Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Joseph M. McColgan
In 1897, the great American humorist, novelist, and social cric Samuel
Clemens – best known by his pen name, Mark Twain – was in London on one
of the stops of an around-the-world speaking tour hed embarked on
beginning in 1895.
While in London, a rumor started that he was gravely ill, which was followed
by a rumor he had died. Now, according to a widely-repeated legend, one
major American newspaper printed his obituary, and when Twain was told
about this by a reporter, he responded: The reports of my death are greatly
I tell this story because in August 2017 I was appointed by the Neumann Gore Board of Directors to
assume the role of president for a school that was: bleeding enrollment (a school low of 463 students in
2016); was in poor shape nancially ($1.131 million budget decit); academic performance was at a low
point; and a facility that was in much need of repair. All I kept hearing was - it is inevitable and Neumann
Gore is going to close!
Five years later, I am happy to report, because of your overwhelming generosity and nancial assistance, for
the 2022-2023 academic year, Neumann Gore is on the doorstep of crossing an enrollment of 600
students (we had to cap the freshman enrollment at 160); we should have a small budget surplus for the
rst me in over 20 years; this past June, our 2022 senior class walked at graduaon with over $34M
($34,000,000) in scholarships and nancial commitments; and our building, though not where I would like it
to be, is at least looking beer. None of this could have been accomplished without your support. So, on
behalf of students, parents, faculty, sta, alumni, and friends I say to you - THANK YOU! We could not have
come this far without you, but there is sll much more work to be done! To paraphrase Samuel Clemens
the reports of Neumann Gores death were greatly exaggerated!
It has been a wonderful ve years for me, and things I treasure the most are the friendships I made along
the way; watching the students grow into young adults from freshman year, to graduaon; the wonderful
and dedicated sta who, without them, the day would never get started; the faculty, who even in a
pandemic, stepped up to prepare our young men and women for what lies ahead; our leadership team,
working side-by-side during some of the most challenging mes in recent memory; and all of our alumni/
nae. Together, we got the job done and did it well. So, not only is this a thank you for helping us get through
the last ve years, it is also a farewell. Ill be moving on and a new president will join Neumann Gore in the
coming weeks. I ask that you support him/her as you did me, and trust me when I say, I am leaving the
school in great hands! We have a young, vibrant leadership team - a team of visionaries - who will take the
school to the next level and capitalize on all the good that has taken place over these last few years. I say to
you in closing - stay engaged, sit back, and buckle up, because the next ve years are going to be beer than
the last, and youll want a front row seat!
Thank you, again.
From the President
When you support Neumann Goretti, the only Catholic
high school educating a diverse student population in our
South Philadelphia neighborhoods, you help make tuition
affordable and prepare the leaders of tomorrow for
success in their personal and professional lives.
One gift can create positive ripples that will benefit our students!
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Gis of $10,000 and Greater
Frank Angeleri '78
Anna-Maria Moggio Foundaon
Glenn Benne
John Connolly '70
Robert Delany, '84 &
Patricia DellaValla Delany '85
Jason DiEgidio '85
Eastwood Family Foundaon
James Eastwood '63 & Linda Eastwood
Faith in the Future
Philip Fisher '54 & Suzanne Fisher
Denise Foderaro, '74
Margaret Fo, PhD '62
Catherine Gandolfo '67
Joseph Jacovini, '58
Joseph Kisleiko, III '68 & Irene Kisleiko
Michael Moughan, '63
Genevieve Greco Nelson, '58 and
John Nelson
Brian ONeill
Recovery Centers of America
Elizabeth Ruggio Robison '59
Southeast Catholic Class of 1952
William Staeri '52
The Koch Foundaon
The Millay Club
Tioga-Franklin Savings Bank
Unied Door Corporaon
Gis of $5,000 to $9,999
Billy Penn Assists, LLC
Peter Caravello, ’63
Sylvia Lamanno DiBona '72
Christopher A. Doto Foundaon
Estate of Josephine M. McAveney
Clay Hamlin
Independence Blue Cross
John W. Hallahan Catholic High School
Alumnae Associaon
Maguire Enterprises II, L.P.
Gerald McBride, ’58
PNC Financial Services Group
Pamela Fiugalski Prevoznik
Joseph Quigley, ’86
Jane Scacce, ‘72
Deanna Joines Telese, ’94 &
James Telese, ’94
Gis of $1,000 to $4,999
Alexsandra Bilo Foundaon
Danielle A. Candelora
Capobianco Family Foundaon
Christopher's Footprints
Elizabeth Clancy
Class of 1955
Mahew D. Colucci, ’01
Joan M. DeGregorio, ’61
Michael Del Giorno, ’63
Emilia DeMarco, ’64
Vincenee Giammanco DiCicco ’66
Basil DiSipio, ’71
Beverly and Duke Doblick
Joseph T. Fabrizio ’75
Mary Ferris
John Graham, ’66
Janet Hagan, 66
Adam Heege
Angela Orzechowski Jannelli, ’65
Landi Comic Club
Charles Lawrence, ’70
Joseph G. Lerario, ’63
George Linker, ’67
George McGehrin, ’63
Maryann McGuckin-Guinan, ’64
Paulee Falco McMullen, ’60
Charles P. Mirarchi III, PC
Morgan Stanley
Michael Morris
Richard Powers, ’73
Mark Procopio, ’73
Maria Rovello, ’62
Kathleen Paon Russo, ’68
William Saci, ’66
Krisne Lepora Scavola, ’98 &
Eugene Scavola
Joseph A. Siderio, ’63
Kenneth G. Stoudt
James Sunderhauf, ’72
John Turchi, ’59
Robert Ward, ’69
Stanley J. Wilcox
Gis of $500 to $999
Joseph Amodei '67
Richard Antonucci, O. Praem '63
Suzanne Mallon Barreras '82
Domenic Basile
Margaret Drohan Bolash '71
Joseph & Dana Bongiovanni
Maureen Brennan Buchter '65
Edward Campbell
Jeanine Parkhill Campo '85
Sara Connolly Canuso '69
Roland Carbonea, Jr. '68
Joseph Caristo '60
Vincent Carpenter '68
Carmen Casciato '61
Noreen Cassidy Cheleden '61
Joel Cirello '61
Edward Cook '81
Joseph Coradino '69
Norma Corica '66
Robert D'Agosno '60
Louis DeAngelo, Ed. D. '76
Paul Del Borrello '73
Anna Faris DiFranco '68
Gloria Ferraro Donnelly '59
Carol Eastwood '61
Louis Fronno '62
GAP Engineering and Planning, LLC
Edward Gavaghan '69
Clyde Goodyear '50
Karen McLaughlin Grugan '69
Emil Guariglia '60
Michael & Helene Hennewinkel
Henry M. Clinton, Esq., LLC
Ronald Ianoale '64
Diane Olivo Inverso '70
James J. Masino Insurance Agency, Inc.
Joseph Kahriger, Jr. '58
Megan Keang
Maria LaSpada
Philip Ligambi
Eileen Logan '60
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Catherine Amberg Lynam '61
George Lynn
Edward Mahlman '65
Thomas Malatesta '63
Stacey Gargano Minni '92
Mon-Rago Funeral Home
Edward Moran '63
Wallace Nunn
Patrick Pasquariello, III
William Paullin '67
Philadelphia Row Home Magazine
Ronald Pigliacelli '67
Joseph Pooler, Jr. '83
Theresa Graven Pooler '85
Louis Presenza '63
Joseph Prim '62
Dominic Ricciu '75
John Riordan '63
Daniel Rocha
Angelo Sacco '59
William Saci '66
Robert Sco '73
Daniel Smedile '62
Thomas Sopolsky '60
Mark Squilla '80
James Snger '64
Joan Black Tedesco '65
Barbara Maucci Termini '64
Jeremy Treatman
TruMark Financial Credit Union
Andrea Policarpo Vallea '83
Verizon Foundaon
Mary Kunberger Wehrmann '63
Michele Campanaro White '83
Mary Ann Grith Wilson '61
Cecilia Rubbo Wyand '71
Anthony Zingarelli, MBA '65
Gis of $250 to $499
A Suitable Soluon
Nicholas Allegrini '07
Anthony Ambrose '64
Thomas Amendola, Sr. '64
Michael Baldino, Jr. '66
John Barbagiovanni, Sr. '58
Thomas Barr '54
Patricia Gaa Biondi '74
Kathleen Leary Brown '63
Ernest Buccino, Jr. '63
Noelle Palazzo-Burg, Esq. '98
Anita DiVito Burgher '76
Anthony Caarella
Timothy Cairy '94
Joanne Calabria '70
William Carrozza '74
Joseph Cellini '65
Marie Caprara Chenoweth '67
Arianna Chua '14
Michael Clavin '62
Michael Clinton '76
John Coleman
Mary Genovese Colvin '69
Robert Cornaglia
Edward Corsino '68
Anne O'Hara Crankshaw '60
Patricia Corcoran Crisfulla '59
Dennis D'Angelo '66
Philip D'Antonio, Jr. '80
Diane DeCesare
Dorothy Goddard Delany '62
Dominic Delia '52
Anthony DeTia '60
Thomas DeWaele '71
James DiCesare '63
Nicholas DiFranco '66
Eugene DiMauro '69
Chrisne Sokolowski DiSanto '88
Rosemarie Donoio
Domenick D'Orazio '61
Teresa Dwornik '75
Anthony Fanty '74
John Fleming '66
Anne Hill Forella '69
Diana Christopher Foschini '74
James Fox '47
Stephen Frani '75
Patrick Furey, Esq. '64
Thomas Furia '44
Thomas Gervasi '75
Daniel Giannini '67
Kathleen Belfao Giannini '67
Francis Giardina '78
Salvatore Girardo '61
Robert Giuliano '66
Sherita Royster Glenn '84
Lawrence Graham '68
Rose DiFranco Grelis '60
James Heinze '63
Kathryn Marsella Henry '79
Marguerite Campiglia Heron '66
Margaret Taylor Highberger '77
Charles Hillock '63
Rosemary D'Auria Homan '72
Joanne McCarthy Kain '59
John Kane '68
Therese Kapczynski Kershaw '67
Amelia Rocco Klein '68
Mary Kovalitsky '68
Joan Thompson Kramer '70
Donna Pedano Krepil '66
Dimetro Kunasz '68
Gloria Lanzelo Leventhal '68
Grace Power Lord '85
Thomas Louden, Jr. '54
Robert Malone '63
John Marazzo '81
James Masino '86
Marie Orfeo Matera
John Mazzuca '63
Douglas McKay '69
William McKenna
Robert Meighan '70
Sal Mergliano '70
Joseph 85 & Marisa ‘90 Messina
Rita Repici Miller '65
Joan McCann Misewich '63
Harry Montgomery '59
Francis Morgan '64
Jo Ann Bongiorno Morrissey '64
Edward Novak '74
Linda Friia Novelli '73
Theresa O'Connor '69
Grace Ruggiano O'Dowd '67
P. Agnes, Inc. Builder
Yolanda Pagano '82
Joseph Palmer '66
Patricia Panzera '73
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Frances Ashley Paullin '68
Louis Pauzano
Elena Perri '62
Ronald Perricone '69
Hugh Pomeroy '66
Ivan Price '82
Thomas Pugliese '86
Harry Reed, Jr. '53
Maria Repici '63
Marianne Revello '60
Vincent Ricchiu '79
George Rice '69
Angela Rocco '68
Andrea McGuire Rush '91
Patricia Walsh Schaer '68
Garry Scheib
Mary Ann Pitale Schriver '72
Daniel Schultz
Frances Drewno Sokolowski '60
Maria Spano '74
Vincent Squillacio '78
Christopher Tatreau
Joseph Thomas
Karl Thomas '83
Linda DiGiovanni Triolo '68
United Way of Greater Philadelphia
and Southern New Jersey
University of the Arts
Frederick Valusek '63
Diane Wagner '67
Philip Wolf '60
Thomas Wolf '67
Mark Wray '67
Leona Hills Wright '65
Amy Yarle
Susan Fink Yoshihara '82
Gis of $100 to $249
A. Crini Realty, Inc.
A.T. Chadwick Company Inc.
Kathleen Abbo '58
Frank Abruzzese '65
Carmen Adamo '48
Richard Addario '52
Charles Adomanis '63
Gaetan Alfano '73
Frederick Alfonsi '53
Mary Ann Alfonsi
Joseph Aloi '72
Suzanne Anastasi Aloi '73
Cathy Alveario
Marianne Kelly Amato '68
Concea Balana Anastasi '66
Joseph Andrilla '54
Mark Angelo, MD '90
Salvatore Angemi '64
Archdiocese of Phila/CYO Region 6
Elizabeth Zemaitais Aros '68
L. Michael Arrigale
Joseph Assalone '70
Jay Ausn
Linda Belcastro Baldi '90
Donna Ciferni Baldino '89
Thomas Barcia '65
Elaine Antonucci Basile '60
Guido Baaglini, Jr. '69
Dianne Morrow Baylor '70
John Bazzani '53
Joanne Catenacci Bednarek '67
Dennis Bene '63
James Bergen '63
Joseph Bisicchia '82
Carl Bloemker '60
Gayton Bongiorno '64
Diane Ricci Bongiovanni '72
Harry Booth '57
Patricia Russo Bordoni '69
Daniel Borges '89
Janet Gibson Bradley '78
James Brigandi '86
Nicholas Brigandi '86
Dolores Mastropieri Briskin '58
Royal Brown '71
Rosalie Brulte '62
Anthony Bruno '63
Joseph Buonadonna, Sr. '66
Donald Burns '59
Louis Busico '52
Robert Byrnes
Louis Campione '74
Lucille Candeloro '69
Victor Cantarella '59
James Capone '70
Celeste Buacavoli Carangi '89
Michael Carchidi '74
Francis Cariola '67
Theodore Carotenuto, Sr. '61
Robert Carr '68
Robert Carr MS '70
Joseph Carrozza '61
Mark Anthony Casasanto '83
Kevin Cassidy
Theresa Tanda Cavicchio '65
Mark Cedrone '75
Chrise Cellucci
Joseph Centonze '57
Patricia Chrisnzio Cerulli '60
Karen Chellew
Jane Chrnelich
Chubb Charitable Foundaon
Frederick Ciao, PhD '58
Ronald Cimini '78
Guido Clemen '71
Margaret Clinton
Margaret A. Clinton '72
William Clinton '58
Philip Coche '60
Patricia Casta Coggins '68
Gerald Coghlan '66
Annee Conklin '75
John Conlan, Jr.
Camilla Dulisse Connell '63
Alfeo Conte, Jr. '60
Peter Cooper '60
Victor Cortese '54
Marn Cosgrove '56
Ernest Colus '68
Joann Argenzio Colus '69
John Coer '67
Theresa Mangeri Crini '75
John Cunningham '52
D. Creamer and Associates
Chrisne Cieplinski Dalin '64
Kathleen Cloney Dalin '74
Kathleen Daly
John D'Amato '64
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Lorea D'Amico '62
Ben D'Antonio '69
Patricia D'Antonio '82
Phelim Dean, Jr. '45
Francis DeAngelo '78
Nance DeArchangelo '58
Jerriann Pino DeCaro '74
William DeFeo, III
Anthony Del Conte '49
Antoinee Borrelli DellaValla '59
Bey DeAngelis DelVacchio '69
Carl Demarcantonio, Jr.
Daniel DeMasi '71
Leonard DeMasi '67
Sandy DeMuro '92
Denise DeTia '75
Mae Manfre DeVincens '73
Antonia Dewees DeWees '65
Dewey LaRosa
James Diamond '67
Teresa Diamond '75
Leonard Diana '57
Joseph DiBenedeo '70
Diana DiCicco '66
Ronald DiFranco '72
Bernard DiGabriele '74
Thomas DiGiorgio '52
Louis DiLossi '62
Anthony DiMeo '96
Joseph DiMeo '59
Paul Dinno '68
Theresa Scadi Dinno '72
Michael DiPietro '68
Patricia DiPretore '69
Geraldine DiSans DiSans '73
Rita Gallo Doerger '77
Geraldine Sciulli Donato '66
Brian Donnelly '90
Charles Donnelly '67
Barbara Cronin Donovan '66
Patricia Doto
James Dougherty, III '76
Joseph Dragon, III '69
Thomas Drames, DO '01
Linda Porreca Duerr '72
Theresa Chiardio Durkin '80
East Passyunk Avenue Business
Improvement District
Paul Edgeworth '63
Suzanne Amberg Edinger '63
Marn Egan '59
Louis Esposito '86
Nancy Riley Falcione
Joseph Fanelli '58
Edward Farley '62
Frank Ferrara '60
Peter Ferrara '62
Philip Ferrigno '61
Edward Fierko '59
Robert Finizio '74
Anthony Fisher '55
Michael Fipaldi '70
Lorea Balana Fornias '63
Geraldine Rane Foster '65
Angela Francesco '67
Richard Fruncillo '71
John Fusco, Jr. '63
Angelina Ligambi Galasso '60
Kathleen Lawless Gallagher '67
Kathleen Gallagher '66
Miriam Gallagher '87
Joseph Gangemi '61
Nancy Kane Gannon '58
Michael Garafolo '70
Linda Hurl Garcia '64
John Garczynski Sr. '55
Louis Garozzo, LTC (Ret) '61
James Gildea
George Glaze '85
Regina Winslow Gorman '58
Louis Governatore '90
Barbara Harper Green '66
Annamae Stumm Greene '70
Thomas Greene '77
Arthur Grugan '62
Gregory Guarini '75
Robert Hagendorf '60
Timothy Haggerty '88
Patrice McDermo Haines '64
Arlene Minardi Hales '69
Geraldine Jones Haley '59
Marie Tartaglia Hamilton '88
Rosemary McCarey Hardgrove '66
Linda Ippolito Harner '73
Annamarie Daly Harper '58
Adrienne Andrews Harris '62
James Harron '61
Charles Haub '61
Chrisne Mello Hemsley '00
Kathleen Yurick Hennessy
Marie Hewes
Eugene Hoch '56
Kimberly Gregorio Homann '82
John Holman '73
Salvatore Iaconelli '51
Frances Rinaldi Iannucci '64
Anthony Jackominic '94
Perry Jackson '78
Dorothy Jannelli, MD '78
John's Roast Pork, Inc.
Maryann Johnston '64
Suzanne DellaValla Jones '86
William Kaufman '65
Eileen Kelly Kazelskis '67
Beatrice D'Alessandro Keleher '68
William Keller '68
Edward Kelly '59
Francis Kelly Jr. '80
Francis Kelly '17
Vivianne Mastrogiacomo Kerrigan '78
Mary Kilgarri '67
James Kilrain '61
Roseann O'Neill Kirlin '66
James Koehler
Christa Gervasi Kopaczynski '93
Deborah Kreisl
Joseph LaFiora '85
Mario LaMaestra, USA(Ret.) '48
Bernadee Romano Lange '66
Alo Lanza '61
James Lardani
Edward Last '55
Samuel Laa '68
Concena Laanzio '61
Henry Laviola '54
Regina Reinke Lawless '62
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Ilene Gavula Lee '65
Frank Leone '63
Daniel Leuzzi '67
Joseph Levy
Anthony Liberato '74
Dominic Liberi '66
Francis Liuzzi '71
Helen Lamore Livingston '60
Joseph LoCasale '51
Chun Chen Loeliger '87
Marion DelBuono Lore '74
Joan Lanzaroo Lukens '60
Leo Lynch '59
Mario Maei '87
Regina Donato Maei '89
Joseph Maiorano '51
Louis Marcotullio '80
Evelyn White Marcucci '59
Daniel Marques '04
Lena Riggitano Marrole '71
Paul Marnelli '63
Lorea Calderaio Masciantonio '75
Joseph Mastalski '60
Janet Graziani Mastripolito '70
Robert Mastrogiovanni '65
Anthony Matarazzo '63
George Matekovic '55
Richard Maeis '71
Mario Maurizio '61
Darlene McCabe '66
William McCaney '65
Patrick McCann '61
John McCauley
Camille McColgan
Kenneth McCormick '70
Charles McCulley '68
Sandra Curcuruto McDade '63
Shawn McDole
Rory McGill '19
Dennis McGinnis '63
Constance Rane McGrath '63
Eleanor Coia McKelvey '63
Mary Ann Pinto McKenzie '59
Rose Marie Carr McLaughlin '64
William McLaughlin '85
Rosalie Ceraso McManus '61
Joseph McNasby '65
Ronnie McNeil '74
Harry Meeker '59
Joseph Melle, Jr. '60
Patrice Melnick
JoAnne Belfao Melnick-O'Donnell '63
Antonio Menni
John Mercurio '57
Robert Merlino '69
Joan Cole Metallo '62
Mary Ann Cavuto Miller '60
Maurice Miller '71
Colleen Miraglia Miraglia '07
Richard Mirarchi '98
John Mitkus '58
John Moerman
Richard Moa '52
Joseph Molony '57
Sally Kealey Montrey '70
Kathleen Harkins Moore '67
Richard Moreo
Joanna DeLuca Mulholland '58
John Murawski '68
Linda Lawrence Murphy '64
Joseph Murray '62
Marie Giordano Musco '59
Maureen Campbell Musumeci '65
Kathleen Tusn Naccarato '84
Diane McGowan Neustadter '72
Helene Fortunato Newman '69
Roseann Bucceroni Newman '76
Northwestern Mutual Foundaon
Mary Jane Braciale O'Brien '66
John O'Donnell '62
Patricia Campolongo Ogden '73
June Olkowski '78
Patricia McCann Orlando '63
Jusn Pagliacce '07
Anne Cavaliere Palais '63
Nicholas Palazzo '73
Francis Palma '71
Feudi Pandola '69
John Parthemore
Dominic Pasqualino '94
Robert Peacock, Sr. '58
Peter Pecoraio '67
Charles Pelletreau '61
Patricia Kennedy Penn '70
Maryanne Perrello '78
Rocco Petrucelli '51
Charles Peneo '85
Maryanna Savage Phinn
Roland Piccone '51
Wayne Piersan '65
Natalie Mirigliani Pino '67
Lena Pinto '66
Mahew Pinto '56
Mary Lou Fernandez Pluta '67
Carolyn Panichelli Poehner '64
Denise Greene Pogue '74
Rosemarie Foglia Polidoro '86
Mark Pomeroy '98
Kenneth Powell, Jr. '66
Patrick Powell '68
Sandra DiAntonio Powell '62
William Powers '53
Judith Carrino Proieo '58
Barbara Lee Carter Puglisi '62
Charles Quarone '68
Denise Mosca Racano '81
Thomas Raerty '85
John Rees '59
Jacqueline Perricone Resavage '64
Theresa Revak '65
Frances Lawless Robinson '74
John Rocco '71
Richard Rosa '94
Maria Rossi
Doree Retallick Rota Jackson '77
Nicholas Rudi '66
Dorothy Ruggieri Ruggieri '61
Michael Ruggiero '66
Joanne Russo
Norma Russo '60
Linda DeSans Saad '65
Kathleen Walsh Sandefur '85
Paul Santella '54
Anthony Sarnese '71
Linda Argeneri Schaal '61
Philomena DiDonato Schopf '69
Marian Orfeo Sco '72
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Donald Sesso '63
Lois Wilson Showers '60
Joseph Shveima '61
Carol Napori Siwinski '62
Maureen O'Hara Skros '67
Joseph Smith '79
Raymond Smith '63
William Smith '60
Joseph Smolarski '62
Diane Winslow Solonynka '66
Anthony Spadafora '51
Susan Russo Spear '79
Joseph Spera '79
Brian Squilla '95
Richard Startzenbach, Sr. '61
Walter Stein '71
James Stewart '67
Teresa DelMonte Stolfo '68
Michael Struglia '55
Anthony Sunderhauf '72
Albert Szlanic '77
Charles Szydlik, Sr.
Nicole Tasca Talamo '90
Robert Terruso '70
John Thompson '83
Edward Tierney '95
Clarissa Brown Tillery '74
Arthur Tonkinson '55
Bert Truxell '47
Geraldine Tesauro Tumolillo '59
Robert Turchi '61
Maria Turdo '75
Louis Ursino '82
Maryann Menta Varalli '61
Eugene Veneziale '51
Verna Electric
Joseph Verna '65
Jomarie Victor '75
Huy Vu
Donna Sigismondi Ward '92
Kevin Ward '86
Annie Washart '68
Walter Werner '53
Ida Garozzo Wild '58
Elaine DiJoseph Wilkie '61
John Wilson '59
Richard Winslow '56
Jaime Ostrowski Wisniewski '96
Henry Witherspoon '84
Thomas Wojciechowski '67
Anne Marie Wood '74
Lawrence Wood '65
Robert Wright '75
Caroline Wroblewski '61
Mary Jean Reilly Youngblood '60
Agnes Quinn Zaccario '60
Dolores Cornacchia Zambito '62
John Zimmerman '59
Gis up to $99
Thomas Abaldo '67
Salvatore Accardo '60
Sanna DiGiovanni Albaugh '63
Robert Albicker
Antoinee DiDonato Altamuro '61
Maria Pagan Amendt '74
Patricia Rieco Anastasi '61
Anchor Insurance Agency
Vera Paren Ancone '77
Mary Anne Sullivan Anderson '66
Loraine Panzera Andrews '76
Paula Pane Angillea '65
Carmen Annee '60
Theresa O'Connell Armbruster '73
Leonard Armstrong '68
Denise Cassidy Arrigale '84
Nikki Sirolli Badessa '72
Thomas Balchais
Rosalie Sanvitale Baldassarre '76
Elizabeth Massari Baldino '68
Louis Baldino '63
Chrisne Balmores-Jumarang
Lisa DiStanisloa Barbi '91
Angela Sandone Barr '69
Barbara Galla Barre '71
John Barre '66
Rosemary Campagna Barre '66
Richard Baaglia '73
Linda Mecchella Berkowitz '75
Mary Esola Berkowitz '70
Andrew Bevilacqua
Mary Priole Bevivino '72
Rosemarie Coer Bianco '62
Raymond Bielicki '57
Angelo Bier '64
Frank Biondo '06
Kathleen Grith Biondo '58
Mary Startare Bisse '81
Joan Malavolta Blanda '63
Patricia Cotumaccio Boback '68
Bernadee Bonacci '66
Paula DeSancs Bonavitacola '70
John Bonella '51
Vincent Borrelli '61
Glenn Bradbury
Joanne Piotrowski Brady '60
Stephanie Brady '88
Bernice Tucci Braunius '61
Maria Valente Breeser '69
Francis Brennan, Jr. '62
Josephine Pennachie Brinkman '69
Robert Brino '64
Thomas Brino '69
Edward Bri, Jr. '64
Edward Brown '79
Lucille Alizzi Brown '65
Marie Bryant Brown '66
Carolyn Connally Bryant '88
Maria Campo Buonadonna '61
Michael Burdziak '75
Lea Marinucci Burk '73
Rocky Burns '94
Donna DeAngelo Busillo '78
Michael Busillo, Sr. '78
Anthony Caarella '65
Frank Caarella '70
Arleen Andol Calabro '61
Kathleen Cianfrani Cameroni '61
Virginia Camerota
Joseph Camorao '48
Anthony Campione '68
Stephen Cannataro '76
Cecilia Perone Cannon '62
Richard Capacio, D.C.
Lucy Capaldi '65
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Kathleen Caponigro '72
Joseph Carbo '58
Karen Carbonara
M. Stella Rizzi Carbonara '78
Robert Carfagno Jr. '88
Elizabeth Stahl Carillo '75
Lois Carita '66
Maria Cirigliano Carlini '68
Amy Bongiorno Carrozza '90
John Carrozza '69
Joseph Casasanto '52
Terence Casey '68
Thomas Casey '66
Lucy Biloa Casper '60
Rosemary Pepe Casper '79
Regina Castellani
Janet Catenacci '67
Jeanne Tate Cavaliere '75
Joseph Cavalieri '79
Anthony Ceraso '56
Barbara Cerbone '71
Peter Certo, Jr. '84
Maria Chillemi Chila, DMD '66
Salvatore Chillemi '68
Joseph Chinnici '61
Leonard Ciccotello '67
Linda Persico Ciglinsky '65
Dominic Cirillo '65
Patricia Maddolo Cirminiello '75
Anthony Cocciolone '68
Linda Dinno Cohen '65
Kathleen Fidalei Colesh '64
John Colligan '59
Eleanor Romano Collins '61
John Collins '54
Paula Mancinelli Colman '59
Patrice Carmolingo Conaway '85
Maria DiMeo Conicelli '98
Dawn Connally '84
Consuelo Matos Conover '76
Gloria Con '71
Chrisna Iacona Conno '68
Maryann Majuri Coppola '58
Charles Coradino '65
Patricia Piccinino Corrigan '59
Joann Costa '74
Joyce Guido Coyle '71
Leo Coyle '61
Carol Perrone Crociante '70
Jose Cuenca '20
Edward Cunningham
Eleanor Menna Cunningham '64
John Curreri '70
Anthony Dadario '79
Raymond Dahdah '46
Joseph Daley '56
James Dalton, O.S.F.S.
Cheryl Hopkins Damico '66
Benedee D'Amore '61
Francine D'Amore '64
Donna Salvey D'Angelo '70
James Danna '54
Frances Kozin Darby '67
Mary D'Armi '67
Lucille D'Armi D'Armi-Riggio '73
Ralph D'Auria '56
Diane De Sabato De Sabato '63
Kathleen Dean '70
Stephanie Silvano DeAngelis '82
Barbara DeFlavis '74
Charles DeFusco '57
Anthony DeJoseph, Jr. '74
Patricia DeLacy '70
Patricia Hickey DelCasale '58
Robert DelGrosso '64
Thomas DelGuercio '84
Mark DeLizio '75
Joseph Della Valla
Epiphany DeLuca '67
Michael DeMaio '70
James DeMarco, Jr.
Renee Ligambi DeMarco '84
William DeMarco '85
Thomas DeMarino '71
Anthony DeMarzio '63
Anne Bradley DeMasi '82
Michael DeMaeo '77
Salvatore Denaro
Robert DePasquale '84
Anthony DeSabato '66
Wilhelmina Fantom Dever '83
Lena Marie Diehl Devine '65
Elaine Boari Diamond '66
Stephen DiAngelo '80
Philip DiBabbo '77
Theresa DiBenedeo DiBenedeo '80
David DiBlasi
Richard DiCioccio '76
Pamela Baselice Dick '66
Angelo DiDonato '56
Erica Dietrich '96
Andrea Panichelli DiFabio '87
Joseph DiFebbo '20
Michael DiFebbo '85
Dominick DiGiacomo
Richard DiGiacomo, Sr. '75
Mark DiGiambasta '79
Frank DiGiovanni '60
Joseph DiGiovanni '95
Arthur DiGiuseppe '57
Donna DeStefano Digneo '68
Ralph Digneo '68
Janice DiJoseph '81
John DiJoseph '73
Christopher DiLolle '88
Rita Braciszewski DiLossi '63
Domenica DiMeo
Chrisna DiMichele '96
Marybeth Deal Dinardo '75
Micaela Sandone DiPasquo '67
Rose DiSalvo '86
Michael Disanto '91
Amelia Ezzio DiValerio '74
Dnarpo Electric
Maryann Bozza Dogosno '59
Eleanor Durako Donaldson '58
Richard Donato '64
Marianna D'Ambrosio Donleavy '61
Carolyn Donohue
Nicole Doran
Catherine Furey Dougherty '70
James Dougherty '90
Kathryn McDonald Dougherty '60
Richard Dougherty '70
Rosemary Dougherty
James Driadon '53
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Tara Duer
Diane Ruggiero Dumsha '64
Barbara Mercurio Dunlevy '61
Rosalie Seneca DuPoldt '65
Maryann Qualeri Duva '66
Teresa Taranno Dziomba '73
Regina Snarsky Egan '70
Linda Scairato Emmertz '76
Carol Valenno Emmi '76
John Endres '61
Frank Ennis '51
John Evangelista '49
Magdalena Fabi
Diane Fabii Fabii '73
Philip Faccenda '66
Kathleen Aster Fagan '62
Anthony Falance '58
Maria Fama '67
Louis Farace '64
Bruno Fedele, CPA '61
Karen Fee '79
Paul Ferrigno '68
Michael Fil '72
Joanne Grosso Fioravan '75
Marisa Pigliacelli Fiorenza '92
Ruth Ann Firmani
Albert Fisher '69
Marie Fiss
Robert Fiss '86
Patricia Smith Foley '64
Thomas Ford '71
Annee Ricciu Forman '72
Bernadee Forno '71
Donna Stango Fortune '75
Frances Fo & Sons
Maria Lerro Franche '61
Lawrence Fronczak '83
Robert Furia '50
Joann Gagliardi '67
Margaret Santucci Gagliardi '71
Dorothy Henry Galanaugh '71
Timothy Galanaugh '70
Joann Nicotera Gallo '66
James Gambale '59
John Gandolfo
Denyelle Gardner
Nancy Sharkey Gardner '62
Jennifer Garafolo Gargano '96
Louis Gaspari '58
Barbara Sanno Gericke '62
Donna Gervasi '77
Margie Barreca Gileo '79
Kathryn Pooler Gilkin '88
Michael Gillen '82
Judith Parkinson Gioia '73
Lisa Giordano Giordano-Cawley '89
Marie Gipprich, IHM '67
Rose Giranda '61
Paula Guidi Giunta '66
Nanci Packman Goldman
Joseph Gondek '77
Vernee Carlucci Governatore '89
Edmund Grassia '66
Roberta Cooke Grin '71
Deborah Aglira Grosso '71
William Grosso '62
Mark Gualber '77
Olimpia Guida Guida '59
James Gulczynski '56
Courtney Guerrez
Francis Hagan '74
Thomas Haggerty '59
Maryellen Hahn
Charles Hall '59
Daniel Hall '80
Judith Hannigan
Kathleen DeKorne Hardin '65
Irving Hark
Esther Gigante Harvey '76
James Hay '70
Patricia Mannion Hawley '64
Joseph Hearon '67
Kathleen Heron '73
Geraldine Tobin Henderson '70
Elyse Hennewinkel
Patricia McLaughlin Henningsen '60
A. Stephen Higgins '51
Jasmine Hill '11
Ronald Hill '64
Rita Del Giorno Hindley '64
Joyce Varley Hirst '75
Laurence Hodges '12
Patricia Jankauskas Howder '61
Anthony Hoyt
Diana De Christopher Hudson '60
Francis Hudson '54
Peter Huha '51
Patricia Allen Imes '68
2854 Tasker, Inc.
Rose Innaurato '71
Vincent Insalaco '49
Anthony Ippolito '68
Vernice Run Jackson-Lewis, PhD '58
Anthony Jadick '69
Stephen Janco '72
Janice Holloway Jennings '74
John Johnson '60
Isabel Day Jones '61
Leona Jurska Joy '61
Thomas Kahriger '60
Robert Kazelskis '65
Elizabeth Kochanek Keelan '64
Elizabeth Rice Keenan '65
Catherine Davey Kelly '60
Edward Kelly '61
Eugene Kelly '59
Maureen Kelly '58
James Kennedy '73
Kathleen Clinton Kennedy '74
Donna Moran Kerins '77
Patricia Kerins '73
Eleanor Kerr '66
Marie Elaina Milano Killian '74
Amanda Kinney '20
Julia Kinney '18
Antonia Udasco Kist '73
Francis Klevence '48
John Kozin '73
Blaise Krautsack, O. Praem '64
Michael Kremp '71
Diana Bruno Kroger '65
Walter Kruc '69
John Krwawicz '66
John Krwawicz '92
Victoria Boruch Krwawicz '66
Maria Mazzoa Lagana '65
Joseph Laino '66
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Joanne Tampanello Lamberto '63
Richard Lanci '48
Joseph Lanciano '73
Denise Pugliese Lannon '69
Richard Lanzilo '71
Vincent Lanzilo '60
Sally Parker Larentowicz '68
Theresa Larizzio '82
Denise LaRosa '74
Raymond Latch '58
Raymond Laanzio
Michael Lees '93
Rita Carangi Lees '63
Karen Rowan Lemba '66
Annee Lemma
Patricia Lynch Leonard '59
Thomas Leonard '56
Adele DiTullio Leone '64
Deborah Lepo '70
Pasquale Lerro '58
Lisa McGowan Leslie '67
Robert Leso '55
Patricia Starr LeStourgeon '90
Mary Ann Costanno Levens '61
Denis Liberto '74
Joseph Ligambi '94
Julia Lombardo Ligambi '58
Philip Ligambi '87
John Ligato '65
Stephanie Ligambi Liparota
Barbara Papavero Loer '60
Dianna Bron LoFurno '72
Thomas Logan '62
Robert Lombardo '62
Colleen Long Long '92
Samuel Longo '73
Annee Rua Looby '77
Sebasan Lorigo '66
Roger Louden '57
Rhonda Pantellas Lowe '83
Brenda Lukais '73
Thomas Madorna
Barbara Agresto Maerten '65
Rita Saverase Magliano '62
John Makara '75
Joan McLaughlin Malin '67
Daniel Malone
Carole Candeloro Mancini '61
Christopher Mangeri '83
Barbara Mangravi
Rosea Pasquarello Manogue '73
Michael Marakowski '61
Helene Marano '84
Frances Marazzo '71
Michael Marchesani '67
Anthony Marchese '61
Frank Marchiano '96
Ralph Marcovecchio '82
Carol Marinari '75
Rita Maroa, IHM '64
Joann Strine Marr '71
Paul Martell
William Masapollo '55
Barbara Massa
Livia Sonsini Matani '67
Joan Brennan Matelis
Steve Matranga
David Mahews '64
Nicholas Mauri '62
Patricia Marn Mayro '82
Ronald Mazzone, Jr. '83
George Mazzoa '57
Timothy McAllister '50
Dorothy McBride '76
Anne Sullivan McCabe '62
Eileen Walsh McCarey '62
Sara McCann '63
Anne Egan McCauley '62
Kevin McClure
John McConnell
Martha McCormick '81
Kathleen Yocco McCullough '66
John McGill
Alexander McGivern '47
George McGonigle '56
Mary McGuire McGovern '58
R. Audrey Beltrante McGovern '62
Kathleen Balsama McGuinness '69
Anne Marie Graven McHugh '82
Thomas McHugh '60
Nancy Gaynor McKee '68
Marie Earl McKenna '65
John McLaughlin '70
Joseph McLaughlin, O. Praem '61
Michael McLaughlin '51
Robert McLaughlin '55
Rodger McLaughlin '65
Brennan McNamara
Patricia McNamara
Sandy Graziani McNu '77
Joseph McSorley '83
Ann Marie Lennon Mehlmann '58
Catherine Meighan Meighan '73
John Meighan '65
Vincent Menta '50
Joseph Mercurio '62
Thomas Mercurio '64
Joseph Messina '19
Michael Messina '64
Theresa Audia Mick '72
Deanna D'Amore Miller '08
Ralph Miller
James Mina '63
Angela Amendolia Minger '69
Julius Mingroni, DO '59
Anthony Mira '63
Kathleen Raymond Miraglia '75
Chester Miros
Angela Digiorgio Mockapetris '58
Arlene Notoro Morgan '63
Thomas Morley '52
Michael Morrone '58
William Moss '70
Concea Moo '60
Leo Mount, Jr. '69
James Mullen '61
Frances Stabeno Munizza '58
John Murphy '69
Marie Ellen Garozzo Murphy '64
Patricia Scarpato Musumeci '75
Charles Muzio '53
Carol Nardi Nachbar '62
Anthony Nardini '98
Elaine Libera Naseef '60
Laura Natale Nerone '78
Josephine Tuso Neumann '66
New Horizon Child Care, Inc.
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Thomas Nicosia '73
Jane Fierko Nighngale '73
Donald Norbeck '67
Edward Norkus '65
Dominic Novelli '77
Anita Novembre Novembre '64
Lenora Lanza O'Donnell '60
Frances DeMasi O'Neill '65
Mary Ann DeFibaugh O'Neill '75
Diane Onorato '73
Anita Melchiore Oriente '59
Carmelita Orsini
James O'Shea '58
Helen Markee Paget '70
Mahew Pagliacce '04
Albert Palermo, Jr. '73
Mario Palladine '56
Juliana Pennachie Palmo '67
Robert Palmo '67
Monica Pandol '98
Marian Spadafora Paone '84
Maryann Ragni Papa '83
Kathleen Papaleo '58
Calogero Paraninfo '82
Joseph Parella '60
John Parente '50
Louis Partridge '69
Louise Antonucci Pascale '59
Joseph Pasquarello '53
Joseph Pasquini '67
Kimberly Passaro
Dolores Pavone '68
Marie Gileno Pegg '74
Alyce Patrone Penna '67
Jean Johnson Pennie '80
Lucille Farley Perna '58
Dominic Perruccio '61
Louis Pescatore '52
Margaret Geste Petronis '62
Genevieve Brignola Petrucco '59
Marcella Pilla Peorossi '73
Michael Peorossi '66
Annamarie Pane Phillips '62
John Piergallini '58
Frederick Pigliacelli '93
John Pilla '68
Mary Palmo Pilla '65
Gaytana Pino '68
Angelo Pinto '64
Vincent Pinto '58
Angela Karozzo Pio '59
Leonard Pio '57
Albert Pisanelli '69
Edda Pitassi Pitassi - Bullen '59
Ikea Pis Pis '03
Anthony Pizzo '53
Theresa Badame Polizzi '76
Robert Pomarico '70
Margaret Graven Pooler '86
Neal Pooler '86
Harry Powell '70
Antoinee Cavalieri Pracilio '77
William Prendergast '72
Salvatore Procopio '82
Anthony Pugliese '77
Quick Courier Service
Gregory Quigley '88
Hugh Quigley
Hugh Quigley '96
John Quigley '55
Patricia Sullivan Raerty '62
Angelo Randazzo '54
Lloyd Ranson '74
Donna Rapone '81
Thomas Read, Sr. '62
John Redfern '68
Helen Gray Rees '60
Leona Barber Reick '62
Regina Hu Reid '61
Claire Reinke '67
Domenick Renzi '67
John Rex '93
Dawn Reallick Rhoades '80
Sandra DeMaeo Ricchini '60
Thomas Ricci '60
Nicholas Ricciu '78
Kathleen Rich
James Riviello '49
Leo Rizzo '54
Maria Robb Robb '80
Albert Roby, III '81
Raymond Rodgers '69
Rosemary McCabe Rogers '62
Brenda Junod Rohrbach '81
John Rolee '77
Anna Marie Romani '63
Ralph Rosa '74
Jacqueline Newton Roverano '67
Jo-Ann Aiello Rudick '66
Rose Mary Farina Rudolph '75
Michael Ruggiero '68
Noreen Johnson Ryen '60
Donald Sabia
Rosenia Sacerdote
Rita DiMuzio Salerno '59
Stephen Salvey '71
Catherine Sampere Sampere '62
Michael Sanborn '82
Linda Garofalo Sandoli, Esq. '71
Carol Smith Sandone '59
Salvatore Sandone '86
Carlos Santos '76
Anna Strate Sarno '59
Verna Finocchiaro Saler '61
Francis Savarese '67
Carol Mays Scarpina '65
Gina Scicchitano '77
Victor Scicchitano '71
James Scocca '62
William Screnci '70
Frederick Seher '67
Alicia Frederico Senese '76
Joseph Serano, O. Praem '60
Thomas Sexton '84
Patrick Shanahan '80
Mary Atene Sheck '70
James Shields, Ed. D.
John Sierzenski '59
John Silla '59
James Silvanio, Jr.
Rocco Siravo
Maryellen Sanborn Smith '87
Thomas Smith '60
Thomas Smith '58
William Snyder '63
Nancy Giannini Solari '61
Lee Solomon
Geraldine Ciarrocchi Sorrenno '67
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2020 - June 30, 2022
Judith Facenda Souders '63
Anthony Spadafora '73
Louis Spadafora '78
Nicholas Spadafora '70
Grace Spena '68
Catherine Zanol Stamato '58
Mary Halpin Starr '60
Thomas Staudenmayer '49
James Stevenson '55
Diana D'Ambra Stewart '83
Angelo Storni '73
Robert Strasavich, Sr '53
Rory Sweeney
Dolores Biello Szymanski '70
John Tampanello '57
Richard Tedesco '48
Carol DiGenova Tempesta '71
Lorraine Petriganni Terruso '70
JoAnn Fiorenno Thomas '63
Stanley Thompson, Jr. '78
Helene Recchu Tierney '68
Grace Tiro
Cheryl DiBruno Tisa '61
MaryPat Raerty Tobola '88
James Toll '51
Mahew Tomasco '60
Thomas Tomaselli '66
Barbara Squarcea Toms '67
Francis Torres '70
Patricia Risoli Toy '72
Michele O'Neill Travis '87
Theresa Turchi
Maryanne McGrath Tursi '63
Josephine Vitale Tusn '73
Vincent Ucciferri '48
Sarah Jackels Urick '69
Robert Vacchiano '61
Michael Valen '75
Marie Cantwell Van Naa '76
Lisa Vanore
Dominic Varallo '66
Mari Mascio Veneziano '65
Anthony Vernacchio '66
Peggy Vernacchio
Michael Verrecchia '63
David Viggiano '78
Marianne Sesso Vinci '60
Salvatore Vitello '74
Ernest Wagner '64
Joseph Walsh '59
Regina McAvey Walsh
Francis Ward '83
JoAnn Walters Warner '63
Lorea Cianfrani Waters '66
Thomas Watkins '73
Jordan Wayne
Antonia D'Alfonso White '66
Geraldine Prete White '62
Kathleen Burke White '65
Peter Williams '73
Arthur Wilson '58
Margaret Dingler Wilson '83
Patricia Stasis Winter '65
Andrew Wright '66
Theresa Pinto Wycko, PhD '66
Arlene DeRibas Yadevia '64
Nicholas Yocco '69
Leonilda Bonsera Zacharka '69
Teresa DelQuadro Zakro '64
Henriea D'Inno Zaleski '65
Albert Zappile '61
Lorraine Zeplinski Zeplinski '60
Carole Bucceroni Zingarelli '66
*NOTE: If we have overlooked your
contribuon, or have listed it
incorrectly, please accept our
apologies. Contact us immediately
to recfy it. Thank you.
Duke Doblick, CFRE
Who knew that starng in this posion at Neumann Gore, one week aer
the school closed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and working
virtually 100%, would result in one of my most rewarding professional
experiences? In just over 2 years, adapng to this new normal of development and
fundraising for a Catholic high school, and pung three annual appeals in
place, you have responded in ways that have encouraged me and blessed
Neumann Gore in ways I would never have imagined!
Since March of 2020, the generosity of you and our other faithful alumni/ae,
donors, and patrons has generated just over $1,000,000 in total annual fundraising,
along with nearly $750,000 in Educaonal Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) scholarship dollars for our students.
The majority of these charitable gis and contribuons has been used for vital tuion assistance for our students
and families that has helped ease their nancial burdens.
When it comes to explaining what a community of giving is, Neumann Gores family of supporters is the poster
child for this type of community, growing out of the legacy that started 88 years ago with Southeast Catholic and
weaving a golden thread through St. Maria Gore, Bishop Neumann, and St. John Neumann High Schools. Thats
why were proud to say that Neumann Gore has been Educang Our Neighborhoods Since 1934! Thank you
for all that youve done.
From the Director of Institutional Advancement
Ralph Grasso, 1971
From the Millay Club President
On behalf of all The Millay Club Alumni Associaon, Board of Directors, we extend our
hearelt appreciaon to all our members for their generosity of spirit and
overwhelming nancial support. Since 1937, our organizaon has provided assistance
to need-based students at our Alma Mater. We are proud to be the single largest
donor to the students at Neumann Gore. In the past decade you have helped us
contribute over one million dollars to young people seeking a superior Catholic
educaon in the South Philadelphia community.
We connue to provide support through the avid eorts of our members, who
throughout the year, solicit the purchase of 50/50 ckets with weekly valuable prizes,
and culminang in what has become a substanal cash award. You can join in championing our cause by
parcipang in this excing and fullled program and help bolster this worthy cause.
Together we can ensure the future of a unique Catholic experience for our youth. To be involved, contact us by
phone at 215-755-9920, or visit our website www.themillayclub.org for more informaon about the many social
programs for Alumni and Neumann Gore Students, such as our annual Communion Breakfast, Academic
Scholarship Dinner, and our Hall of Fame/Sports Banquet that we sponsor, and to purchase 50/50 ckets that
will give you a chance to win big and give our next generaons a BIG WIN.
Through our internal outreach eorts under the
Educaonal Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program to help
businesses and individuals reduce their Pennsylvania state tax
liability, and in partnership with many of our alumni/ae donors
and other patrons, Neumann Gore was able to increase
contribuons from $190,000 in 2020-2021 to over $610,000
in 2021-2022. All monies received through the EITC
are awarded to qualied students as scholarships.
This invaluable iniave is one of the most important
avenues available to Neumann Gore to help our
families with tuion assistance.
In 2020, our Alumni Stimulus Assistance Plan (ASAP) annual appeal
generated over $433,000 in emergency tuition assistance for our
Neumann Goretti families.
When 2021 kicked off, we altered our annual focus through the
HEART HANDS HOPE Students Impact Appeal to allow donors to
designate their gifts to specific funding areas at Neumann Goretti.
This has raised over $428,000 for tuition assistance, merit scholarships,
and arts and athletics programs.
Neumann Goretti’s newest program,
is our recurring giving
effort that encourages donors to spread their wings, and giving,
monthly or quarterly, to help us sustain our mission to provide
a faith-filled, high-quality academic education for our students.
Our online auctions of donated scholarships
from colleges and universities in Pennsylvania,
Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and
West Virginia in 2021 & 2022 raised
$15,000 for Neumann Goretti.
The students and families that bid on and won
the scholarships realized $49,000 in college
tuition, for an investment of only $15,000.
That’s the beauty of Tuition4me.
Similar to a Wall of Money fundraiser,
#fundNGarts was a collaboration of
students in the arts classes and the
Advancement Office.
Our talented students designed 200
envelopes to be purchased, and $5,800
was raised to create and develop
Neumann Goretti’s first-ever drumline
to enhance spirit events at the school.
In 2020, Neumann Goretti took a
chance and unveiled its first-ever
Giving Tuesday effort, with a
#Donate86toNG focus to honor
the 86-year history of Catholic
high school education in South
Philadelphia. We repeated it in
2021 and asked donors to
Our generous donors supported these two global days of giving with just over
$80,000 in donations!
The health crisis in 2020 and 2021
brought an abrupt end to in-person
fundraising events and forced us to
pivot and create virtual efforts to
generate revenue for
Neumann Goretti.
In spite of this, these three,
all-virtual initiatives captured the
attention of our dedicated donors,
resulting in nearly $95,000 in
Named Scholarships
Frank Arnao, George Hatton, John McKenna Memorial Scholarships: $4,000
awarded to two (2) students; named in memory of the above named alumni from
Southeast Catholic, Class of 1952;
Sara and Vito Canuso Scholarship: $10,000 awarded over 4 years to one (1)
student; named for Sara Connolly Canuso, St. Maria Goretti, Class of 1969 and
her husband, Vito;
Enrico DiBlasi Scholarship: $1,000 awarded to two (2) students; named in
memory of former Neumann Goretti teacher Enrico DiBlasi;
DiBona Family Scholarship: $10,000 awarded to one (1) junior female student,
plus $10,000 awarded to one (1) female senior student, to assist with college;
named for Sylvia DiBona, St. Maria Goretti, Class of 1972;
Christopher A. Doto Scholarship: various scholarship amounts awarded to
students from St. Monica’s Elementary School; named in memory of Christopher
A. Doto, St. John Neumann, Class of 1994;
Michael Fiugalski Scholarship: $2,500 awarded to one (1) freshman male;
named in honor of Michael Fiugalski, Bishop Neumann, Class of 1968;
Joseph and Irene Kisleiko Scholarship: $11,000 in tuition assistance for three
(3) students from Our Lady of Hope Elementary School;
PHEW Scholarship: $500 awarded to three (3) students; named for Bishop
Neumann alumni Warren Patterson, Class of 1969, Donald Harmon, Class of
1969 (deceased), Bryan Evans, Class of 1969 (deceased), and Robert Ward,
Class of 1969;
Joseph J. Sandefur, Jr. Scholarship: $500 awarded to two (2) students,
named in memory of Joseph J. Sandefur, Jr., St. John Neumann, Class of 2004;
Joseph Briglia Memorial Scholarship: $600 awarded to one (1) student,
from St. Monica’s Elementary School;
Lerario Scholarship: $1,000 awarded to one (1) student from St. Monica’s Ele-
mentary School; named for Joseph Lerario, Bishop Neumann, Class of 1963;
Eastwood Scholarship: $5,000 awarded to two (2) students from St. Monica’s
Elementary School; named for Admiral James W. Eastwood, Bishop Neumann,
Class of 1963;
Fisher Scholarship: $15,000 awarded to three (3) students from Our Lady Of
Hope Elementary School; named for Philip, Southeast Catholic, Class of 1954,
and Suzanne Fisher;
Sue Lawrence/Ed & Kathleen O'Malley/Father John J. Cox Scholarship:
$3,000 awarded to three (3) students; established by Charles Lawrence, Class of
Michael Ligambi Scholarship: named in memory of Michael J. Ligambi, St.
John Neumann, Class of 1990.
Named Scholarships (cont.)
Educating Our Neighborhoods Since 1934
Quick Facts
college acceptance
earned in college
1736 S. 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148
Educating Our Neighborhoods Since 1934
Duke Doblick, CFRE
Director of Instuonal Advancement
302-757-6095 (mobile)