Personal Account
Agreement and
Important account information
for our consumer members.
Membership Eligibility
Important Information About Procedures for
Opening a New Account
Types of Accounts
Arbitration and Waiver of Class Action
Agreement to and Modification of Terms
and Conditions
Applicable Law
Beneficiary Designation
Call Monitoring
Cashier's Checks
Changing Account Type
Change of Your Personal Information
Closing an Account
Contacting You
Corrections to Your Account
Death or Incompetence
Facsimile Signatures
Fees and Changes
Illegal Activity
Inactive Accounts/Unclaimed Property
Joint Ownership Accounts
Legal Process
Limitation of Liability
Notice of Withdrawal
Ownership/Authority Disputes
Pledging Shares for Loans
Power of Attorney
Pre-authorized Transfer to a Loan
Purchase of Monetary Instruments
Releasing Account Information
Returned Items
Right of Setoff, Banker's Lien and Security
Transaction Identity Information
Your Ability to Withdraw Funds
Longer Delays May Apply
Holds on Other Funds
Special Rules for New Accounts
How to Obtain a TIN
Certification of TIN by Account Owner(s)
Debit Card
Personal Account Agreement & Disclosure
Effective May 1, 2021
Electronic Statements & Communication
Official Signature
Accounts with Multiple Owners
Cashing Checks for Non-members
Credit Union Closure of Checking Account
Fees and Charges
Ordering Checks
Payment of Checks
Payment of Pre-Authorized Checks/Paper
Processing Transactions/Order of Payment
Reporting Lost or Stolen Checks
Restriction on Payment of Funds
Stopping Payment of a Check
Avoiding Overdrafts
Overdraft Protection
Your Checking Account Balance
Authorization Holds for Debit Card
Insufficient Funds (NSF) Transactions
Standard Overdraft Practices
Repayment of Overdrafts
Substitute Checks and Your Rights
Authority of Trustee(s)
Successor of Trustee(s)
Credit Union as Depository Institution Only
Reliance on Statements; Notification
Trust as Beneficiary of an IRA
Recommendation to Seek Professional
Other Fiduciary Accounts
Electronic Contributions & Withdrawals
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Agreement
and Disclosure
Federal Regulation E Disclosure
Visa Zero Liability
Contact Information in the Event of an
Unauthorized Transfer
Business Days
Transfer Types and Limitations
Electronic Check Conversion
Pre-authorized Payments
Our Liability
PIN Access Code use and Security
In Case of Errors or Questions About Your
Electronic Transfers
Transactions Available
Personal Identification Number (PIN)
Important Information About Telephone
Banking Account Access
Transaction Limitations
Governing Laws
Definition of a Funds Transfer
Fees and Charges
Sending Funds Transfers
Security Procedures
Reasons for Our Non-Acceptance of
Payment Orders
Authorization of a Funds Transfer
Stopping Electronic Payments
Amending Payment Orders
Discrepancies Between Account Numbers
and Account Names
Means of Transmittal
Notification of Funds Sent
Our Liability
Receiving Funds Transfers
Notification of funds Received
Additional Terms Applicable to International
Funds Transfers
Delay or Non-Credit of Funds Transfers
Personal Checking & Educator Checking
Student Checking
Option Checking
HSA Checking
Share Savings, Investor or Premium Money
Market, Daily IRA, or Health Savings
Student Savings
Summer Savings
Educator Summer Savings Account
Credit Card Secured Savings
Share and IRA Certificates
Saver Certificates
Accelerator Certificates
Notice of Withdrawal
Nature of Dividends
National Credit Union Share Insurance
This Account Agreement and Disclosure is your copy of the terms and conditions applicable to your accounts at California
Credit Union. This disclosure is written in “Plain English” so you can understand the terms and conditions. Please keep
this document with your permanent records, together with any amendments (modifications, deletions or additions) we may
make in the future. In this agreement and disclosure “we,” “us,” “our,” and “Credit Union” mean California Credit Union.
The words “you”, “your” and “yours” mean you the member, joint owner, or other signer, as well as anyone you permit to
access your account. The words “card” or “cards” mean your Visa® Debit Card as applicable to the section in which it is
contained. The acronym “ATM” means automated teller machine. The term “account” and “accounts” refer to the type of
account applicable to the section in which the reference is made. Additionally, the term “Share Savings Account” is your
Savings Account and the term “Checking Account” is your Share Draft Account. The term “item” refers to a check, electron-
ic debit, or other instrument that is deposited to or is debited from your account.
To be eligible for membership in the Credit Union, you must be an individual or entity qualifying within the Credit Union’s
field of membership. To become a member you must pay a membership fee. You authorize us to check your account, cred-
it, employment history, and to obtain a credit report from third parties, including credit reporting agencies, to verify your
eligibility for accounts and services.
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law (USA Patriot Act) re-
quires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account
and to understand the expected activity on the account. These procedures are designed to prevent crimes, such as identity
theft and account fraud that terrorists commit to finance their operations against the United States and its citizens. What
this means to you: When you open an account, we will ask you for your name, address, date of birth, and other information
that will enable us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying government issued docu-
ments. We may retain copies of any or all documents you present to establish your identity. We may ask you for information
regarding the source of funds, frequency of, or the purpose of transactions. This may include asking you about the relation-
ship you have with the persons you send funds to, or persons that send funds to you. We may at our sole discretion, elect
not to open an account, close an existing account, or refuse to conduct a transaction based on the information given us.
Personal membership accounts may be held as follows:
Individual ownership is an account for any individual who does not want anyone else to have access to their Credit
Union account and desires to be the only owner of the account.
Joint ownership is an account for two or more individuals, where each person has total access to Credit Union account
funds regardless of individual contributions. This type of account at California Credit Union is held in joint tenancy with
right of survivorship, which means when one of the owners dies, sole ownership of the account automatically passes
to the surviving owner(s) immediately. Note: The member whose Social Security Number is used on an account is often
referred to as the “Primary Owner”, or “Tax Reported For” owner.
A Fiduciary Account is opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. For instance, trustees under written trust agree-
ments, or executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders, called “Letters”. The terms of any Trust instrument,
court order or other relevant document will govern the account.
A Custodian Account under the California Uniform Transfer to Minors Act (CUTMA) is opened by an individual who will hold
money as a custodian for a minor. The custodian controls the account, but the minor owns it. If the custodian resigns, is
removed or dies, the Credit Union will, from the time it receives notice of that fact; deal only with a designated successor
You and the Credit Union agree that we shall attempt to informally settle any and all disputes arising out of, affecting, or
relating to your accounts or the products or services the Credit Union has provided, will provide or has offered to provide
to you, and/or any aspect of your relationship with the Credit Union (hereafter referred to as the “Claims”). If that cannot be
done, then you agree that any and all Claims that are threatened, made, filed or initiated after the Effective Date (defined
below) of this Arbitration and Waiver of Class Action provision (“Arbitration Agreement”), even if the Claims arise out of,
affect or relate to conduct that occurred prior to the Effective Date, shall, at the election of either you or us, be resolved by
binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) in accordance with its applicable rules and
procedures for consumer disputes (“Rules”), whether such Claims are in contract, tort, statute, or otherwise. The Rules can
be obtained on the AAA website free of charge at; or, a copy of the Rules can be obtained at any Credit Union
branch upon request. Either you or we may elect to resolve a particular Claim through arbitration, even if one of us has
already initiated litigation in court related to the Claim by: (a) making written demand for arbitration upon the other party,
(b) initiating arbitration against the other party, or (c) filing a motion to compel arbitration in court. AS A RESULT, IF EITHER
REMAINS IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT). This Arbitration Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the
Federal Arbitration Act set forth in Title 9 of the U.S. Code to the fullest extent possible, notwithstanding any state law to
the contrary, regardless of the origin or nature of the Claims at issue. This Arbitration Agreement does not prevent you from
submitting any issue relating to your accounts for review or consideration by a federal, state, or local governmental agency
or entity, nor does it prevent such agency or entity from seeking relief on your behalf.
a. Selection of Arbitrator: The Claims shall be resolved by a single arbitrator. The arbitrator shall be selected in accor-
dance with the Rules and must have experience in the types of financial transactions at issue in the Claims. In the
event of a conflict between the Rules and this Arbitration Agreement, this Arbitration Agreement shall supersede the
conflicting Rules only to the extent of the inconsistency. If AAA is unavailable to resolve the Claims, and if you and we
do not agree on a substitute forum, then you can select the forum for the resolution of the Claims.
b. Effective Date: This Arbitration Agreement is effective upon the 61st day after we provide it to you (“Effective Date”),
unless you opt-out in accordance with the requirements of the RIGHT TO OPT-OUT provision below.
TO CONDUCT THAT OCCURRED PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE. If a Claim is filed or initiated prior to the Effective
Date, this Arbitration Agreement will not apply to such Claim.
d. Arbitration Proceedings: The arbitration shall be conducted within 50 miles of your residence at the time the arbitra-
tion is commenced. Any claims and defenses that can be asserted in court can be asserted through arbitration. The
arbitrator shall be entitled to award the same remedies that a court can award, including public injunctive relief under
California Unfair Competition Law and Consumer Legal Remedies Act. Discovery shall be available for non-privileged
information to the fullest extent permitted under the Rules. The Arbitrator’s award can be entered as a judgment in
court. Except as provided in applicable statutes, the arbitrator’s award is not subject to review by the court and it can-
not be appealed. The Credit Union shall pay for any filing, administration, and arbitrator fees imposed on you by the
AAA. However, you will be responsible for your own attorney’s fees, unless you prevail on your Claim in the arbitration,
in which case, we will pay your attorney’s fees. However, if the Credit Union prevails, then you will not be required to
pay our attorneys’ fees and cost.
Any determination as to whether this Arbitration Agreement is valid or enforceable in part or in its entirety will be made
solely by the arbitrator, including without limitation any issues relating to whether a Claim is subject to arbitration; pro-
vided, however, the enforceability of the Class Action Waiver set forth below shall be determined by the Court.
f. Severability: In the event that the Class Action Waiver in this Arbitration Agreement is found to be unenforceable for
any reason, the remainder of this Arbitration Agreement shall also be unenforceable. If any provision in this Arbitration
Agreement, other than the Class Action Waiver, is found to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain fully
g. Survival: This Arbitration Agreement will survive termination of the Account Agreement and Disclosure.
h. Right to Opt-Out: You have the right to opt-out of this Arbitration Agreement, provided you notify the Credit Union
of your intent to do so within 60 days after it is provided to you. Your opt-out is only effective if you notify the Credit
Union in writing at California Credit Union, ATTN: Legal Department, PO Box 29100, Glendale, CA 91920-9100 within
such 60 day time period. If you fail to opt-out within this 60 day time, you will be deemed to have consented to the
resolution of your Claims through binding arbitration. In the event you opt-out, it shall not affect other terms and condi-
tions of your Account Agreement and Disclosure or your relationship with the Credit Union.
FOR MORE DETAILS or if you have questions, you may call us or visit a branch. If you have questions about AAA proce-
dures, you should check AAAs website,, OR call AAA at (800) 778-7879.
The following terms, along with the terms stated in other applicable sections generally applies to all personal accounts at
California Credit Union.
By signing our account application, you agree to the terms and conditions of the form of account that you have selected
and the terms and conditions of this Account Agreement and Disclosure. Upon appropriate written notice, if required by ap-
plicable law, we may change the terms and conditions of this Account Agreement and Disclosure including deleting terms
or the addition of a new term not otherwise contemplated when you entered into this Account Agreement and Disclosure
or opened your account(s). We may advise you of such changes in statements, newsletters, on-line (if you have agreed to
electronic communication) or other appropriate manner. If you maintain your account(s) or use our services after the effec-
tive date of any such change(s), including adding or deleting terms, you indicate your agreement to the change(s).
This Account Agreement and Disclosure as well as all of your deposit accounts will be interpreted and subject to applicable
federal law and the laws of the State of California, without resort to California’s conflicts of law rules and to the extent that
California law is not inconsistent with federal law.
You may not assign this Account Agreement and Disclosure to any other party. The Credit Union may assign this Account
Agreement and Disclosure at any time in its sole discretion. The Credit Union may also assign or delegate any of its rights
and responsibilities under this Account Agreement and Disclosure to independent contractors or other third parties.
You may name one or more persons as your designated pay-on-death (P.O.D.) beneficiary/beneficiaries to receive the funds
in your account upon your death. The funds are payable to your designated P.O.D. beneficiary/beneficiaries under the fol-
lowing conditions:
Funds are first payable to any surviving owner of the account. Funds become payable to the designated P.O.D benefi-
ciary/beneficiaries only after the death of all account owners.
Funds will be distributed equally among all designated P.O.D. beneficiary/beneficiaries. If one or more of your des-
ignated P.O.D. beneficiary/beneficiaries pre-deceases the owners of the account, funds will be distributed equally
among the surviving beneficiary/beneficiaries. Relevant information related to the transactional history of the account
will pass to the named P.O. D. beneficiary/beneficiaries and relevant information related to the account will pass to any
other party legally entitled to such information.
To ensure that you receive courteous and efficient service when calling us, supervisory personnel will randomly monitor
telephone conversations. Calls are recorded for security purposes.
Stop payment of cashier’s checks is not permitted by law. In the event that a cashier’s check is lost, stolen, or destroyed,
please contact us for procedures to obtain reimbursement or to have the cashier’s check reissued. Funds may be reim-
bursed or the check reissued 90 days after the date of issuance (California Commercial Code 3312). If, at our discretion, we
agree to refund or replace the check before 90 days, we may require that you purchase a surety bond for the amount of the
check and/or indemnify us against loss.
The type of account you open may, under some circumstances, be changed to another account type by you or us without
changing the account number. For example, you can change your Share Savings account to a Money Market Savings with-
out changing the account number. We will notify you at least 30 days in advance if we change your account type. You agree
that any owner of the account can request the account type be changed verbally or in writing.
You agree to promptly notify us of any change in your name, physical address, mailing address, email address, or phone
number(s). If you fail to notify us of your current address your account will be subject to a returned statement service
charge. We may also charge your account for the cost of any locator service necessary to determine your address. These
service charges will be collected no more than once in any 12-month period.
Conditional Check - “Conditional” checks include, but are not limited to, checks containing the statement that the check is
not good for or after a specified number of days after the date of the check, or that a check may not exceed a certain dollar
amount. You agree that we are not required to identify such limitations and that the Credit Union will have no liability for
paying a check even if there is printing on the check indicating conditions must be met before the check is negotiated.
Foreign - We may at our option accept deposited foreign checks “for collection” which means we will wait to receive final
credit from the issuer’s bank before crediting your account. We may refuse to accept “for deposit” or “for collection” items
payable through a foreign bank or items in a currency other than U.S. dollars. If we accept such an item, you have all the
risk associated with the currency value fluctuation (exchange rate risk). Items drawn on foreign banks may be returned later
than similar items drawn on U.S. banks. You have the risk of late return. You agree that we may use our current buying or
selling rate, as applicable, when processing a foreign currency item and may recover from your account any loss incurred
by us when processing such an item for you. You also agree to reimburse California Credit Union any fees we are charged
for processing your deposited foreign check.
Post Dated - If you write a post-dated check (dated in the future), we may pay the check and charge it to your account even
if it is presented for payment prior to the date written on the check unless you give us written notice of such post-dating
and place a stop payment order. You also agree that if you place a stop payment order then you will describe the check
with reasonable certainty so as to afford us a reasonable opportunity to act on it. The placement of a stop payment order is
subject to our stop payment fee detailed in our current Fees & Charges schedule.
Stale Dated - A “stale dated” check is one that is not negotiated within six months of the date on the check. We are under
no obligation to pay a check that is presented more than six (6) months after its date, but we may do so at our discretion
and charge your account without liability, even if the presentation occurs after the expiration of a stop payment order or notice of
postdated check. You agree that we are not required to identify stale dated checks or seek your permission to pay them.
Accounts may be automatically closed when the net activity each day results in a zero ($0.00) or negative ending balance
each day and remains so for 120 days. If your account balance remains negative each day, we may close the account
earlier but we generally close the account within 60 days. In addition, if your account is closed, and an item you deposited
before it was closed is returned to us unpaid, we will automatically re-open the account, debit the amount of the returned
item, resulting in a negative balance in that account, and we will maintain that account only until the negative balance is
repaid, and then close that account again.
To protect the credit union from losses, we reserve the right to close accounts where, for example, there has been a claim
of unauthorized account access, and to open a new account where appropriate.
You must be and remain a member in good standing to enjoy membership services, for example, if you caused us a loss,
we may choose to limit you to the right to vote as a member only. No account (except checking) is transferable except as
defined in Regulation D, and no transfer of voting rights or other membership privileges is permitted by virtue of a transfer
of shares. Either California Credit Union or you may terminate an account at any time; however you understand that our
authority may not be changed or terminated except by written notice, which will not affect prior transactions. If we open
an account and we subsequently determine that you were not eligible for this account, we reserve the right to close this
account and transfer all shares to a new or existing account or return your deposited funds to you. If we determine that a
consumer account is being used as a commercial business account we reserve the right to close this account or transfer all
shares to an appropriate business account.
We may need to contact you to provide you important information about your accounts, services or debts you owe. Contact
methods include mail, email, online banking secure message, text (SMS) message, or telephone. If you use Text (SMS)
Message Banking, your use of that service (including the method in which we communicate with you as part of that service)
will be in accordance with the California Credit Union. Text (SMS) Message Banking Terms and Conditions. Further, in order
for us to service your account or to collect any amounts you owe, you agree that we may from time to time make calls and/
or send text messages to you at any telephone number(s) associated with your account, including wireless telephone num-
bers that could result in charges to you. The manner in which these calls or text messages are made to you may include,
but is not limited to, the use of prerecorded/artificial voice messages and/or an automatic telephone dialing system. You
further agree that, in order for us to service your account or to collect any amounts you owe, we may send e-mails to you
at any e-mail address you provide to us. You may revoke this consent that permits us to use an automatic dialing system
at any time by notifying us in writing at California Credit Union, ATTN: Asset Management, PO Box 29100, Glendale, CA
Unsecure email communications will not include sensitive information such as your account number. By maintaining an
account relationship, you authorize us and our authorized representatives to communicate with you.
You agree that we may make corrections to your account when we find an error. Errors include but are not limited to cor-
recting a deposit credited in the wrong amount or account or adjusting the rate on your account if it is found to be incorrect
at the time the account was opened or changed.
Your death or incompetence shall not revoke our authority to accept, pay or collect a check until we know of the fact of
death or adjudication of incompetence and have the reasonable opportunity to act on it. Even with knowledge, we may, for
10 days after the date of death or incompetence, pay or guarantee checks drawn on or prior to that date unless ordered
in writing to stop payment by a person claiming an interest in the account under rules established by the Credit Union. We
may also freeze, refuse and/or reverse transactions if we become aware of the death or incompetence of any owner or
authorized signer. You should notify us immediately if any owner or authorized signer on your account dies or is declared
legally incompetent.
You agree to endorse each check in the area designated on the back. If you endorse a check outside of that area, or make
an endorsement that is illegible or incomplete, we may, at our option, accept such nonconforming endorsement and you
agree to hold us harmless from any loss, delay, liability, claim or damage which may arise as a result.
We may endorse and/or collect items deposited to your account without your endorsement but may, at our option, require
your personal endorsement prior to accepting an item for deposit. If you deposit items which bear the endorsement of more
than one person who is not a signer on the account(s), we may refuse the item or may require all endorsers to be present
and provide identification acceptable to us at our discretion, or to have their endorsement guaranteed before we accept an
We may rely on the facsimile signature of any person on an item, if the facsimile signature resembles or appears to be that
of an authorized signer whom you have designated as authorized to sign by facsimile signature or who in fact as a matter
of practice signs by facsimile signature. You are responsible for any improper or unauthorized use of a facsimile signature.
We may treat as authorized by you any signature that purports to be that of a facsimile signature authorized by you. For
purposes of this section, a “facsimile signature” includes any signature stamp, electronic signature program or software, or
other means to affix writing to an item.
All accounts are subject to California Credit Union’s Fees and Charges schedule as amended from time to time, which
accompanies this disclosure or is available at any branch, or by calling our Contact Center at (800) 334-8788.
Headings in this Account Agreement and Disclosure are for convenience only and will not control or affect the meaning or
construction of any of the provisions of this Account Agreement and Disclosure.
Any financial service provided by California Credit Union may be used for any transaction permitted by law. You agree ille-
gal use of any financial service, for example Internet gambling, will be deemed a default and/or breach of contract and such
service and/or other related services may be terminated at California Credit Union’s discretion. You further agree, should
illegal use occur by you, to waive the right to sue California Credit Union for your illegal activity directly or indirectly and
hold California Credit Union harmless from any legal action or liability, directly or indirectly, resulting from such illegal use.
If you do not conduct transactions that increase or decrease the balance of your account for an extended period, we will
classify your account as inactive or dormant. Credit Union charges, dividend payments, and corrections are not considered
activity affecting the balance of your account.
For security reasons, we may refuse to post any transactions (deposits and withdrawals) to inactive or dormant accounts
unless we can confirm that you initiated the transaction. As required by law, we will escheat your funds, including accumu-
lated dividends earned, to the state of your last known address on file with us if you do not do any of the following for the
time period required by that state’s unclaimed property rules (for example, three years in California):
claim a cash dividend, deposit or withdraw funds; OR
correspond in writing with the Credit Union or by calling us, indicating an interest in the funds; OR
otherwise indicate an interest which is evidenced by a memorandum or other record on file with the Credit Union.
(Example: a pledge of shares as security for a loan).
If your address is in a foreign country or your state does not have an unclaimed property rule, your funds will be escheated
to the state of California.
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold the Credit Union, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents,
service providers, and licensors, harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, costs, losses, liability,
expenses and fees (including, without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, collection costs, skip-tracing fees, and outside
services fees) which we incur by acting in accordance with this Account Agreement and Disclosure or as a result of your
failure to abide by its terms, including but not limited to those arising from:
a. A third party claim, action, or allegation of infringement, misuse, or misappropriation based on information, data, files,
or other materials submitted by you to us;
b. Any fraud, manipulation, or other breach of this Account Agreement and Disclosure by you;
c. Your violation of any law or rights of a third party; or
d. Your provision of access to your account(s), services, or electronic services to any third party.
We reserve the right, at our own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to
indemnification by you, in which event you will cooperate with us in asserting any available defenses. You will not settle any
action or claims on our behalf without our prior written consent. This indemnification is provided without regard to whether
the Credit Union’s claim for indemnification is due to the use of accounts or the electronic services by you or a joint account
owner or other authorized person.
A joint account is an account owned by two or more persons. All joint owners agree with each other and with us that all
sums now paid in or hereafter paid in by any one or all account owner(s), including all dividends thereon, if any, are and will
be owned by all account owner(s) jointly and equally regardless of their net contributions with a right of survivorship and
will be subject to withdrawal or receipt by any of the account owner(s) or the survivor(s) of any of the account owner(s). A
right of survivorship arising from the express terms of a joint account cannot be changed by a will. We are not obligated to
inquire as to the source of funds received for deposit to a joint account or to inquire as to the proposed use of any sums
withdrawn from the account for the purpose of establishing net contributions.
Each joint owner on an account may withdraw, by any means the Credit Union makes available, any or all of the funds on
deposit, close the account, enter into special agreements regarding the account, and stop payment on any check drawn
on the account. Each joint owner guarantees the signatures of the other joint owners and authorizes the other to endorse
checks for deposit if they are payable to any of the other joint owners. Each joint owner also authorizes the credit union to
exercise its lien and setoff rights and enforce its security interest in the entire account. Even though only one of the joint
account holders is the debtor; these rights exist irrespective of who contributed the funds to the joint account. Similarly,
the credit union can enforce overdraft liability in the joint account against any joint owner individually. Garnishments against
either or both joint owners are subject to the Credit Union’s lien, right of setoff and security interest. Notice provided by the
Credit Union to any one joint owner is notice to all joint owners.
We must comply with any writ of attachment, execution, garnishment, tax withholding order or other levy, restraining order,
subpoena, warrant, injunction, government agency request for information or other legal process relating to your account
which we believe to be valid and applicable to your account. A legal processing fee, hourly research fee, and copy charges
may be assessed and charged to your account as disclosed in our Fees and Charges schedule unless prohibited by law
even if the legal process is later released.
Our processing cutoff times with respect to any knowledge, notice, stop payment order, or legal process received by us in-
volving a check under the applicable State’s version of the Uniform Commercial Code Section, is the later of 10:00 a.m. on
a business day or one hour after we open for the business day following the business day on which we received the check.
If we are required to pay any attachment, garnishment, writ, levy or other legal process related to your account, we may
debit your account even if such creates an overdraft or results in an early withdrawal penalty. If we incur any expenses, in-
cluding (without limit) research, photocopy, handling and administrative costs and reasonable attorney’s fees, in responding
to an attachment, garnishment, levy or other legal process that is not otherwise reimbursed, we may charge those expenses
to your account without prior notice to you.
You understand and agree that we will not be liable for any incidental, consequential, special, and indirect or punitive dam-
ages in any claim or action arising from this account agreement and disclosure, regardless of whether you have advised us
of the possibility that you may incur such damages.
In accordance with the bylaws and State law, the Board of Directors of California Credit Union may require up to 60 days
written withdrawal notice on all accounts, except for Checking Accounts, and 30 days notice for Certificate accounts.
If there is a dispute between any person and/or private or government organization over your account or the funds in any
of your accounts, or we are uncertain who is entitled to access an account or the funds in any of your accounts, includ-
ing, but not limited to, disputes between or relating to joint owners, payees, trust account beneficiaries, business owners,
association or business directors, members, or trustees, or a payable on death account, you agree that we may, without
liability to you or your beneficiaries and in our sole and absolute discretion, take one or more of the following actions: (1)
restrict the account and deny access to all until such time as the conflicting claims are resolved to our satisfaction; (2) close
the account and send the funds to the owner or owners of the account, according to our records, at the statement mailing
address; (3) interplead all or any portion of the funds from an account into an appropriate court for resolution; or (4) restrict
access to the account until our receipt of either written instructions as to the distribution of funds signed by all affected
parties or an order from a court of proper jurisdiction authorizing or directing us to distribute the funds. We may charge your
account for expenses (including attorneys’ fees and expenses) and fees we incur.
You may pledge any or all of the shares on deposit in your Share Savings or Certificate Accounts as security for any loan(s)
subject to current loan policies. Further, a pledge of shares by any one of you shall be binding on all of you.
If you elect to appoint an attorney-in-fact (agent), the appointment of such agent must be in a form satisfactory to us. We
may require that you or the agent present the original document before we honor the appointment. Unless prohibited by
law, we may refuse to honor any Power of Attorney (POA) presented to us. We may require that the agent sign an affidavit
that the powers, as stated in the appointment, have not been revoked or terminated.
You agree that we may rely on the instructions of your agent until you notify us in writing of the revocation or termination of
the appointment and allow us a reasonable opportunity to act upon your instruction. The authority of the agent terminates
upon the principal’s incapacitation, except when the appointment includes durable powers, or upon death of the principal.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, we reserve the right to contact you as the principal under the POA, to verify your intent,
prior to acting under the authority of the POA. We are not liable for any transactions by an attorney-in-fact or agent for a de-
ceased or incompetent account owner, unless we have written notice provided in accordance with applicable law that you,
as the principal under the POA are deceased, have revoked the powers of the attorney-in-fact or agent, or you are adjudi-
cated totally or partially incapacitated by a court of competent jurisdiction, and we have had time to act on that notice.
You must have sufficient available funds on deposit in your California Credit Union account on the date that your automatic
pre-authorized transfer to pay a loan is scheduled to be made. When you do not have sufficient available funds our Insuffi-
cient or Unavailable funds fee will apply as disclosed in our Fees & Charges schedule.
Cashier’s checks (monetary instruments) sold by the Credit Union may be purchased only with a check drawn on us or by
withdrawal from your account with us. When you wish to exchange cash for a monetary instrument, we will deposit the cash
into your account and then withdraw the desired amount to purchase the monetary instrument. If you do not hold a liquid
account with us, for example, a certificate, IRA or HSA, you should ask to speak to a manager for special processing.
We will only disclose/release nonpublic personal information, as defined under the federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, about
you in conformity with state and federal law and our Privacy Policy, a copy of which was provided to you, and will be pro-
vided to you as required by law.
If you cash or deposit a check or other item which is later returned unpaid or for which we receive notice in lieu of return
or notice of intended return, you agree that we may charge your account for the full amount of the check or other item,
including any interest accrued on the amount of the check or other item from the date of deposit or endorsement. Returned
items are subject the fee disclosed in our Fees & Charges schedule. Our right to charge your account for the returned item
will apply without regard to whether the item is returned to us timely or whether there is any other claim or defense that the
item has been improperly returned to us. We may also send the unpaid item back for collection up to three times but we
are not obligated to do so. If we send the item back for collection we may do so without notifying you. We may also charge
your account for an item if we receive an affidavit of forged endorsement or alteration, or similar document, and we have no
obligation to investigate the accuracy of such affidavit or similar document.
Should a problem occur in collecting an unpaid item, you are responsible for any fees or charges incurred by the Credit
Union when trying to obtain payment for you. In the event you have insufficient available funds remaining in the account,
each accountholder agrees that we may exercise our right to setoff against any account in which all of you have an interest
and we may setoff against the account for any amounts due related to any other account owned by all of you. This may
result in assessment of an early withdrawal penalty.
If a government benefit deposit is made to your account by check or electronic payment, you agree that in the event that we
receive a notice of reclamation that we may debit any accounts owned by you to meet the demand for payment received by
the government agency. If the reclamation should cause an overdrawn balance, you agree to repay us promptly.
Subject to applicable law, we may (without further notice) charge against and deduct from your account any due and
payable debt owed to us now or in the future, by any of you having the right of withdrawal, to the extent of such persons’
or legal entity’s right to withdraw. This is called a right of setoff. If the debt arises from a note, “any due and payable debt”
includes the total amount of which we are entitled to demand payment under the terms of the note at the time we charge
the account, including any balance the due date for which we properly accelerate under the note.
In addition to these contract rights, we also have rights under a “statutory lien.” A “lien” on property is a creditor’s right
to obtain ownership of the property in the event a debtor defaults on a debt. A “statutory lien” is one created by federal or
state statute. Since state law provides us with a statutory lien, we are authorized to apply, without prior notice, your shares
and dividends to any debt you owe us, in accord with the statutory lien. Neither our contract rights nor rights under a statu-
tory lien apply to this account if prohibited by law. For example, neither our contract rights nor rights under a statutory lien
apply to this account if: (a) it is an Individual Retirement Account or similar tax-deferred account, or (b) the debt is created
by a consumer credit transaction under a credit card plan (this does not affect our rights under any consensual security
interest), or (c) the debtor’s right of withdrawal arises only in a representative capacity.
If we exercise our right of setoff or banker’s lien, we will comply with applicable law and will notify you of the action taken. If
we exercise our right of setoff or banker’s lien against an account that is subject to an early withdrawal penalty, the account
will be assessed the applicable early withdrawal penalty. We will not be liable for the dishonor of any check or draft when
the dishonor occurs because we charge and deduct an amount you owe us from your account. You agree to indemnify and
hold us harmless from any claim arising as a result of our exercise of our right of setoff or banker’s lien.
You agree to pledge all shares, payments on shares, dividends on shares, and deposits (excluding IRAs or other accounts
to the extent that applicable law precludes the pledge of such accounts) in all joint and individual accounts held by you now
or in the future with California Credit Union as security for all your obligations with California Credit Union. These obligations
include but are not limited to principal, interest, late charges, finance charges, costs, and expenses, including attorney’s
fees. You authorize California Credit Union, without further notice, to apply any and all shares, payments, dividends and
deposits to the payment of each obligation if you should default. You agree that California Credit Union’s lien is indepen-
dent of any security agreement you may sign, and California Credit Union may enforce its lien in any manner, at any time
allowed by law. You agree that you own any shares pledged and that there are no liens against them other than California
Credit Union’s.
Moreover, you knowingly consent and expressly agree that the application of an offset of funds in any account includes the
offset of government benefits (such as Social Security and other public benefit funds) deposited in your account for depos-
it-account-related disputes to the maximum extent permitted by applicable state and federal law.
Except as otherwise provided above in the Arbitration Agreement, if any of the provisions of this Account Agreement and
Disclosure, are determined to be void or invalid, the remainder of the Account Agreement and Disclosure shall remain in full
force and in effect.
Periodic - We will provide all periodic statements or other notices as directed by the owner(s). You agree that notice to one
owner is considered notice to all owners, and is binding on all of you. You will exercise reasonable care and promptness in
examining your statements. You must promptly notify us of, and reimburse us for, any erroneous credit to your account. We
will not be responsible for any forged, altered, unauthorized or unsigned items drawn on your account if: 1) you fail to notify
us within 60 days of the mailing date or electronic delivery date of the earliest statement containing any forgery, alteration,
or unauthorized signature on any item described in the statement, or 2) any items are forged or altered in a manner not
detectable by a reasonable person, including the unauthorized use of a facsimile signature machine.
If the unauthorized transaction is the result of an electronic fund transfer, then the provisions of the Electronic Funds Trans-
fer Agreement and Disclosure included in this Account Agreement and Disclosure will apply. For purposes of this Account
Agreement and Disclosure, an unauthorized transaction is a transaction that was not authorized by you. However, if you
provided someone authorization to transact on your account, any transaction by that person is considered authorized even
if he or she exceeded any authority you provided. An unauthorized transaction includes but is not limited to an erroneous or
unauthorized debit. It might include a missing signature, an unauthorized signature, an alteration, or otherwise a transaction
that was not authorized by you or someone you authorized.
Electronic Statements - Periodic statements are available electronically for selected accounts. See separate disclosure
outlining their availability.
Combined Statements - You may request and we may, at our option, require combined statements for two or more ac-
counts. At our option, we may combine statements for any of your accounts. When statements are combined, whether or
not at your request, you agree that copies of such statements may be provided to any accountholder(s), signer(s), or repre-
sentative(s) of any other account whose information is included on such statements.
When you conduct a transaction we may ask you for identification such as a driver’s license, U.S. Passport, or Resident
Alien identification. Federal laws may require that we obtain additional information about you, someone acting on your be-
half, or someone presenting a check you wrote to them. This information includes name, address, Social Security Number,
Taxpayer Identification Number or Employer Identification Number, a government issued identification number, and occupa-
tion. If the information required to comply with federal laws is not provided, we will refuse to conduct the transaction.
Requests Not Made in Person - We will process transactions or other requests that are not made in person if we can
reasonably determine your identity. For phone requests, we may use a pre-established verbal key word or password given
to us or ask you for personally identifying information along with activity on your account. We may call you at the phone
number already in our records to confirm you authorized the transaction. We may limit the amount or type of transaction
that is not made in person. We generally do not accept instructions sent to us via fax. If your identity is not established to
our satisfaction, we will not process the transaction.
You understand and agree that accounts and electronic services are provided “as-is.” Except as otherwise provided in this
Account Agreement and Disclosure or as required by law, the Credit Union assumes no responsibility for the timeliness,
deletion, mis-delivery, or failure to store any communications, personalizations, or electronic settings. You understand and
expressly agree that the use of electronic services is at your sole risk, and that any material and/or data downloaded or
otherwise obtained through the use of electronic services is downloaded or obtained at your own discretion and risk, and
that you will be solely responsible for any damages, including without limitation damage to your computer system or mobile
device or loss of data that results from the download or the obtaining of such material and/or data.
Except as expressly set forth in this Account Agreement and Disclosure, the Credit Union disclaims all warranties of any
kind, express or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or
non-infringement of intellectual property or third party rights, regarding its services, including electronic services. The Credit
Union makes no warranty or representation regarding the results that may be obtained from the use of electronic services,
the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained through electronic services, the accuracy of any information retrieved
by you from the accounts or that the electronic services will meet any user’s requirements, be uninterrupted, timely, secure,
or error free.
Our policy is to make funds from your cash and check deposits available to you on the first business day after the day we
receive your deposit. Electronic direct deposits will be available on the day we receive the deposit. Once they are available,
you can withdraw the funds in cash and we will use the funds to pay checks that you have written or other debits you have
Business Days – For determining the availability of your deposits, every day is a business day, except Saturdays, Sundays,
and federal holidays. If you make a deposit in person at a branch during normal business hours on a business day, we will
consider that day to be the day of your deposit.
If you make a deposit at one of our after-hours depositories before 2 p.m. on a business day, we will consider that day to
be the day of your deposit. If your deposit is made in an after-hours depository after 2 p.m. or in one of our branches on a
day other than a business day, we will consider that the deposit was made on the next business day.
In some cases, we will not make all of the funds that you deposit by check available to you on the first business day after
the day of your deposit. Depending on the type of check that you deposit, funds may not be available until the second busi-
ness day after the day of your deposit. The first $225 of your deposits, however, may be available on the first business day.
If we are not going to make all of the funds from your deposit available on the first business day, we will notify you at the
time you make your deposit. We will also tell you when the funds will be available. If your deposit is not made directly to one
of our employees, or if we decide to take this action after you have left the premises, we will mail you the notice by the day after
we receive your deposit. If you will need the funds from a deposit right away, you should ask us when the funds will be available.
In addition, funds you deposit by check may be delayed for a longer period under the following circumstances:
We believe a check you deposit will not be paid.
You deposit checks totaling more than $5,525 on any one day.
You redeposit a check that has been returned unpaid.
You have overdrawn your account repeatedly in the last six months.
There is an emergency, such as failure of computer or communications equipment.
We will notify you if we delay your ability to withdraw funds for any of these reasons, and we will tell you when the funds will
be available. They will generally be available no later than the seventh business day after the day of your deposit.
ATM Deposits - All deposits made at California Credit Union ATMs will be credited to your account provisionally, subject
to verification and collection of the funds. Generally, cash deposits are available immediately. Check deposited in ATMs are
generally available on the 2nd business day after the day of your deposit but may be subject to longer periods in accor-
dance with Credit Union check hold policies described in this Funds-Availability Policy section. This may affect your ability
to withdraw funds. Deposits made at non-California Credit Union ATMs, for example CO-OP ATMS, shall be made available
for withdrawal not later than the fifth business day following the banking day on which the funds are deposited. All Califor-
nia Credit Union ATMs that accept deposits are labeled with our name.
Check Cashing - If we cash a check for you that is drawn on another financial institution, we may withhold the availability
of a corresponding amount of funds that are already in your account. Those funds will be available at the time funds from
the check we cashed would have been available if you had deposited it.
Other Account - If we accept for deposit a check that is drawn on another financial institution, we may make funds from
the deposit available for withdrawal immediately but delay your availability to withdraw a corresponding amount of funds
that you have on deposit in another account with us. The funds in the other account would then not be available for with-
drawal until the time periods that are described elsewhere in this disclosure for the type of check that you deposited.
If you are a new member, the following special rules will apply during the first 30 days your account is open.
Funds from electronic deposits to your account will be available on the day we receive the deposit. Funds from deposits of
cash, wire transfers, and the first $5,525 of a day’s total deposits of cashier’s, certified, teller’s, traveler’s, and federal, state
and local government checks will be available on the first business day after the day of your deposit if the deposit meets
certain conditions. For example, the checks must be payable to you (and you may have to use a special deposit slip). The
excess over $5,525 will be available on the ninth business day after the day of your deposit. If your deposit of these checks
(other than a U.S. Treasury check) is not made in person to one of our employees, the first $5,525 will not be available until
the second business day after the day of your deposit.
Funds from all other check deposits will be available on the eleventh business day after the day of your deposit.
Federal Law requires that you provide the Credit Union with your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). For individuals, your
TIN will usually be your social security number. This number will be used when reporting dividends earned to the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS). On joint accounts dividends earned will be reported to the IRS under the TIN of the primary member.
If you do not currently have a TIN, you should apply for one immediately by completing Federal form SS-5, Application for a
Social Security Number Card (individuals) or Federal form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number (business-
es, organizations, and other entities).
The Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983 requires payers to withhold and send to the IRS a percentage of
payments of interest, dividends and certain other payments under certain conditions. This is called backup withholding.
Other taxing authorities may similarly require backup withholding.
You are certifying, under penalties of perjury, that the TIN you have given us is correct. You are also certifying that you are
not subject to backup withholding either because you have not been notified by the IRS that you are subject to backup
withholding, or the IRS has notified you that you are no longer subject to backup withholding except when you notify us
otherwise on your account application taxpayer identification number certification.
You will not be subject to backup withholding unless:
a. you fail to furnish your TIN to us; OR
b. the Internal Revenue Service notifies us that you furnished an incorrect TIN; OR
c. you are notified that you are subject to backup withholding (under Section 3406 (a)(1)(c)) of the Internal Revenue Code;
d. for an interest or dividend account opened after December 31, 1983, you fail to certify to us that you are not subject to
backup withholding under (c) above, or fail to certify your TIN.
For payments other than interest or dividends, you are subject to backup withholding only if (a) or (b) above apply.
Nonresident aliens who do not have a TIN are required to complete form W–8BEN, Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial
Owner for United States Tax Withholding in order to establish any account relationship. To avoid IRS backup withholding,
nonresident aliens will be required to re-certify foreign status by completing a new W-8BEN form at least every 3 years.
IRS Penalties
Penalty for Failure to Furnish Taxpayer Identification Number - If you fail to furnish your TIN to a payer, you are subject
to penalty of $50 for each failure unless your failure is due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect.
Online account selections and programs may change from time to time without notice, unless otherwise required by law.
By opening a checking account through our Credit Union website, you request that we order a debit card for your account.
Any account opened through our Credit Union website requires electronic statements and communication delivery. If you
wish to withdraw your consent for electronic delivery, your account may be subject to additional fees and charges.
All of you agree that:
no shares in this checking account may be pledged by any or all of said owners as security for any loan(s).
you are jointly and severally responsible and liable for all overdrafts, charges and fees attributable to any one of you
and we are authorized to collect such overdrafts, charges and fees from any of you regardless of which owner/signer
caused such overdraft, charge or fee.
We will generally cash a check you write against your account for non-members of California Credit Union. We will ask the
payee for identifying information such as a driver’s license, U.S. Passport, or Resident Alien identification, along with a sec-
ond form of identification such as a credit card. We may also require that the payee obtain an endorsement guarantee from
their financial institution, and the payee may be required to affix their thumb or fingerprint to the check. If the identification
presented does not sufficiently identify the payee to our satisfaction, we reserve the right to refuse encashment. Checks
payable to a business will not be cashed but your check may be replaced with a California Credit Union check payable to
the business. We may charge a fee to the non-member for check cashing services.
Checking accounts may be closed at California Credit Union’s discretion if abuse or misuse is detected, for example, your
account has excessive non-sufficient funds (NSF) or returned deposited check activity, whether or not the items presented
are paid or returned.
Your checking account is subject to California Credit Union’s Fees and Charges schedule. We will debit such charges
against the checking account, except where there are insufficient funds available and then such charges may be treated as
You acknowledge that we do not sell checks. As a convenience to you, California Credit Union orders all checks for
members through Deluxe Check Printers. We may refuse to accept checks ordered from another printer if our equipment is
unable to read or process such checks, and you are liable for any resulting costs and/or losses as a result of your choice of
check printers.
You authorize us to charge your checking account for the cost of checks ordered through us, plus applicable sales tax
and shipping costs at the fee set forth in the Fees and Charges Schedule. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy
of all information shown on your checks, whether you order them through us or elsewhere. You agree to imprint only those
names of authorized owners on your checks.
We may provide you with temporary checks that include the exact MICR line, including routing number and account
number, necessary for the proper processing of your checks. You are responsible for ensuring that any checks you use to
draw on your account include this same MICR encoding. You understand that it is your responsibility to ensure that checks
you order from any third party printer are printed in accordance with applicable standards set by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) for font, paper, toner, and positioning. You understand that if checks you write do not have the
correct routing number, they may not be properly posted, and that if any other part of the encoding is incorrect, posting of
the checks may be delayed. If you fail to include proper MICR encoding on your checks and this results in any such check
being manually processed by us, then you will pay a fee as set forth in the Fees and Charges Schedule.
If we have made good faith payment to a payee/holder, we may charge your account according to:
the original tenor of your check; or
the tenor of your completed check unless we have noticed any such completion is improper.
If we have paid a check under circumstances giving a basis of objection by you, we shall be subrogated to the rights of:
any holder in due course on the check against the drawer or maker; and
the payee or any other holder of the check against the drawer or maker either on the item or the transaction out of
which the item arose; and
the drawer or maker against the payee or any other holder of the check with respect to the transaction out of which the
check arose.
We may without liability accept, pay, guarantee or charge checks to the account in any order convenient to us. See Pro-
cessing Transactions/Order of Payment below. In the event we wrongfully dishonor a check you wrote by mistake, liability
shall be limited to actual damages. The measure of damages for failure to exercise ordinary care in handling a check is the
amount of the item reduced by an amount which could have been realized by the use of ordinary care.
We may pay and charge to your checking account checks/drafts drawn by and payable to any persons or organizations
whom you have authorized by providing sample MICR encoded information for your account, if there are sufficient funds in
your account to pay such checks. You agree that our rights with respect to such checks shall be the same as if they were
checks drawn and signed by you personally. This authority shall remain in effect until revoked by you in writing with the
persons or organizations you authorized. You agree that we shall be fully protected in honoring such checks.
You may also similarly order stop payment on a pre-authorized check/paper draft, provided that you describe such item
with reasonable certainty so that other pre-authorized checks/drafts are not affected by your order. You agree that if, in
order to affect your order, we stop payment on similar items, we will be held harmless and have no liability.
To maximize the number of items that will clear your account, we generally process your checks and electronic payments
by low to high dollar amount. Checks are processed separately from electronic payments (including checks that are
converted to an electronic debit). ATM and Point of Sale transactions are posted immediately upon presentment without
regard to the amount or date and time of the transaction. We may process certain types of transactions before other types
depending on the method in which it is presented to us (for example, a check presented for payment at one of our branches
during business hours may be deducted from your account immediately or processed separately from other checks pre-
sented for payment). Processing includes placing a hold on your account, paying checks or other payments (and decisions
regarding payment or return) and other aspects of our processing your checks, electronic debits, withdrawals or other
charges (such as assessment of fees and charges for insufficient/unavailable funds, fees or charges for returning checks,
electronic payments, withdrawals or other charges). Some fees and charges are posted throughout the day while others
are debited after checks and electronic payments are processed. If you authorize a transaction that will result in a fee or
other charge, you should be sure sufficient funds are in your account to cover the fee or charge as well as checks or other
payments you have authorized.
You agree to notify the Credit Union immediately if your checks are lost or stolen by calling our Contact Center at (800) 334-
8788 or visiting any branch location.
We may, at our discretion, but are not obligated to (nor shall we be liable for refusal to), pay funds from this account under
the following conditions:
When such payment would draw the account below the minimum balance as established from time to time by the
Credit Union.
If such payment is drawn by means not authorized in advance by the Credit Union. “Means not authorized” include,
but are not limited to, payment by pre-printed Credit Union checks, withdrawal via the use of an ATM, transfers initiat-
ed by telephone, Visa® Debit Card transfers, point of sale transfers, ACH withdrawals or by other electronic means.
If such payment is in the form of a check presented more than six months past the issue date.
Provided such request is timely, (so that we shall have reasonable opportunity to act upon it) you may order stop payment
of any check you write payable against your account. See our Fees and Charges schedule. Stop payment orders, whether
written or oral, will expire after 180 calendar days, except when checks have been reported lost or stolen at which time the
stop payment may be extended. Stop payment orders must be renewed in writing prior to the expiration date. You have the
burden of establishing the fact and amount of loss resulting from payment contrary to a binding stop payment order.
There are ways to avoid overdrafts, including avoiding poor account management. We offer overdraft protection through a
link to a savings or other account or through a line of credit. Refer to the “Overdraft Protection” section for details. Addition-
al terms and conditions for use of a line of credit for overdraft protection may be provided to you separately.
There are fees and charges if your transaction is covered by your overdraft protection source account, but they are less ex-
pensive and are a promise by us to honor (up to the available funds or credit limit). Using one of these overdraft protection
plans is normally a better way to manage your account than overdrawing your account. If you are interested, call us at (800)
334-8788 to speak with a Credit Union representative about linking another account to avoid overdrafts or establishing a
line of credit to cover overdrafts.
To avoid insufficient or unavailable funds fees you should be certain that your account has sufficient available funds at the
time you write a check, use your debit card at an ATM or Point of Sale terminal, or when a pre-authorized electronic debit
is scheduled to be withdrawn from your account. An explanation of your checking account balance is provided below in the
section entitled “Your Checking Account Balance.”
To help you avoid returned checks and insufficient/unavailable funds fees, you may designate another personal account
or pre-approved Line of Credit owned by you or one of your joint owners as an overdraft source. We will pay overdrafts up
to the available balances of your checking account plus all your overdraft sources by transferring funds from the overdraft
source in the order previously designated by you. An overdraft transfer fee may apply for the transfer from your overdraft
source. See our Fees & Charges schedule. Any overdraft protection transfer fee will be debited from the overdraft source
You agree that anyone with signing authority on your checking account and the overdraft source account may authorize
us to set up an overdraft source account and transfer funds to your checking account regardless of the type of transaction
(including fees charged) that caused your checking account to have a negative balance.
Your checking account has two kinds of balances: the “current” balance and the “available” balance. Both can be checked
when you review your account online, at a Credit Union-owned ATM, by phone, or at a branch. It is important to understand
how the two balances work so that you know how much money is in your account at any given time. This section explains
current and available balances and how they work.
Your current balance is the amount of money that is actually in your account at any given time, but not all funds included
in the current balance are considered available for transactions on your account. The current balance is also referred to as:
(a) your available balance [e.g. “current balance”] on Credit Union ATM screens; (b) your current balance in Digital Banking
and in Mobile Banking; and (c) your current balance when you use our automated telephone banking system. Your current
balance reflects transactions that have posted to your account, but not transactions that have been authorized and are
pending [while pending deposits that are subject to holds under our Funds Availability Policy will be reflected in the current
balance even though they are not yet “available.”] While the term “current” may sound as though the number you see is
an up-to-date indication of what is in your account that you can spend, that is not always the case. Your current balance
will not reflect any purchases, holds, fees, other charges, or deposits made on your account that have not yet posted. For
example, if you have a $50 current balance, but you just wrote a check for $40, then your current balance is $50 but it does
not reflect the pending check transaction. So at that point, you have a current balance of $50, but you have already spent $40.
Your available balance is the amount of money in your account that is available to you to use. The available balance takes
into account factors such as holds placed on deposits and pending transactions (such as pending debit card purchases)
that the Credit Union has authorized but that have not yet posted to your account. For example, assume you have a current
balance of $50 and an available balance of $50. If you were to use your debit card at a restaurant to buy lunch for $20, then
that merchant could ask us to pre-authorize the payment in that amount (or even a different amount). Under this example,
if the merchant requested preauthorization in the amount of $20, we will place a “hold” on your account for $20 (referred to
as an “authorization hold”). Your current balance would still be $50 because this transaction has not yet posted, but your
available balance would be $30 because of the restaurant’s preauthorization request that resulted in an authorization hold
on $20 in your account. When the restaurant submits its bill for payment (which could be a few days later and for a different
amount than the amount of the authorization hold), we will release the authorization hold, post the transaction to your ac-
count, and reduce your current balance by the amount of the posted transaction.
With the exception of ATM and point-of-sale (POS) debit card transactions that are not “force-posted”, we use your avail-
able balance to determine when your account is overdrawn and whether fees will be assessed. Your account is considered
overdrawn when the available balance in your account is negative (less than $0). There are certain debit card POS trans-
actions where the merchant “force posts” the debit card transaction to go through without prior preauthorization, in which
case you may be charged an insufficient or unavailable funds fee if your account’s available balance is insufficient to pay
the transaction when it posts.
because your available balance may not reflect all your outstanding checks, automatic bill payments that you have autho-
rized, or other outstanding transactions that have not yet been paid from your account. In the example above, the outstand-
ing check will not be reflected in your available balance until it is presented to us and paid from your account.
Also, your available balance may not reflect all of your debit card transactions. For example, if a merchant obtains our prior
authorization but does not submit a one-time debit card transaction for payment within three (3) business days of autho-
rization (or for up to thirty (30) business days for certain types of debit card transactions, including but not limited to car
rental transactions and international transactions), we must release the authorization hold on the transaction. The available
balance will not reflect this transaction once the hold has been released, which generally occurs when the transaction has
been received by us and paid from your account. Refer to the section entitled “Authorization Holds for Debit Card Transac-
tions” below for information about how authorization holds affect your available balance.
Finally, your available balance may not reflect the most recent deposits to your account. Refer to the Funds-Availability
Policy for information regarding the availability for withdrawal of your deposits. You should not assume that you can avoid
overdrawing your account by making a deposit before a check or other item is presented for payment because your deposit
may not be immediately available for withdrawal.
When you use your debit card to pay for goods or services, the merchant may seek preauthorization from us for the
transaction. When we preauthorize the transaction, we commit to make the requested funds available when the transaction
finally posts and as such, we generally place a temporary hold against some or all of the funds in the account linked to your
debit card, based on the amount of the preauthorization request from the merchant. We refer to this temporary hold as an
“authorization hold,” and the amount of the authorization hold will be subtracted from your available balance as authoriza-
tion requests are received by us throughout each day. Until the transaction finally settles or we otherwise remove the hold
(for example, we may remove the hold because it exceeds the time permitted, as discussed below, or we determine that it
is unlikely to be processed), the funds subject to the hold will not be available to you for other purposes. At some point after
you sign for the transaction, it is processed by the merchant and submitted to us for payment. This can happen hours or
sometimes days after you signed for it, depending on the merchant and its processing company. These payment requests
are received in real time throughout the day and are posted to your account as they are received.
The amount of an authorization hold may differ from the actual transaction amount because the actual transaction amount
may not yet be known to the merchant when the authorization request is submitted. For example, this can happen in
connection with transactions where your debit card is swiped before your actual transaction amount is known, such as at
a restaurant or gas station (e.g., at a restaurant, you may choose to add a tip to the transaction amount). For these types
of transactions, there may be no authorization hold, or the amount of the authorization hold may be different from the
transaction amount. In some other cases we may not receive an authorization request from the merchant, and there will be
no authorization hold reflected in your available balance. We cannot control how much a merchant asks us to authorize, or
when a merchant submits a transaction for payment.
We are permitted to place an authorization hold on your account for up to three (3) business days (or for up to thirty (30)
business days for certain types of debit card transactions) from the time of the authorization or until the transaction is paid
from your account. However, if the transaction is not submitted for payment, we will release the authorization hold, which
will increase your available balance until the transaction is submitted for payment by the merchant and finally posted to your
account. If this happens, we must honor the prior authorization and will pay the transaction from your account.
In certain instances, when the amount of the authorization hold is either more or less than the amount of the actual transac-
tion, we may maintain the authorization hold even after the purchase amount is actually paid from your account. However,
in these instances, we will not maintain an authorization hold for longer than three (3) business days (or for up thirty (30)
business days for certain transactions).
Fees and charges for overdrawing your account can be expensive. This section helps explain overdrafts and how they
affect you. An overdraft occurs when you do not have enough available funds on deposit in your account to pay checks,
electronic debits, withdrawals and other payments that are being charged to your account. An overdraft is the negative
balance that results. It can occur due to an ATM withdrawal, a debit card transaction, a pre-authorized automatic debit, a
telephone or web initiated transfer, a check, or paper or electronic transfers or withdrawal. When you conduct a transac-
tion, make sure that you have enough available funds on deposit in your account (or under an overdraft protection source
account) to cover the transaction and avoid the overdraft. We may pay all, some, or none of your overdrafts, without notice
to you. If we do not authorize and pay an overdraft, then we decline or return the transaction unpaid. The Fees and Charges
Schedule for your account explains when we charge you unavailable funds fees and insufficient funds (NSF) fees and the
dollar amount of the fees. Please review your Fees and Charges Schedule for your account carefully. It is important that
you understand that overdrafts are expensive and that we do not promise to pay or honor checks, electronic payments,
or other transactions that overdraw your account. Specifically, when it comes to overdrawing your account, we may, as
an accommodation to you, pay an overdraft, create a negative balance and cover it with your next deposit without regard
to the source of the deposit. You agree that our covering any such overdraft(s) with your next deposit (including Social
Security, SSI and other government benefits) is authorized by you. If you do not want your subsequent deposits to cover
your overdraft(s), then you agree to discontinue subsequent deposits (including contacting any payor of direct deposits and
instructing the payor to discontinue making direct deposits).
Whether your overdrafts will be paid is discretionary and we reserve the right not to pay checks, electronic debits, with-
drawals or other charges presented for payment against insufficient or unavailable funds. For example, reasons we typically
do not pay overdrafts include, but are not limited to, the following:
The linked savings or other account or line of credit you designate does not have sufficient available funds to cover the
check, electronic debit, withdrawal or other charge;
Your account is new and you have not maintained a positive balance for at least 90 consecutive days;
Any accounts owned by you or one of your joint owners is not in good standing;
You are not making regular deposits;
You have too many overdrafts;
We receive notice that you or your joint owner have been reported for account abuse or caused a loss to another finan-
cial organization or merchant or you misuse your account with us; or
You or your joint owner is a minor under age 18.
We are not obligated to pay any item presented for payment if your account does not contain sufficient available funds. If
we do not authorize and pay an overdraft, then we decline or return the transaction or item unpaid and charge a related In-
sufficient Funds (NSF) fee as stated in our Fees and Charges Schedule. You are responsible for ensuring that your account
includes sufficient available funds to pay the transactions you initiate or authorize when they are processed for payment
from your account, and you also acknowledge that the timing of when merchants or payees submit transactions to us for
payment may vary.
If your account does not have sufficient available funds when a transaction or item is presented to us for payment and, as
a result, returned unpaid, the merchant or payee of your transaction or item may choose to resubmit the same transaction,
and may do so multiple times; [this may also occur when you initiate transfers and payments through your Credit Union
Digital Banking or Bill Payment services and your account lacks sufficient available funds at the time the transaction is
scheduled to occur, as we may decline the transaction, charge a NSF fee, and then resubmit the same transaction at a later
time in an attempt to process your requested transaction]. In the event a transaction or item is resubmitted for payment at a
time when your account lacks sufficient available funds to pay it and we decline it, we will charge a related NSF fee for each
such resubmitted item each time that same transaction is returned unpaid.
Our standard overdraft practices come with your account except as noted in the Truth-in Savings section. On the one side
are checks (and other transactions made using your checking account number), along with automatic bill payments such as
automated clearing house (ACH) or recurring debit card transactions. On the other side are ATM transactions and everyday
(that is, non-recurring) debit card transactions. In contrast to our overdraft protection service, where we promise to cover
an overdraft if there are available funds in your linked savings account, other account, or available credit in a line of credit,
under our standard overdraft practices we may, at our discretion, cover an overdraft but do not promise to do so.
You will receive a notice entitled “What You Need to Know about Overdrafts and Overdraft Fees.” This notice describes
our standard overdraft practices in detail. The notice further explains that we do authorize and pay overdrafts that involve
checks (and other transactions made using your checking account number) and that involve automatic bill payments. We
are not required to do so, and we may or may not decide to honor your checks and other payments at our discretion, but
we normally do authorize and pay these types of overdrafts up to a pre-determined amount provided your account is in
good standing (see DO NOT OVERDRAW YOUR ACCOUNT for examples of when we do not pay overdrafts). If you wish,
you may ask us not to honor your overdrafts – you may “opt-out,” in other words, of our practice as it involves overdrafts
due to checks and automatic bill payments. Specifically, if you would like to “opt-out” then call us at (800) 334-8788 or
write to us at California Credit Union, PO Box 29100, Glendale, CA 91209-9100. You agree that the opt-out authorization
may be made by any joint owner of the account and applies to all transactions normally subject to discretionary payment
regardless of the owner that initiated the transaction.
On the other hand, our notice tells you that we do not authorize and pay ATM and everyday debit card transactions unless
you ask us to. Infrequently, exceptions to this may arise (and your ATM or debit card transaction might wind up approved
or paid into overdraft even if you haven’t asked us to) due to systems limitations, but you will not be charged an insufficient/
unavailable funds fee in these exceptions unless permitted by law. Normally, unless you ask us to, we do not authorize and
pay ATM and everyday debit card transactions. You may “opt-in,” in other words, to our standard overdraft practices as it
involves ATM and everyday debit card transactions.
Note again that we do not promise to pay overdrafts under our standard overdraft practices. This includes overdrafts due
to checks or automatic bill payments, and overdrafts if you ask us to authorize and pay ATM and everyday debit card trans-
actions. We may at our discretion not authorize and pay any of these transactions. We also may terminate or suspend our
standard overdraft practices at any time and for any reason, without prior notice. Ask us to learn about our overdraft protec-
tion service which allows you to link another account to pay your transaction which can be less expensive and may be more
effective to cover transactions that might otherwise cause an overdraft.
If you ask us to authorize and pay ATM and everyday debit card transactions, you may revoke this consent at any time. To
revoke, call (800) 334-8788 or follow the instructions you received in the confirmation we provided to you after we received
your consent.
The notice “What You Need to Know about Overdrafts and Overdraft Fees” will include information about our insufficient/
unavailable funds fees (which is described as the fee for paying overdrafts in the notice) for ATM and everyday debit card
transactions. Insufficient/unavailable funds fees and charges for checks (and other transactions made using your checking
account number) and automatic bill payments is in our Fees & Charges schedule. There are no limits on the fees and we
may impose fees that are based on individual transactions that overdraw your account. There are also charges for returning
checks, electronic debits or withdrawals unpaid (for “insufficient funds” or “uncollected/unavailable funds”).
These fees and charges can quickly add up and quickly become significant. Overdrafts are not “free.” A small transaction
can become quite expensive if overdrafts occur due to the transaction. You need to avoid overdrafts and, if they occur, pay
them off quickly.
Processing your checks, deposits and other payments is a dynamic environment that is complex and may change due to
technological innovation, changes in payment systems or changes in our policies and practices, including our order of pro-
cessing. Overdrafts can arise due to a number of factors, so bear in mind that:
You should not assume or expect that you will be able to avoid an overdraft by making a covering deposit before your
transaction settles with us. Your checks, for example, can clear very quickly – sometimes even on the same day as you
deliver the check to a merchant or other payee.
As noted above, transactions may not be processed in the order in which they occur and the order in which transac-
tions are processed and cleared can affect the total amount of overdraft fees incurred by you.
When an insufficient/unavailable funds fee and charge is imposed, it operates to reduce the pre-determined amount
that we have otherwise established for your overdrafts. You should consider this when you decide about whether to
engage in a transaction that would overdraw your account, since you might erroneously believe that a transaction may
be covered when it would not because fees had eroded the limit available.
If you use an ATM or debit card, sometimes a hold is placed on your account. The hold amount may be more than the
actual transaction, based on system processing methods and the type of transaction and the merchant involved. A
hold can result in an overdraft, since “held” funds are not available. You should therefore check to be sure your funds
are not being “held” if you are concerned that another transaction might cause an overdraft.
You can see an account balance online, on a mobile device, via an ATM, or by calling us. This account balance will not
disclose the predetermined amount under our standard overdraft practices.
You may not be able to tell if a particular transaction will or may cause an overdraft. For example, a merchant point-of-
sale terminal may not provide account balances, or a balance at an ATM may reflect yesterday’s balance information.
Your account balance is continually changing, so any balance you see may not reflect current transactions or may
otherwise be out of date. You can call us at (800) 334-8788 if you want clearer information about your balances, to
help avoid overdrafts.
You should not expect us to monitor or track your overdraft usage and to warn you or caution you if the usage pattern
becomes excessive or high. We may contact you if this is the case, possibly to suggest an alternative arrangement
such as setting up overdraft protection.
The predetermined amount under our standard overdraft practices may change at any time, increasing or decreasing.
This is also true of our order of payment and processing. However, we do not manipulate transactions on a daily, or on
a member-by-member basis, in order to maximize fees.
Our standard overdraft practices are NOT designed to help avoid your future financial challenges and should not be
used by you that way. Extensive use of overdrafts is an indicator of poor account management and can result in signif-
icant expenses for you.
The above discussion regarding overdrafts does not apply to business accounts. In addition, for some of our members and
their personal accounts.
Our overdraft service is not a loan and we require that you repay your overdrafts promptly not to exceed 30 days from the
first day your account becomes overdrawn. Your account balance must be positive for at least one business day for the
overdrawn balance to be considered repaid. For example, on the 1st your account becomes overdrawn by $50; on the
10th, another $75 posts to your account taking it further negative for a total of $125. You must repay $125 by the 1st of the
following month.
What is a substitute check?
To make check processing faster, federal law permits financial institutions to replace original checks with “substitute
checks.” These checks are similar in size to original checks with a slightly reduced image of the front and back of the
original check. The front of a substitute check states: “This is a legal copy of your check. You can use it the same way you
would use the original check.” You may use a substitute check as proof of payment just like the original check.
Some or all of the returned checks or imaged items that you receive back from us may be substitute checks. This notice de-
scribes rights you have when you receive substitute checks from us. The rights in this notice do not apply to original checks
or to electronic debits to your account. However, you have rights under other law with respect to those transactions.
What are your rights regarding substitute checks?
In certain cases, federal law provides a special procedure that allows you to request a refund for losses you suffer if a
substitute check is posted to your account (for example, if you think that we withdrew the wrong amount from your account
or that we withdrew money from your account more than once for the same check). The losses you may attempt to recover
under this procedure may include the amount that was withdrawn from your account and fees that were charged as a result
of the withdrawal (for example, NSF check fees).
The amount of your refund under this procedure is limited to the amount of your loss or the amount of the substitute check,
whichever is less. You also are entitled to interest on the amount of your refund if your account is an interest-bearing ac-
count. If your loss exceeds the amount of the substitute check, you may be able to recover additional amounts under other
If you use this procedure, you may receive up to $2,500 of your refund (plus interest if your account earns interest) within
10 business days after we received your claim and the remainder of your refund (plus interest if your account earns interest)
not later than 45 calendar days after we received your claim.
We may reverse the refund (including any interest on the refund) if we later are able to demonstrate that the substitute
check was correctly posted to your account.
How do you make a claim for a refund?
If you believe that you have suffered a loss relating to a substitute check that you received and that was posted to your
account, please call us at (800) 334-8788. You must contact us within 40 calendar days of the date that we mailed (or oth-
erwise delivered by a means to which you agreed) the substitute check in question or the account statement showing that
the substitute check was posted to your account, whichever is later. We will extend this time period if you were not able to
make a timely claim because of extraordinary circumstances.
Your claim must include:
A description of why you have suffered a loss (for example, you think the amount withdrawn was incorrect);
An estimate of the amount of your loss;
An explanation of why the substitute check or image you received is insufficient to confirm that you suffered a loss;
A copy of the substitute check [and/or] the following information to help us identify the substitute check: identifying
information, for example the check number, the name of the person to whom you wrote the check, the amount of the
The trustee(s) represent and warrant that they have the authority under the governing trust instrument to:
enter into this Agreement to establish and maintain this account as trustee with the Credit Union.
transact any and all business on the account, including, without limitation, the authority to (1) make, sign and
deliver checks or other drafts for the benefit and behalf of the trust; and (2) withdraw by check, draft, order or otherwise any
and all funds (including earned dividends) on deposit in this account.
Before any successor trustee(s) may transact any business on this account, the successor trustee(s) shall (a) provide the
Credit Union with (1) a letter of resignation signed by the resigning trustee(s), or (2) a certified copy of the death certificate(s)
for the trustee(s) or (3) other appropriate documentation; and (b) execute a new Certification of Trust.
The trustee(s) acknowledge and agree that the Credit Union’s sole obligation to the trustee(s) hereunder is as a depository
institution and nothing in this Agreement or in the governing Trust instrument shall be construed to impose any duties or
obligations whatsoever upon the Credit Union as a trustee under the term of the Trust.
The trustee(s) hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold the Credit Union harmless from and against any and all claims,
demands, suits actions, damages, judgments, costs, charges, and expenses (including, without limitation, court costs and
attorney’s fees) of any nature whatsoever that the Credit Union may suffer, sustain, or incur resulting from, arising out of,
or in any way connected with the establishment or maintenance of, or transaction of any business on this account by or
through any trustee, including, but not limited to the failure of the trustee(s) to comply with any trust requirements concern-
ing the number of trustee signatures required to act or bind the trust. The trustee(s) agree to pay any necessary expense,
attorney’s fees or costs in the enforcement of this indemnification and hold harmless provisions.
The trustee(s) acknowledge and agree that the Credit Union is relying upon the statements, representations and warranties
made by the trustee(s) contained in the Certification of Trust and that the Credit Union shall not be responsible in any way
for verifying either the existence, validity or legality of the trust itself, to the authority of powers of the trustee under the
governing trust instrument to establish, maintain or transact any business on this account as set forth above. The Credit
Union reserves the right to require the trustee(s) to provide an attorney’s certificate, in form and substance acceptable to
the Credit Union, affirming the existence of the trust and the authority and powers of the trustee(s) thereunder. The trust-
ee(s) agree to notify the Credit Union of (a) any change in address of any trustee and (b) any changes to or amendments of
the governing trust instrument which would conflict with or otherwise affect the validity of any statement, representation, or
warranty contained in this Agreement. Any such change or amendment shall be effective at the Credit Union only after new
Certification of Trust has been completed and executed by the trustee(s).
When naming a trust as the beneficiary of your IRA, the beneficiaries of a trust will be treated as having been designated as
beneficiaries if all of the following are true:
The trust is a valid trust under state law.
The trust is irrevocable or will, by its terms, become irrevocable upon the death of the owner(s).
The beneficiaries of the trust who are beneficiaries with respect to the trust’s interest in the owner’s benefit are identifi-
able from the trust instrument.
The successor trustee will provide the Credit Union with a Certification of Trust along with a copy of the trust instru-
ment outlining the beneficiaries by October 31st of the year following the year of the owner’s death.
Trust Agreements affects your legal rights. In providing an Agreement for the establishment of a Trust Account, the Credit
Union makes no representation as to any tax, probate avoidance, or financial planning advantage, benefit or result of any
kind whatsoever. If you desire assistance concerning the interpretation, meaning or effect of any of the provisions of this
Agreement, you should seek the advice of an attorney or other legal professional.
We may open fiduciary accounts to meet member needs. While this agreement is generally applicable to these special
accounts, these accounts are subject to additional rules designed to take their unique characteristics into account. Further
information is available from the Credit Union concerning these special accounts.
Designation of an Authorized Signer - You may grant a person (spouse or other third party) access to withdraw from your
individual Health Savings Account or make payments from HSA Checking through any access methods available to you.
The authorized signer may perform any acts for this HSA including debit card payments, check writing, withdrawal, or con-
tributions. In addition, the authorized signer may authorize transactions and be given information via electronic or telephone
channels or written request.
You hold harmless and indemnify California Credit Union from any claims or losses that may arise as the result of action by
your Authorized Signer and release the Credit Union from any liability. California Credit Union may rely on this authorization
until such time it is revoked by you in writing.
Designation of HSA Debit Card Holder - You may grant a person (spouse or other third party) access to make payments
from your HSA Checking through use of an HSA Debit Card. The HSA Debit Card holder may perform debit card payments
You hold harmless and indemnify California Credit Union from any claims or losses that may arise as the result of action by
your HSA Debit Card holder and release the Credit Union from any liability. California Credit Union may rely on this authori-
zation until such time it is revoked by you in writing. You understand this card is to be used for medical expenses only and
any and all payments are reported as a normal distribution to the IRS.
Electronic Contributions & Withdrawals
The HSA account owner (owner) and California Credit Union agree to the following provisions, which shall be incorporated
as part of the Health Savings Custodial Account Agreement, under the Health Savings Account Application form #3500.
These provisions are authorized in the Specific Instructions, Article XI of the Health Savings Custodial Account Agreement.
California Credit Union agrees to accept certain electronic contributions, which may include ACH deposits by the own-
er’s employer, funds transferred from the owner’s checking or savings account(s) by oral or fax request, through 24 Hour
Telephone Banking, or made through Digital Banking, and any future electronic methods provided by the Credit Union. Any
electronic contribution will be recorded as a Regular Contribution and will be reported to the IRS for the year in which the
contribution is made.
California Credit Union also agrees to accept certain electronic withdrawals, which may include transfers made through
24 Hour Telephone Banking, Digital or Mobile Banking, direct EFT (ACH) debit originated by the owner’s medical provider,
the use of a debit or credit card issued for use in paying for services of owner’s medical provider and any future electronic
methods provided to by the Credit Union. Any electronic withdrawal will be recorded as a Normal Distribution and will be
reported to the IRS for the year the withdrawal is processed.
This Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Agreement and Disclosure is the contract that covers your and our rights and respon-
sibilities concerning the electronic funds transfer services offered by California Credit Union. Electronic funds transfers are
electronically initiated transfers of money from your account through the electronic funds transfer services described below.
By using any such EFT service, each of you, jointly and severally, agree to the terms and conditions in this agreement and
any amendments. We may offer new EFT services from time to time, and if so, you agree that all the terms and conditions
contained in this disclosure will apply to such new EFT services to the extent not inconsistent with the new EFT Service
This section applies only to consumer accounts. A consumer account is owned by a natural person and used for the pur-
chase of household goods and payment of household obligations. The protections afforded consumers under Federal Reg-
ulation E do not, for example, extend to business accounts, trust accounts, or consumer accounts being used for business
Consumer Liability
Tell us AT ONCE if you believe your Debit Card or Personal Identification Number (PIN) has been lost or stolen or if you be-
lieve that an electronic fund transfer has been made without your permission using information from your check. Telephon-
ing is the best way of keeping your possible losses down. You could lose all the money in your account (plus your maximum
overdraft line of credit). If you tell us within 2 business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your card or PIN, you can
lose no more than $50 if someone used your Debit Card or PIN without your permission.
If you do NOT tell us within 2 business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your card or PIN, and we can prove we
could have stopped someone from using your Debit Card or PIN without your permission if you had told us, you could lose
as much as $500.
Also, if your statement shows transfers that you did not make, including those made by card, code or other means, tell us at
once. If you do not tell us within 60 days after the statement was mailed or electronically delivered to you, you may not get
back any money you lost after the 60 days if we can prove that we could have stopped someone from taking the money if
you had told us in time. If a good reason (such as a long trip or a hospital stay) kept you from telling us, we will extend the
time periods.
If you are using a debit card for transactions that take place on the Visa network system, Visa or Operating Rules and Regu-
lations provide for zero ($0) liability for unauthorized transactions under certain conditions. This does not apply to transac-
tions that are not processed through the Visa network. These exceptions do not apply to transactions originating from your
gross negligence and/or fraudulent use of your debit card.
If you believe your Debit Card and/or PIN has been lost or stolen, call: (888) 220-9591
or write:
California Credit Union, Electronic Services Department, PO Box 29100, Glendale, CA 91209-9100.
You should also call the number or write to the address listed above if you believe a transfer has been made using the infor-
mation from your check without your permission.
For the purpose of these disclosures, our business days are Monday through Friday. Federal holidays are not included.
Account access. You may use your Debit Card and PIN to:
a. Withdraw cash from your checking or savings account at an ATM.
b. Make deposits to your checking or savings account at any California Credit Union ATM or select CO-OP ATMs.
c. Transfer funds between your checking and savings accounts whenever you request when both accounts are linked to
the card.
d. Pay for purchases at places that have agreed to accept a VISA® Debit card.
e. Pay bills directly by telephone from your checking account in the amounts and on the days you request.
Some of these services may not be available at all terminals.
You may authorize a merchant or other payee to make a one-time electronic payment from your checking account using
information from your check to:
a. Pay for purchases.
b. Pay bills.
We will disclose information to third parties about your account or the transfers you make:
a. Where it is necessary for completing transfers, or
b. In order to verify the existence and condition of your account for a third party, such as a credit bureau or merchant, or
agency or court orders, or
c. If you give us your written permission.
Terminal transfers – You can get a receipt at the time you make any transfer to or from your account using an automated
teller machine or point of sale terminal. Keep these receipts to compare with your statement from the Credit Union.
Pre-authorized credits – If you have arranged to have direct deposits made to your account at least once every 60 days
from the same person or company, the person or company making the deposit will tell you every time they send us the
money. You can also call us at (800) 334-8788 to find out whether or not the deposit has been made.
Periodic statements - You will get a monthly account statement when there is an electronic transfer during the statement
cycle. Otherwise, you will get a statement at least quarterly.
Right to stop payment and procedure for doing so. If you have told us in advance to make regular payments out of your
account, you can stop any of these payments. Here’s how:
Call us at (800) 334-8788, or write us at California Credit Union, PO Box 29100, Glendale, CA 91209-9100, in time for us to
receive your request 3 business days or more before the payment is scheduled to be made. If you call, we may also require
you to put your request in writing and get it to us within 14 days after you call. We will charge a fee for each stop payment
order you give. (Refer to the Fees and Charges schedule for the fee amount.)
Notice of varying amounts. If these regular payments may vary in amount, the person you are going to pay will tell you, 10
days before each payment, when it will be made and how much it will be.
Liability for failure to stop payment of pre-authorized transfer. If you order us to stop one of these payments 3 business
days or more before the transfer is scheduled, and we do not do so, we will be liable for your losses or damages.
If we do not complete a transfer to or from your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with
you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable, for instance, if:
a. through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your account to make the transfer.
b. the transfer would go over the credit limit on your overdraft line.
c. the automated teller machine where you are making the transfer does not have enough cash.
d. the terminal or system was not working properly and you knew about the breakdown when you started the transfer.
e. circumstances beyond our control (such as fire or flood) prevent the transfer, despite reasonable precautions that we
have taken.
f. Another exception applies that is stated in our agreement with you such as:
i. the money in your account is subject to legal process or other claim.
ii. your card or PIN has been reported lost or stolen, has expired, is damaged so that the machine cannot read the
encoding strip or EMV chip, is inactivated due to non-use, is retained by us at your request, or because your PIN
has been repeatedly entered incorrectly.
iii. through no fault of ours, there is a failure of communications or computer equipment or delays in notification by
other processors.
iv. you fail to follow the proper procedures for completing an electronic transaction.
v. you fail to follow instructions posted at the ATM.
vi. your card is retained by an ATM
vii. exceptions occur as established by the Credit Union from time to time.
You understand that you cannot use your debit card or other electronic transactions contemplated hereunder without the
applicable PIN(s) or access code. You are responsible for the safekeeping of your PIN(s) or access code provided by us or
selected by you and for all transactions by use of a PIN(s) or access code. Your use of a PIN(s) or access code is your au-
thorization to us to withdraw funds from your share (savings) or money market, or checking account to cover such transac-
tions. Your PIN(s) and access code are confidential and should not be disclosed to third parties or recorded. You will notify
us immediately and send written confirmation if your PIN(s) or access code are disclosed to anyone other than the joint
owner of your account. You understand and agree that you must change the PIN(s) or access code immediately to prevent
transactions on your account(s) if anyone not authorized by you has access to the PIN(s) or access code. If you disclose
your PIN(s) or access code to anyone, however, you understand that you have given them access to your account(s) and
you are responsible for any such transaction. If you authorize anyone to use your PIN(s) or access code in any manner that
authority will be considered unlimited in amount and manner until you specifically revoke such authority by notifying the
Credit Union and changing your PIN(s) or access code immediately. You are responsible for any transactions made by such
persons until you notify us that transactions and access by that person are no longer authorized and your PIN(s) or access
code is changed.
Telephone us at (800) 334-8788.
Write us at California Credit Union, PO Box 29100, Glendale, CA 91209-9100.
Send a secure message through the Digital Banking system on our website.
Tell us about errors as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information
about a transfer listed on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent the FIRST
statement on which the problem or error appeared.
a. Tell us your name and account number (if any).
b. Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error
or why you need more information.
c. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error.
If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing within 10 business days.
We will determine whether an error occurred within 10 business days after we hear from you and will correct any error
promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to 45 days to investigate your complaint or question. If we decide
to do this, we will credit your account within 10 business days for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the
use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we ask you to put your complaint or question
in writing and we do not receive it within 10 business days, we may not credit your account.
For errors involving new accounts, point-of-sale, or foreign-initiated transactions, we may take up to 90 days to investigate
your complaint or question. For new accounts, we may take up to 20 business days to credit your account for the amount
you think is in error.
We will tell you the results within three business days after completing our investigation. If we decide that there was no
error, we will send you a written explanation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.
Our 24 hour Telephone Banking service is an automated telephone banking service that enables you to access your ac-
count and complete certain financial transactions on your savings, checking, money market and consumer loan accounts
from your home, office or anywhere there is a touch-tone phone.
If we approve Telephone Banking access for your accounts, you will be required to select a separate PIN for use with this
service. You must use your PIN along with your account number to access your accounts. Telephone Banking is available
for your convenience 7 days a week, 24 hours per day. This service may be interrupted for a short time each day for data
You may use Telephone Banking to:
inquire into your account balance(s).
verify if a check has cleared your account(s) in the last 6 weeks.
transfer funds from your accounts to make a California Credit Union loan payment.
transfer funds between your account(s).
withdraw funds from your account(s).
make an advance on your Line of Credit.
change your PIN at any time.
There is a 7:00 p.m. cutoff for same day transaction processing.
Revealing your PIN constitutes authorization for its use by others, and you agree to be liable for their actions. Your PIN
should be memorized…do not write it on your person (such as a checkbook, wallet, or purse). If you forget your PIN, you
can have the PIN reissued by calling the California Credit Union Contact Center at (800) 334-8788.
You understand that you may have different account owners/signers on your various accounts. For example, your checking
account might have you and your spouse (joint owner), your share savings might have you and your child (joint owner), and
your line of credit might be accessed only by you (individual owner). You further understand and agree that by disclosing
your California Credit Union account number or member number and PIN, you are allowing complete telephone access
via a touch-tone telephone to all your accounts by all owners regardless of who is authorized to sign on an account. You
understand that in the example above that your spouse and child would have full access via Telephone Banking to all three
accounts, even though they would not through other transaction methods.
The Credit Union reserves the right to refuse any transaction which would draw upon insufficient funds, exceed a credit
limit, or lower an account below a required balance. The service will discontinue if no transaction is entered after numerous
unsuccessful attempts to enter a transaction, and there may be limits on the duration of each telephone call.
The following terms and conditions apply to funds transfers (ACH or Wire Transfers) you send or receive through us. If you
have a specific agreement with us for these services, these provisions supplement but do not contradict that agreement.
These terms and conditions do not apply to a funds transfer, any part of which is governed by the Electronic Fund Transfer
Act of 1978 as amended from time to time.
The rights, duties, and liabilities of parties to this Agreement shall be subject to Division 11 of the California Commercial
Code. In all other aspects, this Agreement will be subject to the laws of the State of California. If any part of a wire transfer
involves the use of Fedwire, the rights and obligations of the Credit Union and the member regarding that wire transfer are
governed by Regulation J of the Federal Reserve Board.
Division 11 of the California Commercial Code defines the following terms: “funds transfer,” “payment order” and “benefi-
ciary.” These terms have the same meaning that they have under Division 11 of the California Commercial Code. A funds
transfer is the process of carrying out payment orders that lead to paying a beneficiary. The payment order is the instruction
you give or we receive regarding a funds transfer. Said instructions may be in writing, by telephone or facsimile. Funds
transfers cover those made or received by you, and are applicable to both business and personal accounts and include in-
ternal transfers from one account to another, as well as to external transfers that you direct. Funds transfer services include
wire transfers and transfers through an automated clearinghouse (ACH) system.
Cut-Off Times For Wire Transfers Unless otherwise provided by California Credit Union, the cut-off time for receipt and pro-
cessing of outgoing wire transfer orders shall be 12:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time and 3:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time for
incoming wire transfer orders on each business day. The same cut-off time shall be applicable to communications canceling
or amending a payment order.
All fees and charges applicable to ACH processing and Wire Transfers are contained in California Credit Union’s Fees and
Charges schedule and are subject to change from time to time.
You may give us instructions to pay money or have another bank pay money to a beneficiary. The beneficiary may be you or
another person.
You agree that your instruction for a funds transfer shall be carried out using “commercially reasonable” security proce-
dures. These security procedures are to verify that a payment order or a communication amending or canceling a payment
order is yours or that of your authorized agent and is further intended to detect error in the transmission or in the content of
the payment order or communication. Such procedures may include special codes, identifying words or numbers, and/or
callback procedures, or any other kind of procedure designed to ensure the funds transfer is an authorized instruction and
to insure its accuracy. You acknowledge that such security procedures are for your protection and are confidential, and are
to be held by you in the strictest confidence. You will assume all losses should the security procedures be breached by you
in any manner. If a funds transfer request is carried out by use of the commercially reasonable security procedures, you are
responsible for any losses incurred, and you will be precluded from claiming that the transfer was not authorized.
We shall not accept nor execute, and may reject any payment order if:
the account from which it is to be made does not contain sufficient available and collected funds.
the payment order is not authorized or does not comply with applicable security procedures.
in the exercise of good faith, we have reasonable cause for rejecting the payment order.
If we reject, do not accept, nor execute a payment order, we shall notify you of such non-acceptance, non-execution or
rejection, orally, electronically, or in writing. We will send written notices by mail by the end of the next business day after
submission of your order. We are neither liable to you for the rejection nor obligated to pay you interest for the period be-
fore you receive notice of rejection.
Those persons authorized to initiate a funds transfer shall be any joint owner or authorized signer of the account that is to
be debited. Unless written notice is actually received by us and is in hand that any joint owner or authorized signer no lon-
ger has such authority, any such person shall have the right to authorize a funds transfer and you shall be precluded from
denying the authority of such person. Funds transfers as authorized by you shall be debited from the account you indicate.
We shall also debit that account for any fees relating to the sending or the receiving of the funds transfer.
If you have made arrangements (with us or another payee or creditor) to make electronic payments from your account, you
can stop any such payment by calling our Contact Center at (800) 334-8788, HOWEVER, YOU MUST CANCEL THE AU-
THORIZATION WITH THE MERCHANT FIRST. You may also visit any branch office or write to us at California Credit Union,
PO Box 29100, Glendale, CA 91209-9100. We must receive your request at least 3 business days before the scheduled
payment. If you call or visit us, we may require you to put your request in writing or to complete our form and get it to us
within 14 days after the call or visit. Please inform us if the payment is a recurring transaction. This will enable us to attempt
to cancel the authorization and to prevent recurring payments.
You have no right to amend or cancel a domestic payment order after we receive it. If you ask us to do so, we may make
a reasonable effort to act on your request. But we are not liable to you, if for any reason, a domestic payment order is not
amended or canceled. You agree to reimburse us for any costs, losses, or damages that we incur in connection with your
request to amend or cancel a domestic payment order.
For international funds transfers, you understand that you will receive a notice regarding your error resolution and cancella-
tion rights at the time you request the international funds transfer, but prior to payment for the transfer.
The beneficiary of a wire transfer (the party to whom you are sending funds) is identified both by name and an identifying
number such as account number, name and a routing/transit (R/T) or other identifying number identifies the financial institu-
tion to which a transfer is being sent. If you provide an erroneous account number, funds may be transferred to the account
of the party holding that number even though the number may identify a person other than the beneficiary named. In such
an event, you will be responsible for recovery of any funds sent to the wrong party and you will still be obligated to pay us
the amount of your payment order. You acknowledge that the financial institution to which you direct the funds sent will rely
on the account number you give, and will pay to the account number you designated.
We may select any intermediary bank, funds transfer system, or means of transmittal to send your payment orders. Our
selection may be different from that indicated in your instructions.
We notify you about your payment orders for funds transfers by listing them on your account statement. You must notify us
at once if you think a payment order for a funds transfer is incorrect. You must send us written notice, including a statement
of relevant facts, no later than 14 days after the date you receive the first notice or statement on which the problem or error
appears. If you fail to notify us within this 14 day period, we will not be liable for any loss of interest because of an unautho-
rized or erroneous debit or because your statement or notice is incorrect.
If we are obligated to pay for loss of interest on your payment order that results from our error or delay, which is caused by
a lack of ordinary care on our part, we calculate compensation as follows: The interest applicable to the account to/from
which a wire transfer is sent or received shall determine the interest rate applicable to the funds sent/received. If we have
a separate agreement with you specifying a different calculation method, we use that method instead. We are not liable, in
any case, for any special, indirect, exemplary or, consequential damages (including lost profits) of any kind.
We may receive instructions to pay funds to your account. We may receive funds transfers directly from the sender, through
a funds transfer system such as an ACH system or through some other communications system. When we give you credit
for an ACH credit entry, it is provisional until we receive final settlement for the entry. If we do not receive final settlement,
you must return the funds previously credited to your account to us and the person who sent the ACH credit entry will not
be treated as having paid you.
We notify you about your payment orders for funds transfers by listing them on your account statement. If you have ar-
ranged a direct deposit to your account or are expecting a funds transfer into your account, you can verify by logging onto
Digital Banking or by calling our Telephone Banking automated telephone line (800) 334-8788 to find out whether or not the
deposit/fund transfer has been made. Other forms of verification may incur a fee. The Credit Union agrees to provide notice
of funds transfers and/or ACH transfers in your regular periodic statement.
For international funds transfers, you understand that the Credit Union is generally required to disclose the exchange rate to
be used to effectuate the transfer. You understand and agree that there may be instances in which you request such funds
to be delivered in a particular currency, but the funds are later converted into another currency due to facts that cannot
be known by us. In such case, we will disclose the exchange rate based on your request, even if the funds are ultimately
received in a different currency.
If you do not know the currency in which the funds will be received, or, if you request funds to be received in the currency
in which the international funds transfer is funded, the Credit Union may assume that the currency in which funds will be
received is the currency in which the funds transfer is funded.
You further understand and agree that if the Credit Union does not have specific knowledge regarding the currency in which
the funds will be received, the Credit Union may rely on your representation as to the currency in which the funds will be
received for purposes of determining whether an exchange rate is applied to the international funds transfer.
If an international funds transfer is returned for any reason, you agree to accept the refund in United States dollars in the
amount of the foreign money credit, based on the then-current buying rate of the bank converting the currency to United
States dollars as of the date of refund, less any charges and expenses incurred by the Credit Union.
Without any liability to you, we may not act or may delay in acting on a payment order, or we may not credit or may delay in
crediting a funds transfer to your account, if any of the following occurs:
a. Legal constraint, including legal process affecting you, of which we have actual knowledge.
b. Interruption of communication facilities.
c. Equipment failure.
d. War or any other similar kind of civil insurrection or disturbance.
e. Emergency conditions.
f. Other circumstances beyond our control.
g. The reasonable belief on our part that the acting upon by us of a funds transfer would constitute a possibility of us
violating any guideline, rule, or regulation of any government authority.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day of deposit and shall
continue to accrue until the day funds are withdrawn.
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid to your account(s) after the close of business on the last day of each calendar
month. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date
of such dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration
date is the last day of the dividend period and for the example above is January 31. Credited dividends of $10 or more are
reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available on the Rates schedule which
accompanies this Account Agreement and Disclosure. The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate and the APY at
its sole discretion based on market conditions and other business factors.
Personal Checking Accounts pay variable dividend rates that may be adjusted without prior notice to you. There is no
limitation on the amount the rate may change. The rates and yields in effect during the statement cycle will appear on your
Minimum Balance Requirements
The minimum deposit required to open a personal checking account is $25.
The minimum deposit required to open an educator checking account is $0.01.
You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $10,000 in your account to obtain the disclosed Annual Percentage Yield.
See our Rates schedule.
Transaction Limitations
No transaction limitations apply to these accounts unless otherwise stated in the Common Features section. This account is
subject to fees as detailed in the current Fees and Charges schedule.
Minimum Balance Requirements
The minimum balance to open this account is $25.
Transaction Limitations
No transaction limitations apply to these accounts unless otherwise stated in the Common Features section. This account
is subject to fees as detailed in the current Fees and Charges schedule.
Electronic Statement and Communications
This account requires electronic statements and communication delivery. If you withdraw your consent for electronic deliv-
ery, your account type may change and will be subject to the fees and charges associated with the new account type.
Student Checking is available to students age 13 – 25. A parent or legal guardian joint owner is required for students age
13-17. At the age of 26, the account will change to a Personal Checking account.
Minimum Balance Requirements
The minimum balance to open this account is $.01 plus any applicable check printing charges.
Transaction Limitations
Our Standard Overdraft Practices do not apply to this account. No other transaction limitations apply to this account unless
otherwise stated in the Common Features section.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day of deposit and shall
continue to accrue until the day funds are withdrawn.
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid to your account(s) after the close of business on the last day of each calendar
month. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date
of such dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration
date is the last day of the dividend period and for the example above is January 31. Credited dividends of $10 or more are
reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available on the Rates schedule which
accompanies this Account Agreement and Disclosure. The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate and the APY at
its sole discretion based on market conditions and other business factors.
Personal Checking Accounts pay variable dividend rates that may be adjusted without prior notice to you. There is no
limitation on the amount the rate may change. The rates and yields in effect during the statement cycle will appear on your
Minimum Balance Requirements
The minimum balance to open this account is $25.
You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $10,000 in your account to obtain the disclosed Annual Percentage Yield.
See our Rates schedule.
Transaction Limitations
Our Standard Overdraft Practices do not apply to this account. No transaction limitations apply to these accounts unless
otherwise stated in the Common Features section.
This account is subject to fees as detailed in the current Fees and Charges schedule.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day of deposit and shall
continue to accrue until the day funds are withdrawn.
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid to your account(s) after the close of business on the last day of each calendar
month. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date
of such dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration
date is the last day of the dividend period and for the example above is January 31.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available on the Rates schedule which
accompanies this Account Agreement and Disclosure. The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate and the APY at
its sole discretion based on market conditions and other business factors.
This account pays variable dividend rates that may be adjusted at our discretion. They may change as often as daily without
notice to you. There is no limitation on the amount the rate may change. The rates and yields in effect during the statement
cycle will appear on your statement.
Minimum Balance Requirement
The minimum balance to open this account is $50.
You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $50 in your account to obtain the disclosed Annual Percentage Yield. See
our Rates schedule.
Transaction Limitations
No transaction limitations apply to these accounts unless otherwise stated in the Common Features section. This account is
subject to fees as detailed in the current Fees and Charges schedule.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day of deposit and shall
continue to accrue until the day funds are withdrawn.
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid to your account(s) after the close of business on the last day of each calendar
month. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date
of such dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration
date is the last day of the dividend period and for the example above is January 31. Credited dividends of $10 or more are
reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board for Share Savings and Money Market accounts.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available on the Rates schedule which
accompanies this Account Agreement and Disclosure. The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate and the APY at
its sole discretion based on market conditions and other business factors.
These accounts pay variable dividend rates that may be adjusted at our discretion. They may change as often as daily
without notice to you. There is no limitation on the amount the rate may change. The rates and yields in effect during the
statement cycle will appear on your statement.
Minimum Balance Requirements
Share Savings – The minimum balance to open this account is $.01.
You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $100 in your account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage
yield. Dividends are paid only on balances of $100 or more. See our Rates schedule.
You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $100 in your account to avoid a service fee. If, on any day of the month,
your account balance falls below the required minimum daily balance, your account will be subject to a service fee as
disclosed in our Fees and Charges schedule.
Money Market Savings – The minimum balance to open this account is $2,500.
You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $0.01 in your account each day to obtain the disclosed Annual Percent-
age Yield.
You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $2,500 in your account to avoid a service fee. If, on any day of the month,
your account balance falls below the required minimum daily balance, your account will be subject to a service fee as
disclosed in our Fees and Charges schedule.
IRA Savings – The minimum balance required to open and maintain this account is $50. You must maintain a minimum
balance of $50 in your account each day to obtain the disclosed Annual Percentage Yield and you may have a further
option to obtain a higher disclosed Annual Percentage Yield by maintaining a minimum daily balance of $50,000 in your
Your IRA Plan balance must be at least $50 at the end of the year to avoid a service fee as disclosed in our Fees and
Charges schedule.
Health Savings Account – The minimum balance required to open and maintain this account is $50. You must maintain
a minimum daily balance of $50 in your account to obtain the disclosed Annual Percentage Yield and you may have a
further option to obtain a higher disclosed Annual Percentage Yield by maintaining a minimum daily balance of $2,500,
$5,000, or $25,000 in your account. This account is subject to fees as detailed in the Fees and Charges schedule.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day of deposit and shall
continue to accrue until the day funds are withdrawn.
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid to your account(s) after the close of business on the last day of each calendar
month. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date
of such dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration
date is the last day of the dividend period and for the example above is January 31. Credited dividends of $10 or more are
reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available on the Rate schedule which
accompanies this Account Agreement and Disclosure. The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate and the APY at
its sole discretion based on market conditions and other business factors.
These accounts pay variable dividend rates that may be adjusted at our discretion. They may change as often as daily
without notice to you. There is no limitation on the amount the rate may change. The rates and yields in effect during the
statement cycle will appear on your statement.
Student Savings is available to students up to age 25. A parent or legal guardian joint owner is required for students under
age 18. At the age of 26, the account will change to a Share Savings account.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day of deposit and shall
continue to accrue until the day funds are withdrawn.
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid to your account(s) after the close of business on the last day of each calendar
month. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date
of such dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration
date is the last day of the dividend period and for the example above is January 31. Credited dividends of $10 or more are
reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board for Share Savings and Money Market accounts.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available on the Rates schedule which
accompanies this Account Agreement and Disclosure. The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate and the APY at
its sole discretion based on market conditions and other business factors.
These accounts pay variable dividend rates that may be adjusted at our discretion. They may change as often as daily
without notice to you. There is no limitation on the amount the rate may change. The rates and yields in effect during the
statement cycle will appear on your statement.
Minimum Balance Requirements
The minimum balance to open this account is $.01.
You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $.01 in your account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage
This account allows you to save for a summer vacation or other summer expenses. A direct deposit or payroll deduction is
used to fund the account every month. Annually, the Credit Union will distribute the balance of the account to you.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day you deposit and
shall continue to accrue until the day funds are withdrawn.
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid to your account(s) after the close of business on the last day of each calendar
month. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date
of such dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration
date is the last day of the dividend period and for the example above is January 31. Credited dividends of $10 or more are
reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available on the Credit Union’s Rate
schedule which accompanies this Account Agreement and Disclosure. The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate
and the APY at its sole discretion based on market conditions and other business factors.
These accounts pay variable dividend rates that may be adjusted at our discretion. They may change as often as daily
without notice to you. There is no limitation on the amount the rate may change. The rates and yields in effect during the
statement cycle will appear on your statement.
Minimum Balance Requirements
The minimum balance to open this account is $100.
You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $100 in your account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage
This account allows educators to save for a summer vacation or other summer expenses. A direct deposit or payroll de-
duction is used to fund the account every month. Annually, the Credit Union will distribute the balance of the account to
you. You must show proof you are currently employed at a public or private school district or institution of higher education
within California to open this account.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day you deposit and
shall continue to accrue until the day funds are withdrawn.
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid to your account(s) after the close of business on the last day of each calendar
month. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date
of such dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration
date is the last day of the dividend period and for the example above is January 31. Credited dividends of $10 or more are
reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available on the Credit Union’s Rate
schedule which accompanies this Account Agreement and Disclosure. The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate
and the APY at its sole discretion based on market conditions and other business factors.
These accounts pay variable dividend rates that may be adjusted at our discretion. They may change as often as daily
without notice to you. There is no limitation on the amount the rate may change. The rates and yields in effect during the
statement cycle will appear on your statement.
Minimum Balance Requirements
The minimum balance to open this account is $.01.
You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $100 in your account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage
Transaction Limitations
Deposits can be made by direct deposit or payroll deduction only up to a maximum of $2,000 monthly. If your deposit(s) in
one month exceed $2,000, we will transfer the excess into another account you own with us or mail you a check using the
effective date of the excess deposit. You will not earn dividends on any excess deposit.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day of deposit and shall
continue to accrue until the day funds are withdrawn.
Dividends are compounded monthly and paid to your account(s) after the close of business on the last day of each calendar
month. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date
of such dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration
date is the last day of the dividend period and for the example above is January 31. Credited dividends of $10 or more are
reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available on the Rates schedule which
accompanies this Account Agreement and Disclosure. The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate and the APY at
its sole discretion based on market conditions and other business factors.
These accounts pay variable dividend rates that may be adjusted at our discretion. They may change as often as daily
without notice to you. There is no limitation on the amount the rate may change. The rates and yields in effect during the
statement cycle will appear on your statement.
Minimum Balance Requirements
The minimum balance to open and maintain this account is equal to the Pledge of Credit Card Shares/Deposits Agreement
signed by you. You must maintain a minimum daily balance of $100 in your account each day to obtain the disclosed annual
percentage yield.
Transaction Limitations
You may only withdraw dividends earned on your Credit Card Secured Savings account. All other balances are pledged in
accordance with the Credit Card Pledge of Shares/Deposits agreement.
During any month, you may not make more than six withdrawals or transfers to another Credit Union account of yours or to
a third party by means of a pre-authorized or automatic transfer, telephone transfer, or similar order to a third party. If you
exceed the transfer limitations set forth above, your account will be subject to an excess transaction fee and denial of the
service that caused your account to exceed the limits defined by the Regulation or closure by the Credit Union.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day you deposit funds
into your account.
Dividends are compounded daily and paid to your account(s) on the calendar day anniversary of the calendar day you
opened the certificate. For example, if you opened your certificate on February 14, your dividends will be paid to you on the
14th of the each succeeding month for the term of your certificate. Credited dividends of $10 or more are reported to the
Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board.
Alternatively, you may choose to have dividends paid to you or to another account every month rather than credited to this
account. You may also have the dividends transferred to your account at another financial institution by electronic transfer
(ACH). For payments by Credit Union check to you, the dividend amount must be at least $25. Credited dividends of $10 or
more are reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available in California Credit Union’s Rate
schedule. The annual percentage yield is based on an assumption that dividends will remain in the account until maturity. A
withdrawal will reduce earnings.
The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate and the APY at its sole discretion based on market conditions and
other business factors. Rates may be variable or fixed as described below.
Certificate Maturity
This type of account will automatically renew at maturity for the same term as the original account unless otherwise dis-
closed. You may prevent renewal if we receive written notice from you before maturity of your intention not to renew or you
withdraw the funds in the account at maturity (or within the grace period of ten calendar days). We can prevent renewal
if we mail notice to you at least 30 calendar days before maturity. If either you or we prevent renewal, your funds will be
placed in an existing account or mailed to you, ifyou do not have another account at the Credit Union.
Minimum Balance Requirements
Share Certificates – The minimum balance that is required to open this account is $1,000. You must maintain a mini-
mum daily balance of $1,000 in your account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield and you may have
a further option to obtain a higher disclosed Annual Percentage Yield by maintaining a minimum daily balance of $10,000,
$25,000, or $100,000 in your account.
IRA Certificates – The minimum balance that is required to open this account is $1,000. You must maintain a minimum
daily balance of $1,000 in your account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield and you may have a
further option to obtain a higher disclosed Annual Percentage Yield by maintaining a minimum daily balance of $10,000,
$25,000, or $100,000 in your account.
Your IRA Plan balance must be at least $50 at the end of the year to avoid a service fee as disclosed in our Fees and
Charges schedule.
Transaction Limitations
You can only withdraw dividends credited in the term before maturity without penalty. You can withdraw dividends anytime
during the term after they are credited to your account. This dividend withdrawal limitation does not apply if you have made
arrangements to have dividends paid to you or to another account in lieu of having them credited to this account.
Early Withdrawal Penalties
We may impose a penalty if you withdraw any of the principal before the maturity date. For all accounts, the amount of the
early withdrawal penalty is based on the term of your account. The penalty schedule is as follows:
Maturity date one year or less 90 days dividends
Maturity date more than one year 180 days dividends
The penalty is calculated as a forfeiture of part of the dividends that have been or would be earned on the account. It ap-
plies whether or not the dividends have been earned. In other words, if the account has not yet earned enough dividends to
cover the penalty, or if the dividend has already been paid, the penalty will be deducted from the principal.
At our option, we may allow full withdrawal before maturity without imposing an early withdrawal penalty under the following
When an account owner dies or is determined legally incompetent by a court or other body of competent jurisdiction.
Where the account is an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and any portion is paid within seven days after establish-
ment or the owner becomes legally disabled.
For any account that earns a dividend rate that may vary from time to time during the term, the dividend rate we will use to
calculate this early withdrawal penalty will be the dividend rate in effect at the beginning of the term.
You will have a grace period of ten calendar days after maturity to withdraw the funds without being charged an early with-
drawal penalty.
Fees & Charges
The account is subject to fees as detailed in the Fees and Charges schedule.
Your account is non-transferable and non-negotiable. The funds in your account may not be pledged to secure any obliga-
tion of an owner, except obligations with the Credit Union.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day you deposit funds
into your account.
Dividends are compounded daily and paid to your account(s) on the calendar day anniversary of the calendar day you
opened the certificate. For example, if you opened your certificate on February 14, your dividends will be paid to you on the
14th of the each succeeding month for the term of your certificate. Credited dividends of $10 or more are reported to the
Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available in California Credit Union’s Rate
schedule. The annual percentage yield is based on an assumption that dividends will remain in the account until maturity. A
withdrawal will reduce earnings.
The dividend rate of your account will change to the current Share Saving rate currently in affect if you do not meet the
monthly minimum deposit requirement or withdraw any funds, including dividends, from the certificate before maturity. See
Transaction Limitations for details.
Minimum Balance Requirement
The minimum balance required to open this account is $25. You must maintain the minimum daily balance in your account
each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.
Transaction Limitations
Monthly Deposit Requirement – A monthly deposit requirement may apply to your Saver Certificate. If this feature applies
to your account, you must deposit $50 per calendar month to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield. If this minimum
monthly deposit requirement is not met, the dividend rate of your account will change to the current Share Savings dividend
rate in effect at that time for the remaining term without further notice. See the Rates schedule to determine if this require-
ment applies to your account.
Withdrawals – You may not make withdrawals, including dividends, from your account before maturity without incurring
an early withdrawal penalty. Any withdrawal will cause the dividend rate of your account to change to the current Share
Savings dividend rate in effect at that time for the remaining term without further notice.
Early Withdrawal Penalties – We may impose a penalty if you withdraw any of the funds, including dividends, before the
maturity date. If you withdraw some of your funds before maturity, the dividend rate for the remaining funds in your account
will be the Share Savings rate in affect at the time of the withdrawal for the remaining term. For all accounts, the amount of
the early withdrawal penalty is based on the term of your account. The penalty schedule is as follows:
Maturity date one year or less 90 days dividends
Maturity date more than one year 180 days dividends
The penalty is calculated as a forfeiture of part of the dividends that have been or would be earned on the account. It ap-
plies whether or not the dividends have been earned. In other words, if the account has not yet earned enough dividends to
cover the penalty, or if the dividend has already been paid, the penalty will be deducted from the principal.
At our option, we may allow full withdrawal before maturity without imposing an early withdrawal penalty if account owner
dies or is determined legally incompetent by a court or other body of competent jurisdiction.
For any account that earns a dividend rate that may vary from time to time during the term, the dividend rate we will use to
calculate this early withdrawal penalty will be the dividend rate in effect at the beginning of the term.
You will have a grace period of ten calendar days after maturity to withdraw the funds without being charged an early with-
drawal penalty.
Fees & Charges
The account is subject to fees as detailed in the Fees and Charges schedule.
Automatically Renewable Account
This type of account will automatically renew at maturity for the same term as the original account unless otherwise dis-
closed. You may prevent renewal if we receive written notice from you before maturity of your intention not to renew or you
withdraw the funds in the account at maturity (or within the grace period, if any). We can prevent renewal if we mail notice
to you at least 30 calendar days before maturity. If either you or we prevent renewal, your funds will be placed in an account
or mailed to you if you have no account.
Your account is non-transferable and non-negotiable. The funds in your account may not be pledged to secure any obliga-
tion of an owner, except obligations with the Credit Union.
Dividends are calculated using the daily balance method that applies a daily periodic rate to the daily balance each day
during the month above a specified minimum threshold. Dividends begin to accrue on the business day you deposit funds
into your account.
Dividends are compounded daily and paid to your account(s) on the calendar day anniversary of the calendar day you
opened the certificate. For example, if you opened your certificate on February 14, your dividends will be paid to you on the
14th of the each succeeding month for the term of your certificate.
Alternatively, you may choose to have dividends paid to you or to another account every month rather than credited to this
account. You may also have the dividends transferred to your account at another financial institution by electronic transfer
(ACH). For payments by Credit Union check to you, the dividend amount must be at least $25. Credited dividends of $10 or
more are reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the Franchise Tax Board.
Rate Information
The Dividend Rate and the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on your account(s) are available on the Credit Union’s Rate
schedule which accompanies this Account Agreement and Disclosure. The annual percentage yield is based on an assump-
tion that dividends will remain in the account until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings.
The Board of Directors determines the Dividend Rate and the APY at its sole discretion based on market conditions and
other business factors. This account has a fixed dividend rate and APY.
You have one opportunity during the term of the certificate to increase the Dividend Rate and APY which will be the Divi-
dend Rate and APY in effect at the time you select to increase the rate.
Certificate Maturity
This type of account will automatically renew at maturity for the same term as the original account unless otherwise dis-
closed. You may prevent renewal if we receive written notice from you before maturity of your intention not to renew or you
withdraw the funds in the account at maturity (or within the grace period of ten calendar days). We can prevent renewal
if we mail notice to you at least 30 calendar days before maturity. If either you or we prevent renewal, your funds will be
placed in an existing account or mailed to you, if you do not have another account at the Credit Union.
You will have a grace period of ten calendar days after maturity to withdraw the funds without being charged an early with-
drawal penalty.
Minimum Balance Requirements
The minimum balance that is required to open this account is $10,000. You must maintain a minimum daily balance of
$10,000 in your account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.
Transaction Limitations
You can only withdraw dividends credited in the term before maturity without penalty. You can withdraw dividends anytime
during the term after they are credited to your account. This dividend withdrawal limitation does not apply if you have made
arrangements to have dividends paid to you or to another account in lieu of having them credited to this account.
Early Withdrawal Penalties
We may impose a penalty if you withdraw any of the principal before the maturity date. For all accounts, the amount of the
early withdrawal penalty is based on the term of your account. The penalty for this account will be 180 days dividends.
The penalty is calculated as a forfeiture of part of the dividends that have been or would be earned on the account. It ap-
plies whether or not the dividends have been earned. In other words, if the account has not yet earned enough dividends to
cover the penalty, or if the dividend has already been paid, the penalty will be deducted from the principal.
At our option, we may allow full withdrawal before maturity without imposing an early withdrawal penalty under the following
When an account owner dies or is determined legally incompetent by a court or other body of competent jurisdiction.
Where the account is an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and any portion is paid within seven days after establish-
ment or the owner becomes legally disabled.
For any account that earns a dividend rate that may vary from time to time during the term, the dividend rate we will use to
calculate this early withdrawal penalty will be the dividend rate in effect at the beginning of the term.
You will have a grace period of ten calendar days after maturity to withdraw the funds without being charged an early with-
drawal penalty.
Fees & Charges
The account is subject to fees as detailed in the Fees and Charges schedule.
We reserve the right to at any time require not less than seven days’ notice in writing before each withdrawal from an inter-
est bearing account other than a time deposit, or from any other Savings Account as defined by Regulation D.
Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings after required transfers to reserves at the end of a dividend
period. California’s Credit Union law prohibits the guarantee of dividends as dividends are based upon available earnings at
the end of a dividend period.
Your accounts at California Credit Union are federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration, an agency of
the federal government, to the legal maximum of $250,000. Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are insured separately to
$250,000 from your other deposits at California Credit Union.
Issue Date: May 2021
©2021 California Credit Union