The Army tracks serial numbers and data, and accuracy
associated with entering this information is vital to the
success of operations within the Army. Incorrect infor-
mation results in time, money, and manpower wasted on
equipment that may not even exist. This impacts the capa-
bility of accurately forecasting repair parts, capturing ac-
curate total life cycle costs, and displaying accurate readi-
ness and total asset visibility.
Fortunately, the Logistics Data Analysis Center (LDAC)
Enterprise Data Quality Branch (EDQB) has several reports
that help identify and correct discrepancies or invalid
equipment master data in Global Combat Support System-
Army (GCSS-Army).
These reports are located within the Army Enterprise Por-
tal (https://idmng.armyerp.army.mil/oamcustomlogin)
under the Enterprise Data Quality Portal icon (formally
named EDMO and downloadable directly from the App
Warehouse). The data for reports and the reports them-
selves are refreshed on the 14th and 28th of each month.
Descriptions Equipment Master reports that help identify
and correct inaccuracies:
1. Serial Number Anomalies This report displays serial
numbers that appear to look fictitious, regardless of
the serial number profile or serial number indicator.
This is an opportunity to correct the existing serial
number or, if the serial number isnt required, flag it
for deletion.
2. Potential Duplicate Serial Numbers This report dis-
plays serial numbers that match another material
number and serial number combination recorded with-
in GCSS-Army with the leading zero (0) and special
characters removed . The owner of the serial number
that has the item is shown along with the duplicate.
3. Construction Year – This report displays construction
years that appear to be invalid. Valid year data help us
determine the age of the fleet, warranty information,
and depreciation values.
4. Equipment Number Equals Serial Number – This report
identifies GCSS-Army equipment records in which the
equipment number equals the serial number but does
not meet Combined Arms Support Command
(CASCOM) cleanup guidance or comply with Army
Directive 2016-21.
5. Equipment Category Type – This report identifies the
instances when material catalog information does not
agree with the equipment catalog information. GCSS-
Army assigns specific codes and serial number pro-
files based on equipment type.
User guides supporting the above reports are hosted on
the HQDA G-4 Property Accountability Division milSuite
community site.
For further information on please contact Mr. Wayne
Trochesset, wayne.l.trochess[email protected].
Tools that Help Correct Inaccuracies in Equipment Master Reports
Tools that Correct Inaccuracies (pg. 1) Clarification on DA Form 1687 (pg. 3)
Determining Latest Publication (pg. 2 ) Chiefs Corner: DLA-DS & the DD 1348 (pg. 4)
In the November 2020 HQDA G-4 Property Accountability
Newsletter, we discussed how to determine which docu-
ments to use during inventories. The basic principle is to
use the most current publication.For GCSS-Army users
that should be the Bill of Materials (BOM), which generates
the Component Hand Receipt (CHR) for inventory, and us-
es the Technical Manual (TM) or Sets, Kits, Outfits, and
Tools (SKOT) Component Listing (CL) as a visual reference.
Although the BOM is derived from authoritative data
sources (ADS) and should be the most current record, there
are situations in which a discrepancy between the BOM-
generated CHR and the printed TM or SKOT CL may occur.
This can result in confusion.
Fortunately, there are resources available in AESIPs Army
Enterprise Portal and in GCSS-Army to assist with identify-
ing the most current publication to use for inventories.
To identify the most current TM/SKOT CL publication (or
whether an official publication exists at all), start with the
AESIP Army Enterprise Portal (more commonly known as
Logistics Information Warehouse or LIW) located at
https://enterprise.armyerp.army.mil/. The LMR (Logistics
Modernization Reporting) app available in the portals App
Warehouse contains multiple report categories. The
Publicationsmenu in the header brings you to a selection
of reports. The following are most useful for field-level us-
ers (and starred in the image):
LINS Without Publications
is a positive confirmation
that no official publication exists for an item.
Tailored Index Report
allows selection by a single iden-
tifying data element for an item.
Tailored Index Report by UIC
returns all required publi-
cations for equipment listed in a single UIC.
Pubs Queries
Query Options for Tailored Index List-
allow multiple search criteria to narrow results.
Covered Part Number to Publication Cross Reference
can help identify what publications might apply to an
unidentified item.
queries confirm if a new item
has a publication coming out soon, or if an on-hand pub-
lication is active.
Within GCSS-Army, the BOM Change Report serves a simi-
lar function, helping to identify when a BOM was last up-
dated. Transaction code ZBOMCHG allows selections by
Unit identification code (UIC), date range, accounting re-
quirements code (ARC), and specific end-item material
numbers. The report shows what items have changed,
which UICs were affected, what BOM type (unit, property
book, maintenance, other) were affected, and describes
the changes made to the BOM.
Preparing for inventories of any kind should always in-
clude a publications check, whether its an inventory be-
tween two end users, a periodic cyclic inventory, or a
100% change of hand receipt holder inventory. Verify the
most current date of the published official TM/SKOT CL (or
confirm no such document exists). Use ZBOMCHG to
check the update history on the BOM within GCSS-Army
used to generate the CHR for inventories.
When discrepancies are noted, follow the process dis-
cussed in the November 2020 newsletter to document the
differences and take corrective action if needed, such as
create Help Desk tickets to clarify or request updates to
BOMs, or draft local memorandums to record what docu-
ments are used when no publications exist.
POC is CW5 Gregory W. Besaw, email:
Identifying the Most Recent Publication
Since the issuance of the clarification memorandum about
Guidance Regarding Contractor Signature Requirements on
DA Form 1687, dated 3 Nov 2020, we have received numer-
ous emails requesting additional clarification. To be clear,
this guidance does not state that contractors are not author-
ized to sign for, turn in, or transfer equipment in accordance
with (IAW) the performance work statement (PWS).
This clarification memorandum was developed to correct
policy specific to DA Form 1687 and clarify who can be dele-
gated and by whom. Contractors, IAW their contract and
their PWS, are tasked with specific tasks, functions, and du-
ties. The tasks and functions of receiving, issuing, turning in,
and conducting lateral transfers is authorized but cannot be
delegated on DA Form 1687 by the requiring agency employ-
ing contractor support.
Delegation must be done on a memorandum listing the
names of contractors authorized to perform these functions,
the contract number, and location where this function will
take place (i.e., the equipment issuing or turn-in site). The
memorandum must be signed by the individual giving
contractors the authority IAW their contract to do this work,
which would be the contracting officer, property administra-
tor, or the contracting officer representative. (Note: Down-
load a sample memorandum at https://www.milsuite.mil/
One thing such a memorandum does not cover is the signing
or initialing of documentation for a Property Book Officer or
Accountable Property Officer. Contractors can perform such
functions as decrementing, adjusting, or adding equipment in
the Accountable Property System of Record and can perform
receiving functions (except initial acceptance from a vendor
on behalf of the government), but they cannot sign or initial
where a PBO or APO would sign or initial for final approval or
when a decision would require contractor judgment.
Accountable officers are inherently governmental and can-
not be delegated to contractors on DA Form 1687.
Point of contact for this article is Christine H. Stinson at 703-
692-9522 (telework number 912-660-0307) or email chris-
Government property is incidental to the place of perfor-
mance when the contract requires contractor personnel, is
located on a government site or installation, or the property
used by the contractor within the location remains accounta-
ble to the government. For example, items considered to be
incidental to the place of performance include office space,
office space desks, chairs, telephones, computers, trash
cans, chairs, networked printers, and fax machines.
Incidental government property is no longer considered inci-
dental when the equipment leaves the government site or
installation. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as gov-
ernment laptops were issued to allow for mass telework, that
equipment became government-furnished property (GFP).
Once incidental equipment becomes GFP, a contract modifi-
cation must be initiated, with the incidental property
changed to GFP, and a GFP attachment must be added to the
contract. All GFP must be listed in the GFP attachment for
property to be provided to a contractor. If the equipment is
not listed in the contract and its not incidental to the place of
performance, then that equipment is not authorized to be
given to a contractor. How a contract is written and the place
of performance location the service is being provided
(government site or vendor site) will determine if a piece of
equipment is incidental or GFP.
Point of contact for this article is Christine H. Stinson at
703-692-9522 (telework number 912-660-0307) or
email christine.h.stinson[email protected]il.
Additional Clarification about DA Form 1687
Hey Chief, is it true that depreciation is optional or that offic-
ers dont get depreciation?
First, depreciation is the least preferable method of compu-
ting the value of lost or destroyed government property, not
the default method. Depreciation will be used only when
using the fair market value or standard rebuild value is not
appropriate, and when the item is in less-than-new condition.
Financial charges, per AR 735-5, are not a punishment or
disciplinary action—the charges represent the actual loss to
the government, regardless of why the loss occurred or who
is liable, including officers. The actual loss to the govern-
ment is the difference between the value of the property
immediately before its loss or damage and its value immedi-
ately after. AR 735-5 Appendix B gives four methods to de-
termine actual loss value, which must be considered in se-
quence from the most to least preferred as follows:
a. Actual cost of repairs, if repairable.
b. If unrepairable, technical inspectors determine the market
value of the item after the damage. Include salvage credit
when it is appropriate.
c. If unrepairable and the technical inspection is impossible
(when an item is lost or completely destroyed as in a fire), or
no market exists to assess market value (e.g., uniquely mili-
tary items not available for sale) apply the appropriate de-
preciation formula to determine the property value.
d. Deduct the standard rebuild cost from the cost of the item.
Incidental vs. Government-Furnished Property?
Logistics Warrior of the Month
SPC Dene Robertson is the supply clerk for
the HHD—one of two active duty terminal
battalions in the Army.
SPC Robertson supported the 11th Trans-
portation Battalion, 7
Transportation Bri-
gade (Expeditionary), I Marine Expedition-
ary Force, and partner nation Qatar's allied
forces for nearly four months, operating
autonomously in two separate nations overseas.
During the four months, SPC Robertson's mission was to draw
and manage all equipment required to support this joint opera-
tion—$47 million in all. She oversaw the draw, accountability,
management, and return of equipment to the Army's pre-
positioned war stock at APS-5 as part of the exercise of this
equipment, ensuring the success of the joint operation.
The mission was an annual validation of the condition of vital
Army war stock as well as a certification for joint forces to de-
ploy globally on short notice in support of combat and humani-
tarian operations. The validation and certification process has a
direct and measurable effect on the ability of the Army, and all
DoD members, to deploy in support of these missions.
Performing far above her grade, rank, and time in service, SPC
Robertson was selected over peers and seniors to be the HHD
Battalion supply representative for JLOTS20/Operation
NATIVE FURY to ensure the flawless draw and transfer of more
than 180 major end items and associated components valued at
more than $23 million. For her outstanding performance, she
was recognized by COL Charles Fisher, Commander of the 401st
Army Field Support Brigade.
There still seems to be a common
misconception in the field that the
Defense Logistics Agency Disposi-
tion Services (DLA-DS) is required
to provide relief documentation to
tactical-level unitsproperty books
for weapons that have been
shipped to the depot.
DLA-DS receives countless emails
each day asking them to provide
signed DD 1348s to tactical units in order for PBOs to re-
move weapons from their property book. This request is
unattainable as the Army divests equipment at a rapid ve-
locity to modernize the force. Please note that a massive
backlog of roughly 100,000 weapons have been received
at Anniston Army Depot since May 2019. This backlog is
currently being worked on a first in, first outbasis.
I would like to reiterate the fact that FRAGO 1 to HQDA EX-
ORD 223-17 prohibits any unit/retail-level activity from
turning in materiel directly to a depot precisely because of
this issue. This has also been outlined within all ongoing
Total Equipment Management Strategy (TEMS) guidance.
Customer-level GCSS-Army actions (Plant 2000) dont
send preliminary receipt data to the depots accountable
property system of record (APSR) the way a supply support
activity (SSA) (Plant 2001) does. If sent to the depots, and
thus bypassing Plant 2001, the depot has no inbound rec-
ord to process and no idea the shipment is due in until it is
physically received. Depots also have no obligation to pro-
vide customers—or SSAs—signed DD 1348s. Many of
them do as a courtesy, but they are neither staffed or man-
dated to so.
CHG 31312 in GCSS-Army was implemented back in June
to establish notifications between the depot APSR and
GCSS-Army SSA activities when those turn-ins are sent
from SSA to depot. The customer must process the PBO-
level document through the SSA (USFPO for the National
Guard) for the SSA to provide immediate property relief,
then the SSA document goes forward to depot.
Please be advised that audits at the Army-level reconcile
the APSR turn in transaction documents with the disposal
turn in document number processed by the depot activity
to confirm the debit (decrease) from Army records and
credit (gain) by DLA-DS for disposition. Property book
items and items available in the Army supply system must
be turned in through an APSR to achieve a clean audit
- CW5 Crow
Need to know what kind of guidons your unit should have? Who
gets flags for their command? What vehicle accessories are
required for senior Officers?
Learn more in AR 840-10 Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards,
and Automobile and Aircraft Plates
Army G-4 Property Accountability Division is looking for best practices to publish in next months newsletter. Send your ideas to:
usarmy.pentagon.hqda-dcs-g-4.mesg.dcs-g44s-[email protected] or call (703) 692-9522, (DSN 222).
Find previous Army G-4 Property Accountability Newsletters at:
Registration is open for the new eFLIPL (electronic Financial Liability
Investigation of Property Loss). HQDA EXORD 217-20 directs all Army
organizations to cease using Army FLIPL Tracker (AFT) 4 JAN 2021.
See the EXORD and registration instructions at: