Mystery Solved! 27
Circle the correct word to complete the sentence.
1. Martin noticed something different about his surroundings / observation.
2. It took a few moments for him to reduce / absorb the situation.
3. He stood quietly at the door of his house and made some
remarks / observations.
4. The mystery / theory was: Who opened the door to his house while he
was at work?
5. Martin did not enter his home for fear that an aggressive / affectionate
person was inside.
6. Instead he called the police to investigate the district / case.
Choose the correct modal to complete the sentence.
1. “I hear sirens. The police be on their way,” said Martin’s neighbor.
a. could b. must c. must have
2. “I
understand what happened,” said Martin.
a. can’t b. could c. must
3. “I
locked the door this morning. I always do,” he said.
a. must b. must have c. couldn’t have
4. “You can’t enter your house because someone
be in there,” the police officer said.
a. couldn’t b. must c. may
5. “We will search inside where we
find some clues,” the police officer told Martin.
a. can’t b. might c. must
6. “I
left the door open this morning, could I?” Martin asked himself.
a. must have b. can’t c. couldn’t have
OUTCOME MET: use modals of possibility in the past, present, and future
Answer the questions with complete sentences.
1. What do you think happened at Martin’s house?
2. What theories do you have about a famous mystery, such as an unsolved crime, an ancient monument, or an
unexplained phenomenon? Explain your idea(s).
OUTCOME MET: speculate about mysteries
Mystery Solved!
Unit 5 Outcomes
use modals of possibility in the past, present,
speculate about mysteries
refute ideas
use wh- questions to help you plan a story
Vocabulary and
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28 Unit 5
Watch the video and check () True or False. Then correct the false sentences.
True False
1. Stonehenge is an ancient monument in England.
2. Pearson believes that his team has found the settlement where the people who built
Stonehenge lived.
3. Durrington Walls was a small community with less than one hundred homes.
4. The wood structures were for the living and the stone structures were for the dead.
5. Stonehenge was not a cemetery according to Pearson.
Answer the questions based on the video. Use modals of possibility in your answers.
1. What do you think about Pearson’s theory that Stonehenge was part of a larger complex on Salisbury Plain?
2. How important is it to try to solve mysteries about ancient structures?
Use the prompts to write responses with modals of possibility.
Example: I didn’t receive an e-mail from Megan.
(weaker certainty):
You might have told her the wrong e-mail address.
1. What caused the car accident?
(strong certainty):
2. How is your new job?
3. I can’t find my keys anywhere!
(strong certainty):
4. Our teacher is not here yet.
(weaker certainty):
5. He told me not to call him again.
OUTCOME MET: use modals of possibility in the past, present, and future
Imagine that some strange events occurred last night when the power
went out. On a separate piece of paper, write an entry in your blog
describing the strange events and the possible causes of the events
usingmodals of possibility and words from the box.
case observation
cemetery solve
clue theory
mystery uncover
OUTCOMES MET: use modals of possibility in the past,
present, and future; speculate about mysteries
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Mystery Solved! 29
Choose one of the photos and write down as many words as you can to describe what you see.
Think of a story that explains the mystery in your photo. Make notes about the main details of the
story for each wh- word. Use some of the words from Exercise A.
1. Who?
2. What?
3. When?
4. Where?
5. Why?
6. How?
OUTCOME MET: use wh- questions to help you plan a story
Now imagine that you are making a documentary film about the mystery. Tell your story using the
details from Exercise B.
OUTCOME MET: speculate about mysteries
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30 Unit 5
Lost at Sea
On March 7, 1533, a trading ship named the
Bom Jesus—the Good Jesus—set sail from
Portugal. It was sailing to India for spices.
But it never arrived. And no one knows
exactly what happened.
e ship was lost for almost ve
hundred years. en, in 2008, a copper
was found on a beach in Namibia,
Africa. e ingot was the type that
Europeans traded for spices in India in the
rst half of the sixteenth century.
is one copper ingot led
archaeologists to a sunken ship 20 feet
below sea level, where they found 22 tons of
these ingots beneath the sand.
“If it hadn’t been for those copper ingots weighing everything down, there would be nothing le here to nd,” says
Bruno Werz, director of the Southern African Institute of Maritime Archaeology. “Five centuries of storms and waves would
have washed everything away.
ese ingots were a clue to the ships identity and voyage. e great quantity of ingots suggests the ship was on its way
to India to trade for spices rather than returning to Portugal.
ere were also more than two thousand heavy gold coins. One special coin, the portugueses, was a clue that helped
archaeologists solve another piece of the mystery. e archaeologists had a theory that the ship was Portuguese and must have
sailed between 1525 and 1538, because that was when the portugueses were minted, and many were found in the shipwreck.
Portuguese shipping records show that twenty-one ships were lost between 1525 and 1600, but only one ship
disappeared near Namibia—the Bom Jesus, which sailed in 1533 and was “lost on
the turn of the Cape of Good Hope.
One theory says that the ship may have encountered a huge storm as it was
sailing around the cape. In the aermath the ship may have gotten lost and far o
course. A further theory speculates that strong winds and ocean currents could
have driven the ship hundreds of miles toward the coast, where it eventually hit
rocks and sank.
Did anyone survive? Archaeologists uncovered the bones of only one person
in the shipwreck. Also very few personal possessions were found among the
artifacts. ese details led archaeologists to believe that nearly everyone on the
ship made it to land.
And then what? e coast is sandy with little vegetation, but there is a river
only 16 miles away. e survivors could have eaten shellsh, seabird eggs, and
desert snails. People who would have been living in this part of Africa in 1533
were hunter-gatherers. Perhaps they taught the Portuguese how to survive. But
that is still a mystery.
ingot metal made into a shape that is easy for transport, such as gold bars
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Mystery Solved! 31
Underline the theories described in the reading.
Match the place to its description based on the reading.
1. The destination of the Bom Jesus. a. Portugal
The place where the Bom Jesus got lost. b. India
The place from which the Bom Jesus set sail. c. Namibia
The place near the shipwreck of the Bom Jesus. d. the Cape of Good Hope
Answer the questions with your own ideas.
1. The article says that few personal possessions were found in the shipwreck. Why is this clue important to the
theory that there could have been survivors?
2. What inferences can you make about the Cape of Good Hope based on the article?
3. How was trade in the 1500s different than today?
One theory presented in the article is that most people on the Bom Jesus survived the shipwreck and
made it to land. Write a paragraph that refutes this theory using modals of possibility and phrases
such as It seems unlikely that . . . and I doubt that . . . (see Student Book, page 54).
OUTCOMES MET: use modals of possibility in the past, present, and future; refute ideas
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32 Unit 5
Respond to the situations using modals of possibility.
1. My cell phone won’t work.
2. Joshua said he didn’t hear the phone ring.
3. I finally found my keys!
How did you do?: On a scale of 1–5 (with 5 being the best), how well did you use modals
of possibility in the past, present, and future?
The article about the Bom Jesus says that twenty-one Portuguese ships were lost at sea between 1525
and 1600. Write a paragraph explaining what could have happened to these ships.
How did you do?: On a scale of 1–5, how well did you speculate about mysteries?
Refute the statements with complete sentences.
1. The Bom Jesus was attacked by pirates.
2. Stonehenge was created by aliens.
3. Crop circles are a man-made phenomenon.
How did you do?: On a scale of 1–5, how well did you refute ideas?
Imagine that you are going to write a story about the survivors of the Bom Jesus. Answer the
wh- questions to help you think of the main details of the story.
1. What happened to the survivors?
2. Where did it happen?
3. How did they survive?
4. Why didn’t anyone know about it?
How did you do?: On a scale of 1–5, how well did you use wh- questions to help you plan
a story?
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