National Risk Index
December 2020
National Risk Index Primer
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National Risk Index Primer
National Risk Index Primer i
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Background ............................................................................................................................. 1
2.1. Natural Hazard Selection ................................................................................................ 2
2.2. Working Groups ............................................................................................................... 3
2.3. Literature Review ............................................................................................................ 4
2.4. Subject Matter Expert Review ........................................................................................ 4
2.5. Data and Methodologies ................................................................................................. 5
3. Risk Analysis Overview ............................................................................................................ 5
3.1. Risk Calculation ............................................................................................................... 6
3.2. Scores and Ratings ......................................................................................................... 6
3.3. Assumptions and Limitations ......................................................................................... 9
4. Risk Components Overview ..................................................................................................... 9
4.1. Social Vulnerability ....................................................................................................... 10
4.1.1. Social Vulnerability Source Data ................................................................................. 10
4.1.2. Processing Social Vulnerability Source Data for the NRI ........................................... 11
4.2. Community Resilience ................................................................................................. 12
4.2.1. Community Resilience Source Data ........................................................................... 12
4.2.2. Processing Community Resilience Source Data for the NRI ..................................... 12
4.3. Expected Annual Loss .................................................................................................. 13
4.3.1. Calculating Expected Annual Loss .............................................................................. 13
4.3.2. Analytical Techniques .................................................................................................. 15
NRI Processing Database ...........................................................................................................15
Geographic/Administrative Layers ............................................................................................15
Determining County-Level Possibility of Hazard Occurrence ....................................................16
Base Calculation and Aggregation .............................................................................................16
Representation of Hazards as Spatial Polygons .......................................................................17
Intersection ..................................................................................................................................17
Tabulation ....................................................................................................................................19
5. Natural Hazard Expected Annual Loss Components ............................................................ 21
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5.1. Natural Hazards............................................................................................................ 21
5.2. Natural Hazard Annualized Frequency ....................................................................... 22
5.2.1. Selecting Source Data ................................................................................................. 22
5.2.2. Annualized Frequency Methodology ........................................................................... 22
5.2.3. Data Aggregation ......................................................................................................... 26
5.3. Natural Hazard Exposure ............................................................................................. 28
5.3.1. Selecting Source Data ................................................................................................. 28
5.3.2. Consequence Types ..................................................................................................... 28
Buildings ......................................................................................................................................28
Population ....................................................................................................................................28
Agriculture ...................................................................................................................................29
5.3.3. Exposure Methodology ................................................................................................ 29
Approach 1. Developed Area Density Concentrated Exposure ................................................31
Approach 2. Widespread Hazard Event Exposure .....................................................................33
Approach 3. Hazard-Specific Representative Exposure ...........................................................33
5.3.4. Data Aggregation ......................................................................................................... 33
5.4. Natural Hazard Historic Loss Ratio ............................................................................. 34
5.4.1. Selecting Source Data: SHELDUS ............................................................................... 34
5.4.2. Selecting Source Data: NWS Storm Events Database ............................................... 36
5.4.3. Consequence Types ..................................................................................................... 37
Property .......................................................................................................................................37
Population ....................................................................................................................................37
Agriculture ...................................................................................................................................38
5.4.4. Historic Loss Ratio Methodology ................................................................................. 38
Loss Record Expansion to per Basis Records ...........................................................................38
Loss Ratio per Basis Calculation ................................................................................................39
Non-Loss Causing Hazard Occurrence ......................................................................................41
Bayesian Credibility .....................................................................................................................42
HLR Inheritance ..........................................................................................................................48
5.4.5. Limitations and Assumptions in Historic Loss Ratio Methodology ........................... 48
5.5. Validating Expected Annual Loss Estimates to Historical Losses ............................. 49
6. Using the National Risk Index .............................................................................................. 50
6.1. The NRI Website ........................................................................................................... 50
6.2. Downloadable and Online Datasets ............................................................................ 50
National Risk Index Primer
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1. Introduction
The National Risk Index (NRI) is a dataset and an application that help identify communities most at-
risk for natural hazards. The NRI leverages available source data for 18 natural hazards, social
vulnerability, and community resilience to develop a baseline relative risk measurement for each
United States county and Census tract. The NRI is intended to help users better understand the
natural hazard risk of their communities or assigned areas. Intended users include planners and
emergency managers at the local, regional, state, and federal levels, as well as other decision
makers and interested members of the general public. Specifically, it can support decision-making
Update emergency operations plans
Enhance hazard mitigation plans
Prioritize and allocate resources
Identify the need for more refined risk assessments
Encourage community-level risk communication and engagement
Educate homeowners and renters
Support enhanced codes and standards
Inform long-term community recovery
This report provides a detailed overview of the National Risk Index, including its background, data
sources, and processing methodologies. It describes the high-level concepts used to develop the NRI
and calculate its components. The methodologies for computing each hazard’s Expected Annual
Loss (EAL) are also explained in depth in the NRI Technical Documentation.
2. Background
All communities in the United States experience natural hazards, and there is a wide range of
environmental, social, and economic factors that influence each community’s risk to natural
hazards. The likelihood that a community may experience a natural hazard can vary drastically, as
can the associated consequences. Additionally, a community’s risk is influenced by many social,
economic, and ecological factors. FEMA, along with numerous federal, state, and local governments,
academic institutions, nonprofit groups, and private industry (see Figure 1), collaborated to develop
the National Risk Index as a baseline risk assessment application.
Beginning in 2016, FEMA’s Natural Hazards Risk Assessment Program (NHRAP) started work on the
NRI by adopting an established vision for a multi-hazard view of risk that combines the likelihood and
consequence of natural hazards with social factors and resilience capabilities. The goal was to take
a broad, holistic view and create a nationwide baseline of natural hazard risk. Through various
partnerships and working groups, FEMA developed a methodology and procedure to create the NRI
dataset, and then researched, designed, and built the NRI website and application.
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Figure 1: Timeline of the Development of the National Risk Index
The NRI Team conducted multiple workshops and sessions to discuss and determine the
methodologies for translating raw source data into natural hazard risk factors for input into the NRI.
The key objective of these exercises was to ensure that a vetted risk model or equation was
leveraged throughout all methodological development and that certain factors were not being
interpreted inconsistently across the 18 natural hazards.
2.1. Natural Hazard Selection
Natural hazard exposure across the country varies from location to location. The 18 natural hazards
evaluated by the NRI were chosen after reviewing FEMA-approved State Hazard Mitigation Plans for
all 50 states. Tribal hazard mitigation plans were not available at the time of the analysis, and island
territories were excluded from the hazard selection process since data for most NRI hazards are not
available. Note that Washington, DC, was initially excluded from the hazard selection analysis
process; however, it was added to the project scope in 2017 after the hazard selection.
Natural hazards that were included in at least half of the FEMA-approved state plans, or those that
were deemed to be of regional significance, were selected to the NRI (see Figure 2). A regionally
significant hazard is defined as having the capacity to cause widespread, catastrophic damage, such
as Hurricanes, Tsunami, and Volcanic Activity, but otherwise affected fewer than 25 states. It should
be noted that one natural hazard, Subsidence, fit these criteria, but could not be evaluated by the
NRI as there was no reliable, nationwide dataset cataloging this type of hazard event.
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Figure 2: Determination of Hazard Inclusion Based on State Hazard Mitigation Plans
The State Hazard Mitigation Plan review revealed that both Dam Failure and Levee Failure hazards
are profiled by many states, but the datasets needed to develop the EAL component of NRI are not
nationally or publicly available. Levees may be incorporated into the riverine or coastal flood
components if these manmade features are not included on floodplain maps or reflected in NOAA
storm surge and coastal flood analysis. These hazards should not be discussed from traditional risk
assessment. The State Hazard Mitigation Plan hazard analysis was completed in early 2016 and was
limited to the FEMA-approved State Hazard Mitigation Plans. No territorial or tribal plans were
reviewed due to their limited availability.
2.2. Working Groups
After a detailed literature review and hazard analysis, the NRI Team convened three working groups
made of intended users, subject matter experts (SMEs), and interested stakeholders from all levels
of government, private industry, nonprofits, and academia. Each working group was responsible for
an aspect of the NRI’s development and methodology. Experts in each group helped guide the NRI
data and application development.
The Natural Hazards Working Group assessed and recommended datasets associated with the
identified 18 natural hazards selected (as well as Subsidence prior to its recommended removal)
and determined the best ways to incorporate associated data into the NRI.
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The Social Vulnerability and Community Resilience Working Group reviewed and evaluated existing
efforts to measure social vulnerability and community resilience to understand which components
were most important (vulnerability or resilience, or both) and which indices should be used in the
NRI. As a result, both Social Vulnerability and Community Resilience are components of the NRI.
The Data Analytics Working Group oversaw the spatial processing, normalization, and aggregation of
data to arrive at a risk indexing methodology and calculation procedure that integrated the datasets
identified by the other two working groups.
Together, the groups discussed and developed the National Risk Index, including the datasets and
indices to incorporate, definitions of index components, data management strategies and metadata
requirements, data processing and index creation methodologies, and the data visualization and
interactive web mapping application requirements.
2.3. Literature Review
The NRI’s project team reviewed literature in the fields of hazard mitigation, emergency
management, hazard risk science, and other related fields. Centering around a search for natural
hazard and exposure variables, the literature review identified multiple datasets, risk indices,
research reports, methodologies, indicator lists, and existing risk assessment at national and global
The team identified important risk indicator categories and specific indicators during the review (see
Table 1).
Table 1: Literature Review Risk Indicators and Categories
Risk Indicator Categories
Individual Risk Indicators
Road Systems
Economic Productivity
Community Revenue
After review, the team concluded the NRI would involve three components: natural hazard risk
(likelihoods and consequences), social vulnerability, and community resilience.
2.4. Subject Matter Expert Review
Extensive development of the NRI began in 2017 and proceeded through the end of 2019. Over this
period, the NRI team continually iterated on their data processing and risk calculation
methodologies, and engaged with SMEs throughout. A full list of organizations whose members
contributed to the SME reviews is available in the NRI Technical Documentation.
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At major milestones, the team paused development to engage in broader, more comprehensive SME
review periods. The first major milestone arrived in January 2019 where teams of SMEs were tasked
to evaluate two competing draft methodologies: “Methodology 1,” which relied on unitless
standardization of EAL, and “Methodology 2,” which standardized EAL to a dollar value
measurement. Over the course of two weeks and many meetings, dozens of SMEs provided
feedback to the NRI team, resulting in a clear consensus that, although both methodologies were
valid, Methodology 2 created a more robust measurement of risk and a more valuable dataset for
the hazard planning and mitigation communities.
With clear direction on the methodology, the NRI team continued iterating through improvements to
data sourcing and processing. From July through September 2019, they conducted a final
comprehensive SME review period to focus on the new methodology’s results. More than 40 SMEs
participated in over 20 review sessions and helped the team reach concurrence on the validity and
value of the dataset. From these sessions, the NRI team was equipped to begin final iterations of the
methodology and source data processing.
2.5. Data and Methodologies
Over the course of several years, with the help of hundreds of collaborators and contributors, and
through unknown iterations of planning, design and development, the NRI working groups concluded
their work by reviewing and providing feedback on an iterative version of the National Risk Index
dataset (December 2019).
Briefly stated, the NRI is a first-of-its-kind, nationwide, holistic assessment of baseline risk to natural
hazards. Although it is based on extensive research and best practices in the risk assessment fields,
the NRI’s methodology is unique and carefully constructed the specific needs of natural hazard risk
assessment at both small and large geographic scales. A detailed overview of the risk calculation is
available in the Risk Analysis Overview section.
The NRI’s most important and central component, Expected Annual Loss (EAL), is a robust
measurement that quantifies the anticipated economic damage resulting from natural hazards each
year. Details of its equation and analytical techniques are available in the Expected Annual Loss
section. EAL consists of the best-available datasets for 18 natural hazards of national and regional
significance, with source data being processed to match the unique nature of each natural hazard.
Full processing details for each hazard are available in the NRI Technical Documentation. Per the
direction established at initiation, the dataset also includes measurements of social vulnerability and
community resilience to quantify overall risk. These key components are detailed fully in the Social
Vulnerability and Community Resilience sections.
3. Risk Analysis Overview
Risk, in the most general terms, is often defined as the likelihood (or probability) of a natural hazard
event happening multiplied by the expected consequence if a natural hazard event occurs. The
generalized form of a risk equation is given in Equation 1.
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Equation 1: Generalized Risk Equation
3.1. Risk Calculation
In the National Risk Index, risk is defined as the potential for negative impacts as a result of a
natural hazard. The risk equation behind the NRI includes three components: a natural hazards
component, a consequence enhancing component, and a consequence reduction component. EAL is
the natural hazards risk component, measuring the expected loss of building value, population,
and/or agricultural value each year due to natural hazards. Social vulnerability is the consequence
enhancing component and analyzes demographic characteristics to measure a community’s
susceptibility of social groups to the adverse impacts of natural hazards. Community resilience is the
consequence reduction component and uses demographic characteristics to measure a
community’s ability to prepare for, adapt to, withstand, and recover from the effects of natural
hazards. These three risk components are combined into one risk value using Equation 2.
Equation 2: NRI Risk Equation
An overall composite Risk Index score and individual hazard Risk Index scores are calculated for
each county and Census tract included in the NRI. A composite Risk Index score measures the
relative risk of a location considering all 18 natural hazards included in the index. An individual
hazard Risk Index score measures the relative natural hazard risk of a location for a single natural
hazard. All scores are relative as each Census tract or county’s score is evaluated in comparison with
all other Census tracts or counties.
3.2. Scores and Ratings
In this NRI Risk Equation, each component is represented by a unitless index value, representing a
community’s score relative to all other communities. From the three indices, the Risk Index score is
calculated to measure a community’s risk to all 18 natural hazards. The Risk Index is also a unitless
index and represents a community’s risk relative to all other communities. The Risk Index and EAL
are provided as both composite scores from the summation of all 18 natural hazards, as well as
individual-hazard scores where each hazard is considered separately.
All calculations are performed separately at two levels-of-detailcounty and Census tractso scores
are relative only within their level-of-detail. It must be stressed that scores are relative, representing
a community’s relative position among all other communities for a given component and level-of-
detail. Scores are not absolute measurements and should be expected to change over time either by
their own changing measurements or changes in other communities.
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All scores are constrained to a range of 0 (lowest possible value) to 100 (highest possible value). To
achieve this range, the values of each component are rescaled using min-max normalization, which
preserves their distribution while making them easier to understand. EAL values are heavily skewed
by an extreme range of population and property value densities between urban and rural
communities. To account for this, a cube root transformation is applied before min-max
normalization. By applying cube root transformation, the NRI controls for this characteristic and
provides scores with greater differentiation and usefulness. If the minimum value of the EAL is a
nonzero number before normalization, an artificial minimum is set to 99% of that value, so that
entities expected to experience loss do not receive a 0 EAL score.
For every score there is also a qualitative rating that describes the nature of a community’s score in
comparison to all other communities, ranging from “Very Low” to “Very High.” Because all ratings are
relative, there are no specific numeric values that determine the rating. For example, a community’s
Risk Index score could be 8.9 with a rating of “Relatively Low,” but its Social Vulnerability score may
be 11.3 with a rating of “Very Low.” The rating is intended to classify a community for a specific
component in relation to all other communities.
To determine ratings, a methodology known as k-means clustering or natural breaks is applied to
each score. This approach divides all communities into groups such that the communities within
each group are as similar as possible (minimized variance) while the groups are as different as
possible (maximized variance).
In the NRI application’s maps and data visualizations, standard color schemes have been applied to
the qualitative ratings. Risk Index ratings are represented using a diverging blue (Very Low) to red
(Very High) color scheme. Ratings for EAL, Social Vulnerability and Community Resilience are
represented using sequential color schemes (e.g., single color at various intensities). According to
the NRI, higher EAL, higher Social Vulnerability, and/or lower Community Resilience increase your
overall risk. In general, darker shading in the map layers represents a higher contribution to overall
risk. When source data is not available or a score cannot be calculated, then additional ratings are
used and shown in white or shades of gray. The NRI’s standard color schemes are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: National Risk Index Qualitative Rating Legend
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Scores of 0 (zero) or missing values (“nulls”) in the EAL components receive ratings that reflect the
logic behind the score. A county or tract whose EAL is zero either has no building value, population,
or crop value exposed to the hazard, or has a calculated hazard frequency of zero, except for hazards
that apply a minimum annual frequency. These areas are displayed in the NRI application as having
“No Expected Annual Loss” for the designated hazard.
In collaboration with SMEs most familiar with individual hazards and the source data used in the
NRI, a priori definitions of hazard applicability have also been applied to help distinguish between
where no hazard risk exists and where the hazard is deemed to be not possible. For example,
Coastal Flooding EAL is not computed for inland areas. These areas are displayed in the NRI
application as “Not Applicable” for EAL computation for the designated hazard.
Finally, if a component used to calculate the EAL of a Census tract or county for a hazard has a null
value, the community is rated as “Insufficient Data.” For example, certain hazards, such as Wildfire,
Lightning, and Landslide, only have source data used to determine frequency or exposure for the
conterminous United States, meaning that both Alaska and Hawaii are rated as “Insufficient Data” to
compute the EAL for those hazards. When a hazard is not applicable or there is insufficient data for a
community, EAL for that hazard is simply not included in the community’s final summation and
scoring. A summary of non-numerical ratings is provided Table 2.
Table 2: Definitions of Ratings without Numerical Scores
Risk Index
Expected Annual
EAL is zero. SoVI
and/or HVRI BRIC
are not available.
Hazard exposure
or frequency is
Location is not
considered at-
risk for hazard
Location is not
considered at-
risk for hazard
Hazard source
data is not
Hazard source
data is not
HVRI BRIC is not
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3.3. Assumptions and Limitations
The National Risk Index dataset and application are meant for planning purposes only and are
intended for use as a tool for broad, nationwide comparisons. Nationwide datasets used as inputs
for the NRI are in many cases not as accurate as locally available data. Users with access to local
data for each NRI risk factor should consider substituting those data to calculate a more accurate
EAL value at the local level.
The NRI does not consider the intricate economic and physical interdependencies that exist across
geographic regions. The user should be mindful that hazard impacts in surrounding counties or
Census tracts can cause indirect losses in a location regardless of the location’s risk profile.
The NRI’s most recent source datasets only include a period of record up to 2017. It should be noted
that the EAL values represent an extrapolation based on a snapshot in time. Extending source data
collection beyond that time may result in varying Census tract or county EAL values due to changes
in recorded hazard intensity and frequency, as well as fluctuations in local economic value and/or
population density.
Most of the hazards evaluated by the NRI use a frequency model to determine EAL. This makes it
difficult to accurately estimate EAL for high consequence, low frequency events. Certain rare hazards
(such as Earthquake, Hurricane, Tsunami, and Volcanic Activity) benefit from using a probabilistic
model that estimates the likelihood of a hazard event occurring over an extended period of time,
which can then be annualized. Of these, only Earthquake has probabilistic source data that is
sufficient for accurately estimating EAL.
Best available nationwide data for some risk factors are rudimentary. More sophisticated risk
analysis methodologies are available but require more temporally and spatially granular data for
hazard exposure, frequency, and historic loss measurements.
The NRI methodology makes various efforts to control for possible discrepancies in source data, but
cannot correct for all accuracy problems present in that data. The NRI processing database is a
complex system and localized inaccuracies in source data have the potential to propagate.
Therefore, the NRI and its components should be considered a baseline measurement and a
guideline for determining hazard risk but should not be used as an absolute measurement of risk.
4. Risk Components Overview
The risk score in the NRI is based on three components: Social Vulnerability, Community Resilience,
and EAL, with EAL based on Exposure, Annualized Frequency, and Historic Loss components, for a
total of five risk factors. Each risk factor contributes to either the likelihood or consequence aspect
of risk and can be classified as one of two risk types: either risk based on geographic location or risk
Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA). (2017). Hazus Estimated Annualized Earthquake Losses for the
United States: FEMA Publication 366. Retrieved from
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based on the nature and historical occurrences of natural hazards. The five risk factors are
summarized in Table 3 and further described in this section.
Table 3: National Risk Index Score Risk Factors
NRI Risk
NRI Risk Factors
Risk Factor
Risk Equation
Risk Type
Geographic Risk
Geographic Risk
Natural Hazard
Probability of
Natural Hazard
Historic Loss
Natural Hazard
4.1. Social Vulnerability
Social vulnerability is broadly defined as the susceptibility of social groups to the adverse impacts of
natural hazards, including disproportionate death, injury, loss, or disruption of livelihood. Social
vulnerability considers the social, economic, demographic, and housing characteristics of a
community that influence its ability to prepare for, respond to, cope with, recover from, and adapt to
environmental hazards.
As a consequence-enhancing risk factor, the Social Vulnerability score represents the relative level of
social vulnerability for a given county or Census tract. A higher social vulnerability score results in a
higher risk score. Because social vulnerability is unique to a geographic locationspecifically, a
county or Census tractit is a geographic risk factor.
The Social Vulnerability and Community Resilience Working Group reviewed multiple top-down and
bottom-up indices and chose to recommend the University of South Carolina’s Hazards and
Vulnerability Research Institute (HVRI) Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI).
Social Vulnerability source data provider: University of South Carolina's Hazards and Vulnerability
Research Institute (HVRI) Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI)
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SoVI is a location-specific assessment of social vulnerability that utilizes 29 socioeconomic variables
(listed below) deemed to contribute to a community’s reduced ability to prepare for, respond to, and
recover from hazards.
Median gross rent for renter-occupied
housing units
Median age
Median dollar value of owner-occupied
housing units
Per capita income
Average number of people per household
% population under 5 years or age 65 and
% civilian labor force unemployed
% population over 25 with <12 years of
% children living in married couple families
% female
% female participation in the labor force
% households receiving Social Security
% unoccupied housing units
% families with female-headed households
with no spouse present
% population speaking English as second
language (with limited English proficiency)
% Asian population
% African American (Black) population
% Hispanic population
% population living in mobile homes
% Native American population
% housing units with no car available
% population living in nursing facilities
% persons living in poverty
% renter-occupied housing units
% families earning more than $200,000
income per year
% employment in service occupations
% employment in extractive industries (e.g.,
% population without health insurance
(County SoVI only)
Community hospitals per capita (County
SoVI only)
Data was acquired from HVRI’s SoVI website and users looking for more information should consult
For the NRI, the SoVI dataset was incorporated using min-max transformation (0.01-100.00 scale).
County-level and Census tract-level Social Vulnerability scores were classified into five qualitative
categories, from “Very Low” to “Very High,” using k-means clustering. Social Vulnerability scores are
available for all counties, but they are absent for 292 Census tracts that have no population. Risk
cannot be calculated for tracts without Social Vulnerability scores, so those Census tracts are rated
“Insufficient Data.”
Cutter, S.L., Boruff, B.J. & Shirley, W.L. (2003). Social vulnerability to environmental hazards. Social Science
Quarterly, 84(2): 242-261. Retrieved from
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4.2. Community Resilience
Community Resilience is defined by FEMA as the ability of a community to prepare for anticipated
natural hazards, adapt to changing conditions, and withstand and recover rapidly from disruptions.
There are multiple, well-established ways to define community resilience at the local level, and key
drivers of resilience vary between locations. Because there are no nationally available, bottom-up
community resilience indices available, the Social Vulnerability and Community Resilience Working
Group chose to utilize a top-down approach. The NRI relies on using broad factors to define
resilience at a national level and create a comparative metric to use as a risk factor. The Social
Vulnerability and Community Resilience Working Group reviewed multiple top-down indices and
chose to recommend the University of South Carolina’s Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute
(HVRI) Baseline Resilience Indicators for Communities (HVRI BRIC) index.
The Community Resilience score is a consequence reduction risk factor of the NRI and represents
the relative level of community resilience for a given location. A higher Community Resilience score
results in a lower Risk score. Because Community Resilience is unique to a geographic location
specifically, a countyit is a geographic risk factor.
Community Resilience source data provider: University of South Carolina’s Hazards and Vulnerability
Research Institute (HVRI) Baseline Resilience Indicators for Communities (BRIC)
Community Resilience data for the NRI is supported by the HVRI BRIC. HVRI BRIC provides a sound
methodology for quantifying community resilience by identifying the ability of a community to prepare
and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to the impacts of natural hazards.
The HVRI BRIC dataset includes a set of 49 indicators that represent six types of resilience: social,
economic, community capital, institutional capacity, housing/infrastructure, and environmental. It
uses a local scale within a nationwide scope, and the national dataset serves as a baseline for
measuring relative resilience. This data can be used to compare one place to another and determine
specific drivers of resilience, and a higher HVRI BRIC score indicates a stronger and more resilient
For the NRI, the HVRI BRIC dataset was in incorporated using min-max transformation (0.01-100.00
scale). Because HVRI BRIC has a potential range of 0.0 to 6.0, but the full range does not exist in the
dataset, the normalized score for Community Resilience ranges from 41.2 to 64.7. HVRI BRIC is only
available at the county-level, so Community Resilience scores were inferred from counties to Census
tracts by assigning each Census tract the value of its parent county. Community Resilience scores
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). (2020). Community Resilience. Retrieved from:
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were classified into five qualitative categories, from “Very Low” to “Very High,” using k-means
For more information on the creation of the HVRI BRIC, please refer to HVRI’s BRIC website or the
geographies of community disaster resilience paper published by Cutter, Ash, and Emrich (2014).
4.3. Expected Annual Loss (EAL)
The EAL for each Census tract or county is the average economic loss in dollars resulting from
natural hazards each year. EAL is computed for each hazard type and only quantifies loss for
relevant consequence types (i.e., buildings, people, or agriculture). For example, most natural
hazards only significantly impact buildings and population, so the loss to agriculture is not included
in the computation. However, the EAL for Drought only quantifies the damage to crops and livestock
(agriculture) in its computation. A consequence type is only included in the EAL computation for a
hazard if at least 10% of the total reported economic loss due to the hazard (see the Natural Hazard
Historic Loss Ratio section) is of that consequence type.
All loss is quantified as a dollar amount. While building and agriculture loss are quantified in dollars
in the source data, population loss is quantified as the number of fatalities and injuries and must be
converted to ensure all EAL values use a common unit of measurement. Population loss is
monetized using the value of statistical life approach in which each fatality or ten injuries is treated
as $7.4 million of economic loss, an inflation-adjusted Value of Statistical Life (VSL) used by FEMA.
To adjust for inflation, all historic losses are converted to 2016 dollars.
EAL is calculated using a multiplicative equation that considers the consequence risk factors of
natural hazard exposure and historic loss, and the likelihood risk factor of natural hazard frequency
for 18 natural hazards. The EAL value for each consequence type is calculated by multiplying the
total exposure value of an area by the estimated annual frequency of a natural hazard event and by
the historic loss ratio (see Equation 3). See the Natural Hazard Expected Annual Loss Components
section for further explanation of these EAL components and how they are computed. EAL values are
computed at the Census block level (or for some hazards, the Census tract level) for each relevant
consequence type and summed to produce a composite EAL for each hazard (see Equation 4). A
cubic root transformation is applied to each hazard-specific EAL value to address skew. The resulting
transformed values are then min-max normalized (0.00 100.00 scale) to produce an EAL score for
Cutter, S.L., Ash, K.D., & Emrich, C.T. (2014). The geographies of community disaster resilience. Global Environmental
Change, 29, 65-77.
See also Mitigation Framework Leadership Group (MitFLG), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2016).
Draft Interagency Concept for Community Resilience Indicators and National-Level Measures. Washington, DC: Department
of Homeland Security (DHS). Retrieved from
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2016). Benefit-cost sustainment and enhancements: baseline
standard economic value methodology report. Retrieved from
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each hazard. A total EAL is also summed from all hazard EALs for the area and a total EAL score is
calculated using the same cubic root transformation and min-max normalization process.
Hazard-specific Risk Index scores are calculated using individual hazard EAL scores. Overall Risk
Index scores are calculated using the composite EAL score.
Equation 3: Hazard-Specific Expected Annual Loss by Consequence Type
Equation 4: Composite Hazard-Specific Expected Annual Loss
While each hazard uses the same components to calculate EAL, these computations require
different approaches due to the varying nature of the hazards and the differences in source data
format. A set of common analytical techniques (see the Expected Annual Loss section) are leveraged
to achieve the best possible normalization between all hazards for accurate NRI calculation. The
process for computing the EAL and its components for each individual hazard are described in the
hazard-specific sections of the NRI Technical Documentation.
See Table 4 for a simplified example of a county-level EAL calculation for the hazard Hail. All three
consequence types are included in the calculation of Hail EAL. By multiplying the county’s
consequence exposure, hazard frequency, and consequence-specific historic loss ratio, an EAL value
for that consequence type is determined. The values for each consequence are summed to produce
the composite EAL for the county. This composite EAL is used to derive the hazard’s EAL score for
that county. This computation includes a min-max normalization using the hazard-specific composite
EAL values of all counties in the nation. The composite EAL for Hail is summed with the composite
EAL values for the 17 other hazards to calculate the total EAL, which is scored in the same way.
Table 4: Example of a County-Level EAL Calculation for Hail
EAL Component
Building Value
Agriculture Value
$23.14 M
182,265 people or
$1.35 T
9.7 events/year
9.7 events/year
9.7 events/year
Historic Loss Ratio
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EAL Component
Building Value
Agriculture Value
Expected Annual Loss
0.054 people or
Arriving at a dollar value representing the EAL due to each of the 18 hazards for every county and
Census tract in the United States requires multiple analytical techniques utilized across all hazards
to ensure the most accurate representation of loss.
NRI Processing Database
To support the processing of the NRI, a dedicated SQL Server database environment was
established. Using a relational database to store and analyze each dataset used to compute the NRI
provides a variety of benefits. The database allows for computational efficiencies when calculating
the components of the EAL for more than 11 million Census blocks in the United States. Grouping
and aggregation functions can be used easily to roll these values into the Census tract and county
level values displayed in the NRI application. Implementation of NRI methodologies in stored
procedures allows for application and adaptation of complex business logic and spatial analysis. The
NRI processing database also makes quality control easier by allowing complex calculations to be
processed in steps with output for each step accessible in its own table. Records for each Census
block can be checked to identify outliers and any possible problems with the methodology or
algorithms. Additionally, repeatable processes can be modified and run in smaller portions, cutting
down on processing time as methodology is adapted. For example, a change in source data for a
hazard only requires the replacement of hazard-specific source data tables and for the re-processing
of a single hazard to be executed. The NRI processing database also supports version control and
allows backups of each version to be stored securely.
Most spatial functions, such as buffering and intersection, are performed within the NRI processing
database. However, some processes, such as land use tabulation necessitate the use of ArcGIS tools
and functions. The output of these externally performed processes is transferred and stored within
the NRI processing database where it is used to compute the components of the EAL.
Geographic/Administrative Layers
EAL components may be calculated at three different administrative layers: Census block, Census
tract, and county. The most granular level is the Census block and, when possible, values are
calculated at this level and then aggregated. The source of the boundaries for these layers is the US
Census Bureau’s 2017 TIGER/Line shapefiles.
The shapefiles include US territories and some large
bodies of water. These are either manually removed or clipped based on a County boundary
US Census Bureau. (2017). Cartographic Boundary Shapefiles [cartographic dataset]. Retrieved from
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shapefile provided by Esri.
All spatial layers use the North America Albers Equal Area Conic
projection. Figure 4 provides examples of block, tract, and county boundaries.
Figure 4: Example of County, Census Tract, Census Block Shapes
Determining County-Level Possibility of Hazard Occurrence
Not all hazards are able to occur in all areas. For example, Coastal Flooding cannot occur in Kansas
and Avalanches cannot occur on flat terrain. The NRI logically differentiates areas where a given
hazard is unlikely or has never occurred from areas where that hazard is impossible using a control
table in the database that designates where each hazard can occur. This table is based on counties
that intersect past hazard event polygons generated through spatial processing or which have some
possibility of occurrence as identified by probabilistic or susceptibility source data or which have
recorded loss due to hazard occurrence.
Base Calculation and Aggregation
One of the NRI’s strengths is that it determines the EAL for an area at the lowest geographical level
deemed appropriate, predominantly the Census block level. EAL is determined by assessing the
combination of a specific location’s frequency of occurrence and associated consequence if it were
to occur (for example, how often Riverine Flooding occurs in the area and what buildings, population
Esri, TomTom North America, Inc., & US Census Bureau. (2012). USA County Boundaries [cartographic dataset]. Retrieved
National Risk Index Primer 17
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and crops are potentially affected). For many hazard types, frequency and exposure can be highly
localized. Modeling the event frequency in coordination with its exposure provides the best
assessment of its expected impact.
The Census block is currently the lowest administrative level at which population and building value
data are nationally, consistently, and publicly available. By performing the EAL calculation at the
Census block level, the NRI is more accurately assessing EAL by looking at specific frequency and
exposure combinations at the lowest possible resolution. The NRI provides the most relevant
aggregations to its users, namely EAL values at the Census tract and county levels. For most
hazards, Census tract and county level exposure and frequency are calculated by “rolling up” or
aggregating values from the Census block level.
Representation of Hazards as Spatial Polygons
EAL components for each hazard are derived from one or more sources of spatial hazard
information. This can include identified hazard-susceptible areas, spatiotemporal records of past
hazard occurrences, and countywide records of economic loss due to a hazard event. The format of
spatial source data varies by hazard. Frequency and exposure calculations typically require
spatiotemporal records of past hazards or probabilistic modelling. To achieve a uniform level of
accuracy, any spatial hazard source data were converted to vector polygon format and intersected
with the Census blocks or tracts.
Necessary conversions are performed either with tools available in Esri’s ArcGIS software or with SQL
Server’s spatial operations. Common methods of hazard conversion used for NRI calculation are the
buffering of points and lines to form polygons, and raster-to-polygon conversion.
Point and line representations of hazard events or hazard-susceptible areas are buffered by different
distances depending on the hazard. Point buffers allow for better representation of event coverage
or area of possible impact. Path representations, such as those for Tornado and Hurricane, are
included in the source data as a series of points with a common identifier (e.g., StormID). These are
connected by a line or multi-segmented line. The line is then buffered by a distance depending on
the intensity of the Tornado (Enhanced-Fujita scale) or Hurricane (Saffir-Simpson scale) event. See
the spatial processing discussion in the hazard-specific sections of the NRI Technical Documentation
for more detail on buffering techniques.
Conversion from raster to polygon vector format is performed by using ArcGIS’s Create Fishnet tool to
form a grid of rectangular cells that match the extent and dimensions of the original raster and then
using the Extract Values to Table tool to insert the cell values of the raster into the corresponding
fishnet polygon’s attribute table. In vector format, attributes from the source raster data can be used
to filter or select the data needed for hazard specific methodology calculations.
Determining areas of spatial intersection between hazard events or susceptible areas and the
various levels of reference layers is an essential function used in calculating EAL. The results of
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these intersections are stored in the NRI processing database and used for multiple purposes. For
many hazards, the quantification of a hazard’s exposure is done at the Census block level. This
requires the computation of intersecting areas of exposure. Figure 5 provides an example of a
hazard event shape intersecting a Census block.
Frequency computations also typically involve counting the number of hazard event polygons that
intersect the Census block. Widespread hazards, like Hurricanes, often require a larger
administrative layer to more accurately represent the frequency of Hazard events. For these types of
hazards, the intersection is performed with a 49-by-49 km fishnet grid and the count of the fishnet
grid cell is inherited by the Census blocks it encompasses, using an area-weighted value when a
Census block intersects more than one cell.
Figure 5: Example of Intersection Between Hazard Event and Census Block
The 49-by-49 km grid cell size was used because of analysis conducted early in the project which
roughly estimated the average Census tract size to be 4,900 m
(or 70-by-70 m) and the average
county size to be 2,500 km
(or 50-by-50 km), which was reduced slightly to 49-by-49 km to ensure
the county size was a multiple of the tract size. Though the use of a grid at the average Census tract
resolution was discarded, the use of the 49-by-49 km fishnet grid was maintained for the
calculation of frequency for widespread hazards.
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Tabulation refers to the process of calculating the composition of a vector shape by overlaying it on
a raster layer inside a GIS. The GIS computes the area of raster cells completely contained within
the vector shape by raster value.
The land use tabulation process is performed by using the Tabulate Area tool in Esri’s ArcGIS
software. All spatial layers use the North America Albers Equal Area Conic projection. A layer
containing county boundaries is tabulated against the 2017 CropScape raster file
, which describes
the land use of the conterminous United States in 30-by-30-m cells using 132 distinct raster values.
The output layer contains a record for each county (by county FIPS code) with fields for each class
(crop types, developed areas, etc.) displaying the area (in square meters) of each type of land use
within the county. There are five classes of developed area (Developed, Developed Open Space, and
Developed Low, Medium, and High Intensity) which can be summed to get the total developed area
of the county. The area values of all crop classes can be summed to give a total agricultural area.
This same tabulation is performed at the Census tract and Census block level to support the
computation of developed area densities at these levels. The EAL calculations for most hazards
utilize the developed area density values at the Census block level (see the Approach 1. Developed
Area Density Concentrated Exposure).
The CropScape layer only contains information for the conterminous United States. For Alaska and
Hawaii, a similar tabulation process is carried out substituting the 2016 National Land Cover
Database (NLCD) raster files
for both states. NLCD uses the same classification types for
developed land as CropScape. It has two classifications for agricultural land: Pasture/Hay and
Cultivated Crops.
Primary tabulation involves summing the total area of interest (e.g., developed land use) and
dividing by the total area of raster cells contained. The shape area (e.g., Census block, Census tract,
or county) is multiplied by this developed area percent to calculate the developed area (in square
kilometers). To speed up calculations, the intersected shapes are classified as whether they
completely contain the Census block, tract, or county (for which developed area and crop/pasture
area had already been calculated). For such shapes, the values were transferred over without
tabulation. Tabulated areas are approximations based on the cell size of the source raster and can
exceed the area of the shape being tabulated. In these cases, the total area of the shape is set as
the ceiling of the tabulation area results.
Very small intersections of hazard event shapes with Census blocks can be too small to tabulate
against 900-m
raster cells. If not, all shapes are tabulated using the primary method, secondary
methods are pursued. Secondary methods are hazard-specific. For example, secondary tabulation of
US Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). (2017). Published crop-specific data
layer [online dataset]. Retrieved from
Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium. (2016). National Land Cover Database (NLCD) [online dataset].
Retrieved from
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Drought-Census tract shapes involves extracting the raster value at the centroid of the shape. The
entire area of the shape is classified as the raster value extracted at the centroid. On the other
hand, Riverine Flooding shapes, as many administrative boundaries are drawn using rivers, are
winding and narrow (see the shape on the right in Figure 6). A centroid-based approach is not the
most accurate. For this reason, raster cell centroids representing developed areas were exported.
SQL Spatial routines then calculated whether a developed land-use was within 42 meters (the
hypotenuse distance of a 30-by-30 m raster cell). If so, the entire shape was deemed developed.
If not, the shape was considered to have zero developed area.
Figure 6: Land Use Raster Tabulation
(This section intentionally left blank.)
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(This section intentionally left blank.)
5. Natural Hazard Expected Annual Loss Components
The NRI represents natural hazard in terms of EAL, which incorporates data for natural hazard
exposure, annualized frequency, and historic loss. A single “mental model” was leveraged
throughout all methodological processes in calculating these EAL components, so that certain risk
factors were not being interpreted inconsistently across the 18 natural hazards.
5.1. Natural Hazards
Natural hazards are defined as environmental phenomena that have the potential to impact
societies and the human environment. These should not be confused with other types of hazards,
such as manmade hazards. For example, a flood resulting from changes in river flows is a natural
hazard, whereas flooding due to a dam failure is a considered manmade hazard by the NRI.
Natural hazard events can induce secondary natural hazard events. For example, Landslides can be
caused by an Earthquake. Natural hazards are distinct from natural disasters. A natural hazard is the
threat of an event that will likely have a negative impact. A natural disaster is the negative impact
following an actual occurrence of the natural hazard in the event that it significantly harms a
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community. The NRI only considers primary natural hazard events and not their results or after-
The NRI considers 18 natural hazards, including: Avalanche, Coastal Flooding, Cold Wave, Drought,
Earthquake, Hail, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Ice Storm, Landslide, Lightning, Riverine Flooding, Strong
Wind, Tornado, Tsunami, Volcanic Activity, Wildfire, and Winter Weather. These hazards are listed
below and described in more detail in the NRI Technical Documentation.
5.2. Natural Hazard Annualized Frequency
The annualized natural hazard frequency is defined as the expected frequency or probability of an
event happening per year. Frequency is derived either from the number of recorded events each year
over a given period or the modeled probability of an event occurring each year. The NRI considers
that natural hazards can occur in places where they may have not yet been recorded to-date and
that hazards may have occurred in locations without being recorded. Therefore, the NRI has built-in
minimum representative frequency values for certain geographical areas and hazards, such as
Hurricane, Ice Storm, Landslide, Tornado, and Tsunami.
Annualized frequency data are derived from multiple sources and depend on the natural hazard.
Data sources were identified through public knowledge, guidance by SMEs, and research. Examples
of selected data sources include the National Weather Service (NWS), the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the US Geological Survey (USGS), the US Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE), the Smithsonian databases, and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). See
the hazard-specific sections in the NRI Technical Documentation for more information on spatial
data sources.
The natural hazard annualized frequency is the expected frequency for a given hazard event and
measures the actual or expected number of events or event days each year. Not all events are
considered relevant for frequency calculation. SMEs established that some hazards meet certain
criteria to be included as a hazard event capable of causing damage e.g., Hail size of diameter
greater than 0.75 in. (see the hazard-specific sections for more information on these criteria).
Annualized frequency can be defined as the number of historical occurrences of a natural hazard
within a known period of record per geographic area, as seen below in Equation 5:
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Equation 5: Annualized Frequency Equation
In some cases, as with Wildfire and Earthquake, the best available source data consists of
probabilistic statistics contained in raster files which are used to compute an annualized frequency.
In these cases, the frequency value represents the probability of a hazard event occurring in a given
For hazards that track actual hazard occurrences, the historical event count quantifies either the
number of distinct hazard events that have occurred (e.g., Hurricanes to hit the area) or the count of
days on which a hazard has occurred (e.g., on how many days a Hail event was reported). The
determination of whether hazard occurrence was defined by event-days or discrete events was
based on SME review of the source data. This determination depended on how hazard occurrence
was recorded as well as how economic loss was reported. Table 5 gives the frequency basis (event
or event-day) for each hazard.
Table 5: Geographic Level of Event Count Determination and Hazard Occurrence Basis
Natural Hazard
Geographic Level of Historic Event Count
Hazard Occurrence Basis
Distinct events
Coastal Flooding
No event count
No event count
Cold Wave
Census Block
Event days
Census Tract
Event days
No event count
No event count
49-km Fishnet
Event days
Heat Wave
Census Block
Event days
49-km Fishnet
Distinct events
Ice Storm
49-km Fishnet
Event days
Census Tract
Distinct events
4-km Fishnet (Source raster cell)
Distinct events
Riverine Flooding
Distinct events
Strong Wind
49-km Fishnet
Event days
49-km Fishnet
Distinct events
Census Tract
Distinct events
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Natural Hazard
Geographic Level of Historic Event Count
Hazard Occurrence Basis
Volcanic Activity
Census Block
Distinct events
No event count
No event count
Winter Weather
Census Block
Event days
While the NRI application reports information at the Census tract and county level, often the data
used to determine this information is captured at either a lower or higher level. Predominantly, EAL
components are assessed at the Census block level, so the number of hazard events (or event-days)
which have historically occurred is determined for each Census block.
Depending on the nature of the hazard and its source data, the event count used to calculate
frequency can be initially captured at the Census block, Census tract, county, or 49-by-49 km fishnet
grid cell level (see each hazard’s frequency section in the NRI Technical Documentation for specific
hazard event count methodology). Table 5 provides the geographic level at which event count
information is determined for use in frequency calculations for each hazard.
For large geographic areas and areas with a statistically significant number of events recorded, the
logic supporting Equation 5 is sound and is used as one approach for calculating annualized
frequency in the NRI for some natural hazards. However, for hazards with few events historically
recorded, due to urban bias and varying demographics across the country, this equation is not
always accurate or representative. Additionally, as geographic boundaries are partitioned into much
smaller regions (counties, Census tracts, and Census blocks), further challenges are uncovered
resulting from the fact that geographic areas that have not been historically impacted by a hazard
and/or recorded hazard events are being calculated as having no risk from that hazard (since the
EAL and NRI risk equation is multiplicative, and therefore any individual factor of zero results in a
total NRI score of 0).
Consider an example (Figure 7) where four Tornadoes hit a single Census tract (e.g. “Tract A”) near
its geographic border. Using Equation 5, the annualized frequency for “Tract A” would be calculated
using a 4 in the numerator. However, given the Tornado event locations (specifically, their proximity
to the neighboring tracts), these four events could easily have occurred within, say, “Tract B”.
Therefore, “Tract B” should not be represented as having no (zero) risk, and, yet, it would be zero if
annualized frequency was deemed to be zero based on the fact that no Tornado has historically
occurred in “Tract B”. Natural hazard events cannot be expected to respect arbitrarily drawn political
boundaries, so, in evaluating risk, hazard occurrence definition should account for events in nearby
Census blocks or tracts that easily could have impacted a given area.
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Figure 7: Example of the Issues with a Simplistic Annualized Frequency Methodology
Three main solutions were incorporated to spread the area of hazard influence used to calculate
frequency and/or exposure. Hazard-specific frequency methodologies may use some or all of these
1. Hazard Event Counting Using a 49-by-49 km Fishnet Grid: This approach involves creating a
fishnet grid covering the United States and counting the number of events (or event-days) of
hazard occurrence within each cell. Areas within the cell inherit the event count (or receive
an area-weighted event count when intersecting multiple cells; see the Data Aggregation
section) and frequency is then calculated according to Equation 5. Hazards using this
approach include Hail, Hurricane, Ice Storm, Strong Wind, and Tornado.
2. Minimum Annual Frequency: A minimum annual frequency (MAF) is assigned to areas which
have not experienced a hazard occurrence recorded by the source data, but are determined
to be at some risk due to their location (see the Determining County-Level Possibility of
Hazard Occurrence section). Appropriate MAF values were identified by natural hazard SMEs.
The estimated values were typically low, given the fact that historic events had never been
recorded over the period of record, which sometimes dated back multiple centuries.
Minimum values were typically defined in the format of “once in the period of record,” or
similar. Hazards using this approach include Avalanche, Hurricane, Ice Storm, Landslide,
Riverine Flooding, Tornado, and Tsunami.
3. Hazard Event Shape Buffering: Hazards with widespread and/or unpredictable event
locations are buffered using SME-determined distances to create more representative areas
with potential exposure to natural hazards. Buffering also allows events with relatively small
surface areas to be smoothed together into general representative shapes to eliminate gaps
that may exist between historically recorded hazard events (see Figure 8). Hazards using this
approach include Hail, Hurricane, Strong Wind, Tornado, Tsunami, and Volcanic Activity.
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Figure 8: Example of Buffering Hazard Events to Determine Areas Applicable to Minimum
Frequency Values
Some hazards do not require any of these solutions due to the nature of the source data or the
widespread prevalence of the hazard. For example, the spatial data for Cold Wave, Heat Wave, and
Winter Weather events cover areas the size and shape of NWS forecast zones and counties. These
events can occur across the entire United States, so it is not necessary to spread the hazards’ area
of influence any further.
In most instances, annualized frequency is calculated first at the Census block level. In cases where
the event count is evaluated at the fishnet level (see Table 5), the Census block inherits the event
count from the fishnet cell that encompasses it, performing an area-weighted count if a Census
block intersects multiple fishnet cells, as computed in Equation 6. Applying this equation to the
example in Figure 9 results in a Census block event count of about 22. This fishnet-aggregated count
is used to calculate the Census block frequency.
Equation 6: Census Block Area-Weighted Fishnet Event Count Calculation
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Figure 9: Aggregation from Fishnet Cell to Census Block Example
The NRI rolls up data from the Census block to the Census tract and county level, usually by
leveraging area-weighted aggregation as computed in Equation 7. These Census tract and county
level frequency values may not exactly match that of dividing the Census tract and county level
number of historical hazard events by the period of record, as they are based on an area-weighted
Equation 7: Census Tract and County Frequency Aggregations
For a few natural hazards (typically those that are widespread, such as Tsunami or Drought),
annualized frequency is calculated at the Census tract level, after which the Census block simply
inherits the value of its parent tract (see Table 5). Only annualized frequency of the Avalanche and
Riverine Flooding natural hazards are calculated at the county level directly, where the Census tracts
and blocks inherit the value of their parent county.
National Risk Index Primer
5.3. Natural Hazard Exposure
Natural hazard exposure is defined as the representative value of buildings, population, or
agriculture potentially exposed to a natural hazard event. Data sources with the best available
national-level data for each hazard were selected to perform a spatial analysis and compute areas of
The initial spatial processing of the source data for each hazard is used to identify areas of natural
hazard exposure. Data sources were selected for their accuracy, long period of record, and spatial
component, based on the best available, national-level data per natural hazard. Sources were
identified through public knowledge, subject matter expert recommendations, and research.
Providers of natural hazard exposure data include:
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
USC Hazards & Vulnerability Research Institute (HVRI)
Spatial Hazard Events & Losses Database for the United States (SHELDUS)
United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
National Weather Service (NWS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
A natural hazard consequence is defined in the NRI as economic loss or bodily harm to individuals
that is directly caused by a natural hazard event. Consequences of natural hazard events are
categorized into three different types: buildings, population, and agriculture.
Building exposure is defined as the dollar value of the buildings determined by the source data to be
exposed to a hazard according to a hazard-specific methodology. The maximum possible building
exposure of an area (Census block, Census tract, or county) is its building value as recorded in
Hazus 4.2, Service Pack 01 (SP1),
which provides 2018 valuations of the 2010 Census.
Population exposure is defined as the estimated number of people determined by the source data to
be exposed to a hazard according to a hazard-specific methodology. The maximum possible
population exposure of an area (Census block, Census tract, or county) is its population as recorded
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2018). Hazus 4.2, Service Pack 01 Release. Retrieved from
US Census Bureau. (2010). 2010 Census. Retrieved from
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in Hazus 4.2 SP1. The Value of Statistical Life (VSL) was used to express population exposure in
terms of dollars.
Agriculture exposure is defined as the estimated dollar value of the crops and livestock determined
by the source data to be exposed to a hazard according to a hazard-specific methodology. This is
derived from the USDA 2017 Census of Agriculture
county-level value of crop and pastureland.
Natural hazard exposure is typically calculated at the Census block level and then aggregated to the
tract and county level by summing the block exposure values within the parent tract or parent
county. See each hazard’s exposure section for more information.
Some hazard exposure areas are represented as polygons in the source data, while others are
represented as points, lines, or raster cells. Hazard exposure is based on either historic event
locations or areas of identifiable risk, e.g., Tsunami inundation zones. Eventually, every relevant
record in the source data is processed into a polygon via a hazard-specific methodology. This polygon
represents an area of exposure to the hazard.
To calculate the natural hazard’s representative size for a given area, the NRI leverages a few
techniques, such as using subject matter expertise to define a single representative hazard size,
calculating historical average event occurrence sizes, or defining the size of probabilistic/susceptible
zones for hazards within the area of interest using existing source data (Figure 10).
US Department of Agriculture. (2017). 2017 Census of Agriculture. Retrieved from
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Figure 10: Examples of Representative Hazard Size
To estimate exposure, the hazard event or susceptible area polygons are intersected with the
appropriate administrative layer polygons and the resulting intersect shape defines the area of
hazard exposure. Once the area of exposure is defined, one of three generalized approaches are
executed within the NRI processing database to estimate the exposure value within the
administrative area. The approach used for a natural hazard was determined by the hazard’s
recorded historic events, hazard susceptibility maps, and subject matter expertise. The type of
exposure method used for each of the 18 hazards is described further in the NRI Technical
Documentation. The general approaches to modeling exposure include:
1. Developed Area/Agricultural Area Density Concentrated Exposure. The NRI determined area
of hazard exposure intersected with the administrative area is multiplied by the density of
either the population or building value within the developed land of the area to calculate the
worst-case concentration of hazard consequence. To estimate agriculture exposure, this
method uses the density of crop and livestock value within the agricultural land of the area.
2. Widespread Hazard Event Exposure. The entire Census block is considered to be exposed.
This approach is leveraged for hazards whose extent likely spans the entire area of interest
and whose boundaries are indefinable.
3. Pre-Defined Representative Exposure. Subject matter experts defined a default,
representative exposure value for areas of interest deemed at risk of natural hazard events.
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Approach 1. Developed Area Density Concentrated Exposure
Exposure is calculated for most of the natural hazards using the developed area density approach.
This approach uses the area of the hazard event exposure shape (intersection of hazard shape with
the administrative area) multiplied by the developed area density of the administrative area to
generate the worst-case representative property damage or population that could result from a
future natural hazard event within the area.
The Hazus 4.2 SP1 data provides building value and population estimates at each administrative
reference layer (Census block, Census tract, and county). For certain hazards, a density estimate was
needed for the hazard’s exposure calculation. Rather than only calculating an average density value
for each administrative layer (i.e., by dividing the population of a Census block by the area of the
Census block), effort was made to refine the density estimate by first estimating where people and
buildings might exist within an area. Using the USDA CropScape 2017 raster, which categorizes land
types and use (see Figure 11), a spatial tabulation process was used to derive an estimate of the
developed area within each administrative reference layer. This same tabulation process was used
to estimate the crop and pasture area as well (see the Tabulation section).
With an estimate of the developed area and crop and pasture area for each record of the
administrative reference layers, densities were then calculated. Using the Hazus data’s Building
Stock Value and Population estimates for each administrative layer, the ratio of developed area
within an administrative reference over its whole area was used to calculate the building value and
population densities. These densities represent an assumption that population and the presence of
buildings are concentrated in developed areas rather than being equally distributed across an
administrative area.
Note that, in cases where the Hazus data reports population and or building value and the tabulation
process did not identify any developed land area, the record was assigned an average density value
calculated as the building value (or population) divided by the total area of the record. For cases
where the tabulation process identified developed area but the Hazus data did not report any
population or building values, the densities where set to 0. This ensures that the tabulation process,
which can be spatially imprecise due to the resolution of the source rasters, does not count adjacent
developed area as developed area within the administrative area when Hazus data does not
consider it populated or developed.
To compute the building and population value densities, the building and population values of the
administrative layer (Census block, Census tract, or county) are divided by the total developed area
(determined for the tabulation process) of the administrative layer, as in Equation 8.
Equation 8: Census Block Building and Population Value Density
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is the building value density calculated at the Census block level (in dollars
per square kilometer)
is the total building value of the Census block, as recorded in Hazus 4.2 (in
is the total developed area of the Census block, tabulated from CropScape or
NLCD raster files (in square kilometers)
is the population density calculated at the Census block level (in people per
square kilometer)
is the total population of the Census block, as recorded in Hazus 4.2
For agriculture, the USDA 2017 Census of Agriculture provides an estimated dollar value of crop and
livestock within each county. The county value is divided by the total agricultural area of the county
to find its crop value density (see Equation 9). The county level agricultural value density is inherited
by any Census tracts or Census blocks that contain crop or pastureland.
Equation 9: County Crop Value Density
is the agricultural value density calculated at the county level (in dollars per
square kilometer)
is the total crop and livestock value of the county, as reported in the 2017
Census of Agriculture (in dollars)
is the total agricultural area of the county (in square kilometers
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Figure 11: CropScape Developed Land Layer
Approach 2. Widespread Hazard Event Exposure
For certain natural hazards whose extent is widespread with indefinable boundaries, the entire area
of interest is considered exposed. For these natural hazards, exposure values are defined to be the
entire area of interest’s building value, crop and livestock value, or population as recorded by Hazus
4.2 SP1 or the 2017 Census of Agriculture.
Approach 3. Hazard-Specific Representative Exposure
Avalanche and Tornado each have a unique method of calculating exposure. For Avalanche, a single
exposure value, defined by SMEs, is pre-determined and assigned to all areas deemed at risk of
Avalanche events. A review of the source data found that 98% of historical Tornado events impact an
area of 50 km
or less, with the average damage area being 2.07 km
, so a 2 km
area was used to
estimate an average area impacted by a Tornado. This representative footprint area is multiplied by
the average building or population density of the Census tract to find exposure.
Natural hazard exposure is calculated at the Census block level and then is aggregated to the tract
and county level by summing the block exposure values within the parent tract or parent county (with
the exception of Avalanche, Drought, Earthquake, and Tornado which are initially calculated at the
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tract level). Detailed methodologies per hazard are explained in the hazard-specific sections of the
NRI Technical Documentation.
5.4. Natural Hazard Historic Loss Ratio
The Historic Loss Ratio (HLR) is an area-specific estimate of the percentage of the exposed
consequence type (building value, population, or agriculture value) expected to be lost due to a
single hazard occurrence. In concept, it is the average of the loss ratios associated with past hazard
events and is used to estimate the potential impact of a future hazard events. To begin the
determination of this value, a Loss Ratio per Basis (event or event-day) (LRB) is calculated for each
historical loss-causing hazard occurrence (for each relevant consequence type) as the value of the
loss divided by the exposed consequence value.
A Bayesian credibility analysis is then performed with the individual LRBs at multiple geographic
levels (county, surrounding area, regional, and/or national) to better balance historic loss accuracy
with geographic precision and characteristics. The resulting HLR (by consequence type) is a
Bayesian-adjusted ratio that is the summed weighted average of various geospatial groupings of the
consequence LRBs at the relevant geographic levels for the hazard. This Bayesian-adjusted resulting
HLR value, computed for each County-Hazard-Consequence type combination, serves as a prediction
of the ratio of loss to exposed consequence value that can be expected from a single hazard
occurrence. Computation of the HLR also considers hazard events which resulted in no loss prior to
performing the Bayesian credibility spatial modelling analysis. This ensures that HLR can be
multiplied by frequency within the risk equation without over-inflating the EAL value.
Historic Losses source data provider: Arizona State University, Spatial Hazard Events and Losses
Database of the United States (SHELDUS)
Arizona State University’s Spatial Hazard Events and Losses Database of the United States
(SHELDUS) loss data were used for most natural hazards. SHELDUS provides county-level data that
correspond to nearly all of the natural hazards represented by the NRI. It offers a further degree of
description by identifying events by peril as well as hazard. SHELDUS aggregates property damage,
crop losses, injuries, and fatalities due to a peril by month, year, and county since 1960. Most of this
data, at the event level, were collected by NOAA and published in the monthly Storm Data and
Unusual Weather Phenomena report, though information for some hazards is extracted from
additional resources.
SHELDUS represents the best available data on economic, population, and agricultural losses due to
natural hazards. However, there are many cases where the geographic precision of the recorded loss
is imperfect. In these cases, the exact location of injuries and fatalities may be unknown due to
regional reporting from the source data interpreted by SHELDUS, often based on a forecast zone that
Center for Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Arizona State University. (2017). Spatial Hazard Events and
Losses Database for the United States, Version 16.0. [online database]. Retrieved from
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covers multiple counties. For example, in Table 6, an Ice Storm injury is recorded as 0.5 for two
neighboring counties and both have the same level of property damage. This signifies that the
precise location of the damage associated with this event could not be determined between the two
counties, so the damage is split evenly between them. The NRI utilizes SHELDUS data as it is
compiled and does nothing to alter the source information.
Table 6: Sample SHELDUS Data, Aggregated by Peril, County, and Year-Month
(2016 $)
(2016 $)
Data were downloaded at the peril level, aggregated to a county-month level, and mapped via a
control table in the NRI processing database to the appropriate NRI-defined natural hazards. Peril
data were downloaded because natural hazard types as defined in SHELDUS do not directly map into
the natural hazard definitions utilized in the NRI. For example, SHELDUS classifies all flooding perils
under the hazard Flood while the NRI explores two flooding hazards (Coastal and Riverine) and
classifies the different flooding perils accordingly (see Table 7).
Table 7: NRI Hazard to SHELDUS Peril Mapping
NRI Hazard
Avalanche, AvalancheDebris, AvalancheSnow, SnowSlide
Coastal, CoastalStorm, FloodCoastal, FloodTidal
Earthquake, Fire-following Earthquake, LandslideFollowingEQ, Liquefaction
Heat Wave
Heat, HeatWave
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NRI Hazard
CycloneExtratropical, CycloneSubtropical, CycloneUnspecified,
HurricaneTropicalStorm, NorEaster, StormSurge, TropicalDepression,
Ice Storm
Landslide, LandslideSlump, MudFlow, Mudslide, RockSlide
FireStElmos, Lightning
FloodFlash, FloodIceJam, Flooding, FloodLakeshore, FloodLowland,
FloodRiverine, FloodSmallStream, FloodSnowmelt
Strong Wind
Derecho, Wind, WindStraightLine
FireTornado, Tornado, Waterspout, WindTornadic, WindVortex,
Tsunami, TsunamiSeiche
Ashfall, Lahar, LavaFlow, PyroclasticFlow, Vog, Volcano
FireBrush, FireBush, FireForest, FireGrass, Wildfire
Blizzard, StormWinter, WinterWeather
National Weather Service, Storm Events Database
Unlike the other natural hazards included in the NRI, the loss information for Cold Wave is derived
from the NWS’s Storm Events Database. Loss data for property damage and crop damage is
recorded in the same manner as the SHELDUS data, much of which originates from the Storm
Events Database. Unlike SHELDUS, the Storm Events Database includes natural hazard events with
no reported loss.
Dollar amounts in the Storm Events Database are not inflation-adjusted, so these were converted
to 2016 dollars using the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index
to correspond with the
SHELDUS inflation-adjusted dollar amounts, using Equation 10.
National Weather Service. (2017). Storm Events Database, Version 3.0.
[online database]. Retrieved from
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2019). Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers [online dataset]. Retrieved from
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Equation 10: Conversion to 2016 Dollars
is the dollar value in 2016 dollars
is the original dollar value (assumed dollar value at the time of the loss event)
is the Consumer Price Index for the month of the loss event in 2016
is the Consumer Price Index for the month/year of the loss event
Some loss records in the Storm Events Database are designated with a forecast zone rather than a
county, so each must be joined to a county via a county-zone correlation table with data that is also
provided by the NWS. Cold Wave events also have beginning and end dates recorded, so the number
of event-days can be computed. Cold Wave events extracted from the Storm Events Database use
the same date range as most of the data utilized from SHELDUS, 1/1/1995 to 12/31/2016. The
resulting extracted records mimic the structure of the SHELDUS data in that all records are
aggregated by county, peril, year, and month.
The consequence types in the loss data sources are treated as direct corollaries to consequence
types measured for NRI Hazard exposure.
Property loss is defined as the SHELDUS -- or NWS -- reported damage to property caused by the
hazard event in 2016 dollars. In the calculation of HLR, property loss is treated as the equivalent of
building value recorded in Hazus 4.2 SP1. However, SHELDUS property damage can include other
types of property, like vehicles or infrastructure, which would not be reported in the Census data
used by Hazus to estimate building value. This is a caveat to consider when working with this data.
SHELDUS and Hazus data remain the best available estimates of loss and value that could be
utilized for the NRI.
Population loss is defined as the SHELDUS -- or NWS -- reported number of fatalities and injuries
caused by the hazard event. To combine fatalities and injuries for the computation of population loss
value, an injury is counted as one-tenth (1/10) of a fatality.
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The NWS Storm Events Database classifies injuries and fatalities as direct or indirect. For the
purposes of the NRI, both direct and indirect injuries and fatalities are counted in the population loss
Agriculture loss is defined as the SHELDUS or NWS reported damage to crops and livestock
caused by the hazard event in dollars. SHELDUS also tracks crop indemnity payments for USDA-
insured crop loss, however the total crop/livestock damage value was considered to be more
inclusive and the crop indemnity data is not used.
Conceptually, the Historic Loss Ratio (HLR) is the representative percentage of a location’s hazard
exposure area that experiences loss due to a Hazard, or the average rate of loss associated with the
occurrence of a hazard.
This could be computed as the average of the individual occurrence loss rates (referred to here as
Loss Ratios per Basis). However, HLR cannot be calculated in these simple terms and be considered
accurate. Many counties which have not experienced a loss-causing event during the time period
captured from SHELDUS may be in close proximity to counties which share similar characteristics
that have experienced loss to the hazard. For example, it may be inaccurate to say that a county’s
likely loss ratio to Hurricane is zero just because it has not experienced a loss-causing Hurricane
event during the 22-year window, especially if it borders counties which have experienced loss to
Hurricanes. A better approximation of the HLR is achieved by applying a Bayesian spatial weighting
matrix to smooth the loss ratio data spatially and ensure that historic loss is represented in a rational
way without allowing anomalous Hazard events to distort the data. To implement Bayesian credibility
weighting, loss ratio averages and variances need to be computed for spatial groupings of national,
surrounding, county and, for some hazards, regional levels. The nature of the source data requires
some pre-processing within the database to ensure that all historical hazard events are included in
the loss ratio calculations, including per-basis record expansion of the native SHELDUS records and
the insertion of records representing hazard occurrences which did not result in economic loss. See
the Limitations and Assumptions in Historic Loss Ratio Methodology section for more information.
Loss Record Expansion to per Basis Records
Native SHELDUS and NWS records represent loss aggregated on a county, year, month, and peril
basis. Each row includes the number of reported loss-causing peril events for the month in the
county and the total duration days of the events. For example, the January 2009 Ice Storm event in
Table 8 lasted three days. The basis of Ice Storm occurrences is the event-day as this definition
better captures the variability in duration for Ice Storm events. Without the resolution of knowing
which event-day the damage occurred on, the loss is divided among the days so that each event-day
record has an equal portion of the total loss (see Table 9). In this example, the three event-day
records replace the native SHELDUS record. Similarly, a single native SHELDUS peril month record
for an event-based hazard like Hurricane could describe two separate events. This native record
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would be replaced with two records, each representing a single event with half the loss of the native
aggregated record. Because SHELDUS does not specify the amount of loss associated with each of
the events, each SHELDUS record is expanded based on the occurrence basis (Number of Records
for event basis and Duration Days for event-day basis) if the basis count is greater than one (see
Table 5). This record count expansion process is performed because loss ratios will ultimately be
computed for each event (or event-day) record. Having a record for each hazard occurrence per basis
unit better supports the process of determining loss ratio averages and variance.
Table 8: Native SHELDUS Loss Records
(2016 $)
(2016 $)
Table 9: Expanded SHELDUS Loss Records
per Basis
(2016 $)
(2016 $)
Loss Ratio per Basis Calculation
After this expansion of records to convert the loss data to loss per single event or event-day is
performed, the Loss Ratio per Basis (LRB) is calculated for each event or event-day occurrence for
each consequence type (building, population, or agriculture) according to Equation 11.
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Equation 11: Loss Ratio per Basis Calculation
is the Loss Ratio per Basis (event or event-day) representing the ratio of loss
to exposure experienced by a specific county due do the occurrence of a
specific Hazard event, performed for each relevant consequence type
(building, population, and agriculture)
is the Loss (by consequence type) experienced from the Hazard event (or
event day) documented to have occurred in the county (in dollars)
is the total value (by consequence type) estimated to have been exposed to
the event or event-day Hazard occurrence (in dollars)
The definition of the HLR exposure variable in the LRB formula does not always match the definition
of the exposure component utilized in the EAL formula. For hazards which can occur almost
anywhere or affect large geographic areas, the HLR exposure is the entire county’s building,
population, or agriculture value. Hazards which only occur in certain susceptible areas, such as
floodplains and tsunami inundation zones, use the HLR exposure value associated with those areas.
Tornado HLR exposure is defined by the area footprint of specific historical Tornado paths.
Avalanche is a unique case which requires the use of default exposure values. The HLR exposure
types utilized for each hazard can be seen in the table below. Specific methods of determining HLR
exposure in the LRB calculation can be found in the HLR section for each hazard. Table 10 lists the
exposure types used in each hazard’s LRB calculation.
Table 10: HLR Exposure Types Used in Loss Ratio per Basis Calculation
Natural Hazard
HLR Exposure Type Used in Loss Ratio per Basis Calculation
Default Value
Coastal Flooding
Value Defined by Hazard Intersect
Cold Wave
Total County Value
Total County Value
Total County Value
Total County Value
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Natural Hazard
HLR Exposure Type Used in Loss Ratio per Basis Calculation
Heat Wave
Total County Value
Total County Value
Ice Storm
Total County Value
Value Defined by Hazard Intersect
Total County Value
Riverine Flooding
Value Defined by Hazard Intersect
Strong Wind
Total County Value
Historical Footprint Matched to Specific SHELDUS Loss
Value Defined by Hazard Intersect
Volcanic Activity
Value Defined by Hazard Intersect
Value Defined by Hazard Intersect
Winter Weather
Total County Value
Non-Loss Causing Hazard Occurrence
Hazards may occur without resulting in recorded loss to buildings, population, or agriculture. For
example, Lightning may strike with a high frequency, but have few loss-causing events. SHELDUS
does not record events in which no loss was reported. In an effort to capture events that do not
cause loss, a count of historic year-month events is produced from hazard source data and
compared to a count of loss-producing events from SHELDUS. When the hazard historic event source
records more events than SHELDUS, a number of zero-loss records are inserted into the set of Loss
Ratios per Basis to make up the difference between historic events and loss-causing events from
SHELDUS so that the event counts for both metrics are equal.
Computing loss ratio averages and variances without including the zero-loss records produces very
different results than when they are included. For example, a county with 100 historical Lightning
strikes may only have two loss-causing events, one causing $40,000 in damage to buildings and the
other causing $60,000. If the building exposure value is $10M, the loss ratios for each loss-causing
event would be 0.004 and 0.006, respectively. If only the LRBs for two loss-causing events were
considered, the average would be 0.005. Including the 98 Lightning strikes that did not result in loss
lowers the average to 0.0001, a more accurate approximation of the average Lightning strike’s
impact on the county as not every Lightning strike is a loss-causing event.
The output of the Loss Ratio per Basis calculation (see Equation 11) and all corrective record
insertion is stored in the LRB table within the NRI processing database, and are then used to
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compute Bayesian metrics and calculate the weighting factors that are applied to find the Bayesian-
adjusted HLR for each consequence type for the county. Table 11 illustrates the content of the LRB
database table after the corrective record insertions. Notice the loss ratios for three Ice Storm event-
days in one county in January of 2009. These have been expanded from a single SHELDUS record
based on duration days and consequence types. Also, one zero-loss record for each relevant
consequence type has been inserted to recognize an Ice Storm event-day which occurred within the
county (based on the historical event source data) but resulted in no economic loss. These records
can then be used to calculate loss ratio averages and variance.
Table 11: Sample Data from the Loss Ratio per Basis Table
Bayesian Credibility
To apply Bayesian credibility weighting factors and balance Historic Loss accuracy with geographic
precision in areas where small sample sizes result in volatile Historic Loss estimates, LRB averages
and variance may be calculated at the level of: county, surrounding 196-by-196-km fishnet grid
Conseq. Loss
per Basis
Ratio per
Basis Unit
Peril Basis
Peril Basis
Peril Basis
Peril Basis
Peril Basis
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region, and national. These geographic levels define which spatial grouping (or set) of LRBs
are used to calculate the average and variance values. The county level grouping includes all LRBs
for the county, the surrounding grouping includes LRBs for all counties that intersect the same 196-
by-196-km fishnet cell, and national includes all LRBs. The formulas in Equation 12 illustrate the
computation of the loss ratio average and variance.
Equation 12: Geographic Level Consequence Ratio Average and Variance Computations
is the Average value of all Loss Ratio per Basis (event or event-day) (LRB)
records of the consequence type for the geographic level due to the
is the Loss Ratio per Basis (event or event-day) of the consequence type
within the geographic area due to the Hazard occurrence basis
is the total number of records of Hazard events or event-days occurring in
the geographic area (includes any non-loss causing events/event-days
is the consequence LRB variance of the geographic level due to the
Credibility increases as a function of sample size and decreased LRB variance. In other words, the
higher the credibility at a given geographic level, the higher the contribution to the location’s
calculated Historic Loss value. Figure 12 illustrates possible loss ratio variance in neighboring
The 196-by-196 km fishnet grid cell is roughly the area of four average counties. See the Intersection section for more
information on the use of the 49-by-49 km fishnet resolution to represent average county area.
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counties. Weighting factors in the Bayesian credibility calculation are what determines the
contribution of each geographic level to the final HLR value.
Figure 12: Example of Variance in County Loss Ratio Values
Weighting factors are derived from the variance values (calculated using Equation 12) at each
geographic level according to Equation 13. For the surrounding fishnet level, if the county intersects
more than one fishnet grid cell, the cell with the lowest LRB variance value is used as this provides
the data with the best fit.
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Equation 13: HLR Bayesian Weighting Factor Calculation
is the sum of the inverted variances calculated at each geographic level,
used as a denominator for the level weighting factors
is the weighting factor to be applied to the average consequence LRB for the
Hazard at X level (national, regional, surrounding, county)
is the consequence LRB variance for the Hazard at X level (national, regional,
surrounding, county)
For several hazards, regional Bayesian HLR weighting supplies a more accurate estimation of historic
loss for areas which have not experienced economic loss due to hazard events during the hazard’s
period of record. This is especially true for areas whose hazard frequency and severity are dependent
on their geographic location and climate. For example, Ice Storm, Winter Weather, and Cold Wave
will have a very different degree of impact on the Northeast than on the Southwest. For this reason,
the Bayesian spatial weighting incorporates regional weighting rather than national for these
Most hazard-specific HLR region definitions are derived from the FEMA administrative region
definitions, the only difference being that FEMA Regions I, II, and III are merged to form a region
whose size is closer to that of the other regions (see Figure 13). The definition of regions for
Hurricane utilizes the FEMA administrative region definitions, but further divides them into coastal
regions (for the East and Gulf coasts) and inland regions along a county-level boundary which
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approximates the hurricane prone regions identified in the American Society of Civil Engineers
(ASCE) 7-05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (see Figure 14).
Figure 13: Historic Loss Ratio Region Definitions
American Society of Civil Engineers. (2005). Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures (ASCE/SEI 7-05).
Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.
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Figure 14: Hurricane Historic Loss Ratio Region Definitions
The Historic Loss Ratio for each relevant consequence type is calculated as the sum of its weighted
average county, surrounding fishnet, regional, and national average LRB (see Equation 14). Levels
not used for a specific hazard are removed from the computation.
Equation 14: County Bayesian-Adjusted HLR Calculation
is the Historic Loss Ratio for the Hazard at the county level, by consequence
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is the average LRB by consequence type for the Hazard at X level (national,
regional, surrounding, county)
is the weighting factor applied to the LRB by consequence type for the Hazard
at X level (national, regional, surrounding, county)
HLR Inheritance
The Bayesian-adjusted county Historic Loss Ratio is inherited by the Census blocks and Census
tracts within the county when used in the NRI EAL calculations, as in Equation 15.
Equation 15: Census Tract and Census Block HLR Inheritance
is the Bayesian-adjusted Historic Loss Ratio, a hazard-county-consequence
type specific value
is the Inherited Historic Loss Ratio for the Hazard at the Census tract level
is the Inherited Historic Loss Ratio for the Hazard at the Census block level
Several factors are not entirely accounted for in the calculation of HLR. Certain processes, such as
Bayesian credibility adjustments, attempt to correct some of these limitations. This section
addresses some of the assumptions that are intrinsic within the current methodology and how these
can limit the accuracy of the calculation.
Evaluating historic economic loss from SHELDUS over a relatively brief period of time and comparing
it to a static HLR exposure value does not account for changes in development patterns over these
years. For example, a hazard event in 1995 may have a low HLR when its loss is compared to its
2010 Hazus-derived exposure value, though because of increased development and population
influx over the years, its HLR would be much higher if the same loss were compared to the actual
1995 exposure value. There is an inherent assumption in the methodology that all buildings,
population, and agriculture exposed to the hazard are static in economic value and quantity over the
data period. Additionally, the SHELDUS loss values are inflation-adjusted to 2016 dollars while
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Hazus-derived exposure values are in 2018 dollars based on 2010 valuations and there is an
assumption that these dollar values are comparable.
Since the HLR calculation is based on historical events, it does not project reductions due to
enhanced mitigation efforts and improved building standards that have changed over time (i.e., a
seawall being built after a destructive flooding event may reduce the damage caused by subsequent
flooding events).
Characterizing agriculture losses from events is highly complex and can vary based on a number of
factors, including supply and demand, substitution effects, crop rotation, and seasonality. The
simplified HLR calculations use crop and livestock distribution and values based on agriculture data
from CropScape and the Census of Agriculture.
There are many cases where the geographic precision of the recorded loss is imperfectly captured in
SHELDUS. The regional reporting data used to compile SHELDUS may mention multiple counties for
a loss-causing event. In these cases, the loss is spread equally over the counties where the hazard
occurred, though the loss may have only occurred in one county. Also, loss may only occur in a
portion of the county, yet the HLR will apply to the entire county due to loss not being recorded with
any granularity below the county level.
5.5. Validating Expected Annual Loss Estimates to Historical Losses
The diversity of the hazards and source data included in the calculation of the NRI presents a
significant challenge to provide accurate and meaningful results for the variety of potential lenses
through which the results may be viewed, such as:
Hazard EAL rankings within a county;
County EAL rankings within a hazard;
County EAL rankings across all hazards;
Hazard EAL rankings all counties.
As an attempt to validate the EAL, historic loss from SHELDUS for the period from 1995 to 2016 was
aggregated for the entire nation for each hazard and divided by the period of record (22 years) to
give a rough nationwide hazard annualized loss estimate.
This value was compared to the
aggregated EAL estimate calculated for the NRI for its corresponding hazard. All but two (Earthquake
and Volcanic Activity) of the natural hazard EALs are within the same order of magnitude as the
experienced historic losses and half of the hazards are within a factor of 2.
When evaluating the historical record, losses for some hazards are driven by relatively few events.
For example, from 1960 to 2016, 50% of all hurricane consequences were caused by only 8 storms.
Similarly, from 1995 to 2016, 50% of all riverine flooding consequences were caused by only 48
events. The same pattern applies to Earthquakes and Volcanic Activity. These events are statistical
For Cold Wave, the historic loss data was aggregated from the NWS Storm Events Database for 1996 to 2016 and
divided by the 21-year period of record.
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outliers where high-value urban areas have been impacted by severe hazard events. For Wildfire and
Earthquake, annualized frequency uses probabilistic statistics to compute an annualized frequency.
Use of probabilistic data to calculate EALs for these hazards account for the probability that the
outlier event may occur. Reliance on historical data alone for the other hazards will generally
underestimate the EALs for hazards where losses are driven by the rare catastrophic events. For this
reason, Hurricane EALs are significantly lower (~75%) than their historical losses. This is because, for
every severe hurricane that directly strikes a major city, there may be dozens of glancing blows from
minor hurricanes or tropical storms that cause minimal damage. The HLR approach calculates an
average value; so, HLRs are weighted toward the more common, lower loss events rather than the
rare catastrophic events.
Despite these outliers, a relatively high level of agreement between the NRI-calculated EAL and the
historical loss records serves as an indication that the NRI estimated annual hazard loss is fairly
aligned with actual recorded historic loss.
6. Using the National Risk Index
The NRI is available to the public through FEMA provides access to the
NRI data and information through multiple venues, including a website, an interactive map and data
exploration tool, tabular and spatial dataset files, and GIS-based REST services.
6.1. The NRI Website
The NRI website is the hub of access to the vast array of information in the National Risk Index. The
website provides an overview of the NRI and links to documentation with important details about the
source data and source data providers, descriptions of the methodology, and guidance on
interpreting the results. With the interactive mapping tool, users can visually explore components of
the NRI dataset and then delve into any location and examine its risk factors.
6.2. Downloadable and Online Datasets
File-based versions of the NRI dataset can be retrieved from the Data Download feature of the NRI
website. Tabular and spatial formats are provided for both Census tract-level and county-level
datasets. Tabular data, provided as CSV files, can be used in a wide variety of applications, and
shapefiles are available for spatial applications.
The NRI dataset can also be used from web services that are hosted in the FEMA Hazards
Geoplatform and accessible through ArcGIS Online. These services are a convenient way to explore
the data with online tools other than the NRI website, and developers can leverage the REST
services to integrate NRI data into their own applications.