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National General Member Portal
User Guide
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Table of Contents
Sign In................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Registration ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Sign in to an Existing Account .......................................................................................... 5
3. Sign in Redirect from vipmemberbenefits ................................................................................................ 5
Member Portal Home Page ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1. Home Page Buttons ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Additional Links .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Policy Information ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Application and Billing Authorization ........................................................................................................................ 12
General Information ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Revision History
May 2018 Release
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Sign In
The url to the Member Portal is
There are 3 ways to get to this site:
URL directly entered into a browser
Redirect from
Welcome Email
The Customer will need to register a new account they currently do
not have one. Customers that currently have a account will
have to register for a MyNatGen account.
Click on the “Register a new account” button; see Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1
To register for a new account:
1. After clicking on the Register a new account button, the “Register your NatGen
account below” page will display. See Figure 1.2.
2. Enter a valid, active email address. This does not have to match the email that was
used at the time the application was submitted. Once the email is registered, it
cannot be changed.
a. The email address must be unique to a member and cannot be reused for
another account.
b. If a Customer creates a new email and wants to use it for the Member
Portal, the new email must be registered and all related policies will need
to be manually attached to the new account.
3. Create a password, which must have at least 1 non-alpha / numeric character.
4. Confirm password.
5. Click on “Register”.
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Figure 1.2
6. After clicking on the Register button, the “Register a new Membership” page will
display. See Figure 1.3.
7. Enter the Member ID
a. If the customer clicked on the link from the Welcome Email, the Member
ID will auto populate and cannot be edited.
b. If Customer goes directly to in a browser, they will need
to know the Member ID and enter it in.
8. Enter the Primary Member’s Date of Birth in MM/DD/YYYY format
9. Enter the zip code of the mailing address - the zip code must match what is
currently listed in the policy admin system (E123) for the member.
10. Click on Register. After clicking on the Register button, the Member Portal
Home Page will display.
Figure 1.3
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2. Sign in to an Existing Account
The link in the welcome letter will take the customer directly to the Sign in page or the
Customer can go directly to
The User Name is not case sensitive. Member User Name is the registered email address.
Check “Remember me” to have your Email address prepopulated upon returning to the
Click on Sign Inand the Member Portal Home Page displays. See Figure 1.4.
The Customer can now access and review Policies and related information.
Figure 1.4
3. Sign in Redirect from vipmemberbenefits
The following page will display if a Customer navigates to Once
they get onto, the Customer can either register for an account or sign in with
an existing account. See Figure 1.5.
Figure 1.5
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Member Portal Home Page
1. Home Page Buttons
At the top of the page. See Figure 1.7.
Figure 1.7
Click onHometo return to the Home page from current page.
Click on Policy Documentsto view documents that are available for each policy. See
Figure 1.8
Documents will be available 2-4 days from submission.
Click on Name of policy to display documents.
Click on document name to view and/or print.
Voice verification files for existing policies will not be shown. Future policies
submitted as of 5/31/2018 will be available on
Figure 1.8
Click on Your Informationto view the Primary Insured’s profile information. The
customer can also change their password on this page. See Figure 1.9.
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Figure 1.9
Click on Sign Outto close the current session of Member Portal.
To add additional policies where you are the primary to your existing account, click on
+ Add Another Membership
The “Add a new Membership” page will be displayed. Figure 1.10
Enter the Member ID.
The Member ID that is entered will be matched against data in the
Policy Admin System for the primary member. The data that must
match across the Member IDs are: Last Name, First 3 letters of First
Name, Date of Birth and current address zip code.
The Member ID can be found on the Welcome email, Policy Packet, or
ID Card.
Figure 1.10
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Click on “Next” and a list of policies associated with the Member ID that was entered
displays. See Figure 1.11
Figure 1.11
Click on Add Membershipat the bottom of the list to add the listed policies to the
account. See Figure 1.12
Figure 1.12
If policies are successfully added the following message will display. See Figure 1.13
Figure 1.13
Click Go Homein the message or the Home button at the top of the page to view
the added policies.
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The Home Page lists the Customer’s policies, including STM 3xX policies. The policies
are sorted by status, effective date, and product. See Figure 1.14.
Figure 1.14
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2. Additional Links
Found at the bottom of every page. See Figure 1.15.
Figure 1.15
Submit a Claim
Claim submission information and forms.
More about National General Accident & Health
Information about National General Accident & Health Products.
PRIVACY POLICYdisplays the NGAH Privacy Policy
COMPLIANCEincludes Fraud and State Notices
FAQsFrequently Asked Questions
Displays Member Services hours of operations
If currently open, will display in Green.
If currently closed, will display in Red
See Figure 1.16.
Figure 1.16
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Policy Information
Each policy is listed in its own section.
Function buttons:
o Policy Member(s) Click this button to view all members on the policy, including
o View ID Cards Click this button to view and/or print Temporary ID Cards (if
applicable for the Product)
National General Foundation Health
Dental PPO
Dental Indemnity
o View Documents Click this button to view documents for the selected policy,
Application and Billing Authorizations (Attestations)
Policy Fulfillment Docs
o Find a Provider or Dentist (if applicable for the Product)
Click on the Name of the Policy to review additional Policy Information. See Figure 1.17
Figure 1.17
After clicking on the Name of the Policy, the following information is displayed.
o Policy Number
o Effective Date
o Benefit Level
o Premium
o Term (if applicable for the Product)
o Member ID
o Terminates On (date policy will terminate, if applicable)
o Paying (Monthly or Single Pay)
o Delivery Method (Electronic or Print)
o Button to View ID Cards (and print ID Cards, if available for the Product)
o View Documents for the selected policy.
o Find a Provider or Find a Dentist (if applicable for the Product)
o Policy Members section and basic information for the members. See Figure 1.18
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Figure 1.18
o Agent Details. See Figure 1.19
Figure 1.19
o Clicking on the agent Phone Number will dial the number on a mobile device.
o Clicking on the agent Email will open up a new email with the agent’s email
Application and Billing Authorization
If a Customer has not yet Signed for the Application and Billing Authorization, an Important
notice will be displayed under the Name of the Policy. See Figure 1.20
Figure 1.20
Click on the Application and Billing Authorization link to complete the eSignature process.
A Sign Authorization page will display and Customer information will be displayed. See
Figure 1.21.
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The Customer should review all sections for the applicable Health Eligibility Questions and
Figure 1.21
The last step is for the Customer to complete the Sign Authorization section at the bottom of
the page. See Figure 1.22.
The eSignature name must match the Primary Insured’s name that is on the record.
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Figure 1.22
Click on the Sign Authorizationbutton and the following message displays. See Figure 1.23
Figure 1.23
Click on Return to your Dashboard”.
There is a delay of up to 24 hours for the Authorization to be recorded.
Once the signed authorization is recorded the Important notice message does not display
and the completed Authorization form can be viewed by clicking on the View Documents
button or Policy documents button at the top of any page.
Note for Authorizations:
o STM 3xX policies. Only the 1
STM policy will show if the Authorization has not been
o LIFE Association policies will not display the Important Notice even if the Authorization
has not been signed for the product policies.
o When the customer clicks to eSign, all pending policies will be pulled into the
document. The customer cannot choose which policies/products to eSign.
General Information
In the Member Portal, customers can review policy status, print temporary ID cards, and view
all coverages and documents.
If problems are experienced when the Customer is trying to access the Member Portal, they
should try pressing the “Ctrl + F5” keys simultaneously to clear the cache. The process to
clear the cache may also remove the “Remember Me” Sign in so this will need to be re-
selected if it has been cleared.
Policy data is updated 4 times per day (CST), 2:30am, 11:00am, 3:00pm, and 8:00pm.
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If a Customer is already registered with a account and applied for additional
policies after the initial registration or has other existing policies, they will need to add the
Member ID(s) to see all of their policies under one account.
o Sign into as an existing login
o Click on the Add Membership button
o Follow the process listed above
To go back to the previous page, click on the “back button” in the browser. Examples,