Jurisdictions That Accept Residency and Fellowship Activities
for Continuing Education Requirements
Last update: 1/30/2019
Residency/Fellowship Participation
Residency/Fellowship Faculty
Participation in a physical therapy clinical residency or fellowship
program awarded 15 hours of credit for each 1,000 hours
Upon clarification with the jurisdiction: “Teaching or lecturing in a
physical therapy related continuing education activity awarded
two (2) hours per hour taught. Teaching or lecturing in the
academic setting is also included, if teaching is not the licensee’s
primary occupation. So, if a faculty member is overseeing a
residency or fellowship, that would fall into the definition of
teaching since that is their primary occupation.
Does not state
Does not state
Does not state
Does not state
Does not state
Does not state
Does not state
Does not state
Completion of a residency or fellowship accredited through APTA
[ABPTRFE] 20 points [Required Documentation = Evidence of
completion and date]
Primary course coordinator teaching a course in an accredited
physical therapy program (entry-level, post-professional) 5
points for semester per course (credit only for first delivery)
[Required Documentation = Syllabus with instructor name]
Residency/Fellowship education 20 hours awarded
Does not state
Does not state
Does not state
District of Columbia
Does not state
Does not state
Does not state
Does not state
Residency/Fellowship = Certificate conferred on licensee (1
credit/hour = 10 hours not to exceed 20 hours)
Maximum 10 unites when acting as a clinical instructor or intern
for a formal, non-academic, advanced clinical internship, or as a
mentor or a learner for a formal, non-academic mentorship.
Completion of a residency or fellowship accredited through APTA
[ABPTRFE] 24 CCUs. Documented by certificate or evidence of
completion with the participant’s name, type of residency or
fellowship, number of hours, and date of completion.
Does not state
Does not accept.
Does not accept.
APTA [ABPTRFE] approved post-professional clinical residency or
fellowship. An applicant will receive 1 hour of CE credit for every 2
hours spent in clinical residency, up to a maximum of 20 hours.
Clinical residency hours may not be used for CE credit if the
applicant is also seeking CE credit for hours earned for post-
professional academic coursework in the same pre-renewal
Does not state
Other scholarly or educational, or both, activities related to the
practice or management of physical therapy not previously
described, with approval from the committee.
Supervision of PT students from accredited programs in full time
clinical internships or residency/fellowship programs. 1 contact
hour for every 40 hours of supervision.
Licensees may obtain continuing education hours of credit by
completing an APTA [ABPTRFE]-approved postprofessional clinical
residency or fellowship. A licensee will receive 1 hour of credit for
every 2 hours spent in clinical residency, up to a maximum of 20
hours. Clinical residency hours may not be used for credit if the
licensee is also seeking credit hours earned for postprofessional
academic coursework in the same renewal period.
Does not state
Physical therapy residency or fellowship program shall mean a
postprofessional program that is directly related to the practice of
physical therapy and requires at least 1,000 combined hours of
instruction and clinical practice for completion. 40 contact hours
shall be awarded for successful completion of a physical therapy
residency or fellowship program.
Does not state
Licensees that complete a clinical residency or fellowship can
claim credit of up to 5 contact hours per week.
Clinical instructor for a CAPTE-approved educational program or
an ABPTRFE accredited residency or fellowship program.
Continued competency shall be one (1) contact hour per
sixteen (16) hours of student supervision.
1 hour credit is awarded for every 2 hours spent in an approved
postprofessional clinical or residency, not to exceed 10 hours
credit. Licensee must submit documentation to the board to verify
hours and to be awarded number of credit hours awarded.
Licensees may obtain a maximum of 5 credit hours for mentoring
physical therapists in residency and fellowship education
programs. 1 administrative credit hour may be earned per 120
hours of clinical instruction/mentoring during the renewal period.
Maine does not required PTs to report continuing competency
Maine does not required PTs to report continuing competency
Does not state
Does not state
Massachusetts does not required PTs to report continuing
competency activities.
Massachusetts does not required PTs to report continuing
competency activities.
Participating as a student for a minimum of 1,000 hours in a
postgraduate clinical training program related to the practice of
physical therapy that is accredited by the APTA [ABPTRFE]. A
Serving as a clinical instructor [mentor] for students completing a
residency or fellowship program that is recognized or approved by
APTA [ABPTRFE]. Three pdr credits for 40 hours of clinical
maximum of 12 pdr credits may be earned for this activity in each
renewal period.
instruction or supervision. A maximum of 12 pdr credits may be
earned for this activity in each renewal period.
Serving as a guest instructor of students, staff, or other licensees
at a clinical training program related to the practice of physical
therapy that is accredited by APTA [ABPTRFE]. Two pdr credits for
each 50 to 60 minute instructional session on a specific subject,
which includes credit granted for preparation, and credit shall be
granted only once for each separate instructional session. A
maximum of 12 pdr credits may be earned for this activity in each
renewal period.
A maximum of 18 hours may be earned for physical therapists,
completing a physical therapy clinical residency program or
fellowship accredited by ABPTRFE.
Up to nine total hours may be earned by a physical therapist
serving as a mentor for a physical therapy residency or fellowship
accredited by ABPTRFE.
Licensees who are enrolled in a residency or fellowship may be
exempt from obtaining the mandatory continuing competence
hours while completing the program of study. The required
documentation is a letter from the director of residency or
fellowship program.
After completing a residency/fellowship program, the licensee
receives credit for 15 CCUs. Certificate of completion is required as
evidence of compliance.
Does not accept.
Participation and completion of a recognized postgraduate clinical
residency/fellowship program shall be acceptable as 1 continuing
education hour for each hour of participation (maximum 30 units).
Supervising [mentoring] an APTA [ABPTRFE] approved physical
therapist resident or fellow will be granted 1 contact hour for
every 120 total hours of supervision [mentoring]. The maximum
total of contact hours per reporting period shall be 5. A certificate
of completion of these hours from the residency or fellowship
program shall be the necessary documentation to submit proof.
Category A requirements includes graduation from a PT clinical
residency/fellowship program.
A maximum of 5 credit hours will be awarded for performing
clinical mentoring in an accredited clinical residency or fellowship
Completion of a residency and/or fellowship program approved by
APTA [ABPTRFE}. 1 hour of continuing competency for each month
of participation.
Does not state
Residencies/Fellowships: 8 CCUs. Documentation of satisfactory
performance (as defined by the program).
Does not state
New Hampshire
Successful participation in a clinical residency/fellowship program
accredited through ABPTRFE is awarded 1 hour per clock hour of
participation or attendance up to 24 hours per cycle.
Clinical mentoring of a physical therapist in an accredited
residency or fellowship program. The board shall credit the
licensee with 2 hours per resident or fellow for the clinical
mentorship. The mentorship must exceed 48 hours in duration. A
maximum of 8 hours per renewal cycle will be credited.
New Jersey
A licensed physical therapist who successfully completes a
residency or fellowship approved by APTA [ABPTRFE] shall receive
15 continuing education credits for the biennial licensure period in
which the program takes place.
Does not accept.
New Mexico
May be submitted for consideration, successful completion of
APTA [ABPTRFE] accredited residency or fellowship program.
Does not state
New York
A clinical residency or fellowship lasting 12 months in duration will
be awarded 36 hours of continuing education credit.
Does not accept.
North Carolina
For participation in accredited residencies or fellowships, 1 point
shall be granted for each contact hour. The licensee shall submit
the certificate of attendance issued by the APTA [ABPTRFE]
accredited residency or fellowship program.
For completion of a residency/fellowship program in physical
therapy offered by an APTA [ABPTRFE] accredited organization, 10
points shall be awarded for each full year of clinical participation,
up to a maximum of 20 points per reporting period for this
activity. The licensee shall submit the certificate conferred on the
licensee or evidence that all requirements of the
residency/fellowship program have been met.
Serving as a clinical instructor [mentor] for a resident or fellow for
a period of at least 80 hours, 40 hours of direct on-site supervision
[mentoring] earns one point, and the maximum number of points
awarded during any reporting period shall be 8. The licensee shall
submit verification of the clinical affiliation agreement with the
accredited educational program for the resident/fellow supervised
[mentored] and a log showing the number of hours spent
supervising [mentoring] the participant.
North Dakota
Successful completion of an accredited PT residency program = 25
Lists residency and fellowship under approved activities with
respect to teaching/instruction.
Successful completion of an APTA [ABPTRFE] accredited residency
or fellowship program will qualify for 24 contact hours of
continuing education in the year completed.
1 contact hour for each 3 hours of mentorship. Must be an APTA
be an APTA Certified Level I or II Clinical instructor or hold
specialty certification from HTCC or ABPTS.
Does not accept.
Does not accept.
Does not state
Mentors would need to apply to the Board for special
consideration to obtain credit.
Up to 28 units can be counted for participation in organization
accredited by APTA [ABPTRFE] to offer a residency/fellowship
Does not state
Puerto Rico
Does not state
Does not state
Rhode Island
Does not state
Does not state
South Carolina
Does not state
South Dakota
Does not accept.
Does not accept.
Residency (5 hours/week and 26 maximum credits per
competency cycle) counts towards Class I Activities.
Clinical instruction [mentoring] in a PT residency program (1 hour
credit per 16 contact hours) counts towards Class II Activities.
Successful completion of a recognized residency or fellowship
program relevant to physical therapy within the 24 months prior
to the license expiration date. Completion of the residency or
fellowship is valued at 30 CCUs.
Supervision or mentorship of a resident or fellow in and ABPTRFE
accredited residency or fellowship program. Clinical supervision of
a resident for a minimum of 1500 hours or a fellow for a minimum
of 1000 hours for 1 year is valued at 10 CCUs. The Board will
consider partial credit for those mentors who provide mentorship
for only a portion of the residency or fellowship. Licensees may
submit a maximum of 20 CCUs for this activity.
Licensee shall receive 1 hour of CE for every 2 hours of time spent
in postprofessional clinical residency or fellowship approved by
A maximum of 15 contact hours may be earned for serving as a
clinical mentor for a physical therapy residency or fellowship
training program at an accredited program and the licensee shall
receive 1 contact hour of credit for every 10 hours of residency or
fellowship. At a minimum, the documentation shall contain: the
date of the course; name of the instructor; name of the provider;
the number of contact hours; and course objectives.
Enrollment in APTA [ABPTRFE] accredited residency or fellowship
(prior to completion). Clinical participation of 1 year = 12 CCUs.
Must provide notification letter from residency/fellowship
program director documenting period of participation or
completion of program. 24 CCUs max per reporting period for a
total program.
Serve as Clinical Instructor [Mentor] for a PT resident or PT fellow.
1 CCU for every 40 hours (full-time) of supervising for a period of
at least 2 weeks up to 8 CCUs total for reporting period.
Virgin Islands
The Virgin Islands do not require that PTs report continuing
competence activities.
The Virgin Islands do not require that PTs report continuing
competence activities.
Does not state
Does not state
Does not accept.
A licensee can report ten hours every two-year CE reporting
period as a clinical instructor [mentor] in a postgraduate residency
or fellowship through the American Board of Physical Therapy
Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE).
West Virginia
10 unites of continuing education will be awarded for successful
completion of an APTA [ABPTRFE] accredited residency or
fellowship program for the year in which the program is
1 unit of continuing education per four weeks of mentoring for
ABPTRFE-approved residency and fellowship programs
Successful completion in a clinical residency program accredited
by APTA [ABPTRFE] provides a maximum of 26 units.
Participating as a resident or as a mentor in a formal nonacademic
mentorship. 1 contact hour per each 8 contact hours for both the
resident and mentor, up to 5 contact hours.
APTA [ABPTRFE] accredited residencies and fellowships count up
to 15 units of Category A activities.
Teaching or lecturing principally for health care professionals.