wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/epi Epilepsia. 2019;60:1054–1068.
Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
© 2019 International League Against Epilepsy
Received: 11 May 2018
Revised: 23 April 2019
Accepted: 24 April 2019
DOI: 10.1111/epi.15612
Recommendations for the use of structural magnetic resonance
imaging in the care of patients with epilepsy: A consensus report
from the International League Against Epilepsy Neuroimaging
Task Force
William H.Theodore
Ravnoor S.Gill
Matthias J.Koepp
Robert EdwardHogan
Graeme D.Jackson
Anna ElisabettaVaudano
Neuroimaging of Epilepsy Laboratory,McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital,McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada
Department of Neurology,University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil
Clinical Epilepsy Section,National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
Institute for Neurology,University College London, London, UK
Department of Neurology,Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health,University of Melbourne, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Hotchkiss Brain Institute,University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Institute of Neurology,University of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy
Neurology Unit,Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria,University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Department of Neuropathology,University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany
Clinical Neurosciences,Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland
Andrea Bernasconi and Neda Bernasconi contributed equally to this work.
Andrea Bernasconi, Neuroimaging of
Epilepsy Laboratory, McConnell Brain
Imaging Centre and Montreal Neurological
Institute and Hospital, McGill University,
3801 University Street, Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2B4, Canada.
Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is of fundamental importance to the
diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, particularly when surgery is being considered.
Despite previous recommendations and guidelines, practices for the use of MRI
are variable worldwide and may not harness the full potential of recent techno-
logical advances for the benefit of people with epilepsy. The International League
Against Epilepsy Diagnostic Methods Commission has thus charged the 2013‐2017
Neuroimaging Task Force to develop a set of recommendations addressing the fol-
lowing questions: (1) Who should have an MRI? (2) What are the minimum re-
quirements for an MRI epilepsy protocol? (3) How should magnetic resonance (MR)
images be evaluated? (4) How to optimize lesion detection? These recommenda-
tions target clinicians in established epilepsy centers and neurologists in general/
district hospitals. They endorse routine structural imaging in new onset generalized
Since its inception in the early 1980s, steady advances in
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology have led to
dramatic improvements in the ability to obtain high‐qual-
ity detailed information about the brain, thereby providing
insights into disease processes. Computational approaches
and novel quantitative MRI acquisition and postprocessing
techniques have emerged to study neuroanatomy, yielding
increasingly sophisticated markers of tissue microstructural
integrity. In epileptology, MRI has revolutionized our abil-
ity to detect lesions, shifting the field from prevailing elec-
troclinical correlations to a multidisciplinary approach. In
particular, this technique has become fundamental in the
management of drug‐resistant epilepsy, as the identification
of a clear‐cut lesion on structural MRI is associated with fa-
vorable seizure outcome after surgery.
The rapid pace of technical advances and developments in
neuroimaging has not systematically translated into clinical
care. This is due to a number of reasons, including variabil-
ity in economic resources and technical infrastructures, diffi-
culty of performing prospective randomized controlled trials
to assess level of evidence and added value of a given test, and
lack of standardized image acquisition protocols and postpro-
cessing methods. Collectively, these factors may slow down or
impede timely validation of imaging markers and assessment
of generalizability, thus creating a sense of disconnect between
research and clinical practice. Over the years, the International
League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) has thus produced consensus
recommendations on the use of MRI in the diagnosis and man-
agement of people with epilepsy. The first was published in
followed by guidelines focused on patients with drug‐
resistant epilepsy
and functional neuroimaging
published in
the 1998 and 2000, respectively. In 2009, the subcommittee
for pediatric neuroimaging recommended structural MRI as
the examination of choice in recent onset epilepsy.
In 2015,
the Task Force Report for the ILAE Commission of Pediatrics
recommended neuroimaging at all levels of care for infants
presenting with epilepsy, with level A recommendation for
structural MRI as standard investigation.
Despite previous ILAE recommendations and guide-
lines, practices on the use of MRI are still variable world-
wide and do not harness the full potential of technological
advances for the benefit of people with epilepsy. The ILAE
Diagnostic Methods Commission has thus charged the
2013‐2017 Neuroimaging Task Force to formulate a new
consensus recommendation for the use of MRI in epilepsy
answering the following key questions: (1) Who should
have an MRI? (2) What are the minimum requirements for
an MRI epilepsy protocol? (3) How should magnetic res-
onance (MR) images be evaluated? (4) How to optimize
lesion detection? As the ultimate purpose of this recom-
mendation is to standardize epilepsy diagnostic imaging
in outpatient clinics and specialized surgery centers alike,
and focal epilepsy alike and describe the range of situations when detailed assess-
ment is indicated. The Neuroimaging Task Force identified a set of sequences, with
three‐dimensional acquisitions at its core, the harmonized neuroimaging of epilepsy
structural sequences—HARNESS‐MRI protocol. As these sequences are available
on most MR scanners, the HARNESS‐MRI protocol is generalizable, regardless of
the clinical setting and country. The Neuroimaging Task Force also endorses the use
of computer‐aided image postprocessing methods to provide an objective account of
an individual's brain anatomy and pathology. By discussing the breadth and depth of
scope of MRI, this report emphasizes the unique role of this noninvasive investiga-
tion in the care of people with epilepsy.
adults, epilepsy, pediatrics, structural magnetic resonance imaging
Key Points
Practices for the use of structural MRI are variable
worldwide and may not harness the full potential
of technological advances for the benefit of peo-
ple with epilepsy
The Neuroimaging Task Force recommends use of
the Harmonized Neuroimaging of Epilepsy Structural
Sequences (HARNESS‐MRI) protocol with iso-
tropic, millimetric 3D T1 and FLAIR images, and
high‐resolution 2D submillimetric T2 images
Use of the HARNESS‐MRI protocol standardizes
best‐practice neuroimaging of epilepsy in outpa-
tient clinics and specialized surgery centers alike
the categorization of these questions is intentionally broad
and independent from the clinical definition of drug‐resis-
tance and nonlesional MRI. Despite American Academy of
Neurology guidelines recommending referral for surgical
evaluation to specialized centers and ILAE recommenda-
tions defining refractory epilepsy (eg, failure to respond to
two adequately tried medications),
often these criteria
are not applied by the treating physicians, and on average
adult patients who do get surgery have had intractable epi-
lepsy for 20years or more.
Moreover, the terminology
“nonlesional MRI” is currently ill‐defined and depends on
multiple factors, including the type of imaging, the reader's
expertise, and the use of postprocessing.
The current recommendations derive from the following
considerations, with the aim of providing a consensus view
on the role of structural MRI in epilepsy. First, they build
upon previous ILAE neuroimaging reports. Second, they
derive from clinical protocols conducted at the institutions
of the members of the Neuroimaging Task Force with basic
sequences available on most MR scanners and thus general-
izable to many centers, regardless of the clinical setting and
country. Third, they consider review papers, evidence‐based
guidelines, and reports on the role of structural MRI in the
diagnosis and management of seizure disorders,
particular attention to studies that meet at least some stand-
ards for evidence classification. These sources of informa-
tion were complemented by a literature review based on an
Ovid MEDLINE query between 2002 and 2018. The search
strategy and list of 67 identified publications are detailed in
Material S1. Our recommendations, which take into account
clinical indications, new developments in MRI hardware and
sequences, and research findings, are intended to be primarily
applicable to adult patients; the overall principles, however,
are generalizable to children. Also, they are intentionally
broad to assist clinicians in established epilepsy surgery cent-
ers and general neurology clinics alike. Implementation of
such recommendations necessarily will vary depending on
available resources and organization of care. Ideally, in the
developed world, only centers meeting appropriate standards
should image patients with epilepsy. In resource‐limited set-
tings where technical infrastructure and specialist training
may not be available, epilepsy care must still be provided;
these recommendations are thus an essential resource to per-
suade local health organizations to provide or improve both
training and access to MRI services.
In the following paragraphs, Neuroimaging Task Force
recommendations on the use of MRI pertain to the proposed
Harmonized Neuroimaging of Epilepsy Structural Sequences
(HARNESS‐MRI) protocol (as described in Section 2.2.2).
Who should have an MRI?
Once the first seizure occurs, recurrence will depend on nu-
merous factors. Compared to patients in whom the cause is
unknown, the rate of seizure recurrence increases twofold in
those with a lesion on MRI, from 10% to 26% at 1year and
from 29% to 48% at 5years.
Numerous studies have related
the presence and types of MRI abnormalities to clinical out-
comes. In a cohort of 764 patients undergoing MRI at the
time or soon after a first seizure, 23% had a potentially epi-
leptogenic lesion, including stroke, trauma, a developmental
abnormality, or a tumor.
Another showed that patients with
focal epilepsy and unremarkable MRI have a 42% chance
to have their seizures controlled with antiepileptic drugs,
whereas this is true in 54% of cases with poststroke epilepsy;
conversely, seizure control with medication was achieved in
<10% of patients with hippocampal sclerosis on MRI.
First seizure
Data from the World Health Organization show that com-
puted tomography (CT) is widely available in hospitals
Evidence‐based guidelines of the therapeutics
and technology assessment subcommittee of the American
Academy of Neurology
recommend immediate noncontrast
CT in emergency patients presenting with a first seizure to
guide appropriate acute management, especially in those with
abnormal neurological examination, predisposing history, or
focal seizure onset. In these situations, there is great poten-
tial for pathology that may require immediate management,
such as a hemorrhage or large mass. Notably, noncontrast CT
can detect some tumors, large arteriovenous malformations,
stroke, and calcified lesions. CT with contrast is indicated
in cases with suspicion for infection or small neoplasms (in-
cluding metastases),
if MRI is unavailable.
In accordance with a recent ILAE publication,
Neuroimaging Task Force advises that the HARNESS‐MRI
protocol should be done soon after the first seizure, if re-
sources allow; this will help establish a syndromic defini-
tion and guiding management. MRI has high sensitivity and
for developmental cortical malformations, in-
cluding focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), and mesiotemporal
sclerosis, a group of prevalent structural lesions associated
with increased risk of drug resistance.
Notably, an early
MRI is particularly important in young children, as ongoing
myelination may mask the appearance of FCDon later scans;
in these cases, conclusions may be misleading with respect to
diagnosis and appropriateness of surgical treatment.
Newly diagnosed epilepsy
The identification of a structural lesion in recent onset epi-
lepsy is a strong indicator of drug resistance and should be
an incentive to strictly adhere to the ILAE criteria for drug
In other words, once a lesion is discovered on
MRI, a patient should be referred to a specialized epilepsy
surgery center to evaluate surgical candidacy.
While, a non-
progressive brain lesion may be associated with response to
antiepileptic drugs, a recent prospective longitudinal cohort
study showed that patients with mild mesial temporal lobe
epilepsy (TLE) and hippocampal sclerosis seen on MRI early
in the course of the disease have three times higher likelihood
of becoming refractory than those without such lesion.
meta‐analysis showed that odds of becoming seizure‐free
after surgery were 2.5 times higher in patients with MRI‐de-
fined lesions.
Moreover, >60% of patients with drug‐resist-
ant frontal lobe epilepsy achieve postsurgical seizure freedom
if operated within 5years of disease onset compared to only
30% when surgery is delayed.
This body of evidence should
become knowledge for every practicing neurologist, because
epilepsy surgery remains largely underutilized, with only a
fraction of patients being evaluated in specialized tertiary
Moreover, drug‐resistant epilepsy is asso-
ciated with increased risk of injury and mortality, affective
disturbances, and cognitive decline.
Deferring surgery may
thus cost the patient chances of seizure freedom, cognitive
benefits, and years of life expectancy.
There is currently insufficient evidence to recommend
the systematic use of MRI in patients with genetic general-
ized syndromes, such as juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, and
self‐limited drug‐responsive syndromes, such as childhood
epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes. Although neuroimag-
ing studies demonstrate structural and functional anomalies
in these epilepsies,
their prognostic value remains to be
determined. Notably, focal epilepsy may mimic generalized
syndromes; in these cases, the HARNESS‐MRI protocol is
recommended in the presence of atypical features such as ab-
normal neurologic development, cognitive decline, difficult‐
to‐treat seizures, or focal interictal epileptic spikes.
The Neuroimaging Task Force acknowledges that in re-
source‐limited areas MRI may not be readily obtainable
; in
this scenario, a CT scan would be the examination of choice
awaiting future availabilities.
The importance of repeating the MRI
The MRI should be repeated using the HARNESS‐MRI
protocol if images from a previous examination are not
available or the type and quality of previous acquisitions
are suboptimal. Relying on a written radiological report
may be insufficient, as putative anomalies may have been
overlooked due to poor image quality or lack of the read-
er's expertise in neuroimaging of epilepsy.
images should be evaluated in light of the evolving elec-
troclinical picture, particularly an unexplained increase in
seizure frequency (ie, not related to toxic‐metabolic factors,
medication compliance, etc), rapid cognitive decline, or ap-
pearance/worsening of neuropsychiatric symptoms. Given
the evidence for progressive brain atrophy developing over
1‐3years in both patients with refractory and patients with
well‐controlled seizures,
repeated MRI may have
prognostic value. In drug‐resistant TLE, progressive atro-
phy of the neocortex and mesiotemporal lobe structures is
associated with poor outcome after surgery.
the diagnostic yield depends heavily upon logistics, includ-
ing image resolution, magnetic field strength, number of
phased‐array head coils, and expertise of the reader.
is thus utterly important to repeat the examination with an
optimized protocol,
particularly in patients with drug‐re-
sistant epilepsy and previous “normal” MRI, as this may
reveal a lesion in 30%‐65% of cases
; when MRI is
combined with image postprocessing, sensitivity may be as
high as 70%,
thereby significantly improving clinical de-
cisionmaking. Notably, imaging in the first year of life may
be helpful in identifying FCD associated with very subtle
signal changes on later images of the postmyelinated, ma-
tured brain and should be retained for comparison.
What are the minimum requirements
for an epilepsy protocol?
It is the consensus of the Neuroimaging Task Force that
neuroimaging workup of patients with epilepsy requires a
minimum set of MRI basic sequences that are available on
most MR scanners, and thus generalizable, regardless of
the clinical setting and country. Beyond the Neuroimaging
Task Force, previous independent expert opinion has un-
derlined the importance of high spatial resolution and
image contrast with complete brain coverage to optimally
appraise brain anatomy, the interface between gray mat-
ter and white matter, and signal anomalies. In particular,
three‐dimensional (3D) sequences with isotropic voxels
(ie, cube‐shaped voxels of identical length on each side or
image plane) of 1mm or less dramatically reduce partial
volume effects, a phenomenon resulting from the presence
of multiple tissue types within a given voxel. Notably, par-
tial volume is detrimental when looking for subtle cortical
dysplasia, as it mimics tissue blurring, a cardinal feature of
these lesions.
Previous MRI protocols:
Summary and limitations
The original guidelines established two decades ago by
the ILAE proposed T1‐ and T2‐weighted MRI with the
minimum slice thickness possible, acquired in two or-
thogonal planes (axial and coronal), and a 3D volumet-
ric T1‐weighted acquisition. To obtain 2D images with
whole‐brain coverage in a clinically acceptable time, it was
necessary to apply interslice gaps of 3‐5 mm. Moreover,
epilepsy protocols were divided according to clinical syn-
dromes into temporal and extratemporal with a series of
coronal, axial, and sometimes sagittal cuts, a strategy still
in practice in many institutions. Initial volumetric 3D se-
quences, obtained on 1.5T scanners, were only possible for
T1‐weighted sequences, with slice thickness varying be-
tween 1 and 3mm, rarely acquired with isotropic voxels,
because of either time or hardware constraints. Notably,
whereas in 3D acquisitions with isotropic voxels, thick-
ness and resolution are interchangeable quantities, for 2D
images the in‐plane voxel dimension (not slice thickness)
defines image resolution. To achieve finer in‐plane resolu-
tions (≤1mm), one had to reduce the size of the field of
view or introduce interslice gaps, thus sacrificing whole‐
brain coverage, with the risk of missing lesions.
Harmonized Neuroimaging of
Epilepsy Structural Sequences
The advent of high‐field magnets at 3 T, combined with the
use of multiple phased arrays instead of conventional quad-
rature coils, has resulted in accelerated image acquisition,
improved signal‐to‐noise ratio, and increased image contrast.
Importantly, 3D MR images with isotropic voxel resolution
and no interslice gap eliminate the need for syndrome‐spe-
cific protocols, as images can be reformatted and inspected
in any plane with equal resolution. Additional considerations
for optimal imaging include comfortable padding of the head
with foam cushions to minimize motion artifacts and center-
ing the head in the coil prior to starting the acquisition. Head
positioning can be verified on the scout image (or “local-
izer”) done at the beginning of the session. Any tilt or rotation
should be corrected for planning of the subsequent sequences
and later side‐by‐side analysis of brain structures; this is par-
ticularly important when acquiring 2D coronal T2‐weighted
images, as specified below. Sedation‐related recommenda-
tions have been discussed in a special report published by
the ILAE subcommittee for pediatric neuroimaging in 2009.
The Neuroimaging Task Force proposes HARNESS‐
MRI, a core structural MRI protocol comprising three acqui-
sitions. The HARNESS‐MRI protocol is applicable to adults
and children alike. It is time‐effective, as each sequence lasts
7‐10minutes, for a total time not exceeding 30minutes when
using multiple phased‐array coils (8, 12, or 32 channels)
with accelerated parallel imaging (eg, GRAPPA, ASSET,
SENSE). Table 1 presents key points regarding the protocol.
The HARNESS‐MRI protocol is optimized for 3T scanners,
if available. Notably, although it is possible to obtain this pro-
tocol on new generations of 1.5T systems, the overall image
quality may be inferior.
Suggested acquisition parameters for the HARNESS‐
MRI protocol on a 3T scanner are shown in Material S2. The
Neuroimaging Task Force recommends all patients in whom
previous investigations were unremarkable to undergo a repeated
scan using the HARNESS‐MRI protocol. Even in patients in
whom seizures are associated with other conditions, such as
head trauma, neurodegenerative disorders, multiple sclerosis, or
alcoholism, the HARNESS‐MRI protocol can be used, as it con-
tains basic sequences that are available on most MR scanners.
High‐resolution 3D T1‐weighted MRI
The magnetization‐prepared rapid gradient‐echo (MP‐
RAGE) sequence (Figure 1), as well as the equivalent 3D
spoiled gradient echo and 3D turbo field echo protocols with
isotropic millimetric voxel resolution (ie, 1×1×1mm
, no
interslice gap) are the most popular 3D T1‐weighted gradient
echo sequences. They allow for optimal evaluation of brain
anatomy and morphology.
High‐resolution 3D fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery
This 3D fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) se-
quence (named CUBE, VISTA or SPACE, depending on the
MR vendor) is best suited for assessing signal anomalies, in
particular hyperintensities related to gliosis and increased
extracellular space (Figure 1). Compared to conventional
T2‐weighted contrasts, the nulling of cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) signal enhances the visibility of hyperintense corti-
cal lesions. This acquisition should also be acquired with
isotropic millimetric voxel resolution (ie, 1×1×1mm
and no interslice gap. Because limbic structures are inher-
ently hyperintense,
FLAIR may not be sensitive to detect
very subtle hippocampal sclerosis. Moreover, FLAIR im-
ages are not sensitive to epilepsy‐associated pathology in
neonates and infants before 24months, as myelination is
not yet complete.
TABLE 1 Key points summarizing the main advantages of the
HARNESS‐MRI protocol
High‐contrast, 3D sequences with isotropic voxels (ie, identical
dimensions across planes)
Can be obtained on 1.5T and 3T scanners
Applicable to adults and children
Provide complete brain coverage
No need for operator‐dependent slice angulations
Images may be reformatted in any plane without loss of
Greatly reduce partial volume effect (ie, multiple tissue types
present within a given voxel)
Provide improved signal‐to‐noise ratio and tissue contrast
Allow for accelerated image acquisition (GRAPPA, ASSET,
SENSE)when using multiple phased-arrays head coils
Abbreviations: 3D, three‐dimensional; HARNESS‐MRI, Harmonized
Neuroimaging of Epilepsy Structural Sequences;GRAPPA, generalized
autocalibrating partial parallel acquisition; ASSET, array coil spatial sensitivity
encoding; SENSE, sensitivity encoding.
High in‐plane resolution 2D coronal T2‐weighted MRI
This turbo spin echo sequence is the examination of choice
for assessing the hippocampal internal structure, given that
images are acquired perpendicular to the long axis of the
hippocampus and using submillimetric voxel resolution (eg,
0.4×0.4×2mm, no interslice gap; Figure 2). Notably, the
densely myelinated molecular layer appearing as a dark rib-
bon inside the hippocampus allows discriminating Cornu
Ammonis (CA) subfields from the dentate gyrus.
When a tumor, vascular malformation, or infectious pro-
cess is suspected, the HARNESS‐MRI protocol should be
complemented by T1 MRI with gadolinium to look for con-
trast enhancement and susceptibility‐weighted imaging and
T2* contrasts sensitive to venous blood, hemorrhage, iron
deposits, and calcifications.
How should MR images be evaluated?
To embrace the multidisciplinary facets of disease diagnos-
tics, epileptologists should be given the opportunity to train
and receive continued medical education in neuroimaging.
Even with an appropriate MRI protocol, the interpretation
strongly depends on the reader's expertise in imaging of
Notably, in‐depth inspection, particularly when
dealing with small cortical dysplasias or subtle hippocampal
sclerosis, requires significant time investment. Importantly,
optimal sensitivity for lesion detection is achieved when the
reader has access to a detailed description of the electroclini-
cal findings, including the suspected hemisphere and lobe,
information oftentimes missing in the radiology requisition.
In some cases, particularly at disease onset, it may be diffi-
cult to establish the exact syndromic classification. In light
of new electroclinical data or information derived from any
other test, the epileptologist may be best positioned to evalu-
ate previous scans or decide to repeat them, if necessary.
Because of the large number of MRI cuts, instead of in-
specting the original native high‐resolution format, some
radiologists may decide to inspect images that have been
reconstructed into thicker slices. For instance, 1 mm
tropic resolution T1 or FLAIR may be reformatted at 3‐mm
thickness, at times with interslice gaps that further reduce the
number of slices to inspect, from approximately 170 to less
than 50. This process is detrimental and counteracts the pur-
pose of 3D MRI, as it generates lower resolution images and
accentuates partial volume effects, potentially masking sub-
tle lesions (Figure 3). Visualization techniques, such as the
widely used clinical picture archiving and communication
systems (PACS) as well as several freely available imaging
platforms, have greatly facilitated the inspection of 3D MRI
by allowing time‐effective simultaneous inspection of images
in all three orthogonal planes (coronal, axial, and sagittal).
These platforms also allow viewing different MRI contrasts
side by side and evaluating both morphology and signal, as
co‐occurring anomalies increase diagnostic confidence.
FIGURE 1 HARNESS‐MRI (Harmonized Neuroimaging of Epilepsy Structural Sequences) three‐dimensional (3D) protocol at 3 T. T1‐
weighted and fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images are shown, with representative axial, coronal, and sagittal cuts with millimetric
The following paragraphs give a short overview on the
main criteria for the visual inspection of prevalent epilepto-
genic lesions associated with drug‐resistant epilepsy.
Visual MRI analysis in temporal
lobe epilepsy
In temporal lobe epileps (TLE), the most frequent histopatho-
logical finding is mesiotemporal sclerosis (MTS) character-
ized by cell loss and astrocytic gliosis.
These features are
not limited to the hippocampus, but are often found in the
amygdala, entorhinal cortex, temporopolar cortex, and the
temporal lobe.
On MRI, typical MTS is characterized by
anomalies more easily appreciated in the hippocampus proper,
including atrophy, loss of internal structure, and decreased T1
and increased T2 signal intensity. Additional features may in-
clude atrophy of the ipsilateral fornix, mammillary body, and
temporal lobe, particularly the pole. Inspection of coronal
sections allows for side‐by‐side comparison of asymmetry in
volume, shape, and signal, whereas sagittal images provide a
complete anteroposterior view, facilitating appraisal of pat-
terns of signal distribution within the hippocampus and para-
hippocampus. Field strengths at 3 T (and above) allow visual
evaluation of the internal architecture of the hippocampus
and thus better appreciation of subtle volume loss within in-
dividual subfields, particularly CA1, and CA4–dentate gyrus.
In addition, the molecular layer, a band of white matter run-
ning through the CA regions and dentate gyrus, may become
thin and blurred, a characteristic seen on T2‐weighted images
(Figure 4A). Besides atrophy and signal changes, about 40%
of patients with TLE present with malrotation characterized
by an abnormally round and vertically orientated hippocam-
pus, and a deep collateral sulcus.
This neurodevelopmental
shape variant occurs more frequently in the left hemisphere
and may be misinterpreted as hippocampal atrophy. Although
it is more prevalent in patients than in healthy controls, its re-
lation to epileptogenicity remains unclear.
Encephaloceles of the temporal pole
and parahippo-
campal dysplasia
may be underdiagnosed, treatable causes
of refractory TLE. Encephaloceles present as a herniation
of brain tissue through a defect in the skull base, often the
greater wing of the sphenoid bone. Their detection is facil-
itated by high‐resolution 3D sequences and signal hyperin-
tensity on T2 and FLAIR; high‐resolution CT confirms the
bony defects in the inner table of the skull. Parahippocampal
dysplasia is characterized by prevailing white matter signal
anomalies, without apparent increased in cortical thickness.
Because of the presence of nearby blood vessels, this lesion
FIGURE 2 HARNESS‐MRI (Harmonized Neuroimaging of Epilepsy Structural Sequences) two‐dimensional (2D) protocol at 3 T. Coronal
T2‐weighted images at submillimetric in‐plane resolution cover the entire extent of the temporal lobes and hippocampi. Representative cuts at the
level of the hippocampal head (Ant), body (Mid), and tail (Post) are shown. Slices are acquired perpendicular to the long axis of the hippocampus
as shown in the sagittal view to optimize the evaluation of the hippocampal internal structure. In the magnified panel, one can appreciate the
densely myelinated molecular layer of the Cornu Ammonis (CA) and dentate gyrus fused across the hippocampal sulcus appearing as a dark ribbon,
which allows discriminating these compartments
may be mislabeled as flow or partial volume artifacts, if the
MRI cuts are thick. An in‐depth inspection of the temporal
lobe should also include the periventricular zone, in search of
nodular heterotopia, a cortical malformation often associated
with drug‐resistant TLE.
Visual MRI analysis of focal
cortical dysplasia
Focal cortical dysplasia(FCD) isa prevalent cause of medi-
cally intractable epilepsy and among the most frequent histo-
logical finding in patients undergoing epilepsy surgery.
past decades have witnessed numerous attempts to provide
a histological grading system. Currently, FCD are classified
into three types (I‐III) and several subtypes (eg, types IIA and
IIB) based on a combination of architectural alterations of
cortical layers either alone (type I, type III) or together with
cell overgrowth and morphological aberrations, including
giant dysmorphic neurons (type IIA) and balloon cells (type
Gliosis and demyelination are also seen in the lesion
and underlying white matter. The MRI signature of FCD type
I remains unclear. Conversely, FCD type II is mainly char-
acterized by increased cortical thickness and blurring of the
gray‐white matter interface on T1‐weighted MRI in 50%‐90%
of cases. Analysis of T2‐weighted MRI, particularly FLAIR,
reveals gray matter hyperintensity in up to 100% of patients.
In many patients, however, FCD type II features may be
very subtle, and the MRI may be consequently reported as
unremarkable (Figure 4B).
In these cases, the inspection of
axial slices allows for side‐by‐side comparisons in search for
asymmetries in sulcogyral patterns. This is particularly im-
portant, as small FCD lesions may be preferentially located
at the bottom of deep sulci.
The transmantle sign, a fun-
nel‐shaped signal extending from the ventricular wall to the
neocortex harboring the lesion, may be the first feature to
attract the observer's attention toward a small FCD lesion,
underlying the importance of systematical inspection of the
white matter.
FIGURE 3 Image resampling versus original resolution. Axial 3T three‐dimensional (3D) fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
images of a patient with histologically proven focal cortical dysplasia type II. Upper panels: The radiological evaluation was initially done
on images reconstructed from the original 3D high‐resolution 1‐mm acquisition into 3‐mm thickslabs. This examination was reported as
unremarkable. Lower panels: The repeated inspection of the original (native) 3D high‐resolution 1‐mm isotropic images revealed the initially
overlooked subtle dysplasia characterized by blurring of the lesional boundaries (seen on all the slices, as indicated by the arrows) and a minute
transmantle sign (arrowheads)
How to optimize lesion detection with
MRI postprocessing?
Despite technical advances, routine visual MRI inspection
does not permit a diagnosis with a sufficient degree of con-
fidence in 30%‐50% of cases, or is simply unremarkable,
even though a lesion is found on histology.
This clinical
conundrum, currently one of the main barriers to effective
epilepsy surgery, has motivated the development of com-
puter‐aided methods aimed at quantitatively analyzing mor-
phology and signal of 3D MR images.
However, there
are a number of basic steps in data preparation, namely,
correction for image intensity nonuniformities, registration,
and tissue segmentation, that need to be carefully evalu-
ated by the user, as their quality greatly influences final
results. For instance, subject motion negatively impacts tis-
sue segmentation and leads to artifacts that mimic lesions,
including atrophy. Another important point is performance
evaluation. Ideally, metrics derived from MRI postprocess-
ing should be sensitive and specific (ie, identify correctly
affected and unaffected subjects, respectively), and repro-
ducible (ie, consistent between repeated measures). Such
rigorous standards are essential to guarantee clinical valid-
ity of these advanced image analysis techniques.
The following paragraphs give a short overview of image
analysis methods for the detection of MTS and FCD. Theuse of
these algorithms is encouraged, as there is mounting evidence
for their ability to reveal subtle lesions that previously eluded
visual inspection, particularly when applied to 3D millimetric
or submillimetric isotropic multicontrast images.
Volumetry and shape modeling of
mesiotemporal lobe structures
Manual volumetry performed on T1‐weighted anatomical MRI
has shown increased sensitivity of detecting hippocampal at-
rophy compared to visual MRI, particularly when values are
corrected for head size and normalized with respect to the distri-
bution in healthy controls. Volumetry of the entorhinal cortex,
amygdala, and temporopolar region, as well as the thalamus,
may lateralize the seizure focus, particularly in patients with
normal hippocampal volume.
Importantly, the degree of MRI
volume loss has been shown to correlate with the degree of cell
loss on surgical specimens.
Thus, hippocampal volumetry
FIGURE 4 The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) spectrum of epileptogenic lesions. A, Coronal T1‐ and T2‐weighted 3T MRI in two cases
with drug‐resistant temporal lobe epilepsy and histologically confirmed hippocampal sclerosis. In the MRI‐positive case, the right hippocampus is
clearly atrophic and shows T1 hypo‐ and T2 hyperintensity (arrows). In the case initially reported as “MRI‐negative,” careful examination of the
T2‐weighted MRI shows a subtle T2 signal hyperintensity across the left CA 1‐3 regions. Moreover, compared to the contralateral side, the dark
ribbon representing the molecular layer is blurred, making the distinction between the CA subfields and the dentate gyrus difficult to appreciate (see
magnified panel). B, Axial T1‐ and T2‐weighted 3T MRI in two cases with drug‐resistant left frontal lobe epilepsy and histologically confirmed
focal cortical dysplasia type II. In the MRI‐positive case, there is cortical thickening and blurring of the gray‐white matter transition in the left
superior frontal gyrus (arrows). In the case initially reported as “MRI‐negative,” reexamination of the FLAIR images shows a subtle blurring at the
bottom of a sulcus (arrowhead), which is difficult to discern on T1‐weighted images
is part of the minimal requirement when considering epilepsy
surgery to lateralize the focus and establish whether the con-
tralateral structures are normal. Bilateral mesial temporal lobe
atrophy raises concerns of markedly reduced chance of seizure
freedom after surgery
and an increased risk of memory im-
Over the years, steady technical advances have
propelled the design of automated algorithms yielding segmen-
tation of the whole hippocampus (eg, Sone et al,
Kim et al
), and more recently hippocampal subfields,
thereby creating a solid basis for broad translation (Figure 5).
Several US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved
commercial software packages are currently available for rou-
tine use in clinical practice and provide an automated report
that details the volume and percentile of each parcellated corti-
cal region compared to a normative database. They have been
used to lateralize hippocampal atrophy in TLE patients with
accuracy rates that exceed visual inspection.
Notably, hip-
pocampal labels may be used to examine structural alterations
through statistical parametric surface shape modeling,
ther increasing sensitivity.
Hippocampal T2 relaxometry
Compared to visual analysis of T2‐weighted MRI, T2 relax-
a sequence providing quantitative estimates of the
T2‐weighted signal, yields increased sensitivity for detecting
FIGURE 5 Hippocampal subfield volumetry in temporal lobe epilepsy. Coronal T1‐ and T2‐weighted MRI at the level of hippocampal
body and 4‐μm‐thick paraffin‐embedded histology sections with NeuN immunohistochemistry at a comparable level in two patients with right
temporal focus. A, Volumes of subiculum (Sub; green), CA 1‐3 (red), and CA4–dentate gyrus (DG; blue) are >3 standard deviations (SD) below
themean of healthy controls, and pathology shows severe panhippocampal neuronal loss. B, Volumetry detected subtle CA1‐3 atrophy (−2.2 SD),
and histology shows CA1 minimal neuronal loss. In this “MRI‐negative” patient, conventional whole‐hippocampal volumetry was unremarkable,
highlighting the value of subfield volumetry. Scale bars=2mm
mesiotemporal gliosis.
Importantly, it correctly lateralizes
the focus in up to 80% of patients with normal hippocampal
Measurement of T2 relaxation times can be done by
placing a manually or automatically generated region of interest
within the hippocampus,
carefully avoiding the adjacent CSF.
Texture analysis
Voxel‐based modeling of gray‐white matter blurring and gray
matter intensity, derived from 3D T1 MRI, assists visual in-
spection and increases sensitivity for the detection of FCD
type II up to 40% relative to conventional MRI (Figure 6).
Analysis of these maps can be done either by normalizing (z
scoring) data within the same brain
or by comparing fea-
tures to a group of healthy controls.
Surface‐based methods
improve intersubject anatomical correspondence and allow
for multivariate analysis of MRI contrasts and features to un-
veil latent tissue properties not readily identified on a single
Fully automated lesion
detection techniques
Over the past 15years, a number of algorithms have been
developed for automated FCD detection. These methods
were initially based on morphology and signal derived
from 3D T1‐weighted MRI. More recent tools have incor-
porated 3D FLAIR.
A recent publication showed class
II evidence that machine learning of MRI patterns accu-
rately identifies FCD type II in >70% of patients in whom
the lesion had been overlooked by routine clinical visual
FIGURE 6 Texture analysis of “MRI‐negative” focal cortical dysplasia. Three‐dimensional (3D) T1 and FLAIR axial, sagittal, and coronal
views in a patient with right frontal lobe epilepsy initially reported as “MRI‐negative” are shown. The last columnshows cuts of the 3D gradient
map obtained from the T1‐weighted MRI, which calculates the rate of change of intensities, thereby modeling blurring at the interface between the
gray and white matter. In regions of normal transition, the gradient is expected to be steep, thus appearing hyperintense. In regions of blurring, the
gradient is expected to be less steep, thus appearing hypointense. In this case, there is a clear breakdown in the gradient, with a hypointense region
within the right orbitofrontal region (outlined by the dashed rectangles). The reinspection of the T1‐ and T2‐weighted images, informed by the
texture map, reveals an extensive blurring in the same area initially overlooked by conventional radiological examination
MRI provides a unique, versatile, and noninvasive tool
for brain‐wide evaluation of patients with epilepsy.
Notwithstanding the relentless progress in hardware and ac-
quisition techniques, as well as methods for computational
analysis, any guideline is difficult to implement when re-
sources are scarce, and where technical infrastructure and
specialist training may not be available. The Neuroimaging
Task Force believes, nevertheless, that the proposed rec-
ommendations set a tangible basis for a consistent use of
structural MRI in epilepsy. By revealing lesions unseen
by conventional neuroradiology, the HARNESS‐MRI pro-
tocol combined with postprocessing has the potential to
transform MRI‐negative into MRI‐positive, thereby offer-
ing the life‐changing benefits of epilepsy surgery to more
Because of the transforming role of MRI in modern
epileptology, the forthcoming competency‐based ILAE
educational curriculum requires neurologists and epi-
leptologists to train in neuroimaging.
With the goal
of optimally meeting the needs of people with epilepsy,
the learning objectives will include acquiring a range
of skills, from basic MRI visual evaluation to advanced
training in image postprocessing. Notably, such train-
ing may also provide a unique opportunity to optimize
skills in neuroimaging of epilepsy for neuroradiologists.
Achieving this goal will require a combined effort from
ILAE and its regional chapters, medical societies, and
academies, universities, and centers that offer epilepsy
fellowship training. Concretesteps toward this objective
are the ILAE‐endorsed courses on neuroimaging of epi-
lepsy currently offered around the globe and online edu-
cational platforms.
None of the authors has any conflict of interest to disclose.
We confirm that we have read the Journal's position on issues
involved in ethical publication and affirm that this report is
consistent with those guidelines.
Andrea Bernasconi https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9358-5703
Fernando Cendes https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9336-9568
William H. Theodore https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4669-5747
Angelo Labate https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8827-7324
Philippe Ryvlin https://orcid.
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Additional supporting information may be found online in
the Supporting Information section at the end of the article.
How to cite this article: Bernasconi A, Cendes F,
Theodore WH, etal. Recommendations for the use of
structural magnetic resonance imaging in the care of
patients with epilepsy: A consensus report from the
International League Against Epilepsy Neuroimaging
Task Force. Epilepsia. 2019;60:1054–1068. https ://doi.