A Recipe for Creating Professional Posters Using Publisher
from: Nancy B. Clark, M.Ed. and Dennis Baker, PhD, FSU College of Medicine
If you are trying to create large posters using PowerPoint, you are using the wrong
software. This is what Publisher was designed to do. PowerPoint has a maximum
page size of 56” (width or height). It is designed to produce screen images, not print
images. Most professional posters need to be 42” by 72” or larger. Publisher is not
expensive. It is now bundled with Microsoft Office Professional 2003-7. Learn to use it.
1. Microsoft Publisher
2. An image editor like PhotoShop
3. Content – a research paper, description of educational activity, etc.
4. Images at high resolution (200 dpi)
5. 1G of RAM and several Gigs of free hard drive space (resource intensive)
6. Color Plotter that will accommodate up to 42” wide roles of slick paper. (or a
Kinkos close by)
1. Plan your poster
on paper using principles of good design, flow, etc. Best
strategy is to develop a PowerPoint slide presentation with all your “words”
(remember Rule of 6), images and such that sequences your subject and
conveys exactly what you want to include in your poster presentation. You can
then use this to help guide your poster
development: copying and pasting much
of it. However, first Save the PowerPoint
as an Outline (rtf) file, and then copy and
paste from Word, not the PowerPoint
slides. Otherwise, problems with text
boxes arise.
2. Start Publisher. Create a new blank
print publication. Under the File menu,
select Page Setup. Under Publication
Type, pick Custom. Set Orientation to
Landscape if applicable. Then put in the
width and height. If you are going to be
using the standard 4’x8’ cork board display, I would use 72” by 42” to leave some
border space for tacking up handouts.
3. Set up margin and grid guides to help
you keep the poster symmetrical and
proportional. View the Master Page.
Under the Arrange menu you have two
ways to put guides on your background.
Under Layout Guides, you can set up
the poster with columns and rows.
Using Ruler Guides, you can insert either
vertical or horizontal guides; then move them
where you want them.
Once these guides are set up, be sure to Close Master Page View.
4. Start adding your content
. Like PowerPoint, Publisher’s pages are
completely unstructured. You use tools to add a Text Box . Picture
, Table and Word Art . You can also add lines, arrows,
geometric shapes, AutoShapes and other objects and format these using fill
colors, patterns and gradients, line colors, styles and thickness. You move
these boxes around, adjusting their width, height, and add shadows. See the
Publisher Quick Reference card for some help here. Save often.
Zoom in and out a lot, keeping in mind both the content and flow, and the
overall appearance of the poster. There is a lot of advice online as to fonts to
use, numbers of colors, etc. Some of this advice is included at the end.
5. Print the poster
. Unfortunately, in version 2003 of Publisher, you can not print
directly to a plotter or large format printer. An intermittent step is necessary.
Using Save As, under Save as Type, save the poster as either .jpg, .tif or if
there are not photographs in the poster, .gif. Now you have an image file that
can be taken to Kinko’s, your university print office, or to the computer attached
to the plotter. In this format, you can print it smaller to check out how the colors
look and let others review it for content, typos, etc. Another handy proofing
strategy is to let Publisher print out the poster on 8 ½ by 11 paper. It will print out
as many pages as it takes, putting crop marks around edges so you can tape
together the poster for proofing purposes.
6. At the conference: To attach the poster to the cork board, you may use either
push pins or Velcro. If Velcro, the boards provided must be covered in some
kind of fabric that will stick to Velcro. Take a box of push pins with you just in
case. Do not attach the Velcro until you get to the conference. Carry poster in
an appropriate size heavy cardboard or plastic document tube to protect it.
7. Handouts:
Print out your poster image file on legal size paper (landscape) in
color if you can afford it. This will be a good test of your font sizes as well. If you
can still read it, you did well. Articles or papers also make good handouts if they
can be printed on one page.
Tips for Posters from Around the Web:
Rules of Consistency
Pick 2-3 fonts. Use the same Font for all… (size, color, capitalization, alignment)
o Headings (i.e. 60 pt Goody Old Style, Bold, Shadowed, Garnet, Centered)
o Body Text (i.e. 32 pt Verdana, Black, Left justified)
o Labels (i.e. 20 pt Arial, black, centered)
Pick two or three colors, use throughout poster
Keep shading same (color and fade)
Keep borders same (color, style and thickness)
Keep objects (text boxes, headings) aligned to guidelines (vertically and
Keep margins and gutters consistent
Keep line spacing consistent, adjust for readability
Standard format:
The title and contributors or authors will appear across the top.
Think BIG! 96-120 point. The title banner should be readable from at least 20
feet away.
If space permits, use first names for contributors/authors to facilitate interactions.
City names, or even states, often may be dropped from the institutional
There are no rules regarding line justification of the title. Determine if you will left
or center justify the text of the title banner once it has been formatted, based
upon personal preferences and space constraints
Use Color - Contrast colors
Pick a color scheme for your poster that uses two or three contrasting colors.
Get someone who is NOT color blind to make sure your colors do not clash.
Backgrounds should be white or a gentle gradient to save ink. Shading can be
used to define areas.
Be conservative - overuse of color is distracting.
Enhance the hues or contrast of photographs by putting them in color blocks that
make them show up.
Title and Text
The final size of letters in the title itself should be about 1.5 - 2 inches tall and in
bold caps. Aim for 150 point size or use Word Art to custom fit to an area. You
should be able to read the title from 20 feet away.
The authors names may be printed smaller, at 72 points (1 - 1.5 inches)
Affiliations can be even smaller, at about 48 points (0.5 - 0.75 inch)
Double-space all text, using left-justification; text with even left sides and jagged
right sides is easiest to read.
Make sure the text is large enough to be read from at least 6 feet away.
Section headings (Introduction, Methods, etc.); use Boldface, 48 point
Supporting text (Intro text, figure captions, etc.); use 36-42 point (boldface, if
If you must include narrative details, keep them brief. They should be no smaller
than 24 point in size, and printed in a plain test. Remember that posters are not
publications of record, and you can always come to the session armed with
Consider using a larger size (42 pt) for the Conclusion text, and a smaller size
(32 pt) for Methods text.
Other options for reader friendly fonts include Arial, Times Roman, Palatino,
Century Schoolbook, Courier, and Prestige. Note that these fonts represent a
range of letter spacing and letter heights.
Finally, be consistent. Choose one font and then use it throughout the poster.
Add emphasis by using boldface, underlining, or color; italics are difficult to read.
Edit Ruthlessly!
There ALWAYS is too much text in a poster.
Posters primarily are visual presentations; the text materials serve to support the
graphic materials.
Use bulleted lists where possible instead of paragraphs of endless words.
Look critically at the layout. If there is about 20% text, 40% graphics and 40%
empty space, you are doing well.
When in doubt, rephrase that text or delete it. (Keep chanting this mantra: There
always is too much text. Always too much text.)
Use active voice when writing the text; “It can be demonstrated” becomes “The
data demonstrate…”.
Delete all redundant references and filler phrases, such as see Figure ...
Remove all material extraneous to the focal point of the poster.
Have you provided an explicit take-home message and summarized and
concluded briefly and in user-friendly language?