Oracle® Cloud
Using the Oracle Mapper with Oracle
Integration 3
June 2024
Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle Mapper with Oracle Integration 3,
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Audience v
Documentation Accessibility v
Diversity and Inclusion v
Related Resources vi
Conventions vi
Get Started with the Mapper
About Mappings 1-1
About Mapping Data Between Applications 1-3
View User-Friendly Element Names 1-4
About the Expression Builder 1-8
Save Changes Automatically 1-11
Access the Mapper 1-11
Map Data
Search Data Fields 2-1
Filter the Source or Target Data Structures 2-2
Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper 2-3
Test Your Mappings 2-8
Delete Mappings and Target Element Nodes 2-9
Troubleshoot Errors 2-11
Repeat a Target Element to Map to Different Sources 2-11
Map Multiple Source Structures to a Target Structure 2-12
Extend a Data Type 2-13
Import a Map File into an Orchestrated Integration 2-14
Work with Functions, Operators, and XSLT Statements
Add Functions, Operators, and XSLT Statements 3-1
Get Online Help for Functions, Operators, and XSLT Constructs 3-3
Automatically Create for-each Statements 3-4
Create Conditional Mappings 3-6
Set Default Values in the Mapper 3-7
Create the lookupValue Function 3-8
Access the Build Lookup Function Wizard 3-9
Select the Lookup 3-11
Select the Source and Target Columns 3-11
Specify the Default Value 3-12
Review Your Lookup Table Selections 3-12
Work with Multiple Value Statements 3-15
Mapper Use Cases
Convert an Integer to a String 4-1
Use Conditional Mappings 4-2
Iterate Across Groups with a for-each-group Constructor 4-7
Perform a Deep Copy of Elements with a copy-of Constructor 4-10
Use a Counter Inside a For-Each Loop to Track the Number of Loop Iterations 4-12
Create an XSLT Map to Read Multiple Correlated Payloads 4-13
Perform Date Conversions in the Mapper 4-16
Perform Data Manipulations in the Mapper 4-18
Pass Single Quotes in a Mapper Variable 4-21
Troubleshoot the Mapper
Current-dateTime Function Does Not Return the Same Number of Digits for All Timestamp
Values 5-1
Import XSLT Code into the Mapper 5-1
Function Not Found Errors During Validation in the Mapper 5-2
format-number Function Error 5-2
Transform an Incoming UTC Timestamp into a Standard Timestamp 5-2
CDATA in XSLT String Functions Causes Problems 5-2
Using the Oracle Mapper with Oracle Integration 3 describes how to use the mapper to map
source data structures to target data structures.
The information in this guide applies to all of your Oracle Integration instances. It
doesn’t matter which edition you’re using, what features you have, or who manages
your cloud environment. You’ll find what you need here, including notes about any
differences between the various flavors of Oracle Integration when necessary.
Documentation Accessibility
Diversity and Inclusion
Related Resources
Using the Oracle Mapper with Oracle Integration 3 is intended for users who want to use the
mapper to map source data structures to target data structures.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at
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are hearing impaired.
Diversity and Inclusion
Oracle is fully committed to diversity and inclusion. Oracle respects and values having a
diverse workforce that increases thought leadership and innovation. As part of our initiative to
build a more inclusive culture that positively impacts our employees, customers, and partners,
we are working to remove insensitive terms from our products and documentation. We are also
mindful of the necessity to maintain compatibility with our customers' existing technologies and
the need to ensure continuity of service as Oracle's offerings and industry standards evolve.
Because of these technical constraints, our effort to remove insensitive terms is ongoing and
will take time and external cooperation.
Related Resources
See these Oracle resources:
Oracle Cloud at
Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3
Adapter documentation in the Oracle Cloud Library on the Oracle Help Center
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an
action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which
you supply particular values.
Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in
examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Get Started with the Mapper
Review the following topics for an overview of how to use the mapper to map source data
structures to target data structures.
About Mappings
About Mapping Data Between Applications
View User-Friendly Element Names
About the Expression Builder
Save Changes Automatically
Access the Mapper
About Mappings
One of the key tasks to any integration is defining how data is transferred, or mapped, between
two applications.
In most cases, the messages you want to transfer between the applications in an integration
have different data structures. A visual mapper enables you to map element nodes between
applications by dragging source element nodes onto target element nodes. When you open the
mapper for a request or response message in an integration, the data structures are
automatically populated with the information pulled from the source and target connections.
You can expand and load data structure levels on demand to display additional levels. There is
no limit on the levels of display.
The maps you create are called transformation maps, and use the eXtensible Stylesheet
Language (XSL) to describe the data mappings, which let you perform complex data
manipulation and transformation. A standard set of XSLT constructs are provided (for example,
, and others). A specialized function is also provided for you to reference
lookups directly from the mapper.
The mapper supports XSL version 2.0. Version 1.0 is not supported.
The mapper supports both qualified and unqualified schemas (that is, schemas without
). Elements and attributes with and without namespace
prefixes are also supported.
Substitution groups in schemas are supported. You can see all the substitutable elements in a
base element in the mapper, and select the one to use.
Extended data types are also supported.
Elements and attributes for which mapping is required are identified by a blue asterisk (*) to the
left of their names. To display only required fields, click the Filter icon in the mapper
toolbar, select Required Fields, and click Apply.
You can also right-click elements and attributes and select Node Info to show specific schema
details such as the data type, if mapping is required, and so on.
Additional custom annotations can also be displayed. These annotations are currently only
available with the Oracle Engagement Cloud Adapter. The Oracle Engagement Cloud Adapter
obtains this information from the applications and annotates it in the integration WSDL. This
information is then read and made visible as annotations in the mapper (for example, title and
description). This information can help you better understand what data is being mapped.
The mapper toolbar provides the following functionality.
Element Description
Click to return to the mapping canvas when you are inside the Code or Test
You can view the XSLT code being created as you design your mappings.
Once you complete designing your mappings, you can test them by entering
sample content of the message to process in the mapping tester.
Click to disable user-friendly, source and target element names in the mapper.
By default, user-friendly element names are shown.
Click to show the XSLT functions.
You can select the following options:
Select to show the namespace prefixes on source and target element
Select to show the types (prefixes and data types) on source and target
element nodes.
Chapter 1
About Mappings
Element Description
You can filter the display of element nodes, error messages, and warnings in
the source or target data structures.
You can select to undo the previous action performed in the mapper. For
example, if you perform a mapping, then press this button, the mapping is
removed. The link is disabled when all actions have been undone.
You can redo the action that was undone.
You can maximize the size of the mapper. This is useful when working with
large schemas.
You can add functions, operators, and XSLT expressions to your mappings.
About Mapping Data Between Applications
Once you create an integration and have the source and target connections in place, you can
define how data is mapped between the element nodes in the two data structures.
The mapper appears with the element nodes of the source data structure on the left and the
target data structure on the right.
1. To map fields directly, click a source element nodes and drag it to the corresponding field
in the target element node.
A line connects the two nodes. An Expression Builder below the mapper is displayed to
show the XPath expression.
Chapter 1
About Mapping Data Between Applications
2. To use functions, operators, or XSLT statements in your mapping, see Work with
Functions, Operators, and XSLT Statements.
3. When you are done mapping data, click <, then click Apply to save your changes when
prompted. You can also click Validate to save your changes.
View User-Friendly Element Names
You can view user-friendly display names instead of technical names for source and target
elements in the mapper tree and for expressions in the Expression Builder. This eliminates the
need to try and understand the technical, often cryptic, names that are difficult to correlate to
the user-friendly display names you see in the endpoint application's user interface. User-
friendly names are displayed by default, but you can also toggle to the technical names.
Toggle Between User-Friendly Names and Technical Names
Adapter Names
Root Elements in Source and Target Trees
Child Elements in Source and Target Trees
Search For Data in the Source and Target Trees
User-Friendly Expression for Mapping
Expression Builder
Other Sections of the User Interface
Toggle Between User-Friendly Names and Technical Names
By default, user-friendly names are displayed in the source and target mapper trees when you
open the mapper. Name display is controlled by the Developer button at the top of the mapper.
1. Click Developer to switch to technical names.
An outline appears around the button, and technical names for the source and target
elements are displayed.
Chapter 1
View User-Friendly Element Names
2. Click Developer to switch back to user-friendly names.
Adapter Names
In user-friendly mode, adapter names are displayed along with the adapter's associated icon
and the type of payload (request/response). For this example, the source REST Adapter and
Jira Adapter and the target REST Adapter are displayed.
1. Click Developer to switch to technical names. The adapter names are removed.
Chapter 1
View User-Friendly Element Names
Root Elements in Source and Target Trees
User-friendly names for the root elements of the different payloads enable you to easily
correlate them with the associated invoke/trigger connection, the adapter used, and the type of
payload (request/response). The icon of the root element corresponds to the associated
The format of user-friendly names for the root elements differs based on the variable type or
the associated adapter. The following table lists the format of user-friendly names for the root
elements for different variable types.
Adapter/Variable Type Format of User-Friendly Name Example
Application Adapter trigger/invoke_action_name
payload_type (request/response)
Request (SOAP)
System Adapter See the Example column. Schedule - Schedule
$self (for technical mode) or
Integration Metadata (for user-
friendly mode)
Tracking Variables If a user-friendly name is entered for the
tracking variable in the Business
Identifiers For Tracking page, that
becomes the user-friendly name for the
variable in the mapper.
If the Tracking Name field in the
Business Identifiers For Tracking page is
not populated for the variable, the
system constructs the user-friendly
name for the tracking variable in the
format of Tracking Variable 1/2/3.
My Business Identifier
Tracking Variable 1
Tracking Variable 2
Tracking Variable 3
Other Variables For all other variables (that is, simple
variables and the root element of the
complex variables), the user-friendly
name is automatically constructed using
the name with which the variable was
created (without the
Child Elements in Source and Target Trees
The user-friendly names for the child elements in the source and target trees are derived from
the associated schema files. If the schema files are generated with user-friendly names for the
elements, the elements get rendered with those names in user-friendly mode in the mapper.
If the schema files do not contain user-friendly names for the elements defined, the child
elements are displayed with the technical name in both user-friendly mode and technical
The attributes of the schema elements are rendered with the
prefix followed by the attribute
name in the mapper. With user-friendly names, the
prefix is not appended to the front of the
name or in user-friendly mode. In technical mode, the attributes are shown appended with the
User-friendly names do not include the namespace prefix. The option to view element names
with the prefix Show prefixes available in the View menu of the mapper is disabled when
the mapper is in user-friendly mode. The option is enabled once you switch to technical mode.
Chapter 1
View User-Friendly Element Names
Search For Data in the Source and Target Trees
The source and target trees can be searched with the element name in either user-friendly
mode or technical mode.
For example, assume the mapper is in user-friendly mode and an element exists whose user-
friendly name is
BEG: Beginning Segment for Purchase Order
and technical name is
. If
is the search string used to search for the element, the search highlights the
element irrespective of your current mode.
User-Friendly Expression for Mapping
Just as the source and target element technical names are simplified by their user-friendly
names, the mapping expression created is represented in a simplified form.
This is a user interface-only entity. That is, the user friendly expression for a mapping is
displayed in the mapper. However, it does not get saved in the XSL file. Click the Code tab of
the mapper after creating a mapping. The Code tab shows the XSL file that is generated
behind the scenes. Note that the file contains only the technical mapping, and not the user-
friendly expression. The mappings work as they always have at runtime. At design time, the
mapper displays the mappings as user-friendly expressions in user-friendly mode and as
technical expressions in technical mode.
The user-friendly expression for a mapping is created when a mapping is constructed in the
mapper. The user-friendly expression is created based on the user-friendly name for the
components in the mapping.
Consider the following mapping:
This mapping refers to a
function whose parameters are two elements from the
payload. The user-friendly expression for this mapping is as follows:
concat( translation-status, tracking-info)
is the user-friendly name of the element
is the user-friendly name of the element
Expression Builder
When you navigate to the mapper, the Expression Builder launches in user-friendly mode by
default when you select a target element.
The Expression Builder shows the mapping for the target element selected. As with the
mapper, the Expression Builder also has two modes. User-friendly mode shows the mapping
as a user-friendly expression.
Chapter 1
View User-Friendly Element Names
Figure 1-1 User-Friendly Names in Expression Builder
To toggle the Expression Builder between the two modes, click on the right side. You can
manually edit the existing mapping in the Expression Builder.
Figure 1-2 Technical Names in the Expression Builder
Other Sections of the User Interface
Other sections of the mapper in which the source and target elements are displayed all show
the names in synchronization with the mode that is selected for the mapper (user-friendly or
technical). For example:
The Test button (where the root elements of each source are displayed as the
headers of the tabs)
The Filter button (where one of the options to filter the tree data is by source name,
which shows the root elements of the different sources)
This means that if the mapper is in user-friendly mode, these sections of the user interface also
show the user-friendly names of the elements. If the mapper is in technical mode, these
sections show the technical names of the elements.
About the Expression Builder
Use the Expression Builder to view and edit your XPath expressions. This section provides an
overview of the Expression Builder.
Displaying the Expression Builder
1. Click a target element node.
The Expression Builder is displayed. A Switch to Developer View icon and Close
icon are displayed on the right side of the Expression Builder.
Chapter 1
About the Expression Builder
2. Drag a source element node to a target element node.
The XPath expression is added to the Expression Builder.
3. Click Switch to Developer View
to view the developer path of the mapping.
4. If you want to remove the value, click Erase , then click Save to completely
remove the mapping.
5. Drag the source element node to the Expression Builder. You can also highlight the source
element node and click Insert selected item to add a value to the Expression
Chapter 1
About the Expression Builder
6. Click Save to save the mapping.
Using Set Text Mode
When there is no mapping in the Expression Builder, there is a Set Text button. This
option enables you to enter text in an element node. You can only have XPath expression or
text in the Expression Builder. You cannot have both types.
1. Highlight a target element node and click Set Text in the Expression Builder to enter
set text mode.
2. Enter text in the Expression Builder.
A letter icon is added to the node. When you place your cursor over the icon, the value you
entered is displayed.
Chapter 1
About the Expression Builder
If you drag a source target node into the Expression Builder while in set text
mode, the mapping value is literally added as text, and not as an XPath
Entering Literal Values
You can enter literal values in the Expression Builder when you are not in set text mode.
1. Enter text in the Expression Builder.
This creates a
expression in the XSTL file instead of straight text. See Edit XSLT
Code in the Mapper.
Save Changes Automatically
As you work in the mapper, your changes are automatically saved. User actions in the mapper
such as creating a mapping line by dragging and dropping from source to target or saving in
the Expression Builder are saved automatically internally without the need to press Validate.
This is useful for scenarios in which your browser crashes or your instance undergoes patching
while you are working in the mapper. When you resume editing, you are given an option to edit
and recover your changes.
Access the Mapper
To create mappings in an integration, you need to first access the mapper.
As you add triggers and invokes to an app driven Orchestration integration, a map icon is
automatically added. You can also add ad-hoc mappings to this type of integration, such as
adding a mapper to a switch action.
1. Double-click a mapper icon or select the mapper icon and click Actions
, then select
For mappers in active integrations, you can only click Actions , then select View. Note
the following details:
You cannot add or edit mappings.
You cannot validate mappings.
You cannot save or erase the XPath expression in the Expression Builder.
You cannot create or delete elements or mappings in the target context menus.
You cannot drag source element nodes to target element nodes.
You can view XSLT code and test your mappings.
See Creating Integrations.
Chapter 1
Save Changes Automatically
Map Data
Use the mapper to drag element nodes in the source structure to element nodes in the target
Search Data Fields
Filter the Source or Target Data Structures
Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper
Test Your Mappings
Delete Mappings and Target Element Nodes
Troubleshoot Errors
Repeat a Target Element to Map to Different Sources
Map Multiple Source Structures to a Target Structure
Extend a Data Type
Import a Map File into an Orchestrated Integration
Search Data Fields
The mapper displays the source data structure on the left and the target data structure on the
right. You can search for specific element nodes or attributes (identified by the
icon) in either
the source or target structure.
To search data fields:
1. In the Sources or Target section, click Search
2. Enter the full or partial name, and click Search .
The tree is automatically expanded and scrolls to the first match. If you entered straight
text (for example,
), any element nodes and attributes of the same name are found.
If you search by attribute (for example,
), only the attributes of the same name are
3. Click Next
to scroll to the next match.
4. When done, click X to dismiss the search facility.
Filter the Source or Target Data Structures
You can filter the display of the source and target structures. This enables you to show only the
details in which you are interested.
To filter the source or target data structures:
1. Click Filter
in the Target section of the mapping toolbar.
2. Specify map filtering options based on the following criteria.
View the mapped element nodes, unmapped element nodes, or both.
View all element node types (required element nodes and custom element nodes you
created in a prebuilt Oracle Integration that was edited in customization mode).
View the source data structures in the integration (main source and secondary
View validation details (view only errors, only warnings, or only mappings with no
3. Click Apply.
Based on your selections, icons are displayed in the mapper toolbar. For example,
Mapped is displayed for both data structures if you selected to show mapped element
nodes in both the Sources and Target sections.
4. To remove the selected filtering, click the x on Mapped.
Chapter 2
Filter the Source or Target Data Structures
Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper
You can directly edit the XSLT code of your mappings inside the mapper. This action is useful
for use cases in which mapping is not possible in the graphical mapper. This eliminates the
need to export your XSLT code from Oracle Integration, edit the code manually in a text editor
or in a separate graphical tool such as Eclipse or Oracle JDeveloper, and then re-import the
code into the mapper in Oracle Integration.
Editing of XSLT code for advanced use cases such as the following is supported:
Create internal variables using
Correlate multiple sources grouped by key fields using
Dynamically create target name-value pairs based on runtime data using
Implement "push style" XSLT using
, and
Write your own functions in XSLT using
Copy node sets using
1. Click Code.
The current XSLT code for your mappings is displayed.
See the following sections for XSLT code editing guidelines:
Restrictions on Editing
Toolbar Options
Edit the XSLT Code
Code Validation
Restrictions on Editing
The following sections of your XSLT code remain read-only and cannot be edited.
Attribute version numbers:
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
Chapter 2
Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper
The mapper schema section where sources and targets are specified:
<oracle-xsl-mapper:schema xml:id="id_2">
<oracle-xsl-mapper:mapSources xml:id="id_3">
<oracle-xsl-mapper:source type="WSDL" xml:id="id_4">
<oracle-xsl-mapper:schema location="../../
<oracle-xsl-mapper:rootElement name="execute"
types" xml:id="id_6"/>
<oracle-xsl-mapper:source type="WSDL" xml:id="id_20">
<oracle-xsl-mapper:schema location="../../
processor_83/resourcegroup_84/sList_REQUEST.wsdl" xml:id="id_21"/>
name="ListFilesResponse" namespace="
stagefile/sList_REQUEST/types" xml:id="id_22"/>
<oracle-xsl-mapper:param name="sList"
<oracle-xsl-mapper:source type="XSD" xml:id="id_24">
<oracle-xsl-mapper:schema location="../../
processor_27/resourcegroup_28/ICSIntegrationMetadata.xsd" xml:id="id_25"/>
<oracle-xsl-mapper:rootElement name="metadata"
<oracle-xsl-mapper:param name="self"
<oracle-xsl-mapper:mapTargets xml:id="id_7">
<oracle-xsl-mapper:target type="WSDL" xml:id="id_8">
<oracle-xsl-mapper:schema location="../../
name="executeResponse" namespace="
REST/echoRequest_REQUEST/types" xml:id="id_10"/>
The global parameter declaration section:
<xsl:param name="sList" xml:id="id_28"/>
<xsl:param name="self" xml:id="id_29"/>
<xsl:param name="tracking_var_1" xml:id="id_30"/>
<xsl:param name="tracking_var_2" xml:id="id_31"/>
<xsl:param name="tracking_var_3" xml:id="id_32"/>
<xsl:param name="var_assignment_1" xml:id="id_33"/>
Chapter 2
Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper
Toolbar Options
The toolbar above your XSLT code provides a series of shortcuts for navigating through and
editing XSLT code.
Option Description
Undo your last editing changes to the XSLT code.
Redo your last editing changes to the XSLT code.
Search for specific entries in your XSLT code. Click Next and Previous
to navigate through the code.
Find and replace specific entries in your XSLT code.
1. Enter the text to replace, and press Enter:
2. Enter the text to substitute, and press Enter:
3. Replace the text individually or globally when prompted.
Enter the line number in your XSLT code to access.
Edit the XSLT Code
The following section of your XSLT code is where the changes you make in the graphical
designer are reflected. You can also edit the XSLT code in this section and see your changes
reflected in the designer.
<xsl:template match="/" xml:id="id_11">
<nstrgmpr:executeResponse xml:id="id_12">
<nstrgdfl:response-wrapper xml:id="id_16">
<nstrgdfl:Message xml:id="id_17">
<xsl:value-of select="/nstrgmpr:execute/
nstrgmpr:TemplateParameters/nsmpr0:message" xml:id="id_18"/>
<nstrgdfl:Welcome xml:id="id_19">"Welcome to OIC!!!
Echo was successful."</nstrgdfl:Welcome>
Chapter 2
Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper
For example, assume you have the following XSLT code that you want to replace:
<nstrgdfl:Welcome xml:id="id_19">"Welcome to OIC!!! Echo was
This code is currently visible in the mapper as literal text:
1. Replace the literal value of
"Welcome to OIC"
with the variable
<nstrgdfl:Welcome xml:id="id_19">
<xsl:value-of select="$tracking_var_3" xml:id="id_18"/>
2. Click Designer .
The designer is updated to reflect your changes:
If you make changes that the mapper does not recognize and attempt to click
Designer, the tab is disabled and a message is displayed indicating that the
change is not supported. You must resolve those issues before you can return to
the designer.
3. Click Validate or Close (which also performs validation) to exit the mapper, then click
Apply to save your changes when prompted.
Chapter 2
Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper
Code Validation
As you make updates to the XSLT code, your changes are validated. Validation safeguards
prevent you from returning to the designer if there are errors. For example:
Typographical errors:
1. Assume you make a typographical error such as forgetting the
at the end of
xsl:value o
2. Click Designer. An error message is displayed in the banner and you are prevented
from returning to the designer until you fix the error.
Unknown: xsl:value-o
3. Correct the error and click Designer to return to the designer.
XML syntax errors:
1. Assume you make an XML syntax error such as forgetting to enter a closing bracket
) after
in the following code. The subsequent code is highlighted in red to
indicate an error.
2. Click Designer . An error message is displayed in the banner and you are
prevented from returning to the designer or accessing other tabs such as Test
until you fix the error.
There are syntax errors in the edited code. Please fix them before
navigating away from the tab
3. Correct the error and click Designer to return to the designer.
Unsupported constructs in the mapper (for example, you import XSLT code into the
mapper that includes unsupported functions):
1. Open the mapper in the integration canvas.
The Code tab opens by default with the following message.
This map cannot be loaded in graphical view.
2. Expand the number to the left of the error for details.
Chapter 2
Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper
These are coding patterns and constructors that are not supported in the designer. The
designer does not know how to render or manage them. When the XSTL code
includes unsupported patterns or constructors, you cannot navigate to the designer.
Test Your Mappings
Once you complete designing your mappings, you can test them by entering sample content of
the message to process in the test mapper. When you execute the test, output is generated
from the sample content.
To test a mapping:
Custom JavaScript functions cannot be tested.
Two elements are generated and displayed for repeating nodes. This is useful for generating
payloads containing at least two repeating elements to test for-each loops in the mapper.
Instances for tracking variables and local variables in assign actions are also displayed.
1. In the mapper toolbar, click Test .
The mapping tester is displayed with the defined elements.
2. In the Input panel, you can manually enter the payload, copy and paste the payload, or
click Generate Inputs
to automatically generate and test the payload. Payloads for scalar parameters are not
If your mapping includes multiple source data structures, both names are displayed.
Payloads for both sources can be generated.
Chapter 2
Test Your Mappings
If the payload is very large, it is not automatically generated and you receive the
following error message:
Payload could not be generated for the
''$SourceApplicationObject'' schema due to excessive size and a
lack of system memory
3. Scroll through the input payload and note the following details:
Unbounded, repeating elements are displayed multiple times.
Schemas of up to 20 levels in depth can be displayed.
Random values are automatically generated for payload elements. Based on the data
type of the element, the correct values (for example, numerical or string values) are
You can manually edit the randomly-generated values, as necessary.
4. Click Execute to generate results in the Target panel.
5. Review the results in the Target panel to ensure that your input payload was processed
6. Test your mapping and, as necessary, return to the mapper to make mapping changes,
such as changing the XSLT statements or functions used.
7. To clear the Input and Target panels, click Clear .
8. When testing is complete, click Designer
to return to the mapper.
Multiple entries are generated for template parameters. There should be only be one
instance of each template parameter. This is the expected behavior.
Delete Mappings and Target Element Nodes
You can delete mappings and target element nodes from a context menu. You can select this
option for a parent to delete all children. For example, if you select the root, all mappings are
Deleting Mappings
To delete mappings:
Chapter 2
Delete Mappings and Target Element Nodes
1. Find the source-to-target mapping to delete.
2. Right-click the target element node name, and select Delete Mapping.
Deleting Target Nodes
To delete target nodes:
1. Find the source-to-target mapping.
2. Right-click the target element node name to delete, and select Delete Target Node.
This action deletes the mapping and the target element. The element node is now grayed
out (considered a ghost node). If you click Code
and view the XSLT file of the
mapping, note that this element does not exist. However, you can still map to it.
3. If you want to create this target element node, select Create Target Node to create it
again in the XSLT file. As a short cut, you can also create a target element node by simply
dragging a source element node to it.
If you delete a parent element node, all of its child element nodes and any of
their mappings are also deleted.
If you drag an XSLT statement to a target element node, the node must
already exist (cannot be a ghost node). In those cases, you must first right-
click the target element node and select Create Target Node.
Chapter 2
Delete Mappings and Target Element Nodes
Troubleshoot Errors
Mappings may contain errors. Resolve the errors, and you can activate your integration. Errors
become visible at different times, such as after you click Validate during mapping design. Or,
you might complete a mapping without errors and then change the overall integration, such as
by regenerating a WSDL. When you return to the mapper, the errors are visible.
Error messages are identified by red icons and warning messages are identified by yellow
icons above the Sources section of the mapper.
To troubleshoot errors:
1. Expand the numbers in the red and yellow icons to show additional messages.
2. Click the message to access the error or warning in your mappings.
For this example, there are two invalid target errors. The targets are in the XSLT file, but
not in the schema. This may have occurred because the WSDL was regenerated after you
previously completed mapping.
When adding functions to your mappings, you can also receive errors if you do not enter all
the parameters in the Expression Builder. For example, you add a concat function to your
mapping, but forget to add one or both parameters to the function.
3. To show only the mappings with errors and warnings, click Filter and select Errors
and Warnings. See Filter the Source or Target Data Structures.
Repeat a Target Element to Map to Different Sources
You can repeat a target element in the mapper. This enables you to map different sources to
the same target element. Elements defined in the target schema with the
set to a value greater than one can be repeated.
To repeat a target element to map to different sources:
Chapter 2
Troubleshoot Errors
1. In the target data structure, right-click the element node to repeat, and select Repeat
Node. This option is only available on elements that you can repeat. Elements that can be
repeated are identified by a special icon to the right of the name: .
The element is repeated.
2. Expand the existing and repeated elements to see that the attributes in each element are
3. Drag appropriate source mappings to the repeated targets.
If you create a repeatable element in which you do not do any mapping, click
Close, and apply your changes when prompted, the empty element is not saved.
Map Multiple Source Structures to a Target Structure
You can map fields from multiple source structures to a single target structure in certain parts
of integrations (for example, integrations in which message enrichment points have been
added or integrations with a response mapping). This action applies to the creation of new
To map multiple source structures to a target structure:
1. In the mapper, note that two source structures are displayed:
The initial request mapping source (for this example, process)
The secondary request (for this example, $TargetApplicationObject1)
Chapter 2
Map Multiple Source Structures to a Target Structure
2. Expand the initial source data structure and drag appropriate source element nodes to
target element nodes.
3. Expand the secondary source data structure and drag appropriate source element nodes
to target element nodes.
4. To test the mappings, see Test Your Mappings.
5. When complete, click Close, then apply your changes when prompted.
Extend a Data Type
You can extend a data type in the mapper. An extended data type is a primitive data type or
container with a supplementary name and some additional properties. Extended data types are
user-defined types based on the primitive data types boolean, integer, real, string, and date,
and the composite type container.
1. Right click a target element and select Extended Data Types.
2. From the list, select the data type to extend.
Chapter 2
Extend a Data Type
Import a Map File into an Orchestrated Integration
You can import an XSL map file that was previously exported from the same integration. This
action overwrites the existing mapping file.
For example, you can export the map from a specific integration, edit the XSL file as per a user
requirement, save it, and import it back into the same integration. You cannot import an XSL
map file into an orchestrated integration that was exported from a different integration in Oracle
Integration or from an application in Oracle JDeveloper.
1. Click the map that you want to import into an integration.
2. Click Actions
, then select Import.
3. Browse for the map file to import, then click Import. You only import the map file of an
exported integration into Oracle Integration. You do not import the entire integration in
which the map file is included into Oracle Integration.
Chapter 2
Import a Map File into an Orchestrated Integration
Work with Functions, Operators, and XSLT
You can add functions, operators, and XSLT statements to your mappings.
Add Functions, Operators, and XSLT Statements
Create Conditional Mappings
Create the lookupValue Function
Work with Multiple Value Statements
Set Default Values in the Mapper
Add Functions, Operators, and XSLT Statements
You can add functions, operators, and XSLT statements to your mappings.
Working with Functions
1. In the Target section, highlight the element node to which to connect.
2. In the upper right corner, click Toggle functions
to launch the Components panel.
3. Expand Functions.
4. Select a function. For this example, String is expanded and concat is dragged to the
target element node. The element can be an existing or ghost (not yet created) element.
A function icon is added to the Mapping Canvas section for the target element node and
the function XPath expression is added to the Expression Builder at the bottom of the
page. This icon indicates that a function is used in this mapping.
You can also initially drag functions to the Expression Builder and then connect
the source element(s) to the function.
5. In the Sources section, drag the source element nodes to the function in the Expression
Builder. For this example, startTime and endTime are dragged to the two sides of the
comma in the concat( , ) function in the Expression Builder. Do not drag source element
nodes to the function icon in the Mapping Canvas section.
6. Click Save
to save your updates.
Working with Operators
1. Expand the Operators section.
2. Drag an operator to the target element node (for this example, a = is added). The =
operator is also added to the Expression Builder. The element node can be a created or
ghost element node.
3. Drag appropriate source elements to both sides of the operator or manually enter values.
4. Click Save to save the operation.
The operator icon is displayed in the Mapping Canvas.
Chapter 3
Add Functions, Operators, and XSLT Statements
Working with XSLT Statements
1. Click Toggle Functions .
2. Click XSLT.
An XSLT Constructors header is added to the Components panel.
3. Expand XSLT Constructors.
4. Browse for and drag the appropriate XSLT statement onto the target element node or use
the search facility to manually enter and search for the XSLT statement.
Note the following conventions:
You can drag statements onto parent or child elements. Note the following conventions
about dragging XSLT statements:
A green icon is displayed when you drag the XSLT statement to the front or the
back of the element.
If a green icon is not displayed, you cannot insert as a parent.
Drag the statement to the end of the name to insert it as a parent.
Drag the statement to the front of the name to insert it as a child.
You can only drag XSLT statements onto created elements. If the element on which
you want to drag the statement is grayed out (is a ghost node), right-click the element
and select Create Target Node.
For example, drag an if statement to the target element, then map a source element to the
target element.
Or drag a for-each statement to a repeatable element.
Get Online Help for Functions, Operators, and XSLT Constructs
Embedded online help is provided for functions, operators, and XSLT constructs in the mapper.
Function help provides a description, signature, parameter, what the function returns, and
supported properties. Operator help provides a description, signature, parameters, what the
Chapter 3
Add Functions, Operators, and XSLT Statements
operator returns, and examples. XSLT construct help provides a description, signature, and
The following example describes how to obtain online help for a function.
1. In the upper right corner, click Functions to launch the Components panel.
2. Expand Functions.
3. Select a function. For this example, current-date is selected.
Online help opens below the function.
Automatically Create for-each Statements
You can automatically create for-each statements when mapping between repeatable source
and target elements in the mapper.
To automatically create for-each statements:
Chapter 3
Automatically Create for-each Statements
1. In the Source section, identify the repeatable source and target elements to which to map.
Repeatable elements are identified by the icon to the left of the name. When you
right-click these elements and select Node Info, Repeating: true is displayed in the
message details about the element.
2. In the Source section, map the child repeatable element to the child target repeatable
element. You cannot map repeatable elements to nonrepeatable elements.
The mapper creates a for-each statement to loop through the source Relationship
element and place the mapping into the target Organization element. This statement does
not include a value to select because parent elements do not typically contain attributes to
3. Click Code to view the for-each statement.
<xsl:for-each xml:id="id_37" select="$stageRead/nsmpr2:ReadResponse/
<nstrgmpr:bike_c xml:id="id_38">
<ns23:color xml:id="id_39">
<xsl:value-of xml:id="id_40" select="ns21:color"/>
<ns23:bike xml:id="id_41">
<xsl:value-of xml:id="id_42" select="ns21:bike"/>
<ns23:name xml:id="id_43">
<xsl:value-of xml:id="id_44" select="ns21:name"/>
<ns23:region xml:id="id_47">
<xsl:value-of xml:id="id_48" select="ns21:region"/>
<ns23:lEAD xml:id="id_45">
<xsl:value-of xml:id="id_46" select="ns21:lEAD"/>
Chapter 3
Automatically Create for-each Statements
Create Conditional Mappings
The if and choose statements are two ways to create conditions. If statements allow you to
specify a single condition. Choose/when/otherwise statements allow you to specify multiple
conditions, similar to if/then/else.
To create conditional mapping:
1. Drag a source to a target to create a mapping.
2. Click View
, then select Advanced.
3. In the upper right corner, click Toggle functions to launch the Components panel.
4. Expand XSLT, and drag appropriate XSLT statements onto the target element.
You can either search or browse for the function.
5. Drag the if or choose function onto the target element. (for this example, an if statement is
dragged to an ID element).
The if statement is displayed.
6. If you add a choose statement, you may specify additional when and otherwise
Chapter 3
Create Conditional Mappings
Highlight the choose action, then drag and drop a when or otherwise statement.
7. Click <, then apply your changes when prompted.
See Use Conditional Mappings.
Set Default Values in the Mapper
You may have scenarios in which you need to set some fields to default values. The mapper
contains a set of functions that you can use to set default values (for example, the when
function that you can use to set default values).
For example, the following conditional mapping is performed.
Chapter 3
Create Conditional Mappings
In the payload, you can set the default value in the mapper.
This syntax checks if the iD node is present in the payload. If so, it assigns that value.
Otherwise, it adds the default value, which in this case is 1000.
Create the lookupValue Function
You can create the parameter values for the
function with the Map Lookup Value
wizard. This wizard enables you to define the lookup table, source column, target column, and
default value to use in the function. For these parameter values to be selectable in the wizard,
you must have already created a lookup on the Lookups page.
Access the Build Lookup Function Wizard
Select the Lookup
Select the Source and Target Columns
Specify the Default Value
Review Your Lookup Table Selections
Chapter 3
Create the lookupValue Function
Access the Build Lookup Function Wizard
The Map Lookup Value wizard for creating the
function parameter values is
accessible from the mapper or the Expression Builder in actions that support functions in
Oracle Integration.
You must already have created lookups to use this wizard.
From the Mapper
From the Expression Builder In an Action that Supports Functions
From the Mapper
1. In the upper right corner, click Toggle functions
to launch the Components panel.
2. Type
in the Search field, and click Search.
3. Drag the function onto the target element node.
The Map Lookup Value wizard is displayed.
Chapter 3
Create the lookupValue Function
From the Expression Builder in an Action that Supports Functions
You can access the Map Lookup Value wizard in the Expression Builder in an action that
supports functions, such as a switch, stitch, or others.
1. Open an integration for editing.
2. Open an action that supports functions in the integration (for this example, a switch action
is shown, but other actions such as a stitch can be used).
The Configure Route panel opens.
3. Manually enter a value, select a value from the drop-down list, or drag a value from the
Sources tree to the first Value field. For this example, tracking_var_1 is selected.
4. Select an operator in the Operator field.
5. Click Functions, and browse or search for
6. Click
7. View the description below the function for information about the supported parameters.
You define values for these parameters in the Map Lookup Value wizard.
8. Click Switch to Developer Mode in the second Value field.
9. Drag the
function into the second Value field.
The Map Lookup Value wizard is displayed.
Chapter 3
Create the lookupValue Function
Create the
function parameter values.
Select the Lookup
You can select the lookup to use in the
function. You must already have created a
lookup. Otherwise, no lookups are displayed for selection.
1. Select the lookup to use in the function. You can view the lookup description by clicking the
information icon in the row. This can guide you in selecting the required lookup. The
number of columns defined in the lookup is also displayed.
2. Click >.
Select the Source and Target Columns
You can select the source and target columns to use in the
function. The
function requires one source column and one target column. When you select a
source and target column, the values available with the columns are displayed.
1. Select the source and target columns to use in the
Chapter 3
Create the lookupValue Function
Element Description
Select Source Click the source column header to select from a
list of available columns for this lookup table. The
data included with the selected column is
displayed. Both adapter and domain name
columns are displayed.
Select Target Click the target column header to select from a
list of available columns for this lookup table. The
data included with the selected column is
displayed. Both adapter and domain name
columns are displayed.
2. Click >.
Specify the Default Value
You must specify a default value to use.
1. Enter the default value to use in the
function if no match is found. If there is
no match that satisfies all the search values, the lookup fails and the default value is
returned (for example, an actual default value to use or an error message such as
Value Found
2. Click >.
Review Your Lookup Table Selections
You can review the lookup table values to use in the
function on the Summary
1. Review the lookup table values. The Summary page is the final wizard page after you have
completed your configuration.
Element Description
Parameter and Value Table Displays a summary of the parameters and
values you defined on previous pages of the
To return to a previous page to update any
values, click the appropriate tab in the left panel
or click Back .
Chapter 3
Create the lookupValue Function
Element Description
Resulting Expression Displays the expression you defined on the
previous pages of the wizard. The
function takes the following format:
lookupValue(dvm-location, src-
column, src-value, target-column,
Lookup Table: The lookup table selected on
the Select Lookup page.
Source Column: The source column
selected on the Select Columns page.
Source Value: The source value you enter
in the mapper or Expression Builder after
completing this wizard. Complete this
wizard, then define the
Target Column: The target column selected
on the Select Columns page.
Default Value: The default value entered on
the Default Value page.
For example, a defined
after you have completed the wizard and defined
parameter value in the Expression
Builder can look as follows:
'countrycode', srcValuePlaceHolder,
'No data found')
For example:
Chapter 3
Create the lookupValue Function
2. Click Done.
3. In the Sources tree, drag a value to replace srcValuePlaceHolder in the Value field.
Chapter 3
Create the lookupValue Function
4. Click Save.
You can use the configured function in the mapper. See Add Functions, Operators, and
XSLT Statements in Using the Oracle Mapper with Oracle Integration 3.
Work with Multiple Value Statements
You can add multiple value-of statements or multiple XSLT statements under a leaf node.
To work with multiple value statements:
1. Click Toggle functions .
2. Click XSLT.
3. Drag a value-of statement to a leaf element target in the mapper. For this example, value-
of is added as a child of optyId.
Chapter 3
Work with Multiple Value Statements
Multiple value-of statements are added to the leaf node.
4. Define appropriate mapping logic for each value-of statement. For example, add a
choose statement and a when statement with a defined value to the first value-of
statement and an otherwise statement to the second value-of statement.
Chapter 3
Work with Multiple Value Statements
Multiple value-of XSLT statements in a leaf node continue to remain visible in the
mapper even if you disable XSLT.
Chapter 3
Work with Multiple Value Statements
Mapper Use Cases
Learn about use cases with the mapper.
Convert an Integer to a String
Use Conditional Mappings
Iterate Across Groups with a for-each-group Constructor
Perform a Deep Copy of Elements with a copy-of Constructor
Use a Counter Inside a For-Each Loop to Track the Number of Loop Iterations
Create an XSLT Map to Read Multiple Correlated Payloads
Perform Date Conversions in the Mapper
Perform Data Manipulations in the Mapper
Pass Single Quotes in a Mapper Variable
Convert an Integer to a String
You can use convert an integer to a string in the mapper.
1. Open the mapper.
2. In the Target section, highlight the integer element node to convert to a string.
3. In the upper far right corner, click Toggle functions to open the Components panel.
4. Expand Functions and then Conversion.
5. Select the string function and drag it to the target element node.
A function icon is added to the mapping canvas for the target element node and the string
function XPath expression is added to the Expression Builder at the bottom of the page.
6. Drag the source integer node (or you can use a literal) inside the parenthesis and click the
icon to save.
For example:
string (12345)
7. Click Validate.
8. Optional: To see how the XPath function performs at runtime, click Test , then click
Generate Inputs
, and then click Execute .
Use Conditional Mappings
You may have a requirement to map data dynamically depending on other data in your
integration. This requirement can be achieved with conditional mappings.
This use case describes how to create mappings that specify conditions to take based one of
the following countries. If none of those countries are specified, an otherwise condition is
United States of America
United Kingdom
1. Click XSLT.
2. In the upper right corner, click Toggle functions
3. Expand XSL Constructors, then Flow Control to display the constructs required to create
conditional mappings.
4. Locate the target element (for this example, named country) in the tree.
This is the element for which to create conditional mappings.
5. If the selected element is a lighter color, that means the element does not exist in the
mapper’s output. Right-click and select Create Target Node. You cannot insert conditions
around country without this step.
6. Drag and drop the choose construct as a child of country. The cursor position
surrounding country indicates whether the choose construct can be inserted as a child
(bottom left) or a parent (upper right).
Chapter 4
Use Conditional Mappings
For this case, choose is inserted as a child.
7. Drag and drop a when construct as a child of the choose construct.
Chapter 4
Use Conditional Mappings
8. Drag and drop two additional when constructs as children of the choose construct to
create placeholders for the three conditions.
9. Drag an otherwise construct below the third when construct.
Each condition also requires a corresponding mapping value.
10. Drag and drop a value-of construct as a child of each when and otherwise construct. The
tree structure needed to create conditional expressions and mapping expressions is now
Chapter 4
Use Conditional Mappings
11. Select the first when construct in the target tree to create the first condition.
12. Map country from the source tree to the first when construct.
13. Select the value-of element for the first when construct.
14. Enter =
"United States of America"
in the Expression Builder to complete the
15. Click the checkmark to save the expression.
The text you entered is identified with a T for text (or literal) value.
16. Repeat steps 11 through 15 for the second and third when constructs.
to the value-of element of the second when construct.
Chapter 4
Use Conditional Mappings
"United Kingdom"
to the value-of element of the third when construct.
17. Drag and drop country from the source tree to the value-of element of the otherwise
18. Do not enter a literal value for the otherwise construct.
When complete, the design looks as follows.
19. Click the checkmark to save the expression.
20. Click Validate.
21. Click Code
to view the code for the conditional mapping.
<nstrgmpr:address xml:id="id_138">
<cc:country xml:id="id_139">
<xsl:when test="/nstrgdfl:quote/nstrgdfl:customer/
<xsl:value-of select="&quot;United States of
<xsl:when test="/nstrgdfl:quote/nstrgdfl:customer/
<xsl:value-of select="&quot;India&quot;"/>
Chapter 4
Use Conditional Mappings
<xsl:when test="/nstrgdfl:quote/nstrgdfl:customer/
<xsl:value-of select="&quot;United Kingdom&quot;"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/nstrgdfl:quote/
Iterate Across Groups with a for-each-group Constructor
You can iterate across a series of groups with a for-each-group constructor in designer mode in
the mapper. The grouping criteria is specified by the attributes. The required
identifies the elements to sort and group. The
attribute describes how to group the
You can only map repeated source elements to the
node (same as a
You can only drop the
as a parent in a target tree node (same as a
When you drop a
on a target node, a child
attribute node is
The Delete node option is disabled for the
attribute node.
When you delete a
, the
attribute node is also deleted.
If you are using an attribute other than
in code mode (such as
, or
), you cannot switch to designer mode.
Iterate Across Groups
1. Click XSLT.
2. In the upper right corner, click Toggle functions .
3. Expand XSL Constructors, and then Flow Control.
For this use case, the mapper shows the following source and target elements.
Chapter 4
Iterate Across Groups with a for-each-group Constructor
4. Drag a for-each-group to the target parent book element. The element must be a
repeating node.
The for-each-group constructor includes the group-by attribute.
5. Connect the book source element to for-each-group.
Chapter 4
Iterate Across Groups with a for-each-group Constructor
6. Connect the price source element to group-by to iterate on the basis of book price.
7. Drag the source element firstName to the target element firstName and the source
element lastName to the target element lastName.
Two supporting functions provided for use with for-each-group are available under the
Advanced category of Functions:
current-group: Returns the group currently being processed for each group
current-grouping-key: Returns the grouping key of the group currently being
processed for each group instruction.
This use case provides an example of using current-grouping-key.
Chapter 4
Iterate Across Groups with a for-each-group Constructor
8. Drag current-grouping-key to price. This function takes no arguments. For this use case,
it returns the price of the group currently being processed.
9. Click Code to view the code of your mappings. You can edit the code, as necessary.
<xsl:for-each-group xml:id="id_87" select="$stageReadEntire/
nsmpr1:ReadResponse/ns26:bookstore/ns26:book" group-by="ns26:price">
<ns22:book xml:id="id_68">
<ns22:title xml:id="id_69" lang=""/>
<ns22:price xml:id="id_73">
<xsl:value-of xml:id="id_96" select="fn:current-grouping-
key ()"/>
<ns22:author xml:id="id_70">
<ns22:firstName xml:id="id_72">
<xsl:value-of xml:id="id_94" select="ns26:author/
<ns22:lastName xml:id="id_71">
<xsl:value-of xml:id="id_95" select="ns26:author/
When you exit and return to the mapper, note that the for-each-group is no longer visible in
designer view. You must select XSLT to see the for-each-group construct.
Perform a Deep Copy of Elements with a copy-of Constructor
You can perform a deep copy of all child elements of a source parent node to the child
elements of a target parent node in the mapper. This eliminates the need to individually map
each source child element to each target child element.
1. Click XSLT.
2. In the upper right corner, click Toggle functions .
3. Expand XSL Constructors, then Output.
4. Drag copy-of to the target parent element (for this example, execute).
Chapter 4
Perform a Deep Copy of Elements with a copy-of Constructor
5. Drag the parent element request-wrapper in the Sources section to the copy-of
constructor in the Target section. This automatically maps all child elements under the
source parent element request-wrapper to the child elements under the target parent
element request-wrapper.
6. Click Code to view the mappings in code view.
7. If required, you can add additional copy-of constructors to the target tree.
Chapter 4
Perform a Deep Copy of Elements with a copy-of Constructor
8. Drag the parent element HTTPHeaders in the Sources section to the copy-of constructor
in the Target section. This automatically maps all child elements under the source parent
element HTTPHeaders to the child elements under the target parent element request-
9. Click Code
again to view the additional mappings in code view.
Use a Counter Inside a For-Each Loop to Track the Number of
Loop Iterations
You can use a counter inside a for-each loop to track the number of iterations processed by the
loop. This task can be achieved with an
through direct edit of the XSLT code.
For example:
Use the
XPath functions.
count(location path to the element)
returns the number of instances for the
node-set (for the element).
Within an
loop, the
function returns the iteration number.
The XSL code snippet for the payload looks as follows:
Chapter 4
Use a Counter Inside a For-Each Loop to Track the Number of Loop Iterations
The pseudo XSL code snippet looks as follows:
The output looks as follows:
See Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper.
Create an XSLT Map to Read Multiple Correlated Payloads
You can create XSLT maps to loop thought different sources (input payloads) with instances
that are correlated by key fields.
Example for 1:0..n and 1:1 Relationships Between Sources
The following business units and employees example is provided:
Each business unit can have 0..n employees (1:0..n relationship).
Chapter 4
Create an XSLT Map to Read Multiple Correlated Payloads
The G/L accounts source with a 1:1 correlation with business units.
You can create an XSLT map that combines them.
The sources (input payloads) for this example are as follows:
<id>SD</id> <name>Software Development</name>
<id>BS</id> <name>Sales</name>
<id>MD</id> <name>Marketing</name>
<emp> <buid>SD</buid> <name>Joe Smith</name> </emp>
<emp> <buid>SD</buid> <name>Mike Jones</name> </emp>
<emp> <buid>BS</buid> <name>Dave Johnson</name> </emp>
<account> <id>i1</id> <number>001.345</number> </account>
<account> <id>i2</id> <number>001.477</number> </account>
<account> <id>i9</id> <number>001.223</number> </account>
The link between
is the business unit ID. The header
and the detail is
. The link for the GL accounts and business units
is the account ID.
The following output is needed:
<BU id='SD'>Software Development</BU>
<empName>Joe Smith</empName>
<BU id='SD'>Software Development</BU>
<empName>Mike Jones</empName>
Chapter 4
Create an XSLT Map to Read Multiple Correlated Payloads
<BU id='BS'>Sales</BU>
<empName>Dave Johnson</empName>
When the instances (records) of the sources have a 1:1 correlation, you can use a predicate.
When the instances have 1:0..n correlation, using an
performs better
than using predicates because it avoids overparsing the source.
The XSLT content is as follows:
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsd=""
<xsl:param name="BusinessUnits" />
<xsl:param name="Employees" />
<xsl:param name="GLAccounts"/>
<xsl:template match="/" >
<xsl:for-each-group select="$Employees/people/employee" group-
<!-- this section will be executed only once per 'buid' -->
<!-- Store the Business Unit Record in a variable -->
<xsl:variable name="BURecord">
<xsl:copy-of select="$BusinessUnits/company/bu[id = fn:current-
<!-- Store the GL Account Record in a variable -->
<xsl:variable name="GLAccountRecord">
<xsl:copy-of select="$GLAccounts/gl/account[id = $BURecord/bu/
accountid]" />
<!-- end: executed only once per 'buid' -->
<xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
<!-- iterates the employees within the current 'buid' -->
<BU id="{./buid}">
<xsl:value-of select="$BURecord/bu/name" />
<xsl:value-of select="./name" />
<xsl:value-of select="$GLAccountRecord/account/
Chapter 4
Create an XSLT Map to Read Multiple Correlated Payloads
When there is a 1:1 relationship, using predicates instead of
faster because XSLT does not need to sort the data to create the group.
When there is a 1:0..n relationship, using
performs faster than
using predicates. This is because predicates, in the above example, parse the entire
business unit source and GL account source per every employee.
XPath predicates
xsl:for-each example
Perform Date Conversions in the Mapper
You can perform date conversion tasks in the mapper such as converting dates in different
time zones, formats, and timestamps.
Convert Date from One Time Zone to Another Time Zone
Convert Date from One Format to Another Format
Add and Subtract Dates from the Current Date Time
Convert dateTime to and from Epoch Time
Convert a Date Timestamp to a UNIX Timestamp
Convert a Month Number to a Month Name
Convert Date from One Time Zone to Another Time Zone
For example, to convert between India Standard Time (IST) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT):
Chapter 4
Perform Date Conversions in the Mapper
Convert Date from One Format to Another Format
Format Definition XSLT Mapping Explanation
Target Format:
<xsl:variable name="monthListByNum">
<month id="1" value="jan"/><month id="2"
value="feb"/><month id="3" value="mar"/><month
id="4" value="apr"/>
<month id="5" value="may"/><month id="6"
value="jun"/><month id="7" value="jul"/><month
id="8" value="aug"/>
<month id="9" value="sep"/><month id="10"
value="oct"/><month id="11" value="nov"/><month
id="12" value="dec"/>
<xsl:value-of select="concat (substring-after
(substring-after ($srcDateString, '-' ), '-' ),
case (substring-before (substring-after
($srcDateString, '-' ), '-' ) )]/@id, '-',
substring-before ($srcDateString, '-' ) )"
Use an XSLT
variable to
hold the
Use string
to get the
correct format.
Add and Subtract Dates from the Current Date Time
If the data is in
Add 10 days to the current date time:
fn:current-dateTime() + xsd:dayTimeDuration('P10D')
Add one year to the current date time:
fn:current-dateTime() + xsd:yearMonthDuration('P1Y')
Subtract 10 days from the current date time:
fn:current-dateTime() - xsd:dayTimeDuration('P10D')
Subtract one year from the current date time:
fn:current-dateTime() - xsd:yearMonthDuration('P1Y')
If the data is in
Convert the data to
format using
If the data is in any other format:
Chapter 4
Perform Date Conversions in the Mapper
Convert the data to
format using the
or string functions such as
, or
Convert dateTime to and from Epoch Time
If the data is in
Convert the current
to epoch time:
(fn:current-dateTime() - xsd:dateTime('1970-01-01T00:00:00')) div
Convert epoch time to
(xsd:dateTime('1970-01-01T00:00:00') + ($epochTime *
If the data is in
Convert the data to
format using
If the data is in any other format:
Convert the data to
format using the
or string functions such as
, or
Convert a Date Timestamp to a UNIX Timestamp
(fn:current-dateTime() - xsd:dateTime('1970-01-01T00:00:00')) div
Convert a Month Number to a Month Name
If you have the exact date and time, you can use the
xp20:format-dateTime ((fn:current-dateTime ( ), "[MNn" )
Perform Data Manipulations in the Mapper
You can perform data manipulation tasks in the mapper such as padding characters, rounding
numbers, extracting values, adding CDATA content, and calculating the sum of a node.
Pad Characters to a String
Round a Number to the Required Digits
Extract a Value for a Key-Value Pair Type of XML
Add CDATA Content to an XML Element
Calculate the Sum of a Node from a Group of Nodes
Pad Characters to a String
Left-pad zeroes to nine digits:
fn:format-number (12345, '000000000')
Chapter 4
Perform Data Manipulations in the Mapper
Right-pad zeroes to nine digits:
concat(string(12345),substring-before(fn:format-number (12345,
Round a Number to the Required Digits
Round a number to two decimals:
fn:format-number (12345.12345, '#.00')
Extract a Value for a Key-Value Pair Type of XML
XML Snippet XPath Expression Explanation
Extract the value of parameter name
within the set
braces in an
XPath is
called a
finds the
value whose
name is
Chapter 4
Perform Data Manipulations in the Mapper
Add CDATA Content to an XML Element
XSLT Snippet Output XML Explanation
Input XML:
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<nstrgmpr:data>I SHOULD BE IN CDATA
XSLT snippet:
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
XMLSchema" exclude-result-prefixes=" ora
oraext xsi fn xp20 xsl ignore01"
<xsl:output method="xml" cdata-section-
<xsl:template match="/" xml:id="id_11">
<nstrgmpr:result xml:id="id_16">
<xsl:value-of select="/nstrgmpr:process/
xml:id="id_17"/> </nstrgmpr:result>
You must
manually add
tag in the
The output
attribute must
The attribute
which fields
have the
content post-
. In case of
elements, the
value must be
separated by
The data
should be
mapped to the
element in
which CDATA
should be
Note: This
doesn't work
for file-based
such as stage
file actions
and FTP
where the
content is
rewritten from
Chapter 4
Perform Data Manipulations in the Mapper
Calculate the Sum of a Node from a Group of Nodes
XML Snippet XPath Expression Explanation
Input XML
XSLT snippet:
<xsl:for-each-group select="/
ns:Parameter" group-by="ns:Name">
Output XML:
must be set on
Pass Single Quotes in a Mapper Variable
You can pass single quotes in a mapper variable without using an escape character. Consider
the following example. The Expression Builder shows the following literal value.
Chapter 4
Pass Single Quotes in a Mapper Variable
Use an XSL variable to denote single quotes. You can also use an assign action variable.
<xsl:variable name="quote" value="'"/>;
Use a
function to append the quotes to the actual value.
<xsl:value-of select="concat($quote,$value,$quote)"/>
Note that the output on the test page and the Track Instances page shows the following.
This is a display issue only and can be ignored. The value is successfully passed.
Chapter 4
Pass Single Quotes in a Mapper Variable
Troubleshoot the Mapper
Review the following topics to learn about troubleshooting issues with the mapper.
Current-dateTime Function Does Not Return the Same Number of Digits for All Timestamp
Import XSLT Code into the Mapper
Function Not Found Errors During Validation in the Mapper
format-number Function Error
Transform an Incoming UTC Timestamp into a Standard Timestamp
CDATA in XSLT String Functions Causes Problems
Current-dateTime Function Does Not Return the Same Number
of Digits for All Timestamp Values
Current-dateTime function
in the mapper does not return the same number of digits for
all timestamp values.
For example, the three digit microsecond value is not the same format each time.
If you want the specific format value to be consistent, use the
to format the timestamp. For example:
xp20:format-dateTime (fn:current-dateTime(), "[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]T[H01]:[m01]:
[s01].[f001]" )
This function returns the following format:
Import XSLT Code into the Mapper
For some functionality that is not available in the mapper, you can import XSLT code.
To use a nested for-each loop in the target mapper tree and access values from different
sources elements, you can use
with different sources. However, the mapper
is locked from editing. As a workaround, you can use imported maps. See Import a Map
File into an Orchestrated Integration.
The ability to use copy-of functionality is not currently available. As a workaround, import
XSLT code into the mapper to achieve copy-of functionality. See Import a Map File into an
Orchestrated Integration.
Function Not Found Errors During Validation in the Mapper
If you receive the following error when you attempt to validate your mappings in the mapper,
you are using an unsupported function (for this example,
). This error can occur
when you import an XSLT file into Oracle Integration that includes functions that were
supported in another tool such as Oracle JDeveloper.
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Could not find function: document:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Could not find function: document
The mapper validates if all the referenced functions are supported. You can only use supported
functions (those visible in the Functions palette in the mapper user interface) in the mapper in
Oracle Integration.
format-number Function Error
function fails with a
cannot convert string to number
error for
nondecimal input instead of returning a Not a Number (NaN) response. This is the expected
current behavior and applies to all design time and runtime usage of this function.
Transform an Incoming UTC Timestamp into a Standard
You can transform an incoming UTC timestamp into a standard timestamp in the mapper.
For example, the incoming data is in the following format:
and needs to transformed as follows:
2021-05-24 13:34:45
Specify the following expression in the Expression Builder.
xp20:format-dateTime( string(fn:current-dateTime() ),"[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]
CDATA in XSLT String Functions Causes Problems
Do not use CDATA in XSLT string functions (
turns the content into a string).
For example, assume you are using the mapper to hard code a SOAP Adapter
attribute. The mapper encodes the data, which causes a problem for the endpoint service at
Chapter 5
Function Not Found Errors During Validation in the Mapper
[Expression for: "header"]
"<![CDATA[ <CrosstalkMessage> <CrosstalkHeader>
<ProcessCode>1004</ProcessCode> <MessageType>100</MessageType>
<ExchangePattern>7</ExchangePattern> <EnterpriseId>ace7d6ae-78a8-f3gh-1d04
-9fe0416d053c</EnterpriseId> <Token>h12749ed-913b-7e3e-2aef
-8dd78255cb40</Token> <DestinationId>b3fbf48e-df96-f27d-5fac
-38895618064f</DestinationId> <ContentEncoding>utf-8</ContentEncoding>
<ContentType>text/xml</ContentType> </CrosstalkHeader> </CrosstalkMessage>
<tns:header xml:id="id_48">
<xsl:value-of xml:id="id_82" select="'&lt;!
[CDATA[ &lt;CrosstalkMessage&gt;
&lt;CrosstalkHeader&gt; &lt;ProcessCode&gt;1004&lt;/ProcessCode&gt;
-7e3e-2aef-8dd78255cb40&lt;/Token&gt; &lt;DestinationId&gt;b3fbf48e-df96-
-5fac-38895618064f&lt;/DestinationId&gt; &lt;ContentEncoding&gt;utf
-8&lt;/ContentEncoding&gt; &lt;ContentType&gt;text/xml&lt;/ContentType&gt;
&lt;/CrosstalkHeader&gt; &lt;/CrosstalkMessage&gt; ]]&gt;'"/>
To achieve this:
Write the XML structure using a stage file action.
Read the XML as opaque content.
Map to the header element by using
of read content.
Use the
attribute in XSLT referring to the header element.
Chapter 5
CDATA in XSLT String Functions Causes Problems