airport / train station / downtown
1. General rental conditions
2. Rental special conditions
3. Airport extras and timetables
Deposit and deductibles
Winter tyres
Diesel option
4. Young driver
Prepaid fuel
One way
5. Security deposit and deductibles
rental terms ands conditions
The rental of vehicles by the company B-Rent S.r.l. or its aliates or dealers (hereinafter, the “Lessor”),
is governed by these general conditions of rental, including the privacy policy (hereinafter, the “General
Conditions of Rental”), the letter / rental contract signed by the customer (hereinafter, the “Customer”)
at the time of rental, the B-Rent Price List in eect at the time of signing the same letter/rental contract,
viewed by the Customer, who declares to have taken full and complete knowledge (hereinafter, in total,
the “contractual documentation” or the “contract”).
Art. 1 (The Client - Requirements).
1. Both the Client and any driver authorized to drive the vehicle identied in the rental letter/contract must comply with the
identication and qualication formalities required by the Lessor. Each driver of the vehicle undertakes to not provide false
information regarding his or her personal details and to be in possession of all the requirements for driving licence.
2. Both the Customer and any authorised driver must be between 19 and 75 years of age. For the rental of the
vehicle is necessary to hold a bank credit card (non-nancial). The credit cards used must be valid until at least 90 days
after the date of the scheduled return of the vehicle.
3. In any case, the Lessor has the right to refuse the conclusion of the rental contract at his own free and
unquestionable discretion, without giving any reason to the Lessee.
Art. 2 (Driving of the vehicle).
Both the Client and the driver must be in possession of a valid driving licence for the rented vehicle, valid to drive
in Italy and issued for at least 12 months. For the driving of people under 25 years of age it is allowed access to the
rental with the application of a daily supplement in relation to certain categories of vehicles specied by the Lessor
according to age groups.
This supplement is applied to the extent indicated in the Price List.
Art. 3 (Procedures and times for booking and payment of the rent)
1. The rental payment is made with the main credit cards, ATMs, and by bank transfer. Except in the case of rental
of the vehicle with “Prepaid” rate, for rentals of less than 30 days, the payment of the fee must be executed at the
expiration of the deadline for the return of the vehicle.
2. For rentals longer than 30 days, the payment of the fee must be made every 30 days or, in case of early return of
the vehicle, at the same time of return. Reservations are accepted only according to the category of vehicle to which
belongs the one selected by the Client; model preferences are subject to the availability of the Lessor and cannot
be guaranteed at the time of booking. In case of unavailability of the booked vehicle, the Lessor reserves the right
to replace it with another of the same or higher category; in case of unavailability of the last-mentioned vehicles,
the replacement will take place with a vehicle of a lower category, with consequent price recalculation. In case of
absolute unavailability to assign a replacement vehicle, or in case of opposition from the customer to accept the
vehicle of the lower category proposed by the Lessor as a replacement for the one booked, the only burden of the
Lessor will be the return of everything paid up to that time by the customer or charged to the same for the rental of
the vehicle. The refund will be made by crediting the amount paid by the Client to the credit card used for payment.
3. Any changes requested by the Client regarding a rental booked with the “Not Prepaid” rate are subject to
availability and must be agreed in advance by telephone with the Lessor. The rate will be recalculated and a penalty
of € 50.00 will be applied (excluding VAT) for changes made in the 48 hours prior to the indicated pick-up in the
original reservation. The cancellation by the customer of a reservation with the “Not Prepaid” rate is subject to a
penalty equal to 10% of the cost of the rental booked and cancelled, or 20% if you cancel within 48 hours before
the scheduled pickup. If you rent with the “Not Prepaid” rate, you will be charged a penalty equal to 10% of the cost
of the rental booked and cancelled, or 20% if you cancel within 48 hours before the scheduled pickup. The Client
expressly authorizes the Lessor to charge these amounts on the credit card indicated at the time of booking.
4. Reservations made on the Lessor’s website ( benet from the special “Prepaid Online” rate and, at the time
of booking, the entire cost of the rental will be charged on the credit card indicated by the Customer. This amount, retained as a
down payment, is not refundable in case of cancellation, or in case of change of the data indicated by the customer at the
time of booking (dates, name, etc.), type of vehicle, etc.), nor in case of early return of the vehicle. Cancellations made within 24
hours prior to the collection indicated in the original reservation will be fully refunded, upon notice by email.
5. At the time of booking or at the time of signing the Contract, the Client undertakes to submit his credit card to the
Lessor who will take note of the number and expiry date and will make the relevant charge as a deposit according to
rental terms ands conditions
the criteria set out in the B-Rent Price List. The Client, by signing the Contract, also authorizes the Lessor to charge
the credit card presented with the amounts corresponding to the fees (e.g.: excess km, extra days, etc.), damage
found at the time of delivery, excesses and any expenses and damage that may be found after the return of the
vehicle (e.g.: a dent not found because the return was made in the evening, operating costs, nes, motorway tolls,
6. The Lessor may ask the Client for a dierent deposit of the credit card or integrate it with another guarantee. Any such
additional deposit, which will not be charged to the Client’s rental account and which will not produce any kind of interest,
will be returned to the termination for any reason of the rental, less any amount that the Client may be due to the Lessor.
Art. 4 (Insurance R.C.A.).
1. The LESSOR provided to ensure the leased vehicle with the following conditions: - Civil Responsibility, unique
maximum price of € 5.160.000,00– road assistance, only if purchased at the desk – legal assistance – driver’s injury,
only if purchased at the desk. In case of accident the CUSTOMER must ll in every section of the ‘CAI’ model
(amicable accident) existing on board, describing the cause of the event, stating the names of third parties present at
the moment and place of the fact, the damage reported by vehicles and specifying the place where the vehicle is. This
documentation must be delivered in the shortest time to the LESSOR and in any case within 24 hours after the event.
2. The CUSTOMER undertakes not to deploy in any case of liability statements in the event of uncertainty about how
the accident happened. The CUSTOMER undertakes to provide full cooperation to the LESSOR and its insurers in all
disputes arising from the use of the leased vehicle.
3. The LESSOR reserves his right on the CUSTOMER in the following cases: - if the insurance policies become
ineective – if the CUSTOMER has, directly or indirectly, led to the claim – for the repayment of overdrafts and
deductibles not covered by insurance overthrew maximum. In this respect, the CUSTOMER accepts any risk in the
rst person, being aware that he is solely responsible for the means leased.
4. All damages of any kind and entity must be reported individually and writing to LESSOR not later than 24 hours after
in case of violation of this provision, the CUSTOMER shall be liable for all damages resulting from the late declaration.
5. There’s no case in which the LESSOR is responsible for items, merchandise or accessories added in the vehicle or
otherwise transported from it.
6. The Customer is aware that the pre-authorized deposit on their credit cards will be returned only once it has been
determined whether or not they are at fault, and if so, any amounts to be deducted. In the event of an insucient
deposit, the portion not covered by the deposit will be charged to the credit card or must otherwise be reimbursed to
the Lessor.
Art. 5 (Refuelling).
The Customer is required to return the Vehicle with the same amount of fuel as at the beginning of the rental, unless they
have purchased the “Prepaid Fuel” option as per the B-Rent Price List. If the Customer fails to refuel the vehicle, the Lessor
will do so and charge the Customer for the cost of the missing fuel liters as determined at the time of the vehicle’s return.
Art. 6 (Use of the vehicle).
1. The Customer undertakes to keep and use the vehicle with the maximum care and diligence, respecting the
destination and characteristics indicated in the registration certicate and within the limits established by law, as
well as: (i) to not sublet or rent the vehicle; (ii) to not entrust the driving of the vehicle to persons other than those
authorized in the rental letter/contract; (iii) to not perform any repair work on the rented vehicle without the written
consent of the Lessor and/or without complying with its instructions; (iv) to inform the Lessor immediately of any
breakdowns or anomalies of the vehicle, interrupting the movement of the same and referring to the indications of
the Lessor in relation to any replacement or return of the vehicle; (v) to rell the vehicle using the correct fuel, also
maintaining it diligently, checking the level of liquids and making, where necessary, the appropriate topping-up. It
should also be noted that the vehicles are supplied with the fuel used on average in the areas where they are in the
garage, so in cases where it is useful to provide for topping up of antifreeze is the sole obligation of the customer to
provide for it, B-Rent will be considered fully relieved for any problems or damage caused in this case, as it will be
considered negligence of the driver and its sole responsibility in the contract. In this regard, being negligence,
all possible damages to the vehicle will be charged in full to the customer, due to total forfeiture of any protection
underwritten or original damage excess at the time of booking; (vi) to not drive the vehicle if the tires do not have the
recommended pressure, and to have checked the conditions of maintenance and use of the same assuming any and
all responsibility in the event of non-compliance with this obligation; (vii) to not drive the vehicle under the inuence
of drugs, narcotics, alcohol or intoxicants or other substances likely to impair the ability to understand and react;
(viii) to guard the vehicle with the diligence of the good family man, enabling all existing safety devices, avoiding to
leave in evidence devices or objects of value inside the passenger compartment and, in general, doing everything
necessary to ensure the best safety of the property of the Lessor; (ix) to not drive the vehicle in countries other than
rental terms ands conditions
those expressly indicated in the rental letter/contract, unless expressly authorised in writing by the Lessor; for this
purpose, the “green card” (international insurance certicate), delivered together with the vehicle’s accompanying
documents, does not constitute authorisation in this sense, but completion of the documents; in case of transit
through the countries where the Client has undertaken not to circulate the vehicle, the insurance coverage and the
limitation and exclusion of its liability agreements will no longer be eective and any costs incurred by the Lessor
due to the failure to comply with the commitment made will be borne by the Client who must compensate him; If
customers need to travel to Monaco, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, France, Norway, United Kingdom,
Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Croatia and Slovenia they can
purchase this ancillary product called “cross border”. This option will guarantee the automobile liability insurance
coverage (included in rate) and the road assistance in foreign countries. B-Rent may charge a contractual “cross
border fee” if it is found out that a vehicle has crossed to the above-mentioned countries without prior notice and
without the purchase of this option or if it is found out that a vehicle has crossed to any country not listed above. It
is forbidden to cross to any country not mentioned in the above list. The option will cost 15 EUR per day (maximum
cost per month: 120 EUR). The above-mentioned contractual cross border fee will cost 500 EUR. (x) to not use the
Vehicle for the transport of smuggled goods, explosive materials, pollutants or for any other transport in violation
of laws or regulations; (xi) to not use the Vehicle for competitions of any kind, sports or otherwise, or for testing of
routes, including in motor circuits, and to provide driving lessons or practice driving; (xii) to not use the Vehicle on
uneven roads or roads that are not suited to the technical characteristics of the same; (xiii) to not use the Vehicle to
push or tow other vehicles or trailers; (xiv) to not use the Vehicle for any other use in violation of laws or
regulations, even if not expressly referred to in this article; (xv) to promptly inform the Lessor of any minutes that may
have been notied to him by any Authority and with reference to the Vehicle during the time it was rented.
2. In case of violation of the commitments set out in the previous paragraphs, the Lessee shall be liable to
compensate any cost concerning theft, or possible damages, occurred to the vehicle during the rental period, and
the Lessor has the faculty to charge immediately the sum on his credit card. Likewise, any further cover previously
stipulated between the parties, decays. Furthermore, the Lessor has the right and the authority, to annul the
agreement forthwith, regaining possession of the vehicle at any time and anywhere. Nevertheless, the Lessee shall
still pay the agreed fees and charges for the whole duration of the rental period, the extra cost for the additional
driver as shown in the “General Rental Terms and Conditions”, and the compensation for the loss of use and the
consequent withdrawal of the vehicle, that also applies as a penalty for both: damage sustained and prot loss.
Art. 7 (Pick-up and return of vehicle).
1. The replacement of the vehicle is included in the rental fee except in the case of breakdowns due to the
customer’s own fault.
2. In case of failure to return the vehicle’s documents and / or license plate, the customer agrees to pay, as a penalty,
an amount equal to the “Standard” rate of daily rental for each day necessary until such time as they are duplicated,
except in the case of compensation for related costs and further damage.
3. In case of failure to return the keys of the vehicle, for whatever reason it depends, and even if the vehicle has been
returned, the customer is required to pay as a penalty an amount equal to the “Standard” rate of daily rental of the
vehicle for each day of delay until the return of the same, or on presentation of the original report of loss or theft
made by the competent authorities, increased by the sum of which the amount is indicated in the B-Rent Price List,
subject to any additional damage.
4. In case of failure to return or damage to the standard and additional accessories of the vehicle, for whatever
reason it depends, the customer is required to pay, as a penalty, a sum whose amount is indicated in the B-Rent
Price List, subject to greater damage.
5. Any claim or complaint against the Lessor in relation to the rental made may be made under penalty of forfeiture
by the Client within and no later than the unavoidable term of 10 (ten) days from the date of return of the vehicle.
6. The Lessor delivers the vehicle to the Customer, complete with all the accessories required by law and all the
documentation necessary for use. With the pick-up of the vehicle, the customer acknowledges that the latter, with
the tools, equipment, and accessories necessary for the operation of the vehicle delivered to him by the Lessor is in
mechanical working order, in good general condition and in accordance with the agreed use.
7. The Client undertakes to return the vehicle, together with its accessories and documents, free from things or goods,
in accordance with the times and places indicated in the rental letter/contract, in the same conditions as provided for
by law, including cleaning, subject to wear and tear in proportion to the duration of the rental and the mileage covered.
8. At the time of return, the customer has the burden of verifying, in discussion with the Lessor, the state of the
vehicle, checking and signing any discrepancies compared to what is indicated in the letter / rental agreement to the
moment of delivery. The content of the redelivery report will be fully tested between the parties. In the event of failure
to carry out a joint inspection, the Client expressly authorises from this moment the Lessor to charge for any possible
damage found on the vehicle even after the return.
9. In case of failure to return the vehicle within the time specied in the letter / rental contract (or after 59 minutes
rental terms ands conditions
after the deadline established for return), the customer agrees to pay, as a penalty, a sum equal to the “Standard”
daily rental rate of the vehicle for each day of delay until redelivery, except in any case for the extra damage, unless
a written authorization has been issued by the Lessor to continue the rental. In this case, until the end of the
authorised period, the previously agreed rate will be due; after this period, the above-mentioned penalty will be
applied again. For the rates subject to time limits (e.g. weekends, holidays), once the time of tolerance has elapsed,
the possibility of applying these rates will be forfeited and the entire rental will be charged at the “Standard” daily
rental rate.
10. In case of failure to return the vehicle at the place indicated in the letter / rental contract, but still at an agency of
the Lessor, apply the commissions therein for the “rental to leave”. The Client, in each case, undertakes to pay as a
penalty the amount indicated in the B-Rent Price List. The vehicle must be returned during the opening hours of the
Agency where it was taken over, or, on request of the Client, at another Agency of the Lessor.
11. In the case of return outside the opening hours of the Agency, or when the customer leaves the keys in the
keybox, the rental is considered ended during the reopening of the same, provided that the vehicle was actually
accepted by the Agency - both for the purposes of determining the fee and for those of the liability connected with
the possession of the vehicle itself (by way of example and not limited to, in relation to nes, damages, theft and/
or total or partial re). Thus, the customer is liable for all the potential new damages spotted on the vehicle the next
working day. The customer is also liable for vehicle theft or theft of its parts (i.e. windscreen wipers, aerials, cigar
lighter, etc.) or theft of the keys put in the keybox. If the keys are stolen from the keybox, the Lessor is exempt from
any liability towards third parties for potential damages to the vehicle and deriving from the trac circulation of it, up
to the vehicle’s recovery, being the customer the sole responsible of it.
12. In case of breakdown or simple request by the Lessor, the vehicle must be returned by the Client to any agency
of the Lessor who will replace the same subject to availability, without any charge for the Lessor and without
prejudice to the right of the latter, at its sole discretion, not to grant a replacement vehicle in the event of insolvency,
theft, re or serious accident of the rented vehicle. Any replacement will normally be with a vehicle of the same
category, in case of unavailability may be delivered to the customer a vehicle of a lower or higher category, applying
the reductions and increases as determined by the modalities indicated in the B-Rent Price list.
Art. 8 (Customer’s responsibility).
1. The Customer undertakes to not use the vehicle in violation of the laws and/or regulations of the State. The Client also
undertakes, by this agreement, to relieve the Lessor of any civil and criminal liability that may arise from infringements,
seizures, penalties, irregular use and conditions of the leased vehicle, the latter if not attributable to the same Lessor.
2. In particular, the Lessor is exempt from any liability or risk relating to loss of or damage to persons or property
arising from the use of the leased vehicle and the Client agrees to indemnify the same from any claim, action or third
party claims arising out of or in connection with the use of the leased vehicle. The Client undertakes to reimburse the
Lessor for the advance payment made by the latter, in addition to all administrative costs incurred.
3. In any case the vehicle would be banned from circulation for reasons directly or indirectly attributable to the Client,
the same will continue to pay the rent until it is restored to normal authorisation to use the vehicle.
4. In case of theft, re, robbery or damage to the rented vehicle, the Client is obliged to pay the excesses indicated
in the rental contract, unless the Client signs the COMFORT COVER or the FREE TO DRIVE described in the special
conditions of the Lessor.
5. The customer is also responsible for damages resulting from negligence and those resulting from failure to comply
with the rules set out in these conditions.
6. The ordinary and extraordinary maintenance necessary for the proper functioning of the vehicle will be provided
exclusively by the Lessor. Are not included in the cost of rent damage: (i) to the interior of the vehicle, (ii) to the rims
and tyres; (iii) resulting from carelessness and/or improper use of the vehicle; (iv) to the roof and underbody; (v)
caused by failure to assess the height and width of the vehicle and objects protruding from or above the roof; (vi)
to the clutch kit attributable to the so-called “out of speed” of the engine; (vii) all damage caused by violation of the
provisions on vehicle use provided for in art. 6 above.
7. The Customer forfeits the right to assistance in case of violation of the previous points and art.6. Inthis case he will
be charged the full amount of damage to the vehicle.
rental terms ands conditions
8. The customer is also responsible for the consequences of violations of the laws related to the circulation of leased
vehicles. All nancial penalties for violations imposed in relation to such violations, as well as the management costs
relating to the same are and remain the responsibility of the customer. The latter therefore undertakes to pay the
amount due by way of sanction or charge of any kind arising from them, by indemnifying, or indeed compensating
the Lessor of any direct or indirect detrimental consequence. To this end, the Lessor shall, where possible, request
that the issuing authorities notify the Client of any documents delivered to them. If the request for notication is not
possible, the Lessor will proceed directly to the payment of the amounts requested, as specied in the minutes of
infringement, with subsequent charge to the Client as compensation for the loss or damage caused.
Only for Customers who act as Professionals, for each deed that is delivered to the Lessor, the same will have the
right to charge the Professional Client the administration fees for handling practice in the amount of €25, 00 (VAT
9. In the event of receiving enforcement notices for unpaid nes related to the violation of vehicle trac regulations,
the Lessor will proceed to recharge the Customer the amount of the notices, plus administrative fees for handling the
10. In the event of the scenarios described in the previous points occurring, and in order to exclude any liability on
their part, the Lessor has the right to promptly present to the competent Authorities the Registers and Documents
proving the identity of the Vehicle’s User at the time of the dispute.
Art. 9 (Theft and Robbery).
1. In case of theft or robbery, the Client undertakes to immediately report to the Lessor and report to the competent
authorities. The Client is also required to provide the Lessor with the following documents: (i) original or certied
copy of the report; (ii) vehicle keys (except in the case of robbery); (iii) installed anti-theft keys (except in the case of
robbery); (iv) more generally any other document of the vehicle that may have been left over in his/her possession, as
soon as possible and in any event no later than 24 hours after the event.
2. Failure to/no return to the Lessor of all the keys of the vehicle and those of any anti-theft device, except in the
case of robbery and subject to the sole hypothesis, to be documented with the presentation of the relative invoice
or receipt, the parking of the vehicle in an authorized parking lot with delivery of the keys without the use of the anti-
theft alarm, will be in violation of the rules relating to the use of the vehicle referred to in Article 6. In this case,
therefore, will be charged to the customer as a penalty, an amount equal to the trade value of the vehicle at the time
of the theft, with reference to the quotations of Quattro Ruote.
3. The Customer accepts, being aware of this, that even in the event of theft and robbery and regardless of
compliance with the obligations under points 1 and 2 above, the authorization to withdraw from his credit cards will
be returned only once he has ocially ascertained the responsibilities and any amounts to be reduced.
4. The customer also assumes any risk inherent in or even related to the theft or robbery of the vehicle, being aware
that he is the only responsible for its custody and use, having the detention of it. Therefore, overdrafts and excesses
not paid to the Insurance Company are the sole responsibility of the Customer.
5. In relation to the foregoing, the Lessor has the right to claim against the Client: (i) if the insurance cover becomes
inoperative to have the Client, directly or indirectly, determined or facilitated theft or robbery; (ii) for the refund of
overdrafts and excesses not covered by the Insurance.
Art. 10 (Charges).
The Client is obliged to pay to the Lessor: (i) the rental fee, determined according to the criteria dened in the B-Rent
Price List and published on the website and in the information documents at the B-Rent Agencies,
rental terms ands conditions
as well as dened in the agreements with the Tour Operators; it should be noted that in the case of rentals made
through Tour Operators, the Client remains jointly and severally liable with the same towards the Lessor to pay the
amounts due under the rental relationship; (ii) the refund of expenses incurred for the recovery of the vehicle not
returned to the location agreed for any reason; (iii) the amount of nancial penalties charged to the Client and/or to
the Lessor for violations of the Highway Code or other applicable legislation, committed by the Client during the
rental of the Vehicle; (iv) any other sums due on the basis of the provisions of the foregoing articles (including, but not
limited to: refuelling service, one-way service, replacements, out-of-hours service, extras, penalties, compensation
and indemnication, as well as any dierences arising from the use of a dierent service from that planned).
Art. 11 (Processing of personal data).
The Customer’s personal data will be processed in order to: (i) provide rental services and (ii) assess whether to
provide future rental services. The lessor will provide the personal data of the Client, according to what is established
by the current legislation and if necessary, with the explicit consent of the Client, to:
a)companies or entities related to B-RENT, by virtue of relationships of collaboration, partnership, aliation, agency,
or otherwise, limited to what is necessary to provide rental services and to make the reservation;
b) Control authorities/local authorities and companies in charge of the management of the car parks where such
information is necessary to perform the service and within the limits provided by the current legislation, or for the
purpose of verifying the validity of the Client’s driving licence;
c) third parties acting on behalf of the Lessor in the management of disputes, credit recovery and processing of
surveys among customers, which uses the Lessor to improve its services.
The Client has the right to access his personal information in the possession of the Lessor (even against payment if
permitted by law) and may request to limit, modify, block or remove any personal information in all cases provided
by law, as set out in the “Privacy Policy” on services B-RENT. The owner of the data processing is the provider of the
rental service, as also reported in the aforementioned “Privacy Policy.”
Art. 12 (Termination clause).
1. According to art. 1456 e.e. the Lessor reserves the right to terminate the rental contract in the following cases: (i)
when the Client has caused a serious damage to the vehicle such as to preclude the safety of the same; (ii) when the
cost of repairing the damage caused by the vehicle, left to the unquestionable quantication of the Lessor, is equal
to or greater than 50% of its commercial value derived from the magazine Quattro Ruote; (iii) when the Customer has
violated even one of the clauses of the rental letter/contract and these general conditions.
2. In case of exercise of the right of termination by the Lessor, the Client, therefore on simple request of the rst will
provide for the immediate cessation of use of the vehicle and its return to the location of the Lessor or in another
place expressly indicated by the same.
3. The exercise of the right of termination by the Lessor does not release the Client from the obligation to pay the agreed
rents until the end of the rental period. Therefore, the rents already advanced will not be reimbursed by the Lessor, while
those still to be collected will be charged to the Client, both as irreducible penalties, without prejudice to the compensation
for the greater damage suered by the Lessor. Beyond these rentals, the Lessor will charge the Client and he/she will be
required to pay the amount of € 50.00 (excluding VAT) as reimbursement of expenses for the administration of the case.
4. For its part, the Client will have the right to early termination if the Lessor is involved in the following facts: (i) bankruptcy
proceedings; (ii) proposal for an arrangement with creditors; (iii) submission of the controlling partners or the (iv) revocation
of authorisations to operate the lease. In such cases, the Client shall pay only the agreed fees accrued during the rental
period actually enjoyed and until at the time of return of the vehicle. It is excluded what you want the right of the customer
to compensation for damages for the period of non-use of the service, expressly waiving it.
Art. 13 (Applicable Law and Jurisdiction).
The rental contract signed by the parties will be governed exclusively by Italian law.For any legal dispute that may
arise regarding the validity, interpretation, execution or resolution of this agreement, the Court of Naples shall have
exclusive jurisdiction.
Art. 14 (Translation).
In case of doubts or dierences of interpretation, the Italian version shall prevail over the English version.
Art. 15 (Interpretation).
If one of the provisions of the rental letter/contract and these general conditions is considered to be invalid or ineective,
in whole or in part, the same will be misapplied and the contract will remain valid and eective for the other provisions.
rental terms ands conditions
Art. 16 (Use of satellite devices).
The Customer expressly consents to the use of satellite devices capable of detecting and tracking at any time the
location of the rented vehicle, in accordance with what stated in the Privacy Policy. The Customer declares to be
aware that such data may be communicated to Judicial Authorities, to Legal Oces, to Companies specialized in
the prevention and management of theft or accidents and to Insurance Companies. The Client hereby authorizes the
Lessor to use the contents for any action to defend his rights.
Art. 17 (Car Accidents).
In the event of a car accident, the customer is obliged to notify the event or circumstances that could lead to an accident by
telephone in time, without delay, by sending an e-mail with a brief description of the car accident to the following address:
[email protected] The customer is also obliged to notify the car accident during check-in (by ticking the specic eld on the
form), by providing a copy of the CAI (road accident acknowledgment) form and/or of the relative report of the intervention
of the police forces in case they have intervened. In the case of return of the vehicle at times when there are no sta, with
return in key box, the customer agrees to leave a copy of the CAI and any report, inside the vehicle (in the front right seat,
passenger side). In any case in which the customer violates the obligations of communication arising from this article, any
subsequent disputes will be handled directly by our Legal Department. It should be pointed out that lling the CAI form
does not exclude the liability of the Lessee until the related Insurance Company declares it “active” for the Lessor.
Art. 18 (Communications).
Any communications from the Customer must be sent by registered mail, or registered letter with return receipt, or fax
to the following addresses: br[email protected] ; registered letter with return receipt B-Rent S.r.l., via Picasso snc, 80029,
Sant’Antimo (NA); fax no. 081/3958947 . Communications will be considered received on the date indicated on the
notice of delivery of the registered mail, or receipt of the registered letter, or on the receipt of the fax.
The “Delayed Charge” service allows B-Rent S.r.l. to charge to the Owner of the credit card used for the car rental service
all the amounts received or detected after the return of the vehicle relating to taxes, fuel, drop o (return of the vehicle in an
agency other than the one in which it was collected), expenses for management and assistance with nes, Kasko excess,
theft, re and robbery, insurance, non-payment of tolls, nes, accessories, damage caused to the vehicle. The amounts
involved in the “Delayed Charged” service must be clearly documented and unequivocally attributable to the Owner.
1-3 years
For day (max 7 days)
€ 10,00
For day (max 7 days)
€ 10,00
1-12 months
For day (max 18 days)
€ 9,50
For day (max 7 days)
€ 10,00
4-11 years
€ 10,00
For day (max 18 days)
€ 35,00
For hour (max 1h)
For day (max 8 days)
€ 15,00
€ 25,00
Traffic fines / Parking tolls
€ 5,00
For day (max 10 days)
For Contract
€ 2,00
FANT CARRIERS (1-12 months)
BOOSTER SEATS (4-11 Years Old)
€ 100,00
€ 575,00
€ 280,00
€ 120,00
€ 15,00
€ 150,00
€ 500,00
For rent
€ 500,00
L - H
B - C - D - N- E - F - SMART FORTWO -
€ 15,00
€ 10,00
€ 7,00
Per giorno (max 18 days)
Per giorno (max 18 days)
Per giorno (max 18 days)
Fiat Panda or similar
Man € 850
€ 1.000 € 1.500
Fiat 500 or similar Man € 850
€ 1.000 € 1.500
Citroen C1 or similar Man € 850
€ 1.000 € 1.500
Toyota Aygo Aut. or similar Aut € 850
€ 1.000 € 1.500
Citroen C3 or similar Man € 850
€ 1.000 € 1.500
Volkswagen Polo Aut. or similar Aut € 850
€ 1.000 € 1.500
Fiat 500 X or similar Man € 900
€ 1.200 € 2.000
Fiat 500 X or similar (WINTER TIRES) Man € 900
€ 1.200 € 2.000
Opel Mokka X Aut. or similar (WINTER TIRES) Aut € 900
€ 1.200 € 2.000
Alfa Romeo Giulietta or similar Man € 900
€ 1.500 € 2.000
Alfa Romeo Giulietta or similar (WINTER TIRES) Man € 900
€ 1.500 € 2.000
Mercedes Classe A Aut. or similar Aut € 900
€ 1.500 € 2.000
Mercedes Classe A Aut. or similar (WINTER TIRES) Aut € 900
€ 1.500 € 2.000
Nissan Qashqai or similar Man € 900
€ 1.500 € 2.000
Renault Kadjar Aut. or similar Aut € 900
€ 1.500 € 2.000
Renault traffic Passenger 9 seats or similar Man € 900
€ 1.500 € 2.000
Toyota Yaris Hybrid or similar Aut
Land Rover Discovery Sport Aut. or similar Aut € 2.000*
€ 1.500 € 2.000
€ 850
€ 1.000 € 1.500
Fiat Scudo Panorama 7 seats or similar Man € 900
€ 1.500 € 2.000
Fiat Tipo sw or similar Man € 900
€ 1.200 € 2.000
Fiat Tipo sw or similar (WINTER TIRES) Man € 900
€ 1.200 € 2.000
Opel Astra sw Aut. or similar Aut € 900
€ 1.200 € 2.000
Opel Astra sw Aut. or similar (WINTER TIRES) Aut € 900
€ 1.200 € 2.000
Toyota Auris Hybrid sw Aut. or similar Aut € 850
€ 1.200 € 2.000
Opel Mokka X Aut. or similar Aut € 900
€ 1.200 € 2.000
Fiat 500 cabrio Man € 850
€ 1.000 € 1.500
Fiat 500 cabrio Aut. Aut € 850
€ 1.000 € 1.500
Lexus UX hybrid Aut. or similar Aut € 2.000*
€ 1.500 € 2.000
BMW Serie 3 sw Aut. or similar
Mercedes GLC Aut. or similar Aut € 2.000*
€ 1.500 € 2.000
Aut € 2.000*
€ 1.500 € 2.000
Jaguar XE Aut. or similar Aut € 2.000*
€ 1.500 € 2.500
Two credit cards required (one must be gold or platinum)
Two credit cards required (one must be gold or platinum)
Fiat Panda or similar € 32 € 320
€ 10.67 € 426.67 € 90 € 0 € 0
Fiat 500 or similar € 32 € 320
€ 10.67 € 426.67 € 90 € 0 € 0
Citroen C1 or similar € 32 € 320
€ 10.67 € 426.67 € 90 € 0 € 0
Toyota Aygo Aut. or similar € 32 € 320
€ 10.67 € 426.67 € 90 € 0 € 0
Citroen C3 or similar € 32 € 320
€ 10.67 € 426.67 € 90 € 0 € 0
Volkswagen Polo Aut. or similar € 32 € 320
€ 10.67 € 426.67 € 90 € 0 € 0
Fiat 500 X or similar € 34 € 340
€ 11.33 € 453.33 € 90 € 0 € 0
Fiat 500 X or similar
(WINTER TIRES) € 34 € 340
€ 11.33 € 453.33 € 90 € 0 € 0
Opel Mokka X Aut. or similar € 34 € 340
€ 11.33 € 453.33 € 90 € 0 € 0
Opel Mokka X Aut. or similar
(WINTER TIRES) € 34 € 340
€ 11.33 € 453.33 € 90 € 0 € 0
Alfa Romeo Giulietta or similar € 36 € 360
€ 12 € 480 € 90 € 0 € 0
Alfa Romeo Giulietta or similar
(WINTER TIRES) € 36 € 360
€ 12 € 480 € 90 € 0 € 0
Mercedes Classe A Aut. or similar € 36 € 360
€ 12 € 480 € 90 € 0 € 0
Mercedes Classe A Aut. or similar
(WINTER TIRES) € 36 € 360
€ 12 € 480 € 90 € 0 € 0
Nissan Qashqai or similar € 36 € 360
€ 12 € 480 € 90 € 0 € 0
Renault Kadjar Aut. or similar € 36 € 360
€ 12 € 480 € 90 € 0 € 0
Fiat 500 cabrio € 32 € 320
€ 10.67 € 426.67 € 90 € 0 € 0
Fiat 500 cabrio Aut. € 32 € 320
€ 10.67 € 426.67 € 90 € 0 € 0
Max amounth
for month
Rental duration
30 days
Rental duration
40 days
With free
to drive
With free
to drive
With free
to drive
Renault traffic Passenger 9 seats or similar € 36 € 360
€ 12 € 480 € 90 € 0 € 0
Toyota Yaris Hybrid or similar € 32 € 320
€ 10.67 € 426.67 € 90 € 0 € 0
Land Rover Discovery Sport Aut. or similar € 45 € 450
€ 15 € 600 € 840* € 0 € 750
Lexus UX hybrid Aut. or similar € 45 € 450
€ 15 € 600 € 840* € 0 € 750
BMW Serie 3 sw Aut. or similar € 45 € 450
€ 15 € 600 € 840* € 0 € 750
Mercedes GLC Aut. or similar € 45 € 450
€ 15 € 600 € 840* € 0 € 750
Jaguar XE Aut. or similar € 45 € 450
€ 15 € 600 € 840* € 0 € 750
Fiat Scudo Panorama 7 seats or similar € 36 € 360
€ 12 € 480 € 90 € 0 € 0
Fiat Tipo sw or similar € 34 € 340
€ 11.33 € 453.33 € 90 € 0 € 0
Fiat Tipo sw or similar
(WINTER TIRES) € 34 € 340
€ 11.33 € 453.33 € 90 € 0 € 0
Opel Astra sw Aut. or similar € 34 € 340
€ 11.33 € 453.33 € 90 € 0 € 0
Opel Astra sw Aut. or similar
(WINTER TIRES) € 34 € 340
€ 11.33 € 453.33 € 90 € 0 € 0
Toyota Auris Hybrid sw Aut. or similar € 34 € 340
€ 11.33 € 453.33 € 90 € 0 € 0
rental terms ands conditions
19 - 21 YEARS OLD
For day (max 18 days)
€ 22,00
21 - 24 YEARS OLD
For day (max 18 days)
€ 12,00
For day (max 18 days)
€ 1,50
€ 500,00
€ 5.000,00
EG. Milan DT a Milan APT
€ 20,00
B - B1 - B2 - B3 - HYB
D - D1 -D1W - DW - E - E1 - E1W - EW
HYBW - L - N - N1 - N1W - NW - R - S
C - C1
€ 80,00
€ 65,00
€ 90,00
T - Z - F - F1 - J - JSW - JHYB - J TOP
F500 - F500CA
€ 110,00
€ 120,00
€ 55,00
MDMR B 90,00 €
MCMR B1 90,00 €
MBMR B2 90,00 €
MBAR B3 90,00 €
EDMR C 90,00 €
EDAR C1 90,00 €
CDMR D 90,00 €
CDAR D1 90,00 €
CDMRW DW 90,00 €
CDARW D1W 90,00 €
IDAR E1 90,00 €
IDARW E1W 90,00 €
IDMRW EW 90,00 €
FDAH J HYBRID 150,00 €
IFMR F 90,00 €
IDMR E 90,00 €
NTMR F500C 90,00 €
90,00 €
90,00 €
SVMR H 250,00 €
EDAH HYB 90,00 €
CWAH HYBW 90,00 €
FDAR J 150,00 €
LFAR J SUV 150,00 €
LDAR J TOP 150,00 €
FWAR J SW 150,00 €
CWMR N 90,00 €
CWAR N1 90,00 €
CWARW N1W 90,00 €
CWMRW NW 90,00 €
FVMR L 250,00 €
rental terms ands conditions
With the Comfort Cover, the excess for damages is always zero except for
damage to tires, underbody, roof, and windows, up to a maximum of €400.
and the security deposit to 490€, except for the J, J Top or J Suv categories,
where the excess reduction for theft is 750€ and the security deposit is 840€.
The Free to Drive option allows for the complete elimination of the theft and damage
deductible and reduces the security deposit to €90. For groups J, J Top, and J Suv,
the Free to Drive option eliminates the damage deductible and reduces the theft
deductible and security deposit to €750.
Personal Accident Insurance provides a nancial indemnity for you and
passenger in case of accidental death and accidental medical expenses
during the rental period of the vehicle.
It covers all the dragging expenses in case of accident with fault and every event
occurred during the rental period.
rental terms ands conditions
B-Rent guarantees a 59 minutes threshold of tolerance for the clients, who are not
showing at the desk in time for the pick-up scheduled during the reservation.
The customer can add one or more drivers on the rental agreement.
The customer has the possibility to choose a car with winter tires.
Allows the Customer to purchase the full tank of fuel for the rented vehicle at the be-
ginning of the rental. This way, the Customer will not be required to return the car with
a full tank, without any charge for the missing liters of fuel.
rental terms ands conditions
In the case of reservations at airport and railway locations, and when provided with the
ight or train number, the vehicle is kept available for the customer up to a maximum
of 59 minutes after the actual arrival time of the ight or train. If the landing of a ight
is scheduled beyond the closing time of the airport station, the B-Rent sta may
wait no more than one hour after the closing time. However, in this case, the “out-of-
hours” service will incur a charge of €35.00 (VAT included) per hour (max 3 hours) as
stipulated in the rental contract.
Opportunity to rent a child/boosterseat
Possibility of requiring the provision of a navigator at the counter Satellite GPS.
rental terms ands conditions
Required service for drivers who range in age from 22 to 24.
Required service for drivers who range in age from 19 to 21.
Together for a green choice: a digital copy of the contract is all we need.
grazie per l’attenzione
VER. 2024/009