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ADC 220—Part I
Attachment to ADC 220 in Two Parts,
Part I: Revise Definitions for Small Arms to Address Light Weapons, and
Part II: Visibility and Traceability of Captured, Confiscated or Abandoned Enemy SA/LW
ADC 220 - PART I
Revise Definition of Small Arms and Rename the DoD Small Arms Serialization
Program (DODSASP) to Address Small Arms and Light Weapons (SA/LW)
a. Service/Agency: Defense Logistics Management Standards Office (DLMSO) and
the Joint Small Arms Coordinating Group (JSACG)
b. Originator: Ms. Mary Jane Johnson, DLMSO, DoD MILSTRAP Administrator, JSACG
Chair, e-mail [email protected]il
TIONAL AREA: Supply, DoD Small Arms Serialization Program (DODSASP),
and Unique Item Tracking
a. United Nations International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace in a
Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons, December 8, 2005
b. DLMSO memorandum, June 25, 2008, subject: Joint Small Arms Coordinating
Group (JSACG) Meeting, June 11, 2008
c. DLMSO memorandum, May 15, 2007, subject: JSACG Meeting, April 25, 2007
d. DLMSO memorandum, January 9, 2007, subject: JSACG Meeting, December 12, 2006
a. Title: Revise definition of Small Arms and rename the DoD Small Arms Serialization
Program (DODSASP) to Address Small Arms and Light Weapons (SA/LW)
b. Description of Change:
(1) Over the past several years the need for a revision to the small arms definition in
DoD 4000.25-2-M, Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures
(MILSTRAP), and DoD 4000.25-M, Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS), has
been discussed by the Joint Small Arms Coordinating Group (JSACG). The purpose of this
change is to support the changing environment for DoD maintaining visibility and reporting
of small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) serial number data within the Department of
Defense. The MILSTRAP and DLMS manuals are available at:
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ADC 220—Part I
(2) This change recognizes that there is not yet an internationally nor DoD agreed
definition of SA/LW. The DoD “Small Arms Implementation Working Group (SAIWG)”
participated in JSACG discussions of the revised SA/LW definition. The SAIWG is chaired by
the Office of Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics/Defense
Systems/Treaty Compliance. The SAIWG was created to ensure that the Department of Defense
is prepared to fully implement and continues to be compliant with provisions of international
agreements on SA/LW (see reference 3.a.). One of the SAIWG concerns was the fact that there
are various definitions of SA/LW being used within the United States Government. The JSACG
notes that it is essential to ensure that any definition included in a negotiated instrument will not
necessitate a change in current practices that will affect the implementation of international
agreements to which the United States is already a party. The JSACG notes that the DoD Small
Arms Registry was neither created nor designed to be used as a tool for tracking DoD weapons
for the international community in order to be in compliance with international treaties; however,
the information in the DoD SA/LW Registry may be useful to assist in these obligations. The
MILSTRAP/DLMS SA/LW definition is intended to clarify and define SA/LW for DoD tracking
and reporting requirements.
c. Procedures:
(1) Revise DoD 4000.25-M (DLMS) and DoD 4000.25-2-M (MILSTRAP) TERMS and
DEFINITIONS, definition for ‘Small Arms’ to ‘Small Arms and Light Weapons’ as follows:
SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS. For the purpose of DoD small arms and
light weapons reporting, small arms and light weapons are defined as man-portable weapons
made or modified to military specifications for use as lethal instruments of war that expel a
shot, bullet or projectile by action of an explosive. Small Arms are broadly categorized as
those weapons intended for use by individual members of armed or security forces. They
include handguns; rifles and carbines; sub-machine guns; and light machine guns. Light
weapons are broadly categorized as those weapons designed for use by two or three members
of armed or security forces serving as a crew, although some may be used by a single person.
They include heavy machine guns; hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers;
portable anti-aircraft guns; portable anti-tank guns; recoilless rifles; man-portable launchers
of missile and rocket systems; and mortars.
(2) Revise the DLMS/MILSTRAP TERMS and DEFINITIONS, definition for
Component Registry as follows:
“COMPONENT REGISTRY. The Military Service or Defense Agency which
maintains visibility of all small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) serial numbers within that
Component and provides the DoD SA/LW Registry with small arms status.”
(3) Revise the DLMS/MILSTRAP TERMS and DEFINITIONS, definition for
Department of Defense Registry as follows:
DoD SA/LW REGISTRY. . DoD designated activity which serves as repository for small
arms serial numbers provided by the Component Registries. DoD central repository for small arms
and light weapons serial numbers. The registry serves as the single point of access for inquires
relating to the last known record of small arms and light weapons serial numbers. Serial numbers
are provided by the Component Registries on a scheduled and as required basis.
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ADC 220—Part I
HANDGUNS. Handguns are divided into one of two major groups depending upon the
location of the chamber. Revolvers have a revolving chamber; pistols have a chamber integral
with the barrel. Some handguns include single-shot pistols, revolvers, semi-automatic pistols,
and fully automatic, or machine pistols.
Change the title of DLMS Supplements (DS) 140A (Small Arms Reporting) to Small
Arms and Light Weapons (SA/LW) Reporting, and make additional DS 140A changes as shown in
the revision table at Enclosure 1. DS are available at
(6) Change the title of DS 888A (Small Arms Data Change) to Small Arms and Light
Weapons (SA/LW) Data Change, and make additional DS 888A changes as shown in the revision
table at Enclosure 2.
(7) Revises DLMS/MILSTRAP Acronyms to add SA/LW for small arms and light weapons.
(8) Throughout MILSTRAP Chapter 12, and DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18, this
change (see Enclosure 3 for the revised DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18):
(a) Renames the Joint Small Arms Coordinating Group (JSACG) to the Joint Small
Arms and Light Weapons Coordinating Group (JSA/LWCG);
(b) Replaces terminology ‘small arms’ with ‘small arms and light weapons’ or ‘SA/LW’.
(9) Update MILSTRAP Appendix AP2.1, Document Identifier Codes, for the DS_
series DI Code titles and explanation to reflect Small Arms and light weapons as follows:
DSA Small Arms and Light Weapons
Multi-Field Corrections
Used for correcting erroneous or invalid NSN, DoDAAC/UIC, or
WSN on the Component Registry.
DSB Small Arms and Light Weapons
Mass Stock Number Change
Used to update the Component Registry for all weapon serial
numbers and stock numbers with one transaction.
DSC Small Arms and Light Weapons
Used for correcting rejected transaction or missing reconciliation
transaction on the Component Registry.
DSD Small Arms and Light Weapons
Receipt/Shipment Follow-up
Used for follow up by the Component Registries to confirm serial
number of weapon(s) shipped for which no receipt was confirmed
or weapon(s) received for which no shipment was reported.
DSF Small Arms and Light Weapons
Reconciliation/Reject Follow-Up
Used to notify a unit/activity that rejected transaction or
reconciliation transaction has not been received.
DSM Small Arms and Light Weapons
Serial Number Control
Used for registration and reporting of small arms and light weapons
between Component Registries and between the Component
Registry and the DoD Registry.
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ADC 220—Part I
DSR Small Arms and Light Weapons
Used for annual reconciliation between all units/activities having
possession or accountability of small arms and light weapons and
the Component Registry. Used to reject invalid/incomplete
(10) Revise DLMS Data Dictionary, MILSTRAP AP 2.12, and corresponding
MILSTRAP table of contents, to change title from “Small Arms Transaction Codes” to Small
Arms and Light Weapons Transaction Codes”. Revise AP2.12 code explanations to reflect
SA/LW in place of small arms as shown in Enclosure 4. Also includes administrative updates to
replace outdated reference to “report of survey” with current term “Financial Liability
Investigation of Property Loss Report (DD Form 200
)” as noted in the enclosure.
(11) Revise DLMS Data Dictionary, MILSTRAP AP 2.13, and corresponding
MILSTRAP table of contents, to change “Small Arms Error Transaction Reject Codes” to “Small
Arms and Light Weapons Error Transaction Reject Codes”. Revise AP2.12 code explanations to
reflect SA/LW in place of small arms as shown in Enclosure 5.
(12) Update the MILSTRAP format appendices AP3.31 through AP3.37, DI Codes
DSA, DSB, DSC, DSD, DSF, DSM, and DSR, respectively; and corresponding MILSTRAP
Table of contents, to revise the transaction titles reflect “Small Arms and Light Weapons” in place
of “Small Arms”.
(13) FLIS Unique Item Tracking Designator Code (UITDC). DLIS advised that upon
publication of this approved change, a FLIS update will be forthcoming in a future release, to update
the description for UIT Designator Code ‘AAA’ to reflect the change. Currently UITDC AAA refers
to DoD Small Arms Serialization Program (DODSASP). Under the revised definition, AAA will
refer to DoD Small Arms/Light Weapons Serialization Program.
a. The need to update the DoD small arms definition used for DODSASP had been
raised at JSACG meetings to support the changing environment for maintaining visibility and
reporting of small arms and light weapons serial number data within the Department of
Defense. ADC 220 revises the definition and will enable the Components to address and fully
comply with SA/LW serial number tracking and reporting requirements within the Department
of Defense. This ADC is proactive in clarifying and defining small arms and light weapons for
DoD tracking and reporting requirements.
b. The revision to the definition for DoD Registry more clearly defines the intent of the
DoD Registry and incorporates light weapons in the definition to support the revised definition
to SA/LW.
a. Advantages: This change supports the changing environment for maintaining visibility
and reporting of small arms and light weapons serial number data within the Department of
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ADC 220—Part I
Defense. It also supports the Department’s DoD 4140.1-R, Supply Chain Materiel Management
Regulation, policy to establish and maintain well defined DoD-Level UIT Programs.
b. Disadvantages: None identified
Data Content/Procedures/systems: DoD Components may need to revise
Component regulations and/or automated information systems as this change redefines
SA/LW for DoD tracking and reporting requirements.
b. Interface/impact: DoD Component SA/LW reporting and tracking systems and
procedures, and wholesale and below wholesale logistics system modernization offices
should consider this change.
c. Publications: DoD 4000.25-M (DLMS); DoD 4000.25-2-M (MILSTRAP);
DoD 4140.1-R, DOD Supply Chain Materiel Management Regulation (which provides the
overarching DoD SA/LW Serialization Program policy); and applicable DoD Component
8. COMMENTS DISPOSITION. The SA/LW definition approved by this change has
evolved through several iterations based on review and discussion by the JSACG and others,
first as PDC 134, then PDC 134A, and finally draft ADC 220. For background, the
comments and disposition for the evolving documents are provided at Enclosures 7, 8,
and 9, for draft ADC 220, PDC 134A, and PDC 134 respectively.
9. FINAL COMMENT DISPOSITION. An updated draft ADC 220, with the comments
addressed at Enclosure 5 incorporated, was provided to the JSACG for review after the 2007
JSACG meeting, as well as to the proponent for D0D DoD 4160.21-M. No additional
JSACG comments were received, however a comment was received from the proponent for
DoD 4160.21-M. See Enclosure 6 for that comment and JSACG disposition after the June
2008 JSACG meeting.
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ADC 220—Part II
Visibility and Traceability of Captured, Confiscated or Abandoned
Enemy Small Arms and Light Weapons
a. Service/Agency: AMC Executive Agent f/Small Arms Logistics, TACOM-RI.
b. Sponsor: JSACG Chair, DLMSO.
2. FUNCTIONAL AREA: Supply and DoD Small Arms Serialization Program
a. DoD 4000.25-2-M, Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures
(MILSTRAP), Chapter 12, Small Arms Serial Number Registration and Reporting
b. DoD 4000.25-M, Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS), Volume 2 Supply,
Chapter 18, Small Arms Serial Number Registration and Reporting
a. Title: Visibility and Traceability of Captured, Confiscated or Abandoned Enemy
Small Arms and Light Weapons
b. Description of Change: This change provides procedures for registering weapons when
a DoD agency captures, confiscates or assumes custody of abandoned enemy weapons as a
result of military actions. The weapons may be of foreign or domestic manufacture and may
include recaptured United States military weapons. This change incorporates use of the term
small arms and light weapons as defined In Part I of this ADC.
c. Comments received for PDC 134A, Part II Visibility and Traceability of Captured,
Confiscated or Abandoned Enemy Small Arms and Light Weapons:
SPRC and JSACG representatives,
AMC Executive Agent f/Small Arms Logistics,
AMC Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA)
Concur as written
Air Force SPRC representative Concur.
Marine Corps SPRC representative Concur as written.
Navy JSACG alternate representative Concur.
DLA JSACG and SPRC representatives Concur.
GSA SPRC representative Change does not apply to GSA
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ADC 220—Part II
d. Procedures: The changes below are as staffed by PDC 134A. No additional
changes were recommended or made. Revise and add paragraphs as follows (changes
identified by bold, italicized red text):
(1) DLMS Vol. 2, Chapter 18
“C18.2.1. Purpose. This chapter provides procedures for reporting SA/LW serial number
data between the DoD Components and the DoD Registry. SA/LW, as defined in Definitions
and Terms, including those mounted on aircraft, vehicles, and vessels, that are accounted for
in unclassified property records, will
shall be reported (included will be foreign and
commercial weapons, museum pieces with serial numbers, and captured, confiscated or
abandoned enemy SA/LW in the possession of the Department of Defense).”
C18.2.10 Enemy SA/LW. Captured, confiscated or abandoned enemy SA/LW in the
possession of the Department of Defense as a result of military actions shall be registered.
SA/LW may be of foreign or domestic manufacture and may include recaptured US
military SA/LW.
(2) MILSTRAP, Chapter 12:
“C12.2.1 This chapter provides proce
dures for reporting SA/LW serial number data between the
DoD Components and the DoD Registry. SA/LW, as defined in Definitions and Terms,
including those mounted on aircraft, vehicles, and vessels, that are accounted for in unclassified
property records, will
shall be reported (included will be foreign and commercial weapons,
museum pieces with serial numbers and captured, confiscated or abandoned enemy SA/LW in
the possession of the Department of Defense).”
C12.2.10 Captured, confiscated or abandoned enemy SA/LW in the possession of the
Department of Defense as a result of military actions shall be registered. SA/LW may be of
foreign or domestic manufacture and may include recaptured US military SA/LW.
5. REASON FOR CHANGE: This change will fill a void in the current procedures that does
not recognize confiscated or abandoned enemy small arms and light weapons for serial number
visibility and traceability.
a. Advantages: This change ensures that captured, confiscated or abandoned enemy small
arms and light weapons in possession of the Department of Defense as a result of military actions
are registered for the purpose of maintaining serial number visibility and traceability.
b. Disadvantages: None identified
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ADC 220—Part II
a. Data Content/Procedures: The DoD Components may need to revise DoD
Component regulations and automated information systems.
b. Coordination/Staffing: The DoD Component SPRC representative’s coordination for
this change should have included, but not been limited to, their wholesale and retail logistics
system modernization offices; and their JSACG representatives.
c. Publications: Requires revision to MILSTRAP and DLMS, and may require revision
to DoD Component publications.
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Enclosure 1 to ADC 220 Part 1
DS 140A Revision Table
DS 140A, Small Arms and Light Weapons (SA/LW) Reporting
(Revision Table)
Revise DS 140A as shown below:
DS 140A Revisions
Changes are highlighted
Federal IC
1 Title Revise the name of DS 140A as follows:
DLMS Supplement to Federal IC 140A Small Arms
and Light Weapons (SA/LW) Reporting’
To support DoD
functional change from
“small arms” reporting to
“small arms and light
Weapons (SA/LW)”.
Note 1
Revise DLMS introductory note 1:
1. Use a single occurrence of this transaction set to
transmit small arms and light weapons information to
one or more organizations. This transaction
encompasses the functionality of MILSTRAP Small Arms
and light weapons specific Document Identifier (DI)
Codes DSC, DSD, DSF, DSM, and DSR.
To support change from
“small arms” to “small
arms and light Weapons”.
No update
Note 4
Revise DLMS introductory note 4 to add ADC 220:
ADC 220, Approved Defense Logistics Management
System (DLMS) Change (ADC) 220 in Two Parts, Part I:
Revise Definitions for Small Arms to Address Light
Weapons, and Part II: Visibility and Traceability of
Captured, Confiscated or Abandoned Enemy Small Arms
and Light Weapons
Administrative change
to identify ADCs
incorporated in DS.
No update
4 1/BGN07/20 Revise DLMS notes for Transaction Type Code W4-
Weapons Control Report:
W4 Weapons Control Report
1. Use when the transaction set contains a SA/LW
Control Reporting Transaction. Used for registration and
reporting of SA/LW between Component Registries, and
between Component Registries and the DoD Registry.
(MILSTRAP DI Code DSM functionality.)
2. Use with BGN08, Action Code T, when the transaction
set contains a SA/LW Receipt/Shipment Follow-up
transaction. Used for follow up by the Component
Registries to confirm serial number of weapon(s) reported
as shipped for which no receipt was confirmed, or
weapon(s) received for which no shipment was reported.
(MILSTRAP DI Code DSD functionality.)
1. To support ADC
220 terminology
change from “small
arms” to “small arms
and light Weapons
2. To more clearly
define how the
beginning segment
codes differentiate the
different transaction
No update
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Enclosure 1 to ADC 220 Part 1
DS 140A Revision Table
DS 140A Revisions
Changes are highlighted
Federal IC
5 1/BGN07/20 Revise DLMS notes for Transaction Type Code W5-
Weapons Control Report Reconciliation:
W5 Weapons Control Report Reconciliation
DLMS Note: 1. Use when the transaction set contains
an original SA/LW Reconciliation transaction. Used for
annual reconciliation between all units/activities having
possession or accountability of SA/LW, and the
Component registry. (MILSTRAP DI Code DSR
functionality when DSR is used as a reconciliation
2. Use with BGN08 Action Code U when the transaction
set contains a SA/LW Reject transaction. Used to reject
invalid/incomplete SA/LW transactions. (MILSTRAP DI
Code DSR functionality when DSR is used as a reject.)
3. Use with BGN08 Action Code T when the transaction
set contains a SA/LW Reconciliation/Reject Follow-up
transaction. Used to notify a unit/activity that rejected
transaction or reconciliation transaction has not been
received. (MILSTRAP DI Code DSF functionality.)
4. Use with BGN08 Action Code AC, when the
transaction set contains a SA/LW Correction. Used to
correct a rejected SA/LW transaction or missing SA/LW
reconciliation transaction on the Component Registry.
(MILSTRAP DI Code DSC functionality.)
1. To support ADC
220 terminology
change from “small
arms” to “small arms
and light Weapons
2. To more clearly
define how the
beginning segment
codes differentiate the
different DS 140A
transaction functions/
No update
6 1/BGN08/20 Revise DLMS notes for Action Codes as follows:
T Status Query
DLMS Note: 1. Use in conjunction with BGN07, code
W4, when the transaction set contains a SA/LW
Receipt/Shipment Follow-up. (MILSTRAP DI Code DSD
2. Use in conjunction with BGN07, code W5, when the
transaction set contains a SA/LW Reconciliation/Reject
Follow-up. (MILSTRAP DI Code DSF functionality.)
U Reject
DLMS Note: Use in conjunction with BGN07 code W5
when the transaction set contains a SA/LW Reject
transaction. (MILSTRAP DI Code DSR functionality
when DSR is used as a reject.)
AC Acknowledge
DLMS Note: Use in conjunction with BGN07 code W5,
when the transaction contains a SA/LW Correction
transaction. (MILSTRAP DI Code DSC functionality.)
1. To support ADC
220 terminology
change from “small
arms” to “small arms
and light Weapons
2. To more clearly
define how the
beginning segment
codes differentiate the
different DS 140A
transaction functions/
No update
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Enclosure 1 to ADC 220 Part 1
DS 140A Revision Table
DS 140A Revisions
Changes are highlighted
Federal IC
7 1/N101/40 Revise DLMS notes for qualifiers SF and ST as follows:
SF Ship From
DLMS Note: Use in SA/LW control reporting of receipt
to identify the activity which shipped SA/LW.
ST Ship To
DLMS Note: Use in SA/LW control reporting of
shipment or SA/LW receipt/shipment follow-up to identify
the ship-to organization.
To support ADC 220
terminology change
from “small arms” to
“small arms and light
Weapons (SA/LW)”.
No update
8 1/N103/40
Add DLMS notes to the N103 qualifiers as follows:
1 D-U-N-S Number, Dun & Bradstreet
DLMS Note:
DLMS enhancement; see introductory DLMS note 3a.
DUNS+4, DUNS Number with Four Character Suffix
DLMS Note:
DLMS enhancement; see introductory DLMS note 3a.
10 Department of Defense Activity Address Code
DLMS Note:
Used to identify the DODAAC. Army only may also use
the DODAAC qualifier when citing a Unit Identification
Code (UIC) when a DODAAC is not assigned.
Department of Defense Routing Identifier Code (RIC)
DLMS Note:
1. The RIC is retained in the DLMS to facilitate
transaction conversion in a mixed DLSS/DLMS
environment. Continued support of the RIC in a full
DLMS environment will be assessed at a future date.
Typically under the DLMS, the RIC will be replaced with
a DoDAAC or a commercial identifier.
2. Future streamlined data; see introductory DLMS note
Administrative updates to
add DLMS notes
referencing standard
introductory notes, and to
identify that in the
SA/LW transactions,
Army may enter a UIC
when a DODAAC is not
assigned, per existing
DoD 4000.25-2-M
MILSTRAP guidance.
No update
9 1/PER/90 Add DLMS segment level note:
DLM Note: This segment is a DLMS enhancement. See
introductory DLMS note 3.a.
Administrative update.
No update
10 2/REF01/15 Add a DLMS note for qualifier TN:
TN Transaction Reference Number
DLMS Note: Use to identify the transaction number.
This is also known as the document number.
Administrative update
for clarification.
No update
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Enclosure 1 to ADC 220 Part 1
DS 140A Revision Table
DS 140A Revisions
Changes are highlighted
Federal IC
11 2/N101/20 Correct spelling in DLMS note:
RL Reporting Location
Use to identify reporting activity when different from
accountable activity.
Administrative update
correcting spelling
No update
12 2/DTM01/120 Revise DLMS notes for qualifiers 011 and 050 as
011 Shipped
DLMS Note: Use to indicate the SA/LW shipment date.
050 Received
DLMS Note: Use to indicate the SA/LW receipt date.
To support ADC 220
terminology change
from “small arms” to
“small arms and light
Weapons (SA/LW)”.
No update
13 2/REF/130
Revise Segment Level DLMS note 1:
DLMS Note: 1. Must use at least one repetition of the
2/REF01/130 segment for SA/LW Reporting transactions
to provide SA/LW serial numbers or Unique Item
Identifiers (UII).
To support ADC 220
terminology change
from “small arms” to
“small arms and light
Weapons (SA/LW)”.
No update
14 2/N1/140 Revise Segment Level DLMS note 1:
DLMS Note: 1. Use to identify the SA/LW
manufacturer if duplicate serial numbers are assigned to
the same item identified in 2/LIN/090.
To support ADC 220
terminology change from
“small arms” to “small
arms and light Weapons
No update
Page 1 of 4
Enclosure 2 to ADC 220 Part 1
DS 888A Revision Table
DS 888A, Small Arms and Light Weapons (SA/LW) Data Change
(Revision Table)
Revise DS 888A as shown below:
DS 888A Revisions
Federal IC
1 Title Revise the name of DS 888A as follows:
DLMS Supplement to Federal IC 888A Small Arms
and Light Weapons (SA/LW) Data Change.
To support DoD functional
change from “small arms”
reporting to “small arms
and light Weapons
(SA/LW)” reporting.
Note 1
Revise DLMS introductory note 1:
1. Use a single occurrence of this transaction set to
transmit small arms and light weapons changes or
corrections to one or more organizations. This
transaction encompasses the functionality of
MILSTRAP small arms and light weapons specific
Document Identifier (DI) Codes DSA and DSB
To support ADC 220
terminology change from
“small arms” to “small
arms and light Weapons”.
Note 4
Revise DLMS introductory note 4 to add ADC 220:
ADC 220, Approved Defense Logistics Management
System (DLMS) Change (ADC) 220 in Two Parts,
Part I: Revise Definitions for Small Arms to Address
Light Weapons, and Part II: Visibility and
Traceability of Captured, Confiscated or Abandoned
Enemy Small Arms and Light Weapons
Administrative change to
identify ADCs incorporated
in DS.
Note 4
Revise DLMS introductory note 4 to add new
subpara e:
e. Repetition of data (using multiple iterations or
loops) which is not compatible with existing DLSS
capability. Although supported by the use of the
ANSI X12 standard, such data is not compatible with
DLSS/DLMS conversion and may not be supported
by the recipient’s automated processing system.
Components must coordinate implementation of
enhanced capability with DLMSO prior to use.
Administrative change to
incorporate standard DLMS
introductory notes-.
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Enclosure 2 to ADC 220 Part 1
DS 888A Revision Table
DS 888A Revisions
Federal IC
Note 4
Revise DLMS introductory note 4 to add new
subpara f:
f. Data associated with a DLMS enhancement
authorized for implementation by modernized
systems under DLMS migration. This data (including
expanded field sizes) should be adopted during, or
subsequent to, modernization when applicable to the
Component’s business process. Prior coordination is
not required. Components should ensure that
inclusion of this data in a DLMS transaction does
not cause inappropriate rejection of the transaction.
Administrative change to
incorporate standard DLMS
introductory note.
6 2/BGN07/015 Revise DLMS note for Transaction Type Code W1-
Weapons Data Change
W1 Weapons Data Change
DLMS Note: Use to indicate the transaction set
contains changes or corrections to SA/LW data.
(MISTRAP DI Codes DSA and DSB functionality.)
To support ADC 220
terminology change from
“small arms” to “small
arms and light Weapons
7 2/BGN08/015 Revise DLMS note for Action Code U:
U Reject
DLMS Note: Use with BGN07 code W1 to indicate
that a DS 888A SA/LW correction transaction was
rejected. (MILSTRAP DI Code DSA functionality
when used to reject a DI Code DSA transaction)
To support ADC 220
terminology change from
“small arms” to “small
arms and light Weapons
8 1/N101/20 Revise DLMS notes for qualifiers B6, KK, and RL
as follows:
B6 Registering Parent Party
DLMS Note: Use to identify the DoD SA/LW
Central Registry. The DoD SA/LW Central Registry
may be a ‘from address’ when rejecting small arms
transactions. (Applied in MILSTRAP to DI Code
DSA ‘K’ transactions)
KK Registering Party
DLMS Note: Use only in SA/LW data change reject
to identify the registry issuing the reject.
RL Reporting Location
DLMS Note: Use to identify the reporting activity
submitting the SA/LW Data Change transaction.
To support ADC 220
terminology change from
“small arms” to “small
arms and light Weapons
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Enclosure 2 to ADC 220 Part 1
DS 888A Revision Table
DS 888A Revisions
Federal IC
9 1/N103/020
Add DLMS notes to qualifier 10 as follows:
10 Department of Defense Activity Address Code
DLMS Note:
Used to identify the DODAAC. Army only may also
use the DODAAC qualifier when citing a Unit
Identification Code (UIC) when a DODAAC is not
Administrative updates to add
DLMS note identifying that in
the SA/LW transactions,
Army may enter a UIC when a
DODAAC is not assigned, per
existing DoD 4000.25-2-M
MILSTRAP guidance.
No update
10 2/G53/010 Revise segment level DLMS note:
DLMS Note: Use the 2/G53/010 loop to identify the
purpose of the transaction, the SA/LW data requiring
change or correction, and the changed or corrected
To support ADC 220
terminology change from
“small arms” to “small
arms and light Weapons
No update
11 2/G5301/010 Revise DLMS note for qualifier 001-Change:
001 Change
Use to identify SA/LW data changes or corrections.
To support ADC 220
terminology change from
“small arms” to “small
arms and light Weapons
No update
12 2/N101/156 Revise DLMS notes for qualifiers B6, KK, and RL
as follows:
B6 Registering Parent Party
DLMS Note: Use to identify the DoD SA/LW
Central Registry.
KK Registering Party
DLMS Note: Use to identify the registry to receive
the SA/LW Data Change Transaction..
RL Reporting Location
DLMS Note: Use only in SA/LW Data Change
Reject to identify the reporting activity o receive the
To support ADC 220
terminology change from
“small arms” to “small
arms and light Weapons
No update
13 2/G55/165 Revise segment level DLMS note 2:
DLMS Note: 2. DS 888A is not authorized for use
to change a SA/LW item unique identification (IUID)
unique item identifier (UII). IUID policy states that
the concatenated UII will not change over the life of
the item. For IUID policy refer to the UID web at
To support ADC 220
terminology change from
“small arms” to “small
arms and light Weapons
No update
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Enclosure 2 to ADC 220 Part 1
DS 888A Revision Table
DS 888A Revisions
Federal IC
14 2/LQ01/190 Update DLMS notes for qualifier A9, AJ, EW and
A9 Supplemental Data
DLMS Notes:
1. Use to identify supplemental address/data.
2. During the DLSS/DLMS transition, this field will
be used to perpetuate/populate the DLSS
Supplemental Address (SUPAAD) field. During this
time, field size is restricted to 6 positions; see
introductory DLMS note 4d.
3. Expanded use of this field for supplemental data
without size restriction is a DLMS enhancement; see
introductory DLMS note 4a.
4. Under full DLMS, the requirement to pass activity
address information within the supplemental data
field will be streamlined. Activity address data
previously contained in the SUPAAD will be
reflected exclusively in the N1 segment. Future
streamlined data; see introductory DLMS note 4c.
AJ Utilization Code
1. Under DLMS this is the first position of the
document serial number within the document
EW Small Arms Error Transaction Reject Code
DLMS Note: Use in reject reports and reject
resubmissions to identify the SA/LW error
transaction reject code.
EX Small Arms Transaction Code
Use to identify the SA/LW transaction code that
reflects the required change or correction to
SA/LW data.
Administrative changes to:
Qualifiers A9 and AJ
for consistency with
standard DLMS notes.
Qualifiers EW and EX
to note that ther codes
are for SA/LW.
No update
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Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
ENCLOSURE 3 TO ADC 220, Parts I and II
DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
C18.1. SCOPE.
C18.1.1. Applicability
. The provisions of this chapter apply to the DoD
Components responsible for inventory management of small arms and light
weapons (SA/LW) and other activities involved in the shipment, registration, or
receipt of SA/LW.
C18.1.2. Transactions
. This chapter addresses the procedures applicable
to the following ASC X12 transaction functions identified by their beginning
segment transaction type codes and, where applicable, action codes. The
corresponding MILSTRAP transaction functionality is identified for information
purposes in a mixed DLSS/DLMS environment. Other formats, such as DLMS
XML, are also available. See the DLMSO website for available DLMS formats.
C18.1.2.1. DS to the Federal IC 140A, Small Arms and Light
Weapons (SA/LW) Reporting, is used for the following transaction functions
identified by the beginning segment (1/BGN/20) Transaction Type Code
(BGN07) and, where applicable, Action Code (BGN08):
C18. SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction
is identified
by Transaction Type Code W4 – Weapons Control Report. This transaction
provides MILSTRAP DI Code DSM functionality.
C18. SA/LW Receipt/Shipment Follow-up Transaction
identified by Transaction Type Code W4 – Weapons Control Report, with Action
Code T - Status Query. This transaction provides MILSTRAP DI Code DSD
C18. SA/LW Reconciliation Transaction
is identified by
Transaction Type Code W5 – Weapons Control Report Reconciliation. This
transaction provides MILSTRAP DI Code DSR functionality when DSR is used
as reconciliation transaction.
C18. SA/LW Reject Transaction
is identified by
Transaction Type Code W5 – Weapons Control Report Reconciliation, with
Action Code U - Reject. This transaction provides MILSTRAP DI Code DSR
functionality when DSR is used to reject invalid/erroneous SA/LW
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Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
C18. SA/LW Reconciliation/Reject Follow-up Transaction
is identified by Transaction Type Code W5 – Weapons Control Report
Reconciliation, with Action Code T – Status Query. This transaction provides
MILSTRAP DI Code DSF functionality.
C18. SA/LW Correction Transaction
is identified by
Transaction Type Code W5 – Weapons Control Report Reconciliation, with
Action Code AC – Acknowledge. This transaction provides MILSTRAP DI Code
DSC functionality.
C18.1.2.2. DS to the Federal IC 888A. SA/LW Data Change
Transaction is identified by DS 888A beginning segment (1/BGN07/15)
Transaction Type Code W1 – Weapons Data Change. This transaction
provides MILSTRAP DI Code DSA/DSB functionality.
C18.2.1. Purpose
. This chapter provides procedures for reporting SA/LW
serial number data between the DoD Components and the DoD SA/LW Registry
(hereafter referred to in this chapter as the DoD Registry). SA/LW, as defined in
Definitions and Terms, including those mounted on aircraft, vehicles, and vessels,
that are accounted for in unclassified property records, shall be reported (included
will be foreign and commercial weapons, museum pieces with serial numbers, and
captured, confiscated or abandoned enemy SA/LW in the possession of the
Department of Defense).
C18.2.2. List of Serial Numbers in Shipments
. In addition to the shipment
requirements contained in this volume, the shipping activity shall send a listing of the
weapon serial numbers contained in each shipment with the shipment
documentation accompanying SA/LW shipments between the DoD Components.
When shipments consist of multiple containers, the listing shall identify which serial
numbers are within each of the containers.
C18.2.3. SA/LW Without an NSN and/or Serial Number
. SA/LW without an
NSN and/or SA/LW (except museum pieces) with missing, obliterated, mutilated, or
illegible serial numbers, when discovered, shall be reported to the DoD Registry by
the Component Registry, for review and assignment of a Management Control
Number (MCN)/NSN and/or serial number. Assignment of Local Control Number
(LCN) or MCN shall not replace or be used in lieu of procedures to request
assignment of an NSN where applicable. The Component Registry shall report all
SA/LW without an NSN and/or SA/LW serial number, by message or letter, for
assignment of serial number and/or NSN in the following format:
C18.T1. Format To Report SA/LW Without an NSN
NSN Serial Number (SN) Description
(NSN or none) (SN or none) (Make, model, caliber, and
other nomenclature)
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Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
C18.2.4. LCN/MCN. LCNs/MCNs shall be used by the DoD Components for
weapon identification until a valid NSN can be obtained from the DoD Registry in
accordance with C18.2.3, above, or notification that the MCN/LCN will not be
assigned an NSN.
C18.2.5. Lost, Abandoned, or Unclaimed Privately Owned
. Lost,
abandoned, or unclaimed privately-owned SA/LW that are processed through a
Board of Officers for actions described in DoD 4160.21-M, Chapter VI, and later
turned into a DRMO, shall be registered immediately when they come under U.S.
Government control.
C18.2.6. Non-appropriated Funded
. Nonappropriated funded SA/LW turned
into a DRMO and privately owned weapons classified as claims property shall be
registered immediately when they come under the control of the Department of
Defense. SA/LW that are claimed (private property whose title has passed to the
Department of Defense as a result of a claim against the U.S. Government due to its
damage in connection with U.S. Government activities, usually movement of
household goods) and confiscated (private property whose title has passed to the
Department of Defense as a result of being confiscated by appropriate authority,
usually as a result of being abandoned and/or unauthorized for personal possession)
by DoD activities shall be reported immediately to the Component Registries.
C18.2.7. Ceremonial/Training
. The DoD Components shall obtain a new NSN
(or currently assigned NSN) from the DoD Registry for modified weapons rendered
inoperable that are used for ceremonial or training purposes. These weapons shall
be retained on the Component Registries as weapons subject to the reporting
C18.2.8. Lost, Stolen, and/or Recovered
. The DoD Components shall establish
procedures to ensure reporting of lost, stolen, unaccounted for, and/or recovered
SA/LW under the provisions of DoD 5100.76-M
C18.2.9. Mobilization
. In the event of mobilization or other emergency, the
DoD Registry and the Component Registries shall continue to operate and be
maintained. SA/LW Transaction Code J (Emergency Suspense Status) may be
used in emergency situations as authorized by the individual DoD Components.
C18.2.10. Enemy SA/LW
. Captured, confiscated or abandoned enemy
SA/LW in the possession of the Department of Defense as a result of military
actions shall be registered. SA/LW may be of foreign or domestic manufacture
and may include recaptured US military SA/LW.
C18.3.1. Establish continuous visibility over all SA/LW by serial number from
the contractor to depot; in storage; in-transit to requisitioners; in post, camp, and
station custody; in the hands of users; during turn-ins; in renovation; and during
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Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
C18.3.2. Interface the SA/LW serial number reporting between the DoD
Components using standard procedures.
C18.3.3. Provide follow up procedures for delinquent shipment/receipt
C18.3.4. Provide SA/LW records reconciliation procedures.
C18.3.5. Provide law enforcement agencies, within 72 hours, the identification
of the last known accountable activity having a specific serial numbered SA/LW.
C18.4.1. Non-appropriated Funds Purchases
. SA/LW purchased with non-
appropriated funds and privately-owned weapons are exempt from being reported to
the DoD Registry since these weapons are controlled by civil authorities under the
Gun Control Act of 1968. (This does not include weapons turned in for disposal.
See paragraphs C18.2.6 and C18.2.7, above.)
C18.4.2. Classified Activities
. Classified activities, which determine that
specific SA/LW should not be registered under these procedures, shall request
guidance through appropriate channels from the DoD Component.
C18.4.3. Deviations
. Deviations from these requirements by DoD activities
with small static inventories require concurrence of the Joint Small Arms/Light
Weapons Coordinating Group (JSA/LWCG) and approval of the JSA/LWCG Chair.
Submit requests for deviations, to include appropriate justification, via electronic
mail to [email protected] (when using electronic mail include “ATTN:
JSA/LWCG Chair” in the subject line), or by traditional mail to:
FORT BELVOIR, VA 22060-6217.
C18.5.1. DoD Registry
. The DoD Registry shall:
C18.5.1.1. Be operated and maintained by the Department of the Army.
C18.5.1.2. Provide a central repository of SA/LW serial numbers from the
Component Registries, to include those on-hand, in-transit, lost, stolen,
demilitarized, or shipped outside the control of the Department of Defense.
C18.5.1.3. Provide law enforcement agencies, within 72 hours, the
identification of the last known accountable activity (to include telephone number)
having a specific serial numbered weapon (see paragraph C18.7.6, below).
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Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
Respond as expeditiously as possible to other inquiries, depending on volume and
existing workload.
C18.5.1.4. Enter all inquiries from law enforcement agencies and
inquiries from appropriate military and civilian activities for weapons located in
foreign countries on the DoD Registry file when no record exists on the active or
inactive file. This shall be accomplished by using DS 140A SA/LW Control
Reporting Transaction (MILSTRAP DI Code DSM function) with SA/LW
Transaction Code I (Interrogation/Inquiry Record) and entering the message/inquiry
form number in the transaction number (document number) field for cross-
reference purposes.
C18. For weapons identified as belonging to a DoD
Component, these entries shall remain in the DoD active master file until the weapon
is returned to DoD control and properly recorded on a Component Registry.
C18. Weapons identified as other than DoD in origin shall be
placed in the inactive file of the DoD registry.
C18.5.1.5. Identify duplicate serial numbers received from the
Component Registries, as a minimum, on a quarterly basis. The appropriate DoD
Component shall be contacted to verify duplicates and the DoD Registry will issue
selected suffixes to modify affected serial number(s) for all but one of the duplicate
numbers. Weapons with duplicate serial numbers located in the wholesale system
shall be modified first, to the extent possible, in order to maintain an audit trail for all
modification actions:
C18. Provide appropriate corrective instructions to the
Component Registries reporting duplicate serial numbers.
C18. Establish a complete historical cross-reference record
(mechanical or hard copy).
C18.5.2. Component Registries
. Component Registries shall:
C18.5.2.1. Maintain and control a mechanized active, and inactive,
history file to control SA/LW serial numbers for which they maintain or had
maintained accountability.
C18.5.2.2. Update files based on transaction reporting; e.g., receipts,
issues, turn-ins, and inter-DoD Component transfers. Perpetuate suffix codes from
all receipt/issue/adjustment transactions when updating files.
C18.5.2.3. Use standard data elements and standard transactions
(identified in paragraph C18.1.2), to interface between the Component Registries
for reporting changes affecting the SA/LW status in the master file of the Component
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DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
C18.5.2.4. Provide monthly electronic file overlays to the DoD Registry
reflecting active and inactive files in serial number sequence.
C18.5.2.5. Identify duplicate serial numbers recorded on file and request
altering instructions from the DoD Registry for all but one of the duplicate numbers.
Suspend movement of these weapons pending verification of the record and/or
receipt of instructions for modification of the serial number on the weapon.
C18.5.2.6. Provide available data upon receipt of an inquiry from a law
enforcement agency within 72 hours, and initiate action as deemed appropriate.
C18.5.2.7. Perform an annual record’s verification utilizing the registry
files to obtain records compatibility with depot files and ICP files by stock number
and quantity.
C18.5.2.8. Report weapons lost, damaged, or destroyed in accordance
with DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 12, Chapter 7. SA/LW Transaction Code Q
(Notification of Suspected Loss) is applicable for reporting potential lost or stolen
SA/LW, pending full investigation and preparation of a Financial Liability
Investigation of Property Loss Report (DD Form 200
). SA/LW Transaction Code U
(Found or Recovered) is applicable for reporting if the missing weapon is found or
recovered. Use the SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction for updating the
C18.5.2.9. Identify on the Component Registry, using the SA/LW
Control Reporting Transaction with SA/LW Transaction Code L (Inventory
Adjustment - Loss), weapons determined to be lost or stolen after all investigative
requirements have been initiated, including preparation of a Financial Liability
Investigation of Property Lost Report. (Note: The DoD Components are required to
submit semiannual reports to the chairperson, Physical Security Review Board, in
accordance with DoD 5100.76-M, for all SA/LW where theft, loss, and recovery
C18.5.2.10. Perform an annual SA/LW reconciliation with all activities
recorded on the registry as having possession and/or accountability of reported
SA/LW by serial number, stock number, and quantity. The method of performing the
reconciliation shall depend on the DoD Components' capability of using Defense
Data Network transaction sets, tapes, or listings. When tapes or listings are used to
perform the annual reconciliation, they shall be identified by the appropriate
transaction set either as header information or shown with each line entry (see
paragraph C18.7.8, below).
C18.5.2.11. Report all new weapons or devices that could be construed
as SA/LW to the JSA/LWCG chairperson. The chairperson shall identify the
reportability and notify the DoD Component. Weapons or devices for which no
determination can be made will be discussed by the full JSA/LWCG.
C18.5.3. JSA/LWCG
. JSA/LWCG responsibilities are as set forth in DoD
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Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
C18.6.1. The SA/LW data contained in the ADP records of the DoD Registry
could produce classified data if the total number of serial numbers by weapon type
were summarized. Consideration must be given to security of the SA/LW records
due to their sensitive nature. Security of ADP records shall be in accordance with
DoD 5200.1-R.
C18.6.2. A determination to classify shall be made when there is sound reason
to believe that knowledge of the information would provide un-friendlies an insight
into the war potential, war defense plans, or posture of the United States and could
reasonably be expected to cause a degree of harm to the national security.
C18.6.3. The operation of this program does not relieve units/activities from
the requirements for physical security of weapons in accordance with DoD
Component regulations.
C18.7.1. The Component Registries shall provide for electronic file transfer of
their active and inactive files, in serial number sequence, to arrive at the DoD
Registry not later than the 10th of each month. The format shall be in accordance
with the DS 140A SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction (MILSTRAP DI Code
DSM function). The DoD Registry shall verify record counts as indicated on the
C18.7.2. The DoD Registry shall combine the DoD Components' electronic
files into a single file, in serial number sequence, not later than the 15th day of each
month. The DoD Registry shall identify duplicate serial numbers, as a minimum
quarterly, in accordance with subparagraph C18.5.1.5, above.
C18.7.2.1. If duplicate serial numbers appear during the next check, and
are owned by a single DoD Component, the Component Registry shall be notified to
validate the serial numbers. If duplicate serial numbers remain after this validation,
the Component Registry shall request altering instructions from the DoD Registry to
modify affected serial number(s). The DoD Registry shall issue modified serial
numbers (using selected alpha suffixes) and maintain a complete historical cross-
reference record.
C18.7.2.2. If duplicate serial numbers appear during the next check, and
are owned by more than one DoD Component, the DoD Registry shall notify each
Component Registry to validate its serial numbers. If duplicates remain after this
validation process, the DoD Registry shall issue modified serial numbers to one of
the Component Registries (using selected alpha suffixes) and maintain a complete
historical cross-reference record.
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Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
C18.7.3. Recovered Weapons. Weapons recovered by law enforcement
agencies or foreign countries and returned to the custody of a DoD Component shall
be registered on the Component Registry using the SA/LW Control Reporting
Transaction with SA/LW Transaction Code U (Found or Recovered).
C18.7.4. Inter-DoD Component Transfers
. The SA/LW Control Reporting
Transaction is used to report inter-DoD Component transfers between the
Component Registries. The requirements for reporting shipments shall be as
C18.7.4.1. Shipments Between DoD Components:
C18. Shipping Registry
. When weapons are selected for
shipment by the shipping activity, SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction with
SA/LW Transaction Code S (Shipment) shall be sent to the shipping Component
Registry. The shipping Component Registry enters the SA/LW data in the active file
to indicate the in-transit shipment. The shipping Component Registry then sends the
transaction to the destination Component Registry for all inter-DoD Component
C18. Receiving Registry
. The receiving Component
Registry enters the SA/LW data into the active file to open the record. This record is
maintained until confirmation of receipt of the weapon is provided by the receiving
C18. Receiving Activity Actions
. The receiving
activity verifies the serial number(s) and sends SA/LW Control Reporting
Transaction with SA/LW Transaction Code R (Receipt) to their Component
Registry. The receiving Component Registry matches the SA/LW data against the
in-transit record. A match constitutes a reconciliation and completes the record.
C18. Discrepant Serial Numbers
. Discrepant serial
number(s) shall be verified by telephone or letter and corrective action taken as
C18. Receiving Registry
. The receiving Component
Registry provides SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction with SA/LW Transaction
Code R to the shipping Component Registry.
C18. Maintenance Reporting
. Weapons shipments from one
DoD Component to another for maintenance purposes shall also be reported to
appropriate Component Registries. This requirement shall be included in any
maintenance support agreement.
C18. Shipping Timeframe
. If 30 calendar days from date of
shipment for CONUS and 90 calendar days for overseas is exceeded, the shipping
Component Registry shall initiate coordination to determine the status of the
outstanding SA/LW Control Reporting Transactions with SA/LW Transaction
Code S (see paragraph C18.8.2). (For receiving Component Registry procedures,
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Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
see paragraph C18.8.3.) A monthly overage shipment listing shall also be sent to
the receiving Component Registry.
C18.7.4.2. Shipments from Procurement
. When weapons are shipped
from a contractor to activities within the DoD, the contractor is required to prepare
three SA/LW Control Reporting Transactions. SA/LW Transaction Code P
(Procurement Gains) shall be in the one transaction sent to the shipping Component
Registry giving notification of shipment. The data are entered in the shipping
Component Registry to open the record. This record shall be held in suspense until
confirmation of receipt of the weapon is provided by the receiving activity. The
receiving activity shall submit an SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction to update
its Component Registry. The two remaining control reporting transactions shall have
the RI Code of the shipping Component Registry to which the confirmation of receipt
shall be provided. The SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction shall accompany
the shipment documentation. When shipments consist of multiple containers, a
listing shall identify which serial numbers are within each of the containers.
C18.7.4.3. Shipments Outside the Control of the Department of Defense
When SA/LW are selected for shipment to Foreign Military Sales/Grant Aid and
other Agencies outside the control of the Department of Defense, or when a DoD
agency assumes title and accountability for U.S. weapons purchased or produced
under a DoD contract then shipped directly to Security Assistance or other
customers outside DoD, the SA/LW Control Reporting Transactions for the weapons
shall be provided to the shipping Component Registry giving notification of shipment.
The shipping Component Registry codes each weapon in the shipment using SA/LW
Transaction Code N (Shipment to Other Agencies) or code F (Shipment to FMS/GA)
depending on type of shipment. The shipping Component Registry then enters the
SA/LW shipment data into the inactive file. Weapons returned to the DoD supply
system from previous shipments to FMS/Grant Aid and other agencies outside the
control of the Department of Defense shall be registered by the receiving activity on
its Component Registry.
C18.7.5. Demilitarization
. When SA/LW are selected for destruction at the
demilitarization activity, the demilitarization activity sends SA/LW Control
Reporting Transaction with SA/LW Transaction Code V (Demilitarization) to the
Component Registry once the demilitarization has been completed. The Component
Registry shall code each of the weapons demilitarized and enter the SA/LW
demilitarization data into the inactive file.
C18.7.6. DoD SA/LW Serialization Program
. The DoD SA/LW Serialization
Program is designed to provide investigative agencies, within 72 hours, the
identification of the last accountable activity having a specific serial-numbered
SA/LW. Investigative agencies will process all inquiries by message, letter, or
telephone to the DoD Registry. The DoD Registry shall identify the accountable
Component Registry from the data contained in its master record and query that
registry as to the last activity accountable for the specific serial numbered weapon.
Once the Component Registry identifies the last accountable activity, response is
provided to the investigative agency through the DoD Registry.
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Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
C18.7.7. Invalid or Erroneous DS 140A Transactions. The Component
Registry shall reject invalid or erroneous DS 140A SA/LW transactions to the
originator using the DS 140A SA/LW Reject Transaction (MILSTRAP DI Code
DSR function). (See paragraph C18.7.10 for rejecting DS 888A SA/LW Data
Change Transaction with SA/LW Transaction Code K (Multi-Field Correction).) The
rejecting Component Registry shall cite the appropriate SA/LW Error Transaction
Reject Codes in the SA/LW Reject Transaction. The code explanations identify
corrective action required. In a DLMS environment, the SA/LW Reject
Transaction may contain more than one SA/LW error transaction reject code, and
activities shall ensure that all error conditions are corrected prior to resubmission.
Under the constraints of the 80 record position DLSS (MILSTRAP)
environment, the reject advice code identifies only one error condition in the
transaction, and activities shall review all other fields of the rejected
transactions, prior to resubmission, to ensure that all date entries are correct.
C18.7.7.1. Correction of Rejected Transactions
. The Component
Registry shall hold rejected transactions in a suspense file until corrective action has
been received from the DoD Component. DS 140A SA/LW Correction
Transaction (MILSTRAP DI Code DSC function) with the appropriate SA/LW error
transaction reject code, shall be used to respond to rejected transactions.
C18.7.7.2. Follow-Up
. If no corrective action is received by the
Component Registry within 14 calendar days, the Component Registry shall send a
DS 140A SA/LW Reconciliation/Reject Follow-up Transaction (MILSTRAP DI
Code DSF function) to the DoD Component.
C18.7.8. Annual Reconciliation
. The annual reconciliation of all SA/LW on
the Component Registry shall be done using DS 140A SA/LW Reconciliation
Transaction (MILSTRAP DI Code DSR function) with SA/LW Transaction Code E
(Intra-DoD Component Reconciliation of SA/LW serial numbers, and inter-DoD
Component reconciliation when reconciling with DLA Defense Distribution Depots.)
This is a bottoms-up records reconciliation, i.e., matching records from the activity
having physical custody and/or accountability of the weapon to the Component
Registry records. Matching records shall be considered reconciled. Duplicate
SA/LW serial numbers detected during the reconciliation shall require modification
instructions from the DoD Registry. Component Registries that perform the annual
reconciliation using other than transaction reporting shall ensure that listings contain
SA/LW Reconciliation Transaction in the heading. SA/LW Transaction Code E
need not be identified on the listing or posted to the Component Registry.
C18.7.8.1. Registry Rejects
. Records not matched, or weapons for which
no reconciliation was received by the Component Registry, shall result in a SA/LW
Reject Transaction with the appropriate SA/LW error transaction reject code(s), to
the DoD Component.
C18.7.8.2. Follow up for Response to Reject
. If corrective transactions
and/or notification of a problem is not received from the DoD Component within 60
calendar days, the Component Registry shall follow up using DS 140A SA/LW
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DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
Reconciliation/Reject Follow-up Transaction (MILSTRAP DI Code DSF
C18.7.9. Mass Stock Number/DoDAAC Changes
. Accomplish mass stock
number changes
and mass DoDAAC/UIC changes using DS 888A SA/LW Data
Change Transaction with SA/LW Transaction Code H (Mass Stock Number Change)
(MILSTRAP DI Code DSB function)
or SA/LW Transaction Code M (Mass
DoDAAC/UIC Change)
(MILSTRAP DI Code to be determined).
C18.7.10. Multi-field Corrections
. Reporting activities shall use DS 888A, SA/LW
Data Change Transaction with SA/LW Transaction Code K (Multi-Field Correction)
(MILSTRAP DI Code DSA function), to change erroneous information on the Component
Registry active/inactive file. The Component Registry shall reject any SA/LW Data Change
Transactions (with SA/LW Transaction Code K), that do not match the file or contain
invalid data.
C18.7.10.1. Preparation of SA/LW Data Change Transaction
Reporting activities shall prepare SA/LW Data Change Transaction with SA/LW
Transaction Code K when the Component Registry contains erroneous information.
Changes can be made to the NSN/MCN/LCN/DoDAAC/UIC of the accountable
activity and serial number.
C18.7.10.2. Rejection of SA/LW Data Change Transactions.
Data Change Transactions (with SA/LW Transaction Code K) received by the
Component Registry that do not match the NSN/MCN/LCN, reporting activity
DoDAAC/UIC, or serial number contained on the active/inactive file shall be rejected
to the reporting activity using DS 888A as a reject transaction. The rejected
SA/LW Data Change Transaction (with SA/LW Transaction Code K) shall contain
the appropriate SA/LW error transaction reject code. Rejected transactions shall be
suspended in the Component Registry pending receipt of a corrected SA/LW Data
Change Transaction (with SA/LW Transaction Code K). Under DLMS, more than
one SA/LW error transaction reject code may be shown in the rejected SA/LW Data
Change Transaction (with SA/LW Transaction Code K), and the reporting activity
must review all invalid data before resubmitting the corrected transaction. In a
DLSS (MILSTRAP) environment, only one SA/LW error transaction reject code
can be identified in the rejected transaction (MILSTRAP DI Code DSA), and the
reporting activity must review all entries for additional invalid data before
submitting the corrected transaction.
C18.7.10.3. SA/LW Transaction Code K Conversion
. The Component
Registries shall not include SA/LW Data Change Transactions (with SA/LW
Transaction Code K) on their electronic file transfer overlay records to the DoD
Registry. The Component Registry shall convert the DS 888A SA/LW Data Change
Transactions (with SA/LW Transaction Code K) received from the reporting activity
to DS 140A SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction with SA/LW Transaction Code
K, and the old serial number cited, for all changes to the serial number field for
the monthly electronic file transfer.
Page 12 of 13
Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
C18.8.1. Weapons Visibility
. One objective of the SA/LW serial number
registration and reporting procedures is to provide visibility of actual location of all
weapons by the timely update of the Component Registries during the shipment or
receipt process. The timeframe for processing DS 140A SA/LW Control Reporting
Transaction (MILSTRAP DI Code DSM function), for SA/LW Transaction Codes R
and S, is 10 calendar days from date of action.
C18.8.1.1. Notification of in-transit Shipment to Shipping Component
Registry. Within 10 calendar days of selection for shipment, the shipping activity
shall send the SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction (with SA/LW Transaction
Code S) to the shipping Component Registry to indicate which serial numbers are
included in the in-transit shipment. Activities that do not have mechanized capability
shall provide the SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction (with SA/LW Transaction
Code S), or hard copy information, to the shipping Component Registry by the
fastest means available, leaving the shipping activity within 10 calendar days of
selection for shipment.
C18.8.1.2. Update of Shipping Component Registry
. Within 10 calendar
days of receipt of the SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction (with SA/LW
Transaction Code S) from the shipping activity, the shipping Component Registry
shall use the transaction to update its files, establish the in-transit record, and send
the SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction to the receiving Component Registry for
all inter-DoD Component shipments.
C18.8.1.3. Receiving Component Registry Verification
. Within 10
calendar days of receipt of the weapon(s), the receiving activity shall use the SA/LW
Control Reporting Transaction data that accompanied the shipment to verify the
serial number(s) received and provide the transaction (with SA/LW Transaction
Code R) to the receiving Component Registry. Activities that do not have
mechanized capability shall provide the SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction
(with SA/LW Transaction Code R) or hard-copy information, to the receiving
Component Registry by the fastest means available.
C18.8.1.4. Shipping Component Registry Verification
. Within 10 calendar
days of receipt of the SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction (with SA/LW
Transaction Code R) from the receiving activity, the receiving Component Registry
shall send SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction (with SA/LW Transaction Code
R) to the shipping Component Registry to provide notification of receipt of the
weapons. The 10-calendar day requirement for notification of shipments/receipts
also applies to SA/LW shipments from one DoD Component to another for
maintenance purposes. This requirement shall be included in any maintenance
support agreements between the DoD Components.
C18.8.2. Overage Shipments
. The shipping Component Registry shall send a
follow-up on all weapons in-transit 30 calendar days for CONUS shipments, and 90
Page 13 of 13
Enclosure 3 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
DOD 4000.25-M, DLMS, Volume 2, Chapter 18
calendar days for overseas shipments, from date of shipment, for which no
confirmation of receipt (SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction with code R) has
been received. The shipping Component Registry shall send DS 140A SA/LW
Receipt/Shipment Follow-up Transaction (MILSTRAP DI Code DSD function) to
the receiving Component Registry. Allow 10 calendar days for response to the
follow-up transaction.
C18.8.2.1. Weapon Received
. If the weapon has been received, the
receiving Component Registry shall submit a SA/LW Control Reporting
Transaction with SA/LW Transaction Code R.
C18.8.2.2. Weapon Not Received
. If the weapon has not been received,
the receiving Component Registry shall submit SA/LW Control Reporting
Transaction with SA/LW Transaction Code A (Weapon Not Received).
C18.8.2.3. No Response Received
. If no response is received, an
electronic transmission (message) shall be sent to the receiving Component Registry
with an information copy to the receiving activity and its higher headquarters.
C18.8.2.4. Negative/No Response Reporting
. Negative response or no
response to the message shall cause the shipping Component Registry reporting the
weapon(s) as missing, lost, or stolen, to their appropriate investigative agency and
the DoD Registry (see subparagraphs C18.5.2.8 and C18.5.2.9, above).
C18.8.3. Shipment Follow-Up Procedures
. Follow-up procedures shall be
initiated by the receiving Component Registry for all weapons received for which no
DS 140A SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction (with SA/LW Transaction Code
S) was provided by the shipping Component Registry. The follow up procedure is
necessary to confirm that the serial number(s) reported as received matches the
serial number(s) selected and shipped. The receiving Component Registry shall
take the follow-up action with the shipping Component Registry within 10 calendar
days after a weapon(s) has been confirmed as received using the SA/LW
Receipt/Shipment Follow-up Transaction. Lack of response within 10 calendar
days shall cause an electronic transmission (message) being sent to the shipping
Component Registry with an information copy to the shipping activity and its higher
C18.8.4. Intra-DoD Component Timeframes
. The standard timeframes for
inter-DoD Component submission of SA/LW Control Reporting Transaction with
SA/LW Transaction Codes R and S, as prescribed above, also apply to intra-DoD
Component shipments and receipts.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
AP2.12- 1
Enclosure 4 to ADC 220
AP2.12 APPENDIX 2.12
TYPE OF CODE: Alphabetic/numeric
EXPLANATION: Transaction codes are used for reporting changes
affecting the SA/LW status in the master file of the
Component Registries and the DoD Registry.
A Weapon not received. Used to respond to follow-up request.
B Initial registration of SA/LW.
C Inventory Adjustment Gain. Reports of a serial number gain through inventory
adjustments will be made under this transaction.
D Shipment Reversal. Used to reverse an invalid shipment transaction (code S) for
which a serial number was previously reported to a Component Registry.
E Used for intra-Component reconciliation of SA/LW serial numbers, and for inter-
Component reconciliation when reconciling with DLA Distribution Depots.
F Shipment to FMS/Grant Aid. Used for issues of SA/LW directed under Grant Aid
or FMS agreements.
G Shipment to General Officers. Used to record issues to general officers.
Unassigned codes are reserved for future DoD assignment. Codes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are predesignated for
intra-Army use in controlling category I non-nuclear missiles and rockets under the DoDSASP
SA/LW Serialization Program. DoD assignment or revision of codes 1 through 5 for intra-Army use will
not be staffed prior to publication in this manual. When category I non-nuclear missiles and rockets are
designated for DoD-wide registration under the DoDSASP
DoD SA/LW Serialization Program, the code 1
through 5 assignments will be reviewed for inter-Component application.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
AP2.12- 2
Enclosure 4 to ADC 220
H Mass Stock Number Change. Used by the Component Registry to
accommodate stock number changes in SA/LW.
I Interrogation/Inquiry Record. Enter all inquiries from law enforcement agencies
and from appropriate Military and civilian activities for weapons located in foreign
countries on the DoD Registry file when no record exists on the active or inactive
J Emergency Suspense Status. Includes weapons shipped for mobilization or
shipments with personnel/units to combat areas pending return to the supply
K Multi-Field Correction. Used by reporting activities to correct erroneous serial
number, NSN, MCN, LCN, or owning activity address (DoDAAC/UIC of activity in
possession of the weapon) reported and posted to the Component Registries
master file.
L Inventory Adjustment - Loss. Reports inventory adjustment loss after all
investigative requirements, including report of survey
a Financial Liability
Investigation of Property Loss Report (DD Form 200
), have been initiated.
M DoDAAC/UIC Mass Change. This transaction will cause all serial numbers to be
dropped from a DoDAAC/UIC (record positions 5l-56) and to be recorded with
another DoDAAC/UIC (record positions 45-50), which normally results from unit
redesignation. Only one transaction is required to change the DoDAAC/UIC in
all records.
N Shipment to Other Agencies. Reports shipments to activities outside the control
of DoD. This would include shipments to civilian activities, non-DoD
governmental activities, and nonreporting (classified) Military activities.
(Excludes FMS/Grant Aid shipments.)
O Reserved for future DoD assignment.
P Procurement Gains. Prepared by procurement sources for initial registration of
weapons when they are shipped.
Q Notification of Suspected Loss. Reports potential lost or stolen weapon and
investigation/report of survey
Financial Liability Investigation of Property
Loss Report (DD Form 200
) is in process.
R Receipt. Confirms receipts of SA/LW from one reporting activity to another.
Used to report receipts between DoD activities.
S Shipment. Reports shipment from one reporting activity to another. Used to
report shipments between DoD activities.
T Confirmation of completed shipment from one Component to another. Used by
the DoD Registry to reflect shipments completed between Services.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
AP2.12- 3
Enclosure 4 to ADC 220
U Found or Recovered. Investigation/report of survey
Financial Liability
Investigation of Property Loss Report (DD Form 200
) completed, if required.
Weapon has been located. (Prior to 1 Nov 84, code was for dual issue/receipt
transactions for intra-Component transactions for intra-Component Registry
V Demilitarization. Used by demilitarization activities to report destruction of
weapons through demilitarization.
W thru Y Reserved for future DoD assignment.
Z Initial Registration and Shipment. Used for registering the shipment of
unregistered stock. Serves a dual purpose as B and S transactions.
1 Reserved for future DoD assignment for intra-Army use.
2 Expended tactical category I non-nuclear missile(s) or rocket(s). This code is
used when the missile or rocket has been expended in use (fired) and terminates
the requirement to report under the DoD SA/LW serialization program.
3 thru 5 Reserved for future DoD assignment for intra-Army use.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
Enclosure 5 to ADC 220
AP2.13 APPENDIX 2.13
TYPE OF CODE: Alpha/Numeric
EXPLANATION: Indicates the type of transaction error. These codes
will be used on line or on reject transactions to
identify erroneous transactions rejected by the DoD
and Component Registries.
05 Identifies an existing SA/LW record
on the Component Registry Master
File but reporting activity did not
submit E reconciliation record.
Verify active/inactive records. If weapon is
on active file, return the error transaction to
the Component Registry with the required
transaction code in record position 7 to
indicate that the Component Registry is
correct, thereby removing the reject
suspense and precluding follow-up action.
06 Identifies a duplicate record
submitted for reconciliation by a
reporting activity.
No action required. Duplicate records will
be rejected to the Component Registry for
verification action. Number of duplicates
will be identified as summary information to
the activity being reconciled.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
Enclosure 5 to ADC 220
07 Identifies a reconciliation request
submitted to the Component
Registry that reflects another
reporting activity as the owner.
Reject is included in the SA/LW
Record Reject Suspense File which
must be cleared to complete the
Verify active/inactive records.
1. If a receipt, request shipping activity to
submit required shipment transactions and
resubmit error transaction with an R in
record position 7 and other pertinent data
punched as required to post to Master File
and remove the reject suspense.
2. If not a receipt of shipment, and weapon
is physically on hand as reported, take the
necessary action prescribed for duplicate
serial numbers within the same NSN.
08 Reflects confirmation that the
Component Registry had added
serial number as a result of a
reconciliation E transaction
processed. No prior receipt of a
transaction record received by the
Component Registry.
No action required. The reconciliation
record will be recorded in the next
Component Registry Master File update as
an initial registration. The number of code 8
records posted to the Component Master
File will be identified as summary
information to the activity being reconciled.
09 Identifies a reconciliation request
submitted to the Component
Registry that is not scheduled for
reconciliation on date received.
Verify when reconciliation is scheduled.
Reject suspense will not be created.
1A NSN not Equal to Current NSN DoD Registry and Component Registry use.
1B Invalid NSN DoD Registry and Component Registry use.
1C NSN Table Date Invalid DoD Registry and Component Registry use.
2A Document Identifier Code/ Routing
Identifier Code Invalid
Notify reporting activity of the error
condition so that its files will be corrected.
Correct and resubmit transaction.
2B Serial Number Contains Blanks Notify reporting activity of the error and
request a corrected transaction be
2C Invalid Transaction Code Correct and resubmit transaction.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
Enclosure 5 to ADC 220
2D Unmatched Stock Number 1. If the stock number is not reportable
under chapter 12, notify the reporting units
to discontinue reporting for this tock
2. If the stock number is in error, notify the
reporting activity of the error and request
that a corrected transaction be resubmitted.
3. If the stock number is valid and
pertinent, but does not appear in the stock
number file, prepare and submit transaction
H to the computer.
2F Document Number Date in Error Verify, correct, and resubmit transaction.
2G Document Number Serial in Error Verify, correct, and resubmit transaction.
2J Invalid DoDAAC/UIC from or
DoDAAC/UIC to a Mass Change
Assure that DoDAAC/UIC (from-to) are
valid and in the file; correct DoDAAC/UIC.
2K Invalid DoDAAC/UIC in Document
Verify, correct, and resubmit transaction.
2L Invalid Transaction Date Verify, correct, and resubmit transaction.
2M Action Date Greater Than Current
Verify, correct, and resubmit transaction.
2O Invalid DoDAAC/UIC Verify, correct, and resubmit transaction.
3A Document Number Interrogation
Exceeds Limit
Correct and return transaction by next
cycle. Notification will be by card/listing.
Listings will reflect error code and narrative
3B Serial Number Interrogation
Exceeds Limit
Same as 3A.
3C Stock Number Interrogation
Exceeds Limit
Same as 3A.
3D DoDAAC/UIC Number Interrogation
Exceeds Limit
Same as 3A.
3F Transaction Date Prior to Master
Verify, correct, and resubmit transaction.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
Enclosure 5 to ADC 220
3G Unmatched Transaction Missing transaction(s). Verify, correct, and
resubmit transaction.
3H New Serial Number Matches
Previously Established Master File
1. Error in reported serial number.
2. Duplicate serial number exists.
3. Reporting activity must be contacted to
verify reported serial number if serial
number is in error. Correct and resubmit
3I From DoDAAC/UIC in Transaction
Does Not Match DoDAAC/UIC in
Master File
Verify, correct, and resubmit transaction.
3J Transaction Matched on Stock
Number But Not on Serial Number
1. Serial number error exists in transaction.
2. There are missing transactions in the
computer. Verify, correct, and resubmit
3K Receipt Transaction Received Prior
to Shipment Transaction
Post receipt. Reject Transaction to
shipping activity--verify serial number
shipped--correct if required.
3L Input Transaction is Incompatible to
Master File
Compare rejected transaction against
master file and take necessary action to
make input transaction (record position 7)
compatible, e.g., S transaction on the
master file will accept R transaction only.
3M Duplicate on Serial Number, Stock
Number, and Transaction Code
Request printout from the computer by
stock number and serial number
(Transaction Code 3). Examine transaction
to determine if transaction is an exact
duplicate. If it is not, correct and resubmit
DOD 4000.25-2-M
Enclosure 5 to ADC 220
3U NSN And Weapon Serial Number
Duplicates Another Weapon On
Master File
1. Verify NSN (record positions 8-22) and
serial number (record position 67) of
weapon. If incorrect, resubmit correct
2. If correct and weapon was received from
activity shown in master file, submit receipt
R transaction to the Component Registry.
3. If correct, and weapon was not received
from activity shown on master file, take the
necessary action described for duplicate
serial numbers within same NSN.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
Page 1 of 3
Enclosure 6 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
Final Comment Disposition
JSACG chair provided draft ADC 220 to JSACG for review after the 2007 JSACG meeting and incorporation of
comments addressed at enclosure 5. This final review prompted no additional JSACG comments or changes, however
comment was received from the proponent for DoD 4160.21-M via the DLA Supply Process Review Committee
(PRC) representative.
At the 6/11/08 JSACG meeting, the chair asked the group to review the draft ADC 220 definition as well
as the comment to that definition from the DoD 4160.21-M proponent, and respond, by July 11, 2008.
DRAFT ADC 220 SA/LW definition:
For the purpose of DoD small arms and light weapons reporting, small arms and
light weapons are defined as man-portable weapons made or modified to military specifications for use as lethal instruments of
war that expel a shot, bullet or projectile by action of an explosive. Small Arms are broadly categorized as those weapons intended
for use by individual members of armed or security forces. They include handguns; rifles and carbines; sub-machine guns; and
light machine guns. Light weapons are broadly categorized as those weapons designed for use by two or three members of armed
or security forces serving as a crew, although some may be used by a single person. They include heavy machine guns; hand-held
under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers; portable anti-aircraft guns; portable anti-tank guns; recoilless rifles; man-portable
launchers of missile and rocket systems; and mortars.
2007 COMMENT from the proponent for DoD 4160.21-M via the DLA Supply PRC representative:
Concur with comments: The "revised definition" for SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS does not specify the caliber
or millimeter threshold between small arms and light weapons that could be confusing and may adversely affect the way small
arms ammunition is thought of and potentially result in an undesirable explosives safety hazard issue as follows:
a. Title 10 U.S.C. §2577 authorizes the sale of recyclable materials and the deposit of proceeds into the installation QRP.
Regulations at Title 32, Code of Federal Regulations §172.2(b)(3)(ii), prohibit recycling of items that must undergo
demilitarization or mutilation before sale. DoD Instruction 4715.4, "Pollution Prevention," establishes resource recovery and
recycling through the Installation Qualified Recycling Program (QRP) and implements the aforementioned statutes.
b. One of the authorized recyclable items through the QRP is "small arms fired brass" provided they are mutilated. By
definition, small arms ammunition is defined by the Disposal Manual (DoD 4160.21-M) as .50-caliber (12.7mm) or below.
The .50-caliber machine gun, we believe, is considered a "heavy machine gun" by the proposed definition of SA/LW and that is
where the distinction is currently made between what caliber (mm) fired brass is or isn't eligible for QRP processing. Request
that "caliber / millimeter "cross-reference be identified accordingly and a distinctive cut-off for small arms ammunition made at
JSACG RESPONSE to 6/13/08 email tasking (as a result of 6/11/08 JSACG meeting) for review of definition
and outstanding comment:
Army Executive Agent for Small
Arms (Logistics)
(Mr. Thomas
Tkatch by 6/30/08 email)
Army LOGSA (Mr. Charles Royal
by 7/2/08 email)
Army concurs with draft ADC 220 definition.
I nonconcur with the single outstanding comment to draft ADC 220 revised definition
to small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) and recommend that the definition remain
as written without reference to caliber or millimeter. The comment pointed out that the
"revised definition" for SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS did not specify the
caliber or millimeter threshold between small arms and light weapons and concern was
expressed that it could be confusing and may adversely affect the way small arms
ammunition is thought of and potentially result in an undesirable explosives safety
hazard issue. As you noted it was the intent of the DoD SA/LWSP definition to define
small arms and light weapons as a group specifically for DoD tracking and reporting
requirements under the DoD SA/LW Serialization Program and was not meant to be an
inclusive DoD definition to be used by other DoD programs. Inasmuch as there is no
official DoD definition for small arms or light weapons this allows flexibility to
DOD 4000.25-2-M
Page 2 of 3
Enclosure 6 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
Final Comment Disposition
programs to define these two terms to reflect the objectives and requirements for each
unique DoD program. The revised definition for SA/LW should not impact DoD
Disposal regulations and procedures since they will continue to define small arms and
light weapons within their programs. In not specifying the caliber or millimeter
limitations in the Draft ADC 220 definition it allows the DoD SA/LW Program the
flexibility to quickly add those weapons that would meet all but the caliber threshold
for tracking. With the influx of nonstandard weapons into DoD inventory and the
ongoing weapon technology breakthroughs it is not beneficial to identify caliber
parameters in the SA/LW definition for the DoD serial number tracking program.
Navy (Mr. Bruce Reese by
6/12/08 email)
Navy does not concur with the outstanding comment.
Air Force (Mr. Van L. Poindexter,
Jr by 6/12/08 email)
Concur with draft ADC 220 definition.
Marine Corps
(Mr. A.J. Trout by 7/1/08 email)
Agree with the draft ADC 220 Small Arms definition.
Coast Guard (CW02 John
McDaniel by 6/13/08 email)
Concur with draft ADC 220 definition
DoD AT&L Treaty Compliance
Office (Mr. William Alberque by
6/13/08 email)
Concur with draft ADC 220 definition.
(Mr. George Gray by 7/2/08 email)
(Mr. Jeff Garrett by 7/2/08 email)
I also nonconcur with the change [the outstanding comment]. Reference Chuck
Royal’s comments
As the Deputy DoD Demil Program Manger, my concern with the draft ADC 220
revised definition to small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) is the confusion it may
cause for DOD having two definitions for Small Arms. Currently the DoD Demil
Manual 4160.21-M-1 and the Draft Demil Manual use the "International Traffic in
Arms Regulations" (ITAR)(22 C.F.R. Parts 120-130) and Arms Export Control Act
(AECA) (22 U.S.C. 2778-2780) as the bases for DoD Demil Policy, and to identify
Significant Military Equipment (SME). The ITAR definition for Small Arms is
Category I which is SME, are below.
1) Category 1 Firearms; Close Assault Weapons and Combat Shotguns "Non-
automatic and semi-automatic firearms to caliber .50 inclusive (12.7mm)"
2) CATEGORY II. Guns and Armament; "Guns over caliber .50 (12.7mm), whether
towed, airborne, self-propelled, or fixed, including but not limited to, howitzers,
mortars, cannons and recoilless rifles.
For internal DoD use only, not listing the cal or mm, may not have an impact. The
issue is what happens when DoD wants to export these weapons, which definition will
be used, when we go to the Department of State (DoS) for export, how do we
distinguish or identify which Chapter applies, we may have them in Chapter 1, but
ITAR may have them listed as Chapter 2? Do we need to engage DoS. The issue is
this, when DoD makes a change to a regulation, how does that change affect other
regulations. I just want to ensure we make the correct decision.
Thoughts? Thanks jg
JSACG Chair Response to Mr
Garret’s comment above
(Mary Jane Johnson by
7/7/08 email)
As stated in draft ADC 220, there is no single agreed upon DOD definition
for small arms and light weapons. The ADC 220 definition is not intended to
resolve that fact, rather it is intended to define small arms and light weapons (SA/LW)
for the specific purpose of SA/LW reporting under the DOD SA/LW Serialization
Program (DODSA/LWSP). For this purpose, we address small arms and light weapons
as a group and do not distinguish between the SA/LW since the two groups have the
same procedures for reporting within the DODSA/LWSP.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
Page 3 of 3
Enclosure 6 to ADC 220 Parts I and II
Final Comment Disposition
Your [Mr. Garret’s] comment addresses export of weapons and asks “when DoD
makes a change to a regulation, how does that change affect other regulations”.
Organizations dealing with export of weapons should refer to the applicable
publication/guidance. They should NOT refer to DOD 4000.25-2-M, (MILSTRAP)
nor DOD 4000.25-M (DLMS). Neither MILSTRAP nor DLMS addresses weapons
export, nor do they provide definitions to be used for that purpose. Further, when a
change is made to regulations covering weapons export requirements it does not
impact the DOD MILSTRAP/DLMS DODSA/LWSP reporting requirements.
Please be advised that after full JSACG review of the draft ADC 220 SA/LW
definition, and the outstanding comment to that definition from the proponent for DOD
4160.21-M, with the exception of your comment below, the group unanimously
concurred with the SA/LW definition as published in draft ADC 220. I have attached
the JSACG comments in response to the June 11, 2008 JSACG meeting tasking. [The
comments are above]
DLA response
(Mr. Jeff Garrett by 7/7/08 email)
Thanks, Just want to ensure the JSACG and the DoD Demil Program are in-sync, what
ever is serialized must be demiled.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
Page 1 of 3
Enclosure 7 to ADC 220 Part I
DRAFTADC 220 Comments/Disposition provided as background
Comments Disposition to DRAFT ADC 220 Provided as Background
DLMSO provided Draft ADC 220 for JSACG/SPRC review in 2007. Comments received to Draft ADC 220
, Part I
were discussed at the April 25, 2007 JSACG meeting as follows:
OSD Treaty
The Small Arms and Light Weapons
Implementation Working Group (SAIWG) has
several concerns and questions surrounding the
proposed change. For those in attendance,
particularly the representatives from the Services
and Joint Staff, this was the first they had seen or
heard of the proposed change. As of now, the
Army representatives see no problem with the
definition change. However, since this was the
they had seen of this, they would like to discuss the
matter internally as well as with your office.
Treaty Compliance (TC) Office Comment 1.
The first question the SAIWG has is what is the
exact reason for changing the definition?
TC Comment 2. Will the definition be solely for
internal DoD use, or will it be the definition that
the DoD will use for other external discussions
revolving around SA/LW (i.e. treaty negotiations).
TC Comment 3. Although it is noted that there is
no single agreed upon definition for SA/LW, the
most widely used definition is the 1997 UN Group
of Government Experts definition of SA/LW
which includes separate categories for "revolvers
and self-loading pistols," "rifles and carbines," and
"assault rifles."
TC Comment 4. Another concern we have is
with the mention of a 200 pound weight limit for
light weapons. The SAIWG is unaware of any
definition or agreement which uses this weight
limit in determining whether a weapon is
considered a small arm or light weapon. There
may be certain weapons, such as MANPADS,
which may weigh over 200 pounds but would still
be considered a light weapon. We suggest
deletion of the 200 pound weight limit.
Comment 5. The ATF representative who was
present at the SAIWG also expressed concern that
the change in the DoD definition would vary from
the definition provided in U.S. law. Although not
directly related to the DoD, the U.S. firearm
industry would be watchful of any change relating
to the definition of SA/LW and would be
concerned of any future impacts this may have on
the industry.
TC Comment 1 and 3: JSACG chair noted that
comments 1 and 3 are directed at the change from the
definition staffed by PDC 134A to delete “revolvers and
self-loading pistols” in favor of “handguns” and to delete
“assault rifles” from the definition. The definition
published in the UN Instrument (reference 3.d.) was
closely aligned with the PDC 134A definition.
“Revolvers and self-loading pistols” vs “handguns”:
The JSACG noted that DOD tracks single shot pistols which
are not revolvers or self loading pistols. The term “handgun”
was deemed more inclusive and the JSACG did not believe it
conflicted with the UN Instrument definition which cites
“revolvers and self-loading pistols”.
A definition for “handguns” was also added to
MILSTRAP/DLMS and that definition includes single-shot
pistols, revolvers
, semi-automatic pistols, and fully automatic,
or machine pistols
Assault Rifles: JSACG concluded that assault rifles are
covered under rifles, and should not be separately identified
as there is no specific definition for assault rifle and it means
different things to different interested parties.
TC Comment 2: As noted in PDC 134A/ ADC 220, the
DLMS/MILSTRAP SA/LW definition is intended to clarify
and define small arms and light weapons for DOD tracking
and reporting requirements. The DODSASP was not created
nor designed to be used as a tool for tracking DOD weapons
for the international community in order to be in compliance
with international treaties; however, the information in the
DOD Registry may be useful to assist in these obligations.
JSACG agreed it would be beneficial to align the definitions
where possible.
TC Comment 4: JSACG agreed to eliminate the 200 pound
weight restriction in favor of language in the UN instrument
as follows:
Light weapons are broadly categorized as those weapons
weighing less than 200 pounds that are carried and used by
several designed for use by two or three members of armed
or security forces serving as a crew, although some may be
used by a single person.”
TC Comment 5: JSACG noted the DODSASP definition is
not tied to US law, and is an internal DOD definition applying
to DOD SA/LW tracking and reporting requirements.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
Page 2 of 3
Enclosure 7 to ADC 220 Part I
DRAFTADC 220 Comments/Disposition provided as background
TC Comment 6. Finally, it appears that our two
groups need to have more continuity. While your
group includes expert folks from the Army, it does
not include anyone from the Army staff. I'd
suggest adding [specific SAIWG members] to
your group. They both attend the SAIWG and are
instrumental in implementing our Small Arms
Agreements and Treaties. Army SAIWG member
plans on talking to the Army LOGSA and/or
Executive Agent for Small Arms logistics JSACG
members about the definition, but at this time, the
SAIWG has reservations about making a
definitional change
TC Comment 6
: JSACG and SA/LW IWG chair agreed
there should be communication between both groups, and the
Services should be aware of their corresponding group
members. JSACG chair suggested chairs exchange group
member names to alert JSACG and SAIWG of their Service
counterparts with goal of opening communication lines if not
already present.
Regarding adding specific Service SALW IWG
representatives to the JSACG, it is the JSACG Component
representative’s prerogative to bring additional
representatives to the meetings.
If the JSACG member requests, JSACG chair can add
additional Service parties as interested parties to the JSACG
membership list and email distribution.
ation Policy
Army Nonproliferation Policy Office
1. I suggest making the ‘carry and use’ language
as identical as possible for small arms and light
weapons, i.e. mention that small arms are intended
to be carried and used by an individual, while
SALW are intended to be carried and used by a
2. I suggest using the term ‘weapon systems’,
rather than just weapons. As per JP 1-02 (2001
edition), the term weapon system includes
everything required for employment, and I believe
that the term more accurately reflects what the
definition is trying to capture. For example, in
some cases the weapon may require one solider to
operate, but the ‘weapon system’ necessitates and
assistant to carry ammunition, etc.
3. I also agree that if weight is to be mentioned,
that loaded or unloaded weight should be
specified. For SALW, much of weight is in the
ammunition. I personally recommend using an
unladed weight figure.
Comment 1: Concur. JSACG revised definition as noted in
disposition for Treaty Compliance Office comment 4 above.
Comment 2: Non-concur. The term “weapon system” is
mainly associated with larger and more sophisticated
weapons. The weapons defined in the PDC are designed to
incorporate weapons that are predominately used by a single
person or a group that is limited to two or three persons.
Reference: The Encyclopedia Britannica defines “weapon
systems” as any integrated system, usually computerized, for
the control and operation of weapons of a particular kind.
Intercontinental ballistic missiles, long-range bombers, and
antiballistic missiles are the weaponry of the strategic
weapons syste
(q.v.). Guided missiles operating at shorter
range, e.g., anti-aircraft or battlefield weapons and air-to-air
or air-to-surface attack-type missiles, constitute a tactical
weapons syste
Army LOGSA JSACG representative noted that the term
weapon system would be too inclusive (tripods [they do have
serial numbers], silencers, and other items)and would add
confusion where none is needed.
Comment 3: Weight limit removed in response to Treaty
Compliance (TC) Office comment 4 above.
Recommend that the Small Arms and Light
Weapons Implementation Working Group's
select a small arms definition that is consistent
with the below definitions:
DoD 4160.21-M-1, Demilitarization Manual:
All non-automatic, semiautomatic, automatic and
other weapons up to and including 50 caliber (12.7
mm) including combat shotguns, shoulder fired
Definitions provided are noted.
The DLA JSACG representative agreed to provide a copy of
ADC 220 to the proponent for DOD 4160.21-M-1 which is a
DLA office.
(NOTE: the proponent for DOD 160.21-M-1 provided a
comment and the comment as well as JSACG disposition is
noted in ADC 220, Attachment, page 5, paragraph 8.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
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Enclosure 7 to ADC 220 Part I
DRAFTADC 220 Comments/Disposition provided as background
grenade launchers, man portable rocket launchers,
individually operated weapons which are portable
and/or can be fired without special mounts or
firing devices, pyrotechnic pistols and other
ground signal projectors, rifle grenade launchers,
and firearms or other weapons having a special
military application (e.g., insurgency-
counterinsurgency and close assault weapons
systems), regardless of caliber.
DoD 5100.76-M, Physical Security of Sensitive
Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives:
Light automatic weapons up to and including .50
caliber and 40mm MK 19 machine guns, shoulder-
fired weapons not fully automatic, handguns,
flame throwers, mortar tubes up to and including
81mm, grenade launchers, recoilless rifles up to
and including 106mm and rocket and missile
launchers with an unpacked weight of 100 pounds.
As far as the definition for small arms, I feel we
are splitting hairs and as firepower continues to
evolve the definition will continue to change with
it. Therefore, we will live with the current
definition rather than attempt to add to it or detract
from it.
I am concerned about the visibility and traceability
of captured small arms and the procedures for the
reporting of them. The current version of
MILSTRAP provides the following data when
entering the serial number while creating a DSM
image. Enter serial number. Right justify and fill
unused positions with zeros. If the serial number
begins with a zero, also enter a 12-zone in the zero
position which starts the serial number. A 12
equates to an ampersand (&).
Furthermore, an (*) asterisk is used to identify
foreign or unidentifiable characters in the serial
number field. Within the DLMS transactions the
special characters are not valid. The * is used as a
field separator.
As of January 2007, DLA is moving into the realm
of IUID within the small arms community. Within
IUID, the (/) slash and (-) dash are the only valid
special characters. Currently DLA records
indicate that a (,) comma is also recorded as a
valid character within a weapons serial number.
Realizing that this ADC is not to provide
functionality or procedures, the need for these
conditions to be addressed in the supporting
regulatory guidance is a real concern for this
activity in light of world situations.
As indicated in the PDC Description of Change, “The purpose
of this change is to support the changing environment for
maintaining visibility and reporting of small arms and light
weapons (SA/LW) serial number data within DOD. This
change recognizes that there is not yet an internationally nor
DOD agreed definition of small arms and light weapons.”
Therefore, the JSACG and SAIWG will continue to be
proactive and monitor the definitions as necessary.
The remaining DLA DSIO comments address an issue with
the serial number format not specific to the PDC/ADC to
revise the small arms definition. As such they will be
addressed separately from ADC 220.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
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Enclosure 8 to ADC 220 Part I
PDC 134A Comments/Disposition provided as background
Comments Disposition to original PDC 134A Provided as Background
PDC 134A definition: SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS. For the purpose of DoD small arms and light weapons reporting,
small arms and light weapons are defined as man-portable weapons made or modified to military specifications for use as lethal
instruments of war. Small Arms are broadly categorized as those weapons intended for use by individual members of armed or security
forces. They include revolvers and self-loading pistols; rifles and carbines; sub-machine guns; assault rifles; and light machine guns that
expel a shot, bullet or projectile by action of an explosive. Light weapons are broadly categorized as those weapons weighing less than
200 pounds that are carried and used by several members of armed or security forces serving as a crew. They include heavy machine
guns; hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers; portable anti-aircraft guns; portable anti-tank guns; recoilless rifles; man-
portable launchers of anti-tank missile and rocket systems; portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems; and mortars”
1. Army
JSACG and SPRC representatives
AMC Executive Agent f/Small Arms
AMC Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA)
Concur as written Noted.
2. Air Force SPRC representative
Concur. Noted.
3. Marine Corps SPRC representative
Concur as written. Noted.
4. Navy JSACG and SPRC representatives
Concur. Noted.
5. DLA JSACG and SPRC representatives
Concur. Noted.
Assume this will require a change to the AAA
UIT Designator code from DOD Small Arms
Serialization Program (DODSASP) to DOD
Small Arms/Light Weapons Serialization
Program (DODSA/LWSP). Please let me
know when the projected implementation date
is known. It may take some time to change
the FLIS references.
Change will be effective upon publication
of the approved DLMS change (ADC).
DLMSO will note in the ADC that a FLIS
update will be forthcoming in a future
release, to update the description for UIT
Designator Code ‘AAA’ to reflect the
7. GSA SPRC representative
Change does not apply to GSA Noted.
12/12/2006 JSACG MEETING:
The following comments were originally
made by Navy to PDC 134, and received
positive response from the JSACG, but were
overlooked in preparing PDC 134A. The
JSACG chair recommended they be
incorporated in the final definition if no
objection from the JSACG after an
additional review period of DRAFT ADC:
1) Why is the term assault rifles separated
from rifles and carbines? Since "rifles and
carbines" are listed should assault rifles just
not be mentioned?
2) Why not say all pistols? Why is self-
loading pistols separated out?
1) Good point. Unless we have a
definition, example, or category of small
arms that fall into the “assault weapons”
category assault weapons can be deleted
from the definition.
2) Good point. Deleting “self” would
include all pistols.
1) JSACG agreed that “assault weapons” be
deleted from the definition as they would be
covered under “rifles”, and
2) JSACG recommended that the statement
“revolvers and self-loading pistols” be
deleted from the proposed definition and
replaced with the term “handguns” which
encompasses both revolvers and pistols.
The JSACG also recommended that the
definition of “handguns” be included in the
Terms and Definitions published in DLMS
DOD 4000.25-2-M
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Enclosure 9 to ADC 220 Part I
PDC 134
Comments/Disposition provided as background
Comments Disposition to original PDC 134 Provided as Background
“SMALL ARMS. For the purpose of small arms reporting, small arms are defined as
handguns; shoulder-fired weapons; light automatic weapons up to and including .50 caliber
machine guns; recoilless rifles up to and including 106mm; mortars up to and including 81mm;
rocket launchers, man-portable; grenade launchers, rifle and shoulder fired; and individually
operated weapons which are portable and/or can be fired without special mounts or firing
devices and which have potential use in civil disturbances and are vulnerable to theft”
SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS. For the purpose of DoD small arms and light
weapons reporting, small arms and light weapons are defined as man-portable weapons made
or modified to military specifications for use as lethal instruments of war. Small Arms are broadly
categorized as those weapons intended for use by individual members of armed or security
forces. They include revolvers and self-loading pistols; rifles and carbines; sub-machine guns;
assault rifles; and light machine guns that expel a shot, bullet or projectile by action of an
explosive. Light weapons are broadly categorized as those weapons weighing less than 200
pounds that are carried and used by several members of armed or security forces serving as a
crew. They include heavy machine guns; hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade
launchers; portable anti-aircraft guns; portable anti-tank guns; recoilless rifles; man-portable
launchers of anti-tank missile and rocket systems; portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile
systems; and mortars”
PDC 134A PROPOSED DEFINITION after incorporating comments as noted in the DISPOSITION from
the table that follows. Changes from PDC 134 are highlighted.
SMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS. For the purpose of DoD small arms and light
weapons reporting, small arms and light weapons are defined as man-portable weapons made
or modified to military specifications for use as lethal instruments of war that expel a shot,
bullet or projectile by action of an explosive. Small Arms are broadly categorized as those
weapons intended for use by individual members of armed or security forces. They include
revolvers and self-loading pistols; rifles and carbines; sub-machine guns; assault rifles; and
light machine guns that expel a shot, bullet or projectile by action of an explosive. Light
weapons are broadly categorized as those weapons weighing less than 200 pounds that are
carried and used by several members of armed or security forces serving as a crew. They
include heavy machine guns; hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers;
portable anti-aircraft guns; portable anti-tank guns; recoilless rifles; man-portable launchers of
anti-tank missile and rocket systems; portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems; and
DOD 4000.25-2-M
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Enclosure 9 to ADC 220 Part I
PDC 134
Comments/Disposition provided as background
OSD/TC (Treaty Compliance) - M. Tuttle
Recommended changes. The most important change is the
recommendation to remove the weight limit for light weapons. I know
that our office had previously recommended moving the weight limit to
200 pounds, but after further discussion with the Joint Staff, they
recommended a removal of the weight limit. There are concerns that a
weight limit would create more questions than it answers as there is no
indication what the weight limit includes. Does it include the ammo, the
tripod if necessary, etc?
For the purpose of DoD
small arms and light weapons reporting, small arms and light weapons
are defined as man-portable weapons made or modified to military
specifications for use as lethal instruments of war that expel a shot, bullet
or projectile by action of an explosive (this phrase was moved to this
location so that it would apply to both small arms and light weapons).
Small Arms are broadly categorized as those weapons intended for use
by individual members of armed or security forces. They include
revolvers and self-loading pistols; rifles and carbines; sub-machine guns;
assault rifles; and light machine guns. Light weapons are broadly
categorized as those weapons (recommend removal of weight limit as per
the recommendation of the Joint Staff) that are carried and used by
several members of armed or security forces serving as a crew. They
include heavy machine guns; hand-held under-barrel and mounted
grenade launchers; portable anti-aircraft guns; portable anti-tank guns;
recoilless rifles; man-portable launchers of anti
-tank missile and rocket
systems; portable launchers of anti
-aircraft missile systems; and mortars”
DLMSO concurs with comments except the removal
of the weight limit. The definition defines light
weapons as “….weapons that are carried and used by
several members….”. The definition suggests that
the weapon’s weight is the primary indicator and
realizes that one or more components may be
necessary to make the weapon operate as designed.
Additionally, light weapon components such as the
tripod may not be tracked but are necessary to the
operation of the weapon. (Chuck Royal/LOGSA
can explain what is actually tracked on M-16 and
mortars.*) Further, the current definition of small
arms includes weapons that are “….individually
operated weapons which are portable and/or can be
fired without special mounts or firing devices…” In
the case of light weapons this condition would not be
*Army LOGSA Response:
Components such as tripods and blast plates are
not separately identified from the weapon and
independently tracked in the Registry even though
necessary (though not critical) to the use of the
weapon. The weapon receiver (which contains
the serial number of the weapon) is tracked in the
Registry under a separate NSN when not part of the
weapon but no other serial numbered part is tracked
in this manner. The mortar tube, but not the blast
plate, is tracked in like manner when separated from
the mortar as the mortar tube.
2 OSD/TC - M. Tuttle
Change to PDC 134 Description of change:
Recommended wording change as none of the agreements pertaining to
SA/LW actually prohibit or restrict the flows of SA/LW- they are
basically transparency regimes aiming to identify the destabilizing flows
of SA/LW as per the information submitted by the participating states:
PDC 134 Description of Change: Over the past several years the
need for a revision to the small arms definition in DoD 4000.25-2-M,
Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures
(MILSTRAP), and DoD 4000.25-M, Defense Logistics Management
System (DLMS), has been discussed by the Joint Small Arms
Coordinating Group (JSACG). The purpose of this change is to support
the changing environment for maintaining visibility and reporting of
small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) serial number data within the
DoD. This change recognizes that there is not yet an internationally
nor DoD agreed definition of small arms and light weapons. The DoD
“Small Arms Implementation Working Group (SAIWG)” was created
to ensure that DoD is prepared to fully implement and continues to be
compliant with provisions of international agreements that prohibit or
restrict on small arms and light and light weapons, in any way upon
their entry into force and is chaired by Office of the Under Secretary
of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics/Defense
Systems/Treaty Compliance. …
DLMSO agrees with the OSD OTC change to
correctly identify the purpose of the SAIWG, which
they chair.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
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Enclosure 9 to ADC 220 Part I
PDC 134
Comments/Disposition provided as background
Comment to PDC 134 Description of Change (see #2 above):
The DoD Small Arms registry was not created nor designed to be
used as a tool for tracking DoD weapons for the international
community in order to be in compliance with international treaties.
However if the information in the DoD registry has can assist in
these obligations that is a benefit.
DLMSO Recommendation: Suggest adding a sentence to
that effect before the last sentence in the description
paragraph as follows (change is in bold italics):
“…It is essential to ensure that any definition included in
a negotiated instrument will not necessitate a change in
current practices that will affect the implementation of
international agreements to which the United States is
already a party. The DoD Small Arms registry was not
created nor designed to be used as a tool for tracking
DoD weapons for the international community in order
to be in compliance with international treaties, however
the information in the DoD registry may be useful to
assist in these obligations. This PDC is intended to
clarify and define small arms and light weapons for DoD
tracking and reporting requirements.”
4 Army LOGSA - C. Royal
Concur with DLMSO comments above. The Small Arms Registry
does not track the tripods or other components that make up the
small arms and in fact, the current definition of small
arms restricts the reporting of weapons that require special mounts or
firing devices in order to fire the weapons. If we are to remove the
weight limit from the proposed definition then we should input back
into the definition the special mount and firing device restriction.
However, I believe if we do this it will eliminate a number of 'light
weapons' that are desired to be tracked in the small arms registry.
DLMSO concurs.
NAVY - M. Riggins
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center
1) Why is the term assault rifles separated from rifles and
carbines? Since "rifles and carbines" are listed should assault
rifles just not be mentioned?
2) Why not say all pistols? Why is self-loading pistols separated
3) Pyrotechnic pistols are not mentioned? Are they no longer
required to be tracked?
4) Shotguns are not included in the proposed definition?
5) Demilled weapons, air guns, pellet guns, drill rifles, dart guns
are all omitted from this definition. Is this acceptable?
6) End of sentence that says "...that expel a shot, bullet or
projectile by action of an explosive." What about compressed
1) Good point. Unless we have a definition, example or category of
small arms that fall into the “assault weapons” category assault
weapons can be deleted from the definition.*
2) Good point. Deleting “self” would include all pistols.*
3) Pyrotechnic pistols are not specifically mentioned in the current
definition. Pyrotechnic pistols per se are not classified as a weapon
(lethal instruments of war); however, the DoD Components are not
prohibited from tracking such items internally (would not be reported
to the DoD Visibility Center).
4) Shotguns are included in the definition as a lethal instruments of
war i.e., “...that expel a shot, bullet or projectile by action of an
5) The definition of small arms and light weapons does not
include the items listed; however, DoD policy and procedure
promulgate the requirements for tracking weapons (lethal
instruments of war) from receipt to disposal, museum pieces
that are demilled, etc. Air guns, pellet guns, drill rifles, dart
guns, etc. are excluded from DoD reporting policy and
procedures. The DoD Components are permitted to track
such items internally.
6) Compressed air guns (BBs, pellet, dart. etc.) are not
considered lethal instruments of war. The DoD Components
are permitted to track such items internally.
* highlighted comments above were agreed to by JSACG but
inadvertently left out of subsequent PDC 134A. JSACG
Chair identified the comments for discussion at the Dec 2006
JSACG meeting, where the JSACG again concurred, and they
were incorporated in the ADC 220 revised definition.
DOD 4000.25-2-M
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Enclosure 9 to ADC 220 Part I
PDC 134
Comments/Disposition provided as background
Head, Combat Ground Weapons/Marine Air Command & Control
Section (Code 583-2) MCLB
The change is appropriate with one comment: the definition for light
weapons, it targets "portable anti-tank guns" and "man-portable
launchers of anti-tank missile and rocket systems". The "anti-tank"
portion is understood, however not clear when stating "...rocket systems"
if it includes rocket systems that could be broadly interpreted as
shoulder-launched anti-structure rockets/missiles. Though the Marine
Corps' SMAW has a dual capability, there could be rocket/missile
systems designed specifically for engaging only structures.
DLMSO Response
: Request clarification. Is the
concern that the definition should be revised to
include anti-structure….or to specify anti tank
missile systems?
USMC RESPONSE 5/17/06: The "Revise
Definition for Small Arms and Rename the DoD
Small Arms Serialization Program (DoDSASP)" is
sufficient as per the Marine Corps understanding and
usage. The engaged structures are adequate and
additional clarity is provided in the definition by
specific reference to the weight of the weapon
categorized light weapon
Army LOGSA suggestion: Additionally, I would
recommend that we change the wording in the
definition from "man-portable launchers of anti-
tank missile and rocket systems; portable
launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems; and
mortars" to "man-portable launchers of missile
and rocket systems; and mortars" as was
discussed with the Marine Corps comment
concerning the DoD Small Arms definition.
DLA J-3731
DLA concurs with the change, but would like to note that it is crucial IMMs
use the UIT Designator Code to identify UIT-reportable weapons, whether
they will be known as Small Arms or Small Arms/Light Weapons.
DLMSO concurs.
It would take us approximately 6 weeks to make the change to the UIT CD
ROM. However, we hope to have the data available online by then and it
should be easier to change the definitions in the help/definition screens. I am
still told that by the end of the year we will have UIT visibility in our online
data, WEBFLIS.
Supply Process Review Committee representative Concurs.
Subsequent comment provided by OSD TC:
I was just looking over the definition again and realized that I forgot about
one of my other comments. I had recommended moving the phrase "that
expel a shot, bullet or projectile by action of a burning propellant" to the
beginning of the definition so that it would apply to both small arms and light
weapons. As it reads it makes it sound like the description only applies to
small arms. So the definition would read, "For the purpose of DoD small
arms and light weapons reporting, small arms and light weapons are defined
as man-portable weapons made or modified to military specifications for use
as lethal instruments of war that expel a shot, bullet or projectile by action
of a burning propellant. Small arms are broadly categorized as those
weapons intended for use........sub-machine guns; and light machine guns.
Light weapons are broadly categorized....etc."
I apologize that I did not notice this earlier. You could also add "that expel a
shot, bullet or projectile by action of a burning propellant" to the end of the
light weapons list as well.
DLMSO concurs as amended.