compliant UII is either
a Construct #1, Construct #2, Global
Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI); Global
Returnable Asset Identifier
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN); and
Electronic Serial Number (ESN), Mobile
Equipment Identifier (MEID), or Cellular
Mobile Telephone Identifier (CMTI) (for
cell phones only), all of which have their
data elements encoded in a Data Matrix
symbol using the ISO/IEC 15434 syntax
with ISO/IEC 15418 or A4A CSDD
DoD Guide to Uniquely
Identifying Items
The GRAI shall contain a unique serial number for DoD recognized IUID equivalent application. Other
variations of the GRAI are unacceptable for IUID.
Word or Phrase Definition Source
inventory items
Those items designated as having
characteristics that require they be
identified, accounted for, secured,
segregated, handled or transported in a
special manner to ensure their integrity and
they are safeguarded. The list of controlled
inventory item codes includes nuclear
weapons-related material, non-nuclear
missiles and rockets, arms, ammunition, and
explosives. Controlled inventory item
categories in descending order of the degree
of control normally exercised are classified
items, sensitive items, and pilferable items.
(See DoD 4100.39-M, Volume 10, Table
DoDI 5000.64
DoDM 4140.01, Volume 11
DoD 4100.39-M
The enterprise that has stewardship
accountability of an item, i.e., responsibility
for the control of, transfer and movement
of, and access to, equipment and material.
Custody also includes the maintenance of
accountability for equipment and material.
Based on the definition of
“custody” from the Joint
Publication 1-02, Department
of Defense Dictionary of
Military and Associated
Data carrier
The medium selected to record, transport or
communicate data. For item unique
identification purposes, the data carrier is
the Data Matrix.
The American Heritage
Word or Phrase Definition Source
Data Matrix
A two-dimensional matrix symbology
containing dark and light square data
modules. It has a finder pattern of two solid
lines and two alternating dark and light lines
on the perimeter of the symbol. A two-
dimensional imaging device such as a
charge-coupled device camera is necessary
to scan the symbology. The Data Matrix is
designed with error correction capability.
The Data Matrix is used for item marking
applications using a wide variety of printing
and marking technologies. The Data Matrix
symbol looks like this:
The ECC 200 Data Matrix which uses
Reed-Solomon error correction is the
specified symbol for IUID.
ISO/IEC 16022 Information
technology - International
symbology specification -
Data Matrix
Data qualifier
A specified character (or string of
characters) that immediately precedes a
data field that defines the general category
or intended use of the data that follows.
DFARS 252.211-7003
DoD item
A system of marking and registering items
delivered to the DoD with UIIs that have
machine-readable data elements to
distinguish an item from all other like and
unlike items. Items are marked with an
IUID Data Matrix, the contents of which are
encoded in the syntax of ISO/IEC 15434
and the semantics of ISO/IEC 15418 or the
. The IUID Data Matrix
contents may be either a UII (Construct #1
or Construct #2) or a DoD recognized IUID
DFARS 252.211-7003
Formerly known as DoD unique item identification.
Text Element Identifiers are taken from the A4A CSDD.
Word or Phrase Definition Source
DoD serially
managed items
Includes reparable items down to and
including sub-component reparable unit
level; life-limited, time-controlled, or items
requiring records (e.g., logbooks,
aeronautical equipment service records,
etc.); and items that require technical
directive tracking at the part level.
Note: A distinction is made between
“serialized items” and “DoD serially
managed” items. While DoD may use an
item that has been serialized by the
manufacturer, DoD may not manage the
item by means of its serial number. When
DoD elects to manage an item by its serial
number it becomes "DoD serially
managed". This means it is a tangible item
used by DoD, which is designated by a
DoD, or Service Item Manager to be
uniquely tracked, controlled or managed in
maintenance, repair and/or supply by means
of its serial number
DoDI 4151.19
DoD recognized
item unique
equivalent (or
An item unique identification method that
is in commercial use and has been
recognized by DoD. The IUID equivalents
are the Global Individual Asset Identifier
(GIAI); Global Returnable Asset
(GRAI); Vehicle Identification
Number (VIN); and Electronic Serial
Number (ESN), Mobile Equipment
Identifier (MEID), and Cellular Mobile
Telephone Identifier (CMTI) (for cell
phones only). While the constructs are
equivalent, they shall be placed on the
items in an ECC 200 Data Matrix symbol
encoded with ISO/IEC 15434 syntax and
semantics of ISO/IEC 15418 in order to be
compliant with DoD IUID policy.
DFARS 252.211-7003
A serial number is an assigned combination of numbers and/or letters to an item instance that separately
identifies that item instance from all others.
The Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) shall contain a unique serial number for DoD recognized
IUID equivalent application. Other variations of the GRAI are unacceptable for IUID.
Word or Phrase Definition Source
The entity (e.g., a manufacturer, depot, or
vendor) responsible for assigning unique
item identifiers to items.
DFARS 252.211-7003
A code that is uniquely assigned to an
enterprise by a registered issuing agency.
DFARS 252.211-7003
A tangible article of personal property that
is complete in-and-of itself, durable,
nonexpendable, and needed for the
performance of a contract. Equipment
generally has an expected service life of one
year or more, and does not ordinarily lose
its identity or become a component part of
another article when put into use.
Note: Includes military equipment, support
equipment, general-purpose equipment,
special test equipment, and special tooling.
Includes Class VII, Major End Items, a final
combination of end products that is ready
for its intended use, that is, launchers, tanks,
mobile machine shop, and vehicles, etc. It
does not include real property, reparables,
consumables or materials.
DoDI 5000.64
Issuing agency
An organization responsible for assigning a
non-repeatable identifier to an enterprise
(e.g., Dun & Bradstreet GS1, Allied
Committee 135 or DoD ).
DFARS 252.211-7003
Issuing agency
A code that designates an agency with
authority to issue unique enterprise
DFARS 252.211-7003
A single hardware article or unit formed by
a grouping of subassemblies, components,
or constituent parts.
DFARS 252.211-7003
Item essentiality
A measure of an item's military worth in
terms of how its failure (if a replacement is
not immediately available) would affect the
ability of a weapon system, end item, or
organization to perform its intended
DoDM 4140.01, Volume 2
The enterprise identifier in the UII is the entity that is responsible for compliance with the UII rules. An
entity cannot commit another entity to that responsibility without authority. The fundamental principle is:
Never use another entity’s enterprise identifier in the UII without permission or direction from the
competent authority for that enterprise identifier.
Word or Phrase Definition Source
Sufficient data to establish the essential
characteristics of an item that give the item
its unique character and differentiate it from
other supply items.
DoDM 4140.01, Volume 2
Item unique
See DoD recognized item unique
identification equivalent.
Legacy items
DoD-owned items and end items that have
already been produced and deployed for
use, or that have been produced and placed
in inventory or storage pending issue for
MIL-STD-130, current
An identifying number assigned by the
enterprise to a designated group of items
(lot or batch), all of which were
manufactured under the same controlled
conditions of production.
DFARS 252.211-7003
(derived from)
readable media
An automatic identification technology
media, such as barcodes, contact memory
buttons, radio frequency identification, or
optical memory cards.
DFARS 252.211-7003
The application of legible numbers, letters,
labels, tags, symbols, or colors to ensure the
proper handling and identification during
shipment and storage.
DoDM 4140.01, Volume 10
A code indicating the composite effect of an
item on the overall military mission based
on the most critical significant application
of the item. Used in determining resource
allocations, determining degree of
management intensity, and communicating
essentiality among the DoD Components.
DoDM 4140.01, Volume 3
materials and
Personal property to be consumed in normal
operations. Excluded are (a) goods that have
been acquired for use in constructing real
property, (b) stockpile materials, and (c)
DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 4,
Chapter 4, current edition
Original part
A combination of numbers or letters
assigned by the enterprise at asset creation
to a class of items with the same form, fit,
function, and interface.
DFARS 252.211-7003
Word or Phrase Definition Source
Parent item
The item assembly, intermediate component
or subassembly that has an embedded item
with a UII or DoD recognized item unique
identification equivalent.
DFARS 252.211-7003
Property of any kind or any interest therein,
except real property.
Joint Publication 1-02
Pilferable items
Items that have a ready resale value or
application to personal possession and that
are, therefore, especially subject to theft.
(See DoD 4100.39-M, Volume 10, Table
DoDI 5000.64
DoD 4100.39-M
Principal items
Principal items are end items and
replacement assemblies of such importance
that management techniques require
centralized individual item management
throughout the supply system, to include
depot level, base level, and items in the
hands of using units. These specifically
include the items where, in the judgment of
the Services, there is a need for central
inventory control, including centralized
computation of requirements, central
procurement, central direction of
distribution, and central knowledge and
control of all assets owned by the Services.
Joint Publication 1-02
The assignment of duties and
responsibilities to an individual or
organization that mandates jurisdiction,
security, and answerability over public
DoDM 4140.01, Volume 5
Refers to the Nederlands Normalisatie-
instituut (NEN), Registration Authority for
ISO/IEC 15459, which is responsible for
assigning codes to issuing agencies with
conforming systems for issuance of unique
enterprise identifiers.
DFARS 252.211-7003
ISO/IEC 15459
Secondary items
Secondary items are items that are not
defined as principal items and include
reparable components, subsystems, and
assemblies, consumable repair parts, bulk
items and material, subsistence, and
expendable end items, including clothing
and other personal gear.
DoDM 4140.01, Volume 1
Word or Phrase Definition Source
Sensitive items
Items that require a high degree of
protection and control due to statutory
requirements or regulations, such as
narcotics and drug abuse items; precious
metals; items that are of a high value, highly
technical, or a hazardous nature; and small
arms, ammunition, explosives, and
demolition material. (See DoD 4100.39-M,
Volume 10, Table 61)
DoDM 4140.01, Volume 5
within the
Each item produced is assigned a serial
number that is unique among all the
tangible items produced by the enterprise
and is never used again. The enterprise is
responsible for ensuring unique
serialization within the enterprise identifier.
DFARS 252.211-7003
within the part
or lot or batch
Each item of a particular part or lot or batch
number is assigned a unique serial number
within that part, lot or batch number
assignment. The enterprise is responsible
for ensuring unique serialization within the
part or lot or batch number within the
enterprise identifier.
DFARS 252.211-7003
Sets, kits, and
Assemblages of components, support
items, or mission specific and common
tools in a container (for example, a bag,
pouch, box, chest, van, trailer, or shelter)
primarily designed to accomplish a specific
mission or maintenance function.
DoD Guide to Uniquely
Identifying Items and
DA PAM 700-60
Total item
property record
The record or record set maintained by the
materiel manager that identifies the quantity,
condition, and value of the items for each
organizational entity having physical custody
of those items. The total item property record
includes materiel that is due in, in transit, in
organic wholesale and retail repair facilities,
in a contractor’s custody, on loan, on hand in
wholesale distribution centers, on-hand at
retail activities, and for reported assets in the
custody of users.
DoDM 4140.01, Volume 5
Unique item
A globally unique and unambiguous
identifier that distinguishes an item from all
other like and unlike items. The UII is a
value derived from a UII data set of one or
more data elements.
DFARS 252.211-7003
(derived from)
Word or Phrase Definition Source
Unique item
identifier data
A set of one or more data elements marked
on an item in an IUID Data Matrix from
which the UII shall be derived. For items
that are serialized within the enterprise
identifier, the UII data set includes the data
elements of enterprise identifier and a
unique serial number (Construct #1). For
items that are serialized within the part, lot,
or batch number within the enterprise
identifier, the UII data set includes the data
elements of enterprise identifier, the
original part number or lot or batch number,
and the serial number (Construct #2). In
addition to the two constructs composed of
multiple data elements, the UII data set may
be represented by a UII data set encoded as
a single element, such as would be defined
by the use of data qualifiers 18S, 25S, USN
, UST , or UID , or by a DoD recognized
IUID equivalent, such as would be defined
by the use of data qualifiers I, 22S, 8002,
8003, or 8004.
DFARS 252.211-7003
(derived from)
Unique item
identifier type
A designator to indicate which method of
uniquely identifying a part has been used.
The current list of accepted UII types is
maintained at
DFARS 252.211-7003
Unit acquisition
1. For fixed-price type line, subline, or
exhibit line items, the unit price identified
in the contract at the time of delivery; and
2. For cost-type or undefinitized line,
subline, or exhibit line items, the
contractor's estimated fully burdened unit
cost to the Government at the time of
delivery; and
3. For items produced under a time-and-
materials contract, the contractor’s
estimated fully burdened unit cost to the
Government at the time of delivery.
DFARS 252.211-7003
Word or Phrase Definition Source
Virtual unique
item identifier
A UII of a legacy item that has been
entered, along with its associated data, in
the DoD Item Unique Identification (IUID)
Registry, while postponing the physical
marking of the item with an IUID Data
Matrix to a more advantageous time based
on logistic and economic considerations.
DoD Guide to Virtual Unique
Item Identifiers, Version 1.3,
August 6, 2013
Appendix B - Where Does the Guidance
Exist Today?
Document Reference
Document Name
P. L. 110-417, Title VIII,
Subtitle B, Section 815
The Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2009, Preservation and Storage of
Tooling for
Major Defense Acquisition Programs
DFARS 252.211-7003
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DFARS 252.211-7007
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
Military Marking for Shipment & Storage
Identification Marking of US Military Property
DoD 4100.39-M
Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS) Procedures
DoDI 4140.01
DoD Supply Chain Material Management Policy
DoDM 4140.01 V1 – V11
DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures
DoDI 5000.2
Operation of the Defense Acquisition System
DoDI 5000.64
Accountability and Management of DoD Equipment and
Other Accountable Property
DoD 7000.14-R
Financial Management Regulations
DoDD 8320.03
Unique Identification (UID) Standards for a Net-Centric
Department of Defense
DoDI 8320.04
Item Unique Identification (IUID) Standards for Tangible
Personal Property
CJCSI 3170.1C
Requirements Generation System
DCMA One Book
DCMA reference material for contractors
Configuration Management Guidance
EIA Standard 836
Configuration Management Data Exchange and
National Consensus Standard for Configuration Management
GS1 US BarCodes and
Guidelines for Department of Defense Unique Identification
(UID) Markings Using the GS1 System
ISO/IEC 15415
Information technology—Automatic identification and data
capture techniques—Barcode print quality test
specificationTwo-dimensional symbols
ISO/IEC 15418
Information technologyAutomatic identification and data
capture techniques
GS1 Application Identifiers and ASC
MH10 Data Identifiers and maintenance
ISO/IEC 15434
Information technology—Automatic identification and data
capture techniques–Syntax for high capacity ADC media
ISO/IEC 15459-2
Information technology—Part 2: Registration Procedures
ISO/IEC 16022
Information technology—Automatic identification and data
capture techniques—Data Matrix barcode symbology
Where Does the Guidance Exist Today?
Document Reference
Document Name
ISO/IEC TR 24720
Information technology—Automatic identification and data
capture techniques—Guidelines for direct part marking
AIM DPM-1-2006
Direct Part Mark (DPM) Quality Guideline
SAE AS9132
Data Matrix (2D) Coding Quality Requirements for Parts
Airlines for America Common Support Data Dictionary
ANS MH10.8.2
Data Identifier and Application Identifier Standard
These documents may have been revised since publication of this guide. Check for the
latest version of the reference.
Appendix C - Business Rules (Version 4.1)
A business rule is a statement that defines or constrains some aspect of the business. It is
intended to assert business structure or to control or influence the behavior of the
business. Typical business rules include definitions of terms, facts relating terms to each
other, constraints, and derivations.
The following section includes the business rules for IUID. The business rules for IUID
are divided into the following implementation categories:
Contracts and Administration
Unique Item Identifier (UII) Construction and Physical Marking for:
o Items considered part of a new solicitation after January 1, 2004 (i.e.,
New Items)
o Items existing under contract, in operational use, or in inventory (i.e.,
Legacy Items)
o Items considered tangible personal property owned by the Government
in custody of a contractor after January 1, 2005 (i.e., Property
Management Items)
As the IUID implementation has progressed, additions, clarifications and modifications to
these business rules have been made.
1. Within the same Contract Line Item Number (CLIN), there is no need for a
contractor to segregate the same items delivered against different Accounting
Classification Reference Numbers (ACRN).
2. For FAR Part 12 contracts and subcontracts
o The Government shall mark the item, or
o The Government shall request the contractor mark the item.
3. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) contracts are not exempt from IUID.
4. Classified and unclassified contracts require IUID.
Pursuant to the execution of a determination and findings.
Business Rules (Version 4.1)
Items Considered Part of a New Solicitation
Creating and Generating the UII
1. The UII shall be derived from its discrete, component data elements or UII data
set encoded as single element
. The UII is not required to be marked on the
item as a separate data element.
2. If an enterprise chooses to mark the UII data set encoded as single element on
the item, any component data elements specified by the contract
shall also be
marked on the item as discrete data elements in addition to the UII encoded into
an IUID Data Matrix.
3. Data qualifiers (semantics) shall define each machine-readable data element
marked on the item
4. If an enterprise serializes items within the EID, the UII shall be derived by
combining the following data elements, in order
The IAC, which shall be derived from the data qualifier for the enterprise
identifier if it is not contained within the data element
The enterprise identifier, which shall be included as a UII data element in
the IUID Data Matrix on the item
The serial number unique within the enterprise, which shall be included as
a UII data element in the IUID Data Matrix on the item (Note: This is
referred to as UII Construct #1.)
5. If an enterprise serializes items within original part numbers or lot or batch
numbers, the UII shall be derived by combining the following data elements, in
DI 25S, TEI UID and the DoD recognized IUID equivalents contain the complete UII in a single data
element. DI 18S, TEI USN and TEI UST are sufficient to derive the UII from a single data element by
adding the IAC prefix for CAGE (D).
Configuration management or other purposes may require marking of individual data elements. The
contract shall specify the data elements that are required beyond the UII and other MIL-STD-130
See Appendix D of this Guide for a list of IUID data qualifiers.
The IDES may contain the component data elements in any order. The ordering of the elements into a
valid UII is done after the decoding of the symbol.
Enterprise identifiers that are assigned by GS1 contain the IAC prefix. The IAC for the data qualifiers
3V, 18V, 25S, EUC, and UID need not be derived because it is contained in each data element. The IAC
shall not be repeated when forming the UII.
The enterprise identifier in the UII is the entity that is responsible for compliance with the UII rules. An
entity cannot commit another entity to that responsibility without authority. The fundamental principle is:
Never use another entity’s enterprise identifier in the UII without permission or direction from the
competent authority for that enterprise identifier.
Business Rules (Version 4.1)
The IAC, which shall be derived from the data qualifier for the enterprise
identifier if it is not contained within the data element
The enterprise identifier, which shall be included as a UII data element in
the IUID Data Matrix on the item
The original part number or lot or batch number
, which shall be included
as a UII data element in the IUID Data Matrix on the item
The serial number unique within original part number or lot or batch
number, which shall be included as a UII data element in the IUID Data
Matrix on the item (Note: This is referred to as UII Construct #2.)
6. The IAC shall be derived from the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier if it
is not contained within the data element. The IAC is not required to be
separately marked on the item
7. A specific set of data qualifiers shall allow the AIT device to determine which
UII construct should be used to build the UII or if the UII is already marked on
the item
8. If UII Construct #2 is used, the enterprise shall maintain the data element
containing the original part number or lot or batch number on the item for the
life of the item. For example, when using the Text Element Identifier (TEI)
UID for a UII Construct #2 (i.e., the original part number or lot or batch
number is contained within the data element), the TEI UID data element shall
be maintained on the item for the life of the item.
9. The enterprise is responsible for ensuring that the serial number is unique within
the enterprise identifier (for UII Construct #1) or unique within the original part
number or lot or batch number (for UII Construct #2).
10. The enterprise is responsible for ensuring that the original part number is not
duplicated within the enterprise and that the combination of the original part
number and the serial number is unique within the enterprise. If the lot or batch
number is used to create the UII then the combination of the lot or batch number
and the serial number shall be unique within the enterprise.
11. The UII shall not change over the life of the item. Therefore, the component
data elements of the UII shall not change over the life of the item.
12. The enterprise identifier used in the UII identifies the enterprise that assigned
the UII to the item. The UII machine-readable code shall not contain more than
one enterprise identifier if ambiguity in constructing the UII would result.
The IDES may contain the component data elements in any order. The ordering of the elements into a
valid UII is done after the decoding of the symbol.
Original part numbers and lot or batch numbers are mutually exclusive in the UII. In order to avoid
ambiguity, only one of those three types of original numbers shall appear in the UII. For serialization
within the part number, use only the original part number in the UII. For serialization within the lot or batch
number, use only the lot or batch number in the UII.
See Table 3 of this Guide for a list of IACs.
See Appendix D of this Guide for more details on these data qualifiers.
Business Rules (Version 4.1)
13. Data elements not required to construct the UII shall remain discrete but may be
contained within the same mark or media as the UII-required elements,
provided that (1) all data elements contained in the mark or media are properly
identified with a data qualifier, (2) the added data elements do not introduce
ambiguity in the UII, and (3) the added data elements do not violate other
business rules stated herein. UII data sets encoded as single elements that are
sufficient to derive UIIs (i.e., 18S, 25S, UID , UST , USN , and DoD recognized
IUID equivalents) shall always be interpreted as the UII regardless of any
apparent ambiguity introduced by additional data elements in the symbol. The
UII data elements should appear first in the sequence.
14. The UII component data elements or UII data set encoded as single element
and additional data elements shall be contained in an IUID Data Matrix, as
required by the latest revision of MIL-STD-130
. Data may also be contained
in human-readable information and/or other AIT media (e.g., contact memory
buttons, linear barcodes, radio frequency identification) in addition to the IUID
Data Matrix. The physical marks that contain the UII-required elements shall
conform to the permanency and legibility requirements of MIL-STD-130 for the
normal life expectancy of the item.
15. Where space is available, human-readable information for UII data elements
should be marked on the item. However, if a single element UII (i.e., data
qualifiers 18S, 25S, UID , UST , USN , and DoD recognized IUID equivalents)
marked on an item includes an item traceability number that is different from an
actual serial number that may already be marked on the item, then the
traceability number of the single element UII shall not be separately marked on
the item in order to avoid having two different serial numbers physically
marked on an item. Furthermore, a traceability number used only to create the
UII that is not consistent with the item manufacturer's existing serialization may
never be encoded in an IUID Data Matrix using data qualifiers "SER “, “SEQ "
or "S".
16. The Data Matrix shall utilize DoD-accepted syntax
17. There are identification numbers used in the commercial sector that are DoD
recognized IUID equivalents. IUID equivalents shall comply with the IUID
Business Rule #14 for minimum data carrier requirements
Parent-Child Relationships
18. DFARS 211.274-2(a)(3) requires the item unique identification, regardless of
value, for any (a) DoD serially managed item (reparable or nonreparable) or
subassembly, component, or part embedded within a subassembly, component,
DI 25S, TEI UID , and the DoD recognized IUID equivalents contain the complete UII in a single data
element. DI 18S, TEI USN , and TEI UST are sufficient to derive the UII from a single data element by
adding the IAC prefix for CAGE (D).
See MIL-STD-130 for additional information on DoD-approved data carriers.
ISO/IEC International Standard 15434, Information technologyAutomatic identification and data
capture techniquesSyntax for high-capacity ADC media.
See Chapter 4 of this Guide for a list of approved DoD recognized IUID equivalents.
Business Rules (Version 4.1)
or part; and, (b) the parent item (as defined in DFARS 252.211-7003(a)) that
contains the embedded subassembly, component or part.
For purposes of complying with this requirement, the parent item for the
embedded item UII shall be the next higher replaceable subassembly,
intermediate component, or assembly within the end item that contains the
embedded UII.
In order to provide traceability of the embedded UII to its next higher
replaceable assembly level within the end item, the end item shall not be
identified as the parent item in instances where a replaceable assembly,
intermediate component, or subassembly exists that contains an embedded
item UII.
Metadata Requirements
19. The UII is a non-parsable field, not to exceed 50 characters in length (excludes
overhead characters). Overhead characters in the encoded data string, such as
syntax and data qualifiers, are not part of the UII and are eliminated when the
UII is constructed. The source protocols for specific data qualifiers may be
more restrictive than the allowable field lengths of these rules. Refer to ANS
MH10.8.2 for AIs and DIs, and to A4A CSDD for TEIs, for specific limitations
on field lengths and usage
The IAC string of characters shall not exceed 3 characters.
The enterprise identifier string of characters shall not exceed 13
characters, excluding the data qualifier.
The original part number or lot or batch number string of characters
(including special characters) shall not exceed 32 characters, excluding the
data qualifier.
The serial number string of characters (including special characters) shall
not exceed 30 characters, excluding the data qualifier
The sum of the maximum number of characters for possible UII data
elements is 78, which exceeds the 50 character limit. In order to meet the
overall length limitation of 50 characters for the UII, it may be necessary
to use field lengths for original part numbers, lot or batch numbers and
serial numbers that are shorter than the maximum allowable field lengths
for the individual data elements.
20. The UII shall have worldwide uniqueness (non-repeatable).
21. When constructing the UII:
Any spaces contained in the component data elements shall be deleted.
For example, serial number strings are not to exceed 30 characters however TEI SER is limited to 15
characters in accordance with the A4A CSDD.
Leading zeroes in serial numbers are significant characters in the serial number string and in the UII.
Avoiding the use of leading zeroes when creating serial numbers may preclude errors in data entry or data
processing applications that do not recognize significant leading zeroes.
Business Rules (Version 4.1)
All special characters shall be deleted from the enterprise identifier.
All special characters, except for dashes (-) and forward slashes (/) shall
be deleted from the original part number, lot or batch number, and serial
number. The deletion of the special characters shall be done when the
IUID Data Matrix is decoded to form a UII. The special characters shall
be retained within the data elements when encoded in an IUID Data
Matrix unless the data element within the IUID Data Matrix is a UII data
set encoded as single element.
The UII shall only contain uppercase English alphabet characters A
through Z, numeric characters 0 through 9, and the special characters “-”
and “/”
. If the UII data set elements contain lowercase alpha characters,
they shall be converted to uppercase before a UII is derived and encoded
in the IUID Data Matrix and/or submitted to the IUID Registry. When
lowercase alpha characters are encoded in the IUID Data Matrix, they
shall be converted by the reader to uppercase alpha characters when the
IUID Data Matrix is decoded to form a UII.
Capturing the UII
22. For activities in support of the product life cycle after initial delivery, any entity
that collects data about the item shall be capable of associating the data with the
UII in accordance with program requirements.
23. If the IUID Data Matrix is unreadable and other AIT media are present, these
can be used in a backup mode to derive the UII or query the IUID Registry. If
only the human readable data qualifiers and data elements are adjacent to the
symbol, the data elements shall be manually input to derive the UII using
existing business rules. Prior to derivation of UIIs from backup information the
existence of a UII shall be checked by querying the IUID Registry for
confirmation of the UII using any identifiable information already marked on
the item.
24. Discovery of a duplicate UII shall occur when an attempt is made to register the
UII in the IUID Registry. If a true duplicate exists, the Government shall work
with the appropriate enterprise(s) to resolve the duplication.
25. Once the UII is derived, it shall not be parsed to determine the original
26. A database containing information on IUID items shall be capable of using the
UII or, for a legacy database, the combination of the UII data elements or other
The basic character set for Data Identifiers (MH10.8.2) does not include special characters, unless
individually specified for a Data Identifier, or unless the application prescribes an expanded character set.
For application in IUID the use of dashes (-) and slashes (/) is permitted in DIs as significant characters for
part numbers, lot or batch numbers, and serial numbers, and in DIs that are composed from these numbers
(i.e., S, 18S, 25S, 1P, 30P, 1T, and 30T). Dashes and slashes shall not be used as separators between
component parts in a single data element that is formed from component parts. Free text formats, if used
for additional data, are the responsibility of the user. AIT devices generally support American Standard
Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) and extended ASCII for encoding and decoding Data Matrices,
while database applications may vary greatly.
Business Rules (Version 4.1)
physically marked data associated to the UII in the IUID Registry to retrieve the
data record associated with the item represented by the UII.
Using the UII
27. One and only one UII shall be assigned to an item. The UII shall not be
transferred from one item to another item once assigned and shall not be reused.
Legacy Items in Operational Use or in Inventory
These rules apply in addition to Business Rules #1-#27.
28. Election to use or not use the existing part number and/or existing serial number
as part of the UII for a legacy item is the responsibility of the enterprise
assigning the UII
, as is the responsibility for the uniqueness of the resulting
UII within its EID.
29. Other than EID, legacy items may use the existing marked data elements in the
format of either Construct #1 or #2, or using a DoD recognized IUID equivalent
provided that:
Regardless of enterprise identification in existing marks, the enterprise
identifier of the entity that is responsible for assigning the UII and
ensuring its uniqueness shall be used.
The serial number used in the UII complies with Business Rule #9. If the
existing serial number is missing or does not ensure uniqueness of the UII,
the enterprise shall assign a serial number for the UII that complies with
Business Rule #9.
The original part number or lot or batch number, if it is used in the UII,
complies with Business Rule #10. If the original part number or lot or
batch number is missing, cannot be determined or does not comply with
Business Rule #10, obtain a part, lot, or batch number for the UII from the
in-service engineer or other appropriate authority (see Business Rule #30).
The original equipment manufacturer (OEM) enterprise identifier and
manufacturer assigned serial number, if marked on the item and not a part
of the UII, shall be registered in the IUID Registry.
30. If the original part number or lot or batch number cannot be precisely
determined, use the following method for establishing an original part number
or lot or batch number for the purposes of building the Construct #2 UII:
First, use the part, lot or batch number at the time of acquisition, if it can
be determined.
Second, use the part, lot or batch number marked on the part at the time
the UII is created.
The EID used in marking a legacy item shall be the EID of the entity assigning and registering the UII of
the item.
Business Rules (Version 4.1)
Although this may result in the current part number or lot or batch number
being used as the original part number or lot or batch number, the data qualifier
for the UII data element shall be the original part number or lot or batch number
(i.e., 1P, PNO , 1T, LTN , or BII ). If the lot or batch number is used to create
the UII then the combination of the lot number and serial number or batch
number and serial number shall be unique within the enterprise. See Business
Rule #10.
31. If the item is unidentifiable
, a UII should not be assigned.
32. For an on-going contract that is modified to include the IUID requirements:
If the contract is for delivery of new items to the Government, follow
IUID business rules for items considered part of a new solicitation.
If the contract is for support involving existing inventory items, the
program manager shall specify the extent to which IUID business rules for
items in operational use or in inventory apply.
Items Considered Tangible Personal Property Owned by the
Government in the Custody of a Contractor that Have Not
Been Previously Marked
These rules apply in addition to Business Rules #1-#32.
33. A UII shall be created for tangible personal property items owned by the
Government in the custody of a contractor.
34. Tangible personal property items owned by the Government in the custody of a
contractor may use the asset identification number used to track the item as the
item's serial number within the enterprise identifier of the entity ensuring the
uniqueness of the UII.
35. A UII is not required to be physically marked on tangible personal property
items owned by the Government in the custody of a contractor unless the item is
moved or delivered to a different location with a different enterprise identifier
36. Tangible personal property initially furnished to the contractor by the
Government shall use the UII provided by the Government. If none is provided,
establish a UII using the criteria in Business Rules #33-35.
37. Tangible personal property items owned by the Government in the custody of a
contractor also require markings or labels indicating Government ownership.
The available information (or information that can be reconstructed) shall be sufficient to identify an item
and its essential data, including the part identity and configuration status, and any other factors relevant to
the serviceability of the item.
For instructions on assignment of virtual UIIs, see the latest version of the DoD Guidelines for the
Virtual Unique Item Identifier, available at
Appendix D - The Mechanics of IUID
This appendix explains how data elements are correctly structured using semantics and
syntax. The concepts of semantics and syntax, which are used to identify and structure
data so it can be read by any AIT device, are explained. Examples of current structures
in industrial use are presented for American National Standard (ANS) MH10.8.2 Data
Identifiers (DIs) (Tables 9, 10 and 11) and GS1
Application Identifiers (AIs) (Tables 12
and 13). The historic use of A4A CSDD TEIs is discussed and examples using TEIs are
presented (Tables 14, 15 and 16).
For the UII data elements to be “machine-readable” by an AIT device, they shall be
identified by some means such that the reader device can recognize, through its resident
software, what data element it is reading. This is accomplished by employing the concept
of “semantics”, which is literally “the meaning of language”. For the purposes of
constructing machine-readable data elements, semantics take the form of data qualifiers.
These data qualifiers
have to define each data element placed on the item. Specific data
qualifiers are used to indicate to the AIT devices whether to derive the UII by using
Construct #1, Construct #2, UII data set encoded as single element, or an IUID
equivalent. Table 5 shows the different data qualifiers for each of the data elements that
are used for determining uniqueness.
Formerly EAN.UCC.
There are three types of data qualifiers being used: DIs (Format Indicator 06), AIs (Format Indicator 05),
and, within the aerospace industry, TEIs (Format Indicator 12, formerly DD). ISO/IEC International
Standard 15418, Information technologyAutomatic identification and data capture techniquesGS1
Application Identifiers and ASC MH10 Data Identifiers and maintenance, governs DIs and AIs. The A4A
CSDD defines TEIs. ISO/IEC International Standard 15434, Information technologyAutomatic
identification and data capture techniquesSyntax for high capacity ADC media, contains format indicators
for using DIs, AIs and TEIs in syntax encoding.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
Table 5. Data Qualifiers for IUID Usage
DI 18V the concatenation of the issuing agency code (IAC) + enterprise identifier (EID). This DI
would be used for EIDs, which were assigned by an issuing agency, having a registered IAC, that is not
listed in this table.
MFR Manufacturer CAGE Code. Identifies the manufacturer, government agency or other
organization controlling the design and the part number assignment of the subject part.
SPL Supplier CAGE Code. Identifies the organization creating the UII, where the organization is not
the manufacturer, government agency, or other organization controlling the design of the serialized
Data Element
DI (ISO/IEC 15418)
Format Indicator 06
AI (ISO/IEC 15418)
Format Indicator 05
Format Indicator 12
Enterprise Identifier
GS1 Company Prefix
Other Agencies
or CAG
Serial Number within Enterprise
- - SER
or UCN
Serial Number within Original Part
Number (or Serial Number within
Lot/Batch Number)
Original Part Number 1P - PNO
Lot/Batch Number 1T - LTN or BII
IUID using a Single Data Qualifier
Complete UII
CAGE + Serial Number within
CAGE (does not contain the
IUID Equivalents
Current Part Number (additional
data elementnot used in UII)
30P 240 PNR
Lot/Batch Number (additional
data elementnot used in UII)
30T - -
Export Controlled Item (additional
data elementnot used in UII)
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
The machine-readable symbology for UII is the Data Matrix ECC 200 (ISO/IEC 16022),
which uses Reed-Solomon error correction. The symbol is a two-dimensional
representation of encoded ASCII characters. To permit translation of the encoded string
of ASCII characters, the characters are ordered according to the precise rules of ISO/IEC
15434, Information TechnologyAutomatic identification and data capture techniques
SER Part Serial Number (Serial Number within Enterprise). The SER is the manufacturer’s
serialized identity for an individual part, component or component end item.
UCN Unique Component Identification Number. The UCN is the permanent tracking identity
assigned to an in-service part by an organization other than the manufacturer, government agency or other
organization controlling the design of the subject part and used in lieu of the manufacturer’s serial number.
LTN and BII . LTN Enterprise Lot Number is a lot number that is unique within the Enterprise
Identifier. BII Batch Item Identifier, is a subdivision of an LTN .
ESN is a cellular mobile telephone Electronic Serial Number. MEID is the Mobile Equipment Identifier.
CMTI is the GS1 Cellular Mobile Telephone Identifier.
25S is the identification of a party to a transaction (as identified by DI 18V), followed by a supplier
assigned serial number (For UII purposes, this has to be unique serialization within the EID that assigns the
UII data elements). Thus, for UII purposes, 25S shall represent the following string of elements IAC +
EID + Unique serial number within the EID, which directly corresponds to a UII using serialization within
the enterprise.
In the case where the EID is the CAGE Code, DI 18S shall be used. 18S is the concatenation of the
CAGE Code (EID) + Unique serial number within the CAGE Code. This data element does not contain the
IAC, which shall be added in decoding to form a UII using serialization within the enterprise.
DI I is the U. S. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
DI 22S is the Unique Individual Identity For Cellular Mobile Telephones previously designated as an
Electronic Serial Number (ESN) and changing to Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID).
AI 8002 is the GS1 Cellular Mobile Telephone Identifier (CMTI). The CMTI is up to 20 characters and
is an electronic serial identifier of a cellular mobile telephone.
AI 8003 is the Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI).
AI 8004 is the Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI). The GIAI is up to 30 characters and is a
combination of the GS1 Company Prefix and an Individual Asset Reference, which is assigned by the
holder of the GS1 Company Prefix. A serialized Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN™) shall also
be converted to a GIAI using GS1 procedures.
DI 30P current part number is not part of the UII. It is an additional data element that may be encoded in
the ISO 15434 syntax in the same Data Matrix along with the UII data elements (see MIL-STD-130). Use
1P when original part number is part of the UII.
DI 30T lot/batch number is not part of the UII. It is an additional data element that may be encoded in
the ISO 15434 syntax in the same Data Matrix along with the UII data elements (see MIL-STD-130). Use
1T when lot/batch number is part of the UII.
DI 49P designates that an item is subject to export control and or restrictions as identified in the
Wassenaar Arrangement, see
. The data element is
formed by the two-character alpha Country code from ISO 3166-1, which has imposed the export control or
restriction, where the Wassenaar code is either the single numeric (1 to 9) category code or the Military List
code (an “ML” followed by a numeric 1 to 22) that identifies the particular nature of the material that is
controlled or restricted. When applicable the code can be suffixed by either an “SL” or a “VSL” to indicate
that the item is also on the list of sensitive or very sensitive items. It is an additional data element that may
be encoded in the ISO 15434 syntax in the same Data Matrix along with the UII data elements (see MIL-
Tentative approval has been given to the use of TEI ECI to designate that an item is subject to export
control and or restrictions as identified in the Wassenaar Arrangement, See Footnote 152.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
Syntax for high capacity ADC mediathe “syntax”
. Each data string is assembled
beginning with a message header consisting of the compliance indicator and a record
separator. The compliance indicator is the ASCII code for the three characters [, ), and >
which are assembled in that order [)>. The record separator that follows the compliance
indicator is also an ASCII-coded character but it does not have a printable representation.
The convention for depicting the record separator uses
to represent the single ASCII-
coded character. Because the record separator also appears at the end of the formatted
data in the data string, it is known as the format trailer character. There are two other
ASCII-coded characters that are used in UII encoding that do not have printable
representations. They are the data element separator
and the message trailer
. The hexadecimal and decimal codes for ASCII encoding for
30, 29, and 4 respectively when expressed as decimal numbers and 1e, 1d, and 04
respectively when expressed as hexadecimal numbers.
The message header is followed by a two-character format indicator to identify the
semantics of the formatted data elements. The format indicator, the data qualifiers, and
the data values in the remainder of the data string are separated using the data element
between each element of the formatted data. The formatted data is
terminated using the format trailer character
after the last data element, and the
data string is terminated using the message trailer character
—to indicate the end.
Once the data elements are identified to the AIT device, the AIT device needs
instructions on how to put the data element fields together to define the unique item
Tables 6, 7, and 8 show how the UII is constructed within Format Indicators 05, 06, and
12 with the various data qualifiers. Conformance to the syntax and semantics
requirements is crucial to item unique identification, since the process of encoding,
decoding, identifying, and forming the data elements shall be unambiguous
Syntaxthe way words are put together to form constructions, such as phrases and sentences. This
standard defines the manner in which the data is transferred to the high capacity ADC media from a
supplier’s information system and the manner in which the data is transferred to the recipient’s information
The enterprise identifier used in the UII identifies the enterprise that assigned the UII to the item. The
UII machine-readable code shall not contain more than one enterprise identifier if ambiguity in
constructing the UII would result. Data elements in addition to those required to construct the UII are
permitted unless ambiguity in constructing the UII would result. See Business Rules #12 and #13 in
Appendix C.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
Required Application
Resultant UII
Construct 1Serialization within the enterprise
Use an IUID equivalent if
Otherwise use Format
Indicator 06 (see Figure 7)
or Format Indicator 12
(see Figure 8)
Construct 2Serialization within the original part number or lot or batch number
Serialization within the
original part number
Or use an IUID equivalent if
Otherwise use Format
Indicator 06 (see Figure 7)
or Format Indicator 12
(see Figure 8)
IUID Equivalents
Table 6. UII Construction for AIs (Format Indicator 05)
When using the GS1 System to replicate Construct #2, enterprises shall use serialization within the
The enclosure of the AI in angle brackets, e.g. <8002>, is the notation used to indicate the value
(character string) associated with the data qualifier.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
Required Data
Resultant UII
Construct 1Serialization within the enterprise
Complete UII
CAGE + Serial Number
within CAGE (does not
contain the IAC)
D + <18S>
Construct 2Serialization within the original part number or lot or batch number
Serialization within the
original part number
Serialization within the lot
or batch number
UII data set encoded as
single element
17V, 1P & S
12V, 1P & S
3V, 1P & S
7L, 1P & S
18V, 1P & S
17V, 1T & S
12V, 1T & S
3V, 1T & S
7L, 1T & S
18V, 1T & S
D + <17V> + <1P> + <S>
UN + <12V> + <1P> + <S>
<3V> + <1P> + <S>
LD + <7L> + <1P> + <S>
<18V> + <1P> + <S>
D + <17V> + <1T> + <S>
UN + <12V> + <1T> + <S>
<3V> + <1T> + <S>
LD + <7L> + <1T> + <S>
<18V> + <1T> + <S>
IUID Equivalents
Table 7. UII Construction for DIs (Format Indicator 06)
The enclosure of the DI in angle brackets, e.g. <25S>, is the notation used to indicate the value
(character string) associated with the data qualifier.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
Required Text
Element Identifiers
Resultant UII
Construct 1Serialization within the enterprise
Serialization within the
enterprise (component
data elements)
Complete UII
CAGE + Serial Number
within CAGE (does
not contain the IAC)
D + <MFR >
+ <SER >
D + <SPL > + <UCN >
D + <CAG > + <SER >
D + <CAG > + <UCN >
UN + <DUN > + <SER >
UN + <DUN > + <UCN >
<EUC > + <SER >
<EUC > + <UCN >
<UID >
D + <USN >
D + <UST >
Construct 2Serialization within the original part number or lot or batch number
Serialization within the
original part number
Serialization within the
lot or batch number
Complete UII
If LTN is sub-divided into
smaller units (batches),
insert BII after LTN, as
D + <MFR > + <PNO > + <SEQ >
D + <SPL > + <PNO > + <SEQ >
D + <CAG > + <PNO > + <SEQ >
UN + <DUN > + <PNO > + <SEQ >
<EUC > + <PNO > + <SEQ >
D + <MFR > + <LTN > + <SEQ >
D + <SPL > + <LTN > + <SEQ >
D + <CAG > + <LTN > + <SEQ >
UN + <DUN > + <LTN > + <SEQ >
<EUC > + <LTN > + <SEQ >
If LTN is sub-divided into smaller units
(batches), insert BII after LTN, as appropriate.
<UID >
Table 8. UII Construction for TEIs (Format Indicator 12)
The enclosure of the TEI in angle brackets, e.g. <MFR >, is the notation used to indicate the value
(character string) associated with the data qualifier.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
Using ANS MH10 DIs
Construct #1 Serialization within the Enterprise Identifier. Table 9 shows two
examples of how the data elements would have to be encoded with DIs on the AIT media
placed on or with the item for UII Construct #1. Table 10 shows an example of how the
data elements would have to be encoded with DIs on the AIT media placed on or with the
item for UII Construct #1 and additional item data.
Data Element DI Format
Indicator 06
Data Element
Encoded Data
Element on AIT
Complete UII
25S UN077991289
CAGE + Serial Number
within CAGE (does not
contain the IAC)
18S 0CVA5674A3
Table 9. Examples of the Use of DIs in Construct #1
Serialization within the Enterprise
(Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434)
The UII data elements would be encoded as follows using Format Indicator 06 of the
ISO/IEC 15434 syntax for DIs:
[)> = The three-character compliance indicator
= A Format Trailer Character which indicates the end of a data format
06 = A Format Header which indicates DIs are being used
= A Data Element Separator used between data fields
25S = DI for the complete UII (IAC + Enterprise Identifier + Serial
UN077991289674A36458 = Complete UIIAs defined by the DI 25S (the IAC (UN)
and DUNS Enterprise Identifier (077991289) and the Serial Number (674A36458))
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
18S = DI for CAGE + Serial Number within CAGE (does not contain the IAC)
0CVA5674A36458 = CAGE + Serial Number within CAGE (does not contain the
IAC)As defined by the DI 18S (CAGE Enterprise Identifier (0CVA5) and the Serial
Number (674A36458))
= A Message Trailer which identifies the end of the message within the data
When the AIT device reads the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier, it shall have
what agency (that is, the IAC) issued the enterprise identifier available in its software.
The AIT device shall then attach the IAC to the beginning of the UII concatenation.
When the AIT device reads the data qualifier for 25S, it shall recognize that the data
following the 25S is a complete UII for Construct #1, including the IAC. When the AIT
device reads the data qualifier for 18S, it shall recognize that the data following the 18S
is a CAGE + Serial Number within CAGE (does not contain the IAC) for Construct #1
and shall insert the IAC for CAGE (D) to form the UII.
For these examples using ANS MH10.8.2 DIs in Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434,
the UII output from the AIT device, once the overhead and syntax are stripped away,
would be UN077991289674A36458 and D0CVA5674A36458 respectively.
Data Element DI Format
Indicator 06
Data Element Value Encoded Data
Element on AIT
Complete UII
25S UN077991289674A36458 25SUN077991289674
Free Text
K: F33657-80-C-0310 07K: F33657-80-C-
Table 10. Example of the Use of DIs in Construct #1
Serialization within the Enterprise with Additional Item Data
(Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434)
The UII data elements may be encoded in any order. In this example the UII data
elements would be encoded as follows using Format Indicator 06 for DIs utilizing the
ISO/IEC 15434 syntax:
07K: F33657-80-C-0310
[)> = The three-character compliance indicator
= A Format Trailer Character which indicates the end of a data format envelope
06 = A Format Header which indicates DIs are being used
Free text is encoded as a separate record within the IDES and requires DI Format Indicator 07.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
= A Data Element Separator used between data fields
25S = DI for the complete UII
UN077991289674A36458 = complete UII
17V = DI for CAGE Code
0CVA5 = CAGE Code
07 = A Format Header which indicates free text is being used
K: F33657-80-C-0310 = free text
= A Message Trailer which identifies the end of the message within the data stream
When the AIT device reads the data qualifier for 25S, it shall recognize that the data
following the 25S is a complete UII for Construct #1, including the IAC.
For this example using ANS MH10.8.2 DIs in Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434,
the UII output from the AIT device, once the overhead and syntax are stripped away,
would be UN077991289674A36458.
Construct #2 Serialization within the Original Part Number or Lot or Batch
Number. Tables 11 and 12 show examples of how the data elements would have to be
encoded with DIs on the AIT media placed on or with the item for UII Construct #2.
Table 13 shows an example of how the data elements would have to be encoded with DIs
on the AIT media placed on or with the item for UII Construct #2 and additional item
Data Element DI Format
Data Element
Encoded Data
Element on AIT
Enterprise Identifier
Original Part Number 1P 4202435 1P4202435
Serial Number within
Original Part Number
S 10936 S10936
Table 11. Example of the Use of DIs in Construct #2
Serialization within the Original Part Number
(Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434)
If DI 12V had been used to encode the DUNS number separately an unacceptable ambiguity in how to
construct the UII would have been introduced (i.e. which EID to use in the UII, the DUNS or the CAGE).
By using DI 25S the ambiguity has been removed.
The first record within an IUID Data Matrix of a multiple record ISO15434 message must contain the
UII data elements.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
The UII data elements may be encoded in any order. In this example the UII data
elements would be encoded as follows using Format Indicator 06 for DIs of the ISO/IEC
15434 syntax:
[)> = The three-character compliance indicator
= A Format Trailer Character which indicates the end of a data format envelope
06 = A Format Header which indicates DIs are being used
= A Data Element Separator used between data fields
12V = DI for DUNS Code
077991289 = DUNS Code
1P = DI for Part Number assigned by supplier (Original)
4202435 = Original Part Number
S = DI for Serial Number
10936 = Serial Number within original part number
= A Message Trailer which identifies the end of the message within the data
When the AIT device reads the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier, it shall have
what agency (that is, the IAC) issued the enterprise identifier available in its software.
The AIT device shall then attach the IAC to the beginning of the UII concatenation. In
this example the IAC for Dun & Bradstreet is “UN”.
The UII data elements would be in the order IAC/Enterprise Identifier/Original Part
Number/Serial Number. For this example using ANS MH10 DIs in Format Indicator 06
of ISO/IEC 15434, the UII output from the AIT device, once the overhead and syntax are
stripped away and the IAC has been added, would be UN077991289420243510936.
Data Element DI Format
Data Element
Encoded Data
Element on AIT
Enterprise Identifier
Lot Number 1T AA20070230 1TAA20070230
Serial Number within
Lot Number
S 6109 S6109
Table 12. Example of the Use of DIs in Construct #2
Serialization within the Lot Number
(Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434)
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
If serialization within the lot or batch number is used then the lot or batch number is used
in place of the original part number to construct the UII. The UII data elements would be
in the order IAC/Enterprise Identifier/Lot or Batch Number/Serial Number. The UII data
elements would be encoded as follows using Format Indicator 06 for DIs of the ISO/IEC
15434 syntax:
[)> = The three-character compliance indicator
= A Format Trailer Character which indicates the end of a data format envelope
06 = A Format Header which indicates DIs are being used
= A Data Element Separator used between data fields
12V = DI for DUNS Code
077991289 = DUNS Code
1T = DI for Lot Number assigned by supplier
AA20070230 = Lot Number
S = DI for Serial Number
6109 = Serial Number within lot number
= A Message Trailer which identifies the end of the message within the data
When the AIT device reads the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier, it shall have
what agency (that is, the IAC) issued the enterprise identifier available in its software.
The AIT device shall then attach the IAC to the beginning of the UII concatenation. In
this example the IAC for Dun & Bradstreet is “UN”.
For this example using ANS MH10 DIs in Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434, the
UII output from the AIT device, once the overhead and syntax are stripped away and the
IAC has been added, would be UN077991289AA200702306109.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
Data Element DI Format
Data Element
Encoded Data
Element on AIT
Enterprise Identifier
Original Part Number 1P 4202435 1P4202435
Serial Number within
Original Part Number
S 674A36458 S674A36458
Current Part Number 30P 4202435-1 30P4202435-1
Table 13. Example of the Use of DIs in Construct #2
Serialization within the Original Part Number with Additional Item Data
(Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434)
The UII data elements may be encoded in any order. In this example the UII data
elements would be encoded as follows using Format Indicator 06 for DIs utilizing the
ISO/IEC 15434 syntax:
[)> = The three-character compliance indicator
= A Format Trailer Character which indicates the end of a data format envelope
06 = A Format Header which indicates DIs are being used
= A Data Element Separator used between data fields
17V = DI for Manufacturer CAGE code
0CVA5 = CAGE Code
1P = DI for Original Part Number
4202435 = Original Part Number
S = DI for Serial Number within the Original Part Number
674A36458 = Serial Number within the Original Part Number
30P = DI for Current Part Number
4202435-1 = Current Part Number
= A Message Trailer which identifies the end of the message within the data stream
When the AIT device reads the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier, it shall have
what agency (that is, the IAC) issued the enterprise identifier available in its software.
For application in IUID the use of dashes (-) and slashes (/) is permitted in DIs as significant characters
for part numbers, lot or batch numbers, and serial numbers, and in DIs that are composed from these
numbers (i.e., S, 18S, 25S, 1P, 30P, 1T, and 30T).
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
The AIT device shall then attach the IAC to the beginning of the UII concatenation. In
this example the IAC for CAGE is “D”.
For this example using ANS MH10 DIs in Format Indicator 06 of ISO/IEC 15434, the
UII output from the AIT device, once the overhead and syntax are stripped away and the
IAC has been added, would be D0CVA54202435674A36458.
Using GS1 AIs
Serialization within the Enterprise Identifier. When using GS1
AIs for purposes of
IUID, enterprises shall use the General GS1 Specifications
to construct the DoD
recognized IUID equivalent or the UII data elements. Serialization within the enterprise
identifier requires the use of a DoD recognized IUID equivalent.
Serialization within the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). When using the GS1
System for serialization within a GTIN and enterprise, the serial number shall be
incorporated into the Individual Asset Reference component of the GIAI that is described
in Table 15 below. The GTIN™ is the 14-character identifier which uniquely identifies
the company (enterprise) and its product (part number). When properly associated with a
serial number, a globally unique UII can be created. The Individual Asset Reference
component element containing the GTIN and serial number is constructed as described in
the GS1 published Guidelines for Department of Defense Unique Identification (UID)
Markings Using the GS1 System.
Table 14 shows an example of the use of AIs in the context of the General GS1
Specifications for a GIAI using the Individual Asset Reference Number.
Data Element AI Format
Indicator 05
Data Element Value Encoded Data Element
on AIT Media
IUID equivalent GIAI
06141411A0B9C3D6 800406141411A0B9C3D6
Table 14. Example of the Use of AIs for GIAI using the Individual Asset Reference
(Format Indicator 05 of ISO/IEC 15434)
For IUID, the GIAI is considered by the DoD to be an IUID equivalent
. The data
elements considered components of the IUID equivalent (i.e., GS1 Company Prefix,
Formerly EAN.UCC.
See for information about the GS1 System (formerly EAN.UCC System) and GS1
Within the General GS1 Specifications, the GIAI is considered a DoD recognized IUID equivalent. The
AI 8004 indicates that the data field contains a GIAI. The GIAI is made up of the GS1 Company Prefix and
an individual asset reference number. The holder of the GS1 Company Prefix determines the structure and
numbering of the individual asset reference number.
A DoD recognized IUID equivalent means an item unique identification method that is in commercial
use and has been recognized by DoD.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
Individual Asset Reference Number) are not required to be marked on the item, unless
specifically required by the contract
Using the General GS1 Specifications, the minimum DoD IUID equivalent data elements
would be encoded as follows under Format Indicator 05 of the ISO/IEC 15434 syntax for
[)> = The three-character compliance indicator
= A Format Trailer Character which indicates the end of a data format envelope
05 = A Format Header which indicates AIs are being used
= A Data Element Separator used between data fields
8004 = AI for the GIAI
= GIAI, which is composed of the GS1 Company Prefix
including the IAC as the leading character (0614141) and the Individual Asset
Reference Number (1A0B9C3D6)
= A Message Trailer which identifies the end of the message within the data
For this example using AIs in Format Indicator 05 of ISO/IEC 15434, the DoD IUID
equivalent output from the AIT device, using the GIAI as the IUID equivalent, stripping
away the overhead and syntax, would be 06141411A0B9C3D6
IUID Equivalent GIAI using the Serialized GTIN™. Table 15 shows an example of
the use of AIs in the context of the General GS1 Specifications for a GIAI using the
Serialized GTIN™. The AI 8004 is also used for this construct but the composition of
the data element value shall be derived from the GTIN™ and a serial number. The
General GS1 Specifications provide information on the GTIN™ and the method for
creating the GIAI is described in the Guidelines for Department of Defense Unique
Identification Markings Using the GS1 System.
. In this construct, the GTIN™ is the
14-character identifier which uniquely identifies the company (enterprise) and its product
(part number). When properly associated with a serial number, a globally unique UII can
be created.
This is an exception to IUID Business Rule #2. See Appendix C. If the contract requires marking IAW
MIL-STD-130, the enterprise ID shall be included in the Data Matrix as a separate data element as well as
the part number.
Since the IAC is the first digit of the Company Prefix, it is not necessary to add it in forming the UII.
See for information about the GS1 System (formerly EAN.UCC System) and GS1
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
Data Element AI Format
Indicator 05
Data Element Value Encoded Data Element
on AIT Media
IUID equivalent GIAI 8004
Table 15. Example of the Use of AIs for GIAI using the Serialized GTIN™
(Format Indicator 05 of ISO/IEC 15434)
Using the General GS1 Specifications, the minimum UII data elements would be encoded
as follows under Format Indicator 05 of the ISO/IEC 15434 syntax for AIs:
[)> = The Message Header consisting of a three-character compliance indicator and the
Format Trailer Character
to indicate the end of a data format envelope
= A Format Trailer Character which indicates the end of a data format envelope
05 = A Format Header which indicates AIs are being used
= A Data Element Separator used between data fields
8004 = AI for GIAI
061414100332411A0B9C3D6 = GIAI, which is derived by a two-step method of
modifying the GTIN (10614141003324) to create a new data element
and concatenating a serial number (1A0B9C3D6) with the new
data element.
= A Message Trailer which identifies the end of the message within the data
For this example using AIs in Format Indicator 05 of ISO/IEC 15434, the UII output
from the AIT device, stripping away the overhead and syntax would be
Historic Use of TEIs
are the preferred approach of the aerospace industry. The aerospace industry
uses CAGE Code (TEI = MFR )
to identify the manufacturer with serial number
(TEI = SER ) to provide unique identity of the item. The aerospace industry philosophy
is no duplication of serial numbers within an enterprise, regardless of the product, so
that a simple combination of enterprise identifier and serial number provides item
unique identification of that item forever. As revisions are implemented that change the
The new data element is created by moving the first character of the GTIN™ to the last position of the
Since the IAC is the first digit of the Company Prefix, it is not necessary to add it in forming the UII.
All TEIs are four characters in length, consisting of three uppercase letters followed by a space.
CAGE Code is also indicated by TEI = CAG . An enterprise identified by CAG need not be the
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
form, fit or function of the part, the aerospace industry changes the part number (TEI =
PNR ) to reflect those changes. This is called “rolling the part number.”
As aerospace moved TEIs into broader multi-industry use, they determined a need to
establish additional TEIs for DUNS Number (TEI = DUN ), UCC Company Prefix
(TEI = EUC ), Serial Number within Part Number (TEI = SEQ ), Original Part Number
(TEI = PNO ), and UII (TEI= UID ) to encode TEIs other than Manufacturer (TEI =
MFR ), Serial Number (TEI = SER ) and Current Part Number (TEI = PNR )
. It was
also determined that they needed a separator that would not be used within data, as
opposed to the “/” used in ATA SPEC2000, Chapter 9. Finally, it was determined that
an unambiguous header/trailer was needed to identify that the data fields represented
were in TEI form.
The needed non-data separator and unambiguous header/trailer were available in
ISO/IEC 15434, Information TechnologyAutomatic identification and data capture
techniques–Syntax for high capacity ADC media, and this gave rise to the
Collaborative Solution.
The Collaborative AIT Solution
The DoD has approved the use of ISO/IEC 15418 and ISO/IEC 15434 in its acquisitions.
The collaborative solution was established to enable the use of TEIs selected from the
A4A CSDD using the syntax of ISO/IEC 15434 until such time as the ISO could consider
a new format indicator in ISO/IEC 15434 to support TEIs. In the interim DoD
recognized “DD” as the format indicator for TEIs thereby permitting use of ISO/IEC
15434 as the IUID syntax standard
. DoD also recognized selected TEIs for IUID
usage from the A4A CSDD and new TEIs that were proposed to support IUID. In
addition, in support of the collaborative solution, the A4A Spec 2000 International
Coordinating Group approved the use of ISO/IEC 15434 syntax with TEIs as an
alternative item marking method.
Since that time, the ISO has added a new format indicator, “12”, in ISO/IEC 15434 to
support TEIs. The new format indicator “12” has replaced the interim format indicator
“DD” previously prescribed in this guidance
. Items that have been marked with the
format indicator “DD do not have to be re-marked but further use of “DD” is not
On October 26, 2004, the ATA Spec2000 Coordinating Group approved the following TEIs for usage:
PNO (Original Part Number), SEQ (Serial Number) within Original Part Number) and UID (Unique Item
Identifier). The PNO and SEQ TEIs will allow for the use of UII Construct 2 (i.e., serialization within
original part number).
ISO/IEC 15434, Information TechnologyAutomatic identification and data capture techniquesSyntax
for high capacity ADC media, specifies a two-digit format indicator. All two-digit numbers (00-99) are
assigned or reserved for future use. This means that a format indicator for TEIs of the collaborative
solution could not be assigned a two-digit number without ISO approval. To enable the collaborative
solution utilizing the ISO/IEC 15434 syntax, the Department specified a special DoD-specific format
indicator, designated as “DD”, to indicate TEIs were being used in the collaborative solution.
Format Indicator DD has been used in the past within IUID Data Matrices. Some items with this Format
Indicator persist in the DoD inventory. Users of this guide intending to develop decoding algorithms to
construct UIIs should treat any IUID Data Matrix with Format Indicator DD exactly the same as if it had
Format Indicator 12.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
permitted. Also, the TEIs that were proposed for IUID usage have been approved and
incorporated into the A4A CSDD.
Using TEIs
Construct #1 Serialization within the Enterprise Identifier by Manufacturer.
Table 16 shows an example of the use of TEIs for UII Construct #1 when the
manufacturer serializes the item.
Data Element TEIs Data
Encoded Data
Element on AIT
Enterprise Identifier
Serial Number within
Enterprise Identifier
SER 674A36458 SER 674A36458
Table 16. Example of the Use of TEIs for UII Construct #1, Manufacturer
(Format Indicator 12 of ISO/IEC 15434)
The UII data elements may be encoded in any order. In this example the UII data
elements would be encoded as follows using Format Indicator 12 for TEIs utilizing the
ISO/IEC 15434 syntax:
SER 674A36458
[)> = The three-character compliance indicator
= A Format Trailer Character which indicates the end of a data format envelope
12 = A Format Header which indicates TEIs are being used
= A Data Element Separator used between data fields
MFR = TEI for Manufacturer CAGE code
0CVA5 = CAGE Code
SER = TEI for Serial Number within the Enterprise Identifier
674A36458 = Serial Number within Enterprise Identifier
= A Message Trailer which identifies the end of the message within the data stream
When the AIT device reads the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier, it shall have
what agency (that is, the IAC) issued the enterprise identifier available in its software.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
The AIT device shall then attach the IAC to the beginning of the UII concatenation. In
this example the IAC for CAGE is “D”.
The UII data elements would be in the order IAC/Enterprise Identifier/Serial Number.
For this example using Format Indicator 12 for TEIs in the ISO/IEC 15434 syntax, the
UII output from the AIT device, once the overhead and syntax are stripped away and the
IAC has been added, would be D0CVA5674A36458.
Construct #1 Serialization within the Enterprise by an Organization other than
the Manufacturer. Table 17 shows an example of the use of TEIs for UII Construct #1
when serialization is done by an organization other than the manufacturer of the item.
Data Element TEIs Data
Encoded Data
Element on AIT
Enterprise Identifier
Serial Number within
Enterprise Identifier,
other than
UCN 10936 UCN 10936
Table 17. Example of the Use of TEIs for UII Construct #1,
Enterprise other than Manufacturer
(Format Indicator 12 of ISO/IEC 15434)
The UII data elements may be encoded in any order. In this example the UII data
elements would be encoded as follows using Format Indicator 12 for TEIs utilizing the
ISO/IEC 15434 syntax:
UCN 10936
[)> = The three-character compliance indicator
= A Format Trailer Character which indicates the end of a data format envelope
12 = A Format Header which indicates TEIs are being used
= A Data Element Separator used between data fields
SPL = TEI for CAGE code, Enterprise other than Manufacturer
0F3N5 = CAGE Code
UCN = TEI for Unique Component Number assigned by Enterprise other than the
10936 = Unique Component Number
= A Message Trailer which identifies the end of the message within the data
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
When the AIT device reads the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier, it shall have
what agency (that is, the IAC) issued the enterprise identifier available in its software.
The AIT device shall then attach the IAC to the beginning of the UII concatenation. In
this example the IAC for CAGE is “D”.
The UII data elements would be in the order IAC/Enterprise Identifier/Serial Number.
For this example using Format Indicator 12 for TEIs in the ISO/IEC 15434 syntax, the
UII output from the AIT device, once the overhead and syntax are stripped away and the
IAC has been added, would be D0F3N510936.
Construct #2 Serialization within the Original Part Number or Lot or Batch
Number. Table 18 shows an example of the use of TEIs for UII Construct #2 when the
manufacturer serializes the item within the original part number, PNO
Data Element TEIs Data
Encoded Data
Element on AIT
Enterprise Identifier
Original Part Number PNO 4202435 PNO 4202435
Serial Number within
Original Part Number
SEQ 674A36458 SEQ 674A36458
Table 18. Example of the Use of TEIs for UII Construct #2,
Serialization within the Original Part Number
(Format Indicator 12 of ISO/IEC 15434)
The UII data elements may be encoded in any order. In this example the UII data
elements would be encoded as follows using Format Indicator 12 for TEIs utilizing the
ISO/IEC 15434 syntax:
PNO 4202435
SEQ 674A36458
[)> = The three-character compliance indicator
= A Format Trailer Character which indicates the end of a data format envelope
12 = A Format Header which indicates TEIs are being used
= A Data Element Separator used between data fields
CAG = TEI for Manufacturer CAGE code
An enterprise that serializes within lot or batch number would use LTN or BII , as appropriate, in place
of PNO .
The TEI of MFR may also be used to designate the manufacturer.
The Mechanics of Item Unique Identification
0CVA5 = CAGE Code
PNO = TEI for Original Part Number
4202435 = Original Part Number
SEQ = TEI for Serial Number within the Original Part Number
674A36458 = Serial Number within the Original Part Number
= A Message Trailer which identifies the end of the message within the data
When the AIT device reads the data qualifier for the enterprise identifier, it shall have
what agency (that is, the IAC) issued the enterprise identifier available in its software.
The AIT device shall then attach the IAC to the beginning of the UII concatenation. In
this example the IAC for CAGE is “D”.
The UII data elements would be in the order IAC/Enterprise Identifier/Original Part
Number/Serial Number. For this example using Format Indicator 12 for TEIs in the
ISO/IEC 15434 syntax, the UII output from the AIT device, once the overhead and
syntax are stripped away and the IAC has been added, would be
Appendix E - Glossary of Terms
Airlines for America
accounting classification reference number
automatic data capture
Association for Identification and Mobility
automated information system
automatic identification technology
American National Standard
American National Standards Institute
American National Standards Institute/Electronic Industries Alliance
Accredited Standards Committee
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ATIS 0300220
North American Telecommunication Industry Manufacturers, Suppliers, and
Related Service Companies number
business enterprise architecture
text element identifier for Batch Number
text element identifier for CAGE
Commercial and Government Entity
contract data requirements list
Chief Financial Officers
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
contract line item number
Cellular Mobile Telephone Identifier
Common Support Data Dictionary published by the A4A
issuing agency code for CAGE Codes
Defense Contract Management Agency
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
Defense Logistics Management System
Department of Defense
Department of Defense Activity Address Code
Department of Defense Directive
Department of Defense Instruction
direct part mark
text element identifier for DUNS Number
Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System number
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense
European Article Numbering
European Article Numbering Uniform Code Council
error correction code
European Health Industry Business Communications Council
Electronic Industries Alliance
enterprise identifier
end of transmission
Electronic Serial Number
text element identifier for GS1 Company Prefix
Federation of Automatic Coding Technologies
Federal Acquisition Regulation
DoD Financial Management Regulation
foreign military sales
Government Accountability Office
Global Individual Asset Identifier
Global Returnable Asset Identifier
group separator
Global Commerce Standards Organization formerly known as EAN.UCC
Global Trade Item Number
Health Industry Business Communications Council
Health Industry Number
issuing agency code
item data encoded string
International Electrotechnical Commission
International Organization for Standardization
ISO/IEC 15418
Information technologyAutomatic identification and data capture techniques
GS1 Application Identifiers and ASC MH10 Data Identifiers and maintenance
ISO/IEC 15434
Information technologyAutomatic identification and data capture techniques
Syntax for high capacity ADC media
ISO/IEC 15459-2
Information technology—Unique Identifiers—Part 2: Registration Procedures
item unique identification
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Requirements Implementation Board
ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee One
issuing agency code for ATIS 0300220Numbers
issuing agency code for DoDAAC Numbers
issuing agency code for EHIBCC Numbers
Labeler Identification Code
text element identifier for Lot Number within the Original Part Number
line- replaceable unit
text element identifier for Lot Number within the Enterprise
Military Assistance Program Address Code
Mobile Equipment Identifier
text element identifier for CAGE Code of the Manufacturer
Manufacturer Identification Code
military handbook
military standard
Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures
The US Technical Advisory Group to ANSI
machine-readable information
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO Commercial And Government Entity
Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut
original equipment manufacturer
Office of the Secretary of Defense
text element identifier for Original Part Number
property, plant and equipment
record separator
SC 31
ISO Sub Committee 31 (Automatic Data Capture)
text element identifier for Serial Number assigned by the Manufacturer
text element identifier for Serial Number assigned within the Original Part
serialized item management
sets, kits and outfits
sub line item number
text element identifier for CAGE Code of Enterprise other than the
software user manual
technical advisory group
ISO technical committee
text element identifier
US TAG technical group
Telecommunications Industry Association
Uniform Code Council
text element identifier for Unique Component Number assigned by Enterprise
other than the Manufacturer
unique identification; text element identifier for unique item identifier
unique item identifier
issuing agency code for DUNS numbers
Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
text element identifier of Universal Serial Number formed by concatenating
text element identifier of Universal Serial Tracking number formed by
concatenating SPL+UCN
U.S. Technical Advisory Group
Vehicle Identification Number
ISO working group