AmeriCorps Performance Measures Instructions
AmeriCorps State and National
Table of Contents
AmeriCorps State and National Performance Measure Requirements ......................................................... 3
AmeriCorps State and National Performance Measures Selection Rules ..................................................... 4
CAPACITY BUILDING ............................................................................................................................ 11
DISASTER SERVICES .............................................................................................................................. 12
ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY .................................................................................................................. 13
EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................................. 15
ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ..................................................................................................... 18
HEALTHY FUTURES ............................................................................................................................... 21
VETERANS AND MILITARY FAMILIES .............................................................................................. 23
Appendix A: Understanding MSY and Member Allocations ..................................................................... 24
Appendix B: Performance Measures Checklist .......................................................................................... 28
Appendix C: Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................................................. 30
AmeriCorps State and National Performance Measure Requirements
All applications must include at least one aligned performance measure (output paired with outcome) that
corresponds to the proposed primary intervention. This may be a National Performance Measure or an applicant-
determined measure depending on the program’s theory of change. Applications may also include National
Performance Measure outputs without associated outcome(s) provided that the output measures a significant
program activity. These output-only measures do not fulfill the requirement for an aligned performance measure,
but may be selected in addition to the aligned measure(s).
All performance measures must reflect significant program activities whose outputs and outcomes are consistent
with the applicant’s core theory of change. Applicants are not expected to have performance measures for every
program activity. AmeriCorps does not require applicants to use National Performance Measures but expects them
to do so if National Performance Measures reflect key outputs and/or outcomes of the theory of change. Applicants
may not create applicant determined outputs or outcomes that duplicate existing National Performance Measures.
All performance measures, including output-only measures, must be associated with one or more interventions
(service activities). Applicants are expected to use the system-defined intervention categories if they appropriately
represent the applicant’s program activities. Applicants may not create user-defined intervention labels that
duplicate existing intervention categories.
AmeriCorps State and National Performance Measures Selection Rules
These selection rules specify allowable output/outcome pairings for National Performance Measures. Applicants
must follow these selection rules when using National Performance Measures. Applicants may not select any
National Performance Measures that may appear in eGrants if they are not present on this list. Please see the NOFO
for additional information about application requirements.
Capacity Building
Strategic Plan
Selection Rules
Outcomes (if applicable)*
Building &
G3-3.4: Number of
organizations that
received capacity
building services
G3-3.10A: Number of organizations
that increase their efficiency,
effectiveness, and/or program reach
Volunteer management
Resource development
Systems development
*All National Performance Measure outputs may also be paired with an applicant-determined outcome instead or
may be used without an associated outcome.
Disaster Services
Strategic Plan
Outcomes (if applicable)*
D1A: Number of
individuals served
D5: Number of individuals reporting
increased disaster readiness
Disaster Preparation
Disaster Response
Disaster Recovery
Disaster Mitigation
Disaster Adaptation
Climate Change Intervention
D6: Number of
structures protected or
D7: Number of structures returned
to regular use after a disaster
Disaster Preparation
Disaster Response
Disaster Recovery
Disaster Mitigation
Disaster Adaptation
Climate Change Intervention
EN4**: Acres of parks
or public land treated
EN4.1**: Acres of parks or public
land improved
Disaster Preparation
Disaster Response
Disaster Recovery
Disaster Mitigation
Disaster Adaptation
Climate Change Intervention
EN5**: Miles of trails
or rivers treated.
EN5.1**: Miles of trails or rivers
Disaster Preparation
Disaster Response
Disaster Recovery
Disaster Mitigation
Disaster Adaptation
Climate Change Intervention
G3-3.4**: Number of
organizations that
received capacity
building services
G3-3.10A**: Number of
organizations that increase their
efficiency, effectiveness, and/or
program reach
Disaster Preparation
Disaster Response
Disaster Recovery
Disaster Mitigation
Disaster Adaptation
Climate Change Intervention
*All National Performance Measure outputs may also be paired with an applicant-determined outcome instead or
may be used without an associated outcome.
**In the eGrants Performance Measure Module, these measures may appear with the letter “D” at the end when used
in the Disaster Services focus area. However, the instructions for these measures are the same regardless of the
focus area in which they are used.
Economic Opportunity
Strategic Plan
Selection Rules
Outcomes (if applicable)*
O1A: Number of
individuals served
O9: Number of individuals with
improved financial knowledge
Financial Literacy Education
O1A: Number of
individuals served
O11: Number of individuals
transitioned into safe, healthy,
affordable housing
Housing Unit Development
Housing Unit Repair
Housing Placement/Assistance
O4: Number of housing
units developed or
O20: Number of safe, healthy,
affordable housing units made
Housing Unit Development
Housing Unit Repair
O1A: Number of
individuals served
O10: Number of individuals who
secure employment
O21: Number of individuals with
improved job readiness
Job Training
Job Placement
GED Education
Other Adult Education
N/A (outputs may be
reported as Performance
Data Elements on annual
Progress Reports)
N/A (outcomes may be reported as
Performance Data Elements on
annual Progress Reports)
Other Economic
O1A: Number of
individuals served
*All National Performance Measure outputs may also be paired with an applicant-determined outcome instead or
may be used without an associated outcome.
Strategic Plan
Selection Rules
Outcomes (if applicable)*
ED1A: Number of
individuals served
ED23A: Number of children
demonstrating gains in school
Other Classroom Support
Out-of-School Time
Family Involvement
Service Learning
Summer Learning
Classroom Teaching
K-12 Success
ED1A: Number of
individuals served
ED5A: Number of students with
improved academic performance
ED9: Number of students graduating
from high school on time
ED10: Number of students enrolling
in post-secondary education/training
ED27C: Number of students with
improved academic engagement or
social-emotional skills
ED6: Number of students with
increased attendance
ED7A: Number of students with
decreased disciplinary incidents
(referrals, suspensions/expulsions,
criminal or gang involvement)
Other Classroom Support
Out-of-School Time
Family Involvement
Service Learning
Summer Learning
Classroom Teaching
Opioid/Drug Intervention
ED1A: Number of
individuals served
ED11: Number of individuals
earning a post-secondary degree or
technical certification
Family Involvement
Service Learning
Summer Learning
Teacher Corps
N/A (outputs may be
reported as Performance
Data Elements on annual
Progress Reports)
N/A (outcomes may be reported as
Performance Data Elements on
annual Progress Reports)
Other Education
ED1A: Number of
individuals served
*All National Performance Measure outputs may also be paired with an applicant-determined outcome instead or
may be used without an associated outcome.
Environmental Stewardship
Strategic Plan
Selection Rules
Outcomes (if applicable)*
EN4: Acres of parks or
public land treated
EN4.1: Acres of parks or public land
Fire Mitigation
Flood Mitigation
Invasive Species Removal
Debris Removal
Plant Establishment
Climate Change Intervention
EN5: Miles of trails or
rivers treated.
EN5.1: Miles of trails or rivers
Trail Creation
Trail Remediation
Stream Remediation
Fire Mitigation
Flood Mitigation
Invasive Species Removal
Debris Removal
Plant Establishment
Climate Change Intervention
EN1: Number of
housing units or public
structures weatherized or
retrofitted to improve
energy efficiency
EN1.1: Number of housing units or
public structures
with reduced energy
consumption or reduced energy costs
Climate Change Intervention
Awareness &
EN3: Number of
individuals receiving
education or training in
stewardship and/or
conscious practices
EN3.1: Number of individuals with
increased knowledge of
environmental stewardship and/or
environmentally-conscious practices
EN3.2: Number of individuals
reporting a change in behavior or
intention to change behavior
to better
protect the environment
Service Learning
Climate Change Intervention
Green Jobs
N/A (outputs may be
reported as Performance
Data Elements on annual
Progress Reports)
N/A (outcomes may be reported as
Performance Data Elements on
annual Progress Reports)
*All National Performance Measure outputs may also be paired with an applicant-determined outcome instead or
may be used without an associated outcome.
Healthy Futures
Strategic Plan
Selection Rules
Outcomes (if applicable)*
Aging in Place
H4A: Number of
individuals served
H9A: Number of individuals who
report improved capacity for
independent living
H19: Number of individuals with
improved health
Nutrition/Food Support
Legal Services
Medical Services
Opioid/Drug Intervention
Obesity & Food
H4A: Number of
individuals served
H12: Number of individuals who
report increased food security
H17: Number of individuals with
increased health knowledge
H18: Number of individuals
reporting a change in behavior or
intent to change behavior to
improve their health
H19: Number of individuals with
improved health
Medical Services
Nutrition/Food Support
Physical Activities
Opioid/Drug Intervention
H10A: Number of
pounds of food provided
Nutrition/Food Support
Access to Care
H4A: Number of
individuals served
H17: Number of individuals with
increased health knowledge
H18: Number of individuals
reporting a change in behavior or
intent to change behavior to
improve their health
H19: Number of individuals with
improved health
H20: Number of individuals with
improved access to medical care
Medical Services
Opioid/Drug Intervention
Other Healthy
H4A: Number of
individuals served
*All National Performance Measure outputs may also be paired with an applicant-determined outcome instead or
may be used without an associated outcome.
Veterans and Military Families
Strategic Plan
Selection Rules
Outcomes (if applicable)*
Veterans &
Families Served
V1: Number of veterans
V7A: Number of active
military members and/or
military family members
V8: Number of veteran
family members served
O9**: Number of individuals with
improved financial knowledge
O11**: Number of individuals
transitioned into safe/affordable
O10**: Number of individuals who
secure employment
O21**: Number of individuals with
improved job readiness
ED11**: Number of individuals
earning a post-secondary degree or
technical certification
H9A**: Number of individuals who
report improved capacity for
independent living
H12**: Number of individuals who
report increased food security
H17**: Number of individuals with
increased health knowledge
H18**: Number of individuals
reporting a change in behavior or
intent to change behavior to improve
their health
H19**: Number of individuals with
improved health
H20**: Number of individuals with
improved access to medical care
Financial Literacy Education
Housing Unit Development
Housing Unit Repair
Housing Placement/Assistance
Job Training
Job Placement
GED Education
Other Adult Education
Family Involvement
Service Learning
Summer Learning
Nutrition/Food Support
Legal Services
Medical Services
Physical Activities
Opioid/Drug Intervention
Access &
N/A (outputs may be
reported as Performance
Data Elements on annual
Progress Reports)
N/A (outcomes may be reported as
Performance Data Elements on annual
Progress Reports)
*All National Performance Measure outputs may also be paired with an applicant-determined outcome instead or
may be used without an associated outcome.
**In the eGrants Performance Measure Module, these measures may appear with the letter “V” at the end when used
in the Veterans and Military Families focus area. However, the instructions for these measures are the same
regardless of the focus area in which they are used.
Focus Area Notes
Programs should only opt into the Capacity Building performance measures if the measures reflect
significant program activities aligned with the applicant’s core theory of change.
Activities associated with these measures must be carried out by National Service Participants or by
volunteers directly recruited and/or supported by National Service Participants.
Activities associated with these measures must meet the definition of capacity building specified in the
“key terms” definition under G3-3.4.
Programs are not permitted to create applicant-determined outputs in the Capacity Building focus area.
G3-3.4 (output)
Number of organizations that received capacity building services
Definition of Key
Organization: nonprofit or state/local/tribal government entity
Capacity building services: a set of activities that expand the scale, reach, efficiency, or
effectiveness of programs and organizations. Capacity building activities may also leverage
resources (e.g., funding, volunteers, in-kind support, or partnerships) for programs and/or
organizations. As a general rule, AmeriCorps considers capacity building activities to be
indirect services that enable organizations to provide more, better and sustained direct
services. Capacity building activities must (1) be intended to support or enhance the
program delivery model, (2) respond to the organization’s goal of increasing, expanding or
enhancing services in order to address pressing community needs, and (3) enable the
organization to provide a sustained level of more or better direct services after the national
service participant’s term of service has ended.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of organizations who have
received services
Number of organizations that increased their effectiveness, efficiency, and/or program
Definition of
Key Terms
Organizations: those counted in G3-3.4
Effectiveness: Improved ability of the organization to achieve outcomes resulting in better
success rates or better quality of outcomes achieved
Efficiency: Improved outcomes with the same level of resources; improved or consistent
quality of services with fewer resources
Scale/Reach: The scope of a program’s services. Increased scale/reach can be measured by
the number of new people served, new populations served, and/ or new or expanded
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Organizational assessment tool or other instrument capable of measuring changes in
effectiveness, efficiency, or scale/reach at the organization level. When possible, pre-post
assessments should be utilized.
Focus Area Notes
Programs should only opt into the Disaster Services performance measures if the measures reflect
significant program activities aligned with the applicant’s core theory of change.
Any other grantees who provide disaster-related services during the program year should report on this
activity in the Performance Data Elements in annual Progress Reports and provide a brief description of
those services.
To ensure unduplicated counts, beneficiaries reported under National Performance Measures in the Disaster
Services focus area should not also be reported in disaster-related Performance Data Elements in annual
Progress Reports.
Activities associated with these measures must be carried out by National Service Participants or by
volunteers directly recruited and/or supported by National Service Participants.
All individuals counted under these measures must be program beneficiaries, not National Service
Participants. National Service Participant outputs and outcomes should be reported in the Performance
Data Elements in annual Progress Reports.
D1A (output)
Number of individuals served
Definition of Key
Individuals: recipients of AmeriCorps-supported services related to disaster preparedness,
response, recovery, and/or mitigation
Served: substantive engagement of individuals with a specific disaster-related goal in mind.
Cannot consist solely of mass dissemination of information such as email blasts, social
media posts, or distributing pamphlets.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of individuals who have received
D5 (outcome)
Number of individuals reporting increased disaster readiness
Definition of Key
Individuals: those reported in measure D1A
Disaster readiness: measures taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of future disasters
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, interview, or other instrument capable of measuring changes in disaster readiness at
the individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post assessments should be utilized.
D6 (output)
Number of structures protected or restored
Definition of Key
Structures: housing units or public facilities
Protected: prepared to more effectively withstand future disasters
Restored: repaired from damage sustained during a disaster
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of structures that received services
D7 (outcome)
Number of structures returned to regular use after a disaster
Definition of Key
Structures: those reported in measure D6
Returned to regular use: able to be used for the same or similar purpose for which they
were used prior to the disaster
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Report from structure owner/manager/occupant, or other instrument capable of measuring
changes in condition at the individual structure level.
Focus Area Notes
Programs should only opt into the Economic Opportunity performance measures if the measures reflect
significant program activities aligned with the applicant’s core theory of change.
All individuals counted under these measures must be program beneficiaries, not National Service
Participants. National Service Participant outputs and outcomes should be reported in the Performance
Data Elements in annual Progress Reports.
Activities associated with these measures must be carried out by National Service Participants or by
volunteers directly recruited and/or supported by National Service Participants.
O1A (output)
Number of individuals served
Definition of Key
Individuals: recipients of AmeriCorps-supported services related to increasing economic
Served: substantive engagement of individuals with a specific goal in mind related to
economic opportunity. Cannot consist solely of mass dissemination of information such as
email blasts, social media posts, or distributing pamphlets.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of individuals who have received
O4 (output)
Number of housing units developed or repaired
Definition of Key
Housing unit: A single-family home (including a mobile home if permanently placed), an
apartment, or a room in a group home for people with disabilities
Develop: Build new or substantially rehabilitate housing units that were uninhabitable or
soon would have become so. Involves replacing major systems such as the roof, the
plumbing, the wiring, the foundation, or elevating the unit as required by a flood plain
Repair: A more modest level of physical work on the unit, such as weatherizing, painting,
replacing appliances and removing safety hazards
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of the number of housing units that
have received AmeriCorps-supported development or repair services
O9 (outcome)
Number of individuals with improved financial knowledge
Definition of Key
Individuals: those reported in measure O1A, V1, V7A, or V8
Improved financial knowledge: increased knowledge/understanding of financial literacy
topics such as credit management, financial institutions including banks and credit unions,
and utilization of savings plans
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, interview, or other instrument capable of measuring changes in financial knowledge
at the individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post assessments should be utilized.
O10 (outcome)
Number of individuals who secure employment
Definition of Key
Individuals: those reported in measure O1A, V1, V7A, or V8
Secure employment: individual is hired in a new job as a result of AmeriCorps-supported
services provided; individual may have been previously working in a different job or
previously unemployed
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Preferred method is a copy of acceptance letter from employer or copy of first pay stub.
Beneficiary self-reports may also be utilized.
O11 (outcome)
Number of individuals transitioned into safe, healthy, affordable housing
Definition of Key
Individuals: those reported in measure O1A, V1, V7A, or V8
Safe, healthy, affordable housing: Grantee certifies that the housing is safe and healthy
based on an inspection or other documentation. Grantee defines affordability and certifies
that the housing is affordable to the individual(s) transitioned into the unit.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Preferred method is a proof of residence such as a lease, mortgage, certificate of occupancy,
or other verification from an external agency. Beneficiary self-reports may also be utilized.
O20 (outcome)
Number of safe, healthy, affordable housing units made available
Definition of Key
Housing unit: those reported in measure O4
Safe, healthy, affordable housing unit: Grantee certifies that the housing unit is safe and
healthy based on an inspection or other documentation. Grantee defines affordability and
certifies that the housing unit is affordable.
Made available: This count indicates that the work has been completed to make the units
available but they may or may not have been occupied.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of the number of safe, healthy,
affordable housing units that have been made available
O21 (outcome)
Number of individuals with improved job readiness
Definition of Key
Individuals: those reported in measure O1A, V1, V7A, or V8
Improved job readiness: increased knowledge or skills related to seeking, obtaining, or
successfully retaining a job.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, interview, observation, or other instrument capable of measuring changes in job
readiness at the individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post assessments should be
Focus Area Notes
Programs should only opt into the Education performance measures if the measures reflect significant
program activities aligned with the applicant’s core theory of change.
All individuals counted under these measures must be program beneficiaries, not National Service
Participants. National Service Participant outputs and outcomes should be reported in the Performance
Data Elements in annual Progress Reports.
Activities associated with these measures must be carried out by National Service Participants or by
volunteers directly recruited and/or supported by National Service Participants.
ED1A (output)
Number of individuals served
Definition of Key
Individuals: recipients of AmeriCorps-supported services related to education; may include
students enrolled in grades K-12, out-of-school youth, preschool age children, and/or
individuals pursuing postsecondary education
Served: substantive engagement of individuals with a specific education-related goal in
mind. Cannot consist solely of mass dissemination of information such as email blasts,
social media posts, or distributing pamphlets.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of individuals who have received
ED5A (outcome)
Number of students with improved academic performance
Definition of Key
Students: those reported in ED1A
Improved academic performance: an improved demonstration of skill or knowledge in
one or more academic subjects
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Standardized test, report card grade, or other instrument capable of measuring changes in
academic performance at the individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post
assessments should be utilized.
ED6 (outcome)
Number of students with increased school attendance
Definition of Key
Students: those reported in ED1A
Increased school attendance: higher rate of presence and/or on-time arrival at school as
compared to a previous comparable time period
How to Measure/
Collect Data
School/district/classroom attendance records or other instrument capable of measuring
changes in attendance at the individual beneficiary level
ED7A (outcome)
Number of students with decreased disciplinary incidents (referrals, suspensions/expulsions,
criminal or gang involvement)
Definition of Key
Students: those reported in ED1A
Decreased disciplinary incidents: lower rate of incidents as compared to a previous
comparable time period
How to Measure/
Collect Data
School/district/classroom records, police records, or other instrument capable of measuring
changes in disciplinary incidents at the individual beneficiary level
ED9 (outcome)
Number of students graduating from high school on time with a diploma
Definition of Key
Students: those reported in ED1A
On Time: Within four years of starting 9th grade
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Preferred method is school/district graduation records for student beneficiaries.
Beneficiary self-reports may also be utilized.
ED10 (outcome)
Number of students enrolling in post-secondary education or training
Definition of Key
Students: those reported in ED1A
Post-secondary education or training may include two- or four-year college programs or
occupational/vocational programs
Enrolling: means matriculating as a full-time or part-time student
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Preferred method is registration records that confirm student enrollments. Beneficiary self-
reports may also be utilized.
ED11 (outcome)
Number of students earning a post-secondary degree
Definition of Key
Students: those reported in ED1A, V1, V7A, or V8
Degree: may include an associate degree from an accredited academic program or an
occupational or vocational program; a bachelor’s degree (ex., BA, BS); a master’s degree
(ex.: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW); a professional school degree (ex.: MD, DDS, DVM); or
a doctorate degree (ex.: PhD, EdD)
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Preferred method is registration records that confirm degree was earned. Beneficiary self-
reports may also be utilized.
Programs may only select this measure if they are able to collect data during a one-year
grant period.
ED23A (outcome)
Number of children demonstrating gains in school readiness
Definition of Key
Children: those reported in ED1A
School readiness: Preparation for Kindergarten which includes multiple indicators assessed
across developmental and behavioral domains including but not limited to physical well-
being, health and motor development, social and emotional development, approaches to
learning, language development, cognitive development, and age-appropriate academic
skills and behavior.
How to
Collect Data
Teacher observation, standardized test, or other instrument capable of measuring changes in
school readiness at the individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post assessments
should be utilized.
ED27C (outcome)
Number of students with improved academic engagement or social and emotional skills
Definition of
Key Terms
Students: those reported in ED1A
Improved academic engagement or social and emotional skills: A positive change in
student skills, attitude, and/or mindset that is likely to contribute to increased educational
success. May include increased interest in school, improved perspective on school climate,
increased attachment to school and/or increased educational aspirations.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, observation, or other instrument capable of measuring changes in academic
engagement or social and emotional skills at the individual beneficiary level. When
possible, pre-post assessments should be utilized.
Academic or behavioral improvements counted under ED5A, ED6, or ED7A cannot be
counted under this measure
Focus Area Notes
Programs should only opt into the Environmental Stewardship performance measures if the measures
reflect significant program activities aligned with the applicant’s core theory of change.
All individuals counted under these measures must be program beneficiaries, not National Service
Participants. National Service Participant outputs and outcomes should be reported in the Performance
Data Elements in annual Progress Reports.
Activities associated with these measures must be carried out by National Service Participants or by
volunteers directly recruited and/or supported by National Service Participants.
AmeriCorps encourages grantees to perform service with the greatest impact versus providing minimal
impact to the highest number of acres/miles/individuals
EN1 (output)
Number of housing units or public structures weatherized or retrofitted to improve energy
Definition of
Key Terms
Housing unit: a single-family home (including a mobile home if permanently placed), an
apartment, or a room in a group home for people with disabilities
Public structure: Shelter, such as homeless shelter or emergency shelter operated by a
nonprofit or government organization; government-owned building
Weatherization: Modifying a building to reduce energy consumption and costs and
optimize energy efficiency. Whole-house weatherization includes the installation of modern
energy-saving heating and cooling equipment and looks at how the house performs as a
Retrofit: An energy conservation measure applied to an existing building or the action of
improving the thermal performance or maintenance of a building.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of units/structures that have
received services
EN1.1 (outcome)
Number of housing units or public structures with reduced energy consumption or reduced
energy costs
Definition of Key
Housing units or public structures: those reported in EN1
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Utility bill/statement, computer modeling, resident survey, or other instrument capable of
measuring changes in energy consumption or energy costs at the individual unit/structure
level. When possible, pre-post assessments should be utilized.
EN3 (output)
Number of individuals receiving education or training in environmental stewardship and/or
environmentally-conscious practices
Definition of
Key Terms
Environmental Stewardship and/or environmentally conscious practices: Organized
efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human
beings can manage their behavior and
choices in order to live sustainably within those
Education or training:
substantive engagement of individuals with a specific education
goal in mind. Cannot consist solely of mass dissemination of information such as email
blasts, social media posts, or distributing pamphlets.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of individuals that have received
EN3.1 (outcome)
Number of individuals with increased knowledge of environmental stewardship and/or
environmentally-conscious practices
Definition of
Key Terms
Individuals: those reported in EN3
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, test, or other instrument capable of measuring changes in knowledge at the
individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post assessments should be utilized.
EN3.2 (outcome)
Number of individuals reporting a change in behavior or the intent to change behavior to
better protect the environment
Definition of
Key Terms
Individuals: those reported in EN3
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, interview, or other instrument capable of measuring changes in behavior at the
individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post assessments should be utilized.
EN4 (output)
Number of acres of public parks or other public and tribal lands that are treated
Definition of
Key Terms
Public parks: Park/recreation areas that are designated by national, state, city, or county
governments (not trails or rivers; see EN5)
Other public lands: Other publicly owned lands; land owned by nonprofits for public use
or the public good (such as land conservancies): and public easements
Tribal lands: Same meaning as imparted by the definitions of “Indian Lands” and “Indian
Tribes” provided in. SEC. 101. [42 U.S.C. 12511]
Treated: Removal of invasive species, planting native plants, building riparian buffers,
clearing of natural debris (such as fallen trees/limbs, hazardous fuel) and unnatural debris
(such as disaster debris and improperly disposed waste). Treatment must go beyond basic
trash removal.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of acres of land that have received
EN4.1 (outcome)
Number of acres of public parks or other public and tribal lands that are improved
Definition of
Key Terms
Acres of public parks or other public and tribal lands: those reported in EN4
Improved: Renovated to reduce human impact or the negative impact of natural disasters or
invasive species, restored native plants and habitat, reduced erosion, protected watersheds,
reduced wildfire risk, upgraded or repaired outdoor recreation facilities or signage, increased
public safe access, protected flora and fauna. Improvement should be consistent with an
accepted natural resource restoration, maintenance or improvement plan.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Land manager assessment or other instrument capable of measuring changes in land
condition at the scale of individual acres. When possible, pre-post assessments should be
EN5 (output)
Number of miles of public trails or waterways that are treated and/or constructed
Definition of
Key Terms
Public trails or waterways: owned/maintained by national, state, county, city or tribal
governments; nonprofits when for public use or the public good; and public easements
Treated: Removal of invasive species, planting native plants, building riparian buffers,
improving tread/corridor of existing trail or making changes to increase the trail lifespan,
implementing safety measures, removal of unsafe trail structures, repair of damage caused
by visitor use, changes to increase accessibility, clearing of natural debris (such as fallen
trees/limbs and hazardous fuel) and unnatural debris (such as disaster debris and improperly
disposed waste). Treatments must go beyond basic trash removal.
Constructed: Activities designed to make trails newly available such as adding
handicapped accessibility, building boardwalks, trail-blazing, converting a railroad bed to a
trail, etc.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of miles of trail/waterway that have
received services
EN5.1 (outcome)
Number of miles of public trails or waterways that are improved and/or put into use
Definition of
Key Terms
Miles of public trails or waterways: those reported in EN5
Improved: Restored to reduce human impact or the negative impact of natural disasters or
invasive species, restored native plants and habitat, reduced erosion, protected watersheds,
increased safe condition or long-term sustainability of trails, increased accessibility,
protected flora and fauna. Improvement should be consistent with an accepted natural
resource restoration, maintenance or improvement plan.
Put into use: Established safe and useable trails that are now available for public access
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Land manager assessment or other instrument capable of measuring changes in trail or
waterway condition at the scale of individual miles. When possible, pre-post assessments
should be utilized.
Focus Area Notes
Programs should only opt into the Healthy Futures performance measures if the measures reflect significant
program activities aligned with the applicant’s core theory of change.
All individuals counted under these measures must be program beneficiaries, not National Service
Participants. National Service Participant outputs and outcomes should be reported in the Performance
Data Elements in annual Progress Reports.
Activities associated with these measures must be carried out by National Service Participants or by
volunteers directly recruited and/or supported by National Service Participants.
H4A (output)
Number of individuals served
Definition of
Key Terms
Individuals: recipients of AmeriCorps-supported services related to improving health-
related outcomes
Served: substantive engagement of individuals with a specific health-related goal in mind.
Cannot consist solely of mass dissemination of information such as email blasts, social
media posts, or distributing pamphlets.
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of individuals who have received
H9A (outcome)
Number of individuals who report improved capacity for independent living
Definition of
Key Terms
Individuals: those reported in H4A, V1, V7A, or V8
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, interview, caseworker assessment, or other instrument capable of measuring
changes in independent living capacity at the individual beneficiary level. When possible,
pre-post assessments should be utilized.
H10A (output)
Number of pounds of food provided
Definition of
Key Terms
Food provided: made available at reduced or no cost to individuals and/or organizations for
the purpose of alleviating food insecurity or hunger. May include community garden
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of pounds of food provided
H12 (outcome)
Number of individuals who report increased food security
Definition of
Key Terms
Individuals: those reported in H4A, V1, V7A, or V8
Food security: Access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life. Food security
includes at a minimum: (1) the ready availability of
nutritionally adequate and safe foods, and (2) an assured ability to acquire acceptable
foods in socially acceptable ways (that is, without resorting to emergency food supplies,
scavenging, stealing, or other coping strategies). [USDA]
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, interview, caseworker assessment, or other instrument capable of measuring
changes in food security at the individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post
assessments should be utilized.
H17 (outcome)
Number of individuals with increased health knowledge
Definition of
Key Terms
Individuals: those reported in H4A, V1, V7A, or V8
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, test, or other instrument capable of measuring changes in knowledge at the
individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post assessments should be utilized.
H18 (outcome)
Number of individuals reporting a change in behavior or intent to change behavior to
improve their health
Definition of
Key Terms
Individuals: those reported in H4A, V1, V7A, or V8
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, interview, or other instrument capable of measuring changes in behavior at the
individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post assessments should be utilized.
H19 (outcome)
Number of individuals with improved health
Definition of
Key Terms
Individuals: those reported in H4A, V1, V7A, or V8
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Assessment by a healthcare professional, survey, or other instrument capable of measuring
changes in health condition at the individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post
assessments should be utilized.
H20 (outcome)
Number of individuals with improved access to medical care
Definition of
Key Terms
Individuals: those reported in H4A, V1, V7A, or V8
How to Measure/
Collect Data
Survey, interview, caseworker assessment, or other instrument capable of measuring
changes in health care access at the individual beneficiary level. When possible, pre-post
assessments should be utilized.
Focus Area Notes
Programs should only opt into the Veterans and Military Families performance measures if the measures
reflect significant program activities aligned with the applicant’s core theory of change.
All individuals counted under these measures must be program beneficiaries, not National Service
Participants. National Service Participant outputs and outcomes should be reported in the Performance
Data Elements in annual Progress Reports.
Activities associated with these measures must be carried out by National Service Participants or by
volunteers directly recruited and/or supported by National Service Participants.
V1 (output)
Number of veterans served
Definition of
Key Terms
Veteran: a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was
discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable [Section 101 of
Title 38, 23 United States Code]
Served: substantive engagement of individuals with specific outcome(s) in mind. Cannot
consist solely of mass dissemination of information such as email blasts, social media posts,
or distributing pamphlets.
How to
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of individuals who have received
V7A (output)
Number of active duty military service members and/or military family members served
Definition of
Key Terms
Active duty military service member: The term ‘‘active duty’’ means “full-time duty in the
active military service of the United States, including active duty or full-time training duty in
the Reserve Component” [DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, April 2018].
AmeriCorps considers National Guard members and reservists and wounded warriors sub-
groups of active duty military service members for the purposes of grant applications and
performance measure reporting.
Military family member: Immediate family member related by blood, marriage, or adoption
to a current member of the U.S. armed forces including one who is deceased.
substantive engagement of individuals with specific outcome(s) in mind. Cannot
consist solely of mass dissemination of information such as email blasts, social media posts,
or distributing pamphlets.
How to
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of individuals who have received
V8 (output)
Number of veteran family members served
Definition of
Key Terms
Veteran: a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was
discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable [Section 101 of
Title 38, 23 United States Code]
Veteran family member: Immediate family member related by blood, marriage, or adoption
to a veteran, including one who is deceased.
substantive engagement of individuals with specific outcome(s) in mind. Cannot
consist solely of mass dissemination of information such as email blasts, social media posts,
or distributing pamphlets.
How to
Collect Data
Tracking mechanism that ensures an unduplicated count of individuals who have received
Appendix A: Understanding MSY and Member Allocations
How to Calculate MSY and Member Allocations
In the performance measure module, applicants enter the total share of program resources (MSYs and members) that
will be directed to each objective. Member and MSY allocations entered in the application should be the program’s
best estimate of how member time will be allocated.
The charts below show how a sample program could calculate its MSY allocations for different member types and
different percentages of member time spent per objective. In this example, the program has a total of 135 members
representing a variety of different slot types. All members spend at least some of their time contributing to the K-12
Success objective. The program’s full-time and half-time members also spend time contributing to the School
Readiness objective: 50% of their time for full-time members and 20% for half-time members.
Objective #1: K-12 Success
Type of Member
MSY Multiplier
for Type
Number of
Members for
% of Member
Time for
Total Members
Total MSYs
Objective #2: School Readiness
Type of Member
MSY Multiplier
for Type
Number of
Members for
% of Member
Time for
Total Members
Total MSYs
How It Looks on the MSY Tab
The program enters the total number of MSYs and members for each objective on the MSY/Members tab of the
performance measures module. The system automatically calculates the percentage of MSYs allocated to each
Note: Programs that select the Find Opportunity objective (Economic Opportunity Focus Area) or the Teacher
Corps objective (Education Focus Area) must enter 0 MSYs and members for these objectives and allocate their
MSYs to other objectives. This is because the MSY allocations are designed to show how programs’ resources are
allocated to activities that benefit the community. The Find Opportunity and Teacher Corps objectives are focused
on benefits to members.
How It Looks in the 424 PDF
Table 1 and its corresponding pie chart show the total number of MSYs by Focus Area. Since both the K-12
Success and School Readiness objectives are in the Education Focus Area, Table 1 shows 100% of MSYs in
Table 4 in the PDF report shows the number of MSYs and members allocated to each objective, as seen on the
MSY/Members tab:
Because some members are performing service related to both K-12 Success and School Readiness, the total number
of members listed in this table (240) is greater than the total number of slots the program is requesting (135). This is
OK; individual members can be counted more than once if they contribute to more than one objective. In contrast,
MSYs cannot be counted more than once, because they represent the amount of member time spent on a particular
objective. As a result, the total number of MSYs listed in this table must be equal to the total MSYs the program is
requesting (111.13).
Table 2 and its corresponding pie chart show the same MSY information expressed as percentages of the total
How to Assign MSYs to Performance Measures
When a program creates a performance measure, it must indicate how many MSYs and how many members will
contribute to the measure. Based on the MSY allocations already entered for the sample program, the program may
allocate up to 60.63 MSYs to K-12 Success performance measures and up to 50.5 MSYs to School Readiness
performance measures. However, programs are not required to measure all of their activities, so it is possible that
not all of these MSYs will be allocated to performance measures.
Our sample program has three performance measures, one (an aligned measure) under the K-12 Success objective
and two (an output-only measure and an applicant determined measure) under the School Readiness objective.
Objective #1: K-12 Success
Percent of K-12 Success
Time Spent on Activities
that Contribute to this
Total MSYs
in Objective
MSYs Allocated
to Performance
Family Involvement
*This is the primary intervention
Objective #2: School Readiness
Percent of School
Readiness Time Spent
on Activities that
Contribute to this
Total MSYs
in Objective
MSYs Allocated
to Performance
Other Classroom
Parent Engagement
How It Looks in the 424 PDF
Table 3 and its corresponding pie chart in the 424 PDF report shows the percentage of MSYs allocated to National
Performance Measures, applicant-determined performance measures, or no performance measures. As seen in the
table above, the program has two National Performance Measures (ED1A/27C and ED1A), accounting for 83.35 of
the 111.13 total MSYs (75%). The program has one applicant-determined measure accounting for 12.62 MSYs
(11%), and the remaining percentage (14%) of program activity is not being measured.
The configuration above meets the AmeriCorps requirement to have one aligned performance measure (output +
outcome) corresponding to the primary intervention. Programs are not required to allocate 100% of their MSYs and
members to National Performance Measures, or to any performance measures at all.
Appendix B: Performance Measures Checklist
This checklist is used to assess performance measures during the review process. Items on the checklist are
common problems that require resolution but do not represent a comprehensive list. Refer to the Performance
Measure Instructions for full requirements.
Checklist Item
Resource Allocation
MSY and member allocations to focus areas and objectives are
consistent with the application narrative/logic model.
MSY and member allocations to performance measures are
consistent with the application narrative/logic model.
Performance Measure Requirements
The application includes least 1 aligned performance measure
(output + outcome) corresponding to the primary intervention.
All performance measures reflect significant program activities
whose outputs and outcomes are consistent with the applicant’s core
theory of change.
Any output-only measures included in the application consist solely
of National Performance Measure outputs.
The application does not include applicant-determined measures that
duplicate existing National Performance Measures. (Note:
Applicant-determined measures are recognizable by the labels
OUTPT or OUTCM, followed by numbers. Any applications
containing these labels are NOT National Performance Measures,
even if the applicant has labeled them like a national measure.)
Interventions are consistent with the program design and contribute
directly to the outputs and outcomes.
The application does not include user-defined intervention labels that
duplicate existing system-defined intervention categories.
Output Quality
Outputs clearly specify what is counted.
Outputs count only program beneficiaries, not National Service
Outcome Quality and Alignment
Outcomes are logically aligned with the outputs.
Outcomes reflect a meaningful change in knowledge, attitude,
behavior or condition for program beneficiaries. (Note: completion
of a program would be considered an output, not an outcome.)
Outcomes can be measured during a single grant year.
Output and outcome targets are reasonable for the proposed program
Targets are expressed as numbers, not percentages.
Performance Measure Instructions
National Performance Measures conform to selection rules,
definitions, and data collection requirements specified in the
Performance Measure Instructions.
The application does not include any retired National Performance
Measures (e.g., measures that do not appear in the Performance
Measure Instructions).
Data Collection/Instruments
Data collection methods are appropriate for the output/outcome
being measured.
Sampling (if applicable)
If sampling is proposed, the sampling plan is forwarded to
AmeriCorps for consideration. (Note: Formula grantees are not
permitted to sample.)
Appendix C: Frequently Asked Questions
1. How did the AmeriCorps performance measure requirements change in 2019?
The performance measure requirement for AmeriCorps State and National programs at least one aligned
performance measure (output paired with outcome) that corresponds to the proposed primary interventionhas
stayed consistent over many years. However, in 2019 AmeriCorps substantially revised the list of National
Performance Measures available for programs to use, and is also requiring all performance measures to reflect the
community impact of the program. All applicants, including continuation applicants, must revise their applications
to remove or replace any performance measures that do not correspond with the updated Performance Measure
2. What should a continuation applicant do if one or more of their National Performance Measures is no
longer present in the Performance Measure Instructions?
All applicants, including continuation applicants, must follow the National Performance Measure selection rules
specified in the current Performance Measure Instructions. Applicants must revise their performance measures as
needed to conform to the updated instructions.
3. What should a continuation grantee who is measuring a National Performance Measure output or outcome
that has a changed definition do in the continuation application?
If the grantee is unable to measure the output or outcome as defined in the current Performance Measure
Instructions, the grantee should choose a different performance measure.
4. What are National Performance Measures?
AmeriCorps has established six Focus Areas: Disaster Services, Economic Opportunity, Education, Environmental
Stewardship, Healthy Futures, and Veterans and Military Families based on the priorities included in the Serve
America Act. Within these Focus Areas, as well as for Capacity Building, AmeriCorps has created National
Performance Measures in order to aggregate the results of similar programs and demonstrate the impact across our
agency programs and initiatives.
5. What is an aligned performance measure?
An aligned performance measure is an output paired with an outcome. The paired output-outcome measures may be
National Performance Measures, applicant-determined measures, or the combination of a National Performance
Measure output and an applicant-determined outcome. Applicant-determined outputs cannot be paired with
National Performance Measure outcomes in an aligned performance measure.
6. What is an applicant-determined performance measure?
An applicant-determined performance measure is one in which the applicant creates the language for the outputs
and/or outcomes that will be measured. This is different from the National Performance Measures, where
AmeriCorps pre-determines common outputs and outcomes that are available for applicants to use.
7. What is an output-only performance measure?
An output-only measure is a National Performance Measure output without associated outcome(s). Applicants may
select output-only measures if the output measures a significant program activity. These do not fulfill the
requirement for an aligned performance measure, but may be selected in addition to the aligned measure(s).
8. What is the definition of "National Service Participant"?
For AmeriCorps State and National programs, National Service Participant refers to the AmeriCorps members
9. Can I count AmeriCorps members as beneficiaries of service under my performance measures?
No. Effective starting in 2019 for all applicants (new, recompete, and continuation), AmeriCorps members and
other National Service Participants may not be counted as beneficiaries under either National Performance Measures
or applicant-determined measures. Some member-focused outputs and outcomes may be reported as Performance
Data Elements on annual Progress Reports.
10. Do the AmeriCorps members in my program have to be directly providing the service counted in the
performance measures?
The activities associated your performance measures must be carried out either by National Service Participants or
by volunteers directly recruited and/or supported by National Service Participants.
11. How many performance measures should I propose?
Each program must have at least one aligned measure (composed of an output and an outcome) reflecting its
primary intervention. It is appropriate to have additional performance measures for other significant components of
your program, but AmeriCorps values the quality of performance measures more than the quantity. Performance
measures reflecting activities that are not central to your program model should not be included in your application
and do not need to be reported to AmeriCorps, although you might still collect the data for your own purposes.
12. Can I count the same beneficiaries in more than one performance measure output?
Unless otherwise specified, the same beneficiaries may be counted more than once across different measures for
different interventions (services) they may be receiving. For example, if your AmeriCorps members helped one
specific individual to both prepare for a disaster and obtain employment, you may count that same individual in both
D1A and O1A. However, programs cannot count the same individual more than once within any one specific
performance measure. So, for example, an individual who attended two disaster preparation training workshops
during a single program year cannot be counted twice under D1A.
13. Do all beneficiaries counted under a particular performance measure have to receive the same
Yes, the interventions associated with the measure need to be applicable to all of the beneficiaries counted under the
measure, even if the details of the intervention (e.g., the exact dosage provided) may vary. If one set of beneficiaries
is receiving one type of intervention (e.g., mentoring) and a different set of beneficiaries is receiving a different type
of intervention (e.g., tutoring), the two sets of beneficiaries should be counted in separate performance measures
even if the expected outcome is the same. In contrast, if all beneficiaries are receiving multiple interventions with
the same expected outcome (e.g. all beneficiaries are being both mentored and tutored to improve their academic
performance), they can be counted in a single performance measure.
14. Can one performance measure output have more than one outcome?
Yes, there may be more than one outcome measure associated with a single output. Aligned measures should only
be configured this way if it is expected that all of the individuals counted in the output will potentially achieve the
outcomes indicated. If the outcomes are resulting from different populations being served, they should be counted
in distinct performance measures.
15. Can I count the same people more than once under one performance measure output or outcome if they
receive service in more than one grant year?
If the individual receives services in more than one grant year, they may be counted as having received services in
the output measure for each of the grant years in which they receive services. They may only be counted in the
outcome measure for each grant year if they meet the specified level of improvement for the outcome in each year.
For example, a student receives tutoring in second and third grade. The program expects that students will improve
their reading score by one grade level each year. If the student is served in both second and third grade and
improves by one grade level in each year, the student may be counted in output ED1A and outcome ED5A for both
years. If the student improves by ½ grade level in second grade and one grade level in third grade, the student may
be counted in ED1A for both years but only in ED5A for the third-grade year.
16. Am I allowed to allocate funds for collecting and analyzing data? If so, how much?
Costs related to measuring the performance of a program are allowable grant expenses. There is no standard
recommended amount. As with all grant expenditures, these costs must be reasonable, allowable for the proposed
program, and properly allocated across grant activities.
17. Is my program expected to monitor member time to ensure that it corresponds to what is entered into the
Performance Measures Module for the focus areas and strategic plan objectives?
Applicants should enter MSYs and members according to the distribution of time that members are expected to
engage in each focus area and strategic plan objective. Programs will not be required to report on how the members
actually spent their time. MSY allocations in the application should present the program’s best estimate.
18. On the logic model chart there are three outcome levels (short, medium and long). Should all of these
outcomes be entered as performance measures?
A program may have a theory of change that is based on accomplishing a long-term change in condition that is not
measurable in a single program year. However, there may be shorter-term changes that can be linked to this ultimate
goal that are strong indicators that the long-term change is likely to happen. While all of these outcomes may be
included in the logic model, grantees are not required to measure or report on all of the outcomes. For performance
measurement purposes, outcomes must measure changes that can be observed within a single program year.
19. The National Performance Measure I want to select doesn’t appear in the drop-down menu. What should I
Only performance measures corresponding to objectives selected on the Objectives tab will appear in the drop-down
menu. Refer to the Performance Measure selection rules to determine which objective to select for each
performance measure. Do NOT create an applicant-determined measure that duplicates a National Performance
20. I want to create an applicant-determined measure, but the Performance Measures Module isn’t allowing me
to do that. What should I do?
There are some objectives for which the creation of applicant-determined outputs is not allowed. These include the
Capacity Building and Leverage objective (Capacity Building focus area), the Find Opportunity objective
(Economic Opportunity focus area), the Teacher Corps objective (Education focus area), the Green Jobs objective
(Environmental Stewardship focus area), and the Access & Attract objective (Veterans and Military Families focus
area). For the Capacity Building and Leverage objective, only National Performance Measure outputs are allowed
to be used. For the Find Opportunity, Teacher Corps, Green Jobs, and Access & Attract objectives, programs are
not allowed to create performance measures.
21. I am required to have a performance measure associated with my primary intervention, but I am not able to
create a performance measure for the primary intervention I have selected. What should I do?
Since the Find Opportunity, Teacher Corps, Green Jobs, and Access & Attract objectives are member-focused rather
than beneficiary-focused, programs are not allowed to create performance measures under these objectives (see FAQ
9). If your primary intervention is connected to one of those objectives, you will need to go back and select a
different primary intervention under a different objective. You can retain the member-focused objective as
22. Under what circumstances is it ok for grantees to use sampling to measure outputs and outcomes?
Methodologically speaking, sampling is appropriate for competitive grantees as long as the grantee has a solid plan
for ensuring that its sample will be representative. Practically speaking, we would want grantees to use sampling
only when they are able to make the case that it is unrealistic to collect data from the whole population. Formula
grantees, with rare exceptions granted by AmeriCorps, are not permitted to sample.
23. When would AmeriCorps not allow sampling?
AmeriCorps will not allow sampling when it is reasonable to expect a grantee to collect data from the whole
population. AmeriCorps will also not allow sampling if the grantees sampling frame is not sufficient or if the
grantees methodology will not result in a representative sample.
24. How does a grantee set targets when it is planning to sample?
In most cases the grantee should be able to set targets based on the population as a whole. If a grantee‘s sampling
methodology is sound and results in a representative sample, then the program can extrapolate their results to report
on an outcome for the population as a whole. For example, a program reports an output of 1000 children served. The
program selects a representative sample of 200 children. Of these, 180 students (90%) demonstrate the desired
change. In this case, the program could report an extrapolated outcome of 900 students.
25. How do I request permission to sample?
A detailed sampling plan must be forwarded to AmeriCorps for consideration. Please consult the Notice of Funding
Opportunity or your Portfolio Manager for instructions on how to submit additional documents.