Plotting wavefunctions with Mathematica
Daniel V. Schroeder, Physics Department, Weber State University
This tutorial assumes that you are already somewhat familiar with Mathematica. So, for
example, you should know how to express basic arithmetic operations, and understand the
differences between parentheses (), square brackets [], and curly braces {}, and remember
that the names of variables and functions are case-sensitive, but the names of all built-in
functions start with capital letters.
You should also already know how to plot a simple function of one variable, for example,
Plot[Exp[-x^2], {x, -3, 3}, PlotRange->{0, 1.5}, PlotStyle->{Red, Thick}]
where {x, -3, 3} is a common list construction that means (in this context) “for values of
x ranging from 3 to 3,” while PlotRange and PlotStyle are two of the many options that
can modify the appearance of the plot. Please type this instruction into Mathematica now, to
warm up your fingers and make sure that your Mathematica system is working. Remember
that you need to use shift-enter to send the instruction to the Mathematica kernel.
Complex functions
A quantum-mechanical wavefunction is complex, with so-called real and imaginary compo-
nents. The easiest way to plot such a function is to simply plot the two components separately
on the same set of axes. To do this you provide Mathematica with a list of the two component
functions, in curly braces, as in this example:
Plot[{Cos[x], Sin[x]}, {x, 0, 10}, PlotStyle->{{Blue, Thick}, {Red, Thick}}]
Notice that you also need an extra set of curly braces in the PlotStyle specification, to say
which styles apply to which function. Try this instruction as written, but also check to see
what happens if you use simply say PlotStyle->{Red, Thick} as before.
Alternatively, you can just define the full complex-valued function and tell Mathematica
to break it into real and imaginary parts. You do this with the Re and Im functions:
psi = Exp[I*x];
Plot[{Re[psi], Im[psi]}, {x, 0, 10}]
Notice that the Mathematica symbol for
1 is capital I.
A prettier way to plot a complex-valued function is to plot the magnitude (or sometimes
the squared magnitude) along the vertical axis and then use color hues to fill the area be-
low according to the phase. To extract the magnitude and phase you use the Mathematica
functions Abs and Arg, respectively. Here’s a complete example using a Gaussian wavepacket:
psi = Exp[-x^2]*Exp[10*I*x];
Plot[Abs[psi], {x, -3, 3}, PlotPoints->300, Filling->Axis,
ColorFunction->Function[x, Hue[Arg[psi]/(2Pi)]],
The important part of this instruction is the ColorFunction, which we assign to a function
that takes x to a color hue determined by the phase of psi. We need to divide the phase
by 2π because the Hue function cycles through all the color hues when its argument changes
by 1. The PlotPoints option merely tells Mathematica to be sure to plot enough points to
show all the intermediate colors. In any case, please try this example now, and try making
some changes to the definition of psi. To adjust the appearance of the plot, try inserting the
options AxesOrigin->{-3, 0} and AspectRatio->0.3.
Functions of two variables
What if a wavefunction depends on two variables? One way to visualize such a function is to
plot the two independent variables along the horizontal and vertical axes, and then use color
or brightness to indicate the function value. In Mathematica this is called a DensityPlot,
although other software systems sometimes call it a “heat map” or simply an image. Here is
an example of plotting the square of a two-dimensional sinusoidal wavefunction:
psi = Sin[2*Pi*x]*Sin[3*Pi*y];
DensityPlot[psi^2, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}]
When you try this instruction you may notice some irregularities in the plot that result from
sampling the function at too few points. To fix this, insert the option PlotPoints->100.
You’ll also notice that Mathematica draws the density plot using a default color scheme,
which you may or may not like. To change the color scheme to a basic white-on-black, insert
the following option:
ColorFunction -> Function[z, Blend[{Black, White}, z]]
Here z is merely a dummy variable whose name is arbitrary. (You may notice that the
color function works a little differently here than in the Plot example above. To see what
variables get passed to a ColorFunction in different contexts, look it up in Mathematica’s
Documentation Center.) The Blend function can take any number of arguments, so you can
get a prettier plot (and often bring out more detail) by using intermediate colors. Try inserting
Blue, Red, and Yellow in between Black and White, all separated by commas. Mathematica
defines about two dozen named colors and also lets you create any color you like using either
Hue[h,s,b] or RGBColor[r,g,b] (both with arguments that range from 0 to 1).
If for some reason you’re not happy with a simple density plot, Mathematica offers two
other options. One is to add contour lines, which you can do by simply changing DensityPlot
to ContourPlot (try it now). A nice feature of ContourPlot is that if you hover the cursor
over a contour line, you’ll see a little popup that tells you the function value along that line.
The other option is to make a three-dimensional surface plot; to do this, change DensityPlot
to Plot3D, and remove the ColorFunction specification (which you can use with Plot3D, but
it works differently so you would need to look it up to see how to get good results). You can
use your mouse (or trackpad) to rotate the 3D plot, to see it from different directions.
Plotting the square of a wavefunction is fairly straightforward because the minimum value
is always zero. But when you plot a wavefunction itself, even if it is real, you’ll probably want
to use different colors to distinguish positive and negative values. Here is an example that
works for the psi expression defined above:
DensityPlot[psi, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}, PlotPoints->100,
ColorFunction->Function[z, Blend[{Cyan, Black, Red}, z]]]
I’ve chosen red to represent positive values and cyan to represent negative values. Black
represents zero, and the brightness of either hue increases as the values get farther from zero.
Try changing the hues to suit your taste, and try changing Black to White, to get an image
that’s more printer-friendly.
The previous example won’t work correctly, though, if the range of values being plotted
isn’t centered on zero. In that case you need to set ColorFunctionScaling->False, to tell
Mathematica not to automatically map your function values to the full range of colors. Then
function values in the range 0 to 1 will be mapped to your color range, with 0.5 mapped to
the middle of the range, so you need to manually scale and shift your function accordingly.
Here is an example:
psi = Sin[Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]]/Sqrt[x^2 + y^2];
DensityPlot[psi/2 + 0.5, {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10},
PlotRange->All, PlotPoints->100, ColorFunctionScaling->False,
ColorFunction->Function[z, Blend[{Cyan, Black, Red}, z]]]
The most important detail here is that I shifted the function upward by 0.5, to map 0 to my
middle color, black. Because my function has a maximum value of 1, I also divided it by 2
to keep that maximum value at 1. If I hadn’t divided by 2 then the brightest part of the
function would be “overexposed” (which isn’t always a bad thing—try it!). Notice also that I
had to say PlotRange->All to prevent Mathematica from completely chopping off the largest
portion of my function (check what happens if you omit this option).
Finally let’s plot a complex -valued function of two variables, using the full range of color
hues to represent the phases. The trick is to use Mathematica’s RegionPlot function, but use
True to fill the entire plotted area and let the ColorFunction do all the work. This example
plots a two-dimensional Gaussian wavepacket:
psi = Exp[-(x^2+y^2)]*Exp[10*I*(x-y)];
RegionPlot[True, {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3},
PlotPoints->100, ColorFunctionScaling->False,
ColorFunction->Function[{x, y}, Hue[Arg[psi]/(2 Pi), 1, Abs[psi]]]]
Notice that I’ve used the optional second and third arguments of the Hue function to set the
saturation equal to 1 and the brightness equal to the magnitude of my function. To get a
printer-friendly white background, try interchanging these two arguments so the brightness
is 1 and the saturation is the function magnitude. Also try multiplying the function by 2 or
1/2, to see what happens when its maximum magnitude isn’t equal to 1.