Release 0.4.0
William H. Guss, Brandon Houghton
Jun 22, 2022
1 What is MineRL 3
1.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Hello World: Your First Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Downloading and Sampling The Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 K-means exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Visualizing The Data minerl.viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.6 Interactive Mode minerl.interactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.7 Creating A Custom Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.8 Using Minecraft Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.9 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.10 Environment Handlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.11 MineRL Diamond Competition Intro Track Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.12 MineRL Diamond Competition Research Track Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1.13 MineRL BASALT Competition Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
1.14 Performance tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
1.15 Links to papers and projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1.16 Windows FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
1.17 minerl.env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
1.18 minerl.data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
1.19 minerl.herobraine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2 Indices and tables 91
Python Module Index 93
Index 95
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Welcome to documentation for the MineRL project and its related repositories and components!
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
MineRL is a research project started at Carnegie Mellon University aimed at developing various aspects of artificial
intelligence within Minecraft. In short MineRL consists of several major components:
MineRL-v0 Dataset One of the largest imitation learning datasets with over 60 million frames of recorded
human player data. The dataset includes a set of environments which highlight many of the hardest problems in
modern-day Reinforcement Learning: sparse rewards and hierarchical policies.
minerl A rich python3 package for doing artificial intelligence research in Minecraft. This includes two major
submodules. We develop minerl in our spare time, please consider supporting us on Patreon
minerl.env A growing set of OpenAI Gym environments in Minecraft. These environments leverage a
synchronous, stable, and fast fork of Microsoft Malmo called MineRLEnv.
minerl.data The main python module for ext with the MineRL-v0 dataset
1.1 Installation
Welcome to MineRL! This guide will get you started.
To start using the MineRL dataset and Gym environments comprising MineRL, you’ll need to install the main python
package, minerl.
1. First make sure you have JDK 1.8 installed on your system.
a. Windows installer On windows go this link and follow the instructions to install JDK 8.
b. On Mac, you can install java8 using homebrew and AdoptOpenJDK (an open source mirror, used here to
get around the fact that Java8 binaries are no longer available directly from Oracle):
brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
brew install --cask adoptopenjdk8
c. On Debian based systems (Ubuntu!) you can run the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
2. Now install the minerl package!:
pip3 install --upgrade minerl
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Note: You may need the user flag: pip3 install --upgrade minerl --user to install properly.
1.2 Hello World: Your First Agent
With the minerl package installed on your system you can now make your first agent in Minecraft!
To get started, let’s first import the necessary packages
import gym
import minerl
1.2.1 Creating an environment
Now we can choose any one of the many environments included in the minerl package. To learn more about the
environments checkout the environment documentation.
For this tutorial we’ll choose the MineRLNavigateDense-v0 environment. In this task, the agent is challenged with
using a first-person perspective of a random Minecraft map and navigating to a target.
To create the environment, simply invoke gym.make
env = gym.make('MineRLNavigateDense-v0')
Caution: Currently minerl only supports environment rendering in headed environments (servers with monitors
In order to run minerl environments without a head use a software renderer such as xvfb:
xvfb-run python3 <your_script.py>
Alternatively, you can use an environment variable which automatically adds xvfb when launching MineRL:
MINERL_HEADLESS=1 python3 <your_script.py>
Note: If you’re worried and want to make sure something is happening behind the scenes install a logger before you
create the envrionment.
import logging
env = gym.make('MineRLNavigateDense-v0')
4 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
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1.2.2 Taking actions
As a warm up lets create a random agent.
Now we can reset this environment to its first position and get our first observation from the agent by resetting the
Note: The first time you run this command to complete, it will take a while as it is recompiling Minecraft with the
MineRL simulator mod (can be as long as 15-30 minutes)!
obs = env.reset()
The obs variable will be a dictionary containing the following observations returned by the environment. In the case
of the MineRLNavigate-v0 environment, three observations are returned: pov, an RGB image of the agents first
person perspective; compassAngle, a float giving the angle of the agent to its (approximate) target; and inventory, a
dictionary containing the amount of 'dirt' blocks in the agents inventory (this is useful for climbing steep inclines).
'pov': array([[[ 63, 63, 68],
[ 63, 63, 68],
[ 63, 63, 68],
[ 92, 92, 100],
[ 92, 92, 100],
[ 92, 92, 100]],,
[[ 95, 118, 176],
[ 95, 119, 177],
[ 96, 119, 178],
[ 93, 116, 172],
[ 93, 115, 171],
[ 92, 115, 170]]], dtype=uint8),
'compass': {'angle': array(-63.48639)},
'inventory': {'dirt': 0}
Note: To see the exact format of observations returned from and the exact action format expected by env.step for
any environment refer to the environment reference documentation!
Now let’s take actions through the environment until time runs out or the agent dies. To do this, we will use the normal
OpenAI Gym env.step method.
done = False
while not done:
action = env.action_space.sample()
obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
1.2. Hello World: Your First Agent 5
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
After running this code the agent should move sporadically until done flag is set to true. If you see a Minecraft window,
it does not update while agent is playing, which is intended behaviour. To confirm that our agent is at least qualitatively
acting randomly, on the right is a plot of the compass angle over the course of the experiment.
1.2.3 No-op actions and a better policy
Now let’s make a hard-coded agent that actually runs towards the target.
To do this at every step of the environment we will take the noop action with a few modifications; in particular, we will
only move forward, jump, attack, and change the agents direction to minimize the angle between the agents movement
direction and its target, compassAngle.
import minerl
import gym
env = gym.make('MineRLNavigateDense-v0')
obs = env.reset()
done = False
net_reward = 0
while not done:
action = env.action_space.noop()
action['camera'] = [0, 0.03*obs["compass"]["angle"]]
action['back'] = 0
action['forward'] = 1
action['jump'] = 1
action['attack'] = 1
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(
net_reward += reward
print("Total reward: ", net_reward)
After running this agent, you should notice marekedly less sporadic behaviour. Plotting both the compassAngle and
the net reward over the episode confirm that this policy performs better than our random policy.
6 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
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Congratulations! Youve just made your first agent using the minerl framework!
1.3 Downloading and Sampling The Dataset
1.3.1 Introduction
Now that your agent can act in the environment, we should show it how to leverage human demonstrations.
To get started, let’s download the minimal version of the dataset (two demonstrations from every environment). Since
there are over 20 MineRL environments, this is still a sizeable download, at about 2 GB.
Then we will sample a few state-action-reward-done tuples from the MineRLObtainDiamond-v0 dataset.
1.3.2 Setting up environment variables
The minerl package uses the MINERL_DATA_ROOT environment variable to locate the data directory. Please export
(Here are some tutorials on how to set environment variables on Linux/Mac and Windows computers.)
1.3. Downloading and Sampling The Dataset 7
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.3.3 Downloading the MineRL Dataset with minerl.data.download
To download the minimal dataset into MINERL_DATA_ROOT, run the command:
python3 -m minerl.data.download
Note: The full dataset for a particular environment, or for a particular competition (Diamond or Basalt) can be
downloaded using the --environment ENV_NAME and --competition COMPETITION flags.
ENV_NAME is any Gym environment name from the documented environments.
COMPETITION is basalt or diamond.
For more information, run python3 -m minerl.data.download --help.
As an example, to download the full dataset for “MineRLObtainDiamond-v0”, you can run
python3 -m minerl.data.download --environment "MineRLObtainDiamond-v0"
1.3.4 Sampling the Dataset with buffered_batch_iter
Now we can build the dataset for MineRLObtainDiamond-v0
There are two ways of sampling from the MineRL dataset: the deprecated but still supported batch_iter, and
buffered_batch_iter. batch_iter is the legacy method, which weve kept in the code to avoid breaking changes, but
we have recently realized that, when using batch_size > 1, batch_iter can fail to return a substantial portion of the data
in the epoch.
If you are not already using `data_pipeline.batch_iter`, we recommend against it, because of these issues
The recommended way of sampling from the dataset is:
from minerl.data import BufferedBatchIter
data = minerl.data.make('MineRLObtainDiamond-v0')
iterator = BufferedBatchIter(data)
for current_state, action, reward, next_state, done \
in iterator.buffered_batch_iter(batch_size=1, num_epochs=1):
# Print the POV @ the first step of the sequence
# Print the final reward pf the sequence!
# Check if final (next_state) is terminal.
# ... do something with the data.
print("At the end of trajectories the length"
"can be < max_sequence_len", len(reward))
8 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
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1.3.5 Moderate Human Demonstrations
MineRL-v0 uses community driven demonstrations to help researchers develop sample efficient techniques. Some
of these demonstrations are less than optimal, however others could feature bugs with the client, server errors, or
adversarial behavior.
Using the MineRL viewer, you can help curate this dataset by viewing these demonstrations manually and reporting
bad streams by submitting an issue to github with the following information:
1. The stream name of the stream in question
2. The reason the stream or segment needs to be modified
3. The sample / frame number(s) (shown at the bottom of the viewer)
1.4 K-means exploration
With the 2020 MineRL competition, we introduced vectorized obfuscated environments which abstract non-
visual state information as well as the action space of the agent to be continuous vector spaces. See
MineRLObtainDiamondVectorObf-v0 for documentation on the evaluation environment for that competition.
To use techniques in the MineRL competition that require discrete actions, we can use k-means to quantize the hu-
man demonstrations and give our agent n discrete actions representative of actions taken by humans when solving the
To get started, let’s download the MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0 environment.
python -m minerl.data.download --environment 'MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0'
Note: If you are unable to download the data ensure you have the MINERL_DATA_ROOT env variable set as demonstrated
in data sampling.
Now we load the dataset for MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0 and find 32 clusters using sklearn learn
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
dat = minerl.data.make('MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0')
# Load the dataset storing 1000 batches of actions
act_vectors = []
for _, act, _, _,_ in tqdm.tqdm(dat.batch_iter(16, 32, 2, preload_buffer_size=20)):
if len(act_vectors) > 1000:
# Reshape these the action batches
acts = np.concatenate(act_vectors).reshape(-1, 64)
kmeans_acts = acts[:100000]
# Use sklearn to cluster the demonstrated actions
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=32, random_state=0).fit(kmeans_acts)
Now we have 32 actions that represent reasonable actions for our agent to take. Let’s take these and improve our random
hello world agent from before.
1.4. K-means exploration 9
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
i, net_reward, done, env = 0, 0, False, gym.make('MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0')
obs = env.reset()
while not done:
# Let's use a frame skip of 4 (could you do better than a hard-coded frame skip?)
if i % 4 == 0:
action = {
'vector': kmeans.cluster_centers_[np.random.choice(NUM_CLUSTERS)]
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
if reward > 0:
print("+{} reward!".format(reward))
net_reward += reward
i += 1
print("Total reward: ", net_reward)
Putting this all together we get:
Full snippet
import gym
import tqdm
import minerl
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
dat = minerl.data.make('MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0')
act_vectors = []
# Load the dataset storing 1000 batches of actions
for _, act, _, _, _ in tqdm.tqdm(dat.batch_iter(16, 32, 2, preload_buffer_size=20)):
if len(act_vectors) > 1000:
# Reshape these the action batches
acts = np.concatenate(act_vectors).reshape(-1, 64)
kmeans_acts = acts[:100000]
# Use sklearn to cluster the demonstrated actions
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=NUM_CLUSTERS, random_state=0).fit(kmeans_acts)
i, net_reward, done, env = 0, 0, False, gym.make('MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0')
obs = env.reset()
(continues on next page)
10 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
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(continued from previous page)
while not done:
# Let's use a frame skip of 4 (could you do better than a hard-coded frame skip?)
if i % 4 == 0:
action = {
'vector': kmeans.cluster_centers_[np.random.choice(NUM_CLUSTERS)]
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
if reward > 0:
print("+{} reward!".format(reward))
net_reward += reward
i += 1
print("Total reward: ", net_reward)
Try comparing this k-means random agent with a random agent using env.action_space.sample()! You should
see the human actions are a much more reasonable way to explore the environment!
1.5 Visualizing The Data minerl.viewer
To help you get familiar with the MineRL dataset, the minerl python package also provides a data trajectory viewer
called minerl.viewer:
Warning: BASALT: minerl.viewer can load BASALT competition data, but is not yet updated to display the
use or equip actions yet.
The minerl.viewer program lets you step through individual trajectories, showing the observation seen by the player,
the action they took (including camera, movement, and any action described by an MineRL environments action space),
and the reward they received.
usage: python3 -m minerl.viewer [-h] environment [stream_name]
positional arguments:
environment The MineRL environment to visualize. e.g.
stream_name (optional) The name of the trajectory to visualize. e.g.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Try it out on a random trajectory by running:
# Make sure your MINERL_DATA_ROOT is set!
export MINERL_DATA_ROOT='/your/local/path'
(continues on next page)
1.5. Visualizing The Data minerl.viewer 11
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
(continued from previous page)
# Visualizes a random trajectory of MineRLObtainDiamondDense-v0
python3 -m minerl.viewer MineRLObtainDiamondDense-v0
Try it out on a specific trajectory by running:
# Make sure your MINERL_DATA_ROOT is set!
export MINERL_DATA_ROOT='/your/local/path'
# Visualizes a specific trajectory. v4_absolute_zucch...
python3 -m minerl.viewer MineRLTreechop-v0 \
1.6 Interactive Mode minerl.interactor
Warning: Interactor works in MineRL versions 0.3.7 and 0.4.4 (or above). Install 0.3.7 with pip install
minerl==0.3.7, or the newest MineRL with pip install git+https://github.com/minerllabs/
Once you have started training agents, the next step is getting them to interact with human players. To help achieve
this, the minerl python package provides a interactive Minecraft client called minerl.interactor:
The minerl.interactor allows you to connect a human-controlled Minecraft client to the Minecraft world that your
agent(s) is using and interact with the agent in real time.
Note: For observation-only mode hit the t key and type /gamemode sp to enter spectator mode and become invisible
to your agent(s).
Enables human interaction with the environment.
To interact with the environment add make_interactive to your agents evaluation code and then run the min-
For example:
env = gym.make('MineRL...')
# set the environment to allow interactive connections on port 6666
# and slow the tick speed to 6666.
env.make_interactive(port=6666, realtime=True)
# reset the env
# interact as normal.
Then while the agent is running, you can start the interactor with the following command.
python3 -m minerl.interactor 6666 # replace with the port above.
12 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
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The interactor will disconnect when the mission resets, but you can connect again with the same command. If an
interactor is already started, it wont need to be relaunched when running the commnad a second time.
1.7 Creating A Custom Environment
1.7.1 Introduction
MineRL supports many ways to customize environments, including modifying the Minecraft world, adding more ob-
servation data, and changing the rewards agents receive.
MineRL provides support for these modifications using a variety of handlers.
In this tutorial, we will introduce how these handlers work by building a simple parkour environment where an agent
will perform an “MLG water bucket jump” onto a block of gold.
An MLG water is when a player is falling out of the air, or when a player jumps off of something, and they throw down
water before they hit the ground to break the fall, and prevent themselves from dying by fall damage. Sportskeeda
The agent will then mine this gold block to terminate the episode.
See the complete code here.
1.7.2 Setup
Create a Python file named mlg_wb_specs.py
To start building our environment, let’s import the necessary modules
from minerl.herobraine.env_specs.simple_embodiment import SimpleEmbodimentEnvSpec
from minerl.herobraine.hero.handler import Handler
import minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers as handlers
from typing import List
Next, we will add the following variables:
In MLG Water Bucket, an agent must perform an "MLG Water Bucket" jump
MLGWB_LENGTH specifies how many time steps the environment can last until termination.
1.7. Creating A Custom Environment 13
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.7.3 Contruct the Environment Class
In order to create our MineRL Gym environment, we need to inherit from SimpleEmbodimentEnvSpec. This parent
class provides default settings for the environment.
class MLGWB(SimpleEmbodimentEnvSpec):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'name' not in kwargs:
kwargs['name'] = 'MLGWB-v0'
reward_threshold is a number specifying how much reward the agent must get for the episode to be successful.
Now we will implement a number of methods which SimpleEmbodimentEnvSpec requires.
1.7.4 Modify the World
Lets build a custom Minecraft world.
We’ll use the FlatWorldGenerator handler to make a super flat world and pass it a generatorString value to
specify how we want the world layers to be created. “1;7,2x3,2;1” represents 1 layer of grass blocks above 2 layers of
dirt above 1 layer of bedrock. You can use websites like Minecraft Tools to easily customize superflat world layers.
We also pass a DrawingDecorator to “draw” blocks into the world.
def create_server_world_generators(self) -> List[Handler]:
return [
# generate a 3x3 square of obsidian high in the air and a gold block
# somewhere below it on the ground
<DrawCuboid x1="0" y1="5" z1="-6" x2="0" y2="5" z2="-6" type="gold_block"/>
<DrawCuboid x1="-2" y1="88" z1="-2" x2="2" y2="88" z2="2" type="obsidian"/>
Note: Make sure create_server_world_generators and the following functions are indented under the MLGWB
14 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
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1.7.5 Set the Initial Agent Inventory
Lets now lets use the SimpleInventoryAgentStart handler to give the agent a water bucket and a diamond pickaxe.
Lets also make the agent spawn high in the air (on the obsidian platform) with the AgentStartPlacement handler.
def create_agent_start(self) -> List[Handler]:
return [
# make the agent start with these items
dict(type="water_bucket", quantity=1),
dict(type="diamond_pickaxe", quantity=1)
# make the agent start 90 blocks high in the air
handlers.AgentStartPlacement(0, 90, 0, 0, 0)
1.7.6 Create Reward Functionality
Lets use the RewardForTouchingBlockType handler so that the agent receives reward for getting to a gold block.
def create_rewardables(self) -> List[Handler]:
return [
# reward the agent for touching a gold block (but only once)
{'type':'gold_block', 'behaviour':'onceOnly', 'reward':'50'},
# also reward on mission end
1.7.7 Construct a Quit Handler
We want the episode to terminate when the agent obtains a gold block.
def create_agent_handlers(self) -> List[Handler]:
return [
# make the agent quit when it gets a gold block in its inventory
dict(type="gold_block", amount=1)
1.7. Creating A Custom Environment 15
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1.7.8 Allow the Agent to Place Water
We want the agent to be able to place the water bucket, but SimpleEmbodimentEnvSpec does not provide
this ability by default. Note that we call super().create_actionables() so that we keep the actions which
SimpleEmbodimentEnvSpec does provide by default (like movement, jumping)
def create_actionables(self) -> List[Handler]:
return super().create_actionables() + [
# allow agent to place water
# also allow it to equip the pickaxe
1.7.9 Give Extra Observations
In addition to the POV image data the agent receives as an observation, lets provide it with compass and lifestats data.
We override create_observables just like the previous step.
def create_observables(self) -> List[Handler]:
return super().create_observables() + [
# current location and lifestats are returned as additional
# observations
1.7.10 Set the Time
Lets set the time to morning.
def create_server_initial_conditions(self) -> List[Handler]:
return [
# Sets time to morning and stops passing of time
handlers.TimeInitialCondition(False, 23000)
1.7.11 Other Functions to Implement
SimpleEmbodimentEnvSpec requires that we implement these methods.
# see API reference for use cases of these first two functions
def create_server_quit_producers(self):
return []
def create_server_decorators(self) -> List[Handler]:
return []
# the episode can terminate when this is True
(continues on next page)
16 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
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(continued from previous page)
def determine_success_from_rewards(self, rewards: list) -> bool:
return sum(rewards) >= self.reward_threshold
def is_from_folder(self, folder: str) -> bool:
return folder == 'mlgwb'
def get_docstring(self):
return MLGWB_DOC
Congrats! You just made your first MineRL environment. Checkout the herobraine API reference to see many other
ways to modify the world and agent.
See complete environment code here.
1.7.12 Using the Environment
Now you need to solve it
Create a new Python file in the same folder.
Here is some code to get you started:
You should see a Minecaft instance open then minimize. Then, you should see a window that shows the agent’s POV.
import gym
from mlg_wb_specs import MLGWB
# In order to use the environment as a gym you need to register it with gym
abs_MLG = MLGWB()
env = gym.make("MLGWB-v0")
# this line might take a couple minutes to run
obs = env.reset()
# Renders the environment with the agent taking noops
done = False
while not done:
# a dictionary of actions. Try indexing it and changing values.
action = env.action_space.noop()
obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
See complete solution code here (Python file) or an interactive version here (Jupyter Notebook).
1.7. Creating A Custom Environment 17
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1.8 Using Minecraft Commands
1.8.1 Introduction
MineRL provides support for sending Minecraft commands. In addition to opening up numerous custom environment
possibilities (Minecraft commands can be used to move players, summon or destroy mobs and blocks, reset player
health/food, apply potions effects, and much more), this feature can be very useful for speeding up training.
Warning: This feature is in BETA; it comes with a number of restrictions.
Only messages from the first agent are supported in the multiagent setting.
You must add the ChatAction handler to your envspec.
You can only execute one chat action per time step,
1.8.2 How Can MC Commands speed up training?
Consider an agent attempting the Navigate task. After each attempt to get to the objective the Minecraft world is reset.
Resetting the world is very computationally costly and it would be better to just reset the position, health, and food of
the agent.
This could be accomplished with the following Minecraft commands:
# teleport all agents to (x=0, z=0)
/tp @a 0 ~ 0
# reset health of all agents
/effect @a minecraft:instant_health 1 100 true
# reset food of all agents
/effect @a minecraft:saturation 1 255 true
1.8.3 Adding the ChatAction to your envspec
In order to send Minecraft commands, you need to add the ChatAction handler to your environments envspec. See
this tutorial on how to make custom environments and envspecs.
The ChatAction allows the sending of regular Minecraft chat messages as well as Minecraft commands. This can be
accomplished by adding the ChatAction handler to your envspec:
def create_actionables(self) -> List[Handler]:
return super().create_actionables() + [
# enable chat
18 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.8.4 Abstracted Command Sending
All environments which use the ChatAction handler will support the set_next_chat_message function. This func-
tion takes a string and sends it as a chat message the next time the environment is stepped:
# no actions
actions = {}
env.set_next_chat_message("/gamemode @a adventure")
# sets the gamemode of all players to adventure
# the chat message is not executed again;
# it gets cleared each time step() is called
env.set_next_chat_message("/tp @r 320 54 66")
# teleports a random agent to the given coordinates
1.8.5 Advanced use
If for some reason you need to execute multiple commands in the same time step, you can either spawn in a chain of
Minecraft Command Blocks or load a world from the file with a chain of command blocks. This level of complexity
shouldnt be needed but could be useful if you need to execute many distinct commands and dont want to spread them
over multiple time steps.
1.9 General Information
The minerl package includes several environments as follows. This page describes each of the included environments,
provides usage samples, and describes the exact action and observation space provided by each environment!
Caution: In the MineRL Diamond Competition, many environments are provided for training. How-
ever, competition agents will only be evaluated in the MineRLObtainDiamond-v0 (Intro track) and
MineRLObtainDiamondVectorObf-v0 (Research track) environments which have sparse rewards. For more de-
tails see MineRLObtainDiamond-v0 and MineRLObtainDiamondVectorObf-v0.
Note: All environments offer a default no-op action via env.action_space.no_op() and a random action via
1.10 Environment Handlers
Minecraft is an extremely complex environment which provides players with visual, auditory, and informational ob-
servation of many complex data types. Furthermore, players interact with Minecraft using more than just embodied
actions: players can craft, build, destroy, smelt, enchant, manage their inventory, and even communicate with other
players via a text chat.
To provide a unified interface with which agents can obtain and perform similar observations and actions as players, we
have provided first-class for support for this multi-modality in the environment: the observation and action spaces of
1.9. General Information 19
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
environments are gym.spaces.Dict spaces. These observation and action dictionaries are comprised of individual
fields we call handlers.
Note: In the documentation of every environment we provide a listing of the exact gym.space of the observations
returned by and actions expected by the environments step function. We are slowly building documentation for these
handlers, and you can click those highlighted with blue for more information!
1.10.1 Environment Handlers
Minecraft is an extremely complex environment which provides players with visual, auditory, and informational ob-
servation of many complex data types. Furthermore, players interact with Minecraft using more than just embodied
actions: players can craft, build, destroy, smelt, enchant, manage their inventory, and even communicate with other
players via a text chat.
To provide a unified interface with which agents can obtain and perform similar observations and actions as players, we
have provided first-class for support for this multi-modality in the environment: the observation and action spaces of
environments are gym.spaces.Dict spaces. These observation and action dictionaries are comprised of individual
fields we call handlers.
Note: In the documentation of every environment we provide a listing of the exact gym.space of the observations
returned by and actions expected by the environments step function. We are slowly building documentation for these
handlers, and you can click those highlighted with blue for more information!
1.10.2 Spaces
Enum Spaces
Some observation and action spaces are Enum types. Examples include the equip observation and the equip action.
Observation and action spaces that are Enum are encoded as strings by default (e.g. “none”, “log”, and “sandstone#2”)
when they are returned from env.step() and env.reset(), or yielded from minerl.data.DataPipeline.
When building an action to pass into env.step(act), the Enum component of the action dict can be encoded as either
a string or an integer.
Tip: The Enum integer value that corresponds to each Enum string value can be accessed via Enum.
values_map[string_value]. For example, to get the integer value corresponding to the equip action
“dirt” in MineRLObtainDiamond or MineRLBasaltBuildVillageHouse, you can call env.action_space.
20 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.10.3 Observations
Visual Observations - pov, third-person
pov : Box(width, height, nchannels)
An RGB image observation of the agent’s first-person perspective.
third-person : Box(width, height, nchannels)
An RGB image observation of the agent’s third-person perspective.
Warning: This observation is not yet supported by any environment.
compass-observation : Box(1)
The current position of the minecraft:compass object from 0 (behind agent left) to 0.5 in front of agent to 1
(behind agent right)
Note: This observation uses the default Minecraft game logic which includes compass needle momentum. As
such it may change even when the agent has stoped moving!
Equip Observations - equipped_items
equipped_items.mainhand.type : Enum('none', 'air', ..., 'other'))
This observation is an Enum type. See Enum Spaces for more information.
The type of the item that the player has equipped in the mainhand slot. If the mainhand slot is empty then the
value is ‘air’. If the mainhand slot contains an item not inside this observation space, then the value is ‘other’.
1.10.4 Actions
Camera Control - camera
camera : Box(2) [delta_pitch, delta_yaw]
This action changes the orientation of the agents head by the corresponding number of degrees. When the pov
observation is available, the camera changes its orientation pitch by the first component and its yaw by the second
component. Both delta_pitch and delta_yaw are limited to [-180, 180] inclusive
1.10. Environment Handlers 21
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
attack : Discrete(1) [attack]
This action causes the agent to attack.
Tool Control - equip and use
equip : Enum('none', 'air', ..., 'other'))
This is action is an Enum type. See Enum Spaces for more information.
This action equips the first instance of the specified item from the agents inventory to the main hand if the specified
item is present, otherwise does nothing. air matches any empty slot in an agent’s inventory and functions as an
un-equip, or equip-nothing action.
Note: equip 'none' and equip 'other' are both no-op actions. In other words, they leave the currently
equipped item unchanged. However, in the MineRL dataset, other takes on a special meaning. other is the
wildcard equip action that is recorded in the dataset whenever a player equipped an item that wasnt included in
this action spaces Enum.
Warning: env.step(act) typically will not process the equip action for two ticks (i.e., you will not see the
observation value equipped_items change until two more calls to env.step.)
This is due to a limitation with the current version of Malmo, our Minecraft backend.
use : Discrete(1) [use]
This action is equivalent to right-clicking in Minecraft. It causes the agent to use the item it is holding in the
mainhand slot, or to open doors or gates when it is facing an applicable Minecraft structure.
22 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.11 MineRL Diamond Competition Intro Track Environments
1.11.1 MineRLTreechop-v0
In treechop, the agent must collect 64 minecraft:log. This replicates a common scenario in Minecraft, as logs are
necessary to craft a large amount of items in the game and are a key resource in Minecraft.
The agent begins in a forest biome (near many trees) with an iron axe for cutting trees. The agent is given +1 reward
for obtaining each unit of wood, and the episode terminates once the agent obtains 64 units.
Observation Space
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLTreechop-v0") # A MineRLTreechop-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
(continues on next page)
1.11. MineRL Diamond Competition Intro Track Environments 23
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
(continued from previous page)
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLTreechop-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.11.2 MineRLNavigate-v0
In this task, the agent must move to a goal location denoted by a diamond block. This represents a basic primitive
used in many tasks throughout Minecraft. In addition to standard observations, the agent has access to a “compass”
observation, which points near the goal location, 64 meters from the start location. The goal has a small random
horizontal offset from the compass location and may be slightly below surface level. On the goal location is a unique
block, so the agent must find the final goal by searching based on local visual features.
The agent is given a sparse reward (+100 upon reaching the goal, at which point the episode terminates). This variant
of the environment is sparse.
In this environment, the agent spawns on a random survival map.
Observation Space
"compass": {
"angle": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=())"
"inventory": {
"dirt": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
24 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"place": "Enum(dirt,none)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLNavigate-v0") # A MineRLNavigate-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLNavigate-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.11.3 MineRLNavigateDense-v0
In this task, the agent must move to a goal location denoted by a diamond block. This represents a basic primitive
used in many tasks throughout Minecraft. In addition to standard observations, the agent has access to a “compass”
observation, which points near the goal location, 64 meters from the start location. The goal has a small random
1.11. MineRL Diamond Competition Intro Track Environments 25
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
horizontal offset from the compass location and may be slightly below surface level. On the goal location is a unique
block, so the agent must find the final goal by searching based on local visual features.
The agent is given a sparse reward (+100 upon reaching the goal, at which point the episode terminates). This variant
of the environment is dense reward-shaped where the agent is given a reward every tick for how much closer (or
negative reward for farther) the agent gets to the target.
In this environment, the agent spawns on a random survival map.
Observation Space
"compass": {
"angle": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=())"
"inventory": {
"dirt": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"place": "Enum(dirt,none)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLNavigateDense-v0") # A MineRLNavigateDense-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
(continues on next page)
26 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
(continued from previous page)
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLNavigateDense-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.11.4 MineRLNavigateExtreme-v0
In this task, the agent must move to a goal location denoted by a diamond block. This represents a basic primitive
used in many tasks throughout Minecraft. In addition to standard observations, the agent has access to a “compass”
observation, which points near the goal location, 64 meters from the start location. The goal has a small random
horizontal offset from the compass location and may be slightly below surface level. On the goal location is a unique
block, so the agent must find the final goal by searching based on local visual features.
The agent is given a sparse reward (+100 upon reaching the goal, at which point the episode terminates). This variant
of the environment is sparse.
In this environment, the agent spawns in an extreme hills biome.
Observation Space
"compass": {
"angle": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=())"
"inventory": {
"dirt": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"place": "Enum(dirt,none)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
1.11. MineRL Diamond Competition Intro Track Environments 27
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLNavigateExtreme-v0") # A MineRLNavigateExtreme-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLNavigateExtreme-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.11.5 MineRLNavigateExtremeDense-v0
In this task, the agent must move to a goal location denoted by a diamond block. This represents a basic primitive
used in many tasks throughout Minecraft. In addition to standard observations, the agent has access to a “compass”
observation, which points near the goal location, 64 meters from the start location. The goal has a small random
horizontal offset from the compass location and may be slightly below surface level. On the goal location is a unique
block, so the agent must find the final goal by searching based on local visual features.
The agent is given a sparse reward (+100 upon reaching the goal, at which point the episode terminates). This variant
of the environment is dense reward-shaped where the agent is given a reward every tick for how much closer (or
negative reward for farther) the agent gets to the target.
In this environment, the agent spawns in an extreme hills biome.
28 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Observation Space
"compass": {
"angle": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=())"
"inventory": {
"dirt": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"place": "Enum(dirt,none)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLNavigateExtremeDense-v0") # A MineRLNavigateExtremeDense-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLNavigateExtremeDense-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.11. MineRL Diamond Competition Intro Track Environments 29
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.11.6 MineRLObtainDiamond-v0
In this environment the agent is required to obtain a diamond. The agent begins in a random starting location on a
random survival map without any items, matching the normal starting conditions for human players in Minecraft. The
agent is given access to a selected summary of its inventory and GUI free crafting, smelting, and inventory management
During an episode the agent is rewarded only once per item the first time it obtains that item in the requisite item
hierarchy to obtaining a diamond. The rewards for each item are given here:
<Item reward="1" type="log" />
<Item reward="2" type="planks" />
<Item reward="4" type="stick" />
<Item reward="4" type="crafting_table" />
<Item reward="8" type="wooden_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="16" type="cobblestone" />
<Item reward="32" type="furnace" />
<Item reward="32" type="stone_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="64" type="iron_ore" />
<Item reward="128" type="iron_ingot" />
<Item reward="256" type="iron_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="1024" type="diamond" />
Observation Space
"equipped_items": {
"mainhand": {
"damage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"maxDamage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"type": "Enum(air,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,other,stone_axe,stone_
"inventory": {
"coal": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"cobblestone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"crafting_table": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"dirt": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"furnace": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_ingot": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_ore": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"log": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"planks": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stick": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
30 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
"stone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"torch": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wooden_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wooden_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"craft": "Enum(crafting_table,none,planks,stick,torch)",
"equip": "Enum(air,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,stone_axe,stone_pickaxe,wooden_axe,
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"nearbyCraft": "Enum(furnace,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,stone_axe,stone_pickaxe,
"nearbySmelt": "Enum(coal,iron_ingot,none)",
"place": "Enum(cobblestone,crafting_table,dirt,furnace,none,stone,torch)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLObtainDiamond-v0") # A MineRLObtainDiamond-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLObtainDiamond-v0")
(continues on next page)
1.11. MineRL Diamond Competition Intro Track Environments 31
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
(continued from previous page)
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.11.7 MineRLObtainDiamondDense-v0
In this environment the agent is required to obtain a diamond. The agent begins in a random starting location on a
random survival map without any items, matching the normal starting conditions for human players in Minecraft. The
agent is given access to a selected summary of its inventory and GUI free crafting, smelting, and inventory management
During an episode the agent is rewarded every time it obtains an item in the requisite item hierarchy to obtaining a
diamond. The rewards for each item are given here:
<Item reward="1" type="log" />
<Item reward="2" type="planks" />
<Item reward="4" type="stick" />
<Item reward="4" type="crafting_table" />
<Item reward="8" type="wooden_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="16" type="cobblestone" />
<Item reward="32" type="furnace" />
<Item reward="32" type="stone_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="64" type="iron_ore" />
<Item reward="128" type="iron_ingot" />
<Item reward="256" type="iron_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="1024" type="diamond" />
Observation Space
"equipped_items": {
"mainhand": {
"damage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"maxDamage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"type": "Enum(air,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,other,stone_axe,stone_
"inventory": {
"coal": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"cobblestone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"crafting_table": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"dirt": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"furnace": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
32 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
"iron_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_ingot": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_ore": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"log": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"planks": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stick": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"torch": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wooden_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wooden_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"craft": "Enum(crafting_table,none,planks,stick,torch)",
"equip": "Enum(air,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,stone_axe,stone_pickaxe,wooden_axe,
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"nearbyCraft": "Enum(furnace,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,stone_axe,stone_pickaxe,
"nearbySmelt": "Enum(coal,iron_ingot,none)",
"place": "Enum(cobblestone,crafting_table,dirt,furnace,none,stone,torch)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLObtainDiamondDense-v0") # A MineRLObtainDiamondDense-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
(continues on next page)
1.11. MineRL Diamond Competition Intro Track Environments 33
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
(continued from previous page)
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLObtainDiamondDense-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.11.8 MineRLObtainIronPickaxe-v0
In this environment the agent is required to obtain an iron pickaxe. The agent begins in a random starting location, on a
random survival map, without any items, matching the normal starting conditions for human players in Minecraft. The
agent is given access to a selected view of its inventory and GUI free crafting, smelting, and inventory management
During an episode the agent is rewarded only once per item the first time it obtains that item in the requisite item
hierarchy for obtaining an iron pickaxe. The reward for each item is given here:
<Item amount="1" reward="1" type="log" />
<Item amount="1" reward="2" type="planks" />
<Item amount="1" reward="4" type="stick" />
<Item amount="1" reward="4" type="crafting_table" />
<Item amount="1" reward="8" type="wooden_pickaxe" />
<Item amount="1" reward="16" type="cobblestone" />
<Item amount="1" reward="32" type="furnace" />
<Item amount="1" reward="32" type="stone_pickaxe" />
<Item amount="1" reward="64" type="iron_ore" />
<Item amount="1" reward="128" type="iron_ingot" />
<Item amount="1" reward="256" type="iron_pickaxe" />
Observation Space
"equipped_items": {
"mainhand": {
"damage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"maxDamage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"type": "Enum(air,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,other,stone_axe,stone_
34 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
"inventory": {
"coal": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"cobblestone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"crafting_table": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"dirt": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"furnace": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_ingot": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_ore": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"log": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"planks": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stick": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"torch": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wooden_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wooden_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"craft": "Enum(crafting_table,none,planks,stick,torch)",
"equip": "Enum(air,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,stone_axe,stone_pickaxe,wooden_axe,
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"nearbyCraft": "Enum(furnace,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,stone_axe,stone_pickaxe,
"nearbySmelt": "Enum(coal,iron_ingot,none)",
"place": "Enum(cobblestone,crafting_table,dirt,furnace,none,stone,torch)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)"
1.11. MineRL Diamond Competition Intro Track Environments 35
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLObtainIronPickaxe-v0") # A MineRLObtainIronPickaxe-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLObtainIronPickaxe-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.11.9 MineRLObtainIronPickaxeDense-v0
In this environment the agent is required to obtain an iron pickaxe. The agent begins in a random starting location, on a
random survival map, without any items, matching the normal starting conditions for human players in Minecraft. The
agent is given access to a selected view of its inventory and GUI free crafting, smelting, and inventory management
During an episode the agent is rewarded every time it obtains an item in the requisite item hierarchy for obtaining
an iron pickaxe. The reward for each item is given here:
<Item amount="1" reward="1" type="log" />
<Item amount="1" reward="2" type="planks" />
<Item amount="1" reward="4" type="stick" />
<Item amount="1" reward="4" type="crafting_table" />
<Item amount="1" reward="8" type="wooden_pickaxe" />
<Item amount="1" reward="16" type="cobblestone" />
<Item amount="1" reward="32" type="furnace" />
<Item amount="1" reward="32" type="stone_pickaxe" />
<Item amount="1" reward="64" type="iron_ore" />
<Item amount="1" reward="128" type="iron_ingot" />
<Item amount="1" reward="256" type="iron_pickaxe" />
36 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Observation Space
"equipped_items": {
"mainhand": {
"damage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"maxDamage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"type": "Enum(air,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,other,stone_axe,stone_
"inventory": {
"coal": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"cobblestone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"crafting_table": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"dirt": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"furnace": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_ingot": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_ore": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"iron_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"log": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"planks": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stick": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"torch": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wooden_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wooden_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"craft": "Enum(crafting_table,none,planks,stick,torch)",
"equip": "Enum(air,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,stone_axe,stone_pickaxe,wooden_axe,
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"nearbyCraft": "Enum(furnace,iron_axe,iron_pickaxe,none,stone_axe,stone_pickaxe,
"nearbySmelt": "Enum(coal,iron_ingot,none)",
"place": "Enum(cobblestone,crafting_table,dirt,furnace,none,stone,torch)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)"
1.11. MineRL Diamond Competition Intro Track Environments 37
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLObtainIronPickaxeDense-v0") # A MineRLObtainIronPickaxeDense-v0
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLObtainIronPickaxeDense-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.12 MineRL Diamond Competition Research Track Environments
1.12.1 MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0
In treechop, the agent must collect 64 minecraft:log. This replicates a common scenario in Minecraft, as logs are
necessary to craft a large amount of items in the game and are a key resource in Minecraft.
The agent begins in a forest biome (near many trees) with an iron axe for cutting trees. The agent is given +1 reward
for obtaining each unit of wood, and the episode terminates once the agent obtains 64 units.
38 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Observation Space
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))",
"vector": "Box(low=-1.2000000476837158, high=1.2000000476837158, shape=(64,))"
Action Space
"vector": "Box(low=-1.0499999523162842, high=1.0499999523162842, shape=(64,))"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0") # A MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.12.2 MineRLNavigateVectorObf-v0
In this task, the agent must move to a goal location denoted by a diamond block. This represents a basic primitive
used in many tasks throughout Minecraft. In addition to standard observations, the agent has access to a “compass”
observation, which points near the goal location, 64 meters from the start location. The goal has a small random
horizontal offset from the compass location and may be slightly below surface level. On the goal location is a unique
block, so the agent must find the final goal by searching based on local visual features.
1.12. MineRL Diamond Competition Research Track Environments 39
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
The agent is given a sparse reward (+100 upon reaching the goal, at which point the episode terminates). This variant
of the environment is sparse.
In this environment, the agent spawns on a random survival map.
Observation Space
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))",
"vector": "Box(low=-1.2000000476837158, high=1.2000000476837158, shape=(64,))"
Action Space
"vector": "Box(low=-1.0499999523162842, high=1.0499999523162842, shape=(64,))"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLNavigateVectorObf-v0") # A MineRLNavigateVectorObf-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLNavigateVectorObf-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
40 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.12.3 MineRLNavigateDenseVectorObf-v0
In this task, the agent must move to a goal location denoted by a diamond block. This represents a basic primitive
used in many tasks throughout Minecraft. In addition to standard observations, the agent has access to a “compass”
observation, which points near the goal location, 64 meters from the start location. The goal has a small random
horizontal offset from the compass location and may be slightly below surface level. On the goal location is a unique
block, so the agent must find the final goal by searching based on local visual features.
The agent is given a sparse reward (+100 upon reaching the goal, at which point the episode terminates). This variant
of the environment is dense reward-shaped where the agent is given a reward every tick for how much closer (or
negative reward for farther) the agent gets to the target.
In this environment, the agent spawns on a random survival map.
Observation Space
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))",
"vector": "Box(low=-1.2000000476837158, high=1.2000000476837158, shape=(64,))"
Action Space
"vector": "Box(low=-1.0499999523162842, high=1.0499999523162842, shape=(64,))"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLNavigateDenseVectorObf-v0") # A MineRLNavigateDenseVectorObf-v0
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
(continues on next page)
1.12. MineRL Diamond Competition Research Track Environments 41
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
(continued from previous page)
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLNavigateDenseVectorObf-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.12.4 MineRLNavigateExtremeVectorObf-v0
In this task, the agent must move to a goal location denoted by a diamond block. This represents a basic primitive
used in many tasks throughout Minecraft. In addition to standard observations, the agent has access to a “compass”
observation, which points near the goal location, 64 meters from the start location. The goal has a small random
horizontal offset from the compass location and may be slightly below surface level. On the goal location is a unique
block, so the agent must find the final goal by searching based on local visual features.
The agent is given a sparse reward (+100 upon reaching the goal, at which point the episode terminates). This variant
of the environment is sparse.
In this environment, the agent spawns in an extreme hills biome.
Observation Space
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))",
"vector": "Box(low=-1.2000000476837158, high=1.2000000476837158, shape=(64,))"
Action Space
"vector": "Box(low=-1.0499999523162842, high=1.0499999523162842, shape=(64,))"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLNavigateExtremeVectorObf-v0") # A MineRLNavigateExtremeVectorObf-
˓v0 env
obs = env.reset()
(continues on next page)
42 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
(continued from previous page)
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLNavigateExtremeVectorObf-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.12.5 MineRLNavigateExtremeDenseVectorObf-v0
In this task, the agent must move to a goal location denoted by a diamond block. This represents a basic primitive
used in many tasks throughout Minecraft. In addition to standard observations, the agent has access to a “compass”
observation, which points near the goal location, 64 meters from the start location. The goal has a small random
horizontal offset from the compass location and may be slightly below surface level. On the goal location is a unique
block, so the agent must find the final goal by searching based on local visual features.
The agent is given a sparse reward (+100 upon reaching the goal, at which point the episode terminates). This variant
of the environment is dense reward-shaped where the agent is given a reward every tick for how much closer (or
negative reward for farther) the agent gets to the target.
In this environment, the agent spawns in an extreme hills biome.
Observation Space
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))",
"vector": "Box(low=-1.2000000476837158, high=1.2000000476837158, shape=(64,))"
1.12. MineRL Diamond Competition Research Track Environments 43
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Action Space
"vector": "Box(low=-1.0499999523162842, high=1.0499999523162842, shape=(64,))"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLNavigateExtremeDenseVectorObf-v0") # A
˓MineRLNavigateExtremeDenseVectorObf-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLNavigateExtremeDenseVectorObf-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.12.6 MineRLObtainDiamondVectorObf-v0
In this environment the agent is required to obtain a diamond. The agent begins in a random starting location on a
random survival map without any items, matching the normal starting conditions for human players in Minecraft. The
agent is given access to a selected summary of its inventory and GUI free crafting, smelting, and inventory management
During an episode the agent is rewarded only once per item the first time it obtains that item in the requisite item
hierarchy to obtaining a diamond. The rewards for each item are given here:
<Item reward="1" type="log" />
<Item reward="2" type="planks" />
<Item reward="4" type="stick" />
(continues on next page)
44 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
(continued from previous page)
<Item reward="4" type="crafting_table" />
<Item reward="8" type="wooden_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="16" type="cobblestone" />
<Item reward="32" type="furnace" />
<Item reward="32" type="stone_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="64" type="iron_ore" />
<Item reward="128" type="iron_ingot" />
<Item reward="256" type="iron_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="1024" type="diamond" />
Observation Space
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))",
"vector": "Box(low=-1.2000000476837158, high=1.2000000476837158, shape=(64,))"
Action Space
"vector": "Box(low=-1.0499999523162842, high=1.0499999523162842, shape=(64,))"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLObtainDiamondVectorObf-v0") # A MineRLObtainDiamondVectorObf-v0
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLObtainDiamondVectorObf-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.12. MineRL Diamond Competition Research Track Environments 45
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.12.7 MineRLObtainDiamondDenseVectorObf-v0
In this environment the agent is required to obtain a diamond. The agent begins in a random starting location on a
random survival map without any items, matching the normal starting conditions for human players in Minecraft. The
agent is given access to a selected summary of its inventory and GUI free crafting, smelting, and inventory management
During an episode the agent is rewarded every time it obtains an item in the requisite item hierarchy to obtaining a
diamond. The rewards for each item are given here:
<Item reward="1" type="log" />
<Item reward="2" type="planks" />
<Item reward="4" type="stick" />
<Item reward="4" type="crafting_table" />
<Item reward="8" type="wooden_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="16" type="cobblestone" />
<Item reward="32" type="furnace" />
<Item reward="32" type="stone_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="64" type="iron_ore" />
<Item reward="128" type="iron_ingot" />
<Item reward="256" type="iron_pickaxe" />
<Item reward="1024" type="diamond" />
Observation Space
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))",
"vector": "Box(low=-1.2000000476837158, high=1.2000000476837158, shape=(64,))"
Action Space
"vector": "Box(low=-1.0499999523162842, high=1.0499999523162842, shape=(64,))"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLObtainDiamondDenseVectorObf-v0") # A
˓MineRLObtainDiamondDenseVectorObf-v0 env
(continues on next page)
46 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
(continued from previous page)
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLObtainDiamondDenseVectorObf-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.12.8 MineRLObtainIronPickaxeVectorObf-v0
In this environment the agent is required to obtain an iron pickaxe. The agent begins in a random starting location, on a
random survival map, without any items, matching the normal starting conditions for human players in Minecraft. The
agent is given access to a selected view of its inventory and GUI free crafting, smelting, and inventory management
During an episode the agent is rewarded only once per item the first time it obtains that item in the requisite item
hierarchy for obtaining an iron pickaxe. The reward for each item is given here:
<Item amount="1" reward="1" type="log" />
<Item amount="1" reward="2" type="planks" />
<Item amount="1" reward="4" type="stick" />
<Item amount="1" reward="4" type="crafting_table" />
<Item amount="1" reward="8" type="wooden_pickaxe" />
<Item amount="1" reward="16" type="cobblestone" />
<Item amount="1" reward="32" type="furnace" />
<Item amount="1" reward="32" type="stone_pickaxe" />
<Item amount="1" reward="64" type="iron_ore" />
<Item amount="1" reward="128" type="iron_ingot" />
<Item amount="1" reward="256" type="iron_pickaxe" />
1.12. MineRL Diamond Competition Research Track Environments 47
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Observation Space
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))",
"vector": "Box(low=-1.2000000476837158, high=1.2000000476837158, shape=(64,))"
Action Space
"vector": "Box(low=-1.0499999523162842, high=1.0499999523162842, shape=(64,))"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLObtainIronPickaxeVectorObf-v0") # A
˓MineRLObtainIronPickaxeVectorObf-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLObtainIronPickaxeVectorObf-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.12.9 MineRLObtainIronPickaxeDenseVectorObf-v0
In this environment the agent is required to obtain an iron pickaxe. The agent begins in a random starting location, on a
random survival map, without any items, matching the normal starting conditions for human players in Minecraft. The
agent is given access to a selected view of its inventory and GUI free crafting, smelting, and inventory management
48 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
During an episode the agent is rewarded every time it obtains an item in the requisite item hierarchy for obtaining
an iron pickaxe. The reward for each item is given here:
<Item amount="1" reward="1" type="log" />
<Item amount="1" reward="2" type="planks" />
<Item amount="1" reward="4" type="stick" />
<Item amount="1" reward="4" type="crafting_table" />
<Item amount="1" reward="8" type="wooden_pickaxe" />
<Item amount="1" reward="16" type="cobblestone" />
<Item amount="1" reward="32" type="furnace" />
<Item amount="1" reward="32" type="stone_pickaxe" />
<Item amount="1" reward="64" type="iron_ore" />
<Item amount="1" reward="128" type="iron_ingot" />
<Item amount="1" reward="256" type="iron_pickaxe" />
Observation Space
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))",
"vector": "Box(low=-1.2000000476837158, high=1.2000000476837158, shape=(64,))"
Action Space
"vector": "Box(low=-1.0499999523162842, high=1.0499999523162842, shape=(64,))"
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLObtainIronPickaxeDenseVectorObf-v0") # A
˓MineRLObtainIronPickaxeDenseVectorObf-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLObtainIronPickaxeDenseVectorObf-v0")
(continues on next page)
1.12. MineRL Diamond Competition Research Track Environments 49
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
(continued from previous page)
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.13 MineRL BASALT Competition Environments
1.13.1 MineRLBasaltFindCave-v0
After spawning in a plains biome, explore and find a cave. When inside a cave, throw a snowball to end episode.
Observation Space
"equipped_items": {
"mainhand": {
"damage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"maxDamage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"type": "Enum(air,bucket,carrot,cobblestone,fence,fence_gate,none,
"inventory": {
"bucket": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"carrot": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"cobblestone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"fence": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"fence_gate": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"snowball": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_shovel": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"water_bucket": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wheat": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wheat_seeds": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
50 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"equip": "Enum(air,bucket,carrot,cobblestone,fence,fence_gate,none,other,snowball,
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)",
"use": "Discrete(2)"
Starting Inventory
"snowball": 1
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLBasaltFindCave-v0") # A MineRLBasaltFindCave-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLBasaltFindCave-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.13. MineRL BASALT Competition Environments 51
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.13.2 MineRLBasaltMakeWaterfall-v0
After spawning in an extreme hills biome, use your waterbucket to make an beautiful waterfall. Then take an aesthetic
“picture” of it by moving to a good location, positioning player’s camera to have a nice view of the waterfall, and
throwing a snowball. Throwing the snowball ends the episode.
Observation Space
"equipped_items": {
"mainhand": {
"damage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"maxDamage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"type": "Enum(air,bucket,carrot,cobblestone,fence,fence_gate,none,
"inventory": {
"bucket": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"carrot": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"cobblestone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"fence": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"fence_gate": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"snowball": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_shovel": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"water_bucket": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wheat": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wheat_seeds": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"equip": "Enum(air,bucket,carrot,cobblestone,fence,fence_gate,none,other,snowball,
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
52 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
"sprint": "Discrete(2)",
"use": "Discrete(2)"
Starting Inventory
"cobblestone": 20,
"snowball": 1,
"stone_pickaxe": 1,
"stone_shovel": 1,
"water_bucket": 1
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLBasaltMakeWaterfall-v0") # A MineRLBasaltMakeWaterfall-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLBasaltMakeWaterfall-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.13.3 MineRLBasaltCreateVillageAnimalPen-v0
After spawning in a plains village, surround two or more animals of the same type in a fenced area (a pen), constructed
near the house. You can’t have more than one type of animal in your enclosed area. Allowed animals are chickens,
sheep, cows, and pigs.
1.13. MineRL BASALT Competition Environments 53
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Do not harm villagers or existing village structures in the process.
Throw a snowball to end the episode.
Observation Space
"equipped_items": {
"mainhand": {
"damage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"maxDamage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"type": "Enum(air,bucket,carrot,cobblestone,fence,fence_gate,none,
"inventory": {
"bucket": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"carrot": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"cobblestone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"fence": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"fence_gate": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"snowball": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_shovel": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"water_bucket": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wheat": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wheat_seeds": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"equip": "Enum(air,bucket,carrot,cobblestone,fence,fence_gate,none,other,snowball,
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)",
"use": "Discrete(2)"
54 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Starting Inventory
"carrot": 1,
"fence": 64,
"fence_gate": 64,
"snowball": 1,
"wheat": 1,
"wheat_seeds": 1
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLBasaltCreateVillageAnimalPen-v0") # A
˓MineRLBasaltCreateVillageAnimalPen-v0 env
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLBasaltCreateVillageAnimalPen-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.13.4 MineRLBasaltBuildVillageHouse-v0
Build a house in the style of the village without damaging the village. Give a tour of the house and then throw a snowball
to end the episode.
Note: In the observation and action spaces, the following (internal Minecraft) item IDs can be interpreted as follows:
log#0 is oak logs.
1.13. MineRL BASALT Competition Environments 55
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
log#1 is spruce logs.
log2#0 is acacia logs.
planks#0 is oak planks.
planks#1 is spruce planks.
planks#4 is acacia planks.
sandstone#0 is cracked sandstone.
sandstone#2 is smooth sandstone.
Tip: You can find detailed information on which materials are used in each biome-specific village (plains, savannah,
taiga, desert) here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Village/Structure_(old)/Blueprints#Village_generation
Observation Space
"equipped_items": {
"mainhand": {
"damage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"maxDamage": "Box(low=-1, high=1562, shape=())",
"type": "Enum(acacia_door,acacia_fence,cactus,cobblestone,dirt,fence,
"inventory": {
"acacia_door": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"acacia_fence": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"cactus": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"cobblestone": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"dirt": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"fence": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"flower_pot": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"glass": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"ladder": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"log#0": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"log#1": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"log2#0": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"planks#0": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"planks#1": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"planks#4": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"red_flower": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"sand": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"sandstone#0": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"sandstone#2": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"sandstone_stairs": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"snowball": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"spruce_door": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"spruce_fence": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
56 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
"stone_axe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_pickaxe": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"stone_stairs": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"torch": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wooden_door": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())",
"wooden_pressure_plate": "Box(low=0, high=2304, shape=())"
"pov": "Box(low=0, high=255, shape=(64, 64, 3))"
Action Space
"attack": "Discrete(2)",
"back": "Discrete(2)",
"camera": "Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,))",
"equip": "Enum(acacia_door,acacia_fence,cactus,cobblestone,dirt,fence,flower_pot,
"forward": "Discrete(2)",
"jump": "Discrete(2)",
"left": "Discrete(2)",
"right": "Discrete(2)",
"sneak": "Discrete(2)",
"sprint": "Discrete(2)",
"use": "Discrete(2)"
Starting Inventory
"acacia_door": 64,
"acacia_fence": 64,
"cactus": 3,
"cobblestone": 64,
"dirt": 64,
"fence": 64,
"flower_pot": 3,
"glass": 64,
"ladder": 64,
"log#0": 64,
"log#1": 64,
"log2#0": 64,
"planks#0": 64,
"planks#1": 64,
"planks#4": 64,
"red_flower": 3,
"sand": 64,
"sandstone#0": 64,
"sandstone#2": 64,
"sandstone_stairs": 64,
"snowball": 1,
1.13. MineRL BASALT Competition Environments 57
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
"spruce_door": 64,
"spruce_fence": 64,
"stone_axe": 1,
"stone_pickaxe": 1,
"stone_stairs": 64,
"torch": 64,
"wooden_door": 64,
"wooden_pressure_plate": 64
import gym
import minerl
# Run a random agent through the environment
env = gym.make("MineRLBasaltBuildVillageHouse-v0") # A MineRLBasaltBuildVillageHouse-v0
obs = env.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Take a no-op through the environment.
obs, rew, done, _ = env.step(env.action_space.noop())
# Do something
# Sample some data from the dataset!
data = minerl.data.make("MineRLBasaltBuildVillageHouse-v0")
# Iterate through a single epoch using sequences of at most 32 steps
for obs, rew, done, act in data.batch_iter(num_epochs=1, batch_size=32):
# Do something
1.14 Performance tips
1.14.1 Slowdown in obfuscated environments
Obfuscated environments, like MineRLObtainDiamondVectorObf-v0 make extensive use of np.dot function, which
by default is parallelized over multiple threads. Since the vectors/matrices are small, the overhead from this outweights
benefits, and the environment appears much slower than it really is.
To speed up obfuscated environments, try setting environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 to restrict Numpy to
only use one thread.
58 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.14.2 Faster alternative to xvfb
Running MineRL on xvfb will slow it down by 2-3x as the rendering is done on CPU, not on the GPU. A potential
alternative is to use a combination of VirtualGL and virtual displays from nvidia tools.
Note that this may interfere with your display/driver setup, and may not work on cloud VMs (nvidia-xconfig is not
Following commands outline the procedure. You may need to adapt it to suit your needs. After these commands, run
export DISPLAY=:0 and you should be ready to run MineRL. The Minecraft window will be rendered in a virtual
All credits go to Tencent researchers who kindly shared this piece of information!
sudo apt install lightdm libglu1-mesa mesa-utils xvfb xinit xserver-xorg-video-dummy
sudo nvidia-xconfig -a --allow-empty-initial-configuration --virtual=1920x1200 --busid
cd /tmp
wget https://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/virtualgl/2.6.3/virtualgl_2.6.3_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i virtualgl_2.6.3_amd64.deb
sudo service lightdm stop
sudo vglserver_config
sudo service lightdm start
1.15 Links to papers and projects
Here you can find useful links to the presentations, code and papers of the finalists in previous MineRL competitions,
as well as other publications and projects that use MineRL.
To see all papers that cite MineRL, check Google Scholar. You can also create alerts there to get notified whenever a
new citation appears.
If you want to add your paper/project here, do not hesitate to create a pull request in the main repository!
1.15.1 Presentations
MineRL 2019 - Finalists presentations at NeurIPS 2019
MineRL 2019 - 1st place winners presentation, longer one (slides in English, talk in Russian)
MineRL 2020 - Round 1 finalists presentations at NeurIPS 2020
MineRL 2020 - Round 2 finalists presentations at Microsoft AI and Gaming Research Summit 2021
1.15. Links to papers and projects 59
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.15.2 MineRL papers
MineRL: A Large-Scale Dataset of Minecraft Demonstrations
The MineRL 2019 Competition on Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning using Human Priors
Retrospective Analysis of the 2019 MineRL Competition on Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning
The MineRL 2020 Competition on Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning using Human Priors
Towards robust and domain agnostic reinforcement learning competitions: MineRL 2020
1.15.3 2019 competitor code/papers
1st place: paper.
2nd place: paper, code.
3rd place: paper, code.
4th place: code.
5th place: paper, code.
1.15.4 2020 competitor code/papers
1st place: paper.
2nd place: code.
3rd place: code.
1.15.5 Other papers that use the MineRL environment
PiCoEDL: Discovery and Learning of Minecraft Navigation Goals from Pixels and Coordinates (CVPR Embod-
ied AI Workshop, 2021)
Universal Value Iteration Networks: When Spatially-Invariant Is Not Universal (AAAI, 2020)
Multi-task curriculum learning in a complex, visual, hard-exploration domain: Minecraft
Follow up paper from the #1 team in 2019 (obtains diamond): paper, code.
Align-RUDDER: Learning From Few Demonstrations by Reward Redistribution (obtains diamond): paper, code.
1.15.6 Other
Data analysis for vector obfuscation/kmeans
Malmo and MineRL tutorial
60 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.16 Windows FAQ
This note serves as a collection of fixes for errors which may occur on the Windows platform.
1.16.1 The The system cannot find the path specified error (installing)
If during installation you get errors regarding missing files or unspecified paths, followed by a long path string, you
might be limited by the MAX_PATH setting on windows. Try removing this limitation with these instructions.
1.16.2 The freeze_support error (multiprocessing)
An attempt has been made to start a new process before the
current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.
This probably means that you are not using fork to start your
child processes and you have forgotten to use the proper idiom
in the main module:
if __name__ == '__main__':
The "freeze_support()" line can be omitted if the program
is not going to be frozen to produce an executable.
The implementation of multiprocessing is different on Windows, which uses spawn instead of fork. So we have to
wrap the code with an if-clause to protect the code from executing multiple times. Refactor your code into the following
import minerl
import gym
def main()
# do your main minerl code
env = gym.make('MineRLTreechop-v0')
if __name__ == '__main__':
1.17 minerl.env
The minerl.env package provides an optimized python software layer over MineRLEnv, a fork of the popular
Minecraft simulator Malmo which enables synchronous, stable, and fast samples from the Minecraft environment.
1.16. Windows FAQ 61
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.17.1 MineRLEnv
class minerl.env._singleagent._SingleAgentEnv(*args, **kwargs)
Bases: _MultiAgentEnv
The single agent version of the MineRLEnv.
Renders the environment.
The set of supported modes varies per environment. (And some environments do not support rendering at
all.) By convention, if mode is:
human: render to the current display or terminal and return nothing. Usually for human consumption.
rgb_array: Return an numpy.ndarray with shape (x, y, 3), representing RGB values for an x-by-y pixel
image, suitable for turning into a video.
ansi: Return a string (str) or StringIO.StringIO containing a terminal-style text representation. The
text can include newlines and ANSI escape sequences (e.g. for colors).
Make sure that your class’s metadata ‘render.modes’ key includes
the list of supported modes. Its recommended to call super() in implementations to use the function-
ality of this method.
mode (str) the mode to render with
class MyEnv(Env):
metadata = {‘render.modes’: [‘human, ‘rgb_array’]}
def render(self, mode=’human’):
if mode == ‘rgb_array’:
return np.array(. . . ) # return RGB frame suitable for video
elif mode == ‘human’:
. . . # pop up a window and render
super(MyEnv, self).render(mode=mode) # just raise an exception
reset() Dict[str, Any]
Reset the environment.
Sets-up the Env from its specification (called everytime the env is reset.)
The first observation of the environment.
step(single_agent_action: Dict[str, Any]) Tuple[Dict[str, Any], float, bool, Dict[str, Any]]
Run one timestep of the environments dynamics. When end of episode is reached, you are responsible for
calling reset() to reset this environment’s state.
62 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Accepts an action and returns a tuple (observation, reward, done, info).
action (object) an action provided by the agent
agent’s observation of the current environment reward (float) : amount of reward returned
after previous action done (bool): whether the episode has ended, in which case further step()
calls will return undefined results info (dict): contains auxiliary diagnostic information (help-
ful for debugging, and sometimes learning)
Return type
observation (object)
1.17.2 InstanceManager
class minerl.env.malmo.CustomAsyncRemoteMethod(proxy, name, max_retries)
Bases: _AsyncRemoteMethod
class minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager
Bases: object
The Minecraft instance manager library. The instance manager can be used to allocate and safely terminate
existing Malmo instances for training agents.
Note: This object never needs to be explicitly invoked by the user of the MineRL library as the creation of one
of the several MineRL environments will automatically query the InstanceManager to create a new instance.
Note: In future versions of MineRL the instance manager will become its own daemon process which provides
instance allocation capability using remote procedure calls.
DEFAULT_IP = 'localhost'
MINECRAFT_DIR = '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/minerl/envs/v0.4.
REMOTE = False
SCHEMAS_DIR = '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/minerl/envs/v0.4.4/
STATUS_DIR = '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/minerl/envs/v0.4.4/
X11_DIR = '/tmp/.X11-unix'
classmethod add_existing_instance(port)
classmethod add_keep_alive(_pid, _callback)
classmethod allocate_pool(num)
classmethod configure_malmo_base_port(malmo_base_port)
Configure the lowest or base port for Malmo
1.17. minerl.env 63
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
classmethod get_instance(pid, instance_id=None)
Gets an instance from the instance manager. This method is a context manager and therefore when the
context is entered the method yields a InstanceManager.Instance object which contains the allocated port
and host for the given instance that was created.
The allocated InstanceManager.Instance object.
RuntimeError No available instances or the maximum number of allocated instances
RuntimeError No available instances and automatic allocation of instances is off.
headless = False
classmethod is_remote()
managed = True
ninstances = 0
classmethod set_valid_jdwp_port_for_instance(instance) None
Find a valid port for JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol), so that the instance can be debugged with an
attached debugger. The port is set in the instance, so that other instances can check whether the port is
reserved. :param instance: Instance to find and port for, and where we will set the jdwp port.
classmethod shutdown()
class minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance(port=None, existing=False, status_dir=None, seed=None,
Bases: object
A subprocess wrapper which maintains a reference to a minecraft subprocess and also allows for stable closing
and launching of such subprocesses across different platforms.
The Minecraft instance class works by launching two subprocesses: the Malmo subprocess, and a watcher sub-
process with access to the process IDs of both the parent process and the Malmo subprocess. If the parent process
dies, it will kill the subprocess, and then itself.
This scheme has a single failure point of the process dying before the watcher process is launched.
property actor_name
property client_socket
Closes the object.
64 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
property had_to_clean
property host
property jdwp_port
JDWP (Java Debug Wire Protocol) port, if any, so the instance can be debugged with an attached debugger.
Kills the process (if it has been launched.)
launch(daemonize=False, replaceable=True)
property port
property status_dir
class minerl.env.malmo.SeedType(value)
Bases: IntEnum
The seed type for an instance manager.
0 - NONE: No seeding whatsoever. 1 - CONSTANT: All envrionments have the same seed (the one specified
to the instance manager) (or alist of seeds , separated)
2 - GENERATED: All environments have different seeds generated from a single
random generator with the seed specified to the InstanceManager.
3 - SPECIFIED: Each instance is given a list of seeds. Specify this like
1,2,3,4;848,432,643;888,888,888 Each instances seed list is separated by ; and each seed is separated
by ,
NONE = 0
classmethod get_index(type)
Defines the entry point for the remote procedure call server.
minerl.env.malmo.launch_queue_logger_thread(output_producer, should_end)
1.17. minerl.env 65
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
1.18 minerl.data
The minerl.data package provides a unified interface for sampling data from the MineRL-v0 Dataset. Data is ac-
cessed by making a dataset from one of the minerl environments and iterating over it using one of the iterators provided
by the minerl.data.DataPipeline
The following is a description of the various methods included within the package as well as some basic usage examples.
To see more detailed descriptions and tutorials on how to use the data API, please take a look at our numerous getting
started manuals.
1.18.1 MineRLv0
class minerl.data.DataPipeline(data_directory: <module 'posixpath' from
environment: str, num_workers: int, worker_batch_size: int,
min_size_to_dequeue: int, random_seed=42)
Bases: object
Creates a data pipeline object used to itterate through the MineRL-v0 dataset
property action_space
action space of current MineRL environment
batch_iter(batch_size: int, seq_len: int, num_epochs: int = - 1, preload_buffer_size: int = 2, seed:
Optional[int] = None)
Returns batches of sequences length SEQ_LEN of the data of size BATCH_SIZE. The iterator produces
batches sequentially. If an element of a batch reaches the end of its episode, it will be appended with a new
If you wish to obtain metadata of the episodes, consider using load_data instead.
batch_size (int) The batch size.
seq_len (int) The size of sequences to produce.
num_epochs (int, optional) The number of epochs to iterate over the data. Defaults
to -1.
preload_buffer_size (int, optional) Increase to IMPROVE PERFORMANCE.
The data iterator uses a queue to prevent blocking, the queue size is the number of trajec-
tories to load into the buffer. Adjust based on memory constraints. Defaults to 32.
seed (int, optional) [int]. NOT IMPLEMENTED Defaults to None.
A generator that yields (sarsd) batches
Return type
Gets all the trajectory names
66 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Return type
A list of experiment names
load_data(stream_name: str, skip_interval=0, include_metadata=False, include_monitor_data=False)
Iterates over an individual trajectory named stream_name.
stream_name (str) The stream name desired to be iterated through.
skip_interval (int, optional) How many sices should be skipped.. Defaults to 0.
include_metadata (bool, optional) Whether or not meta data about the loaded
trajectory should be included.. Defaults to False.
include_monitor_data (bool, optional) Whether to include all of the monitor data
from the environment. Defaults to False.
A tuple of (state, player_action, reward_from_action, next_state, is_next_state_terminal).
These are tuples are yielded in order of the episode.
property observation_space
observation space of current MineRL environment
static read_frame(cap)
sarsd_iter(num_epochs=- 1, max_sequence_len=32, queue_size=None, seed=None,
Returns a generator for iterating through (state, action, reward, next_state, is_terminal) tuples in the dataset.
Loads num_workers files at once as defined in minerl.data.make() and return up to max_sequence_len
consecutive samples wrapped in a dict observation space
num_epochs (int, optional) number of epochs to iterate over or -1 to loop forever.
Defaults to -1
max_sequence_len (int, optional) maximum number of consecutive samples -
may be less. Defaults to 32
seed (int, optional) seed for random directory walk - note, specifying seed as well
as a finite num_epochs will cause the ordering of examples to be the same after every call
to seq_iter
queue_size (int, optional) maximum number of elements to buffer at a time,
each worker may hold an additional item while waiting to enqueue. Defaults to
16*self.number_of_workers or 2* self.number_of_workers if max_sequence_len == -1
include_metadata (bool, optional) adds an additional member to the tuple con-
taining metadata about the stream the data was loaded from. Defaults to False
A tuple of (state, player_action, reward_from_action, next_state, is_next_state_terminal,
(metadata)). Each element is in the format of the environment action/state/reward space and
contains as many samples are requested.
1.18. minerl.data 67
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
seq_iter(num_epochs=- 1, max_sequence_len=32, queue_size=None, seed=None,
This function is now DataPipeline.batch_iter()
property spec: EnvSpec
minerl.data.download(directory: Optional[str] = None, environment: Optional[str] = None, competition:
Optional[str] = None, resolution: str = 'low', texture_pack: int = 0,
update_environment_variables: bool = True, disable_cache: bool = False) None
Low-level interface for downloading MineRL dataset.
Using the python -m minerl.data.download CLI script is preferred because it performs more input validation and
hides internal-use arguments.
Run this command with environment=None and competition=None to download a minimal dataset with 2 demon-
strations from each environment. Provide the environment or competition arguments to download a full dataset
for a particular environment or competition.
directory Destination folder for downloading MineRL datasets. If None, then use the
MINERL_DATA_ROOT environment variable, or error if this environment variable is not
environment The name of a MineRL environment or None. If this argument is the name
of a MineRL environment and competition is None, then this function downloads the full
dataset for the specifies MineRL environment.
If both environment=None and competition=None, then this function downloads a minimal
competition The name of a MineRL competition (“diamond” or “basalt”) or None. If this
argument is the name of a MineRL environment and competition is None, then this function
downloads the full dataset for the specified MineRL competition.
If both environment=None and competition=None, then this function downloads a minimal
resolution For internal use only. One of [‘low’, ‘high’] corresponding to video resolu-
tions of [64x64,1024x1024] respectively (note: high resolution is not currently supported).
texture_pack For internal use only. 0: default Minecraft texture pack, 1: flat semi-
realistic texture pack.
update_environment_variables For internal use only. If True, then export of MIN-
ERL_DATA_ROOT environment variable (note: for some os this is only for the current
disable_cache If False (default), then the tar download and other temporary download
files are saved inside directory.
If disable_cache is False on a future call to this function and temporary download files are
detected, then the download is resumed from previous download progress. If disable_cache is
False on a future call to this function and the completed tar file is detected, then the download
is skipped entirely and we immediately extract the tar to directory.
minerl.data.make(environment=None, data_dir=None, num_workers=4, worker_batch_size=32,
minimum_size_to_dequeue=32, force_download=False)
Initalizes the data loader with the chosen environment
68 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
environment (string) desired MineRL environment
data_dir (string, optional) specify alternative dataset location. Defaults to None.
num_workers (int, optional) number of files to load at once. Defaults to 4.
force_download (bool, optional) specifies whether or not the data should be down-
loaded if missing. Defaults to False.
initalized data pipeline
Return type
1.19 minerl.herobraine
1.19.1 Handlers
In addition to the default environments MineRL provides, you can use a variety of custom handlers to build your own.
See the Custom Environment Tutorial to understand how to use these handlers. The following is documentation on all
handlers which MineRL currently supports.
1.19.2 Agent Handlers
Agent Handlers allow you to modify various properties of the agent (e.g. items in inventory, starting health, what gives
the agent reward).
Agent Start Handlers
Agent start handlers define agent start conditions such as inventory items and health.
When used to create a Gym environment, they should be passed to create_agent_start
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.AgentStartBreakSpeedMultiplier(multiplier=1.0)
Bases: Handler
Sets the break speed multiplier (how fast the agent can break blocks)
See here for more information: https://minecraft.fandom.com/el/wiki/Breaking
Example usage:
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
1.19. minerl.herobraine 69
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.AgentStartNear(anchor_name='MineRLAgent0',
Bases: Handler
Starts agent near another agent
Example usage:
AgentStartNear("MineRLAgent0", min_distance=2, max_distance=10, max_vert_distance=3)
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.AgentStartPlacement(x, y, z, yaw, pitch=0.0)
Bases: Handler
Sets for the agent start location
Example usage:
AgentStartPlacement(x=5, y=70, z=4, yaw=0, pitch=0)
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.InventoryAgentStart(inventory: Dict[int,
Dict[str, Union[str,
Bases: Handler
Sets the start inventory of the agent by slot id.
Example usage:
70 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
0: {'type':'dirt', 'quantity':10},
# metadata specifies the type of planks (e.g. oak, spruce)
1: {'type':'planks', 'metadata': 1, 'quantity':5},
5: {'type':'log', 'quantity':1},
6: {'type':'log', 'quantity':2},
32: {'type':'iron_ore', 'quantity':4
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.RandomInventoryAgentStart(inventory:
Union[str, int]],
use_hotbar: bool
= False)
Bases: InventoryAgentStart
Sets the agent start inventory by randomly distributing items throughout its inventory slots. Note: This has no
effect on inventory observation handlers.
Example usage:
{'dirt': 10, 'planks': 5}
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.RandomizedStartDecorator
Bases: Handler
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
1.19. minerl.herobraine 71
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.SimpleInventoryAgentStart(inventory:
Bases: InventoryAgentStart
Sets the start inventory of the agent sequentially.
Example usage:
{'type':'dirt', 'quantity':10},
{'type':'planks', 'quantity':5},
{'type':'log', 'quantity':1},
{'type':'iron_ore', 'quantity':4}
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.StartingFoodAgentStart(food: int = 20,
Optional[float] =
Bases: Handler
Sets the starting food and/or food saturation of the agent.
Example usage:
StartingFoodAgentStart(food=2.5, food_saturation=1)
:param food: The amount of food the agent starts out with :param food_saturation: Determines how fast the
hunger level depletes, defaults to 5
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.StartingHealthAgentStart(max_health: float
= 20, health:
Optional[float] =
Bases: Handler
Sets the starting health of the agent
Example usage:
StartingHealthAgentStart(max_health=20, health=2.5)
max_health sets the maximum amount of health the agent can have health sets amount of health the agent
starts with (max_health if not specified)
72 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
Agent Quit Handlers
These handlers cause the episode to terminate based on certain agent conditions.
When used to create a Gym environment, they should be passed to create_agent_handlers
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.quit.AgentQuitFromCraftingItem(items:
Union[str, int]]])
Bases: Handler
Terminates episode when agent crafts one of the items in items
Example usage:
dict(type="iron_axe", amount=1), dict(type="diamond_block", amount=5)
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.quit.AgentQuitFromPossessingItem(items:
Bases: Handler
Terminates episode when agent obtains one of the items in items
Example usage:
dict(type="golden_apple", amount=3), dict(type="diamond", amount=1)
1.19. minerl.herobraine 73
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.quit.AgentQuitFromTouchingBlockType(blocks:
Bases: Handler
Terminates episode when agent touches one of the blocks in blocks
Example usage:
"gold_block", "oak_log"
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
Reward Handlers
These handlers modify what things the agent gets rewarded for.
When used to create a Gym environment, they should be passed to create_rewardables
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.ConstantReward(constant)
Bases: RewardHandler
A constant reward handler
By default hero will include the reward in the observation. This is just a pass through for convenience.
:param obs_dict: :return: The reward
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardForCollectingItems(item_rewards:
74 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Bases: _RewardForPosessingItemBase
The standard malmo reward for collecting item.
Example usage:
dict(type="log", amount=1, reward=1.0),
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardForCollectingItemsOnce(item_rewards:
Bases: _RewardForPosessingItemBase
The standard malmo reward for collecting item once.
Example usage:
dict(type="log", amount=1, reward=1),
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardForDistanceTraveledToCompassTarget(reward_per_block:
Bases: RewardHandler
Creates a reward which is awarded when the player reaches a certain distance from a target.
Example usage:
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
1.19. minerl.herobraine 75
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardForMissionEnd(reward: int,
description: str =
Bases: RewardHandler
Creates a reward which is awarded when a mission ends.
Example usage:
# awards a reward of 5 when mission ends
RewardForMissionEnd(reward=5.0, description="mission termination")
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardForTouchingBlockType(blocks:
Union[str, int,
Bases: RewardHandler
Creates a reward which is awarded when the player touches a block.
Example usage:
{'type':'diamond_block', 'behaviour':'onceOnly', 'reward':'10'},
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
76 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardHandler
Bases: TranslationHandler
Specifies a reward handler for a task. These need to be attached to tasks with reinforcement learning objectives.
All rewards need inherit from this reward handler #Todo: Figure out how this interplays with Hero, as rewards
are summed.
By default hero will include the reward in the observation. This is just a pass through for convenience.
:param obs_dict: :return: The reward
Action Handlers
Action handlers define what actions agents are allowed to take.
When used to create a gym, you should override create_actionables and pass the action handlers to this function. See
the Custom Environment Tutorial for more.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.camera.CameraAction
Bases: Action
Uses <delta_pitch, delta_yaw> vector in degrees to rotate the camera. pitch range [-180, 180], yaw range [-180,
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.craft.CraftAction(items: list,
NoneType], _de-
Bases: ItemListAction
An action handler for crafting items
Note when used alongside Craft Item Nearby, block lists must be disjoint or from_universal will fire multiple
1.19. minerl.herobraine 77
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.craft.CraftNearbyAction(items: list,
NoneType], _de-
Bases: CraftAction
An action handler for crafting items when agent is in view of a crafting table
Note when used along side Craft Item, item lists must be disjoint or from_universal will fire multiple times
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.equip.EquipAction(items: list,
Bases: ItemWithMetadataListAction
An action handler for observing a list of equipped items
from_universal(obs) str
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
logger = <Logger minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.equip.EquipAction
78 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.keyboard.KeybasedCommandAction(command,
Bases: Action
A command action which is generated from human keypresses in anvil. Examples of such actions are movement
actions, etc.
This is not to be confused with keyboard actions, whereby both anvil and malmo simulate and act on direct key
Combinations of KeybasedCommandActions yield actions like:
“move” : 1,
“jump”: 1
where move and jump are the commands, which correspond to keys like ‘W’, ‘SPACE’, etc.
This is as opposed to keyboard actions (see the following class definition in keyboard.py) which yield actions
"keyboard" : {
"W" : 1,
"A": 1,
"S": 0,
"E": 1,
More information can be found in the unification document (internal).
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Notice how all of the instances of keybased command actions, of which there will be typically many in an
environment spec, correspond to exactly the same XML stub.
This is discussed at length in the unification proposal and is a chief example of where manifest consolidation
is needed.
1.19. minerl.herobraine 79
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.place.PlaceBlock(blocks: list,
NoneType], _de-
Bases: ItemListAction
An action handler for placing a specific block
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.smelt.SmeltItemNearby(items: list,
NoneType], _de-
Bases: CraftAction
An action handler for crafting items when agent is in view of a crafting table
Note when used along side Craft Item, block lists must be disjoint or from_universal will fire multiple times
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
80 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.chat.ChatAction
Bases: Action
Handler which lets agents send Minecraft chat messages
Note: this may currently be limited to the first agent sending messages (check Malmo for this)
This can be used to execute MINECRAFT COMMANDS !!!
Example usage:
To summon a creeper, use this action dictionary:
{"chat": "/summon creeper"}
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
Observation Handlers
Observation handlers define what observation data agents receive (e.g. POV image, lifestats)
When used to create a gym, you should override create_observables and pass the observation handlers to this function.
See the Custom Environment Tutorial for more.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.compass.CompassObservation(angle=True,
Bases: TranslationHandlerGroup
Defines compass observations.
angle (bool, optional) Whether or not to include angle observation. Defaults to True.
distance (bool, optional) Whether or not ot include distance observation. Defaults
to False.
Example usage:
1.19. minerl.herobraine 81
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
# A compass observation object which gives angle and distance information
CompassObservation(True, True)
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
Damage Source
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.damage_source.
Bases: TranslationHandlerGroup
Includes the most recent damage event including the amount, type, location, and other properties.
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
82 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Equipped Item
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.equipped_item.EquippedItemObservation(items:
Bases: TranslationHandlerGroup
Enables the observation of equipped items in the main, offhand, and armor slots of the agent.
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
1.19. minerl.herobraine 83
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.inventory.FlatInventoryObservation(item_list:
Bases: TranslationHandler
Handles GUI Container Observations for selected items
Converts the Hero observation into a one-hot of the inventory items for a given inventory container. Ignores
variant / color :param obs: :return:
Converts a universal representation of the handler (e.g. universal action/observation)
logger = <Logger minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.inventory.
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
Bases: TranslationHandlerGroup
Groups all of the lifestats observations together to correspond to one XML element.
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
84 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
Location Stats
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.location_stats.
Bases: TranslationHandlerGroup
Includes the current biome, how likely rain and snow are there, as well as the current light level, how bright the
sky is, and if the player can see the sky.
Also includes x, y, z, roll, and pitch
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
Base Stats
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.mc_base_stats.ObserveFromFullStats(stat_key)
Bases: TranslationHandlerGroup
Includes the use_item statistics for every item in MC that can be used
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.pov.POVObservation(video_resolution:
Tuple[int, int],
bool = False)
Bases: KeymapTranslationHandler
Handles POV observations.
Converts a “hero” representation of an instance of this handler to a member of the space.
1.19. minerl.herobraine 85
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
1.19.3 Server Handlers
Server Start Handlers
Server start handlers allow you to set the initial state of the World (e.g. weather, time)
When used to create a Gym environment, they should be passed to create_server_initial_conditions
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.start.SpawningInitialCondition(allow_spawning:
Bases: Handler
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.start.TimeInitialCondition(allow_passage_of_time:
bool, start_time:
Optional[int] = None)
Bases: Handler
Sets the initial world time as well as whether time can pass.
Example usage:
# Sets time to morning and stops passing of time
TimeInitialCondition(False, 23000)
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
86 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.start.WeatherInitialCondition(weather: str)
Bases: Handler
Sets the initial weather condition in the world.
Example usage:
# Sets weather to thunder
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
Server Quit Handlers
These handlers allow episode termination based on server conditions (e.g. time passed)
When used to create a Gym environment, they should be passed to create_server_quit_producers
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.quit.ServerQuitFromTimeUp(time_limit_ms: int,
Bases: Handler
Forces the server to quit after a certain time_limit_ms also specifies a description parameter for the xml.
Example usage
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.quit.ServerQuitWhenAnyAgentFinishes
Bases: Handler
Forces the server to quit if any of the agents involved quits. Has no parameters.
Example usage:
1.19. minerl.herobraine 87
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
World Handlers
World handlers provide a number of ways to generate and modify the Minecraft world (e.g. specifying the type of world
to be created, like Superflat, or drawing shapes and blocks in the world).
When used to create a Gym environment, they should be passed to create_server_world_generators
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.BiomeGenerator(biome: Union[int, str],
force_reset: bool = True)
Bases: Handler
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.DefaultWorldGenerator(force_reset=True,
str = '{}')
Bases: Handler
Generates a world using minecraft procedural generation (this is the default world type in minecraft).
force_reset (bool, optional) If the world should be reset every episode.. Defaults
to True.
generator_options A JSON object specifying parameters to the procedural generator.
Example usage:
# Generates a default world that does not reset every episode (e.g. if blocks get
˓broken in one episode
# they will not be replaced in the next)
DefaultWorldGenerator(False, "")
88 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.DrawingDecorator(to_draw: str)
Bases: Handler
Draws shapes (e.g. spheres, cuboids) in the world.
Example usage:
# draws an empty square of gold blocks
<DrawCuboid x1="3" y1="4" z1="3" x2="3" y2="6" z2="-3" type="gold_block"/>
<DrawCuboid x1="3" y1="4" z1="3" x2="-3" y2="6" z2="3" type="gold_block"/>
<DrawCuboid x1="-3" y1="4" z1="-3" x2="3" y2="6" z2="-3" type="gold_block"/>
<DrawCuboid x1="-3" y1="4" z1="-3" x2="-3" y2="6" z2="3" type="gold_block"/>
See Project Malmo for more
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.FileWorldGenerator(filename: str,
destroy_after_use: bool
= True)
Bases: Handler
Generates a world from a file.
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
1.19. minerl.herobraine 89
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.FlatWorldGenerator(force_reset: bool = True,
generatorString: str = '')
Bases: Handler
Generates a world that is a flat landscape.
Example usage:
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
class minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.VillageSpawnDecorator
Bases: Handler
to_string() str
The unique identifier for the agent handler. This is used for constructing action/observation spaces and
unioning different env specifications.
xml_template() str
Generates an XML representation of the handler.
This XML representation is templated via Jinja2 and has access to all of the member variables of the class.
Note: This is not an abstract method so that handlers without corresponding XMLs can be combined in
handler groups with group based XML implementations.
90 Chapter 1. What is MineRL
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
92 Chapter 2. Indices and tables
minerl.data, 66
minerl.env._singleagent, 62
minerl.env.malmo, 63
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
94 Python Module Index
_SingleAgentEnv (class in minerl.env._singleagent), 62
action_space (minerl.data.DataPipeline property), 66
actor_name (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance prop-
erty), 64
add_existing_instance() (min-
erl.env.malmo.InstanceManager class method),
add_keep_alive() (min-
erl.env.malmo.InstanceManager class method),
add_to_mission_spec() (min-
method), 84
AgentQuitFromCraftingItem (class in min-
AgentQuitFromPossessingItem (class in min-
erl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.quit), 73
AgentQuitFromTouchingBlockType (class in min-
erl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.quit), 74
AgentStartBreakSpeedMultiplier (class in min-
erl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start), 69
AgentStartNear (class in min-
AgentStartPlacement (class in min-
allocate_pool() (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager
class method), 63
batch_iter() (minerl.data.DataPipeline method), 66
BiomeGenerator (class in min-
CameraAction (class in min-
ChatAction (class in min-
client_socket (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance
property), 64
client_socket_close() (min-
erl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance method),
client_socket_recv_message() (min-
erl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance method),
client_socket_send_message() (min-
erl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance method),
client_socket_shutdown() (min-
erl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance method),
close() (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance method),
CompassObservation (class in min-
configure_malmo_base_port() (min-
erl.env.malmo.InstanceManager class method),
CONSTANT (minerl.env.malmo.SeedType attribute), 65
ConstantReward (class in min-
CraftAction (class in min-
CraftNearbyAction (class in min-
create_multiagent_instance_socket() (min-
erl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance method),
CustomAsyncRemoteMethod (class in min-
erl.env.malmo), 63
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
DataPipeline (class in minerl.data), 66
DEFAULT_IP (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager
attribute), 63
DefaultWorldGenerator (class in min-
download() (in module minerl.data), 68
DrawingDecorator (class in min-
EquipAction (class in min-
EquippedItemObservation (class in min-
FileWorldGenerator (class in min-
FlatInventoryObservation (class in min-
FlatWorldGenerator (class in min-
from_hero() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.inventory.FlatInventoryObservation
method), 84
from_hero() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.pov.POVObservation
method), 85
from_hero() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.ConstantReward
method), 74
from_hero() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardHandler
method), 77
from_universal() (min-
method), 77
from_universal() (min-
method), 81
from_universal() (min-
method), 77
from_universal() (min-
method), 78
from_universal() (min-
method), 79
from_universal() (min-
method), 80
from_universal() (min-
method), 80
from_universal() (min-
method), 84
from_universal() (min-
method), 74
from_universal() (min-
method), 75
from_universal() (min-
method), 75
from_universal() (min-
method), 75
from_universal() (min-
method), 76
from_universal() (min-
method), 76
GENERATED (minerl.env.malmo.SeedType attribute), 65
get_index() (minerl.env.malmo.SeedType class
method), 65
get_instance() (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager
class method), 63
get_output() (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance
method), 64
get_trajectory_names() (minerl.data.DataPipeline
method), 66
had_to_clean (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance
property), 65
has_client_socket() (min-
erl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance method),
headless (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager at-
tribute), 64
host (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance property), 65
InstanceManager (class in minerl.env.malmo), 63
InventoryAgentStart (class in min-
96 Index
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
is_remote() (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager class
method), 64
jdwp_port (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance prop-
erty), 65
erl.env.malmo.InstanceManager attribute),
KeybasedCommandAction (class in min-
kill() (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance method),
launch() (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance
method), 65
launch_instance_manager() (in module min-
erl.env.malmo), 65
launch_queue_logger_thread() (in module min-
erl.env.malmo), 65
load_data() (minerl.data.DataPipeline method), 67
logger (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.equip.EquipAction
attribute), 78
logger (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.inventory.FlatInventoryObservation
attribute), 84
make() (in module minerl.data), 68
managed (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager attribute),
erl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance attribute),
MAXINSTANCES (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager at-
tribute), 63
MINECRAFT_DIR (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager
attribute), 63
MinecraftInstance (class in minerl.env.malmo), 64
module, 66
module, 62
module, 63
module, 77
module, 81
module, 77
module, 78
module, 79
module, 80
module, 80
module, 81
module, 82
module, 83
module, 84
module, 84
module, 85
module, 85
module, 85
module, 73
module, 74
module, 69
module, 87
module, 86
module, 88
minerl.data, 66
minerl.env._singleagent, 62
minerl.env.malmo, 63
Index 97
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
ninstances (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager
attribute), 64
NONE (minerl.env.malmo.SeedType attribute), 65
observation_space (minerl.data.DataPipeline prop-
erty), 67
ObservationFromCurrentLocation (class in min-
ObservationFromDamageSource (class in min-
ObservationFromLifeStats (class in min-
ObserveFromFullStats (class in min-
PlaceBlock (class in min-
port (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance property), 65
POVObservation (class in min-
RandomInventoryAgentStart (class in min-
RandomizedStartDecorator (class in min-
read_frame() (minerl.data.DataPipeline static
method), 67
release_lock() (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance
method), 65
REMOTE (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager attribute),
render() (minerl.env._singleagent._SingleAgentEnv
method), 62
reset() (minerl.env._singleagent._SingleAgentEnv
method), 62
reset() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.equip.EquipAction
method), 78
reset() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardForDistanceTraveledToCompassTarget
method), 75
reset() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardForTouchingBlockType
method), 76
RewardForCollectingItems (class in min-
RewardForCollectingItemsOnce (class in min-
(class in min-
RewardForMissionEnd (class in min-
RewardForTouchingBlockType (class in min-
RewardHandler (class in min-
sarsd_iter() (minerl.data.DataPipeline method), 67
SCHEMAS_DIR (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager at-
tribute), 63
SeedType (class in minerl.env.malmo), 65
seq_iter() (minerl.data.DataPipeline method), 67
98 Index
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
ServerQuitFromTimeUp (class in min-
ServerQuitWhenAnyAgentFinishes (class in min-
erl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.quit), 87
set_valid_jdwp_port_for_instance() (min-
erl.env.malmo.InstanceManager class method),
shutdown() (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager class
method), 64
SimpleInventoryAgentStart (class in min-
SmeltItemNearby (class in min-
SpawningInitialCondition (class in min-
spec (minerl.data.DataPipeline property), 68
SPECIFIED (minerl.env.malmo.SeedType attribute), 65
StartingFoodAgentStart (class in min-
StartingHealthAgentStart (class in min-
STATUS_DIR (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager
attribute), 63
status_dir (minerl.env.malmo.MinecraftInstance prop-
erty), 65
step() (minerl.env._singleagent._SingleAgentEnv
method), 62
TimeInitialCondition (class in min-
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.camera.CameraAction
method), 77
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.chat.ChatAction
method), 81
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.craft.CraftAction
method), 78
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.craft.CraftNearbyAction
method), 78
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.keyboard.KeybasedCommandAction
method), 79
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.place.PlaceBlock
method), 80
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.actions.smelt.SmeltItemNearby
method), 80
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.compass.CompassObservation
method), 82
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.damage_source.ObservationFromDamageSource
method), 82
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.equipped_item.EquippedItemObservation
method), 83
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.inventory.FlatInventoryObservation
method), 84
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.lifestats.ObservationFromLifeStats
method), 84
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.location_stats.ObservationFromCurrentLocation
method), 85
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.mc_base_stats.ObserveFromFullStats
method), 85
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.observations.pov.POVObservation
method), 85
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.quit.AgentQuitFromCraftingItem
method), 73
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.quit.AgentQuitFromPossessingItem
method), 73
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.quit.AgentQuitFromTouchingBlockType
method), 74
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardForDistanceTraveledToCompassTarget
method), 75
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardForMissionEnd
method), 76
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.reward.RewardForTouchingBlockType
method), 76
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.AgentStartBreakSpeedMultiplier
method), 69
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.AgentStartNear
method), 70
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.AgentStartPlacement
method), 70
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.InventoryAgentStart
method), 71
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.RandomizedStartDecorator
method), 71
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.StartingFoodAgentStart
method), 72
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.agent.start.StartingHealthAgentStart
method), 72
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.quit.ServerQuitFromTimeUp
method), 87
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.quit.ServerQuitWhenAnyAgentFinishes
method), 88
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.start.SpawningInitialCondition
method), 86
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.start.TimeInitialCondition
method), 86
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.start.WeatherInitialCondition
method), 87
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.BiomeGenerator
method), 88
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.DefaultWorldGenerator
method), 88
Index 99
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.DrawingDecorator
method), 89
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.FileWorldGenerator
method), 89
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.FlatWorldGenerator
method), 90
to_string() (minerl.herobraine.hero.handlers.server.world.VillageSpawnDecorator
method), 90
VillageSpawnDecorator (class in min-
WeatherInitialCondition (class in min-
X11_DIR (minerl.env.malmo.InstanceManager attribute),
xml_template() (min-
method), 77
xml_template() (min-
method), 81
xml_template() (min-
method), 78
xml_template() (min-
method), 78
xml_template() (min-
method), 78
xml_template() (min-
method), 79
xml_template() (min-
method), 80
xml_template() (min-
method), 80
xml_template() (min-
method), 82
xml_template() (min-
method), 82
xml_template() (min-
method), 83
xml_template() (min-
method), 84
xml_template() (min-
method), 84
xml_template() (min-
method), 85
xml_template() (min-
method), 85
xml_template() (min-
method), 86
xml_template() (min-
method), 73
xml_template() (min-
method), 74
xml_template() (min-
method), 74
xml_template() (min-
method), 75
xml_template() (min-
method), 76
xml_template() (min-
method), 76
xml_template() (min-
method), 69
xml_template() (min-
method), 70
xml_template() (min-
method), 70
xml_template() (min-
method), 71
xml_template() (min-
method), 71
xml_template() (min-
method), 71
xml_template() (min-
100 Index
MineRL, Release 0.4.0
method), 72
xml_template() (min-
method), 73
xml_template() (min-
method), 87
xml_template() (min-
method), 88
xml_template() (min-
method), 86
xml_template() (min-
method), 86
xml_template() (min-
method), 87
xml_template() (min-
method), 88
xml_template() (min-
method), 89
xml_template() (min-
method), 89
xml_template() (min-
method), 89
xml_template() (min-
method), 90
xml_template() (min-
method), 90
Index 101